What You Need & What You Don’t
Typical Necessities Toothbrush Toothpaste Shampoo Conditioner Body wash Face wash Deodorant Lotion Lip balm Hair brush Makeup Hair styling tools Glasses / contacts Pillow & blanket
Pre-game Items Copies of birth plan Cell phone Charger Snacks Speaker Playlist Fuzzy socks Robe
Labor Essentials Delivery gown Reusable water bottle Yoga ball
Recovery Items Comfy clothes Layers Comfy Bras Flip flops Nursing pillow Lanolin cream Ear plugs Eye mask
Journey Home Pediatrician info Going home outfit Car seat Empty reusable bag
What You Don’t Need X Diapers X Wipes X Hats X Swaddle blanket X Pads (big ones) X Mesh panties X Ice packs X Medicines LEARN MORE AT WWW.BABYQUIP.COM BabyQuip is the #1 baby equipment rental service and marketplace offering thousands of baby gear items in over 500 cities across the US and Canada.