Springtime activities for kids (Part 1)
Children grow up so fast and this might be your second springtime for your children at Friday’s Child Montessori.
The changing seasons are nature’s way of marking the passing of time, and it’s fun for children to do special activities for each one.
And for parents, it’s a way of savouring the time you have with your children – it goes by so fast!
Even the teachers at our Montessori centre sometimes marvel at just how quickly children grow up and head out to “big school� after a few happy years with us.
Putting the maudlin ramblings about the passing of time aside, what are some springtime activities that you can do with your children to help them explore the season and learn more about the world around them?
as well as having fun and trying some new activities after the cooler weather of winter.
Even though winters here on the Gold Coast aren’t as cold as they are further south, it’s still nice to see the back of them and the start of the warmer weather!
So what are the best springtime activities for kids?
Set out a bird table
Birds are more active during springtime, as this is the time of year when they build nests and raise their chicks.
(Hint: this can be a good way to introduce some of the facts of life, even if “birds and bees” are a bit of a cliché!).
Help the birds by setting out a bird table with food for them – it’s a great way to use up old crusts.
You can also set out nest-building material for the birds to use. This should include things like strands of wool, tiny scraps of fabric left over after cutting out and hairs from the hairbrush.
Watch the birds – if you’re feeling confident, you can try identifying them.
If you’re really lucky, you might have one of Australia’s quirky bower birds in your neighbourhood.
If you do, then you might want to set out some objects for the male bower bird to use as he builds his bower to attract the female.
The Satin Bowerbird is very particular about what he uses and loves blue objects – he’s a glossy blue-black in colour himself.
Or perhaps you can just talk about these birds if you aren’t lucky enough to have them nearby, and children can build their own pretend bowers in the garden – these make good little houses for dolls and small toys.