BAC Journal Issue 3, 2020

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IUBAC | International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers

BUILDING Communities,




The Official Journal of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (ISSN 0362-3696) | ISSUE 3 / 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD Timothy Driscoll President Robert Arnold Secretary-Treasurer Carlos Aquin Executive Vice President Jeremiah Sullivan, Jr. Executive Vice President REGIONAL DIRECTORS NORTHEAST Al Catalano IU Regional Director, Northeast 304 Kenwood Avenue, #4, Delmar, NY 12054 (518) 439-6080

SOUTH Ed Navarro IU Regional Director, South 6201 S.E. Beaver View Rd, Lawton, OK 73501 (580) 357-3048 NORTH CENTRAL Keith Hocevar IU Regional Director, North Central 7640 White Pine Ct., Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 534-1108

PAGES 13–14

Since the industry and BAC members are

WEST Raymond Keen IU Regional Director, West P.O. Box 230460, Las Vegas, NV 89105 (702) 254-1988

considered essential, BAC has been working since Day 1 to keep its members safe and

CANADA Craig Strudwick IU Regional Director, Canada 2100 Thurston Drive, #3, Ottawa, ON K1G 4K8 (613) 830-0333

contractors informed.” — Executive Vice President Jerry Sullivan Jr.

Editorial Staff: Brian Kennedy, Yin Yin


President’s Message


Legislative and Political


Mensaje Del Presidente




News in Brief


International Funds


Members at Work




Safety and Health


Local Compass




In Memoriam


The BAC Journal (ISSN 0362-3696) is published quarterly for $1.50 per year in advance, postage paid, for the U.S. and Canada ($1.75 per year in all foreign countries belonging to the Postal Union) by the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers. Periodicals class postage paid Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to the BAC Journal, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, 620 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20004. Canadian Postmaster: Send address changes to PO Box 503, RPO West Beaver Creek, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R6 Published for Bricklayers, Stone Masons, Plasterers, Tile Layers, Marble Masons, Cement Masons, Mosaic and Terrazzo Workers, Finishers, Pointers, Cleaners, and Caulkers.



Building Communities, Building Lives


reetings, Brothers & Sisters. I hope that this issue of the Journal finds you and your family healthy and safe as we enter the fall season. The International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers just completed its 85th Convention. Over our 155-year history, BAC has been witness to many historic developments. This year one such development was the need for us to conduct our first-ever online Convention, where delegates representing every US state and Canadian province met virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (see pages 3–8) I can’t say that this was the ideal forum for our Convention, but if there’s one constant for BAC over the years, it’s the ability of our members and our Union to adapt to circumstances as required. We do it as craftworkers every day on the job, and we must match that resilience in how we manage our union’s affairs. The theme for this year’s Convention was “Building Communities, Building Lives,” recognizing not only the contributions that BAC members make every day in building the structures that make up our communities — the schools, hospitals, homes, factories, offices

and churches — but also celebrating how BAC members and our local unions enrich their local communities through charitable works, and how the power of collective bargaining and our training programs improve members’ lives. Our union is quite literally a community of skilled craftworkers dedicated to mutual aid and the advancement of programs that benefit working people. Of course, we recognize the need for partners in our communities to advance our goals, particularly those goals that are beyond the means of any single organization. We need partnership with government that helps ensure safe and healthy workplaces and provides the economic conditions that enable us to earn our livelihood. Politics isn’t the sole determiner of whether we rise or fall, but it’s far easier for unions to grow and win better conditions for workers when we have supportive partners in government. The US members of the BAC will have a voice on November 3rd in deciding what type of partner at the national level they will choose to help better our Union. BAC respects the right of every member to vote their conscience. But our obligation as leaders of this Union is to make

clear that the basis for receiving our Union’s support is whether a political candidate supports us. This year, on that score, the choice couldn’t be clearer. (see pages 18–19) Joe Biden’s career-long support for unions has earned him BAC’s support in return. I want to close here by thanking the delegates to our recently concluded Convention, and you, the members who selected those delegates, for the trust that you have placed in me and my fellow Executive Board members. That trust needs to be earned every day, and you have my pledge that we will do our utmost to continue to earn that trust.

ISSUE 3, 2020 // 1


Construyendo comunidades, construyendo vidas


aludos, hermanos y hermanas. Espero que ustedes y sus familias se encuentren bien y con salud al recibir este nuevo número de nuestra publicación y en este inicio de la temporada de otoño. El Sindicato Internacional de Albañiles y Trabajadores Artesanales Aliados (International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers, BAC) acaba de finalizar su convención n.º 85. Durante nuestros 155 años de trayectoria, BAC ha sido testigo de muchos acontecimientos históricos. Este año, uno de esos acontecimientos nos llevó a la necesidad de realizar nuestra primera convención en línea en la que los delegados de cada estado de Estados Unidos y de la provincia de Canadá se reunieron de manera virtual debido a la pandemia por la COVID-19. (vea páginas 3–8). No puedo decir que fue el espacio ideal para realizar nuestra convención, pero lo que sí ha sido una constante para BAC durante muchos años es la capacidad de nuestros miembros de adaptarse a las circunstancias, según se requiera. Esto lo hacemos como albañiles todos los días en nuestro trabajo y debemos tener esa misma capacidad de resiliencia en el manejo de los asuntos de nuestro sindicato. El tema de la convención de este año fue “Construyendo comunidades, construyendo vidas”, a través del cual no solo se hace reconocimiento a los aportes diarios que hacen los miembros del BAC en la construcción de las estructuras que hacen posible la existencia de nuestras comunidades, como las escuelas, los hospitales, las casas, las fábricas, las oficinas y las iglesias, sino que también celebramos el aporte que dan nuestros miembros y sindicatos locales para enriquecer a sus comunidades locales a través de las obras de caridad y cómo el poder de la negociación colectiva y nuestros programas de capacitación mejoran las vidas de los miembros. 2 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

Nuestro sindicato es literalmente una comunidad de trabajadores calificados dedicados a la ayuda mutua y al avance a través de programas que beneficien a la clase trabajadora. Por supuesto, reconocemos la necesidad de que los aliados en nuestras comunidades promuevan nuestras metas, en especial aquellas metas que están más allá de los medios de una sola organización. Necesitamos la alianza con nuestros representantes gubernamentales para que nos ayuden a lograr entornos laborales seguros y saludables y que nos provean de las condiciones económicas que nos permitan seguir ganando nuestro sustento. Si bien la política no es el único factor que determina si tenemos éxito o fracasamos, es mucho más fácil para los sindicatos crecer y obtener mejores condiciones para sus trabajadores cuando tenemos aliados en el gobierno que nos apoyen. Los miembros estadounidenses del BAC tendrán voz el próximo 3 de noviembre para decidir qué tipo de socio escogen para ayudar a mejorar a nuestro sindicato. El BAC respeta el derecho de cada miembro de votar según su conciencia. Pero nuestra obligación como líderes de este sindicato es dejar en claro que el criterio para recibir el apoyo de nuestro sindicato está en el apoyo que tengamos de ustedes. En este sentido, este año la decisión no puede estar más clara. (ver las páginas 18–19). El apoyo que Joe Biden le ha brindado a lo largo de su carrera a los sindicatos le ha valido el apoyo del BAC. Quiero terminar agradeciendo a los delegados de nuestra reciente convención y a ustedes, los miembros, quienes seleccionaron a los delegados por la confianza que han depositado en mí y en mis compañeros miembros del Consejo Ejecutivo. Esa confianza se gana cada día y tienen mi promesa de que haremos todo lo posible por seguir mereciendo esa confianza. //


2020 BAC Convention Focuses on Building Communities and Building Lives Editor’s Note: Following is a snapshot of the presentations and deliberations from the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers’ 85th Convention, held virtually in September. Convention delegates heard from and engaged with prominent political, industry and union leaders, and elected its Executive Board and Regional Vice Presidents to five-year terms.


ou could not find a more fitting spot for International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) President Tim

Driscoll to give the keynote address for the BAC 2020 Convention. Standing in front of the National Building Museum—one of the country’s finest examples of masonry excellence—Driscoll spoke of the inspiring passion, resilience and commitment that BAC members have brought to their craft and their union over the years. That this year’s Convention was conducted in an online forum is further testament to BAC’s resilience. Just as BAC members have adjusted their work practices on the jobsite in the face of COVID-19,

Standing in front of the National Building Museum — one of the country’s finest examples of masonry excellence — BAC President Tim Driscoll spoke of the inspiring passion, resilience and commitment that BAC members have brought to the crafts and the Union over the years.

BAC Local Union leaders have adjusted their practices to continue their vigorous representation of members on the job, ensuring that safety protocols are followed, and all the while continuing to organize new members and contractors. Throughout the pandemic BAC remains a vital contributor to stricken communities, donating PPE from its training centers, continuing work on essential projects, and lending our skills to charitable projects across North America. However, BAC leaders also recognize that government has a role to play in battling this pandemic and its economic fallout. Driscoll assured delegates that “The International Union has fought hard in Washington for the government help for our members’ needs, from unemployment relief to a commitment to rebuilding our broken infrastructure.” With a recession on the doorstep in the US and Canada, BAC’s mission to focus on member retention and organizing all available work opportunities is critical. “We learned a lot in the last decade about how to best retain members, and how to work with our ISSUE 3, 2020 // 3


Addressing BAC delegates during the BAC 2020 Convention, Vice President Joe Biden commended the extraordinary efforts and sacrifice that today’s BAC craftworkers make everyday.

contractors to win jobs,” President Driscoll said. “Now, our organizing committees and our local leaders must apply those lessons to the coming crisis. BAC builds communities, and that starts with building, strengthening, and expanding the bonds of our Union.” Calling the materials installed, repaired and maintained by BAC craftworkers the building blocks of everything the Union does, President Driscoll said the fight to keep those materials in the design and

development of projects is a continuous mission. “It’s imperative that we work with our contractors and other industry stakeholders to effectively leverage the resources of IMI, to form a united front. As a rule, we only perform the work that our contractors successfully bid. This highlights the need for us to work in close coordination with our contractors, ensuring that they can effectively, and successfully, bid the work scopes that provide BAC members their livelihood.”

In closing Driscoll noted that: “BAC has always changed with the times, adjusting to the challenges posed to our industry, our union, and our society. But what doesn’t change, what never changes, is our commitment to a union that allows our members the freedom to live their best lives — a union that serves the communities we build — a union that is as vital and essential to members from the day they sign their apprentice application through their retirement years as pensioners. Resilience and determination of purpose will, as it has in the past, define BAC’s path forward.”

JUSTICE. JOBS. DIGNITY. Vice President Joe Biden’s address to the delegates of BAC’s 85th Convention on September 28, 2020 recognized the need for an honest assessment of our nation’s ills — the pandemic raging across the country, the resulting economic devastation, a national reckoning on race relations, and the declining faith in America’s civic institutions. Rather than

It is time to rise together; to get everyone you know involved and remember who we are as a nation, to build a better future. That is what America does.” — Joe Biden 4 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

IU has fought hard in Washington for the government help for our members’ needs, from unemployment relief to a commitment to rebuilding our broken infrastructure.” — Tim Driscoll, President, BAC pretend these ills would magically disappear, he offered a vision of partnership between government and working Americans to address these issues. Biden’s address not only focused on the crises at hand, but also the extraordinary efforts and sacrifice that today’s essential workers make every day in the face of the pandemic. It is this fundamental respect for workers and their unions that led to the Convention’s endorsement of Biden for President. His proven record of defending and expanding access to healthcare,

protecting pensions, and support for labor unions demanded BAC’s support in turn. “This crisis has reminded the nation just what an essential work is—all of you are essential,” Biden said in his address to BAC delegates. “You were raised to bust your neck, asking for nothing more than a fair shot. I want to build America back and build it back better. I want to give everyone a fair return on their work and equal chance to get ahead. Together, we will build a manufacturing economy where the future is Made in America.”

Biden stressed that it is time for the government to work for the average person again. “It is time to move past seeing the world through Wall Street’s eyes, and instead viewing it through those of you—America’s hard-working men and women. We want to build an economy that provides good paying jobs and racial equality. We will not only protect but encourage organizing and collective bargaining. I will stand with you in the fight for workers’ rights across the board. I will actually enforce workplace safety rules and preserving the pensions you worked so hard for and that you deserve.”


At the BAC 2020 Convention, President of AFL-CIO Richard Trumka, expressed his appreciation for the effort every BAC member has made braving the unprecedented set of circumstances put on today’s jobsite.

In his address to BAC delegates, Richard Trumka, President of AFLCIO, expressed his appreciation for the tireless efforts that BAC members and other essential workers Make every day to keep our economy and our country going. In a unifying call to arms, Trumka called on craftworkers to continue to rise up in their commitment to improve the quality of ISSUE 3, 2020 // 5

NEWS IN BRIEF life for their brothers and sisters— on and off the jobsite. “We built the country we love— and we are ready to rebuild it, too. You have built communities, not only in the literal sense—schools and churches, hospitals and homes—but in the work you have done that has gone beyond the jobsite to enrich your communities through charitable work and service to others.” Trumka also cited the critical importance that the Apprentice Training program plays in the Union’s past, present and future. “The program helps transform a job into a trade, benefiting all craftworkers engaged in your profession. It transforms a trade into a lifelong career—one that provides good wages and good benefits. And it provides a path to the middle class.” Echoing Trumka’s words of brotherhood, North America’s Building Trade Unions (NABTU)

President Sean McGarvey lauded the continued partnership between NABTU and BAC, especially the groups’ effort in working with the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) and director, Camillo Ricordi, M.D., to find a therapeutic resolution for the coronavirus. Earlier in the year, Dr. Ricordi met with the governing board president of NABTU to solicit their help in securing resources to expand the trial and expedite the process of embryonic stem cell research in treating the virus. After the meeting, NABTU pledged to provide $3 million in the effort to battle the virus, in addition to helping raise $30 million to bolster the manufacturing capacity once a safe therapy is approved. “Once again, we stepped up,” McGarvey said. “The Building Trades stepped up. BAC stepped up. You will never be properly thanked for your contributions over the decades, which will lead

NABTU’s President Sean McGarvey lauded BAC’s commitment to building communities and building lives. 6 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

to this [therapeutic] breakthrough. But I’m here to tell you that on behalf of Sean McGarvey—son, father, grandfather—that you have made a difference in this world.”

BUILDING BLOCKS The construction industry is undergoing change at a rapid pace and BAC counts the the International Masonry Institute (IMI) and International Masonry Training and Education Foundation (IMTEF) as key resources in ensuring that BAC members and the materials we install remain a vital part of a changing industry. In an impassioned six-minute video presentation, the collective resources that IMI and IMTEF provide were on full display. This was highlighted through an examination of BAC’s work on the famed Cook County Hospital in Chicago. The billion dollar renovation of this 106-year old landmark building is testament to the craft ingenuity of BAC’s various crafts. “The Cook County project really is a good example of how IMTEF and IMI are working together to provide the necessary resources and skillsets required for this level of restoration projects,” said Roy J. Ingraffia, Jr., IMI’s National Director of Industry Development. With all of the new ways that the built environment is being transformed, IMI and IMTEF President Caryn Halifax said it is critically

BAC Executive Board members, from left, Executive Vice President Carlos Aquin, Secretary-Treasurer Bob Arnold, President Tim Driscoll, and Executive Vice President Jerry Sullivan, Jr.

important that the industry stay in step with cutting edge research and education. “We see ourselves collectively as a source for information, vested in the long-term success for people throughout the unionized masonry industry, including the designers who put our products into buildings and want assurances that these materials are properly installed.”

The International Union conducts its Convention every five years to lay out a course for its future and to elect those leaders charged with implementing it. BAC Delegates from every local union and district council across the US and Canada unanimously voted in the following members of the Executive

Board:Timothy J. Driscoll, President; Robert Arnold, Secretary-Treasurer; and Executive Vice Presidents Carlos Aquin and Jeremiah Sullivan, Jr. “The confidence that you have placed in me and my fellow Board members to lead our great union needs to be earned every day,” President Driscoll said. “You have my pledge that I’ll do my utmost to continue to earn that trust.” //

+ U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)

+ James Carville, Co-Host of 2020 Politics


CONVENTION SPEAKER LIST + Invocations: Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Archdiocese of Newark; Archbishop Wilton Gregory, Archdiocese of Washington + National Anthems: Joey McIntyre, Singer, Songwriter, and Actor

+ Sean McGarvey, President of North America’s Building Trades Unions + Keynote Address, IUBAC President Tim Driscoll

+ Gov. J.B. Pritzker, 43rd Governor of Illinois

+ The Honorable Joseph R. Biden

+ Richard Trumka, President of AFL-CIO

+ The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau,

+ Filomena Tassi, Canadian Minister of Labour


War Room + Sean Strickland, Executive Director of the Canadian Building Trades Unions + Ken Simonson, Chief Economist of the Associated General Contractors of America + U.S Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

ISSUE 3, 2020 // 7


BAC 2020 Convention Passes Three Resolutions


elegates to BAC’s 85th Convention recognized that the deliberation and other attendant business of Convention Committees were not well suited to the online format. Consequently, delegates kept resolutions to a minimum until the next opportunity to convene in person. However, the Convention did recognize the need to both honor our legacy while addressing the most immediate challenges. The following Resolutions summarized here were adopted by the delegates to the BAC 2020 Convention. Resolution 1 — The 2020 Convention recognized and expressed its appreciation for the many years of service and exemplary leadership of those Executive Board members that retired since our last Convention in 2015 — former President James J. Boland, former Secretary Treasurer Henry F. Kramer, and former Executive Vice President Jerry Scarano. The Convention extends them their best wishes for a happy and well-deserved retirement. Resolution 2 — The 2020 Convention also recognized and extended its grateful appreciation for the distinguished service rendered to our Union by the following International Union officers and staff that have deceased since our 2015 Convention: Thomas J. “Tom” McIntyre, Regional Vice President; Alfred A. “Al” DiRienzo, Regional Director; William J. “Bill” Ruff, National Refractory Director; James J. “Joe” McGovern, National Refractory Director; Merlin L. Taylor, Special Assistant for Apprenticeship & Training; Joseph E. “Joe” Stewart, PCC Craft Director; George L. Shuman, Assistant to the Executive Vice President; Gerald “Gerry” Hendry, Canadian Regional Director; and Patricia L. “Patsy” Rowan, Executive Board Secretary. The memories of these gifted servants of BAC will remain alive in the hearts and minds of the delegates to this 2020 Convention. Resolution 3 — The BAC 2020 Convention strongly encourages BAC Local Unions and ADCs continue to 8 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

promote the highest levels of safety and health for BAC craftworkers and improved cleanliness and professionalism of jobsites, both during and after the global pandemic. The BAC Convention recognizes how critical communication is to BAC’s ability to build the community of unionism, and accordingly urges our affiliates to use all digital tools available to maintain and expand our communication with members, contractors, government, and non-union tradespeople during the pandemic and after its conclusion. The BAC Convention urges all affiliates to prepare for new and different delivery models and changes to the very nature of the worksite; to coordinate with signatory contractors and industry partners in pursuit of resulting work opportunities; and with IMTEF, to provide the necessary training and support for contractors and craftworkers to assert jurisdiction over new technologies and systems. The BAC Convention reaffirms that climate change is a significant issue of our time, and that together with our industry partners, BAC must be proactive in shaping climate-safe policy, encouraging greener production of our materials, and promoting masonry’s contributions to a cleaner and sustainable built environment. The BAC 2020 Convention condemns the evil of racism, and calls on all BAC affiliates, and all BAC members, to strengthen our efforts to root out and defeat racism in all its ugly forms. The BAC 2020 Convention recognizes that as workers we deserve, and must reclaim, our fair share of control over the rules of our economy. We must reassert the right to organize and bargain for fair wages and benefits and ensure that workers have a voice on critically important jobsite issues such as safety. And that we support candidates aligned with our goals. Accordingly, the BAC 2020 Convention calls on the International Union, and all US BAC affiliates, to work to ensure that Joe Biden is elected as the 46th President of the United States of America. //


BAC Members Instrumental in Expansive, Seven-year Renovation of National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.


3 galleries and spaces reimagined for immersive learning. 5,200-plus artifacts moved and preserved. 1,400 new objects on display. Nearly 161,000 square feet of new granite for the building façade, and 56,200 square feet of new stone for the site-work and interior. Built in 1976, the National Air and Space Museum is one of the most visited museums in the world. Since its doors first opened the museum has served to educate, inspire, and foster an appreciation for the importance of flight to humanity for the hundreds of millions of people that have visited. As part of the renovation, all 23 exhibit and presentation spaces will be either renovated or rebuilt.

Credit: National Air and Space Museum A rendering of the proposed design of the entryway at the entrance from the National Mall.

From left, stone mason Hector Perez, Finisher Stantos Realegeno, and Finisher apprentice Leonardo Funez-Guillen.

Museum officials anticipate that the renovation and new spaces will create a renewed sense of wonder, discovery and STEAM learning experience for visitors. The first of the new exhibits are expected to open in 2022. Sitting at the heart of the renovation is the complete re-cladding of the museum’s exterior. After more than 40 years of exposure to the DC weather, the building’s original Tennessee marble façade began warping. Subsequently, the

Smithsonian Institution commissioned a replacement facade featuring Colonial Rose granite designed to provide a lifespan of over 100 years.1 BAC signatory contractor Rugo Stone (Lorton, VA) has been central to the design and execution of the project. BAC manpower on the project has ranged from 20 to as many as 60, depending on the schedule of Clark-Smoot-Consigli CSC, the joint venture overseeing this project. BAC members will be involved ISSUE 3, 2020 // 9


BAC Local 1 MD/VA/DC Field Representative Cesar Rodriguez, left, discussing the project with BAC President Tim Driscoll.

Construction of a three-story, large performance mock-up of the complete system built by BAC membership at a test facility last year.

The museum’s new stone cladding has an expected lifespan of 100 years.” in both phases of the project, including the building the façade, interior stone work and exterior site work. “On-site labor mobilized at a small level in August 2019—with production ramping up in March 2020,” says Mark Savelloni, Executive Vice President of Rugo Stone. “With the site-work package, we expect work to continue through Spring 2024, but this date may change depending on the needs of the project. This project requires 1

a high degree of coordination with the construction manager CSC, as well as predecessor, adjacent and successor trades. We rely on the professionalism and skill of the BAC membership to execute the work in a safe and efficient manner, and with Rugo Stone’s required high degree of quality.” During the project, work included removal of the existing stone façade, installation of a new thermally broken continuous

aluminum rail system with insulated mineral wool panels to provide a complete water-tight system, followed by the installation and caulking of 2-inch thick Colonial Rose granite panels from ColdSpring/Cold Spring Granite Company (Cold Spring, MN) anchored to the aluminum rail system. Rugo Stone was responsible for the design, integration, and installation of the rail system, insulation, and anchoring systems for

For more information, please see,_Vestibules,_and_Site_Improvements_NEPA_Document_-_FONSI_Apr2018.pdf


Museum officials anticipate that the renovation and new spaces will create a renewed sense of wonder, discovery and STEAM learning experience for visitors.” the stone façade, providing a single source for a comprehensive wall system where all components were installed by the skilled members of BAC Local 1 MVD. Site work will feature various stones quarried from across North America: Mesabi Black (Babbit, MN), Colonial Rose (Manitoba, CN), Carnelian (Milbank, SD) and Chapel Rose (Greer County, OK). This work will include stone coping, veneer on planter walls and existing sculptures, curbs, step treads, fountain veneers, and new engraved stone for the Cosmonaut Memorial. On the interior, there will also be new stone cladding for doors, installation of stone benches, new stone wall base, and soffits. Additionally, some existing interior stone panels will be modified, cleaned and replaced as needed. “We will also be removing and re-installing some of the existing interior stone panels, as well as providing some of the reclaimed stone for the Smithsonian’s attic stock,” Savelloni says.

“A significant amount of effort went into the design of the system” Savelloni said, “not just to assure achievement of the performance criteria, but to also make the system efficient to install.” There was a high degree of coordination between Rugo Stone and the stone suppliers, aluminum fabricator and manufacturer, along with the architect’s design and engineering consultants and CSC. The project included the construction of a three-story performance mock-up of the complete system built by BAC membership at a test facility last year. The mockup was designed to simulate the entire corner condition of the façade and parapet. Savelloni says laboratory test mock-ups are done for large projects with complicated wall systems to test the air, water and thermal performance, as well as the methods of constructability. “The physical mock-up effort proved that the design would meet or exceed the performance

specifications, but it was also instrumental in highlighting areas to improve means and methods for the production installation,” Savelloni says. The Rugo team was tasked with designing, fabricating and installing everything required to support the structure’s stone façade. The system involves significant amounts of coordination with the existing structure and the careful layout of multiple varieties of stainless-steel anchors for both wind loads and

From left, BAC Local 1 MD/VA/DC President Scott Garvin, Finisher Michael Alexander and stone mason Boanerges Quintanilla. ISSUE 3, 2020 // 11

MEMBERS AT WORK dead loads, all of which attached the aluminum framing system to the structure. Savelloni says the project involves sequential steps where BAC members install the aluminum framing and insulation system, both of which form the blast resistant face. Once the air/water/vapor backup wall is erected, BAC members then install the 2-inch granite panels and complete the installation with silicone joint sealant. Adding to the complexity of the project was the onset of the

COVID-19 pandemic just as production ramped up. Project work was deemed essential, allowing the renovation to stay on schedule, once Rugo and BAC Local 1 MD/ VA/DC were able to establish work practices to maintain a safe working environment for BAC members. BAC Local 1 MD/VA/DC President Scott Garvin says, “We are proud of our men’s professional response and integrity to not only continue to perform a high quality installation, but do so with new work restrictions, PPE

BAC Local 1 MD/VA/DC stone mason Victor Hernandez Mazariego, left, showing the stone panel installation to BAC Secretary-Treasurer Bob Arnold.

BAC Local 1 MD/VA/DC stone mason Victor Hernandez-Mazariego, left, and Finisher Jorge Guzman-Cruz. 12 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

requirements (at times in very hot and humid conditions) and the continued uncertainty of the course of the pandemic.” When the Museum returns to welcoming visitors again, the members of BAC Local 1 MD/VA/DC who worked on this project can take pride in knowing that their skills helped ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy the Museum’s exceptional exhibits dedicated to the history, culture, and science of aviation and spaceflight and the study of the universe. //


COVID-19: Masonry r2p Partnership Helps Contractors Keep Jobs Open, Members Safe


hen COVID-19 hit earlier this year, little was known about the disease or how it spreads. While we know more today, new findings continue to emerge. “Since the industry and BAC Members are considered essential, BAC has been working since Day 1 to keep its members safe and contractors informed,” Executive Vice President Jerry Sullivan Jr. said. The new COVID-19 Exposure Control Planning Tool, which BAC helped develop, is an important element of that mission. The free online tool is designed to help all types of construction employers think through and plan how to protect their employees, prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep job sites open. Thanks to the support of BAC President Tim Driscoll and NABTU’s leadership, BAC and IMI worked with CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training through our Masonry r2p Partnership to develop and launch the planning tool in record time. Using the tool to create a COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan involves four steps: + Step 1 — Identify the areas on the job site where employees could be exposed to COVID-19 and the control measures that will be used to prevent exposure.

+ Step 2 — Decide how employees and visitors will be screened, and how workers who show symptoms and those who may have been exposed will be handled.

+ Step 3 — Since training is a critical for a safe workforce, identify who will be trained, how and when the training will be provided, and what will be covered.

+ Step 4 — Complete the plan, including information on who will be responsible for implementing the plan.

The planning tool is closely aligned with the CPWR COVID-19 Construction Clearinghouse released in May. This Clearinghouse includes the latest information on the diseases, state and federal requirements, training resources, and examples of how unions, contractors and workers are joining forces to solve exposure challenges. (Watch the COVID-19 webinar: “Safety in Action — An Example from the Job Site” to learn about Local 1 OR/WA/ ID/MT’s efforts: N6T9fjqFx1c& The new planning tool continues to evolve. If you have questions or ideas to improve it, email //

The free online tool is designed to help all types of construction employers think through and plan how to protect their employees, prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep job sites open.” ISSUE 3, 2020 // 13










Canadian Dignitaries Express Passion and Commitment for BAC


rowing up in a family of bricklayers, Sean Strickland vividly remembers summers working in southwestern Ontario alongside craftworkers from Germany, Italy and Portugal. No matter what language the call came from, Strickland recalls the edict that set in motion a lifelong love affair of the BAC crafts: “More mortar, more mortar, more mortar.” Strickland, Executive Director of Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU), was one of several Canadian dignitaries who gave presentations during the BAC 2020 Virtual Convention in September. He was joined by Canadian Minister of Labour Filomena Tassi and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Each expressed a deep appreciation for the craftworkers across North America who continue to set the standards for this and future generations to follow.

Strickland praised BAC members, who since March, have continued to fight their way through the unprecedented crisis resulting from COVID-19. Deemed essential from the onset, they have worked diligently to ensure new health and safety protocols are followed and enforced, a testament to the Convention’s theme of “Building Communities, Building Lives.” “Unions have always strived for workers’ improved working conditions, human rights and equality of opportunities for all Canadians,” Tassi said. “Our government has taken the rights to defend the actions of unions and workers. This is how we honor the historic contributions of unions to our beloved country.” Tassi and Trudeau also lauded the Union Training and Innovation Program (UTIP), which will provide

Unions have always strived for workers’ improved working conditions, human rights and equality of opportunities for all Canadians.” — Canadian Minister of Labour Filomena Tassi

Prime Minister Trudeau addressing BAC Convention. Le premier ministre Trudeau s’adresse au congrès du BAC.

$25 million annually through two streams of funding: Investments in Training Equipment and Innovation in Apprenticeship. “The program also aims to improve the participation of key groups in the skilled trades to have a more inclusive workforce for groups like women, Indigenous people, newcomers, persons with disabilities and visible minorities,” Trudeau said. Citing CBTU’s ongoing commitment to BAC, Strickland said it will succeed to delivering a new deal for Canada built on investments in infrastructure and training, with a commitment to the health and safety, and support for its communities. “We’ve worked hard to coordinate the efforts of our affiliates to make our voice stronger, to make our workplaces safer, and to build better lives for all our members.” // ISSUE 3, 2020 // 15


CBTU Applauds Focus on Jobs in Throne Speech


anada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU) lauded the Canadian government’s policy direction laid out in the September 23 Speech from the Throne, which focused on investing in job creation to support those most impacted by the pandemic. One of the Speech’s commitments is to create one million new jobs, including investments in infrastructure, public transit, energy sufficient retrofits, clean energy and affordable housing. “Investing in infrastructure and shovel-ready projects will create immediate job opportunities and address Canada’s

infrastructure needs,” said Sean Strickland, Executive Director, Canada’s Building Trades Unions. BAC Canadian Regional Director Craig Strudwick said the government’s commitment to the skilled trades continues to make an impact. “We have long advocated for good-paying jobs and skills training to qualified local residents who are traditionally underrepresented in the skilled trades sector. We will continue working together to ensure that our government get the details on these programs and initiatives right.” //

Les dignitaires canadiens réitèrent leur passion et leur engagement pour le BAC


yant grandi dans une famille de briqueteurs-maçons, Sean Strickland se souvient très bien des étés passés dans le sud-ouest de l’Ontario aux côtés d’artisans venus d’Allemagne, d’Italie et du Portugal. Quelle que soit la langue dans laquelle l’appel était donné, Strickland se souvient de la maxime qui a déclenché une longue histoire d’amour pour les artisans du BAC : « Plus de mortier, plus de mortier, plus de mortier ». Strickland, directeur exécutif des Syndicats des métiers de la construction du Canada (CBTU),

était l’un des nombreux dignitaires canadiens à avoir donné une présentation lors du congrès virtuel du BAC 2020 qui s’est tenu en septembre. Il a été rejoint par la ministre canadienne du Travail, Filomena Tassi et par le premier ministre Justin Trudeau. Chacun a exprimé une profonde appréciation pour les artisans de toute l’Amérique du Nord qui continuent d’établir les normes pour les générations actuelles et futures. Strickland a félicité les membres du BAC qui, depuis mars, continuent de se frayer un chemin


à travers la crise sans précédent causée par la pandémie de COVID19. Jugés essentiels dès le début, les membres ont travaillé avec diligence pour s’assurer que les nouveaux protocoles en matière de santé et de sécurité sont suivis et appliqués, comme en témoigne le thème du congrès « Bâtir des collectivités, bâtir des vies ». « Les syndicats se sont toujours battus pour améliorer les conditions de travail des travailleurs, les droits de la personne et l’égalité des chances pour tous les Canadiens », a expliqué la ministre Tassi.

« Notre gouvernement s’est rangé du côté des droits pour la défense des actions des syndicats et des travailleurs. C’est notre manière d’honorer les contributions historiques qui ont été réalisées par les syndicats pour l’avancement de notre pays. » Tassi et Trudeau ont également fait l’éloge du Programme pour la formation et l’innovation en milieu syndical (PFIMS) qui obtiendra 25 millions de dollars par an dans le cadre de deux volets de financement : Investissements

dans l’équipement de formation et Innovation dans l’apprentissage. « Le programme vise également à améliorer la participation des groupes clés dans les métiers spécialisés afin de constituer une main-d’œuvre plus inclusive pour les groupes comme les femmes, les Autochtones, les nouveaux arrivants, les personnes handicapées et les minorités visibles », a souligné le premier ministre Trudeau. Tout en citant l’engagement continu du CBTU envers le BAC, Strickland a déclaré que

cet engagement permettrait de conclure un nouveau pacte pour le Canada, pacte fondé sur des investissements dans les infrastructures et la formation avec un engagement envers la santé et la sécurité et le soutien de ses collectivités. « Nous avons travaillé d’arrache-pied pour coordonner les efforts de nos affiliés afin de faire entendre notre voix collective, de renforcer la sécurité de nos milieux de travail et de bâtir une vie meilleure pour tous nos membres. » //

Le CBTU salue la priorité accordée à l’emploi dans le discours du Trône


es Syndicats des métiers de la construction du Canada (CBTU) ont salué l’orientation politique du gouvernement canadien énoncée dans le discours du Trône du 23 septembre 2020 qui mettait l’accent sur l’investissement dans la création d’emplois pour soutenir les personnes les plus touchées par la pandémie. L’un des engagements mis en avant lors du discours vise la création d’un million de nouveaux emplois, y compris des investissements dans l’infrastructure,

le transport en commun, les rénovations écoénergétiques, l’énergie propre et les logements abordables. « Les investissements dans l’infrastructure et les projets prêts à démarrer créeront immédiatement des emplois et répondront aux besoins du Canada en matière d’infrastructure », a expliqué Sean Strickland, directeur exécutif des Syndicats des métiers de la construction du Canada. Le directeur régional canadien du BAC, Craig Strudwick, a déclaré que l’engagement du

gouvernement envers les métiers spécialisés continue d’avoir un impact important. « Depuis longtemps, nous préconisons la création d’emplois bien rémunérés et la formation professionnelle pour les résidents locaux qualifiés qui sont traditionnellement sous-représentés dans le secteur des métiers spécialisés. Nous continuerons de travailler ensemble pour veiller à ce que notre gouvernement comprenne bien tous les détails de ces programmes et initiatives. » //

ISSUE 3, 2020 // 17



ISSUE 3, 2020 // 19


IMTEF Unveils Online Member Learning Opportunities, Including Foreman Training


hether you want to become a foreman, you are new to the job or ready to take your leadership skills to the next level, the International Masonry Training and Education Foundation’s (IMTEF’s) popular foreman/ supervisor training, now available online, is a vital resource. The 12-hour online course features interactive discussions, exercises and breakout sessions to help keep the class engaging, enabling students to learn from one another’s experiences. Topics covered include: + Roles and responsibilities of a foreman

+ Effective communication, team development and worker motivation

+ Maintaining labormanagement relations

+ Planning and scheduling work + Ensuring worker safety and productivity

Since the September and October sessions filled quickly, IMTEF is currently working to make the program broadly available to more BAC members. “It’s really neat to have the opportunity to network with regional training directors,

instructors and other members from across the country,” says Joshua Burns, BAC Local 3 IA member and superintendent at Seedorff Masonry. Despite having more than 14 years’ experience leading job sites, Burns has gained invaluable insights from the course, including tips on how to talk to his crew about creating a harassment-free jobsite. “I’m constantly striving to be a better union member and a better mentor, and this class was just another step for me in that process. I wish more of my brothers and sisters would take advantage of these training opportunities. Even if you’re already a foreman, you’ll pick up something new in this class.” Joshua Rehme, BAC ADC 1 of MO apprentice, participated in the class at the encouragement of his employer, Patricio Masonry Co. Inc. As the only apprentice in the course, Rehme was able to soak up the knowledge and experience of his classmates and instructors, gaining valuable insights into what traits make an effective supervisor. “My boss told me this program could help give me the tools to run work when I finish up my apprenticeship.” During a time of deep uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, opportunities like online training


are a great way for IMTEF, local training centers, and Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committees (JATCs) to help members and their families. “Flexibility in training is key to the future of our apprenticeship and training programs,” said Anthony DiPerna, IMTEF National Director of Apprenticeship and Training. “It’s a win-win if we can reach apprentices and journeyworkers in their own homes, where they sign on to train virtually while advancing their hours and education.” In addition to foreman training, IMTEF facilitates OSHA 10 (available in both English and Spanish), and OSHA 30 courses online and on-demand. In conjunction with the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), IMTEF also offers Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) training online. The eight-hour program provides contractors and craftworkers the information needed to understand and apply ICRA procedures required in healthcare and other occupied facility construction and renovation work. Many local training centers and JATCs also offering their own online training opportunities. To sign up for upcoming classes, contact your local training center or ADC. //

As Sovinski Retires, Ingraffia Steps into IMI National Director of Industry Development Role


fter 28 years of dedicated service supporting the growth of BAC signatory contractors and members, David Sovinski retired as National Director of Industry Development at the International Masonry Institute (IMI) in September. Sovinski is succeeded by Roy J. Ingraffia, Jr., IMI’s former National Director for Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives. A crucial part of building IMI into an impactful and thriving masonry promotion organization, Sovinski says one of the most rewarding parts of his career was helping generate jobs for BAC members and contractors. “It’s about more than just workhours—the union, IMI and IMTEF all play an important role in elevating people by bringing dignity to working life.” Caryn Halifax, President of IMI and the International Masonry Training and Education Foundation (IMTEF), calls Sovinksi’s legacy one for the ages. “He has helped generations of contractors expand their skills and businesses and created opportunities for thousands of BAC craftworkers.” Sovinski’s retirement gives Ingraffia the opportunity to carry the torch forward. A renowned authority on masonry restoration and conservation, Ingraffia has been recognized by the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s “40 under 40: People Saving Places Award in 2018,” among other industry recognitions. “Roy is passionate about union masonry and tile construction, and restoration,” Halifax says. “He believes strongly that our training programs set us apart in the industry by building highly skilled craftworkers known for delivering successful projects. I have no doubt Roy will continue to create more interesting and profitable opportunities for BAC members and contractors.” Part of those opportunities are in IMI’s certificate and certification programs, which offer advanced, specialized training for BAC members. Held in

David Sovinski retired as IMI National Director of Industry Development in September.

Roy Ingraffia steps into the new role as IMI National Director of Industry Development.

conjunction with IMTEF, the programs help generate work opportunities and good-paying jobs for BAC members. “Our certificate and certification programs are critical to everything we do” Ingraffia says. Many are included in project specifications, which help BAC signatory contractors bid and win work. Ingraffia helped lead the development of one such program, the Historic Masonry Preservation Certificate Program (HMPC), which is included in specifications for important restoration projects. Ingraffia also is eager to advance Sovinski’s work in developing improved and expanded digital resources, which will make it easier for the AEC community to design, build and restore union masonry and tile projects. During the pandemic, Ingraffia helped create additional online education for designers. He also brought IMI’s Contractor College online, expanding the reach of the professional development program Sovinski launched a decade ago. “I think the world of Roy and am retiring knowing that IMI is in good hands,” Sovinski says. “I’m really excited for the next phase of IMI. I know this organization will only continue to build greater capacity to support the growth of the union masonry industry.” // ISSUE 3, 2020 // 21


Get Updated on Recent Fund Developments with 2019 Annual Report


he “2019 International Pension Fund (IPF) and International Health Fund (IHF) Annual Report” focuses on the retirement, financial and health needs of BAC members and how the International Funds are working with Local Unions to meet those needs.

While the Annual Report reviews the status of all 2019 International benefit plans, updates with regard to the coronavirus pandemic also are highlighted. For IPF, changes have been made to rely less on the US Postal Service—with almost 97% of Pensioners now receiving benefits by Electronic Direct Deposit. For the BAC SAVE Savings Plans, the Cares Act legislation relaxes how participants must demonstrate financial need to receive a COVID-19 related distribution from their BAC SAVE account. For more information, please refer to the Annual Report. With the Fund Office in compliance with CDC guidelines, minimal staff in the office and increased remote access, the following email addresses are being closely monitored to receive documents and respond to inquiries electronically: + — For participants who have applied for pension

+ — The Report reviews the IPF Plan growth and charts the progress of the Plan’s Funding Improvement Plan and how these measures are ensuring the IPF’s ability to meet its obligations to participants. It also reviews the performance (14.43% return for 2019) and growth of the BACSAVE Retirement Savings Plan Annuity. In addition, it reviews the improved features on the Member Portal and mobile app, the Member Assistance Program and IPF Canada. As always, the Report features a selection of frequently asked questions (FAQ), and provides answers to help you understand IPF benefits, benefit options and application procedures. 22 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

For participants applying for RSP

+ — Participants receiving a pension from the IPF

+ — Any pre-retirement questions or requests

The continued implementation of BAC Mobile and the BAC Member Portal allows safe access to member benefits, including electronic reciprocity and other benefit information. Answers to these and other FAQs can be found in the recent “2019 IPF/IHF Annual Report” and online at the IPF/IHF website: //


BAC Sav-Rx Advantage Plan Helps Members Save Big


n response to the hardships caused by COVID-19, BAC President Tim Driscoll introduced the BAC Sav-Rx Advantage Plan, a new discount prescription program exclusively for BAC members. Designed to provide the lowest price at the pharmacy, the program’s discounts vary by pharmacy and medication. Participants typically save anywhere from 15% to 60% at local, retail pharmacies and 30% to 70% at the Sav-Rx Mail Order Pharmacy. The plan—introduced and implemented in July and August, respectively—already is seeing great success. Just one month after its release, the program provided savings of more than $9,000 to more than 500 BAC members. As more BAC members take advantage of its offerings, the BAC Sav-Rx Advantage Plan is expected to provide even more savings. The BAC Sav-Rx Advantage Plan is not insurance. Instead, it helps reduce the cost of prescriptions for active members who may not qualify for health benefits through a local health and welfare plan, or for retirees who do not qualify for Medicare Part D. The plan also can be used by members

eligible for prescription coverage through their local health and welfare plan, but who would like to purchase prescriptions not covered by the local plan. To access your savings, simply present your Sav-Rx Advantage Discount Drug Cards at participating retail pharmacies or have your prescriptions filled through the Sav-Rx Mail Order Pharmacy. With a network of more than 72,000 participating pharmacies, Sav-Rx Advantage Discount Cards are accepted at most major chains. To locate a participating pharmacy near you, visit, and enter the group on your ID card and your zip code. Call Sav-Rx at 866-912-7425 (866-91BRICK) to request a new or replacement Sav-Rx Advantage Discount Card. For even more savings, BAC members are invited to try the Sav-Rx Mail Order Pharmacy for medications prescribed for 31 days or more. To utilize this, ask your medical provider to submit prescriptions to Sav-Rx via electronic prescription. Refills are just as easy. You can ask for refills by phone (866-912-7425), on our website (, or through the Sav-Rx mobile

GOING MOBILE Sav-Rx is proud to announce its mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on the Apple Store or on Google Play! The Sav-Rx mobile app is designed to make prescriptions and delivery even more seamless. Thanks to this platform, you can keep track of orders from beginning to end with the touch of a button. The app also can be used to view prescriptions on life, order multiple refills at once, view your mail order history, view current order statuses, track orders, submit a quick refill, create a profile or update a profile. The Sav-Rx app is overseen by union members on the Sav-Rx customer service team. Their diligence and commitment to exceptional customer service ensures that inquiries are promptly answered and refill requests are processed on the same day received.

application (find us on the Apple Store and Google Play!). For more information or questions, call Sav-Rx at 866-912-7425 (866-91-BRICK). There will be a live union member to answer your call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. // ISSUE 3, 2020 // 23


Practicing Love Languages to Promote Care of Self and Others During COVID-19


or many, COVID-19 has created an unprecedented and surreal reality—one where the norms of interaction have been temporarily displaced. Along with wearing masks and limiting physical touch, the CDC encourages practicing things like social distancing, which not only protects you, but also your friends, family, coworkers and community from contracting the virus. This has not come without challenges. Social events we used to take for granted now must be assessed in new ways. Should we attend that community cookout? Youth sporting events? A restaurant, bar or movie theater? Mental health professionals have long recognized several key tenets that connect our mental health and well-being to the strength of our social relationships. Despite the challenges, there are creative ways to express kindness. Celebrated marriage counselor and author Gary Chapman believes it is important to convey social connectedness, caring and concern for others. Known as “languages of love,” Chapman’s resources are ones to embrace.

WORDS OF AFFIRMATION Using words of words of affirmation display acts of kindness. Expressing thanks is vital to recognizing the special bond we share in each other.

QUALITY TIME Creating time to connect with others through phone calls, emails and texts helps keep you in touch. Even an 24 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

old-fashioned letter or card can convey how you value someone. Celebrating birthdays and holidays virtually also can help keep important rituals in tow.

ACTS OF SERVICE (DEVOTION) Acts of service involve helping others in need. For example, offer to grocery shop for an elderly neighbor, volunteer for community service, or ask friends and neighbors if they need help managing day-to-day needs.

GIFT GIVING Providing food or transportation to impoverished members of your community will help make a difference. Share a bouquet of flowers or vegetables from your garden. Mow someone’s lawn. These acts mean the world to people in need.

PHYSICAL TOUCH So, you cannot give a hug or handshake. Instead, offer a warm smile, laugh or friendly chat. These expressions can help lift someone from loneliness. If you know someone suffering from loneliness, anxiety and depression, or substance abuse, call the BAC Member Assistance Program (MAP). You can get private assistance from a licensed mental health professional. All calls are confidential. Call MAP toll-free at 1-888-880-8222. In addition, visit MAP at for a state-by-state guide to connecting with services for those in need of help with food, shelter or practical resources. MAP generally is available from 8 a.m.–7 p.m. (EST), Monday–Friday. //


LOCAL Compass

From left, BAC Local 6 Wisconsin Field Representative Patric McCabe, Wisconsin District Council Director Jim Vick, and Local 6 WI 25-year member Donald L. Belliveau Sr.


Local 4 IN/KY member Jason Ubelhor receives his 25-year service award.

Local 4 IN/KY 25-year member Kevin Biery, left, receives his service award from Local 4 IN/KY President Steve Knowles. ISSUE 3, 2020 // 25

LOCAL 3 MASSACHUSETTS/MAINE/NEW HAMPSHIRE/RHODE ISLAND Seated from left, Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI Gold Card members John Marcotte, Orlando Lafrate, Lawrence Reardon, Francis Lacey, Pasquale Minichillo, Lorenzo Almonte, and Otis Ellerbee Jr. Standing from left, Vice President Jim Dailey, 40-year member Jeffery Hartwell, Gold Card member Robert Boyle, 40-year members Leo Gramham and Brue Labbate, President Chuck Raso, 40-year member Paul Oslin, Boston Chapter Chairman Tony Antonuccio, and Executive Vice President Chuck Raso Jr.

Seated from left, Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI 25-year member Mark Davis, 40-year member Ronald Marvin, 50-year members Norman Paquette and Raymond Lafaille, 40-year member Michael Ferriter, and 25-year member James Ciras. Standing from left, Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI Field Representative Mike Gagnon, Springfield Chapter Chairman Anthony Russo, Executive Vice President Chuck Raso Jr., President Chuck Raso, Lowell Chapter Chairman Toby Ducharme, and Vice President Joe Grenham.

Seated from left, Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI 25-year members William Rich, Warren Curry, Daniel Brosnahan, James DiMare, Robert Davenport, Joseph Cunningham, and Keith Costantino. Standing from left, Vice President Jim Dailey, Boston Chapter Chairman Tony Antonuccio, 25-year members David Van Buren, Edward Stasz, Andrew McDevitt, Todd Hadayia, President Chuck Raso, 25-year members Edward Parolin and Scott Yeo, and Executive Vice President Chuck Raso, Jr.

Seated from left, Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI 25-year member Michael Picerno, 50-year member Robert Andrea, and 25-year member Michael McNichols. Standing from left, Executive Vice President Chuck Raso Jr., Vice President Richard Pacheco, President Chuck Raso, and Field Representative William Beaudry. 26 // BRICKLAYERS AND ALLIED CRAFTWORKERS

Seated from left, Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI 25-year member Vice President Jim Pimental, 40-year member Clifton Lopes, 50-year member Antonio Borges, 40-year members Lynn Donohoe and Douglas Ferguson. Standing from left, Field Representative Chris Medeiros, President Chuck Raso, and Executive Vice President Chuck Raso Jr.



Death Benefit Claims for May 2020 Total Amount Paid


Total Death Benefits


Total Number of Claims


Average Age


Average Years of Membership






Acosta, Jesse V. - 03, AZ/NM




Bailey, Jacob F. - 04, CA Bailey, Philip - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Becker, Thomas L. - 01, MN/ND/SD Blythe, Jimmie C. - 07, KY Boscarino, Dominic - 02, MI Bowser, Danny L. - 09, PA Bricko, Harvey M. - 06, WI Brown, Bobby L. - 05, OK/AR/TX Burton, Derrick - 04, CA

B, M, MM B B B CM B, M B, CM, M, P, TL B, M B

75 91 70 93 98 85 93 87 89

48 67 44 73 67 54 63 65 62

Cassin, Dennis J. - 03, OH Christensen, Bob L. - 01, WA/AK Ciccarelli, Jr., Guy C. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Cunningham, Glenn M. - 02, MI

B B B, CM, M B

86 91 87 89

64 69 69 71

Davidson, Albert L. - 08, SE DeBernardi, Dominic - 09, PA DeChamps, Edwin J. - 03, WI Delaine, Sr., Robert J. - 02, MI Denson, J. B. - 55, OH Durso, Lawrence J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Duval, Raymond J. - 03, WI

B B, M CM, M, B B B B, CM B, M

90 94 91 93 78 103 90

69 68 69 61 52 80 63

Endryck, Francis P. - 02, NY/VT

B, M, P



Faivre, Donald V. - 09, PA Falcone, Ignazio - 01, ON Foss, Warren R. - 01, MN/ND/SD Freeman, Dale P. - 05, OK/AR/TX Frye, Thomas - 08, SE Furland, Harold D. - 01, MN/ND/SD


89 88 89 77 88 87

50 60 52 56 70 58

Garus, Bruno - 04, ON Gianni, Guy L. - 21, IL Giordano, Philip - 05, OH Glirbas, Samuel J. - 01, MN/ND/SD Gradisher, Anthony J. - 07, OH Gunsteen, Robert J. - 56, IL

B B B TL B, M B, MM, W

95 89 90 86 66 65

60 68 67 50 45 43

Harvey, Richard - 08, SE Hernandez, Margarito D. - 04, CA Hickox, Stanley K. - 01, WA/AK Hoffmann, Joseph A. - 05, OH Hutcheson, Warnie M. - 08, SE


92 88 86 90 95

61 55 68 67 63

Infanti, Bruno - 01, BC

B, M







Jones, Bradley A. - 06, IL Junkin, Mike J. - 02, MI


66 61

46 22

Kacsur, George - 04, NJ Knock, Dick D. - 01, MN/ND/SD Kok, Jan - 02, BC

B, CM, M, P B B

98 77 84

60 52 59

Labonne, Daniel R. - 04, WI Landborg, Kenneth R. - 01, MN/ND/SD Lapointe, Daniel F. - 01, WI Lavrisa, Victor - 21, IL Leadtka, Dale E. - 05, OK/AR/TX Lemarbe, William - 02, MI Lemke, Robert G. - 21, IL

B B, M B, CM, M B B B, M B, M

89 82 84 87 80 85 91

64 63 59 62 36 63 68

Mackie, Harvey F. - 01, NS Malloy, Charles J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Maraldo, Gino - 02, MI Marini, Carmen S. - 09, PA Matlack, Jr., William R. - 05, NJ/DE/PA McGlasson, Billy B. - 15, MO/KS/NE Meadows, Edward E. - 04, CA Meissner, Roger G. - 01, MN/ND/SD Miles, George W. - 04, CA Moore, Larry W. - 15, MO/KS/NE Moran, James E. - 08, SE Murray, Ryan A. - 01, PA/DE

B B TL B B, CM, M, P B TL B B, M B B, P B, M

80 93 87 100 78 95 84 86 83 78 95 34

50 61 59 79 57 71 59 65 64 52 73 2

Novak, Gene N. - 08, WI Nunemaker, Phillip D. - 18, OH/KY


95 84

66 56

Pascocello, Joseph P. - 05, NJ/DE/PA Paul, Stefan - 21, IL Perry, Jr., Joseph H. - 01, CT Petriello, Gerardo - 04, NJ Piehl, Herbert H. - 04, CA

B B B, CM, P B B

88 87 86 91 79

64 60 64 58 50

Reed, Ernest E. - 01, MD/VA/DC Roloff, Jr., Donald - 21, IL Rutherford, Terry W. - 01, MD/VA/DC


101 70 50

71 41 31

Sammet, John E. - 46, OH Schibelhut, Helman G. - 02, MI Schulz, Gerhardt F. - 21, IL Shaffer, William F. - 05, PA Sponenberg, Sam E, - 05, NJ/DE/PA Statham, Victor - 21, IL Stenger, Vincent M. - 36, OH Stutler, Larry D. - 09, WV


86 87 91 95 82 90 78 70

64 62 68 55 59 63 53 51

Tabiadon, Gimi G. - 21, IL Testa, Sr., Eugene J. - 03, NY Tomaselli, Pasquale C. - 01, NY Tracy, Eugene R. - 01, MN/ND/SD Travers, Ernest M. - 03, CA Tuma, Jan - 02, NY/VT Tuttobene, Salvatore M. - 03, NY

B T B B FN B, M, P B, CM, M, P

88 90 91 89 65 90 85

69 57 70 61 24 52 69

Viola, Pasquale N. - 03, NY

B, CM, M, P



Waldo, Benjamin C. - 15, MO/KS/NE Wechter, Jr., Sylvester L. - 40, OH Wilke, August J. - 06, IL Witwer, Harold R. - 05, PA Wolf, Maximilian - 02, MI

B B B, P B, M B

97 90 90 84 80

72 63 71 63 53

ISSUE 3, 2020 // 27



Death Benefit Claims for June 2020 Total Amount Paid


Total Death Benefits


Total Number of Claims


Average Age


Average Years of Membership






Abate. Francesco - 01, NY Agostinelli, Rocco - 21, IL Alston, Joseph Q. - 01, NY Andrews, Sr., John M. - 05, NJ/DE/PA Awdey, Walter - 02, MI


66 90 76 83 95

25 47 54 41 68

Barich, Richard J. - 21, IL Belluz, Bruno G. - 03, NY Bianco, Attilio - 04, NJ Biddinger, Richard S. - 04, IN/KY Boan, Calvin C. - 15, MO/KS/NE Bossman, Arthur Q. - 01, MN/ND/SD Breyer, William W. - 09, WI Burke, David M. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Byrd, Harold G. - 01, MO


89 81 81 49 93 77 84 89 85

66 59 60 31 69 53 63 65 60

Canfora, Angelo A. - 04, NJ Carpenito, Phillip A. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Chernetski, Mike - 02, BC Cioffi, Carmine - 01, CT Collins, Craig L. - 22, OH Corcoran, Robert F. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Crouch, Jr., Cecil R. - 09, PA


80 90 84 94 73 93 68

54 70 62 64 35 57 42

Dean, Aloysius G. - 01, NS DeMatteo, Joseph P. - 02NY/VT Destefano, Clara T. - 01, HI Doris, Arthur T. - 07, CO/WY Dukowitz, William F. - 01, MN/ND/SD Dunton, Ralph L. - 02, MI Dyer, Billy O. - 04, IN/KY


72 80 86 88 73 89 46

54 58 41 69 50 68 1

Earle, David J. - 15, MO/KS/NE Eckert, Eldon H. - 01, MN/ND/SD Erickson, Wilbert G. - 01, MN/ND/SD Ersing, Robert - 03, NY Everett, Chester M. - 08, SE


89 86 98 84 70

68 61 72 62 50

Fantinato, Arturo - 02, ON Ferguson, Alexander J. - 05, OH Fix, Joseph - 21, IL Flodin, Charles R. - 21, IL Fox, James A. - 02, NY/VT Frohlich, Wilfred - 10, ON


83 87 92 91 83 88

63 69 63 71 56 63





Galan, Anthony J. - 02, MI Genovese, Sr., Ronald J. - 01, CT Griffin, Demirio G. - 08, SE


99 76 39

74 57 9

Harkins, Henry D. - 09, WV Herschleb, Raymond J. - 15, MO/KS/NE Hoops, Werner O. - 08, WI Huggins, Sr., Harry E. - 16, OH


94 76 91 94

74 53 65 78

Jennings, Sammy W. - 01, MO




Kellogg, Harold H. - 74,IL Kelly, Isaac - 08, SE Kihamahana, McMillan K. - 07, CO/WY Kleszyk, Joseph - 05, PA Krasovic, Raymond P. - 07, CO/WY Kwiatkowski, Matuesz - 01, NY


85 93 78 91 93 44

61 63 55 50 71 16

Lademan, Richard - 02, MI




Marks, John L. -15, WV Martorina, Rosario - 04, NJ Mazzola, Domenico - 01, CT McGrogan, Robert - 04, NJ Melanson, Joseph A. - 08, NB Migues, Arnold J. - 15, MO/KS/NE Montgomery, Harold D. - 04, CA

B B,CM,W B, CM, P B,CM B, CH, CM, P B B, M

92 87 86 83 83 83 77

69 56 42 66 60 50 47

Neikes, Derek A. - 01, OR/WA/ID/MT




O’Rourke, Robert J. - 03, NY




Pac, Richard F. - 04, IN/KY Palko, Gerald F. - 21, IL Pellagrino, Sr., Frank J. - 01, PA/DE Phillips, Dale A. - 05, PA Pirrello, Peter L. - 04, NJ Pitacciato, Louis J. - 09, PA Puente, Jessie J. - 05, OK/AR/TX

B B M PC, B, CM B, CM, P B B

92 91 91 64 95 90 95

72 69 40 29 60 64 66

Radakovich, Daniel J. - 08, WI Ramsden, Edwin A. - 02, MI Rappa, Antonino - 02, MI Rone, Earl L. - 21, IL Rosati, Lewis J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Rudzinski, Sylvester - 08, WI


67 90 84 87 82 93

46 67 42 68 50 69

Sabo, Edward L. - 21, IL Sampson, Norman F. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Scanlon, John E. - 01, MD/VA/DC Schwier, Robert C. - 74, IL Scrimpsher, Jr., George A. - 05, OK/AR/TX Skorupa, Donald J. - 02, MI Smith, Ronald C. - 03, IA Strasbaugh, Robert J. - 05, PA Sullivan, Richard D. - 03, CA

B B, P B B, M, P B CM B B B

84 84 80 73 81 89 82 90 62

66 59 61 52 60 60 63 63 7

Taylor, Herman - 01, PA/DE Taylor, Sr., Earl L. - 03, CA


87 91

58 63

Wahlmann, Adolf R. - 08, NB

B, CM, CS, P, TL



Zammiello, Bernard R. - 02, NY/VT Zaneti, Guido F. - 10, ON

B, M, P TW

89 88

66 62


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