BAC Journal Issue 3, 2018

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BAC ISSUE 3 / 2018

When We Fight Together, WE WIN. The Fight Continues... Vote on Nov. 6th! PAGES 14-15


40 Years Later, We Defeated “Right-toWork” in Missouri Again


n 1978, Missourian voters encountered the so-called “right-towork” amendment for the first time when a signature petition put it on the November ballot. Amendment 23 would have added language like Proposition A’s to the Missouri Constitution and made the state a “right-to-work” state. It was organized labor’s record-breaking get-out-the-vote drive that helped Missouri soundly reject this amendment on election day by a 60% to 40% margin with 948,387 opposed and 631,829 in favor (see picture). History repeated itself 40 years later. On August 7th, Missouri voters smashed Proposition A, the anti-worker “right-to-work” law by a more than 2-to-1 margin. There were 937,241 votes against and only 452,075 votes in support. Once again, it showed that when we fight together, we win (page 14). Now, the fight moves on to November. BAC members along with brothers and sisters across the country are ready to make our own history.

Journal BAC

ISSUE 3 / 2018

IN THIS ISSUE 18 Legislative & Political

1 President’s Message

2 Mensaje Del Presidente 3 Organizing 6 News In Brief 10 IMI and IMTEF 13 Legislative & Political 19 MAP 20 Safety & Health 22 International Funds 24 Canada 25 Local Compass


27 In Memoriam

P R E S I D E N T ’S M E S S A G E J A M E S B O L A N D , P R E S I D E N T, I N T E R N AT I O N A L U N I O N O F B R I C K L AY E R S A N D A L L I E D C R A F T W O R K E R S

Get Out and Vote this November 6th!


ongratulations to our brothers and sisters in Missouri. They showed us the power of working together to fight back against attacks on working people. The successful effort to defeat the Right-to-Work-For-Less law clearly demonstrated that when we fight together, we win. (page 14) We should celebrate this victory, but we must remain ever vigilant, because the fight continues. All across the country, the ultra-rich and corporate interest groups are pushing an anti-worker agenda designed to rig the system to protect their interests at the expense of the rest of us. These policies are destroying the American dream. We once had a vibrant middle class and an economy that allowed employers and workers to share in the benefits of growth in productivity. Now we have the worst disparity in wealth and income since the gilded age. So-called Right-to-Work laws are one example of this agenda, but sadly there are many others. Federal and state prevailing wage protections are critically important to our Members. These laws help ensure fair wages for a fair days’ work. They also help make sure that public construction projects are done by skilled workers, and finished on time. Regrettably, these laws are under constant attack. Anti-worker Members of Congress are constantly offering amendments to weaken the federal law protecting prevailing wages (DavisBacon). While we have been successful in protecting Davis-Bacon, our opponents are relentless. And as discussed on page 13, a number of states have repealed their prevailing wage laws. Elections have consequences and the most recent Presidential election has resulted one of the most antiunion and anti-worker Administrations in history. In his rhetoric, President Trump claimed to support working people, but his actions speak louder than his words.

The anti-worker actions of this Administration are too numerous to list, but they include: • Weakening health and safety protections for workers; • Rolling back rules designed to modernize the union election process; • Making it easier for employers to misclassify workers; • Repealing a rule that denied government contracts to companies with patterns of violating labor law; • Attacking federal workers and their unions; • Appointing a Supreme Court Justice who tipped the balance in a 5-4 decision that imposed so-called right-to-work rules on public sector unions throughout the country; • Putting anti-union members on the National Labor Relations Board; • Denying overtime pay to millions of workers; and • Repealing a rule designed to protect the retirement investments of working families. The attack on unions and workers is unrelenting. Now more than ever, we need friends in the halls of Congress and statehouses across the nation who will stand up for our interests. The Union works hard to defend our members and protect our rights, but everything we gain can be taken away by anti-worker elected officials. As former United Auto Workers President Walter Ruether once said: “There is a direct relationship between the ballot box and the breadbox, and what the union fights for at the bargaining table can be taken away in the legislative halls.” November 6th is Election Day. Make sure you get out and vote. Vote like you job depends on it – because it does.

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¡Vote este 6 de noviembre!

elicitaciones a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Missouri. Nos demostraron el poder de trabajar en equipo en la defensa contra los ataques a los trabajadores. El esfuerzo exitoso para rechazar la ley del Derecho a Trabajar por Menos demostró claramente que cuando luchamos juntos, ganamos. (página 14) Debemos celebrar esta victoria, pero debemos permanecer alertas porque la lucha continúa. Los grupos de intereses corporativos y de personas extremadamente ricas de todo el país se dedican a promover una agenda antiobrera diseñada para manipular el sistema con el fin de proteger sus intereses a expensas de los nuestros. Estas políticas están destruyendo el sueño americano. Hace tiempo contábamos con una clase media dinámica y una economía que permitía a los empleadores y trabajadores compartir los beneficios del crecimiento de la productividad. Actualmente, enfrentamos la peor disparidad en cuanto a riqueza e ingresos desde la edad dorada de los Estados Unidos. Las llamadas leyes de Derecho al Trabajo son un ejemplo de esta agenda, aunque lamentablemente existen muchas otras. Las protecciones de los salarios prevalecientes a nivel federal y estatal son de vital importancia para nuestros Miembros. Estas leyes ayudan a garantizar salarios justos por días de trabajo justos. Además, ayudan a garantizar que los trabajadores calificados sean quienes realicen los proyectos de construcción pública y que estos se terminen a tiempo. Lamentablemente, estas leyes son objeto de ataques constantes. Los Miembros antiobreros del Congreso proponen constantemente enmiendas para debilitar la ley federal que protege los salarios prevalecientes (Davis-Bacon). Si bien hemos tenido éxito en la protección de la ley DavisBacon, nuestros oponentes son incansables. Y como se mencionó en la página 13, varios estados han derogado sus leyes de salarios prevalecientes. Las elecciones tienen consecuencias y la elección presidencial más reciente ha resultado en uno de los gobiernos más antisindicales y antiobreros de la historia. En su discurso, el presidente Trump aseguró apoyar a los trabajadores,


pero sus acciones hablan más que sus palabras. Las acciones de este gobierno contra los trabajadores son demasiadas como para enumerarlas todas, sin embargo, incluyen: • Debilitar las protecciones de la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores. • Revertir las normas diseñadas para modernizar el proceso de las elecciones sindicales. • Facilitar a los empleadores la clasificación errónea de los trabajadores. • Derogar un decreto que niega contratos gubernamentales a empresas con patrones de violación de las leyes laborales. • Atacar a los trabajadores federales y a sus sindicatos. • Designar a un juez de la Corte Suprema de Justicia quien inclinó la balanza en una decisión de 5-4 que impuso las normas del derecho al trabajo a los sindicatos del sector público en todo el país. • Colocar a miembros antisindicales en la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Laborales. • Negarles a millones de trabajadores el pago de horas extras. • Derogar un decreto destinado a proteger las inversiones de jubilación de las familias trabajadoras. El ataque a los sindicatos y a los trabajadores es continuo. Ahora más que nunca, necesitamos aliados que defiendan nuestros intereses en las cámaras del Congreso y en los parlamentos de todo el país. El Sindicato trabaja arduamente para defender a nuestros miembros y proteger nuestros derechos, sin embargo, los funcionarios antiobreros electos pueden arrebatarnos todos nuestros logros. Como mencionó una vez Walter Ruether, expresidente del sindicato United Auto Workers: “Existe una relación directa entre una urna electoral y una panera, y lo que defiende el sindicato en la mesa de negociaciones se puede arrebatar en las cámaras legislativas”. El 6 de noviembre es el día de las elecciones. Asegúrese de salir a votar. Vote como si su trabajo dependiera de ello, porque así es.

The Official Journal of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (issn 0362-3696)

Journal BAC

ISSUE 3 / 2018

Executive Board James Boland President

Timothy Driscoll Secretary-Treasurer

Gerard Scarano

Executive Vice President

Carlos Aquin

Executive Vice President

Regional Directors N ORT HE A ST

Al Catalano

IU Regional Director, Northeast 304 Kenwood Avenue, #4 Delmar, NY 12054 (518) 439-6080 SOUTH

Ed Navarro

IU Regional Director, South 6201 S.E. Beaver View Rd Lawton, OK 73501 (580) 357-3048 N ORT H CE N T R A L

Keith Hocevar

IU Regional Director, North Central 7640 White Pine Ct. Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 534-1108 WEST

Raymond Keen

P.O. Box 230460 Las Vegas, NV 89105 (702) 254-1988 CANADA

Craig Strudwick

IU Regional Director, Canada 2100 Thurston Drive, #3 Ottawa, ON K1G 4K8 (613) 830-0333 Editorial Staff: Brian Kennedy, Yin Yin The BAC Journal (ISSN 0362-3696) is published quarterly for $1.50 per year in advance, postage paid, for the U.S. and Canada ($1.75 per year in all foreign countries belonging to the Postal Union) by the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers. Periodicals class postage paid Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to the BAC Journal, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, 620 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20004. Canadian Postmaster: Send address changes to PO Box 503, RPO West Beaver Creek, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R6 Published for Bricklayers, Stone Masons, Plasterers, Tile Layers, Marble Masons, Cement Masons, Mosaic and Terrazzo Workers, Finishers, Pointers, Cleaners, and Caulkers.


Organizing Successes Across the United States EDITOR’S NOTE: Our organizing activities are beginning to show positive results. Hard work is paying off for Locals and ADCs who have been focused on growth through organizing. This issue of BAC Journal features a few of many organizing successes across the United States. If your Local/ADC has an organizing story to share, please email it to


Building Long-term Relationships with Contractors


n July 3rd, BAC Local 3 Massachusetts/Maine/New Hampshire/Rhode Island signed Cenedella Masonry which had 11 prevailing wage jobs and 9 private projects under contract at the time of signing. Prior to signing a full Collective Bargaining Agreement, Cenedella Masonry had performed several prevailing wage projects with BAC Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI on a single project basis. As Cenedella Masonry became more and more aggressive in the public sector over the past few years, BAC Local 3 officials initiated discussions with Cenedella about the many positive benefits of becoming a BAC signatory contractor. “We knew that the contractor needed good, qualified bricklayers and we had previously established a solid, working relationship with him over time. After highlighting the many values which come with being a union contractor, Cenedella Masonry signed a full Agreement” said Chuck Raso, President of Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI.

F rom left, BAC Local 3 MA/ ME/NH/RI President Chuck Raso, Cenedella Masonry President Rick Cenedella, and Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI Field Representative Jim Pimental.

uC enedella Masonry President Rick Cenedella signs into a full agreement with BAC Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI.


Winning the Non-traditional Market


AC Local 3 California launched an organizing campaign this year to build market share in the nonunion dominated single-family residential market in Northern California’s central valley. The Local has had to grapple with how to be competitive in this market where wages are traditionally significantly lower and how to interest contractors already established in this market to become signatory.

To tackle these challenges, Local 3 CA conducted an informal wage rate survey, which showed that the Local would have to be creative to win work in that market. To address these challenges, the local would have to establish a separate arm and develop wage appendices to be competitive. The Local also needed to find craftworkers interested in this work. Therefore, they reached out to members who became non-union contractors

before vesting in their pensions. Using BAC healthcare benefits and the possibility of restoring pension benefits as incentives, Local 3 CA successfully negotiated with Reliable Tile, a former non-union contractor, to sign a full agreement with Local 3 CA in April. “Our organizing campaign has showed us that nothing is impossible if we utilize the right organizing strategies,” said BAC Local 3 CA President Dave Jackson. “We will continue our conversations with other contractors to urge them to become signatory. That would benefit both contractors and skilled workers.” ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 3


Organizing Minority Contractors


ince last August, we have seen many possibilities to organize contractors owned by minorities,” said BAC Local 2 New York/ Vermont President Pat Tirino. Based in Syracuse, New York, Vantagem Technology LLC is a masonry/restoration contracting company owned by African-American contractor Stanley Dean. “In Syracuse, we have 48 public schools under Project Labor Agreements to be renovated, totaling $1 billion of work,” said Brother Tirino. “Organizing contractors like Vantagem Technology means creating more work hours for our members.” After attending meetings on public works projects for schools, Field Representatives Luke Renna and Martin Dillon contacted Vantagem Technology to help bid work and discussed the Board of Education outreach on hiring skilled craftworkers. The demand for skilled craftworkers along with safety training the Local can provide brought Vantagem Technology to the signing table on April 27th. Currently members of Local 2 NY/VT employed by Vantagem Technology are renovating Bellevue Elementary School in Syracuse. Vantagem Technology is not the only minority contractor who recognized our Union’s value. In February, Local 2 NY/VT signed RJ Young Contracting based in Albany, NY. Brother Tirino From left, BAC Local 2 NY/VT Field Representative Luke Renna, Vantagem Technology LLC owner Stanley Dean and Local 2 NY/VT Field Representative Martin Dillon. said, “The contractor has been on our radar for some time performing work for the contractors in the area. We never harassed them and over the years we have kept an open dialogue with the company.” Brother Tirino and Local 2 NY/VT Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Potter met with Robert Young, the owner of RJ Young Contracting, and opened the doors of its training center to the contractor, provided free training to their employees, and showed them future training possibilities. “For us, being persistent and truthful is the key to signing new contractors. In a creative way, we presented our skilled craftworkers and training programs with accurate informaNewly signed members employed by signatory contractor RJ Young Contracting and Local 2 NY/VT officers. tion,” said Brother Tirino. From left, Local 2 NY/VT member Javier Gonzalez, President Pat Tirino, RJ Young Contracting owner Robert “

Young, member Cordell Pratt, and Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Potter. 4 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS

Construction Organizing Membership Education Training Continues Gradating More Members


he Union is undertaking a number of organizing initiatives, including Construction Organizing Membership Education Training (COMET). COMET is a focused threehour educational training programs delivered to rank and file members. Many BAC Locals and ADCs have recently completed COMET programs. The program generates membership support and participation in organizing. Since last year, BAC members throughout the country are participating in COMET sessions to learn how to be more actively involved in their Local/ADC’s organizing efforts. Our past issues of BAC Journal have featured our members’ participation in COMET. This issue continues featuring their engagement in this training (see pictures).






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BAC members of Local 7 New York/New Jersey and Local 1 New York marched in solidarity with union brothers and sisters at the 2018 Labor Day parade in New York City.

Annual Labor Day Parade in the Big Apple Celebrates Union Workers


rothers and sisters of BAC Local 1 New York and Local 7 New York/ New Jersey marched with tens of thousands of union workers from a variety of labor organizations on Fifth Avenue on Saturday, September 8th to celebrate the deep roots of organized labor in the Big Apple. Elected officials, including Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio and State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento, also joined in. The themes of this year’s Labor Day parade were “NYC is a Union Town” and #CountMeIn. Messages on floats and

banners made sure both themes were clear as the parade marks the 136th anniversary of the city’s Labor Day celebration. The first Labor Day parade took place in New York City on September 5th, 1882. BAC Northeast Regional Director Al Catalano said, “We are proud to be part of this year’s Labor Day celebration, especially at the time when unions and the labor movement are under assault. New York State is the birthplace of the labor movement. New York City is a union town. Our Union will do everything we can to stand up for workers’ rights and you can Count Me In.”

From left, BAC Local 7 NY/NJ members Pasquale Imbriano, Robert Delorenzo, Pete Marano, and President Billy Hill. 6 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS

BAC Northeast Regional Director Al Catalano, left, and Local 7 NY/NJ Secretary-Treasurer Matt Guy.

From left, BAC Local 1 NY Field Representative Mike Barbera, Political Director Bill Nagel and Rory Lancman, the Council member for the 24th District of the New York City Council.

Tim Paulson of BAC Local 3 California Named Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council


AC Local 3 California 38-year member and former San Francisco Labor Council Executive Director Tim Paulson has been named Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council. Brother Paulson took office on August 2nd. “Tim has the background for the position; his experience as a tile-setter, foreman, Apprentice Instructor, Local 3 CA’s Business Agent, Organizer, San Mateo Central Labor Council Political Director, and San Francisco Labor Council Executive Director have all made him an excellent choice for the position,” said BAC Local 3 CA President Dave Jackson. “I look forward to Tim continuing his good work for all the Building Trades affiliates.”

From left, BAC Local 3 CA President Dave Jackson; Tim Paulson, Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council; and Michael Theriault, retired Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council.

LCLAA 22nd National Membership Convention Held in Puerto Rico


he Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) held their 22nd National Membership Convention August 8-11th in San Juan, Puerto Rico. During the “Solidarity with Puerto Rico Day of Service,” BAC attendees used their trade skills to rebuild a women’s shelter damaged by Hurricane Maria last year.

BAC attendees on their way to rebuild a women’s shelter. Front row from left, BAC Executive Council At-Large Member Liliana Calderon, BAC Executive Vice President Carlos Aquin. Second row: BAC Organizer Marvin Monge. Third row from left: BAC Organizer Lou Padilla, Mountain West ADC Field Representative Eduardo Zavala, Local 3 CA Organizer Dave Tafoya, BAC West Region Representative Ernest Adame. Back row from left, Local 4 NJ Vice President Carlos Crespo, ADC 1 of IL Field Representative Hector Arellano, and OH-KY ADC Field Representative Jairo Cabrera.

BAC delegates rally in solidarity with Puerto Rico. From left, BAC Local 2 MI Organizer Raul Zamarron, OH-KY ADC Field Representative Jairo Cabrera, and BAC Executive Council At-Large Member Liliana Calderon. ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 7


New York Brick Art Exhibition Features the Historical Hudson Valley Brickyards and Highlights the Importance of Today’s Building Trades


ricklayers have shaped the landscape of Westchester and the Lower Hudson Valley in the state of New York for more than 200 years. From its beginnings in the seventeenth century with New York’s early Dutch settlers, the story of brick-making in the Hudson Valley is a truly American story, rich with complex and challenging intersections of immigration, industry and innovation; of family enterprise, the environment and economic development. “Brick by Brick: The Erie Canal & the Building Boom” is a contemporary art exhibition inspired by this history hosted by ArtsWestchester. From October 2, 2018 to January 19, 2019, visitors have a chance to view powerful, large-scale installations and photographs commissioned especially for the exhibition alongside historical artifacts, archival photographs and personal narratives related to the region’s once vital brick industry. As part of the program, BAC Local 1 New York members Everett, Erik, and Mason Cantamessa representing three generations of bricklayers, along with Local 1 NY Field Representatives and brothers Mike and Pete Clifford, will present a workshop entitled “Brick Bonds” on October 13th. Together they will talk about the rich history of bricklaying in the region, explain the structural significance and aesthetic beauty of various bond patterns and joints, and guide participants with professional training to build a wall using introductory masonry techniques. Please stay tuned for more coverage in our next BAC Journal. ArtsWestchester Director of Folk Arts Aaron Paige said it is a unique exhibition that brings arts and skilled trades together. “We are excited about this novel project drawing attention to

Courtesy of artist James Tyler

B rickhead artwork exhibited at ArtsWestchester. F rom left, BAC Local 1 New York members Mason, Everett, and Erik Cantamessa representing three generations of bricklayers.

our traditions that the building trades pass down from generation to generation. Through apprenticeships, like those of the Union, the younger generations are able to learn about their history and build a career in skilled trades. In exploring the art of bricklaying, ArtsWestchester hopes to cultivate the public’s understanding and appreciation for our building trades.” BAC Local 1 NY President Jeremiah Sullivan Jr. agrees. “Working with ArtsWestchester, we present the public with a different perspective of our skilled trades through arts. We build schools, offices, hospitals, hotels, stadiums… but most importantly, we build our communities.”

BAC U.S. Bates Scholarship Program Accepting Applications for the 2020 Competition

Brother Craig Neland, right, with Don Hunt, President of BAC Local 15 MO/KS/NE.

Show Your BAC Spirit


rother Craig Neland, an 18-year member of BAC Local 15 Missouri/ Kansas/Nebraska, believes in the Union’s mission, fights for members’ rights and benefits, and actively participates in his Local union’s activities. He certainly has a heart for BAC which he wears on his sleeve, literally. What’s your special way to show your BAC spirit? Email your story to or mail it to BAC Journal, 620 F Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.


The BAC U.S. Bates Scholarship program is now accepting applications for the 2020 competition. Every year the program selects three students to receive a stipend of $2,500 per year for up to four years. To be considered for the 2020 BAC U.S. Bates Scholarship, a student must be the child or stepchild of a U.S. member in good standing of a BAC Local, and a high school junior who plans to take the standardized “PSAT” exam in October 2018. To learn more and apply online, please visit The application deadline is March 31, 2019.

Union Member Rights and Officer Responsibilities Summary of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following summary appears in the BAC Journal as a service to BAC members in the United States. The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) guarantees certain rights to union members and imposes certain responsibilities on union officers. The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) enforces many LMRDA provisions, while others, such as the bill of rights, may only be enforced by union members through private suit in Federal court.

Union Member Rights

Bill of Rights: Union members have: • equal rights to participate in union activities • freedom of speech and assembly • voice in setting rates of dues, fees, and assessments • protection of the right to sue • safeguards against improper discipline Copies of Collective Bargaining Agreements: Union members and nonunion employees have the right to receive or inspect copies of collective bargaining agreements. Reports: Unions are required to file an initial information report (Form LM-1), copies of constitutions and bylaws, and an annual financial report (Form LM-2/3/4) with OLMS. Unions must make the reports available to members and permit members to examine supporting records for just cause. The reports are public information and copies are available from OLMS. Officer Elections: Union members have the right to: • nominate candidates for office • run for office • cast a secret ballot • protest the conduct of an election Officer Removal: Local union members have the right to an adequate procedure for the removal of an elected officer guilty of serious misconduct. Trusteeships: Unions may only be placed in trusteeship by a parent body for the reasons specified in the LMRDA. Prohibition Against Certain Discipline: A union or any of its officials may not fine, expel, or otherwise discipline a member for exercising any LMRDA right. Prohibition Against Violence: No one may use or threaten to use force or violence to interfere with a union member in the exercise of LMRDA rights. Union Officer Responsibilities

Financial Safeguards: Union officers have a duty to manage the funds and property of the union solely for the benefit of the union and its members in accordance with the union’s constitution and bylaws. Union officers or employees who embezzle or steal union funds or other assets commit a Federal crime punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.

Bonding: Union officers or employees who handle union funds or property must be bonded to provide protection against losses if their union has property and annual financial receipts which exceed $5,000. Labor Organization Reports: Union officers must: • file an initial information report (Form LM-1) and annual financial reports (Forms LM-2/3/4) with OLMS. • retain the records necessary to verify the reports for at least five years. Officer Reports: Union officers and employees must file reports concerning any loans and benefits received from, or certain financial interests in, employers whose employees their unions represent and businesses that deal with their unions. Officer Elections: Unions must: • hold elections of officers of local unions by secret ballot at least every three years. • conduct regular elections in accordance with their constitution and bylaws and preserve all records for one year. • mail a notice of election to every member at least 15 days prior to the election. • comply with a candidate’s request to distribute campaign material. • not use union funds or resources to promote any candidate (nor may employer funds or resources be used). • permit candidates to have election observers. • allow candidates to inspect the union’s membership list once within 30 days prior to the election. Restrictions on Holding Office: A person convicted of certain crimes may not serve as a union officer, employee, or other representative of a union for up to 13 years. Loans: A union may not have outstanding loans to any one officer or employee that in total exceed $2,000 at any time. Fines: A union may not pay the line of any officer or employee convicted of any willful violation of the LMRDA. The above is only a summary of the LMRDA. The full text of the Act can be obtained online at or by writing to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Labor-Management Standards, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-1519, Washington, D.C. 20210.

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Job Corps Students Find Success in BAC Apprenticeship Program with Help of Dedicated Instructor & Local 4 Indiana/Kentucky Leadership


ob Corps is a place to get your life together,” said Noah Levy, 21, a 1st-year bricklayer apprentice with BAC Local 4 Indiana/Kentucky and Atterbury Job Corps graduate. “It was hard learning how to be out on my own for the first time without anyone to fall back on, but if you stay focused on what you’re doing [in the program], you’ll make it. And me, I made it. Going through Job Corps changed everything for me. Now I’m in a better place, [earning] a paycheck. I love everything about bricklaying.” Levy is currently working for Local 4 IN/ KY signatory contractor Don Purdy Masonry on an elementary school project in Indiana. He spent 15 months at the Atterbury center in Edinburgh, Indiana before completing IMTEF’s 8-week pre-apprenticeship program at the BAC/IMI National Training Center in Bowie, Maryland. Levy is one of several Atterbury graduates that joined Local 4 IN/KY’s apprenticeship program this year. Torrean Young, 23, also Levy shows off one of his projects from his pre-apprenticeship at the National Training Center. a 1st-year bricklayer apprentice, is currently employed by L B Masonry. “Job Corps gave me the opportunity, and advice of a friend, he decided to give the bricklaying program at I took advantage of it,” said Young. When he entered the program, Atterbury a try, and never turned back. Young is a part of a “new Young admits he didn’t know what he wanted to do for a living – or generation coming into the trade” as he puts it, and is grateful to how to get started in choosing and preparing for a career. At the have mentors and instructors passing the skills along to him.

New Apprentice Portal Website Helps Apprentices, JATCs Track On-the-Job Training


he International Masonry Training and Education Foundation’s (IMTEF’s) new Apprentice Portal website ( makes it easy for BAC apprentices to track and submit on-the-job training hours (OJT) from the convenience of a phone, tablet, or computer. Through the website, apprentices can log their hourly progress on skills that need to be met to advance through the apprenticeship program, like installing flashing, laying masonry units, installing wall tile, patching stone, and laying refractory units. When apprentices complete enough OJT hours to move to the next wage level, they can request their raise with the click of a button. Timesheets and raise requests submitted through the website are reviewed and approved by JATC staff. Contact your JATC to confirm availability of the Apprentice Portal website in your area, and for step-by-step instructions on registering an account at


During their time in the Atterbury program, Levy and Young learned bricklaying from Local 4 IN/KY member and Job Corps instructor Mike Flowers, who now teaches at the Frenchburg Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center in Frenchburg, Kentucky. “Mr. Flowers taught us everything we needed to know and made sure we were doing it right,” said Levy. “When I went to Maryland [for the pre-apprenticeship program], I was proud of myself, because I knew exactly what I was doing.” Young agreed, “Mr. Flowers guided me through a lot. I’ve had a lot of experiences [that] I never thought I would have [had] because of him. The [Job Corps] program did a lot for me. Without it, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today.” Flowers interacts with his students as more than just an instructor, advocating the importance of mentorship in attracting a younger, more diverse workforce to keep the trade alive and union membership thriving. “I always let my students know they can come talk to me if they have a problem or an issue and try to give them the best advice I can,” said Flowers. “I’ve found that acting as a mentor and working to gain their respect helps them [progress]: they want to learn, they want to put the work in, and they want to achieve what I tell them they can.” Levy said, “Mr. Flowers told us how the trade could help us succeed in life, and that there is a lot of opportunity. And he was right.” Young echoed, “There’s a lot of work to be done.” To get students excited about the trade and to successfully mentor them, Flowers immerses himself in his students’ lives, checking in with them individually each week, offering help, and sharing how getting a job as a union bricklayer changed his life. Flowers, or “Dad,” as many of his students call him, also looks for ways to connect with students outside the classroom, staying after hours to play basketball or chat over dinner in the dining hall. “I want them to understand where I came from – that I made it, and they can, too” said Flowers. “I just love my job. It’s the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done. It’s so satisfying watching my

Flowers with his students and Regional Job Corps Director Aaron Boyd at the Atterbury Center. Back row from left, Billy Griffin, Torrean Young, Mike Flowers, Myles Golden, and Maurice Wood; front row from left, Noah Levy and Aaron Boyd. Young, Golden, Wood, and Levy are all apprentices with BAC Local 4 IN/KY. Griffin hopes to join their ranks when he turns 18 this winter.

students mature from kids to adults. I always tell them, ‘It’s okay to make mistakes, but don’t make the same mistake twice – learn from them.’ I probably sound like a broken record, but I think having that reassurance daily makes them stronger individuals.” Local 4 IN/KY currently has 11 Job Corps graduates in its brick and tile apprenticeship programs. According to Local 4 IN/ KY President Ted Champ, promoting the union to Job Corps centers and students has been key in increasing placements. And for Local 4, Job Corps is a great funnel for new members. “We’ve got a lot of work, and we need people right now,” said Champ. “Job Corps is an excellent opportunity to help Local 4 grow its membership and to help our contractors. They’ve sent us some great candidates. We … make them feel like they’re a part of the family.”

IMI Contractor Development Programs Help Prepare New & Prospective Contractors for Success


f you have thought about starting your own business or working for a new contractor, the International Masonry Institute’s (IMI) contractor training programs can help you develop the skills you need to get started. IMI’s Contractor Development program is a 1-day course that gives entrepreneurial BAC craftworkers an overview of what it takes to successfully plan for and start a union masonry contracting business. The course provides introductory information on topics like business ownership types, financing,

licenses, permits, bonds, insurance, industry regulations, OSHA requirements, and more. To inquire about availability of IMI’s Contractor Development programs in your area, contact your Local Union or ADC. This fall, IMI is launching a revamped Contractor College course on Estimating and Project Management. The 2-day course offers in-depth training on how to develop an accurate estimate, create a competitive bid, and successfully manage construction projects. Contractor College is a certificate program for BAC signatories that

offers training in five core subject areas: Project Management and Estimating; Quality Control; Business Operations and Opportunities; Health, Safety, Legal issues; and Sustainable Construction. To maintain certification, contractors must take a refresher course every 4 years to cover new developments in codes, standards, technology, equipment, and delivery systems. To inquire about availability of IMI’s Contractor College programs in your area, contact IMI at info@ ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 11



TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - WINTER 2019 The John J. Flynn BAC/IMI International Training Center 17101 Science Drive • Bowie, Maryland 20715

Train-the-Trainer Courses (IMI Instructors) OSHA 510

February 5 - 8

OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry

OSHA 500

March 11 - 15

Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for Construction

OSHA 502

February 18 - 22

Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers

Continuing Education Courses January 21 - 29 March 18 - 26


January 29 - February 1 March 26 - 29

MSHA New Miner

February 11 - 15

JAHN / Edison Coatings / Conproco / Lithomix

Class size is limited to 16. Allows BAC Members to work on MSHA-governed construction sites.

ABAA Air Barrier Certification

Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) requires $250 for ABAA Certified Installer License Fee (1st year) and $100 annual renewal fee payable to ABAA by the installer to receive and maintain their Installer Certification Card.

March 25 - 29 January 15 - 30 February 5 - 20 February 26 - March 13

March 19 - April 3 April 9 - 24


Welding class size limited to 8 students. A $100 equipment deposit is required.

Welding Stainless Steel

Scheduled as needed

Prerequisite: Certified in D1.1 3G and 4G. A $100 equipment deposit is required.

January 14 - 19 January 28 - February 2 February 4 - 9

February 18 - 23 March 4 - 9

Historic Masonry Preservation Certificate

Must have 5 years of BAC Journey-level craftworker experience. 6 full days including 3 evening classes with travel in on Sunday.

Cross-Craft Training Upgrade Training Pre-Job Training

January 9 - May 27

Please contact your local officer or your training coordinator to register early as class sizes for these courses are limited. To enroll your members for training or receive information on additional courses, contact:

Serenia Holland • (301) 291-2105 • Union Masonry Craftworkers Contractors & Consultants 12 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS


Building America with Prevailing Wage


he prevailing wage is the minimum wage for skilled construction work on publicly funded projects. It is a market determination based on government surveys of the average pay rate for each construction craft in a geographic area. Prevailing wage laws not only promote a level playing field for contractors, but support apprenticeship and training programs that prepare workers in skilled trades. Research consistently shows that prevailing wage standards create more local jobs, boost local economies, and promote safer, healthier, and more productive worksites with no significant impact on total project costs. Despite these facts, some financiallymotivated special interests are pushing repeal of state prevailing wage laws and changes to the way that federal Davis Bacon rates are calculated. Since 2015, five U.S. states have repealed their prevailing wage laws – Republican-led Michigan in 2018, Arkansas and Kentucky in 2017, West Virginia in 2016, and Indiana in 2015. Prevailing wage law foes claim that prevailing wage standards drive up costs of projects, increase the burden on taxpayers, and create an uneven playing field for small businesses. However, 75% of recent peer-reviewed studies find that construction costs are not affected by prevailing wages.

Weakening or repealing prevailing wages would only cut workers’ wages and breed low-road contractors, shrink economic activity and local hiring, and reduce worksite productivity and safety. Studies show that repeal would force taxpayers to spend an average of $367 million more per year on food stamps and low-income tax credits. Research also shows that non-prevailing wage states have more worksite safety problems and construction fatalities. That’s why protecting prevailing wage laws is critical

to the construction industry for both union and non-union workers. Protecting federal, state and local prevailing wage laws from repeal or dilution by conservative opponents funded by non-union business interests is one of our Union’s highest legislative and political priorities. This November, vote for candidates who support prevailing wage laws that protect workers’ paychecks and help ensure that contractors pay a fair wage for an honest day’s work!

ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 13


From left, BAC Local 15 MO/KS/NE Field Representatives Jeff Peeler and Alex Martinez canvassing at the Royals game in Kansas City, MO.

From left, BAC Local 15 MO/KS/NE members Robert Mason, Chad Hankins, Charles Luvin, Richard Fairchild, Brett Brown, John Bronson, John Pinnell, hod carriers Rob Babb and Kevin Freeman, and Tyler Newman.

Missouri Voters Strongly Reject Proposition A, a “Right-to-Work” Law


orkers racked up a big win in Missouri on August 7th, smashing the so-called “Right-to-Work” law by a more than 2-to-1 margin. There were 937,241 votes against and only 452,075 votes in support. It once again showed that when we fight together and get out the vote, we win. The law, Proposition A, would have made Missouri a “right-to-work” state, a misleading phrase for a measure that

allows free riders to get all the benefits of being a member of a union without paying their fair share of the costs of representation. Unions engage in collective bargaining to improve the wages and benefits of workers, and help set up grievance procedures to address issues that arise in the workplace. Unions also provide training and other services to its members. The so-called “right-to-work” laws weaken workers’ freedom to bargain for respect, fair pay and safety on the job.

They tilt the balance even more toward big corporations and further rig the system at the expense of working families. They are “right-to-work-for-less” laws. Former governor Eric Greitens (R-MO) signed the so-called “right-towork” legislation into law last February. The state law allows for any legislation to be put to a public referendum if petitioners gather 100,000 signatures to overturn it. Our union brothers and sisters, including BAC members and staff of Eastern Missouri BAC Eastern Missouri Administrative District Council members and their families helped deliver the “Vote No on Prop” message to the public by passing out 1,000 balloons at the Lincoln County Fair in July. From left, BAC Local 18 MO President Mike Weber, Local 1 MO members Mike O’Neill and Dennis Gallagher, Eastern MO ADC Secretary-Treasurer John Hopkin, BAC North Central Regional Director Keith Hocevar, Eastern MO ADC Field Representative Johnny Walker, Director of Eastern MO ADC Brian Jennewein, Local 1 MO member Terry Daniel, Julie and Rob Reed. Brother Reed is a Field Representative of Labors Local 110.


From left, BAC Local 15 MO/KS/NE Field Representative Alex Martinez, members Robert Mason, Jack Houtman, Brad Baze, Scott Keller, Adam Keller, Jeff Miller, and Tracy Howard.

Administrative District Council and Local 15 Missouri/Kansas/Nebraska, sprang into action, gathering more than three times the required signatures, to successfully put the referendum on the ballot for Missourian voters to decide. The voting result on August 7th not only defeated Proposition A, but struck down the corporate-funded antiunion agenda in Missouri. Twenty-seven states have the so-called “right-to-work” laws, and in the Janus v. AFSCME decision in June, the Supreme Court effectively imposed right-to-work on public-sector employees around the country. Following this decision, anti-union groups, including those linked to the right-wing Koch Brothers, immediately unveiled a strategy to undermine those public-sector unions affected

From left, BAC Local 15 MO/KS/NE Field Representative Alex Martinez, members Santo Smiroldo, Bobby Todd, Tyler Lollman, Eric Miller, and Eric George in Olathe, KS.

by Janus. However, these attacks have only shown that corporate-funded antiunion groups are afraid of the growth of labor unions and the strength of the labor movement. Support for unions is increasing, with Gallup finding 61% of adults say they approve of unions. BAC President James Boland remarked after the defeat of Prop A that “I couldn’t be prouder of the efforts by BAC Local Union officers and members across Missouri to stop the cancer of this antiunion legislation. This victory is a road map that all our Locals now need to follow as we prepare for elections in November. When BAC members understand where elected officials stand on essential matters that affect their livelihoods, they will do the right thing every time.”

From left, BAC Regional Representative Russel Smith, Local 15 MO/KS/NE Field Representative Alex Martinez, members Mark Smith, Matthew Robinson, Mike Burgess, and Andy Kice.

From left, BAC Local 15 MO/KS/NE member Cesar Torres, Field Representative Alex Martinez, and BAC Regional Representative Russel Smith.

From left, BAC Local 15 MO/KS/NE members Keith Brecheisen, Todd Gibson, BAC Regional Representative Russel Smith, Local 15 MO/KS/NE members Mitch Sharkey, James Hook, Alex Martinez, Steve Dinwiddie, and Mike Crawford.

ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 15



Labor-Endorsed Candidates

he following is a list of statewide and congressional candidates endorsed by the International Union and/ or various AFL-CIO state federations. For a more complete listing of endorsements for state legislators or local officers, contact your state or local AFL-CIO labor council.


G - Walt Maddox (D)+ LG - Will Boyd (D)* AG - Joseph Siegelman (D)+ SS - John Merrill (R) A - Miranda Joseph (DD)+ 01 - Robert Kennedy Jr. (D)+ 02 - Tabitha Isner (D)+ 03 - Mallory Hagan (D)+ 04 - Lee Auman (D)+ 05 - Peter Joffrion (D)+ 06 - Danner Kline (D)+ 07 - Terri Sewell (D)


G - David Garcia (D)+ AG - January Contreras (D)+ SS - Katie Hobbs (D)+ SE - David Schapira (D)+ S2 - Kyrsten Sinema (D)* 02 - Ann Kirkpatrick (D)+ 03 - Raúl Grijalva (D) 07 - Ruben Gallego (D) 08 - Hiral Tipirneni (D)+


G - Jared Henderson (D)+ LG - Anthony Bland (D)+ AG - Mike Lee (R)+ SS - Susan Inman (D)* 01 - Chintan Desai (D)+ 02 - Clarke Tucker (D)+ 03 - Joshua Mahony (D)+ 04 - Hayden Shamel (D)+


G - Gavin Newsom (D)* LG - Ed Hernandez (D)* AG - Xavier Becerra (D) SS - Alex Padilla (D) CN - Betty Yee (D) T - Fiona Ma (D)* SP - Tony Thurmond (D)* CI - Ricardo Lara (D)* S2 - Kevin de León (D)+ 01 - Audrey Denney (D)+ 02 - Jared Huffman (D) 03 - John Garamendi (D) 04 - Jessica Morse (D)+ 05 - Mike Thompson (D) 06 - Doris Matsui (D) 09 - Jerry McNerney (D) 10 - Josh Harder (D)+ 11 - Mark DeSaulnier (D) 12 - Nancy Pelosi (D) 13 - Barbara Lee (D) 14 - Jackie Speier (D) 15 - Eric Swalwell (D) 17 - Ro Khanna (D) 18 - Anna Eshoo (D) 19 - Zoe Lofgren (D) 20 - Jimmy Panetta (D) 21 - T.J. Cox (D)+ 22 - Andrew Janz (D)+ 23 - Tatiana Matta (D)+

24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 50 - 51 -

Salud Carbajal (D) Katie Hill (D)+ Julia Brownley (D) Judy Chu (D) Adam Schiff (D) Tony Cardenas (D) Brad Sherman (D) Pete Aguilar (D) Grace Napolitano (D) Ted Lieu (D) Jimmy Gomez (D) Norma Torres (D) Raul Ruiz (D) Karen Bass (D) Linda Sanchez (D) Gil Cisneros (D)+ Lucille Roybal-Allard (D) Mark Takano (D) Julia Peacock (D)+ Maxine Waters (D) Nanette Barragan (D) Katie Porter (D)+ Lou Correa (D) Alan Lowenthal (D) Harley Rouda (D)+ Ammar Campa-Najjar (D)+ Juan Vargas (D)


G - Jared Polis (D)* AG - Phil Weiser (D)* SS - Jena Griswold (D)+ T - Dave Young (D)+ 01 - Diana DeGette (D) 02 - Joe Neguse (D)* 03 - Diane Mitsch Bush (D)+ 04 - Karen McCormick (D)+ 05 - Stephany Rose Spaulding (D)+ 06 - Jason Crow (D)+ 07 - Ed Perlmutter (D)


G - Ned Lamont (D)* LG - Eva Bermudez Zimmerman (D)* SS - Denise Merrill (D) CM - Kevin Lembo (D) S2 - Chris Murphy (D) 01 - John Larson (D) 02 - Joe Courtney (D) 03 - Rosa DeLauro (D) 04 - Jim Himes (D) 05 - Jahana Hayes (D)*


AG - Tim Mullaney (D)* A - Kathy McGuiness (D)* S2 - Tom Carper (D) 01 - Lisa Blunt Rochester (D)


00 - Eleanor Holmes Norton (D)


AG - Sean Shaw (D)* T - Jeremy Ring (D)+ S2 - Bill Nelson (D)


01 - 02 - 04 - 05 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 13 - 14 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 -

Phil Ehr (D)+ Brandon Peters (D)+ George Selmont (D)+ Alvin Brown (D)+ Stephanie Murphy (D) Sanjay Patel (D)+ Darren Soto (D) Val Demings (D) Charlie Crist (D) Kathy Castor (D) Lauren Baer (D)+ David Holden (D)+ Alcee Hastings (D) Lois Frankel (D) Ted Deutch (D) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) Frederica Wilson (D) Mario Diaz-Balart (R) Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D)+


G - Stacey Abrams (D)* LG - Sarah Riggs Amico (D)+ SS - John Barrow (D)* LC - Richard Keatley (D)+ 01 - Lisa Ring (D)+ 12 - Francys Johnson (D)+


G - Colleen Hanabusa (D)+ S2 - Mazie Hirono (D) 02 - Tulsi Gabbard (D)


LG - Kristin Collum (D)* AG - Lawrence Wasden (R) SS - Jill Humble (D)+ SP - Cindy Wilson (D)+ 01 - Christina McNeil (D)* 02 - Aaron Swisher (D)+


G - J.B. Pritzker (D)+ LG - Juliana Stratton (D)+ AG - Kwame Raoul (D)* SS - Jesse White (D) CM - Susana Mendoza (D) T - Mike Frerichs (D) 01 - Bobby Rush (D) 02 - Robin Kelly (D) 03 - Dan Lipinski (D) 04 - Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D)* 05 - Mike Quigley (D) 06 - Sean Casten (D)+ 07 - Danny K. Davis (D) 08 - Raja Krishnamoorthi (D) 09 - Jan Schakowsky (D) 10 - Brad Schneider (D) 11 - Bill Foster (D) 12 - Brendan Kelly (D)+ 13 - Betsy Dirksen Londrigan (D)+ 14 - Lauren Underwood (D)+ 15 - Kevin Gaither (D)+ 16 - Sara Dady (D)+ 17 - Cheri Bustos (D)

INDIANA SS - S2 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 05 - 07 - 08 - 09 -

Jim Harper (D)+ Joe Donnelly (D) Peter Visclosky (D) Mel Hall (D)+ Courtney Tritch (D)+ Dee Thornton (D)+ André Carson (D) William Tanoos (D)+ Liz Watson (D)+


G - Fred Hubbell (D)+ AG - Tom Miller (D) SS - Diedre DeJear (D)+ T - Mike Fitzgerald (D) A - Rob Sand (D)+ CA - Tim Gannon (D)+ 01 - Abby Finkenauer (D)+ 02 - Dave Loebsack (D) 03 - Cindy Axne (D)+ 04 - J. D. Scholten (D)+


G - Laura Kelly (D)* LG - Lynn Rogers (D)* AG - Sarah Swain (D)+ SS - Brian McClendon (D) T - Marci Francisco (D)+ CI - Vicki Schmidt (R)* 01 - Alan LaPolice (D)+ 02 - Paul Davis (D)* 03 - Sharice Davids (D)+ 04 - James Thompson (D)+

KENTUCKY 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 -

Paul Walker (D)+ Hank Linderman (D)+ John Yarmuth (D) Seth Hall (D)+ Ken Stepp (D)+ Amy McGrath (D)+

MAINE G - S2 - 01 - 02 -

Janet Mills (D)* Angus King (I) Chellie Pingree (D) Jared Golden (D)+


G - Ben Jealous (D)+ AG - Brian Frosh (D) S2 - Ben Cardin (D) 01 - Jesse Colvin (D)+ 02 - C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D) 03 - John Sarbanes (D) 04 - Anthony Brown (D) 05 - Steny Hoyer (D) 06 - Roger Manno (D)+ 07 - Elijah Cummings (D) 08 - Jamie Raskin (D)


AG - Maura Healey (D) T - Deb Goldberg (D) A - Suzanne Bump (D) S2 - Elizabeth Warren (D) 01 - Richard Neal (D) 02 - Jim McGovern (D) 04 - Joe Kennedy III (D) 06 - Seth Moulton (D) 07 - Mike Capuano (D) 08 - Stephen Lynch (D) 09 - Bill Keating (D)


G - Gretchen Whitmer (D)* AG - Patrick Miles (D)* SS - Jocelyn Benson (D)* S2 - Debbie Stabenow (D) 01 - Matt Morgan (D)+ 02 - Rob Davidson (D)+ 04 - Jerry Hilliard (D)+ 05 - Dan Kildee (D) 07 - Gretchen Driskell (D)+ 08 - Elissa Slotkin (D)+ 09 - Andy Levin (D)*

12 - Debbie Dingell (D) 14 - Brenda Lawrence (D)


G - Tim Walz (DFL)* LG - Peggy Flanagan (DFL)* AG - Keith Ellison (DFL) SS - Steve Simon (DFL) A - Julie Blaha (DFL)+ S2 - Amy Klobuchar (DFL) 01 - Dan Feehan (DFL)* 02 - Angie Craig (DFL)+ 03 - Dean Phillips (DFL)+ 04 - Betty McCollum (DFL) 05 - Ilhan Omar (DFL)* 06 - Ian Todd (DFL)+ 07 - Collin Peterson (DFL) 08 - Joe Radinovich (DFL)* S4 - Tina Smith (DFL)


S2 - Jon Tester (D) 01 - Kathleen Williams (D)+

NEBRASKA G - SS - S2 - 01 - 02 - 03 -

Bob Krist (D)+ Spencer Danner (D)* Jane Raybould (D)+ Jessica McClure (D)+ Kara Eastman (D)+ Paul Theobald (D)+


G - Steve Sisolak (D)* G - Chris Giunchigliani (D)* LG - Kate Marshall (D)* AG - Aaron Ford (D)+ SS - Nelson Araujo (D)+ CN - Catherine Byrne (D)+ T - Zach Conine (D)+ S2 - Jacky Rosen (D)+ 01 - Dina Titus (D) 02 - Clint Koble (D)+ 03 - Susie Lee (D)* 04 - Steven Horsford (D)*


01 - Mark MacKenzie (D)*

NEW JERSEY S2 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 -

Bob Menendez (D) Donald Norcross (D) Jeff Van Drew (D)+ Andy Kim (D)+ Chris Smith (R) Joshua Gottheimer (D) Frank Pallone (D) Tom Malinowski (D)+ Albio Sires (D) Bill Pascrell (D) Donald Payne Jr. (D) Rebecca “Mikie” Sherrill (D)+ Bonnie Watson-Coleman (D)


G - Michelle Lujan Grisham (D)* LG - Howie Morales (D)* AG - Hector Balderas (D) SS - Maggie Toulouse Oliver (D) T - Tim Eichenberg (D) A - Brian Colon (D)+ LD - Stephanie Garcia Richard (D)* S2 - Martin Heinrich (D) 01 - Deb Haaland (D)* 02 - Xochitl Torres-Small (D)* 03 - Ben Ray Luján (D)


G - Andrew Cuomo (D) LG - Kathy Hochul (D) AG - Letitia “Tish” James (D)* CM - Tom DiNapoli (D)

S2 - 01 - 03 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 25 - 26 - 27 -

Kirsten Gillibrand (D) Perry Gershon (D)+ Tom Suozzi (D) Grace Meng (D) Nydia Velazquez (D) Hakeem Jeffries (D) Yvette Clarke (D) Jerrold Nadler (D) Dan Donovan (R) Carolyn Maloney (D) Adriano Espaillat (D) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D)+ Jose Serrano (D) Eliot Engel (D) Nita Lowey (D) Antonio Delgado (D)+ Paul Tonko (D) Tedra Cobb (D)+ Anthony Brindisi (D)+ Tracy Mitrano (D)+ Joseph Morelle (D)+ Brian Higgins (D) Nate McMurray (D)+

09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 -


S2 - Sheldon Whitehouse (D) 01 - David Cicilline (D) 02 - Jim Langevin (D)


G - James Smith (D)+ AG - Constance Anastapoulo (D)+ SS - Melvin Whittenburg (D)+ 01 - Joe Cunningham (D)+ 02 - Annabelle Robertson (D)+ 03 - Mary Geren (D)+ 04 - Lee Turner (D)* 05 - Archie Parnell (D)+ 06 - Jim Clyburn (D) 07 - Mal Hyman (D)+

NORTH CAROLINA 01 - 02 - 04 - 05 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 -

G.K. Butterfield (D) Linda Coleman (D)+ David Price (D) D.D. Adams (D)+ Kyle Horton (D)+ Frankl McNeill (D)+ Dan McCready (D)+ David Wilson Brown (D)+ Phillip Price (D)+ Alma Adams (D) Kathy Manning (D)+


S2 - Phil Bredesen (D)* 04 - Mariah Phillips (D)+ 09 - Steve Cohen (D)


G - Lupe Valdez (D)+ LG - Mike Collier (D)+ AG - Justin Nelson (D)+ CM - Joi Chevalier (D)+ LC - Tex Morgan (D)+ LD - Miguel Suazo (D)+ CA - Kim Olson (D)+ S2 - Beto O’Rourke (D)+ 01 - Shirley McKellar (D)+ 02 - Todd Litton (D)+ 05 - Dan Wood (D)+ 06 - Jana Lynne Sanchez (D)+ 07 - Laura Moser (D)+ 08 - Steven David (D)+ 09 - Al Green (D) 10 - Mike Siegel (D)+ 12 - Vanessa Adia (D)+ 13 - Greg Sagan (D)+ 14 - Adrienne Bell (D)+ 15 - Vicente Gonzalez (D) 16 - Veronica Escobar (D)* 17 - Rick Kennedy (D)+ 18 - Sheila Jackson Lee (D) 19 - Miguel Levario (D)+ 20 - Joaquin Castro (D) 21 - Joseph Kopser (D)+ 22 - Sri Kulkarni (D)+ 23 - Gina Ortiz Jones (D)+ 24 - Jan McDowell (D)+ 25 - Julie Oliver (D)+ 26 - Linsey Fagan (D)+ 27 - Eric Holguin (D)+ 29 - Sylvia Garcia (D)+ 30 - Eddie Bernice Johnson (D) 31 - Mary Jennings MJ Hegar (D)+ 32 - Colin Allred (D)+ 33 - Marc Veasey (D) 34 - Filemon Vela (D) 35 - Lloyd Doggett (D) 36 - Dayna Steele (D)+ RC - Roman McAllen (D)+


AG - Dave Thompson (D)+ SS - Josh Boschee (D)+ CA - Jim Dotzenrod (D)+ S2 - Heidi Heitkamp (D) 01 - Mac Schneider (D)+ TC - Kylie Overse (D)+


G - Richard Cordray (D)* LG - Betty Sutton (D)* AG - Steve Dettelbach (D)* SS - Kathleen Clyde (D)* T - Rob Richardson (D)* A - Zack Space (D)* S2 - Sherrod Brown (D) 01 - Aftab Pureval (D)+ 07 - Ken Harbaugh (D)+ 11 - Marcia Fudge (D) 12 - Danny O’Connor (D)* 13 - Tim Ryan (D)


G - Drew Edmondson (D)* LC - Leslie Osborn (R) 05 - Kendra Horn (D)+


G - Kate Brown (D) LC - Val Hoyle (D)+ 01 - Suzanne Bonamici (D) 04 - Peter DeFazio (D)

PENNSYLVANIA G - S2 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 -

Denny Wolff (D)* George Scott (D)+ Jess King (D)+ Marc Friedenberg (D)+ Brent Ottaway (D)* Bibiana Boerio (D)* Susan Boser (D)+ Ron DiNicola (D)+ Conor Lamb (D) Michael Doyle (D)

Tom Wolf (D) Bob Casey Jr. (D) Brian Fitzpatrick (R) Breadan Boyle (D) Dwight Evans (D) Madeleine Dean (D)+ Mary Gay Scanlon (D)* Christina Houlahan (D)+ Susan Wild (D)* Matt Cartwright (D)


S2 - Jenny Wilson (D)* 02 - Shireen Ghorbani (D)+ 03 - John Curtis (R)

04 - Ben McAdams (D)+


G - James Ehlers (D)+ LG - David Zuckerman (D) AG - T.J. Donovan (D) SS - Jim Condos (D) T - Beth Pearce (D) A - Doug Hoffer (D) S2 - Bernie Sanders (I) 01 - Peter Welch (D)

VIRGINIA S2 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 -

Tim Kaine (D) Vangie Williams (D)+ Elaine Luria (D)+ Bobby Scott (D) Donald McEachin (D) Leslie Cockburn (D)+ Jennifer Lewis (D)* Abigail Spanberger (D)+ Don Beyer (D) Anthony Flaccavento (D)+ Jennifer Wexton (D)+ Gerry Connolly (D)

WASHINGTON S2 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 08 - 09 - 10 -

Maria Cantwell (D) Suzan DelBene (D) Rick Larsen (D) Carolyn Long (D)+ Christine Brown (D)+ Lisa Brown (D)+ Derek Kilmer (D) Pramila Jayapal (D) Kim Schrier (D)* Jason Rittereiser (D)* Adam Smith (D) Denny Heck (D)


S2 - Joe Manchin (D) 02 - Talley Sergent (D)+ 03 - Richard Ojeda (D)*


G - Tony Evers (D)+ LG - Mandela Barnes (D)+ AG - Josh Kaul (D)+ S2 - Tammy Baldwin (D) 01 - Randy Bryce (D)* 02 - Mark Pocan (D) 04 - Gwen Moore (D) 05 - Tom Palzewicz (D)+ 06 - Dan Kohl (D)+ 07 - Margaret Engebretson (D)+ 08 - Beau Liegeois (D)+

KEY: A Auditor AG Attorney General AL At-Large CA Com. of Agriculture CI Com. of Insurance CM Comptroller G Governor LC Labor Commissioner LD Land Commissioner LG Lieutenant Governor S Senate SP Super of Pub Inst SS Secretary of State T Treasurer + Challenger * Open Seats ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 17



Improved Communications Enhance Partner Relationships


he ability to communicate well with one’s partner often is touted as the key to relationship success. By touching base frequently, couples stay emotionally attuned to each other’s needs, challenges, hopes, and dreams. Such attunement allows partners to build emotional intimacy and create a solid foundation on which the relationship continues to grow. Maintaining quality communication can be challenging. In fact, many of us spend more time on maintaining our cars than we do our relationships. Yet, without regular communication “tune-up’s,” relationships inevitably will suffer and show strain. Conflict Resolution Communications

Dr. John Gottman, a world-renowned marriage and family therapist, professor, author and lecturer, is touted with a unique ability to predict whether a couple’s relationship will succeed simply based upon how partners talk to each other when trying to resolve a conflict. Gottman points out that happy couples do not necessarily argue less, but they argue “well.” By this, Gottman means that couples who practice healthy communication approach disagreements as an

opportunity. They believe that if they treat their partner with caring, kindness and respect, they will be able to resolve relationship differences. Gottman says that adults often unknowingly mimic communication patterns to which they were exposed in childhood, or alternately, strive to become the complete opposite of their parents. He identifies three common “conflict” communication styles: • Turning Away, • Turning Against, and • Turning Towards. Turning Away is a negative pattern of communication in which partners ignore each other’s concerns. Partners often appear preoccupied and indifferent, causing the other person to feel unimportant, misunderstood or unloved. Turning Away includes not actively listening, not giving good eye contact and not paying full attention. Instead, the partner focuses on some activity, such as reading or watching TV when their partner is trying to communicate. Or, partners may frequently interrupt so that the other partner is unable to fully express his or her thoughts and feelings. Instead of listening and responding to a request, Turning Away partners often interrupt

with an accusatory, counter-complaint, i.e. “tit-for-tat” remark, e.g., “Why should I help you when you never help me?” Turning Against communication is perhaps the most destructive communication pattern! Dr. Gottman’s research shows that couples who stay stuck in Turning Against communication not only will be deeply unhappy, but their relationship will probably not last. Turning Against involves an aggressive, harsh communication style in which partners becomes argumentative, sarcastic and overly critical. Partners may become so belligerent, it’s as though they’re “looking for a fight.” They may constantly contradict each other, become domineering, or speak in such a hurtful, disrespectful way, that their partner feels no other choice than to withdraw or submit. Turning Towards is a positive, respectful communication style that builds emotional intimacy between partners. Turning Towards includes the belief that “together we can” resolve our differences without pulling away or getting snarly. Partners take turns fully communicating their point-of-view while each listens attentively without interrupting. Partners demonstrate genuine concern for each other’s needs and wishes, and show a desire to compromise. Finally, partners remember each other’s positive qualities, so that no matter how heated conflicts sometimes become, they still show a caring, supportive stance towards each other. The good news is that partners can work to enhance their communication, and in turn, their relationship satisfaction and emotional intimacy. If you need help enhancing your communication, MAP can help. Just as professional athletes need a coach to improve their performance, couples with poor communication often benefit by seeing a relationship coach, such as a marriage and family therapist. If you need help, give MAP a try. Why suffer when help is a phone call away? Call MAP today to speak confidentially to a MAP licensed mental health professional. MAP is generally open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST Monday-Friday. Call MAP toll-free: 1-888-880-8222. “Just ask for MAP.” ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 19


New Study Finds Electric Rotary Hammer Drill Offers Productivity, and Safety Benefits When Drilling into Concrete


o matter what tool is used, drilling holes into concrete is physically demanding work that creates dangerous levels of hand vibration, noise, and respirable silica dust. Findings from a new CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training study conducted by Dr. David Rempel and his team has identified how to reduce the risks and work safer when performing this type of work. Using a test bench system, Rempel and his team were able to accurately compare use of electric and pneumatic drills of similar weight to drill ¾” diameter holes under identical conditions for productivity and exposure to vibration, noise and silica. While pneumatic drills have long been considered more robust and productive, the researchers found no difference in productivity between the drills, but found that the electric drill generated significantly lower exposures to vibration, noise, and respirable silica dust (without the use of a vacuum control): • The handle vibration with the pneumatic drill was approximately 5 times greater than the electric drill. • The mean peak noise level for the pneumatic drill was significantly greater than for the electric drill. While both drills would require the user to wear hearing protection, the noise levels for the pneumatic drill would require double protection (e.g. a combination of earplugs and earmuffs). • The silica dust levels produced without the use of a control (vacuum or water) by the pneumatic drill were 444 times higher than the OSHA permissible exposure level and 11 times higher for the electric drill. While the new silica standard would require the use of controls with both types of drills to reduce workers’ exposure to respirable silica dust, it would 20 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS

The test bench system used by researchers

be more challenging to bring the exposures generated by the pneumatic drill below the OSHA PEL. Given these findings, the researchers recommend that contractors switch to electric rotary hammer drills for safe and

productive concrete drilling work. For more information about the study design and conclusions, a complete article can be found in Applied Ergonomics at www. S0003687018302758.

Timely New Resources from CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training


PWR is regularly adding creating new materials to keep workers up-to-speed on new and emerging safety and health issues and seasonally relevant topics. A few of those new resources include: • A new section of CPWR’s main website ( dedicated to providing workers and their employers with information to prevent opioid deaths. In 2016 alone, more than 63,000 people died from overdoses, and 42,000 of those included an opioid. One study showed that more than half of those that died from an overdose had suffered at least one job-related injury. Since the construction industry has one of the highest injury rates and opioids have commonly been prescribed to treat the pain, it is important for workers to understand the risks and alternative treatments. This section includes a new Hazard Alert Card on Opioid Deaths in Construction and toolbox talks (both available in Spanish and English), new research findings, and quick access to other resources to help those facing addiction. Visit research/opioid-resources to learn more. • New Hazard Alert Cards and Toolbox Talks on Lightning and Skin Cancer, and an infographic as a quick reminder when working in the sun. All important issues for our members and other construction workers who works outside. To put it in perspective, this year alone, it is estimated that more than 90,000 people will be diagnosed with and 9,000 will die from melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Many of those diagnosed are expected to be construction

Protect Yourself Against Heat Exposure. You are at risk if you: Work in hot and humid conditions

Are new to the job

Light-colored (white, etc.)

Drink 1 cup (8 ounces) of water every 15-20 minutes.

Loose-fitting Lightweight If you need to wear protective clothing or personal protective equipment, like impermeable clothing, you may need more frequent breaks for water, rest, and shade.

Know the Warning Signs Heat Exhaustion:

Weakness & Wet Skin

Excessive sweating or red, hot, dry skin graphics courtesy of: brent maxwell, w. x.

Don’t drink enough water

Take frequent breaks out of the sun

Wear clothes that are:

Heat Stroke:

Do heavy physical labor

Drink Water & Take Breaks

Dress Appropriately

DO NOT wait until you are thirsty to drink water. DO NOT drink alcohol and AVOID caffeine.

Seek Medical Assistance Heat Stroke is a medical emergency

Headache, Dizziness or Fainting

Nausea or Vomiting

Look out for your co-workers—if you see the warning signs take action!

Call 911 Confusion or Fainting

Convulsions or Seizures

Getting help can be the difference between life and death.

chee, stephanie wauters, mateus dias gomes, gan khoon lay, and luis prado from noun project.

Learn more about heat-related illnesses and how to prevent them at Through the OSHA and CPWR Alliance, CPWR developed this infographic for informational purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the official views of OSHA or the U.S. Department of Labor. ©2018, CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training. All rights reserved. CPWR is the research and training arm of NABTU. Production of this document was supported by cooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIOSH.

workers. Lightning is also a concern since construction workers who work in open spaces, on roofs, or other high places are at risk of being struck by lightning. Finally, while summer is ending, heat exposure is still an issue in many parts of the country. This infographic provides an easy guide to protecting yourself and your co-workers against heat exposure. To find these and information on how to protect yourself from other occupational hazards visit handouts-and-toolbox-talks.

New OSHA Resources Provide Additional Guidance on Complying with the Construction Silica Standard


n August, OSHA released updated FAQs and other resources to help employers and workers understand the requirements under the Silica Standard for the Construction Industry (29 CFR 1926.1153). The new OSHA resources include: • The updated FAQs, organized by topic, which can be found at • Six new videos on Controlling Silica Dust for Table 1 Tasks, which were filmed at the International Masonry Institute (IMI) National Training Center, and can be viewed at construction.html#VideosTable1Tasks.

• A new video “Protecting Workers from Silica Hazards in the Workplace” – • A Sample Training PowerPoint – download at dsg/topics/silicacrystalline/silica_sample_employee_ training_powerpoint_osha.pptx CPWR has added these materials to the Work Safely with Silica website and planning tool and updated the “Table 1 – Equipment Names and Best Practice Tips” as a quick way to see how the information in the new FAQs relates to Table 1 and to view the videos. View at For more information to help you work safely, visit

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administrators whenever you work in the jurisdiction of a local with other benefit funds rather than your home funds.

Reciprocity 101

How do I know whether I am set up properly, already?

very member should receive credit for the hours they work and the contributions earned – that was the goal of the International Reciprocal Agreements for health and welfare and pension funds developed in 2000 and it is still the goal today. Reciprocity 101 helps you understand the concept of reciprocity and how BAC Recip works for you.

How do I sign up for the Member Portal or the BAC Mobile App?


What is reciprocity?

Reciprocity is how your pension contributions, both regular and annuity, and your health contributions are paid into your “home funds”, regardless of where you work. If your work outside your Local and your employer’s benefit contributions do not make their way to your “home funds,” you could potentially lose benefits such as health coverage, pension credits, or money in your annuity account. The Reciprocal Clearinghouse and BAC Recip were created as a one-stop-shop to ensure your benefit contributions always follow you home, removing the need for repeated paper home fund authorizations. Which funds are my “home funds”?

Your home funds are the pension and health funds which are designated for you according to your Local, Chapter and Branch of Trade by the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) between your BAC Local and contractors working in your Local’s jurisdiction. These are the funds from which you will get your retirement benefits and health coverage. Do I need to do anything to make this happen?

If you are not set up correctly on BAC Recip for reciprocity already, you must submit your request for a “blanket authorization” online through the Member Portal or the BAC Mobile App. In some instances, IU staff may submit requests for a blanket authorization on your behalf. For example, if a BAC member is working for an 22 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS

employer signed a national agreement, the employer will have the member complete a Home Trust Fund Designation form (if necessary) and then submit that form to the IU. In turn, IU Collection staff will submit the request for a blanket authorization. The member will be notified via e-mail that such requests have been submitted. What is a “blanket authorization”?

This is the electronic document that specifies your home funds and your authorization to have any benefit contributions made on your behalf received by any fund participating in the BAC Reciprocity Agreement be sent on to your home funds. It is called a blanket authorization since it’s good for lifetime and automatically accessible to benefit fund

You can check online in the Member Portal or through the BAC Mobile App by clicking on “Reciprocity”. You may receive an email from a Local Fund Administrator if reciprocity activity has occurred and there is a question as to your home fund designation. The Reciprocal Clearinghouse can also assist you in this regard.

To sign up for the BAC Mobile App, go to the Apple App Store or to Google Play and search for “BACMobile.” Download the app to your Android or Apple device and click on Log In and then Create an account. To register on a desktop or laptop computer, visit and click on “Create an account”. You will need some identifying information to register, so it would be helpful to have your membership card handy for reference. What if I don’t have convenient access to the internet?

Call your Local or your home fund administrative office and find out whether you are set up correctly for reciprocity. You can authorize either a BAC Local or a fund administrative office to submit a reciprocity request on your behalf. What if I have steady work in my own Local and do not plan to travel for work any time soon?

It is recommended that every BAC Member have their correct home funds specified in the electronic reciprocity system. That way, if you do happen to travel outside your own Local at any time in the future, you won’t have to worry about your benefits being lost! What if I have more questions?

If you have questions about reciprocity, you can call the BAC’s Reciprocity Clearinghouse at 888-880-8222 or email them at reciprocityclearinghouse@ipfweb. org. You can also call your own Local or the administrative office of your home fund(s).


Members of BAC Local 1 Missouri Joins the International Health Fund


he BAC International Health Fund (IHF) welcomes members of Local 1 Missouri as the newest members of the IHF, joining their brothers and sisters in Local 18 MO and Local 23 MO on May 1st. The new addition brings the total IHF participation to over 8,000 covered beneficiaries, including BAC members, their spouses and children. The IHF was able to enhance several of the BAC Local 1 MO benefit provisions while at the same time retaining key components of the Local 1 MO healthcare plan. As a result of this strategic partnership and merger, BAC Local 1 MO fund participants now have access to the following benefits: ✔✔ Improved comprehensive medical and prescription drug coverage, including: • Preventive care covered at 100% with no copay or cost to the member; • Lower deductible of $250 per individual/$500 per family; • Lower copays per visit of $20 for primary care physicians and $30 for specialists; • A Personal Health Support plan available at no additional cost; • Access to Telemedicine virtual visits at a $5 copay;

• Generic prescription drugs at a $5 copay per script, up to a 30-day supply, at the retail pharmacy; or at a $10 copay per script for up to a 90-day supply at mail order; • Lower copays for brand and specialty prescription drugs; ✔✔ Dental and vision coverage; ✔✔ Life insurance; ✔✔ Disability benefits. In addition, BAC Local 1 MO members now have access to the BAC Wellness programs such as Real Appeal, massage therapy and acupuncture. The Local members have a dedicated IHF Representative, Kay Creech, who is located at Local 1 MO’s Union Hall to assist our members in Missouri. Local 1 MO also held its first health fair on September 19th at their office offering participants free biometric screenings, flu shots, and raffles for prizes. “We warmly welcome Local 1 MO to the IHF,” says IHF Executive Director Robin Donovick. “Through its participation, Local 1 MO members can access quality medical, hospital and other health benefits at competitive rates.” For more information about members’ health benefits, visit

New Dental and Vision Vendors for IHF Participants


he BAC International Health Fund (IHF) implemented new dental and vision vendors, Cigna Dental and EyeMed, for its dental and vision benefits, effective August 1, 2018. Earlier this year, the IHF had conducted a formal market evaluation as part of its regular plan governance. In this marketing process, the IHF was able to leverage its size with over 8,000 members to secure the highest quality of benefits at the most competitive rate and retain the same benefits design in place. Both Cigna and EyeMed offer strong national networks and competitive program costs and provide the same program design

(copays, deductibles, coinsurance) in effect, despite rising dental and vision trends. Cigna Dental offers nearly 282,000 dentist access points nationwide. With Cigna Dental, IHF members have access to “transparency tools” of cost and quality, including dentist profiles and verified patient reviews, to help compare dental offices and services. Members looking to find a provider or get a cost estimate can use Cigna’s myCigna service through their website at or through the Cigna mobile app. EyeMed uniquely offers coverage at over 97,000 retail provider access

points, including many well-known optical and vision establishments such as LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, Target Optical, and Sears Optical. IHF members can access EyeMed’s Enhanced Provider Search tool on EyeMed’s website,, or mobile app to find a provider and learn more about the IHF vision benefits. Enrolled IHF members received new ID cards from both Cigna Dental and EyeMed. In addition, please remember that benefits summaries and other information on these newest updates can be found on BAC IHF’s website at

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BAC delegates representing the Union from across Canada at the CBTU Organizing Conference. From left, Terry Sparkes of Local 2 British Columbia, Spencer Nichol of Local 2 British Columbia, BAC Canadian Regional Director Craig Strudwick, Lee Dunn of Local 2 British Columbia, John Leonard of Local 1 Newfoundland, IU Organizing Director Steve Nelms, Denny Vautour of Local 8 New Brunswick, James Moore of Local 1 Nova Scotia, and Norm Bone of Local 7 Canada. Délégués du BAC représentant le Syndicat à travers le Canada lors de la conférence sur l’organisation des SMCC. À partir de la gauche, Terry Sparkes de la section locale 2 de la Colombie-Britannique, Spencer Nichol de la section locale 2 de la Colombie-Britannique, Craig Strudwick – directeur régional du Canada (BAC), Lee Dunn de la section locale 2 de la Colombie-Britannique, John Leonard de la section locale 1 de Terre-Neuve, Steve Nelms – directeur de l’organisation du Syndicat international, Denny Vautour de la section locale 8 du Nouveau-Brunswick, James Moore de la section locale 1 de la Nouvelle-Écosse et Norm Bone de la section locale 7 Canada.

Organizing Millennials and Building a Diverse Workforce Discussed at the CBTU 2018 Organizing Conference


delegation of BAC organizers from across Canada attended the Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU) Organizing Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia held on June 27th. Topics featured at the event included strategies for organizing millennials, Canadian labour law updates, using social media in construction organizing, organizing a more diverse Canadian

workforce, and emotional intelligence for organizers. The conference also provided two workshops for new and experienced organizers respectively. BAC Canadian Regional Director Craig Strudwick said the time to organize millennials and build a diverse workforce is now. “Studies show that workers age 35 and under are the main component of an unprecedented

surge in union membership over the past couple of years. Our industry is booming; we need more skilled building trades workers. Bringing younger workforce into the Union has never been more important. We must also organize a more diverse workforce which includes women, indigenous people, people of color, and immigrants,” Strudwick said.

Conférence de 2018 pour organiser les SMCC – Organisation de la génération Y et construction d’une main-d’œuvre diversifiée parmi les thèmes abordés


ne délégation d’organisateurs du Syndicat international des briqueteurs et des métiers connexes (BAC) provenant de tout le Canada a assisté à la conférence sur l’organisation des Syndicats des métiers de la construction du Canada (SMCC) qui s’est tenue le 27 juin 2018 à Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Les thèmes abordés pendant l’événement concernaient principalement les stratégies visant à organiser la génération Y, les mises à jour sur le droit du travail canadien, l’utilisation des médias 24 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS

sociaux dans l’organisation de la construction, l’organisation d’une main-d’œuvre canadienne plus diversifiée et l’intelligence émotionnelle pour les organisateurs. La conférence a également mis en place deux ateliers pour les organisateurs nouveaux et expérimentés, respectivement. Le directeur régional du Canada – BAC, Craig Strudwick explique que c’est aujourd’hui qu’il faut organiser la génération Y et construire une main-d’œuvre diversifiée. « Les études montrent que les travailleurs de 35 ans ou moins sont la

principale composante d’une expansion sans précédent dans l’affiliation syndicale au cours de ces deux dernières années. Notre industrie est en plein essor ; nous avons besoin d’un plus grand nombre de travailleurs qualifiés liés aux métiers de la construction. L’intégration d’une maind’œuvre plus jeune au sein du syndicat n’a jamais été aussi importante. Nous devons aussi organiser une main-d’œuvre plus diversifiée composée de femmes, d’autochtones, de personnes issues de minorités visibles et d’immigrants », explique Strudwick.


Eastern Missouri Administrative District Council


astern Missouri Administrative District Council’s retired SecretaryTreasurer Joseph Schonlau received his Gold Card from the ADC officers to recognize his dedicated union service. From left, BAC Local 1 Missouri President and Business Representative Michael Fox, Sr., Director of Eastern Missouri Administrative District Council Brian Jennewein, retired ADC Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Schonlau, Local 18 Missouri President and Business Representative Mike Weber, Local 1 Missouri Recording Secretary and Business Representative Mark Savage, Local 1 Missouri Vice President and Business Representative Johnny Walker, Jr., and ADC SecretaryTreasurer John Hopkin.

Local 1 Minnesota/ North Dakota From left, Local 1 MN/ND President Doug Schroeder, 50-year members Wynn Ostlie, Dan Simon, Leonard Jarosiewicz, Glen Welle, Dwayne Fladland, and Gary Goblirsch. Ginger Snaps Back Photography

Ginger Snaps Back Photography

Back row from left, 40-year members Bill Hicks, Doug Carlson, Bob Steinbring, Mike Cook, Mike Strand, Steven Ruzek, Ronald Nordeen, Jerry Jerome, Larry Strese, Paul Weise, and Terry Wong; front row from left, 40-year members Richard Perreault, Donald Sorensen, Randall Petrash, Bruce Falck, IU Regional Representative Mike Hawthorne, 40-year members Terry Moen, Paul Roberts, and Oaklon Martin.

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Wisconsin District Council

The Sather family represents four generations of Local 1 Wisconsin bricklayers with a total of 145 years of BAC service. From left, first-year apprentice Bryce Sather, 25-year member Christopher Sather, 47-year member Michael Sather, and 72-year member Sherman Miller.

Local 2 New York/Vermont

From left, BAC Local 2 NY/VT Fund Administrator Steve O’Sick, 50-year member Pierre Rochefort, Vice Chairman Dale Stehlin, and Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Potter.

Local 1 Maryland/Virginia/ District of Columbia From left, BAC Local 2 NY/VT 54-year member Tom Alesandrini, former President Andy Martello, 50-year members Ubaldo DeAngelis and Dante Diprimio, former president Bob Mantello and President Pat Tirino.

Forty-year member Curtis Thomas, center, proudly receives his service award from BAC Local 1 MD/VA/DC President Scott Garvin, left, and Field Representative Todd (Buck) Buckner. 26 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS

From left, BAC Local 2 NY/VT Vice Chairman Martin Dillon, President Pat Tirino, 50-year members Luke Renna, Tim O’Donnell and Mike Nanno, and Vice Chairman Dale Stehlin.


May Death Benefit Claims for May 2018 Total Amount Paid Total Union Labor Life Claims Total Death Benefits Total Number of Claims Average Age Average Years of Membership MEMBER - LOCAL UNION


Ambrogio, Dominic - 05, ON Anderson, James T. - 02, MI Arnal, Marcel W. - 08, OH

$170,325.00 $7,400.00 $162,925.00 103 80.15 51.69





Johnson, Eric - 01, OR Johnston, John - 21, IL


45 82

12 56

Kerber, Herman - 03, CA Klingensmith, William E. - 09, PA Konecscni, Julius - 05, OH Kurtinitis, Albert - 05, PA Kussel, John T. - 07, NY/NJ


92 84 88 86 86

68 64 66 47 30

Lafond, Charles H. - 13, NV Lanese, Martin J. - 05, OH Leston, Richard L. - 56, IL Lindblad, Richard L. - 03, NY Lukcso, Jr., Joseph W. - 01, CT

TL, B, MM B P B, M, CM, P B, CM, M, P

79 74 89 74 82

55 54 70 53 64

Macdonald, Andrew P. - 01, NY Marcantonio, Aqilino - 07, CN Martinez, John M. - 05, OK/AR/TX Massa, Oriente - 04, NJ Massey, Eugene R. - 08, SE McCall, Donald C. - 08, IL Medaglia, Jr., Gilbert - 05, OH Mella, Carlo - 04, IN/KY Metzger, George W. - 01, MD/VA/DC Miller, Thomas E. - 46, OH Mota, Reinaldo - 01, CT


56 81 80 91 89 92 86 73 90 74 89

31 52 62 54 67 68 66 47 70 52 52

Nakasato, Rodney M. - 01, HI Neumann, Richard T. - 15, MO/KS/NE


65 94

44 71

Oakerson, Arthur D. - 04, IN/KY O’Brien, Michael E. - 03, IA Okubo, Myron T. - 01, HI


83 71 66

60 47 36

Penner, Edward J. - 01, MN/ND Porazzo, Michael J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI

CB, M, B P, CM

82 86

51 53

Ramcharan, Arjoon - 01, NY Ramseur, Jr., H. Douglas - 01, PA/DE Romano, Raymond R. - 01, PA/DE Ruppel, John T. - 02, MI


61 72 86 27

19 49 63 2


53 95 87 85 64 83 66 77 83 86 90 88 88

31 27 55 57 29 24 45 28 47 70 53 64 72


88 68 96 90

70 41 65 65




93 87 92

62 63 66

Bann, Donald W. - 04, NJ Bellesheim, Jr., James G. - 01, NY Bradford, Brian N. - 39, OH Burch, Sr., Jeffrey M. - 04, IN/KY Burke, Jr., Philip E. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI


88 54 46 57 64

67 22 5 28 37

Cahall, Kenneth - 01, PA/DE Camarata, David W. - 01, NY Chekan, Paul P. - 09, PA Chiaro, Jr., Christopher J. - 01, PA/DE Christian, Arley W. - 07, CO/WY Constantini, Donald E. - 02, MI Correrale, Frank - 01, PA/DE Coulombe, Paul A. - 04, QC Cox, Robert A. - 01, AB Cressman, Daniel C. - 05, PA


70 60 89 87 99 83 97 75 72 94

52 4 67 30 67 58 67 49 41 64

Dalla Costa, Anthony J. - 21, IL Dalla Costa, Louis J. - 21, IL D’Angelo, Nicolo V. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Daniels, John A. - 01, NY DeGroot, Clayton - 01, SD DiBenedetto, Romano - 21, IL DiBeneditto, Michael N. - 08, SE DiCamillo, Raymond A. - 05, OH DiGironimo, Frank - 05, NJ/DE/PA Donkin, Sr., David J. - 09, PA D’Orazio, Anthony - 01, PA/DE Dowdy, Lloyd L. - 04, NJ

B B B B B FN B B B, CM, P B M B, CM, M, P

87 84 80 82 81 73 64 88 74 60 88 69

62 57 59 19 55 18 44 57 47 39 64 49

Eaton, Joseph R. - 15, MO/KS/NE Eckman, Neil A. - 03, OH Edingfield, Jr., Lawrence M. - 02, MI Ehrnreiter, Jr., John E. - 01, MN/ND

B B P, B B

86 79 92 94

64 52 69 67

Saaf, Brady A. - 04, IN/KY Scott, Walter E. - 04, CA Seal, Marvin H. - 05, OK/AR/TX Selle, Giampiero - 07, NY/NJ Serdoner, Derrick - 02, MI Servizzi, Joseph A. - 18, OH/KY Showalter, Gary G. - 04, IN/KY Shumake, Kenneth D. - 18, MO Silva, Jose - 08, SE Slack, Ted S. - 04, IN/KY Stelmach, Ernest S. - 09, WI Straky, Jr., Frank - 05, OH Straniero, Albert R. - 05, OH

Ferry, Eugene A. - 07, CO/WY Fifield, Charles - 01, NL Friendship, Jack T. - 10, ON Fujiki, James H. - 01, HI

B B B, M, P M

95 92 93 84

70 63 76 53

Temple, Leo M. - 15, MO/KS/NE Thompson, III, Harry A. - 21, IL Tolbert, D C - 04, CA Tracy, John E. - 01, SD

Haag, William G. - 02, MI Haggett, Charles E. - 04, CA Heisler, Paul L. - 02, WA/ID/MT Holub, Jr., Michael - 05, PA Howarth, George E. - 02, MI

CM B, M, P B TL, B, MM B, CM

91 94 55 94 80

54 63 25 71 59

Inmar, Haskel T. - 04, IN/KY Iussig, Gino T. - 04, IN/KY


95 95

67 71

Vitalino, Antonio - 01, NY




Wallace, Sr., James E. - 01, MD/VA/DC Walter, Joseph H. - 03, NY Weinmann, Ronald J. - 12, ON Wilkinson, Charles J. - 06, IL Witkowski, Hugo - 05, OK/AR/TX

B B, M B B B, M, P

84 89 85 67 81

51 72 64 48 58

Zajac, Richard B. - 04, NJ

P, B



IU Death Benefit Claims must be filed within one year of the member’s death.

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June Death Benefit Claims for June 2018 Total Amount Paid Total Union Labor Life Claims Total Death Benefits Total Number of Claims Average Age Average Years of Membership MEMBER - LOCAL UNION


Ames, Edwin A. - 04, IN/KY Anderson, Bryant G. - 03, NY Arnold, Thomas G. - 08, WI

$165,800.00 $165,800.00 95 82.94 54.72 YEARS OF AGE



73 87 72

29 63 43

Bauer, Hans E. - 21, IL Belmarce, Norman P. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Benesch, Roland M. - 21, IL Bennett, Larry L. - 01, WV Bettis, Robert A. - 09, PA Blandford, Damian C. - 04, IN/KY Bocskovits, Francis M. - 21, IL Boone, Douglas - 08, SE Bordeaux, Richard B. - 04, CA Brahmer, Francis - 06, WI Braun, Donald - 21, IL Butkovich, Jr., George J. - 21, IL


87 94 83 94 87 26 61 93 78 99 82 91

65 67 64 67 52 1 39 65 53 52 64 69

Campbell, John R. - 04, NJ Carson, Leon K. - 02, WA/ID/MT Claypool, James S. - 09, PA Contarino, Sr., Joseph F. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Cotcamp, Marion C. - 03, NY Craig, Sr., William B. - 08, SE


91 97 88 75 91 77

62 79 63 50 67 57

Dafter, Robert J. - 04, NJ Delvecchio, Emilio J. - 08, SE DiGiacomo, Michael L. - 01, PA/DE Dilbeck, Cody D. - 04, IN/KY Driggers, James E. - 03, CA Dutton, II, Lovell C. - 04, IN/KY

M, B, CM B B B TL, MM B, CS, M, PC, RE, W

93 85 92 42 88 53

60 64 69 1 35 28

Elliott, Sr., Herbert L. - 05, NJ/DE/PA

B, CM, P



Finder, Sr., Joseph W. - 01, MO Fischer, Frank H. - 01, MN/ND


83 86

58 61

Goucher, Forrest J. - 05, OK/AR/TX Gualandi, John P. - 02, NY/VT Guerriero, Pasqualino S. - 04, NJ

B B, CM, MM, P B, CM

91 76 83

66 31 48

Hardy, Bruce C. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Hay, James A. - 01, OR Hay, Robert J. - 21, IL Hollis, Frank J. - 04, IN/KY Howell, James - 04, IN/KY Husband, William F. - 05, OK/AR/TX

B, M, CM B B B B, M B

73 87 92 98 81 93

53 54 69 71 59 72

Iacobucci, Edward - 08, OH



Johnson, Clyde A. - 05, OK/AR/TX







Johnson, III, Robert W. - 08, SE Johnson, William J. - 05, OK/AR/TX


77 83

50 63

Klausing, Ernst H. - 02, BC Klotz, Rollin P. - 05, PA Korszun, Frank - 02, NY/VT

B M, P, B PC

85 104 87

51 67 63

Lally, Raymond M. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Lando, George K. - 01, HI Lawson, Charles D. - 02, MI Lee, Gary G. - 52, OH Lerra, Marco C. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Liverseed, Albert P. - 01, MN/ND Los Banos, Jr., Allan - 01, HI Lowe, Kirk L. - 15, MO/KS/NE Loye, John A. - 05, PA


92 70 86 82 90 89 69 94 80

71 50 63 62 70 68 23 69 57

Mancuso, Jr., Anthony - 01, PA/DE Mathey, Eldon J. - 21, IL McDonald, Robert M. - 04, IN/KY Minorini, Battista - 21, IL Moore, James V. - 18, OH/KY Mustachio, Dominick E. - 03, CA Myers, James C. - 08, SE

B CM, M, P, B MM, M M PC B, P B

94 88 76 93 88 85 97

69 66 27 50 69 62 78

Noppert, Jr., John - 02, MI Nuara, Reno - 21, IL


89 68

50 45

Orphan, John P. - 21, IL




Panozzo, Ronald F. - 21, IL Pelosi, Frank P. - 05, OK/AR/TX Petronelli, Steven J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Pfannenstiel, Elmer G. - 03, IA Polivka, Jon V. - 52, IL


77 93 59 90 72

52 66 20 50 41

Reimers, Burnett W. - 74, IL Reiter, Roger J. - 01, MN/ND Ritchie, Harry D. - 15, MO/KS/NE Robison, Nathaniel - 21, IL Rock, Clifton H. - 02, NY/VT Russo, Jr., Lawrence A. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI

B CB, M, B B B B, CM B

94 71 77 92 82 73

66 40 39 65 52 52

Sackett, Jr., Clarence F. - 07, CO/WY Santoro, Dominick - 01, NY Skinner, Richard M. - 05, OH South, James E. - 18, OH/KY Southgate, Herbert R. - 08, SE Spezialetti, Dominick E. - 05, PA Stanley, Carl R. - 08, SE Szaja, Sr., Karol S. - 01, NY


94 94 91 78 95 93 70 91

66 76 55 57 64 71 32 59

Thomas, Jr., William - 21, IL




Vangoey, Kenneth J. - 04, IN/KY Veigas, Anthony - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Voigt, Chester W. - 08, WI


49 85 88

27 58 58


Walker, Richard R. - 09, PA Wilcox, Alfred E. - 03, NY Williford, Donald R. - 01, MO Wilson, John - 07, CN Witteman, Malcolm D. - 02, NY/VT Wright, Barry A. - 07, CN


74 77 85 95 85 63

50 51 66 70 32 9


Yoshioka, George S. - 01, HI

M, P, B



IU Death Benefit Claims must be filed within one year of the member’s death. 28 | B R I C K L AY E R S AND AL L I ED CRAF TWO RKE RS

July Death Benefit Claims for July 2018 Total Amount Paid Total Union Labor Life Claims Total Death Benefits Total Number of Claims Average Age Average Years of Membership MEMBER - LOCAL UNION


Backowski, Jr. Stephen - 02, MI

$127,000.00 $7,400.00 $119,600.00 68 85.31 55.38





Lundberg, Marvin E. - 15, MO/KS/NE




Mackiewicz, Wieslaw K. - 02, MI




Maida, John - 01, NY




Marinelli, Peter - 07, NY/NJ




Markway, Frederick L. - 15, MO/KS/NE

B, M



Masiarczyk, Anthony W. - 02, MI




Mastronardi, Rizziero - 01, CT




Moultry, Hunter - 21, IL




Nelson, Louis J. - 04, CA

B, M, MM








Benedict, David L. - 21, IL




Booth, James H. - 06, WI

B, CM, M



Caggiano, Angelo M. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI

B, M



Caruso, Albert H. - 09, PA

B, M



Richburg, Clarence V. - 05, OK/AR/TX

M, B



Chamberlin, James R. - 05, PA




Ridgley, Roger - 01, PA/DE




Chiusano, Angelo - 01, NY




Riggi, Jr., Vito R. - 11, WV

B, M



D’Agnolo, Domenic - 31, ON




Rocosky, James C. - 09, PA










Oberg, Robert L. - 07, CO/WY




O’Rear, Alf R. - 08, SE




Ratliff, Joseph L. – 16, OH




Rebecca, Jasper J. - 06, IL




Rhome, Ronald R. - 09, PA




DeFries, Virgil D. - 15, MO/KS/NE




Ronk, Norman A. - 01, NY

Dinon, Victor J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI




Rowan, Ronald V. - 05, OK/AR/TX

Gabin, Joseph - 01, HI




George, Gregory D. - 04, IN/KY




Gerolami, Louis - 07, NY/NJ




Guriuzzian, Ottorian R. - 02, MI




Guthrie, David J. - 07, CO/WY




Haberland, Richard W. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI




Hanson, Kenneth W. - 01, MN/ND




Heckman, Paul E. - 05, PA

B, M



Hennessey, John W. - 01, PA/DE




Hunnius, James A. - 18, MO




Isaacson, Peter T. - 01, MN/ND

B, M



Jodoin, Charles R. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI




Johnson, Theodore - 04, IN/KY




Rundle, James M. - 04, ON




Russo, Joseph A. - 04, NJ




Schnepper, Hans G. - 01, AB




Smoot, Manifred A. - 55, OH




Sommers, Charles E. - 45, OH




Sottile, Antonio - 05, NY




Sottoriva, Raymond J. - 05, OH




Spirl, Joseph J. - 02, MI




Steck, Charles D. - 74, IL




Steudle, Sr., Martin G. - 02, MI




Swartz, Edwin R. - 21, IL




Takamoto, Yukito - 01, HI




Thurmon, Willard A. - 05, OK/AR/TX




Trostle, Karl G. - 05, PA




Kubal, Donald R. - 01, MN/ND

B, M



Vargo, William E. - 09, PA




Kubis, Andy - 09, PA




Watson, Eugene - 22, OH




Lauria, Frank C. - 18, MO




Williams, Jr., Frank M. - 08, SE




Wimberley, Alba O. - 05, OK/AR/TX




Liebhart, Andrew F. - 06, IL

B, P



Lopez, Rudolph R. - 09, PA




Zannoni, Joseph B. - 05, OH




Lund, Robert A. - 01, MN/ND




Zawacki, Martin R. - 56, IL

B, W



IU Death Benefit Claims must be filed within one year of the member’s death.

ISS UE 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 29

Journal BAC

ISSUE 3 / 2018

B AC • 620 F ST R E ET, N.W. • WA S HI N GTON, D.C. 20004


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