Issue 2 - 2013

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EN FRANÇAIS! pp. 24-25

BAC ISSUE 2 / 2013

in this issue

Journal BAC

on the cover

12 Local 7 OH retiree Rich Nagy, in front of the structure he built with engraved bricks that he has collected for more than two decades.


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The Stone Specialists • Local 1 Minnesota/North Dakota Project Honored by Marble Institute of America



IMI and BAC Expand Tile Certifications and Markets • Creating Jobs through Certification for BAC Members • AFL-CIO Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Observance



BAC Poised for Growth in Southeast • Community Partnerships, Diversity Fortify Labor Movement & Economy • Women Building the Nation Conference • Boland Honored by Peggy Browning Fund • Local 1 MD/VA/DC Stonemason Inducted into Craftsman Hall of Fame • Two Decades in the Making, a Collection Built Brick by Brick • Building Solidarity Abroad • IU Relaunches New Leaders Training • John Mason Retires; Hawthorne Named TMT Craft Director



Giving BACk • IU, IMI, IPF Staff Play for Charities



Local 4 California Hosts Annual Apprentice Contest • Local 1 Washington Hosts Brick Apprentice Contest • Local 1 Connecticut Graduates Pre-Job Class



Health Care Reform Update: How Will the Exchanges Affect Me? • Don’t be Fooled by Pension Loan Schemes – New Form of Predatory Lending Preys On Retirees • Benefit Statement Notice




Local 1 Pennsylvania/Delaware Life Member Francis Doyle Retiree Luncheon

• Local

5 New York Hosts


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Canada’s Building Trades Hold Policy Conference • Les métiers de la construction du Canada organisent une conférence sur les politiques • BAC and BACU – Talks Continue • BAC et BACU – les discussions se poursuivent • Local 1 Newfoundland Member Demonstrates Pinpoint Precision • Un membre de la section locale 1 de Terre-Neuve fait preuve d’une précision remarquable IN M E M O R IA M


p r e s i d e n t ’s m e s s a g e

J A M E S B O L A N D , P R E S I D E N T, I N T E R N AT I O N A L U N I O N O F B R I C K L AY E R S A N D A L L I E D C R A F T W O R K E R S


Building Grassroots Power

hen workers stand together, our capacity to fight for and win decent wages, safer jobsites, fair treatment and good benefits is undeniable. In state after state, however, those gains are under attack by a series of carefully orchestrated, well-funded assaults on unions and union members by ultra-rich business interests and the politicians they support. Such assaults aren’t new, nor are we the only targets. For too long, low-wage policies have kept wages stagnant and sent the income gap between the very rich and the rest of us soaring, in effect shrinking the earning power of America’s working middle class, roughly 60% of all workers. And it’s not just about wages. Environmental protections, workplace safety, retirement security, and equal opportunity all get ditched when the race to the bottom proceeds unhindered and profits take precedent over people. (This is especially true in the southeastern U.S. – see page 8). As Labor Day 2013 is celebrated in the U.S. and Canada, pundits across North America will undoubtedly use the occasion to point out the relative decline of union membership and raise the palpable question: what is the future of the labor movement? It’s a question that’s being intensely addressed by the AFL-CIO, which, representing 57 unions and 12 million workers, is preparing for its quadrennial convention in September, when delegates will chart the federation’s course for the next four years. To the north, the Canadian Labor Congress (CLC) is launching its “Together Fairness Works” campaign to draw attention to the shared values of all middle class Canadians with organized labor. There’s a rich history of successful coalition building between labor and our progressive allies, including civil

rights and grassroots organizations. Building a more permanent model that can bring labor and community partners together under one umbrella rather than relying on temporary, single issue campaigns has the potential to double or triple the number of workers whose voices can help amplify ours and who would gain greater exposure to the benefits of union membership. In addition, given the rise of anti-union measures at the state level, being able to draw on community partners’ established presence in areas with low union density would be another significant plus. As one of 48 Vice Presidents of the AFL-CIO Executive Council, it was a privilege to be asked to chair one of the federation’s three convention committees, which has focused in recent months on creating more enduring labor-community alliances to advance our shared agendas. Although these and other matters will ultimately be determined by the convention delegates, the dialogue surrounding the future direction of the labor movement* in the U.S. and Canada is deserving of BAC members’ attention because of the impact on rebuilding national union density. Significant increases in overall union membership would mean greater leverage at the bargaining table, with such gains requiring new union members to reflect the diverse labor pools of each nation. In the meantime, I can say with certainty that the proud tradition of our members’ civic involvement and volunteer efforts in their communities (see pages 14-16), and BAC’s outreach programs to advance the recruitment and retention of women and minorities in BAC’s ranks (pages 9-10) are positive steps in our Union’s path forward and very much in stride with a North American labor movement dedicated to its founding principles but open to new avenues of change.

* For updates, go to and follow BAC on Twitter and Facebook; also visit and

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mensaje del presidente


Desarrollando Poder de Base

uando los trabajadores nos unimos, nuestra capacidad de luchar por y obtener salarios decentes, sitios laborales más seguros, un trato justo y buenos beneficios es indiscutible. Sin embargo, estado tras estado, esos avances se encuentran bajo ataque por una serie de asaltos cuidadosamente organizados y bien financiados en contra de los sindicatos y de sus miembros por parte de intereses comerciales multimillonarios y los políticos que ellos apoyan. Tales asaltos no son algo nuevo, ni tampoco somos nosotros los únicos atacados. Por mucho tiempo ya, las políticas de salarios bajos han mantenido estancados a los salarios y han hecho insalvable la brecha de ingresos que existe entre los multimillonarios y el resto de nosotros, encogiendo efectivamente el poder adquisitivo de la clase media trabajadora de Estados Unidos, o sea, aproximadamente el 60% de todos los trabajadores. Y es que no se trata sólo de los salarios. Las protecciones ambientales, la seguridad en el sitio de empleo, la seguridad en la jubilación, y la igualdad de oportunidades todas sufren cuando la carrera hacia el fondo continúa sin obstáculos y las ganancias cobran prioridad sobre las personas. (Esto es especialmente cierto en la región sur de los Estados Unidos – vea la página 8).

Con motivo de la celebración del Día del Trabajo 2013 en Estados Unidos y Canadá, comentaristas de toda Norteamérica sin duda usarán la oportunidad para señalar la disminución relativa del número de afiliados en sindicatos y formular la pregunta tangible: ¿Cuál es el futuro del movimiento laboral? Se trata de una pregunta que está siendo intensamente abordada por la AFL-CIO, la cual, en representación de 57 sindicatos y 12 millones de trabajadores, se está preparando para su convención cuatrienal a celebrarse el próximo mes de septiembre, ocasión en la cual los delegados trazarán el rumbo de la federación para los próximos cuatro años. En el norte, el Congreso Laboral Canadiense (Canadian Labor Congress - CLC) está lanzando su campaña “Juntos la Justicia Funciona” (“Together Fairness Works”) para llamar la atención a los valores comunes que tienen todos los canadienses de clase media con el movimiento laboral organizado. Existe una rica historia de desarrollo exitoso de coaliciones entre el movimiento laboral

y nuestros aliados progresistas, incluyendo organizaciones de base y de derechos civiles. Desarrollar un modelo más permanente que pueda reunir a socios laborales y comunitarios bajo un mismo paraguas en vez de depender de campañas temporales enfocadas en asuntos particulares, tiene el potencial de duplicar o triplicar el número de trabajadores cuyas voces pueden ayudar a ampliar lar nuestras y quienes obtendrían una mayor exposición a los beneficios de la afiliación sindical. Además, dado el aumento de medidas antisindicales a nivel estatal, poder aprovechar la presencia establecida de aliados comunitarios en áreas con baja densidad sindical sería otra ventaja significativa. Como uno de los 48 Vicepresidentes del Consejo Ejecutivo de la AFL-CIO, fue un privilegio para mí el que me pidieran presidir uno de los tres comités de la convención de la federación, que en meses recientes se han enfocado en crear alianzas más duraderas entre el movimiento laboral y la comunidad con la finalidad de fomentar nuestras agendas comunes. Si bien en definitiva ésta y otras materias serán determinadas por los delegados de la convención, el diálogo que rodea a la futura dirección del movimiento laboral* en los Estados Unidos y Canadá merece la atención de los miembros del BAC debido al impacto que tiene en la reconstrucción de la densidad sindical nacional. Aumentos importantes en el número general de afiliados sindicales significaría una mayor ventaja en la mesa de negociaciones, y tales ganancias requieren que los nuevos miembros sindicales reflejen las diversas fuerzas laborales disponibles de cada nación. Mientras tanto, puedo decir con toda certeza que la orgullosa tradición de participación cívica y esfuerzos de voluntariado de nuestros miembros en sus comunidades (ver páginas 14-16), así como también los programas de extensión comunitaria del BAC para fomentar el reclutamiento y la retención de mujeres y minorías en las filas del BAC (páginas 9-10), son pasos positivos en el camino hacia adelante de nuestro Sindicato y están muy en línea con un movimiento laboral Norteamericano dedicado a sus principios fundadores pero abierto a nuevos caminos para el cambio.

* Para más noticias, visite y siga a BAC en Twitter y en Facebook; visite también y 2

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The Official Journal of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (issn 0362-3696)

Journal BAC

issue 2, 2013

Executive Board James Boland President

Henry F. Kramer Secretary-Treasurer

Gerard Scarano Executive Vice President

Timothy Driscoll Executive Vice President

Regional Directors N O RT H E A S T

Al Catalano

IU Regional Director, Northeast 304 Kenwood Avenue, #4 Delmar, NY 12054 (518) 439-6080 SOUTH

Ed Navarro

IU Regional Director, South 6201 S.E. Beaver View Rd Lawton, OK 73501 (580) 357-3048 N O RT H C E N T R A L

Steve Bailey

IU Regional Director, North Central 60 Gailwood Drive, Suite D St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 794-4878 WEST

Dave Sheppard

IU Regional Director, West P.O. Box 261 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 (509) 465-3500 CANADA

Craig Strudwick

IU Acting Regional Director, Canada 2100 Thurston Drive, #3 Ottawa, ON K1G 4K8 (613) 830-0333 Editorial Staff: Connie Lambert, Yin Yin The Journal (ISSN 0362-3696) is published quarterly for $1.50 per year in advance, postage paid, for the U.S. and Canada ($1.75 per year in all foreign countries belonging to the Postal Union) by the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers. Periodicals class postage paid Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Journal, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, 620 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20004. Canadian Postmaster: Send address changes to PO Box 503, RPO West Beaver Creek, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R6 Published for Bricklayers, Stone Masons, Plasterers, Tile Layers, Marble Masons, Cement Masons, Mosaic and Terrazzo Workers, Finishers, Pointers, Cleaners, and Caulkers.

members at work

Photo courtesy of Snøhetta

Photo courtesy of Snøhetta

The Center for the Arts at Virginia Tech will be a complex of new and renovated facilities that create a vibrant arts unit in the community. Left, the Center under construction, and above, a rendering of the completed project.

The Stone Specialists EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article, reprinted with permission from Walls & Ceilings Online, highlights the diverse craft portfolio of signatory contractor Espina Stone Co. (Fairfax, Virginia) and Local 1 Maryland/Virginia/DC members and their contributions to the construction/renovation of a soon-to-be-completed arts complex at Virginia Polytechnical Institute (Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, VA. This project featured 27,000 sf of natural stone veneer (locally quarried “Hokie Stone”). Espina was responsible for the complete wall system. In addition to the stone veneer, BAC members installed insulation board, the air and moisture barrier, flashing, and mechanical anchors on this project.


oing strong since 1971, Espina Stone Co. boasts skilled craftsmen to work high-quality dimensioned, cut-to-size and hand tooled natural stonework in Metro Washington, D.C. The company, based in Fairfax, Va., has installed natural stone and architectural pre-cast all over Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. Espina Stone has done numerous stone masonry projects for private and commercial developers for five decades now. The company’s new stone construction expertise includes stone walls, natural stone paving and natural stone building facades. In addition to new construction, the general contractor and specialty subcontractor also specializes in the restoration and historic preservation of

stone structures. Limestone, granite, marble and slate – Espina’s stonemasons are skilled at installing all types of prefabricated dimensioned stone. In addition to installing prefabricated stone materials, its masons handcraft and install finished stonework from raw materials quarried to no specific form or dimension, also known as rubble or field stone masonry. Espina Stone also installs architectural pre-cast and brick, and pre-cast concrete paving along with the natural stonework. Through such extensive and varied talents, this allows the company the option to contract a “turnkey” architectural masonry package to its customers.

business,” he says, “but we do rely on government work. Some of our clients are limited on what they can put out for bids because of budget constraints and the sequester,” which he says is impacting a lot of his client’s budget funds for work. VA Tech Art Center As the centerpiece of a comprehensive arts initiative at the college, the Center for the Arts will be central to reaching the university’s goal to increase the presence and practice of the arts on campus.

Most recently, the company was contracted to work on Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University’s Center for the Arts building over the last year.

Scheduled to open very soon, the Center for the Arts will be a complex of new and renovated facilities that create a vibrant arts facility in the community. Located at the intersection of the campus and Main Street, the center will house:

Speaking with Walls & Ceilings this spring, Espina Stone’s Vice President Bob Picardi talks of this project, the products used for it, as well as the market and how business is for the company.

9 A state-of-the-art, 1,260 seat performance hall where programs can be presented of regional, national and international significance across the genre of music, theatre and dance;

“We have seen a fair amount of growth in the commercial area, and especially in education,” Picardi says, adding university projects continue to grow at a steady pace still.

9 Beautiful visual arts galleries with the infrastructure to support both traditional exhibitions, digital and new media installations;

“But business is a little lame right now. We have a decent backlog nucleus of

9 Creative technology laboratory spaces devoted to the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology, which will

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members at work

Photo courtesy of Stuc-O-Flex International

Photo courtesy of Stuc-O-Flex International

Local 1 MD/VA/DC members, employed by BAC signatory contractor Espina Stone, are constructing the new Center.

provide an applied research environment for faculty, artists, and educators to come together and develop new models, projects and works that are not only artistic efforts, but also tools to directly impact PK-12 education in science, math, social studies, and language arts.

Photo courtesy of Stuc-O-Flex International

Rainscreen products provide a drainage path and ventilation for incidental moisture between exterior finish materials and wall sheathing.

Espina Stone was contracted to apply 27,000 square feet of natural stone veneer to the designs and specs of architectural firm Snøhetta. The stone comes from the university’s own quarry, called Hokie Stone. This stone is hand tooled by Espina Stone’s masons. The company also installed the flashing system for the stone work, anchoring system, Owens Corning’s Foamular rigid insulation board and rainscreen material that backed up the precast elements. For the rainscreen product, Espina Stone chose Stuc-O-Flex’s WaterWay Plus product because of the success the contractor had using it before. This product is a patented vertical wall rainscreen mat consisting of a nominal 7/16-inch-thick extruded polymer matrix of tangled monofilaments. The monofilaments are heat laminated to a breathable, filter fabric on one side and Typar code-compliant weather resistive barrier on the other side. This multiple

Photo courtesy of Stuc-O-Flex International


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layer product creates a one-step weather resistive barrier and rainscreen drainage assembly in a single application. The product is designed for use with manufactured and natural stone—ideal for the Center for the Arts project—as well as traditional and one coat stucco, EIFS, fiber-cement, wood-based sidings, masonry, metal and other wall cladding materials. This rainscreen product provides an uninterrupted drainage path and ventilation for incidental moisture between exterior finish materials and wall sheathing. Picardi highlights the advantages of using rainscreen instead of the foundation material his company used to use. “Prior to using rainscreen, we were using a foundation material that was a hard plastic dimple board with a filter fabric over the top of it, so it was much more rigid and difficult to work with,” Picardi says. “The rainscreen serves the same function, is easier to work with and is a cost effective alternative.” Another bonus of the rainscreen product is that WaterWay Plus will qualify as a LEED product, as the Art Center project is expected to be LEED certified. Reprinted with permission of Walls & Ceilings, a BNP Media publication. Copyright June 2013,

members at work

Local 1 Minnesota/North Dakota Project Honored by Marble Institute of America


ince its completion in 2012, the Lakewood Cemetery Garden Mausoleum in South Minneapolis has attracted more than a dozen architectural and design awards, owing in part to its stunning minimalist granite exterior and exquisite marble interiors and the skilled installation of the Mausoleum’s marble work by members of Local 1 Minnesota/ North Dakota employed by BAC signatory contractors Grazzini Brothers & Company (Egan, MN), M.A. Mortenson Company (Minneapolis), and CD Tile and Stone (Minneapolis). Earlier this year, the project was selected by the Marble Institute of America (MIA) to receive its coveted 2012 Grande Pinnacle Award. In announcing the Award, the MIA noted, “At the mausoleum’s entry, an intricately patterned white mosaic rendered in infinite loops across white surfaces recalls the colorful mosaic interiors of the original Lakewood Chapel. The interior committal space is clad with Alabama White marble walls. Horizontal bands of split-faced gray granite tie the structure to the earth. The contrast of textures – light and dark, rough and smooth, rustic and refined – offers a peaceful place for contemplation and remembrance.”

A courtyard view of the mausoleum’s granite exterior work, performed by 1 MN/ND members employed by M.A. Mortenson Company.

Local 1 member John Stemper, far right, installs interior marble for Grazzini Brothers & Company.


L E F T: Local 1 members Jeff Russell, left, and Nick Jasper set granite pavers in the courtyard for CD Tile and Stone (Minneapolis, MN).

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IMI and BAC Expand Tile Certifications and Markets


MI and BAC, working alongside tile employer associations, including the Tile Contractors Association of America (TCAA), have taken a major step to expand the job opportunities of tile installers by developing a series of certifications that will help distinguish the skilled tile installer from the lessskilled. The Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers (ACT) is a new set of certifications that recognize the importance of qualified installers and the role that the installers play in the success of any tile project. The certifications were developed by IMI, BAC, TCAA as well as the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation, the National Tile Contractors Association and the Tile Council of North America (TCNA). Recent editions of both the TCNA Handbook and ARCOM MasterSpec® recommend the requirement of qualified tile installers. IMI’s Area Marketing Director Scott Conwell and National Director of Apprenticeship and Training Bob Arnold working with BAC Tile/Marble/Terrazzo Craft Director John Mason represented IMI and BAC on the ACT working group. The first certifications were awarded at the 2013 Coverings trade show in Atlanta, GA. The current specialty areas of ACT are: large format tile floors/ substrate preparation; mud work; showers; and membranes. It is anticipated that other areas will be added as the program expands. In order to be eligible for certification, an installer must meet the prerequisite of being an experienced installer (those who 6

have completed a BAC/IMI apprenticeship program are qualified), and pass a written exam and practical hands-on test. The multiple choice questions of the written test verify the installer’s knowledge of the certification topic as documented in relevant ANSI standards, TCNA Handbook and industry best practices. The installer must pass the written test to be eligible to take the hands-on test, which is administered at an IMI training center, a manufacturer’s warehouse or other pre-determined location. The installer is given a preconstructed module, such as a shower base, subfloor, etc. to install the designated components of that certification’s system on the module. These certifications will help expand work opportunities for installers and

contractors who want to distinguish themselves as highly-skilled and known for top quality work. BAC members who are interested in becoming ACT-certified should contact IMI Director of Apprenticeship and Training Bob Arnold at

IMI judges Lupe Ortiz, left, and Bob Mion at the 2013 Coverings trade show in Atlanta.

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Clockwise from top left, BAC members at the 2013 Coverings trade show in Atlanta: Bill Dumas of Local 3 CA; Gavin Collier of Local 21 IL; Eric Manzarolli of Local 1 MI; and Terry Trane of Local 3 OH.

Creating Jobs through Certification for BAC Members


wo trends in the construction industry are merging to create new opportunities for skilled craftworkers. The first is the mounting concern of owners, construction managers and architectural/engineering firms about getting projects done right and on time. Quality control has never been more important. Secondly, as the building envelope of floor and wall systems becomes more and more complex, industry demands for control of air,

moisture, vapor and thermal movement have increased accordingly.

products. For a complete list, please visit

IMI offers certification programs in a variety of skill sets, products and systems. Among the more popular are grout certification, giving members the ability to safely and properly install reinforced masonry; air barrier installation, a rapidly growing component of our work, rain screen walls, another growing area where BAC needs quality installation to gain control of the market; and flashing, a major concern of the customers for our

The demand for these types of certifications is on the rise, largely due to the efforts of IMI Technical Directors who work directly with owners and designers to get certification language in the specifications and bid documents. More than 100 architectural and engineering firms now require IMI grout certification as a requirement to work on their projects, and this demand continues to grow.

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news in brief

BAC Poised for Growth in Southeast “We’ll make the unions understand full well that they are not needed, wanted, and not welcome in the State of South Carolina.” – SOUTH CAROLINA GOV. NIKKI HALEY, 2012 STATE OF THE STATE ADDRESS.

BAC couldn’t disagree more. Trowel trades craftworkers in South Carolina – and throughout the Southeast – need, want, and welcome the fair wages and benefits that come with union representation and collective bargaining. And whether or not Gov. Haley (R) and her anti-union corporate cronies throughout the South like it, BAC is ready to make a major push to organize workers in all the BAC crafts and fight for the representation they deserve. That’s why on July 8th, the International Union consolidated BAC Local Unions in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, southern Virginia – and yes, South Carolina – into the new Local 8 Southeast. As IU President Jim Boland explained, “We created Local 8 because we saw that bricklayers, cement finishers, tile setters, and allied craftworkers across the Southeast all faced the same types of challenges. They need a robust, unified Local to help them build real power.”

– consisting of numerous small, often under-funded locals – wasn’t equipped to fight a coordinated anti-union campaign that spread across state lines. One by one, small Locals came up against entire contractor associations that refused to bargain new contracts. As a result, by the 2010s, the vast majority of the commercial and institutional masonry industry in the Southeast is now non-union. “We learned from the last 40 years that small Locals just aren’t designed to face off against the sophisticated and organized anti-union operations in the South,” said BAC SecretaryTreasurer Henry Kramer. “A Local with just one full-time officer, and no field representatives – or even clerical help – simply can’t hold on to the work it has, much less organize new contractors. If we’re going to reestablish BAC in the Southeast, it’s going to require us to pool all of our resources to put as many representatives and organizers on the street as possible.” In creating Local 8, the IU Executive Board sees an opportunity to rebuild BAC’s strength in the Southeast. Contractors who went non-union decades ago have failed to invest in training and are seeing their workforce age and retire. As a result, even as construction activity in the Southeast

“ You can’t just hope to tread water – if you’re not growing, you’re dying.” – ED NAVARRO, PRESIDENT OF THE NEWLY CREATED LOCAL 8 SOUTHEAST.

outpaces most other regions, contractors are experiencing a shortage in skilled craftworkers. “That’s where we come in,” said President Boland. “Local 8, working with IMI, will develop and train the best masons in the region, just as we’ve done across North America. Contractors who become signatory with Local 8 will have a major advantage over their competition.” Local 8’s first President is no stranger to building strength in a geographically large Southern Local. Ed Navarro, appointed by the Executive Board to lead Local 8 as it establishes itself, spent the past two decades building Local 5 Oklahoma/Arkansas/ Texas into a Local that has defied the trend of decline suffered by so many Southern unions. Brother Navarro plans to bring the lessons that he learned in Local 5 to his new leadership team in Local 8, a team continued on page 10

Historically, the Southeast has been one of the toughest regions of the country for workers and their unions. Most of the states in the Southeast passed “rightto-work” freeloader laws more than 60 years ago, and since then, openly anti-worker politicians and corporate interests have escalated their coordinated efforts to squelch the right to organize and bargain collectively. BAC hasn’t been immune from this wellfunded assault. While BAC commanded a substantial share of the commercial and institutional masonry markets in many key Southern cities as late as the early 1990s, the Union’s structure in the region 8

Local 5 TN members, now part of the new Local 8 Southeast, at work on Nashville’s now completed Schemerhorn Symphony Center.

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news in brief

Community Partnerships, Diversity Fortify Labor Movement & Economy “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – PROVERB


xtending the scope of labor into new frontiers in the form of lasting community partnerships – on a scale never achieved before – may well be the key to revitalizing a movement that provides the only meaningful counterweight to the concentration of wealth in our economy. Part of that challenge will require making sure that labor’s message is reaching an increasingly diverse workforce, including millions of new Americans who, with the anticipated passage of common-sense immigration reform, will join the ranks of the legally employed. Says BAC President James Boland, “For three decades this country has systematically denied a legal path forward to millions for the sole purpose of funneling cheap, exploitable labor to fraudulent employers. Our members and contractors have had it with wage busting, sham contractors that exploit immigrant workers and drive wage rates down. Freeing these workers from their clutches is important

for the labor movement and for our industry.” Boland continues, “It’s also necessary for the economy. Growth in the labor force is a key determinant in a nation’s rate of economic expansion. We need to speed up the expansion rate in the U.S. and speed it up quick. Immigration reform can help achieve that.” Even without factoring in the potential rise in the number of legal workers, among them many Latinos, as a result of immigration reform, the composition of new entrants to the labor force over the next ten years will be progressively Latino, Asian and African-American with women’s participation in the workforce continuing to grow. “As the economy rebounds and our members retire, newcomers to the trowel trades will reflect the demographic contours of their communities to a greater extent than ever before. Our ability to recruit skilled craftworkers and great union members will rely in part on BAC’s capacity, along with other Internationals, to cultivate long-term relationships with a host of civil rights, women’s and health and welfare organizations dedicated to the values we share on a community-bycommunity basis.”

BAC Outreach BAC has made a number of steps in that direction. In keeping with resolutions adopted at the 2010 IU Convention, President Boland has appointed women and people of color from throughout the Union’s membership to represent BAC at meetings and trainings sponsored by groups such as the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, the A. Philip Randolph Institute, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and Chicago Women in the Trades, among others. Widening the circle of socially- and economically-conscious organizations and creating sustainable, institutional links could easily triple the number of working people “who are already on the same page as millions of union members,” says President Boland. The prospect of 30 million individuals, joining together to advance shared agendas in cities and states across the country could, as the proverb says, take us far indeed.

AFL-CIO Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Observance Earlier this year, BAC delegates to the AFL-CIO’s We Are One: Workers’ Rights and Civil Rights – Protecting and Expanding Democracy conference in Philadelphia attended educational programs on voting rights, coalition building and immigration reform. The group also dedicated one day to community service, preparing food packages for the homeless. From left, IMI Regional Director of Director of Industry Development and Technical Services and Local 4 IN/KY member Dave Collins, ADC 1 of IL Business Agent Dwayne Stewart, Local 1 MD/VA/DC Vice Chairman Todd Buckner, Local 1 New York Vice President Zach Winbush, and Local 4 IN/KY Field Representative Glenn Head.

continued on page 10

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news in brief Women Building the Nation Conference

In April, BAC’s 14-member delegation attended the largest ever national conference focusing on women in the organized construction trades sponsored by the BCTD, BAC and sister building trades unions, and tradeswomen organizations. Front row, from left: Jessica Montgomery of 1 WA, Sandra Novak of 21 IL, Amanda Altomare of 5 OH, Brenda McClure of 36 OH; back row, from left Katy Speilberger of 36 OH, Laurie Harris of 3 CA, Brenda Cartino of 1 OR, Wendy Jackson of 13 NV, Yolanda Overstreet of 21 IL, Michelle Riley of 1 MI, Helene Brown of 21 IL, Andrea Atteberry of 3 CA, and Mary Lovette of 1 WA. A bricklayer and member since 1979, Sister Lovette’s advice to her BAC sisters: “Work as hard as you can and take every opportunity to learn everything that you can.” Women members who missed the form in the last Journal inviting them to participate in a survey on their craftworker experiences, please email if you are interested in participating and the IU will forward the information.

SOUTHEAST continued from page 8

that consists of a blend of experienced and newer agents from across the Southeast. “The most important thing we discovered in Local 5 is that a Local that wants to survive in the South needs to focus on expanding,” said President Navarro. “You can’t just hope to tread water – if you’re not growing, you’re dying. And that’s why I’m so excited about the opportunity we have in Local 8 Southeast. We’ll finally have the resources to put all of our representatives into a position where they can organize, in one of the busiest construction industries in the country.” 10

Fifty-five members of the newly formed Local 8 Southeast attended a Special called Chapter meeting in Augusta, GA to discuss the merger, and the need to combine resources to maximize organizing opportunities. According to Local 8 President Ed Navarro, members were “positive and supportive.”

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news in brief

BAC members joined a crowd of several hundred at the AFL-CIO on June 24th for the presentation of the Peggy Browning Fund’s Washington, D.C. award to BAC President James Boland. Front row from left, Local 13 NV President Carlos Aquin, BAC Executive Vice President Gerard Scarano, Secretary-Treasurer Henry Kramer and President James Boland, and Local 1 NY President Jeremiah Sullivan. Second row from left, Local 7 NY/NJ Field Representative Frank Williams, NJ ADC Director Richard Tolson, BAC Organizer Francis Jacobberger, Local 1 PA/DE President Dennis Pagliotti, Local 5 NY Vice Chair Peter Clifford, OH-KY ADC Director Ken Kudela, Local 1 NY Secretary-Treasurer Jack Argila, Local 5 NY President Mike Clifford, and BAC Director of Collective Bargaining Services Mike Di Virgilio and Director of Organizing Steve Nelms.

Boland Honored by Peggy Browning Fund


ince 1997, the Peggy Browning Fund, a Philadelphia-based nonprofit group dedicated to educating and inspiring the law students to become advocates for workplace justice, has provided hundreds of summer fellowships at unions, worker centers, government agencies, and labor law firms for exemplary second-year law students.

On June 24th at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, D.C., the Fund presented the Peggy Browning Award to BAC President James Boland in recognition of his activism in the areas of social and economic justice. The Fund and Award are named in memory of the late Peggy Browning, a brilliant labor attorney and member of the National

Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from 1994 to 1997, whose passion for mentoring law students and young lawyers interested in labor law careers was the catalyst for the Fund’s establishment. Also honored was AFL-CIO attorney Nancy Schiffer, who was nominated by the President on July 16th to the National Labor Relations Board and confirmed by the Senate on July 30th.

Local 1 MD/VA/DC Stonemason Inducted into Craftsman Hall of Fame


tonemason Francisco Lorenzo, a 37-year member of Local 1 Maryland/ Virginia/DC, was inducted into the 2013 Washington Building Congress’ (WBC) Hall of Fame in March in recognition of his “extraordinary dedication, exceptional skill, quality craftsmanship and enduring commitment” to his trade. “You know you did the best you could, and it was recognized by somebody,” Brother Lorenzo said. “I don’t think people care as much as we did… Every job I worked on, it had to be perfect,” he added. WBC Craftsman Hall of Fame inductee and Local 1 MD/VA/DC stonemason Francisco Lorenzo.

Created in 2008, WBC’s Craftsman Hall of Fame is a prestigious honor to permanently recognize the “best of the best” in the industry. Each year up to five tradesworkers may be nominated by the WBC Awards Committee. Brother Lorenzo won 13 awards in the category of masonry in 2012 alone.

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news in brief

Two Decades in the Making, a Collection Built Brick by Brick


f each engraved brick has a story behind it, then retired Local 7 Ohio Life Member Rich Nagy is surely a master storyteller. Brother Nagy, 75, has been searching for and collecting all kinds of engraved bricks since 1992. His impressive collection now totals approximately 3,000, including bricks that date back to the early 1800s and some from overseas.

Brother Nagy says he got into brick collecting after seeing an ad in a masonry magazine for a brick swap meet in Indiana. “Although I didn’t attend that event, I joined the International Brick Collectors Association shortly thereafter. I began attending brick swap meets and that’s how it got started.” The first piece Brother Nagy received – a cord brick from a torn down building in

Local 7 OH retiree Rich Nagy, in front of the structure he built with engraved bricks that he has collected for more than two decades.

Building Solidarity Abroad


obs, training, immigration, pensions, and health care; sound familiar? These issues, which are upper most in the minds of construction union leaders and members in Italy, are strikingly similar to the top concerns of their North American counterparts. These policies and programs were central to the agenda of the 15th National Congress of FILCA-CISL, Italy’s Federation of Construction and Allied Workers, one of the nation’s two construction union divisions that represent all building trades workers. In view of past BAC – FILCA-CISL meetings and training exchanges, in response to the Federation’s invitation BAC President James Boland


appointed Executive Vice President Gerard Scarano to represent the Union at the Congress in May. In his address, Scarano (right) told delegates that the bonds that connect construction workers across the world are stronger than whatever differences may set them apart. “International solidarity is our only antidote to the poisonous ‘race to the bottom’ that stalks and exploits the world’s cheapest and most repressed labor. In our respective countries, solidarity must be ever-present in the coalitions we build and work through to affect the policies that matter most to our members.” Scarano says tentative plans call for BAC to host a FILCACISL delegation sometime in 2014.

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Akron – was sent by a friend. “The brick has an out-of-state name on its back with unusual holes in it,” explains Nagy. His favorite piece, however, is a brick from Afghanistan. “An apprentice of mine who was serving in military risked his life while on active duty to procure the brick for me,” he adds. When Brother Nagy retired in 2007, he began building a brick structure using all the bricks he had collected over the years. Today, two floors of this remarkable structure hold most of his collection, which, according to him, “is still a work-in-progress.”

news in brief

IU Relaunches New Leaders Training


fter a sabbatical of several years due to budget constraints brought on by the steep economic downturn, the International Union relaunched one of its most enduring educational programs – BAC New Leaders – a comprehensive orientation for newly elected or appointed Local/ADC officers and staff. And not a moment too soon, says BAC Secretary-Treasurer Henry Kramer. “The 2013 class was our largest ever. Even though resources continue to be tight, we didn’t want any more time to elapse before bringing our newer officers, organizers and business agents together to make sure that one, we’re on the same strategic page when it comes to our Union’s core functions – like collective bargaining, organizing, and training, just to name a few – and two, they have the information they need and know who to contact if they have questions.” The five-day training was held at the BAC-IMI International Training Center in Bowie, MD. In their remarks to the group, both Kramer and BAC President James Boland recalled how much they valued their participation in the program, especially the opportunity to really get to know officers from across the country and Canada. And that includes each other. Both IU officers are members of the BAC New Leaders Class of 1989.

Front row from left: BAC Executive Vice President Tim Driscoll, Benny Wright of 1 WA, Tony Fox of the WI DC, Mike Gagnon and Bill Beaudry of 3 MA/ME/NH, Gary McMullen of WV ADC, and BAC Executive Vice President Gerard Scarano and Secretary-Treasurer Henry Kramer. Second row from left: Kurt Keller of 9 PA, Rich Szymanski of the WI DC, Zak Chapman of 5 OK/AR/TX, Pat Rowles and Tim Spaulding of 4 IN/KY, Dwayne Stewart of ADC 1 of IL, and Jay Smith of 6 LA/MS/AL. Third row from left: Pat Bonici of 7 NY/ NJ, Brett Gierak of 1 MI, John DeRose of 1 CT, Kevin Potter of 2 NY/VT, Rich Newcomb of 1 PA/DE, Ron Bower of 5 PA, and Lance Hatting of 6 IL. Fourth row from left: Brian Jennewein and John Hopkin of the E. MO ADC, Jack Cusumano of 7 NY/NJ, Jeff Forrest and Ray Lemke of 3 IA, and Howie Carr of 1 NY. Fifth row from left: Russel Smith of the OH-KY ADC, Richard Carr of the Four Corners ADC, Dave Dabrowski of the OH-KY ADC, James Moore of 1 NS, and John Cucchiarella of 1 NY. Back row from left: Matt Guy of 7 NY/NJ, Shawn Herzog of the OH-KY ADC, Pete Spence of 8 IL, Brian Greynolds of the WV ADC, Pete Clifford of 5 NY, Mike Titus of 1 OR and Tom Cannon of the OH-KY ADC.

John Mason Retires; Hawthorne Named TMT Craft Director


ongtime International Union Craft Director for Tile/Marble/ Terrazzo and North Central Regional Representative John Mason retired August 1st. The 34-year BAC member of Local 1 Michigan was praised by BAC President James Boland for his “deep commitment to BAC’s skilled TMT craftworkers and encyclopedic knowledge of the trades. John’s wisdom and counsel was often sought out not only by the Executive Board but by so many throughout the industry.” Succeeding Mason as TMT Craft Director/Regional Representative is Local 1 Minnesota/North Dakota Executive Vice President Michael Hawthorne. BAC

Secretary-Treasurer Henry Kramer, who directs the IU’s field operations and Field Staff, said, “Brother Hawthorne has big shoes to fill but there’s no doubt he is bringing a wealth of experience to our North Central Region team and IU field staff.” Hawthorne, a Mike Hawthorne Journeyman tilesetter, has 33 years of experience in the ceramic tile industry, five years with the Tile Finishers Union and 28 years as a BAC member. In addition to serving on a number of trust

funds, he is Financial Secretary-Treasurer for the Minnesota State Building and Construction Trades Council and a member of the OSHA Advisory Council for the State of Minnesota. “John’s done an amazing job over the years. By setting the bar so high, I have my work cut out for me, but I am very grateful to have this opportunity and look forward to the challenging responsibilities ahead,” said Hawthorne.

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bac service

Giving BACk From time to time, the Journal highlights the range and scope of the incredible array of charitable and service-related activities performed by BAC members, Locals and ADCs helping those in need. We salute the selfless volunteers whose good deeds appear in these pages and countless other brothers and sisters whose service enhance the lives of so many.

Local 1 New York

Raising Awareness and Funds to Cure, Treat Neuromuscular Disease


arlier this year, Local 1 New York Vice President Anthony LaCava was honored by the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), the world’s leading nonprofit health organization dedicated to researching the causes and treatment of neuromuscular diseases, for his longstanding support of MDA’s fundraising efforts. Brother LaCava, along with his fellow MDA Committee members, raised more than $17,000 on the night of the event. “Under the leadership of President Jerry Sullivan, Local 1 remains committed to these great causes,” Brother LaCava said. “Our annual golf outing donates to MDA and also supports the Local’s Scholarship program. We recently hosted our 12th annual golf outing on June 3rd and to date have raised more than $720,000 for both these worthy causes.” Brother LaCava added, “Being involved in these functions is very rewarding. I am blessed to have two healthy children and realize how fortunate I am.”

From left, MDA officials and Committee members, MDA Goodwill Ambassador Chris, Diane Dougherty, Local 1 NY Vice President Anthony LaCava, and Lynn Pombonyo.

Local 1 Oregon

BAC-Built Barbecue Beautifies Fish Hatchery


hen Tillamook Anglers, a non-profit organization that protects and enhances fishing habitats, decided to build a permanent barbecue at the Whiskey Creek Fish Hatchery in Tillamook, Oregon, they posted a request online. Local 1 Oregon Business Manager Matt Eleazer saw the post and responded, “I fish, most of our members fish, and we know how to build brick barbecues…We’d love to help because it’s our way of giving back to the community.”

From left, Local 1 OR Business Manager Matt Eleazer, Apprenticeship Coordinator Shawn Lenczowski, and Field Representative Mike Titus built a barbecue at Whiskey Creek Fish Hatchery in Tillamook, OR.


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The finished barbecue.

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On February 7th, Brother Eleazer, Local 1 OR Business Agent Mike Titus and Apprenticeship Coordinator Shawn Lenczowski made good on Matt’s promise and, with the help of a half dozen volunteers, completed the barbecue. With the Hatchery drawing upwards of 120,000 visitors annually, the barbecue will add immeasurably to its capacity as both a natural resources education center and special events site.

bac service Local 3 Massachusetts/Maine/New Hampshire/Rhode Island

Introducing Craft Skills to Middle Schoolers


teven Ahern, a 28-year Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI member, volunteered to demonstrate his craft skills for students at Narragansett Pier Middle School’s annual Career Day in Narragansett, Rhode Island. The purpose of this event is to give students the opportunity to explore a variety of career choices. “My Dad is also a proud Union bricklayer,” Brother Ahern said. “And I am glad that I can introduce our Union work to the students and our next generation.” Local 3 MA/ME/NH/RI members Mike Gilson, left, and Field Representative Chris Medeiros lay brick at the Iwo Jima Memorial in Fall River, MA.

Honoring Veterans


n Memorial Day 2013, a crowd of more than 500 people gathered around the Iwo Jima Memorial at Bicentennial Park in Fall River, Massachusetts to remember and cherish those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Local 3 MA/ME/ NH/RI member Steve Ahern demonstrates bricklaying to students.

At the bottom of a 30-foot-high bronze replica of this renowned World War II monument, hundreds of brick have been laid by Local 3 Massachusetts/Maine/New Hampshire/ Rhode Island Field Representative and 30-year member Chris Medeiros and 13-year member Michael Gilson. Sold by the Greater Fall River Veterans War Council at $50 per brick to help support various veterans’ programs, each brick is engraved with the name of a veteran either living or dead.

IU, IMI, IPF Staff Play for Charities


U, IMI and IPF staff took the field at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on May 18th as part of this year’s Tournament of Love, a union-sponsored benefit for the Diabetes Research Institute, which raised more than $250,000.

Members and supporters of the BAC softball team, “the Bricklayers.” Front row from left, Olivia McClung, Jill Lehman, Christine McClung, Jennifer Rife, Jessica Kimball, Rodney Moseley, and Kevin Flynn. Second row from left, Ward McClung, Dan Smith, BAC Executive Vice President and team Captain Gerard Scarano, Jim McNeilly, Susan Flaherty, and Justin Weller. Third row, from left, Steve McClung, Tim McTavish, Justin Elcano, Dave Elcano, Mark Callis, retired BAC Executive Vice President Gerald O’Malley, BAC Executive Vice President Tim Driscoll, and BAC Organizing Director Steve Nelms. Not pictured is Chris Blass.

Earlier this year, staffers laced up their bowling shoes and hit the lanes for the 21st Annual Bowling for Gold Tournament held in Crofton, Maryland. The tournament’s proceeds provide support for the AFL-CIO Community Services Agency’s Emergency Assistance Fund, which assists families in times of crisis. This year staff members helped raise a total of $11,800. To view the bowling team photos, please visit:

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bac service Local 7 Kentucky

Restoring a City’s Signature Focal Point


five-foot tall brick base for the flagpole on Judd Plaza in Ashland, Kentucky was completed in May thanks to the generous craft skills contributed by five members of the Moon family who are also members of Local 7 Kentucky. Local 7 KY bricklayers – Richard Moon, his sons Willie and Carmen, his cousin Brian and nephew Justin – didn’t hesitate to answer the call for reconstructing the brick flagpole base as soon as they knew the work required skilled bricklayers. “My grandfather, Carmen Moon, started bricklaying back to the 1950s, so bricklaying has been a family thing for us,” said Willie Moon. “Our community always took care of us, and it is our way of giving back.” Together, the five Moon members represent over 77 years of BAC service. The City of Ashland supplied the materials From left, Local 7 KY bricklayers Willie, Richard and Carmen Moon. and the Union members provided the labor and expertise. Since the previous base was deteriorated by bad weather, the volunteers put a seal on the new base to protect it from the elements. The flagpole is a signature component of Judd Plaza in downtown Ashland; completing this project makes the area more appealing and welcoming for residents and visitors. Mayor Chuck Charles expressed his appreciation to BAC in a letter, writing, “The City has had a great working relationship with the Bricklayers Local 7, and it is the City’s desire for a continued positive relationship for the development and growth of the community.”

From left, Willie, Justin and Brian Moon reconstruct the brick base for a flagpole in Ashland, KY. 16

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Local 7 KY President George “Mac” Mellert, left, receives a letter or appreciation to the Local from Ashland Mayor Chuck Charles.


Local 4 California Hosts Annual Apprentice Contest


n April 6th, Local 4 California hosted its annual apprentice contest at North Orange County Regional Occupational Facility in Anaheim, CA. Dozens of apprentices competed in two divisions – Brick and Marble. Ramiro Concha took first place in the Brick division, closely followed by Xavier Adame in second place and Alfredo Vargas in third place. In the Marble division, Nathan Garcia, Michael Barrera, and Alberto Ramirez won first, second and third places respectively.

From left, Local 4 CA Marble contest winners: Alberto Ramirez (3rd), Michael Barerra (2nd), and Nathan Garcia (1st), retiree Robert Price, Apprentice Coordinator Gary Anthony, and Brick contest winners: Ramiro Concha (1st), Xavier Adame (2nd) and Alfredo Vargas (3rd).

Local 1 Washington Hosts Brick Apprentice Contest


wenty apprentices participated in Local 1 Washington’s brick apprentice contest at the Local’s training center in Seattle on April 13th. Apprentice Adam Rall took first place, Daren Olson won second, and Artak Abrahamyan placed third in a highly competitive field.

From left, Local 1 WA Apprentice Coordinator Randy Johnson, second place winner Daren Olson, first place winner Adam Rall, third place winner Artak Abrahamyan, and Brick Instructor Lee West.

Local 1 Connecticut Graduates Pre-Job Class


ocal 1 Connecticut graduated 12 trainees on April 5th following their successful completion of the BAC/IMI 12-week pre-job course. The course, which is designed to prepare apprentices entering the building trades with job-ready workplace knowledge and craft skills, was the first to be conducted by Local 1 in several years. The Local invited contractors to view the final test of the class to encourage job placements for the new graduates. Local 1 President Gerald Marotti is optimistic about their future. “We are very proud to re-launch our apprentice program following the construction industry’s severe downturn and look forward to a brighter future through upcoming apprentice classes.”

Front row from left, Local 1 CT pre-job graduates Marcellus Carter, Zachary Monahan, Joseph Soccoa, Fatjon Rapo, Anthony Pace, and David Garneau. Second row from left, Adam Hutchins, Michael Bakes II, Local 1 Vice Presidents John DeRose and Todd Dexter, Local 1 Executive Vice President Timothy Palmeri, IMI Pre-job Instructor Stephen Carney IV, Local 1 President Gerald Marotti, BAC Regional Organizer Thomas McIntyre, Dominico Manganello, Francesco DeLillo, and Carlos Lastra.

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international funds

Health Care Reform Update:

How Will the Exchanges Affect Me?


he American Health Benefit Exchanges, now also called “Health Insurance Marketplaces”, key components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), will offer initial open enrollment periods from October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014 for coverage beginning as early as January 1, 2014. Although the Obama Administration recently announced it would delay ACA’s requirement for employers to provide coverage until 2015, individuals are still required to have coverage or pay a penalty in 2014, and the Exchanges are expected to come online on time. What are the Exchanges? The Exchanges are “comparative shopping websites” managed by state and/or federal agencies. This is where individuals who don’t have employer-provided coverage, or whose employer-provided coverage is unaffordable and/or does not meet “minimum value”, can shop for and purchase health insurance with after-tax dollars. Some states (17 plus D.C.) are establishing state-based Exchanges, others (27 states) are defaulting to federally-funded Exchanges in which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will perform all functions of the Exchange. The remaining seven states are partnering with the Federal government in Partnership Exchanges. Eligibility to purchase coverage through an Exchange is limited to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have been in status for at least five years. Those individuals who will not be eligible to purchase coverage in the Exchanges include veterans with VA benefits, undocumented workers, and individuals eligible for Medicaid benefits. Individuals and families with income up to 400% of the poverty line who do not have employerprovided coverage that is affordable and provides minimum value will be eligible for subsidies or tax credits towards the purchase of health insurance.

getting a lot of attention for the high cost of their plans. For example, California’s rates will increase the premiums of individual plans by as much as 146%! On the other hand, the cost of insurance coverage through New York’s Exchange was projected to cost less than current averages. The plans offered through the Exchanges typically cover medical, prescription drug and pediatric dentistry, do not include dental and vision programs, and can charge different premiums by age, geography and tobacco use. In contrast, BAC’s Taft-Hartley funds share a set premium for all members enrolled in the plan, regardless of age, and generally include coverage for up to 85-90% of medical costs, including dental and vision – valuable benefits for members and their families. Medicaid Expansion In addition to creating Exchanges, states were also given the opportunity to expand Medicaid for low income residents, which has become a divisive political decision. At present, 29 states favor expanding Medicaid; 20 states do not. Two are undecided. For states that do not expand Medicaid, it is clear that many low income individuals will remain uninsured. How do the Exchanges affect my insurance coverage if I am a participant in a BAC plan? They do not. Under the law, members with collectively bargained health and

welfare plans are presumed to have affordable employer-sponsored coverage. In almost all cases, Taft-Hartley (BAC) plans provide far more coverage (90-95%) than the plans offered in the Exchanges (60-80%). They also offer “best in class” benefits, cover members when they travel and treat members as one for all. Members who are not eligible for benefits under their BAC health plan will be eligible to obtain coverage through the Exchange. If a member’s reduction in hours causes him/her to lose coverage under the plan, he/she will be offered COBRA. The member could then either elect COBRA or purchase coverage under the Exchange. Says BAC President James Boland, “Our plans not only deliver superior benefits but provide the same coverage for everyone, regardless of age, family status, or health status. That’s why we’re working to maintain the relevance of our plans in this changing climate, and why we’ll continue to work with the Administration to level the playing field on our members’ behalf.” Where can I get more information? Between now and October 1st, your employer or health fund will provide you with an Exchange notice giving you information about the Exchanges in your area. If you have collectively bargained coverage, you do not need to do anything with this information and you will not be eligible for subsidies or tax credits in the Exchange. For more information, contact the International Health Fund (1.888.880.8222; rdonovick@bacweb. org) or visit

State Decisions For Creating Health Insurance Exchanges, as of May 28, 2013

How much will insurance coverage cost? The premiums charged by each Exchange will vary state by state. But they are all very different from private plans such as Taft-Hartley Funds – health and welfare funds that are collectively bargained by unions and employers, in which most BAC members participate. While the idea of competition among the many insurance companies that are applying to sell products on the Exchanges is good, states that have begun publishing their premiums are 18

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Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

international funds

Don’t be Fooled by Pension Loan Schemes New Form of Predatory Lending Preys On Retirees


nscrupulous financial service providers are turning to pension loans in a new form of predatory lending targeting cashed-strapped retirees and vested pension plan participants. Promoting the arrangement as “cash advances” on pension payments, these firms typically conceal the fact that the agreements are nothing more than highinterest loans. Research conducted by the New York Times found that interest rates applied to pension loans can run as high as 106 percent. Prior to the financial downturn of 2007, the loans were primarily mostly to wealthier seniors as a source of up-front cash for luxury items, travel, or home improvement projects. Since the downturn, some providers have shifted their focus to prey on less well off retirees and older workers that are struggling to make ends meet. With statistics showing a rising debt level among older Americans, these firms readily find loan candidates through web-based solicitations and advertisements in newspapers, radio, and television. Military veterans and civil service workers and retirees are specifically targeted as they are often vested in defined benefit pension plans. Because these loan providers are not banks and are relatively new, so far many have managed to operate under the radar of state and federal regulators. They also circumvent regulations by characterizing their products as advances rather than loans, which allows them to avoid interest limitations, such as those on pay-day loans, imposed by state regulators. In May, the New York State Department of Financial Services launched an investigation into the pension loan industry by subpoenaing 10 companies to determine if they were in violation of the state’s

“IPF’s rules and regulations prohibit loans or advances.” usury laws. Quoted at a recent news conference, Department head Benjamin Lawsky told reporters, “pension advances are nothing more than payday loans in sheep’s clothing.” The Department is also reviewing whether or not the firms were in violation of federal laws that restrict how military pensions are used. It is important to note that IPF’s rules and regulations prohibit loans or advances (Bricklayers and Trowel Trades International Pension Fund Rules and Regulations, Article 8, Section 13). The Trustees included this language in the Plan Rules to protect participants, retirees, and their beneficiaries from predatory lending schemes and other forms of benefit assignment. Specific exceptions, including qualified domestic relations orders and exceptions codified under

Terms of a Typical Pension Loan Monthly Pension Amount: $1,000 (reduced to $647 by loan) Loan Amount: $10,000 Monthly Loan Payment (from pension benefit): $353 Number of Monthly Payments: 60 Total Cost of Loan: $21,180 Effective Interest Rate of Loan: 36.4%

ERISA, may apply. Should you have any questions regarding benefit assignment please contact the Fund office.

Benefit Statement Notice


his is to remind you that you have the right to request a statement of your benefit accrued under the plan. You may apply for a statement once every 12 months, and we will furnish a calculation of your accrued benefit and tell you if you have enough service to be vested in your benefit. We will provide this calculation within 30 days of our receipt of your written request. If you wish to request a benefit statement you should write to: David F. Stupar, Executive Director Bricklayers & Trowel Trades International Pension Fund 620 F Street, N.W., Suite 700 Washington, DC 20004

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Local 1 Pennsylvania/Delaware Life Member Francis Doyle


n keeping with his family’s long and proud association with the bricklaying trade and BAC dating back to the late 1800s, Francis Doyle started his apprenticeship with Local 1 PA/DE in 1946 at the age of 17. After serving a 3,000-hour apprenticeship, he became a bricklayer journeyman and was hired as a foreman with C.O. Struse & Sons, where he spent most of his career supervising numerous masonry projects along the east coast as well as working as a Mason Training Director at Structural Clay Products Institute.

Local 1 PA/DE Life Member Francis Doyle.

In 1979, Brother Doyle was employed by Western Waterproofing Co. to work on the restoration of First Bank of the United States in Philadelphia. It was not an easy task. “This process involved the removal and replacement of 15,000

bricks in order to restore and preserve this historic building,” he said. Brother Doyle’s craft skills did not go unnoticed. After finishing the project, he was contacted by the National Park Service (NPS) and asked if he would like to help restore the Independence Hall. He gladly accepted the job offer. While working closely with NPS architects, Doyle cut out joints, replaced bricks, made full-sized drawings of the window arches and molded bricks for the Independence Hall. Shortly after he finished this project, the NPS offered him a permanent position. “I would never imagine that I would be spending the next 14 years restoring historic buildings around the country,” Brother Doyle said. “They proved to be the most fascinating and memorable years of my working career.” Although Brother Doyle retired at 68 from the NPS, he has been an active volunteer with the Fish and Wildlife Service for more than a decade as a photographer.

Local 5 New York Hosts Retiree Luncheon Local 5 New York held its annual Retiree Luncheon with over 120 attendees on May 3rd at the Dutchess Manor, in Beacon, New York. Front row from left, 50-year members Gaetano Dellaposta, Alex Ciampi, Dominick Ritacco, Olinto Fassetta, Louis Papele, Luigi Ciano; second row from left, Genesio Battista, Michael Simone, Clement McCann, John D’Angelo, Salvatore Iannitto, Mario Marrama, Tony Buccini, Joe Bartolomeo, and Robert Krieger; third row from left, Frank Zumpano, Joseph Medoro, Norman Ronk, John Matra, Joseph Mastropietro, Robert Fanelli, David McLeod, and BAC Northeast Regional Director Al Catalano; back row, from left, Local 5 President Michael Clifford, Vice Chairman Peter Clifford, and SecretaryTreasurer David Williams.

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Front row from left, 40-year members Frank Grieco, Anthony Delpriore, Giuseppe DeFeo, Mario Mignardi, John Stasko Sr., and Russell Krieger. Second row from left, 40-year members Giuseppe Sottile, Carl Grieco, former member Eugene Russo, Pietro Iolascon, Nino Viggiani, Robert Novak, Tom Serra, Arthur Bastian, Roasario Cavallaro. Third row from left, 40-year members Marcello Cardillo, Olinto Fassetta, Ferdinald Clarke, John Turner, Giovanni Giardina, Local 5 President Michael Clifford, Tony Provenzano, Local 5 Vice Chairman Peter Clifford, Norman Terracino, James Rennia, and BAC Northeast Regional Director Al Catalano.

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local compass

Local 8 Illinois Murphysboro Chapter

Fifty-year member John Aldridge, left, receives his Gold Card from Local 8 President Dan McCall.

From left, 40-year members Dale Croft, Roy Blythe, and Dave Osman.

Champaign Chapter

Larry Carr receives his 25-year service award.

Local 1 Nova Scotia From left, Local 1 NS President James Moore, 40-year member Giuseppe Procopio, and 25-year member Ambrose Lukeman.

Forty-year member Bob Williams, left, receives his service award from Local 8 President Dan McCall.

Local 7 Canada In photo at left, 25-year member Gerald Stack, center, receives his service award from Local 7 Vice President Norm Bone, left, and Business Manager Oliver Swan. Brother Stack, shown at right on the jobsite, is still laying brick at 71!

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local compass

Local 13 Nevada

From left, Local 13 President Carlos Aquin, 50-year Life Member Charles Lafond, and Local 13 Secretary-Treasurer Richard Crawford.

Forty-year member Myles Martin, left, receives his service award from President Carlos Aquin, center, and Vice Chairman Jeff Estell.

Local 1 Alberta Local 1 AB hosted an evening dedicated to honoring members’ Union service. Members who were recognized at the event, but not pictured, included 25-year members Curry Love, Patrick Feddema, Dave Wynn, and Troy Yeomans. From left, 25-year members Tim Shaw, Brett Shaw, Allen Broder, Roland Lamoureux, 40-year member Alojz Perpar, 25-year members Chester Edwards, Richard Foster, Christian Dam, Kurt Andersen, and Frank Sharpe.

District Council of Wisconsin

Twenty-five year member Steve Urban, left, receives his service award from Business Manager Alan Ramsay. 22

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Twenty-five year member Clarence Fendelet receives his service award.

Local 13 WI Life Member Peter Ponti, right, receives his Gold Card from Jeff Leckwee, Director of the District Council of Wisconsin.

local compass

Local 1 Washington

Local 1 WA hosted its annual awards banquet last December. Front row from left, 50-year members Robert Barber, John Urban, and Alvin Nicholl; middle row from left, Local 1 WA Executive Vice Chairman Benny Wright, 50-year members Delmar Moore and Richard Gauntt; back row from left, Local 1 WA President Dennis Becker and BAC President James Boland.

Front row from left, 40-year members Scott Luke and Roy Brons; back row from left, Local 1 WA Secretary-Treasurer Steve Herrick, Executive Vice Chairman Benny Wright, President Dennis Becker, and BAC President James Boland.

Front row from left, 25-year members Joseph Taliento, Daniel Rasmussen, and Daniel McGrath; middle row from left, Local 1 Secretary-Treasurer Steve Herrick, 25-year members Gary Parker and Vernon Vaughn, and BAC President James Boland.

Local 1 Michigan

Local 1 MI hosted a luncheon to honor 50-year members in June 2012. From left, Local 1 MI Secretary-Treasurer Chuck Kukawka, 50-year members Clayton Smith, Otello Querciagrossa, Don Hamilton, Tony Masiarczyk, and Local 1 MI President Mark King.

Local 1 MI honored 40- and 25-year members at its monthly membership meeting on December 4, 2012. From left, President Mark King with 40-year members retired Local 1 Field Representative John Flynn, David Terenzi and retired Apprentice Coordinator Jack Love, and Secretary-Treasurer Chuck Kukawka.

From left, 25-year member and retired Local 1 Field Representative Clay Hawthorne, President Mark King, 25-year members Bob Spangler, John Lutz Jr., David Cordle, Don Bruning, Sid Casamatta, Local 1 Field Representative Tim Ochalek, John Toniolo, and Secretary-Treasurer Chuck Kukawka.

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Canada’s Building Trades Hold Policy Conference


undreds of representatives of Canada’s building trades unions met in Gatineau, Quebec in May to exchange views and deliberate on the legislative and political agenda affecting the nation’s organized construction industry as part of the 2013 Policy Conference organized by the Canadian Office of the Building and Construction Trades Department. The BAC delegation included BAC Canadian Congress Co-Chair and Local 7 Canada President Oliver Swan, Craig Strudwick, BAC Regional Director – Canada, and BAC Director of Organizing Steve Nelms. The big difference this year compared to past Conferences, says BAC Regional Director Craig Strudwick, was the added objective of setting policy for Canada’s building trades for the next three years. This was achieved through a prescribed submission process for

resolutions from the affiliated unions, after which, resolutions were considered in accordance with the Conference’s committee structure. Strudwick served as Chairman of the Reports Committee, which issued recommendations on enhancing the strategic development and planning of the trades at both the national and provincial levels. The three-day Conference also featured an impressive line-up of high profile speakers, among them several Cabinet Ministers and politicians from all parties who discussed a range of federal and provincial issues. Lobbying activities on Parliament Hill allowed participants the chance to raise their respective members’ concerns directly with Members of Parliament and Senators with respect to a range of policies related to energy, immigration, temporary foreign workers, and employment insurance.

Les métiers de la construction du Canada organisent une conférence sur les politiques


es centaines de représentants des syndications des métiers de la construction du Canada se sont rencontrés à Gatineau, au Québec, en mai, pour échanger de vues et délibérer sur le programme législatif et politique affectant l’industrie de la construction syndiquées dans le cadre de la Conférence sur les politiques de 2013 organisée par le bureau canadien du Département des métiers de la construction. La délégation du BAC se composait du coprésident du BAC pour le Congrès canadien et le président de la section locale 7, Oliver Swan, Craig Strudwick, directeur région du BAC – Canada et directeur de l’organisation BAC, Steve Nelms. La grande différence cette année comparativement aux conférences dans années précédentes, aux dires du directeur régional du BAC, Craig Strudwick, a été le nouvel objectif d’établir une politique pour les métiers de la construction du Canada pour les trois prochaines années. Cela a été rendu possible grâce à un 24

Photography by / Photographe de Michael Bashamt

Opposition leader Thomas Mulcair, PC MP of the NDP told the assembled building trades leaders, “Workers are the key component to our society… Together, we can work to build a Canada that is the best in the world, not just for ourselves but for generations to come.” Mulcair also noted the NDP’s support for tax credits to workers who must travel to work. Le leader de l’opposition, Thomas Mulcair, député conservateur du NPD, a déclaré aux leaders des métiers de la construction rassemblé : « Les travailleurs sont les éléments clés de notre société… Nous pouvons travailler ensemble pour bâtir un Canada qui est le meilleur au monde, nous seulement pour nous, mais pour les générations à venir. » M. Muclair a également mis en évidence le soutien du NPD pour les crédits d’impôts pour les travailleurs qui doivent voyager pour leur travail.

processus de soumission prescrit pour les résolutions de la part de syndicats affiliés, les résolutions ont été considérées conformément à la structure du comité de la conférence. M. Strudwick a agit comme président du comité des rapports, qui a émis des recommandations concernant l’amélioration du développement stratégique et de la planification pour les métiers à la fois au niveau national et provincial. La conférence de trois jours a également présenté une liste impressionnante des conférenciers réputés, parmi lesquels on retrouvant plusieurs ministres et politiciens de tous les partis, qui ont discuté d’une gamme de questions fédérales et provinciales. Des activités de lobbying sur la Colline du Parlement ont permis aux participants d’exprimer les préoccupations respectives de leurs membres directement aux membres du Parlement et aux sénateurs par rapport à un certain nombre de politiques liées à l’énergie, l’immigration, les travailleurs étrangers temporaires et l’assurance-emploi.

| b ric kl aye rs and a lli ed cra f t work e r s

Photography by / Photographe de Michael Bashamt

Craig Strudwick, BAC Regional Director – Canada and Chairman of the Conference’s Reports Committee, introduces the Committee’s report and recommendations. Craig Strudwick, directeur régional du BAC – Canada et président du comité des rapports de la conférence, présente le rapport et les recommandations du comité.


BAC and BACU – Talks Continue


s part of an ongoing series of meetings between the International Union, BAC Canadian Local Unions and the Brick and Allied Crafts Union (BACU), representatives of both unions met in Washington, D.C. on July 16th to discuss mutually beneficial ways of working together to improve opportunities and working conditions for the organized trowel trades in Ontario.

BAC et BACU – les discussions se poursuivent


ans le cadre d’une série continue de rencontres entre le syndicat international, les syndicats locaux canadiens du BAC et la Brick and Allied Crafts Union (BACU), les représentants des deux syndicats se sont rencontrés à Washington, D. C., le 16 juillet, pour discuter de façons de collaborer en vue d’atteindre des objectifs bénéfiques pour tous afin d’améliorer les possibilités et des conditions de travail pour les métiers de la truelle syndiqués de l’Ontario.

Left column, front to back, BAC President James Boland, Joe Plunkett of BACU, Local 6 Ontario President Mike Gagliano, BAC Canadian Congress Co-Chair and Local 7 Canada Business Manager Oliver Swan, retired BAC Secretary-Treasurer L. Gerald Carlisle, and BAC SecretaryTreasurer Henry Kramer. Right column, front to back, BACU officials Tom Williams, John Haggis, Rick Eade, John Smith, and Kerry Wilson. Present but blocked in the back are BAC Regional Director – Canada Craig Strudwick and BAC Executive Vice President Tim Driscoll. Colonne de gauche, d’avant en arrière, président du BAC, James Boland, Joe Plunkett de BACU, président de la section 6 en BAC en Ontario, Mike Gagliano, coprésident du BAC pour le Congrès canadien et directeur des opérations au Canada pour la section 7, Oliver Swan, secrétaire-trésorier à la retraite du BAC, L. Gerald Carlisle, et secrétaire-trésorier du BAC, Henry Kramer. Colonne de droite, d’avant en arrière, fonctionnaires de BACU Tom Williams, John Haggis, Rick Eade, John Smith et Kerry Wilson. Présents, mais ne pouvant être aperçus à l’arrière, se trouvent le directeur régional du BAC – Canada, Craig Strudwick, et vice-président exécutif du BAC, Tim Driscoll.

Local 1 Newfoundland Member Demonstrates Pinpoint Precision


wenty-nine year Local 1 Newfoundland member Wayne Kelly took first place in the opening event of the Professional Darts Corporation North American Championship Tour (PDC NACT) held in St. John’s, NL in June. Battling through a field of 80 competitors, Kelly defeated his opponent, Bernie Miller, in the final round by 6-2. Congratulations to Brother Kelly on this stellar achievement and best wishes in future PDC NACT events.

Un membre de la section locale 1 de Terre-Neuve fait preuve d’une précision remarquable Local 1 NL member Wayne Kelly, right, accepts the congratulations of competitors and spectators on after winning first prize in the Professional Darts Corporation North American Championship Tour event on June 16th. Le membre de la section 1 de T.-N.-L., Wayne Kelly, à droite, accepte des félicitations de la part de compétiteurs et de spectateurs après avoir remporté le premier prix dans le cadre du Professional Darts Corporation North American Championship Tour, le 16 juin.


embre depuis vingt-neuf ans de la section locale 1 de TerreNeuve, Wayne Kelly a remporté la première place au cours de l’événement d’ouverture du Professional Darts Corporation North American Championship Tour (PDC NACT) (Championnat nord-américain de la société des joueurs de fléchettes professionnels) qui a eu lieu à St-Jean, T.-N.-L., le 16 juin. Rivalisant parmi 80 compétiteurs, M. Kelly a défait son adversaire, Bernie Miller, dans le tour final, 6-2. Félicitations au camarade Kelly pour sa réalisation exceptionnelle et nos meilleurs vœux de succès pour les événements PDC NACT à venir.

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| b ric kl aye rs and a lli ed cra f t work e r s

in memoriam

February Death Benefit Claims for February 2013



Total Amount Paid Total Union Labor Life Claims Total Death Benefits Total Number of Claims Average Age Average Years of Membership

Langham, Frank L. - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Laprocina, Nick - 08, OH Link, Carl E. - 06, IL Lohmar, Donald J. - 74, IL

B B B B, W

79 86 92 57

57 59 73 39

MacDonald, William F. - 04, NJ Madole, William A. - 20, IL Mahaffy, Lloyd - 09, MI Marinelli, Louis - 01, MI Mastroianni, Stephen - 01, CT McGohon, Bertram C. - 07, KY Meguro, Yasuo - 01, HI Melocchi, Carmen J. - 09, PA Meyer, George W. - 08, IL Molea, Phillip S. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Moro, Robert M. - 05, NY Morris, Audrey W. - 15, WV Mozzoni, Sr., Orlando - 09, PA Murphy, David L. - 08, IL


76 86 88 92 78 74 91 79 86 70 82 88 87 82

42 66 60 62 54 56 51 54 64 46 56 57 52 61

Nagy, Andrew P. - 09, PA

B, M



O’Neill, Jr., Sidney A. - 04, IN/KY Orlando, Paul N. - 05, PA Osgood, Clayton C. - 03, NY


83 82 92

65 48 66

Patterson, Jack H. - 08, IL Phelps, L. Clayton - 33, GA/NC/SC Putnam, Jr., Russell E. - 02, WI

B, CM, M B B, M

86 91 82

65 73 40

Redmon, Eugene J. - 05, OH Rich, John T. - 04, IN/KY Rodefeld, William L. - 01, MO Rohrbach, William T. - 46, OH Roncaioli, Silvio C. - 07, NY/NJ Ronkainen, Gerald W. - 01, MN/ND


71 89 86 76 89 82

27 64 46 55 60 57

Santillo, Sr., Vincent J. - 07, NY/NJ Sartin, Charles R. - 55, OH Schickling, Joseph J. - 01, PA/DE Schrupp, Alfred H. - 01, MN/ND Scotellaro, Jr., Michael P. - 02, NY/VT Seay, Harold W. - 04, IN/KY Serra, Lawrence F. - 09, PA Sietsema, Russell J. - 09, MI Soboslai, Carl - 05, OH Sotelo, Anthony L. - 06, IL Spreitzer, John - 04, CA Stewart, Brian D. - 01, MI Swords, Archie L. - 45, OH Szemborski, Martin - 08, WI


95 71 83 78 82 88 95 76 85 75 91 51 72 81

51 35 59 58 61 61 72 39 61 36 55 1 49 56

Talarick, Andrew P. - 05, NJ Tatum, Coy M. - 21, IL Taylor, Charles H. - 04, IN/KY Tillett, Robert N. - 01, MD/VA/DC Toman, Frank - 05, PA

B, CM B B B B, M, TL

88 72 86 87 87

55 45 46 64 65

Verderosa, John P. - 01, CT Vislosky, John - 04, IN/KY Vos, Arthur W. - 01, SD

B, CM, M, P TL B

80 82 94

62 55 61

Ware, Willard L. - 02, NY/VT Wegman, James R. - 07, WI Wiggins, Willie - 04, NJ Willenbrink, Paul W. - 01, MO Williams, Jr., Ernest K. - 05, PA Wuagon, George M. - 05, PA

B B B B B, CM, P B

91 82 91 77 71 72

58 56 62 53 22 46

Zdanowicz, Stella - 05, PA Zeis, Allan D. - 01, MN/ND Zoppo, Charles - 01, MD/VA/DC


87 83 88

63 54 60



Ainsworth, James T. - 05, OK/AR/TX Allen, Lloyd D. - 09, PA Andersen, Wilhelm A. - 01, OR Anderson, Clifford B. - 21, IL Arancibia, Henry - 03, CA Baggett, Sr., Raymond S. - 01, MD/VA/DC Barr, Sr., Ralph P. - 09, PA Bauer, Sr., Harold W. - 08, IL Biancardi, Carmine J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Bowman, Jr., Richard P. - 03, CA Butina, Jerome - 09, PA Cannistraro, Rosario - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Carlini, Joseph - 03, NY Cecchini, Annibale - 02, ON Cerritelli, Matthew J. - 04, NJ Chambers, Glen - 01, UT Chapman, George E. - 74, IL Chustz, Sr., Eugene R. - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Collier, Harold J. - 01, NY Das, Anthony S. - 21, IL DelSordo, Michael J. - 04, NJ DeSantis, Gino - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI DeStefano, Sr., Gilbert R. - 02, NY/VT DiLauro, Anthony - 05, OH Dollahan, Sr., Charles E. - 04, IN/KY Dominguez, Vincent R. - 01, FL Drury, Edwin - 01, FL Dutton, Chester E. - 01, OR Dwyer, William - 01, MO Falcone, Gaetano - 01, NY Fleschler, George - 21, IL Freel, Everett L. - 04, CA Funkhouser, Norris N. - 09, PA Gallina, Justo - 01, NY Good, Mervin - 05, PA Gorter, William - 11, WI Grant, Lawrence - 05, NY Gray, George E. - 04, IN/KY Grzyb, Sr., Frank J. - 01, CT Hansen, Melvin L. - 04, WI Haroldson, Kenneth W. - 01, MN/ND Henn, Jr., Robert E. - 05, PA Henry, William R. - 02, AB Heyrman, Robert E. - 03, WI Himes, Howard D. - 03, CA Holland, Charles R. - 08, WI Holloway, Eugene H. - 01, MO Holycross, Wayne S. - 08, IL Hruby, David M. - 09, PA Huber, Jr., Howard N. - 05, PA Ieraci, Ilario - 01, NY Knapp, Chris W. - 06, IL

CM, P B B B B B B B, M CM B B, M B, M, MM PC B B B B B B B B CM B, CM, M, P B PC, CM TL P B B B B B, M B, M B B MM, TL, TW B, CM B, M B, CM, P B, M B, M, W B, M, P B B, M B B B B PC, CM B B B

$216,900.00 $0.00 $216,900.00 114 82.90 54.31 YEARS OF AGE MEMBERSHIP 90 92 90 80 91 89 93 95 85 84 73 81 90 85 84 92 73 78 76 91 70 97 81 87 52 86 87 83 82 83 76 80 84 90 68 82 61 88 91 87 89 94 86 77 76 84 86 86 83 83 82 93

66 57 63 59 63 64 66 65 45 51 44 28 67 57 64 63 46 60 59 33 46 71 61 57 28 46 62 61 55 57 55 57 55 64 23 50 28 64 55 66 64 67 44 52 45 53 65 54 63 48 47 56


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in memoriam

March Death Benefit Claims for March 2013 Total Amount Paid Total Union Labor Life Claims Total Death Benefits Total Number of Claims Average Age Average Years of Membership


$233,100.00 $1,000.00 $232,100.00 126 80.04 51.13




Ackley, Robert E. - 01, NE Akima, Harry - 01, HI Amaral, Edward A. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Antonelli, Dominick - 09, PA Arlington, George F. - 01, MI Arsenault, Arthur J. - 01, PE Askey, Randy L. - 05, PA


78 70 57 87 84 68 53

56 41 29 59 36 42 11

Baker, James V. - 04, IN/KY Baldi, John E. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Baney, Richard A. - 05, PA Bard, Russell F. - 09, MI Bellew, Glen A. - 07, KY Blunt, Walter - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Boland, John N. - 05, OH Bourbon, Wilbur F. - 21, IL Boven, Bernard P. - 09, MI Bramble, Arthur - 05, NY Branca, Eugene W. - 03, WA/ID/MT Brazie, Fred E. - 03, IA Brenden, Mervin - 01, WA


97 89 74 90 77 80 82 82 87 83 82 90 97

64 63 22 59 36 46 56 58 59 44 58 61 64

Caron, Richard J. - 01, MN/ND Carpinello, Francis M. - 01, PA/DE Chiulli, Louis J. - 07, NY/NJ Conrod, Charles W. - 01, NS Crossey, Jr., Anthony R. - 09, PA


68 91 57 91 60

46 66 30 65 34

Davis, Roger O. - 04, IN/KY Dietrich, James A. - 09, PA Donoghue, James H. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Drabant, George H. - 01, MO Drenning, Stanley P. - 01, MI


58 77 89 70 79

6 55 70 51 45

Elmer, Leonard J. - 06, WI Emslie, Sr., George A. - 01, NY

B, M M

85 78

60 56

Fabi, Mario V. - 05, NJ Farda, Domenico - 05, PA Frampton, Stanley L. - 11, WV


83 91 89

53 62 62

Gardner, Richard - 07, NY/NJ Goossens, Joseph - 01, MI Guerrera, Mario - 01, CT


71 99 69

42 58 42

Hair, Jr., James M. - 05, OK/AR/TX Hallar, Ernest J. - 06, IL Hanes, Keith R. - 01, OR Heinrich, Karl H. - 21, IL Holt, Harald - 21, IL


94 88 81 91 90

53 65 59 59 63

Ingram, Thomas W. - 01, MD/VA/DC




Johns, W. Cecil - 05, TN Jones, Charles A. - 01, MI


88 53

61 82

| b ric kl aye rs and a lli ed cra f t work e r s




Joyce, John T. - 21, IL Juhl, Morton S. - 74, IL Jurmann, James E. - 56, IL


77 88 67

54 66 43

Kaczynski, Robert - 01, NY Kane, Jr., Joseph T. - 05, NJ Keenan, James M. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Keener, Paul A. - 05, PA Knob, Sr., Harold H. - 09, PA Knott, Jr., Frederick - 09, PA Konarska, Norman J. - 01, MI

B B B, M, PC, RE B, M PC, B, CM B, W B

74 66 69 74 81 89 90

51 44 28 54 56 60 65

Lacey, Delmar G. - 08, IL Lamy, Donias J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Leach, Thomas A. - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Leone, Anthony - 04, NJ Liberatore, Jr., Victor - 02, NY/VT Lindsey, Gary W. - 01, MI Loken, Floyd H. - 08, WI Long, Manford R. - 05, OK/AR/TX Lynch, Mortimer - 07, NY/NJ

B CM B B, CM, P B, M B, CM, GU, MS, N B B, W MM

82 80 90 85 69 63 89 82 66

61 45 63 64 44 34 55 46 31

Macaro, Dominick L. - 05, NJ Marocsik, John J. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Marus, Orfeo - 01, NE McAfee, Jr., Carl A. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI McCarthy, Bernard - 04, NJ McCoy, Jr., Stephen D. - 05, OH McIntyre, Charles M. - 05, OK/AR/TX Miklya, Nikola - 01, MN/ND Miller, Sr., Robert A. - 01, WV Mooradian, Michael A. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI Mora, Gregorio C. - 04, CA Muldrew, Jr., Isaiah M. - 04, IN/KY


85 74 81 91 85 90 86 85 90 27 69 85

60 50 54 42 66 66 49 51 67 1 47 49

Nagel, Robert G. - 01, MN/ND Nakea, Carter K. - 01, HI Nanoski, George T. - 04, CA Nottingham, Glenn A. - 09, PA


84 58 86 87

64 9 54 64

Oakley, Donald L. - 04, IN/KY O’Hern, Francis H. - 01, MN/ND O’Keefe, John W. - 04, NJ


70 85 93

24 45 66

Paaske, Harold F. - 08, WI Paradiso, Donald - 21, IL Patton, Bobby - 07, KY Peloza, John - 21, IL Percudani, Angelo - 07, NY/NJ Place, Leroy H. - 09, MI Plummer, Joseph W. - 09, MI


79 90 73 85 87 71 63

56 64 51 36 24 45 45

Ransom, Harry R. - 01, NY Rastelli, Nicholas - 03, NY Reining, Robert J. - 21, IL Rizak, Charles - 01, MD/VA/DC Roy, Percy J. - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Rudovich, George J. - 04, IN/KY Rush, Richard D. - 04, CA


91 69 68 85 87 55 70

59 27 46 60 64 33 43

Salerno, Sr., Charles A. - 02, NY/VT Sarratt, Gary L. - 15, MO/KS Schlicker, Larry E. - 09, MI Scott, Jr., William C. - 21, IL Shanahan, John A. - 03, NY Siciliano, Gaetano - 05, NJ Sinak, Jr., Stephen - 01, PA/DE Smith, Malenious L. - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Spallone, Eduardo - 04, NJ

B, P B, M B B B B B B, CM, P B

87 56 74 64 91 92 78 82 92

65 35 50 38 67 62 59 63 64

in memoriam MEMBER - LOCAL UNION



Spencer, Jr., Claude - 08, WI Statler, George M. - 01, NE Straniero, Jr., Anthony G. - 05, OH Suer, Charles R. - 03, CA Sullivan, John - 03, NY

B B, M B B B, M

86 92 85 79 84

48 66 60 56 61

Tagliarini, Venerando - 05, NY Tillyer, Joseph P. - 04, NJ Tomaino, Anthony A. - 01, CT


90 86 80

41 55 58

Vestel, Everett L. - 08, IL

P, B, CM



Waggoner, Donald D. - 52, OH Wagner, Jr., Joseph - 08, WI Walker, DeVon L. - 09, PA Walker, Hugh - 01, NY Whittles, James M. - 01, MD/VA/DC Wilhelm, Paul L. - 46, OH Williams, Howard - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL


74 88 84 80 84 85 92

55 61 44 58 56 43 52

Yarnick, Roger D. - 09, PA

B, M



Zebzda, Edward A. - 01, CT Zingarelli, Frank A. - 03, MA/ME/NH/RI


83 94

33 59

April Death Benefit Claims for April 2013 Total Amount Paid Total Union Labor Life Claims Total Death Benefits Total Number of Claims Average Age Average Years of Membership

$148,950.00 $6,000.00 $142,950.00 84 78.38 49.07




Aguilar, David R. - 18, CA Aldaco, Mark - 04, CA Andres, Kenneth L. - 09, PA Aveni, Anthony - 05, OH


55 83 73 88

22 59 48 66

Bartak, Robert G. - 01, NE Bernardo, Anthony - 01, WA Blowers, Sr., Clifford G. - 09, MI Boyle, Edward - 01, NY Burke, Richard E. - 08, IL

B B B B B, M

65 84 80 79 79

42 64 57 49 61

Carlisi, John - 07, NY/NJ Carpino, Francesco - 01, NY Catanese, John - 21, IL Cavazzi, Jr., Julius J. - 07, NY/NJ Colaw, Jr., Henry A. - 03, NY


101 78 84 80 85

24 53 49 55 65

Davidson, Quentin B. - 01, MD/VA/DC Denecke, Scott A. - 07, NY/NJ DiGrande, Ottavio - 07, NY/NJ


91 47 85

64 22 49

Eckert, Robert W. - 08, IL Elliott, Robert - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL


85 85

60 64

Ganz, Bruno - 04, IN/KY Gaughan, Francis J. - 05, PA Gehling, Edward A. - 01, MN/ND Giambrone, Anthony L. - 09, MI Gier, Jr., Marvin E. - 03, WA/ID/MT


82 47 81 80 66

63 14 54 20 39




Grishaber, Sr., Robert L. - 09, WV




Hall, James B. - 09, MI Hamblin, Nathan P. - 06, IL Hardtke, Herman G. - 01, WA Hern, Charles F. - 55, OH Hocutt, Jr., Felix D - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Hodgkin, George - 04, IN/KY Hunter, Leroy - 15, WV


55 47 68 75 91 91 73

35 6 46 23 44 61 52

Jackson, Roy A. - 07, CO Johnson, Rubin E. - 01, MN/ND Johnson, Thomas - 07, NY/NJ


72 85 79

50 61 42

Karnes, Frederick T. - 01, MI Kekahuna, Edwin L. - 01, HI Krsak, George J. - 01, WA


88 58 90

65 25 63

Langdon, Max G. - 04, IN/KY LaPorta, Anthony P. - 21, IL


94 81

53 58

Marchetti, BlasĂŠ L. - 05, PA Marcinelli, Peter J. - 07, NY/NJ McGowan, Quvella - 04, IN/KY Medaglia, Donald - 05, OH Mertes, Cletus A. - 15, MO/KS Mion, Silvano J. - 04, NJ Moyers, James H. - 05, OK/AR/TX


69 24 92 74 78 81 88

46 1 44 56 58 55 49

Nadalin, Cesare - 09, PA




Orlow, James J. - 08, WI

B, M



Palencia, Joseph H. - 04, CA Patterson, Jr., Edward - 06, LA/MS/AL/FL Paulson, James - 07, NY/NJ Pavao, Manuel R. - 03, MA/ME/ NH/RI Pellegrini, Alfonso - 01, MI Petersen, Marvin J. - 01, OR Peterson, George C. - 20, IL Pfisterer, Carl P. - 21, IL Pistorius, Benjamin H. - 01, UT Popstefanov, Gjorgi - 04, NJ Poronovicz, Andrew - 09, PA


89 79 56 73 76 87 77 81 88 79 84

47 52 25 45 52 60 59 59 61 34 64

Reis, Sr., Joseph - 01, CT Ritchie, William G. - 05, NJ

B B, CS, PC, W

84 61

62 33

Savage, Raymond E. - 01, MI Schirmer, Charles A. - 01, MN/ND Schlereth, Richard R. - 01, MO Showalter, Warren E. - 09, PA Snyder, Charles R. - 06, OH Sullivan, Edmund J. - 03, NY Szeremeta, Piotr - 04, NJ

M, MM CB B B, M B B, M B, CM

87 90 68 92 81 89 81

64 53 50 63 57 65 48

Taylor, Perry - 04, CA Thiel, John A. - 05, NJ Tkaczyk, Leonard W. - 05, PA Traverso, Albert H. - 03, CA Tretter, Harry M. - 04, IN/KY Trissel, John F. - 06, OH Tunno, Robert U. - 09, PA


84 82 77 95 84 81 97

53 65 53 23 55 43 63

Verburgt, Jr., John J. - 09, WI Via, Oscar D. - 09, WV


86 81

62 59

Wahl, Earl A. - 03, CA Walden, Sr., Timothy A. - 09, WV Wallace, Lewis - 18, OH Wehr, Arnold F. - 08, WI Weis, Charles H. - 09, PA Wuebben, Norman F. - 01, SD

B, M PC B, M, MM B B B

87 49 77 74 86 77

66 19 44 55 61 44

is s u e 2 , 2 0 13 |


Journal BAC

ISSUE 2 / 2013

BAC • 620 F Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20004

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