Back2Basics Magazine - August/September 2014, The Fashion Issue

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August/September 2014


Beautiful Epiphany Demia Doggette inspires in fashion, purpose, beauty and empowerment through Beautiful Epiphany, a fashion social network

The Anti Grind A dancer at heart, Jacquelyn Doggette gave up everything to pursue her purpose in performing arts

The Fashion Issue


* Adventist Fashion * Overcomer- Dee Knight * The Giver * Die Trying * The Prayer Challenge * 25 Random Things about B2B Fashion Editor, MelanieJoyce | 2 | 3

August/September 2014


BACK2BASICSMAG.COM Twitter @back2basicsmag

volume 3 | number 3

The Fashion Issue features 6

25 Random Things about B2B Fashion Editor, Melanie Pullman


Jacquelyn Doggette- The Anti Grind

B2B Tip:

10 Die Trying by Kory Douglas 11 My Ugly Skirt by Alexandria Martin 12 Demia Doggette - Beautiful Epiphany 16 They Overcame By -

Dee Knight

17 Adventist Fashion by Nolan Roy 19 The Giver

Romans 12:2 | 4

The 30 Day Prayer Challenge

Join us in spending five minutes each day praying for all things to improve our lives. DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY


Publisher Brittany N. Winkfield Contributors MelanieJoyce, Troy Bogar, Rich Clark, Jacquelyn Doggette, Kory Douglas, Rey Granger, Alexandria Martin, Jason Moore, Nolan Roy, Jordan Southerland Cover photo: Rey Granger/ Web Development Marcus Winkfield Advisory Board Tracy Augustin, Philip Baptiste, Ramona Davis, Juanita Farmer, Kymone Hinds, Marisa Jackson, Timothy Olaore, Donald Rolle, Terri Roston, Michele Solomon, Jennifer Stone, Samuel Thomas Editorial and Advertising Inquiries 303-351-8180, Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright Š 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics Magazine is a registered nonprofit in the United States of America.


Random Things about B2B Fashion Editor, MelanieJoyce

1. 2.

I love to shop at thrift/consignment stores.

I have a shoe addiction, and I was hoping there is some sort of rehab for it. I seriously need shoe rehab...but shoes are THE statement you make without saying a thing.


I believe I have two love languages and they are: acts of service and quality time.


I am a Virgo. I get along with everyone, but I feel my strongest connections with: other Virgos, Scorpios, Cancers, and Capricorns.


I’m afraid of heights, but I don’t let it limit me. I still love roller coasters, flying, and driving to the mountains (although I think i need a sedative when I’m too close to those Colorado cliffs). Smh


I am a loner and social butterfly at the same time! Oxymoron, yes. I will hold a conversation with anyone, but it’s short and sweet. I don’t hang with too many people, I only need just the few faithfuls and I am good. Too many extra people call for too many extra stories and I can’t take the pressure!


I’m all about organic relationships. No sunbeam friendships for me. | 6


I love peaceful time. I love looking at water, practicing yoga, and meditation.


I am an over analyzer, but I don’t express it too much. I keep it cool, but it bothers me when I am around other over analyzers who actually openly express all those random thoughts and points of views they made up in their mind!!


I am a helper by nature. It’s very innate for me to solve a problem or help someone. When I mix helping with my passions... It feeds my spirit.


I love to dance! All I need is a good DJ and can’t nobody tell me nothing!

22. 23.

I love city living.

My mom is one one of my best friends. Sweetest person in the world.


I’m very silly... most people don’t know because I keep an air tight composed demeanor.


I dream of traveling the world all the time. I wanna go backpacking at some point in life for a few months or so.


I have been talking about losing five pounds for about 10 years. Still there.


My funnest years were my freshman and sophomore years in college.

14. 15. 16. 17.

I love haystacks... Are SDA’s the only ones who eat those?

I got my ears pierced like 5 years ago. Way late! I’m not big on make-up, but I love red lipstick :-)

I am very artistic. I love many things like painting, drawing, decorating and styling. I’m currently working on my MFA (Masters of Fine Arts) in Fashion Design. Yea!


It’s taking me a very long time to get to #25 so I am thinking about stopping at #20... that’s my lack of patience kicking in.


I think I’m witty. Who’s gonna tell me I’m not?!! Confidence is key. Ha!


I look more like my cousin than my sister. My sister looks more like the cousin’s sister that I look like. It’s kinda crazy.


I get a kick out of trying on clothes and dancing in the mirror...It brings me joy :-)

MelanieJoyce of Zeal Silhouette Personal Fashion Consultant 303-807-1776 | 7

My name is Jacquelyn Doggette and I am a blogger, dancer and actress. It sounds simple and in one way, it truly is. But in another way, achieving the “Blogger. Dancer. Actress.” title took some serious blood, prayer and tears. Well, not the blood. Replace the blood with torn ligaments and broken toes and the story gets a little more accurate. I should start at the beginning. My career began in church. My family moved around quite a bit when I was growing up and singing, dancing and acting in church was one of the few constants in my life. Schools, churches, even people might come and go, but the performing arts travelled with me.

Performance of Handel’s Messiah

Singing and acting were always a part of my church experience, but I was not introduced to dance until I was nine-years-old. My family moved across the country, from Florida to California, about that time and one of the first children’s ministries we encountered at our new church home was the praise dance ministry. I was hooked at the first eight count. My life was never the same. Dance fulfilled every one of my performing arts desires from music to storytelling to athleticism. My praise dance education continued for the next seven years under the tutelage of my talented teacher, Miss Sonja. During that time, I learned more than choreography. I was exposed to the technicalities of dance and the influence of performance art. I began taking the power of the performing arts seriously. Each play, each song, each dance performance touched someone’s life. There was at least one person at every performance who could relate to what was happening on stage. I knew I was meant to be a part of reaching people at a heart-level. Then we moved, cross country again, this time to Pennsylvania. Away from the dance troupe and the instruction of my teacher, I wilted. Sometimes playwriting or performing would bring the spark back, but I floated through the next few years too afraid to aim for a career in the industry I loved. I considered performing arts school and chickened out at the idea of auditioning. I made a few halfhearted attempts to leave the traditional college to corporate path, but graduated with a Communication degree and began a career in Marketing & Public Relations anyway. I still wanted to perform, but somewhere along the line I bought into this idea that a career in the entertainment industry was risky and impractical. I buried my love for the performing arts so deep in fear that by the time I joined the corporate world I was convinced I was not passionate about anything. It was a far cry from the teenager who would write articles, claiming that the performing arts were one of the most influential acts of ministry for God.

Rich Clark

A dance interpretation The corporate life wasn’t so bad. Not technically. I was learning valuable of 12 Years A Slave skills, collecting checks and climbing the corporate ladder. My at The Carnival: friends considered me a “success story” and congratulated me on being Choreographer’s Ball so young and so put together. I accepted the encouragement, but couldn’t get it out of my head that something was deeply wrong. I was miserable, especially for someone who was supposedly doing so well in life. It wasn’t until I watched a particularly emotional episode of So You Think You Can Dance, a FOX Network competition show, that it hit me. I was born to dance. God made me to dance and if He put that passion in my heart, I was not going to be satisfied or fulfilled at a desk. The career change began as soon as reality hit. | 8

Troy Bogar

by Jacquelyn Doggette

The next year was a whirlwind of dance classes, physical therapy and treatment for sports injuries (including torn ligaments and bone spurs from broken toes), YouTube playlists of my favorite dance videos and plenty of blogging about purpose, potential and living a fulfilling life. I purged my possessions and deposited every spare penny into my savings account. I wanted to be ready for action when an opportunity came and sure enough, one showed up. One of the dancers I follow on Twitter mentioned a certain dance studio in Hollywood. I looked the studio up and found out that they had a comprehensive dance intensive for adults, a unicorn of a program in the dance community. After a scouting trip to Los Angeles and countless gut-wrenching prayers, my mind was made up. I applied and was accepted into the program. That’s all I needed. I quit my job, packed my house and moved back to California where it all began. It was the best decision of my life. I have had amazing opportunities to do what I love as a result of the decision to let go and let God lead my life. People ask what I “do” now and it’s a more complicated answer than it used to be. I do a lot of things. I blog on my website,, about creating a career around your purpose, give talks on purpose and potential, write, dance, teach dance workshops and act. It’s a hectic, busy life and I spend a lot more time working than I did during my office life. But I love it. I wouldn’t trade any of it in for a desk, because I am finally in a place where God’s plans for me and my actions are lining up. I truly believe that each of us was created by God for a specific purpose. We are each a completely unique blend of passions, interests, culture, background and experience. That is no accident. We each have something special to offer the world, something that no one else could, and if we settle for lives outside of our purpose we are cheating ourselves and everyone who needed to see or hear about what only we could do. Life is a lot like the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. God gives us our interests and passions to use for Him and when we do, He blesses our efforts. When we don’t, it is oftentimes because we have missed the point. That is why I share my career journey. I don’t ever want to let an opportunity to encourage someone to do whatever it is that God is telling them to do go by. He put it in me to let people know, through The Anti Grind and the performances and workshops, that He is more than able to support the leaps of faith that He asks us to take. Erma Bombeck summed it up in one of my favorite quotes when she said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything You gave me.’” That is my prayer, for me and for you. Life is too short to ignore your purpose. Please don’t.

About the Author

Doggette is a published author, nationally recognized photographer and founder of, a website dedicated to providing tips and advice on “creating a career around your purpose.” Doggette is currently based in Los Angeles, CA as a performer, dance instructor, blogger and motivational speaker, ever passionate about the performing arts and educating others on the value of living a purposeful, fulfilling life. For booking or additional information, please visit or submit an email inquiry to

Jordan Southerland

Jacquelyn Doggette is an American blogger, dancer and actress. Her interest in the arts began at a young age through involvement in photojournalism and the performing arts as a child in church. Doggette holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication: Photojournalism from Oakwood University in Huntsville, AL and explored the history of Egypt in an international field study of photography through Andrews University (Berrien Springs, MI). | 9


by Kory Douglas | @crucifiedkp


try to live my life by two Bible verses, which happen to be my absolute favorite. The first is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Even if I’ve never done it before, I will at least try it. The second is Galatians 2:20 which states, “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Admittedly, just typing these verses invoke feelings of uncontrollable excitement and overwhelming inadequacy. Praise God for the blood of Jesus. I have to admit that this has not always been my resolve. In fact, just ten years ago I was doing everything but living for God. I went to church, sang in a choir, and did most of the things that I was taught. But at the same time, I was poisoning my body and doing everything that I had vowed on the day of my baptism that I would not do. I distinctly remember the moment that turned things around. I was struggling heavily with a few sins, and a speaker came in for the weekend and preached about the need to surrender to God. At the time of the appeal I went down with no hesitation. This was not the first time going down to “surrender”, but this time I was determined that things would be different. And to my surprise, they were. I tried my hardest to distance myself from those besetting sins. Days went by, days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. I had finally done it. Then out of nowhere, as if I had experienced no deliverance at all, I fell. I didn’t know what to do. I immediately began beating up on myself. “How could you Kory?” “You know better than this!” “You gave this to God!” And as clear as day I heard God interrupt my conversation, “You never gave it to me.” That day God revealed to me that if I had given it to him that I would have never tried to stop in the first place and I wouldn’t be beating up on myself for falling. I was directed to what would become my two favorite verses. Before this I knew them, but now I understood them. The Christian journey is all about trusting in God. We call it the life of faith. But often times, we find ourselves placing more faith in our resolve and will than the power of God’s spirit to not only save us from sin, but to transform our lives. So, I can do all things through Christ, but it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. My only job is to die to myself and I do that by focusing on Him.

God’s message to me was clear. If you surrender to me, you have to let that thing go completely. Don’t think about it; don’t try to stop doing it. Instead deny yourself, and live for me. Focus on getting to know me and serving me and watch me work. And God worked. After about six months it dawned on me that I had not indulged in that sin. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t days where I am not discouraged or that I don’t fail sometimes. But now I get up, brush myself off, admit what I’ve done, and then give myself back to God to work out his perfect will in my life. I have to remember that I have been crucified. Now, I no longer try, but I die trying. | 10

My Ugly Skirt


by Alexandriia Martin |

get the most creative with my outfits when I’m going to church, because I feel like I always wear the same thing! So I pulled this bad boy out of my closet this morning and decided to rock it. I call it, my “Ugly Skirt”. Because I think it’s really ugly. It reminds me of like Thanksgiving table cloth. HA! But at the same time I do love it because it’s unique, I got it for $6 at the thrift shop, and... it has pockets! Here’s Ugly Skirt in all his glory! Not really summer colors, but I don’t care. I don’t really like bright colors.

Clearly, I didn’t do my hair this morning! But for some reason I got way too many compliments on it. I had planned on wearing it down but with the long skirt I thought it was too much and plus it’s like 489320 degrees here in Texas. So, I just threw it up in my trusty messy bun and tada.

Doesn’t it make you think of Thanksgiving? LOL.

Ugly Skirt sits kinda low on my waist so I decided to synch it with a little leather braided belt to give me a more defined waist. I think the belt kinda pulls the whole outfit together, or else it could risk looking a little dated due to the print.

These shoes really help me pull of the skirt and also make it look more summery. :) Look! There’s the pockets! And of course, gotta rock that gold Michael Kors!

And of course, the shoes. I swear I have more than one pair of shoes! LOL But I’ve just honestly been wearing these with everything lately! They’re comfortable and they match with everything! Steve Madden is my man! But ANYWAYS, whenever playing with a retro/ dated kinda print I think accessories are what will save you and make your look current.

I wasn’t readddyy! Hehe.

And here’s the complete outfit. Tada. Forgot to say that I paired Ugly Skirt with just a basic lace cami. It’s actually a heather off-white color, but the camera makes it looks kinda white. Hope you guys enjoyed this OOTD! | 11 | 12

Demia Doggette

As an entrepreneur and author, Demia finds it necessary to constantly set and complete goals. In the busy dayto-day, she gets back to basics with God by simply focusing on Christ, as opposed to everything else. It’s not about how short or shear her skirt is, it’s not about how low his pants are, it’s not about jewelry, it’s not about makeup, or any of the other “pressing concerns” that so many “Christians” try to press upon others. It’s completely and utterly about Jesus, and when we focus in on Him, everything else will fall into place. | 13


hen it comes to completing goals, Demia is very dedicated to getting them done. If it’s midnight and she hasn’t accomplished her goal for the day, guess what? It’s not time to go to sleep yet. “My husband always says I am the epitome of a night owl.” “I have such passion for what I do, so I am constantly working to make my dreams come true.” On several occasions a brilliant idea has come to Demia at 5 a.m. When this happens, she rolls over, opens her computer and types out her thoughts so that she doesn’t forget them. “The absolute best part of waking up each morning is knowing that I have the opportunity to do what I love.” I remember during my high school years while contemplating | 14

what I wanted to do when I grew up, my mother gave me the advice to “choose a career where if you had to wake up at 4 a.m. with no pay, you would do it and love it.” I went to school for Public Relations and then went on to receive a MSM and MBA. I just knew that I would become some hotshot executive of a Fortune 500 company or own my own Public Relations agency, but that’s not the path God had for me. After working at various companies and not looking forward to going to work in the morning and not particularly loving what I did, I was finally presented with the opportunity to build my own business. So I’ve been building ever since that time! Beautiful Epiphany is not only my bread and butter, it’s my passion.

I feel as though I’m so blessed with all that God has given me. I have the best husband a woman could ask for, friends that are blessings directly from God, and family that is beyond anything fathomable of requesting. I can honestly say that if God never blessed me with anything else, I could not complain. At this point in my life I am working to promote my book and get my fashion social network off the ground. The way God has directed my path thus far, both of these endeavors will be nothing less than successful. The story of Beautiful Epiphany has truly been something else, but I guess we’ll save that for our next interview. I see strength in the next generation. The strength that is conveyed amongst young people is absolutely astounding.

The media likes to focus on all the negativity that is going on, but let’s be honest - these kids are amazing! So many young entrepreneurs are paving the way for a bright future for us all. I have two nephews ages seven and three, as well as a one and a half year old niece. I kid you not, they are baby geniuses. So much can be learned from the next generation. We just have to remember to give them the platform to show their talents. A dreamer, an optimist, and a lover of tulle skirts, Demia Doggette was inspired to write a book for women that tackles the issues of low self-worth and body image insecurities. After years of gathering, writing, and editing, her book, The Audacity of Beauty, was complete, however, her passions continued to flair. Demia wanted to continue creating positive outlets for women that allow them to be themselves and embrace their inner and outer beauty, and this, my friends, is how Beautiful Epiphany began. Beautiful Epiphany is a fashion social network that caters to bloggers and people in general who are passionate about fashion. We also feature a monthly book club, brand index of some of our favorite retailers, an online shop, as well as national and international consultants who specialize in Fashion, Purpose, Beauty, and Empowerment. A girly girl who loves all things fashion and beauty, this seemed like a natural step, but Demia wanted more. She wanted to feed her inner desires for knowledge, growth, and empowerment. She searched and searched for a platform that would allow her to do just that, but the search came up void. “Now don’t get me wrong, I saw a lot of fashion blogs, networking tools, inspirational books, and beauty websites that were absolutely amazing, but I wanted something that would encompass the woman like me who wants it all.” So instead of complaining about this lack, Demia decided to create it. “I maintain yearly, quarterly, and daily goals that I am constantly striving to complete.” Some of her smaller goals include getting a user base of over 900 bloggers for the fashion social network, Beautiful Epiphany, by the end of the year. One of her larger goals is to have Beautiful Epiphany be a household name by 2017! “When I say household name, I don’t just mean in America - I mean across the world! I want women in Japan to walk around the mall talking about “girl, did you see the latest post on Beautiful Epiphany?”

“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” Steve Marboli

Demia received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Oakwood University. After graduation, the economy was terrible and her job search continuously came up void. She had the option of moving back home or going back to school. In an attempt to keep her sanity, she chose the latter (just kidding mom and dad, I love you both dearly). Demia has always been one to love a challenge, so she decided to push herself to obtain two Masters degrees before the age of 24, and she did just that. Demia graduated from Florida Institute of Technology with a Master’s of Science in Management and Master’s in Business Administration… and to add a cherry on top, she received a certification in Human Resource Management. | 15


Dee Knight My first memory comes from our family dining room table. it’s of my third birthday, and I was being celebrated. My next memory is starkly contrasted with the care-free joy of my first memory. It comes from a laundry room floor where I first remember my sexual abuse beginning. From that day forward I felt incredibly broken. Some childhood memories are filled with laughter and love, but even that was darkened by a shadow of abuse. I prayed God would make things better, but by the time I was 11, things got worse, much worse. I lost my first child, one of my four abusers attempted to sell me to a fifth individual, and although things worsened, thankfully, the physical and sexual torture ended by age 16. In the aftermath, I hated my life – my family, myself, and my God. Grace pursued, me, though. Love exceeded my hatred and brought me back home, but still, I felt so broken. I tried to patch that brokenness with anything but submission to God: cutting, drinking, smoking, empty sex, masturbation, partying, even religious busyness. God filled that void, though. He broke through all of my futile attempts to self-medicate. I can’t articulate how, but He healed me, completely – brokenness, pain, anxiety, depression – all gone. He didn’t make me better, like I’d pleaded for years. He made me new. My attitude, love, worship, even tears – all made new. I’ve been freed to free others, and I'll ever lift Him until He sets them all free. | 16

EST. 2014 | Stahl Comete | Nolan ROY

Adventist Fashion is A fashion Blog featuring your Sabbath Best. Use the hashtag #AdventistFashion follow us on Instagram: AdventistFashion As we fellowship and enjoy this community through the vehicle of fashion, let us remember that God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7) May our character be as dapper as our clothing. The goal of AF is to connect the Adventist community with each other, while also promoting a higher standard of fashion. We believe in the future generation. The youth of today are very concerned with the outer appearance. AF is a great tool to give them the guidance they need with the daily devotionals and shoutouts for dressing the best for church. prayer is the best way to get back to basics in your walk with Christ. We believe it is, and always will be, the easiest and only real way to communicate with him. | 17

B2B Events



DENVER A Night of Love and Soul is the beginning of a movement with Back2Basics. This event will bring the content of B2B to life with featured guests from the magazine. Couples will come together to enjoy a night of great music, awesome insights and enriching interactions with others who value meaningful, Christ centered relationships. The live band will serenade the crowd with soulful music and fun! SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE | 18


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