Back2Basics Magazine - January 2016

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January January 2016 2016

2016 * Jesus * Relationship * Creativity * Inspiration

Publisher Brittany N. Winkfield Contributors Jerry Jefferson, Eric Morning,,, Web Development Marcus Winkfield Advisory Board Tracy Augustin, Philip Baptiste, John Boston, Ramona Davis, Dean Dennis, Juanita Farmer, Kymone Hinds, Marisa Jackson, Timothy Olaore, Donald Rolle, Terri Roston, Michele Solomon, Jennifer Stone, Samuel Thomas Editorial and Advertising Inquiries 303-351-8180, Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright Š 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics Magazine is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit in the United States of America.


A Christian lifestyle magazine designed to inform and inspire young people in their walk with Christ





volume 4 | number 5

features 5 B2B FEED 6 Will Jesus Come Back This Year? 8 Water for the Thirsty Bible Reading Plan 12 Stay Humble 13 Life Summit 14 In the World 16 Music Notes featuring Virtue 17 What is Hindering Your Blessing?

B2B Tip: Be different from the world in order to make more difference in the world.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2, NKJV) Most of us are familiar with the phrase, In the World but not of the World, which is a common way to describe how believers are to conduct themselves living in a dark world. God has given us a challenge: Go down and live in that world, but don’t become worldly. He has sent us here to be a light, to show our brothers and sisters that it’s possible to be surrounded by mud but choose not to wallow in it. This year, our vision is to be the light, focus on relationship, and influence the world through creativity and originality with Jesus as the captain. Join us on the journey!


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GOD’S PERSPECTIVE As we stand on the cusp of a new year, we have the opportunity to pause and reflect on the past year.

Although loved ones sometimes sugarcoat their feedback, we can find clarity in seeking God’s perspective. He measures the waters of the earth and knows every crevice of your soul. He sees and speaks truth. If we don’t take time to do this, our years blur together and we miss the story God is weaving with our lives. As we review our year, seeking His clarity, we find growth to celebrate and missed opportunities to mourn. Reflecting on the past can strengthen us for the future as we seek God’s vision and direction for the upcoming year. Allow Him to lovingly lead you forward. Christ’s Church EXISTS to SERVE: “OFFERING A BETTER LIFE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY” ~Al R. Combs, Founder/Pastor CCAI

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or 2016 let’s actually read the Bible. If you've already read it, let's read it again. Not just a verse here or there. Let's hear everything God is saying to us. Most of all, let’s not do it alone. Instead, let’s experience the Bible as it was meant to be read, whole books in community.

Let’s have a real conversation about the Bible—one that anyone can join, no matter where they are in their faith journey. Let’s go beyond reading the Bible in fragments. Let’s go beyond reading in isolation. Let’s discover the complete story—understood in context, experienced in community. For the New Year we invite you to grab a copy of the reading plan, dust of your Bibles and join us as we strip away all the extras and focus on what matters: The Word: Simply. Refreshing. READING PLANS: Can be downloaded @ #jointheconversation LIVE ONLINE: Every 1st and 3rd Friday night, 8pm @ LIVE IN PERSON: Every 1st and 2nd Sabbath afternoon, 5pm @ Restoration Praise Center ON DEMAND: Past episode can be accessed ON Demand @ & com/user/waterforthethirsty #drinkup #drinkdeeply

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spending Quality time With the one you love As Christians, we believe that the Bible is God’s primary communication channel. We understand that spending time in His Word is elementary to our Christian experience, growth and maturity. Yet, for various reasons, many of us do not spend time with Him as we intend. The Water For the thirsty Bible Reading plan is a tool designed to assist individuals with overcoming some of the obstacles which hinder us from spending quality time with God, in His Word. It also serves as a resource for those seeking a deeper level of intimacy with the Lord.

6 impoRtant tRuths that have BeaRing on the time We spend in the WoRd 1. No Word? No Faith. No Faith? Impossible to please God. (Romans 10:17, Hebrews 11:6) 2. Getting to know God requires effort. Intentional, wholehearted effort. • Deuteronomy 4:29 • Jeremiah 29:13 • Acts 17:24-28 • Proverbs 2:1-6 3. The Deuteronomy 30 Principle. (Deut. 30:11-14) While “seeking” takes effort, the message itself is simple, clear and accessible enough that ANYONE can grasp it. PLUS we have the assistance of the Holy Spirit. (John 16:5-15) 4. We make time for what we want to make time for. “The only measure of what you believe is what you do. If you want to know what people believe, don’t read what they write, don’t ask them what they believe, just observe what they do.” – Ashley Montagu (See Prov. 27:19, James 2:14-26, Matthew 7:20, Prov. 20:11, Luke 6:45) 5. Lazy people make excuses. (Proverbs 22:13 / 26:13) 6. “…when you’re wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.” Francis Chan Our zeal for the Word is one clear indicator of our spiritual “temperature” and level of “thirst”. (Revelation 3:14-22)

“the only Way to get to knoW god is thRough a deep-seated desiRe to seek and Find him. anything less Will Be unFRuitFul.” Jared R. taylor new lenses: how i met Jesus on mtv | 9

JanuaRy Jan 1

Luke 1 .........................................Genesis 1-2 ................................ Proverbs 1...................................

Jan 2

Luke 2 .........................................Genesis 3-4 ................................ Proverbs 2...................................

Jan 3

Luke 3 .........................................Genesis 5-6 ................................ Proverbs 3...................................

Jan 4

Luke 4 .........................................Genesis 7-8 ................................ Proverbs 4...................................

Jan 5

Luke 5 .........................................Genesis 9-10 .............................. Proverbs 5...................................

Jan 6

Luke 6 .........................................Genesis 11-12 ............................ Proverbs 6...................................

Jan 7

Luke 7 .........................................Genesis 13-14 ............................ Proverbs 7...................................

Jan 8

Luke 8 .........................................Genesis 15-16 ............................ Proverbs 8...................................

Jan 9

Luke 9 .........................................Genesis 17-18 ............................ Proverbs 9...................................

Jan 10

Luke 10 .......................................Genesis 19-20 ............................ Proverbs 10.................................

Jan 11

Luke 11 .......................................Genesis 21-22 ............................ Proverbs 11.................................

Jan 12

Luke 12 .......................................Genesis 23-24 ............................ Proverbs 12.................................

Jan 13

Luke 13 .......................................Genesis 25-26 ............................ Proverbs 13.................................

Jan 14

Luke 14 .......................................Genesis 27-28 ............................ Proverbs 14.................................

Jan 15

Luke 15 .......................................Genesis 29-30 ............................ Proverbs 15.................................

Jan 16

Luke 16 .......................................Genesis 31-32 ............................ Proverbs 16.................................

Jan 17

Luke 17 .......................................Genesis 33-34 ............................ Proverbs 17.................................

Jan 18

Luke 18 .......................................Genesis 35-36 ............................ Proverbs 18.................................

Jan 19

Luke 19 .......................................Genesis 37-38 ............................ Proverbs 19.................................

Jan 20

Luke 20 .......................................Genesis 39-40 ............................ Proverbs 20.................................

Jan 21

Luke 21 .......................................Genesis 41-42 ............................ Proverbs 21.................................

Jan 22

Luke 22 ......................................Genesis 43-44 ............................ Proverbs 22.................................

Jan 23

Luke 23 .......................................Genesis 45-46 ............................ Proverbs 23.................................

Jan 24

Luke 24 .......................................Genesis 47-48 ............................ Proverbs 24.................................

Jan 25

Acts 1 ..........................................Genesis 49-50 ............................ Proverbs 25.................................

Jan 26

Acts 2 ..........................................Exodus 1-2 ................................. Proverbs 26.................................

Jan 27

Acts 3 ..........................................Exodus 3-4 ................................. Proverbs 27.................................

Jan 28

Acts 4 ..........................................Exodus 5-6 ................................. Proverbs 28.................................

Jan 29

Acts 5 ..........................................Exodus 7-8 ................................. Proverbs 29.................................

Jan 30

Acts 6 ..........................................Exodus 9-10 ............................... Proverbs 30.................................

Jan 31

Acts 7 ..........................................Exodus 11-12.............................. Proverbs 31.................................

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FeBRuaRy FeB 1

Acts 8 ..........................................Exodus 13-14.............................. Psalm 1 .......................................

FeB 2

Acts 9 ..........................................Exodus 15-16.............................. Psalm 2 .......................................

FeB 3

Acts 10 ........................................Exodus 17-18 ............................. Psalm 3 .......................................

FeB 4

Acts 11 ........................................Exodus 19-20.............................. Psalm 4 .......................................

FeB 5

Acts 12 .......................................Exodus 21-22.............................. Psalm 5 .......................................

FeB 6

Acts 13 ........................................Exodus 23-24.............................. Psalm 6 .......................................

FeB 7

Acts 14 ........................................Exodus 25-26.............................. Psalm 7 .......................................

FeB 8

Acts 15 ........................................Exodus 27-28.............................. Psalm 8 .......................................

FeB 9

Acts 16 ........................................Exodus 29-30.............................. Psalm 9 .......................................

FeB 10

Acts 17 ........................................Exodus 31-32.............................. Psalm 10 .....................................

FeB 11

Acts 18 ........................................Exodus 33-34.............................. Psalm 11 .....................................

FeB 12

Acts 19 ........................................Exodus 35-36.............................. Psalm 12 .....................................

FeB 13

Acts 20 ........................................Exodus 37-38.............................. Psalm 13 .....................................

FeB 14

Acts 21 ........................................Exodus 39-40.............................. Psalm 14 .....................................

FeB 15

Acts 22 ........................................Leviticus 1-3............................... Psalm 15 .....................................

FeB 16

Acts 23 ........................................Leviticus 4-5............................... Psalm 16 .....................................

FeB 17

Acts 24 ........................................Leviticus 6-7............................... Psalm 17 .....................................

FeB 18

Acts 25 ........................................Leviticus 8-9............................... Psalm 18 .....................................

FeB 19

Acts 26 ........................................Leviticus 10-11 ........................... Psalm 19 .....................................

FeB 20

Acts 27 ........................................Leviticus 12-13 ........................... Psalm 20 .....................................

FeB 21

Acts 28 ........................................Leviticus 14-15 ........................... Psalm 21 .....................................

FeB 22

Romans 1 ....................................Leviticus 16-17 ........................... Psalm 22 .....................................

FeB 23

Romans 2 ....................................Leviticus 18-19 ........................... Psalm 23 .....................................

FeB 24

Romans 3 ....................................Leviticus 20-21 ........................... Psalm 24 .....................................

FeB 25

Romans 4 ....................................Leviticus 22-23 ........................... Psalm 25 .....................................

FeB 26

Romans 5 ....................................Leviticus 24-25 ........................... Psalm 26 .....................................

FeB 27

Romans 6 ....................................Leviticus 26-27 ........................... Psalm 27 .....................................

FeB 28

Romans 7 ....................................Numbers 1-2 .............................. Psalm 28 .....................................

WateR FoR the thiRsty | Page 5 | 11

We in the world but we ain’t of STAYHUMBLE.BANDCAMP.COM it. Church we @1STAYHUMBLE been called out STAY HUMBLE the world face judgment. When the world tries to pull you down, rise above it. So if you’re going all out for the Lord and love it, then Let’s Go!

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How can believers be in the world, but not of the world?


hen we read of the "world" in the New Testament, we are reading the Greek word cosmos. Cosmos most often refers to the inhabited earth and the people who live on the earth, which functions apart from God. Satan is the ruler of this "cosmos" (John 12:31; 16:11; 1 John 5:19). By the simple definition that the word world refers to a world system ruled by Satan, we can more readily appreciate Christ's claims that believers are no longer of the world—we are no longer ruled by sin, nor are we bound by the principles of the world. In addition, we are being changed into the image of Christ, causing our interest in the things of the world to become less and less as we mature in Christ. 14 |

Believers in Jesus Christ are simply in the world—physically present— but not of it, not part of its values (John 17:14-15). As believers, we should be set apart from the world. This is the meaning of being holy and living a holy, righteous life—to be set apart. We are not to engage in the sinful activities the world promotes, nor are we to retain the insipid, corrupt mind that the world creates. Rather, we are to conform ourselves, and our minds, to that of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2). This is a daily activity and commitment. We must also understand that being in the world, but not of it, is necessary if we are to be a light to those who are in spiritual darkness. We are to live in such a way that those outside the faith see our good deeds and our manner and know that there is something “different” about us. Christians who make every effort to live, think and act like those who do not know Christ do Him a great disservice. Even the heathen knows that “by their fruits you shall know them,” and as Christians, we should exhibit the fruit of the Spirit within us. Being “in” the world also means we can enjoy the things of the world, such as the beautiful creation God has given us, but we are not to immerse ourselves in what the world values, nor are we to chase after worldly pleasures. Pleasure is no longer our calling in life, as it once was, but rather the worship of God. | 15

Music Notes VIRTUE Multiple Grammy, Dove, and Stellar Award nominated Urban Gospel sister trio (Karima Kibble, Heather Martin, and Ebony Holland) is set to release their highly anticipated all-new 7th studio album FEARLESS (Mixed Bag/Entertainment One) available in stores and online everywhere Friday, February 12, 2016. The CD features the Top 20 hit single “You Are,” the upbeat inspirational track “Walk It Out,” the title-track “Fearless” featuring RCA Records Hip Hop recording artist Dee-1 and the breathtaking remake of the #1 hit Pop ballad “More Than Words” written and originally performed by American rock band Extreme and the remake of The Clark Sisters’ “Miracle”. Now, with a trail of gospel gems in their rearview, the sensational sister act is looking to forge a new path with their long-awaited project FEARLESS.

@VirtueGirls 16 |

What is Hindering Your Blessing? "You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you." Galatians 5:7-8 Think about a journey you've been on in your life, it may have been a past journey or a present journey. Think about any distractions you may have faced along the way that deterred you and caused you to get off track. We could ask ourselves the question in the verse today, "What's in my life that keeps me from obeying the truth and receiving the blessings of Christ? I was doing well at one time. I was praying and doing good works, but something's wrong now, I'm not growing anymore. Have I gone back to relying on my own flesh?" Paul continues with the solution in verses 16-17: "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." I think that bears repeating: We are not to do whatever we want. Why? Because the desires of the flesh are in opposition to the desires of the Spirit. It's how we get off track and miss "the full measure and blessing of Christ." If we make allowances and compromises for the demands of our flesh, then those seemingly small concessions eventually permit sin to gain a foothold in our lives, and that obstructs the flow of Christ's blessing. Is your certainty, clarity or vision gone? What's been hindering you? Is there anything in the way? Often time it is a single harassing or troubling sin. Have you made a compromise? Has it cost "the full measure and blessing of Christ"? Paul instructs in Galatians 6:4a: "Each one should test their own actions." Test yours now. Has anything crept into your life or ministry -- perhaps gaining a foothold -- which you need to deal with right now? God has so much in store for your life, think about how you could be missing out on His blessings from that one thing you allowed to creep into your life. Don't allow anything else to hinder your blessing - it's yours and it's waiting on you! Amen. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone else. xoxo

@sheexperienced_ | 17

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