Back2Basics Magazine - December 2016

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December 2016


Pastor Michael Kelly is ahead of his time leading in innovation and forward thinking for ministry


* Whole Foods Lifestyle * Lessons from Job * Davis Absolute * Places to Meet The One * Ladies of Value Drive *

Publisher Brittany N. Winkfield Contributors Davis Absolute, Rachel Lemons Aitken, Cryston Josiah, A Allan Martin, Caronne Porter, Web Development Marcus Winkfield Advisory Board Tracy Augustin, Philip Baptiste, John Boston, Ramona Davis, Dean Dennis, Juanita Farmer, Kymone Hinds, Marisa Jackson, Timothy Olaore, Donald Rolle, Terri Roston, Michele Solomon, Jennifer Stone, Samuel Thomas Editorial and Advertising Inquiries 303-351-8180, Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright Š 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics Magazine is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit in the United States of America.


A Christian lifestyle magazine designed to inform and inspire young people in their walk with Christ



BACK2BASICSMAG.COM Twitter @back2basicsmag

volume 5 | number 5


B2B Tip:

5 Ladies of Value Drive 7 5 Lessons from Job 8 7 Tips for Transitioning to a Whole Foods Lifestyle by Caronne Porter 10 Keep Up with Pastor Michael B. Kelly, II 13 How to Start a Young Adult Ministry 14 15 20 Places to Find The One by Rachel Lemons Aitken Seeking justice starts with seeking God 16 Music Notes ft. Davis who created justice. God doesnt want our Absolute rituals. He desires our hearts to be humbled 18 B2B Feed


before Him and do as Jesus did. This has been “Year of the Gentlemen� for B2B. Every other month we featured black men on the cover to celebrate their character and how God has created them for purpose and gives them power. There continues to be a struggle for justice for the Black community. In this issue we learn of a new initiative from Pastor Michael Kelly and entrepreneur Kevin Carrington called Together for Justice that asks how can we impact the community? Also, we have some great tips to launch you into 2017 with clean eating, good music and meeting the one. Peace, Love & Blessings!


Deadline December 16th Boxes are located at‌ Donate socks and gloves to benefit the local homeless community. LOVE is a non-profit organization mentoring young girls into well rounded women with their heads held high and their self-worth higher.

Martin Luther King Early College Thomas Jefferson High School Northfield High School Green Valley Ranch Rec Center Christ Church Apostolic Check Website For Added Locations | 5

GO MOBILE with 847-637-2514 Get your business headed in the right direction with a mobile app!

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5 by cryston josiah 1. God absolutely does allow tragedy in our lives.

2. You will never understand the mind of God as a

human. Stop trying. His thoughts and ways are higher than ours.

3. How can we only expect good from God and not


4. Though He(God, not the devil) slay me, still trust Him. 5. Job was rewarded 2-fold. Keeping your faith is worth

the wait! | 7

7 Tips for Transitioning into a Whole Foods Lifestyle

by caronne Porter | Whole Foods Educator, Gardner & Entrepreneur | Owner of G.H.E.T.T.O. PHresh

1. Be Gentle with Yourself You are embarking on a new journey in your life and you have to offer selfcompassion. You are already making a leap into unchartered territory and for that you deserve a pat on the back. Be gentle with self. If you slip up, just remind yourself that 1. You’re doing your best and 2. It takes 21 days to change a habit.

2. Research is your friend Dive into workshops and classes regarding new ways to cook and taste new fruits and veggies. Locate a Whole Food Educator (like myself), read books, magazines, watch documentaries, collect recipes, and by all means just wing it. Tap into your intuition and go with what feels “right.”

3. Clean Up Your Act Choose a food like item to eliminate every 21 days. When it comes to meat, poultry or fish, try NOT to replace w/fake versions of these foods. Majority of these “substitutes” are filled with gluten, chemicals and have no nutritional value. Which is why you are choosing a whole foods lifestyle, right? Look to whole foods such as mushrooms, which have the texture of meat and provide numerous amounts of nutritional value. Try lentils or beans that can be used as patties or burgers. Learn to create your favorite dishes in a whole foods way.

4. Green is PHresh When I embarked on this way of life, I made a rule: Every meal or snack HAD to have something green. Not just greens (chard, kale, collards etc.) yet a fruit or vegetable that is green too. So avocado, seaweed, bell pepper, baby greens, spinach…….the list goes on. Yes, when breaking my fast in the rising, I eat something green with my meal such as, broccoli w/pancakes or even a salad. How about a green smoothie? The more greens you put into your body, the more nutrients you will receive and the overall feeling of phreshness. Trust me. 8 |

5. Be Open Ok, so if you are over 25, there is NO excuse for not trying foods you’ve never had or seen before. You are wise enough to be past the “yuck” of foods. I personally don’t concern myself with “does it taste good.” Why, because I learned from an elder that what is bitter to the tongue is best for the body and what is sweet (exclude fruit) to the tongue is detrimental to the body. I can down a cup of pure cranberry juice (very bitter) w/out any thought. Why? Because I know the benefits that it provides my body and that’s all that really matters. So strive to eat or use one or two new fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, herbs or spices, every shopping trip. Your body will thank you.

6. Stay Ready We’ve all heard the phrase, “Stay ready, so you won’t have to get ready”. I advise you get ready by, shopping w/a purpose of nutrition and not just to eat. After shopping, cut, chop, clean, and store your veggies, fruits and other goodies for quick access. Prep meals and snacks for the week(s) or month. Train your mind to think of a grocery store vs fast food. Learn what quick whole food items are safe to purchase at the gas station or convenient store. Keep non-perishable items in your car, purse/bag, office, locker, you name it. This way there is no excuse. There are quite a few non-perishable items that have only a few whole food ingredients, get familiar. Prepare for your lifestyle, like you would for school, church, a date, or your business. When you make your lifestyle a priority, it will begin to come natural to you.

7. Quench Your Thirst Nine times out of ten, when we think we are hungry, we are really thirsty. Water is the oldest whole food to humanity. We have to get our water intake up, so we can make more conscious decisions in all areas of our life. I challenge you to drink a glass or two of water the next time you “think” you are hungry or start wondering for food and then just wait. You will either satisfy your thirst or be able to make a better choice in what you decide to eat. We all should be drinking no less than one gallon of water per day. Water is life, drink up!

“Eat to Live, not Live to Eat.”

Write this down, hang it on your refrigerator, commit this to memory:

Email: | Phone: 303.304.8849


positive thinking


& most of all, LOVING YOURSELF. | 9

A man leading the church to Kingdom Living

KEEP UP with Pastor Michael B. Kelly, II Beginning as an energetic, naieve zealous nature for the things of God, pastor Kelly has always moved very fast. “I always expected pople to get it and get it right away.� He describes treating not only life, but ministry as a steamboat where you make very quick turns hoping everyone will catch up with you. Now, after 13 years in ministry, Kelly serves as senior pastor of Mt. Rubidoux in Riverside, CA. His motto is if we want to reach people nobody else is reaching, we need to do things nobody else is doing. 10 |


really would like Mt. Rubideaux church to set a new paradim shift for ministry and Adventism,” explains Kelly. Adventism has told us that this is the way you have to do ministry and anything different is unacheivable. You can have a ministry that reaches unchurched people and impacts the community. Not where we just do a program, but people come with their issues and we follow up.” If you come to us in financial bondage, you will experience financial freedom . If you come to us sick, you will be made well. Now the rumor spreads around the community that “I went to Rubideaux looking like this, and after they poured in to me, my family is better, my finances are better, my health is better and my spirituality is better.” They expeience real life change through the ministry of the church, so much so that the community talks about it. One direct example of community impact came from a gathering held at Mt. Rubi called State of Emergency. After the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, pastor Kelly organized a meeting to talk about the issues. Surprisingly enough, the community showed up more than the church. Groups such as NAACP, ICUP, police coalition for accountability came together and asked the question, what do we want our community to look like as it relates to social justice? Community leaders gathered ideas and after several meetings, pastor Kelly and entrepreneur, Kevin Carrington, came up with steps to reflect the image the community wants to see. These steps include gathering data, forming alliances bill and law drafting and community development. After these meeting, it was apparent that they needed to form a coalition and that is the story of Together for Justice, a 501(c)(3) organization. With the collaboration of elected officials, journalist and law makers, Together for Justice targets social economics, criminal justice reform, health and education. With church and community working in conjunction for chance, Together for Justice models themselves after the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). The SCLC was formed in 1957, when sixty black ministers and civil rights leaders met in Atlanta, Georgia in an effort to replicate the successful strategy and tactics of the recently concluded Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was chosen as the first president of this new group dedicated to abolishing legalized segregation and ending the disfranchisement of black southerners in a non-violent manner. “The community came together and the church was the glue,” explains Kelly. Later SCLC would address the issues of war and poverty. Pastor Kelly believes in a focused yet multi-dimensional ministry. He refers to the next generation of leaders as the “Joshua Generation.” “When they focus their energy and passion they can do it all. They are waiting to be connected to someone who is not afraid to step out and says what needs to be said.” Because of this Pastor Kelly has sought other avenues by which to bring the Kingdom to the community. One of which is through leadership training and team building for churches and businesses.

Back2Basics with Pastor Kelly Perfect what you do. Don’t worry about having 50 ministries. Commit to daily personal Bible study. Talk out loud to God. | 11

What we’re good at

Outreach Worship Vision Generosity Adoption MONTHLY HEALTH INITIATIVES Blessing businesses Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 12 |


by A Allan Martin

Each year I field dozens of requests to help leaders answer this question. And my hope is to help each church, conference, and union to succeed in their efforts to love young adults better. In the NEXT STEPS, I've endeavored to give leaders a free, convenient, accessible, and self-guided way to launch into young adult ministry. Great for use as a church workshop/ training, leadership development seminar, or group launch pad, this online course provides the latest research, and practical steps--all at a personal pace you can set to your context. Please look NEXT STEPS over, and share it with those who may benefit. If you are willing, I would love to have your endorsement. Thanks for your consideration. I hope to hear back from you, and appreciate your willingness to share NEXT STEPS with your people. | 13

Our culture is big on the idea of finding “the one” - your “soulmate”. But what does the Bible say? Is there one special person you are destined for? There are only a few true “love stories” contained within its pages. While God knows the future and guides our lives along certain paths, the scriptures never explicitly say that there is such a person as “the one” that we are meant for. There are even verses giving instructions about remarriage after the death of a spouse, implying that someone could have more than one “true love” in their lifetime (Romans 7:2-3, 1 Corinthians 7:8-9, 1 Timothy 5:14). If this is the case, what can we know for sure about romantic relationships from the Bible? #iBelieveBible Blog: Video:

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By Rachel Lemons Aitken |

14. While Traveling 1. At a Festival 2. At Church 3. While being part of a church ministry 4. On a Volunteer/Mission Trip 5. Online 6. Through a Friend 7. At A Conference 8. At a Professional Networking Event 9. In a Sports League

15. While working on a project you love 16. Volunteering for a local charity 17. In an exercise group 18. At work or through a business contact 19. At your local cafe where you get your morning coffee 20. Be Creative – Pursue your passion

10. From a Meetup on meetup. com 11. At University 12. At a University Alumni Event 13. At a professional development class/event | 15

Music Notes @DavisAbsolute

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7 pieces of unique artwork were created for this project to tell a story. Each song compliments the next and is laid out painstakingly. | 17



these are a few of our favorite things...

“God has imparted to us a small sample size of his creative power, it’s called faith. Use it and do a new thing.” -Donald Rolle

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press play | 19

prayer for our readers

With God as our Leader, may we be prepared to live another year under His guidance. Happy New Year! from the B2B team

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