Back2Basics Magazine - November 2019

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November 2019



* Financial Fitness * Truth About Business * Conversation with Joslyn * Woman Evolve 2019 * God, where are you? * Apple Pad Thai Salad * 20 Questions * B2B Events

Dee-1is breaking the cycle of negativity while striving to be real, righteous and relevant in everything he does.

CONTENTS Fall 2019

ON THE COVER 05 B2B Feed 08

The King’s Corner


The Truth About Business


Apple Pad Thai Salad


Work It Out : 8 Minutes to Flat Abs


God, Where Are You?


20 Questions

10 God + Girls with Dee-1


Conversation with Joslyn Dorrelle


Financial Fitness


Woman Evolve 2019

Fall 2019, Vol. 7, No. 3 Publisher Brittany N. Winkfield Contributors LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER


Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 1 Peter 5:6 (NLT) God is not limited by your time constraints. As a loving Father, He knows your needs better than you know yourself. I personally needed this reminder today. When it seems to us like God doesn’t see our burdens, we discover that He feels our heartaches. He intimately understands our anxieties and worries and He wants us to bring those worries to Him. In this issue, we get back to the basics with lyricist, Dee-1, who is using his music as an agent of change. Through his latest project, God and Girls, Dee-1 opens a bigger conversation on the topics of spirituality and love. In addition, Dee-1 speaks nationally on the topic of finace after paying his student loans off with his first record deal earnings. He inspired this B2B Finance Issue. As we approach the season of giving, we have some tips to get you financially fit. We talk to the experts including Darryck Farmer, Kymone Hinds, Joslyn Dorrell and Sherelle Gilbert, all killing the game in their professional fields. My prayer for you is that when it seems like your finances are out of control, when it feels like there’s no way to find a sense of peace - you can turn to the the Word of God. Remember, He knows your needs better than you know yourself.


Darryck Farmer, Sherelle Gilbert, Kymnoe Hinds, Mile High Fitness & Wellness Web Development Marcus Winkfield Advisory Board Tracy Augustin, Philip Baptiste, John Boston, Ramona Davis, Dean Dennis, Juanita Farmer, Kymone Hinds, Marisa Jackson, Timothy Olaore, Donald Rolle, Terri Roston, Michele Solomon, Jennifer Stone Editorial and Advertising Inquiries Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics Magazine is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States of America.

A Christian lifestyle magazine designed to inform and inspire young people in their walk with Christ.


b2b feed If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

Back2Basics Magazine Vol.1 is a limited printed edition and serves as a fundraiser for Back2Basics. Get yours today for $50.

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Joslyn Dorrelle


Joslyn Dorrelle, Artist/Producer, The King’s Corner I currently reside in: Denver, Colorado in the Capitol Hill area. When I was younger, I used to: Pretend I was a sports announcer at my older sister’s basketball games. I would collect office supplies because I just knew I was going to be a business owner of some sort. I would sing my way through boring books turning them into Operas. My favorite thing to learn about is: Black culture. We have such a rich history and it is amazing learning how innovatively our people have overcome adversity and persevered so long. My favorite food is: Bread. I am a bit of an addict. The best show on television is: I do not watch much TV now. I decided to choose one program a season and I am a huge Grownish fan. If I could go to anywhere in the world, I’d go to: Chile. I had a pen pal in elementary school who would always write about it. The farthest place I’ve travelled is to: Canada. I really would like to get out of the country this year. My favorite color is: Pearl... not really a color, but something about pearls are totally breathtaking to me. My current favorite song is: Hymn It is Well. I am old school and that will forever be my favorite. The book I am loving right now: I am revisiting Up From Slavery the autobiography on Booker T. Washington. I believe it is so applicable to today's economy and how we are turning back to trades. I’m most excited about: Youth advocacy and giving back as much as possible. Three words that best describe me: I won't quit. BACK2BASICSMAG.COM FALL 2019 7


How do you get back to the basics in your walk with Christ? Love first. It is the most important thing we can do in are walks with Christ. We cannot add or detract from his everlasting love. If we remain in the heart posture to true exhibit agape love... that unconditional, unfailing, no judgement love...then we are doing something right. I strive to find a quarterly devotional study. I just finished Drawing Near. Pray always and I do mean always... I pray when it is extremely hard and when it is extremely easy. Ask God what I can do for him? In what capacity would He like to use me. Surround yourself with godly people who you can glean from. Stay grounded... there are levels to holiness yet we have to have balance so we are not so lofty that we are no earthly good.



God + Girls



ee-1 recognizes the weight an responsibility he has to use his gifts and talents that God has blessed him with. He uses his music as an agent of change. In his debut project as owner of his record label, Mission Vision, Music, God and Girls proves that the two topics are more than songs, but relevant topics in everyone’s life. “It’s exciting to take this step of independance and have the sense of ownership,” explains Dee-1. The topics of spirituality and love will never get old, thus, God and Girls has inspired live “God Talks” with Dee-1 on Instagram. “It’s always bigger than music with me and the music is the opportunity to open up a bigger dialog on the subjects. Dee-1 creates music that is meant to be the soundtrack of your lifestyle. “I strive to be real, righteous and relevant in everything I do.” Dee-1 challenges you to pay attention to what music you let get in your spirit. Music has been around since Biblical time and has the power to shape your thoughts and perceptions. “My music helps edify your spirit.”

The two most powerful forces in this world are God and girls,. This world revolves around those two things. So this album explores my relationship with spirituality and purpose, as well as my journey with In 2016, his is single, “Sallie Mae Back,” went explosively viral and became love and my respect for women and known as the “debt free student loan anthem.” After making the minimum experiences with them.” payment on his loans each month (well, some months, lol), Dee-1 signed a record deal and decided to use the money to completely finish paying Sallie Mae back. In the video he celebrates and shouts, I finished! He shares that he made this fun song to give people hope. His previous album, ‘Slingshot David,’ encouraged listeners to find your Slingshot and use it to defeat your Goliaths—a concept everyone can relate to. Growing up in New Orleans, the temptation of the streets was very appealing, but the same streets took the life of Dee-1’s best friend who was murdered. At that moment, Dee knew that God called him to break the cycle of negativity, so he chose a different route. Dee began rapping in college and became very popular on campus, but upon graduation, he decided to use his charisma and swagger to become a middle school teacher to reach the youth. He soon traded his classroom for a microphone and a stage, and the rest is history. Dee-1 entered the rap game on a mission to inspire people everywhere. While he is not in a relationship currently, he is looking for wife. In his song, “The One,” with Jonathan McReynolds he talks about the qualities he appreciates in a woman. “People Don’t Want That Real,” is a song about self reflection and questioning if he will be saved in the Kingdom when Jesus returns for His children. Understanding his place in this world that God created is how Dee-1 gets back to the basics in his walk with Christ. He explains how you need to have humble confidence. “Humble yourself to know your place, but smile knowing how special you are to God. The proper balance ot those two emotions are essential to a successful life.” “Knowing that God specifically chose me to be who I am and blessed with the life that I have make me have an ever-increasing amount of respect, admiration and reverence for God,” says Dee-1.


Financial fitness


Avoid these unhealthy financial habits Darryck L. Farmer, Sr., World Financial Group Inc. |


s well-intentioned as we might be, we sometimes get in our own way when it comes to improving our financial health.

Much like physical health, financial health can be affected by binging, carelessness, or simply not knowing what can cause harm. But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel – as with physical health, it’s possible to reverse the downward trend if you can break your harmful habits. Not budgeting A household without a budget is like a ship without a rudder, drifting aimlessly and – sooner or later – it might sink or run aground in shallow waters. Small expenses and indulgences can add up to big money over the course of a month or a year. In nearly every household, it might be possible to find some extra money just by cutting back on non-essential spending. A budget is your way of telling yourself that you may be able to have nice things if you’re disciplined about your finances. Frequent use of credit cards Credit cards always seem to get picked on when discussing personal finances, and often, they deserve the flack they get. Not having a budget can be a common reason for using credit, contributing to an average credit card debt of over $9,000 for balance-carrying households. At an average interest rate of over 15%, credit card debt is usually the highest interest expense in a household, several times higher than auto loans, home loans, and student loans. The good news is that with a little discipline, you can start to pay down your credit card debt and help reduce your interest expense. Mum’s the word No matter how much income you have, money can be a stressful topic in families. This can lead to one of two potentially harmful habits. First, talking about the family finances is often simply avoided. Conversations about kids and work and what movie you want to watch happen, but conversations about money can get swept under the rug. Are you a “saver” and your partner a “spender”? Is it the opposite? Maybe you’re both spenders or both savers. Talking (and listening) about yourself and your significant other’s tendencies can be insightful and help avoid conflicts about your finances. If you’re like most households, having an occasional chat about the budget may help keep your family on track with your goals – or help you identify new goals – or maybe set some goals if you don’t have any. Second, financial matters can be confusing – which may cause stress – especially once you get past the basics. This may tempt you to ignore the subject or to think “I’ll get around to it one day”. But getting a budget and a financial strategy in place sooner rather than later may actually help you reduce stress. Think of it as “That’s one thing off my mind now!” Taking the time to understand your money situation and getting a budget in place is the first step to put your financial house in order. As you learn more and apply changes – even small ones – you might see your efforts start to make a difference! 12 FALL 2019 BACK2BASICSMAG.COM


The Truth About Business Kymone Hinds, Life Coach|

The number one thing that determines success in business is BELIEF. Here are three things you need to believe in: 1. Believe in what you have to offer. Selling is the transference of confidence. If you aren't confident you can't convince anyone else to buy. You need to believe enough to keep putting it out there and making connections. 2. Believe in who you are. Business can shake our self-worth and reveal issues of self-doubt. It is important to do a lot of internal work while riding the rollercoaster of entrpreneurship. 3. Believe in God's power You can put a boat in the water but you can't produce wind. God's power always adds super to our natural. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are reading this and you are ready to actually start your business, simply send an email to I want to encourage you and help you get going. Let's bring your business Idea to Life!


woman evolve 2019 Skin In The Game

The Woman Evolve Conference took place in Denver, CO on July 12, 2019. We were on assignment and have the highlights for you. Woman Evolve creates an environment for the modern woman to get her spirit filled-up. It is a safe place for coaching and counseling. A place to be vulnerable. “Let every woman be a coach and representative of God’s kingdom.” Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts preached a sermon entitled Skin in the Game. She explained that there’s a level of glory that you can only access by putting some skin in the game. Jesus had skin the game when He wrapped Himself in the flesh. Eve was beguiled by satan when he seduced her mind. God walked in the trap that Eve fell in. Best part of all, God gets down in the trap with you when you fall in. “Ante up, invest in yourself and put some skin in the game.” Pastor Roberts demonstrated how God gives you seed to work with to bring to fruition. “God said you put the skin in, I’ll handle the seed. Not everything, just a little skin.” She asked, “When is the last time you got filled up when you allowed God access to every part of you? Pick up, but most importantly, fill up so God can send you out!” Powerful women have an assignment... To be a soldier to hold down your corner of the earth... To receive God’s Spirit. As a member of the “Bruised Heel Society,” (Genesis 3:15 ) your destiny is connected to your assignment and you can no longer avoid it. Understand the power of the heel - Jesus’ bruised heel. Sarah said yes to her purpose. What if we all said yes? Surrender and say yes. Give God any fears that you may have and ask for His strength to be perfected in your weakness.


Apple Pad Thai Salad Make a delicious summer fave in 20 minutes! Mile High Fitness & Wellness

Ingredients DRESSING • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice • 1 tablespoons coconut aminos • ½ tablespoons honey • ¼ cup + ½ tablespoons almond butter • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated • ¼ cup coconut water SALAD • 2 Autumn Glory® apples • 1 orange • ½ carrot, matchstick cut • ¼ red bell peppers, matchstick cut • ¼ yellow bell peppers, matchstick cut • ½ cup red cabbage, chopped • Shelled edamame • Cilantro Directions 1. Whisk dressing ingredients together. Use more coconut water, if desiring a thinner consistency. 2. Juice the orange, and pour juice into a separate bowl. Spiralize Autumn Glory apples and immediately put the noodles in the bowl with orange juice. Make sure to completely coat noodles to prevent browning. If you do not have a spiralizer, chopping the apple works as well. 3. Mix apple noodles, carrots, bell peppers, and cabbage together in a bowl. Top with shelled edamame. 4. Drizzle with almond butter dressing, and then garnish with chopped cilantro. Recipe source: 16 FALL 2019 BACK2BASICSMAG.COM

Work it out


God, Where are you? Sherelle Gilbert, Contributor |

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39



ave you ever just asked, "God, where are you?" Have you ever felt like God was so far that you couldn't feel His presence or you couldn't hear His voice? There are times in life where we may feel alone and don't feel the presence of God. Think about a time when you were praying to the Lord for a specific request, for deliverance, guidance or even understanding and He just didn't show up when you felt He should have. Why does it sometimes feel like God allows you to get to the edge or your breaking point before He shows up? If God feels like He's distant right now, continue to seek Him. Don't give up and don't confuse His silence for withdrawal. Our verse today reminds us that nothingcan separate us from the love of God. If you feel like you've gotten further from God’s presence, chase after it! The test of your faith is not when God’s presence is real or when you see God at work in your life. The real test of your faith is when God seems distant. Don't turn to the world or look for a quick fix to your problems, don't allow frustration to overtake you to the point where you take matters into your own hands. Be still. Continue to seek Him especially when He seems distant. One of the things I've learned is that there are times when God will allow us to come to the end of ourselves so that we reach of the beginning of Him and rely completely on Him. If God seems distant in your life right now, maybe He's needing you to come back to Him and trust Him more with your entire life, not just some of it. All trials and situations we experience in life no matter how big or small are designed to bring us to a deeper trust in the Lord. If we dodge them without learning that lesson, we miss what God has for us. Whatever it is that you feel may be separating you from God right now, don't allow yourself to sit in that separation. Draw closer to God today. If it's one of the sins you've been struggling with that has separated you, trust Him with that thing. Take it to Him in prayer. Don't allow the enemy to make you feel like God is not near and that God is not listening. He has heard your prayers, He knows what you need. He has never left your side, He's right there. Amen. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone else. 18 FALL 2019 BACK2BASICSMAG.COM








01 Do you practice daily affirmations? ------------------------------------------------------------------------02 Are you working out? ------------------------------------------------------------------------03 How can you improve your financial habits? ------------------------------------------------------------------------04 What’s one thing you can’t live without? ------------------------------------------------------------------------05 Have you prayed today? ------------------------------------------------------------------------06 The best part of waking up is...? ------------------------------------------------------------------------07 What is your self-care routine? ------------------------------------------------------------------------08 Are you here for Kanye’s Gospel music or nah? ------------------------------------------------------------------------09 Could an impeachment be going down? ------------------------------------------------------------------------10 What does a healthy relationship look like? ------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Are you supporting B2B when you shop on Amazon? ------------------------------------------------------------------------12 What is your top priority? ------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Are you getting your rest? #Sabbath ------------------------------------------------------------------------14 What’s one item you didn’t realize was expensive until you became adult? ------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Is Alexa a friend or foe? ------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Dee-1 = Chris Brown with dreads. Do you agree? ------------------------------------------------------------------------17 How cold is it in your city today? ------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Where are you on your yearly goals? ------------------------------------------------------------------------19 How do you combat the lies and the fears? ------------------------------------------------------------------------20 Have you thanked God for your life today?

Got answers? Hit us up on IG @back2basicsmag BACK2BASICSMAG.COM FALL 2019 19

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