Back2Basics Magazine - December 2012

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December 2012


Girl on Fire DeQn Sue burning up the music scene and determined that no one can kill her dream.


* iPress ft. Elizabeth Schlinsog & Demarco Williams * The Twilight Zone by Simone Paris * Remember the Sabbath Day by Shawntrielle Tilmon * Break-up to Make-ups by ZoĂŤ Fisher

Sabbath Movement Do you really want to get to know God? We have the answer to how you can in one easy step.


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volume 1 | number 7 on t he

c ove r Girl on Fire - 16 Relationships: “Break-ups to Make-ups” - 6 Sabbath Movement - 20 iPress: Featuring Elizabeth Schlinsog & Demarco Williams - 8 The Twilight Zone - 12 Remember the Sabbath Day - 22

Back2Basics Tip: To go deeper with God, you have to slow down. As we look ahead to the new year, remember the triumphs you’ve had in 2012. When we are in the moments of life, it is easy for us to overlook the blessings we’ve been given. There are four themes in this issue that I want to challenge you to apply to your life in 2013.

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1. Dream. You are incredibly talented and you’re closer than you think to your next level. Focus on the good you can do today. 2. Work with urgency but be careful not to rush. The chances of a project failing increases dramatically when it’s hurried into production. There is a process for your success. 3. Pause every single week to spend time reflecting with God.

Publisher/Editor: Brittany N. Winkfield Contributing Writers: Narda Bailey-Hunt, Amber K. Boyd, Zoë Fisher , Simone Paris, Shawntrielle Tilmon Contributing Photographers/Designers: Hannah Banks,, Cover photo: Provided by DeQn Sue Webmaster: Marcus Winkfield Promotions Director: Aaron Roston Check for updates. Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright © 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics is registered in the United States Trademark Office.

4. Believe. Just as you believe in God, God believes in you. He is at work on your behalf right now! Take a deep breath, relax and pray...God has it under control. Our time is now, let your light shine. Let’s do this! Brittany N. Winkfield, Founder & Publisher | 3

from the Back2Basics team

Reminders to Help You Enjoy a Meaningful Christmas Christmas is just five days away! During the busyness of this season, it’s easy to lose touch with the wonder and meaning of God’s gift to us. Fortunately, spending a few minutes each day in the Bible can help you refocus on what we’re celebrating—the birth of our Savior. These verses are a great reminder. Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Philippians 2:8-10 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. Luke 1:30-31 And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the gift of a God who is with us, Jesus! | 4

A prayer for the new year “O Lord, thank You for Your wonderful promises! Though in this world, I face troubles, You have told me to take heart because You have overcome the world! (John 16:33 ). I am so relieved and thankful that through You, I am an over comer. So, Lord, when I am overwhelmed or discouraged or faced by great challenges or tempted, please remind me that I can overcome when I rely on You. Remind me to “take it to the Lord in prayer” and allow You to carry me through. I also pray for wisdom and for that way out when temptation comes my way. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.” ~ Os Hillman & TGIF Staff | 5


by ZoĂŤ Fisher

In life, we can expect a few breakdowns, breakthroughs and a fair share of break-ups. Every relationship is different. While some are meant to last, others probably should have never been started in the first place. As Christians, God and spirituality have a special role in all our interactions, and being in a healthy Christian relationship may sometimes be hard to achieve. Two individuals shared their relationship experience and answered the following 3 questions: 1. What was your best and worst relationship and why? 2. Did either of them involve God or spiritual values? 3. Why did you break-up and would you get back together? | 6

Best and Worst Relationship Wow. The best relationship I have ever been in was with a gentleman I grew up with. I was just finishing high school when we started dating. He genuinely cared for me and always put himself aside to make sure that I was happy. He was very selfless. On the other end, the worst relationship I was ever in started my freshman year of college. It started on a rebound and there was a lot of selfishness involved on his part and insecurity on mine that drove us apart. We started to resent each other for not being what the other person needed. So we ended it.

Was God involved? You know it’s weird… at first I felt that God was a really big part of my worst relationship while on the opposite end, I never thought of God as a part of the best relationship. With the worst relationship, we did a lot of talking about God but we didn’t live for or honor God in our relationship as time went on. With my best relationship, even though he treated me so well, he was not really concerned with God. He just lived his life. We were on very different spiritual levels and it became frustrating for me. We went our separate ways because it was hard for me to see him as someone who would be in my life long-term as opposed to temporally. It was fun…but not final. This is why this particular relationship ended.

Would you go back? I don’t like to say I would “never” do anything. Yet, I cannot imagine there being a sequel to either of these relationships. Both I found to be unhealthy to proceed in, yet necessary to grow from! I see it as, until God pulls some major heart strings and changes mindsets (makes me/them/someone else completely whole…) I guess I’m about that single life.

Best Relationship/ Was God involved? My best relationship was basically a friendship with the understanding that we liked each other. It was the best because it was mature, sex free, and involved God.

Worst Relationship/ Was God involved? My worst relationship was a war declared by too much intimacy and fought by insecurities on both ends. God was often ignored.

Would you go back? Both relationships ended because of incompatible differences. However, having matured a lot since those breakups, I would reconsider getting back into my best and worst relationships. Whether you’re searching for “the one” or just looking for someone to kick it with, you’re bound to run into some bad relationships. Make sure to avoid ones that damage you physically, emotionally or spiritually. Breakups happen, so be strong enough to move on from the damaged ones, and wise enough to know which ones deserve a second chance. | 7

i P r e s s Q & A Forgive the person you were, accept the person you are, and believe in the person you will become. ~ Barbara Johnson

Elizabeth Schlinsog Kansas City, Kansas | Age 17

How do you get back to the basics in your walk with Christ? I believe that getting back to basics with Christ is to stop worrying about following all the rules and spending that time just getting to know God. This doesn’t mean rules aren’t important, but I think that sometimes we forget the relationship with God and just concentrate on following the rules. When we spend time getting to know God, He will change us and we will naturally start to follow the guidelines He has set forth for us.

People usually view rich people as successful, but if they made their money at the expense of others, are they truly a success?

What motivates you? Honestly, when I get something in return. My mother used to tell me that when I was younger she could get me to do anything if I would get a sticker in the end.

Who do you admire as a leader?

I admire my Dad. Even when he is mad at someone or What does the word “success” mean to you? disagrees with them, he always tries to speak to them with respect and never lets his temper get the best of him. Sometimes it would be easier for him to just Success is making a positive impact on someone. tell the person how it is but he takes the extra time to If you plan an event and it goes off without a hitch, make sure they don’t feel personally attacked. In my the world views that as a success but if the event opinion, that is one of the hardest things to do as a has absolutely no positive impact on people or it leader. has a negative one, that event was a failure. Another example of what I am talking about is a millionaire. | 8

If you had an extra hour every day what would you do with it? Probably sleep. That was most likely not the answer they were looking for when they asked this question, but who doesn’t want a free hour of sleep?

What would you name the autobiography of your life? “The longer you look at a picture, the uglier it gets.”

What does “I Am the Church” mean to you? It means that every time I point my finger at the church I’m pointing three more back at myself. If I see a problem in the church, it is my job as a part of the church to fix it. I am as much a part of the church as the older people are and just because my beliefs may differ from theirs doesn’t mean my beliefs are wrong. | 9

i P r e s s Q & A

DeMarco Williams Kansas City, Missouri | Age 17

How do you get back to the basics in your walk with Christ?

If you had an extra hour every day what would you do with it?

If you have faith and confidence in Christ, there will be doors opened for you.

I would actually read the bible to get a better understanding of God.

What does the word “success” mean to you?

What would you name the autobiography of your life?

The word success means to achieve your goals in life.

“God’s Little Dancer”

What motivates you?

What does “I Am the Church” mean to you?

My dancing motivates me because if I practice eveyday, every second, then I will get better.

Who do you admire as a leader? I admire my cousin Zonte aka Jigsaw because he is the one who tought me how to dance. | 10

I Am the Church means that our body is the temple of Christ. That means we must treat it with respect and honor.

DeMarco Williams at the Central States Conference Camp Meeting| June 16, 2012 | 11



ake a walk around Oakwood University on any day. The campus is beautiful with more than enough land and new renovations being made daily along with with nicely manicured lawns. It’s a quiet campus most of the time and seems relatively calm. The staff and students are friendly, often taking time to say hi and ask how you are doing, or hold a door open for you. You start to feel at home, at ease. But that was before you noticed there seems to be a pattern in how a majority of the students are dressing. Their clothes are not too modern looking but seem to have been worn in past decades. The styles consist of a little from the 1990s with 1960s sprinkled a little here and there. You even see 1940s fashion. What is going on? Have you just stepped into the twilight zone? Nope, not at all, you have just come across the vintage/ retro fashion craze, which has been prevalent at Oakwood for a while now. But exactly what is vintage/retro clothing you are wondering? And is there a difference between the two? More importantly, why does this trend seem to be common on many college campuses? | 12

Vintage Fashion can be simply defined as “a generic term for new or second hand garments originating from a previous era.” The phrase is also used in connection with a retail outlet, e.g. "vintage clothing store." It also means the outfit, even though it came from another era, is still relevant today, and is in good condition. Retro is used interchangeably with vintage, but has a slightly different meaning. Retro (retrospective), which derives from the latin prefix meaning backward or “in past time,” is commonly used to refer to the revival of things from more recent eras (1960s and 1970s). The Vintage style refers more to the 1920s to the start of the 1960s era. For a piece from 1960, there is a gray area as to whether it would be considered vintage or retro. Real vintage is at least 25 years old and is usually out on display in museums or stored in warehouses to protect from outside elements. Authentic vintage usually comes "as is," which means it will not be altered to fit you. Of course the average person wouldn't be able to afford to wear such clothes, so garments are usually duplicated or copied in modern fashion and are still considered “vintage.” Vintage/Retro clothing is a way of honoring another era while inspiring the designers of today.

Vintage on Oakwoods campus As to why the vintage/retro is so popular on Oakwood’s campus is still debatable. It might have something to do with a lot of Oakwood’s current students attending private institutions where uniforms were enforced, which already have a retro feel to them. Perhaps the students carried this style with them as they went on to college. Maybe Oakwood’s fashion is influenced by current old fashioned-based media such as the popular tv show Mad Men, which shows how men and women dressed in 1950-1960. Also, new up and coming music artists such as Esperanza Spalding, Frank Ocean and Janelle Monae embody the vintage feel in their music and clothes. Along with the media, society is starting to take a more earth-friendly outlook on life. DIY (do it yourself), homegrown goods, and recycling are becoming more popular in this generation, which also influences the fashion world. This, in turn, encourages the wearing of hand-me-down clothing, or second-hand shopping where vintage/retro clothes are sold. One final reason to why OU has been taken over by the vintage fashion world is because it is inexpensive. It is common knowledge that college students do not usually have too much money to spend on university books, let alone clothes. The retro style allows a student to go to a local thrift store and buy a shirt for a $1.50, pants for $3 and shoes for $5.00. There is no beating those prices! | 13

Womens Vintage Fashion The female vintage fashion has been influenced by many popular figures such as Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. Oversized sweaters and jackets, mini skirts, boots and colored tights are just a few examples of women vintage clothing. The Beatles introduced mixing up retro prints and teaming them with big oval sunglasses while Burberry Prorsum took to the 1960s London with bead work shirts, rockstar trenches decorated with geometric shapes, and long high-waisted front-button skirts. Argyle sweater vests and high-waisted skirts along with stylish A-line lab coats and bouffant hair styles on models were a nod to the scientific culture of the sixties. Halter jumpsuits were inspired by the seventies glam, as well as the label’s long sheer tulle dresses and skirts accompanied by leather jackets and chunky wedges. Style in the 1970s had a lot to do with the current music scene. So while disco divas wore jumpsuits and bellbottoms, the girls who loved rock and worshipped at the altar of Led Zeppelin and The Who were rocking a very different ensemble.Vibrant blends of mini dress meets gypsy flair and turtleneck mini dresses with suede fringed vests are perfect articulations of this generation’s style, while at DSquared2, we saw models saunter down the runway aggressively, wearing floor grazing wrap dresses and American flag bikinis with Navajo Indian touches like headbands that ran across the forehead and fringed vests.

Men’s Vintage fashion There have also been influential men in the male world of fashion including David Beckham, Kanye West and Pharrell Williams. Denim shirts, bow ties, quilted jackets, heavy/chunky knitwear, flat caps, hi-tops, retro spectacles and broguesare articles of clothing making their way back on the scene and becoming massive trends this season. Just like women, a lot of the men fashion is influenced by music and tv shows. As mentioned before, Mad Men shows males in tailored suits, hats and stylish shoes. Kanye West is known for donning leather jackets with straight-legged jeans, which point back to the Grease movie. Argyle sweaters with cuffed jeans worn with a pair of rugged boots hints to the 1950/1960s. The rounded glasses also added a flare to these outfits. | 14

Where to buy Vintage/ Retro fashion There are many places to get in on this hot new trend of vintage dressing. Below are a few places to consider:

Local Department stores Since the vintage trend is becoming so popular, local stores are starting to carry these types of clothing. It will be a little harder finding multiple articles here since it still a new trend, but it is worth taking the time to look.

Boutique Shops Boutique shops are perfect for satisfying your vintage crave. Since the clothes are unique and one of a kind, it will be less likely for others to have the same clothing. Also, since boutique shops keep up on fashion trends you will most likely find more than enough retro-styled clothing.

Estate and Garage sales At most house sales people are getting rid of old things they have no need for including clothes. In these environments, take more time and patience to find what you want and it is not an guarantee you will find anything at all. Either way it does make for a fun day of vintage scavenging.

Costume Shops You will be surprised at what you can find at a costume shop. Small costume stores are better because it’s less likely for large amounts of people to shop there. Call ahead to see what the store might have so your shopping experience can be more enjoyable.

Thrift stores Second-hand stores are the most popular places to find vintage fashion. Going to a thrift store that is further out of a bigger city is better. Yes, it does take patience and a little scavenging but it is definitely worth it when you see how little you spent for multiple outfits. Now that you are a little more familiar with this Vintage/Retro phenomena, you can feel a little more comfortable when walking around Oakwood. The Oakwood Experience, that commonly involves a walk back in time, will be understood. You may even join in on this fashion craze because not only is it stylish, it’s inexpensive too. Who knows how long it will be popular to wear second-hand clothes or shop at a garage sale, but you might as well take advantage of this new trend while it’s still here. This trend allows you to be over-the-top creative, but at the same time, keeping money in your pocket! So go ahead, visit your local thrift store today! | 15

D e Q n

S u e

Girl on fire

DeQn Sue is a singer, songwriter and performer with a soulful voice and alternative twist defined as IndiosyncraticChic. She’s burning up the music scene and determined that no one can kill her dream. This girl is on fire! Words by Narda Bailey-Hunt | 16

She’s just a girl and she’s on fire. It begins with her name. DeQn Sue (pronounced deacon) is about as unique a name as I’ve ever heard. The bearer of this name is an amazing up and coming singer/song writer based out of California, whose artistic style is as extraordinary as her name. The name is an original created by DeQn herself and it is a combination of two names that are very dear to her. DeQn is from the name of a character her actor father played in the 1970’s show S.W.A.T. (the character’s name was Deacon Kaye) and Sue is from her mother’s name, Susan. She says she came up with the name as a “way of always having my parents with me.” DeQn was born and raised in California where her parents immersed her in music from birth. Her mother recognized her gift and from an early age encouraged DeQn to develop her talent. “As far back as I can remember my world has pretty much centered around music. Music is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep.” About ten years ago, DeQn’s mom passed away. This tragedy left the then teenager, “broken and really angry.” She says “my mom was the driving force behind my singing. I lost myself and my purpose when my mom died and I stopped singing.” DeQn left California to attend Oakwood University in Alabama. Once there, her passion for singing was reignited. DeQn studied Spanish, Chinese, Communications and Music in school. “Don’t ask why I picked these concentrations,” she says, “I’ll just say, they fit together quite nicely and afforded me an opportunity to travel to different continents learning new languages, shed some light on things I am “My interested in and taught me so much about so many music is a things I didn’t know about different cultures, not direct reflection to mention their music.” After graduating, the budding star decided to fully pursue her music of the person I am, so even if you don’t career. It’s been a hard road but she is determined, driven and focused and she feels that she is closer know me personally, now than she has ever been to realizing her dream. the music should give The self-described “quirky” artist says her goal is you a little snippet “to have her musical voice be heard and to be able to share her gift with millions of people.”

into the “randomity” that is me.” For DeQn, the best part of waking up every day

is having the chance to pursue her dreams. She wishes, however, that she could be more patient ~DeQn Sue with the process and be less of a “control freak.” She admits that she has made great strides since the days when she had shows with only two people in attendance. Today things are a lot different and she thinks she’s “almost famous.” This avantgarde artist spends every day writing and working on her music. She can write a song about anything and talks about writing a song called “Gross” the subject of which is people picking their noses. However, not all of her songs have this kind of subject matter. | 17

my dear lovelies, i dedicate this little ditty to anyone who has ever been told you couldn’t, you shouldn’t, or you wouldn’t. don’t let their insecure words become your reality. sincerely, a you. | 18

Her latest YouTube single titled “Dream Killer” is a song about the people who discourage us from following our dreams. It’s a song with a fun and unique sound and a great message. DeQn says, “I believe as human beings/souls we’re placed here on earth to love and to fulfill the ambitions I think each of us are born with. Whether you were born to teach or to be a doctor, I feel to some extent, we always know what makes us happy and essentially what our purpose is, it’s just a matter fighting for it and making it happen. For me, I always knew what I wanted but one day it hit me….. HARD… and I realized it wasn’t going “I to just happen on its own… I had to stand up and make it happen, so that’s what I realized it did, and here I am.” As career focused as she is, there are other sides to DeQn Sue. She is very aware that she was blessed by her creator with the gift of a beautiful voice and she is also aware of her need for him in her life. She says “He comes to us differently and in different ways but everyone needs to find Christ for themselves.” She also has a heart for love. She describes love as “a cosmic roller coaster of a feeling.” She says “I would definitely like to have that at some point” but for now she is focused on her career. When asked if she had any final words to share, DeQn said “I think people are here to love and to pursue the gift/purpose that God gave us. Other people keep us from pursuing our dreams. People tell me I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing, but they motivate me to just push forward.” This is the message of her song “Dream Killer.” If you get a chance, definitely check it out on YouTube and you will see why this quirky young artist is on fire.

wasn’t going to just happen on its own… I had to stand up and make it happen, so that’s what I did, and here I am.”

~DeQn Sue | 19

by Amber K. Boyd | 20

“Wow, that’s really cool,” is what I thought to myself one Friday evening over the Grants’ home, a family I met at a spiritual retreat several months earlier. The family of seven, two grandparents included, sat around the dining table. The family hadn’t gathered to discuss some pressing family issue or a cataclysmic natural disaster that called for corporate prayer. They were opening the Sabbath. “So you guys do this every Sabbath?” “Yeah,” they responded casually as grape juice was poured and wafers divvied up preparing for a homestyle communion. The dining table was specially decorated with candles, small glass stones, a decorative tablecloth, tiny flutes. At that moment God began to inspire me to think differently about the Sabbath and how I celebrate it. God highlighted for me that what the Grants were doing was making a to-do of the Sabbath (which God later translated to me as making a to-do about Him). God began to help me understand that the Sabbath was not just a time to refrain from work and secular things but a time reserved for nurturing a personal relationship with Him. The Sabbath hours we call “sacred” oftentimes become the melting pot of our own ministry activities, potlucks, and idle conversations we call “fellowship.” I’m not saying outlaw good works on the Sabbath, I’m suggesting that we gently scrutinize them a little deeper for their origins. Hey, did you ask God about going there or did you think it was just a good idea? The Sabbath represents a standing date with God that is meant to be significant. Is God watching you have a Sabbath, or are you enjoying the Sabbath together? (Ponder on that for a moment). 5…4…3…2…1…

God then led me to reflect on myself and my generation. They call us post-moderns. We aren’t amused by traditions that appear meaningless, drawing us deeper into the abyss of religious skepticism and jadedness. We’re more interested in understanding how, say for example, this whole Sabbath thing relates to us personally. Unless there’s a direct personal benefit, life application, and possibly a Facebook page, we couldn’t care less. So through several other moments like the Grants’ home God inspired me to start the Sabbath Movement. It’s the 21st century post-modern’s interpretation and application of the Sabbath. It is about sincerely and intentionally embracing God’s Sabbath for the sole purpose of embracing God in a more personal way. Using a revamped stop sign, the Sabbath Movement directs you to pause to drive forward towards a deeper more personal relationship with God. Sounds oxymoronic? Sometimes the fastest way to get there is to go slow. Pause friends. The Sabbath Movement is the opportunity to deepen your personal relationship with God through a weekly Pause called the Sabbath. Still in its infancy stages, the Movement is slowly growing and there are almost 2,500 fans of the FB page. Learn more about the Sabbath Movement at To learn more about the post-modern generation visit | 21

Remember the Sabbath Day “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” That’s what God commanded us to do, but too many of us are a part of this world actin phony. Knowing right from wrong, yet, we still do our own thing. Complaining about our hard times, but that’s what our actions bring. “Six days shall thy labor, and do all thy work,” but it’s in these six days that we do our most gossiping; calling so and so a “slut,” and what’s his name a “jerk.” Stabbin’ people in the back, but then smiling in they face, it’s crazy, because it seems more and more like our hearts have been laced; with some sort of drug that has created an unwanted space between us and the creator, and somewhere down this road, we lost sight that there is nobody greater. And I don’t know about you, but I feel like a traitor. “But the seventh day is the Sabbath, of the Lord thy God.” He’s done so much for us, but I find it completely odd, that we’re so easily willing to turn from him, when honestly; all we have to do is sit back, and learn from him. The bible is the blueprint, of what he wants us to do; he tells us that if we take one step, then he’ll take two. But many of us claim that we’re just waiting for a breakthrough. “In it, thou shall not do any work,” and during this time of “no work,” we try and act all holy, “enjoying” the Sabbath, pretending that we want it to pass by slowly. But in all honesty, we can’t waitfor the sun to set, tryna run to the club, with that young thug you just met? Don’t fret, cuz I’m not even tryna make you sweat, it aint ma business what you do after sunset. “Thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle.” Each and every day feels like a spiritual battle. Especially on the Sabbath when we should be closest to the lord. But too many of us are complaining that we’re either too tired or completely bored. | 22

“Nor thy stranger that is within thy gates,” we all aim to act godly, but the only thing that we can display are our earthly traits. Not really sure if we wanna love our neighbor, or only show them hate. Walkin around like we’re inmates, instead of teammates. And always tryna debate instead of relate, to the problems of our neighbor, and to keep it 100, that’s what God considers labor, on his holy Sabbath day. And in the end, it’s only God who we betray. “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,” he also created mankind, and established our worth. But ever since the beginning, things will never be the same, and just for the record, Adam and Eve are to blame. But the choices we make are completely ours, we can run from our past, or learn from our scars. “The sea and all that in them is, wherefore the lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” So all we have left to do is give our lives to God and commit to transmit our fit into wit. And stop being so willing to quit when things don’t seem legit. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, and to be real we need to stop making it a sad myth; that is has to be a drag. In all honesty we all should be able to brag, that our God is so amazing. Our Sabbath should be filled with constant worship and praising. It’s a day that allows us to take a step back from society, a time that we can get away from digesting our anxiety. It’s a day that gives us the opportunity to grow closer to the lord, in hopes that when he returns, we’ll all be on one accord. “Remember the Sabbath day;” are you gonna keep it holy?

by Shawntrielle Tilmon

ul? Have You Been Faithful?

hi b een




Square up with God in 2012! 2012 is almost over. Weekly, we hear Malachi 3:8-10 during offertory, warning us to not rob God in our tithes and offerings. Have you been faithful? Have you squared up with God in 2012? If you skipped or accidentally missed your opportunity to support the spreading of God’s gospel globally by returning a required 10% tithe of your income along with your regular local offering now, is the time to square up with God. He is a God of second chances. Fill a church tithe envelope during offertory this month. | 23






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