United Way of Russia – Annual Report 2014 (english)

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kindness impact














Professionalism GIVE.ADVOCATE.VOLUNTEER. www.unitedway.ru

The Appeal of Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director Dear friends! We are pleased to present to you the report

collected, intended to help children. Such

on the activities of our Foundation for the

projects are very relevant and in demand in

year 2014.

the market, as they combine both business goals and work towards the aims of

Brad Pielsticker, Chairman of the Board of Directors United Way of Russia

Throughout 2014, the Foundation’s team

NGOs. We intend to continue moving in this

worked actively on its main task – to help


those in need. We implemented 38 projects and assisted more than 12 000 people. Our

Furthermore, we are actively helping to de-

projects have stretched across Russia –

velop the non-profit sector. Every year we

from Moscow to the Far East. We further,

organize pro bono roundtables aimed at in-

implemented 4 major aid projects to assist

forming NGOs about changes in legislation,

victims of emergency situations in the Jew-

provide assistance in solving legal issues

ish Autonomous region, Amur region.

and provide counseling. In 2014 9 round tables were held, which were attended by

I would like to mention another new part-

more than 200 NGOs.

nership project, implemented jointly with

Tatiana Zadirako, Executive Director United Way of Russia

ROSBANK, the grant competition Together

In solving our daily tasks throughout the

We Can Do More. According to the results

year we are actively supported by corporate

of the competition, 7 NGOs from Yekater-

and individual donors and volunteers. On

inburg, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Samara

behalf of the Foundation we express our

and St. Petersburg have received grants

sincere gratitude to everyone who helped

for more than 3 500 000 rub. These funds

us! All of you have provided invaluable sup-

were used to help the disabled and at risk

port that allows us to help more and more


people each year.

Under a partnership agreement with

Thank you for being with us!

OJSC Cherkizovo Group , we launched a cause related marketing project, the results of which more than 6 300 000 rubles were

Table of contents About Us


2014 Financial Results


Who We Helped


Partnership Projects


Our Events in 2014


Action Plan for 2015


Thanks to Volunteers


Public Activity


Thanks to Donors


Audit Report


Annual Report 2014


About Us

About Us


The Charitable Foundation United Way of Russia is a non-profit

To foster responsible philanthropy in Russia by working with and

organization which has been working in Russia since 1993 and

funding the best charities and providing a platform for socially re-


sponsible companies to invest back into the community. Charitable Foundation United Way of Russia: • Transparent system which allows us to distribute donations from individuals and companies most effectively;

At-risk children

• All the projects are checked thoroughly in compliance with international standards of United Way Worldwide

Disaster relief support Disabled (children and adults)

What We Do United Way of Russia implements a range of services both for other NGOs and commercial sector.

Refugees and homeless citizens

For NGOs • Allocate funds • Pro-bono trainings, round tables

Elderly people

• Provide in-kind donations of things, furniture, equipment • Consultations on fundraising • Joint efforts of business, NGOs and government we lead to the benefit of society


For donors • Validation for fundraising, crowd funding platforms

United Way of Russia has been working in Russia since 1993.

• Corporate volunteering programs

During that period the Foundation organized more than 1000

• Expertise in charity and philanthropy

charitable programs aimed at collecting funds, expand the pool

• Cause related marketing

of socially responsible business sector, civil society develop-

• Payroll giving programs

ment. Today, the Foundation is a team of professionals and

• Implementing of corporate grant campaigns of business, NGOs

experts in the field of philanthropy. We believe that only joint

and government we lead to the benefit of society.

efforts of business, NGOs and government we lead to the benefit of society.



United Way of Russia

About Us

Principles of work


Cooperation and support


United Way

Exposure and transparency

Expert approach



The Foundation is a permanent source of financing for

The charity understands clearly its tasks and aims, and has all the

efficient charitable organizations.

necessary knowledge and skills to achieve them.

Cooperation and support

Exposure and transparency

Assistance is provided to the supported charities to help in-

Charities receiving funding have to demonstrate financial transpar-

crease their professional level in various fields of activities.

ency to the highest possible degree. In turn, we guarantee to the donors full adherence by the foundation to Russian legislature and

Expert approach

provide full financial and activity reports.

Organizations to be funded are selected on the basis of a thorough analysis of program activities and a financial audit. In the course of project implementation the Fund carries out regular checks of project related and financial activities of the supported charities.

Annual Report 2014


About Us

UWR Staff Structure Board of Directors

Executive Director

Chief Accountant

Deputy Director

FR Manager

Senior Special Projects Manager

Marketing/PR Manager

Allocations &Projects Coordinator

UWR Staff

Tatiana Zadirako Executive Director

Natalia Usoltseva Deputy Director

Oxana Komarova FR Manager


United Way of Russia

Elena Vizintal’ Chief Accountant

Julia Ermachenkova FR Manager

Ekaterina Novozhenova Marketing/PR Manager

Indira Mukhamedova Allocations & Projects Coordinator

Pavel Mushinsky Senior Special Projects Manager

Ekaterina Demeshko Allocations & Projects Coordinator

About Us

Board of Directors










Partner, Clifford Chance CIS Limited








Alexis Rodzianko President, CEO, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia

Florin Petrescu Head of Human Resources,





ZAO Citibank

Oleg Gusakov



Alex Shifrin General Director, Saatchi and Saatchi




Anna Kirin

Brad Pielsticker

Financial Controller, CBSD/Thunder-

General Director, Mikhailovsky Devel-

Group General Manager Russia and

bird Russia

opment Group

CIS, SC Johnson

Ludmila Mikhailova Chief Financial Officer, OJSC Cherkizovo Group




Yuri Pavlov

Partner, Cushman & Wakefield

Managing Partner, Concept

Allocation Committee Lada Belaychuk

Oleg Gusakov

Irina Nevrova

Associate Director, Deputy Head Research,

Partner, Griffin Partners

Director, CBRE/ Global Corporate Services

Cushman & Wakefield Lyudmila Krylova

Natalia Orlova

Regina Gaynanova

Marketing Coordinator, CBSD / Thunderbird

Head of Office, LLC Cargill

Lead JV Accountant of Caspian Region,


ConocoPhillips Russia Inc.

Annual Report 2014


About Us

Allocations Criteria

Partner Status of NGO

Accurate financial reporting and strict control of how the allocated funds are used are UWR’s main principles when it provides financial support to the nonprofits. United Way of Russia finances organizations and programs which match the following criteria: • The activities of the organization are designed to meet the social needs of the following sections of society: children (orphans and at-risk children), the disabled, refugees and the homeless, the

Organization can apply for a partner status if it:


• Has at least three years of successful work

• The organization is officially registered as an NGO and is acting in compliance with RF legislation; • The organization had been in existence for at least one year;

• Has efficient management • Has sustainable development is open for interaction with all stakeholders.

• The donation of the Foundation does not constitute the sole source of financing; • The organization commits to provide regular verbal and written reports.

Advantages for a partner organization: • The grant approval procedure is more streamlined for partner organizations • On-going financing of more than one project is possible


• The annual donation amount is higher

• Analysis of financial activities of the organization by the accountant of the Foundation • Visit to the organization by the staff, members of the Board of Directors, the Allocations Committee members in order to observe the program for which the grant application is submitted • Review of the application by the Allocations Committee and the

Obligations of a partner organization: • Act as a site for information exchange with other nonprofit organizations • Provide consulting to developing organizations in its field of activities

Board of Directors on the basis of the comprehensive analysis results

The following organizations have partner status:

• Agreeing terms of grant contract

Civic Assistance - www.refugee.ru

• Once the grant is given, the Foundation monitors the project

Russian House - www.russiahouseclub.ru

implementation throughout the funding term. Upon project

Guide Dogs for the Blind – www.guidedogs.ru

completion, the organization submits a performance report and a

Center for Curative Pedagogics – www.ccp.org.ru.

financial report


United Way of Russia

Financial Results

47 564 979,04











6 501 224,15

37 963 984,76

Administrative costs of the Foundation were 14,62%

The Foundation approved and paid a total of in donations

At-risk children

Disaster relief support

Disabled children

Disabled adults

Elderly people

NGO development







2 742 060 �

2 606 000 �

4 940 256 �

5 227 443 �

8 248 737 �

14 199 488 �



These funds were allocated to projects of nonprofit organizations and budget-financed institutions in Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region, Voronezh Region, Tver’ Region, Khabarovsk Region.



Disabled children

4 940 256 � Organizations which received our aid Center for Curative Pedagogy – comprehensive therapeutically pedagogical help for handicapped children with multiple disabilities. 40 children with disabilities received our help. Preodolenie-L – help children who developed disabilities from the age of 3 suffering from cerebral palsy, infantile autism, Down syndrome and neurological disorders. 210 children with disabilities received our help. Dobro – help for children with autistic disorders and their families in the Moscow region. 200 families received our help. St. George’s School – provision of accessible education to children with mental and physical disabilities. 11 individuals received our help.

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Who We Helped

Natasha, 6,5 years old Natasha suffers from mental retardation, neurotic symptoms and speech problems. She has attended the Center for Curative Pedagogy from the age of 3. Only a year ago Natasha was very anxious and timid, clinging to her mother, she was afraid to remain in the classroom without her and to communicate with other children. She

“The Association responsible for helping children with autism Dobro has been working in cooperation with United Way of Russia since 2003 and has completed 8 projects. During certain periods of time, donations received through this organization were one of the most important sources of financing for our Association. Our collaboration has always been very proper and friendly, based on a strict adherence to the rules and principles of charity work, as well as a careful analysis of both the project and reporting documentation. We are sincerely grateful to United Way of Russia staff for a sensitive, attentive and friendly strict attitude to our work.”

had immense problems with visual-spatial perception. She was not able to put together flat cut out images and puzzles. Last year, she attended a playgroup, and from this academic year – a preparatory group. The plan was that Natasha would go

Sergey Morozov, Director of the Association responsible for helping children with autism Dobro

to school two years, but her success has exceeded all expectations. The team leader Elena believes that she can already attend first grade this year. Now, Natasha deftly handles flat and even 3D figures, has learnt to paint, has started to talk more, can name the different animals and has learnt to be attentive. She can easily stay focused for a half-hour lesson, participating with pleasure.

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At-risk children

Eugeniya, 16 years old Eugeniya told us that after the accident, which happened to her a year ago, it was difficult to communicate to others. She

2 742 060 � Organizations which received our aid

lost her former friends, including her best friend. She felt lost and did not know how to live on. As a result of the accident, she had broken a leg, received extensive 3rd degree burns and consequently underwent skin grafting surgery. Eugeniya worked with the educational psychologist for six months

Who, if not me? – distance-learning

once a week.

projects for orphans and children left

The traumatic event interrupted Eugenie’s

without parental care. 50 children

healthy natural curiosity in life and dimin-

and adolescents received our help.

ished her confidence in herself. “Who am I now? What can I do? And who will find me

Here and Now – support for stu-

interesting?” – these questions reflect the

dents in their final and pre-final year

self-doubt and the terrible shame regarding

classes in charitable institutions,

the appearance of burnt skin that Eugeniya

as well as their graduates. More

was experiencing. The work carried out with

than100 people received our help.

Eugeniya consisted of “collecting” all the pieces of the experience and perceptions

The Service of Pedagogical Sup-

about herself in the different periods of her

port for Minors – legal education

life (before and after the accident, during

and support for adolescents and the

childhood and now) into a coherent whole.

youth. 8 600 children and adoles-

Eugeniya was able to do a lot for herself

cents received our help.

during this time. Gradual changes began to occur in her life: she began to communicate

Towards Change – protection of

again with her friends and began to accept

children’s rights. More than 1 000

the courtship of a boy she knew.

Natasha, 16 years old Natasha graduated from the Tuzhinsk boarding school this year. Since the end of August 2014, Natasha lives and studies in Moscow at the State University of Management, this is where she aspired to go. Together with her classmates, she came to Moscow in early August with a program for graduates, and was consequently able to become better acquainted with the city, to understand the metro system and public transport, to learn how to use the map, to see inexpensive cafes and, of course, to feel the support of the adult instructors. Now she is not afraid to navigate the big city, which is very important for a person, who has lived all her life in a closed boarding school in a small village. She can find comfortable and affordable grocery stores, knows where to buy clothes and stationery, can prepare her own meals, and sometimes eats in the dining room or cafeteria. She is making the most of her student life and at-

children and adolescents received

tends various events. And, of course, she is

our help.

studying - the humanities are less challenging for Natasha. She is actively involved in

Children’s Hospital – psychological

her studies and often presents her essays.

assistance to children, who have

Continuing her school tradition, she has

received burn injuries, and to their

joined the football team. Natasha has some

parents. More than 1 500 children

difficulty with mathematics and computer

who have experienced burning

science. However, she does not give up on

injuries and members of their families

these subjects and soon will begin receiving

received our help.

additional tutoring in mathematics and English, a language that she dreams to learn.

12 | United Way of Russia

Who We Helped

Sasha, 16 years old Sasha was left without parental care, and was transferred from the Nelidovsky orphanage in November 2013 given the liquidation of the institution. In the transition from one social institution to another, the young man not only changed his place of residence, but also his whole environment both within the walls of the orphanage and the secondary school. Sasha was unable to settle in at his new school. In his old school, he was a successful student, but at this new one he was assessed as lagging. In this regard, in December 2013, he was struggling in algebra and the Russian language. As part of the project’s framework, Sasha has started to take extra classes in mathematics and the Russian language and has been making noticeable progress.

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the help and the organization of the distance learning for our graduates. All classes have been compiled taking into account the level of knowledge of children and their capabilities. Teachers have been sympathetic to the children. The exam results have surprised even some of the children. As a result, Ruslan Mullaev did not expect to get the grade “4”, and Sasha Pchelkin scored 60 points in mathematics, a result, with which he can certainly attend a higher education institution. The school’s teachers have also noted the effectiveness of distance learning, where our children study. Due to the classes, the children were able to successfully pass the SFA and USE exams and enter adult life. This form of support is effective and important to us. Thank you! “ Anna Burundukova, Director of the Udomelsky orphanage of the Tver region

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Eldery people

8 248 737 � Organizations which received our aid Blokadnik – support for the elderly people who have lived through the siege of Leningrad during World War II. 200 blockade survivors received our help. Sofia – social support and assistance to single elderly people in nursing homes and people with disabilities. 5686 wards of nursing homes in the Voronezh region received our help.

14 | United Way of Russia

Who We Helped

Esther Shkurina, 76 years old “I’ve been receiving food parcels at the “Metro” store for the last 10 years within the framework of the charity program For a dignified old age of the Leningrad Blockade brotherhood. The head of the public

“Our foundation is very pleased and grateful to you for your cooperation. You undertake major projects, which many of our wards in the regions could not even dream about. This also applies to the project regarding the opening of a point of social rental in Tver, and the project to provide means for the care of the bedridden individuals in 5 nursing homes in the Voronezh region. But a special joy and surprise was caused by the project the conversion of laundries, hairdressers and the repairs in 5 nursing homes in the Voronezh, Tula and Moscow regions. These are the projects for which it is virtually impossible to find a donor.

organization Blokadnik, Galina Seletskaya, is directly involved in putting together the sets of dietary products. From my personal experience, I can tell you that we need your help, especially in this difficult time of crisis, when any help to the elderly person becomes its weight in gold.“

It is important to note the high professionalism of the employees of United Way of Russia, they are experts in the field of philanthropy. Thank you for the fruitful cooperation for the benefit of the elderly wards.“ Olga Glukhova, President of the Interregional Charitable Foundation Sofia

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Disabled adults

5 227 443 � Organizations which received our aid Teresa – support for people with disabilities. 65 individuals received help. The Russian House – rehabilitation and support for people who pertain to the 2nd and 3rd disability categories and who suffer from schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis and clinical forms of depression. 60 people with disabilities received our help. Guide Dogs for the Blind – preparation and transferal of guide dogs for the visually impaired. 20 blind individuals received our help.

Andrey, 43 years old olBefore 30 years of age the effects of

almost every day and is involved in virtually

the disease were relatively subdued. After

all the endeavors of the program from

that came the frequent prolonged hospi-

morning until closing time. Now he is one of

talizations. Andrey sought help from the

those people who is “driving” the program

The Russian House and began coming to


sessions regularly. Two years passed, and

In May 2014 the Finnish partners invited

Andrey asked to help organize and carry

him, along with the director of The Russian

out repairs in his two-bedroom apartment,

House to take part in the 17th World Con-

“I just can not stay in the apartment, where

gress on dynamic psychiatry and make a

I once angrily stripped the wallpaper.”

40-minute presentation about themselves

The Russian House attracted volunteers,

and the Center. This trip, congress, St.

agreed on an acceptable price for the work

Petersburg, the way the people listened

with the contractors, purchased materials,

and welcomed him, altogether, gave him

rearranged the furniture and helped do

the feeling that there are many different

everything else that was needed.

and interesting things ahead. After the trip,

After the renovation, Andrey suddenly dis-

he is seriously thinking about going to visit

appeared from The Russian House. When

his school friend, who now lives in Bulgaria

he received a call to find out the reason, he

and learning to swim because he has never

replied, “I feel so good in the morning when

been to the sea. And what’s more for the

I open my eyes, and I have a sunny blue

first time in many years he said, “Oh, may-

room (the wallpaper was blue). I think I’m

be I should think about a job?”

in heaven, I feel so good that I do not want exit. “He comes to the The Russian House

16 | United Way of Russia

Who We Helped

Natalia Vankina, 33 years old Natalia has hardly any ability to see left. She could walk familiar routes, but only in a very flat soft light. A bright sun, cloudiness or dusk meant that Natalia could not leave the house alone. Sometimes she came out with a cane, but felt very insecure, constantly experiencing stress. Having received a guide dog, her capabilities increased. Even during her training at the Center, Natalia told us that she felt safer in the street, did not worry that at any moment she may become disoriented, lost or stumble on something. Now, Sam accompanies Natalia on various routes. He is her friend and helper.

“United Way of Russia was the first to believe in our organization. Thanks to its support, we were able to successfully complete the difficult stage of formation of the NGO - to find donors and volunteers and to gain the trust of society. One can say, United Way of Russia gave the necessary vital impetus to our center. During our cooperation, we have successfully implemented 11 joint projects. Every year the number of blind people who have received our guide dogs is increasing. Gradually we are seeing change in the overall environment. The surrounding people become more attentive and responsive to the problems of their fellow citizens, the level of social responsibility is gradually increasing. And in many respects, this is the merit of United Way of Russia, which supports the most popular and effective projects.� Elena Orochko, Director of the Dog Training Center Guide Dogs for the Blind

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Disaster relief support

2 606 000 �

The contraction of the modular feldsher-midwife post in the village Sosnovy Bor of the Zeysky district in Amur region. The estimated number of future patients of the

Organizations which received our aid

“Together with our partner, JTI we were able to realize a very important social project to aid the nursing homes for the elderly and disabled people in the Jewish Autonomous Region. We are pleased that the implementation of such initiatives can improve the lives of people, especially if it concerns the people of the older generations. The duty of our society is to take care of them. The Charitable Foundation United Way of Russia together with its partners does whatever is necessary to accomplish this task.”

new modular feldsher-midwife post is 1000 people per year.

Tatiana Zadirako, Executive Director of the Foundation United Way of Russia

Nursing homes for the elderly and disabled people in towns Khingansk, Birofeld, Birakan of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Modular feldsher-midwife post in Amur region . Together with its partners JTI, SC Johnson, UniCredit Bank The Foundation United Way of Russia implemented important projects aimed at improving the living conditions and quality of life in nursing homes affected by floods in the Russian Far East.

In the nursing home reside 49 elderly and disabled people aged 40 to 89 years old, many of them are bedridden and immobile. The nursing home’s main problem was the absence of an elevator. People with disabil-

«Before this miracle (I cannot describe this in any other manner), our nurses descended the disabled with their strollers to the first floor on their arms so that the individual could go into the street to get some fresh air and bask in the sun. You did not only help the residents, but you also helped us - the employees. Personally going up and down on the elevator left a lasting impression on me arousing cries of joy and tears in my eyes. «

ities were not able to go outside for a walk without assistance. This greatly reduced the opportunity to communicate and lead a fulfilling life. After installing the elevator, many people in the nursing home now have the opportunity to move freely and communicate with other residents.

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Marina Simonova, Director of the nursing home for elderly and disabled people in Khingansk

Who We Helped

“Today, the chair lifts have already been exploited. They go up and down smoothly without shaking, approximately 3-4 minutes one way. The residents are very satisfied. Everyone is very grateful for such wonderful assistance! “ Sergey Shepeta, Installation of two mobile chair lifts in the nursing home for the elderly and disabled

Director of the nursing home for the elderly and disabled people in Birofeld

people in Birofeld of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Now 47 elderly limited mobility people have the opportunity to go outside.

The Birakansky nursing home contains 45 elderly and disabled people aged between 40 and 85 years old. The nursing home’s main problem was the lack of a central sewerage system. Liquid waste was disposed of by a special machine, which was very expensive, inconvenient and adversely affected the sanitary-epidemiological environment within the institution. The nursing home was in need of a septic tank–a modern construction designed to collect and treat domestic wastewater. As part of

“I want to express my gratitude for hosting this event and for the fruitful and pleasant cooperation. With the installation of the liquid waste treatment system, the institution now has an unlimited opportunity to use the water resources without the fear of discharging liquid waste into the environment. It is twice as satisfying to know that our institution is among the first to introduce the new technologies in the public utility sector.“ Vera Malikova, Director of the nursing home for elderly and disabled people in Birakansk

the project at the Birakanskiy nursing home, a modern septic tank was purchased and installed.

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Partnership projects

Collection of donations at BP Connects

2 898 922.25 rub 24 0 1г4о д c оcбoрl аl eн cоt eз dа i2n0 1

682 960 �

582 040 �

The Club House - help to people with mental disabilities

Professional psychologist help for the patients of the Children’s Burn Center and their families

60 people

more than 1000 people

The joint partnership program between BP and United Way of Russia to collect donations at BP Connects gas stations has been in place since 2003. Over the years, BP

412 960 �

335 200 �

customers have donated more than 37 000 000 rub. In 2014, with the help of BP customers,

Blokadnik - help to the survivors of the siege of Leningrad

Prevention of juvenile delinquency

200 elderly people

8600 children and teenagers

2 898 922. 25 rub were collected. All proceeds in 2014 were used to fund charities that support the most vulnerable population groups: people with disabilities

373 017 �

(children, adults and their families) and

512 744 �

children at risk. Horse riding for children with disabilities

Administrative costs for the implementation of the projects

46 children with disabilities

Thank you

Collection of donations at Starlite Diner Our cash boxes for donations have been in-

These children may have problems with

stalled in the networks of restaurants Starlite

speech, with social behavior, neurologic

Diner since 2011.Throughout this time

problems. Such correction work allows to

139 897.79 rub have been collected.

smooth problems of education of the children, to establish communication, to reduce

The collected funds were allocated to help


children with autistic disabilities. Psycho-pedagogical consultations,diagnostic classes were organized with such children. Because children with these diseases, in most cases are recommended to have individual training, although many of them study at special schools.

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Thank you for your donations!

Partnership projects

The educational project The Future Starts Today

The project The Future Starts Today regarding social adaptation,

The City Group Foundation has supported projects for orphans for

career guidance and economic integration of orphans was actively

many years, because it is important for the company to educate the

implemented in 2014 within the framework of a partnership between

orphans and to create conditions under which young people from

the City Group Foundation and United Way of Russia.

low-income families receive the best chance for the future. The

The purpose of the project was to promote an enabling environ-

main objective of this strategy is to increase the number of adoles-

ment for economic integration and social adaptation of wards from

cents and young adults aged 13-25 years who can get secondary

orphanages. The program is an extensive and ambitious project. Its

or higher education, or create their own successful businesses.

main goals are associated with the development of the education of adolescents, facilitation of their employment in large manufacturing companies in the regions and provision of complete support to students at the stage when they enter adulthood. Also, after a series of roundtables, there is a mission to get the state involved in solving the problems of social adaptation of the youth.

Nadya, 17 years old The girl came to the orphanage when she was a little girl. Since childhood she was an active, curious child, clearly following all orders of the institution. It was almost time to enter the University, but like many teenagers, Nadia didn’t know what she wanted to do and what were the available ways to get a profession. Due to additional classes with teachers, psychologist, special trainings the girl managed to enter Yaroslavl State Medical Academy. Now she lives in a student hostel room with two other students. She studies well. Nadia does not work, because she is very busy with study. We know that she wanted to be a dentist. The last session Nadia passed successfully. She quickly adapts, she has become accustomed to student life and confidently goes to the target.

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Partnership projects

PRO BONO roundtables for non-profit organizations «Pro bono» (lat. Pro bono publico– for the public good) is the provision of professional assistance to charitable, social and other non-profit organizations, and individuals who cannot pay for such assistance. The purpose of the project is to shed light on those areas of non-profit law, which are relevant for the activities of the non-profit sector, but are difficult to have explained by lawyers who do not specialize in this subject. To achieve this goal lawyers from large commercial companies are invited, for whom the declared themes fall under their expertise.

22 | United Way of Russia

8 pro bono roundtables were held on the most topical issues with the financial support of Clifford Chance CIS Limited. Seminar topics were chosen by the NGOs.

Partnership projects

On April 15th, at a roundtable for the

On May 19th, at one of the regular pro bono

On August 7th, a pro bono roundtable

NGOs, experts from the legal company

roundtables for NGOs, the topical subject of

was organized on the topic Volunteering

Morgan Lewis, Anastasia Dergacheva and

target capitals was discussed. The Execu-

in an NGO. Using volunteer labor under

Vasilisa Strizh, covered the topic “The law

tive Secretary of the Donors Forum, Natalia

the current legislation. Opportunities and

and NGOs. The licensing of educational

Kaminarskaya, spoke about the history of

risks. The presenters were experts from


endowments, the issues surrounding the

the law company Morgan Lewis, Anastasia

Russian legislation in the field of endow-

Dergacheva ad Dmitry Dmitriev.

ments, and gave examples of successful endowments. The Managing Director of Otkrytie LLC, Roman Sokolov, introduced the guests of the seminar to the principles of operation of management companies.

On June 5th, employees of Clifford Chance CIS Limited spoke about the intricacies of On April 29th, a roundtable was held where the topic of labor relations between the

taxation with regards to non-profit organizations.

On September 10th, at a pro bono seminar the topic Labor relations in NGOs was

employer and employee at NGOs was

addressed with the help of experts from the

discussed. The presenters for the event

company Morgan Lewis, Dmitry Ivanov,

were Dmitry Ivanov and Dmitry Dmitriev,

Dmitry Dmitriev, Bela Pelman and Vasilisa

specialists from Morgan Lewis and Tatiana


Zadirako and Elena Vizintal, the Executive Director and Chief Accountant of

On September 16th, at the office of Cush-

United Way of Russia, respectively. As an

man & Wakefield, a pro bono round table

example, an incident was discussed at the

discussion on the topic Changes in the law

seminar that involved one of the employees

on NGOs in 2013 - 2014 was held. Lawyers,

of the Foundation.

Camilla Zagidullina and Kirill Grigoriev, from the law company Goltsblat BLP LLP, held a On June 26th, Dmitry Ivanov and Dmitry

seminar for our colleagues in the non-profit

Dmitriev held a presentation for the NGOs

sector and socially responsible companies.

on behalf of the Association of Fundraisers.

Media about the event

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Partnership projects

PJSC ROSBANK and United Way of Russia: grant program Together We Can Do More PJSC ROSBANK and the Charitable Foundation United Way of

entering universities, vocational retraining; as well as the removal

Russia implemented a competition of grants as part of a regional

of barriers to their employment.

charity program Together We Can Do More. From July 24th to September 19th 2014 applications from non-prof-

Dmitry Olyunin, PJSC ROSBANK’s Chairman of the Board, said,

it organizations to finance projects that would assist people with

“The creation of the necessary conditions and infrastructure for the

disabilities were accepted. The competition was held in five cities:

socialization of people with disabilities in our country is a topical

Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Samara and St. Peters-

subject, considering how many people are in need of such assis-


tance. Our program is aimed at uniting the efforts, opportunities, resources and expertise of non-profit organizations, the govern-

31 non-profit organizations took part in the program. As a result of the contest, the finalists received seven grants totaling over 3 500 000 rub.

ment and businesses to create viable models for the integration of people with disabilities in society, which can later be promoted in various regions of the country. “ Natalia Kaminarskaya, executive secretary of the non-profit partnership of grant-giving organizations Donors’ Forum said, “Providing care and support for people with disabilities is a very important and difficult task, and I am glad that this task has been selected by PJSC ROSBANK as a new strategic priority. Massprograms focused on children and young people, including those with disa-

The decision regarding the allocation of funds was made by an

bilities, result in an enormous failure in helping adults. I really hope

independent advisory council, which included representatives from

that this is only the first step, and that other companies will support

non-profit organizations, the media, the local governments and the

this initiative.“

bank management. The program Together We Can Do More aims to unite the efforts of non-profit organizations and the bank to provide systematic help for people with disabilities of all ages, namely to create the conditions for their socio-economic integration. The main aims of the Program include: improving the quality of adaptation and social relations of people with disabilities; development of an inclusive education for such individuals, additional education for them, preparation for

Media about the event

24 | United Way of Russia

Partnership projects

Cherkizovo Group and United Way of Russia: campaign Help The Children The Charitable Foundation United Way of Russia held the federal

organization of such a campaign today is an opportunity to awaken

social campaign Help The Children together with its long-standing

in people the best human qualities and to continue the development

partner – OJSC Cherkizovo Group. The campaign, which lasted 35

of the traditions in our country for socially responsible businesses. “

days, was attended by more than 6 million people. One ruble from each product sold with the packaging of the poultry brand Petelinka

During the New Year’s corporate event, dedicated to summarizing

made its way to ten orphanages, in which there are currently 525

the accomplishments from the year, Tatiana Zadirako awarded

foster kids.

certificates of appreciation to the management of OJSC Cherkizovo Group for their selfless contribution to the development of a profes-

Speaking about the results of the campaign Help the children, Chief

sional system of charity in Russia.

Financial Officer of OJSC Cherkizovo Group, Lyudmila Mikhailova, said: “We are pleased that in their everyday hectic lives people have found an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the creation of better living conditions for children in orphanages. Now orphaned children can live, play and learn in a comfortable environment. It is extremely important when kind people remember about the children living in orphanages. They supported the children financially, showed genuine concern and shared the warmth of their soul. Owing to these caring people, many of the children’s dreams could be realized in the New Year. “ Commenting on the results of the concluded campaign, the director of the Foundation United Way of Russia Tatiana Zadirako, said: “We are very pleased that Cherkizovo’s initiative was supported by so many people, and we managed to collect 6 300 000 rub. Educational institutions for children without parental care are facing serious financial difficulties, and children are experiencing a lack of attention, a deficiency of communication with the outside world. Graduates of orphanages need to acquire independent living skills that will help them to navigate better in adult life. Therefore, the

Media about the event

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Our Events in 2014

Leadership Donors Recognition Event On March 19, 2014 in the center of Moscow, the annual evening of gratitude for the leading donors took place, organized by the Charitable Foundation United Way of Russia. Corporate and private donors, volunteers, guests and friends of the foundation were invited to the event. The evening began in a warm and friendly atmosphere with a tour of the exhibition of the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. The highlight of the evening was the ceremony of awarding certificates of appreciation. The top executives of the companies were awarded certificates of appreciation and small gifts, handmade by the wards of the various nonprofit organizations. After the end of the official part of the evening, the guests were offered a light buffet and drinks. A performance by the Latin American musicians and dancers added a touch of light and celebratory spirit. The evening of gratitude to the donors of United Way of Russia was a great success. People united by a noble goal, were able to communicate with colleagues and associates and to plan for the future.

26 | United Way of Russia

Our Events in 2014

United Way of Russia thanks the following companies for supporting: British American Tobacco Russia, Cargill LLC, OJSC Cherkizovo Group, JTI, LLC Cargill, BP, Clifford Chance CIS Limited, ConocoPhillips Russia Inc., Cushman & Wakefield LLC, Manpower CIS, Microsoft Russia, Nestle Russia LLC, PepsiCo Inc., PJSC ROSBANK, Citi Group Foundation, Shell Exploration and Produc-

In total, 22 NGOs and more than

12 000 people

received our help.

tion Services (RF) B.V., SC Johnson, UBS Securities Russia, Chevron Neftegaz Inc., Morgan Lewis, Herbalife International RS, Starlite Diner, UniCredit Bank, Hyundai Motor CIS LLC, Ernst and Young LLC, Mercury Limited Russia, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing, Up Side Down cafe.

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Our Events in 2014

United Chari Games United Chari Games 2014 were held on

The corporate entry fee was 90 000 rub.

June 21, 2014. The games took place for

The fee for individual participants was

the 4th time. In the Moscow park Sokolniki,

25 000 rub. Some of the participants in

17 teams came out to the start from the

the race in this category were Alexander

leading Russian and international compa-

Anichkin (Clifford Chance CIS Limited),

nies: British American Tobacco Russia,

Chairman of the Board of Directors of

Cargill LLC, Clifford Chance CIS Limited,

United Way of Russia Brad Pielsticker (JSC

Concept, ConocoPhillips Russia Inc., Cush-

Mikhailovsky Development Group) and

man & Wakefield LLC, Griffin Partners LLC,

Oleg Gusakov (Griffin Partners LLC).

Herbalife International RS, Mercury LLC, PepsiCo Inc., SC Johnson and Sportmaster.

28 | United Way of Russia

Our Events in 2014

Thanks to the participation of the corporations and the individual participants during the preparation stage and the actual charity games an unprecedented amount was collected in the history of the project – 1 rub.

365 000

These funds were directed to the needs of

Executive Director of the Charitable Foun-

children, burn victims, as well as to improve

dation United Way of Russia, Tatiana Za-

the quality of life of the veterans of cinema

dirako, commented on the results of United

and theater.

Chari Games 2014, “We are very pleased

By tradition, the games were held in a family

with the results; the number of participating

format: many participants and guests came

companies has increased, and the pro-

with their children. The main sporting activ-

ceeds gathered with their help has sur-

ities of the day were two races of 3km and

passed last year’s amount by more than 1.5

5km distances. Adult heats were preceded

times. This means that a greater number of

by a children’s race in colorful costumes.

those in need will receive the much-needed

To warm-up, everyone could play badmin-

help they require. More and more compa-

ton, frisbee and micro golf. While the teams

nies are taking part in our project, more

prepared to start, experienced animator-vol-

and more companies and corporations are

unteers prepared various competitions and

becoming aware of their social responsibil-

entertainment for the adults and the younger

ity, the need to help those who are weaker

guests and participants. For example, one

than them. Projects, such as our United

could learn spectacular tricks with dry ice.

Charity Games, help to shape elements

No one was left indifferent by the show with

of Russia’s civil society and to change the

trained monkeys; the monkeys demonstrat-

social psychology for the better.”

ed acrobatic performances and showed off trendy outfits.

We thank all the participants of the games!

The presenter at the games was the famous television and radio journalist Yuri Pashkov.

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Our Events in 2014

XII Annual Charity Golf Tournament On August 29th, there was the XII charity golf tournament of United Way of Russia on the territory of the Agalarov Golf and Country Club in Moscow region. The tournament brought together 70 players from 14 teams, representatives of the largest Russian and international companies. Thanks to the sponsorship of the participants and partners of the golf tournament 3 301 911 rub were collected. These funds were directed at the realization of socially significant programs for the most vulnerable groups of the population of Russia. The winner of the XII charity golf tournament was the team representing OJSC Cherkizovo Group: Elena Nesterenko, Mikhail Puchkov, Brad Pielsticker, Roger Jones, and Scott McPherson. Second place went to the team representing Shell Exploration and Production Services, headed by Felix Zamudio. Third place was awarded to the team representing Mercury Engineering, led by Declan O’Sullivan.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the participants and partners of the golf tournament

3 301 911 rub were collected.

30 | United Way of Russia

Our Events in 2014

We thank our loyal partners: PepsiCo Inc., OJSC Cherkizovo Group, Nestle Russia LLC and Herbalife International RS for their support of the tournament.

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Our Events in 2014

Charity run Job That Inspires

On September 13th, 2014 in the park-man-

came to the event with his new owner,

or Ostankino, a charity marathon took place

Lydia. She has been visually impaired for

as part of the program Job That Inspires.

many years. The appearance of such an in-

The race was conducted already for the

telligent guide has radically changed her life

second time by United Way of Russia and

– he has brought hope and new meaning.


And similar chances for better things will be

We all had the opportunity to make a

available to others.

personal contribution to the good work - for everyone who ran a distance of 3 km or 5 km, the company transferred 3 000 rub. And paid double for all voluntary donations, which were directed at supporting the project Guide dogs for the blind. In total, 248 people took part in the event. In order to support the athletes at the event there was a corporate dog Bruno, who was acquired by the funds collected at the first charity marathon. The Labrador guide has been trained and enrolled in service. He

32 | United Way of Russia

The amount of funds raised amounted to

589 700 rub!

Our Events in 2014

“We want to be better. And we are getting better! As a result of this

“Luckily the days of my trip to Moscow proceeded the day of the

event we were able to collect 589 700 rub. This is a great achieve-

marathon. As a result, I became one of the lucky participants of the

ment!” commented Antoine Ernst, JTI General Manager in Russia,

3 km race,” Eugene Scootov (personnel manager for the Siberian

on the success, who also participated in the race, “We will be able

regions) shared his impressions, “I received a good supply of ener-

to purchase and train two more puppies who will go to help the

gy, a lot of positive emotions and a sense of pride for the company,

blind individuals.”

which regularly holds such charitable events! I would also like to note the level of organization of the marathon, which was very

“Before the JTI began to support our foundation, the maximum that

sophisticated, beginning from the communication, the organization

we could do is pay for the purchase and training of four dogs, but

of transfers, the food and finishing with the activities for fans and

once JTI joined the effort, we have been able to finance the pur-


chase and training of 15 dogs. This is a great result. We appreciate the systematic and sustained aid from the company,” said Tatiana Zadirako, Executive Director of the Foundation United Way of Russia.

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Our Events in 2014

Charity run 5275

On September 28th, 2014 in Gorky Park, the third charity run 5275 that our foundation conducts in partnership with the Foundation Life Line took place. Approximately 2500 individuals attended the races for 5275 m and 10550 m. The great weather, organization, music, animation, costumes and clearly marked course made an excellent impression on the participants. This, of course, reflected on the results of the participants and their delightful mood. It is noteworthy that, compared with the previous year, the number of participants in the children’s race significantly increased. Stars of TV and show business, including the artist Daniil Fedorov, a psychologist Natalya Tolstaya, the writer Margaret Sultanov,

34 | United Way of Russia

the skater Anastasia Grebenkina, attended the star race and the presenters of the event were Alexander Anatolevich and Irena Ponaroshku. Spectators and friends who gathered to support the participants noted the abundance of bright and unusual costumes among the runners. The most spectacular costume to win the grand prize was a gondolier costume worn by a team member from UniCredit Bank, and the best dressed up team was team Oleyna.

Our Events in 2014

As a result, the race has raised over

6 000 000 rub.

The collected funds were spent on the realization of socially significant programs for the most vulnerable groups of the population in Russia and to help seriously ill children.

Media Agency and the advertising and marketing festival Silver Mercury. United Way of Russia expresses its gratitude to the honored Master of Sports of Russia, the no. 2 singles world racket in 2010, the winner of 12 WTA singles tournaments, bronze medalist at the 2008 Olympics – Vera Zvonareva for awarding the prizes to the winners of the 5275 race, in which she also took the silver medal. The event was also supported by the following companies: Promsvyazbank, Alfa Insurance, PepsiCo Inc., Sportmaster, Nestle Russia, Herbalife International RS, OJSC Federal Passenger Company and OJSC Cherkizovo Group.

The organizers wish to thank the following media partners: the radio Spring, the TV channel Rain, the online portal The Village, the TV channel Moscow 24,the company Russ Outdoor, the radio Echo of Moscow, the magazine Relax, the portal Wonderzine, the school of correct running I Love Running, the portal Technologia bega, the channel Nickelodeon, Activizm.ru, the Social

Media about the event

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Our Events in 2014

Christmas Bazaars – Our Kind Traditions In December 2014 the Charitable Foundation United Way of Russia held its Charitable Christmas Bazaars for the seventh year in a row. Five bazaars appeared simultaneously with the onset of winter in areas located within prestigious business centers in Moscow and the Moscow region: Business Center Belue Sady, Business Center 4 Winds, Business Center Ducat Place III, Business Center Riga Land. According to tradition, one could purchase ceramics, paintings, batik, textiles and products from wool and felt, Christmas ornaments, Christmas decorations, cards, sweets and many other agreeable and useful things handmade by the wards of the funds at the bazaars. Each foundation had a separate stand, which boasted of selected Christmas and holiday themed crafts. Fifty-one non-profit organizations took part in the bazaars.

51 non-profit or-

ganizations took part in the bazaars. Collections from the bazaars in 2014 amounted to

995 938 rub.

36 | United Way of Russia

Our Events in 2014

The bazaars were organized with the

Krylatskiy Hills, Business Center Riga Land,

support of the following companies:

Business Center Ducat Place III, Business

ConocoPhillips Russia Inc., Kinross Gold

Center 4 Winds, for informational support

Corporation, Cushman & Wakefield, Branch

RIA Novosti and Russ Outdoor. United Way

of the Partnership, Latham & Watkins LLP,

of Russia thanks Starbucks and restaurant

O1 Properties, Citi Group Foundation and

Luce for supporting the bazaars.

Hines International Inc., OJSC Cherkizovo Group, Clifford Chance CIS Limited, British American Tobacco Russia, Microsoft Russia, Johnson & Johnson, business park

Media about the event

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Our Events in 2014

Philanthropy not souvenirs In 2014, United Way of Russia traditionally continued its annual campaign Philanthropy not souvenirs. The essence of this initiative is to use the funds from companies that are normally spent on holiday gifts for partners and colleagues to support the charitable projects of NGOs. Instead, as a gift, the company presents its partners and colleagues with beautiful Christmas cards. Wards and beneficiaries of various NGOs draw the handmade cards. Such cards cannot be bought in any store of the city. That year, intricate cards instead of souvenirs were gifted to: Cushman & Wakefield LLC, JTI, OJSC Cherkizovo Group, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer& Feld LLP, United Technologies Operations International, Inc., LLC Cargill. The donated money during the initiative Philanthropy not souvenirs was directed to support non-profit programs to help children, the disabled and the elderly.

The total amount of donations amounted to 3

430 000 rub.

38 | United Way of Russia

Action Plan

Action Plan for 2015 Event/Campaign Leadership Donors Recognition Event Charitable exhibition of children drawings

Short Summary


An event for top managers of the largest companies as April a sign of gratitude for the assistance and support of the Foundation. Children’s charity art exhibition of works handmade by May the wards of NGOs. Fairs in which NGOs present products made by their wards. A universal platform for the interaction of NGOs, businesses and individuals.



United Chari Games

A series of charity sport events with the participation of corporate teams.


Independent Day Charity Event

Charity event dedicated to the Independence Day in order to collect donations. Charity sport event with the participation of individuals and corporate teams.


Charity sport event with the participation of employees from JTI.


Charity sport event with the participation of individuals and corporate teams.


A number of events dedicated to the celebration of charity and charitable foundations.


Charity event, the essence of which is to use funds dedicated by companies to Christmas gifts for charity.



Christmas Bazaars

Fairs in which NGOs present products made by their wards. A universal platform for the interaction of NGOs, businesses and individuals.


AmCham Christmas Party

An event for the partners of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia.

Day of caring

A one-day event for the employees of the company, in which employees provide a helping hand to NGOs in need.

Throughout the year

Charity Summer Bazaar

Charity Golf Tournament

Charity run Job That Inspires

Charity Run 5275 Day of Foundations

Philanthropy Not Souvenirs

Annual Report 2014

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Thanks to Volunteers

Volunteer Activity The main condition for working at United Way of Russia remains

(whether it be time, knowledge or experience etc.) and the results

the environment, in which people are interested and are encour-

of their efforts. On our part, we greatly value their time that they

aged to volunteer in activities –non selfish use of one’s free time

have given to help our organization. We would be delighted to see

and skills - but more importantly it is to address the urgent prob-

volunteers of different ages, professions and skills.

lems of society. Volunteers play a most important role in United Way of Russia and United Way of Russia promotes private and corporate volunteering.

are one of its greatest assets. Since the charity began operations in Russia, volunteers have taken an active part in its work. Volunteers are capable of achieving many things: They help the organization through offering their professional expertise or physical

Private volunteering Volunteers play a vital role in United Way of Russia and are its main asset. We believe that everyone can help, if they want to! The professional skills of volunteers have already helped in the

labor, attract new volunteers to the organization, create a favorable public opinion about the organization within society, spread information about the organization through private social relations with people and help to collect funds.

improvement of the quality of work of the Fund. Legal consulta-

We thank our volunteers

tions, help with logistics, improvement of IT equipment, help with

Daria Kolotiy for her help in translating informational materials.

translation of texts and the content of the website, design skills, accountancy work and the outlining of a development plan for the organization are all examples of the sort of help we always need. We always welcome and encourage volunteers’ desire to help us.

IrinaTakhtarova, Olga Schuster for the wonderful photos from our events. Yuri Pashkov, Tatiana Malysheva, IlyaSoloviev, Xenia Chupina the company Esky for the active participation in the collection of

Our Fund accepts volunteers and treats them as an important, integral part of our organization. All of our employees are prepared to offer support to volunteers and help them with any difficulties they may come across when fulfilling a task. Furthermore, it is very important for us that the volunteer understands the significance of

things. Alexey Bryzgachev for the help in transporting cash boxes for donations in St. Petersburg. Volunteers are always needed and we will find a job for everyone!

their sacrifice Irina Takhtarova, volunteer

Daria Kolotiy, volunteer

photographer: “I believe that

translator: “I have decided

not everything in this life must

to volunteer for United

be evaluated in money, but

Way of Russia because I

according to one’s deeds,

think it is our responsibil-

especially the good ones, and

ity to help those who are

when you know the reasoning

defenseless in our society

and the purpose,the aid only

such as the orphaned, the

brings joy. Your fund helps

elderly and the ailing. I

children, the elderly, people

have always been taught

with disabilities, children’s

that the more fortunate

homes, etc. and I am pleased

should help those who

that I’m also involved in this,

are less so.”

if even a little and I can do something to help”.

40 | United Way of Russia

Thanks to Volunteers

Corporate volunteering Corporate volunteering is the voluntary participation of employees

helped improve the territory at the dog training center Guide Dogs

in various social programs with the support of their company.

for the Blind and cared for the horses at the rehabilitation center for the disabled Preodolenie-L.

United Way of Russia is a reliable and trusted partner for companies in the realization of social projects. For 10 years, United Way of Russia has organized volunteer days for companies such as Amway LLC, LLC Cargill, ConocoPhillips Russia Inc., Ford Motor Company, SC Johnson, Morgan Lewis, JTI, Nestle Russia LLC, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing, etc.

In 2014, 7 volunteer days were con  ducted. As a result, more than 400 people received help

In 2014, United Way of Russia organized a volunteer day for Philip Morris Sales and Marketing, Nestle Russia LLC, JTI and others. Employees of the companies assisted the elderly with cleaning, planted flowers, washed windows, put together a festive tea party,

Volunteer Day of Nestle Russia “Voluntary campaigns are very popular at Nestle Russia. Every year the number of participants grows. The motto of our campaigns states, “Nestle: Let’s make life better!” Last year, we became acquainted with the work of a school for dogs in the town Zheleznodorojhnui. Our employees understood how important and difficult the work is, helped to improve the school and interacted with the sweetest dogs – Labradors. As a result of this campaign, the school has found a long-term partner in our largest brand, Purina PetCare” . Olga Prokhoda, Nestle Russia LLC

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Thanks to Volunteers

Volunteer Day of JTI “It’s great that in recent years the volunteers do not just come for a campaign, but also take the initiative themselves. In this way, for the New Year’s campaign one of the participants knitted woolen socks for the elderly, others brought and installed a Christmas tree, someone else bought a diamond drill and brought the tool to fix the fresheners” . Donata Koroletskaya, JTI

“It was not simply formal friendliness, but a sincere feeling of joy that the elderly experienced given our visit. The arrival of guests is already an event for them in itself. We also became charged with positive emotions. It is very nice to be useful to someone and do good. Giving these individuals living in veteran homes a sense that they are not alone, have not been forgotten and to create a holiday in their monotonous everyday life is not difficult and so necessary” . Alexey Belogurov, JTI

If you want to become a volunteer, please email or call us! Our contacts: Tel. + 7 (495) 780-97-18, +7 (495) 780-97-19, E-mail: pr-manager@unitedway.ru, administrator@unitedway.ru, www.facebook.ru/UnitedWayofRussia

42 | United Way of Russia

Thanks to Volunteers

Volunteer Day of Philip Morris Sales and Marketing “For me, as a person whose numerous family members - my grandfather, his brothers and sisters - took part in the war, it is important to take part in the volunteer day. So today I am here, I want to contribute and express respect to all those who participated in World War II”. Roman Mikhalev, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing

“My family and I were very pleased to participate in this event, to remind the children about the veterans and to bring them to work. It is also important to remember about our roots, whom we should helpand whom we should remember throughout our life”. Denis Bukseev, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing

“I really enjoyed taking part in the volunteer day. I’ve been waiting for this day when we all get together and do something nice for other people to express ourselves and demonstrate our position that we are not indifferent. I believe that such campaigns are necessary and useful“. Marina Mikheyeva, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing

Many thanks to all the volunteers for their active participation!

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Public Activity received: we managed to get 39 applications from volunteers and 4 600 rub to help people with disabilities,” commented Tatiana on the results.



On January 28th, as part of the Interna-

Tatiana Zadirako was trained at Harvard

tional Christmas Educational Readings, the

Business School when she participated in

Education Foundation META organized a

the program Strategic Perspectives in Non-

roundtable on the theme Ontology of Moral

profit Management. Not every Foundation

Beginnings. At this meeting, Tatiana Za-

can boast of having a leader with this level

dirako invited others to consider questions


of education. This course is part of the Har-

about charity from an unexpected perspec-

On May 29th, the gala dinner of the American

vard Business School aimed at promoting

tive – from an ontological point of view. In

Chamber of Commerce in Russia took place,

social entrepreneurial initiative that provides

other words, the market of professional,

where Tatiana Zadirako on behalf of United

an opportunity for managers to develop

systematic and sustainable philanthropy

Way of Russia congratulated the entity with

new strategies for the development of the

in terms of the feasibility and the people’s

its 20th anniversary of working in Russia and

global economy. This program is an addi-

inherent need to help others. The idea is

wished them further success.

tional vocational training for executives of

that charity, if it is systemic, long-term and

organizations in the non-profit sector, aimed

professional, cannot be free. And the so-

at the study of problems of leadership and

cially active position in life can and should

the latest management techniques. Course

include not only a religious attitude, but also

participants consisted of more than 140

a societal one, based on ethics, which in

heads of non-profit organizations from

turn is the basic platform for social dialogue

around the world.

and joint action.

June On June 10th, at the meeting of the Committee on Business and NGOs of the American Chamber of Commerce, on the initiative



of our Foundation, there was a presentation

United Way of Russia took an active part in

The Executive Director of United Way of Rus-

from the Association of Fundraisers. The

the business conference Corporate Social

sia, Tatiana Zadirako held a master class on

participants met news about the initiation of

Responsibility, organized by the leading

the topic of fundraising at the Forum of Urban

the Association of Fundraisers with interest,

Russian Media Agency RosBusinessCon-

Communities in Penza. In addition, Tatiana

support and best wishes for it to become

sulting. Executive Director of United Way

held the campaign An Accessible Environ-

an authoritative organization in the country.

of Russia Tatiana Zadirako took part in the

ment at a local shopping center Collage as

The companies identified a number of areas

opening of the plenary session and mod-

part of the Forum of Urban Initiatives. “I’m not

for further work: the promotion of private

erated the panel discussion, which raised

superstitious, and therefore was not afraid

donations from employees, fundraising

important issues such as the program of

to personally sit in a wheelchair, to bring the

among employees, the financing of certain

socially responsible marketing, successful

problems of wheelchair users to the attention

activities and projects AF, etc.

examples of the integration of CSR in to the

of others. And I must say, our project was well

44 | United Way of Russia

Public Activity business model, the key differences with re-

of the conference. The participants were

gard to CSR in the international community

actively involved in the discussion. The

and Russia, the formats of productive part-

conversation about such an important topic

nerships of businesses and the government

turned out to be honest and frank.

with non-profit organizations.

October Tatiana Zadirako attended Leadership Development Program – an educational program for directors of the American and international organizations of United Way Worlwide, in 2014, with a focus on such topics as leadership development, decision making and work with invested parties, particularly with donors. Those involved in October

the program had access to the corporate

The representatives of the Foundation

learning center, recreational center and the

United Way of Russia took part in the

corporate university Deloitte, located in the

international roundtable organized by the in-

state of Texas.

ternational charity organization United Way

November On November 16th – 17th, Tatiana Zadirako participated in the seminar Charity Against Cancer for non-profit organizations that help children with cancer. It was attended by 85 individuals - representatives of charities,

of Russia in the capital of United Kingdom.

voluntary groups and patient organizations

The event was attended by a large number

from very different regions of our country,

of volunteers, associates and donors from

from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

around the world, for which philanthropy is

As part of the seminar, there were trainings

an important part of their activities. Among

and workshops on the most relevant topics

the participants there were representatives

for the work of NGOs: the interaction with

of the companies that support the organi-

public authorities, corporate fundraising,

zation United Way of Russia throughout the

media relations, HR& NGOs, negotiation

world, as well as individuals who donate

techniques, public speaking

significant personal funds.

Tatiana conducted the training on corporate

The Executive Director of the Foundation,

fundraising. In the first part of the training,

Tatiana Zadirako and the Chairman of the

she elaborated on fundraising techniques,

Board of Directors, Brad Pielsticker, as well as members of the Board of Directors,


Oleg Gusakov and Yuri Pavlov presented

On October 23rd, the XII Annual Confer-

United Way of Russia. The roundtable also

ence of the Donors’ Forum took place,

discussed topical issues of international

where leading experts in the fields of

cooperation in the field of humanitarian aid,

philanthropy, economics, sociology, law

mutual exchange of experience and estab-

discussed what values and motives underlie

lishing connections in the sphere of charity.

today’s charitable activities of various organizations. Over 200 representatives

giving her listeners a complete picture of how it is possible to negotiate with corporate donors as to expand one’s portfolio of donors and what to do to have corporate philanthropists donate money constantly. The second part of the training was devoted to the “other side of the process,” to the fundraisers themselves.

of various charity funds and companies involved in philanthropy attended the conference. Tatiana Zadirako presented on the topic Charity PR: Standards, Practices and Results, which caused a heated discussion among the participants. For the first time, the issues of values and motivation were discussed so widely and openly. At first glance, a complex and very personal theme found a wide response among the guests

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Thanks to Donors

2014 Donors United Way of Russia greatly appreciates corporate donors, individual donors and numerous anonymous donors for their generous donations.

Corporate Donors Leaders $10 000 and more British American Tobacco Russia Citi Group Foundation Cushman & Wakefield Hyundai Motor CIS LLC JTI LLC Cargill Mercury Limited Russia Microsoft Russia Nestle Russia LLC OJSC Cherkizovo Group PJSC ROSBANK SC Johnson UBS Securities Russia UniCredit Bank

Griffin Partners GSU Department Havas Media LLC Hines International Inc. JLL, Russia & CIS Kinross Gold Corporation Latham & Watkins LLP LowLands Accounting Cervices LLC Manpower CIS OJSC Hercules PepsiCo Inc. Philip Morris Sales and Marketing Shell Exploration and Production Services (RF B.V.) Sklady 104 LLC Sun Line LLC Topcon Positioning Systems Inc. United Technologes International Operations Inc.

Private Donors Leaders $5 000 and more

Private Donors less than $5 000

Anonymous donor

Alexander Zaichenko

Anonymous donors of BP Connects

Andrew Mcgraham

Anonymous donors of Golf Tournament

Anna Kirin

Employees of JTI

Anonymous donors of Charity run 5275

Employees of Microsoft Russia

Anonymous donors of Christmas Bazaars

Igor Babaev

Anonymous donors of Dengi.mail.ru

Mary Intema

Anonymous donors of Gift Solutions

Sergey Riabykobylko

Anonymous donors of Golf Tournament

Victor Semenov

Anonymous donors of QIWI

Alexander Anichkin

Anonymous donors of Starlite Diner Anonymous donors of United Chari Games

Corporate Donors less than $10 000

Anonymous donors of Yandex.dengi

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Brad Pielsticker


Charles Boudet

Alinga Conslting Group

David Simons

Blagosostoyanie ZAO

Denis Hopple


Dmitriy Kozachenko

Chevron Neftegaz Inc.

Elena Malinovskaya

CJSC DHL International

Elena Nesterenko

CJSC Infrastrukturnye investicii

Employees of OJSC Cherkizovo Group

Clifford Chance CIS Limited

Ernst Antuan E.M.

Complete-M LLC

Gennady Blokha


Greg Oztemel

ConocoPhillips Russia Inc.

Hansen Ole


Jonathan Tubb

46 | United Way of Russia

Ashot Marian

Thanks to Donors

Mike and Elena Panovich


Patrick Pigott

Starbucks cafe

Peter Whyte

UBS Securities Russia

Phillimore Michael Richard Roger Jones Rokhit Vijayavargia


Ronald Cochrane

Alexey Bryzgachov

Stanislav Linetsky

Alexander Dubrovskiy

Steven Conwey

Aidar Rakhmatullin

Sullivan Declan

Anton Korotkov

Tatiana Malkova

Daria Kolotiy

Tim Millard

Ilia Soloviev

Victoria Goldman

Irina Tahtarova Ksenia Chupina

In-Kind Donors Corporate British American Tobacco Russia

Olga Shuster Tamila Mindubaeva Tatiana Malysheva Yury Pashkov

Business centre Dukat Place III Business centre Four Winds Business centre Riga Land Business park Krylatsky Hills CBSD/Thunderbird Russia CJSC Saatchi&Saatchi Clifford Chance CIS Limited ConocoPhillips Russia Inc. Cushman & Wakefield Ernst and young LLC Esky Hines International Inc. Johnson and Johnson Kinross Gold Corporation Latham & Watkins LLP Herbalife International RS Luce restaurant Microsoft Russia Morgan Lewis Nestle Russia LLC OJSC Cherkizovo Group Otkrytie LLC Radisson Blu Hotel RIA News Russ Outdoor LLC

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Audit Report

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Audit Report

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Audit Report

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Audit Report

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Audit Report

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Audit Report

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Audit Report

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How to Support UWR UWR accepts cash and wire transfer donations from corporations and private individuals. Donations are accepted at any time by the following methods: • Bank Transfer (USA) • Bank Transfer (Russia: in USD and Russian Rubles) • Checks drawn on US bank accounts • Credit Card, for cards with a US billing address. Donations to UWR may be made anonymously. Donations made through United Way

Worldwide are tax-deductible in the United States. We also welcome volunteers!

Payments to United Way Worldwide can be made by check in USD denomination or by direct bank transfer, please see below for details on both:

USD-denominated check. Mail to:

United Way Worldwide P.O. Box 418607 Boston, MA 02241-8607 Instructions: Please inform UWW of the incoming funds and specify the purpose of the payment. For related questions, please email jeanette.powell@unitedway.org or call +1-703-836-7100 x410.

Bank Transfer (USA)

Account No: 4124656608 Account Name: United Way Worldwide Bank Name: Bank of America Bank Address: 600 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA22314, USA Swift Code #: BOFAUS3N Routing No (for wire transfers):026009593 Transit ABA No (for ACH/EFT): 051000017 Instructions: Please inform UWW of the incoming funds and specify the purpose of the payment. For related questions, please email jeanette.powell@unitedway.org or call +1-703-836-7100 x410

Corporate Credit Card: UWW can process payments made with a corporate credit card. Please complete and sign the credit card authorization form and return to Kristen Byorick via email at: kristen.byorick@ unitedway.org

Bank Transfer (Russia) For donations in USD:

Receiver: CHARITABLE FOUNDATION UNITED WAY Account number: 40703840300702012005 Beneficiary bank: ZAO Citibank (Moscow) SWIFT code: CITIRUMX Correspondent bank: Citibank NY Correspondent bank SWIFT address: CITIUS33 Correspondent account: 36087478

For donations in Russian Rubles (RUB):

Beneficiary: Charitable Foundation “Doroga vmeste” Beneficiary Account No: 40703810400702012003 INN of Beneficiary: 7714320922 KPP of Beneficiary: 771401001 Bank Name: ZAO KB Citibank Correspondent Account: 30101810300000000202 BIC: 044525202

NB! Please, indicate «DONATION FOR BYLAW ACTIVITY» as purpose of payment!

This annual report was designed by Back2brand. +7 926 924 29 64 annual@back2brand.com

United Way of Russia 14 Nizhnyaya Str., Bldg. 1, office 5, Moscow, 125040 Tel.: + 7 (495) 780-97-17/19; Fax: + 7 (495) 780-97-18 info@unitedway.ru www.unitedway.ru

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