An Employer's Guide to Pre-employment Screening
• Are you hiring employees at the moment? Well, most certainly you are conducting a screening method for applicants. What are included in your screening method? How efficient is your screening method?
• When making hiring decisions, it is always essential to conduct a pre-employment screening which includes a verification of an applicant's past employment history. Evidently, this procedure will open a lot of doors to help an employer understand the applicant.
• Employers doesn't just depend on the résumé provided by job applicants but as well as the information verified by background screening firms which includes titles held, work duties, reason for leaving work, and more.
• However, before conducting pre-employment screening, employers must seek for an authorization from the job applicant. In the event, the authorization was denied, an applicant can submit certain documentation instead as a proof of their past employment.
To help you better understand pre-employment screening, feel free to visit, ✓ ✓ (800) 409 -1819