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taBLe of contents
04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
get the most out of your game tiPs for femaLe goLfers 2015-2016 Pga tour scheduLe goLf instructions 101 history of the LPga junior goLf academy the most common goLfing equiPment Practice makes Perfect goLf instruction onLine etiquette for rookies Because we don’t aLways hit Perfect shots deBBie hart ceLeBrations cLose your eyes to make more Putts the right goLf training goLf tiPs for the fieLd cLuBs for Beginners the most PoPuLar goLf Brands
40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 71
caLcuLating your handicaP goLf is for more than just fun PLay goLf in your LiVing room how to enjoy goLf more Buying the right goLf griPs use the goLfer’s secret weaPon: hyPnosis the Perfect Backswing consistency in goLf Lost & found goLf BaLLs the most recommended goLf training aids is a goLf cart necessary? driVing off the deck choosing the Perfect goLf Bag Be a goLf mentor soLVing your driVer shots goLf score cards LocaL Business & serVice directory
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get the most out of YouR game
re you an aspiring golfer a who doesn’t know where to start, or an intermediate golfer looking to improve your game? this article is written for golfers of all skill levels who want to know what techniques they can try to improve their shots and lower their scores. Read on to find out how.
in order to be good at golf, one of the basic things that you need to take care of is your grip. it is good to know how the ball will act in response to your grip. the tighter you hold the golf club, the more likely it is that the ball will go to the right. the looser the grip, the more likely that the ball will go to the left.
add power to your swing by using your body, not your arms. Lean in to power your shot. turn with the ball on the downswing. this lets you use the power of all of the muscles in your body to get a better shot, instead of being limited to just your arm muscles. another helpful tip is to be sure that you are a positive role model on the course when it comes to sportsmanship. this will say a lot about your character and help to build up the relationship with whoever you are playing with. never let competitiveness get in the way of friendship.
a helpful tip when it comes to golf is to make sure that you follow through with each shot that requires a full hit. this is helpful because you want to make the most out of your swing and stopping short may cause you to not hit the ball as far as intended.
if you want to get rid of a hook the first thing you should do is check your grip. if your grip is too strong, your right hand is rotated too far over your left hand, you should practice moving your hand to a more neutral position. this will open your club face at contact and should prevent the hook.
additionally, always be sure to try to find the reason why things go wrong if you have a bad day or bad shot. it is common to blame outside factors for your shortcomings, but you will not become a better golfer unless you can narrow down how to improve.
we hope you enjoyed this article about improving your golfing game. hopefully, no matter what your skill level, you’ve learned something here that can improve your game and your overall skill as a golfer. apply these tips in your practice, play to see your scores drop and come out ahead of your opponents.
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tiPs for female golfeRs
t’s no secret that quality golf gear can be a bit on the pricey side. But if you’re really committed to learning how to play your best game, then properly fitting golf wholesale equipment is essential. do you have to spend a fortune on all of the latest, most high tech, brand name clubs and gear? of course not. But taking the time to see the club fitter at your local course or golf shop and getting the measurements for clubs that fit you best will go a long way towards improving your game from day one. make the initial investment, and every other golf tip you follow will work out better for it. unless you’re giving yourself enough room to follow through, your swing won’t be nearly as effective. the secret to a proper stance lies in the width of your feet. you should be setting yourself up wide, with most of your weight on the right side of your body. tilt your shoulders to the right, as well. as a point of reference, your head should be aligned slightly to the right of the top of the zipper on your pants. once you’re in position, make sure you’re holding your driver far enough from your body to allow for a powerful swing.
one of the biggest mistakes made by amateur women golfers is to attempt to scoop the ball into the air with the head of the club. in reality, this will cause your swing to slow down after impact. The definition of proper tempo is a buildup of speed. harnessing that acceleration and learning to control your speed and power is the best way to drive your swing through the impact on the ball, bringing you to a full finish. Like anything else, perfecting your golf game takes effort, commitment, and most of all time. the bottom line is this: if you don’t get out and play, you’ll never get any better. Putting in at least two rounds a month (even if it’s just 9 holes) will go a long way towards getting you where you want to be. consider joining a women’s league! Being around other enthusiastic beginners might be just the impetus you need to get out and put in the time on your game. keep in mind that you’re still learning, so don’t stress your score too much to begin with. instead, focus on developing your game and style, and experiment with different shots and clubs.
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2015-2016 pga tour scheduLe
JulY 6-12 ♦ John DeeRe ClassiC ♦ TPC DeeRe Run ♦ silvis, il JulY 13-19 ♦ The oPen ChamPionshiP ♦ sT. anDRews ♦ sT. anDRews, sCoTlanD JulY 13-19 ♦ BaRBasol ChamPionshiP ♦ RTJ TRail ♦ auBuRn, al JulY 20-26 ♦ RBC CanaDian oPen ♦ Glen aBBey GC ♦ oakville, onTaRio JulY 27-aug 2 ♦ QuiCken loans naTional ♦ RoBeRT TRenT Jones GC ♦ Gainesville, va aug 3-9 ♦ BRiDGesTone inviTaTional ♦ FiResTone CC ♦ akRon, oh aug 3-9 ♦ BaRRaCuDa ChamPionshiP ♦ monTReux G & CC ♦ Reno, nv aug 10-16 ♦ PGa ChamPionshiP ♦ whisTlinG sTRaiTs ♦ kohleR, wi aug 17-23 ♦ wynDham ChamPionshiP ♦ seDGeFielD CC ♦ GReensBoRo, nC aug 24-30 ♦ The BaRClays ♦ PlainFielD CC ♦ PlainFielD, nJ aug 31-sept 7 ♦ DeuTsChe Bank ChamPionshiP ♦ TPC BosTon ♦ noRTon, ma sept 14-20 ♦ Bmw ChamPionshiP ♦ Conway FaRms ♦ ChiCaGo, il sept 21-27 ♦ TouR ChamPionshiP By CoCa-Cola ♦ easT lake GC ♦ aTlanTa, Ga oct 5-11 ♦ The PResiDenTs CuP ♦ JaCk niCklaus GolF CluB koRea ♦ inCheon, souTh koRea oct 15-18 ♦ FRys.Com oPen ♦ silveRaDo CounTRy CluB ♦ naPa, Ca oct 22-25 ♦ shRineR’s hosPiTals FoR ChilDRen oPen ♦ TPC summeRlin ♦ las veGas, nv oct 29-nov 1 ♦ CimB ClassiC ♦ kuala lumPuR GolF & CounTRy CluB ♦ kuala lumPuR, mas nov 5-8 ♦ sanDeRson FaRms ChamPionshiP ♦ CounTRy CluB oF JaCkson ♦ JaCkson, ms nov 5-8 ♦ woRlD GolF ChamPionshiPs ♦ sheshan inTeRnaTional GC ♦ shanGhai, Chn nov 12-15 ♦ ohl ClassiC aT mayakoBa ♦ el Camaleon GolF CluB ♦ Playa Del CaRmen, mex nov 19-22 ♦ The mCGlaDRey ClassiC ♦ sea islanD ResoRT ♦ sea islanD, Ga dec 3-6 ♦ heRo woRlD ChallenGe ♦ alBany, new PRoviDenCe, Bah dec 10-12 ♦ FRanklin TemPleTon shooTouT ♦ TiBuRon GolF CluB ♦ naPles, Fl Jan 7-10 ♦ hyunDai TouRnamenT oF ChamPions ♦ PlanTaTion CouRse ♦ kaPalua, maui, hi Jan 14-17 ♦ sony oPen in hawaii ♦ waialae CounTRy CluB ♦ honolulu, hi Jan 21-24 ♦ FaRmeRs insuRanCe oPen ♦ PGa wesT sTaDium CouRse ♦ la QuinTa, Ca Jan 28-31 ♦ PGa ChamPionshiP ♦ BalTusRol GolF CounTRy ♦ sPRinGFielD, nJ aug 4-7 ♦ TRaveleRs ChamPionshiP ♦ TPC RiveR hiGhlanDs ♦ CRomwell, CT aug 11-14 ♦ John DeeRe ClassiC ♦ TPC DeeRe Run ♦ silvis, il aug 11-14 ♦ olymPiC men’s GolF ComPeTiTion ♦ olymPiC GolF CouRse ♦ Rio De JaneiRo, BRa aug 18-21 ♦ wynDham ChamPionshiP ♦ seDGeFielD CC ♦ GReensBoRo, nC aug 25 - 28 ♦ The BaRClays ♦ BeThPaGe sTaTe PaRk ♦ FaRminGDale, ny sep 2-5 ♦ DeuTsChe Bank ChamPionshiP ♦ TPC BosTon ♦ noRTon, ma sep 8-11 ♦ Bmw ChamPionshiP ♦ CRookeD sTiCk GolF CluB ♦ CaRmel, in sep 22-25 ♦ TouR ChamPionshiP By CoCa-Cola ♦ easT lake GC ♦ aTlanTa, Ga sep 30-oct 2 ♦ RyDeR CuP ♦ hazelTine naTional GolF CluB ♦ Chaska, mn the back nine of north shore, ny ♦ adveRtising to moVe your Business forward ♦ 08
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golf instRuctions 101
olf is not just about hitting a ball g with the end of a stick. it is much more than that. though professionals
have always made golf seem like a relatively easy sport, it is in reality one of the hardest sports to play. it is all about hitting the ball correctly with the proper golf club. it is about controlling the swings to control the flight of the ball. Golf is more than what meets the eye. it is for this reason that golf instruction is quite needed for beginners and with this being said, here are a few tips that make up the basic golf instruction: 1. add moRe loft at impact to make the ball flY faRtheR to understand this golf instruction, it is important to know what loft is. Loft is actually the degree of the clubface at the set up. when the drives hit off the upper half of the face, the result would be a higher dynamic loft. hitting the upper half also makes the shot spin less. following these principles, when a player hits the center or the upper half of the clubface, this would result in a higher degree in initial launch and with less spins. this would then make the ball fly further and higher. it will also land with a stronger forward roll. to be able to hit higher, it is suggested that the player tilt his shoulder during setup. the left shoulder should be lower than the right shoulder. this stance will make the player hit the ball on an increasing angle of attack.
this particular golf instruction would be perfectly executed when repeatedly practiced several times 2. focus is the best plaY golf is not a lazy and distracted man’s sport. this golf instruction number two focuses on the being and concentration of the player. to make sure that all hits would give the desired effect, the person should have his full attention to his drive. focus does not necessarily mean that a person should make tactics or create game plays. it only means that the player should be engaged in the game, relax when doing the swings, and think of the present. it would help when a golf player would imagine what his swings should result into and not what would happen after every strike. 3. balance is a peRsonal pRactice foR golf instRuction though there is a standard stance that instructors teach beginners, there is also a certain stance that gives the player the most comfort and best balance. a player should therefore try a number of stances during initial set up and see which of these stance resulted in the best drives. a recommended routine is to try swinging with the legs together first, then swing with only the right foot on the ground. the next few swings would then be done with the left foot on the ground. finally, when the person has fixed his balance, he should try swinging with his eyes close. this short routine helps a person with his balance.
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history of
the lpga
he LPga, or Ladies Professional tof women golf association, is an organization golfers known for its annual
tours and charity work. in the space of six decades, the association has grown from a handful of players who were determined to establish a professional tour for women into one of the united states’ most powerful and respected sports organizations.
carner and Betsy king. king won six tournaments in 1989.
touRnaments & pRiZe moneY
the LPga has come a long way from holding golf clinics to raise prize money. The first tour visited 14 cities and raised $50,000. within two years the tour increased to 21 cities and the prize money to $200,000, with judy rankin becoming the first lPGa golfer to win $100,000 in a season in 1976. 1980 saw a total of $5 mllion awarded. this jumped to $14 million in 1989, more than $25 million in 1996, and by 2010, the tour covered 29 countries with total prize money in excess of $41 million.
thirteen women joined together to form the LPga in 1950. initially, they traveled from city to city in their family cars with their golf clubs, waving colored paddles out the windows to communicate between cars when one needed to stop for gas or food. the players raised their own prize money by giving golf clinics before the tournaments and set up their own courses. By the 1960s, they graduated to traveling in campers and trailers. They received their first television coverage in 1963. in 1975, the LPga moved from being player- chaRitable WoRk run to hiring its own commissioner. the LPga is the only professional sport association solely dedicated to fundraising for charity, raising more notable plaYeRs one of the founders of the LPga, than $78 million between 1981 and Babe zaharias, won 32 tournaments 1995. the LPga girls golf club and its and 10 professional events. Both urban youth golf Program launched the associated Press and “sports in 1989. the LPga foundation, formed illustrated” named her the top in 1991, contributes to the usga woman athlete of the 20th century girls golf program, scholarship and in 1999. nancy Lopez set a record financial assistance programs, and in 1978, winning five tournaments in maintains a catastrophic illness fund a row and nine for the year. other for its members. in 1992, the association accomplished players include joined with the susan g. komen Breast Patty sheehan, winner of 35 LPga Cancer Foundation as its official tournaments, Beth daniel, joanne national charity. the back nine of north shore, ny ♦ adveRtising to moVe your Business forward ♦ 12
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junior golf academY
olf has recently become a much more popular game to the world of sports. in recent years, it has also seen as an increase career choice, as golf programs and schools around the country make it that much easier to enter into the field. what about a full-time golf academy? golf camps and schools for junior players do a lot to help groom their skills but for junior golfers who want to live and breathe golf, it may be a good idea to opt for a full time golf academy. take for instance jPga, a full time golf academy, where junior golf players can go to school and get to play golf after the school day is done. typically, a full time academy will go on for 9 months and students can play and practice with the help of a golf pro. how to choose a golf academy? for junior golfers and parents who like the idea of attending a golf academy full time, they really need to take a look at what these schools offer. Below are some things they need to ask the school…
What is the teacheR to student Ratio? typically, the best academy is one that has a limited teacher to student
ratio. this way, the student gets more face time with the teacher and they will be able to learn better. do theY have pRivate instRuctions With a pRo? it is a good idea for junior golfers to learn as part of a group, but there are times when they will need one-on-one coaching lessons with the academy golf pro. ask the academy if they have this for their kids or if it is a service that costs extra. do theY conduct v1 video golf analYses? one of the best perks about attending a full-time academy is that they normally have contacts with college coaches. the academy will then send videos of the players to college coaches who will draw attention to the kids and perhaps score them scholarships. does the school pRovide foR JunioR golf events? junior golf players need to compete and it is a good idea to ask the school to what golf events they will send the kids and what they will shoulder for the trips. these are just some of the questions that need to be asked by folks thinking of joining a junior golf academy.
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the most common golfing equipment
or a person to thoroughly enjoy any sport, it would be best for him fto have the proper equipment. golf is
just one of those sports that require a person to know the different kinds of golfing equipment if a person wants to completely understand the game. basics #1 - golf attiRe all the golf ranges have their own set of golf dress codes. a person cannot just enter a golf range with whatever attire and expect that he would be permitted to play. though the dress code depends on the golf range, the universal set of golf attire is a clean collared polo shirt and golf pants. a golfer should avoid wearing jeans and cargo pants to the field. Rubber shoes are also not allowed inside, as they tend to ruin the grass. a good pair of golf shoes is highly recommended. basics #2 – golf ball the golf ball is a small ball that is covered with dimples. it is typically white, though there are also golf balls available in bright neon colors, to make it easier for the golfer to locate. this is one piece of equipment that has strict regulations. for example, golf balls are not allowed to be used until they have passed the test of approval by the r&a and the us golf association. there are two common types of golf balls: recreational and advanced. basics #3 - golf club this is used to hit the ball. in a regular game, the maximum number of clubs a person is allowed to carry is 14.
it is important to know the different kinds of golf clubs as each type results in different flight distance and degree of loft. The basic kinds of clubs are putters, wedges, irons, woods and the hybrid club. optional #1 - golf tee this equipment is used to elevate the ball from the ground and provide an easier shot for the player. it is a tiny spike, which has a cup at the top where the ball is placed. it is pushed into the ground and can only be used at the start of the round. optional #2 - ball maRkeR this object is used to mark the exact spot the ball landed, just in case the player has to temporarily remove the ball. though players are not allowed to move their ball, there are still exceptions to the rule. one exception is when the ball lies directly on the putting line of the opponent and needs to be temporarily moved out of the way. optional #2 - golf bag this is an elongated bag mainly for golf clubs storage. it is characterized by a number of pockets at the side for additional golf equipment compartments. there are different bags depending on how it would be carried. there are shoulder bags, two-wheeled cart bags, and bags for golf carts. there are a lot more golf equipment. a player does not need all of it. it would be best for him to identify the optional equipment that he would be actually using to help improve his game.
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Practice makes peRfect
ave you been trying to improve h your golf swing but to no avail? just like what most of the greatest players have said, “a golf swing is like a fingerprint, no two are alike.”
if you have been watching some of the world’s best players and if you have read the biographies or golf instruction books of some of golf’s legendary players and instructors, you will notice each has a style of their own. one of the best players to have ever played the game was Ben hogan. having won more than 60 professional tournaments in his career including all of golf’s four major tournaments, you would not believe he had a golf swing problem which is known to golfers as “hooking.” hooking is when the golf ball tends to veer towards the left side of the fairway. hogan, who is actually left handed as he has stated in one of his books, played with his right hand and used a strong grip. this was theorized as the reason for his hooking the ball. to solve this problem, hogan developed a swing which would be known as “the secret.” revealed in several magazines some years back and which were based on observations done while hogan was actually playing, the ball striker’s swing consisted of using a slightly weaker grip, opening the clubface during the takeaway using the wrists and then using his right knee as a trigger to initiate the downswing. this swing is now known the world over as the “hogan fade.”
the golfer who instilled the importance of practicing has written two golf instruction books, Power golf and five Lessons, the legendary golfer talks about the basic essentials of having a consistent and good golf swing. in the book the golfer also known as “the hawk” explains the importance of how to hold the club the right way, how to address the ball correctly and how to swing the club from the takeaway to the follow through. you can also now catch his golf instruction online, by typing “Ben hogan’s timeless tips” or “Ben hogan swing keys.” Golfing equipment also play an important role in playing good golf. over the years a lot of modifications have been developed in terms of golf clubs, putters, golf balls and other golf training aids. unlike before where golfers could only check their swing if they took a video of themselves hitting the ball, advance technology has made it possible to analyze a golfer’s swing inch by inch. in this way, a golfer’s bad habit could be easily corrected by providing the appropriate golf training aids and golfing equipment. from putting green to golf swing trainers to practice nets for the garage and a whole lot more to choose from, you can be sure your golf game would improve tremendously if you keep using these devices consistently. take it from Ben hogan the golfer who has been tagged by his peers as the guy who gave the word “practice” a whole new meaning since he was known to have trained the most among all of them during their time. practice really does make it perfect!
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goLf instRuction online
one are the days when golf clubs used to be sticks and pebbles g were used as golf balls! The first ever
sale of a set of golf clubs is credited to james iV. formalwear while playing golf also became a trend in the early 1900s, with walter hagen, gene sarazen and Bobby jones leading the pack. in regards with their golfing equipment, the wooden clubs were made of hickory wood and were handmade. iron clubs were heavier then but evolved into steel shafts and later shifted to graphite. golf balls started out with rubber which flew quite a distance before the dimpled ball was introduced by william taylor. in this time of digital technology, modifications on golfing equipment could easily be improved. now clubs could be tested first and players could check out a review on a certain set of clubs before deciding if they would get one. descriptions of the clubs, how they react and how they rate compared to other clubs could assist a player in making the right choices. golf training aids are also great tools to use for the busy handicapper. usually the devices that help improve one’s swing are very portable and easy to carry since they are also meant to be used outside the golf course. this gives a golfer more time to practice even when he is at the comfort of his own home. Video analysis gadgets are very much in the market nowadays too. the latest software for swing analysis that can be used on tablets and portable devices
that can measure the speed of the ball is readily available. Books and dVds on the game of golf are also part of golf training aids which could help both beginners and low handicappers alike. swing fixes, experiences of professional golfers, golf games for both junior and adult golfers make up this catalogue of books about golf. a lot of professional golfers endorse golf training aids and golfing equipment, sometimes even wearing the company’s logo while playing a tournament. some of them have even made a golf instruction video on their field of expertise in the game. johnny miller, winner of two major tournaments and 25 Pga tour events, together with top 100 teachers Brady riggs, Brian mogg, rick grayson, mitchell spearman and kellie stenzell are just a few of the professionals who have done golf instruction online. using the hips for power, eliminating a slice, how to make a sandy birdie, different types of shots and how to address the ball correctly are just a few examples of the tips you can learn. updates and the latest golf news could also be found easily, especially if someone is looking for a golf instruction online. even junior golfers could simply find the most suitable golfing equipment, golf training aids and golf instruction online. Learning a thing or two from these mediums is not a bad thing if it means shaving off a few strokes on the scorecard. even though golf has evolved over the years, its main concept of hitting a ball with a long stick remained the same.
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etiquette foR Rookies
ou have to be polite to play golf? Y well... sort of. after all, golf is a gentlemen’s game. of course, you
are not expected to follow every single unwritten rule of the game, but here a few you should pinpoint on… numbeR one if you hit an errant shot (and trust me, you will) please yell “fore” to warn nearby players. the last thing you need is a potential lawsuit on your hands because you didn’t open your mouth. numbeR tWo if you are playing ahead of a clearly more experienced and skilled group, please let them play through. you will save them a lot of frustration and yourself a lot of embarrassment if you happen to have a rough day. the rangers on the golf course also appreciate if you keep up with the “pace of play” as they call it and this is easily accomplished by letting the big hitters be on their way. numbeR thRee this is an important one to follow and the rest of your friends will appreciate if you abide by it. neVer, under any circumstance, walk through the line of your buddy’s putt on the green. they’re worried enough about accounting for the break, speed, and slope of the green. the last thing they need is to figure out how to hit over your big fat shoe mark in the middle of their line. these are just a few simple tips
to follow when on the course but their importance is unmatched. earlier this month, i wrote an article explaining how out of the loop some new golfers are with the etiquette of the game and just how detrimental that is. no one can really fault you for having a poor day at the course if you are truly giving forth your best effort and just not getting results. however, if you are being arrogant or violating the unwritten rules of golf over and over, you may get a well-justified earful after the round has concluded. and rightfully so. another huge and crucial mistake most amateurs make is neglecting the mental aspects of the game. i’m not arguing against the fact that technique and fundamentals go a long way, rather pointing out that your performance can be heavily influenced by your attitude. if you are someone who has a quick temper, you need to address that immediately and leave the pouting at home. getting down on yourself neVer helps in the sport of golf. you will begin to cloud your head with negative thoughts to the point where you can hardly make contact with the ball anymore. keeping a positive attitude before, during, and after the round is half the battle and you will notice results immediately. golf is a game that takes quite some time to finally “master” so a good attitude will only speed up this process. as with any sport, one mistake can often snowball into many more if complemented by a negative attitude. keep that in mind next time you pick up (or want to throw) a golf club.
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Because we don’t aLways hit peRfect shots
ust when you think you have hit a great tee shot way up in the air, clear of the water and bunker ahead, you can’t imagine what could possibly go wrong! and then all of a sudden (thud) it lands in the rough. sometimes this lie may not be bad at all; the grass is at times the perfect cut and acts as a tee for your next shot. of course we can never get that lucky in this sport so it’s now time to learn how cope with this obstacle. first, assess just how deep the grass is. try to judge how much grass you are going to catch on the downswing at impact. if you think your swing speed will be drastically reduced then you may need to club up. for example, if you are 150 out in the deep rough, a 6 iron may play better than a 7.
once you have the right club, it’s time to move onto the setup. the setup. if you are using a 5 iron wedge, place the ball in the middle of your stance to ensure you make downward contact on the ball. this type of contact will allow you to get the ball nice and high in the air, which is vital to lifting the ball out of the rough. however if you do have a 3 iron or wood in hand, place the ball about an inch more forward in your stance. these clubs are designed to “launch” the ball by making contact on the upswing. utilize these keys next time you find yourself off the fairway and there is no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy better approach shots. of course repetition will make the difference in the end so do not expect to master this skill right away! Happy golfing!
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ebbie hart, with over two decades of experience in event planning and design, works closely with her clients to understand their vision and flawlessly execute events that impress even the most discerning consumer. she is the professional who knows how to make things happen effortlessly, whether she’s working with the staff in the kitchen or upfront making sure all details are seamless.
debbie’s clients, associates and peers recognize her as one of the most knowledgeable people in this business. her knack for uncovering the right elements for a party, and
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cLose your eyes to make moRe putts
ears ago, i played in the Y heather farr charity for the Blind tournament in sun city, ariz. i played with an english gentleman who had been blind since birth. it was quite fascinating to watch him play, especially when he was preparing to hit a shot. his wife would walk him to the ball and help him set his club to the ball. he would then slide his hand down the shaft of the taylormade r1 driver to feel the distance from the ball. it was an amazing thing to watch, and really opened my eyes to all the tools we golfers have to improve our feel. there are many senses we often take for granted.
while the englishman did this routine for all his shots, he did something a little different with his putting that i think is something we all can learn from. i noticed that instead of walking him directly to the golf ball, the englishman’s wife would take him to the hole and let him walk backward toward the direction of his ball for about five or six steps, then proceed to set up to the ball. after about four holes, i asked him why he would walk backward from the hole and what this did for his putting. he explained to me that it allowed him to feel the way the green was
sloped close to the hole and he could only feel it when he walked backward as it would move his body as he walked. it was amazing how close he came to the hole with his putts. he shot a 92 with taylormade rocketBladez irons that had much to do with his ability to putt! i have not only used this method to “see” which way the ball will break to the hole for my own game, but have passed it along to many of my students. the reason why the golfer only needs to walk back about five or six steps from the hole is that the ball is slowing down at this point and will be most affected by the slope of the green then. the next time out on the putting green, try this little exercise. stand facing the hole, then walk backward, allowing your body to follow the slope of the green. if you feel yourself going downhill to the right, you’ll know that you’ll be putting uphill from left to right because you’re putting in the opposite direction that you’re walking. if you have a tough time seeing or feeling any slope, you can try closing your eyes. you’ll begin to notice the subtle breaks and make more putts every time.
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the right golf tRaining
golf training is not a ttheaking big issue until and unless players get the right kind
of trainers and these days the internet has come up with many options where the players can learn the various smart tricks and skills on the game. every skill in the world needs to be polished, and the game of golf is no exception when it comes to practicing the game. although there are several kinds golf training kits available in the market and online (where you can select according to your choices), it is very important that you know that these kits are not so useful when it comes to practicing. you can make sure that these kits are more commercial rather than being useful and you need to make sure that you are having the right kind of kit with you. the best guides will suggest you to look at the features of the golf training kits, where they also suggest you to practice with the chipping golf club as it is one of the essential parts of the game. there are many people who think that golf training is really costly and they do not want to go through such an expensive route, but on the contrary these
kinds of training are very easy and cost-effective too. there are many golfers who believe that a professional or an experienced golfer can train well, and they use the best putter for side saddle putting when it comes to making the best shot according to the need of the game. there are many other places from which the golfer can learn skills and the tricks of the game and be a professional by his or her own effort. the initiative must be taken with grace and confidence. These days the golfers are following various kinds of books, online sites and online tutorials when it comes to polishing their gaming skills and removing all the blunders from their games. they must learn the techniques and skills carefully to make sure that they do not repeat errors again and practice with more effort, for the players can be more confident if they see the uploaded videos in the training sites. they can also learn the right striking ways as well as seeing their mistakes, which they make ignorantly during the game and fail to impress their trainers. there are many notable things which the players should learn, most of all the swings and strokes for the game.
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goLf tiPs foR the field
he players who want to play their best in the field should learn to be strong and use the best training equipments. any golf player would love to play their best game. there are different kinds of swings and strokes in the game of golf and players cannot make their best all the time. to make the best putting stroke all the time, players should remember that training is not enough, and it is also necessary to recognize your mistakes during the game and work to stop making them. flexibility training in the game of golf is very necessary as the players should learn time management on the very first level. it is one of the most valuable things in the game and the players who use it wisely are always winners who benefit that much more from the game. when it comes to playing on the field, another important part of the game is strength training. this should be practiced at home to gain more stamina as the game
of golf demands it. the players can join a gym or take part in any other exercising as a way to increase the stamina and minimize the effort necessary to hit a high stroke in the huge field. do you prefer to use a minimal amount of training equipment? you can easily use the video streaming on golf sites which are available to train students to get more confidence in their gaming skills. they will learn to notice incorrect movements in this way. with the right equipment and strength training, the players will be able to fight injuries and they can make the best of their game by reducing the chances of getting injured. they will learn to use the golfing equipment correctly, or purchase a dVd. an online tutorial is the best choice for a beginner, since they can get the best experience tips from experts who will help the players to learn more every day. online you can find good tutors to help you make the best putting stroke all time.
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cLuBs foR beginneRs
he basic clubs that make up twedges a set of include woods, irons, and a putter. hybrids have
become popular with beginning golfers since they are so easy to hit. follow guidelines that explain the features of golf clubs to decide what kind of clubs to buy to give you the accuracy, consistency and distance you desire. selecting the Woods to start off your set, select a driver and two or three other woods. the driver should have a large head size, over 430 cc, which will feature a larger sweet spot. this kind of club will be more forgiving of misshits typical of beginning players. to help you launch the ball into the air and reduce the possibility of a hook to the left or a slice to the right, look for a driver with increased loft. taylormade sLdr drivers for beginning players should have a loft of 12 to 15 degrees. Pick out some woods, also with a larger club head. you might want to stay away from the 3 wood at first, and stick with the more lofted 5 wood, 7 wood or even a 9 wood. make sure the shaft of the club is flexible, which will provide more distance than a stiffer shaft. get measured to determine the ideal length for your woods, keeping in mind that the longer the club, the harder it is to hit.
deciding on iRons & hYbRids the traditional golf club set includes irons from the 3 iron to the 9 iron. Perimeter weighting can help you keep the ball straight on the target line, and offset club heads help keep the club face square to the target on impact. a wider sole on the club helps to get the ball up in the air. many new players are replacing their longer r11 irons like the 3, 4 and even 5 iron with hybrid clubs. hybrids with a low center of gravity and increased loft help to launch the ball and allow the beginning player to achieve more distance. for beginners, a set might include the lofted 6, 7, 8 and 9 iron, along with a 3, 4, 5 and/or 6 hybrid for distance. the lowest-number hybrid should go 10 to 15 yards shorter than your highest number fairway wood to avoid a gap in coverage on the course. adding Wedges & the putteR Beginners will need a pitching wedge and a sand wedge, and perhaps a lob wedge. these lofted clubs are ideal for shots around the green. in addition, choose a scotty cameron Putter like a large-head mallet with a greater moment of inertia. these putters don’t twist on miss-hits and are easier to hit for short putts.
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the most populaR golf bRands
hether you are a beginner taking your first fledgling trips around the local 9 or an expert golfer ready to trade up, choosing the right clubs to conquer the greens and make your game better is vital to your enjoyment. a good golf store carries enough brands of clubs to truly boggle the mind. But you can always go with what you know, and pick clubs from the big three. taYloRmade a 1979 upstart, taylormade has made a name for itself in the golf world. gary adams, founder and owner, introduced the first metal woods back in 1978. taylormade currently markets its newest woods with something it calls flight control technology. fct allows golfers better shot-shaping ability through the multidimensional adjustments that can be made to their r9 metal woods. the taylormade r11 iron brand’s leadership position is reinforced through the play of the golf professionals that rely on their equipment, including 2010 Pga champion martin kaymer, 2010 LPga u.s. open champion Paula creamer along with other notables like dustin johnson and ryan Palmer.
callaWaY the callaway brand was started as the brainchild of wine maker,
ely callaway. unless you’re a wine aficionado, you may have never heard of callaway Vineyards, but it was from the profits made on the land that callaway was able to raise the funds to buy hickory stick. from there, the brand took off and today callaway is one of the most recognized names in golf. the company continues to branch out, snapping up other legendary golf brand names like Ben hogan golf while diversifying their line of product offerings including apparel, top flight golf balls and the popular odyssey brand putters. Big names to play callaway clubs include Phil mickelson and ernie els. ping Ping is one of the most recognized brands in golf today. and, ping g25 clubs it’s not just for positive reasons. the name Ping stems from the sound that the original putter made when struck. Ping clubs are known for producing a large sweet spot, but they’ve also been maligned for their introduction of the Ping eye 2, which they made from 1985 to 1989. the eye 2 had a square grooved club face, a groove format that has been ruled illegal on the Pga tour. no one makes square grooved clubs anymore and today, the Ping brand is a Pga favorite with long hitters like Bubba watson and hunter mahan.
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caLcuLating YouR handicap
golf handicap is used to a determine your potential ability on a course. it is mainly
used to even the abilities between golfers of different abilities. a player’s handicap has a tendency to adjust to their home course. By using handicaps, you will be able to accurately compare your score against that of a player of a different caliber, based on your expected performances. first, in order to get a proper understanding of a golfer’s underlying ability, golfers would typically ask each other not only what the other’s handicap is, but the club of which they were a member. you need to have played a minimum of five rounds but no more than 20. the course rating and course slope are also required and both can be found on your score card. the more scores you use, the more accurate your handicap score will be. once a player’s handicap record contains 20 scores, the next score they return will result in the oldest of the existing 20 scores being removed (to be replaced by the new score). second, subtract the course rating from your score. the course rating is in decimal form and indicates the difficulty level of the course. multiply the average by 0.93. (the 0.93 factor is the multiplier. the multiplier is a mathematical balancing factor, the purpose of which is to help to achieve national results patterns for net competitions
that are as equitable as possible. its necessity is the result of the different standard deviations of net scores exhibited by players on different handicap levels.) for example, say two golfers averaged 72 strokes each over 18 holes but golfer y played on a more difficult course than Golfer z. instead of using averaged scores to determine the handicap index, individual skill level is factored into the equation. it’s clear that golfer y is more skilled than Golfer z and on an average course golfer y would require fewer strokes. then, multiply the lowest differential by .96 to get your handicap. if more than 10 rounds are entered, use the average of the lowest 3-5 differentials. if 20 rounds are entered, use the average of the 10 lowest differentials. to calculate the average, add together all the differentials and divided by that number (e.g. if 10 differentials are used, add them up and divided by 10). three 18-hole scores will be required before a ga handicap is calculated and allocated. clubs may allow players to use 9-hole rounds for this purpose but they are under no obligation to do so. for this purpose, two 9-hole rounds equals one 18-hole round. clubs should enter scores immediately into goLf Link upon receipt (i.e. don’t wait for all three). for the purpose of returning one of the initial three rounds, players are allocated a temporary daily handicap of 45 for women and 36 for men.
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goLf is for moRe than Just fun
olf has been a part of our lives g since its invention, and almost everyone loves the game. People
love golf not only because it is a ball sport which can train their bodies, but also because it is a way of life. golf means a lot to all of us more than just a sport. there are tons of so-called “golf widows” across the globe who swear by the old saying that their spouses “live and breathe golf.” as it happens, golf may help them live and breathe a lot longer. it has been shown that there are many health benefits from playing the game, including a longer and healthier life. it is also determined that the life expectancy of both men and women golfers, of every age group, and across all socioeconomic categories, was increased by an average of approximately five years over that of the general population. although the scope of the study didn’t include determining the reasons for the increased life span, scientists believe the most likely cause is the brisk, four or five hour walk around the course on a regular basis. though this study cannot prove playing more golf is a matter of life and death, it has quantified the benefits of walking, as well as the psychological benefits of leisure activity. actually, even regular walking can
improve general physical health. it also has been determined that regular walking improves virtually every system in the human body, from to bones and muscles. golf is surely more technological and skillful than common walking. the study also showed that lowhandicappers had lower death rates, which corresponds to an increase in life span, than high-handicappers, most likely because they play more golf. Leaving the cart at the house has its benefits. People play golf into old age, and there are also positive social and psychological aspects to the game that can be of help. although the average increased life span was five years, they found that the longest lifespan increases came among golfers with blue collar economic backgrounds as opposed to those with desk jobs just another reason to get out of that cubicle and hit the links. as we all know, golf is a ball sport in which competing players use many types of wholesale golf clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course using the fewest number of strokes. golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the rules. however, golf is now no longer a game for just fun. you can see many families go out for golf each weekend; they play golf not just for fun, but also a way of life to get all their family members together.
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PLay goLf in YouR living Room
olf is not an easy sport. it requires a lot of practice and not everyone can play it from the start. in fact, it is one of the lesser-played sports across the globe for several reasons. Playing golf requires a huge course, which is not easily found since land can be very expensive where many golf players live. therefore a lot of golf enthusiasts end up playing golf only once or twice a year. however, this problem is now being solved by the latest technology in motion mechanics, simulation and high definition graphics. these are the key components of what is called a golf simulator. this is an elaborate setup that can be put inside one’s living room so that anyone can start playing golf in the comfort of their own home. the concept of indoor golf is gaining popularity, especially with the young affluent people of the united states and europe. the researchers at the companies that develop these kits are working very
hard to improve the simulation to levels so the experience matches the real sport. the increase in golf’s popularity can be attributed to the fact that the sport and playing area is becoming more accessible to the common man. this is primarily due to the golf simulators that allow people to play golf in their living rooms without the price that comes attached to playing at golf courses. the concept of indoor golf is gaining so much popularity that many individuals and corporations have started installing the product in homes and offices, allowing more and more people to be drawn to the appeal of the sport. one of the key advantages of this product is that it is very easy to install and use. the player does not have to drive to the golf course, buy expensive golf clubs or pay a golf course fee. the best part is that there is no dependence on weather while playing golf in your living room. no matter what the weather condition outside, you can always enjoy your favorite sport from the comfort of your home.
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how to enJoY golf moRe
e all love the game of golf, but some times it is just as they say, a good walk spoiled. here are a few ways to enjoy golf more. don’t plaY the blue tees unless you are at least a 10 handicap or lower, why bother making the golf course even harder than it has to be. if you are shooting in the 90’s or triple digits, it makes no sense making a conscious decision to making the course more difficult. Play the white tees and take the extra level of anxiety out of the equation. impRove YouR lie when you are having a recreational round of golf, there is no way you should be playing the strict rules of golf. the average round of golf would be at least 6 hours at courses all over the world. golfers would be returning to the tees all day after hitting there first ball out bounds, or searching for every lost ball for 5 minutes. so if we are bending the rules to save time, why not bend them to improve your lie,
something you can actually benefit from. Play winter rules all the time. plaY diffeRent games instead playing the same match with your buddies, compete in other categories other than score. some examples would be: • most fairways hit • Least amount of 3 putts • most 1 putts if it is YouR honoR, take it you just birdie the hardest (or easiest) hole on the golf course, it’s your tee, you earned it, take it. challenge yourself to get another one, you will be surprised how often you can have two birdies in a row if you are actually trying to get two birdies in a row. loWeR YouR expectations if you are a average golfer you play golf twice per week if you’re lucky, on top of that, you don’t practice as much as you should.. you can’t honestly think that your game is not exactly what it should be. just enjoy the game itself, don’t be so hard on yourself when you’re not playing well. even the pros have bad days.
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Buying the right golf gRips
n this article you’ll learn about different golf grip tips. it starts with ensuring that the hands are placed on the golf club correctly and comfortably. there has been much written in the past regarding the correct golf grip, though the issue isn’t actually so black and white. the reasons for this are varied, meaning that the proper golf grip is dependent on the individual player. there are many variations that can be successful and all will fall into one of three categories: vardon/ overlap, interlocking, and baseball (or 10 finger grip). the baseball grip is better for smaller hands. examples include ladies, children and those suffering from arthritis. the interlocking grip is more suited to players with long, thin fingers and finally the overlap is best for those with thicker or shorter fingers. however, even with these parameters, a player with smaller hands may prefer the Vardon grip, simply because it is more comfortable.
so to find your most comfortable grip, take your posture position and allow your arms to hang naturally underneath your shoulders. if you look how your hands hang, you will have a very good indication as to how you should place your target hand on the club. you will have one of three positions: inwards towards your thighs, outwards towards the golf ball, and facing each other. when you have considered the natural position of your target hand, place it in a similar position on the club. The final part of this golf grip tip (which we have to attribute to our human design) is the lifeline of the non-target hand which was put there to sit perfectly on top of the target hand thumb in a golf grip. it is also a fantastic indication as to whether your hands are set correctly on the club. if your target hand is not positioned naturally on the grip, the position you have to achieve with the lifeline is extremely uncomfortable. another quick tip -- if you have to change your golf grip, sit at home with the club in your hands in the new position. then do not move, keep the hands in this position for at least ten minutes and then repeat the exercise, until your new grip becomes automatic.
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use the golfeR’s secRet Weapon: hYpnosis By BarBara swanwick
hatever your goals are, hypnosis can help you achieve them more easily and more quickly. many people do not realize the awesome power that their sub-conscious mind has over their lives.
olympic athletes use selfhypnosis to help them achieve top performance. united states teams and those of other nations recognize that the power of mental rehearsal is just as important as physical practice. russian teams are taught mental conditioning from the outset of their training. for the average person, hypnotherapy will not turn an average golfer into an international champion. Physical elements, skills, and natural talent, all factors other than mental are involved. however hypnosis can enable you to reach your personal potential. time magazine reported, in a cover story on the 1984
olympics, that, on the night before the women’s gymnastic finals, mary Lou retton, then age 16, lay in bed at olympic Village mentally rehearsing her performance. she had done the same on hundreds of previous nights, visualizing herself performing all her routines flawlessly in perfect style and poise – imagining in her mind all the moves and rehearsing them again and again and yet again. the result was a performance of total perfection, presented with charm, poise, and confidence, resulting in a gold medal. “what the mind can conceive, the body can achieve!” Proof of that statement has been provided countless times. mary Lou pictured a perfect performance in her mind; her body produced it. this same capability is available to every sports enthusiast. even if your skill and coordination do not rise to olympic levels, they can still carry you to your peak performance, offering new levels of achievement and personal satisfaction.
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training your body without training your mind is to invite mediocrity. just when you need that pitch to the green or that putt, your conscious mind gets in the way. you tighten up and the opportunity slips away. But once you are trained in self-hypnosis you are able to stay in the “zone” and disregard the conscious mind’s efforts to sabotage success. you remain relaxed enough to hit the green and sink the putt. some of this is done by frequently repeating past successes or visualizing perfect swings under hypnosis and then training yourself to recall that memory right when it is needed on the golf course. some of it is achieved by training the golfer – again under hypnosis – to banish negative thoughts and replace them with a pleasurable sense of wellbeing and relaxed success when most needed. among the golfers i have helped are a lady who really wanted to win her level of her club championship. she succeeded and the following year won the next level up. then there was the senior with the plus 4 handicap who kept missing five foot putts. unfortunately neither of them gave me referrals; they did not want to give away the source of their secret weapon.
Change Your Life With Hypnosis! Barbara Swanwick, M.S. Become a Winner with Hypnosis
Uses of Hypnosis Improve Athletic Performance Eliminate Stress Reduce Weight Teenage Test Taking Remove Unwanted Fears the back nine of north shore, ny ♦ backninepublishing.com ♦ 51
the Perfect backsWing
s we all know there are three basic aspects to the golf swing: backswing, downswing and followthrough. when summed up in this way, it’s difficult to understand how the golf swing can be so hard to master. the truth is that most people will never “master” their golf swing, but by focusing on these three elements individually and making just a few very simple changes, they can improve on their current swing dramatically. in this article i am going to focus on the backswing. The first thing to be aware of here is that to perform a smooth backswing you need to eliminate any tension in your hands and forearms. the best way to do this is to perform a waggle before executing a shot. if you watch the professionals, they nearly all have a distinct waggle before starting their backswing and this is something that you should be looking to implement too. a typical waggle before starting the backswing would be to simply set and un-set the wrists a few times. this is very common and is part of my routine before i hit each golf shot.
when starting the backswing, the main thing to remember is that everything should move away from the ball together. you want to keep the club moving low as you swing back, extending the left arm but slightly flexing the right. By the time your club reaches waist height it should be parallel with your feet. the rest of the backswing is all about having your body positioned correctly to create maximum power. to do this you should keep your feet planted on the ground while keeping a slight flex in your right knee. it is also important that your shoulders do not rotate more than 90 degrees, and this is actually one of the most commonly made mistakes by amateurs. the reason for this is that when thinking about generating power from their backswing, amateurs often believe that taking their backswing further back will create more resistance, ultimately resulting in a more powerful golf shot. this is not the case and rotating your shoulders past the 90-degree position will give you major problems with your downswing.
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consistency in golf
onsistency in golf is something all golfers strive for. they try and get their golf swing ingrained into their muscle memory. when this happens, they no longer have to think about the mechanics of the swing ─ they just do it. new golfers have several problems with this. they don’t yet have a good enough swing and they have not been playing golf long enough for muscle memory to help them. there is a good chance that if they don’t get a good swing quickly, they end up with a bad swing that is hard to correct because the muscles will begin to remember the bad swing. Professional instruction is the best and quickest way for new golfers to get a good and consistent swing, yet this is the last thing that most beginners do. they get lessons when they realise that the game of golf is a lot more complicated than they thought when they started playing golf. a consistent swing is important, it means you can change one thing at a time and measure
the difference the change has made, good or bad. without this consistency, too many things are changing all the time and there is no basis on which to improve. the need to obtain an easy basic swing that produces a reasonable shot (straight without being too concerned about distance) is paramount. golf can be a confusing game at times. some golfers have a good consistent swing and don’t realise it. when inconsistency creeps in, they blame their swing and try all sorts of modifications to cure whatever fault is current. a lot of the time though, it’s not the mechanics of their swing that is at fault, it’s their balance. Balance can play havoc with a golf swing, it does not take much imbalance to have a dramatic effect on the flight of the ball, and as such, the real fault can go unnoticed for a long time. consistency in golf can never be achieved until good balance is achieved, this must be worked on, especially with new golfers, in conjunction with their golf swing if improvements are to be made.
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Lost & found golf balls
ever-ending opportunities to make money can be found even in sports. here is an excellent way of making money with golf! People have done it for a number of years and gone rich with this formula, you can never get wrong with it! Lets take a look at the business proper. finding lost golf balls is going to be more than a business than a hobby or a chore! with millions of golfers worldwide dropping a $25 usd donation every round they make along the green, it is enough put a smile on children’s faces and a smirk on businesssavvy adults.
which develop from scavenger hobbies to business models. with many golfers switching from new golf balls to used golf balls to lessen the burden on their wallet and improve their game, the business is getting more lucrative than ever. now, what’s the big deal? reducing cost has become the number one priority if you are a serious golfer. many people golf for business purposes and the golf balls they use are always new. the golf balls are retrieved and can be resold at a discount to golf enthusiasts!
with the sport becoming an indulgence for adults, golf has helped to make degrees seem worthless when you can make a thriving business on the internet just selling used golf balls. it puts a spark of life into children who scurry around golf courses earning their tuition money.
from the overall view of it, it is a definite win-win-win situation! sellers get their profit, golf courses get their money, golfers get a good deal, business owners get their business done on the green, and brand names get their awareness spread. it can only get better from here!
it is only when you are young that you are able to explore many areas without fears! these ideas emerged from thriving websites
Lack of money and looking for a good money making opportunity? here is one! Just start finding lost golf balls and selling them cheap!
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the most recommended
golf tRaining aids
olf: the sport where a person just hits the ball with the golf club with all of his might. this may look and even sound easy but a person should never be fooled. it is, in fact, quite difficult to hit the ball and control it at the same time. for a person to improve his or her golfing, golf instructors recommend the good oldfashioned tip: hit as many golf balls as a person can hit until it becomes part of muscle memory. though this may sound effective (practice does make things perfect), there is an easier and much more efficient way to improve one’s golf skills. this is through golf aids. the golf training aids are set of equipment that would help improve the person’s techniques by giving feedbacks and play statistics, by correcting a person’s stance or drive, by improving strength, etc. to learn more, here is a few of the most recommended golf training aids. 1. oRange Whip & oRange peel many instructors, professionals and beginners have claimed these as their favorite golf training aids. the orange whip is one of the most recommended golf training aids for your swing. it can be used indoors since it needs just a minimal amount of space. it is one of
the best golf training aids as it lets you practice and improve your swing without actually hitting golf balls. it also works on the flexibility, strength, coordination and tempo of your drives. the orange Peel is the partner of the whip. it is intended to improve the swings by switching static and dynamic balance stance. 2. putteR Wheel this golf training aid is a cut-away ball that looks like a car tire. it helps you improve your strike using a putter, as this ball would not roll straight unless it is hit with a perfect strike. it is calculated to train the eyes to properly line up the ball to the hole. it is the most recommended for golf players who have trouble in controlling their swings in the green. 3. medicus the medicus (or the medicus dualhinge driver) is said to be one of the most creative training aids for swings. it looks like an ordinary golf club, but the difference with this particular training aid is that it has a sticky hinge at the end of the shaft. when a person uses it and swings incorrectly, the hinge would break. the goal is to practice swinging, all the while keeping the hinge from breaking. it is best for swing tempo practices.
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is a goLf caRt necessaRY?
olf carts were designed to transport golfers and their clubs from one hole to another. these days, nearly all golf trolleys are still used for this reason, however lots of people make use of these vehicles for other purposes. People utilize them for gardening, short-range transportation, security, event venues, and farming etc. mainly there are two types of carts: electric and gas-powered. Powered by a rechargeable battery, electric models are very popular on golf courses. the average electric golf cart offers three to five horsepower. depending on frequency of use and battery size, electric carts need to be recharged every couple of days. for transportation or other non-golf related activities, gas-powered carts are more commonly used. operated using regular unleaded gasoline, an average gas powered cart has a horsepower of ten to twelve. when compared to electric counterparts, gas-powered carts are very noisy and release harmful emissions into the environment. they require expensive gasoline to refuel. But electric carts are almost silent when running. they do not require fuel. electric golf trolleys with updated batteries can go up to two rounds of golf on one charge. when selecting a golf cart one of the key decisions is deciding between electric or gas powered carts. Both have
advantages and disadvantages. Based on several factors, such as makes, models, and features, prices for both carts will be different. normally, electric models are less expensive to purchase and their operating cost is lower than gas. Before purchasing a golf trolley, buyers should think the number of passengers they want the cart to carry frequently. this can range anywhere from one to six people. shoppers can opt for features to increase comfort, such as heating and air conditioning, leather seats, radios, built-in refrigerators, drink holders, or even gPs. some carts have full canopies with windshields and even doors. But some of them have no canopy to protect from debris or rain. the more features, the higher the cost. thus buyers should think which features are most essential to make a smart investment. Golf carts are flexible vehicles that can function well beyond the golf course. cart owners who utilize the cart for golfing will be happy with the convenience of electric-powered golf carts. cart owners who are using the cart for other purposes may take advantage of the power of a gas-powered cart. Buyers can shop online to browse a huge collection of golf carts of varying features and models. depending on a buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs and budget, carts can be purchased new or used. used carts are reasonably priced, while new carts offer reliability, quality, and good warranties. the majority new golf cart prices start at around $5,000. some used golf carts start as low as $2,000.
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driVing off the deck
hree tips to help your drive: shoulders on Line, feet shut, shoulders square to the target. People don’t really speak about this shot very much, but if it comes up at all you’ve probably been told, “if you’re going to hit the driver off the deck you’ve got to hit a big swing. it’s the only way to get the ball up.” contrary to popular belief, that isn’t entirely correct. if you have enough club head quickness there’s no need to just hit a big cut. of course, if you want to hit a big cut you still have that option. you can still strike it well, and high, and far, but you will lose control of the ball and lose length as a result. for this shot, you’re trying to hit the ball dead straight. maybe a slight cut if you want to, but you can actually work the ball both ways when striking the driver off the deck. take your regular driver arrangement, with your feet a little bit shut. Line up your shoulders and club face square to the target line. keeping your feet slightly shut helps shallow out your path on the way back and through. that’s important, because if you have a very steep path you’re just going to heave that club head right down in the earth.
you need to sweep the ball, but you still have to hit down on it with the driver when you’re hitting it off the deck. there are a couple little tricks to make this shot functional. first, keep the club face dead square to your feet line. rather than focusing on getting it square to the shoulder plane or the target line, you want the club head a little bit inside. why would you want that? squaring the club face to the feet line helps you come through the ball shallower. if you take the club back very steep, you’re going to have to redirect it on the way back down. as you go back, you’re actually getting more revolution in your left forearm from off the ball, to get the club coming back behind your hands. you want that spin in your hands because it helps shallow out the path on the way back. as you keep going to the top you’re still rotating the left forearm, getting the arm plane a little shallower than usual. as you get closer to the top, even though you’ve rotated your left forearm pretty aggressively taking the club back, the club face is still square to your forearm.
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choosing the peRfect golf bag
can be difficult to choose the ithetperfect golf bag, considering variety of choices available
to you. it is crucial that you keep your golf equipment protected, taking into account the money that you’ve spent when purchasing your equipment. when you are choosing among the many different kinds of golf bag, you need to take into consideration the price, the size, the number of dividers inside the bag, the strap, the weight, the color and the material. there are quite a few details to take into account, so looking for the ideal bag can be quite difficult. however, you must also take into consideration your personal preference. there are bags made to fit in a golf cart and there are bags made specifically for walking purposes. if you often put your bag on the ground, then the standing golf bags are best for you. they come with one or two straps – you should pick the one that provides the most comfort when carrying the bag. you should not feel discomfort when carrying your bag. if you frequently put your bag on the ground, then the standing golf bags are a great choice for you. standing bags are also equipped with lightweight and sturdy legs. you can just lay it to the ground and it will instantly stand on its own. with its three legs, standing diagonally becomes feasible.
the best thing about standing bags is that they are still great carry bags. stand bags can be found with a few different features, such as a cooler, valuables pouch and an included putter. a maximum of 14 clubs can fit in a carry golf bag. its space for other golf accessories like balls and tees are quite limited, but it’s enough to get you through 18 holes. since golf clubs are normally heavy, those with back issues and other physical limitations must think hard before selecting a carry bag. People who prefer this kind of bag usually choose it due to the straps that make it comfortable to carry across the golf course. those who prefer using golf carts must choose a golf cart bag. this bag provides a bit more flexibility for golf accessory storage and organization. this is also best for individuals who don’t want to carry their bags throughout the game. Professionals often choose tour bags, which are often leather-made. these golf bags are expensive, but they are sturdy and will comfortably fit the necessary clubs and accessories. regardless of your preferences, make sure you are not sacrificing comfort. find out if the linings of the bag are well-secured so that your bag will not break open under pressure. all in all, the perfect golf bag is one that fits your individual needs.
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Be a golf me nt o R
hose of us who have been playing golf for any length of time understand that it is more than just a game. there’s no denying that golf instills certain physical attributes and that it’s good exercise but there’s more to it than that, and most golfers that i know would wholeheartedly agree. that extra component that golf offers its players is a set of life skills that serve us daily — whether we know it or not. this holds true for new golfers as well as they begin to learn the game and appreciate its overall value not just on the course but in life in general. But golf isn’t like basketball or soccer or baseball when it comes to our younger players. kids who want to play but don’t have the resources to buy the needed equipment or mentors to teach them the game are pretty much left out. the truth is golf can be horribly expensive, even at the junior level. so what can the average joe do about this? that depends on how much you want to do. if you live a metro area, chances are there are mentoring programs already in place. a call or visit to one might lead you into taking personal active action by becoming a mentor. if
you don’t have the time or feel as if you don’t have the skills to teach others, perhaps you can do other things to help the program. if you live a rural area or an area that simply doesn’t have a golf mentor program at all, well, consider creating your own mentoring program. you don’t have to be a pro to teach a youngster the fundementals of the game. schedule a chat with your course manager and discuss the idea with him or her and see if you can’t work something out. if you’re not the mentoring type, consider donating to a program. many golfers (at least the ones i know) have old clubs and bags sitting in their garages that they will never use again. why let them gather dust and spider webs? give them to a program of your choice and let someone else enjoy them. even if you only have a few old clubs (meaning less than a full set, or even an old putter or driver)... donate it to them. frankly, i think it’s something of a shame that kids who can’t afford clubs or have no one to teach them this game are left out. it doesn’t have to be that way, and you could be the one to change that in your community.
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soLVing your dRiveR shots
any golfers have a problem with their drives. on this page readers will learn how to properly drive the golf ball. every golfer knows that the first tee box is a scary sight, with many viewers ready to judge your entire golf game off the first shot you take. however, just like any other sport, the start of a match can set the tempo for your entire game. this is why learning how to hit a successful driver shot can benefit you tremendously. a successful driver shot in golf can you set you up in better position for the rest of your shots on the current hole you are playing. an unsuccessful driver shot can lead to disaster in your golf game, causing you to have to take extra strokes, or causing you to play your ball on an unfavorable lie. these steps will hopefully allow the viewers to gain a hold on their driver shots, which will improve their entire game as a whole.
The first step to hit a successful driver shot is to ensure that you have the proper equipment tailored to your game. the modern day driver has various customized features that one can apply to their weapon of choice. you first must get your driver sized properly according to your height and arm length. this will make sure that you are not swinging a club that is too large or too small. another feature that is customizable on a driver is the degree of the driver head. many divers allow you to change the angle of the head to provide either more of a draw to their shot, or more of a slice in some situations. the shaft of the driver also allows for some change, providing either a flex or stiff shaft type. a stiff shaft
does not bend during your shot, and is more consistent in many cases. a flex club provides a bit more torque while swinging the club, although is harder to control. no matter how you choose to create your driver, you want to make sure it matches your style of play. the second step to producing a successful drive is your setup to the ball. you must first use a tall tee to raise the ball. you usually want the ball height to be about ½ of an inch above your club when placed in front of it. once you have finished placing the ball in the corresponding fashion, you must approach the ball and focus on your driver stance. unlike many irons, the driver is almost always played on your front foot. in order to match the weight of the club, place your front foot even with the ball. next, make sure you have a slight bend in your knees, allowing you to swing with more degree of motion on your swing. once you have set up to the ball correctly, you can now focus on the actual swing itself. many beginner golfers feel that in order to crush the golf ball, you must swing as hard as you can. this is hardly the reality of the matter. remaining calm and collected on your downswing allows your body to remain loose, instead of tensing up and losing control of the club. remaining loose allows your muscles in your body to act as rubber bands and produces a whip like motion, creating the overall power in your shot. although it might seem awkward not to swing as hard as you can, it will prevent you from losing your eye on the ball and much of the time, force your body to raise up and top the ball.
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goLf scoRe caRds LENGTH PAR
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6
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HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6
for the simplest way to keep score, just count the number of strokes you’ve taken on the hole just completed, and write that number down in the box corresponding to that hole on the scorecard. at the end of each nine holes, tally up the strokes for your front nine and back nine totals, respectively, then add up those two numbers for your 18-hole score. the back nine of north shore, ny ♦ adveRtising to moVe your Business forward ♦ 70
LocaL Business & seRvice diRectoRY adJu st e R s
joseph P. dorilio associates LLc............................................................................. 35
aR chit e ct u R al m e t a l s
elmont glass company inc .................................................................................... 61
aR chit e ct u R al W o o dW o R k
michael d. mundle custom trim ............................................................................ 63
aR chit e ct u R e
gec design group Ltd ............................................................................................ 09 howard Peter curtis, architect ............................................................................... 21
aR t d e a l eR
sondra mayer fine art ............................................................................................. 63
aR tifi cia l t u R f
the Putting green company of Long island ........................................................ 11
asso c ia t e b R o k e R
andrew wu - daniel gale sotheby’s international realty ............................ 03, 65
bocc e c ou Rt s
the Putting green company of Long island ........................................................ 11
c laim s in v e s t i g a t i o n s
joseph P. dorilio associates LLc............................................................................. 35
commeRcial Real estate investment specialist
Lisa ganz - carrington real estate services.................................................... 11, 63
c o n su l t i n g hY p no t i s t
Barbara swanick, m.s. ............................................................................................. 51
c o sm e t ic s u Rg e R Y
advanced Plastic surgery of north shore - dr. tanovic ................................ 49, 69 Burt greenberg, md ................................................................................................ 45
c o un t e Rt op R e p a i R s
stone surgeon .......................................................................................................... 55
kamler, lewis & noreman Certified Public accountants .................................... 53 the back nine of north shore, ny ♦ backninepublishing.com ♦ 71
LocaL Business & seRvice diRectoRY cust om gl a s s i n s t al l at i o n
elmont glass company inc .................................................................................... 61
cust om in t e R i o R s
Bullard & xenides interiors ....................................................................................... 07
cust om i Zed t o uR s
five star touring........................................................................................................ 55
cust om J e W e l R Y
Private collections jewelry, Ltd .............................................................................. 53
cust om poo l s & s p a
Paco Pools & spas ................................................................................................... 25
cust om t Ri m W o R k
michael d. mundle custom trim ............................................................................ 63
d J se R v i ce s
Precision sounds entertainment & Production ..................................................... 23
d ock b u il d i ng
mr. dock .................................................................................................................... 61
easte R n e u Ro p e a n to uR s
five star touring........................................................................................................ 55
elec t Ri ca l c o nt R ac t i n g
hi-tech wiring inc ..................................................................................................... 15
even t pl a n ni ng & d e s i g n
debbie hart celebrations ....................................................................................... 27
f inan cia l advi s o R
harry armon - ameriprise financial ........................................................................ 59
f inan cia l s e Rvi c e s
marisa schaefer - state farm ................................................................................. 31
f ine a Rt
sondra mayer fine art ............................................................................................. 63
f itnes s t Ra i ni ng
farmingdale Physical therapy west ...................................................................... 43 the back nine of north shore, ny â&#x2122;Ś adveRtising to moVe your Business forward â&#x2122;Ś 72
LocaL Business & seRvice diRectoRY fR am e s h op
art on the move inc................................................................................................. 23
f ul l - s e Rv i ce i nt e R i o R de s i g n
Beth joy goldstein interior design Ltd ................................................................... 13
gaR d en d e s i g n
sweet earth Landscape design ............................................................................. 31
gene R a l co nt R ac t i n g
diamond housecraft, inc ........................................................................................ 57
gene R a t oR s
systematic control .............................................................. front outside cover, 47
gl as s
art on the move inc................................................................................................. 23
gl as s t a bl e t o p s
art on the move inc................................................................................................. 23
gRou p t Ra ini ng
rock your Body ........................................................................................................ 15
gutteR s & l e a de R s
Robert larsen village Roofing ................................................................................ 61
rock your Body ........................................................................................................ 15
hand Y m a n s e Rvi c e s
mcwilliams handyman solutions ............................................................................ 61
heal t h & W e l l ne s s
farmingdale Physical therapy west ...................................................................... 43
h v ac s e Rv ic e s
systematic control .............................................................. front outside cover, 47
h Ypn ot h eR ap i s t
Barbara swanick, m.s. ............................................................................................. 51 harriet dalin Lcsw ................................................................................................... 21
insuR a n c e a g e n t
eric abbondandolo - nationwide .......................................................................... 29 marisa schaefer - state farm ................................................................................. 31 the back nine of north shore, ny â&#x2122;Ś backninepublishing.com â&#x2122;Ś 73
LocaL Business & seRvice diRectoRY inteR ioR d e s i g n
atelier 616 interiors ................................................................................................... 59 Beth joy goldstein interior design Ltd ................................................................... 13 iii View design & construction, inc ........................................................................ 38
JeW e l RY
Private collections jewelry, Ltd .............................................................................. 53
kitch en & bat hR o o m
iii View design & construction, inc ........................................................................ 38 diamond housecraft, inc ........................................................................................ 57
l and s ca pe d e s i g n
sweet earth Landscape design ............................................................................. 31
l ig h t in g & lo u ng e d é c o R
richie hart events ..........................................................................Back inside cover
l ig h t in g
hi-tech wiring inc ..................................................................................................... 15
l ux u RY Rea l e s t a t e
andrea Levine - keller williams gold coast realty .............front inside cover, 67 andrew wu - daniel gale sotheby’s international realty ............................ 03, 65 joseph fackler - century 21 ................................................................................... 37 Lisa ganz - carrington real estate services.................................................... 11, 63 the colombos dooley team - douglas elliman real estate... Back outside cover, 33
maR in e c on s t R uc t i o n
mr. dock .................................................................................................................... 61
miR Ro R s
art on the move inc................................................................................................. 23 elmont glass company inc .................................................................................... 61
music & en t e R t a i n m e n t
richie hart events ..........................................................................Back inside cover
neW h om e d e s i g n
howard Peter curtis, architect ............................................................................... 21
paint con sul t a t i o n
atelier 616 interiors ................................................................................................... 59 advantage Painting & Powerwashing .................................................................. 29 the back nine of north shore, ny ♦ adveRtising to moVe your Business forward ♦ 74
LocaL Business & seRvice diRectoRY peRso n a l t R ai ne R
rock your Body ........................................................................................................ 15
pho t ogRa phY
Vision Photography Video ...................................................................................... 19
phYs i ca l th e R ap i s t
farmingdale Physical therapy west ...................................................................... 43
plas t ic s u Rg e o n
advanced Plastic surgery of north shore - dr. tanovic ................................ 49, 69 Burt greenberg, md ................................................................................................ 45
poWe RW a s h i ng
advantage Painting & Powerwashing .................................................................. 29
pR ivat e i n v e s t i g a t o R
inter-Probe corp ...................................................................................................... 05 joseph P. dorilio associates LLc............................................................................. 35
pR ope R t Y ma n a g e m e nt
andrew wu - daniel gale sotheby’s international realty ............................ 03, 65
putti n g gRe e n s
the Putting green company of Long island ........................................................ 11
Real e s t a t e a g e nt s
andrea Levine - keller williams gold coast realty .............front inside cover, 67 andrew wu - daniel gale sotheby’s international realty ............................ 03, 65 joseph fackler - century 21 ................................................................................... 37 Lisa ganz - carrington real estate services.................................................... 11, 63 the colombos dooley team - douglas elliman real estate... Back outside cover, 33
Remo d e l in g s e Rvi c e s
gec design group Ltd ............................................................................................ 09
Renov a t i on s
Bullard & xenides interiors ....................................................................................... 07 howard Peter curtis, architect ............................................................................... 21
Residen t i a l R e al es t at e s a le s
Lisa ganz - carrington real estate services.................................................... 11, 63
Roof i n g co nt R ac t o R
Robert larsen village Roofing ................................................................................ 61 the back nine of north shore, ny ♦ backninepublishing.com ♦ 75
LocaL Business & seRvice diRectoRY sho W e R en c l o s u Re s
art on the move inc................................................................................................. 23
sp a & gol f v ac at i o n pac kag e s
travel kerri ................................................................................................................. 57
sp ec i a l e v ent s
debbie hart celebrations ....................................................................................... 27 Precision sounds entertainment & Production ..................................................... 23 richie hart events ..........................................................................Back inside cover
sp oR t h Y pn o t i s t
Barbara swanick, m.s. ............................................................................................. 51
sto n e p ol is h
stone surgeon .......................................................................................................... 55
tRave l a gen t
millbrook travel ......................................................................................................... 41 travel kerri ................................................................................................................. 57
v aca t i on p a c k a g e s
millbrook travel ......................................................................................................... 41
v ideogRa ph Y
chris Lobello wedding films ................................................................................... 13 Vision Photography Video ...................................................................................... 19
Weal t h m a n a g e m e nt
harry armon - ameriprise financial ........................................................................ 59
Weddi n gs & s p e c i al e ve n t s
chris Lobello wedding films ................................................................................... 13
Weigh t l oss
farmingdale Physical therapy west ...................................................................... 43
West eR n e u Ro p e an to u R s
five star touring........................................................................................................ 55
Wh ol e h om e R e m o de l i n g
iii View design & construction, inc ........................................................................ 38
Wood W o Rk i n g
quigley woodworking ............................................................................................. 17 the back nine of north shore, ny â&#x2122;Ś adveRtising to moVe your Business forward â&#x2122;Ś 76
Lic. R.E. Salesperson O: 516.627.9260 | C: 917.453.9333 ncolombos@elliman.com
Lic. R.E. Salesperson O: 516.627.9208 | C: 516.315.7781 adooley@elliman.com
“Experience isn’t Expensive ... It’s Priceless” 110 WALT WHITMAN RD, STE 104, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401 © 2015 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY.