here is information available widely through the web, PGA courses and magazine articles that brings you up to date with the latest thinking in golf. They teach you the latest on how to swing each club correctly, how to putt, how to analyse your swing, how to get mentally ‘tough’, how to improve flexibility and how to be fitter and stronger for golf. Today there is a plethora of information being offered about golf. Some of it correct, all of it interesting, but how much of it is relevant to you? And how do you know which of these generic exercise tips is going to help you? Even if you trained using each one for 6 weeks and then took the results onto the course and tried them - how do you then know whether your performance is ‘that exercise’ or that you just had a good day? Even video/digital analysis, although interesting from all points of view measure the movement discrepancies in a golfer’s swing, it doesn’t tell us why you are performing these movement aberrations. Knowing what you’re doing wrong, but not knowing why you’re doing it is sometimes worse than not knowing what you’re doing wrong! Golfers and Coaches need a simple system of analysis that they can use in conjunction with their coaching techniques to find out why golfers perform their particular swing. Although there are fundamental similarities to all good swings, each swing is like a finger-print and unique to that individual. Why is it unique? It’s because we are all biomechanically different and unless you understand what those differences are, how can you identify whether your swing is due to poor technique or something that has to be done to compensate for a mechanical problem? You can’t. The variety of golf swings that exists represents the many ways that the human body can compensate for its biomechanical problems. For example, let’s take a typical handicapper’s slice. You know the typical causes of a slice and the things you would normally work on, bearing in mind the individual and what you see. At the same time we THE BACK NINE OF PUTNAM COUNTY ♦ ADVERTISING TO MOVE YOUR BUSINESS FORWARD ♦ 20