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Thursday, April 12, 2012


Bus service to undergo change Transportation Services proposes cuts to routes, mopeds to be assigned specific lot Jackie Allen Campus Life Editor

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Democrats Kathleen Falk, former Dane County executive; Tom Barrett, Milwaukee mayor; Doug La Follette, Wis. Secretary of State; and Sen. Kathleen Vinehout voiced sharp criticism of Walker in the forum.

Dem contenders face off Four candidates in primary field vie for support in hopes of opposing Walker in recall race Mike Kujak State Legislature Editor With the May 8 primary for the gubernatorial recall election approaching, four Democrats running in the contest against Gov. Scott Walker clashed over the best way to restore collective bargaining rights for public employee unions Wednesday night. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett; former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk; Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma; and Secretary of State Doug La Follette participated in the debate

hosted by the Democratic Party of Dane County. In what Vinehout called “the stickiest question of the night,” candidates were asked how they would restore collective bargaining if Democrats did not have complete control of the Legislature after the recalls in June. Falk said no Assembly Republicans are facing recall elections and will still be in the Legislature, even if the Democrats can take back the governor’s office. She said the Legislature would not be able to pass a bill under a Republican-controlled

Assembly and more than a special session would be needed. She promised to veto any budget that did not reinstate collective bargaining. “We know a Republican Assembly won’t give a [collective bargaining] bill a hearing, let alone a vote,” Falk said. “The only way the bill will pass the Legislature is in the budget bill. Unless you put [the bill] upfront you won’t be able to get it done. We have to elect a governor willing to do that.” Falk, who has already received endorsements from several of the state’s

largest unions, picked up an endorsement Wednesday from the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, which includes 1,000 affiliated unions representing 250,000 Wisconsin members. While Barrett agreed over the importance of restoring collective bargaining, he said he would call a special session to restore collective bargaining but would not agree to veto any budget without it. “Thinking about how the budget works is very important because it’s

DEMS, page 4

The University of Wisconsin’s Transportation Services is proposing a series of changes that could increase permit costs and reduce services to campus bus services and parking permits in an effort to resolve a $1 million deficit facing the department. University of Wisconsin Transportation Administrator Gordon Graham said the changes include increasing campus permit prices for both mopeds and cars, as well as cutting back on campus bus services. Graham said Transportation Services is also proposing an increase in costs of permits for car and moped drivers to park on campus. Campus permits for base lots will increase by $45, monthly permits by $5 and evening campus surface lots by $125. Graham added while many nighttime parking permits have not been available to students, they intend to open more options for these permits, which would allow students to park on campus between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Officials also plan to sell permits that assign moped drivers to specific lots instead of granting drivers universal access to all campus parking lots. “What we are noticing is that students were using their mopeds to go from class to class, and that really wasn’t the intention,” Graham said. “The intent was for students to use their mopeds to get to campus … so when you buy a moped permit, it will be for a particular lot.” He added there will be about five lots available on campus at more popular locations such as UW Hospital, Camp Randall and the Kohl Center. Graham added UW will continue to subsidize free campus bus services, but are working with campus administrators and student government members to identify potential areas to reduce costs, such as reducing hours of service or cutting out portions of the routes that might see less use. He said Transportation Services is also reviewing a possible increase in student payments toward the bus program, with a 10 percent


State weighs advisory boards for UW schools Members say as funding changes, governing bodies also must evolve Sean Kirkby State Politics Editor Following presentations on recommendations for increased flexibilities from University of Wisconsin System officials, members of the Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities sparred over the creation of institutional governing boards to oversee UW institutions. JoAnne Brandes, a member of the Carroll University Board of Directors, said she supported the creation of institutional governing boards. She said it once made sense to have a strong central system for the universities when most of the funding came from the state. However, she said now less than 20 percent of funding for universities comes from the state.

“Yet, our structure has not changed at all to reflect any of the new realities, and consequently my big concern is [that] the quality of the campuses is eroding because we can’t pay for it,” Brandes said. “In my mind, we need to push much more authority down to the campuses who are in the best position to be responsible and accountable for what happens on the campus.” Fred Mohs, a former UW regent, said increased flexibility could come at a cost. He said the creation of local governing boards could lead to a “survival of the fittest” mentality as campuses compete for a limited amount of state funding. “If it’s just eat what you kill that doesn’t sound like something sustainable … for instance if the campus has an influential legislator or a couple [of legislators] in their district that have to answer to constituents and all of a sudden we have winners and losers and nobody’s driving the ship,” Mohs said. “I would

want to think long and hard because we might be talking about closing campuses as part of this concept.” However, UW-System Senior Vice President Emeritus David Olien said the state will not close a campus. He also said he supports the creation of local governing boards. He said institutions should have governing boards that will appoint the chancellor, approve their mission, approve programs, and determine faculty and staff compensation and tuition. He said the system board could be modernized into a coordinating board that would not be “command and control,” but would make recommendations to the governor and the Legislature. “I think it’s absolutely vital if we’re moving into a [new] era, and I think we all realize we are, where the institutions are state-assisted rather than state-funded, and that it’s going to be critical that we and the governor and the Legislature pay attention


Jen Small The Badger Herald

ASM Chair Allie Gardner reads aloud a letter from SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart expressing her committee’s intent to file a lawsuit against the Board of Regents.

ASM approves use of UC funds to mount lawsuit against Regents Danielle Miller Herald Contributor University of Wisconsin student government leaders voted to support a move by a student fee allocation committee to tap into a United Council of UW Students legal defense fund and hire a lawyer to aid in filing a lawsuit against the Board of Regents. Last month, the Student Services Finance Committee appealed to overturn

3 arrests made after incident on Lake Street Cogan Schneier Herald Contributor Madison police made three arrests in response to allegations of theft that resulted in a violent struggle on Lake Street earlier this week. Arielle Green, 25, Darin Graham, 27, and

Briana McKnight, 21, were arrested in a highrisk traffic stop after the suspects allegedly assaulted three victims in the downtown area. According to a Madison Police Department report, a 23-year-old man left his phone at a downtown bar and was unable to find it upon his return. In an

attempt of trickery to retrieve the phone, his friend reportedly texted that she owed money to the phone’s owner, and the person in possession of the phone agreed to meet up at the intersection of North Lake Street and State Street to settle up. MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain noted the ruse

was a unique strategy to find the stolen phone. “We have cell phones, purses and other items taken from people in bars, so that’s not unusual,” DeSpain said. “For a friend of a victim to pull off a ruse in order to try to get the phone back is a little

ARRESTS, page 4


Chancellor David Ward’s decision regarding the budgets of Wisconsin Union and Recreational Sports. The appeal was unsuccessful, as UW System President Kevin Reilly deemed the appeals inappropriate under UW System Financial Policy 50 concerning student final control over the segregated fee allocation process. SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart characterized F50 as an illegal interpretation of state statute, dividing segregated fees into

allocable and non-allocable funds. She said students are granted primary authority over where segregated fees are spent, and F50 violates that right. “[Reilly] is basically saying he doesn’t have to take our recommendation seriously, because under F50 the student government has no say in non-allocable funds,” Neibart said. In a letter to United Council

LAWSUIT, page 4

INSIDE Legal questions cloud recalls

Badgers on Ice

Democrats and advocacy groups are questioning whether fake candidates on the ballot consist of fraud.

Head coach Mike Eaves thinks the men’s hockey team can reach 20-22 wins in 2012-13.

NEWS | 2



The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, April 12, 2012

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mostly sunny

scattered thunderstorms

scattered thunderstorms


few showers

Fake Dems fall under scrutiny Leopoldo Rocha Reporter Progressive groups have raised legal complaints to state agencies against a Republican tactic to run fake Democratic candidates in the primaries for Wisconsin’s multiple recall elections. Last summer, the Republican Party of Wisconsin ran “fake” Democratic candidates in the primaries for state Senate recall elections. On Tuesday, RPW spokesperson Ben Sparks said in a statement the party had filed nomination papers with the Government Accountability Board so a “protest candidate” could be running in each of the upcoming six recall elections. Jeremy Levinson, an attorney representing the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, released a memo which states that since the current candidates are not actually Democrats, their candidacies are not valid. “A candidate running in a Democratic primary for the purpose of disadvantaging that party and giving electoral advantage to the Republican Party and the Republican incumbent the Democrats seek to recall can do so only by falsifying his or her declaration of candidacy,” Levinson said in the memo. A candidate must file the declaration of candidacy form in order to appear on the ballot, Levinson’s memo said. The form includes a section where the candidate must recognize that they will be representing the political party in the primary in which they are running. Levinson’s memo said since this recognition is fraudulent, the candidates who are running to disadvantage one party in a primary are guilty of election law violations, as well as anybody who “knowingly participate[s]” in making these candidacies possible. The memo also said these candidates bring constitutional implications aside from the previously mentioned criminal violations of the law.

Levinson said in the memo political parties have a right to determine their candidates, and legal authorities aim to protect against “partisan operatives’ false claims to represent a political party in an attempt to undermine that party and improperly advantage the other.” GAB spokesperson Reid Magney said he expects Levinson to file a complaint regarding the issue by the Friday deadline, and that if filed, the board will review the complaint Tuesday morning. The candidates who are implicated in the complaint would then have until Monday to respond to the GAB about the concerns. Sparks said the rationale behind running what he called “protest candidates” in the Democratic primaries was to make sure there is one primary date and one general election date for all of the candidates. Sparks added the party helped only in circulating nomination papers for the candidates but will do nothing further to help their campaigns. The progressive group One Wisconsin Now filed a complaint with the GAB and the district attorneys in the counties that last year’s fake Democrats were from, according to spokesperson Mike Browne. Browne said his group is so far only focusing on last year’s elections, although they will continue to collect information about current potential violations. Department of Justice spokesperson Dana Brueck said nothing so far suggests running the fake Democrats could be considered criminal, but DOJ will review the complaints it receives on this issue the same way it reviews others. “The suggestion that a candidate must meet some type of political or ideological litmus test to run for public offices raises significant concerns,” Brueck said. “If voters conclude that a candidate is running for reasons they don’t support, they can express their view at the polls.”

Courtesy of the City of Madison

City officials said in a Wednesday meeting that the neighborhood provides for unique development opportunities due to its connection to campus.

Commission divided on revamping Mifflin area Camille Albert Herald Contributor Plans for expanding the Mifflin neighborhood from a strictly studentresidential area to one including commercial office buildings sparked controversy among the Plan Commission at a Wednesday night meeting. Commission members disagreed about whether the economic benefits are worth changing the neighborhood’s character. Bill Fruhling, principal planner for the City’s Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development, said at the Wednesday meeting the opportunities for expanding the Mifflin area have been debated over the past four years. He added an idea was proposed a couple years ago for the addition of a mid-block urban lane that could provide access to bigger buildings on Mifflin Street, which is contained in the current Downtown Plan. Plan Commission member Brad Cantrell said Mifflin is a special area, and since it links the university to downtown it could include many things other than residential space. Cantrell added limiting Mifflin to a residential area prevents the potential benefits that research,

office space and retail could have on the area. “There’s no other spot in Madison that’s connected to the university quite like this one, so I think there’s some unique opportunities and we don’t know what they are at this point in time,” Cantrell said. “I think we should get those options open and flexible.” Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6, expressed concern for the urban lane area because it could prove to be an inefficient development. Rummel said her main concern for moving away from a residential focus in Mifflin is the loss of historic housing. She added preservation of the neighborhood’s history and abundant green space should take higher priority than commercial construction. “We need to push green space for density and I don’t know if we’re doing that,” Rummel said. “How do we make sure we have the density plus green space for infiltration and environmental purposes?” In contrast, Eric Sundquist, senior associate for the Center on Wisconsin Strategy, said the urban lane was very popular when it was first introduced because it proposed a unique and interesting aspect to

add to the Mifflin Street community. Michael Waidelich, principal planner for the city’s Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development, said he is not sure that expanding Mifflin to include nonresidential buildings would be beneficial to the city. In addition to the reshaping of the Mifflin neighborhood, the committee weighed the design and layout of State Street as included in the Downtown Plan. According to Rummel, State Street has room for improvement. She added there should be more of a focus on retail instead of increased restaurant space. Cantrell said 80 percent of the businesses on the street are local and are very well represented. “Do we want to keep things local and probably get less total gross product, or do we want to open it up so that we get more Gaps and chains?” Sundquist said. The Plan Commission will continue to discuss specific details of the Downtown Plan and is slated to take a final vote on the plan in June. City Council is scheduled to take up the matter once the Plan Commission has made its final recommendations.

New candidates could still be added to recall ballots After 4 citizens fell short on signatures needed to verify run, 2 individuals got extension to sort out clerical errors Sean Kirkby State Politics Editor Following the filing of nomination papers for recall elections on the Tuesday deadline, three candidates for governor and lieutenant governor did not get on the ballot while two had paperwork problems and will still appear on the ballot, assuming they are not contested. Michael Mangan, a Milwaukee energy engineer,

did not collect enough signatures to challenge Gov. Scott Walker in a Republican primary, according to the Government Accountability Board website. Bruce Berman, a Marinette contract truck driver, and Portage resident Dale Paul also did not obtain enough signatures to get on the ballot. However, after correcting his paperwork for information left off while photocopying the forms, Arthur Kohl-Riggs, a

Madison citizen, had 2,182 signatures on his nomination papers to run in a Republican primary, according to the website. “I plan to utilize my campaign to highlight that even by traditional standards, Scott Walker’s policies are extreme and radical and do not represent the values of [President Abe] Lincoln,” Kohl-Riggs said. Reid Magney, GAB spokesperson, said KohlRiggs filed paper work

ADVISORY BOARDS, from 1 to the donors and to the alumni who have a vested interest in supporting the institutions,” Olien said. Before the discussion on institutional boards, members of the task force received presentations from UW System officials and Department of

to correct the copy error to have more than 2,000 signatures threshold needed to get on the ballot. Magney also said Milwaukee private investigator Ira Robins, who declared his candidacy for lieutenant governor, had a similar problem with signature dates and also has the opportunity to file paperwork to correct the mistake. Magney added any qualified elector can file

Administration officials on reforms that need to be made to capital budget and planning and procurement. During discussion, UWMadison Vice Chancellor for Administration Darrell Bazzell said it felt a little like a scenario from the 1993 film “Groundhog Day,” since he has been involved with discussions

challenges against the signatures as long as they do so by Friday at 4:30 p.m. The board will make the ultimate decision on the challenges next week. Robins said the paperwork he plans to file is now due Friday. He said the dates were off by the people who were circulating the nomination papers and the people who circulated the petitions are turning in sworn affidavits to say they circulated the papers on the right days.

on procurement and capital planning topics with the state for nine years. “Part of the reason it feels like ‘Groundhog Day’ is, I feel like we’ve been put on a treadmill, like with a hamster. On a treadmill with no exit or an on-ramp, if you will, in sight,” Bazzell said.

The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, April 12, 2012


Forum lends student voice to city budgeting process Students expressed need for building inspections in talks with city officials Emily Shulkin Herald Contributor Madison officials and University of Wisconsin students came together Wednesday to give students a venue to voice their opinions of where the city should spend its money. UW students and staff were invited to voice their feedback on how tax money should be allocated for the next budget cycle in a forum

DEMS, from 1 different than other states,” Barrett said. “The budget does not have to pass. If there is no budget to pass, we will have to pass the Scott Walker budget. It happened a few years ago. We can’t play into their hands.” Barrett also announced the endorsement of U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wisconsin, earlier Wednesday, according to a statement from Barrett’s campaign. Vinehout also did not

BUS SERVICE, from 1 increase in payments for the system over three years. This change would increase students’ share of payment toward campus bus routes from its current rate at 50 percent to 80 percent in this time period. “Most of the changes we think we can make with minimal impact to campus services,” Graham said. Laura Checovich, an Associated Students of Madison Student Transportation

hosted by Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4; Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8; and Ald. Sue Ellingson, District 13. According to Ellingson, the forum provided an opportunity for community input by students on city issues. “In many cities, the City Council goes behind closed doors and comes out and says, ‘here’s the budget,’” Ellingson said. “Through a community effort, residents can learn exactly where their tax dollars are going.” The meeting included an exercise in which students were asked how they would divide and spend $100,000 in the city budget. Students chose to allocate the money

to city projects such as street parking, improvements to public transit and remodeling accident-prone areas on Gorham Street and Johnson Street. While students had a number of ideas regarding city improvement, Madison Organizational Development and Training Officer Karl van Lith noted that $100,000 would not be enough to cover all of the hypothetical expenses listed. According to Organizational Improvement Specialist Guy VanRensselaer, a significant percent of city tax revenue comes from income taxes, money that directly affects UW students. “This should be important

commit to either a special session or a veto to any budget that does not restore collective bargaining. However, Vinehout said she had talked to legislators in the western part of the state who govern swing districts and said there may be votes to restore collective bargaining after the recall elections that were not present last session. La Follette said full control of the Legislature would be needed to reinstate collective bargaining rights, and his main focus would be to help elect progressive

Republicans and Democrats who would restore collective bargaining after the November elections. Mahlon Mitchell, a candidate for lieutenant governor in the recall election, also spoke to the crowd before the debate and said he was running so the state would know what the lieutenant governor does. “I think the lieutenant governor job can be so much more than ribbon cutting and waving at a rally or at a protest,” Mitchell said. “I know we can do more than that.”

Board member, said Transportation Services presented approximately 15 different options for potential cuts to be chosen and deliberated by students. Checovich said the options presented ranged from cutting hundreds of hours of bus services to cutting availability for latenight and early-morning bus routes. She said she was pleasantly surprised that many of the proposals would limit changes to campus transportation, while the

more dramatic changes would save UW money and work hours. The student board will consider each of the options and respond to the proposed changes by next Tuesday. Following this discussion within UW, there will be public hearings with university and Metro officials in early May, Checovich added. “Hopefully we will be able to work together to make sure the cuts that are chosen will impact students as little as possible,” she said.

to students, because with every rent check they write, they are paying city taxes,” Resnick said. “Landlords collect their checks to pay property taxes, which, in the downtown area, are the highest in Madison. Therefore students should have a large demand in city improvements that they want to see.” The meeting also served as a forum where students could voice concerns about city issues they have experienced. One student expressed safety concerns while walking home at night near campus while another noted the slow response of the Madison Fire Department to fire alarms. Overwhelmingly, students

agreed a number of the apartment buildings near campus appear worn-down and unsafe, notably on streets such as Mifflin Street, Bassett Street and College Court. Students also said buildings should be more thoroughly inspected and landlords should be urged to follow city building codes more strictly. Overall, city officials were receptive to the students’ ideas and emphasized the importance of engaging in a budgeting process that impacts the everyday lives of students. According to VanRensselaer, a significant percent of the population of Madison, including students, was ignored last time a city

budget was decided on. “Students, staff, 60,000 people are located in an island sitting within the greater city,” VanRensselaer said. “We had no idea if we heard any of that voice last time. This is our opportunity to hear that voice. Our expectation was to start here and see if there is an interest. How many people can you really get to come to a budget discussion?” While attendance at the event was low, he said the event still provided officials with a flavor of the issues and needs of students. The forum was the first of several meetings that will take place across the city in the coming weeks to engage with citizens on the budget.


The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, April 12, 2012

LAWSUIT, from 1 reviewed by Associated Students of Madison members last night, Neibart said committee members are appealing to the council because state law deems student government to be part of a state agency and therefore unable to hire an attorney. Neibart’s letter also claims the Board of Regents has “illegally restricted shared governance rights,” not only at the UW level, but at other colleges across the state. The letter adds that in pursuing action against the Board of Regents, United Council would be defending the rights of students on all UW campuses. The council also passed a feedback system for administration legislation, which would allow members to evaluate administrators based on their performance in interacting with students

ARRESTS, from 1 unusual.” Upon arrival, the victim and his two friends tried to detain the suspect who had the stolen phone, but two associates waiting in a nearby car came to her aid,

and ASM. “[The feedback system] is about exercising our power as students,” Rep. Olivia Wick-Bander said. Rep. Maria Giannopoulos was skeptical of the grading system and suggested that giving feedback to administrators who have not cooperated effectively with ASM may discourage any future cooperation. Originally the document called for representatives to give administrators letter grades, similar to those given to students. Rep. Tia Nowack proposed creating a different evaluation method that would not give a letter grade but would give very specific forms of feedback through a rating scale. “Seeing a letter grade, [administrators] are going to be like ‘what’s going on?’ It’s better if you give them constructive feedback that’s more representative of how they can move forward in the future,” Neibart said.

Press Office Director Ade Afolayan said a number or grading system would be beneficial from a media standpoint for people to look at quickly, as opposed to a list of comments and criticisms. “For [administrators] that really do need to work on things, we need to hold them accountable,” ASM Chair Allie Gardner said. “I think it’s about recognition; I think it’s about accountability; I especially think it’s about transparency. Students atlarge have a really hard time navigating the system and I think we do need a ranking system to help them.” Wick-Bander said the system is a necessity to build strength within ASM by giving future students and representatives a history to look back and see what campaigns gained support from administration and which officials cooperate most effectively.

according to the report. DeSpain said the three suspects attacked the victim and his friends, repeatedly punching and even biting one of them. The suspects then drove away. The victim noticed during this time that his

wallet was also gone. The three victims were able to provide police with a license plate number and description of the car, and the suspects were arrested in a traffic stop minutes after the attack, the report said.


Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Thursday, April 12, 2012

Herald Editorial The gloves are off Recently, this board supported the Student Service Finance Committee’s choice to demand greater budgetary transparency from groups such as Rec Sports and Wisconsin Union. However, University of Wisconsin System President Kevin Reilly recently overturned the appeal to interim Chancellor David Ward, who overturned the decision. It shows that the administration is more interested in rubber-stamping proceedings than hearing the student voice. Originally, SSFC rejected the groups’ budgets because of concerns they were not specific

enough about where student segregated fees were being spent. SSFC then intended to take it to the Board of Regents, but Reilly’s decision means the board will not even hear the complaint. Reilly said the issue was “not appropriate to be taken up by the Board (of Regents).” However, this is exactly within the board’s purview, and it seems as though Reilly and Ward do not want SSFC making a fuss and would prefer the budgetary approval is smooth sailing for the groups. Besides, whatever decision they would make now pales in comparison to the fact that

they will not even be allowed to consider it. To Reilly and Ward, it may be that SSFC is just a token committee with review in name only. This is detrimental to student power and should not be taken lightly. The decision by Reilly shows a lack of respect for students, who have the statutory right to oversee the dispensation of segregated fees. Students alike have voiced their opinions on budgetary review to system administrators and they were ignored. This issue is worthy of further pursuit, even if it requires entering the legal ring.

Alex Brousseau

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Ryan Rainey

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Lukas Keapproth The Badger Herald

UW-Madison’s recent animal testing re-accreditation has brought to light past problems, and the university seems to have improved its standards. But it needs to remain vigilant and attentive.

Animal research needs vigilance

Editorial Board opinions are crafted independently of news coverage.

Taylor Nye Editorial Page Editor


Walker as VP nominee: Wise or not? Romney is better off choosing Paul Ryan to bring Wisconsin home for GOP.

Charles Godfrey Columnist University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee political science professor Mordecai Lee has predicted that contrary to popular belief, Gov. Scott Walker, not Paul Ryan, will be likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s pick for a vice presidential candidate, as reported by the Wisconsin State Journal. Although it feels sacrilegious to argue with a man whose name seems to be lifted directly from the Old Testament, I have to disagree with Mordecai. Professor Lee said on the night of the Republican primary, “I do not think Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney’s selection for vice president … I think the more likely scenario is he will pick Scott Walker.” It’s been said that Walker has become a national symbol for the Republican Party, bridging the gap between social and fiscal conservatives. Lee added that if Walker loses the recall election this fall, he will become the “martyr hero of the Republicans,” but that does not necessarily make him the logical choice for a VP candidate. A year ago, no political prognosticator in a serious state of mind would have considered Walker as a possible candidate for vice president. Walker’s political résumé makes him a symbol of all things conservative, but one year in the national spotlight does not constitute the necessary experience to play the role of back-up president of the United States. The thought of Walker kicking back with his feet on the desk in the White House is deeply concerning — it makes me seriously consider the possibility of moving to Canada. In the words Mordecai Lee said to

TMJ4, “… Scott Walker is the perfect Sarah Palin without her liabilities.” But Sarah Palin is nothing but an amalgamation of liabilities. If Sarah Palin is pure liability, and Scott Walker is Sarah Palin without her liabilities, then Scott Walker is nothing and therefore cannot be a VP candidate. Luckily, it’s doubtful that Walker ever made it through a symbolic logic class, so he’s been spared the existential meltdown of realizing that he is pure nothingness. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, is a very reasonable choice for Mitt Romney’s VP candidate. Romney has taken considerable flak among his GOP cohorts for things like his muchneeded Massachusetts health care reform. Ryan, however, has presented the most coherent and lucid alternative to President Barack Obama’s economic policy, which includes tax breaks for the wealthy and privatization of Social Security and Medicare. Simply put, Romney needs a respected and experienced rising star in the Republican Party like Ryan in the upcoming election. Ryan will draw the middle-of-the-road fiscal conservative vote and add a sense of political legitimacy to a platform that would otherwise be resting on the good ole’ socially conservative values of Mitt Romney. It’s hard to tell who would be the looks and who would be the brains between Romney and Ryan since both look like they ought to be drinking a scotch on the set of Mad Men. The Economist referred to Ryan as a wonk, but they correctly consider him a “likeable, hardworking, detailoriented, Midwestern wonk” who presents a serious conservative challenge for Obama. If Romneys’ temples’ gray hair is any indication of the wisdom that comes with age and experience, he’ll pick Ryan as a running mate. Charles Godfrey (cwgodfrey@wisc.edu) is a sophomore majoring in math and physics.

Gov. is the kind of addition Romney needs to make it to the White House.

John Waters Staff Writer The Wisconsin State Journal reported that University of WisconsinMilwaukee political science professor Mordecai Lee said Tuesday that Gov. Scott Walker would be the perfect vice presidential candidate for Mitt Romney to run with, and I refuse to disagree with anyone named Mordecai. But seriously, Scott Walker is basically Rick Santorum without the college degree, and Romney desperately needs a Tea Party fan favorite. As Mordecai explained it to TMJ4, “Scott Walker is the perfect Sarah Palin without the liabilities,” what else do you need to know, Mitt? Walker

More importantly, Walker has demonstrated he just doesn’t give a damn about what anyone opposed to him thinks. is Sarah Palin in the sense that he has gained a national conservative cult status for his unionbusting, but he dominates her in the ability to form sentences. Walker is everything Romney is not. Where Romney actually improved his state’s healthcare system, Scott the “martyr hero of the Republicans” did his part to focus on the important parts of healthcare. Walker held up his conservative mantle by cutting Badger Care Plus funding, implementing abstinence-only teaching in high schools and making it harder for women to get an abortion. More importantly, Walker has demonstrated he just doesn’t give a damn about what anyone opposed to him thinks. Remember this is a guy who, at a time when he was working on refusing

lawful citizens’ access to the state’s Capitol, was happily taking calls from his biggest fans, the Koch brothers. That’s the kind of power player Romney needs on his team, and he needed it yesterday. Romney definitely could use the Koch-backed Americans For Prosperity, which the Wisconsin State Journal reports is pouring $700,000 into Wisconsin to defend Walker in the recall. The question here is why Walker is a better pick than Ryan. It’s simple really: Scott Walker is a badass. The man removed collective bargaining that had existed for fifty years and acted like it was no big thing. You need Walker desperately Mitt. Sure, you’ve done a great job of having third-party ads eviscerate your opponents, but if your going to rally the troops for the bring down Obama push, you need a man who can stand in front of the camera without any concern for truth or accuracy and tell your base exactly what they want to hear. Paul Ryan isn’t the guy for you Mitt. You don’t want a better-looking VP candidate then you; that’s why Obama won with Biden and McCain lost with Palin. Ryan is two Twitter pictures away from Weinergate. What you want is a Scott Walker. Face the facts, Mitt. People think you’re a rich, out of touch, Harvard-educated white guy. What you need is a high-school graduate who the average conservative loves, who has beaten Democrats handily for the past year and who knows how to get up in front of the media and tell them just how right he is. Don’t take my word for it though, Mitt. According to Wisconsin Reporter, Scott just told the Christian Broadcast Network, “God’s got a plan for us …. even beyond serving as governor of this state.” God’s looking at you on this one Mitt, and so am I. Choose Walker. John Waters ( jkwaters2@wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in journalism.

Something none of our opinion columnists wanted to write on this week was the recent reaccreditation of animal research programs for the University of Wisconsin Graduate School, School of Medicine, and Public Health and School of Veterinary Medicine. It’s a complicated issue, and animal research has important, deep-seated consequences for both animal activist groups and technological advances in areas of biological research. Personally, I am a huge proponent of animal rights. I’ve been an orthodox vegetarian since age three. However, as a student of science, I also understand that testing has to occur somehow. Most people are probably similarly torn, realizing that some testing of products on animals is necessary for human health and lifestyles, yet knowing that in many cases it goes too far. However, the events that took place at UW were not even within this gray area. In fact, it was much more black and white. For a university of our size and caliber to lose accreditation of all its animal testing departments, the abuse must have been widespread and egregious. Thankfully, regulatory agencies have stepped in, and we as students must also hold our university to much higher standards in the future. The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International has granted the campus accreditation provided it follows strenuous guidelines, as reported by UW News. According to the National Institutes of Health, these include detailed descriptions and

justifications for animal experimentation, humane methods and rationale for euthanasia, and veterinary care for animal monitoring and minimizing discomfort and stress. According to Eric Sandgren, director of the Animal Care and Use Program, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee must also approve every single project, and “If they do feel something is wrong, they’re not shy about it.” It’s good that UW is willing to go the distance to bring its animal research programs up to code, and that speaks well for the future success of the programs. In fact the AAALAC visited the campus in October for a preliminary overview, but, Sandgren said, “They had no additional recommendations because we had already addressed them.” However, the fact that our university lost accreditation in the first place is still troubling. This is especially concerning when coupled with a long history of animal rights concerns, including a 2003 AAALAC investigation that put the program on probation. For the future, the university ought to be damn sure it is proceeding with animal research in the most humane and structured way possible. It should also move to greatly increase transparency and address concerns from any regulating body immediately and adequately. UW needs to prove itself in the quality of its animal research, and students should keep a close eye on what is happening to hold them to a high degree of accountability. Gandhi said “The measure of a society can be how well its people treat its animals.” It is absolutely necessary for a world class university such as UW to continue to have the highest quality standards for animal research. Taylor Nye (tnye@ badgerherald.com) is a junior majoring in human evolutionary biology, archaeology and Latin American studies.


ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, April 12, 2012

Novel posits Sterling cover up

‘Death on Cache Lake’ result of lifelong friendship, 20-year writing collaboration Lin Weeks ArtsEtc. Editor “You would be too young to remember this,” Dan Woll says, “but there was a black and white TV show in the late ‘60s called ‘The Fugitive.’” Woll is describing a primary reference point for the style of Death on Cache Lake, the new book he co-authored with the late John W. Lyon. “If you ever go back and get to watch that series, it was about a drifter in the small towns of America trying to solve a mystery. And that was the feel [we were going for] — the sort of noir loner moving on an odyssey through small towns. Writing — like all kinds of art — is to some extent the sum of the artists’ collected influences. If a novel describes an improbable redemption, it’s said to owe a debt to the Bible. A love story — especially if it involves the phrase “starcrossed lovers” — that ends in tragedy must pay its dues to Shakespeare. Oasis ripped off The Beatles who ripped off Elvis who ripped off Bo Diddley. So when Woll drops a name, recites a quote or references a TV show, it’s

tempting to catalogue the occurrence and file it under his influences for the book. To do so would be fair, but it would only be half the story. Like any creative endeavor, the book is in parts culturally informed and in parts much more personal. In Woll and Lyon’s case, this is telling. Death on Cache Lake is framed in a brief epilogue by an omniscient narrator and then taken over by the first person voice of John Short, who in turn relays the long, tumultuous tale of Caleb Pratt. Like a Boundary Waters version of Heart of Darkness, (albeit with one less layer of anonymity), set in 1970, John leaves a troubled tenure as a schoolteacher for a difficult quest into the Canadian wilderness to find the unpredictable Caleb, who is wanted by the law. As it turns out, John’s old friend has become tangentially entangled in a web of conspiracy that involves Leo Burt, the fugitive suspect in the University of Wisconsin’s Sterling Hall bombing. As the novel progresses, it becomes clear that the bombing was orchestrated by forces far more powerful than Burt and the rest of the

New Years Gang But Sterling Hall is not what Woll would prefer to talk about. “The book isn’t — well it is about the bombing. But the book is about the friendship of these two men,” says Woll. “To the extent it’s informed by reality, the friendship between the two characters is similar to the friendship that John and I had.” Woll says the book was a 20 year-long collaborative effort between Lyon and him, his friend of 40 years. Constant tinkering, he said, makes the sections that he wrote nearly indistinguishable from those written by Lyon. Though Lyon died last year, the two co-authors — who started their careers together, just like their book’s main characters — shared a strong bond. “It was a deep and meaningful experience to finish the book with [Lyon] because I think he knew he was dying all last fall,” Woll says. “No one can know for sure, but I think he decided he was going to keep going until it was done because he died the week after we submitted the final draft to our publisher. So he knew it was going to go to print.” Woll himself graduated

from UW in the spring of 1970 and was two weeks into a teacher corps training program in Delaware when Sterling Hall was bombed. The explosion killed researcher Robert Fassnacht and blew out the windows in the house on Bowen Court where Woll’s roommates still lived. Woll says the time he spent at school in Madison imbued him with a sense of appreciation for literature and writing and that a Hoofers membership contributed to the details of rock climbing and hiking that are prevalent throughout the novel. But toward the shroud of conspiracy, Woll offers a reference that one suspects informs more than just his book. The co-author, now retired after a career in education capped by 21 years as a superintendent in La Croix, points to a line uttered by Clint Eastwood in a 1992 film. “As they say in ‘The Unforgiven,’ ‘We all have it coming.’ You make the best of life. There are some dark times and there are some friendships.” Death on Cache Lake is distributed by Romeii, LLC and is available on Amazon. com.

Photo courtesy of MTVU

Dan Savage, who writes the popular Q& A column Savage Love, has launched “Savage U,” a TV show that explores the sex lives of students on American college campuses.

Savage penetrates television market Widely syndicated sex columnist, podcast host discusses new show airing on MTVU Sam Berg ArtsEtc. Reporter


Zelliack’s first EP ‘sexy’ across decades

Regen McCracken Paper Radio Columnist Perhaps it’s something in the water (or, more likely, something in the smoke), but yet another musical project formed by former metal musicians has created a masterful jazz-inspired, soul, R&B, decidedly not-metal album. The band in question is Zelliack (a portmanteau of the two members’ first names, Zack [Ordway] and Elliot [Coleman]), and it is the sexy, loungy phoenix that rose from the ashes of metalcore/ electronicore band Sky Eats Airplane. Although many fans (me included) still mourn the loss of SEA, Zelliack’s “smoove” touch on Noir Tone EP, released Feb. 1, is more than enough to soothe the wound. Even though they are from such a different part of the

musical spectrum, Zack and Elliot together again is cause for celebration (preferably with copious amounts of Cristal, or whatever the sexyparty crowd is drinking these days). Zelliack was born of an impromptu jam session that took place backstage at a Sky Eats Airplane show between the two members, and the music flowed from there (for those interested, the session in question may be located on YouTube). The chemistry between Zack and Elliot throughout this fivesong EP is truly remarkable — especially since said chemistry is palpable through a mere studio recording. But, sadly, fans may never see the group replicate this amazing meshing live, since Zack Ordway plays guitar (his main musical squeeze), bass and drums, and programs the electronic aspects himself. Elliot’s jobs are limited to creating and singing vocal melodies. Still, with only two minds collaborating, it sure makes for a streamlined EP of — to use the old cliché — all killer,

no filler. Excellent though it is, what exactly does the EP sound like? Zelliack is, like all truly great, accomplished and challenging music, difficult to place in a box. Perhaps the most accurate descriptor is a cross between R&B and soul. In fact, listening to the group’s material is a bit like stepping through a time capsule to different decades of music, from the swing of the ‘50s (the aptly titled “Call Me Old Fashioned”), to disco of the ‘70s plus a bit of Latin flair (“Hargrove”), easy listening of the ‘80s (“Without a Doubt”), R&B of the ‘90s (“These Hands”), and jazz-tinged rock of the 2000s (“Autumn in Analog”). Every song brings something fresh to the table, which, in combination with the too-short length of the EP and its consistently stellar quality, makes it impossible to become bored at any point during the 22-minute runtime. Zelliack has created something special here. While both Zack and Elliot are extremely talented musicians, Zack’s performance on the album is not technically challenging; the type of music they dance around has no room for bombastic shredding or ear-blasting drumming. Rather, the focus is on songwriting. Even the few guitar solos that grace the album are filled with emotion and only add to the song as a whole, rather than hog the spotlight. Another possible reason for the somewhat reserved nature of the musicianship is the vocal presence of Elliot. Fans of metal or metalcore music will recognize Elliot from his vocal contributions to the aforementioned Sky Eats Airplane, Misha Mansoor’s (of Periphery fame) side-project Of Man Not of Machine, djent pioneers TesseracT, and frequent collaborations with Periphery and Haunted Shores. His

voice has a somewhat feminine, operatic quality about it, and, while certainly not for everyone, the sound is gorgeous and a perfect fit for Zelliack’s music. Elliot explores the entirety of his range on the EP and dominates the clearly vocal-centric music while still contributing to, not outshining, the cohesiveness and balance of the songwriting. As overused as this word has become in this review, “sexy” is the only way to describe the vocals that flood the listener’s speakers when playing the Noir Tone EP. The lyrics are fittingly sexy throughout the album as well, and fit with the retro, time capsule feel of the compositions. Unfortunately, the words that Elliot croons are the one low point of the otherwise stellar songs: Some of the lyrics reach a cheese factor of 15year aged cheddar on a scale of colby to limburger and may cause listeners to cringe a bit. Still, if taken as an effect to keep the listener in the mood of the music, they are passable and even fun. In a phrase, the Noir Tone EP is all about songwriting and emotion, which it displays almost effortlessly. Zack and Elliot are a match made in heaven for fans of immensely enjoyable music, as they prove time and time again on their first release together. Their musical output will be this columnist’s soundtrack to spring, and Zelliack had better get working on new material soon so I have a soundtrack for my summer. Regen McCracken (mccracken@wisc.edu) is a junior who intends to major in journalism. He has a love for video games, metal, jazz and all things that make one think. He also writes and performs his own music, while not writing these ever-interesting columns, or studying himself to sleep.

Podcast host and syndicated columnist Dan Savage recently added a new piece to his advice media empire with the premiere of his MTV series “Savage U.” The show follows Savage and his trusty producer Lauren Hutchinson as they travel across the United States answering college students’ romance questions. During a conference call, the two hosts revealed some of what the show has in store for national audiences this spring. From the tender to the kinky, the show attempts to address the full range of sexual conundrums affecting campuses everywhere. “At University of California, Irvine, we got the most questions like ‘How do I tell a girl that I think is cute that I think she’s cute?’ They can’t even take that first step.” Savage said. “Sometimes at like Cornell — even at Ohio — there were a few more show-offy questions. People would ask questions and try to shock me or communicate to everyone in the room that they’re having a crazy sex life.” “There were other places that kind of had juniorvarsity level questions and those were more like ‘How do I approach a girl?’ ‘How do I get a boyfriend?’” Hutchinson said. “So there were definitely differences that I noticed.” Like the anonymous advice-seekers of Savage’s column, the queries on “Savage U” range from the cute to kinky. “Schools on the East Coast tended to have varsity level questions. At Cornell we got questions like ‘How do I tie someone up?’ or ‘How do we have a threesome the right way?’” Hutchinson said. “I often think that the really simple [questions] were more likely to be genuine,” Savage said. “Not that the crazy ones weren’t absolutely genuine. I certainly asked crazy questions when I was in college,” Savage said. “But when someone’s asking ‘How do I ask someone out on a date?’ no one’s showing off. No one’s bragging when they ask a question like that.” Savage’s podcast and column have long advocated LGBT causes. The columnist emphasized his role on the show would be no less helpful for the cause, despite “Savage U” not always answering questions related to queer issues. “Queer has always been a part of Savage Love, even when the answers aren’t queer-specific or address queer letter-writers,” Savage said. “Queer is totally a part of

‘Savage U.’ Even sometimes when I’m talking with straight kids I’ll tell them, ‘You know, here’s something from gay land you may want to adopt.’ An approach, an attitude an idea about sex or relationships that is prevalent among homos that I think should be adopted by straight people,” Savage said. “One of the things that got talked about constantly was something that all gay encounters begin with, which is ‘What are you into?’ which doesn’t always happen,” he said. “Nothing is assumed when same-sexers hook up.” The show premiered April 3 and showed Savage with Hutchinson wandering around the University of Maryland campus asking delightfully invasive questions that brought up interesting issues present throughout America’s colleges. For people who have followed either Savage’s column or podcast over the years, the show may seem like a review session. But the show offers an interesting twist to sex advice by removing the anonymity of clever acronym-ready aliases. Part of Savage’s goal is to encourage the kind of open sexuality shown in “Savage U.” “When I first started writing ‘Savage Love,’ there seemed to be a way people wrote about sex,” Savage said. “That was everyone affirming what everybody else thought what everyone else ought to be doing, even if everyone knew it wasn’t what everyone else was doing.” “What I wanted to do with Savage Love was write about it the way my friends talked about it,” Savage said. While often crass and sometimes brutally blunt, Savage gives students the kind of advice that hurts but provides helpful insight. “Where is the end-piece so that I know when I’ve won?” a student asked after voicing her frustration with the dating game. “The grave,” Savage frankly replied. “You’ll know that you’ve won the game when your husband dies.” The questions go in many directions. Those wondering about female ejaculation, proper masturbation or many other relationship issues may find “Savage U” to be thought-provoking, entertaining and even helpful. “We hope to do another season. That’s up to the powers that be at MTV. Hopefully, the show will be well-received and we’ll get to do it again,” Savage said. “Our dream, though, is to do ‘Savage U: Year Abroad’ and tour colleges in Europe.” Savage U airs Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. on MTVU.


Ink Now 60/40 Mix of Blood of the Innocent, Guilty Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Thursday, April 12, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F. What? You still don’t get it? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: We use only the blood of free-range babies


















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.


The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: All victims juiced ethically


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }













21 24


31 32








37 40

44 47

33 35 36





























40 41






42 51
















44 47

Puzzle by Bill Thompson










Across 1 Org. whose annual budget is classified information 4 Establishes 11 Part of T.G.I.F. 14 Parrot 15 Pottery whose high iron content gives it a distinctive hue 16 Cry heard at Moe’s bar 17 “Hee Haw,” for one 19 Lennon reportedly described her as looking like “a bloke in drag” 20 Attended to pressing matters? 21 Thought 23 Classroom array 24 Noted Irish crystal 26 “___ does not surpass nature, but only brings it to perfection”: Cervantes

27 Hägar’s daughter in the comics 28 Looking up 29 Mass exodus of a sort 32 Air safety org. 34 Moral lapse that is reflected literally by the answers at 17-, 24-, 46- and 54-Across 38 Cabinet dept. 39 Wife of Orpheus 41 One in a prompt box 44 “Hey … over here!” 45 Capital of Australia: Abbr. 46 Physician with a D.O. degree 49 Come from behind 51 Mason’s creator 52 Targets of some animal rights activists 53 Supermarket inits. 54 “When a Man Loves a Woman”



59 60 61 62

singer Pal of Marshall, Lily, Robin and Barney on “How I Met Your Mother” “Got one’s money’s worth” at the smorgasbord One-eighty Sugar suffix Tiresome Old IBM products

Down 1 “Feliz ___” 2 Rack unit 3 Ford’s first minivan 4 Ontario natives 5 Like the SST fleet: Abbr. 6 Big name in the freezer aisle 7 Reactions to puppies 8 Faa’a International Airport location 9 Undermine 10 “Ratatouille” setting

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

11 “Likewise” 12 Laser printer supplies 13 Poorly made 18 Sign 22 Lily-livered 24 Threadbare 25 One of four in “’Twas the night before Christmas,

48 49 50

52 55 56

when all through the house” Earth mover Rode a thermal current U.P.S. delivery: Abbr. Old fur trader’s locale Actress Adams Thrill Approached furtively Environmentrelated Champs-___ Start of a line ending in a sum? Linguists’ concerns Brokerage firm with talking baby ads Got a 3 on the 17th at Sawgrass, e.g. Doped up, in a way Pet ___ Cameos, e.g. “Fables in Slang” humorist George Queue after Q Dernier ___ Ming of the N.B.A.

Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ The signs clearly stated “All You Can Eat” and “Please Seat Yourself,” so I’ll get out of the salad bar when I’m good and ready. Nothing gives my coat a nice, glossy sheen like a good, long ranch dressing soak.

To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Thursday, April 12, 2012





Found keys of biker on University Ave. on Friday night. Contact lostkeysonuniversity@gmail. com

Large 2 bedroom flat at 518 S. Mills. Large Bedrooms, LR and DR, hardwood floors, large front porch. Please visit tallardapartments.com for pictures/ layout. 608-250-0202.

Large bedroom in 4-bedroom apartment in Lucky for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR. Looking to sign over lease. $895/mo. Can be split between 2 people (847)-373-1730.

Spacious four bedroom near Kohl Center. Newly remodeled with loft and large porch. Laundry, heat, and water included! Parking available. Call 235-7753

SUMMER SUBLET: large one bedroom in a two bedroom apartment at 619 W. Mifflin St. for Summer 2012. Great location, excellent management company, easy-going roommate. $450/month OBO. Available 5/21/12. Email bdmiller2@ wisc.edu for more details.

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SC to the girl from my Math 114 discussion last year. It was good to see you again, and you’re still looking gorgeous as ever. Hope to see you around a bit more, I wouldn’t mind catching up a little more/talking more shit about our old TA! Haha, man he was awful SC to Greenbush Mitch. Last weekend I came in with my friend and we were talking about my exboufriend Mitch. We joked about it being you and you gave me 2 extra doughnuts to make up for not knowing that we dated last year. Next time give me your number and ask for a real date?

FOR RENT 229 AT LAKELAWN New. Modern. Luxury. Secure. Furnished. Sign now! Free one months rent and 42” flat screen TV! Need a single bedroom or roommates? WE CAN HELP! Website: 229living.com Contact: info@229living.com; (608) 255-5175 8 Bedroom House 405 W Main $3600. Mike (920) 344-5000

SC to Muhammad who used to come get a pint every weekend. I miss our smiley

exchanges and was really hoping you’d ask for my number so we could have more than a minute long exchange. I work this weekend so if you get a craving for ice cream you know where I’ll be! Sincerely, Sarah SC to Sean (?) at the River Food Pantry Wednesday. You were gorgeous and the fact that you volunteer is even sexier. SC to Jenny who I met in line outside the Plaza this Thursday. I thought we really hit it off and I think I’ll forever regret not asking for your number. I gathered you’re in engineering, so come find me at Union South sometime. ~the trombone player

SC to Simone. We’re both in AK____ and I think you’re absolutely beautiful. sorry for not making it anymore obvious but apparently everyone but you seems to get it. you should know who I am. let me know if I have a shot SC to the cute freckly girl working Charter St. Subway at 3:00. My sub was great and you were hot, let me buy you dinner?-Boy with the giftcard and exact change. SC to a certain girl in CA 262. I’ve enjoyed our conversations all semester, but if you dont let me get a word in here or there, how am I supposed to ask you out? POST A SECOND CHANCE AT BADGERHERALD.COM

Sports EAVES, from 10 us prepare for next year. I don’t think people even scratch the surface what happens then.

KE: The statement you guys started to make at the end of the year, do you think that’s indicative of what’s to come next season? ME: And that statement

was? KE: Well just the way you guys were playing do or die hockey at the time. You guys were really putting away some games. ME: Let me put it this

way, because we’ve talked about this: If we can start next year pretty close to where we left off, there’s going to be a little lag because we’ve been off, but think of where we started

this year and where we ended. If we can start there next year and grow from there, our hope is that we will be able to transfer some of those losses early in the season to wins where by

the end of the year we’re in the 20-win range, 21 or 22. That helps us solidify our situation so that we can get into the tournament. To me, that’ll be a big difference for us.

The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, April 12, 2012


Young Badgers looking for growth Wisconsin snaps 5-game losing skid despite injuries, changing lineups Erin Barney Men’s Tennis Writer Scoreboards can show as many numbers as they want, but what is not visible are the off-court elements such as team morale and mental toughness, which are equally important in any tennis match. And the mental aspect of the game is what propelled the Wisconsin men’s tennis team through its five-game losing slump to a muchdesired first conference win over Penn State on Sunday. With ranked opponents like Ohio State and Illinois

PEACE, from 10 cycle, and had it not been a dire point in the comeback, head coach Yvette Healy would have loved to see her chase that milestone. “We were in a situation where we were trying to stage a comeback and we were chasing three runs,” Healy said. “But I might have sent her just from the fact that it is such a rare thing to have happen.” Regardless of that decision, the Badgers came out on top, and Peace was eventually graced with the player of the week award. Seven was the lucky number of her week as she tallied that amount in RBIs, runs scored and extra-base hits. While the accomplishment

KORGER, from 10 week. The first was an epic 11-10 win over Minnesota last Saturday in which Wisconsin recorded the largest come-from-behind victory in school history after being down 10-2 entering the fourth inning. Just three days later, the Badgers tied the second largest comeback win in school history by defeating the Western Illinois Leathernecks in nine innings. Healy’s team found

in the Big Ten conference, the Badgers anticipated a trying season. They did not foresee, however, finishing the season without winning a single conference match. According to head coach Greg Van Emburgh, the 5-2 victory over the Nittany Lions instilled some timely confidence in the young Wisconsin squad. “In some of the matches, the end result score wasn’t a good indicator, but if you looked at matches individually, you could see that the guys were competing well and you saw that we were on the right track and improving,” Van Emburgh said. “I think getting a signature win and a conference win like Penn State really shows that we have turned the table.” There is no denying that the youthful Badger

team of four freshmen, five sophomores, two juniors and no seniors has been competitive in each match despite the losing record. Wisconsin has only been swept 7-0 on two occasions, including its recent loss to the No. 3 team in the nation, Ohio State. When observing the results of individual matches, as Van Emburgh said, it is apparent that each player puts up a fight, even when the match ends in a loss. For example, No. 1 singles player Fredrick Ask has only suffered two 6-0 set losses in the Big Ten this season despite possessing a record of just 1-6 in conference singles play. This competitive nature can be seen across the board in singles play, indicating that youth does not mean total vulnerability.

Oftentimes when teams are young, a coach will refer to the season as a building year when anticipating less than successful results because of the lack of experience. Van Emburgh has often mentioned the value of gaining more experience with every match played, despite the outcome. This accumulation of experience is particularly beneficial to a young team; however, it has not changed the way the Badgers attack each matchup. “We are really a young team, so we are looking for guys to step up in all areas on the tennis court and finish matches,” Van Emburgh said. “We also want them to step up in leadership positions, whether they are on the court playing at that

was a great success, she remained humble while looking at the bigger team picture. “It’s a great honor, but you don’t get recognized unless the team wins,” Peace said. “I was glad I could contribute to the team and that everybody did well. It was a full team effort.” Nevertheless, there remains a correlation between the successes of Peace and the overall success of the team. Since her torrid streak began, the Badgers have averaged just fewer than seven runs per game while surrendering less than four. Though it was a slow start to the season, Peace has found her nirvana in the batters box, mainly because

of her relentless work ethic. Peace was one of only a few Badgers to complete the 10,000 Hit Club program in the offseason and was noted as one of the harder workers on the team by coach Healy. The extra work has definitely paid off, and as a sophomore, Peace has many times been a catalyst in generating momentum. Her teammate and fellow infielder Whitney Massey has definitely noticed. “She really pumps everyone else up. She’ll make these great plays, and everyone just kind of feeds off her,” Massey said. “She is kind of like a flame to all of us.” Peace kept that flame lit Tuesday against Western Illinois with yet another

home run, igniting the Badgers’ initial comeback. She also contributed an RBI single before scoring the game-tying run in the final frame. Her recent offensive contributions cannot be ignored, but that is barely all that she brings to the table. Nominated across the board of coaches and teammates, Peace is one of the best defenders on the team. Her .938 fielding percentage can speak for itself as a consistent middle infielder, but she is constantly wowing teammates, coaches and all viewers with highlight reel plays while playing one of softball’s toughest positions “She is extremely athletic, and she makes some

itself down 7-1 entering the bottom of the third inning, only to come back to regain the lead 8-7. However, the most remarkable part of the game was when the Badgers entered the ninth inning down 11-8, only to rattle off four runs to win the game. The four runs were the second most scored in a ninth inning in program history. The Badgers will need to transfer their offensive heroics and success of late into the remainder of the

conference season. While the Badgers currently sit at fourth place in the conference after nine games, the team will need to finish in at least the top three to maintain a solid shot of making the NCAA tournament. Last season, only Michigan, Indiana and Penn State received bids for the tournament, with each team boasting an RPI under 50. Right now, as it currently stands, the Badgers sit outside of that target zone with an RPI of

56, just the fifth best of a Big Ten team. But with a strong early start and a schedule that has Wisconsin playing the Big Ten teams late in the season, this may finally be the year that softball in Madison is truly back on the map. With this column, Nick has finally reached 100 articles for the Herald. Offer congratulations or insults at nkorger@badgerherald. com.

particular time or off the court and rooting their teammates on.” Nearly all members of the Badger’s team have been called upon to step up at different points in the season. Due to lingering injuries that cause inconsistent appearances by key players such as junior Billy Bertha, the lineup is constantly changing. In Big Ten play this season, the Badgers have never shown the same lineup twice. The coaching staff frequently indicates that the changes are made based on potential matchups and performance in practice that week. One player who has seen a significant change in his role from last season is sophomore Rod Carey. Appearing most frequently in the No. 5

plays that, if you come to our practices, there are people singing the SportsCenter music behind her,” Healy said. “It is just jaw-dropping.” Astonishing plays are definitely Peace’s forte, but her durability and defensive leadership may be her two biggest assets. Peace, along with Massey and catcher Maggie Strange, are the only Badgers to start every game this season. This came into question as Peace tweaked her ankle running the bases this past

singles spot during the 2010-2011 season, Carey began this year in the No. 3 position, where he earned a winning record of 3-2. His performance was enough to bump him up to No. 2 where he is currently 2-4. The latest combination seemed to be the right one for the Badgers, as it earned them their first conference victory. However, as the lineup often changes, it is hard to predict whether Wisconsin will finish out the four remaining conference matches with its past roster. No matter the combination, Carey and the Badgers believe the worst of the season is behind them. “We can gain confidence from the fact that everyone is playing well,” Carey said. because I think we have a chance in all of them.”

Tuesday night against Western Illinois. After being inspected, Peace finished the game and was back at practice Wednesday with a smile on her face, a toughness by example that her teammates have noticed in her personality. “She has definitely stepped up as a leader by example,” Massey mentioned. “She’ll be the first one out here to games or practice, and usually the last one to leave. It is really setting a good example for us upperclassmen and for the new kids coming in.”

Sports Editor Elliot Hughes sports@badgerherald.com

10 | Sports | Tuesday, April 12, 2012


Online: Women’s tennis With end in sight, seniors wish to leave lasting impression.

Eaves on offense, 2012-13 Badgers could be in position for 20-22 wins next season, says men’s hockey head coach Kelly Erickson Sports Content Editor Unfortunately for the Wisconsin men’s hockey team, the end came sooner than hoped after only one hard-fought series in the postseason. Similarly, head coach our discussion with head coach Mike Eaves about the season is finally drawing to a close, but not before discussing his freshman forwards and just what fans can expect next season. Kelly Erickson: [What’s new with] forwards? Mike Eaves: Let’s go down the middle first because we had [freshman Brendan Woods] down the middle there. One of our philosophies is, if a young man comes in as a center iceman, we try to get him at the wing because of the

responsibility for our center icemen. And because of injuries and such, we had to put Woodsy at center a little earlier than we wanted to during the course of the season. But by the end of the year, he was a legitimate player for us down the middle. The thing that’s nice about Woodsy is — and I know from experience — it’s hard to play against a guy that’s big like that. Six foot three, 210 pounds and all elbows and knees and sticks, and he likes to hit. He’s a monster to play against when he plays the way that he needs to. So that was kind of fun to see, that he’s understanding our systems. He knew what his job was down low in our zone and all over the ice, so that was nice growth for him. I think Joseph LaBate,

Matt Paape, Brad Navin all, they all got to be in offensive situations in a secondary role on the power play; that’s what they could bring, but their growth pattern — there were nights their eyes were as big as saucers. Going into North Dakota, Mankato, Denver — that first night it’s like ‘Whoa, what’s coming at us right now?’ But again, because of those experiences, next year we go to those places, been there done that, let’s get it done here now. They’re competitive, they understand the pace, they know our systems, so we just expect another — like we talked about our sophomores this year, how they exponentially grew — we think that those young freshmen should do the same because they played, we had no choice and they,

under the fire, got their initiation. Their growth will be fun to see how that transfers into next year. KE: What is the offseason focus? ME: Well, right now, when you’re not coaching, you’re recruiting, so we’ve been on the trail every week. We’ll do year-end reviews as we always do with each young man and kind of lay out, ‘OK, where do you see your growth this summer? Where would you like to see yourself coming into next year?’ I think that’s really important because it sets some expectations, and it gives them some things to work on for over the course of the summer. Then they come in and say ‘OK, this is what we talked about; did you meet those?’ Because by meeting those

Noah Willman The Badger Herald

Wisconsin forward Joseph LaBate (left), along with a few other freshman forwards, may have let their inexperience get the best of them at times last season, according to Mike Eaves. goals over the summer that you set in the spring, that’s going to project what you accomplish next year. We’ll do an awful lot of that. Strength coach Jim Snider will have the boys one month before school is done, so we get to jump on that and get a good start. We’ll be able to get on the ice with them a little bit

here and work on our skill sets some more. People see us during the course of the season, and they say ‘Well they’re practicing and they’re playing.’ Well yes, but there’s more than that, but in the offseason there’s a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that help

EAVES, page 8

Finding Peace on offense Sophomore softball slugger emerges after hitting .625 over 6-game stretch Sean Zak Softball Writer Mark down another Big Ten Player of the Week for the Wisconsin softball team — except this time it’s from an unlikely source. Stephanie Peace is the new name added to the Megan McCormick The Badger Herald list of Badger honorees Despite struggling from the batter’s box to start the season, Wisconsin sophomore after leading Wisconsin to Stephanie Peace was named the Big Ten’s Player of the Week for her recent hot swing. an unbeaten week of six

victories over the likes of Illinois-Chicago, Loyola and Minnesota. Her last name and southern accent may lead one into thinking that the Badger shortstop is just out there enjoying another day at the ballpark. Do not be deceived, however, because when Peace steps into the batter’s box, she is everything but peaceful. As of late, in

fact, she has been quite ferocious. Peace entered last week with a .236 batting average but quickly caught fire, hitting .625 over the six game stretch, boosting her season total to .304. Peace’s week started with a bang against Illinois-Chicago where her fourth-inning, three-run home run broke a scoreless tie and propelled

Wisconsin to a 5-0 victory. It was her first home run of the year, but not even her last of the week. Wisconsin ended the week with a stunning come-frombehind 11-10 victory over Minnesota in which Peace went 4-for-4 with another home run. She finished a triple shy of hitting for the

PEACE, page 9

UW poised for wins thanks to tough tests Nick Korger Korger’s Korner It’s been a while since the Wisconsin softball team has been able to claim the spotlight. Since the program’s creation in 1996, the team has only reached the NCAA tournament three times, with its last berth coming in 2005 under former head coach Karen Gallagher. In fact, Gallagher took the Badgers to every tournament appearance in the team’s history while she amassed a 271-268-2 record in 10 seasons. When Gallagher decided to step down, she was replaced with Chandelle Schulte, who brought the program down to nothingness. In Schulte’s time with Wisconsin, the Badgers went an unremarkable 99-153 overall and just 23-70 in Big Ten play. So when Wisconsin Athletic Director Barry Alvarez hired Yvette Healy to take the reigns of the team in July 2010, it’s fair to say expectations were low for the team. After all, in 15 previous seasons, the program held an unremarkable 369-421-2 record. But Healy quickly turned things around, taking a team that went just 20-31 and 5-13 in conference play to a 30-23 finish in 2011. The 30-win season was the first since Gallagher’s final season with the Badgers in 2005, while the 10-win improvement was also the second largest in the team’s history, trailing only behind Gallagher’s 18-win

improvement in 1997. While some may argue that a majority of the Badgers’ wins last season came against lower-class non-conference foes — as the Badgers finished only 7-11 in Big Ten play — Healy has continued to show that her team and coaching is for real in 2012. The team is already 22-12 on the season with a 6-3 record in conference play. The team currently has won eight straight games, tied for the school record. There are a few reasons why this may be the year that Healy and the Badgers finally crack the NCAA tournament, but perhaps the most important is the harsh non-conference slate the team experienced early in the season. In the Badgers’ 23 non-conference games prior to the start of Big Ten play, the young team faced a baptism by fire, facing some of college softball’s best arms. “We’ve actually seen five to six of the best pitchers in the country,” assistant and hitting coach Randy Schneider said. “Nothing has really slowed down for us. The pitching we’ve faced this season has always been quality. So because of that, when you go out and create this database against good pitching, you get to a point where you can hit any of it.” When the Badgers opened up the season at the USF tournament against Georgia Southern, they faced a top 50 pitcher in the Eagles’ Sarah Purvis, who currently has an ERA of 1.72 on the season. Yet, the Badgers were able to chase Purvis out of the game and win 3-2 in extra innings. It didn’t get any easier for Wisconsin the next weekend in Orlando, Fla., when the team faced Florida State twice. The Seminoles — currently

ranked No. 21 in the USA Today/NFCA Coaches Poll — gave the Badgers perhaps the best pitching they have seen so far this season, sending the dynamic duo of Lacey Waldrop and Monica Perry to the mound. Waldrop — who currently holds the nation’s 11th best ERA at a ridiculous 1.13 — went the distance to stifle the Badgers, giving up just five hits and two runs — both of which were Wisconsin home runs — while fueling the Seminoles to a 6-2 win. In the second game against FSU, UW had to face Perry, who currently holds the country’s 21st lowest ERA at 1.22. The Badgers fared no better against the Seminoles with Perry on the mound, as the junior righty baffled the Wisconsin offense — striking out seven Badgers in just three innings — in a 2-1 Florida State victory. After going through a gauntlet of strong pitching, the Badgers finally got a chance to put their skills to the test against one of the Big Ten’s best pitchers when Minnesota and Sara Moulton came to town last weekend. Moulton, a pitcher with an ERA of just 1.25 — the best in the Big Ten and the 23rd best in the country — started in two of the series’ games while appearing in a third. The Gopher sophomore left Goodman Diamond probably hoping never to return after giving up 18 hits and 10 runs in just under 13 innings of work, as the Badgers won in a sweep. The Badgers also may make the tournament because of their neversay-never mindset. The offense of the 2012 team has already earned two historic comeback wins, both occurring in the last

KORGER, page 9

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