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Monday, November 19, 2012


ID checks not yet on campus Madison Metro currently only requiring Edgewood students to show credentials Paige Costakos Herald Contributor

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

An Israel supporter looks on as a woman holds a sign in support of Palestine. The two rallies were held concurrently Friday, with little to no dialogue or debate exchanged between the two.

Gaza conflict reaches UW Supporters of Israel, Palestine take to Library Mall to host rallies on Middle East violence Tara Golshan Higher Education Editor With tensions escalating between Palestine and Israel over the past week, a student organization’s rally in support of Palestine Friday afternoon was met with pro-Israel student attention. The rally, organized by the University of Wisconsin’s Students for Justice in Palestine, began with a speaking circle in Library Mall, outside of which Madison-Israel Public Affairs Committee members and pro-Israel students stood. According to SJP President Zeyad El Omari, a former advertising executive at The Badger Herald, the rally was organized to raise awareness for Palestinians “in solidarity with Gaza.” El Omari, who was

unaware his rally would be met with a counter protest from the proIsraeli students, said the two groups ultimately had the same mission to raise awareness, but from different perspectives. “We are just doing the same to raise awareness to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza strip who are living in a permanent state of imprisonment in a blockade that has been established in 2006,” El Omari said. “The violence has escalated in recent days and we want to let the world know that we are concerned about the livelihood of Palestinians in Gaza.” Pro-Israel UW freshman Martin Weiss said he wanted to make it clear his fellow pro-Israel students did not come in opposition, but rather simply in support of Israeli belief.

Despite members of MadPac being present, board member Cory Meyer added they were not there to represent the organization, as it had “no interest in engaging or debating anyone.” Among SJP rally speakers was Naama Nagar, an Israeli UW Sociology graduate student, who spoke in favor of the Palestinians. “I am here today as an Israeli, but while I have concern for my family and friends I fear more for Palestinians whose suffering has been, is and will be for many more years far greater,” Nagar said. Nagar said any discussion involving Israel requires a parallel discussion of the United States, adding she puts a “finger of shame on Obama” as well as the Senate’s unanimous resolution Thursday in

“support of Israel’s right for self defense in acts of terrorism.” Contrarily, Meyer spoke in favor of the administration for their unwaning support for Israel adding that MadPac had just attended an event to honor the Senate’s decision and write letters of thanks. Israeli UW sophomore and philosophy major Tomer Stein said America’s support for Israel is in its own interest. “The reason why Americans are paying so much money to Israel is for defense, defense of Israel and defense of the United States,” Stein said. “That is why we are here. We care for America, as American citizens and for Israel as Israeli citizens.” According to El Omari,

STUDENTS, page 3

As Madison Metro begins to enforce the existing student ID policy, many have observed a smooth transition into full implementation. According to Madison Metro Bus Driver Frances Craig, the policies, which are intended to eliminate fraudulent use of the unlimited bus pass by prohibiting students from selling their bus passes to non-students, have been successful. Associated Students of Madison Press Office Director David Gardner said he thinks the issue needed to be addressed, and the first stages of the enforcement period are going well. “This is a transition period and we are definitely easing into the process,” Gardner said. “Right now, enforcement has been more prevalent off campus, but I think after Thanksgiving break, we will see it phase in and we will likely start seeing the program implemented on our campus.” According to Craig, all bus drivers have been instructed to only ID people with Edgewood College bus passes as of now. However, Craig added they are working on asking every unlimited bus pass user for ID. Many UW students already show their IDs regardless of being asked, Craig said. General Manager of Madison Metro Chuck Kamp said drivers have been using appropriate levels of enforcement to

Walker chooses federal-based exchange Uncertainty of costs with state approach sways Wis. governor Polo Rocha Campus Editor Gov. Scott Walker chose a federally facilitated health care exchange rather than a state-based one Friday morning because he said the state would have little control over their own exchange and that the costs of operating one are unclear. After months of speculation on what his plans would be, Walker announced in a conference call with reporters that he chose the federally facilitated exchange, an online marketplace where

uninsured individuals and small businesses can purchase insurance. Under President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, the exchanges will be available across the country by Jan. 1, 2014, and could be set up by the state, the federal government or a partnership of the two. Citing the uncertainty around costs and the lack of control the state would have, Walker chose the federally facilitated exchange. “On any issue, I, like most governors across the country, Republican and Democratic alike, if given the choice would prefer state-run over anything … just instinctively as a state rights issue,” Walker said. “The problem is these exchanges as defined by the Affordable Care Act

really have given a choice of state-run or state in name only. “In the end, decisions regarding eligibility, minimum standard of coverage and all the important details are ultimately determined by the federal government.” Walker also said he did not want to put state taxpayers into “long-term spending obligations” that are unclear and not fully funded by the federal government. According to his spokesperson, Cullen Werwie, it would cost the state $45 million to $60 million per year to run a state-based exchange. Werwie added federal funding goes through 2014, at which point, the costs “could fall on state taxpayers.” Walker emphasized he

Herald Contributor The University of Wisconsin student government’s decision to fund a secular student group Thursday caused a stir among the national media. Associated Students of Madison’s Student Services Finance Committee

granted funding to Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics from the General Student Services Fund last week, resulting in national media attention. According to ASM Press Office Director David Gardner, at their last count 37 publications had picked up the story. Among those were The Associated Press,

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the Christian Post, Gardner said. AHA’s final budget decision was the primary reason the story made national news, Gardner added, as the budget is the largest amount of funding any atheist student organization has ever received from a university in

EVENTS today The Marquee Union South

7:30 p.m. DLS: Dan Savage Varsity Hall Union South

INSIDE Pretty Lights, O.C.M.C. excel this weekend Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Atheist group’s funding draws headlines, concerns Allison Johnson

ID, page 3

7-9 p.m. WUD Film Presents: River’s Edge

Despite the deadline being extended, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker announced his decision Friday to implement a federally-facilitated online marketplace for people to purchase health insurance.

WALKER, page 2

ensure the timeliness of the bus and to respect people’s schedules. Bus drivers are allowed to use their discretion when checking identifications and have been making announcements to communicate with riders the new policies, Kamp said. On Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m., only two out of 12 people were asked to show ID on the Route 7 bus from the West Gorham Street and North Basset Street stop. Both were Edgewood students. Jennifer Bacon, an employee of Madison Metro Transit, also said Madison Metro is receiving favorable feedback from pass participants, which include UW, MATC, Edgewood College and St. Mary’s. Bacon added the new policies are part of a “pilot project,” and bus drivers will be focusing on one pass participant at a time in the early stages of the enforcement period. Craig said she and many other bus drivers were in favor of the enforcement policy. “Before, I saw a lot of people who I knew weren’t students riding the bus—one day they’d have an MATC pass, one day a UW employee ID — and now that we have this, that won’t happen anymore,” Craig said. According to Gardner, the ID policy was implemented due to increased expenses with the use of fraudulent

the U.S. “UW-Madison is setting a record for the amount of funding given to this kind of organization,” Gardner said. In the wake of the funding grant, Gardner said reaction has been comprised mostly of press inquiries, but the office has also received several complaints from students and parents,


expressing concern with SSFC’s decision to fund AHA. Gardner did not get into specifics about what the concerns centered on specifically. However, despite these concerns, Gardner said the media attention has remained

ATHEIST, page 3

Madison has been graced with some popular acts this semester — Read about the most recent here.

ARTS | 5

Overtime woes continue for UW Badgers fall on Senior Day for first time in Bret Bielema era to Buckeyes at Camp Randall in overtime, 21-14


US GOP needs rebranding Letter to the editor: Republicans must appeal to moderates to maintain modernity



The Badger Herald | News | Monday, November 19, 2012

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Soglin reluctantly passes city budget With expectation of City Council overturning any veto, mayor signs off despite calls from citizens to do opposite Sarah Eucalano Herald Contributor Madison Mayor Paul Soglin signed off on the 2013 city budget Friday, which included numerous amendments in a package from the City Council that slightly altered his original budget proposal. After the City Council voted to make various changes to the original 2013 capital and operating budgets Tuesday and Wednesday night, Soglin had an opportunity to veto their changes but decided against it. Soglin’s spokesperson Katie Crawley said the mayor chose not to veto the budget because if he did, the City Council would have overturned his decision. Soglin received numerous emails from residents saying he should veto the bill, but decided it would not have been a productive choice, she said. Crawley said while Soglin agreed with a good portion of the City Council’s budget amendments, he disagreed with their decision to continue to subsidize the Overture Center. She said much of the services the Overture Center provides go to visitors from outside Madison, and Soglin’s goal is to continue to strengthen Madison and its surrounding communities. The budget invests more money in community centers and provides funding for infrastructure, bike paths and a new fire station on the east side, which will

TJ Pyzyk The Badger Herald

Madison Mayor Paul Soglin did not want to continue subsidizing the Overture Center with the 2013 budget, but the city will continue to do so now that he passed the measure. help to keep Madison vital, she said. Soglin would like to create a public market in Madison, but there is only enough money in the budget to study the idea and design of one, according to Crawley. “It is frustrating for the mayor and alders because there isn’t money to do the things we want to do,” Crawley said. “It’s a tight fiscal time.” Crawley said Soglin is trying to keep property taxes low and wants to prevent borrowing money to avoid long-term debt. In order to do that, though, Madison needs more

WALKER, from 1

Board of directors Chairman Vice Chairman Vice Chairman Vice Chairman

Corey ChamberlainPeter Hoeschele Ryan Rainey Jillian Grupp Tim Hadick Pam Selman Julia Welytok Elise Watson Katie Caron

Readers may pick up one complimentary issue each day. Additional copies must be picked up at 326 W. Gorham St. for $0.25 each. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent of the editor in chief. Copyright 2012, The Badger Herald, Inc.

did not want to rehash the arguments over the law and that Wisconsin would “comply with the law.” He said he looked forward to partnering with the federal government on the issue. The governor has said since his campaign he opposes the

economic development to help with the tax base, she said. Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3, said both Soglin’s original budget and the City Council’s amended version of the budget had elements that supported all parts of Madison. “It’s really important that the mayor recognizes that the government can get stuff done,” Cnare said. “We’re not the federal government. We can get it done and serve a lot of needs — he wanted to be part of that with us.” Cnare said the council’s amendment package, which has never been

law, although he set up an office that was supposed to look into how to implement it. Walker disbanded that office in January and returned $37.8 million in federal grant money for implementation. He said he would wait until the Supreme Court decision to announce his plans, and when they upheld the law

done in the past, was an opportunity for City Council members to propose all of their changes as a single package. She said the package kept the council from being divided about the budget. “The City Council is starting to work together as a group,” Cnare said. “It is more effective that way.” The proposed bus fare increases and the proposed cuts in Overture Center’s subsidy were among the most controversial parts of the budget, Cnare said. She said the introduced package got rid of the fare increase and continued to subsidize the Overture

on a 5-4 vote, he said he would wait until the elections and see whether Republicans could repeal the law next year. With Obama’s reelection and Democrats controlling the Senate, the law will remain largely unchanged. Friday was the original deadline for states to make a decision, but Obama announced late Thursday he would back up the deadline one month in response to requests from Republican governors, according to The Associated Press. In a conference call with reporters, Rep. Jon Richards, D-Milwaukee, one of the most prominent Democrats on the issue, expressed his frustration with Walker’s decision. He said a state-based exchange would have allowed more local input, adding the work that was done under Walker’s predecessor was ignored. Richards also said if Walker was truly concerned about funding, he would not have turned down the $37.8 million early innovator grant from the federal government. “Gov. Walker turned

back almost $40 million in federal money that we could’ve used to create [the exchange],” Richards said. “Now we’re left with everyone looking at the federal government, hoping they do the right thing but not being able to participate nearly as much as we would have if we had done the exchange here in Wisconsin.” Richards noted the support from multiple organizations with varying interests around a statebased exchange. This included advocacy groups like ABC For Health and the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, as well as provider and insurer groups such as the Wisconsin Hospital Association, the Wisconsin Medical Society and the Wisconsin Association of Health Plans. Republican-leaning business groups like the Wisconsin branch of the National Federation of Independent Business and the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce also supported a state-based exchange. NFIB released a statement after the

Center. This meant even if council members only supported one of the amendments, they could support the package and still get a lot of what they wanted, she said. Cnare said along with taking care of the usual expenses, the budget also allocates money to neighborhood centers and makes an effort to tackle the problem of emerald ash borer’s in Wisconsin, a green beetle native to Asia. “The biggest change [in the budget] is that there are some innovative and important things about starting to promote our city,” Cnare said.

decision regretting that a state-based exchange will not take place, but the group said it understands Walker’s concerns — comments that WMC echoed in their statement. “It is in [the majority of our members’] view that state officials can better develop a system that reflects our needs and priorities, and can do it far more efficiently and effectively than the federal government,” NFIB said. “However, the governor’s analysis, which anticipates unknown massive costs for Wisconsin taxpayers with limited or no control over the system, is a reasonable one that we respect.” Although Wisconsin’s leading business groups supported a statebased exchange, more conservative groups and legislators did not. Earlier this week, local tea party groups sent a letter to Walker asking him to turn down the state-based exchange, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported nine Republican legislators support nullifying the law and arresting federal officials who would implement it. Walker said he did not support those legislators’ views. Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a group that pushed for a statebased exchange, said in a statement that Walker made the decision in part because of the tea party’s influence. “It is astounding that Walker is putting the demands of ideological extremists over the interests of health care consumers across Wisconsin who need access to quality affordable health care options,” Kraig said. “The extreme Tea Party response to common sense reform is a real barrier to governing in the public interest.”

The Badger Herald | News | Monday, November 19, 2012

STUDENTS, from 1 the rally is the first of many upcoming events for SJP who plan on doing teach-ins to raise awareness about Palestinians living in West Bank and Israeli citizens

ATHEIST, from 1 mainly informational regarding the budget decision. AHA Executive Director Chris Calvey said he had no issue regarding his organization’s portrayal in the national media. “I’m extremely proud of what we have accomplished within AHA over the past few years,” Calvey said. “It’s very gratifying when national media outlets also recognize the significance of what we’re doing on campus.” According to Calvey, the organization has increased their presence as a student organization on the UW campus over the past few

ID, from 1 bus passes. ASM wants to ensure students’ fees do not get too expensive because of fraudulent use of the bus pass, Gardner added. Although the policy will be implemented increasingly, Gardner said policy may be changed should the enforcement hinder students’ bus access. “This policy will be enforced increasingly, but if we find out that students are not riding the bus because of the policy or that students are getting their bus passes confiscated because they forget their ID, we will reevaluate our position on the policy,” Gardner said. Kamp said Madison Metro would continue to focus on educating individuals on bus policies in order to avoid unnecessary punishment.

in Gaza. Both El Omari and Weiss said the goal of such rallies is to counter the biased representation in the media. “There is definitely a will to learn more about what is going on

especially when the mainstream media does a poor job of covering the truth and that is the main reason of why we are doing this,” El Omari said. “To provide a different perspective that is not given in the media.”

years. However, this is the first year the group has asked for General Student Services Fund funding for their primary direct services, faith questioning counseling and secular support groups, Calvey added. “The funds AHA is receiving from GSSF are a real game-changer for us,” Calvey said. “This budget will allow us to offer our services and programming at a level far beyond what any atheist student group has ever done before.” Gardner also emphasized SSFC made their decision to grant AHA funding because the group proved over 50 percent of their work was providing a direct service to

students on the UW campus — a requirement for funding eligibility. According to an ASM press release, when determining the eligibility of the group, SSFC must maintain neutral regarding the viewpoint of the organization, their viewpoint relative to other groups on campus and the group’s history on campus. Gardner said most of the national media represented the group’s eligibility and SSFC’s viewpoint neutrality accurately. “ASM does not take the viewpoint of the group into consideration when they are deciding funding,” he said. “Most articles respected that.”


Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Monday, November 19, 2012


Single payer health care should be no-brainer Aaron Loudenslager Columnist Republican governors across the United States, including Gov. Scott Walker, have decided not to implement a state health insurance exchange. Two of their common arguments for not implementing a state health insurance exchange are that it denies individual states the right to adequately regulate their own health insurance exchanges and that states don’t have enough resources to fund the exchanges in a manner the federal government requires. In addition, Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter and The National Restaurant Association have complained Obamacare will force businesses, especially small businesses, to raise their prices or cut jobs and employee hours. I find it ironic these political figures, businesses and industry associations,

all known for their adherence to free-market principles like rational economic self-interest, are unable to recognize their own economic selfinterest. If political figures like Walker and businesses such as Papa John’s had followed their own rational economic self-interest to lower their individual state’s or business’s health care costs, they would have advocated for a singlepayer health care system and as a result would not have to worry about any health care costs. Anyone who has followed Walker’s tenure as Wisconsin’s governor, even periodically, will see that he has opposed Obamacare from the start. When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Obamacare’s individual mandate, holding that the mandate was a tax, Walker declared in an op-ed in the Washington Post that “Obamacare will devastate Wisconsin” and that “[i]t punishes … employers and employees

of small businesses.” This is similar to the reasoning by Maine Gov. Paul LePage for not implementing a state health insurance exchange in Maine. He told The Huffington Post that “a state exchange puts the burden onto the states and the expense onto our taxpayers.” Not only have free-market politicians complained about not having enough state funding to implement their own state health insurance exchanges, but also businesses and industry groups have complained that Obamacare will force them to raise prices and cut jobs or employee work hours. In all honesty though, I have no sympathy for Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter or The National Restaurant Association regarding their complaints about higher costs caused by Obamacare. It is true employee health care insurance is a big cost and expenditure that many businesses undertake. For example, Think Progress reports

AHA’s funding shows segregated fees’ flaws Charles Godfrey Editorial Page Content Editor As you may have noticed, Associated Students of Madison’s Student Services Finance Committee recently approved almost $70,000 of funding from the General Student Services Fund for the student organization Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics. On the surface, it appears that this is only fair. Religious student organizations such as Badger Catholic have been receiving funding from student government for years. Given that AHA addresses similar issues of spirituality — or lack thereof — as religious student organizations, albeit in a different way, it seems only reasonable they should also receive funding. So, I understand why ASM has to fund AHA — if they didn’t, they would certainly be accused of demonstrating a preference for religion over atheism. At the core of this issue is the question of whether or not atheism and religion are equivalent in some sense, in which case they would both be equally eligible for funding. They aren’t. It’s obviously tough to define what exactly a religion is without getting lost in abstraction, but it isn’t hard to define atheism with respect to religion. Atheism is the antithesis of religion. A religious person will tell you what they believe in, whereas an atheist will tell you what they don’t believe in. An agnostic person won’t

say much either way. There’s a brilliant passage in Yann Martel’s “Life of Pi” in which he explains agnosticism as the complete inability to make any leap of faith at all — while religious people believe God exists and atheists believe there is no God, agnostics don’t believe anything at all. As for humanism, my understanding is it attempts to refute religion with an absolutist belief in science and philosophy. Atheism, humanism and agnosticism are all distinct from religion, and it is regrettable they must be considered legally and financially equivalent to religion. That’s why it’s ironic when atheism tends towards the dogmatic and evangelical and begins to look more and more like a bizarre form of fundamentalist anti-religion than a philosophical rejection of religion. Just look at Richard Dawkins and his public crusade to “disprove” religion with science. First of all, he portrays science and spirituality as if they are mutually exclusive — which, as far as I can tell, displays a lack of respect for both science and spirituality. What is more obnoxious is the way in which he travels around the country proclaiming how wrong the majority of human beings are to believe in religion. Isn’t that the pinnacle of condescension? Atheism is right, and the majority of human beings are wrong? Atheists remind me of militant vegetarians. A religious person would be likely to say a prayer of thanks before eating a cheeseburger, while an atheist would hold forth over dinner about how reprehensible it is to eat meat, to the supreme annoyance of everyone else at the table.

If you’re atheist, good for you. You don’t have to waste your breath telling everyone else how “wrong” their religion is, for the same reason they don’t need to waste their time trying to convert you. To me, the real problem with this funding decision is ASM has been handcuffed by a precedent of funding religious student organizations. Now, to avoid accusations of prejudice and to comply with legal precedent, they must fund all sorts of organizations that address issues of spirituality. Granted, ASM tried to cut funding for Badger Catholic in 2007 and were overturned by the courts, so student government isn’t solely responsible. The problem with this is the money in the General Student Services Fund comes from student segregated fees. Because ASM operates with a blanket policy of funding spiritual student groups, atheist students are indirectly paying for Catholic worship activities, and Catholic students are indirectly paying to promote atheism. That isn’t fair to University of Wisconsin students. Neither Badger Catholic nor Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics have any business receiving funding that comes out of the pockets of every student at UW. The decision of whether or not to support an organization whose mission is religious or atheist is incredibly personal. Students have a right to freedom of religious beliefs — they deserve the right to choose freely which religious or atheist student organizations they support financially. Charles Godfrey (cgodfrey@ wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in physics and math.

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE BITCHY A roundup of some of the more thought-provoking (or thoughtless) comments left on badgerherald.com In response to the 11/15 column:

In response to the 11/15 editorial:

GOP tries to derail Obamacare debate

Ryanʼs “urban” comment epitomizes Republican problems


Guest I object to a 26 year old being called a child just on basic

Is the word “urban” being arbitrarily added to your secret

principles, but if you don’t mind it, I guess I can start refer-

racist lexicon now?

ring to teh BH editorial boad as a bunch of children.

Llcthecableguy’s criticism of the Affordable Care Act, like most of his comments, is vapid and senseless. If not being forced to pay for our his or her own health care qualifies someone as a child, then I guess all retired seniors on Medicare are children too.

While claiming that Paul Ryan used the word “urban” in a subliminally racist way is certainly not a position easily defended, it shows just how easy it would be for anyone to get away with being covertly prejudicial. While this commenter points to the potential danger of making that leap of logic, refusing to consider that leap as legitimate is just as dangerous.

employee health care costs “add $1,525 to the price of every car that leaves the lot” of General Motors, illustrating GM spends more on employee health care than it does on steel to make its motor vehicles. To be competitive here in the United States and internationally, we need to lower health insurance costs on employers. A single-payer health care system, also known as Medicare-for-all, would remove the burden of health care costs from businesses and individual states and shift those costs onto the federal government. It would also be more efficient than our current fragmented health care system. According to Physicians for a National Health Program, the U.S. health care system spends 31 percent of its total expenditures on administrative and overhead costs, compared with Canada’s rate of only 16.7 percent. A Medicare-for-all system would greatly reduce

these administrative and overhead costs and allow the federal government to cover every American citizen at a lower cost, as is illustrated by the fact that the U.S. spends the most per capita on health care in the world, but unlike most industrialized democracies, does not provide universal coverage. As the Government Accountability Office said in 1991, “If the U.S. were to shift to a system of universal coverage and a single payer, as in Canada, the savings in administrative costs would be more than enough to offset the expense of universal coverage.” I have not heard Schnatter or The National Restaurant Association openly advocate for a Medicarefor-all system, a system that would relieve them completely of their “burden” to contribute to their employees’ health care plans. I have also not heard Walker advocate for a universal health care system, instead hearing

only vague references to private health care and consumer choice. Instead, groups like National Federation of Independent Business have opposed it in the U.S., as Ellen Valentino, Delaware State Director for the NFIB said, “Single payer systems are breaking budgets all over the world and it makes very little sense to pursue it in Delaware.” It is time for free market politicians like Walker and businesses like Papa John’s to stop complaining about the costs incurred on them by Obamacare. If Walker and Papa John’s had simply followed their rational economic self-interest and advocated for a singlepayer health care system, and if it would have been implemented, they would not be paying for people’s health insurance and would have nothing to complain about. They only have themselves to blame. Aaron Loudenslager (loudenslager@wisc.edu) is a first year law student.


Republican Party needs to make over their image The results of the 2012 presidential election reveal a need for the Republican Party to reinvent itself. The party’s reputation outside active, registered membership is what caused Romney to lose. Shy of scrapping the primary system for selecting its presidential candidate, the GOP needs to substantially disavow itself of pure social conservatives and hardline traditionalists. Because election results show the majority of the U.S. views traditional social conservatism as reactionary, the best thing the GOP can do is to disown hardline conservatives and become the “center of center” party. Is it selling out? You bet. Will it save the party from another electoral beat down? Well, it’s more likely to than becoming the Socialist alternative to the Democrats. If the split between social conservatives and moderates within the Republican Party broadens enough, then disenchanted GOP moderates may switch to the Libertarian Party, which in turn might gain enough traction to grab a few House of Representatives seats. This would pose a greater loss of membership by volume than an exodus of hardliners, as evinced by several avowed Tea Party incumbents losing seats they had won in the 2010 midterm elections. A strong conservative third party garnering at least 15 percent of the popular vote nationally would be unfortunate for the Republican Party due to splitting the conservative vote; the Democrat presidential and Senate candidates are guaranteed to win in that scenario due to maintaining the liberal vote under one party. This is true even when accounting for liberal alternative parties which collectively tend to garner below 2 percent of votes nationally. Although the Socialist Party used to be strong in Milwaukee and Madison, and the Agrarian Party dominant in rural

Minnesota, those days have long been over. Despite the likelihood the absolute number of true conservatives has remained steady, it seems the liberal demographics have literally out-immigrated and out-reproduced the conservatives, even after accounting for all the Title X birth control used. Perhaps that is what David Axelrod meant when he referred to Obama’s campaign as “from the loins” the day prior to this year’s election. Whatever the context, the electorate has made it clear that a majority of its members distrusts anyone wealthy. All it takes is for a single miscue to go viral and enervate opposition voters in

Refusing to adequately pander to this lowest common denominator will produce continued national electoral losses. a mixture of rage and self-righteous duty to prevent the holder of “ill-gotten” but entirely legitimate wealth from achieving office. Although many celebrities, millionaires and a few billionaires are Democrats, the average voter somehow does not view the Democrats as a caucus of wealthy Caucasians despite dominance by that group in Democrat primaries. Perhaps this is due to an emphasis on forcible wealth transfers mandated by government rather than on voluntary transactions between property owners. The taxpayers and the government do the dirty work of systematically providing for the needy, while the celebrities remind the recipients of such gifts that the chances of becoming rich are about the same as the likelihood of becoming a celebrity. Much like the common laborer, a typical celebrity has no business acumen or financial literacy and therefore would

not have any lucrative deals without a business manager applying good financial sense and making the actual negotiations. The GOP may counter the “rich folks’ club” stereotype by positioning lowerincome members to be the visible icons of the party, especially for presidential and vice presidential candidates, because it is evident that most of U.S. voters today distrust anyone who’s rich. The distinction between inherited “old wealth” and first-generation “new wealth” doesn’t matter to the typical critic of capital. The common thought is, “If you’re rich, then you must have screwed others over!” Such opponents of wealth view passive income from stock exchanges and loan interest as “not real work” and “not truly earned.” They view those who hold onto their smartly earned wealth, achieved through the hard work of disciplined investment and financial literacy, as “immoral” and “evil” for not divesting the majority of income to those who did nothing beyond their much lower personal market value to earn that wealth. Those are the people who believe capitalism artificially deflates the value of the common laborer while disregarding the intellectual labor of the financial managers and business leaders who make opportunities for wealth happen. Essentially, the Republican Party needs to market itself as more competent than the Democratic Party in caring for the financially illiterate who will never do anything better in life than work the fast food counter, mop the floors or screw pipes onto threads all day. Refusing to adequately pander to this lowest common denominator will produce continued national electoral losses. Joseph Ohler, Jr. ( joeohlerjr@yahoo.com) is a 2010 graduate of the public administration program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

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ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Monday, November 19, 2012

Good times galore at Old Crow’s show Madison audiences prescribed banjo, fiddling for all ailments this weekend Phillip Balistriere ArtsEtc. Writer

Jen Small The Badger Herald

Derek Smith achieved blood-pumping drops, riffs and rhythms in his set Thursday night at the Alliant Energy Center, quenching UW-Madison students’ apparent for music that is electronically-based.

Pretty Lights set fans ablaze EDM masses turned out to see Colorado-based artist perform with Paul Basic, MartyParty last week Nolan Bornowski ArtsEtc. Writer For Derek Vincent Smith, sharing is caring. Better known as Pretty Lights, the Coloradobased artist freely distributes his unique blend of electro hiphop soul music over the Internet for fans to download as they please. Although his Thursday night performance at the Alliant Energy Center’s Exhibition Hall was not exactly free, Pretty Lights packed the house with revelers craving funkinfused electronic jams. Those who arrived early were treated to the opening acts of Pretty Lights’ fellow Coloradoans and promoters of free music, Paul Basic and MartyParty. Formerly a member of electro duo Half Color, Paul (Brandt) Basic performed a few vintage Half Color hits. “Rung Out,” was packed with Skrillex-esque wobble bass and syncopated siren screeches, while “Lazer Park” liberally incorporated vocal samples from 1981 film Time Bandits. Enthusiastically bouncing his head with the music, Basic finished his set with some of his solo works, notable for having frenetic 32nd note hi-hat patterns over the top of bass rhythms. Basic was followed by Martin Folb, aka MartyParty. When he is

not touring as the other half of dubstep crew PANTyRAiD, MartyParty is also a successful solo artist. Producing what he describes as “purple music,” MartyParty combines elements of glitch, dubstep and hip-hop into smooth, rolling tracks. Wearing his trademark white and black MartyParty trucker cap, the artist opened up with “Maya,” a triplet-heavy, scratchladen number with a distinctive buzzy bassline. MartyParty played several other songs from his latest album, MVP, including the lurching “MVP Intro” and “All in the Game,” featuring infectious piano-plinking eighth notes and a funky, loose drum beat. Around 9:30 p.m., Pretty Lights’ setup crew went to work as classic Notorious BIG blared through the stacks of speakers. As the seconds ticked down on a gigantic countdown timer, Pretty Lights took the stage to Jay-Z’s “No Church in the Wild” and wild audience applause. In case any addled concertgoers had forgotten their location, Pretty Lights helpfully called out “Madison-motherfuckingWisconsin!” before opening his set to an old-school PL favorite, “Switch Up.” “Who Loves Me” was next, played to flashing and swirling purple lights that prompted emphatic arm pumping among the

crowd. PL continued to mix hits from different albums with the guitar riff-laden “Can’t Stop Me Now” and the bouncy trumpet hooks of “I Can See it in Your Face.” Following several wellknown tracks, the next may have been unfamiliar even to seasoned PL fans. Opening to a sample of The Alan Parsons Project’s “Sirius,” the mash-up interspersed snippets of Jay-Z’s “Run This Town” and Wiz Khalifa’s “Say Yeah.” Although Pretty Lights usually fashions original pieces, he seems to enjoy the occasional mash-up, having previously created single remixes from the likes of Eric Clapton and Europe. Wrapping up the set with his 2012 single, “We Must Go On,” Pretty Lights pleaded with attendees to “keep shit beautiful.” Scenes from metropolitan areas around the world were played on the backdrop screen as the soulful jam resonated throughout the foggy venue. Following the new single, Pretty Lights decided it was time to “take it way, way back with some old-school Pretty Lights” with a remix of his most famous hit, “Finally Moving.” As its distinctive guitar riff intro from Nightmares on Wax’s “You Wish” began, the crowd applause nearly drowned out the speakers. Briefly pausing the music before

the song’s final drop, PL demanded to “see every fucking hand touch the ceiling!” As the hands shot up, the song plummeted into a downright dirty drop before decrescendoing as the stage faded to black. Lured back to the stage by the incessant cheering of the audience, Pretty Lights performed an encore of his 2011 single, “I Know The Truth.” Perfect for head-bobbing, the song begins with pounding piano keys leading into a glitchy, synth-heavy journey through Wobble Bass City. Acknowledging the crowd one final time, Pretty Lights implored his deafened followers to “keep it fresh and stay classy.” As the lights went down one final time, sound techs began deconstructing the conglomeration of audio machinery while the crowd shuffled out to hiphop tunes from Dead Prez and Jay-Z. For artists like Paul Basic, MartyParty and Pretty Lights, freely sharing music is as much a part of their job as creating it. By distributing music gratis, these artists reach a mass audience and, in turn, generate concert ticket sales. If they continue to put on shows like they did in Madison, these rhythmically-talented Coloradoans will follow their bass-laden beats to unbridled success.

With the force of an F5 tornado from the deep south, the boys from Old Crow Medicine Show swept into Madison Thursday night. In a nearly two-hour set, they managed to turn the Overture Center’s Capitol Theater into a northern Grand Ole Opry. The band, armed with banjos, fiddles, guitars and a thumping upright bass, wasted no time once they hit the stage, launching into “Carry Me Back to Virginia” from this year’s release Carry Me Back. The song, loosely based on an old Civil War tune of the same name, set the pace for a night of raucous melodies with an audience that was more than happy to hoot, holler and dance along. Before concert-goers received little more than a “hello,” the band had raced through four songs, including “Alabama High Test” and “Caroline,” complete with Dylanesque harmonica licks, instrument tradeoffs and gregarious stage dancing, all with more energy than some bands put out in an entire evening. When lead singer Ketch Secor finally addressed the audience, he began a night filled with Wisconsin references, paying tribute in full to the state playing host. Ketch took every moment to talk of State Street and the Badgers, name dropping places like Waukesha, Sheboygan and Eau Claire, or about a band tour of the Capitol. “That’s a voluptuous gal. A real dairy maid, you know?” he said of the woman known as “Forward” outside the building, adding, “I met a girl like that on a train in Tomah, Wisconsin.” When Ketch was not busy talking, he was busy trading the spotlight with fellow members Kevin Hayes and Christopher “Critter” Fuqua. Fuqua, having returned to the band after a fouryear hiatus, was right at home on the opening show of the tour. His stage performance saw him effortlessly switching between guitar, banjo and accordion, in addition to delivering lead vocals on a few songs such as “Take ‘em Away,” a self-penned track from the band’s debut O.M.C.S. While it is

one of the group’s slower songs, it was not even close to mellowing an audience that could not get enough. Playing to that excitement, the boys started into a final stretch of tunes prime for sing-alongs. Kicking off with a relaxed version of “Wagon Wheel,” the group got nearly everyone in the place on their feet but, surprisingly, the band’s biggest hit did not garner the biggest response of the night. Instead, the audience, in true Madison form, roared loudest for the Woody Guthrie work anthem “Union Maid.” The song is an oldie, recorded for 2006 release Big Iron World, but it of course had to be pulled out for this show. However, that was not the end of the band tipping its hat to the music it loves, as it brought out opener Robert Ellis to cover Willie Nelson’s “Good Hearted Woman” and Bob Dylan’s “I Shall Be Released,” a soothing track perfect to wind down an evening of over-thetop performances. For Robert Ellis’ part, he may have taken the stage as an unknown solo act, but he was on the lips of many by the time the show was over. There may not have been a better pick as an opener than Ellis to match the drive of the Old Crow gang. Coming out of Houston, Ellis’ music showed a clear influence of Texas greats such as Rodney Crowell in the lyrics of “Westbound Train” and the humor of Jerry Jeff Walker on “No Fun.” Athough he was playing solo, Ellis could bust out a lightning-fast guitar lick that would not be out of step with Old Crow Medicine Show. Even as Ellis dipped more into the mellow side of music, playing the wistful “TV Song” with a James Taylor sensibility in the lyrics and picking, his focus and appreciation of the attentive audience was never in question and momentum was never lost. Gratefully, he thanked the crowd numerous times, clearly enjoying his moment in the limelight. “Most of the time I think of it as me versus the audience,” he said, feeling he has to compete with the noise level of a chattering crowd. “But I like this.” And given the overwhelming response concert goers had for Ellis, it was clear they liked it, too.

Forget haute couture runways: Street style steals show Maggie Schafer Timelessly Trendy Columnist If you are interested enough in fashion to read this article, chances are you have checked out a street style blog or flipped through pages of fashionable pedestrians in magazines like Elle. Street style has been around as long as fashion itself, and can be reflected in the “wild” fashions of subcultural groups found in bars and on sidewalks instead of couture shows and the glossy pages of magazines. The jazz-loving zoot suiters followed by the literary beatniks, David Bowie fans dressed in glam rock and glitter and the punks who turned fashion inside out are all examples of subcultures that rocked the fashion world from the street up. Like all assets of

both fashion and culture, street style is constantly evolving. Traditionally associated with quirky individuals who slip under the radar of the mainstream fashion world, street style and the individuals who represent it have begun taking center stage, becoming more influential than many designers themselves. Bloggers such as Susie Lau, creator of Style Bubble and websites such as Lookbook. nu and Streetpeeper have gained wild popularity because they represent a more individualized approach to fashion. Take the pre-Internet world of the 1980s and ‘90s, when magazines, super models and designer logos reigned king. Back in the day, nothing could be considered more chic than head-to-toe designer outfits. Copying a look piece for piece meant there was no room for mistakes, and articles labeled “get the look” told readers exactly what to wear in order to copy their favorite fashionistas. Perhaps I’m making

some assumptions, but if a girl walked into your Monday morning lecture in a full Chanel get-up, the heads she would turn would be looking at her in confusion more than anything else. Thanks to blogs upon blogs, fashionistas no longer have to follow the orthodox fashion presented by the world of haute couture. Street style blogs show how individuals combine mass marketed fashion trends with their own individual styles. These blogs show an appreciation for the creativity involved in the outfits of the fashionable and chic, the ways in which purchasing pieces and putting together an outfit calls for subtle innovation. Being “one of a kind” is highly valued, both in the overall composition of the look and in individual pieces. Although internationally successful stores such as Zara and American Apparel are often favorites among bloggers, there is an emphasis on alternative markets such as thrift stores, vintage shops

and flea markets, where fashionistas brag of finding pieces that no one else will have. “DIY” or do-it-yourself is also another favorite among street style bloggers who either create or adjust clothes that are both on trend and unique. For the average girl, street style blogs seem significantly more realistic than the extreme fashions on the runway. While designers create a new “look” every season, it is rare to find people who completely adopt this look in every aspect of their outfit. Instead, the looks that are represented in severe versions on the runways and in editorials are represented subtly in street style, through specific details, colors or fit. In the real world, nobody buys a new wardrobe each season. Even the most fashion-forward people buy a couple of new pieces every season and incorporate them into the clothes they already own. Therefore, while editorials may claim there is a fashion revolution every other

month, in the real world, as reflected in the world of street style, changes happen more gradually as we integrate new pieces into those that we already own. It seems no surprise street style blogs have become such a huge source of fashion inspiration; they are more relatable than the world of high fashion. As a result of the growing popularity of blogs, subcultures have become more sharply defined and simultaneously more blended. Many fashionistas pick and choose aspects of different subcultures that fit their individual style to create an overall “alternative” look that cite subcultures ranging from goth to grunge to boho. It has been suggested this “alternative” look may become so popular it will lose the aspects of its individuality and become mainstream itself. I believe, though, that this is simply the natural trajectory of fashion, and essentially what keeps fashion evolving. Once an innovative proponent of street style notices

their look is becoming mainstream, they will adjust it so as to fit their evolving individuality and to differentiate. Even those who appear to look mainstream can fight for their individuality in the subtle ways in which the construction of an outfit reflects their own personal background. So what does this all mean? Street style is taking over the world of haute couture, yet haute couture could care less. Street style gives individual fashionistas closer access to the world of fashion. Fashion is no longer being communicated to us through advertisements of what we are supposed to be like. Instead, we can watch girls and guys who we can relate to asserting their individuality over mass marketing trends. We are encouraged to use these people as inspiration, not as models to mindlessly copy, and we learn that even though we don’t have last names like Lagerfield, we can still be influential in our own world of fashion.

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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Monday, November 19, 2012



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Wisconsin breezes past Cornell 73-40 Brust tallies 18 points, 12 rebounds, Evans adds 12 points, 10 rebounds in Badgers’ strong defensive showing Ian McCue Sports Editor After a humbling loss to Florida Wednesday night, Wisconsin head coach Bo Ryan did everything he could to forget about the troubling defensive lapses in the blowout loss to the Gators. In a 73-40 Badger victory over Cornell (1-3) at the Kohl Center Sunday night, Ryan may not be as quick to suppress his memories as three UW (2-1) players — Jared Berggren, Ben Brust and Ryan Evans — finished in double figures. “We didn’t practice with the idea that, ‘Hey, we lost this last game, we got to now come out here and play,’” Ryan said. “It was never even discussed other than the clips of showing movement, teaching points. This was the next 40 minutes, 35 of it, 34 of it was pretty good.” Forward Jared Berggren and shooting guard Ben Brust set the pace with 18 points apiece as the Badgers grabbed a commanding lead

early and never lost control. While the Big Red would notch the first basket of the game, a 14-0 Wisconsin run kept Cornell scoreless for over seven minutes. Cornell head coach Bill Courtney pointed to threeconsecutive three-pointers from redshirt guard George Marshall, Berggren and freshman standout Sam Dekker as the stretch that suppressed any chance of a Big Red comeback. And a Dekker steal and powerful one-handed dunk on the other end of the hardwood following that streak essentially put Cornell’s chances at the upset to rest. Though the offensive certainly contributed to the breakaway lead, Wisconsin’s nine blocks Sunday kept Cornell from developing any offensive rhythm. “I was even probably a little surprised as our players were at their size and how well they defended,” Courtney said. “Just a heck of a defensive ball club that doesn’t allow you to get anything around the basket.” The only previous

meeting between Cornell and Wisconsin, the 87-69 thrashing by the Big Red in the second round of the 2010 NCAA tournament — when the Ivy League squad finished with an unreal 61.9 percent shooting percentage from the floor and 53.3 percent from three-point range — experienced a complete reversal Sunday night. The Big Red shot just 26 percent from the floor and a debilitating 13 percent from three-point land. While Brust may have stolen the show as he sprayed the stat sheet with 12 rebounds and four assists to complement his 18 points — his second double-double of the year — Berggren showed a renewed aggressiveness attacking the basket. The fifth-year senior big man proved a defensive force with four of Wisconsin’s blocks, three of them coming in the first 20 minutes. Eluding the Badgers’ goto player inside the paint was his first career doubledouble, an achievement he has failed to notch through

87 career games. “That’s one thing I’ve been looking at every game, like alright, I’m going to get a double-double tonight and I haven’t been able to do it yet,” Berggren said with a laugh. “Benny’s cleaned things up, so I got to make it happen here sooner or later. You got to quit stealing my rebounds here.” Heading into the locker room with a comforting 18-point cushion, Berggren earned some rest in the second half and scored only two points in the second half. But his effortless slams and dump-ins around the hoop were replaced by Brust’s ability to create space in the lane, an aggressiveness that fueled the junior guard’s 11-point second half. Adding to a less productive but sufficient offensive effort in the second half was fifth-year senior forward Ryan Evans. Despite proving his own defensive mettle with two blocks on as many Cornell possessions early on, the forward’s pull-up jumpers

were well off the mark as he went into the break 1-for-4 from the field. But Evans set the tone when he scored Wisconsin’s first four points of the second half. The squad’s top returning rebounder from the 2011-12 campaign refueled after the intermission with a 10-point, seven-rebound effort that helped the Badgers run away with the belated rematch against the Big Red. “It was good to see him get his confidence up, knock down a couple shots, finish and then get some boards,” Brust said of Evans. After taking advantage of Cornell’s sluggish start, the Badgers’ may not have needed much offensive aid but they may have found themselves in trouble had the game not been all but decided early. Wisconsin sunk just one of its 13 three-point attempts in the second half and its field goal percentage dropped to 31.4 percent after sinking 50 percent of its shots in the first half. The reassuring defensive

BALL, from 8 picture” for breaking the record earlier this week, the game did not pull together in pictureframed fashion for the senior tailback. But as it became increasingly apparent that the stars were not aligning for the senior’s big day and that he could not yet add his name to the NCAA record books, UW head coach Bret Bielema could not contain his emotion after the loss. “Seniors, those guys mean the world for me. I know Montee’s hurting, I know he wanted that [record],” Bielema said, his voice cracking as tears welled up in his eyes. “He was like a man possessed there in the second quarter, fun to watch. But the good news is it will make everybody stronger, just sucks to go through.” Picking up 41 yards in the first quarter, Ball’s day got off to a convincing start. In the second quarter on the drive that ended with his only

ERICKSON, from 8 defense is able to keep up its level of play over the next two weeks, things are looking rosy for the cardinal and white. As of right now, chances are the Badgers will have a rematch with the Cornhuskers in the Big Ten Championship game. Nebraska and Michigan hold the same conference record, but Nebraska holds the tiebreaker with a 23-9 victory over Michigan. Also, Nebraska travels to Iowa for its regular season finale while Michigan travels to a far more dangerous setting — Ohio Stadium. While UW’s defense didn’t force any turnovers against OSU, it did sack Miller three times. In all honesty, Miller is one of the best quarterbacks in the Big Ten and far more mobile

SENIOR DAY, from 8 But Phillips would not let his team go down without a fight. Getting the ball with 1:33 left in regulation, Buckeyes’ senior defensive end John Simon — who recorded the last of his four sacks on the day — sacked Phillips on the first play of the drive But the fifth-year senior signal-caller showed grit over the next six plays, completing a crucial fourth-and-3 to wide receiver Jared Abbrederis and finding the receiver again for 11 yards to move the ball to the Ohio State 5-yard line. Two plays later, Phillips connected on a five-yard strike to tight end Jacob Pedersen for a touchdown and sent Camp Randall into a frenzy. “There were a couple plays that were just all on him making unbelievable efforts,” Bielema said. “Great throws against a very good football team. What he gave us today was worth its weight in gold.”

touchdown, the senior tailback received the ball on four straight plays and rushed for 38 yards. Ball admitted that a swirl of frustration and disappointment ate at him in the locker room postgame. But looking surprisingly composed as a swarm of reporters gathered around him following the defeat, he twirled a certain football emblazoned with a red Motion ‘W’ in his hands. It was the record-tying football, a piece of history he said he still planned to hand over to his parents. Even after the difficult loss that made it impossible for the Badgers to officially win the Leaders Division crown, he acknowledged the magnitude of the moment when he tied former Miami (OH) running back Travis Prentice’s record. “It’s memorable,” he said. “It’s something that I’m going to look back on, cherish it for the rest of my life, so I just wanted to make sure to soak it all in.”

than Nebraska quarterback Taylor Martinez. If the Badgers can put forth a similar performance against Martinez, there’s an extremely solid chance they will make like 2011 and gain revenge in the Big Ten title game. UW still has one game remaining, at Penn State, which will pose as a litmus test for the defense. But for a defense that has proved its worth time and again this season, its performance Saturday was one worthy of Senior Day for a team vying for a spot in the Rose Bowl. Kelly is a senior majoring in journalism and is starting to freak out about her future. Think the Badgers deserved to win on Saturday? Let her know at kerickson@badgerherald. com or send her a tweet @ kellymerickson.


Single-Handedly Responsible For the Death of Print Media Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Monday, November 19, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: White Bread & Toast responsible for shuttering of at least six papers















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.




The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: Unsolvable Kakuro halves readership



Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

















32 39









46 49



56 59






















maker 43 Neckwear for informal occasions? 46 ___ rummy 47 Top of a woman’s swimsuit 48 City that a song asks “Do you know the way to …?” 51 Neckwear for boyfriends? 56 “O Sole ___” 57 States with confidence 58 Neckwear in a work of fiction? 63 Rosemary, for one 64 Blew it 65 Doughnut shapes, mathematically 66 Song in a libretto 67 Andrea ___ (ship in 1956 headlines) 68 Furry ally of Luke Skywalker 69 Major Calif.-

to-Fla. route 70 With cunning 71 100-yard race, e.g. Down 1 Cracked a little 2 Target’s target, e.g. 3 He and she 4 Entrance to a freeway 5 “Anything going on?” 6 Indian princess 7 Nash who loved to rhyme 8 Ankle bones 9 Byron’s “before” 10 Do nothing 11 Foodpoisoning bacteria 12 Oilproducing rock 13 Fusses 21 Lav 22 Derisive shouts 25 Bill ___, the

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

49 50 51


Puzzle by Tom Pepper Across 1 Woman in a choir 5 Scribbled, say 10 One piece of a three-piece suit 14 Lav 15 “Horrible” comic strip character 16 Sound in a long hallway 17 Golden ___ (senior) 18 Tennis champ Agassi 19 Provoke 20 Neckwear for princes? 22 Jiggly dessert 23 Calendar pgs. 24 Neckwear for a full baseball team? 26 Alternative to “shape up” 30 Vote for 31 The “p” in r.p.m. 32 Neckwear just right for the occasion? 38 Have a life 41 U.K. honour 42 Posturepedic

40 44







39 35











47 51










10 16












Science Guy 26 Design detail, for short 27 Six: Prefix 28 Pupil surrounder 29 Harness race gait 33 Japanese sash 34 What “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” has a lot of 35 Villain who says “O,

53 54 55 59

60 61

62 64

beware, my lord, of jealousy” Yale students, informally “Auld Lang ___” Like bedroom communities Bite-size pies, maybe China’s Chou En-___ Expeditious type of delivery Goose egg Scribbled (down) Faith founded in 19th-century Persia Turn inside out Eagle’s nest Become a member: Var. “My bad” Part of a bridal ensemble Des Moines’s state Arrow shooter of Greek myth Worshiper in a temple Magazine staffers, for short

Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ I was gonna make a joke about the end of Twinkies but I’m just too sad. I’d eat my feelings but I don’t got any Twinkies. It’s a self-reinforcing downward spiral into a pit of despair with no yellow, spongey landing in sight.

Sports Editor Ian McCue sports@badgerherald.com

8 | Sports | Monday, November 19, 2012






OSU spoils Senior Day for UW, 21-14 RECAP

Badgers lose second consecutive home game in overtime despite late heroics from Phillips; Buckeyes lock up Leaders Division title Nick Korger Sports Content Editor The fairytale setting seemed perfect as Wisconsin and Ohio State entered the start of overtime. The Badgers had just been led on Senior Day to a game-tying drive by fifthyear senior quarterback Curt Phillips in the waning minute of regulation, with star tailback and fellow senior Montee Ball just one touchdown away from breaking the NCAA all-time career touchdown record. But Saturday afternoon at Camp Randall, No. 6 Ohio State (11-0, 7-0 Big Ten) would have none of it, besting Wisconsin (7-4, 4-3) by a score of 21-14 in overtime and securing the Leaders Division title outright. But the loss did not change the fact Wisconsin will represent the division in the Big Ten Championship game by default as Ohio State serves its one-year bowl ban. The loss was the first for the Badgers on Senior Day in UW head coach Bret Bielema’s tenure, as the team’s nine senior players were sent out with a loss in their final game at Camp Randall. “I’m sorry for my seniors,” Bielema said. “Guys did a lot for us in the last four, five years. Not to send them out with a win was difficult to swallow.” Ball led all rushers with

191 yards on 39 carries and scored his 78th career touchdown in the second quarter, tying former Miami (OH) running back Travis Prentice’s record. What perhaps made the end result so surprising for Wisconsin was the fact it held Ohio State’s dynamic playmaker at quarterback, Braxton Miller, to just 48 yards on the ground and 97 through the air, well below the Heisman hopeful’s usual output of 291.9 total yards of offense per game. “He’s pretty amazing when you think of some of the things he can do with his feet,” Wisconsin free safety Dezmen Southward said. “On tape and on paper maybe we’re not a defense that can match up with that but I think that we showed … we can stop anybody.” The Buckeyes started off the overtime with a decisive 11-yard gain by Carlos Hyde, part of a solid game by the running back that included 87 yards and two touchdowns on just 15 carries. “We ran a play we hadn’t ran all day with Carlos (Hyde) to the edge,” Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer said. “Their focus was all over Braxton Miller and rightfully so … I thought Carlos Hyde ran [well], I think we need to give him the ball a little bit more.” OSU wide receiver Corey Brown returned a Drew Meyer punt 68 yards to make

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

In his second career start under center for Wisconsin, Curt Phillips engineered a fourth quarter drive that ended with his game-tying touchdown throw to Jacob Pedersen with eight seconds left. the score 7-0 Buckeyes with 1 minute, 58 seconds left in the first quarter as the Buckeyes’ offense built off that momentum on their next drive. Miller orchestrated an eight play, 69-yard drive capped off by a Hyde touchdown run, making the score 14-0 in favor of the visitor. But Wisconsin would answer, as Ball’s number was called five times on an

eight-play scoring drive in the second quarter and the tailback rushed for 45 yards on the 82-yard scoring drive, including the recordtying 7-yard touchdown that brought the score to 14-7. Ball had a chance to break the record in the game’s waning minutes, as a controversial spot by the field judge placed a third down run by Ball a yard short of the first down. Down 14-7 late in

the fourth, the Badgers went for it on fourth-and-1 just two yards from the goal line. Ball elevated from the ground as Ohio State’s defensive linemen cut at the knees of his offensive line, but was unable to stretch far enough to score. The Buckeyes punched the ball out of Ball’s hands and put an abrupt end to the potential scoring drive. “I just had this flash in my mind when we were lining

up to run that play, ‘don’t jump, don’t jump,’” Bielema said. “Because I knew he was doing anything he could to get in the end zone, I can’t discredit him for the effort.” It was the lone blemish on an otherwise solid fourth quarter for Ball, as the tailback bulldozed his way to 51 yards on the ground.

SENIOR DAY, page 6


Ball scores 78th career touchdown to tie NCAA record as Ohio State’s goal line stand in 4th quarter prevents potential record-breaker Ian McCue Sports Editor When Montee Ball took the ball at the 7-yard line, he cut left, leapt into the air and landed on his left foot before flopping into the Camp Randall end zone. The perfect Senior Day tale, the one where he would tie and then break the all-time NCAA touchdown record, seemed to be falling perfectly into place. But that tale quickly turned sour when Ball dove over a goal line pile-up with his arms fully extended, as Ohio State linebacker Ryan Shazier jarred the ball loose. The Buckeyes recovered the fumble at the 6-yard line and that second quarter score would be his lone touchdown of the game as Wisconsin (74, 4-3 Big Ten) fell to Ohio State (11-0, 7-0) in a 21-14 overtime loss Saturday. “Stupid play. Stupid decision,” Ball said of the play. “I just feel like I had to do something in that situation because they submarined our linemen, [the defensive line] kind of dove to the ground and it was clogged up.” A demoralized Ball Andy Fate The Badger Herald returned to the sideline Senior tailback Montee Ball played like a man on fire in the final game of his career at Camp Randall, rushing for 191 yards and a touchdown. feeling as if he had cost the

team not only the gametying score, but a shot at handing the undefeated Buckeyes their first loss of the season. “He was pretty upset,” junior running back James White said. “Anybody in that position probably would be, so I just went over there, talked to him, was like, ‘Keep your head up, the game’s not over with, we have enough time to come back and win this.’” White’s words of encouragement held true less than three minutes of gametime later. A well-executed twominute drill from UW quarterback Curt Phillips gave Ball another shot at career touchdown No. 79 — the record-breaker — but Ball’s two carries amounted to only four yards in Wisconsin’s only drive of extra period. “Extremely bittersweet,” Ball said postgame. “It would have been perfect for us to win with a touchdown in overtime and to break the record, but Ohio State played well and they deserve it.” The senior tailback finished the day with 191 yards on 39 carries, pushing and pounding his way to an average of 4.9 yards per carry. Redshirt senior

center Travis Frederick described Ball’s physical style as “running as hard as I’ve ever seen him run today.” But after that fourth quarter mistake, it was difficult to recall the momentum-inducing excitement of the running back’s 78th career touchdown. As Ball climbed back to his feet after crossing the goal line, the neighboring student section erupting in cheers, he took a moment to soak in the situation before jogging to the sideline with the historic ball placed firmly in his right hand. The next stop was the bench, where he thanked the offensive linemen who paved the way for the impressive touchdown total that tied the NCAA career record. “It was just like, ‘Let’s keep going, let’s get the next one,’” Frederick said of Ball’s message to the offensive line after the touchdown. “You guys are doing great up there, and keep going.” Although his parents joined him on the field pregame and created what he described as the “ideal

BALL, page 6

Hope remains for 3rd-straight Rose Bowl despite loss Kelly Erickson Erickson the Red Anything felt possible. Curt Phillips just orchestrated one of the best two-minute drills in recent Wisconsin history to force overtime Senior Day. Montee Ball had a renewed chance at breaking the NCAA career touchdown mark after earning the record-tying score in the second quarter. And the defense — which housed five of the nine seniors — was playing one of

its best games of the season. But Senior Day couldn’t be that picture perfect. I wanted it. As a senior myself in my second year covering the football team, I saw the wealth of potential storylines with a Senior Day overtime win. It was tantalizing. How could a 1-minute, 33-second improbable touchdown drive after a sack on the first play end all for naught? It just wasn’t meant to be. Ohio State was undefeated once again. The Badgers wanted to repeat 2010. Unfortunately, 2012 just wasn’t the same. It simply was not meant to be. But looking at the facts, the better team didn’t necessarily win Saturday,

at least as far as what’s on paper. There’s no denying Ohio State is going to be one tough beast to overcome in the immediate future, but at Camp Randall Saturday Wisconsin put forth an effort that fell just one missed field goal or one goal-line fumble short. The Buckeyes have the top scoring offense in the Big Ten, averaging 38.4 points per game. Through four quarters Wisconsin held Ohio State’s offense to only 14 points, and even with their third touchdown in overtime, it was the Buckeyes’ secondlowest scoring total of the season. The Wisconsin defense held Ohio State to its lowest offensive output all season with 139 rushing yards and

97 passing yards for 236 total yards. Prior to Saturday, the least amount of offensive yards OSU gained in a game was Oct. 20 against Purdue with 342 yards. It was averaging 445.3 offensive yards per game. Braxton Miller himself — OSU’s leading rusher — averaged 116.6 rushing yards per game and an additional 175.3 yards through the air. Despite the end result, the Badgers shut him down, allowing Miller only 97 passing yards as he finished 10-of-18 with 48 rushing yards. “I think everyone gave their all every single play,” fifth-year senior cornerback Devin Smith said. “They’re a team averaging 39 points a game and about 400 yards

of offense and we held them to (236) yards and 14 points total … that’s the best any other team has done against them and I think that we definitely played well. That’s what makes this loss so tough.” The Badgers actually used backup running back Jeff Lewis as a stand-in for Braxton Miller on the scout team during practice leading up to the game. Lewis’ speed mirrored that of Miller, allowing the defense to get used to his mobility and find ways to contain him. The tactic paid dividends on the stat sheet — but not in the final score. Beyond limiting Miller, the Badgers also found a quick path to the backfield, posting seven tackles for loss for 29

yards and three sacks for a loss of 17 yards. The defense also had two quarterback hurries. It was one of the best performances the Badgers put together all season and it’s especially important given the Buckeyes were the best team they have faced all season. In effect, the Badgers may just be peaking at the perfect time — and that performance happened without one of their best players in middle linebacker Chris Borland. Despite the heartwrenching loss (that in the grand scheme of the season means nothing, since UW is still going to the Big Ten title game), if the Wisconsin

ERICKSON, page 6

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