Madison’s most admirable students try out for MTV’s “Real World” page 4
Clegg: Biddy doing her best to deal with many factors
Badgers finish unbeaten at home
Wisconsin fights off Northwestern for a win on Senior Day to end the season 16-0 at the Kohl Center page
Unions stage gigantic rally Police estimate crowds at least 70,000 strong on Saturday for largest day of protests; celebrities, politicians show solidarity Katherine Krueger Campus Editor Pro-union protesters continue to gain support in their battle for workers’ rights from nationallyrecognized celebrities and politicians urging demonstrators to continue occupying the Capitol and defending collective bargaining rights for public employees. Madison Police Department Sgt. Kelly Donahue said MPD estimated crowds at rallies throughout the weekend fluctuated between 70,000 and 80,000 on Saturday. Police did not report any arrests. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, joined local activist Ben Manski to address students gathered at the top of Bascom Hill before leading a march, which gathered about 250 members, to join union supporters standing outside the Capitol Friday. Baldwin said Wisconsin historically has been
a national leader in guaranteeing free and public education and was the first state to ensure collective bargaining rights for public employees. Baldwin also said Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill is an attempt to roll back nearly 50 years of Wisconsin history in his first five weeks in office. “We must draw the line in the sand here in Wisconsin, express our solidarity and show them what democracy looks like,” she said. She also said her colleagues in Congress have approached her to say the battle in Wisconsin must be won, or other states are sure to follow with similar legislation to limit bargaining rights. She added UW System students and students from across the state have proved a driving force in the movement and are leading the opposition to the bill. Madison native and “West Wing” star Bradley
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Streams of student protesters joined Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, on a march from Bascom Hall to the Capitol Friday. Whitford thanked the massive crowd Saturday for demonstrating to the nation and the world that democracy must be actively pursued every day. He said the days of protests are a “huge, sustained, peaceful and unwavering response” to a “misguided” proposal from Walker.
Whitford characterized the bill as radical and “unAmerican” and a ploy to repay the special interests and corporate backers that helped fund his election campaign. “[Walker] lacks the capacity for genuine leadership and instead uses his budget as a Trojan horse to deny American
workers a seat at the table,” Whitford said. “This is for a country that finally realizes its promise of opportunity for all instead of accumulation for the few.” A Madison East alumnus, Whitford also said he could not be more proud of the 800 high school students who
walked out of class and to the Capitol earlier in the week. Mayor Dave Cieslewicz also joined City Council members in public condemnation of Walker’s proposal. He said the decision to
RALLY, page 4
Regents confront Martin on Badger Partnership, system split Chancellor reemphasizes effort to transparency at high-tension meeting, warns of budget cuts Katherine Krueger Campus Editor The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents voiced frustrations over a lack of timely details about the New Badger Partnership and the chancellor ’s talks with state officials which some regents said lacked transparency at a Friday
meeting. Chancellor Biddy Martin presented her goals for her proposed new administrative model and fielded questions from UW System representatives on how the other UW institutions would be affected if the Madison campus were removed from the system. Martin said while she regrets the stress a lack of communication among regents may have caused, the most pressing issue to
consider is preserving the strength of the institutions as state budget cuts loom. She said she hopes the Badger Partnership will maximize UW’s resources by cutting through red tape and levels of bureaucracy on a state and system level which have promoted outdated administrative practices and requirements. While no officials from the Madison campus have seen Gov. Scott Walker ’s final budget bill, Martin
said increased flexibility, which would allow the campus to generate, keep and use its own resources, would be crucial to preserving the institution’s quality. Martin said after years of cuts, no pay plans from the state and furloughs for university staff, the university could still face a 15 percent reduction in state funding, a measure which would prove detrimental to the entire UW System.
“Madison is not going anywhere. UW-Madison is not going anywhere,” she said. “It does not aim, ever, to separate itself from its important relationships with other institutions in the state.” She also addressed the reasoning behind not informing the other regents she had met with the governor ’s staff to discuss the potential split, saying there is a period of any process that requires confidentiality.
The UW System also floated a proposal for public authority status in January, an action Martin said indicated the regents had been informed about the proposal. Regent Charles Pruitt said the separation has the potential to significantly change the face of higher education in Wisconsin, with a broad spectrum of effects for the other UW
Polls suggest public support for laborers National survey groups all report high rate of opposition to bill stripping collective bargaining rights; Walker’s approval falling Leah Linscheid News Reporter
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Many University of Wisconsin students stayed inside the Capitol despite an order for all protesters to clear the building for cleaning.
Protesters, officials continue Capitol occupation Hundreds leave rotunda for cleaning crews; some risk arrest Sunday afternoon when police attempt clearing out interior Ellen Anevicius News Reporter Despite the Department of Administration announcing the Capitol would be closed starting 4 p.m. Sunday, protesters refused to leave, some prepared for arrest, but police never forcibly removed demonstrators from the building. Religious leaders, union members and University of Wisconsin students said in a press conference they would practice civil
disobedience and allow officers to arrest them if law enforcement began forcing protesters out of the Capitol, which opponents of Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill have occupied since Feb. 15. Alex Hanna, co-chair of the Teaching Assistants’ Association, said he would stay and risk arrest because he said the move to close the building was political and only masked as a cleaning requirement. “This is a politically motivated decision to close
the building. Students have been stewards of this building and have helped to keep it clean,” Hanna said. Rep. Brett Hulsey, D-Madison, took the floor at 3:30 p.m., encouraging protesters to follow him out when the building closed. “We are winning,” Hulsey said. “What we need to do now is walk out those doors at 4 p.m.” However, at 4 p.m., nearly 300 people chose to walk up into the rotunda,
ignoring Hulsey and an intercom message announcing the building was closing and asking protesters to leave. However, after an hour of drumming, dancing and chanting, police had not made any arrests. Charles Tubbs, Capitol Police chief, said no one would be arrested if protesters obeyed the law and remained peaceful. The decision from DOA
ROTUNDA, page 4
The popularity of provisions significantly limiting collective bargaining rights for public employees in Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill is declining, according to recent nationwide and statewide polls. After Walker’s proposal began receiving national press coverage, national polling firm Gallup conducted a poll to gauge public opinion on the issue of collective bargaining rights for state employees and found the majority of individuals polled are not in favor of the bill. Gallup surveyed 1,000 adults from across the nation and discovered significant opposition to the elimination of collective bargaining rights for Wisconsin’s public sector unions, with 61 percent of people nationwide in opposition. However, the nation was divided on whether unions are helpful or harmful to members, the poll suggested. Other polls on Walker’s
bill were released, although they were not conducted by independent poling agencies. The AFL-CIO, one of the country’s most influential labor unions, released a poll revealing 51 percent of Wisconsinites disapproved of Walker’s performance in office, and 58 percent opposed limiting collective bargaining rights. Polling group We Ask America said 43 percent of residents surveyed favored the bill, while 57 percent were opposed. The poll also revealed younger age groups were more likely to be against the bill. University of Wisconsin political science professor Charles Franklin, an expert on polling, said some skepticism still exists over the relevance of the public opinion polls. Sample size, where the sample was taken, how questions were asked, in what order those questions were asked and other factors can affect the quality and integrity of results.
POLLS, page 4