Once again, UW Wisconsinites plan te looks to bring down to recall 13 state senators page 2 No. 1 OSU page 9
Who’s having the worst meltdown? Who While Sheen ‘exposes people to magic,’ Aguilera gets schwatsed with her new boy
Police remove ralliers from Capitol building Judge orders evacuation but says restrictions on public access must end Monday
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Pam Selman City Editor
Following three days of testimony, a Dane County Circuit Court judge ordered the Capitol building closed to the public Thursday evening, forcing the hundreds of protesters who have been sleeping on the building’s floor for the past two weeks to exit the premises by its 6 p.m. closing time. Judge John Albert ordered law enforcement authorities to immediately begin clearing the Capitol and remove any unauthorized materials like sleeping bags and signs but said recent restrictions limiting the public’s access to the building during business hours were unconstitutional and violated the public’s free speech and assembly rights. Albert said authorities were required to re-open the Capitol with greater public access by 8 a.m. Monday. After 41 rounds of .22-caliber ammunition were found hidden in three different locations throughout the Capitol grounds Thursday morning, Assistant Attorney General Steven Means, representing the Department of Administration in the lawsuit surrounding occupancy restrictions, asked the judge to order the building closed for security reasons. DOA spokesperson Tim Donovan said despite the live ammunition, the building was still operating as normally as any Thursday with previously established access procedures. Officers are currently allowing one person into the Capitol for every one person who leaves the building unless individuals have appointments with representatives or have official business in the building. “The building is still doing what the building does — we’re following the same access procedures that have been in effect all week, and we will do what we have to do when we have to do it if and when we have to do it,” Donovan said. “If there is some reason we need to change we are doing, we will do that at that time.” Donovan said he could not characterize whether the ammunition represents a credible threat and said he would not immediately characterize it as being connected with the protests. Donovan said at about 7:15 p.m. Thursday, law enforcement officers were preparing to ask the people who intended to spend the night at the Capitol to leave voluntarily. He said those who refused would otherwise be forcefully removed. “The goal is not to arrest anybody — the goal is to encourage these people to follow the court order,” Donovan said. “The judge has ordered them to leave and no one wants to arrest anybody — we are hoping not a single arrest is made.” DOA authorities also said protesters had to eliminate signs because of the damage the tape used to post them has done to the Capitol’s marble. Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain said officials are estimating it will cost $7.5 million to remove the tape and fix the damage it has done. While authorities inside the building were attempting to push crowds out,
Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
Following a judge’s orders, law enforcement officials clear protesters from the Capitol Thursday along with the order to open the building to the public Monday at 8 a.m. for normal business hours. between 7,000 and 8,000 protesters participating in a mock funeral procession for the budget repair bill rallied on the Capitol steps. Protesters were dressed in funeral attire and marched from Library Mall down State Street and around Capitol Square. Rep. Brett Hulsey, D-Madison, marched alongside the procession and said it was an expression of protesters maintaining their rights and arguing for the building to be re-opened to the public. “It’s a rally for rights and a festival for freedom,” Hulsey said. “We’re doing all we can to keep the Capitol open for the people, not just the lobbyists and the polluters.” Ammunition was also discovered at Madison’s City County Building, located less than a block from the Capitol and housing the Madison Police Department, the Mayor’s Office and representatives from Madison’s City Council and Dane
RALLIES, page 4
Senate compels Dems to return Out of state senators say resolution not legally binding, will not have effect on their position Pam Selman City Editor
Republican senators unanimously approved a resolution Thursday calling for the forced return to the Capitol of the 14 Senate Democrats who fled the state more than two weeks ago to avoid a vote on Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial budget repair bill. Andrew Welhouse, spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said the Senate is “compelling the Democrats’ attendance,” and because they did not return by a 4 p.m. deadline Thursday, they will be held in contempt of the Senate. The resolution contains a provision for all law enforcement throughout the state who have the practical ability to compel the Democrats back to the Capitol to do so, Welhouse said. “It’s not exactly arresting them, but we do have the ability to compel them to come back and actually do their job,” Welhouse said. “The authority we are going on is the Wisconsin state Constitution’s Article four, section 7 — that’s the constitutionality of it, it’s specifically stated.” Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, said the Republicans’ latest attempt to draw the Democrats back to Madison has had no impact on them, adding the Republicans have overreached their bounds. Risser said the Democrats are not affected by the threat to be held in contempt because the resolution is not actually a law. “We pass hundreds of resolutions every session — that resolution is just that, it is not a law,” Risser said. “Anyone with any knowledge
SENATE, page 4
CONSTITUTION CHECK SECTION 7. [Organization of legislature; quorum; compulsory attendance.]
Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
Between 7,000 and 8,000 people gathered at the Capitol Thursday evening to protest the budget.
“Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members; and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide.”
Walker announces additional 1,500 layoff notices to be received today Governor says cuts, effective in 31 days, can be avoided by passage of budget repair bill Scott Bauer
Associated Press MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Thursday that he will issue layoff notices to 1,500 state workers on Friday if his proposal forcing them to pay more
for benefits and taking away nearly all their collective bargaining rights isn’t passed by then. Walker also said in an interview with The Associated Press that he is negotiating with Democrats who stymied passage of the bill by leaving the state for changes to the proposal that would get them to return. Walker said he
won’t compromise on the collective bargaining issue or anything that saves the state money. “I can’t take any of that off the table,” he said. Walker ’s budget proposal hinges on the state saving $330 million over two years from forcing state workers to pay more for their benefits. He’s also cutting aid to schools and local
governments by about $1 billion, reductions he says they can’t handle without the freedom he gives them through eliminating nearly all collective bargaining with public workers. Walker said he has to issue the layoff notices starting Friday so the state can start to realize the $30 million savings he had assumed would come from the state worker
concessions contained in the bill. The layoffs wouldn’t be effective for 31 days, and Walker said he could rescind them if the bill passed in the meantime. All state workers, except those in prisons, state hospitals and other facilities open around the clock, would be potential layoff targets, he said. “We’ll prepare them,
let them out by the end of the day,” Walker said. “I pushed it off as long as I could ... I do not want to have layoffs.” As for the Senate Democrats, Walker said he was talking with some of the “more reasonable members” about a deal that could get them to
LAYOFF, page 4
Page 2, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2011
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Wisconsinites file recall petitions against 13 senators While many legislators won districts handily, some face legitimate challange; for proceedings to continue, 25 percent of constituents must offer signatures Alissa Siegenthaler News Reporter As Wisconsin’s legislators speak out for the budget repair bill and in some cases flee the state in an attempt to stall it, citizens of the state have voiced their displeasure by filing recall petitions against senators on both sides of the aisle, and some risk a real chance of being removed. Sen. Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac, beat out his challenger by only 184 votes. The next at risk senator is Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills, who
won with 50 percent of the vote. Sen. Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Falls, and Sen. Jim Holperin, D-Conover, beat challengers with less than a 2,800-vote margin. Sen. Dan Kapanke, R-La Crosse, could also be at risk as the divide between Democrats and Republican voters in his district is close to even when looking at results from the gubernatorial election. Gov. Scott Walker won Kapanke’s district with just 0.7 percent more votes than Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in the November elections. Eight other senators —
four Republicans and four Democrats — face recall petitions as well, though they won their districts handily. Papers to recall Sen. Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie, have been filed with the Government Accountability Board. Wirch won his district with 27,563 more votes than the challenger. But spokesperson for the campaign to recall Wirch, Dan Hunt, said he had thousands of signatures from Wirch’s constituents and said Wirch had only himself to blame. “This is an egregious
act by 14 senators in the government who have chosen to leave and not do the business of the state. I would never be leading this recall effort if he wouldn’t have left the state,” Hunt said. Hunt and other recall campaign leaders face a deadline of 60 days to get the required amount of signatures to force a special recall election, GAB Director Reid Magney said. In order for the petitions to be valid, they must contain enough signatures to represent 25 percent of a senator’s constituency. Sen. Mary Lazich,
R-New Berlin, has a recall petition against her but was not challenged in 2008, and Walker won her district with more than 68 percent of the vote. The recall has not changed Lazich’s stance toward the budget repair bill that she said contains necessary tools to help state and local governments deal with the cuts in Walker’s newly proposed budget. Although not risking a recall, Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, said the petitions have not caused his colleagues in exile to consider returning home to Wisconsin.
University offi cials promise TAs CRIME tuition remission under budget in
Brief N HENRY STREET Battery A 21-year-old Madison man reported he was jumped by three young men Feb. 26 sometime after 2 a.m., a Madison Police Department report said. Though the victim was not severely injured, he was allegedly punched several times after his attackers made derogatory comments to him while he was dancing inside a bar earlier in the evening, the report said. MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain said the department often sees incidents where there is one victim and multiple suspects. “When one person is attacked or battered by multiple people, it is not unusual that someone might wait a while to report a crime,” DeSpain said.
N RANDALL AVENUE Trespassing MPD officers responded to a call reporting a burglary in progress Wednesday morning when a resident at a multi-unit apartment building saw a man entering a laundry room using a screwdriver, an MPD report said. When officers arrived on the scene, they found a 43-year-old man with no
permanent address who officers called a “chronic violator of trespass to various buildings in the downtown area.” This was not the man’s first time concealing himself in the laundry room where he was found. The building’s manager said the homeless man “startles and frightens residents.”
VERONA ROAD Theft A 15-year-old boy was arrested for battery and theft March 1 after MPD officers were able to identify the suspect from surveillance video on a Madison Metro bus, an MPD report said. The suspect allegedly stole an iPod Touch from a passenger on a Metro bus Feb. 22 and later punched the victim in the face when the victim tried to obtain his property, DeSpain said. When the suspect tried to exit the bus, the driver refused to allow the boy to leave. The suspect then climbed out an emergency window, DeSpain said. “It has been key for us in solving numerous crimes that take on buses that Metro has surveillance cameras and video on Metro buses,” DeSpain said.
Teaching assistants say while UW’s offer nice, only Walker can guarantee such benefits Katherine Krueger Campus Editor
In an effort to recruit top-tier graduate students from around the world, University of Wisconsin officials have offered an assurance that tuition remission for teaching assistants will continue under the new budget proposal. Vice Chancellor for Administration Darrell Bazzell said Thursday the current status of relief from tuition payments for teaching assistants was not changed in Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposal and the university looks to continue hiring additional graduate students as a result of Madison Initiative for Undergraduates funding. Bazzell said many members of the campus community have raised concerns that Walker denied funds to continue current tuition
remission for UW teaching assistants. Instead, only a Board of Regents request for $5.4 million in relief to fund additional staff was denied in the budget proposal, leaving remission untouched. He said the Regents sponsored the proposal on the basis that investments in the institution would provide for job creation. The initiative was proposed as an outgrowth of MIU. More than 50 additional faculty members have already been hired using MIU funds raised from student tuition increases, Bazzell said. Bazzell added each professor typically employs between two and four graduate students. He added many individual departments have already found ways to cover the cost of the new TAs because they are crucial to programming at UW. “We’ll have to find a way to cover that cost through other means,” he said. “We’re going to provide for them by making other trade
offs.” Bazzell said administrators would continue to work closely with teaching assistants in the coming weeks. Teaching Assistants’ Associate co-president Kevin Gibbons said TAs were still trying to understand all of the measures contained in Walker’s budget. He also said one of the major concerns for TAs in the midst of the protests against the budget repair bill is the potential loss of collective bargaining rights because tuition remission is considered a benefit instead of a wage. “While [administrators] can say tuition remission will continue, there is no contractual guarantee,” Gibbons said. “We want to believe them, but we want to have guaranteed remission over time.” He added it remains difficult for TAs to have much faith in UW’s assurances because they are not currently under contract.
Educators say governor’s budget gives worst cuts since depression Walker says slashes needed, repair bill offers flexibility to make up for lack of funding Andrew Averill State Editor Public education advocates reacted with shock to the cuts to school districts across the state in the governor’s new budget that they claim are the largest cuts since the Great Depression. Released Tuesday, Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget contains some $834 million worth of aid cuts to Wisconsin public schools. Cuts include $749 million in general equalization funding, $60 million in categorical aid for items like advanced placement courses and $5.6 million for employee benefits. Walker’s proposed budget would also increase funding, enrollment and eligibility to charter and virtual schools and provide $600,000 to start an initiative to have all students reading by third grade. The proposed cuts to public education come after 18 years worth of millions of dollars in cuts, Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools Executive Director Tom Beebe said. “This is just one more dagger into the throat of public education. These are the biggest cuts since the Great Depression,” Beebe said. “There’s no fat in these districts, they’re lean.” Walker purported that the benefit concessions
from public employees inside the budget repair bill would provide school districts with the flexibility required to deal with cuts in next biennium’s budget. The Senate Democrats need to come back, Walker said, because the budget repair bill would provide savings greater than any reductions contained in the proposed biennium budget. Beebe disagreed. He said he has yet to see the math prove the flexibilities Walker offered districts would make up for the hundreds of millions of losses. Walker also proposed limiting the amount of money districts can raise from property taxes, which is a tool districts use to make up for funding issues, Beebe said. Maureen LookAinsworth, Wisconsin’s 2010 Middle School Teacher of the Year, said Walker’s cuts would destroy the tradition of education in Wisconsin. “I really believe this is going to have a ripple effect across the Midwest and this will change Wisconsin forever,” LookAinsworth said. “He’s pulling the leg out from under all of us.” Look-Ainsworth said Wisconsin has an education system that produces great results. The state has the highest advanced placement scores and graduation rate — 89.5 percent — in the Midwest. However, the cuts proposed in Walker’s
budget would change the makeup of the classroom for the worse, LookAinsworth said. There could be as much as 50 children per classroom, she said, and teachers who teach multiple classes could see 250 children a day. “I cannot believe they’d put 50 kids in a science classroom,” Look-Ainsworth said. “Imagine having even 32 kids working 32 Bunsen burners. And teachers would be held liable.” She added she would not be able to be an investigative, creative teacher with that many children per classroom. Walker’s proposed budget would also repeal the 22,500 enrollment cap for charter schools in the state, expand the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program eligibility to schools outside the city of Milwaukee but inside the county and extend the open enrollment period. Walker recommended the changes to provide great flexibility and maintain the cost effectiveness of charter schools, but LookAinsworth said she believes Walker is beginning to privatize education. “Charter schools make up less than 2 percent of all the schools in Wisconsin, so why would you bring them up?” LookAinsworth said. “It’s a shadow of things to come — the privatization of education.”
MATC officials say budget hurts plans for expansion While new buildings approved in resolution last Nov., money needed for projects not there Lucas Molina City Reporter
In the wake of budget cuts and loss of state aid included in Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget, Madison Area Technical College officials are looking for ways to manage the expenses of new school buildings approved by voters in November. Walker’s proposed budget would cut state funding to MATC by 30 percent and effectively freeze the college’s levy rate for operations, leaving them unable to raise property taxes to fund projects, MATC Vice President for Infrastructure Roger Price said. MATC officials have previously presented plans to expand current buildings on campus, including a new health education center, police
and fire facilities and a campus clinic — all of which were approved through a referendum late last year. Despite the unanticipated financial obstacles, Price said the college has no plans to alter the current schedule as it stands. “So far we have not affected nor do we have plans to affect the schedule,” Price said. “Right now we’re just looking at how to do it differently than we thought about doing it.” Price said it’s too early to tell what specifically can be done, but the facilities and capacity issues are still apparent. He said MATC officials are working on analyzing the issues and making transparent decisions soon. Price said the school needed to look at its different options and determine what would strategically be the best path for the college to take. “With the combination
of the loss of state aid and freeze of our levy rate for operations, we’re going to take a look at our core functions and strategically address what we can without impacting what we do for our students and what we do for our communities,” Price said. For the immediate future, officials are looking to see how Walker’s budget will affect next year’s MATC budget, but long-term solutions are not anticipated to have an impact on the newer facilities planned for development throughout the next few years. Price said officials would not begin to forecast on how to address the expenses until the new facilities are online. Some students have speculated the plan in combination with the budget cuts would bring about higher tuition costs. MATC works with the College Board, which sets tuition rates, and tuition has been increasing
Courtesy of Zimmerman Architectural Studios
Plans for a Madison Area Technical College expansion which would house medical school facilities may be on hold as Walker’s biennial budget removes 30 percent of their total budget. annually by about 5 percent for the past decade. MATC works with the City of Madison and is located in the “airport’s authority zone,” Price said. He said the possibility of increasing tuition rates is a matter of presenting the school’s plan to the agencies for support. MATC second-year student Michael Johnson said the school has seen
a 22 percent increase in enrollment throughout the past couple of years, causing a need to create additional facilities. He said there is almost a three-year waiting period for students wanting to join the school’s medical program because of a lack of space. Johnson said the school could run more efficiently with more capacity and
classroom space. “I’d have to argue that someone with more experience in education policy would understand that the government can’t tighten its belt in this situation on an individual operation because so many people’s lives depend on it,” Johnson said about Walker. “What will those students do? What will potential students do?”
Treasurer wants public involvement in abolition of department Official supports Walker’s plan to dissolve treasury, wants citizens to vote in referendum Andrew Averill State Editor
The state treasurer would like to see his office abolished, but not through the governor ’s newly proposed budget that hollows the agency by transferring its responsibilities to another department. State Treasurer Kurt Schuller said
he campaigned for the position in 2010 because he wanted to gradually dissolve the Wisconsin State Treasury through a constitutional amendment. The process would require two sessions of Legislature to approve the amendment, and then the people of Wisconsin would vote in a referendum. However, the governor has proposed changes to the treasury in his budget that would make the
people vote inevitably against the treasury. Although Schuller said he wants to see the treasury eliminated, he wants the citizens of Wisconsin to have a chance to vote for or against the department as it was structured when he began his term on Jan. 3. “I think [the amendment abolishing the treasury] is inevitable right now. I’m not changing my position on eliminating it,” Schuller said. “But I want to do it
the right way.” Gov. Scott Walker ’s budget cuts funding to the treasury by more than $2.5 million — roughly 35 percent. Of the treasury’s three main responsibilities, duties relating to the local government pooledinvestment fund and the College Savings Program called EdVest would be transferred to the Department of Administration, according to language in the budget bill.
Schuller said he was concerned the DOA may not be the appropriate agency to take over the responsibilities under the authority of the treasurer. EdVest, he said, would be better off controlled by the Department of Public Instruction. By going through the process of amending the constitution, Schuller said he hopes the time could be used to figure out the most effective way to break up the treasury’s duties instead of
delegating responsibilities by “throwing a dart.” Since the treasury is not one of the prominent budget items, Schuller said he thinks the governor never looked at it specifically but probably had a staff member decide to make the cuts. Schuller is a very vocal supporter of the governor and has used his office to try to advance Walker’s agenda, he said, and hoped to speak with the governor about the matter in private.
Police investigate dead body found on Dayton Street Thursday night Autopsy will indicate if death was result of foul play; officials say downtown homicides rare Pam Selman City Editor
Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
Rosa Clemente recalls a 2008 radio interview in which she was asked about then-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s clothing choices and Alaskan accent rather than her policies and platforms.
Clemente: Women, minorities still not treated fairly in national politics Former Green Party vice presidential candidate says white supremacy still exists Alicia Wolff
News Reporter Political activist Rosa Clemente came to Madison Thursday to share her personal encounters with perceptions of race and gender in the world of politics. Clemente was the 2008 running mate of green party candidate Cynthia McKinney — the first all black, all woman presidential ticket. She attended Cornell University and received her degree in Ethnic Studies before touring the country to speak about her experiences. Clemente said her political doctrine of “hip-hop politics” is a movement among working class minorities and people who share a common ancestral history of discrimination and oppression. She said people should be aware that white supremacy still exists in popular culture, adding she thinks the Tea Party is a form of the modern Ku Klux Klan and is often supported by individuals “in nice suits on Fox News.” She also said sexism remains a force in modern politics, and women occupying seats of power are often judged by
different standards than their male counterparts. Clemente recalled a radio interview she did while running for office in 2008 when she was asked to make a statement on Sarah Palin’s fashion choices and Alaskan accent instead of her policies and platform. Clemente added she thinks women are often judged on the basis of their appearance rather than political stance because men are not able to cope with women in leadership positions. Another major issue is the failure of the education system in urban areas to properly prepare children for the future, she said. Clemente said the way the public school system in urban centers like New York and Detroit are operated, these systems are deeming the children not worthy of a quality education. By laying off teachers and greatly increasing class sizes, she said administrators are not just taking away the academic value of an education, but they are removing a valuable individual that cares about them and their future success. “By making schools detention cells, you’re preparing kids for a future in prison,” Clemente said. She also said there needs to be an
underground revolution of the working class people in order to affect lasting social change with the revolutions in Egypt and Libya to act as models. In considering these revolutions, she said extreme social changes often carry casualties, though the U.S. remains around a decade from this kind of social overthrow. A major discrepancy between the quality of life between the rich upper class and low-income is also setting the stage of discontent and possible upheaval. Clemente also emphasized the need for the people to inform themselves and get involved in community organizing by going into people’s homes and spreading the message because there can be no progress without struggle. UW sophomore Max Love said it is extremely beneficial to have speakers address multicultural perspectives in open forums on campus. He said all students stand to benefit from diverse speakers, particularly in gaining exposure to new insight on social issues that may go unnoticed. “I think its good to have a wide range of opinions and influences on campus for the student body,” he said.
A 35-year-old man was found unconscious in between two buildings on the 300 block of West Dayton Street Wednesday evening, a Madison Police Department report said. According to the report, Madison Fire and Police were dispatched at 7:34 p.m. when reports of an unconscious male in an entryway between two buildings were called in. The report said the man was taken to nearby Meriter hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The report said the death has not been ruled a homicide because it “does not appear suspicious at this time.” Though the case is currently being called a “death investigation,” Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said investigators have not yet ruled out the possibility of foul play. “It appears that [the death’s classification] will depend on the autopsy which will be performed [Friday,]” Verveer said. “They will learn a lot more tomorrow, and the results will be critical to figuring out what happened.” Verveer said it was particularly troubling that the body was found
outside but added he was hesitant to jump to any conclusions until the results of the autopsy are in and until more information has been released from MPD. Verveer said it was important to note that downtown homicides are infrequent. “Downtown homicides are fortunately extremely rare, and obviously I want to keep it that way,” he said. In line with traditional city practices, Verveer said MPD would have contacted him immediately if it was clearly a homicide. He said he is hopeful the autopsy will clear up uncertainties.
Page 4, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2011
Experts say media distorts view of protests Panelists say some news portrays rallies as violent, photojournalism often best way to observe truth about situation at Capitol Katie Hermsen News Reporter
Members of local media organizations said national news sources often play a role in negatively depicting the public’s views of the protesters and social media has played a crucial part in gathering wider support in a lecture Thursday. Representatives from the local media and organizations like the Center for Media and Democracy came together at the Orpheum Theater to consider the representation of the current labor conflict by the media. Matt Rothschild, editor of The Progressive magazine, said the protests at the Capitol will have lasting historical significance for the state and organized labor. “This is the longest Malory Goldin The Badger Herald sustained pro-labor rally that this country has seen Writer for The Nation John Nichols says photojournalists can often in decades, possibly in provide the most honest coverage of what is happening in Madison. U.S. history,” he said.
“This is the beginning of the fight back; this is when people stop taking it lying down.” Rothschild said some media organizations have tried to portray the demonstrations at the Capitol as radical and violent, which is not an accurate portrayal. Individuals in Madison participating in the protests know the rallies have largely remained peaceful, he said. Rothschild also said the response of Wisconsin public workers has spread to other states and is drawing national attention to the rights of labor unions. Members of the panel echoed the sentiment that public opinion in the midst of the protests is directly influenced by how media outlets frame the story, and news coverage has played a key role in distorting public perceptions of the protests. The Nation writer John Nichols said much
of the coverage by photojournalists provides a more honest depiction of events at the Capitol. “Simply look at the beautiful pictures from inside the Capitol and you get a better idea of what’s going on than if you read the article and get deceived,” Nichols said. He also said media organizations should depict labor unions in a more respectful manner and allow for individual unions to retain distinct identities instead of grouping them as all possessing common aims and interests. He added more independent news coverage should be pursued to combat misrepresentation of the unions and would better reflect the human quality of the protesters. Molly Stentz, news facilitator for 89.9 WORT Community Radio Station, said there is a problem with the structure of national news stations which promotes
a division between the media and protesters. She said this discrepancy of perception allows for a lack of local context and leads to misrepresentations of the situation. “They look at us as though we’re a science experiment, [but] they’re not actually where the people are, in the cafes, on the buses, [in] any small business on State Street,” Stentz said. She also said social media has dramatically changed the way members of the public respond to current events in Madison, and there is currently a movement away from national media sources such as CNN or The New York Times. Protesters at the Capitol have also worked to publicize their messages in order to mobilize their supporters, and new supporters on an increasingly national and international scare are gained daily through these media, she said.
LAYOFF, from 1 come back. “I’m still cautiously optimistic we can get this done,” Walker said. “I think we’re close, but the problem is we thought we were close the past couple days.”
Zhao Lim The Badger Herald
Protesters march from Library Mall to the Capitol Square in a mock funeral procession for the budget repair bill. Once they reached the square they joined more than 7,000 to 8,000 in rallying.
RALLIES, from 1 County Board, among various other offices. DeSpain said multiple rounds of live ammunition were found in the building’s stairways and in some
SENATE, from 1 of civics knows that a resolution has to pass both houses to become a bill.” Risser said he did not believe law enforcement officers would spend much time “running around” enforcing the resolution. He said the Democrats would return to the Capitol together when they feel it is the appropriate time. Walker said he has not
public bathrooms. The department is not disclosing the type or amount of ammunition and has kept the building open because no credible threat has been made against any of its employees.
It has not yet been determined if the rounds found at the Capitol and the rounds found at the CCB are a match, DeSpain said.
formally approved the resolution and hopes he can convince the Democrats to return to the Capitol without being forced or using legal means. Walker said he has opened dialogue with a number of Democratic senators and representatives about different negotiations and options. “I personally am going to continue to push through my administration for
a way that allows these senators to come back that involves making an offer and hoping they will take us up on it,” Walker said. “We are reaching out to some of the reasonable and responsible senators in hope they might find that opportunity to find their way home. We’re trying to have a good discussion, and we’re trying to have an honest debate about how to bring them home.”
— The Associated Press contributed to this story
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BAD GER v.t. 1. to annoy persistently through panoply of efforts HER ALD v.t. 1. to introduce, or give tidings of, as by a herald 2. to proclaim; to announce; to foretell; to usher
Walker’s policies threaten future energy technologies
Herald Editorial Biddynomics 101: Solving for axe There is much to be made of Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget and the effects it will have on the University of Wisconsin. But considering the state’s present $137 million budget deficit and Walker’s blunt crusade to tackle it, one thing is clear: It could have been much worse. The proposed cut of $125 million, or 13 percent, to UW’s budget came as a surprise to Chancellor Biddy Martin, who had expected a cut of $50 million. Thankfully, this cut came with an even more valuable gift. Granting UW greater autonomy from the state by giving it public authority status would allow the school to strategically confront shortterm pain and expected tuition hikes in a way that preserves our excellence in the long run. Under the previous estimation of a $50 million cut, UW tuition was expected to rise by 10 percent. Even though the actual cut was $75 million more, this freedom will allow administrators to more easily avoid raising tuition accordingly — one could have reasonably predicted a 25-percent increase without this freedom. Martin has said a specific increase has not been settled, but the goal is to avoid the 16 to 18-percent hikes seen under former Gov. Jim Doyle’s
administration. In 2003, the Doyle budget cut $250 million from the UW System. In light of the assault on higher education throughout the Doyle administration, which executed multiple massive cuts without providing any of the freedom or tools to properly deal with them, Walker’s proposed cuts just don’t look all that bad. It should also be mentioned that with the unfortunate exception of ending the Wisconsin Covenant program — a $25 million a year fund for additional financial aid to the state’s best students — regular state financial aid is not affected by the proposed budget. We remain wary of the potential influence of a governing board of trustees with a majority of governor appointees, and also recognize greater cuts are possible down the line. But the UW community would do well to recognize a good deal in these worrisome economic times. The tact and foresight with which Martin confronted these looming challenges can also not be overlooked. Without her proactive and dedicated approach to preserving the preeminent standing of our university, we can all be certain things could have been much worse.
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Cut Apple from diet to tighten belt on budget Dennis O’Reilly Staff Writer I recently realized that if my technologically advanced roommate were not one of my closest friends, I would positively despise him. Why? He fashioned himself a homemade iPad-top and uses it in lectures in the most irritating way. No, it is not some Thai cuisine fail; he merely syncs a wireless keyboard to an iPad. This is the type of technology-overkill stunt that perpetuates animosity toward classmates. Everyone has experienced this loathsome sentiment at one time or another, whether it be for the iPad noob (that twitchy kid in the hoodless sweatshirt), the curd with the backwards Packer hat and lanyard key-chain dangling from his cargoshort pocket, the meathead with oppressive elbow posture or the absolute worst, the kid who is too hip for his own damn good. My frustration with classmates will apparently continue to increase. With the release of the iPad 2 a couple of days ago, and sales forecasted to reach 36 million tablets for 2011, the prevalence of technology in classroom settings will increase accordingly. Throughout the country the use of iPads as teaching devices is being piloted on guinea pigs, including myself, with increasing popularity. From high school classes to university lecture halls, kids are learning on Apple’s latest craze. iPads are the metaphorical Big-Macs
being fed to school systems that are desperate for budgetary belt-tightening. Does this reveal a monumental miscue in curricular diet planning? Here in Madison, it seems that we are not too big on the whole educational fund-cutting thing. But even the most ardent Walker critic would agree distributing extravagant iPads to students seems to be a far cry from frugality. Proponents of iPad distribution to students maintain it will reduce the financial burdens of education. For students, electronic versions of textbooks could be purchased at reduced prices. The cheaper prices would then lead to greater learning and textbook consumption as well as an unprecedented extension of the classroom into realms of student life that course materials have long dreamed of entering. While many students do, in fact, succeed swimmingly without buying a single book throughout a semester, their performance would perhaps be enhanced if textbooks were made affordable. It is hard to imagine a typical UW student on Saturday morning, wallowing in his/her own filthy hangover on the couch, with an O-chem textbook spread out on his/her lap. An iPad is, however, a requirement for hangovers. The idea is that concentrating course materials into a readily available instrument will create a “positive externality” to learning (essentially duping students into studying). The millennial generation seems to be addicted to electronics; therefore, this medium may be key in motivating students to read texts. It may also be a useful subterfuge for
conspiring professors. It could just add a moral hangover factor to the previous night’s choice of debauchery instead of studying, but as any halfdecent economics student knows, any “positive externality” is naturally inclined to inefficiency and underuse. I, for one, can personally attest to this. Taking part in one of these experimental classes has been a blast. A free iPad, granted for one semester, is a wonderful side effect of strategic scheduling. After careful and honest consideration though, my allegiance lies with the critics. The iPad has been a useful tool and though I hate to call it a fad, its novelty has waned lately. I barely study on it, except for required readings. I have even bought hard copies of books I would not dare part with come semester’s end. I have, therefore, personally experienced the opposite of both expected iPad benefits. Nevertheless, the true benefits of iPad learning will not be known for some time. Distribution of iPads deserves further experimentation, but not at the hands of school systems that are being increasingly pushed into financial margins. Professor Larry Cuban from Stanford maintains, “IPads are marvelous tools to engage kids, but then the novelty wears off and you get into hard-core issues of teaching and learning.” The money funneled into experimentation would better serve students if it were channeled into fundamental and proven teaching methods, like recruiting and retraining faculty. Dennis O’Reilly ( is a senior majoring in economics.
Elise Swanson Columnist In his budget address, Gov. Scott Walker spoke of “a vision for a better tomorrow in Wisconsin.” While Walker may be pursuing his vision of a better Wisconsin, it is not clear whether that vision and the means by which he is pursuing it are compatible. Walker’s maxim throughout his campaign and his first months in office has been that Wisconsin is “Open for Business,” and yet, when it comes to clean energy and new green technologies, Walker’s policies have been hostile to the emerging industry. Under former Gov. Jim Doyle, the Public Service Commission (PSC) adopted a set of rules regulating windmills. These administrative rules stipulated things such as where wind turbines could be placed in relation to others’ property or communications infrastructure, what type of notice had to be given before building a wind turbine, and so forth. The rules were supposed to go into force on Tuesday, March 2, but were instead suspended that day by the PSC along a partisan vote (52). While on the surface this might seem either good for wind energy or obscure enough to be irrelevant, it will actually have an important impact on wind energy in Wisconsin, and fits into a larger picture of Walker’s apparent designs on alternative energy. The suspension of the current PSC rules allows the legislature to introduce new regulations for wind turbines. Walker’s proposal would mandate that wind turbines would have to be 1800 feet from the nearest property line, a limit that would effectively bar the construction of any new wind farms. Proponents of this rule argue it protects the value — both normative and financial — of property, while opponents argue it will severely damage the emerging
wind energy sector and restrict people’s choice about what to do on their property. Opponents also argue that wind turbines can increase property values. The recently suspended PSC rules were passed after months of debate and public input from businesses and private residents. They were, as all the best compromises are, partially satisfactory to both sides. The current PSC rules represented the culmination of careful consideration and collaboration between various interests. That Republicans pushed for their suspension so rapidly, without waiting to see their effects on the industry, property values or neighbors, was irresponsible. Governmental oversight should be updated in response to feedback after implementation, not overhauled on the basis of ideology. Previously, those who knew the most about the subject had a clear voice in the process. With this suspension, and presumably with the passage of the new rules (just going off the past few weeks), the rules will be mandated by Walker and rubber-stamped by the Legislature, most of whom have little technical expertise in the area of wind power. Besides threatening the wind power sector — which, ironically, is probably going to “escape to Illinois” — Walker’s agenda also seems to be targeting solar, bio-fuel, biomass and energy storage technologies. Wisconsin’s solar industry has the potential to be a huge asset to the state’s economy, since Wisconsin gets more sunlight than the current solar energy leader: Germany. Walker also nixed the biomass plant on campus. These emerging industries represent the energy of the future. Gas prices are nearing $3.50 a gallon and fossil fuel supplies are being depleted across the globe. Even with responsible usage, fossil fuels are not a sustainable source of energy. We need to be investing in alternative energies now to effectively meet future demands on energy and environmental responsibility. Included in Walker’s budget is a provision
rescinding the mandate for cities and municipalities to provide recycling services. It also takes away all state funding for such programs. It does, however, maintain the illegality of not recycling on an individual level. Despite the removal of state funds, not all cities will eliminate recycling programs — in fact, recycling glass, plastic and aluminum actually draws revenue for local governments. However, decreased budgets will make it harder for cities to provide these services and may reduce the scope of recycling programs. Although there is currently a $7 tax per landfill ton, eliminating the program won’t eliminate the tax — instead, that tax money will go to a new agency aimed at economic development. Maybe that agency will recommend offering incentives to emerging industries with large job growth potential. Maybe it will find a way to create hundreds of jobs, like the ones lost by Walker’s wind energy policies. During his budget address, Walker invoked the memory of former Gov. Tommy Thompson. Thompson, however, actually passed several pro-alternative energy policies. Doyle continued that practice. Walker seems to be breaking with that tradition and threatening the emergence of this important and emerging market. Forcing or scaring forward-looking businesses out of the state is not the way to create 250,000 new jobs in the short term, much less create sustainable economic growth in the long term. But, then again, Walker did receive significant campaign contributions from coal, oil, gas, construction and realty interests. Whatever the reason behind them, these policies are not leading Wisconsin into a “better tomorrow”. If Walker really wants to be an effective leader, he needs to be willing to respond to the long term needs of the state. Elise Swanson ( is a sophomore majoring in political science and English.
THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE BITCHY A roundup of some of the more thought-provoking (or thoughtless) comments left on In response to the 2/25 column:
Compromise necessary to end impasse over federal budget by Elise Swanson
The result has been an incredibly polarized debate” “Polarized” is a weasel-word used to attack those with whom you don’t agree without actually confronting their views. Of course a debate is “polarized.” That’s what disagreement IS. In response to the 2/28 editorial:
Open our doors, Walker by The Badger Herald Editorial Board
Madison has seen extreme violence from the radical left in the past. Remember Sterling Hall! It starts with hate speech and violent rhetoric (Gov. Walker shown as Hitler, signs with a gun sight cross hairs over Gov. Walker’s face, etc). It progresses to ‘getting in their faces’, cheap shoves and back jabs. That’s where we are now.... It concludes with horrific radical violence. We’ve seen this play before..... In response to the 3/2 column:
Cuts to CBP save little more than GOP face by Jake Begun
Do these authors provide any arguments for such bold claims? No. And what about those who disagree? Well, I guess they must be part of that “uninformed vast swath of our society.”
Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns -Kochcan be posted at,, where all print content is archived.
Due to Drastically Reduced Funds, Now Printed with Soy Sauce NOAH YUENKEL, COMICS@BADGERHERALD.COM 257.4712 EXT. 161
page 6
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Reading page w/o overdosing on sodium
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: On the upside, page now quasi-public authority
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
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34 35 37 38
21 24
39 27
33 36
46 49
51 56
36 38 41 45
46 47 48
50 53 54 56 58
59 60 62 63
eating bird Tangle Temperature, e.g. Herpetologist’s supply Some island dwellers French for “clog” Washington Irving hero, informally Father, e.g.: Abbr. Vigil locale What some veterans recall Japanese brew Burst X’d More than surprise What you may do when you’re beat Sunbathing spot Bob Fosse specialty Not rounded Minor
53 57
58 61
44 47
Puzzle by Kevin G. Der 32 33
Across 1 Run in two places at once 10 Savannah growth 15 Nut’s suggestion 16 Home of Creighton University 17 Station finder 18 Iron Age people 19 Mythical mortal who helped raise Dionysus 20 Aye’s opposite, poetically 21 Used the name 22 See 49-Down 24 Out of top form 26 1925 Literature Nobelist 27 Cartoon series 29 Middle of summer? 31 Frog-
restrictions 64 Two-bit 65 Dead duck’s cry
It creeps up Upper-class? Small change Like rice in some cereal treats On-demand flier One of 300 at Thermopylae Stretches between Ryder Cups Plays without a break Nautical danger Thing often heard in short order? With 22-Across, genius’s asset It may become a cliché “Animal House” figure President after Auriol Better papers? Hook connection point “Just ___” (“Hold on”)
13 Ball of wax 14 Romp 51 21 Longtime Rolling Stones 52 Down bassist 1 Doesn’t blow 23 Trim, in dough a way 55 2 Like much 25 Parisian oil thinkers? 3 One often 28 Like the Bay 57 seen with her of Rainbows 60 child 30 Washing 4 Magazine machine holder sound 5 Lord ___ 33 Glasses for a 61 (overseer scientist of Scottish heraldry) Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ 6 Press releases? So we’re out 7 Literally, “to of toilet paper. God” Perhaps we 8 Brands … can use this or carrier of here textbook brands and finally find 9 ___ vez a real-world (Mexican application for “maybe”) Calculus. 10 Take place 11 Forecaster’s concerns 12 Dish topped with crushed peanuts and lime
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
ArtsEtc. Editor:
page 7
Ryan Bingham + The Dead
The Portland Cello Project
Lords of the Trident
Friday 9 p.m. $ 15 Majestic Theatre
Friday 9:30 p.m. $ $12 High Noon Saloon H
Friday 10 p.m. $ $7 The Frequency
International Festival 2011 Saturday 11 a.m.
$ Free!
Designer Drugs
The United Sons of Toil
Saturday 9 p.m.
Saturday 7:30 p.m.
$ $15
O Overture Center for the Arts
$ Free!
pl The Project Lodge
Majestic Theatre
Jeff Dunham confronts identity crisis Ventriloquist famous for his colorful, provocative characters brings his uncensored comedy routine to Alliant Energy Center Sarah Witman
ArtsEtc. Content Editor Stage performance, an often palms-sweating and voice-shaking endeavor, can be made more comfortable if you’ve got a friend or two up there with you — or a trunk full of them. Jeff Dunham, who will take his act to the Alliant Energy Center ’s Veterans Memorial Coliseum March 6, is known for his specialized brand of ventriloquism comedy — a skill he picked up as a teenager and has been developing ever since. The event will be part of his Identity Crisis Tour and promises to present “a bunch of new material that I think the folks will have fun with.” Dunham has achieved the highest rated programming in Comedy Central history, according to his website, and was the top-grossing live comedy act in the world last year. He is also the author of “All By My Selves: Walter, Peanut, Achmed and Me.” Being
a ventriloquist is what intriguing question about sets him apart from other the boundaries between comedians at face value, imagination and reality — and he told The Badger or a comedic object and Herald that each one of his live performance — which hand-crafted characters continually come close to — from the blue-collar, overlapping during his NASCAR-loving “Bubba shows. “It’s easy to get lost J” to the cranky and skeletal “Achmed the Dead behind the doll. People pay attention Terrorist” to the dummy — and forget who possesses you are and its own There’s some sort of you’re unique unwritten license that that even there,” he origin allows an inanimate said. “There’s stories. get away some sort of “None unwritten license of them with stuff that a mere that allows an have a mortal never could. inanimate object similar All subjects are fair that becomes genesis. animate to Ideas game for the little get away with come from guys in the trunk. stuff that a different mere mortal places,” Jeff Dunham never could. All he said. Comedian subjects are fair “The only game for the thing that’s little guys in the similar is that when something trunk.” The comedian, despite strikes me as being a good cultivated a character and one that I having fan base could really write some consistent has good material for, then worldwide, accumulated some that’s what I go with.” Dunham’s comedy notoriety. There has been act brings to light an criticism from viewers for
segments of his acts that some feel cross the line as far as perpetuating race, gender and socioeconomic stereotypes. While Dunham fully admits his stand-up frequently wanders into the realm of risqué, he finds it personally helpful to step back and have faith in his audience’s sense of humor. “In my show I try and make fun of myself more than anyone, and I believe that we should all be able to laugh at ourselves,” Dunham said. “But I heard a great comic say once that if you’re aren’t offending a couple of people here and there, you’re not pushing the envelope enough. I know there’s a fine line, but I feel that most folks have a good sense of humor and can take a joke. I’m always very suspicious when folks are ‘offended,’ because more often than not, the ‘offended’ are offended for someone else, and aren’t any part of the group being picked on.” One may wonder what goes through his mind in hearing these responses: Is professional comedy the
Photo courtesy of Comedy Central
Despite the critique that Dunham’s characters may be too politically incorrect, the comedian is no doubt notorious for resurrecting the art of ventriloquism. correct place to address controversial subject matter? Whatever the answer to that question may be, Dunham can rest assured with the fact that he’ll always have his “friends” onstage to back him up — even when he’s tackling the roughest of
topics. Jeff Dunham will be performing at the Alliant Energy Center March 6 as a stop on his Identity Crisis Tour. The show will start at 5 p.m. and tickets are available for $47.50 online and at the Madison Ticket Office.
Sarah Witman
Ann Rivall
Content Editor
POINT/COUNTERPOINT Photo courtesy of
Michael Vincent Patrick and Theodore Paul Nelson of Designer Drugs are quickly growing in popularity for their remixing skills.
Designer Drugs aim to remix your boring Saturday night Philadelphia natives discuss cultural album inspirations, remixing in various locales Francis Bea
ArtsEtc. Writer Once upon a time, three or four years ago, New York stole away Michael Vincent Patrick and Theodore Paul Nelson from, where else? Philly. Good move. The duo remixed their way to claim dominance in the “concrete jungles where dreams are made of.” YouTube them. You’ve listened to their remixes of Mariah Carey, Chiddy Bang and Thieves Like Us, and if you haven’t, just do it. They’ve logged a self professed “over 300,000 miles” in flights from country to country, remixing and scratching for the throngs of fans who scream Designer Drugs. But between the achievements, worthy of boasting, and the interview, which interrupted their going over financials — namely personal taxes — it’s a relief when Patrick answers a question about his readiness for this interview by responding, “Sure, hit me.” He’s almost nonchalant, not rushed, and even schooled me for a few minutes in dubstep and the potential for the future of that genre of music — not that Designer Drugs is taking that step anytime soon. But he knows what he’s talking about. Soon it becomes apparent they’re very much aware of the genres of music out there and in a way, do seep into their style. “I listen to some pretty chill music because we’re in the clubs all the time and making electronic music,” Patrick said. But there’s an
underlying motive. To reveal that Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, HTRK and Mellow Brave are among the slew of artists on Patrick’s iTunes account, he leaves open the possibility that though they’re all about electro now, a Designer Drugs album later down the road could be all Hip Hop, dubstep or whatever else it is that culture dictates. “We’re part of society and everything around us is inspiring us. We didn’t plan it to be like that, and we’ve been listening to a lot of stuff. Who knows where culture will take us,” Patrick revealed. Their own album, Hardcore/Softcore, splits between what is a “diverse emotional aesthetic” upon incorporating hardcore songs and “some relatively pretty songs.” They’ve selected from a library of over 100 songs and “chose ones that we thought most appropriate for our tastes and also most appropriate to work together for an album. We wrote a few songs and finished all of them and made them sound as cohesive as possible.” They’re constantly experimenting with genres while keeping in touch with their DJing and techno roots, despite relishing the changes dictated by the ever-evolving music culture and catering their material appropriately. “We want to enjoy it. If we made records like our first remixes, we would be the most bored record producers in the world. Where the music comes from is always going to be the same,” Patrick said. “Most albums for bands change year to year because society changes, the equipment they use changes, their personal mood changes.
Someone’s first album could be in a totally different psychological state than their last album.” There are rare occasions the Designer Drugs duo are outside the music world and on the concrete streets despite their gigs schedule. Patrick prefers to linger in the Lower East Side, primarily walking or taking the subway. “I usually stay in the neighborhood, I like taking the subway. It’s nice. You get to see a lot of people mixed together. I love it.” On the other hand, Nelson is attending med school in the city. We’ve established that Designer Drugs is traveling all around the world from venue to venue from culture to culture, but one revelation in itself is somewhat of a paradox. Patrick isn’t a fan of standing in front of the inevitable massive crowds during performances. “I’m actually not a big fan of being in front of people. I don’t like attention, I don’t like the spotlight. When we get onstage, we enjoy people having a good time. So that’s what I enjoy most about being on stages.” But it begins to make sense that he chose New York City. There, you’re just another animal darting and dodging bankers, journalists, students and the like instead of crazed fans, and if you’re that popular, the paparazzi. So I had to ask if this musician would consider a Mousehead for his shows. “I’d prefer a Robothead, Mouseheads are for ugly DJs,” Patrick joked. Designer Drugs will be playing at the Majestic Theatre Saturday, March 5 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $15.
Mug shot wars Christina Aguilera begins a boozy path to career funeral with national anthem fumble
Charlie Sheen has right ‘bi-winning’ attitude to continue reign as most self-destructive celeb
After hearing yesterday morning that Christina Aguilera would be the third judge on NBC’s Idol-spinoff “The Voice,” I could only hope this opportunity would be an upswing to what can only be called a rough year for the vocalist. For someone who still has “Genie in a Bottle” and “Come on Over” pretty high up on her iTunes “Most Played” list, I have been pretty disappointed in Christina’s supposed decline — beginning with a canceled summer tour and the release of a fiasco of Bionic proportions, and culminating with a recent arrest for public intoxication. Really, X-Tina? Charlie Sheen is obviously having a hard time of it too, but at least we can get some entertainment out of his plight (read: “Charlie Sheen ‘Bi-winning’ Dubstep” video on Youtube, which remixes Sheen’s erratic “Good Morning America” interview with some wannabe progressive house beats). Now, I have to bring up the Super Bowl. Real talk, this annual event is watched for three reasons: Commercials, the Half Time Show and the National Anthem. Thanks to Christina (aided substantially by Fergie’s singing and Groupon’s money-hungry lack of propriety) none of the three were standouts, and we all ended up actually watching the game. Aguilera’s performance was a non-comedic embodiment of Maya Rudolph’s SNL skit, not to mention the lyrical flub. The saddest part is, I know that in her prime (anywhere ranging from her Mouseketeer days to Mulan’s “Reflection” to the Back to Basics era) she could have done an outstanding job. Overall, I think the defining question for this debate is which would you rather have on your record: A raging cocaine addiction and rapidly growing laundry list of nonsensical quotes like “I’ve got tiger blood and Adonis DNA,” or the reputation for making Razzienominated and poor-grossing musicals with Cher? I’ll leave this one up to the readers.
It seems an apocalyptic meteor has been launched into the hills of Hollywood rendering an all-out meltdown of our favorite celebrities. Sarah and I have been closely following these spiraling celebrity declines and find ourselves at crossroads of a highly important, hotly contested debate: Who’s having the worst pre-rehab nervous breakdown? This isn’t much of a fair fight considering his name alone can knock out any other floundering contender in the first round (especially a novice lush like Christina Aguilera), but after his recent public mishaps, it’s pretty clear Charlie Sheen is indeed having the worst La La Land meltdown. Where to begin? Let’s start with what happened this week. He went on two morning shows and confirmed the singular thought audiences everywhere had already come to terms with: Sheen is indeed crazy. He openly admitted he’s clean, except for the caveat that he’s now on a drug called “Charlie Sheen,” and when asked to respond to allegations that he suffers from bi-polar disorder the “Two and a Half Men” star answered that he’s not bi-polar, he’s “bi-winning.” Perhaps too many hits of Charlie Sheen have addled his level of sanity. Also careful not to neglect his love life despite a minor problem with addiction, Sheen now has two girlfriends to boast of. This is an impressive feat considering a geriatric Hugh Hefner doesn’t even have two lovers anymore. Perhaps Sheen is the new Hef — sans the crushed velvet robes and orthopedic shoes. Sure, Aguilera flubbed the lyrics to America’s most revered song at the Super Bowl, but did she also recently advise the UCLA baseball team that they should “stay off the crack,” unless they can manage it socially, then they should “go for it?” Aguilera obviously doesn’t have enough of a “bi-winning” attitude. Nobody likes to see a Mouseketeer fall from grace, but luckily Aguilera has nothing to fear with Sheen proclaiming, “Dyin’s for fools!”
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UW needs win or faces going home Women’s hockey faces North Dakota in semifinal round of WCHA Final Face-off in Minneapolis, Minn. “Everybody’s season could end every game, so everybody’s potentially Before every game, playing their last game.” senior defenseman Anne The two teams met Dronen calls her teammates in February at the Kohl over into a tight huddle Center when the Badgers by the net and delivers a outscored the Fighting spirited pregame speech. Sioux 13-4 over the two Friday afternoon in game stretch. Minneapolis, however, Wisconsin was able to the pep talk will precede keep the Lamoureux twins a game unlike any other at bay, an offensive tandem Dronen and the Badgers many WCHA teams have played so far this have failed to stop. So far season, as this season the semifinal North Dakota round of has beaten the WCHA “People have top-ranked playoffs teams such as to realize that is single Minnesota and it’s hard to elimination. MinnesotaIt’s win or win the league Duluth go home. several championship. You on “As the look at our men’s occasions. players In realize, if program in history Wisconsin’s last you don’t and they’ve only series against come out and won it four times.” North Dakota, play well, Nash suffered you could be Mark Johnson a concussion done,” head when she Head Coach collided with coach Mark UW Women’s Hockey teammate Johnson said. To keep Mallory Deluce their WCHA on the ice and Championship dreams has remained out of the alive, Wisconsin must lineup ever since. dispose of North Dakota, The injury bug continued a team it swept in the four to plague Wisconsin regular season games they when freshman Brittany played this year. Ammerman went down Even though the Badgers with an injury followed had a lot of success against by her older sister, junior the Fighting Sioux, the Brooke Ammerman, who players contend things got hurt in practice as well. are always different come Fortunately for playoff time. Wisconsin, the three “Nobody’s got anything returned to practice this to lose anymore,” senior week and are all scheduled winger Kelly Nash said. to play in the Final Face-Off
Tom Sakash
Statistics Editor
TAYLOR, from 10 to pass it but he was also open and he’s got to shoot it when he’s open. He got to the line, attacked, drew the fouls, did everything a point guard should do.” The Badgers looked as if they had seized control when they extended a 32-28 halftime lead to 41-33 on Nankivil’s three-point play with 16:45 to go. But Indiana charged back after Jon Leuer drew his third foul at the 16:15 mark. Thirteen seconds after that, Josh Gasser picked up his
third foul and Hulls made a 3-pointer. And when Nankivil was called for his third foul with 14:59 to go and Derek Elston made two free throws, Indiana had closed to 43-38. Will Sheehey made the first of two free throws to get Indiana within one, but he missed the second and Taylor closed the door. “The game was right there for us, right there for us again,” Crean said. “We didn’t answer the bell.” Taylor hit a short runner, drew a foul and made the free throw.
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Anne Dronen and the Badgers will face the Fighting Sioux for the fifth time this season. Dronen has 10 points and 8 assists on the year. this weekend. “Its awesome, I woke up [Monday] and was like ‘Finally, I feel 100 percent,’” Nash said. Last weekend, St. Cloud State, who earned only one victory during the regular season, surprised Wisconsin in the first game of the series by keeping it close until the third period. Johnson draws on the past for reassurance that his team won’t let down again. “We’ve fallen behind in chunks where we haven’t played well and we usually respond very positively, very aggressively,” Johnson said. He followed that with another 3. Then he hit two free throws and back-to-back 3s, helping Wisconsin build an 11-point margin. Indiana trimmed the lead to six in the closing minutes, but never recovered. “I just kept trying to play,” Taylor said. “The biggest focus is getting a win always. It just opened up, shots were going down and in the flow of the game that’s how things worked out.” Nankivil had 16 points and Leuer finished with 10 after scoring only two points in the first half.
North Dakota also comes off of a long three-game series in their first round match-up with Bemidji State, giving the “legs advantage” to Wisconsin who only needed two games to sweep St. Cloud State. Looking ahead, if Wisconsin knocks out North Dakota Friday afternoon, they will take on the winner of host school Minnesota vs. Minnesota-Duluth on Saturday night at 7 p.m. The Badgers won three out of four meetings with each team during the regular season, but if Minnesota comes out
of their match-up with Duluth, they will have a slight advantage over Wisconsin. “Their rink, their locker room, their fans, their sheet of ice that [they are] comfortable with — it definitely plays a huge role,” Dronen said. The Golden Gophers have played well at home, only losing three games under their own roof all season. Two losses came in a sweep administered by North Dakota and one was at the hands of Wisconsin back in early November. Minnesota then came to the Kohl Center in January,
where the two teams tied in game one of the series and Wisconsin won game two. No matter if Minnesota or Minnesota-Duluth comes out of the other semifinal game, the road to the WCHA championship for Wisconsin first goes through North Dakota on Friday. “People have to realize that it’s hard to win the league championship,” Johnson said. “You look at our men’s program in history and they’ve only won it four times. To be able to win it, it’s a feather to these kids that made that commitment.”
ERICKSON, from 10
good stats. Take last year’s Heisman Trophy race, for example. Kellen Moore may have had an impressive season, but playing in the WAC how do you not post impressive stats? No harm to Moore, but it’s no wonder why Cam Newton won. He ultimately led his team to the national championship coming out of the SEC, so of course his stats looked more impressive. But beyond the ice, Duggan is also one of the most appreciative and humble players in the league. Although she hates to lose, she also puts her team first, leading by example. “This place has given me everything and more,” Duggan said before senior day. “It’s changed my life a lot in the last four years. I owe everything I’ve been through to Wisconsin, the program, the staff and everything.” A few weekends ago Duggan broke UW’s points record of 220 points against Minnesota State
Feb. 18, breaking the record with three assists in that game. Duggan had two goals and five assists in the record-breaking series. Duggan would rather share the puck and create better opportunities for her team to score and ultimately win than keep track of her total goals on the season. Sure, Agosta and Knight have also had strong, impressive seasons, but Duggan outshines them not only with a slight edge in stats — especially coming out of the WCHA — but also in her leadership and presence on the ice. Duggan’s one of the nation’s best, and she is the perfect candidate to bring the Patty Kazmaier Award back to Wisconsin.
up in the CHA. As I’ve mentioned before, the WCHA — especially on the women’s side — is to hockey what the SEC is in football. Week in and week out, Duggan plays some of the toughest teams in the nation. Right now, there are four WCHA teams in the top 10, while Mercyhurst is the only top 10 team in the CHA at No. 4 — behind both No. 1 Wisconsin and No. 3 Minnesota. Thursday night Duggan was named the WCHA Player of the Year after posting 61 points off of 27 goals and 34 assists through 28 conference games. Being named the player of the year out of the nation’s toughest conference proves Duggan is one of the best players in the country, if not the best. Agosta’s stats are impressive, but playing in a league where the competition isn’t exactly the strongest makes it a little easier to put up such
Kelly is a sophomore intending to major in journalism. Do you think the Patty Kazmaier Award will return to Wisconsin? Send her your thoughts at kerickson@badgerherald. com.
Round 3: Wisconsin looks to upset No. 1 Ohio State UW goes for 3rd victory over top-ranked OSU, looking for better performance on road Mike Fiammetta Sports Content Editor Another month, another date with No. 1 Ohio State. The No. 12 Wisconsin Badgers (23-6, 13-4) will travel to Columbus, Ohio, Sunday afternoon, and in doing so they will face the Buckeyes (28-2, 15-2) for the third time this year. The first took place on the gridiron last October, and the second came Feb. 12 at the Kohl Center. Both resulted in wins for the Badgers, and both gave the Buckeyes their first loss in each season. Following a two-week absence from the nation’s top spot after falling to Wisconsin, Ohio State is again the No. 1 team. The Buckeyes rebounded three days later with a victory over Michigan State but fell on the road to Purdue at always-tough Mackey Arena. Since then, Ohio State has won three in a row. Meanwhile, Wisconsin has won four in a row. Yet, questions persist regarding the Badgers’ ability to play on the road, as they are just 6-6 away from the Kohl Center. So while a four-game winning streak entering the final game of the regular season would seem to be a cause for celebration — or at the very least, some praise — UW is instead focusing on solidifying its grasp on the momentum. “This is the time of year where you want to be playing your best
basketball,” forward Jon Leuer said. “I feel like we’ve done a pretty good job of that. We’ve put together some wins here, and now we’re just trying to keep stringing them together, keep improving every day so that for the stretch run — it’s March now — so for the stretch run, we just want to be playing our best basketball.” In regards to improvement, neither team figures to change much from the first time they met. After all, Ohio State held a 15-point lead with 13:21 remaining in the second half — until point guard Jordan Taylor and Wisconsin erased it in less than four minutes. Taylor finished with 27 points on 8-of-13 shooting, seven assists and four rebounds. He sparked the 15-0 run that brought UW back with eight straight points, leaving head coach Bo Ryan without much of an explanation after the game — a very rare feat. “I’d like to be able to explain that, but it’s hard, even for me, and I see him every day,” Ryan said after the game. “Just good decision after good decision — not because the ball went in the net when he pulled up on some of the shots, but he read whether or not he was open, whether or not there was separation on the ones that he scored. On the ones that he assisted to others, some really good decisions to drive along the baseline.” Taylor continued — and perhaps extended — his brilliance with 39 points against Indiana Thursday
night. His 4.1 assist-turnover ratio leads the nation, and as a result, Wisconsin does as well with a 1.79 mark. The Badgers have long been one of the nation’s most efficient teams — 1.19 points per possession is tied for the national lead — but with their struggles on the road has come some offensive consistency. That notion might seem ridiculous after Wisconsin’s — and Taylor’s — explosion against Indiana, but the Hoosiers sit in 10th place in the Big Ten and allow the ninth-most points per game. “The biggest thing on the road is just we’ve been a little bit stagnant offensively,” Leuer said. “I don’t think we’ve been cutting as hard, pushing the ball as much as we have been at home. I think that just makes us settle for a lot of jumpers. But when we’re cutting hard and moving the ball, our shooting percentage tends to go up.” Typically, struggles on the road prod critics to point out a lack of focus. But the Badgers insist that isn’t the case. “Maybe a little bit, but I never really got that feeling with this team,” forward Keaton Nankivil said. “I think this is the most focused team I’ve been on.” Taylor’s dominance Thursday night masked some of the Badgers’ offensive struggles, but for much of February, their offense has revolved around jump shots and forced possessions through Taylor. Leuer, UW’s leading scorer with 19.3 points per game, has made just 4-of-24
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
Josh Gasser and the Wisconsin Badgers are facing Ohio State for the second time this season. They were victorious in the first meeting Feb. 12, giving the Buckeyes their first loss in a 71-67 win. three-pointers since Feb. 6 against Michigan State. “The more hard cutting we can get and fighting through contact, getting the ball in the post and just getting high percentage shots, that frees up our offense so much more,” Leuer said.
WISC Sunday, Mar. 6 3:00 PM CBS
- WISC: Free up offense, help Jordan Taylor - OSU: Rely on Sullinger, Lauderdale in paint - WISC: Improve weak shooting on the road - OSU: Force efficient Badgers into turnovers
McIntosh, Darrah step into leading roles In transition year for the Badgers, 2 pitchers hope to lead the way, find success for young squad Erin Barney Sports Reporter With a new head coach, the Wisconsin softball program is counting on its veterans to be leaders. Unfortunately, that means placing a lot of stock in a very young group of athletes as Yvette Healy enters her first year at the helm of the program. Three seniors and two juniors are the only upperclassmen UW has, so the group of eight returning sophomores and six new freshmen will bear an enormous amount of pressure. Thus, Wisconsin’s confidence is concentrated on perhaps its most important unit, its pitching staff. Freshman Cassandra Darrah and sophomore Meghan McIntosh recognize the responsibility that lies in their gloves, but both Megan McCormick The Badger Herald young pitchers handle the Sophomore pitcher Meghan McIntosh has taken on a larger pressure with composure. leadership role this year due to Wisconsin’s much youthful roster. McIntosh is naturally more
SENIORS, from 10
walk-on I knew I would have to earn my playing but during the Badgers’ time,” Johnson said. “But Frozen Four run last I would never change it. year, he played in just I always wanted to be a 12 games. Despite that Badger and I’m glad I got disappointment, Turnbull the opportunity… these says he wouldn’t change two games just really a thing. In fact, it makes mean a lot to me.” These two games mean him more appreciative of a whole lot to everyone his time at UW. in a Badger “If I uniform. could go In back to day “The three years addition to one and go prior to this year I the ongoing through all battle for the pain and was fighting in and home ice in everything, out of the lineup. the WCHA I would do Coming in here as playoffs, it again in the Badgers a heartbeat, a walk-on I knew I must earn just because would have to earn some wins it’s been so my playing time. But to stay in much fun,” I would never change the hunt for Turnbull it. I always wanted a spot in said. the NCAA Johnson to be a Badger and tournament. started his I’m glad I got the The UW career Badgers are as a walk- opportunity… these on and it two games just really winless in their last will end mean a lot to me.” six and that way. there isn’t He played Craig Johnson much time in just three Senior Defenseman left to turn games last UW Men’s Hockey the season season around. before Something emerging as drastic a regular defenseman for Eaves in his final year. needed to happen. An But much like Turnbull, hour-long team meeting, Johnson believes the which took place after opportunity to play at last Saturday’s loss to St. UW has been well worth Cloud, has been welldocumented. the wait. As team captain, “The three years prior to this year I was fighting Dolan was admittedly in and out of the lineup. vocal throughout the Coming in here as a discussion.
“It was really emotional. I think I showed the most emotion out of anyone. I just tried to show my true colors, how I feel about this team and where I feel this team needs to go,” Dolan said. “I think we learned a lot about each other.” Dolan and his teammates acknowledged the value of that discussion, but they know the improvement must show up on the ice. The Tigers are a formidable foe and they’ve played well against the Badgers historically. But for UW, this weekend’s visitor may as well be a faceless opponent. “If it was an NHL
comfortable as she has one more year of experience with the program. Much of her previous year was spent as a relief pitcher behind starting senior, Letty Olivarez. “[Olivarez] was a big influence last year and she really helped me get going,” McIntosh said. Out of 29 appearances last season, McIntosh started just 12. This season, she has started three out of the six games the Badgers have competed so far, contributing two wins to the team’s 4-2 record. The task of stepping into Olivarez’s position of not only starting pitcher but also as a role model and leader of the team is simple for McIntosh. “She had a lot of movement and showed that speed doesn’t really matter in the mental part of the game,” McIntosh said. For McIntosh, becoming a stronger and more consistent pitcher is only team coming in here, it wouldn’t be any different,” Dolan said. “We need these points.” “We don’t want to take any credit away from Colorado College because they are a really good team,” Turnbull added. “But it doesn’t matter who we are playing, this is a playoff game for us.” Combine senior weekend with the late season turmoil, and UW is left with one emotionfilled series at the Kohl Center. Eaves is optimistic those emotions will propel the Badgers out of their slump. “I hope that’s all good emotion and that we can use it as fuel to get the job done.”
half of what her new status on the team entails. She inherited the responsibility of handling breakdowns off the field. McIntosh admits this was one of Olivarez’s strengths, and she is thankful to have learned this aspect of the game from her. “The mental part of the game involves picking each other up after something happens,” McIntosh said. McIntosh aspires to motivate and teach her younger teammates just as Olivarez did for her. Specifically, she hopes to mentor freshman pitcher Darrah. “She doesn’t really come to me that much, but I try to encourage her to come to me if she has any questions,” McIntosh said. Similar to McIntosh, Darrah has made a big transition this year as well, expressing the movement into an overall more competitive environment has not been easy.
“Its been pretty stressful because I played softball in the summer when I didn’t have school and didn’t have to worry about that,” Darrah said. Now that she has experienced a full semester and has had time to adjust, Darrah feels more comfortable. However, there are aspects of her game that are still unfamiliar. Darrah was an elite pitcher in high school. Now everyone is elite, and she is no longer a standout athlete. With this has come less strikeouts since her overall strategy has changed. “Now, people hit, so I’m looking for ground balls and pop ups,” Darrah said. Fellow pitcher McIntosh along with the coaching staff have been comforting, and have offered as much encouragement as they can. “She’s just been supportive, all of them really have. We are all like a huge family,” Darrah said.
Sports Editor:
SPORTS page 10
Taylor erupts, UW downs IU Point guard scores career-high 39 points in 39 minutes, ties school record with 7 made 3-pointers in 77-67 win Associated Press BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Jordan Taylor saw everything slipping away. Three of his Wisconsin teammates were on the bench with three fouls, and Indiana was charging back from an eight-point deficit. So he took over. Taylor scored a careerhigh 39 points and almost single-handedly stopped Indiana’s second-half charge, leading No. 10 Wisconsin to a 77-67 victory on Thursday night. The junior guard accounted for all the Badgers’ points in a decisive 14-4 run that turned a 46-45 lead into a 60-49 advantage midway through the second half. “When the game started getting close, he just wasn’t going to let us lose or get behind,” Keaton Nankivil said. Not a chance. Taylor, who scored 30 earlier this season against Michigan State and keyed Wisconsin’s rally against then-undefeated Ohio State, got the best of Indiana, too. He went 11 for 19 from the field, including a 7-for-8 night from 3-point
range, and made all 10 of his free-throw attempts. He fell one point shy of the Assembly Hall record for an opposing player, set by Michigan State’s Terry Furlow in 1976 and matched when the Spartans’ Shawn Respert scored 40 in 1995. Yet, Taylor still thought he could improve. “I made some mistakes out there, too,” he said, pointing to his lone turnover in 39 minutes. The Badgers (23-6, 13-4 Big Ten) now have won eight straight against Indiana, their longest winning streak in the series since an 11-game run from 1912-19. They will carry a four-game winning streak into Sunday’s rematch at No. 1 Ohio State. Indiana, meanwhile, is reeling. Verdell Jones scored 18 points and Jordan Hulls had 15, but the Hoosiers have lost seven straight overall, four in a row at home, and dropped a senior night game for the second time in four years. The difference Thursday was one player. “Jordan Taylor flat out had a great performance,” Indiana coach Tom Crean said. “He made some
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
Jordan Taylor carried the No. 10 Badgers Thursday night. His 39 points were three shy of the program record of 42, held by Michael Finley (1994) and Ken Barnes (1965). Taylor shot 11-for-19 from the floor, 7-for-8 from three-point range and 10-for-10 from the foul line. incredibly challenging shots. He took advantage of us when we missed some assignments, and the biggest thing about
a kid like that is he rises up.” Indiana just couldn’t match up with Taylor ’s skills.
“Jordan just did some things that very few people, I think, can do against any team at any time,” Badgers coach Bo
Ryan said. “He created openings, he was ready
TAYLOR, page 8
Duggan favorite for NCAA top honors
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
Sean Dolan and the Badgers hope to get a win in their final series of the regular season after struggling to 0-5-1 in their last six games.
Amid turmoil, Badgers celebrate seniors Winless through February, Wisconsin set to end home slate on positive note, hosts Colorado College Max Henson Sports Editor
The Wisconsin men’s hockey team hasn’t had a lot to celebrate lately, but the Badgers know this weekend calls for a commemoration. It’s senior weekend as Wisconsin (19-13-4, 11-123) hosts Colorado College (18-15-3, 12-12-2) for the final regular season series at the Kohl Center. The Badgers sit one point behind CC for sixth place in the WCHA standings and three points behind Minnesota for fifth place and home ice in the conference playoffs. The six-man senior class — comprised of goaltenders Scott Gudmandson and Brett Bennett, forwards Patrick Johnson, Sean Dolan and Podge Turnbull and defenseman Craig
Johnson — will be honored alongside their parents in what is always a special weekend for the soon-to-be graduates. The class of 2011 is a unique one for head coach Mike Eaves. Each of these seniors has had to fight for playing time regularly throughout their UW careers. It’s a class devoid of stars or prolific goal scorers. Instead, this class is filled with players who have waited for their time make an impact, players who have accepted their roles from year to year. “It speaks to their perseverance and they get some reward for that hard work,” Eaves said. When asked for their thoughts on senior weekend and what could potentially be their final games at the Kohl Center, several UW seniors were visibly emotional just
thinking about it. “It went by quick,” Craig Johnson said with a smile. “It means a lot to me, especially the guys who have stuck around here with me… It’s going to be something I’ll hold in my heart. Especially being a hometown boy from Wisconsin it’s going to be pretty special.” “Its obviously a pretty harsh reality as a senior knowing this could be the last two games that you’ll ever play at the Kohl Center,” forward
Friday, Mar. 4 7:00 PM Wisc Channel
Podge Turnbull said. “We look back on it and every game you may have taken for granted and now it’s about to end and that inspires us. “You never appreciate it until it’s gone. That’s something that has really started to hit me here in the last few weeks of our season.” Turnbull has become a fixture in the UW lineup during his senior season,
SENIORS, page 9
- WISC: Avoid slow start; score early - CC: Stay composed on the road - WISC: Improve on the power play - CC: Exploit Wisconsin’s recent struggles
in her four-year career at Wisconsin. And she still has a few more games to play. Knight does present a good challenge to Duggan with 111 goals, but she has only 85 assists for a total Kelly Erickson of 196 points. Of course, Erickson the Red those 34 fewer points come with one fewer season played. Yup, you guessed it, Looking at this season women’s hockey again. alone, Duggan trumps Early Thursday morning, the USA Hockey Knight and the other finalists. Foundation released this Duggan and Agosta are season’s Patty Kazmaier tied at 79 points to lead Memorial Award finalists. the nation, but Duggan While three Badgers has two more goals. — forwards Meghan Again, Knight is close Duggan, Hilary Knight behind with 75 points and Brianna Decker (and Decker is right after — were all under her with 72). consideration, Duggan Knight leads the nation and Knight made it into in goals with 46, but she the top 10. Noora Räty has only 29 assists on the of Minnesota and Laura season to Duggan’s 44. Fortino from MinnesotaLooking at Duluth also stats alone, represent Duggan and the WCHA Sure, Agosta is Agosta seem in the list of keeping the race close. Agosta finalists. close for the may have an The award award, but when it edge in that is given to the nation’s comes right down respect, due to the fact she best female to it the numbers has played hockey player Duggan has put up fewer games, coming (comparable in the WCHA stand but out of the to the men’s CHA, Agosta Hobey Baker out more than the only faced 16 Award). numbers Agosta conference Criteria for has put up in the games against the award the likes of include CHA. Robert Morris. individual Duggan and team played 28 conference skills, sportsmanship, games against some of the clutch performance, nation’s best teams. character, competitiveness Over winter break, and an overall love for Wisconsin and Mercyhurst hockey. The player’s faced off in St. Cloud, academics and civic Minn. Wisconsin won involvement are also 7-4. Agosta had a goal considered. and an assist against UW While the nation’s best freshman goaltender Alex from each position are represented, Duggan leads Rigsby, while Duggan also scored a goal and posted the field, with Knight and an assist. But as a whole, Mercyhurst’s Meghan Wisconsin was just too Agosta close behind her. much for Mercyhurst. In her career, Duggan Sure, Agosta is keeping has played 154 games, the race close for the accruing a total of 230 award, but when it points off 104 goals and comes right down to it, 126 assists. Duggan has the numbers Duggan also scored 31 power has put up in the WCHA play goals, five shorthanded goals and 14 game stand out more than the numbers Agosta has put winning goals. She boasts a plus/minus of plus-160 while also only sitting in ERICKSON, page 8 the penalty box 66 times