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Mayor Dave looks back at his time as mayor, plans future page 7

‘Bone’ up on some me sexy-time music choices page 10 0

Swan back with Badgers Sw Former fan-favorite at wide receiver now a GA Fo on Bret Bielema’s coaching staff page 16

Final MIU funds bolster advising programs Leaders say chancellor’s picks very close to recommendations of student, oversight committees Katherine Krueger Campus Editor Two years and $16 million later, University of Wisconsin officials announced the final round of Madison Initiative for Undergraduates funding decisions Tuesday.

Aaron Brower, vice provost for teaching and learning, said the third round of proposals was incredibly strong and presented innovative views on how to diversify teaching methods and engage students. A statement from the University of Wisconsin said the third and final round of MIU granted nearly $4 million to

19 proposals from departments and colleges across campus. Since Chancellor Biddy Martin proposed the initiative in 2009, 80 new teaching staff members have been brought on campus. Brower said an oversight committee defined clear goals for the proposals to be submitted, including programming directly at undergraduates and

methods ds to decrease bottlenecks in high demand courses and departments. He added the third round of funding also came with the rise of more collaborative proposals and cited the teaching professional development project co-sponsored by the Teaching Academy, members of science teaching and the Division of Information Technology.

final funding The fi decisions made by Martin were also very close to the recommendations submitted by the Student Board and Oversight Committee, he said. “The Student Board and Oversight Committee worked really well together and figured out ways to complement each other so that by the time we went to the chancellor, we had

nearly unanimity in our recommendations,” Brower said. One of the proposals, which received initial funds in the first round, was approved to add functionality and provide for the long-term maintenance of a campuswide shared adviser notes

MIU, page 2

New alder map could combine student areas 4 districts home to large amounts of UW attendees; officials worry only 1 college representative would minimize voice Ryan Rainey Deputy News Editor City officials said student representation on Madison’s City Council could become more consolidated if redistricting efforts extend a student-heavy district further west. Members of the city’s Ad Hoc Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee delved further into drawing revised aldermanic districts after the 2010 Census found Madison’s population had risen to approximately 233,000. Currently, most UW student representation is split between alders in District 8 and District 4. District 8 includes most of the UW campus, most residence halls and some fraternities. District 4 is

home to most downtown housing on Mifflin Street, Dayton Street and West Gorham Street. Many students living on the city’s near east side also live in Ald. Bridget Maniaci’s District 2, which under some redistricting plans would extend further northeast to the near Maple Bluff, changing the makeup of the district. Other studentheavy districts are District 13 and District 5, currently represented by Alders Julia Kerr and Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, respectively. Bidar-Sielaff said she believed many of the drafted plans would move many University of Wisconsin students into District 8, soon to be represented by recent UW graduate Scott Resnick. “I do feel that putting [students] together…

George LeVines The Badger Herald

Ald. Satya Rhodes-Conway, District 13, informs the committee that City Council’s unofficial requirements call for one student heavy district. segregates all students into District 8 and has one alder carry all of that weight and their advocacy,” Bidar-Sielaff said.

The City Council had previously set unofficial requirements that the committee maintain one student-heavy district and one downtown district,

said Ald. Satya RhodesConway, District 13. So far, the committee has considered eight redistricting plans, one of which city resident Gene

Hahn introduced. In Hahn’s plan, far west side aldermanic

ALDER, page 2

Walker’s first hundred days in office center around new jobs Experts from UW say while economy seems better, time will tell how governor did Andrew Averill State Editor Tuesday marked Scott Walker’s 100th day as governor — a period of time characterized by a special legislative session on jobs that saw numerous bills passed he said would buoy Wisconsin’s economy, although experts said the impact has yet to be realized. Walker said he committed the first 100 days in office to bolstering the private sector’s abilities to hire more Wisconsin workers, with his ultimate goal being 250,000 new jobs by the time he leaves office. Walker called his time so far one of the most productive periods in Wisconsin’s history. Megan McCormickThe Badger Herald file photo “The line of our Gov. Scott Walker finished his 100th day in office Tuesday, though UW political science professors suggest accomplishments sends that he may have began his work to push his agenda for Wisconsin forward months before inauguration. a strong message to

employers all over the globe that Wisconsin and her people stand open for business,” Walker said in a statement. “These past 100 days have seen many bold reforms, but it is only the beginning — there is more work to be done.” Still, University of Wisconsin political science professor Barry Burden said he believed calling Tuesday the governor’s 100th day in office was inaccurate. Walker’s authority as governor began in November, Burden said, when Walker made requests to former Gov. Jim Doyle to stall on pressing issues facing Wisconsin. The decision to stop the high speed train project between Milwaukee and Madison could have been pushed through by Doyle, but no action was taken because of the thenGov.-elect Walker’s loud disagreements with the enterprise.

Another legislative issue Walker influenced was the passing of public employee union contracts in December, which Burden said did not take place because of the incoming Walker administration’s complaint it would not be able to handle the state’s fiscal situation while forced to comply with the contracts. But has Walker been successful in his first official 100 days? Burden said it depends on what indicators are chosen to judge Walker. If using the state of the economy to gauge Walker’s success, Burden said Walker is doing alright. “Wisconsin is no worse off and may be a little better off, just like the national economy,” Burden said. “There is a little more hiring going on, and unemployment

WALKER, page 3

City committee approves new downtown pedicab company Some officials raise concerns over effect on traffic flow; test run of vehicles shows no issue Pam Selman City Editor A city commission raised concerns about how a proposal for a pedicycle cab service in the downtown area would fit in with the busy downtown atmosphere at a meeting Tuesday evening. The city’s Transit and

Parking Commission met Tuesday evening to consider an application from a group of retired Madison Police Department officers vying for the chance to start the city’s first pedicycle company. Currently, many Madison-area residents run independent pedicycle businesses in which they are only allowed to ask for tips or donations because the city does not yet recognize pedicycle companies as

legitimate operations, given their lack of licensing and insurance. According to a statement from City Traffic Engineer David Dryer, the Capitol Pedaler Cab company would have an employee driver operate the cycle on fixed routes for reserved time intervals. Although the driver would steer the cycle and operate the breaks, a

PEDICAB, page 2

Laura Hill The Badger Herald

Transit Committee member Amanda White tells the committee and its meeting attendees the city should do more to promote ride shares and electric vehicles, features of the sustainability report.


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2011.04.13 by The Badger Herald - Issuu