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Volume Vo V ollu um um mee XLIII, Issue 6




Expo highlights local food

A flawed referendum and vague plans are truly to blame for the Terrace brouhaha; it’s time to think outside the ‘glass box’ | 4

Strange times with Era Extraña ña

An effort from the Dane County executive aims to push tasty local grub to big spenders | 3

Neon Indian’s synthy, shiny sophomore release reminds minds you why you love and hate glittery indie pop so much

Report spurs UW students to action Organization says campus admission policies promote racial inequality Adelaide Blanchard News Editor Two reports released today allege the University of Wisconsin discriminates against whites and Asian applicants and have electrified both UW administration and some student leaders. A crowd of more than 150 students filled the Multicultural Student Center in the Red Gym on Monday after an ominous message from UW Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate Damon Williams claimed a threat had been made against the diversity

efforts in the campus community. The reports were released at midnight on Tuesday from the Center for Equal Opportunity in conjunction with a press conference CEO President Roger Clegg will hold at the Double Tree Inn at 11 a.m. today. Clegg will also be at a debate on the future of Affirmative Action at the UW Law School at 7 p.m. this evening. Williams said the timing of the events is no coincidence. In an interview with The Badger Herald, Clegg said the reports show how a heavy preference is given to blacks and Latinos over whites and Asians in the admissions process for undergraduate programs and in the law school. Williams and Dean of Students Lori Berquam

said CEO had filed an open records request on the UW admissions process for both undergraduates and law school applicants and had already set the wheels in motion to orchestrate a “coordinated attack” against the campus. Student reaction to the reports has been swift and intense, and a joint statement from a group of student leaders said the reports are an attack on the entire UW campus. But Clegg said Affirmative Action is just a way for admissions processes to discriminate. “[CEO applauds] laws on the books banning discrimination. We don’t think it makes sense to layer politically correct discrimination […] and think it’s going to work,” he said. The reports looked at

Malory Goldin The Badger Herald

Damon Williams, UW vice provost for diversity and climate, addresses students and the campus community in an emergency meeting held Monday night in the Red Gym. Williams said a group is preparing to launch an attack on campus diversity efforts with allegations of discriminatory admissions practices. ACT and SAT scores as well as LSAT scores, retention rates and probability of admission based on ethnicity. UW sociology professor Sara Goldrick-Rab said the use of percentages of students versus actual numbers is an inherent problem with the way Clegg’s data is presented. Percentages conceal

the actual nature of the numbers, she said, which show white students as the clear majority. Williams and Berquam both said they will not shy away from the admissions process, which looks at a student from a holistic perspective, taking into account many factors, including test scores, grades, extracurriculars and

ethnicity. “We believe in what we’re doing. We believe it to our toes,” Williams said. UW is not the first school to face similar claims from Clegg and CEO. A similar set of reports was released at the University of Nebraska and Arizona State University in 2008,

REPORT, page 2

Board rules student IDs with sticker valid at polls GAB rules student cards fit law with proof of enrollment Leopoldo Rocha News Reporter The controversial law that requires voters to provide photo identification at the polls will now allow schoolissued IDs as proper identification, provided they meet the required specifications. On Monday,

the Government Accountability Board released the decision to allow colleges and universities to issue stickers that can be placed on student identification cards to be used to vote in elections. Earlier this year, the Wisconsin Legislature passed the controversial Voter ID law, which requires photo identification to be used by all voters in future elections. The law allows for a Wisconsin university or

college ID to be used as identification by students as long as the student provides a secondary proof of enrollment issued by the university, according to a report from GAB. This separate documentation may be a tuition fee receipt, a certified housing list from the school or another acceptable form or letter provided by the school. The report also states the ID can only be used if it does not expire later than two years after the date it was issued. Prior to the new rules drafted

by the GAB, universities and colleges asked the organization if they could place stickers on the IDs that would show the expiration date in an effort to reduce the costs the schools would incur by printing new cards for students. The board ruled the institutions can place a sticker with their logo on the IDs that shows a date of issuance and expiration, the report said. Once the cards expire, the school can place another sticker on top of the existing one to make

the ID valid throughout the student’s career at the school. The report said the student IDs can only be used if they come from an institution that gives an associate degree or higher. This decision came from the state Legislature, Reid Magney, spokesperson for the GAB, said in an email to The Badger Herald. “[The decision] was up to the Legislature, which specifically excluded technical college IDs,” Magney said. Andrew Welhouse,

spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau), said the specifics of the bill were drafted by the Republicans in order to best keep voter fraud out of elections in the state. “The standard that we used [in crafting the Voter ID Law] was to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat,” Welhouse said. Jordan Weibel, chair of the University of Wisconsin College Democrats, said the organization considers

STUDENT ID, page 2

City board weighs impact of cuts Madison departments present to Board of Estimates, say building projects lack key funding Adelaide Blanchard News Editor The City of Madison’s capital budget took the first step toward approval Monday night when a few city departments presented part of their 2012 budget to the Board of Estimates. Madison Mayor Paul Soglin set the tone for budgets earlier this month when he said deep cuts would be necessary, and parts of the budget presentations from the fire department, the library board and others who have a hand in city finances were evidence to the tough Taylor Frechette The Badger Herald economic times. Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3, said the meeting was not a venue for airing discontent on Madison Fire Department Edgewater funding as Madison city departments square up for a year of budget cuts. Chief Debra Amesqua

presented her department’s 2012 capital budget, totaling $1,610,000, down from the capital budget in 2011, which totaled $2,012,360. Amesqua said she was very willing to work with the mayor to make the necessary budget cuts, even if it meant holding back on the building of a new fire station on the eastern edge of Madison. Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3, said the fire station would have benefited the community because response times to fires in that area of Madison are high. One thing Amesqua said she would not compromise on was her staff levels. She said she would rather

postpone buildings and other projects to keep her staff intact. “We clearly need a station at that location, but looking at the budget, at some point the economy has to turn around,” Amesqua said. Members of the Library Board told the board they had hit a bit of a snag with their funding plan for the Central Library. Library Board President Tripp Widder told the board the Central Library project did not receive a competitive $4.5 million tax credit. The board agreed to fund $4 million with the understanding the remaining $500,000 would be fundraised. The grant is competitive,

Widder reinforced to the board, and there is a decent chance the library may be able to reapply and receive the funds necessary. He said generating jobs and economic vitality makes projects more attractive to those awarding grants, and this time around, Madison missed out. Members of the Library Board said the Central Library should open its doors to patrons in midNovember with construction set for completion in the summer of 2013. Aaron Olver, a member of the city’s Economic Development Committee,

BOE, page 2

State legislators to tackle job creation after summer recalls Senate and Assembly to weigh capital bill, mining in only joint meeting this month Matt Huppert State Editor The first legislative meeting to be held since the hotly contested recall elections of the summer will be the only time legislators will sit together at the Capitol this month.

Today’s Senate and Assembly meetings will be the only time the Legislature will meet in September, Andrew Welhouse, spokesperson for Sen. Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) said. Welhouse said several Republican-endorsed bills created to improve the employment and economic situation in the state will be introduced in the Senate. This includes a bill involving the creation of mining jobs in northern Wisconsin and a bill which aims to bring more

venture capital into the state. “We’re trying to find ways to help small business and starter businesses capture more venture capital dollars to build up their businesses and create jobs,” Welhouse said. Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Graeme Zielinski said the Legislature’s decision to meet only once this month is an insult to those in the state who are handling multiple jobs. Zielinski said

Republicans are only claiming to focus on protecting the middle class this session and said the work of the Legislature and Gov. Scott Walker last session propelled the unemployment rate in the state. “They passed the tax breaks for the very rich, and I guess [they decided] that’s all they think they need to do,” Zielinski said. “They have not done anything for the middle class of Wisconsin.”


The summer break in both houses of the state Legislature will make certain legislative measures necessary at today’s meeting in the Senate, Welhouse said. Welhouse added several resolutions and pieces of legislation involving the creation of jobs will be presented for the first time at the meeting. Sens. Jessica King (D-Oshkosh) and Jennifer Schilling (D-La Crosse), who defeated incumbent senators Randy Hopper

(R-Oshkosh) and Dan Kapanke (R-La Crosse) respectively, will be sworn into office on the Senate floor during Tuesday’s meeting. The Republicans in the Senate, Welhouse said, have pledged to focus on creating jobs and improving the economy. He said the recall of Hopper, who previously authored several jobs bills and was chairman of the jobs committee, has contributed to the



The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Events today 7 p.m. Update on the Nuclear Emergency in Japan 1106 Mechanical Engineering

7 p.m. Condom Casino Tripp Commons Memorial Union

Events tomorrow 7 p.m. Ghost Busters Union South Film The Marquee Union South






71 47

60 34

60 31

65 39

69 44

mostly sunny

partly cloudy




SSFC to require waiver for requests over $250K Measure will call for further reviews of increased budgets Selby Rodriguez Campus Editor

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The Student Services Finance Committee approved a waiver form required for student organizations requesting an annual budget of more than $250,000. The waiver was previously discussed during last week’s meeting. In order for an organization to present a budget over $250,000, the student group must first apply for the waiver and then have the waiver approved before proposing its final budget. Being granted the ability to apply for the waiver does not guarantee the organization will receive the proposed budget. SSFC Representative Cale Plamann presented the waiver during the Monday night meeting.

Herald editorial Editor-in-Chief Signe Brewster Managing Editor Carolyn Briggs Editor-at-Large Jake Begun News Adelaide Blanchard News Content Pam Selman Deputy News Katherine Krueger Multimedia Ryan Rainey Assoc. Multimedia Emily Campbell Campus Selby Rodriguez City Sasha Haymen State Matt Huppert Editorial Page Allegra Dimperio Editorial Page Content Taylor Nye Ed. Board Chairman Alex Brousseau Sports Mike Fiammetta Sports Content Elliot Hughes Associate Sports Kelly Erickson Ian McCue Brett Sommers Sarah Witman Lin Weeks Noah Yuenkel Zach Butzler Tom Guthrie Ellen Anevicius James Zhang Kristin Prewitt Katie Foran-McHale Photo Megan McCormick Assoc. Photo Malory Goldin Matt Hintz Design Directors Eric Wiegmann Alex Laedtke Page Designers Sigrid Hubertz Kellie McGinnis Katie Gaab Ellie Stern Web Director Adam Parkzer Assoc. Web Director Jake Stoeffler Web Consultant Charlie Gorichanaz

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Peter Hoeschele Corey Chamberlain

Consisting of two parts, the first section of the waiver mandates organizations list all new spending. According to the language of the waiver, this spending must be essential to the group’s mission. If the new spending is part of the group’s mission (but not a core component), it must provide a direct service to the entire student body. Plamann said the waiver was originated as a reaction to student organizations asking for high budgets in past budgetary cycles. “In the past, there have been groups with incredibly high budgets, and we were worried about this happening in the future,” Plamann said. The $250,000 limit was chosen intentionally so as not to restrict any organizations currently receiving funding. “We picked a number over the highest budget of any current group, so we wouldn’t be restricting anyone currently,” he

said. In the optional second portion of the waiver, student organizations are given the opportunity to go back and prioritize spending should their budget not be approved. Representative Laura Checovich proposed the wording should be changed for student organizations to list their most important spending instead of least important. The rewording was approved in a separate vote. Plamann added he plans to host training sessions for student organizations interested in completing the waiver. SSFC also held eligibility hearings for the Understudies Improv group and Vets for Vets. Michael Ashley, a representative for Understudies Improv, said the student organization puts on shows and workshops on campus in an effort to promote student interest in improvisational arts. A key question from SSFC members concerned

Zhao Lim The Badger Herald

Michael Ashley, a representative from Understudies Improv, said the group was requesting funds in hopes of better advertising performances during an SSFC meeting held on Monday. the group’s advertising method. Checovich asked Ashley if funding from the committee would help with the improv group’s advertising efforts. Ashley cited a recent instance when the group was able to draw a large crowd recently while performing at Union South, which initiated interest in expanding the group’s traditional advertising methods. “Because of the crowd we drew through [Union South’s] advertising, I would say the love of improv is there. We’re just not connecting to as broad

a base as we could be,” Ashley said. Vets for Vets members presented their eligibility in a presentation emphasizing the four direct services the group provides and the group’s goal of reaching out to more non-veteran students. SSFC members questioned how the group planned to better reach out to these student groups. “We are not just focusing on student veterans, but also their peers as the learning environment is a two-way street,” said Vets for Vets spokesperson Steve Lee. “Our goal is to capture the awareness of

ASM group looks for Mifflin compromise Legislative Affairs members will also oppose legislation to require tenant information in upcoming session Izarin Izmir bin Izhar News Reporter After Madison Mayor Paul Soglin expressed a desire to end the Mifflin Street Block Party for 2012, members of the University of Wisconsin student government are looking to work with the mayor ’s office in an attempt to compromise on the polarizing issue. Soglin has not shied away from condemning the infamous event in recent weeks. He said the money would be better spent on community services, citing the money spent on the event’s setup, cleanup and police enforcement. Legislative Affairs Chair Hannah Somers said the committee would take an interest in UW students’ reactions to the event’s possible cancellation and possible methods to

STUDENT ID, from 1 the law to be a crucial issue and characterized it as a disenfranchisement of student voters. He said the

gauge such reactions. Some methods weighed during the committee’s Monday meeting included surveys and emails targeting students. “It would be nice to get the student’s perspective,” Somers said. Associated Students of Madison Vice Chair Beth Huang agreed that understanding student opinion would prove crucial, especially in areas concerning safety, since these issues are among the most commonly cited as reasons to end the event. Committee members also debated the best possible outcome for the city’s famed celebration, with representatives split on the merits of the event. “Do we really need to support something that leads to over drinking and sickness?” Representative Karen Scott said. Somers said she

believes students would continue to organize the party regardless of whether the city sanctions the event. She added it would prove safer for student attendees to reach some sort of an agreement with Soglin on the fate of event. Somers also plans to host a town hall event later in the year to promote open discussion between city officials and students. This way, opinions from UW students and Madison community residents will be heard, she said. Committee members also discussed the recently introduced Senate Bill 107, which the Associated Students of Madison voted to oppose as the focus of a major fall campaign last week. Under the bill, landlords could obtain the background and financial

information of both current and prospective tenants. It would also allow landlords to enter the residences of their leasees to show the property whenever they choose. Prior ordinances, which prohibit such action, would be nullified. The United Council of UW Students Advocacy Field Organizer Erika Wolf emphasized that the bill is a statewide issue, and measures will be taken to ensure tenant rights protections for students remain intact. Somers said she is currently working to negotiate an agreement with Madison landlords to not require tenant information. Until that agreement is reached, tenant privacy is reliant on landlord discretion. “It’s really up to the good faith of the

landlords,” Huang said. The committee also plans to host its annual housing informational fair in a effort to continue educating students on renting rights. Another item of discussion in the group’s meeting was the approved Voter ID Law, which mandates that citizens show photo identification when voting. Huang said the legislation was important to students because voting could be suppressed through this requirement. Community members fear student voter turnout will drop due as a result of the law, viewing this requirement as an “obstacle” for students wishing to vote. Somers emphasized the importance in educating students on these new changes in moving forward.

Legislature’s exclusion of technical colleges and the thousands of students who attend these institutions in the state remains upsetting. If students wish to

continue voting after they have been on the campus for two years, Weibel said students will have to get another sticker from the university, which he said

could still keep many students from voting. Weibel added he is frustrated lawmakers did not believe student IDs were a credible proof

of identification, but the group will continue working to ensure students across the state will become more aware of the requirements of the law.

Herald advertising Bryant Miller Advertising Director Mitch Hawes Display Manager Roshni Nedungadi Classified Mgr. Anna Elsmo-Siebert Executives Melissa Faulkner Jillian Grupp Danielle Hanaford Matthew Preston Myla Rosenbloom Alissa Siegenthaler

Board of directors

REPORT, from 1 according to the CEO website. In 2003, CEO filed a brief with the Supreme Court against the University of

Michigan’s admissions process, which factored in race and ethnicity, according to the website. Williams stressed the need for students to mobilize, and the students present

did not seem to need any convincing. “Don’t wait for us to show the way,” Williams said to students, who were already assembling poster board to make signs against the CEO president’s report and visit. A series of events has been organized by

multiple students and student groups as a rebuttal to Clegg’s visit and report through a Facebook group, including a protest at the 11 a.m. press conference, poster making at the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán office during most of the afternoon, a rally at 6 p.m. on Bascom Hill

and a press conference to follow the Law School debate at 8:30 p.m. Members of Multicultural Student Coalition and MEChA were present at the meeting and were involved in organizing, but members either declined interviews or did not return calls.

BOE, from 1

Among the assorted TIF projects was the Edgewater Hotel, which was recently cut from $16 million to $3.3 million. Considering the hotel funding was a major point of contention among council members last winter, the Edgewater was not spoken of at length. “[Board of Estimates] is

not a place to do battle,” Cnare said. Tuesday night the board will go over other city department’s budgets, with amendments due to the board on Sept. 20. The Board of Estimates will vote on the amendments on Sept. 26, and the final City Council vote will take place on

campaigns of senators up for recall deterred members of the Senate from working on legislative matters this summer. Welhouse said the large amount of work behind the scenes that is done in committees is a testament to the time wasted with the recalls. “It’s tough to go between policy and politics and recall elections forced by

Democrats certainly didn’t help,” Welhouse said. Republicans and Democrats did agree to move the state’s presidential primary from February to April, Zielinski said. He said this was a decision that was handed down from the national Republican and Democratic parties in accordance with their joint primary schedule.


Jake Begun Vice Chairman

Peter Hoeschele Vice Chairman

Signe Brewster Vice Chairman

Bryant Miller Corey Chamberlain Mitch Hawes Roshni Nedungadi Pam Selman Eric Wiegmann Readers may pick up one complimentary issue each day. Additional copies must be picked up at 326 W. Gorham St. for $0.25 each. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent of the editor in chief. Copyright 2011, The Badger Herald, Inc.

presented the current TIF grant projects the city may undertake and continue in the next budget. TIF projects, while not part of the capital budget, are subject to the same scrutiny and amendments as the other city budgets, Olver said.

LEGISLATIVE, from 1 sluggish start of the Senate. Welhouse said the majority of the work done by senators and assemblymen this month would be done in the individual legislative committees already in session. He said senators are also taking this time to craft legislation. The re-election

The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Event to expand local foods market Dane County expo aims to promote area goods and networking as customer demand grows Adelaide Blanchard News Editor A new expo is looking to bring together local growers and buyers to strengthen the market for local food in Dane County this month, officials announced Monday. Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced in a statement that an expo will be organized Sept. 20 so local growers can meet buyers who are interested in locally grown foods. Local food is not just produce, according to the statement from the Dane County Executive’s Office. Makers of Wisconsin bakery, meat, cheese and desserts will have a chance to show bigger institutions, like hospitals and schools, their goods. More and more consumers are demanding local food

— an economic trend the expo is looking to advance, said Olivia Parry, senior economic developer specialist at the Institutional Food Market, which is one of the groups working to coordinate the event. Parry said while there will be speakers to provide an educational component to the expo, it is ultimately a giant business meeting for buyers and sellers to have a chance to network on a scale they could not organize by themselves. “There’s a huge demand for local [food]. [It’s] a brand for Wisconsin and Dane County,” Parry said. Parry said IFM also works with the University of Wisconsin and the UW System. Eating food from local sources is a student issue on the Madison campus. UW Slow Food is

one local food effort on campus, which ties issues of social justice to the production and consumption of local food, according to the group’s website. While budgets are being cut at the national, city and state level, the industry is growing, Parry said. She added businesses are recognizing that consumers will buy those products. Local food does not just benefit the local growers, but rather puts money back into the economy. As for local food in Dane County, Madison is the center of concentric circles, said Miriam Grunes, executive director of the local Research, Education, Action and Policy on Food Group. Grunes said her group has seen an increase in

support for local food in the last few years. She said the group has established connections similar to those the expo is looking to foster: school programs as well as restaurants who will support local food to meet customers’ demands. Often when people talk about local food, they use the phrase “local” and “whole” food interchangeably, she said. “Whole” food refers to food in its original state, without additives or preservatives. “Local” food is merely geographic, she said, but both words have become synonymous with eating locally and eating well. Local foods eliminate the distance from “farm to plate” and are generally healthier, Parry said. Local growers can come and show off their

Zhao Lim The Badger Herald

Customers survey area venders’ wares at the Dane County Farmers’ Market held on the Capitol Square. products and listen to speakers talk about local food. According to a statement on the event, Parisi will be one of the

speakers at the event, as well as speakers from the Wisconsin Department of Tourism and the Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau.

DNR sees rise in demand for hunter education courses Some link upswing in applications to implementation of concealed carry law Matt Huppert State Editor This fall, concealed carry legislation will allow Wisconsinites to carry handguns after they have received specified training, but some are questioning how properly the training will prepare those who decide to carry a concealed weapon. On Nov. 1, residents of Wisconsin over the age of 21 can apply for a

concealed carry permit and will be required to obtain proper firearms training, according to a statement from the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Currently, one of the ways applicants can receive proper training is through the completion of a hunter education course held by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the statement said. Jon King, a spokesperson for the DNR, said the department is publicly discouraging Wisconsinites from using their hunting licenses as the sole requirement for owning a firearm or from

taking a hunting education course for the purposes of owning a handgun. “Hunter education provides basic firearm safety,” King said. “We don’t cover the basics of concealed carry. We don’t cover where you can carry a firearm and where you can’t carry it. That’s where [the program] falls short.” King said he does not expect the potential increase in the number of applicants for hunter education to affect how instructors of hunter education construct their courses. DOJ has not required DNR hunter education courses to include handgun or self-defense

training. There has been a marked increase in demand for hunting education at DNR departments throughout the state of Wisconsin, King said. However, he said it is impossible to tell at this time if most or any of the incoming hunter education students have enrolled with the hopes of obtaining a concealed permit. “It’s a tough one to say that 500 people or a 1,000 people or 10,000 people are running to the hunter education trying to get that concealed carry permit,” King said. At the end of the year, King said DNR officials

would be able to cross reference the number of people who took a hunter education course in the state with the number of residents who applied for a hunting license. He said this will give the DNR a better idea of the amount of former students who took hunter education courses in hopes of later receiving a concealed carry permit. The DOJ is still in the process of creating rules for the legislation, the statement said, and further requirements to receive a firearm may be added before the bill’s Nov. 1 implementation. So far, King said he does not believe hunter

education students who are solely intent on obtaining a handgun are taking spots away from residents who would like to take the course for its original purpose, and he hopes any emerging trend does not devolve into this practice. He said most applicants for concealed carry would probably avoid hunter education courses if they were provided more specific handgun training. “I think most people who want to apply for a concealed carry permit really would prefer a class that helps them understand what their legal responsibilities are,” King said.


Editorial Page Editors Allegra Dimperio & Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vague plans real Herald Editorial glass-box issue Reinstate Edgewater’s funding Signe Brewster Editor-in-Chief This summer, news blew up that a “glass box” will likely be added to the Memorial Union Theater. The structure would jut out in a mushroom-like shape, encompassing much of the area that sits next to Park Street to the north of the Union. Opponents would like you to believe the addition will kill the unique feel of the Terrace, but even a short visit can show its impact will be minimal. Tables located along the side of the existing theater space are comfortable and popular, despite the lower amount of light and breeze they receive. The concrete plaza located where the addition will go is easily the least popular segment of the Terrace. The killer detail is most of the views the addition would supposedly block do not exist. If you seat yourself on the upper part of the Terrace between Lakefront on Langdon and the Rathskellar, you run into a problem: There is a giant tree and lots of concrete steps leading up to the theater. Opponents are right, however, that the box is a disgrace to shared governance. When you talk about a broken system at the University of Wisconsin, time and time again talk will return to the 2006 fall referendum. Labeled as the Student Union Initiative, the referendum OK’d the new Union South and remodeling of Memorial Union. Similar efforts failed in the spring of 2005 and in the spring of 2006 during which two votes were dismissed due to technical errors with online voting. The fall 2006 referendum passed with 1,691 favorable votes among the 6.59 percent of the student body that turned up to cast their ballot. While it is astounding 1,691 students can saddle students with an extra $96 in segregated fees a semester for 30 years, where the system is really broken is how little the original language in referendums matter. The referendum makes mention of “creating expanded student lounge/ coffee house space,” but that is it. As has been the case over and over with

new buildings on campus, the original language is vague. Union South falls into the same category. For the new building, the referendum listed expanded student lounge space, activity and programming spaces, a pub, coffeehouse, recreation spaces, outdoor campus green space and the latest communication technology as features to be included in the new building. Today, those are in place, but not in a form that was directly defined in the referendum. This is not a product of the folks over at Wisconsin Union attempting to mislead students. It is a result of voting first and designing later. The actual design process falls to a committee set up within the Union. The student-majority design committee’s decisions later go to an executive team and, finally, the student-majority Union Council for approval. The process is peppered with community meetings and other efforts to invite student input. The concept of “mission creep” is real, and it can happen here. In reality, the glass box is balancing campus services with the particular needs of a historic building, and it is compromising in the process. Regulations for historic buildings in Wisconsin state that additions must be apparent, meaning they cannot closely match the style of the existing building. The glass box represents a needed solution—the only natural spot for a new structure that will blend well with the theater’s glass lobby. Instead of fighting about the theater addition’s presence, we should be talking about it’s use. While Union representatives have said the glass box will not be rent-able, the question remains if it will be closed to students during performances, or at least made unattractive due to furniture removal to make space for theater patrons. In the end, it is also likely the space on top of the glass box will rarely be open, much like the upper terraces currently located above the Rathskellar and Lakefront on Langdon. Resources should go toward ensuring these existing resources are fully utilized. Signe Brewster (sbrewster@badgerherald. com) is a senior majoring in life sciences communication.

Last week, Madison Mayor Paul Soglin announced his executive budget which would slash roughly $12 million in tax incremental financing from the approved Edgewater Hotel development plan. We think this move is unwise. Redevelopment of the Edgewater cannot wait. The developer, Hammes Co., has already been through hell and back to get the plans approved. If the city rips out the majority of the building’s financing, Hammes Co. will drop the development altogether and never return — they may even decide to abandon further development in Madison given the hassle. No other development company will want to touch the Edgewater Hotel either, after seeing all of the time and energy Hammes Co. went through over the last two years. If the money is not allocated now, the Edgewater Hotel will remain in it’s outdated, dilapidated state for an indefinite period of time.

The Edgewater Hotel is also economically beneficial for the city. It will be a hotel, banquet area, public rendezvous, restaurant, wedding location and so much more. The possible revenue is enormous. In today’s economically tough situation, the city needs to focus on investing, and funding this project will do just that. Finally, the plans are already approved and ready to begin. It would be a slap in the face to the alders and community members who put in countless hours and resources over the past two years passing the development plans through committee after committee after committee and finally through the City Council. It is in the city’s best interest to honor that work and finally allow development to begin on the Edgewater Hotel. The other development plans found in Soglin’s budget are promising and equally worth keeping in the budget. These include money to redevelop the

former Don Miller properties on East Washington Avenue, build a new Wingra Clinic on South Park Street, redevelop the Erdman properties on University Avenue and improve Central Park. These projects are vital because they are spread throughout Madison. While downtown and central Madison are important, it is equally important to ensure that the entire city benefits from the budget. Areas outside of downtown are often ignored and it should be noted that they too deserve a piece of the pie. These plans in particular are in areas in need of development, such as Badger Road and East Washington Avenue. However, while development outside of the downtown area is necessary, it is equally important to invest in the future of Madison. We strongly encourage the mayor to return the $12 million in TIF funding to the Edgewater Hotel redevelopment and finally put this issue to rest.

Alex Brousseau

Signe Brewster

Carolyn Briggs

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Editorial Board opinions are crafted independently of news coverage.

Free speech trumps Nazi outrage Reggie Young Staff Writer “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” These words of English writer Evelyn Hall echo my thoughts on the neo-Nazi rally that occurred in West Allis on Sept. 3. While the vast majority of Wisconsinites probably don’t support the propagation of racist, hateful propaganda, we should all support that we, as a society, have that right to do so. The Detroit neo-Nazi group intended for the West Allis rally to call attention to incidents that occurred this summer, including the so-called “flash mobs” of young African Americans that occurred at the State Fair on Aug. 4. There was serious doubt about whether the attacks were racially-motivated — a claim which is completely unverifiable. I think one of the counter rally attendees had it right by saying the

youths were “a bunch of stupid kids with bad parents.” Anytime I hear the words “Nazi” and “rally” it brings to mind an infamous free speech case that took place in Skokie, Illinois, in which the United States Supreme Court upheld the right of neo-Nazi’s to assemble. In no way do I support the views of neo-Nazis, but I do support the view of the court: neo-Nazis have a right to speak their views just like anyone else. We need a system that applies law equally and fairly, which is where a lot of a government’s legitimacy comes from. So if one feels strongly about the right to share beliefs on Governor Scott Walker, then neo-Nazis should have the right to voice their opinions as well. We need a system that doesn’t just pretend to grant freedom to everyone, but actually does. In the US, we often take free speech for granted, but other countries don’t grant their citizens the kind of rights we’re entitled to here. In fact, in France and many other countries it’s illegal

to sell or exhibit Nazi memorabilia. We must acknowledge that other people have different opinions than us, and that there is value in those opposing opinions whether or not we agree with them. The world would be boring and much less intellectually advanced if we all agreed. Furthermore, if we let the government censor neo-Nazis, what’s stopping a Republican government from censoring a Democratic rally or vice versa? While I dislike the fact that a hateful group rallied in Wisconsin, something great happened there. Thirty neo-Nazis exercised their right to assembly, and a 2,000 person counterrally exercised theirs. It’s OK that neo-Nazis preach their racist, ignorant agenda because enough people care to outnumber their hateful speech. Unfavorable speech has helped further important causes tremendously. Civil rights, which weren’t favorable at the time, were established by exercising the First Amendment right to rally and speak. In allowing

unwanted speech, like that of the neo-Nazi’s, we also allow progressive speech that will help instigate change and push our society forward. For example, gay rights rallies remind the public that homosexuals are an everyday part of society and that we ought to accept them. There are several important rights granted to the people, but free speech is by far one of the most important. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote that free thought and speech are the most important rights in the Constitution, although he mentioned “not free thought for those who agree with us, but freedom for the thought that we hate.” Free speech allows us to speak our mind, and sometimes groups use that freedom to speak contemptuous words. On the converse, there will always be people who stand against those hate-mongers — thanks to their right to speak freely. Reggie Young (rcyoung3@wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in legal studies and Scandinavian studies

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.


Features Fewer Jokes Than the Republican Debates Noah Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Tuesday, September 13, 2011













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Cheap shot political jokes


















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.


The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: Making Repub. Debate drinking games that don’t kill the players


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

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20 23 27







43 46 51 56







66 69











Across 1 One of the Pleiades 5 Q.: When is a door not a door? A.: When it’s ___ 9 Pickpocket, e.g. 14 ID in a library vol. 15 Dunce cap shape 16 Threewheeled Asian cab 17 “Peanuts” figure … or some fabulous fall soup? 20 “For rent” 21 Figure in academia 22 Nein : German :: ___ : Russian 23 Subway turners 25 Muchderided 1980s-’90s car 27 Calif. setting for “Stand and Deliver” 30 Words to swear by 34 Off-road wheels, for










29 Chasm 31 “Calm down!” 18 19 32 Shouts at a fútbol game 21 22 33 Harmony 24 25 26 34 $20 dispensers 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 “What’s ___?” 36 37 38 37 No. at a 41 42 brokerage 40 Becomes 44 45 smitten by 41 Sometimes47 48 49 50 illegal turns, 52 53 54 55 in slang 42 Dog 59 60 61 62 command 47 The 64 65 Midshipmen 67 68 49 Relative of Rex 70 71 50 Not casual 52 Corrupt Puzzle by Tony Orbach 54 One of a soup? short Turkic people swinging 66 Paddled craft 36 Rhyme 55 Got out of pendulum, 67 Canceled scheme bed say 68 Old camera for Frost’s 56 Allergic 11 “Eww! settings, for “Stopping reaction Gross!” short By Woods 57 One-horse 12 “Night” 69 Many-headed on a Snowy carriage author Wiesel challenge for Evening” 58 Be in limbo 13 Helvetica, Hercules 38 Onion60 Author C. P. e.g. 70 Like flicks flavored roll ___ 18 Hwys. seen without 39 Early 1970s 61 Frozen waffle 19 “One” on a special glasses dance … or brand penny 71 Instrument some smelly 24 Lee of Marvel 64 Grazing played with a soup? ground Comics plectrum 43 Kenyan 65 Thomas 26 Mongolian tribesman Mann’s “Der desert Down 44 Suffix with ___ in 28 Okeechobee, 1 Baseball opal Venedig” e.g. gloves 45 Key to get 2 “Give it ___!” out of a jam? (“Try!”) 46 At a chop Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ shop, perhaps 3 “Yes, if you Superman, ask me” 48 Tennis’s Graf we need you 4 German 51 Exam for an now more chancellor aspiring Esq. than ever. Merkel 53 Ray of 5 Score “GoodFellas” To use your 100% on 56 Ways to the superbreath 6 “The Grapes Web: Abbr. to cool down of Wrath” 59 It may be put these drinks family name on a pedestal cause we 7 The “a” 62 Gloomy, in outta ice. in a.m. verse 63 Nickname for 8 Compensate for loss snowboarder 9 Channel for Shaun White old films … or some 10 Like a airborne 15






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ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Neon Indian album reminiscent of a different ‘era’ Newest chillwave release harks back 30 years to evoke rock jams of yore Lin Weeks ArtsEtc. Content Editor Let’s first be clear about one thing: chillwave — at least in it’s musical construction — is not a new invention. The futuristicsounding effects, the vocals on top of keyboard on top of keyboard on top of drum machine composition and the constant modulation between major and minor keys and all of these were hallmarks of ‘80s pop rock long before they appeared on any indie label in the past few years. Strip away the lyrics on many tracks of the chillwave persuasion, and they would sound like improvised tributes to Toto or The Police, which leads to the vaguely funny realization that even Europe discovered that territory long before Neon Indian knew it existed. Still, lack of originality doesn’t doom a genre; it just demands a higher level of talent and a unique vision. On those counts, Neon Indian’s sophomore album, Era Extraña, is mostly successful. A follow up to 2009’s Psychic Chasms, the new album takes a few risks, but plays best when Neon Indian sticks to his formula: set the mood, build layer by layer and keep the songs short. Neon Indian doesn’t shy away from directly acknowledging that it’s various synthetics sound like a well trodden caricature of a hightechnology future. With song titles like “Future Sick” and “Suns Irrupt,”

he’s not so much winking at the listeners as slapping them straight across the nose. It’s probably impossible to know whether the backing to “Polish Girl” is supposed to sound like a messianic PacMan dying and reanimating with each four bar phrase, but the ultimate effect is an entirely thematic nostalgic filter over the four-and-ahalf minute track. Making a song sound like a computer, a robot or an arcade game is easy with the instrumentation that’s being used, but Era Extraña shines most when it sets a different tone entirely. On “Fall Out,” the album’s closest approximation of a ballad, a Styxian opening precedes a set of lyrics that would not be out of place in the fogfilled climactic prom scene of a John Hughs movie: “Molten asphalt/ Running start/ Wounded tongue tied from my/ Heatstruck heart.” A similarly beneficial thematic shift occurs on the title track, “Era Extraña,” where Neon Indian attempts to mimic the sounds of the Old West. First, a desertscape is painted by an unaccompanied, mournful keyboard. Then a rapid, syncopated bass line kicks in, nailing the feeling of a lone horseman galloping across the plain. The change of pace on those two tracks is welcome and well executed. But Neon Indian runs into problems when it strays too far from its layered, hook-y groove. Three songs on the album, “Heart: Attack,” “Heart: Decay” and “Heart Release,” are instrumental snippets lasting less than two minutes each. Though the three are clearly meant as a set, they break up the album unnecessarily.

Photo Courtesy of Static Tongues Records

Composer and half of the team making up Neon Indian, Alan Palomo is convincingly aware of his genre’s roots on the new release Era Extraña. A follow up to the critically acclaimed Psychic Chasms, the 42 minute album is released today. Though there are several noticeably weak tracks, Era’s imaginative sonic palate allows it to fully recover. Two minutes simply isn’t enough time to build a coherent song, so the three tracks come across as the indie equivalent of skits on a rap album, which is to say pure fillers. But at least those are kept short. “Future Sick,” the weakest track on the album, is just as vacant, but several minutes longer.

It’s almost too generous to say that it’s closest relative is an unfunny SNL digital short; at best, it’s “Space Olympics,” except written by Andy Samberg’s emo teenage cousin. Even through low points like that, however, Era Extraña recovers thanks to it’s high degree of selfawareness. The biggest tip-

off that Neon Indian knows exactly what it’s doing is the title of the album, which means both “strange era” and “it was strange.” Is Era Extraña describing how people in the ‘80s imagined the future, or is it referring to how we view that time now? The logic is circular, but the answer is both.

Era Extraña Neon Indian

Inaugural health column asks: Water you drinking? Jenny Slattery Low-fat Tuesday columnist Hello Herald readers! My name is Jenny Slattery and I am a sophomore here at the University of Wisconson. I am currently an undeclared journalism major, a writer for the Arts Etc. section and one of two voices that will be present in The Badger Herald’s new column, Low-fat Tuesday. My hopes for the success of this column are very high since maintaining a healthy standard of living is a considerable and enjoyable part of my life. I’m thrilled to be able to share my interest with other people through this column, which will have a general focus on aspects of good nutrition and how to stay fit and healthy throughout one’s lifetime with exercise and the continuation of good habits. Above all else, this column will strive to teach and hopefully help people find a path to wholesome living. For the first column, let’s talk about a topic that is always essential, but often overlooked. Water: a tasteless and colorless liquid in a plain plastic bottle. “What’s the fun in that?” you might ask. There’s nothing exciting about drinking water when you can have a fruity flavored energy drink in a fancy, all too expensive bottle. While that may be true, no Gatorade, Monster or Redbull can do for the body what water does. Water makes up roughly 60 percent of the human body. It is the key to our health, and we would eventually die without it. The benefits of drinking water are endless. First and foremost, it hydrates

the body with pure minerals — not sugar, carbs or other harmful additives found in most “hydrating” drinks on the market. The consumption of water truly does the body good. It aids in the transportation of nutrients and oxygen into the body’s cells, keeping them alive and well. Hydration also protects our organs including the largest organ of the human body: skin. Skin elasticity is maintained and each layer of skin tissue is replenished with every sip taken. H2O doesn’t just stop there, though; I’m sure the term charley horse rings a bell to you. Cramps, especially those that love to creep up in the middle of the

The consumption of water truly does the body good. It aids in the transportation of nutrients and oxygen into the body’s cells, keeping them alive and well. Hydration also protects our organs, including the largest organ of the human body: skin. Skin elasticity is maintained, and each layer of skin tissue is replenished with every sip taken. night or during sports/ exercise, are most often the result of improper hydration since water helps lubricate joints and muscles. While water is about one-half to three-forth of the human body, it comprises 90 percent of our brain. It helps us

think faster, clearer and maintain focus. That means in order for our brains to fully function we need to drink water — what a crazy concept! Keeping your body hydrated with the purest form of liquid possible also aids in proper digestion, which is necessary to having a healthy body. Water raises your body’s rate of metabolism, which in turn speeds up the digestion process. Add in the daily requirement for fiber and you’ve got yourself a well oiled machine. Weight loss is another process in which water plays a crucial role. Once fat has broken down, the byproducts are carried away by water. It also suppresses hunger naturally, so next time you think you’re hungry drink a glass first and wait ten minutes. You might be surprised that you really weren’t hungry at all. Lastly, water has zero calories. Unless you’re buying flavored water such as Vitamin Water or the new brand popping up in Walgreens and supermarkets, Neuro, that contains roughly 3550 calories per bottle, you can drink as much as you want without a weightrelated care in the world. There are dozens — if not hundreds — more benefits of drinking water, so fill up a glass at every meal, snack and pre- and post-workout. You’ll be on your way to a healthier you. Low-fat Tuesday will run every Tuesday on an alternating basis between Jenny and Rachel Werts. If you have questions for Jenny, want more information or have ideas for a future column, please email her at jslattery@wisc. edu.

To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Tuesday, September 13, 2011



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Secondary will be key in avoiding NIU upset Elliot Hughes Hughe’s Your Daddy? With two games into the Wisconsin football season, there is hardly anything to gripe about. After defeating UNLV and Oregon State by a combined score of 86-17, Wisconsin arrived in 2011 as advertised, confidently looking like a team bound for a BCS bowl game. But that still won’t stop some people from raising the upset alert level for Wisconsin’s next game against Northern Illinois at Soldier Field — which can sometimes be confused for an extraterrestrial airport. Indeed, there are some zesty ingredients of this game that do cook up an aroma of upset. Former UW defensive coordinator Dave Doeren is now, of course, in his first year as head coach for the Huskies — so he knows a thing or two about the Badgers. Not to mention NIU is trying to build off a strong 11-3 season a year ago that featured a Humanitarian Bowl victory. The Huskies also do a lot of recruiting in Wisconsin, where the Badgers dominate. Anyone think the phrase “Badger rejects” might accelerate NIU’s drive in this game? The condition of Soldier Field’s playing surface, which is said to be the worst in the National Football League, is also a concern — although that could negatively affect Northern Illinois, as well. I don’t see an upset occurring in Chicago; more like the Huskies hang around for two or three quarters until the Badgers hit light-speed, if not a route from the get-go. But the difference between the Huskies hanging around and the Badgers ripping them apart from the beginning resides in Wisconsin’s secondary. Northern Illinois’ passing game

HUSKIES, from 8 with a 1-1 record. But questions still remain as to how coaches can help their players deal with these types of off-field issues, while also trying to prepare them for the rigorous football season. “When you’re dealing with kids aged 18 to 22, often times the most common tragedy you have to work a young man through is the death of a grandparent or someone that’s close to them,” said Bielema. “I think you [need to] rely on your own life lessons. You know, it has been well documented that I lost a sister when I was in college, so I can

presents a much tougher test than the Wisconsin secondary saw against UNLV and Oregon State, and for Wisconsin to avoid a tricky affair, the last line of defense will have to maneuver the following quandary. Forget Doeren’s knowledge of UW for a moment and think about the on-field ballistics here. Since Chris Ash’s arrival, Wisconsin’s secondary has seen improvement throughout last year, the offseason and 2011’s first two games. Cornerback Antonio Fenelus has been rock-solid in coverage while safeties Aaron Henry and Shelton Johnson have let little by them, as well. Injured cornerback Devin Smith’s season is now in jeopardy, according to head coach Bret Bielema, after hurting his left ankle against OSU. His replacement, Marcus Cromartie, had a terrific fall camp and played excellently against Oregon State. Wisconsin has been impressive, but the Badgers have faced some milquetoast air attacks so far this year. UNLV’s Caleb Herring started his first collegiate game against UW in the opener and OSU rotated two subpar quarterbacks in and out of the action last weekend. Clearly, neither team boasted stability or a sense of established confidence. Wisconsin has allowed just over 200 passing yards per game and has not forced any turnovers over those two games. Mixed with the fact that UW’s secondary was one of the weaker components of last year’s Rose Bowl run, I’d say there’s still something to prove. The Huskies, on the other hand, bring in a strong leader in fifthyear senior quarterback Chandler Harnish, who started nine games as a freshman and has not given up the job since. One of the better quarterbacks in the MidAmerican Conference, Harnish has completed 75 percent of his passes this year en route to throwing for 510 yards and seven touchdowns against the

likes of Army and Kansas. And he’s seen Wisconsin before. As a redshirt sophomore in 2009, Harnish completed 15 of 24 attempts for 174 yards in a late push at Camp Randall that ultimately ended in a 28-20 loss. With his ability to run the ball (166 yards, four touchdowns), Harnish is what gets the Huskies’ offense moving. Northern Illinois led the MAC in scoring (38 points per game) and total yards (450 yards per) last season and has hardly come down from that summit this year, averaging a conferencebest 45.5 points and 521.5 yards per game, just seven yards out from tops in the conference. Fortunately for UW, Harnish’s targets don’t have much height (four of his six most-targeted players are below 6-foot), though this still remains by far the best quarterback and passing game the Badgers will see until Taylor Martinez and his Cornhuskers visit Madison. Despite some visible offseason rust against UNLV, UW’s front seven charged forward in Week 2. They sacked quarterbacks, forced fumbles and improved tackling. But there’s still a little more that needs to be seen from the secondary. For Wisconsin to win in style like they have the past two weeks and impress the voters even more, it will be on the defensive backfield and their date with Harnish’s passing game. It’s not too daunting of a task, as it’s been thumbs up for the Badger DB’s so far this season. But for a group that’s been progressing well for over a year now and has already taken a blow in health, shutting down an experienced and knowledgeable opponent can certainly boost confidence and launch the group into bigger success in the future.

always go back to the trials and tribulations that I had [at Iowa] as a player. I think you just have to go back to who you are and be compassionate and realize the bigger picture of things.” The game against NIU has also brought new uncertainty surrounding the location of the game at Soldier Field in Chicago. The site was chosen to allow extra seating, as NIU did not have a stadium large enough to support such a big event. This is nothing new to college football, as this event follows a similar contract in 2007 that led to a soldout game between NIU and Iowa.

Yet this season, ticket sales have been slow despite initial expectations that the game would be a sellout like the Iowa game. “I know when this thing presented itself, it was basically a carbon copy off of the contract that Iowa signed,” Bielema said. “I think the thing that is different is that prices have changed significantly, and so I think that is as big a factor as anything. I’m sure we’re probably higher ranked than Iowa was, and Northern Illinois is probably, maybe, a little better ball club than they were that year, too. It probably gets down to the finances and what people can afford or not.”

Elliot is a senior majoring in journalism. What do you think is the key to another big Wisconsin win? Send your thoughts to ehughes@ badgerherald.com or tweet @BHeraldSports.

Zhao Lim The Badger Herald

Freshman Cara Walls has started all seven games for Wisconsin this season, posting four goals, one assist and one game-winning goal during that time. Walls leads the team in goals, while senior Laurie Nosbusch is right behind her with two goals on the season.

Wilkins, Badgers eager for continued success at home Senior leadership vital in solid early start; freshman Walls impresses Ben Vincent Sports Writer One of the most common beliefs in sports certainly applies to the 2011 Wisconsin women’s soccer team, as homefield advantage has been very kind to Paula Wilkins’ squad this year. The friendly confines of the McClimon Soccer Complex have helped the Badgers to a ninegame unbeaten streak. Wisconsin has not lost a home match since Aug. 29, 2010, when it dropped a 1-0 decision to Cincinnati. Wisconsin (5-2-0) faces defending Mid-American Conference champion Central Michigan (5-2-1) Wednesday before kicking off the Big Ten portion of their schedule when they face Penn State (6-2-0) Saturday. Thus far, the Badgers have been led by players both young and old. Senior forward Laurie Nosbusch leads the team in shots on goal with 16, while fifth-year senior goalkeeper Michele Dalton shined in Wisconsin’s 2-0 loss to reigning national champion Notre Dame in August, stopping 10 shots. But arguably the biggest

SCHEDULE, from 8 Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Northwestern and Purdue only once each this season due to the Big Ten’s expansion

key to this point has been freshman Cara Walls, whose four goals lead the team. Walls is no stranger to success on the soccer field, as the Wauwatosa native helped lead her FC Milwaukee team to the national championship last year and garnered multiple awards as a prep star. “She’s a unique player in terms of her ability just to impact the game,” Wilkins said. “She’ll fade in and out of games, but she’s one of those kids that you’ll lose track of her, and she’ll score on you.” The combination of Nosbusch and Walls has been very successful for Wisconsin, as the pair has accounted for nearly half of the Badgers’ offense this season. “[Cara] creates a lot of stuff from Laurie, and Laurie is attracting a lot of attention,” Wilkins said. “[Laurie] obviously is a person who is our returning leading scorer, so that’s opened up a lot of stuff to Cara. Bringing in [Nosbusch, Dalton and Walls] and combing them all together has been very fun.” With junior forward Paige Adams due to return from injury soon, the Badgers have a potentially potent offense entering Big Ten play. Adams, who was sidelined last year due to injury, is making her return to the team after finishing second in both points and

goals in 2009. The rapport between Adams and Nosbusch was especially strong that year, with all of Adams’ goals coming on a Nosbusch assist and vice versa.

to 12 teams. It will play newcomer Nebraska twice. The Badgers are 5-0 all time against the Cornhuskers. The most recent meeting between the two teams was Nov.

29, 2000, at the Kohl Center. They’ll meet for the first time at the Kohl Center again on Jan. 12 this season, before the Badgers travel to Lincoln, Neb. Feb. 19.

Playing through pain Wisconsin is unusually banged up this early in the season. Five of the normal starters are missing, while two players’ injuries are season-ending. Paige Adams and Ali Heller are expected back in time for Big Ten play, while sophomore Genevieve Richard has joined the Canadian U-20 team and will miss the season. “I think losing some significant players, obviously, at that point, what we’ve done, I’m very pleased with,” Wilkins said. “I think our nonconference play has really prepared us for going into the conference. And, obviously, [Central Michigan] on Wednesday, a team that’s traditionally been in the NCAAs and wins their conference. I think every time you play teams that understand what the NCAAs are about, you learn something about yourself.” Despite the injuries, Wisconsin has built confidence by sticking with both top-ranked Notre Dame and 14thranked WisconsinMilwaukee, losing 2-0 and 2-1, respectively.

S PORTS Banged-up Badgers prep for Huskies Sports Editor

Mike Fiammetta sports@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Smith likely to miss significant playing time; NIU matchup far from sold out Nick Daniels Sports Writer Following Wisconsin’s convincing 35-0 victory over Oregon State Saturday that earned the Badgers their first shutout victory since 2009, UW football coach Bret Bielema emphasized the amount of depth and talent the Badgers have. Some of the Badgers are even getting recognized by the Big Ten for their achievements. In the past two weeks, both Mike

Taylor and Russell Wilson have been named Big Ten players of the week for their respective performances against OSU and UNLV. “I thought it was interesting the Big Ten came out with Mike Taylor as their MVP, he played a good game as well, kind of like last week … [the Big Ten] gave it to Russell Wilson,” Bielema said at his Monday press conference. “It’s great to see the players getting recognized.” Unfortunately for Bielema, UW’s depth is already being tested early in the season after multiple injuries have affected a few key starters for the Badgers. After suffering a left foot/ ankle injury Saturday, cornerback Devin Smith

is the newest Badger to be added to this growing list. Still, Bielema expressed confidence in the ability of other players to step up and fill the hole Smith’s absence leaves in the defense. “One of the good things of this [situation],” Bielema said. “[Smith] went through a two-week window during fall camp that he was kind of a limited rep guy with an abdominal strain, so [Marcus Cromartie] worked with the ones [first team] for an extended period of time.” Bielema said after Saturday’s game that X-rays on Smith were negative, though he tweeted Sunday that the senior cornerback “looks like [he] will be out for a [sic] extended amount of time moving forward.”

Bielema believes Cromartie’s previous experience eased his transition into the game on Saturday and allowed him to fill in “extremely well” for Smith after his injury took him out of the game midway through the first quarter. Northern Illinois facing significant adversity Looking ahead to Saturday, the Badgers will face the Northern Illinois Huskies, a team that faced a near tragedy this preseason when linebacker Devon Butler was shot in a driveby shooting last April. Since then, NIU has started the 2011 season

HUSKIES, page 7

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Devin Smith left Wisconsin’s 35-0 win over Oregon State due to a left ankle injury he sustained during the first quarter of the game. Smith posted one tackle before the injury.

UW reveals hoops schedule Women’s basketball set to face 11 teams with 20-plus wins from 2010-11; 9 games will air on TV Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor The University of Wisconsin women’s basketball team will have a full plate this year. UW released its 2011-12 schedule Monday and is slated to face 14 teams that played in the postseason last year. After finishing 16-15 (106 Big Ten) last year, UW will face six teams that finished in USA Today’s final Top 25 poll of the 2010-11 season, as well as two more teams who received votes. Laura Hill The Badger Herald The strongest opponent Junior Taylor Wurtz played the most minutes for Wisconsin last season and averaged 8.3 the Badgers face, based points per game and 6.4 rebounds per game, the best stats out of the returning players. on last season’s records,

is Green Bay. The Phoenix finished last season ranked No. 9 with 34 wins on the season. Wisconsin will also face last season’s No. 17 Ohio State, No. 18 Michigan State and No. 25 Marquette. The Badgers will also face seven teams who played in the Women’s National Invitational Tournament. UW reached the second round of the WNIT before falling to Illinois State, 62-59. Wisconsin will face five nonconference teams who also appeared in the WNIT, including BYU, Boston College, Oral Roberts and Colorado — who reached the Elite

Eight. The first three teams ended their seasons in the Sweet 16. After opening Big Ten play against Ohio State Dec. 30, Wisconsin will face Penn State the following week. Both Michigan and Northwestern made appearances in the WNIT, while Iowa also received votes in the USA Today poll. In total, Wisconsin will face 11 teams who had 20plus wins last season. Nine of the Badgers’ games will air on the Big Ten Network, five of which will be played at the Kohl Center. Other notes on the

schedule: UW will face UWWhitewater and UWParkside in its two exhibition games this season. Wisconsin has never played UW-Parkside and hasn’t faced UWWhitewater since 1979. Wisconsin hosts Oral Roberts and Washington State, which is the first time in school history the Badgers have faced either of those teams. They will also meet Montana State in the Omni Classic in Boulder, Colo. for the first time in school history, as well. Wisconsin will face

SCHEDULE, page 7

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