Volume Vo V olu l me XLIII, Is Issue 31
Eaves urges captains “less is more”
Seeking control over all segregated fees may be an admirable endeavor, but without a plan it’s a recipe for failure | 5
Ruling removes former leaders
After three losses in four games, each in overtime, UW head coach is pleased with freshmen play, wants captains to relax | 10
A Student Judiciary ruling officially took away the seats of former ASM Vice chair and Nominations Board chair | 2
Admissions goes on trial
Students protest lack of voice in Legislature
CEO, UW leaders clash at state Assembly committee hearing on holistic applications Mitch Herrmann News Reporter On Monday, the Wisconsin Committee on Colleges and Universities hosted a hearing regarding admissions at the University of Wisconsin in response to a Center for Equal Opportunity study claiming there is racial and ethnic discrimination in the admissions process. Members of the committee heard testimonies at the informational hearing from representatives from the CEO and the UW. The CEO published a study on Sept. 13 stating UW was using unfair racial discrimination practices to favor certain ethnicities over others. “We found that African Americans and Latinos are given heavy preferences over whites and Asians. An out-of-state African American applicant had a seven out of ten chance of admission [to the law school], while a white instate applicant with equal scores was given a one in ten chance of admission,” CEO President Roger Clegg said at the hearing. Clegg said the CEO study showed discriminatory policies which allegedly led to the admission of underqualified black or Latino students in place of more qualified white or Asian students. The organization
is recommending changes be made in the admissions process so no race or ethnicity is privileged over any other. According to the CEO study on undergraduate admissions at UW, 85.5 percent of students admitted to the university in 2008 were white. At the hearing, UW Provost Paul DeLuca Jr. defended the university’s use of racial or ethnic consideration in the admissions process as this helps promote ethnic diversity among students. “No student is admitted simply because of race or any other factor alone. Academics are the most important factor in our admissions process. We also have a desire to create a diverse academic community,” DeLuca said. According to DeLuca, black students make up 6.3 percent of Wisconsin’s student population, while only 2.2 percent of all UW applicants were black in 2008, accounting for 2.9 percent of the student body. DeLuca said racial and ethnic consideration in the admissions process is crucial to enrolling a diverse student body representative of the state’s racial make-up and that without these policies, minorities would likely be even less represented than they are now. Clegg said UW’s problem
Mike Kujak State Reporter
Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
At an Assembly Committee hearing Monday, CEO President Roger Clegg defended the results of the report which made allegations of discriminatory admissions at UW. Some representatives and UW administration struck back at his claims. is not its emphasis on diversity but rather its racial discrimination. “There’s no problem with having students of diverse backgrounds. We’re not against diversity; we’re against discrimination. We don’t care what the percentage of any race
getting in to the university is; we’re concerned with what groups are getting preference,” Clegg said. Rep. Terese Berceau, D-Madison, said at the hearing the problem is not racial consideration in the admissions process but lack of diversity on
campus. Berceau said in her 13 years as a representative, she has had one complaint of discrimination against white or Asian students and numerous complaints that the campus is not
United Council held a conference at the Capitol Monday to protest its exclusion from a legislative hearing involving university admissions and followed the conference by marching down State St. to Memorial Union. United Council, a statewide organization established to represent University of Wisconsin System students, voiced anger that the Center for Equal Opportunity was invited to the Capitol for a closed hearing, but a representative of the student body was not at Monday’s conference. “[The Legislature] hold special hearings with qualifications with admission that none of us hold up to,” Damon Terrell, who led the conference, said. “While they listen to some outside agitators talk about internal issues where we have primary authority and responsibility, they ignore issues that they have primary responsibility over. We’re no longer going to listen to that.” The state Legislature heard testimony from CEO regarding the process for admissions
COUNCIL, page 4
CEO, page 4
Madison receives $5M grant to boost Metro Statewide funds will make improvements to city’s transit system financially feasible Ally Boutelle City Editor
Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wisc., announced today that Wisconsin received $20 million in grants from the Department of Transportation to improve transit systems as wells as replace and repair buses.
According to a statement from Kohl’s office, Madison will receive $5,160,800 of this grant money to upgrade the Metro transportation system. The federal government’s decision to make grant funds available stems from a 2010 Federal Transit Administration study that indicated there is almost $80 billion worth of necessary maintenance on mass transit systems nationwide, the statement said, and Kohl put in a
request for the grant to the federal DOT. Once Wisconsin received the funding, the statement said cities pitched local projects. Eight of these city initiatives, including Madison, were selected to receive funding. Madison Metro spokesperson Mick Rusch said the grant would allow Metro to continue running at its current rate despite the economy while also allowing for improvements to the transit system.
“Before this grant, we saw a decrease in funding,” Rusch said. “This grant allows us to continue replacing our buses at our current rate of about ten a year, or 100 over ten years.” Madison Metro currently has a schedule of replacement every ten years. The recent economic downturn raised questions concerning whether the company would be able to continue with this schedule, but grant funding alleviates these
concerns. Rusch said the money would also serve to increase Metro’s reliability and efficiency, as adding new buses ensures the system will run smoothly and decrease wait times. The grant also includes funds to purchase new wireless fare boxes, which Rusch said would allow Metro to better track passengers and fare usage. Data will be automatically downloaded to Metro’s computer systems, allowing the company
to easily keep track of passenger traffic. Alder Scott Resnick, District 8, said the money would also allow the city to update several unsafe or decrepit bus shelters. Resnick said he feels the grant will lead to a more efficient and user-friendly system overall. “These improvements will give Madisonians a positive outlook on transportation,” he said. “This will really improve
KOHL, page 4
Beer garden near stadium approved Hotel close to Camp Randall will have plaza, which received positive neighborhood review Eliot Markman News Reporter A city commission approved the construction of an outdoor beer garden area that would be open to the public at Hotel Red across from Camp Randall during Monday night’s meeting. At a meeting of Madison’s Plan Commission Hotel Red owner Mike Erickson said the outdoor seating area would be located on the hotel property across Courtesy of the City of Madison the street from Camp The City of Madison Plan Commission approved the plan for a beer garden addition to Hotel Red (pictured above). The hotel, located on the corner of Monroe Street Randall Stadium. He said and Regent Street, was recently opened this summer, and the area would be open to the public. Students may be drawn to the plaza’s proximity to Camp Randall. the seating area would be © 2011 BADGER HERALD
located on the ground floor level and would be open to the general public. The project would be an addition to the 48room hotel that opened in August, Erickson said. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said the outdoor seating area proposal for Hotel Red has already been granted approval by the Alcohol License Review Committee. Commission members questioned Erickson on a number of points on the project, including the plan for restroom facilities as
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Correction Due to an editing error, the Oct. 17 story “Badgers stopped short of NCAArecord win streak” mistakenly stated that the Badgers had 32 consecutive wins when in fact it was only an unbeaten streak with a few ties during the streak. We regret the error. Due to a reporting error, a review of “The Thing” identified the movie as set in 2011 rather than 1982. The movie is a prequel, rather than a remake. We regret the error.
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MCSC request to alter current budget denied SSFC decides to not shift funds from administrative costs to student services Jackie Allen Campus Reporter University of Wisconsin student government members deliberated a request Monday night by the Multicultural Student Center to alter over $5,000 of the organization’s initial budget, which the Student Services Finance Committee chair ultimately denied. MCSC representatives said they wanted to move the money from funding direct services for students to provide for traveling expenditures and fees for the organization’s trainers. SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said she decided to deny the budget altercation as she read the application because the budget proposal was inconsistent from what the committee had approved the previous fall. “This is taking money out of a direct service byline which would go
against what last year’s SSFC session voted to approve in the budget,” SSFC Vice Chair Chase Wilson said. “And I think it would be put to better use trying to improve direct services.” MCSC representative Rebecca Pons stated the training was necessary to advance the group’s ability to provide direct services to the Madison area. She added that the organization pushes other diversity groups on campus to improve the campus climate. “We can’t teach unless we’re learning more,” Pons said. “Our staff are exceptional already, but there’s so much more that can push to going above and beyond.” MCSC representatives added while services provided for students would not change, they are restructuring the organization and vamping up training efforts in attempts to improve the group in ways that are supplementary to their services. SSFC and MCSC representatives also clashed on several specific aspects of the
organization’s services, such as the differences in programs offered compared to other campus organizations and how many new members the group receives at events. Many SSFC representatives argued the budget alterations were not necessary. Representative Cale Plamann said since the funds provided are student funds, they should thus be spent reasonably and in the best effort to improve student services. “We had a rule for every other group except MCSC regarding whether you can take money from a direct service and move it to a non-direct service,” Plamann said. “I don’t think there’s a reason for us fudging this rule other than some of us like this group.” Plamann added he believed SSFC should look critically upon student organization’s transferring money from direct services to administrative training. Neibart said a future deliberation will be held on MCSC’s failure to respond to or pay a $77
Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
MCSC representative Rebecca Pons argued for the necessity of the budget shift during Monday night’s SSFC meeting. The funds would have gone toward training. fine, which the committee debated may be intentional. Two representatives voted to reconsider the chair’s decision, while MCSC is likely to continue its efforts to restructure their budget. The group is also appealing an Associated Students of Madison judiciary decision over the validity of a budget waiver turned in past deadline. MCSC representative Althea Miller added the group is crucial towards
improving UW’s campus climate and outlooks for diversity. “When something happens on campus life … we are the first ones to do something about it,” Miller said. “We are just simply creating an atmosphere for students of color to feel welcome.” During its Thursday meeting, SSFC is expected to take up a possible violation from the religious student organization Badger Catholic.
Freshmen run for ASM seats Polls close, results come out Wednesday Danielle Miller Campus Reporter
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
During a meeting in September, former ASM Vice Chair Beth Huang speaks to those in attendance. Huang and another ASM leader were officially removed from office by Student Judiciary as a result of election violations.
After official dismissal, ASM leaders to reapply Student Judiciary says hours to make up violation did not count for service Selby Rodriguez Campus Editor Two seats on student government were officially vacated following a decision reached by the Student Judiciary Monday night after hearing an appeal earlier this month. Former Associated Students of Madison Vice Chair Beth Huang and former Nominations Board Chair Niko Magallon were ruled as disqualified from the spring 2011 ASM Elections, according to a decision from the Student Judiciary, disqualifying both from serving as current ASM representatives. Chief Justice Kathryn Fifield said she was not sure how this decision would affect council but she felt this was an extension of actions already in motion. She added the case was
particularly difficult, which accounted for the amount of time it took for a decision to be reached. “It was a complicated decision as demonstrated by the fact that it took us this long to produce it,” Fifield said. According to the decision, both counts brought up by Huang and Magallon were dismissed. The first of these involved demonstrating the 20 mandated community service hours were in compliance with the court’s previous order. While the decision states that both members made a “compelling” argument for why their community service hours were turned in on time on Sept. 15, the court found the completed hours did not constitute community service, as they did not serve as a deterrent for future similar actions. The decision also dismissed the second count questioning the Student Judiciary’s jurisdiction in removing Huang and Magallon from office, stating the members’ terms were conditional on the
completion of these hours. The ASM Nominations Board was then ordered to immediately fill these two vacant seats by the Student Judiciary. Huang said she would be reapplying for the seat she was forced to vacate. She expressed confidence that both her and Magallon’s credentials will get the two reelected. “I believe the Nominations Board will recognize Niko and myself as the most qualified candidates for these seats,” she said. ASM Chair Allie Gardner said the case was unfortunate in the large impact it has on campus and for student council. “It’s unfortunate that something like an unclear bureaucratic error is going to lead to the removal of two people the student body elected,” Gardner said. She added that the nominations board would be soliciting applications from the student body and interviewing candidates promptly.
First-year Representative fall elections began Monday with a wealth of candidates sharing common goals battling for four open council seats, one Student Services Finance Committee seat and one for the College of Engineering. This year’s Associated Students of Madison fall elections revolve around key issues that will significantly affect the student population in coming years, according to ASM Press Office Director Ade Afolayan. Student candidates were asked to discuss views on issues including communication between council and students, lowering tuition, increasing financial aid and how to make campus more environmentally sustainable, Afolayan said. Afolayan added that while these freshmen candidates may lack the background knowledge and experience of someone who has been on campus longer, their involvement is essential to the university’s future. “[These candidates are] eager students [and] excited to get involved,” she said. Megan Dexter, a candidate for the FirstYear Representative seat from the College of Letters and Science, said communication is her main focus should she be elected to council. “If I am elected my biggest goal is to increase communication across campus. If departments and organizations were able to collaborate easier, there could be more success behind campus events,” she said. Many other candidates expressed similar views in addition to the need for more awareness of the need to make tuition more affordable to all students. Concerned with the lowering of tuition costs, candidate Ronald Rolland is a freshman student in the College of Engineering running for both a Student Services Finance Committee
seat and to be the representative in student council for the College of Engineering. His position in the year’s elections regards the allocation of segregated fees with a goal of lowering segregated fees by giving SSFC more control over the allocation budget, he said. “I feel segregated fees are too high. Therefore, I am running for [SSFC Representative] to make them more affordable for students,” Rolland said. There are a total of 24 candidates for the five open First-Year Representative seats, four candidates for the one open Student Services Finance Committee seat and two candidates for the seat of College of Engineering Representative, according to the matrix. In last year’s fall elections 15 students ran for four First-Year Representative seats and another 15 campaigned for two SSFC seats with four candidates for the College of Engineering seat, according to Afolayan. The referendums on this year’s ballot are the Memorial Union Renovation and Article X, Section I of the ASM Constitution. The Memorial Union Renovation referendum asks students’ opinion on the current design of the student/theater lounge to be added to Memorial Union, according to the ASM website. Article X opts to change the number of justices on the Student Judiciary, the website said, and proposes reducing the number of justices to seven instead of eight in an effort to make voting more efficient for the government branch. Elections began online Monday, Oct. 17, at 8:00 a.m. and continue until Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 5:00 p.m. Afolayan added that there would be a press conference to announce preliminary election results held by the Student Election Commission at 9:00 p.m. in the Caucus Room of the Student Activity Center on Wednesday.
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
GOP hopes tax credit bill spurs job growth Critic says measure ‘too little, too late’ in helping state’s economic recovery Leah Linscheid Deputy State Editor The Wisconsin Senate and Assembly will meet Tuesday for regular session to consider bills promoting job creation including a bill allowing tax credits from 2010 to be refunded this tax year. The proposed bill, which will be voted on during Tuesday’s session, will permit businesses to recoup credit for employees hired in 2010 as well as 2011, Whitewater Republican Rep. Steve Nass’ spokesperson Mike Mikalsen said. “By allowing [businesses] to grab the credit for the last two years for the jobs they’ve already created, [they] will get two years at one time,” Mikalsen said. “The credit will turn cash back to those folks and encourage them to hire more employees in 2012.” Mikalsen said the bill will benefit employers and businesses by creating “risk protection” against hiring new employees. Businesses can receive tax credits for each new hire based on 10 percent of the individual’s yearly wages, according to
Mikalsen. With the tax credits, an employer can receive up to $10,000 per individual. Rep. Kelda Roys, D-Madison, said Republicans proposed Assembly Bill 1 after witnessing support for the original law creating tax credits for job creation, which was proposed by Democrats. “Democrats created this tax credit, and now after Republicans are seeing it was successful,
“The credit will turn cash back to those folks and encourage them to hire more employees in 2012.” Mike Mikalsen
Rep. Steve Nass spokesperson
they jumped on board and want to move the payment up one year,” Roys said. Roys said Republicans in the assembly proposed the bill to hide the fact that the special session on jobs is focused more on special interests than the middle class. She said Republicans should have proposed the bill earlier in the year for it to have a bigger effect. “This is too little, too late,” Roys said. “It would be one thing if they had pushed this in January when they said
they wanted to create jobs the first time.” Roys expressed criticism of the current session. She said Republicans spent time paying back special interest groups and are now trying to appear bipartisan as their poll numbers fall. Mikalsen said Nass also has a critical opinion of proposed bills for the current session, citing an “over reliance” on the belief that the Legislature can create jobs. “The government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs,” Mikalsen said. “All government can do is try to provide incentives or minimize risk to businesses.” He also said the state has a limited capability to offset the national economic problems, and substantial changes are needed at the federal level. Gov. Scott Walker ’s spokesperson Cullen Werwie also commented on legislative progress on job creation. In an email to The Badger Herald, Werwie said several bills have been receiving hearings in committee and several are ready to be voted on, including Assembly Bill 1. Werwie said Walker included eight bills sponsored by Democrats in the special session and several other bills are expected to receive bipartisan support.
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
State Street plans have yet to charm some local stores Renovations to 100 block of historic road have stirred passion, hesitation Dan Niepow City Reporter Proposed renovations to a section of State Street and North Fairchild Street sparked debate among Madison residents at a meeting last night. Members of the 100 Block Foundation presented more specific details concerning the project to the Downtown Neighborhood Association. George Austin, project manager of the 100 Block Foundation, stressed his desire to maintain the architectural character of State Street throughout the presentation. “Our purpose tonight is to present a proposal for North Fairchild and State Street,” he said. “[It] builds on our past but looks to our future. … Think of it in that context.” He called the project a “truly rare opportunity,” and he argued the
renovations would positively impact the city monetarily. He said he further believed the renovations would complement the reconstruction of the Central Public Library. The first floor of all the buildings to be renovated would still be reserved for retail use, Austin said. He said upper levels would be set aside for office space. Austin also commented that the renovation project was a nod to landscape architect John Nolan’s model city for Madison in 1911. Doug Hursh, director of design for Potter Lawson Inc., an architectural firm also involved in the project, highlighted specific details concerning the facades of the structures in the area. He juxtaposed the original facades with their current ones and then showed elevation sketches of what future facades would look like. Austin’s proposal provoked both praise and criticism among attendees. Lubna Azad, owner of Vic’s Corn Popper at
127 State St., said she was concerned with the project. She was unsure whether her store would survive during the renovations. “We’re facing having to move,” she said. “Our store has been there for 30 years. It’s going to cost us tens of thousands of dollars to find a location we can afford.” Some attendees felt the project would significantly alter the character of businesses in the area. “I’m concerned that this development will chase away the local business and bring in corporate chains,” said Bob Klebba, a downtown resident. “The rents would be too high to be able to rent out in this space.” Some attendees said they were optimistic about the plan and argued it would be beneficial for all parties involved. Timothy Kamps, a violinist with the Madison Symphony Orchestra, said the project would have a positive effect on the Overture Center. He called the plan a
Zhao Lim The Badger Herald
George Austin, the project manager for the 100 Block of State Street renovations, speaks during Monday night’s Downtown Neighborhood Meeting. Austin was a staunch defender of the benefits he said he believed the project will provide. “philanthropic vision” that would “add a great deal to this block.” Other attendees were concerned about the fact this project would renovate certain landmarked buildings in the area. Austin
responded by saying the benefits would ultimately outweigh the losses. “We don’t take removing a landmark lightly. To do so requires you to put something in its place, something that has [more] value,” he
said. Austin was also open to possible alterations to the plans. He said that construction would take place between April 2012 and summer 2013, pending city approval.
Mock election coming to campus Legislative Affairs chair: Voter ID still top priority, university exploring different avenues Katie Caron Campus Reporter The University of Wisconsin could take two distinct routes in how it issues voter IDs to students in the coming weeks, a student government leader said during a meeting Tuesday night. Legislative Affairs Chair Hannah Somers updated the committee on voter IDs to be issued by the university. Last week, legislation was proposed which asked the university to produce a solid plan for the issuance of the IDs. Somers said she met with Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzel last week and explained that his message the university is committed to the issue. UW is considering two options: one of which will mean a new student ID would be used in addition to students’ current ID to vote, and the other would mean making all new Malory Goldin The Badger Herald WisCards which could be Mike Quieto of the City Clerk’s office speaks to the members of the Legislative used alone, Somers said. Affairs Committee during their Monday night meeting on the issue of Voter ID. The first option would
BEER GARDEN, from 1 proportionate to guests. The approval from Plan Commission was the final step required for Hotel Red’s process with the city. The neighbors around Hotel Red in attendance voiced their support for the project. Richard Scott, a neighbor who lives close to the proposed project, called the hotel’s owners and management a “class act” and spoke in support of the proposal. The Plan Commission also weighed a proposed apartment complex slated for Madison’s east side, a proposal that sparked concerns from area residents but was later approved by the body. Brian Stoddard of Planned Unit Development introduced the plan for an apartment development at 6854 Stockbridge Dr., on Madison’s east side. Stoddard explained there would be advance landscaping along the street to allow additional parking
KOHL, from 1 ridership and reliability — it’s great to see.” Resnick said Madison is an ideal candidate for this funding because of its residents’ heavy reliance on public transportation. “When you look at our population compared to
for residents and would take pressure off street parking. Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3, said the apartment development would be in a part of the city that is mostly singlefamily homes, and a number of neighbors turned out to voice concerns about the proposal. Stoddard said planners have remained engaged with neighborhood residents, asking for their input on various aspects of the project. “We have been very sensitive to the neighborhood,” he said. Overall, the project was met with minimal resistance from commission members, aside from logistics for access areas on one side of the building and how to connect to a city park path. Cnare said the assurance the apartment complex would not have a negative impact on the neighborhood would be crucial in the decision making process. “This apartment
building will go up, and the neighbors will have a continuing good neighborhood,” she said. The proposal was sent back with comments on areas of improvement from members for later consideration. Since 2008, the Madison City Council has been trying to find a use for the Garver Feed Mill, which is located near Williamson Street, a debate that continues without resolution in the city. Community Development Manager Dan Rolfs explained the May 2012 deadline to find a use for the property was probably the last chance to salvage the structure. “Given all the hurdles that have to be jumped … if we don’t get past this May 2012 deadline, it will be very difficult to complete the project,” Rolfs said. Rolfs’ group applied for a grant through Sen. Herb Kohl’s office for $3 million dollars to renovate the mill but did not get that grant money.
ridership, our system is one of the most heavily used in the nation,” he said. “Madisonians use Metro more often than residents of many other comparable cities.” Financially, Resnick said the grant is a “relief” for the city because officials are currently looking for
cost-saving mechanisms to put limited funds to the best use. Rusch said improvements to the system would be made as soon as next year. FTA support will be provided to ensure improvements are implemented quickly and smoothly.
cost the university $100,000 over five years, and the second $500,000 over the next five years, she said. The university cannot make a decision until the Government Accountability Board, which interprets voter ID law, addresses the issue in a meeting Nov. 9. “Essentially the university is going to do it, but we just have to wait until November,” Somers said. To gain student perspective about the ID options, the committee discussed options including online polls and emails to see what students would prefer. “I would really like to see us reach out to students and get an answer to this question so that we can give it to the administration,” Somers said. “We really want to help in this decisionmaking process.” Mike Quieto of the City Clerk’s Office spoke to the voter ID issue and said the city will do what will get
the most voters out. “The city’s decision will be whatever will get students to be able to vote,” he said. On a related topic, Quieto also spoke about planning an upcoming campus mock election, which would allow for data collection for the purposes of staffing polling locations on election day. The mock election is set tentatively to take place sometime next month. Also a main point of discussion in the meeting was the upcoming Madison Housing Fair. Somers said student government likely will not be attempting any tenant rights campaigning at the event, and the body’s role in the event will mostly be within the area of marketing and getting the word out to students. Somers said although past discussion looked at more aggressive campaigning at the event, she thought attempting anything too controversial would take away from the main purpose of the
COUNCIL, from 1 at UW two hours after United Council’s press conference. The committee focused on the findings contained in two recent CEO studies. In a statement, United Council said holistic admissions is an important issue to many students, but they did not understand the Legislature’s interest in the CEO’s recent report that they describe as “politically motivated” and “misguided.” Terrell introduced a number of speakers that talked about a wide range of issues they felt were more important to the student body. Co-President of the Teaching Assistants’ Association Alex Hannah spoke at the conference about the privatization of education and the effects budget cuts have on the public education system. Hannah said $250 million was cut from the UW System’s budget this year, with half of that
CEO, from 1 diverse enough. “We take this approach because we’re a world class institution. This fundamentally requires a diverse student body. Corporations expect to see
Housing Fair. She said the fair mainly aims to educate possible future tenants about their housing options, and resources for housing in the city and campaigning would jeopardize this goal. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, attended the meeting and said he felt tenant rights in Madison are important and should be addressed. Somers responded her main point was not that tenant rights are not an issue, but campaigning too aggressively at the Madison Housing Fair would be the wrong place. “By no means do I think we should stop working on tenant rights because I think this is going to be an ongoing battle for the rest of the year,” she said. At the meeting, Somers also announced that two student seats for the Legislative Task Force and the student seat on the Board of Regents passed unanimously in committee and both will likely pass on the floor today.
being absorbed by this campus alone. Hannah then said the K-12 system was moving towards a system of privatization and charter schools that emphasize standard tests and NCLB requirements, rather than quality one-on-one student teacher time. “Our legislators have the ears full of other things and issues that don’t exist. We need a re-commitment to funding public education in this state so that every Wisconsin youth has access to public education [and] not one controlled by private interest and corporations,” Hannah said. David Vines, a UW sophomore and Student Services Finance Committee representative, voiced his problems with the new voter ID laws. He said that the legislators have made it harder for students to vote in state elections. “Voter ID requirements
disproportionately affect students, lower-income families, minorities, the elderly and the disabled. I’ve got three forms of voter ID: a student ID, a passport and a driver’s license, and I still can’t legally vote in this state,” Vines said. Sarah Lamb, another TAA member and a UW graduate student, spoke at the press conference about how the cuts to public education will affect teaching assistants around the state. Lamb also expressed concerns about the affordability of education in Wisconsin. “Because of decreased state funding and increased tuition, higher education at public education universities in Wisconsin have become unaffordable for many families in Wisconsin. The median income of UW students is unacceptably higher than median income of families across the state. This means a decrease in diversity in race and class,” she said.
diversity in the learning of the students that they hire,” DeLuca said. According to DeLuca, some corporations are no longer recruiting UW graduates because it is not diverse enough, citing the Green Bay company
Proctor & Gamble as an example. It is a vital part of the UW education to create a learning environment where students of different races are able to interact and learn from each other, DeLuca said.
Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Herald Editorial Tread softly on F-50 United Council and the Student Services Finance Committee chair’s recent crusade against the University of Wisconsin System’s decade-long policy on segregated fees could backfire for students who already have some of the greatest budgetary powers in the nation. SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart and UC are asking the Board of Regents to review the System’s Financial Policy 50, which defines the scope of nonallocable and allocable university segregated fees. Currently, SSFC has complete power over allocable fees (money given to student groups), the bus pass and Associated Students of Madison’s internal budget. It also has review power over nonallocable funds, which go to institutions such as Recreational Sports, the Union and University Health Services. Under this power, SSFC may review non-allocable funded organizations’ budgets and make non-binding recommendations on how the budget should be changed. By challenging F-50, Neibart and UC hope to give students more power over the budgets of non-allocable funded organizations, something Neibart argues is the right of students under state law. If the Board of Regents refuses to adopt such an administrative
rule, Neibart says they may take legal action. The question of legality revolves around whether the Board of Regents is an official agency subject to state authority. If it is, it must follow Wisconsin’s administrative law by creating a formal rule — a regulation issued by a state agency and approved by the Legislature and governor that details their official policies. However, if it is not, it has the statutory authority to create this distinction without a rule. While this board will leave it up to the lawyers to decide whether or not the Board of Regents is a state agency, one thing is clear: There is a great deal of risk is involved in challenging this policy, so Neibart and UC must lay out a more thorough plan if they want to succeed. If the Board of Regents is found to be a state agency, F-50 would need to go through the administrative rule process. This means the policy would need to be approved by the state Legislature and the governor through a complex and timeconsuming process. It is a real possibility that student power would be severely limited instead of increased if F-50 or any comparable studentdrafted version were to go through this process. The current Legislature or governor may decide
that students should not be trusted with such a great budgetary power and may limit our control of allocable funds as well as eliminate any power we have over non-allocable funds. If the Board of Regents chooses to avoid a legal battle by agreeing to give students power over non-allocable funds, the current infrastructure and state of ASM would not be able to handle such responsibility. This session’s ASM is one of the most poorly run student governments this campus has seen in a long time. They spend hours arguing logistics instead of getting any real work done. SSFC is the only productive branch and their time is already spread thin with approving budgets, going through appeals and ensuring everything is done in a viewpoint neutral fashion. The non-allocable funded organizations have enormous and complicated budgets, some of which total $4 million. This is sixteen times larger than any budget SSFC has ever dealt with, which are at most only $225,000 without waiver approval. To add the burden of these budgets on top of their present responsibility would create an impossible duty. The student body also generally lacks interest in the workings of its student government. This leads to low voter
Every state agency must create its own rules for interpretation of state statute for administration of segregated fees.
F-50 must have been created by a rule
The Board is a body corporate
Board of Regents must follow state administrative rules
Board of Regents not required to follow state administrative rules but its power is still limited Board of Regents can have powers to distinguish allocable vs. non-allocable
F-50: Applies legal policy requirements for segregated fees application State Statute 36.09(5): Gives students right to consult with chancellor for final regents approval of segregated fee distribution Wisconsin State Law
on how to handle these budgets and clearly present how gaining this extra responsibility will tangibly benefit all UW students. This task is daunting and may take several years to complete. Until then, Neibart should focus on SSFC’s current power over non-allocable funds: the review power. Although its scope is not entirely clear, Neibart can work to gain the desired power for SSFC over non-allocable funds by having a greater hand in recommendations and
turn-out, small candidate pools and a high rate of drop-outs once elected. There are simply not enough elected representatives to handle such large budgets. If Neibart and UC truly want SSFC to have power over these nonallocable funds, they should wait until they have a clear idea of how they will take over and implement their new duties. They must have a plan for creating a larger infrastructure, garnering more people power, training elected students
Alex Brousseau
Signe Brewster
Carolyn Briggs
Editorial Board Chairman
Managing Editor
working to gain greater enforcement of those recommendations. The great peril Neibart faces in pursuing this line of argument cannot be overstated. We urge Neibart and UC to take a step back and outline in detail how they will handle this large burden should they win. It is the right of students to decide the fate of their money. But, with great power comes great responsibility— something both Neibart and UC should keep in mind.
Jake Begun
Allegra Dimperio
Taylor Nye
Ryan Rainey
Editorial Page Editor
Editorial Page Content Editor
Editorial Board Member
Weekly non-voting Community Member
Weekly non-voting Community Member
Weekly non-voting Community Member
Matt Manes | Union Council member, former SSFC chair
Sarah Neibart | SSFC chair
Nichole Powell | Panhellenic Association
Ed i t o r i a l B o a r d o p i n i o n s a r e c ra f t e d i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f n e w s c o v e ra g e .
Educational and testing standardizations cause inequalities
Spencer Lindsay Staff Writer
As friends of mine apply to college and I vicariously relive the whole experience, I am thinking a lot about education. It is very easy to hit the education system in America with criticism. There have been many articles written on the topic, criticizing universities for obscure and undefined problems such as “not preparing students for the ‘real’ world,” however few of them tangibly lay out how we can fix our nation’s educational problems.
The number one problem with education in the U.S. is that it has become too competitive. The later years in elementary school are now geared for preparing students for junior high. Junior high is geared towards preparing students for high school, and high school is geared towards preparing students for college. This is great if it works, however it leaves many students in the dust. On the way from elementary school to high school, I saw many students fall behind. Many students take advantage of the competition in high school and college, in some cases by using tutors to inflate their grades rather than help them understand a subject (at my high school there were cases of tutors writing papers for students). Despite the
fact that test scores are supposed to be measures of raw intelligence, there are plenty of ways to run the tables, and many students do to get into a better college or graduate program. Most colleges put the vast majority of weight in their admissions decision into these two numbers that can be rather easily manipulated. People who do take advantage of these ways to manipulate the system are under-qualified, but on paper look overqualified. This condition is facilitated by the fact that education has turned into an overly competitive frenzy to look better rather than be better. Another trend I have noticed is people being pressured into their major by promises of well-paying jobs. People are being taught to do what will rake in money rather than
what they want to do. I have a friend majoring in engineering that hates physics, but is staying in the major because he thinks it will bring him fortune one day. Many freshmen and sophomores look at the projected pay check rather than the subject matter when considering their major. People tend to do best at what they are passionate about and therefore should try to find jobs they love. Another major issue is the way the material is presented. Some of this is due to budget cuts. Many students do not learn effectively in big lecture halls. These are becoming more and more common as more and more states are forced to make cuts to University systems. Many high schools are telling teachers to teach to test rather than give students
a useful background on the subject that could suit students better in real life and/or in further education. This is because standardized tests have, at least in part, standardized education. Everyone learns differently and recent standardizations have diminished schools’ ability to teach to students differently. Some have predicted doom for the U.S. education system. I firmly disagree. However, I do think the competitiveness of education, budget cuts and standardization are hindering students. While tutors definitely have their place, and can be a great tool in helping students understand subjects they are desperately behind in, their place is not to inflate grades. This makes good students steal the spots of great students. Students
should feel less pressured than they do, and make life plans according to what they want to do. Budget cuts must stop because the government is cutting its greatest investment: the future. Education leads to jobs, and economic growth, cutting it hinders our future. Standardization is doing a great deal to prevent good teachers from teaching what they want to teach. Students attitudes are too focused on grades and their future, and should be more based on what they are learning and what they want to do. Public schools can definitely still be salvaged, but there are hurdles to overcome. Spencer Lindsay ( is a freshman majoring in political science
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Bee Bop Dop Da Doo Dop Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Shibbity sha sha sha
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Ski ba bop ba dop bop ski ba bop dop
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
41 44
32 38
47 51
Puzzle by Patrick McIntyre
Across 1 Nile bird 5 A ditz hasn’t one 9 ___ Downs 14 “High Hopes” lyricist 16 Slightest amount 17 Guilty plea, say 18 Lilylike garden plant 19 It might make the nose wrinkle 20 Singer with the #1 R&B hit “I Feel for You” 22 Suffix with ox- or sulf23 “Paper Moon” father and daughter 24 Biscotti flavor 26 Like Batman, the Lone Ranger, etc. 29 Hagen of stage and
screen 30 Japan’s “way of the gods” religion 32 Eurasian duck 36 Pre-K child 37 Scam … or an apt title for this puzzle? 39 Useless tictac-toe line 40 Certain blood type, for short 42 Economist Friedman 43 Suffix with no-good 44 ___ Pieces 46 Aides: Abbr. 48 Dead Sea Scrolls ascetic 51 Grafton’s “___ for Outlaw” 52 He was Sonny to Marlon Brando’s Vito 56 Chilly 58 54-Down by
Verdi 59 Allowed to wander, as a chicken 61 Handle the fixin’s for a party, say 62 Boxer who almost upset Joe Louis in 1941 63 “I’m done!” 64 Jonas who developed a polio vaccine 65 Formerly, once Down 1 “A miss ___ good …” 2 Sport with a birdie 3 Having no delay 4 Says “Cheese!” 5 Hypo meas. 6 Nonclerical 7 “Looks like I goofed” 8 City of central Sicily 9 Gaseous hydrocarbon
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
10 Sneakers brand sported by AbdulJabbar 11 The younger Obama girl 12 Of base 8 13 Intends 15 Fashion monogram 21 Indiana University campus site 24 Grand Theft ___ 25 Upper-left
CROSSWORD key 26 Cooper cars 27 Protractor measure 28 Field goal percentages and such 31 Class for cooking, sewing, etc. 33 Priest’s honorific 34 Illuminated notices above theater doors 35 Stir-fry vessels 38 Bambi’s aunt 41 Welcomer at Walmart, e.g. 45 Make certain 47 Give comfort to 48 Give the heave-ho 49 Politico Palin 50 Strike down 53 Place for B-2s and B-52s: Abbr. 54 Operatic highlight 55 Dudley Do-Right’s heartthrob 56 Mission conclusion? 57 Car ding 60 Yellowstone beast
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
Time to start growing your Halloween Beard if you’re going as a Hangover 2 Zach Galifinakis, San Francisco Giants’ Brian Wilson or a white trash ______.
ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman
The Badger Herald | Arts | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Real Estate’s latest chill as cool fall Days ‘Lyrical voice for the suburbs’ makes most of simple instrumentation Joe Nistler ArtsEtc. Staff Writer Occasionally, an album seems to come of nowhere at just the right time. Real Estate’s Days certainly didn’t come out of nowhere; the meticulous song structures attest to that, along with the fact that it’s been a year or so since their last LP. But as for timing, a few chilly tracks from a typically beach-y band make Real Estate, rather
than the sun or the Earth’s rotation, seem responsible for the fall. Opening tracks “Easy” and “Green Aisles” hold onto the band’s surf aesthetic while presenting nostalgia for warmth through a relentlessly breezy sonic atmosphere. And lines like “mountains of maple leaves / Standin’ side by side” in “Green Aisles” sound too familiar to have been written in the summer. The leaf motif repeats itself, unwilling to let you forget that it’s not longer warm. There are many aspects about Days that forge a sense of nostalgia: retro simplistic pop melodies and structure, surf guitar
that hearken back to summer a few weeks ago. In particular, chief songwriter and guitarist Martin Courtney’s simple, relatable tales of careless car rides and longing for love carry listeners back to those suburban summers. Real Estate could be the lyrical voice for the suburbs, a setting many know and few care to remember. They aren’t the first to sing about it, but the group’s method comes with intuition bred in a New Jersey suburb where the members started playing together. Its verses are just metaphorical and vague enough to derive personal meaning without
having to give up the artist’s poetic intentions, whatever they may be. Easygoing vocals are a staple in Days, which makes it disappointing to hear instrumental track “Kinder Blumen.” It’s alright on its own, but its structure is so much like the other songs that, devoid of Courtney’s indie pop vocals, something feels missing. Then again, “Blumen” is spiced up ever so slightly with a few bells and extra percussion. As mentioned earlier, the instrumentation is simple, but far from dry. Real Estate makes sure of that with a constant breeze of guitar and keyboard layers that
wrap you into the sound entirely without even realizing what they did until the song’s end. Even “Out of Tune,” which starts with a warm, solitary guitar riff, quickly dissolves into the sea of sound. Swelling effects pedals are in no short supply, nor are catchy stick-in-your-head riffs, like the one heard in “Municipality.” While it might have sharpened production and made its songs more pop-friendly, as a whole Real Estate has held onto their hazy debut sound with vigor. It’s refreshing to hear something new, but the truth is, that something isn’t all that different from what’s
been done before. However, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it’s done right. When it comes down to it, Days’ songs are catchy and repetitive enough to grow tired from overexposure. But that shouldn’t prevent listeners from snagging a copy to listen to until the next release.
Real Estate
In solo debut, Gallagher finds his long-lost wings High Flying Birds captures essence of what Oasis should have been Jacob Fricke ArtsEtc. Writer When Kurt Cobain died of a drug overdose in 1994, the music world was almost immediately given a new savior in Noel Gallagher. He and his brother, Liam, brought music directly inspired by the nihilistic energy of grunge and the psychedelic elements of the Beatles into the world. They had created a monster — their band, Oasis, became the biggest musical act in the world. The only thing larger was Noel’s subsequent ego. Noel wrote all the music and lyrics for Oasis, while he and his brother shared lead singing duties. He brought a clean, highly developed sense of melody which contrasted nicely to Liam’s snarl. The only thing as combative as their approaches to delivery was their personal relationship. Two albums later, Oasis Photo courtesy of Sour Mash Records suffered a drug-related British pop sensation Oasis fell off its mid-90s throne due to dueling egos, drug use and a carousel of band mates. Now, after that band’s death as well. Instead of recent breakup, frontman Noel Gallagher has released a solo album replete with chord-based melody and orchestral arrangements. killing a member of the
group, however, drugs killed what had made Oasis great. For nearly a decade, the brothers made uninspired albums while cycling through bandmates at an unheardof rate. By 2009, however, the band had returned to form. Just as their seventh album restored their credibility, the band fell apart as Noel declared he could no longer stand to work with his brother. Now, Gallagher has released his debut solo album, self-titled under his solo monicker, Noel Gallagher ’s High Flying Birds. Newly unburdened by the need to please anyone but himself, Gallagher clearly created this album in just the manner that he wanted. As such, the songwriting is immediately reminiscent of mid-90s Oasis, when the group was at their commercial and creative peak. Lead singles “If I Had a Gun” and “The Death of You and Me” are particularly poignant and catchy, yet retain all of the integrity absent from middling Oasis albums. It is simultaneously simpler and more diverse than the orchestral and overblown efforts that he has been criticized for.
Orchestral arrangements are present, but they never overpower the simple chord-based melody that has been Gallagher ’s trademark since his early days. The songs are made all the better by the fact that they could be played just as effectively by a full band as they could in a solo acoustic setting. Critics of the album will point to the occasionally clichéd lyrics, Gallagher’s very British voice and the high expectations he always attaches to new creations. However, compared to Liam’s new band and the countless pseudo-Oasis clones that have clogged indie record stores since the late 2000s, this is a standout piece of work. Without his brother and without pretension, Gallagher has delivered what is perhaps the best British album since the turn of the century.
Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds
Herbivore, omnivore irrespective, better eat your veggies Rachel Werts Low-fat Tuesday Columnist So there you are, going through the line at Pop’s or perusing the menu at your favorite restaurant, and you spot it: the telltale “vegetarian option.” Maybe you’re tempted to try it, or perhaps a vegetarian dish is the furthest thing from your mind. Either way you’ve probably been curious at one time or another. I’m here to tell you — go for it! You don’t need to become a full fledged vegan, but following a well-rounded and more plant-based diet can have numerous benefits to your health. In 2006 there were 4.9 million vegetarians in the United States and this number is only expected to grow in the coming decades. People can be motivated to follow a vegetarian diet by a variety of reasons, but whatever the rationale the benefits are the same: A wholesome vegetarian
diet may help you maintain a healthy body weight and may decrease your risk of heart disease and cancer. As published by the American Dietetic Association, vegetarians tend to have a lower Body Mass Index, a measurement of healthy weight. This means that fewer vegetarians are obese, a condition linked to many other types of chronic disease and diabetes. Many people argue that vegetarianism produces false correlations because of its relationship to healthy weight management. They believe that the decreased disease risks are not due to the vegetarian diet, but rather to maintaining a healthy weight. This has been shown not to be the case, however, because several studies with adjustments made for factors like BMI, smoking and social status, and found that vegetarians still tend to have lower rates of ischemic heart disease. According to the ADA this decreased risk of heart disease may be caused by lower levels of LDL cholesterol (a.k.a. “bad” cholesterol).
But the benefits don’t just stop at a lower risk of obesity or heart disease. The ADA and the World Cancer Research Fund say that studies show a higher consumption of fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancer of the lung, mouth, esophagus and stomach.
You don’t need to swear off meat entirely to positively impact your health. The benefits of vegetarianism lie in your diet’s composition — fruits, vegetables and whole grains! These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals and other stuff that is just plain good for you.
Like I said before, you don’t need to swear off meat entirely to positively impact your health. The benefits of vegetarianism lie in your diet’s composition — fruits, vegetables and whole grains! These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals and other stuff that is just plain good
for you. The more you make those foods the stars of your diet, the better, whether you are an herbivore or an omnivore. So how can you start going veggie during your daily routine? Here are some tips: Alter dishes that you already enjoy. For example, choose meatless sauce on your spaghetti or try the Union’s vegetarian chili instead of the meat variety. When you’re out to eat, read the menu carefully — vegetarian options are usually starred or emboldened in some way. Remember what is really healthy — choosing French fries in nacho cheese sauce may be meatless, but it is not the way to go! The goal is to choose the options with higher nutrient to calorie ratios! So, the next time you see that vegetarian option don’t hesitate! A plantbased diet rich in fruits and vegetables is great for your health. Rachel Werts is a senior in the dietics program. If you have any more questions check out the ADA’s website at or write to the column at wisconsin.
RECIPE OF THE WEEK This week’s recipe is a great vegetarian twist on a classic pasta dish.
Vegetarian Bean Bolognese (Serves 4)
Ingredients 1 14 oz. can cannellini beans, rinsed, divided 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 small onion, chopped 1/2 cup chopped carrot 1/4 cup chopped celery 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 bay leaf 1/2 cup white wine 1 can diced tomatoes 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley, divided 8 ounces whole-wheat fettuccine 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Directions Put a large pot of water on to boil. Mash 1/2 cup beans in a small bowl with a fork. Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, carrot, celery and salt; cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 10 minutes. Add garlic and bay leaf; cook, stirring until fragrant, about 15 seconds. Add wine; increase heat to high and boil until most of the liquid evaporates, 3 to 4 minutes. Add tomatoes (with juices from can), 2 tablespoons parsley and the mashed beans. Bring to a lively simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened, about 6 minutes. Add the remaining whole beans; cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through, 1 to 2 minutes more. Meanwhile, cook pasta in the boiling water until just tender, according to package directions. Drain. Remove the bay leaf from the sauce. Divide the pasta among 4 bowls. Top with the sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan and the remaining parsley. Enjoy!
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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
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Sports HUGHES, from 10 last Saturday’s game at No. 23 and was the first ranked opponent of the year for then-No. 11 Michigan and thumped the Wolverines 28-14. Illinois, however, became a source for optimism this year, rising as high as No. 16 in the rankings. But a home loss to unranked Ohio State on Saturday dropped the Illinoisans to No. 23 and raised more doubts as to whether they’re for real or not. Meanwhile, Penn State has sneakily entered the BCS rankings at No. 21, ahead of Illinois, thanks to tip-top defense that has allowed the sixth-fewest
LESS, from 10 direction. He was particularly impressed on Saturday with Navin, a freshman transitioning from high school hockey directly to college, which is rare. “It was really encouraging to us as a coaching staff to see the type of game (Navin) played on Saturday night, because he took a step,”
points in the nation. But when one considers that its defense has only faced one test so far (against Alabama) and that the offense is 96th in scoring, you wonder how long they’ll last in the polls. That leaves Wisconsin and Michigan State. The Spartans are plenty responsible for the earlyseason disrespect the Big Ten has faced thanks to their 31-13 loss to unranked Notre Dame in Week 3, and after their offense looked anemic a week later against OSU, many thought MSU was another Big Ten washout. But that’s changed somewhat after last week’s win over Michigan, though, as the Spartan ‘D’
Eaves said. “He didn’t look like a freshman. He played with some confidence, and that’s what he needs to feel. That’s what we needed to see. If he keeps doing that, he’s going to be on that score sheet more often.” Eaves said he also continues to be pleased with the play of his freshmen goaltenders, Landon Peterson and Joel Rumpel. “We as a staff talked
is garnering some serious street cred. Ranking second in total defense and fourth in points allowed, the MSU defensive coordinator Pat Narduzzi added a dash of machismo following a game in which his presiding unit was flagged six times for unnecessary roughnes s. According to Andy Staples of, Narduzzi told reporters: “That’s what we try to do, 60 minutes of unnecessary roughness. I’m just happy it didn’t get called on every snap.” MSU safety Isaiah Lewis later added that his teammates on the defensive line are going to “hurt” UW quarterback Russell Wilson on Saturday.
about that,” Eaves said. “The captains have said that’s one of the things that’s been answered pretty emphatically here, is these young men have stepped in and done a nice job. In all games that we’ve played, they’ve given us a chance to be victorious.” At the conclusion of his press conference, Eaves said it would be important for his team to forget about the
(I have to pause and point out that I think this kind of tough-guy language is a wonderful way to set up your team’s best unit for self-destruction. Again, the Spartans had six unnecessary roughness penalties against the Wolverines. In the game, defensive end William Gholston leaped on an already-tackled Denard Robinson, grabbed his facemask and purposefully twisted the helpless man’s neck. Later, Gholston threw a punch at another Wolverine. This kind of behavior, followed by boasting, is a fantastic way of guaranteeing officials to run a tight match the next time the Spartans
recent tough losses and shift its focus to the upcoming match-up with rival North Dakota this weekend at home in the Kohl Center. “No matter what happened this past weekend, our job here is to get back to practice, make sure we’re getting better in all areas and get ready for North Dakota,” Eaves said. “North Dakota’s going to be fun to get up for.”
play. In his article, Staples mentioned Narduzzi drew a distinction between “close calls” and “stupid penalties,” yet choosing the phrase “unnecessary roughness” is curious. Given the shameful play by Gholston, I’m surprised Narduzzi would go on record afterwards approving roughness at all.) As the Legends Division’s sole undefeated team in conference play, Michigan State certainly has shed the feel of another washout, but the Big Ten can’t afford to have its only contender in Wisconsin fall to a team ranked in the mid-teens. Ranked sixth in the first BCS rankings, Wisconsin is short on respect itself
REVENGE, from 10 a quarterback, and that’s exactly what they (Michigan State) are doing,” Bielema said. “One of the good advantages of [Wilson] is that he doesn’t get overly rattled by anything that I’ve seen thrown at him.” A big part of Wilson’s success comes from the success of Wisconsin’s offensive line. “Our offensive line is doing such a great job right now, we have a lot of experienced guys up front and their blocking ability gives me a lot of time to make decisions, to stay up on my feet, make the right throw at the right time, that obviously helps,” Wilson said. This weekend’s game will mark only the second away game for the Badgers this season. Road games may come with a different set of challenges, but Wilson remains confident. Keeping confidence and trust along with knowledge for the game is what Wilson tries to show his teammates are important in winning. “The calmer you are, the more confident you
thanks to a weak schedule, but the high-flying Badgers remain the main reason why the Big Ten has any respect at all for the moment. If Sparty wins Saturday, the main reaction won’t be to give Michigan State acclaim — it’ll be to cast out Wisconsin as another Big Ten dud, leaving the conference without a team worthy of being compared to anything the SEC or Big 12 have. Elliot is a junior majoring in journalism. Do you think the Big Ten’s image would be fine if Wisconsin lost to Michigan State? Tell him about it at or tweet @BHeraldSports.
play, the more that you trust your offense, the more that you trust what you see, the better off you are going to be,” Wilson said. Confidence in BCS rankings With the release of the BCS rankings this week, the Badgers find themselves sitting at No. 6 just behind Oklahoma State (No. 4) and Boise State (No. 5). However, Bielema is not too concerned with UW’s current status. “The computers, the rankings and all that stuff, it’s all going to sort itself through in the end, I really do believe in that,” Bielema said. “If we keep winning and taking care of things around us, than everything takes care of itself.” Wilson agreed with Bielema in regard to the requirement of patience. “All that really matters is playing great football week by week and see where we are at the end,” Wilson said, “We have to weather the storms, just play with confidence, play with a little bit of swagger and play great football.”
The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Grades: Badgers showcase depth Wilson excels yet again as offense scores 59 points; defense dominant Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor Every week Herald Sports will look back at the most recent Wisconsin football game and grade to each position group on a scale of zero to five. Here’s a look at how the Badgers picked apart the Indiana Hoosiers in a 59-7 victory. Quarterbacks — 4.5 out of 5 This season he’s thrown for touchdowns and ran for touchdowns. Now, quarterback Russell Wilson has caught a touchdown. Wilson put on yet another efficient showing, completing 12 of his 17 passing attempts for 166 yards and one touchdown. Wilson didn’t have a touchdown on the ground but he did have two carries for a total of 42 yards. With a 52-7 lead heading into the fourth quarter, backup quarterback Joe Brennan got yet another chance for some playing time this season. Brennan completed only one of his four passing attempts, but he did have an impressive 31yard scramble on a late 3rd-and-21. Running Backs — 5 out of 5 Montee Ball showed off his throwing skills, lobbing a 25-yard touchdown pass to Wilson on the first drive of the second quarter. But while the schoolyard play was arguably the highlight of the day, Ball still managed 142 rushing yards on 14 carries (10.1 yards per) and three touchdowns. Ball also caught one pass for 46 yards. James White was running with a certain fury Saturday and gained 92 yards and one touchdown on 13 carries. Third-string running back Jeff Lewis also showed the depth of the position in picking up 40 yards in the fourth quarter on eight carries. Tight Ends — 4 out of 5 It was another quieter week for the tight ends, but Jacob Pedersen did catch a touchdown pass to put Wisconsin up 38-7. Pedersen finished with three receptions for 15 yards. Wide Receivers — 3 out of 5 With Nick Toon
out due to a foot injury he suffered against Nebraska, Jared Abbrederis stepped up as the leading receiver with four catches for 63 yards. Jeff Duckworth also saw more playing time and grabbed three receptions for 31 yards. While the two combined for seven receptions, no wide receiver scored a touchdown through the air. Offensive Line — 4.5 out of 5 Any running back and quarterback will tell you how essential a good offensive line is to their ability to make plays. The offensive line had only a few breakdowns and protected a solid pocket for Wilson to throw and created holes for Ball and White to run. Defensive Line — 3.5 out of 5 The defensive line played a solid game, bringing lots of pressure on Indiana quarterback Edward Wright-Baker. Defensive end Louis Nzegwu was the most productive on the line, notching 1.5 sacks for a loss of six yards and a total of seven tackles. The line had one major break down when IU running back Stephen Houston broke through for a 67-yard touchdown run. Wisconsin had issues with the run all day, allowing Indiana 223 rushing yards. Linebackers — 4.5 out of 5 The linebackers gave another outstanding performance as Chris Borland had 15 tackles, half a sack and three tackles for a total loss of 11 yards. Mike Taylor recorded one quarterback hurry and 13 total tackles. True freshman Derek Landisch scored the lone defensive touchdown of the season in the fourth quarter. With Indiana backed up on their own 1-yard line, the Hoosiers fumbled the ball, which Landisch was quick to pounce on in the endzone. Secondary — 4.5 out of 5 The secondary shined in limiting the Hoosiers’ passing game to only 64 yards and no touchdowns. Cornerback Antonio Fenelus grabbed his second interception of the season, nabbing an underthrown pass to the endzone. Feneus admitted after the game he should have just knocked the ball down to save the UW offense some yardage, though he admitted it was just a natural reaction to go for the ball. Fenelus wasn’t the only one with a pick, as safety Aaron Henry also grabbed his second of the season and returned it for 18 yards. While the secondary didn’t have the busiest day, it wasn’t able to
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Montee Ball scored three touchdowns on the ground Saturday while picking up 142 rushing yards on 14 carries. Ball also threw a surprise 25-yard touchdown pass to quarterback Russell Wilson. make the tackles when it counted. When the defensive line didn’t stop running back Stephen Houston, the secondary failed to make a clean shot on him and as a result, the Hoosiers got one small victory on the day by making it into the endzone. Specialists — 5 out of 5 While Abbrederis may not have caught a touchdown pass against Indiana, he did return a punt for a score. With clean blocks from the punt return team and a few quick side steps, Abbrederis was able to weave his way into the endzone for six. Kicker Philip Welch was solid on his one field goal attempt from 38-yards out and each PAT. Punter Brad Nortman finally got a chance at a fair amount of punts and averaged 43.8 yards on his six tries for the day. Before Saturday, Nortman averaged two punts per game through the first five games.
S PORTS UW eager for revenge against MSU Sports Editor
Mike Fiammetta
The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Wisconsin remaining even-keeled as trip to Michigan State brings toughest test Heidi Hillebrandt Sports Writer The Wisconsin Badgers are looking to get back to full strength against Michigan State Saturday with injured wide receiver Nick Toon expected to return to practice this week. Toon was sidelined against Indiana with a left foot injury he sustained during the Nebraska game. Toon sat out as a precautionary measure against Indiana, but is expected to see playing time against Michigan State. “He ran around on Sunday and felt really good, he is going to jump into Tuesday’s practice,” Bielema said. “He felt good on Saturday, we probably could have played him, but I wanted to see the other guys perform.” Defensive tackle Patrick Butrym also suffered a minor ankle sprain — not a high-ankle sprain, Bielema said — against Indiana and is expected to participate in light practice and be back on the field for the Badgers this weekend. “He said basically he felt really tight on Sunday, but it was better [Monday] and he has got a goal in his mind to run around a bit Wednesday and hopefully practice Thursday,” Bielema said. “He is so smart with the game plan, I would feel really good about him playing even if he didn’t really get any time until Saturday.”
Focus remains consistent When it comes to preparing, the Badgers tend to take a similar approach every week. Bielema said he likes his team to be fired up, but has the confidence in his players to know the difference between right and wrong. “It’s not what happens, it’s how you react to what happens. We’ll do our talking between our pads,” Bielema said. “To me, there are three things you need to have on the road — you need to have great execution, great communication and discipline.” For Bielema, this discipline cannot be installed in a week. Rather, it has to be something built into the Badgers’ framework over time. “That’s something you can’t really install in a week, you have to have discipline in your mentality, in your framework, and that’s what we recruit,” Bielema said. Quarterback Russell Wilson also said he feels that the daily activities in preparing week-in and week-out foster success. “I think that games are won on the field, by our preparation during the week, by the extra film we put in,” Wilson said. “Everything that you do during the week really helps you prepare for the game.” When it comes to preparing for the games, Wilson is a visual learner. He studies the opponent and visualizes how the game will be played out ahead of time. “I visualize a lot, when I am preparing during the week especially when I am
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
Wide receiver Nick Toon sat out against Indiana as a precautionary measure after hurting his left foot against Nebraska in the conference opener. Toon leads UW with 25 catches in five games. playing away, I envision myself being in the stadium — where the clock is, the first downs, all that stuff I visualize,” Wilson said. “That prepares me for the game.” Badgers return to East Lansing
Offensively, the Badgers will look to continue their solid ball security, while defensively Bielema hopes to create some turnovers and capitalize on them. “We have been great with ball security and that will need to continue on the road,” Bielema said.
“Defensively, if we have a chance to get our hands on the football, we need to come up with it.” Michigan State’s strong defensive stance will prove to be a challenge for the Badgers in the upcoming game. Bielema still remains
confident in Wilson’s ability, despite the Spartans’ aggressive defense that has proven capable of bringing pressure all over the field. “You can mentally or physically challenge
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UW can’t lose for B1G’s sake Elliot Hughes Hughe’s Your Daddy?
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Friday night, John Ramage got caught up with goaltender Landon Peterson in overtime, giving Michigan Tech an empty net to score the game-winning goal, giving UW its second of three OT losses this season.
Eaves to UW captains: “Less is more” Badgers looking for steadier play from leaders against WCHA rival North Dakota Jackson Dahlquist Sports Writer Despite two difficult overtime losses over the weekend at Michigan Tech, Wisconsin men’s hockey head coach Mike Eaves said he doesn’t believe his young team has any confidence issues moving forward. However, Eaves did stress the need for his team not to press, especially his captains. “With the captains today, we talked about the fact that one of their challenges is not to be super captains, to do their part,” Eaves said. “Less is more. And that’s a difficult thing for adults to understand, let alone kids that are 18- to [early-20syears-old].” As Eaves addressed the media in his weekly press
conference Monday, he said he needed players like assistant captain Justin Schultz to adopt the “less is more” mentality in particular. “(Justin) wants so badly for the team to do well that he’s stepping outside what he would naturally do,” Eaves said. “You can see it on the ice out there. He’s got to try to strike a balance with the type of team that we have and understand that, and he’s learning.” When asked by a reporter about whether the fact captain and junior defenseman John Ramage had been on the ice for the majority of opposing goals was a result of him trying to do too much as well, Eaves said he thought Ramage’s struggles were a
combination of factors. “I think he’s in a little bit of funk,” Eaves said. “On Saturday, he hits the guy in the shaft, (puck) goes in the net. So I think it’s a combination of some bad luck right now. I think he’s (also) trying to do a little bit too much. In other parts of his game (though), we see him moving well and doing very much the job we need him to do.” Through the first four games of the season, the Badgers (1-3, 0-2 WCHA) have struggled to see consistent goal production from their top offensive lines. While Wisconsin’s three losses have each come by only one goal, Eaves admitted that putting the puck in net is the toughest adjustment for a young
player to make in college hockey. “There’s no question,” Eaves said. “When you lose Craig Smith and Jordy Murray, you’re trying to replace some offense, and you bring in talented guys, for instance Joseph LaBate, who is an offensive guy, and Brad Navin — it’s going to take [them] some time [to adjust]. “[Assistant coach Bill] Butters and I were talking on our way over here, and it’s like we want our firstsemester freshmen to be playing like second-semester juniors, and that’s just not going to happen.” Eaves did say, however, that his freshmen are moving in the right
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This coming Saturday night is a big, big, big one for No. 6 Wisconsin and No. 16 Michigan State. And for the rest of the Big Ten, Saturday’s game in East Lansing might be just as big as well. The last shred of respect for the conference is hanging in the balance. All throughout last year, the Big Ten was known as a top-heavy league, with teams like Wisconsin, Ohio State and Michigan State wedging themselves at the top of the podium for the conference crown (for now, we’ll just forget about the fact that two of those teams lost their bowl games while the third had to vacate its victory). From there, the talent level dropped a healthy amount to a disappointing team in Iowa and then pretty much plummeted from there. This year, it seemed like the Big Ten would have a similarly unequal distribution of talent at the top. Instead, it was worse than expected. After beginning the season ranked in or just outside the top 10 of the two major preseason polls, the Badgers, through six games, have done nearly everything right. They’ve outscored opponents 301-58 and put forth a strong Heisman candidate
despite playing through a steady string of injuries, especially on defense. When you compare it to the rest of the league, you’d almost expect an Occupy Camp Randall campaign to spring up. So, if Wisconsin faltered Saturday, you can imagine the disappointment it would incur on the league as a whole if its only national title contender didn’t come as advertised. There are varying forms of disappointment all over the league already. For starters, Ohio State (4-3, 1-2 Big Ten) was still expected to make noise this year with a rock-solid defense, but instead the Buckeyes look lost following continued rules violations and player suspensions. Nebraska holds a respectable record (5-1, 1-1), but seems to have been over-hyped in the preseason. Its defense played disappointing football all throughout the non-conference season and their conference games have been ugly as well. The Huskers were blown out of Madison 48-17 and found themselves down 27-6 in the third quarter a week later against the Buckeyes before waking up and coming back to win. To make matters worse, its second-team All-American defensive tackle, Jared Crick, is out for the season with a torn pectoral muscle. Michigan wasn’t fooling anybody before this past weekend either. Michigan State came into
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