Volume XLIII, Issue 32
Meditation medication
A gentleman ‘blacked out’ and broke a fountain at the Orpheum Theater, resulting in expensive damages . | 2
Gigantic battle awaits Badgers
Researchers on campus make use of ancient stress-relieving exercises in treating sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. | 12
As Michigan State gets a jump on the trash talk, Wisconsin aims to continue its dominance in East Lansing. | 14
House passes health care act
Cuts keep coming UW System may take bigger budget hit UW System cuts
Universities could incur $65.7M decrease on top of $250M from original Wis. 2011-13 allocations
Tori Thompson News Reporter
steps taken. What are those [steps]? [They could be] a wide range of things.” UW System spokesperson David Giroux emphasized that there are still many
In their second regular floor meeting of the fall session, Assembly members voted in favor of a bill that would implement the health care reforms of the Affordable Care Act into Wisconsin law, but Democrats contend it includes provisions that would weaken transparency in the Legislature. By a vote of 57-39, the Assembly voted in favor of the bill, which would implement federal health care reform provisions into law Tuesday. As stated in the legislation, the Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance is given authority to refuse the disclosure information of insurance rates if the information is deemed proprietary. The commissioner is also given the authority of emergency rule making. Also, if a federal court rules the current state health insurance act unconstitutional, then insurers will be “exempt” from the coverage requirements incorporated into the bill. The vote fell along partisan lines, with five nays from Republican representatives and three ayes from Democratic representatives. Among the Democrats opposed to the bill is Rep. Jon Richards, D-Milwaukee. In session, Richards urged others to vote “no” on the bill, stating that passing the bill would be a step in the wrong direction for Wisconsin. “[Implementing AB 210 would] chip away the rights of the people.
ASSEMBLY, page 2
Olivia Raedeke The University of Wisconsin System could be hit with $65.7 million more in budget cuts over the next two years, in addition to the $250 million in cuts originally projected. This new cut would decrease funds across the system by $46.1 million during the 201112 year and $19.6 million 2012-13, totaling $65.7 million in addition to the $250 million in cuts to the System currently in the state budget, according to an email from UW Colleges Chancellor Ray Cross obtained by the Wisconsin State Journal. UW Vice Chancellor for Administration Darrell Bazzell said Gov. Scott Walker was given the ability to issue the cuts through the provisional 2011-13 budget set in June. The budget also slated UW to take a cut of $95 million, making up 38 percent of the original $250 million base reduction, Bazzell said. He added this budget decrease will ask the System to cut even more over the same two-year time frame and affect UW more than the other UW System universities. The email said the new cuts to the System account for approximately 38 percent of the total $174.3 million cuts made for all state agencies. Cross said the numbers are only an estimate and could still increase. “The way it has been expressed, this is the least amount [of cuts] that we are expecting,” Cross said. “[The lapse] could go as high as $300 million.” Cross said it is unfair for the state to ask the UW System to take such a large hit, as the amount is disproportional from the percentage the System is funded. Both Cross and Bazzell said they were unsure what these figures meant for their respective institutions. “It is too early in the process to speculate what will be cut,” Bazzell said. Until it is determined what the cuts will mean, neither could say how the cuts would be dealt with to limit the effect on educational quality, according to the UW System statement. “We do not know how we can take these cuts without negatively affecting the education of our students and the expectations of their families for a quality experience,” the statement said. If the state is expecting the UW System
If lapse requirement goes higher, as per DOA Secretary Mike Huebsch’s indication
$ (millions)
News Reporter
Guaranteed cuts
UW-Madison cuts vs. other campuses
UW System cuts vs. other state agencies
Rest of State Agencies
UW System $65.7 million $108.6 million
UWMadison $25.8 million $39.9 million
Rest of UW System
SOURCE: Email obtained by Wisconsin State Journal and UW System
to cover two-fifths of the lapse, there will have to be drastic cuts within the System, Cross said. “We will work together to find a way to meet the requirement if [we] have to do it,” he said. “Clearly there has to be drastic
Pro-choice, GOP leaders clash over sex education Adrianna Viswanatha News Reporter
John Lemmon The Badger Herald
UW law student Jason Myatt speaks in favor of allowing concealed carry in municipal buildings at Tuesday’s meeting.
Council: Concealed carry off limits in city’s buildings Sam Schmitt News Reporter After the governor signed concealed carry into law, Madison city officials unanimously approved an ordinance Tuesday to prohibit weapons in all city buildings. The approved city
ordinance imposes licensing restrictions in Madison and requires that buildings post signs at their entrances to inform citizens weapons are not allowed on the premises. Concealed carry will go into effect Nov. 1 after being signed into law by Gov. Scott Walker in July. According to the text of
the ordinance, this form of “unlawful trespass while carrying a weapon” applies to government, university and city buildings, while owners of other types of property or private pieces of land reserve the right to ban weapons on an individual
COUNCIL, page 2
A bill that would repeal the 2010 Wisconsin Healthy Youth Act is being met with criticism from Wisconsin Democrats and organizations that support the act. The bill, introduced Friday by Sens. Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin, Pam Galloway, R-Wausau, Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend, and Joe Leibham, R-Sheboygan, would repeal several parts of the act, which requires Wisconsin public schools that teach sex education to provide comprehensive, medically accurate and age-appropriate information to students. Discussion of contraceptives and some discussion of pregnancy and parenting would be repealed under the new bill. The bill will be addressed at the Special Session Senate Committee meeting today, Grothman said.
WAWH Executive Director Sara Finger said the act requires that parents be informed if their child’s school does not teach about human growth and development. In Wisconsin, it is the school’s decision whether or not human growth and development is taught. The act also requires teaching of safe sex measures, but also the choice to withhold from sex and how to do so effectively and safely. This education would also encourage talking to trusted adults about issues, a Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health statement said. Planned Parenthood also spoke out against the bill. “The continuation of teen pregnancy prevention efforts, like the Healthy Youth Act, is key to the health of our youth,” Executive Director Tanya Atkinson said in a statement Tuesday. Grothman, who cointroduced the bill, said
repealing the Wisconsin Healthy Youth Act would likely see a decrease in teen health risks across the state. Grothman said he favors repealing the act because it was legislation pushed by Planned Parenthood, an organization he opposes. “Planned Parenthood’s founders were advocates of promiscuity and racism,” Grothman said. Some are also arguing the bill to repeal is seen as an economic threat. The Planned Parenthood statement pointed out that children born to teen mothers are nine times more likely to live in poverty. In 2007, more than 6,000 girls aged 15-19 gave birth in Wisconsin, according to the Department of Health Services. “In addition, Wisconsin taxpayers spend $156 million a year to cover teen childbearing costs,” the statement said. Atkinson said if the act
SEX ED, page 4
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
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STATE STREET Damaged Property
The Madison Police Department responded to a call from the Orpheum Theatre Sunday night after a highly intoxicated 20-yearold patron pushed over and broke an antique water fountain valued at $50,000, according to a police report. A member of the Orpheum staff witnessed the event, and the patron was temporarily detained by theatre security before managing to escape custody and fleeing the scene shortly after, the report said. According to the MPD report, the man called the police on Monday night apologizing for his actions and said he did not remember the incident because he was “blacked out” from drinking. The man was later arrested for felony criminal damage to property.
On Monday afternoon, a group of teenagers were spotted coming out from behind a residential home on Drexel Avenue in possession a variety of allegedly stolen items, including what appeared to be a safe, according to a MPD report. A concerned neighbor witnessed the event and contacted MPD. The police discovered a back door had been forced open, and the home in question was burglarized. Accompanied by descriptions of the teenagers given by the neighbor that had placed the emergency call, officers were able to locate the teenagers on Cottage Grove Road. A 14-year-old, three 15-year-olds and a 16-year old were arrested
in connection with the burglary, according to an MPD report. “We see a lot of burglaries in both commercial and residential homes, and the only thing I can suggest is taking the necessary precautions,” MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain said.
GAMMON ROAD Overdose According to an MPD report, Madison police were dispatched to a parking lot in the 800 block of South Gammon Road in response to a possible heroin overdose on Sunday. Upon arriving on the scene, the police saw a citizen giving rescue breaths to an unconscious man lying outside of a car, the report said. When the man regained
consciousness, he admitted that he and the driver of the vehicle had come to Madison for the purpose of buying heroin and shooting up when the suspect suffered an overdose. DeSpain said these kinds of drug overdoses are not uncommon in the Madison area and that the man would be charged accordingly. “In a lot of these cases, if they’ve used heroin, we charge them with possession with heroin and oftentimes, possession of drug paraphernalia,” DeSpain said.
MACARTHUR ROAD Check Person When newspapers began to accumulate outside a home on MacArthur Drive, the paper carrier, who
knew two elderly residents lived at the property, contacted police early Monday morning, a report from MPD said. Officers responding to the home reported all the blinds to the home were drawn, and when they began calling to the resident, the 77-year-old man said he could not get to the door, according to the report. When officers entered the home, the report said the officers found the man wedged between his walker and a dresser, and the 75-year-old woman was lying on the dining room floor. Both victims were conveyed to the hospital to receive the necessary medical treatment, and MPD commended the actions of the newspaper carrier, the report said.
State Street plan may abruptly evict businesses Andrew Haffner News Reporter While downtown residents’ reactions to the proposed final stage of the State Street redevelopment plan have been mixed, businesses occupying the 100 block could be evicted without compensation as a result of the plan. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said the businesses housed in the buildings on the block of State Street slated for demolition will be left in “a tight spot.” When Jerome Frautschi, one of the philanthropists behind the project, purchased the buildings over a period of several years, he obtained not only the buildings, but also the leases of the businesses housed on the properties, Verveer said. This
makes eminent domain proceedings unnecessary. If the plans for the State Street 100 block proceed as they are currently proposed, the businesses serving as current tenants would find themselves homeless and be forced to relocate, he said. Verveer added it also remains unknown whether business owners would receive some form of compensation from Frautschi in the event they are evicted on short notice. Although many citizens have decried the need to preserve historical properties, Fred Mohs, a Madison lawyer, said the debate about how the property in the 100 block of State Street should be used is just beginning. “This is the start, not the end,” Mohs said. Verveer said as the
Former senator to lead railroads Plale voted in as commissioner, will take on Wis. locomotive safety issues Ilona Argirion News Reporter The Wisconsin Senate approved former Sen. Jeff Plale as the new commissioner of railroads on Tuesday, with some opposition from Democrats. The Senate approved Gov. Scott Walker’s appointment of Plale by a bipartisan 29-4 vote, said Andrew Welhouse, spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau. The primary responsibility of the railroad commissioner is to determine the sufficiency of warning devices at railroad crossings, according to the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads’ website. “As commissioner of railroads, I will improve rail infrastructure and safety,” Plale said in a statement. “I understand the importance of a comprehensive transportation infrastructure and the profound impact that rail has on commerce and job creation.” The commissioner is also in charge of railroad related regulations such as managing exemptions from railroad track clearing laws, installing new highway and railroad crossings and determining adequate railroad fences, among others, according to the commissioner’s website. Plale, a previously elected state senator from southern Milwaukee, ran in the September 2010 Democratic primary against opponent and current Sen. Chris Larson,
D-Milwaukee. Plale was defeated in the primary and broke ties with many of his fellow Democrats three months later by assisting Republicans in defeating labor contracts for state workers, labeling himself as a “traitor” among Democrats in the state, said Graeme Zielinski, spokesperson for Wisconsin Democratic Party, in an email to The Badger Herald Still, Walker said he stands by his choice because of Plale’s legislative history in the state. “Jeff Plale’s distinguished record of public service and experience, both as a state legislator and as a state administrator, makes him an excellent choice to serve as railroad commissioner,” Walker said in a statement. The four votes against Plale’s appointment all came from Democrats, including Larson, Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller, D-Monona, Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay and Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee, Welhouse said. Zielinski said he believes Plale will adequately do his job under the eye of the Walker administration. “[I am] confident that Jeff Plale will be a faithful servant to Scott Walker and the agenda he promotes. While the circumstances are rather pungent, it’s good to know that someone is finding work amid the failures of this administration,” Zielinski said.
year continues, the open discussion between citizens and developers is necessary and should be encouraged. To further accomplish this dialogue, he said a committee of residents has been formed to foster more widespread discussion with the developers and members of the community. Meetings with the developers and city officials are scheduled to span the coming months, with the majority taking place over the holiday season, a detail Verveer said he was concerned with, potentially drawing the citizens’ attention away from proving adequate feedback on the proposal. Verveer said he believes the reception of the proposal during a recent public meeting was, for the most part, a
COUNCIL, from 1 basis. Individuals are also still able to request persons not carry concealed weapons on their property by posting a similar notice disallowing weapons, the ordinance said. The City Council had previously referred the ordinance to the Public Safety Review Committee in September. Following the committee’s Oct. 13 meeting, members recommended adoption of the ordinance to the council. As a result of the recommendation from the committee, little further discussion on the concealed carry ordinance occurred at the meeting and only one attendee at the meeting registered to speak in opposition. Jason Myatt, a student at the University of
ASSEMBLY, from 1 People who really need help,” Richards said. Richards also argued it is important health insurance rates are not kept secret, and the authority to hide insurance rates should not be granted to a administrative agency. Robert Kraig, executive director for Citizen Action of Wisconsin, said the insurance industry in the state needs to be more open. “It is absolutely crucial that we have more transparency about insurance rates. Insurance companies need to be more transparent about their reasons for raising rates,” Kraig said. One of the primary
warm one. George Austin, the manager for the redevelopment project, expressed confidence the project will move forward on schedule. Austin said he and his party continue to act in consultation with the Capitol Neighborhood Association in their attempts to gain approval for the necessary work. While Austin acknowledged the historical interests of the area should be protected, he also said the reinvestment would prove beneficial to the area. “The value added will outweigh what is removed,” he said. Austin said the project would break ground by April 2012, with the goal of completing the project by the summer of 2013. Verveer said he believes this timeline
could be overly optimistic. “While we have no desire to drag our feet over this, we want to give it the full consideration that it deserves,” he said. Sandy Torkildson, a co-owner of A Room of One’s Own bookstore, said she thought the developers are trying to be considerate in their attempts to reach out to the public. Her main concern about the project was that construction could impede the flow of customers to her own store, but said the project could be a positive step for the area. “The historical people are over the top. … This could be a very positive thing for State Street,” she said. “[Buildings] with more usable space could be a good investment.”
Wisconsin Law School and the La Follette School of Public Affairs, said the city’s proposal infringes on citizens’ constitutional rights. Myatt said it is a constitutional right to carry weapons and the bill would essentially make it impossible to properly equip and defend oneself. “Concealed carry is legal in 48 states. There has been no proof whatsoever that it’s caused increased accidents or increased crime,” Myatt said. He cited the instance when individuals in Michigan opposed a similar measure 10 years ago and now view it as a “nonissue.” Ald. Bridget Maniaci, District 2, said the council’s decision reflected a proper representation of their constituents’ views. A number of alders have eard there is not support from citizens
for carrying concealed weapons, Maniaci said. “If we have the ability to limit guns, I will support it,” she said. Penalties for unlawful trespassing offenses with concealed weapons on property are $500 for the first offense and $750 for each following offense, according to the ordinance. The jurisdiction of the city policy reaches beyond the confines of city buildings to include citizens that fail to keep a concealed carry license with them at all times, a violation which will carry a $25 fine. According to the approved ordinance, the city might also be able to expect a small increase in general revenues as a result of fines assessed from violations of the policy. Other weapons prohibited in city buildings include firearms, tasers, knives and billy clubs.
issues, Kraig said, is that under the bill, the insurance commissioner has the authority to “sever” any federal law that has been deemed unconstitutional. The bill could give the commissioner the authority to allow insurance companies to reject children with preexisting conditions and throw people off their insurance policy when they get sick, he said. Kraig cited preventive care as another of Citizen Action of Wisconsin’s concerns regarding the bill. An amendment was proposed to the bill that stated grandfathered health plans, or health plans existing before Sept. 23, 2010, would not change and
would not receive full coverage. These plans do not have to provide preventive care, and free preventive care is crucial to preventing illness and high healthcare costs, Kraig said. The amendment was tabled in Tuesday’s session. This is the first bill to move through committee and go to the floor that relates to the implementation of health care reform, Kraig said. He said if it was executed well, the bill could be a huge benefit to the state of Wisconsin. “This is not the end of health care reform in Wisconsin,” Kraig said. “This is just the start of a whole lot of legislative discussion.”
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Taking the lead Seung-Ri Lee and Mei Yano, both sophomores at the University of Wisconsin, take part in Badger Ballroom Dance Lessons on Tuesday night at the Kanopy Dance Studio on State Street. Around 20 people came out for the dance lessons. Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
SYSTEM CUTS, from 1 unanswered questions at this point in time. Giroux detailed the uncertainty surrounding
how the lapse was structured the way it is and how the lapse is going to be managed. Cross said he hopes further conversations
with the Department of Administration would provide some answers and perhaps provide the means to negotiate decreasing the cut.
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tokyo rock takes Madison Takeshi of Japanese rock group Boris plays at the Majestic Theater on Tuesday night along with bandmates Atsuo and Wata. Tere Molis and Coliseum opened the show. Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
Go Big Read event lets UW students take lead Badgers in English class guide high school discussion of all-campus book Jane Milne News Reporter As part of the Greater Madison Writing Project, University of Wisconsin students enrolled in English 100 will switch roles Wednesday morning to lead discussions covering this year ’s Go Big Read book for Middleton high school students. UW English professor and project leader Lauren Gatti said the goal of the project is to create an environment where students felt comfortable participating in deep group discussion. Having the students themselves facilitate these discussions is the most effective route, she said. Gatti added that after she began organizing the project in August, it quickly turned into a collaboration between three Middleton high school teachers and two additional English 100 professors. The project was able to grow quickly because of the benefits it affords to students of differing ages, Gatti said. She also mentioned leading these discussions allows her students to gain a broader understanding of learning processes.
“After this Go Big Read event, our students will not only see themselves as capable facilitators of a text, but [they] will also have a deeper sense of why we read and write,” she said. “[This allows us to] connect, think and converse with each other in meaningful and fun ways.” Pam Anderson, a Middleton High School teacher and leader with the project, agreed.
“Right now, teachers are focusing on making tomorrow the best learning experience they can for their English students.” Susan Treiber Greater Madison Writing Project
“Students are just beginning to realize that as you analyze a text with a group there are no right or wrong answers, but [that] there are ideas, perspectives and, most likely, more questions,” Anderson said. Susan Treiber of The Greater Madison Writing Project said these are important attributes of the program. She also said these benefits are what helped the program initially succeed and will help it continue into the future. “Right now, teachers are focusing on making tomorrow the best
learning experience they can for their English students,” Treiber said. “If teacher leaders with the Greater Madison Writing Project want to do this again next year, we will certainly support them to make it happen.” Fifty English 100 students will lead the discussions on this year ’s Go Big Read novel, “Enrique’s Journey,” from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in The Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery today, according to a UW statement. The novel narrates the quest of a young Honduran boy to find his mother who left for the U.S. in an effort to provide her children with a better life and highlights a current immigration issue faced by children in Latin American countries. Go Big Read was established three years ago by former Chancellor Biddy Martin and is also known as the UW’s Common Reading Program. The program was designed to engage the UW community in a collective, academically focused learning experience. Gatti said she hopes this engagement carries through to her students. “We all hope that by reading and discussing an account of one family’s immigration story, our students will walk away with a more humanized and nuanced understanding of this complicated topic,” Gatti said.
SEX ED, from 1 is repealed, the entire state would be affected. Teen pregnancy is an issue with long lasting effects, particularly in future economic earnings and future participation in the economy, Atkinson said. Grothman said he sees abstinence as an alternative to sex education when it is presented from a religious background. “Good abstinence education requires some religious instruction. But I don’t think schools are allowed to give that,” Grothman said. He said he was not motivated to sponsor the bill from a pro-life focus. Finger said the effort to repeal was part of a pro-life agenda, stemming from the legislative majority who supports pro-life policies. “Those legislative leaders are working to push an extreme antiprevention, anti-science agenda,” Finger said.
Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Vote yes on Terrace plan for student lounge, views As students prepare to vote in the ASM election Oct. 1719, we urge you not only to vote, but vote informed. We would like to share with you the facts necessary for an informed vote. A YES vote means that students want the Union’s student-led design process to continue, which is the same process used to design and build Union South. Students in 2006 voted to not only build a new Union South, but also to renovate Memorial Union. Part of the 2006 vote included the addition of a student/theater lounge. No matter how you vote today, this will not impact the amount of your segregated
fees. You should be reassured by knowing that students’ needs and rights are being protected by three committees that oversee the project, all of which have student majorities. The student/theater lounge will benefit you and your fellow students as a lounge with panoramic views of Lake Mendota year-round. This lounge space will be open even during Theater events. Union Council, the Union’s governing board, recently approved a procedure that strictly limits the use of this space for private functions. Students deserve this space. Additionally, the 20+
student organizations that annually hold their events in the Union Theater deserve adequate and appropriate lobby space that wasn’t built when the Theater was constructed in the Great Depression. Voting YES supports these hundreds of students and their audiences. The addition will not significantly block sun, wind or views — most of which are already blocked by the Theater itself or Helen C. White. Wind and sun studies can be viewed on the Union Reinvestment website. The sun will only be blocked 3040 minutes earlier for two weeks in the spring and fall, during times when the chairs
are not on the Terrace. The wind will only be affected in the winter months, when the Terrace is covered in snow. Some people say that the addition will force removal of an old tree. The Union is working closely with local arborist and UW professor Bruce Allison to plan for green space and the canopy. Allison has stated that the tree is rotted inside, likely won’t last 5 years and is a hazard. Allison also credits the Union for the work it has done preserving its canopy. Allison has been working with these trees for 31 years and is planning for additional healthy trees to be planted on the Terrace. Preserving the
tree canopy is an important priority for everyone, but saving a tree that is so sick it will need to be removed soon anyway is a poor reason to oppose improvements for the student body. We urge you to get the facts and vote YES. A YES vote increases Terrace seating by 2500 sq. ft, creates a student lounge, provides crucial space for student organizations and year-round access to the lake. Kiley Groose (kgroose@ is a senior majoring in management and human resources and accounting and is chair of Students for Memorial Union.
Madison residents overly resistant to change nearby residents of State Street oppose renovation of the most dilapidated section of Madison’s iconic street because it will change the character of the businesses there. State Street is the most Alex Brousseau famous area in Madison Editorial Board Chairman because it is the literal and figurative gateway between New and impressive the state government and buildings are rising all over the university. The 100 and the University of Wisconsin 700 blocks of State Street campus, including the are the most important Wisconsin Institutes for because they are the first Discovery, Union South part visitors to this city and the new lakeshore often see, and they set residence hall. However, in the tone of the rest of the the non-campus area, you iconic street, whether you see a very different image are visiting the campus or Capitol. — stagnation. The 700 block is a perfect The residents of this city seem to be afraid of example of this. When change. They fight every coming from campus, you new renovation or building pass through Library Mall, proposal that comes where you see the open through Madison, claiming courtyard, a fountain, they are defending the two libraries, the UW historic nature of this Bookstore, the Red Gym city when in reality they and Memorial Union. As are standing in the way you cross Lake Street, you of progress. Some key see shops that represent examples include the student life: Walgreens, Edgewater Hotel, theater Wisconsin apparel stores, lounge at Memorial Union small restaurants and and 100 block of State several coffee shops. You know when you enter Street. Mansion Hill residents State Street this is the hub fought for almost two of student life and a great years trying to prevent place to be. Let’s compare this to the Edgewater Hotel from blocking their view entering the 100 block of the lake. Students and of State Street from the community members state Capitol. You see a oppose the theater lounge few restaurants and some “glass box,” as it is cheap clothing stores, popularly called, because but also several vacant it will supposedly block the buildings and crumbling sun from the Terrace. Now, facades. Is this really how
we want to represent Madison to legislators and businessmen? Madison is the capital of Wisconsin and needs the prestige to show for it. Part of this comes with beautifying and modernizing the city’s architecture to make it more appealing and representative of this great state. The need to preserve the historic nature of this city is important, but it needs to be balanced with our ever-changing society, something architects and designers have worked hard to accomplish. The renovation of the 100 block of State Street would preserve the original façade of the buildings. The theater lounge at Memorial Union will be compliant with the state historical landmark statutes. The Edgewater Hotel design decreased in height and worked to modernize a dilapidated and ugly building while still maintaining the allure of the Mansion Hill District. While the past is important, the future is equally so. Residents of this city need to look forward and see the good these new renovations will do for the city instead of trying to keep Madison in the outdated status quo. Alex Brousseau Matt Hintz, The Badger Herald (abrousseau@badgerherald. com) is a second year law The 100 block of State Street is in the first stages of approval for renovations on dilapidated structures. Architects and developers will have to work together to preseve the historic nature of the area while modernizing it, but plans have met resistance from residents . student.
Acceptance of sexually violent language degrades us all While playing a pickup game of volleyball the other night, I experienced a rude awakening: A friend of mine —who typically has a mild, friendly disposition — casually shouted, “Backhand that bitch!” after a team member spiked the ball with the back of his hand. I froze. “Did that really just happen?” I thought to myself. “Could someone drop such a sexually violent phrase without any apparent implications?” After the initial shock of the incident wore off, I realized just how influential those words were. Even when used with a casual, harmless intent, the language our society invokes on a daily basis perpetuates sexual violence and our rape culture. How many times have you emerged from an exam and heard or exclaimed, “Wow, that test totally raped me!” By using language that normalizes the existence of sexual violence, the violence that pervades in our
society is encouraged. The occurrence of rape, sexual harassment and mutilation is maintained through certain social situations, behavioral patterns and individual actions. For example, when a guy refers to his friend as a “pimp,” he is inadvertently commending the actions of an individual who succeeds through physical and sexual domination. Also, when women use words like “slut” or “whore” as terms of endearment for their female friends, it sends the message to society that women don’t mind being labeled with such objectifying terms, which encourages their use. Language acts as a catalyst for sexual violence in other ways. On a college campus, sexually degrading terms are used as frequently as a beer bong on game day — excessively and without question. By deeming women sluts, whores or bitches in both sexual and not
sexual contexts, our society normalizes patriarchal values and gender inequality. When a woman is called a “slut,” she is dehumanized and objectified — two of the driving forces behind sexual violence. What’s more, if a woman is labeled a “slut,” it is presumed she is always up for sexual acts; her consent is deemed unnecessary, which of course is never the case. In the event that woman is raped, people often blame the woman for having a promiscuous reputation — arguing she is “crying wolf” or “just feels bad for being such a slut” — instead of blaming the rapist for the assault. This not only leads to very hostile environment for a victim seeking help or justice, but also implies that a woman is doing wrong by being “promiscuous.” The normalcy of language that connotes sexual objectivism and disrespect uncovers society’s seemingly
casual stance against violence. The campaign against sexual violence will never succeed unless people first recognize the influence that their language has upon others around them, and second, actively choose to challenge the acceptance of this language. In addition to society’s employment of sexually violent and degrading terms, the words we use to describe the physical act of sex are also destructive (nail, bang, screw, fuck, etc.). These words do not represent the mutual respect that belongs in a healthy, consensual sexual encounter. Rather, these violent terms convey sex as an individual act — something one person does to another. The next time your roommate comes home and exclaims, “I nailed that slut,” challenge yourself to stand up for that person: No one deserves to be referred to in such crude and violent terms.
Passive disdain for sexually degrading language and the violence it allows is not sufficient. Each individual must reflect upon his or her personal vernacular and decide to make a change. As our football opponents can tell you, the University of Wisconsin’s collective voice is strong. Let’s use this strength to speak out against social norms and the language that supports sexual violence. Heather Sieve (sieve@wisc. edu) is a junior majoring in English with a certificate in gender and women’s studies. She is a volunteer for Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE). PAVE is a student organization dedicated to ending sexual assault, dating/ domestic violence and stalking on the UW-Madison campus through education and activism. For more information, visit or email
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The Badger Herald | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Printed on Recycled Philosophy Degrees Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: “What an adorable tautology.”
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: “What? Heidegger could totally take Nietzche in a fight!”
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
36 24
37 35
37 40 44
49 52
41 44 46
42 46 50
53 59
9 16
54 60
54 55
Puzzle by Jeff Chen
Across 1 Foe of 71-Across in Mad magazine 4 Slaps on 9 Mass seating 13 Some round components 15 “There, there” 16 Stack server 17 Genetics-orenvironment debate 20 Utensil drawer compartment 21 Like guns and dump trucks, over and over 22 Brewskis 24 Shade of blue 25 “And ___ Was,” 1985 Talking Heads song 28 Decathlete’s implement 30 Brute 35 Discovery Channel survival
show 38 “___ Theme” (1965 soundtrack tune) 39 Piedmont wine town 40 Neighbor of St. Kitts 42 Pack down 43 Wozniak or Jobs 45 Homeseeker’s decision 47 Usher in 49 ___ avis 50 Bourbon and Beale: Abbr. 51 Get too much sun 53 Standing O, say 55 Chewbacca and kin 60 Saint of Ávila 64 2004 movie featuring a clash of sci-fi species 66 ___ diagram (logic illustration)
67 Wearing a disguise, informally 68 Oz creator 69 John Lennon’s “Dear ___” 70 Like some rich soil 71 Foe of 1-Across in Mad magazine Down 1 Went under 2 ___ B 3 Hairy legend 4 Decreases gradually 5 Off-roader, for short 6 “Evil empire” initials 7 Our 206 8 Moves furtively 9 Falafel holder 10 Israel’s Olmert 11 Sported 12 Rushed 14 Some 4WD rides
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
18 Opts not to be discharged 19 Word before pain or treatment 23 More cagey 25 Chart-topper 26 Rush 27 Reply to a knock 29 Young migratory fish 31 Brewery lineup 32 Many
58 59
61 62 63 65
Semites Full range Cable TV sports awards South-ofthe-border cheer starter Washington of jazz Generalship Pixieish Like a windmill Austin Powers foe Kind of question on a survey Ho-hum Like moiré patterns Land O’Lakes product “Old MacDonald” sound Popular bar game Adoption advocacy org. Itinerary data, briefly Alternative to salad Camp group CD-___
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
Before you jump in that pile of leaves, you should know that that’s where I keep my broken bottle collection.
To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Classifieds ASO to my Canadian professor for soc 211. You sweat more than Michael Jackson in a day care
gin’ last night...stay classy my friend...and maybe pull you bed out from the wall a bit?
and offers to change it to Buckeye for me. Um I beg your pardon spell check but FUCK NO.
SO to seeing your drunk TA’s stumbling home at 3am. It never gets old
ASO to the Asian shaking his leg obnoxiously making the chair squeak obnoxiously. ASO to reading that guys who do that want butt sex... real bad. ASO to butt sex.
ASO to the guy at steenbock trying to teach someone english. You sir are failing miserably. Explaining to someone what cotton candy and a fair are is hard to explain. Start with the basics.
HSO to my dear new friend, Jack Daniels. I have long been opposed to your taste, but last night, we reconnected in a HUGE way. And my shirt stayed on!!! New best friend! SO to having to having the best scaring spot right outside my bedroom. Hearing my roommates’ blood curdling screams as they turn the corner never gets old. SO to the little baby at work today who spoke pterodactyl with me. You reminded me that babies are kinda cool, and don’t just poop all the time. AFSO to guys who cat call at women. A compliment is one thing; multiple derogatory comments are another. Makes me want to puke. You’re lucky I don’t know who you are or I’d make sure your ass got charged for sexual harassment. Btw, I’m not an object so don’t call me “that”, thanks.
ASO to my upstairs neighbor “squeeky thumper?” I feel bad for the lady parts of the girl you were ban-
SO to the girl last night in the Lamp Room in Memorial in the back left spot. You looked incredible in that tight white shirt. I couldnt stop staring at your chest. You never should have put that green jacket on. I think it was a soccer jacket though. Sexy. We should have taken a break in the stacks. ASO to the belligerently hammered homeless man screaming for the past 15 minutes at memorial library with an open beer in hand. SO to the little librarian who tried to calm that ass hat down and eventually called the cops. SO to the Mad City Fry Guy food cart on Dayton. You made some damn fine poutine, and look like Randy from Trailer Park Boys. Makin my day a little bit more Canadian, eh. ASO to the fact that while writing a paper that mentions Bucky, spell check thinks Bucky is spelt wrong
HMFSO to the girl in our English discussion this morning ur phone received a text message and the kim possible stress call went off also SO to the naked mole rat in kim possible SO to the girl behind us at the football game who put a stuffed snowman behind our heads in all of our pictures. i didn’t notice until i looked through all the pics today. you sure are sneaky. SO to the car on Observatory today with the license plateDUMBLEDR. I had no idea the Headmaster of Hogwarts drove a grey Ford Escape hybrid. SO to whoever is blasting Movin’ Like Bernie in Sellery Hall on this lovely Friday evening. Thanks! SO to the leaf that fell directly from a tree into my cleavage. You’re quite the forward little bugger.
......... MORE >>
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
301 class. I’ll be the debit to your credit. SO to all the chant shout outs. You’re trying to tell me that the chant is “Eat Shit, Fuck You” and not “Stay Fit, Thank You?” Mind blown.
ASO to the wind for blowing away a leaf just before I was about to crunch it with my foot. You made me look like a fool. A FOOL. SO to Luke - I am your father. Sincerely, DV SO to the most entertaining bathroom graffiti I’ve seen in a long time: “I feel charming. Oh so charming. It’s alarming how charming I feel...” Ahaha made my morning! SO to the kid in Steenbock with the two-gallon-sized container of trail mix. It was quite impressive. SO to MW: the tall, blonde supermodel with the unreal icy blue eyes in my accounting
SO to going past Union South on the Randall side and it suddenly smelling Ridiculously. Strongly. Like BACON. ASO to me not knowing where the smell was coming from. DASO to not having any bacon in my apartment. HMFSO to bacon. ASO to drunk me always reading Post Secret in the early AM when I get home. When I wake up on Sunday, I get excited that I get to read them but then I’VE ALREADY READ THEM! You don’t even know how to read, drunk me! WTF you playin’ at? ASO to that “ah shit” moment mid way through a meal when you realize it was meant to be a date. SO to Roberta B. You’re hot. Nuff said.
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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
INTRODUCING CAMPUS CRUISADERS! A wholesale travel club for students. We travel, we have fun, we make money spreading the word. Call (608)698-8008 for details.
Apartments and houses all around campus available for Fall 2012. Many include porches, basements, and your own yard. See addresses, prices, pictures and layouts at tallardapartments. com, or call 250-0202! Owner managed with 24 hour staffing.
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BEST LOCATION HOUSES 1 block to Kohl Center/SERF. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 bedroom locations, parking available. Visit MADISONCAMPUSRENTALS.COM
PARKING Campus/Downtown, heated/underground parking available now at the Embassy, 505 University Ave. for $150/month. Monthly payment plan available. Parking also available for $90/month on a monthly payment plan. Contact 608-256-7368 for more information.
DOWNTOWN/ CAMPUS PARKING: Above and Underground Earn $100-$3200/ month to drive Parking located on Spring, Mills, our cars with ads. www.FreeCar- Randall, Orchard, Fahrenbrook. Flexible terms, great rates. Call 255-3933 or johne@jsmproperSTUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Paid today! Survey. Takers Needed in Madison. 100% Free to Join. Click on Surveys.
SO to the penguin wandering Memorial Union on Sunday. Save the terrace and save the endangered Mendota penguin! SO to the guy on the second floor of College Library who just sorted his recyclables. So sexy. SO to whoever named their internet Pretty Fly for a WiFi. Gave me a laugh on a Monday morning, kudos! ASO to those complaining about the chanting at football games... if you want to act all classy get everyone to put on top hats and wave their canes in the air when they’re discouraged with the opposing team... don’t forget a monocle while your at it... Instead a new chant should occur when we score a touchdown and the whole student section raise their white gloves in the air screaming “MONOPOLY!”. HMFSO to OAK TREES for seemingly staying green longer than ANY
OTHER NON-CONIFEROUS TREE! All you other trees, I’m happy for you, Imma let you finish, but OAK TREES are one of the best trees of ALL TIME! OF ALL TIME!
outside. Anyone have a rotisserie I can borrow?
ASO to my roommate for telling me the price of peanut butter is going up!! What in the motherfuck!? Gonna fill up on that deliciousness ASAP.
SO to the cute girl i work with at the library. ASO to me, you would think an engineer could design a way to ask you out.
SO to that moment when your hand brushes a complete stranger’s while walking on the sidewalk.. so awkward SO the man with fleece, plaid and polar bear pajama pants at college library. You make studying for Achem bear-able! :) SO to the cleavage that just bent over for books in College Library, 10 different guys just totally stopped what they were doing to take a look. ASO to our neighbors’ chickens that make dinosaur noises at me every time I walk
SO to the sexyyyyyyy sexy guy that works at electric earth. your miel was so good.
ASO to bitchy girls in chem 104. Goddamn you’re rude and annoying. Stop trying to flirt with me in lecture, you’re not cute. You’re really mean too. Freestyle Rap SO: shoutout to my badgers, who study day and night, cudi’s tossin’ and turnin’ while we do reading by the light, of a lamp at the union or helen c. white, but gameday weekends make everything alright cuz we got kickoff at noon and we got nick toon, we got our drinks poured by the light of the moon, so just keep on workin hard cuz this will all be over soon!
ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman
The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Face in the crowd: Student thoughts on porn interrupting your late night study sessions, but thanks for contributing (and don’t worry, I changed your names). Now let’s bust up some of those crazy porn myths.
It’s 2:36 in the morning, and the chick working the desk at College Library is literally trying to burn a hole through me with her eyes. Maybe it’s because I’m blasting porn on my laptop and asking a group of freshman guys what makes this scene better than the last two I showed them. “This is serious, scientific research,” I tell her, but she makes me leave. Why am I pestering students with porn? Well, over the last couple of weeks, many of you have asked some really great questions about porn. But because there’s so much porn out there, I decided I’d take your questions directly to the student body so you can hear some real responses to your questions. So to the students I bombarded during midterms week to ask you about porn: I apologize for
similar to what I’m doing on my body.” (“Ellie,” freshman)
What specific type of things do you want to see in porn?
makes good porn?
If you’re online, what makes you choose one scene to watch over another?
“I like a story behind my porn, but the acting can’t be too shitty. And I like the girl to be loud.” (“Stu,” senior) “I don’t like porn when only one person is getting pleasured. I mean, I like going down on a guy, but watching a girl do that in porn and not getting anything in return kind of sucks.” (“Carli,” senior) “I like porn that can teach me something. … I’m always looking to try something new and freakier.” (“Caitlin,” junior) “Clear picture, you know; it’s not grainy, it’s not a shaky amateur cameraman and it gives us some different angles.” (“Joe,” freshman) “She’s not screaming the entire fucking time. But you don’t want her to be laying there like a plank either. You know, it’s not fake the entire time — you can buy into it.” (“Nathan,” senior)
“If it looks authentic, I’m sold. I’ll skip over any scene where the girl is obscenely screaming. … I mean, come on. I want to see real pleasure.” (“Jess,” senior) “If I like the position, that’s good enough for me.” (“Joe,” junior) “I always look for scenes with the word ‘college’ in the title.” (“Mike,” sophomore) “Thumbnails make a big difference. The picture’s gotta sell it.” (“Matt,” junior) “If it’s boring, I’m skipping it. … I like to learn things that I can try out on a future partner.” (“Megan,” sophomore) “Sometimes I’ll find a scene that’s one of my fantasies. So, like, if I can’t have a girl then I can watch lesbian porn and explore my body that way.” (“Jess,” senior) “If I’m masturbating, I like to watch a scene
Amie Kjellstrom In your opinion, what
Hump Day Columnist
“High production quality.” (“Ryan,” sophomore) “Foreplay.” (“Matt,” junior)
“She’s at least 18, but not my grandma.” (“Mike,” freshman) “Amateur porn, because it’s not a fake fantasy and I’m not subconsciously thinking this girl has been plowed so many times because she’s a porn star.” (“Nathan,” senior) “Chicks with curves. If she’s too skinny, nothing bounces.” (“Matt,” junior) “I want to see tits that are 100 percent real. The huge ones that are too big are a bit scary.” (“Scott,” freshman) “I just want to watch normal people having normal sex. Pretty simple. Some of the shit I see, I’m like, ‘Who is into this?’” (“Carli,” senior) What do you absolutely not want to see? “I hate long introductions. Just get on with it already.” (“Mike,” freshman) “No men over 40. … It’s creepy.” (“Sarah,” junior) “The guy can’t have a fake dick with those massive cumshots. … It
makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me when I can’t cum that much.” (“Mitch,” junior) “No chicks getting pounded by machines. … Pass.” (“Ryan,” sophomore) “No fucked up teeth. I know porn is about sex, but I think you have to be attracted to the person you’re watching on a really basic level.” (“Matt,” junior) “The guy has to look normal enough so I can ignore him, you know?” (“Joe,” freshman) “No saggy balls.” (“Ellie,” freshman)
How do you use porn? What for? “Well, my deep-throating skills are as good as they are thanks to porn. My ex and I would watch [porn star] Heather Brooke together, and I would do my best to imitate her.” (“Carli,” senior) “When it’s believable porn, knowing the level of pleasure that’s attainable makes me explore myself more and let my partner explore me more.” (“Jess,” senior) “I like to use it to help me get going when I’m alone … but I like it with a partner too because there’s
something naughty, like almost competitive, about watching my partner watch me watch porn, if that makes sense.” (“Megan,” junior)
Any final thoughts on porn? “Guys don’t watch porn all the time like girls think we do. We just get horny.” (“Mike,” freshman) “Just that girls use it too! And if you’re a girl who hasn’t tried it yet, check it out.” (“Ellie,” freshman) “You should tell girls who are hesitant about watching porn to search for scenes that are ‘female friendly’ or ‘couplefriendly.’ They’re usually more soft-core.” (“Kelly,” sophomore) “I don’t know, you know, everyone has their thing. There wouldn’t be that kind of porn out there if someone didn’t watch it, so who are we to judge?” (“Caitlin,” junior) There you have it, ya little nymphos. Til next time. Amie Kjellstrom is a senior majoring in English and women’s studies. Send her your sex questions at humpday@badgerherald. com.
‘Mellon Collie’ roots keep M83 fans happy ‘Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming’ serves up sixth successful attempt by pop-electronica artist Ryan Rainey ArtsEtc. Writer
Photo courtesy of Live Nation
Seth Meyers, who is a writer for Saturday Night Live and host for its ‘Weekend Update’ news parody, said he looks forward to talking about personal experiences during the Madison stop of his comedy tour.
Seth Meyers talks SNL, college past Familiar face of Saturday Night Live to spread laughs, commentary at Barrymore Mollie Olsem ArtsEtc. Writer
continued on after graduation, which put him on the path to where he is today. “My parents probably would argue that I would have gotten the same result from a less expensive school,” Meyers joked. Meyers moved to downtown Chicago and began to do improv with
Seth Meyers, comedian and cast member of “Saturday Night Live,” is excited and ready to bring some “foolishness” to Madison. This Wednesday, the funnyman will be appearing at the Barrymore Theatre for a live stand-up comedy show. “That’s what This will be Meyers’ they tell you; first visit to Madison, and the Northwestern [Madison]’s like University alum is the Vegas of admittedly a little Wisconsin. Or embarrassed by that maybe Las Vegas fact. “I feel like I went to is the Madison of almost every Big Ten Nevada.” school to see a football Seth Meyers game at some point, so Comedian/Northwestern alum I’m pretty excited to get to Madison for the first time,” Meyers said. a group called Comedy The comedian has Olympics. When some plenty of expectations of his fellow Wildcats for this bustling college formed an improv town. theater in Amsterdam, “I hear it’s just, like, Meyers moved to a madhouse,” Meyers Holland to join their explained. “That’s what team. they tell you; It’s like the “That was a really Vegas of Wisconsin. Or good time; I’m not maybe Las Vegas is the gonna lie to you,” Madison of Nevada.” Meyers said. As a student, Meyers He also explained said he was a little less that despite being in than fantastic. Amsterdam, language “I was good at was never an issue. cramming, a good What was a barrier for procrastinator and the American comedy managed to survive,” team was the topic of Meyers said. pop culture. According Where Meyers to Meyers, the Dutch excelled during his tend to follow the college years was politics of the United in improv comedy. States rather than the He picked it up at entertainment media. Northwestern and “But mostly it was
exciting to realize that American people are funnier than European people,” Meyers said jokingly. “European people, therefore, have to import their comedians.” After returning to Chicago from Amsterdam, Meyers was part of a two-man show with his friend, Joe Benjamin. He explained how in 2000 they were doing a performance at the Chicago Improv Festival when someone from “Saturday Night Live” in the audience saw him — and liked what he saw. The SNL employee approached Meyers and suggested sending in an audition tape; he was hired onto the show after a live audition in New York City. Since becoming a cast member, Meyers has witnessed the evolution of the show itself, as well as the regrouping of a broken city and nation. After the terrorist attacks in 2001, Meyers said almost everything changed. “On a political level, the world became a bit scarier of a place around the time that I started [“Saturday Night Live”], and that was unfortunate because I felt like it was a bit of a sad time to be doing it,” Meyers said. “But with that said, I’m really glad I’ve been living in New York City the last 10 years because I feel like this is the greatest city on earth, and you really
saw it most right after that.” Other changes in the show include the slight adaption to viewers’ shorter attention spans. Meyers credits the addition of the “Digital Shorts” as a sign of transition toward using more pre-taped sketches to keep things going a little faster. When it comes to the difference between an episode of “Saturday Night Live” and his live comedy experience, Meyers favors the audience size of a standup show to that of “SNL.” “The nicest thing, I think, about doing a live comedy tour with just you is that you’re not serving a greater show,” Meyers explained. “You get to sort of serve the house and entertain however many people are in the audience. … There’s something really intimate and fun about doing a comedy show in a nice theater.” The show in Madison will allow Meyers to step out from the desk at “Weekend Update” and be a little more personal. “It gives me a chance to talk a little bit more about myself and my own experiences, but at the same time I also like to talk about what’s going on in the world,” Meyers said. Seth Meyers will perform tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Madison’s Barrymore Theatre. Tickets are $35.
M83, the pseudonym of French electronic musician Anthony Gonzalez, takes the name of a spiral galaxy 15 million light-years from your nearest Spotifyplaying device. That’s a pretty ambitious out-ofthis-world name fitting for the artist’s equally ambitious album Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. To promote the album, Gonzalez repeatedly has emphasized how Hurry Up was inspired by Smashing Pumpkins’ 1995 doublealbum Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, an album crafted by Billy Corgan — an artist still notorious for his technical perfectionism. But unlike Mellon Collie, a double album that does not often rank in the pantheon of great double albums, Gonzalez has given himself room to make missteps that still sound endearing. The most daring track on the album, “RaconteMoi Une Historie,” takes a limbering, early ‘90s synth line and features a spoken-word vocal from a five-year-old girl talking about a “magical frog.” On paper, it sounds ridiculous. But to the ears, it’s an almost visual trip back to childhood in the ‘90s, catching toads in the yard with a warped Disney tape playing in the background. Tracks like these continue throughout the album. “Intro” takes a synth line that sounds like the 20-year-old child of the Cure and U2’s best material and overlays a Zola Jesus vocal more anthemic than any other performance this year. The huge, unrestrained sounds continue on lead single “Midnight City,” and extend throughout the album, bringing moments like a drum and electro explosion on the aptly-named “This Bright Flash” or the album’s best interlude, “Another Wave From You.” Currently, our idea of a “nostalgic” artist is mostly a chillwave producer whose music sounds like a late ‘80s workout tape warped by the Universal Studios Florida heat. But indie’s obsession with
chillwave ignores other great music from the era, and Gonzalez seems to attempt to reverse that trend with some of the tracks on Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. In some cases, the Britpop blurs of groups like Oasis or Pulp were our first introductions to rock music. Gonzalez realizes this; The heavily saturated, textured pulses of “Wait” are just as pleasing as getting caught beneath the landslide on “Champagne Supernova.” Put simply, Hurry Up draws from so many of the 1990s’ best influences that it would be impossible to name them all here. This isn’t the perfect transcendental album of 2011 many had been hoping for. At times, it’s just as bloated as the worst Muse or Coldplay song; “My Tears Are Becoming a Sea” emphasizes the same overzealousness that made “X&Y” such a disaster. And despite its ambition, M83 likely will never reach the exalted status of other artists famous for their double albums like Prince or even OutKast. M83 does something many indie artists cannot, though. The music is much more emotive and heartfelt. Gonzalez wants us to relive the moments when we discovered what music was — when we listened to Springsteen in our car seats or caught toads in our grandparents’ backyards. And drawing on music’s incredible power of recall, Gonzales has made an album that will be remembered for its ability to invoke some of the most exciting memories of a ‘90s childhood. It might be too long, and at times too overblown, but Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming is a success.
The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Finding peace. Former soldiers receive therapy through meditation
UW researcher Emma Seppala studies beneficial effects of ancient art on post-traumatic stress disorder victims Kate Northey ArtsEtc. Staff Writer When brave men and women return from war, their battle is just beginning. Emma Seppala, research scientist at the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the Waisman Center, has been studying the impact of meditation on veterans suffering from trauma for the past two years. In her study, Seppala observed two sets of veterans; one group took a breathing-based meditation workshop, and the other did not. “Those veterans with [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder] who went through it had improved sleep, improved posttraumatic stress disorder, improved anxiety, improved spatial working memory and their psychophysiology reacted,” Seppala said. Or, in less scientific terms, the course had the potential to improve the quality of life for veterans. One participant, Luis Moroney, joined the Army in 2000 before the devastation of New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. Moroney was stationed in Baghdad for 15 months and was discharged from the military in 2005. Travis Leanna, another participant, was only a freshman in high school when 9/11 occurred. “For some reason, I just knew I was going to go into the military,” he said. Leanna joined the Marine Corps in 2005 and served five months in Fallujah, Iraq. He is still in the Marine Corps Reserves. Leanna comedically recalls his initial idea of meditation by imitating a hippy-like person saying, “Now clear your mind,” in a smooth, pretentious tone. He laughed and said in his own combative, yet playful manner, “What does that mean?” Throughout the seven-day course, Seppala introduced the veterans to practices targeted at decreasing stress and obtaining mental clarity. Oftentimes, people overlook how interconnected the body and mind are. Yoga-based practices, such as breathing and meditation, can help remedy this common problem. Before the course, Moroney had exhausted himself experimenting with different methods to attempt to cope
with his PTSD. He found therapy was too focused on the past, and anti-depressants gave him a “flatline personality.” However, with meditation, Moroney said, “If you’re really depressed it’ll bring you up, and if you’re really anxious it’ll bring you down. It brings you right to where you need to be.” Initially, Leanna was concerned about being able to get to a state of meditation; however, after learning to control his breathing, it became quite simple for him. “When you go through the breathing steps,” Leanna said, “it clears your mind for you and puts everything back in order.” After the course, their lives became more manageable. Moroney even expressed his excitement at achieving his first 4.0 GPA, and attributed his success to the concentration he achieved through the breathing practices. In addition to helping them find peace of mind through meditation, Seppala taught the veterans that “happiness is on the inside.” “When you’re more connected to your own center,” Seppala said, “you say, act and choose to do things that are more life-enhancing choices.” She went on to explain that having inner happiness and a connection to yourself often allows people to feel more connected to those around them and the world in which they live, further spreading the happiness they are feeling. “I would say before this, I had two or three good connections,” Leanna said, “like my parents and one good friend. Now I feel like almost everyone I run into, especially from the course, I feel connected to. It gave me a new perspective on life.” Moroney admitted his lack of connectedness could be attributed to the idea that “the less you know someone, the less they can hurt you and you can hurt them.” However, the course helped him break down barriers and interact with his family and the rest of the world again. “I never felt emotions,” Leanna said. “I never knew what that was like. Then I took the course and it just opened me up. I remember actually calling Emma.
I was watching a movie a few months agree that stress is a common issue for after the course and I cried. [laughs] I students on campus. “When there’s less stress in your thought, ‘This is so weird!’” Of course, these practices cannot mind,” Seppala said, “your body is completely decimate the effects of healthier because stress decreases trauma, but they can help significantly. immune function and it can have And though these practices can be impacts on concentration and sleep.” If students are able to reduce their highly beneficial for veterans, they can stress, find inner peace and learn to also be useful for just about anyone. “Most people have something going focus, they may be able to make a longon, and it’ll help that,” Moroney said. lasting positive impact on the world. “But also it will just help you realize To obtain more information about YES+, what is important and who you really students can contact yesplusbucky@ are.” The men praised Seppala for her In addition, Yoga Eight and effervescent, smiley and positively Tibia Massage School offers special deals contagious demeanor, linking many of to veterans. Owner of Yoga Eight, David their successes since the course back to Turner, is a veteran himself and is offering six months of free yoga classes to recently her and what she taught them. “She is my role model,” Leanna said. discharged veterans. Tibia Massage School “If I could reach out to one hundredth is holding a “Day of Peace for Veterans” on of the people she has reached out to, I’d Nov. 11 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., when it will be good. What she did for me, she does offer free one-hour massages and intuitive sessions to veterans. for so many other people.” Moroney jumped in to say, “Emma is a saint. She does a lot for a lot of people. She preaches what she actually does, which is service.” In addition to her research on veterans, Seppala leads a studentrun organization called YES+. This acronym stands for “Yoga, Empowerment, Service, Plus (so much more).” “YES+ has a big emphasis on taking care of yourself and then going to take care of society and connecting and doing service,” Seppala said. She teaches the same practices to students as Photo courtesy of Emma Seppala she does to veterans. Many Soldiers like Travis Leanna, above, can suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after returning home. would probably This disorder and other forms of stress are studied and treated with meditation at the Waisman Center.
Eric Wiegmann The Badger Herald Design
The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
UW rugby club experiencing Division I success Sport thriving with 3 matches remaining before postseason schedule plays out Adelaide Davis Sports Writer The University of Wisconsin Rugby Football Club achieved an impressive victory Sunday, defeating the University of Nebraska 76-0. The Badgers improved to 5-1 on the season and lead the Division I Western League with three matches remaining. Wisconsin scored twice during the first five minutes, aided by its superior speed and strength during pivotal scrums. “We came out hard and fast right from the start,” head coach Skip Heffernan said. “We dominated in the scrums, pushing them backwards every time. We were keeping possession of our own ball.” For on-field captain Andrew Hanske, Wisconsin’s victory was a result of efficient ball movement. “We recycled the ball quickly and attacked the Nebraska defense before they were able to fully organize their defensive line,” Hanske said. “Our scrumhalf Ryan McGlynn did a good job distributing the ball across the field to areas where the Nebraska defense was weakest.” Nebraska threatened to score twice late in the game after Wisconsin turned over the ball, but the Badgers’ defense
POWER PLAY, from 14 have.” On the defensive end of the ice, the penalty kill has not been extremely sharp either, allowing four goals in 15 opposing power plays, but the defense has at least done a decent job of limiting the number of chances. Wisconsin continues to employ a twogoalie rotation, Landon Peterson in game ones and Joel Rumpel in game twos, and although
MCCUE, from 14 to take their talents to places other than the Kohl Center, Ryan and Co. have locked down a top talent for next season in Sam Dekker. The four/ five star small forward out of Sheboygan, Wis., is ranked as the 26thbest player in the nation by ESPN and the 18th by Rivals, evidence that Ryan’s system can attract the best players in the state to Madison. While the system is by no means flashy and makes for understandably boring games to ACC and Big East fans, getting a commit from Dekker could reverse the trend. On top of Dekker, the Badgers recently received a verbal commitment from standout guard Bronson Koenig, a point guard who turned down offers from Kansas, North Carolina and Duke, among others, to play for Bo. A junior out of La Crosse Aquinas High School, Koenig could be a future replacement for Jordan Taylor’s spot on the hardwood. I’m certainly not predicting that Ryan will turn into Coach K and the Badgers will have their pick of the top players in the country. But the fact that Wisconsin has recently received commitments
was able to stop the Cornhuskers and preserve the shutout. “I think occasionally we got a little sloppy with our ball handling,” Hanske said. “There were a couple of instances where we would try and make a pass that was not there or a player would lose the ball in contact. Against better teams, mistakes like that will cost us.” With the victory, UW rugby is three matches away from a berth in the Division I national championships this spring. The Badgers have already qualified for the first-ever USA Rugby Collegiate Rugby Sevens National Championship in December after defeating Penn State 2114 in the inaugural Big Ten 7s title game. In the 7s national championship, teams will play with seven players each as opposed to the traditional 15. Wisconsin has been highly competitive since its inception in 1977, including a trip to the Final Four in 1992 and the finals of the Division II National Championship in 2009. The Badgers moved from Division II to Division I last year while simultaneously fielding a junior varsity Division III team. Head coach Heffernan credits the Badgers’ recent success to the growth of youth rugby in the Midwest. “There are quite a few teams now,” Heffernan said. “They play it as a spring sport in order to not interfere with football. I think there are over 60 high school teams now in Wisconsin. Probably 80 to 90 percent of my
there is a disparity between power play goals allowed (Peterson
“We have a whole bunch of guys going on there, so it is going to get better as we go along.”
Mike Eaves Head coach
0, Rumpel 4), Eaves has been pleased with the
from two of the best players in the state is a positive sign. If Dekker and Koenig can flourish in the passing-oriented offense, the Badgers might be able to shed the stigma that it’s difficult to put up big numbers in Ryan’s system. Even for haters of the swing, it’s hard to deny there’s no way UW would make 13-straight NCAA tournaments without the man who may one day find his name on the Kohl Center court. With eight 20plus win seasons during Ryan’s 10-year tenure in Madison, Ryan has brought an unmatched record of success to the program and turned UW into a perennial Big Ten contender. Dick Bennett’s legendary run to the Final Four in 2000 with a squad that rarely hit the 60-point mark was a sign of great coaching, but there’s no way the Badgers would have experienced the same level of success under Bennett. And let’s not forget about the other outstanding wins that have decorated Ryan’s career at Wisconsin. From Michael Flowers knocking down a lastminute trey to beat Texas on the road in 2008 to the Badgers taking down Duke two years ago at
Adelaide Davis The Badger Herald
Wisconsin’s club rugby team is thriving after a 76-0 win over Nebraska. The Badgers have a good chance to play for a national championship later this year. players have played some rugby somewhere before, whereas 15 to 20 years ago, only 10 percent had.” Wisconsin’s members have experience ranging from recreational rugby in the Midwest to competitive rugby in Europe prior to attending UW. However, the majority of players on the Division III team came to the university having never played rugby before or with limited rugby experience. Most have backgrounds in football or wrestling and can work toward eventually playing on the Division I team. “If you want a contact sport, we’ve got the sport for you,” Heffernan said. While the Badgers are
hoping to find success both regionally and nationally, Heffernan hopes to expand on the team’s success internationally. Though rugby is a relatively new sport in the United States, it has been played in the United Kingdom since 1845. Youth and professional rugby in England are as popular as American football in the United States. Today, both professional and amateur rugby teams are prevalent throughout South America, Europe and many former British colonies. UW traditionally participates in an overseas rugby tour every other year. Previous tours have included matches in
play of both goaltenders. “Those are the types of goals being scored, so [the number of power play goals allowed by each] is a non-factor,” Eaves said. “Matter of fact, if they are power play goals, they have the advantage so they probably should be getting some of those. Both goaltenders have played well.” Peterson is happy with his performance in goal so far this year and hopes the chemistry he and his teammates are
building will eventually lead to more wins for the Badgers. “I think everybody that has been in the penalty kill in front of me has been doing their part and doing a great job,” Peterson said. “We have had a lot of success since I have been out there, haven’t given up one goal yet. Everyone is doing their part blocking shots, and we’re being successful together. ... So far, I haven’t gotten [a win] yet, but I’m working hard for one.”
the Kohl Center and their more recent upset over then-No. 1 Ohio State, Ryan has brought tremendous excitement back to the UW basketball program. With a ridiculous 152-11 record at home, he can largely be credited for creating the raucous environment that is the Kohl Center and the excitement around the men’s
teams are guys like Mike Bruesewitz, Tim Jarmusz (yes, even Timmy) and Jason Bohannon, whom he develops into standout players. Without Ryan’s system, UW fans would be pulling for a mediocre program that occasionally makes the NCAA tournament but generally finishes near the bottom of the Big Ten. The man at the helm does more with the players he is given than perhaps any other college basketball coach in the country. Just as in football, it’s often difficult to attract the most talented recruits in the nation to Madison, and with his recruiting based in Wisconsin, Minnesota and much of the Midwest, Ryan overachieves as a coach just about as much as his players do. This year, the Badgers don’t look like they have much to offer outside of Taylor. Undoubtedly, critics will pick against Ryan and the Badgers. But in doing so, they’ll be forgetting one key fact: Bo knows best, and he always will.
Without Ryan’s system, UW fans would be pulling for a mediocre program.
basketball program. With the level of talent Ryan is given every year in assembling a team, his system gets the most out of his players. Apart from the occasional stars like Alando Tucker, Jon Leuer and Taylor, the majority of the Badgers are Midwest guys who were overlooked by other topnotch Division I schools. Rather than individual talent, Ryan’s teams are built off assembling several overachieving role players who rarely average double-digit points. Stars like Leuer and Taylor may garner much of the attention, but the key to Bo’s
Ian is a junior majoring in journalism. Do you agree that Bo Ryan is the best thing to ever grace Wisconsin basketball? Let him know at imccue@ or tweet him feedback on the
Ireland, Italy and Chile, and the team is currently planning to travel to Portugal in March. While the Badgers originally struggled to play at the level of European teams, as the talent has improved domestically, they have found increased success abroad. Heffernan would like to see American teams, including UW rugby, compete with the speed and strength necessary to win internationally. For now, though, Wisconsin is focused on its three remaining matches. Iowa State and Northern Iowa come to Madison Oct. 22 and 29, respectively, while the Badgers will travel to UW-Stout Nov. 5. If
the Badgers can win out, they will qualify for the Division I national championship and the opportunity to improve upon their second place finish in 2009. UW would like to host the first round of the National Championship in Madison. “Having competitive matches and having people fall in love with rugby the way I did is my goal” Heffernan said. “But it’s always more fun to win, so our goal is to try to win the next three games and go to the national championship. It takes a little luck and a lot of hard work, but if the guys do that, I think we’ve got a good chance of being there.”
BATTLE, from 14
gives you a little edge. It’s a new year and new teams. We’re going out there to make a statement.” Of course, UW rebounded to earn a return trip to Pasadena — interestingly enough, by way of its higher BCS ranking that broke a threeway tie with Michigan State and Ohio State. Now, as White said, the stakes are different and both teams have changed significantly. The Badgers, of course, have imported Wilson to wildly positive results, while the Spartans have thrived defensively despite losing last year ’s leading tackler in Greg Jones to the NFL. Now, Michigan State’s defense is led by 6-foot-3, 310-pound defensive tackle Jerel Worthy. Second on the Spartan defense with 2.5 sacks this season, Worthy once again anchors MSU’s front line. “Worthy is more a strength guy, more of a guy who’s a little heavier, who comes up the field more just attacking and trying to out-muscle,” center Peter Konz said. “I think this Michigan State defense ... I’ve been going against their D-tackles ever since I’ve been starting. … It’s always a battle when we go against these guys.” Consequently, the Badgers can expect a grueling contest likely to involve more than just a fight to move the ball downfield. “I know they’re a physical defense,” White said. “They’re going to come out and play real physical. They talk stuff, but we’ve just got to come out there as an offense and do what we do, just keep our mouths closed and play Wisconsin football. We can go out there and execute and do the same things we’ve been doing each and every week.”
The Spartans have also caught some flak after defensive lineman William Gholston was caught on camera twisting Wolverines quarterback Denard Robinson’s head around as he lay on the bottom of a pile and also punching another Michigan player in the head. The latter earned him a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty, and a suspension is a legitimate possibility before Saturday’s game. Following the game, MSU defensive coordinator Pat Narduzzi neglected to shy away from the penalty, telling reporters, “That’s what we try to do: Sixty minutes of unnecessary roughness.” After Tuesday night’s practice, Chryst held back any opinions on Narduzzi. “I have no comment about him or what he said,” Chryst said. Wisconsin is also battling the memories of its only regular season loss last year, which came in East Lansing in the Big Ten conference opener. In arguably its worst offensive performance of the season, the Badgers appeared sluggish and sloppy in falling to the Spartans 34-24. UW failed to take advantage of three MSU turnovers, instead managing only 292 total yards. In the immediate aftermath, the loss seemed to cripple any shot Wisconsin would have at reaching its first BCS bowl since the 1999 Rose Bowl. “We just said it’s a new year,” sophomore runningback James White, who had the best game of any UW offensive player with 98 rushing yards and two touchdowns on 10 carries, said. “Last year ’s in the past. They beat us, but you can keep that in the back of your mind if it
S PORTS Badgers primed to battle Spartans Sports Editor
Mike Fiammetta
The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Michigan State trash talk bolstering hype for hotly-anticipated Big Ten showdown Mike Fiammetta Sports Editor The way Montee Ball celebrated his last of three touchdowns in Saturday’s 59-7 demolition of Indiana with barely any emotion at all, it seemed as though the Wisconsin offense was just waiting for a legitimate test. The Badgers surely must have expected one two weeks earlier when Nebraska came to town, but that ended in a resounding 48-17 Wisconsin victory. Since then, the Badgers have enjoyed their bye week and then what essentially amounted to a light Megan McCormick The Badger Herald walkthrough against the Running back James White was one of the few Badgers to play well against the Spartans last year, gaining 98 yards. Hoosiers.
But this weekend, Wisconsin travels to East Lansing, Mich., to face the nation’s second-ranked defense in Michigan State. The Spartans allow only 186.2 yards per game, and they have been the nation’s top passing defense (119.2 per game) as well. “I thought Nebraska was a good defense, but I think in many ways [Michigan State’s defense is better than any we’ve played so far],” offensive coordinator Paul Chryst said. “It looks to me on film the most physical defense we’ve played.” With Wisconsin’s offense arguably the country’s most prolific — it is the highest scoring, averaging 50.2 points per game — the obvious strengthversus-strength matchup is enticing enough to warrant the nationally televised, primetime status with ESPN’s “College GameDay” traveling to East Lansing to see the
Badgers for the second time this season. Yet, perhaps feeling as if there weren’t enough eyes already on this matchup, the Spartans have stoked the fire with some early boasting that didn’t take long to reach Madison. According to, MSU safety Isaiah Lewis brought the first inkling of gamesmanship following Michigan State’s 28-14 win over Michigan. “Wisconsin should know we’re coming,” Lewis said. “They have a good offense and that quarterback [Russell Wilson]. But they should just know our defense is coming. And just like any other team, if they’re throwing the ball up, our DBs are going to go get it, our linebackers are going to go get it and our linemen are getting after the quarterback. And they’re going to hurt him.”
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Weak power play hampering UW early in season Badgers converting only 11 percent of man-up chances in first 3 games of 2011 Brett Sommers Statistics Editor To say the Badgers are struggling may be an understatement to describe the power play of the Wisconsin men’s hockey team, and historically, it is an uncommon occurrence. Each of the last four seasons, the Badgers’ conversion percentage on power plays increased, from 14.9 percent in 2006 to 21.6 percent last year. To begin play this year, the Badgers are 3-for-26 (.115), a key factor in the team’s 1-3 record. Despite the anemic start, Wisconsin isn’t yet allowing the power play to become a source of panic this early in the season, in part because
the young team is still learning to play together. “The percentage on the power play is not too great of a concern for me because, yeah, we have Justin [Shultz] back and [Mark Zengerle] back, but [Tyler Barnes] hasn’t played with [Zengerle] on the power play, and we’re trying to get [Michael Mersch] in there,” head coach Mike Eaves said. “[Mersch] is new on that group and now we might even try [Joseph LaBate] there. We are just trying to find the right mix, and we’re trying to find a second power play, too. We have a whole bunch of guys going on there, so [the power play is] going to get better as we go along.” Part of the overall problem for the Badgers seems to be their inability to get shots when they have a numbers advantage on the ice. In their 26 power play opportunities, Wisconsin has only been able to
muster 28 shots on goal. “I think we need to get some more shots on net, and I think we really need to work on us getting the puck in the zone and setting it up,” junior defenseman Justin Schultz said, mentioning he would like to see four or five shots per power play. One bright spot on the Wisconsin power play has been sophomore forward Tyler Barnes. Of the three power play goals the Badgers have scored, Barnes has two, including the first of three goals Wisconsin needed to overcome a 2-0 deficit against Northern Michigan on Oct. 18 in Wisconsin’s only victory of the season. “The goal on Friday night [against Michigan Tech], he made the right read like he is the quarterback with the puck; he made the right read and brought it to the net,” Eaves said. “The other one was a shot, so it’s been different
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Wisconsin’s power play has failed to yield much success this year, as the Badgers have converted only 3 of 26 tries. things. But he should be scoring for us. Part of his responsibility on our team is putting the puck in the net, and so far he is doing it.” UW is pleased with the number of opportunities it has gotten but will need to continue to be aggressive rather than worrying about creating even more
scoring chances. “One of the things that is little-known about power plays is that it’s not the opposing team that really causes the penalties, it’s your team that earns them,” Barnes said. “If you’re out there and you’re not playing hard, nobody is going to be taking you down. But
if you have guys going to the net hard and going to the corners hard, you are going to get taken down and earn the penalties. That is something you can always improve on, but I think it is more important to capitalize on the opportunities that we
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Bo knows best, and it’s showing Ian McCue McCue’s View As basketball season approaches, there’s one thing almost every fan in Madison can count on: Not much will be expected of Bo Ryan’s squad this season. Every year, it seems, the Badgers are expected to be outside the Big Ten title race. Yet somehow, Ryan’s magical swing offense continually guides them to the NCAA tournament. Every year, analysts don’t see how a team without any big-time recruits or returning star players could achieve any success. Love it or hate it, the key to this success is Ryan’s signature scheme. Debates constantly surround the program regarding whether the oft-criticized system is truly the best choice for the UW program, as the Badgers often hit a wall when March Madness arrives. Having reached three Sweet Sixteens and an Elite Eight under Ryan, haters point to
the fact that Ryan can’t take the team to the next level, that the Badgers will forever remain a consistent squad that can’t step up their game when it counts. But, as the program continues to garner national attention and begins to pick up more talented recruits, it’s only a matter of time before Wisconsin is back in the Elite Eight and Final Four. The Badgers seemed to have a perfectly paved road for an Elite Eight or maybe even a Final Four run in last year’s tournament, but they only fed into critics by falling to Butler (possibly the only team in NCAA basketball that overachieves more than the Badgers). The swing offense — known for its slow pace and limited offensive production — is often credited with UW rarely picking up the recruits that will allow the Badgers to make a similar breakthrough as the much talked about football program. While highly touted instate players, including Vander Blue (take solace in the fact that he averaged 5.4 points per game last year) and J.P. Tokoto, have decided
MCCUE, page 13