Volume Volum mee X m XLIII, LIIIII, Issue 33 LI
Stalking the truth about HFCS
New York Times’ Frugal Traveler will travel to Madison to take in the city’s best sights, dining and entertainment — on a budget. | 4
A taste of its own medicine
Is high fructose corn syrup sugar’s more evil, fattening, deadly twin, win, or is it just another sweet sucrose substitute? | 9
Like Wisconsin, Michigan State boasts a stable of capable running backs that can wear down a defense. Can UW stop it? | 12
Task force to tackle heroin ‘epidemic’ Joint effort from city and county will aim for early treatment, family interventions Katie Foran-McHale News Reporter
City and county leaders announced a new joint initiative Wednesday, which will focus on addressing increasing heroin usage and criminal incidents in the area, which they said have reached “epidemic”
proportions. The plan, which was announced by Madison Mayor Paul Soglin and Dane County Executive Joe Parisi in a joint press conference Wednesday, will be a collaboration between the city-county Public Health Department and the local nonprofit Safe Communities. The task force will highlight six areas of focus to reduce both access to and demand for opiates. Poisoning deaths have surpassed vehicular crashes as the leading cause of death in Dane
County, a statement from Parisi and Soglin said. According to the statement, both Parisi and Soglin are prepared to invest $78,276 from citycounty budgets into the initiative. “We need to recognize that [substance abuse] may occur in anybody’s home, anybody’s workplace — it may start not with illegal drugs, but with legal prescription medication,” Soglin said at the press conference. “We are going to get control, and we are going to have a profound impact in making a safer
community for everyone.” Key elements of the plan include reducing access to illegal and prescription drugs, providing drop boxes for drug disposal, combating inappropriate prescription use by monitoring prescription drugs and improving poisoning intervention by training first responders, he said. Soglin said confronting the rising demand for opiates in the area is an equally important task. The plan to decrease opiate use promotes early intervention, drug
treatment and recovery through screening assessments. It also emphasizes family interventions, community drug treatments and medication-assisted withdrawal treatment. While the number of overdoses and drug abuse has increased, so has the amount of enforcement and demand for treatment, Madison Police Department Chief Noble Wray and Amy Mosher Garvey, a psychotherapist at Women and Families Psychological Services, said.
“There is human despair taking place,” Wray said. “When people who are addicted are feeling as though they need to talk to someone and the fact that they feel very comfortable talking to an officer about their addiction is an indication that we are at an epidemic.” Those who seek treatment can find it difficult to receive the care they need, Garvey said. For outpatient treatment, the waiting list could be anywhere
TASK FORCE, page 2
Bill aims to grant schools greater control in sex ed. Proposal to allow for abstinence-only teaching; parents would select topics Sean Kirkby State Reporter Legislators, special interest groups and citizens weighed in on a controversial bill that would allow local school districts to decide what they want to include in their sexual education program, including abstinence-only education Wednesday. At the Senate Committee on Education hearing, Sen. Mary Lazich, R-Waukesha, said the bill grants more authority to school districts to create their own sexual education programs and overturns Wisconsin’s Healthy Youth Act. “[The bill] recognizes human growth and development is a sensitive topic and recognizes values differ among school districts,” Lazich, the bill’s co-author, told legislators. “Likewise, instruction methods and best practices
vary. Curriculum in a Madison classroom may not be the best practice in a Superior classroom.” The bill allows communities to select from a list of recommended topics such as reproductive anatomy, the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and methods to develop healthy lifestyles, Lazich said. It will also focus on abstinence as the preferred method of sexual behavior. School districts would establish advisory boards of parents to make the decisions regarding the curriculum teachers will use. However, Sen. Chris Larsen, D-Milwaukee, said the bill does not provide a definition of what medically accurate information means and removes current statutes, which say the information taught in classrooms about sex must be supported by scientific research where appropriate information from published peer-reviewed journals and information recognized as accurate by medical associations. “If you don’t say what is medically accurate, you are
moving down a path where you are misleading kids about their sexual health,” Larson said. Lazich said the reason the bill did not include a definition was because other statutes do not list medical organizations, saying she wanted the bill to be consistent with them. She also said some of her fellow legislators felt some of the listed organizations were not comprehensive sexual education advocates and taking out the definition would allow school districts to get better scientific evidence. Larson also criticized Lazich’s bill for changing the wording of legislation so statutes would say abstinence is the only effective way to prevent pregnancy, rather than the most. “If you’re teaching children that, then they start thinking that’s the only way, that if I’m going to have sex, condoms are not going to protect me,” Larson said. “But if you teach that if you use condoms properly, then you can prevent sexually transmitted diseases, [then] you can prevent unwanted
Tom Zionkowski The Badger Herald
Sen. Chris Larsen, D-Milwaukee, criticized the bill to repeal the Healthy Youth Act for its emphasis on abstinence-only education in committee. pregnancy.” The bill also drew criticism from Rep. Tamara Grigsby, D-Milwaukee, who helped author the Healthy Youth Act.
A bookworm’s paradise The University of Wisconsin Libraries book sale, which spans four days, offers savvy book enthusiasts an inexpensive way to feed their hobby. The event, which was hosted by Friends of the Libraries, was open as a sneak preview on Wednesday. Zhao Lim The Badger Herald
Grigsby contended the bill for discrimates against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer youths. Discrimination against
LGBTQ students is one of the most reported forms of discrimination in public schools, and repeal of the
HEARING, page 4
Union plan sees mixed support A margin of 23 votes decides strikes down advisory referendum on proposed expansion Bridget Conlin News Reporter The fall student government election drew to a close on Wednesday night as 23 votes from the student body struck down the advisory referendum on the proposed Memorial Union expansion. The Associated Students of Madison fall ballot gauged student opinion on two referenda and elected students to council seats, as well as one new member to the Student Services Finance Committee. The plans for the Memorial Union renovation, which would add a glass expansion off the existing theater, was surrounded by impassioned debate from the student body. The referendum was approved by Student Council during a Sept. 21 meeting after students speaking on the issue drove the extension of open
By the numbers
Number of ‘Yes’ votes cast in favor of the proposed Memorial Union expansion in an advisory referendum
Number of ‘No’ votes cast in opposition to the advisory referendum on the proposed Memorial Union expansion
Total percentage of the student body that turned out to vote in the Associated Students of Madison’s fall elections
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, October 20, 2011
Correction Due to a reporting error, in the Oct. 17, the “UW administration fights allegations of discrimination at Assembly hearing” on the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities’ hearing regarding the holistic admissions process of the University of Wisconsin, reported 6.3 percent of UW students are African American. However, African Americans make up 6.3 percent of the state’s population, rather than UW students. A change has been made to the online version of the article to reflect this correction. We regret the error.
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am showers / wind
partly cloudy
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partly cloudy
City hears plan for student life complex Urban Design Commission weighs proposals for four-story building on Brooks Street, new headquarters for non-profit group to help unemployed Ally Boutelle City Editor The city’s Urban Design Commission heard the initial plans for a new student housing complex which developers said was designed with a keen eye on student life. In his first meeting with the commission, JLA Architects representative Joseph Lee gave an informational presentation on his plans for a new four-story building on the corner of North Brooks Street and Dayton Street that will be open exclusively to house students. The four-story, 14-unit private student housing project is designed for student life, Lee said. The building features bicycle and scooter parking as well as lofts built above the fourth-floor units.
Lee said the building continues both the movement to “urbanize” the student-friendly downtown area and blends in aesthetically with the surrounding neighborhood. Its brick and metal panel construction blends traditional downtown architecture and modernism, he said. The meeting marked the proposal’s first time being presented to members of the commission. Lee and other representatives from the group will meet with take up the issue at a future meeting. The city commission also heard the proposal construction of a new home for the local nonprofit Food Enterprise and Economic Development Project. FEED’s mission is
of an expansion plan enabled by a $300,000 grant FEED recently received. Seamon said the building will immediately serve between 130 and 140 people, with plans for expansion in the future. The 5400 square foot facility will be located between Packers Avenue and Pankratz Road. The proposal will be taken up again for consideration at a future commission meeting. UDC also discussed the current plans to demolish two residential buildings on South Mills Street to make way for a new child care facility on the Meriter Hospital Campus. Kirk Keller, a representative for Plunkett Raysich Architects, said the project would consolidate two existing day care
to support local food entrepreneurs and foodrelated employment as well as increase the quality and availability of inexpensive local food, a statement from the organization said. John Seamon, the architectural director at Iconica, also presented plans for the organization’s new headquarters at 1502 Pankratz Rd. to the committee. “The project was identified as a priority for the Northport/Warner neighborhood — this was chosen as a particularly needy area,” he said. The building will house service training programs for unemployed or disadvantaged adults, allowing them to find future employment opportunities, he said. The new facility is part
facilities into a single center to serve hospital employees’ children. Keller said the building would border both South Mills Street and Saint James Court and be fewer than four stories tall. “We’re keeping it small — this space serves as a transitional zone between the hospital proper and the adjacent residential neighborhood,” he said. He added this building marks the first step in a plan to eventually further develop the east side of the Meriter campus. The center will also further Meriter ’s recent environmentally friendly agenda by adding planters and pots to grow herbs and vegetables, he said. The project will be up for a vote from UDC members in an upcoming meeting.
Plan to check power of SSFC ignites controversy Chair says proposal indicates ‘mistrust,’ little faith in group Selby Rodriguez Campus Editor Members of the University of Wisconsin student government voted to send a controversial piece of legislation that would place added checks and balances on the Student Services Finance Committee to that committee. A matter of dissent among Student Council during last night’s meeting surrounded the Process Standardization Committee legislation and whether it should go to SSFC for two weeks to later be killed, reviewed and potentially amended. SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart and Rep. Cale Plamann urged council members to vote to send the legislation to
their committee so they could ensure it upheld viewpoint neutrality and respected the autonomy of the committee. Neibart said she saw the legislation as a personal attack against herself and other members of her committee. “This legislation proves a sheer mistrust of myself, SSFC and the Student Judiciary to not serve [in our positions],” SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said. “I urge you to have faith in myself and my authority.” Neibart added if the legislation was not passed to SSFC, she would refuse to hold hearings and step down as chair. Rep. Nneka Akubeze said she disagreed with the ultimatum being put on the table. She added that she was nervous this announcement could affect how council members voted and said letting it affect their
decisions would be inappropriate. Before the vote, legislation co-sponsor Rep. Arturo Diaz made a point of information stating that he would be taking a leave from his position on SSFC for the next two weeks, when the proposal would be in the committee. The motion was carried through a roll call vote with 12 ayes, six nays and four abstentions. Legislation proposing Associated Students of Madison support the UW’s holistic admissions process and stand in opposition to the Center for Equal Opportunity’s report was also approved. Rep. Leland Pan spoke on the legislation, characterizing it as a way to support the university throughout the process while also emphasizing transparency in a university study of the admissions process. Pan added if there was any credibility to
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Rep. Nneka Akubeze defended the measure to implement oversight over the committee. be found in the CEO’s document, this would be an issue that needs to be “tackled.” Council members then amended the legislation in the aims of making it an accurate representation of the differing viewpoints among each representative. The amended legislation was passed unanimously. “I did think there was a lot of dicey process with the amendment,” Pan said in an interview with The Badger Herald. “I think people wanted to ensure [the legislation] was as reflective as possible for the entirety of council, which was reflected in the unanimous vote.” Legislation affecting
TASK FORCE, from 1 from three weeks to six months. Patients who are able to navigate the system may receive treatment within 24 to 72 hours, she said. “The problem is not knowing how to navigate the system — there are
HEARING, from 1 non-discrimination clause has raised concern with Department of Public Instruction, Kevin Benish, a member of Grigsby’s staff, told the committee. Grigsby said the bill is about party interests over the safety of Wisconsin
deadlines for the SSFC and General Student Services Fund groups were also passed during Wednesday’s meeting. Additionally, a motion to review the Board of Regents’ UW System Financial Policy 50 was approved, which lends ASM support to the United Council of UW Students’ initiative to give students more power over segregated fees. Other legislation to express ASM is against the differential tuition bill being passed around was carried along with a proposal to add student seats to the Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operating Flexibilities.
so many providers, the system is so packed with treatment funding through the HMO system that you can’t just access the first slot, you have to stay within your funding stream,” Garvey said. Cheryl Wittke, Safe Communities executive director, said work
groups would address each issue in the plan for the next several months. Members will then meet for a summit in January with recommendations to move forward with suggestions. In April, the group will evaluate and determine the next steps to take, she said.
students. “We’re looking at partisan politics ,” Grigsby said. “We are not looking at what is best for our children.” As legislative staff searched for a larger room to handle the number of attendees, the committee heard testimony for over
two and a half hours on the bill. Committee Chair Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon, tried to limit each testimony to three minutes, but most spoke longer. The bill to repeal the Healthy Youth Act will be voted on by the Senate Committee on Education during a future meeting.
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, October 20, 2011
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart congratulates Student Council representative Andrew Bulovsky on his reelection on the fall ASM ballot.
ELECTION, from 1 forum. The decision came to light after several open forums where Union Council, Memorial Union Design Committee and Hoofers representatives spoke against adding the referendum to the ballot. Reasons cited against adding the referendum included the effects delaying the timeline of the Memorial Union Reinvestment Project could have on Hoofers, saying if construction was delayed any further, the student organization may lose lake access for an additional summer season. In reaction to the result of the referendum, Wisconsin Union President Katie Fischer sent out a statement saying the current process would continue and urging student to attend a Nov. 7 forum. “We hear [students] concerns and value their input and have been working closely with the project design team and the Wisconsin State Historical Society
to create and renovate spaces that enhance our beloved Memorial Union,” Fischer said. “The design process continues, and we encourage students to stay involved.” Another referendum to change Article X, Section 1 of the ASM Constitution to change the number of Student Judiciary justices from eight to seven was approved by the student vote. Student Election Commission Chair Mickey Stevens said this year’s voter turnout increased “drastically” compared to previous years, with a total of 4,803 students voting out of the 42,441 enrolled for fall 2011. These figures indicate 11.3 percent of the University of Wisconsin’s student body turned out to vote in the election. The winning candidates for the First Year Representative to Student Council are Conlin Higgins with 381 votes, Mia Akers with 299 votes, Maria Giannopoulos with 269 votes and Devon Maier
with 257 votes. Ronald Crandall was elected to SSFC with 919 votes, just edging out runner-up Sam Seering. Many of the newlyelected candidates said they would not waste time jumping into their recently pronounced positions. “I want to make sure no students have lost opportunities, especially on a large campus like UW-Madison,” Maria Giannopoulus said regarding her goals as a First Year Representative. “I want them to know about all the opportunities they have.” Andrew Bulovsky, who was reelected to ASM, said he would continue to approach his role as an elected representative of the student body as being “a watch dog for the ASM constitution.” First Year Representative Collin Higgins expressed a passion to make sure the student voice is properly represented in ASM by creating a sustainability committee to make campus more environmentally-friendly.
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, October 20, 2011
New York Times’ Frugal Traveler to visit Madison Votes send travel blogger to sample Madison’s local fare Andrew Haffner News Reporter
A New York Times travel blogger announced Monday online readers had chosen Madison over several other contending cities as the next destination for his “Frugal Traveler” column. The city received 40
percent of the total votes cast in the contest and will welcome writer Seth Kugel as he visits the city on a minimalist budget, according to the blog. “Madison trip booked via Milwaukee and Badger Bus. When? Not telling,” Kugel said in a post on his Facebook page to announce the trip. The “Frugal Traveler” blog follows Kugel as he travels around the world and experiences the highlights of local cultures while sticking to a limited
budget. Voters selected Madison over New Orleans, Montreal, Charleston, Nashville and Burlington by casting their votes on the New York Times’ website. Readers of “Frugal Traveler” were also able to select Kugel’s activities during his stay. They determined he will tour Madison by bicycle, lodge exclusively at bed and breakfasts, focus on local food and drink and bring home a locally produced beer, wine or liquor as a souvenir.
Voters also indicated their preference for the most authentic Wisconsin experience by voting for Kugel to sample local beer, brats and cheese during his visit. Judy Frankel, spokesperson for Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau, credited Madison’s win as partially influenced by a large-scale social networking push on the Bureau’s various accounts. The Bureau used its following on Facebook
and Twitter to encourage Madison and Wisconsin residents to get online and vote, she said. Frankel was optimistic the New York Times coverage and size of Kugel’s audience would boost Madison’s visibility in the tourism industry. “We’re honored to be mentioned along with Montreal, New Orleans and the rest,” she said. “Madison has been getting a lot of attention lately.” She also cited the current football season, particularly
the recent contest against Nebraska and ESPN’s College GameDay coverage, as examples of national attention for the city. Frankel added the New York Times’ coverage could prove a significant step toward establishing Madison as a major tourist destination. The rest of the Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau has made increasing tourism a key goal for this year and beyond, she said.
Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Thursday, October 20, 2011
On advertisements Page 4 of Wednesday’s Badger Herald featured an advertisement from Facts and Logic About the Middle East, an organization that runs inflammatory ads that are often repugnant attacks on Arab Muslims. Wednesday’s ad featured false charges that all Arab Muslims are anti-Semitic. The Herald does not publish ads that are legally libelous or incite readers to do physical harm. We do publish ads that violate our own beliefs, keeping in line with our support of freedom of speech. This does not derive from the same type of freedom of speech we practice in the news, arts, sports and opinion content we publish, when we hold ourselves to a much higher standard of what constitutes an appropriate and responsible message. When an
ad mimics an article, our policy is to label it as a paid advertisement so these differing standards are obvious. This was the case with the FLAME ad. The Herald does not endorse the FLAME ad, but its publication stands. If you have feedback you would like to direct to the Herald, please contact me at or (608) 257-4712 x101. Letters to the editor can be sent to our opinion editors at If you would like to contact FLAME directly, their number is (415) 356-7801. Sincerely,
Signe Brewster
Better answers required to justify holistic admissions W. Lee Hansen Professor, UW-Madison
Exactly how are minority applicant admissions decisions made at the University of Wisconsin? At Monday’s Legislative Assembly committee hearing, Provost Paul DeLuca and Admissions Director Adele Brumfield described the process. They also dismissed the Center for Equal Opportunity study of UW undergraduate admissions that reported “severe discrimination” favoring African Americans and Hispanics. DeLuca began by stating, “No student is admitted simply because of race or any other factor alone. Academics are the most important factor in our admission process. We also have a desire to create a diverse academic community.” But nobody contends that targeted minority students are admitted solely because of their race or any other single factor. What most people don’t know is a great many targeted minority applicants are academically competitive and would be admitted without regard to their race, ethnicity or national origin. UW’s preferential admissions policy is criticized because some targeted minority applicants receive special consideration not afforded by other applicants. This is evident from admissions
office documents obtained in response to an open records request. As UW students know, applicant files include a wealth of information that goes beyond high school class rank and ACT/ SAT scores. They also include details on courses taken in high school, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation and personal statements. The comprehensive review of this information conducted by admissions counselors provides the basis for deciding whether or not to admit applicants. Applicants with strong credentials, particularly those with high ACT/SAT scores and the requisite course preparation, are admitted without question. Applicants with less strong credentials are put into a “postpone” category for later reconsideration. Applicants with weak credentials are rejected. But files of rejected applicants who are members of “targeted” groups, most notably minorities, but also athletes, veterans, returning adults and music or dance majors, receive additional consideration. It is at this stage that “other factors” come into play, and they include “student experiences, work experience, leadership qualities, motivation, community service, special talents … and [being] socio-economically disadvantaged.” How these “other factors” affect admissions
decisions has never been described. How much evidence of, for example, “leadership qualities” or “community service” is required to overcome the weaker academic preparation (e.g., high school rank, ACT scores, difficulty of high school course work) that led to an applicant’s initial rejection? Or “motivation,” “special talents” and “socio-economically disadvantaged”? The CEO study is criticized for failing to consider these “other factors.” But UW can be criticized for being unable to produce any evidence that taking into account these “other factors” improves the ability of the admissions office to determine which of these less academicallycompetitive (initially rejected) targeted minority students have “the potential and the capacity to succeed.” Shouldn’t “a worldclass research university” like UW have long ago undertaken research to answer this simple question? UW officials continue to maintain their “holistic approach” to admissions is consistent with the University of Michigan Supreme Court decisions. To regularly assert their compliance is not enough: We need to see the evidence. W. Lee Hansen ( is a professor emeritus of economics.
Opinion Harsh budget cuts could slash value of UW degree Shawn Rajanayagam Columnist The University of Wisconsin has an illustrious history as one of the best public universities in the world. UW is consistently ranked among the top 40 universities in the world and has a pedigree of producing alumni who rise to the very top in their given fields. Part of this comes down to the university’s ability to attract faculty members of the highest quality, lifting UW’s prestige and providing its young undergraduates with a private school education at public school cost. However, Gov. Scott Walker’s budget amendments have put the esteem of the UW system under severe stress. Walker’s budget asks the university to absorb some $94 million in budget cuts over the next two years, with the result that faculty salaries are dropping — not to mention the inevitable layoffs that accompany a budget cut of such magnitude.
Gov. Scott Walker’s budget amendments have put the esteem of the UW system under severe stress. The salaries earned by UW faculty are already low in comparison with other public universities of comparable size. The average salary of a UW professor is $40,000 less than the salary earned at UCLA, $30,000 less than they would earn at Michigan, and almost $20,000 less than the average salary at Illinois. There has been an exodus among the university’s distinguished faculty — history professor Jeremi Suri, widely considered one of the eminent academics in his field, left his post at UW over the summer to move to
the University of TexasAustin, where he was given a raise of $100,000 on the salary he was earning at UW. To many Wisconsinites, all of this may seem to be a load of nonsense — how can professors earning six figures complain about their salary in a state where the median per capita income is less than half that? But for the students at UW, as well as the UW System itself, the consequences are dire. The UW System depends on incoming students for a large proportion of its income — especially those from outside Wisconsin, who pay almost three times as much in tuition with the expectation that they are getting a firstrate education. About one in three UW students are from out of state, and they provide an invaluable chunk of the university’s revenue. If UW is going to continue to attract these out-of-state students who pay a premium for a UW education, it must invest in its faculty. This investment will be reflected in university rankings, which will influence the out-of-state students who come to Madison expecting the best. For the students as well, the state government’s paucity of investment is a worrying sign. The average total cost of a four-year undergraduate degree is around $100,000. At that cost, students are expecting to get an education that will provide a sizable return upon graduation. A lot of students looking to pick up wellpaying jobs will hope that having UW on their resume will help them get a leg up on their competitors in the employment market. But if the university cuts its budget and professors leave en masse, UW’s ranking will fall and so too will the job prospects for anxious graduates. When asked about why he chose to leave UW, professor Suri remarked, “If our institution isn’t given the resources or allowed more flexibility from state oversight, we’re going to be stuck in
place.” While the second part of his recommendation has been taken up — the university has been given more financial independence from the state — the issue of resources has not been adequately addressed. While the university gains a lot of money from alumni donations — more than $310 million in 2010, down from almost $600 million just five years ago — this is not enough to finance the operations of a university with over 40,000 students and 2,000 faculty members.
If the university cuts its budget and professors leave en masse, UW’s rankings will fall and so too will the job prospects for anxious graduates. UW Chancellor David Ward has a gargantuan task on his hands. Just how he plans to reform the university’s finances without compromising the quality of the faculty remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure — he can’t do it without some compromise on the part of a recalcitrant state legislature. Former Chancellor Biddy Martin didn’t help matters; Martin sided with Walker in advocating cuts to the university’s budget, only to leave UW in the summer and join Amherst College, where she no doubt received a handy raise for her troubles. Whether or not Ward is able to gain some concessions from the state Legislature on the budget cuts is likely to be crucial to his chances of keeping the university in good shape. But given the parsimonious attitude co-opted by Republicans over the past few years, it will be a tough ask. Of course, the other option is to recall Walker and install a new governor. Just saying. Shawn Rajanayagam (rajanayagam@wisc. edu) is a senior majoring in political science and American studies.
More moped parking spaces needed on campus John Waters Columnist There is a growing problem on campus involving moped parking. Along with an increase in the cost of parking permits, there has been a noticeable decrease in available parking spots. This has led to a parking nightmare for students trying to get to class on time. Although the increase in the cost of a permit has irked some students, most say that as long as the spots they were paying for were available, it wouldn’t be an issue. The larger issue students have is that UW Transportation Services
expects them to pay for a parking permit that doesn’t guarantee them a parking spot. I asked several students how often they had trouble finding a spot and found in several problematic areas, people cannot find a spot more than half the time. Parking outside of Ingraham Hall is particularly bad. Nate Straub, a senior majoring in finance, said, “With a removal of available parking spots around Social Sciences, the Ingraham parking lot now gets all the overflow from there, Van Hise and Van Vleck, making it impossible to get a spot.” With the cost of a permit at $85 and an illegal parking ticket costing an additional $40, the university needs to do something about this problem. I talked to Katie Tetkoski, a junior
majoring in finance. With a full schedule and several student org obligations, she found she was wasting a lot of time walking to class. Her solution, a moped, now seems to be just another problem. After she “saw five people getting towed at once,” she was so fed up she started a petition to get the university to create more parking spots. The university has had little to say on the matter, but one student athlete did share an email he received after complaining about getting five tickets in one week. This student, who needs his moped to get to practice and class on time, was told that the reason for the decrease in spots was in response to pedestrian safety issues. The university said mopeds were parking on sidewalks, and so it removed those spots and “created” new
ones near Union South and Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. It is unclear if it created these spots in response to the issue or that the spots simply went up with the new buildings. In what I see as an attempt to decrease the number of permits, UW has raised permit prices. This does not appear to have worked, or at least not well enough to be noticeable. The problem is that students who use mopeds to commute are not like those who use cars. People who drive into campus understand they will be unable to park close to class and will still have a reasonable walk. But for moped users, the idea is they will be able to avoid the walk to class and get there in a timely manner. When they are faced with no spots available and five minutes to class, it is unreasonable to expect
them to spend 10 minutes driving around looking for a spot and to then walk another 10 minutes to the classroom. Transportation Services saw the problem last year and went about solving it in completely the wrong way. The reason there was moped-pedestrian interference in high traffic areas last year was because of a lack of parking. Instead of raising the price of permits to deter people from buying them, increase the price and promise students access to parking spots. These high traffic areas like Grainger and the Chemistry and Psychology buildings are not going to go away. Mopeds are a great alternative means of transportation in this city, and fining permitcarrying students who are trying to get to class makes absolutely no sense.
If the university cannot guarantee spots to every permit holder, then it needs to drastically reduce the cost of the increasingly less useful permit. If not, it should at least put all the extra money from these fines and price increases into creating the necessary parking for students. These are mopeds; they are not semi trucks (like the ones blocking parking at Helen C. White). It is not impossible to create enough space to provide every permit holder what they paid for. Pedestrian safety certainly needs to be a priority, but common sense would say the way to get mopeds off the sidewalk is to have a spot to put them in. So let’s be reasonable, and let them park in peace. John Waters (jkwaters2@ is a junior majoring in journalism.
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To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Thursday, October 20, 2011
INTRODUCING CAMPUS CRUISADERS! A wholesale travel club for students. We travel, we have fun, we make money spreading the word. Call (608)698-8008 for details.
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Campus/Downtown, heated/underground parking available now at the Embassy, 505 University Ave. for $150/month. Monthly payment plan available. Parking also available for $90/month on a monthly payment plan. SC to the sexy ginger sitting in Contact 608-256-7368 for more front of the fire at union south. You dear are the only girl that information. i’ve seen pull off holed jeans in such cool way. From the guy with the green sweater and headphones. see you next time? SC to the girl I sat next to on the 7:00 pm Van Galder to Madison on Sunday night. You were wearing moccasins and had an orange backpack. I was half-heartily reading NPR on my phone - admittedly, feigning interest. I much rather would have spent the ride getting to know you. Redemption over coffee/cider/ice cream/seasonal morsel? - Dude with the pony-tail SC to Jessica in my Psych 430 the words of the band Color Me Bad, I WANNA SEX YOU UP!!! SC to the cute guy I made akward eye-contact with in the cafe at Grainger, I know you were looking at me and you know I was looking at you. Don’t be so shy. We’re now sitting at different tables alone, you should just come over and sit by me. Maybe next time, I’m here a lot so come find me! SC to the girl that came into campus candy thinking she had a “grandma sweater on” and still looking sexy as fuck, and me paying for your candy, please come back in and get my number SC to the cutie with the yellow watch who works out at the SERF on Thursday mornings right before 11am.You make my Thursdays and after a couple of weeks now I look for you to be there. I might be a little shy at first, but after you
get to know me I’m not that way at all. From the guy in the white and blue every Thursday morning. SC to the tall, buzz-cut, brown haired, blued-eyed guy in Mechanical Engineering wearing a black and gray plaid buttonup on Monday around 1pm. 1) You’re the most attractive person I have ever seen in ME. 2) Since you were in ME, I’m assuming you’re pretty intelligent, which makes you even more attractive. 3) If you are straight, single, and a nice guy, please stop me next time you see me. - Brown Eyed Girl in the Gray Hoodie SC: to the guy working at bob’s copy shop this afternoon. you and your smile were charming. i wish i knew if you were single..or just knew your name :)
Holy SC to Erin from Minnesota that I just met at Logans. Stunningly gorgeous and brilliant to match. You have my number, please use it. SC to the sexy young firefighter in the white Oakley sunglasses at the homecoming game. You’re so hot someone needs to hose you down... I’ll volunteer. SC to Alex(?Alec?) in my philosophy 211 class. You are pretty damn cute. I always find my gaze drifting your way just in time to see you looking at me as well. Come say hi :) from the girl who smiled at you today after class. 2nd Chance SO to the cute guy at Noodles. I asked you to surprise me and you did a great job. I should have asked for your number but.. same time next week? :)
Wow, SC to blue shorts stretching outside my apt. tonight. SC to the Brandon I hooked Damn. -the person who will up with a few weekends ago. start running because of you. You didn’t get my number, but you were the sweetest guy SC to the really cute guy in a ever and you have no idea how red sweatshirt who held the much you helped me that night. door open for me to Java Den. I thought the only thing that SC to the cute guy in red plaid could brighten my Monday in my latin american revolutions was coffee, but you definitely class. Your comments make proved me wrong. -The girl me smile. Let’s study together? also in red ;) --girl behind you who obviously didn’t read this week SC To the breath taking girl I saw tonight. At whiskey, at SC to the adorable guy in Cafe chasers, at kk, I fell for you Royal at 2:30 today. Watching hard. In a way, I’m glad you de- you groove to the music and nied me the opportunity to talk, figure out the puzzles in the I’d have probably fucked things paper while drinking coffee up somehow. P.s. If you ever was so endearing. -The girl want to see me, try vintage on in the black North Face at the Mondays. That or come in to table kitty-corner to yours who hotel red. I regret entirely not exclaimed “I love this song!” to having the balls to talk to you Pumped Up Kicks. Same time earlier than The last minute, next week? like I did.
The Badger Herald | Thursday, October 20, 2011
Useful as Kindling, Fly-Swatter Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Thursday, October 20, 2011
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Alternative toilet paper
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Millwall Brick (google it)
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
18 20 24
48 52 57
49 53
50 54
55 59
Puzzle by Samuel A. Donaldson
Across 1 It’s better than prison 8 #1 on Bravo’s all-time “100 Funniest Movies” list 15 Latitude 16 They may be grilled 17 Give back 18 Italian red 19 Country Music Mo. 20 Mine, in Milan 21 Squirreled away 22 Alphabet trio 23 X 25 Adams behind a lens 27 Good call letters for Radio Disney? 28 W.W. II attacker 30 Suffix with hotel 31 Emmynominated sitcom of the early 1970s 32 Lacking bargaining power, maybe
35 37
21 25
34 Waiter 35 Prominent location to build on (as suggested by this puzzle?) 37 Mathematical subgroups 40 You can’t go through with it 44 Dough 45 Rear 46 Farm letters? 47 When the French toast? 48 Kind of cell in biology 50 Big name in balls 51 One on either side of the St. Gotthard Pass 52 1900s, e.g.: Abbr. 53 Where the Ringling Brothers circus began: Abbr. 55 Org. employing Ethan Hunt in film 56 “Anything but!” 58 Mount
CROSSWORD cally 26 Six Nations tribe 27 Kind of candidate who’s rarely successful 29 It matures in 1 to 10 yrs. 31 Place to live 33 Org. supported by the 16th Amendment 34 End of some scores 36 Missing persons 37 Gets rid of everybody, say 38 Forecast 39 Royal rod, in Britain 41 Investigate 42 Speedy delivery 43 Place where people work for beans? 45 Hymn leader 48 Baseball general manager Billy 49 Lavender 52 Fellow 54 To so high a degree 57 Wed 59 Conductance unit
Holyoke cool Kids” graduates, 8 Zodiac e.g. symbol 60 Seven-time 9 Nothing major-league 10 Scholar’s refAll-Star erence abbr. Alfonso 11 Start of a 61 Sailing confession enthusiast, 12 Who wrote informally “Wealth is 62 Help the product 63 Place of of man’s learning capacity to think” Down 13 Leaves alone 1 Always going 14 Vacationer’s outside? help 2 ___ Ob24 Big eyes, servatory, metaphorihome of the world’s Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ largest singleOne thing I can say about Governor aperture Rick Perry is that radio he’s got a great telescope head of hair. 3 Has as a base And this electoral 4 Subject of season we’ll take many lab what we can get. tests PERRY 2012 sponsored by 5 Biblical Pert Plus. kingdom 6 Tiny groove 7 Publication with a 1997 headline “Drug Use Down Among Un-
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman
The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, October 20, 2011
Jewop draws on beats, harmony, culture alike Say shalom to campus’ co-ed Judaism-themed a cappella group Aly Pavela ArtsEtc. Reporter What do you get when you combine Glee, the Madhatters and a bit of Judaism? Add bi-weekly practice and fun-loving members and you get Jewop, the University of Wisconsin’s premier Jewish a cappella group. In a word, club member Rebecca Schwab said, “Jewop is simply vibrant and new.” Sponsored by UW Hillel, Jewop is now in its sixth year and is receiving an increasing amount of attention around campus. Originally formed at Nicolet High School in Glendale, Wis., Jewop was brought to UW by two of its members in 2006. Anna Volodarskaya, a senior in the club, explained how Jewop has evolved. “It used to be more of a casual [thing], a group of friends, friends
of friends, signing in different places, maybe performing.” Jewop took the leap from singing group to a cappella group when Volodarskaya took over her sophomore year. A cappella music is performed only with voices; no instruments are used. Don’t let the name deceive you, though — members need not be Jewish to be join. Volodarskaya explained that roughly half of Jewop’s members are Jewish. Jewop instead features music with a Jewish connection or theme. “We focus on singing music that has a Jewish tilt, or a Jewish background, or has some Jewish about it, whether it’s Yiddish, or Hebrew or a prayer. It also could have a Jewish theme or be sung by a Jewish performer,” she said. But that doesn’t mean Jewop’s music is solely similar to what you’d expect to hear during a production of “Fiddler on the Roof.” “We pride ourselves
in that we have a great variety of music in term of genre,” Volodarskaya said. She explained that Jewop has sung everything from Hasidic reggae rap and traditional Yiddish music to folk and pop music. The group has covered songs by many artists, including Matisyahu, Regina Spektor, Neil Young and the Barry Sisters. Their most current project is a parody of LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” titled “Jewop Shabbat Anthem.” Jewop held auditions this fall and currently has 17 members — its largest number yet. But it’s more than just an a cappella group. It’s a community. “Most of us are best friends in the group, either from knowing each other before or from Jewop. People come into Jewop knowing that we are going to spend so much time together and work on team building that all of us are really good friends. We do Jewop parties and dinners,” Volodarskaya said. Schwab added, “I get a social life, a therapeutic
Photo courtesy of Jewop
Jewop, which members stressed is equal parts community and musical ensemble, is pictured performing at the Suicide Prevention Walk last year. break from studying and a purpose from Jewop.” Sounds like more than your average club. Volodarskaya also explained that Jewop prizes positivity and a strong team dynamic. “It’s all about being happy when you walk into rehearsal, and when you walk out. Hopefully,” Volodarskaya commented with a laugh. Although Jewop is one of many a cappella groups on campus, its members
feel a sense of comradery, rather than rivalry toward the other groups. Volodarskaya explained, “We are big fans of them [Tangled Up in Blue, Madhatters]. We think they are great. We all present something different.” Last spring, Jewop had its first solo show at Hillel and received an impressive turnout of over a hundred people. It has also sung at events like the Suicide Prevention
Walk and Sellery Idol and at locations like retirement communities and Memorial Union. In addition, the group has conducted workshops with middle school bands. “Jewop is an up-andcoming group on campus that is something a little new,” Volodarskaya said. “We are just really excited to offer something different to people and add to the a cappella community and be a part of that.”
No kernel of truth to corn syrup’s deleterious effects Allegra Dimperio Chew on This Columnist
Photo courtesy of Hopeless Records
Tonight, rock group Yellowcard plans to play a mixture of old hits and songs from its latest album, When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes.
For pop-punk nostalgia, Majestic gets Yellowcard Violin-inclusive quintet leaves ‘Ocean Avenue’ for Madison’s King Street Jacob Fricke ArtsEtc. Writer Nostalgia is not something to be taken lightly. Sometimes, a rush to move on to the next big thing leaves something bigger and better behind. Nearly a decade after their smash hit “Ocean Avenue,” Jacksonville, Florida’s favorite sons Yellowcard have returned with their seventh studio album, When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes. The pop-punk quintet has been on the road supporting the album since it released in March, and violinist/vocalist Sean Mackin couldn’t be happier. “When Yellowcard wanted to put out a new record — what eventually became When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes — we were really excited,” Mackin said. “We didn’t know what it was going to mean, or if anyone would really care. All those creeping doubts …” Yet the doubts proved to be fruitless, as the album became Yellowcard’s
most critically successful release of their career. Mackin attributes this to their collaboration as songwriters. “I’m so lucky to be in such a talented band. In every way we push ourselves to push the envelope,” he said. “We have so many different songwriters. … All of us are really involved. We just play off each other.” This closeness is a result
“To be a band that grew up never thinking about radio play and ending up on MTV, it was absolutely amazing that the song took off. We’re definitely not running away from that moment in our life.”
Sean Mackin
Violinist/Vocalist, Yellowcard
of their longevity as a band. “When we started about 10 years ago, we knew what we wanted, we made our mistakes and now we try to stay away from those,” Mackin said. “I don’t think we’re to the point where we don’t enjoy ourselves or
being with the younger bands.” Yellowcard, however, has something those other bands don’t: a charttopping hit. 2004’s “Ocean Avenue” catapulted the band into the pop-punk stratosphere. And even after eight years of the song, Mackin isn’t tired of it, saying, “It’s not something we’re shying away from or hiding.” “To be a band that grew up never thinking about radio play and ending up on MTV, it was absolutely amazing that the song took off,” Mackin says. “We’re definitely not running away from that moment in our life. We still look back and say ‘that was amazing.’” And so, after 15 years as a band and several in the spotlight, Yellowcard has achieved something they never thought they would: consistency. “If we go the rest of our lives touring these clubs and playing to these fans, I would love to do that. We get to play music for a living.” And indeed, why live in the nostalgic past when there is so much to experience now? Yellowcard will perform Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Majestic Theater. Tickets are $25. Go to for more information.
I have a confession to make: I’m an anti-high fructose corn syrup person. Call me a food faddist or a granola nut, but I just cannot bring myself to accept corn as a replacement for sugar. Perhaps it’s the fact that the syrup is enzymatically processed or that corn is also the main ingredient in ethanol. Maybe it’s that high fructose corn syrup has quietly snuck its way into nearly every product category, from cereals to yogurts to condiments. Or maybe my aversion was caused by the fact that some research has linked HFCS to obesity. It is this last “fact” that I am going to devote today’s column to. The rise in HFCS consumption coincided with the increase in obesity, causing some to speculate the syrup cased the increase. The syrup is something we all consume every day, yet research on HFCS has been contradictory at best, flat out wrong at worst. The trouble is determining which. Since the 55 percent fructose, 45 percent glucose syrup mixture was introduced as an ingredient in the ‘70s, relatively little research has been done on its effects on the body. While the Food and Drug Administration classified HFCS as “generally recognized as safe” in 1976, “safe” and “good for you” are two very different things. Research was only spurred by the large increase in consumption — between 1989 and 2004, intake of HFCS more than doubled. The syrup found its way into more and more products as manufacturers ditched increasingly expensive sugar. Today, HFCS is in a whopping 53 percent of all foods containing caloric sweetener, causing researchers to take note. Yet while research has increased, knowledge
hasn’t. While some scientists published research saying that HFCS did cause obesity, some declared it caused odd increases in body fat and still others said the syrup was no more responsible for obesity than regular sugar. It was that first finding that received the most media attention and spawned the no HFCS movement. The movement, led by people angry at subsidized foods, fed up with food manufacturer’s
The studies finding a link were flawed: Some tests used animal subjects; others looked at the effects of 100 percent fructose. New research found no link to obesity with moderate consumption and proved the body digests the syrup in exactly the same way as regular sugar. These findings are supported by the American Medical Association, the American Dietetic Association and the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Yet consumers remain unconvinced.
shortcuts and worried about their health, proved a success. Companies like Kashi saw their profits soar and Pepsi, one of the companies largely responsible for the introduction of HFCS into American diets in the first place, saw great success with its Throwback sodas. Other companies began coming out with noHFCS lines, and Wheat Thins and Gatorade removed the syrup from their products
completely. This is when the Corn Refiners Association began to panic. It released a series of damage control ads with a little girl claiming, “Mom, high fructose corn syrup is OK in moderation” while simultaneously calling for renewed research efforts. It was adamant there was no link between its product and obesity. More research was done, and, lo and behold, it appears the group was right. The studies finding a link were flawed: Some tests used animal subjects; others looked at the effects of 100 percent fructose. New research found no link to obesity with moderate consumption and proved the body digests the syrup in exactly the same way as regular sugar. These findings are supported by the American Medical Association, the American Dietetic Association and the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Yet consumers remain unconvinced. In a 2010 CBS poll taken after the findings were released, 87 percent of respondents still believed HFCS was “bad for you.” Only 13 percent believed the scientifically supported evidence to the contrary. It is hard to know if the tide will ever turn back in favor of HFCS. The Corn Refiners Association is doing its damndest to ensure it does, using the term “corn sugar” to refer to the product and circumvent the stigma of “high fructose.” If the FDA’s pleas to stop this practice are any indication, it may take awhile for consumers to come back around to the product. As for me, I will probably continue to eat my Kashi products and stay away from soda. But with the knowledge that HFCS isn’t actually evil, I may reintroduce ketchup into my life and have the occasional store-bought dessert. Only in moderation, of course. Allegra Dimperio (adimperio@badgerherald. com) is a junior majoring in journalism.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, October 20, 2011
KORGER, from 12 beat down at Notre Dame. Besides Russell Wilson, what else is new and improved about Wisconsin heading into the biggest game thus far of the season? There’s the perfect balance of the Wisconsin offense, as the Badgers have gained a total of 1,594 yards in the air and 1,545 on the ground. There’s the defense, which is currently allowing the third fewest points in the FBS. Top that off with a four year starter at quarterback and the Badgers have all they need to pull off the biggest road win since beating Iowa just a year ago. I understand this is Wisconsin’s first real road game, perhaps their first big test of the season
(five of six games were in the dominant confines of Camp Randall), but Wisconsin is just too balanced on offense to be stopped. If you recall the agonizing defeat last year against Michigan State, it wasn’t the Michigan State defense that won the game, but it was the Wisconsin defense that let the game slip away. Obviously football is a team effort, but against Michigan State one year ago the Badgers allowed Kirk Cousins to complete 20-29 passes for 269 yards and three touchdowns along with two interceptions. The Spartans also seemed to control the game throughout, as they successfully converted two fourth downs, including the game winning
touchdown pass with 2:43 remaining in the game. So what can you take from all of this? Talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. Michigan State has only faced two real opponents so far, and none of these games were as convincing as Wisconsin’s beat down on Nebraska. Look for the Badgers to get after Cousins early and the Wisconsin offense to beat up the brash Michigan State D as Wisconsin nabs its first win at Michigan State since 2002. Nick is a senior majoring in history and English. What do you think about Michigan State’s pregame chatter? Tell him about it at nkorger@ and let him know what you think.
FALLS, from 12 that we can do anything. We just always need to know and believe that.” The match appeared to be a fight from the start, as Wisconsin and Minnesota fought back and forth throughout the first set. Two serving errors hampered the Gophers early while Badger freshmen outside hitters Crystal Graff and Ellen Chapman pillaged the floor for a combined 11 kills, leading the team to a 25-22 win. With no team ever gaining more than a three point lead, it was fitting that Graff should end the first set with a kill, considering the freshman totaled five kills in the first
FRONT 7, from 12 our ability to contain the run. We’re not going to let their size or anything like that intimidate us and hold us back from a great game.” Baker and Bell are a big duo, but the defense feels it’s faced this type of backfield threat before. “They run really hard, so you need to tackle them very well,” defensive tackle Patrick
set, second only to Chapman’s six. On the other side of the net, Wisconsin struggled to contain one of the conference’s best hitters in Minnesota’s Ashley Wittman. Wittman harassed the Badgers throughout the contest with 21 kills. Highlighting the Badgers offensively was Thomas, as the freshman fell one kill short of a triple-double with 9 kills, 16 assists and 22 digs. “I think we’re doing all the right things right now,” Waite said. “I think we’re getting better all the time. That’s a top-15 team we lost to tonight, and we went to five with them and barely lost it.
Butrym said. “A lot like Rex Burkhead from Nebraska. You need to tackle well.” The Badgers held Nebraska to 159 rushing yards. Burkhead only gained 96 yards and one touchdown, a less-thanaverage performance for the 5-foot-11, 210-pound running back. UW’s strong performance against Burkhead bodes well for the run defense, as both
I think we’re gradually improving along the way. If Crystal is able to play, great; if not, we have to have the next person come in and stabilize us.” After once again battling with a top team, the Badgers continue to be on the brink of a large upset. “It’s true they’re gaining so much experience on the court right now, and that’s phenomenal,” Waite said. “These guys will continue to make progress throughout the spring going into next fall, but we want these games now. And they’re going to get more and more hungry to win these until we get one of these (upsets).”
Butrym and Borland feel Burkhead was good preparation for MSU’s backfield duo. “[Burkhead’s] a heck of a player,” Borland said. “He’s in a similar mold for Baker and Bell; the only difference is Michigan State has a little more depth. I felt like Rex, at times, had to shoulder the whole load for Nebraska, but Michigan State can throw four guys at you. We’ll be ready for them.” Indiana’s 67-yard sprint came a drive after Butrym left the game with a left ankle sprain. The Badgers’ defense has seen four players miss starts due to injuries. Butrym is expected to play Saturday, but regardless, Wisconsin is satisfied with its depth, confident that the next guy is always prepped to step in when needed. “When you’ve got a lot of guys getting in there to play, there’s not a lot of drop off with twos,” Butrym said. “That’s never a concern of ours; we’ve got a lot of guys that can play.” The run game is an essential part of football, and stopping the run is never the easiest thing. But if Wisconsin wants to keep up its invincible juggernaut front, the run defense cannot have many more miscommunications — especially against teams like Michigan State. Partidge trusts his team has learned from its mistake. Now it’s a small matter of getting everyone to the ball. “The biggest thing we need to do is get everybody to the ball,” Partridge said. “We know that one guy, one-on-one tackling — they’re special running backs, and we’ve got to get all eleven guys to the ball every chance we get.”
Gridiron Nation Editor: Brett Sommers |
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, October 20, 2011
THIS WEEK'S TOP GAMES No. 4 Oklahoma State at Missouri
No. 6 Wisconsin at No. 16 Michigan State
Sat., Oct. 22 • 11 a.m.
Sat., Oct. 22 • 7 p.m.
Upset special of the week! Missouri is only 3-3, but all three losses have been close games with teams that were ranked at some point this season. Anyone remember then No. 1 Oklahoma’s trip to Missouri last year?
Michigan State was Wisconsin’s bane to an undefeated regular season last year. The Badgers travel to East Lansing again this season looking to get a quality win to help them in the BCS computer rankings.
No. 25 Washington at No. 8 Stanford Sat., Oct. 22 • 9:15 p.m. Washington has not beaten anyone worth noting all season, but as they have climbed into the polls they have an opportunity to upset Andrew Luck and Stanford. This is also Stanford’s first ranked opponent of the season.
The ranking of Wisconsin in the Kenneth Massey poll that figures into the BCS standings. The computer rankings appear to be stacked against Wisconsin this season. Overall, the Badgers were ranked No. 11 by the computers.
NATIONAL RANKINGS BCS Standings 1. LSU 2. Alabama 3. Oklahoma 4. Oklahoma St. 5. Boise State 6. Wisconsin 7. Clemson 8. Stanford 9. Arkansas 10. Oregon 11. Kansas St. 12. Virginia Tech 13. Nebraska
14. S. Carolina 15. West Virginia 16. Michigan St. 17. Texas A&M 18. Michigan 19. Houston 20. Auburn 21. Penn State 22. Georgia Tech 23. Illinois 24. Texas 25. Washington
1. Andrew Luck, QB, Stanford ‘11: 1,719 yards, 19 Total TDs 2. Russell Wilson, QB, Wisconsin ‘11: 1,557 yards, 17 Total TDs 3. Kellen Moore, QB, Boise State ‘11: 1,729 yards, 21 TDs 4. Trent Richardson, RB, Ala. ‘11: 912 yards, 16 Total TDs 5. Robert Griffin III, QB, Baylor ‘11 1,950 yards, 24 Total TDs
SEC — It continues to get harder and harder to argue with how good the SEC is and how good its players are. Can it please be Nov. 5 so LSU and Alabama can play already and give the No. 1 or 2 team a loss?
Big XII — The BCS computers absolutely love Oklahoma State. Four out of six different computers rank the Cowboys as the best team in the country. And the conference only has one team with a losing record.
Big Ten — Oh, how all but the mightiest have fallen. Wisconsin is the only unbeaten team in the Big Ten after Michigan and Illinois lost Saturday. The conference just made itself look a little weaker.
ACC — Georgia Tech fell on the road to Virginia (not a good loss) and Clemson was forced to overcome an 18-point deficit to Maryland on Saturday to remain undefeated. The ACC needs to be more consistent to match the top three conferences.
Pac-12 — The entire Pac-12 has either struggled greatly or hasn’t played anyone to prove it has any real good teams. The overall winning percentage of the Pac-12 (.554) pales even to the ACC (.618)
Conf. 3-1 2-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2
Overall 7-0 4-2 3-3 2-4 3-3 1-5 Overall 6-1 6-1 4-2 3-3 3-3 5-2
Conference far from golden age of Schembechler, Hayes Brett Sommers Statistics Editor Each of the past three weekends, and probably much of the season, two Big Ten coaching icons have taken turns rolling over in their graves. Bo Schembechler and Woody Hayes, once the proud patriarchs of the Big Ten Conference spanning the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s, and two of the most competitive coaches sports will ever see, would certainly be disappointed with a great many things that have occurred within the conference over the past year. Let us begin with the dismay of Schembechler. Things were looking good this year for the Wolverines. First-year Michigan coach Brady Hoke had led the program to a 6-0 start, and talk of an undefeated run to the inaugural Big Ten Championship Game was beginning to spread. The toughest test of Michigan’s season lay ahead in the form of Michigan State. Bo would have almost laughed at the prospect of facing the Spartans. During his 21 years at Michigan, Schembechler compiled a record of 17-4 against Michigan State, hardly a rivalry when the series was so easily dominated by the Wolverines. But Bo’s nightmare became a reality last Saturday. Michigan’s unblemished record was scarred on the road, and the sweep was complete. For the fourth straight season, Michigan State defeated its more heralded instate brethren. The 2012 Michigan State senior class will forever be able to brag about its conquest of Michigan during its tenure. Schembechler lost a total of 24 conference games in his entire career at Michigan; the thought of losing four games to the same team in four years could surely torment his resting soul. How about Schembechler’s mentor, and later nemesis, Woody
Hayes? It would seem if such a catastrophe could happen to Michigan, nothing would disturb Hayes’ rest; after all, Hayes’ hatred of the Wolverines often caused him to refuse mentioning the name “Michigan,” instead preferring to call his greatest rival ‘“that team up north.” The success Ohio State appeared to be having year in and year out was about to come to a screeching halt with the discovery that marquee Buckeye players had been accepting improper benefits and would be suspended for a portion of the 2012 season. Then it was discovered that former and arguably the best coach Ohio State had seen since Hayes, Jim Tressel, lied about having knowledge of the situation to the NCAA. And the rest is history. Star quarterback and suspendee Terrelle Pryor decided to enter the NFL supplemental draft, and Tressel resigned. Ohio State was forced to vacate all 12 wins from 2010, including its Sugar Bowl win, due to ineligible players. Now in 2011, Ohio States sits at 4-3 overall and 1-2 in Big Ten Play, licking its wounds, not resembling anything reminiscent of Woody Hayes’ program or Ohio State. The two coaches served as symbols of greatness for their football programs. Schembechler led the Wolverines to 13 Big Ten Championships, and Hayes matched that, along with three national titles. That leads me to the allencompassing reason for why these historical figures would be filled with such deep disappointment if either were around today. The Big Ten has turned into a bit of a joke when it comes to football. As much as I hate to feel this way and point it out, the simple fact of the matter is that it is hard to argue against. I am certainly not the first to say it. SEC fans have been claiming it for years, while we have whole-heartedly defended our conference, striving to believe — or perhaps convince ourselves — that the Big Ten is really on the same level as the SEC or even the Big 12. The computers have said it emphatically with the release of the initial 2011 BCS standings.
But for the clearest indication, just look at the Big Ten’s bowl game record over the past five seasons: 12-24 (.333). Ouch! Only three schools from the Big Ten have won national championships since Woody Hayes’ last in 1968: Joe Paterno and Penn State in 1982 and 1986, Lloyd Carr and Michigan in 1997 and Tressel and Ohio State in 2002. That is pretty suspect variety and frequency when you consider the SEC has won five national titles in a row with four different teams. I am proud to be a Badger and could not be more thrilled about the opportunity to run the table in the Big Ten and compete for a spot in the national title game, but everybody knows if two other teams from the SEC or Big 12 conferences finish undefeated with Wisconsin, we get the consolation prize of the Rose Bowl. Very nice, but not quite what everyone in Wisconsin is hoping for. The reason? As clearly pointed out by the computer ranking system of the BCS, Wisconsin simply doesn’t have the same caliber of wins or play a strong enough schedule down the stretch. The latter is because the Big Ten isn’t that good. Wisconsin is the last remaining undefeated team in the Big Ten and the only Big Ten team ranked inside the top 15 (apart from Nebraska, whom the Badgers already dismantled). The best the Badgers can do is try to win by as wide a margin as possible and hope some good teams lose. Not quite the same methods used by Bo and Woody, who during their 10 years coaching against each other were forced to share a Big Ten title six times. Five of those six years both teams finished ranked in the top 10 in the AP and coaches’ polls. That was competition. So, Big Ten fans, although I am admittedly putting myself in the line of fire, I hope you are not still kidding yourselves that the Big Ten is a national power. Right now it can’t compete. Hopefully someday that will change, and Bo and Woody will once again be able to be as proud of the Big Ten as when they were chasing national championships themselves.
1 2
Powerful Offense Quickly Losing its Potency Consecutive weeks have seen the demise of two offensive focal points for the South Carolina Gamecocks. First was the dismissal from the team of starting quarterback Stephen Garcia, who struggled to avoid throwing interceptions, and now star running back Marcus Lattimore is out for the rest of the season after tearing a ligament in his knee Saturday at Mississippi State.
It Starts... The first round of the 2011 BCS Rankings have been released, and as always there will be plenty of controversy and talk of the need to get rid of the computers and have a playoff. This year, it already appears that Wisconsin will be the team with the most to complain about. Does any “real” person think that the Badgers are only the eleventh best team in the country?
Conf. 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-2
Overall 5-1 5-1 5-1 3-4 3-4 4-2 2-4 4-2
Associated Press
Losing four times in as many years to Michigan State would make legendary Michigan coach Bo Schembechler sick, as would the rest of the conference’s play this season.
Team Ga. Tech Va. Tech Virginia Duke Miami UNC
Team Rutgers Cinci. WVU UCONN Pitt Syracuse Louisville S. Florida
Moore boosted his Heisman Stock a little bit this week by outperforming fellow QBs Andrew Luck, Russell Wilson and Robert Griffin III with a flawless game. 26-of-30, 338 yards, four TDs and no picks.
Dantonio had Michigan State ready to play Saturday and is now 4-0 in his tenure against Michigan. He also agreed to a five-year contract extension with the Spartans last week.
Conf. 4-0 3-1 1-2 1-2 0-2 0-3
Kellen Moore Quarterback, Boise St.
Mark Dantonio Michigan State
Team Clemson WF FSU Maryland NC State BC
Wilds was anointed “our top guy” by Steve Spurrier after Heisman candidate Marcus Lattimore tore a ligament in his knee Saturday. Wilds has only carried the ball 13 times this year and has yet to score a touchdown. Big shoes to fill.
T-14. W. Virginia T-14. Va. Tech 16. Kansas State 17. Michigan 18. Texas A&M 19. Georgia Tech 20. Houston 21. Illinois 22. Penn State 23. Auburn 24. Washington 25. Arizona State
Probably not a quarterback that a lot of people outside Washington have heard of, but Price is quietly ranked fifth in the nation in passer rating at 177.9, and he has a 21:4 TD to interception ratio. Price will be key to an upset of Stanford.
Brandon Wilds Running Back, SCAR
1. Oklahoma (31) 2. LSU (15) 3. Alabama (12) 4. Wisconsin (1) 5. Stanford 6. Oklahoma St. 7. Boise State 8. Clemson 9. Oregon 10. Arkansas 11. Nebraska 12. S. Carolina 13. Michigan St.
Keith Price Quarterback, Wash.
USA Today Top 25
Leaders Team Penn St. Wisconsin Illinois Purdue Ohio State Indiana
Conf. 3-0 2-0 2-1 1-1 1-2 0-3
Overall 6-1 6-0 6-1 3-3 4-3 1-6
Legends Team Mich. St. Michigan Nebraska Iowa Minn. NU
Conf. 2-0 2-1 1-1 1-1 0-2 0-3
Overall 5-1 6-1 5-1 4-2 1-5 2-4
PAC-12 North Team Stanford Oregon Wash. Wash. St. Oregon St California
Conf. 4-0 3-0 3-0 1-2 1-2 0-3
Team AZ St. USC UCLA Utah Colorado Arizona
Conf. 3-1 3-1 2-1 0-3 0-3 0-4
Overall 6-0 5-1 5-1 3-3 1-5 3-3
South Overall 5-2 5-1 3-3 3-3 1-6 1-5
BIG XII Team Kansas St. Oklahoma Ok. St. A&M Baylor Texas TTU Missouri Iowa State Kansas
Conf. 3-0 3-0 3-0 2-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 0-3 0-3
Overall 6-0 6-0 6-0 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-2 3-3 3-3 2-4
SEC East Team S Carolina Georgia Florida Vandy Tennessee Kentucky
Conf. 4-1 4-1 2-3 1-3 0-3 0-3
Team Alabama LSU Auburn Arkansas Ole Miss Miss St.
Conf. 4-0 4-0 3-1 1-1 0-3 0-4
Overall 6-1 5-2 4-2 3-3 3-3 2-4
West Overall 7-0 7-0 5-2 5-1 2-4 3-4
2011 STAT LEADERS Quarterback Rating 1. Russell Wilson, Wisc. 2. Robert Griffin III, Baylor 3. Andrew Luck, Stanford 4. Kellen Moore, Boise State 5. Keith Price, Washington
210.9 205.7 180.5 179.7 177.9
Rushing Yards 1. Ray Graham, Pittsburgh 2. Trent Richardson, Ala. 3. David Wilson, Va. Tech 4. LaMichael James, Oregon 5. Bernard Pierce, Temple
945 912 903 852 844
Receiving Yards 1. Jordan White, WMU 2. A.J. Jenkins, Illinois 3. Keenan Allen, California 4. Ryan Broyles, Oklahoma 5. Robert Woods, USC
922 895 828 815 783
Sacks 1. Whitney Mercilus, Illinois 10.0 2. Vinny Curry, Marshall 9.5 3. Nordly Capi, Colo. St. 8.0 4. Sean Porter, Texas A&M 7.5 5. Andre Branch, Clemson 7.0
Sports Editor Mike Fiammetta
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, October 20, 2011
UW’s front 7 readies for Baker, Bell Despite Indiana’s 67yard touchdown run, Wisconsin believes it will contain Sparty Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor It was 2nd and 2; Indiana wasn’t having a great day, but the run was working. From his own 33-yard line, IU running back Stephen Houston saw UW linebackers Mike Taylor and Chris Borland shift inside. Houston bounced outside and took it down the Indiana sideline 67 yards and into end zone for his team’s lone score of the day. The Wisconsin defense gave up 223 rushing yards against Indiana — the most it’s given up all year — largely as a result of a miscommunication on defense that led to the 67yard touchdown. If there’s one aspect lagging behind for the Badgers, it’s the run defense. While it’s ranked No. 7 nationally for total defense, Wisconsin drops to No. 42 in stopping the run.
“If every guy is accountable and does a good job with the communication part of things and keeps getting better, then we’ll be in great shape,” co-defensive coordinator and defensive line coach Charlie Partridge said. When it comes to stopping the run, communication is the key.
“I think what it boils down to is every man taking care of their job. ... We’re just going to do what we do every week and everything is going to be fine.” Ethan Hemer Defensive tackle This season, the Badgers have given up a total of 739 rushing yards. For only six games, it’s not a horrible mark, but Partridge believes his defense needs to clean some things up. “I think the biggest thing is we had a
communication error which accounted for about 70 yards,” Partridge said. “There was a new series of plays that they came in with, a couple times for about 20 yards a pop. It’s really just cleaning things up and doing our job and executing, then we’ll be fine.” While these changes can come as a unit, defensive tackle Ethan Hemer believes the improvements need to come individually. So far this season, the current starting defensive line has a total of 52 tackles. Starting linebacker Chris Borland has 58 tackles to his name in the same span of time. “I think what it boils down to is every man taking care of their job,” Hemer said. “As a whole, defensively, we’re just going to do what we do every week and everything is going to be fine. It just comes down to getting off the blocks and making plays. “Schematically, we feel very good about what we have set up; it’s all about winning the one-on-one battles.” As it voyages to East
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
Wisconsin linebacker Chris Borland has been a sideline-to-sideline defender for the Badgers, recording 58 tackles after six games. Lansing for the second year in a row, the defense faces some sizable Michigan State running backs. Edwin Baker — 88 rushing attempts for 419 yards and two touchdowns — and Le’Veon Bell — 59 rushing attempts for a 287 yards and six touchdowns — lead the Spartans run game. The stats aren’t stunningly impressive,
but the 6-foot-2, 237-pound Bell and 5-foot-9, 210-pound Baker can make a bruising. “They are bigger than a lot of guys we’ve faced,” Borland said. “They run really hard. These are top caliber guys, some of the best of the Big Ten running backs there, some of the best guys in the nation. They’re fast, physical, make the right cuts and reads. They’re hard to bring down, so it’s
going to be a challenge for our defense.” They may be hard to bring down, but the defense is confi dent in its ability to contain the run game. “Michigan State has fantastic running backs,” Hemer said. “We’re definitely aware of their talent, their speed, their size, but I would say that we feel very confident in
FRONT 7, page 10
Talk is cheap: Spartans won’t survive Saturday Nick Korger Korger’s Korner
Jacob Schwoerer The Badger Herald
Alexis Mitchell (airborne) had 12 kills against UMN and was the only UW player in double thirds. Before the match, Mitchell had 160 kills.
Wisconsin falls short vs. No. 14 Minnesota Underdog Badgers push match to 5 sets against Golden Gophers, lose 3-2 Nick Korger Extra Points Editor The Wisconsin volleyball team fought long and hard against the No. 14 Minnesota Gophers Wednesday night but fell short in five sets: 25-22, 23-25, 18-25, 25-21, 10-15. In a match that featured 25 tied scores and 14 lead changes, Wisconsin and Minnesota clawed back and forth for five grueling sets. But when it came down to it, Wisconsin couldn’t hold on in the fifth set as Minnesota used a six-point run from a 7-9 hole and four Wisconsin attack errors to take the lead for good. “We just didn’t attack as well in the last set,” freshman Courtney Thomas said. “We could’ve came out with the win.” The close match was even more impressive considering the Badgers were without standout freshman Crystal Graff after the second set. Graff was factoring to be a major player in the match, as she recorded eight kills in limited
action. With Graff out for a knee injury, Wisconsin saw two players step up to fill the void left. Freshman Caroline Workman stepped in defensively for the Badgers, and junior Bailey Reshel played a major role offensively up front in larger roles and helped to keep the Badgers close throughout.
“The thing I was so impressed with was the fact we out-blocked them 14-7 and we out-dug them. Offensively, they were slightly ahead of us, but we battled back. We let them slip away at the end ... ” Pete Waite
Head coach
“It was extremely important those two stepped up,” head coach Pete Waite said. “I thought Caroline was serving tough and that was great, and Bailey got in there and took some good swings. The thing I was so impressed with was the fact we out-blocked them 14-7
and we out-dug them. Offensively, they were slightly ahead of us, but we battled back. We let them slip away at the end, so that’s where we’ll have to be more solid in every aspect of our game.” It looked for a while like the Badgers were going to be sent packing in the fourth set. But Thomas and the Badgers didn’t let that happen, as a Wisconsin rally that brought the crowd of the Field House to its feet Wednesday night saved the set. Minnesota’s strong kills gave the Gophers a late 18-15 lead, but two kills each by junior Alexis Mitchell and Thomas combined with two service aces from sophomore Annemarie Hickey helped give the Badgers a 23-19 lead and ensured a fifth set. “That run was huge,” Waite said. “Over the course of the match, I don’t think there were nearly as many big runs for either team. It felt like it was neck and neck the whole match, which says a lot for us stabilizing things in our game.” “I think that showed how great of a team we can be,” Thomas said. “It showed we could beat anyone we face. All of the players should believe after a set like
FALLS, page 10
The Michigan State defense seems to be enjoying its new role as the “bad boys” of the Big Ten following last week’s smash mouth win against Michigan. Spartan defensive end William Gholston decided to take a few cheap shots on Michigan players. First it was an after-the-whistle sucker punch to Michigan offensive lineman Taylor Lewan. But Gholston wasn’t done there, as the defensive end dove on a clearly down Michigan quarterback Denard Robinson and twisted his helmet violently by the facemask, looking more like an attempt to break the quarterback’s neck than an attempt at the ball. Then there was the quote by Michigan State safety Isaiah Lewis, who decided to take a shot at the Badgers immediately following their victory against Michigan. “Wisconsin should know we’re coming,” Lewis said to the press. “They have a good offense and that quarterback. But they should just know our defense is coming. And just like any other team, if they’re throwing the ball up, our DB’s are going to go get it, our linebackers are going to go get it and our lineman are getting after the quarterback. And they’re going to hurt him.” I guess that lives up to Michigan State defensive coordinator Pat Narduzzi’s philosophy. “That’s what we try to do … 60 minutes of unnecessary roughness.” Narduzzi probably didn’t mean to refer to the Spartans as being dirty or being taught to play that way, but that is exactly what the Spartans’ defense wants you to believe. They want to intimidate their opponents before the first snap and create a buzz. They want to do anything they can to make their opponent believe (mainly the quarterback) that they are
going to hit you harder than you’ve ever been hit before. They were hoping Russell Wilson was watching the punishment exacted upon Robinson last weekend, as the quarterback couldn’t even finish the game, exiting in the fourth quarter with a bruised back. This is football. You’re going to get hit, there’s going to be hard feelings and there’s going to be personal fouls. Football is a contact sport. They say if you wanted to find the truly tough football players you’d take away the helmets and then you’d see who still wanted to play. But last weekend’s Michigan-Michigan State matchup seemed to flirt with a dangerous line between aggression and recklessness. The Spartans committed six personal foul penalties and seemed to drive Robinson to the ground long after the ball was out of the playmaker’s hands. It’s obvious the Spartans are an aggressive team, but can they afford these penalties against the premier offense in college football? Are they ready to face a Wisconsin team hungry to validate their place with the nation’s elite and avenge their only loss last season? All of this hoopla surrounding the game gives the Badgers some unintended advantages. Besides the risk of being suspended for this week’s game, the acts Gholston committed last week almost guarantees that the officiating crew will be on their highest alert Saturday night. Nothing says “watch us closer” or “flag me” faster than the attention garnered by Gholston and the comments of Lewis. Add that to the fact that this game is in primetime on national television and you have a recipe for great officiating - hopefully. But this isn’t the reason the Spartans defense will struggle. So far this season the Michigan State defense has seemingly been dominant, producing the results to back up the smack. The Spartans are second in the nation defensively, allowing 186.2 yards per game (Wisconsin allows 268). On top of that, the
Spartans have allowed the fewest pass yards of any team in the FBS this season. Besides a lone loss to Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. the Michigan State defense has allowed 14 points or fewer in every contest this season. Even with these impressive stats, it’s obvious Michigan State defense will need some help to stop the Wisconsin offense, especially if they all share the opinion of Spartans defensive tackle Jerel Worthy. Worthy tweeted some preseason Twitter gold early in the summer after the announcement of the Russell Wilson’s transfer. “This guys on espn think wilson gona change something at wisconsin. It still don’t matter cause they gotta come in to spartan stadium. Homecoming he will see how the big ten gets down.” But Worthy isn’t the only Spartan who doesn’t (or didn’t) understand the impact of the Badgers’ new prize player. Michigan State senior quarterback Kirk Cousins commented this week on how he still sees a typical Wisconsin team, a team that runs the ball well behind a mammoth offensive line. Even though the run game and offensive line of Wisconsin remains strong, the new kid in town under center has the Badgers and some analysts thinking about the BCS title. I hope Michigan State understands Russell Wilson is NOT Denard Robinson. Robinson is hardly a typical quarterback because he’s more of a runner than a passer (note his 53.9 percent completion percentage). It’s not a hard game plan to beat Michigan; all you need to do is take away the run game from Robinson and make him pass. The Badgers did the same thing to upset Ohio State last year against Terrelle Pryor’s noodle arm. And what about the competition this Spartan defense has faced this year? Besides facing the Wolverines at home the Spartans have lost the only other tough game they have played, a 31-13
KORGER, page 10