Volume XLIII, Issue 34
California church secedes following ordinationn
Should sexual health education requirements be dictated by geographical norms and community values? | 4
Kohl Center under attack
After an openly gay minister in Madison, Wis., was ordained to lead a Presbyterian church, a California church broke from the religion. | 3
The road team has come out on top more often lately in the UW-UND series. The Badgers will try to reverse that trend this weekend. | 8
State sued for voter ID law Katherine Krueger Deputy News Editor
Steve Sellers The Badger Herald
MCSC member Nneka Akubeze speaks during Thursday night’s SSFC meeting, where she addressed the volunteer hours that MCSC interns, volunteers and workers contribute for ASM-related activities and seminars. During the emotional meeting, MCSC was denied eligibility to apply for seg fee funds.
MCSC denied eligibility Melissa Hanson Senior News Reporter The last student organization on the docket to receive eligibility for segregated fee funding through a student government committee was denied in an emotional meeting Thursday night. The Multicultural Student Coalition was denied General Student
Services Fund eligibility by the Student Services Finance Committee in a vote of 5-7-0. Committee members were largely divided on the status of the organization’s eligibility and whether the organization met the criteria surrounding time spent on direct services. SSFC Rep. Justin Bloesch said he had met with the group on several occasions
to understand how they calculated the amount of time it spends on providing direct services. Bloesch said he performed his own calculations as well, and his time estimate was consistent with the conservative estimate the group had presented to the committee. Several committee members did not come
to the same conclusion as Bloesch. “There are a couple of major services that I have issues with classifying as direct services,” said Rep. Cale Plamann. Specifically, Plamann said several of the direct services the organization had highlighted involved administrative work rather
MCSC, page 3
In the latest flare up surrounding the voter ID law, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin announced Thursday they are suing the state on the grounds that the new rule violates the state’s constitution. The lawsuit, which lists Gov. Scott Walker and the Government Accountability Board as the defendants, will be brought before a Dane County court with the hope of invalidating the statute in time for elections around the state. Andrea Kaminski, executive director for the League of Women Voters, said the issues presented by the voter ID law are particularly close to the organization, which contends voting rights are a core issue that should be guaranteed. She said members have worked to oppose the law because they believe it makes it harder for eligible citizens to vote. Wisconsin’s constitution dictates state residency and a minimum age of 18 are the requirements to vote, rules the recently approved voter ID law effectively extends. “The law is unconstitutional and unnecessary,” Kaminski said.
“The state constitution does not authorize the Legislature to pass this law, and they were acting outside of the constitution.” The language of the constitution is clear, she said, and the league aims to stop the ID portion of the law before the 2012 elections. While supporters of the law have said it will eliminate instances of fraud in Wisconsin elections, Kaminski said her organization views it a measure to disenfranchise students, the elderly and disabled voters. GAB spokesperson Reid Magney declined to comment on the pending litigation. Walker has contended the voter ID requirements would deter citizens from attempting to impersonate others in state elections and this issue often goes undetected because there are no mechanisms in place for detection of voter fraud. Proponents have also said presenting photo ID allows workers at the polls to determine if the voter is indeed who they say they are. University of Wisconsin political science professor Charles Franklin said the
SUED, page 3
Senate passes bill limiting abortion coverage Adrianna Viswanatha State Reporter Abortions would only be covered in circumstances when a woman’s life or health was at risk under a bill the Senate passed Thursday. The bill, which limits coverage of some abortions under federal health care law, has spurred conflicting responses from party members and invested
organizations. Introduced by Senator Rich Zipperer, R-Pewaukee, on Thursday, the bill limits abortion coverage to cases where the woman’s life or health is threatened. This also includes instances of sexual assault or incest. “These exchanges are required to provide abortion coverage unless states specifically choose not to,” Zipperer said in a statement.
MPD to zero in on Freakfest drinking
The Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, passed by US Congress in 2010, offers health plans through state exchanges, a system in which individuals and small businesses can shop for insurance coverage. Under the federal law, states are allowed to opt-out of the abortion coverage, the statement said. “If the Legislature does not act and if the federal law is not overturned or
repealed, taxpayers in Wisconsin will be forced to subsidize elective abortions,” Zipperer said. Andrew Welhouse, spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, said now that the bill has passed in the Senate, it will move on to hearings in the Assembly. Zipperer said the bill defends Wisconsin law, which states that taxpayers are not required to fund state abortion.
This is in accordance with the federal law’s opt-out option. “If we do choose to act, we can prevent federal law from dictating changes in our state and make clear that this Legislature will not force taxpayers to fund abortions,” Zipperer said. Barbara Lyons, Executive Director of pro-life organization Wisconsin Right to Life, said the organization supports the bill.
Lyons said she does not believe individual abortion rights should be protected under federal law. In addition, she said those affected by the reduced abortion coverage are not more likely to have abortions. “Statistics show that when you have to pay for abortions, there are less of them,” Lyons said. Jay Heck, Executive Director of political
COVERAGE, page 3
Unfurling the new Chazen Simona Chazen holds the ribbon for the new Chazen Museum of Art on Thursday. For the first time, the new museum was open to students. The director of the Chazen Museum as well as UW Chancellor David Ward came to the opening to celebrate. Noah Willman The Badger Herald
Tickets may go up to bring bigger acts; Officials to curb“river of alcohol,” raging underage parties Ally Boutelle City Editor The city’s Downtown Coordinating Committee heard an update on Freakfest and reviewed the city’s increased focus on underage drinking at the event, as well as the possibility of bringing larger acts to Madison in future years. A major issue that the Madison Police Department is working to address is house parties near the Freakfest boundaries where underage drinking happens, said David McCaw, field lieutenant for MPD. He said there will be five teams of six officers that will be searching the area near State Street for illegal parties. “The loudest and boldest ones — those are the ones that will come to our attention,” McCaw said. “We’re trying to keep the river of alcohol that flows in check and
slow down the violence that comes with that drinking.” The university is also attempting to combat drinking by offering sober alternatives to Freakfest, including live music at Union South, said Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8. “We realize that students are going to drink — we just want them to keep it slow, reasonable and out of our radar,” McCaw said. “As long as people aren’t injured and it’s not spilling over onto Freakfest grounds, we’re fine with it.” The committee also discussed the possibility of increasing ticket prices in order to bring largername acts to the event. Resnick said that this idea has been growing in popularity among students and that it should be put to an oncampus vote.
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, October 21, 2011
Correction Due to a reporting error, the Oct. 17 article “City could receive 20K less for Capitol protests” insinuated Nicholas Zavos sent an email to The Badger Herald with the information provided in the interview, when it should have stated the email was originally sent to Madison alders. Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3, sent and shared the email with The Badger Herald.
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partly cloudy
Redistricting won’t apply to recalls Matt Huppert State Editor
The original article also stated that city and state officials would meet to negotiate, when there will be a review. The online version of the article has been changed to reflect those changes. We regret the errors.
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The state’s top election officials announced that recall elections will not be held in the districts recently drawn by Republicans in the Legislature when they go into effect later this year and early next year. The Government Accountability Board released a memo sent to the chief clerks of the Assembly and the Senate Wednesday announcing the board’s opinion that Senate recall elections likely to be held in congruence with a state wide recall of Gov. Scott Walker should be held in the senators’ current districts, GAB spokesperson Reid Magney said. The chief clerks of the Legislature asked for
the GAB’s clarification on whether Senate seats up for recall would be decided by constituents of the districts they currently represent or those in the districts of the newly drawn districts, Magney said. This summer, the Legislature redrew the legislative district lines, fulfilling a 10year requirement for the Legislature to do so, University of Wisconsin political science professor Charles Franklin said. He said these district lines will be put in place for the Nov. 2012 elections and will be officially implemented on Jan. 1, 2013 when newly elected legislators take office. Rep. Kelda Roys, D-Madison, said Republican legislators drew the district lines to
heavily favor their party in future elections. She said it was the worst gerrymandering in the state’s history. As opposed to the current requirement for the Legislature to vote on newly drawn districts, Roys said she would support a system which would allow for more non-partisan redistricting. Magney said the position taken by the GAB was that the special elections and recall elections held before Nov. 2012 should be held in the current districts, which is the GAB’s interpretation of the redistricting law created by the Legislature. Members of the Senate and Assembly, Magney said, wanted to know when the new districts would be put in place
to determine when they should begin addressing their new constituents with events such as town meetings and mailings. Franklin said the recalls being planned against both Republican and Democratic senators in the state have created the need to clarify which districts would determine the recalled senators. “We’ve never been down this road with recalls and redistricting at the same time,” Franklin said. “There’s no precedent for how you handle it.” Franklin said the redistricting drawn in 2001 and implemented in 2002 was set by court order because the divided Legislature at the time could not agree on a redistricting plan. The Republican Party’s current control
of both the Legislature and governor ’s office is largely responsible for the Legislature’s passage of new district lines this past summer, Franklin said, since the party had the power to draw and pass the district lines despite Democratic opposition. As of now, courts in the state have not approved of the newly drawn district map, Roys said. She said the GAB’s decision makes logical sense, since a recall cannot be held in a district which does not exist. “[There is] really no way the GAB could reach another conclusion,” Roys said. “[Otherwise,] you would have people who would have no representative and others who would have multiple representatives.”
UW drafts new response to ‘hateful’ incidents Katie Caron Campus Reporter Changes to the University of Wisconsin bias incident reporting model have come under discussion with the intent to bring more streamlined responses to incidents and to foster a safer environment. A bias incident is generally comprised of discriminatory or hateful acts that target individuals for their actual or perceived physical or identityrelated traits, Assistant Dean and Director of Student Assistance and Judicial Affairs Ervin Cox said. These incidents may not be illegal, he added, but do degrade or threaten a certain group
or individual. Cox said a new model has been a priority since last winter, but it came to the forefront following a bias incident this summer on Langdon Street. Currently, if an incident arises, the victim can fill out a printed form and submit it to the university, said Cox. He added they would like to have an online submission form as a component of a new model to increase accessibility. Cox said his current draft of the new response model would establish two teams — an investigation group to gather the facts of an incident and a response team to formulate the university’s response.
The investigation group would pull in other parties as needed, depending on the nature of the incident. Cox said the idea came after researching models of other universities, which he said typically have a single bias response team. He said a two-team model is more effective. “I think the word ‘nimble’ has been used a couple times to describe it,” Cox said. “People can start working on figuring out what happened, and other people just worry about what the response should be.” Associated Students of Madison Diversity Committee Chair Tangela Roberts said the new model aims to streamline the reporting process and
provide more awareness. “There’s a lot of students who don’t understand the current model or how to report incidents,” she said. Additionally, Cox said the need for a new model stems from a concern for unreported incidents and a desire to foster an open and welcoming community. “The university is concerned about incidents because we believe things happen and go unreported,” he said. “Students who are targeted by bias incidents might not feel they have a voice, and we want to give them a voice.” Robin Matthies, Assistant Director of the LGBT Campus Center, has been working in
conjunction with Cox, ASM and UW Housing to formulate a new reporting protocol. She said the issue came into light more after the surge of LGBT suicides reported in the media last October. She stressed the need for students to report any bias incidents. “We’re looking at two things — the reporting model and the campus climate,” she said. “We want to make campus a safer and more welcoming place for everyone.” At present, the draft is still under discussion and taking input from the Office of Student Life, the LGBT Campus Center, ASM, the Madison Police Department and University Housing.
CRIME in Brief ROCKEFELLER LANE Battery A dispute over money on Facebook turned into a physical faceoff Wednesday night when the two women involved brought their boyfriends to confront each other on Rockefeller Lane, according to a Madison Police Department incident report. According to an MPD report, one of the men brought a baseball bat. The victim said he was hit with the bat multiple times and was also kicked and punched, resulting in facial fractures. The police arrested two
suspects, Ryan Pahmeier, 22, Madison, and Joshua Herndon-Marinella, 20, Madison. One of the suspects admitted he brought a bat but said it was not used in the dispute. They were charged with second degree reckless endangerment and battery, respectively, the report said. Both were also charged with disorderly conduct.
a man grabbed her chest and buttocks while she was socializing at the site, MPD report said. Police arrested Tyrone Flood, age 45, for fourth degree sexual assault. Flood was listed as a non-compliant registered sex offender by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, according to the report.
Sexual Assault
Residential Burglary
A 25-year-old woman reported a case of sexual assault near the Brittingham Park shelter house Wednesday night. The woman reported that
Thirty-six cases of burglary have occurred on Regent Street since Sept. 1st, with the most recent incident taking place Thursday, said an MPD report.
Criminals gained entry through unlocked doors or by cutting window screens. Madison police urge the public to hide laptop computers and other electronics when leaving home and to lock doors and windows even when there is someone present. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, asked the public to be aware, but said that the campus remains a relatively safe place. “Although we do see times where we see increased cases of crime, keep that in perspective. If you see something suspicious, don’t hesitate to call 911. We will strive to keep our city safe”, he said.
FREAKFEST, from 1 “A lot of students seem to think it would be worthwhile to pay more than $8 to hear something more popular,” he said. The idea also comes in response to widespread student criticism of recent acts that have been chosen for Freakfest, said Resnick. Freakfest may also come under scrutiny, said Resnick, because Mayor Paul Soglin is “not a big fan” of charging admission to be on a public street. This year ’s setup remains largely the same as last year ’s “highly successful” arrangement, said Frank Productions spokesperson Charlie Goldstone. Stages will be on State, Gilman and North Frances streets, with entertainment lasting until 1:30 a.m. McCaw said there will be major street closings beginning on Friday, Oct. 28 at 6 p.m. The city will John Lemmon The Badger Herald close down the majority A Madison resident speaks to the Downtown Coordinating Committee meeting on Thursday. At the meeting, a member of of the streets surrounding the Madison Police Department detailed the pressure law enforcement will be putting on noticeable underage drinking. the Capitol Square, but
PARK STREET Non-Residential Burglary Madison police were summoned to George’s Flower Shop on Park Street Thursday after a burglar smashed the front door with a rock and stole money from the cash register, said an MPD report. According to the report, this incident is one in a series of 33 non-residential burglaries in the central and south districts since August. MPD analysts recommend that business owners leave cash register drawers empty and open after closing hours, and encourage anyone who witnesses suspicious activity to call 911, the report.
the square itself will remain partially open, he said. Goldstone said an additional ticket booth has been added this year to decrease traffic and eliminate “rowdiness” of people waiting in line. This year ’s ticket booths will be located on Lake Street, the intersection of Gilman Street and University Avenue, and on either side of Johnson Street, by the Fire Department Administration Building and the outside of the Orpheum stage door. As advertised, this year ’s tickets are selling for $8 in advance and $12 on the day of show. This is a $1 increase from last year ’s ticket price, Goldstone said. Freakfest drew around 45,000 people last year, McCaw said, and is anticipated to bring in a similar or even bigger crowd during this year ’s celebration. A debriefing meeting will take place after the event to discuss this year ’s party and look ahead to next year.
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, October 21, 2011
Responses to openly gay Madison minister mixed Ally Boutelle City Editor Madison resident and first openly gay Presbyterian minister Scott Anderson has received a mixed reception nationwide to his historic ordination earlier this month, with some repercussions coming from a conservative church in Sacramento, Calif. The Fremont Presbyterian Church in Sacramento decided last Sunday to formally break with the Presbyterian Church USA and move to a denomination that better aligns with its agenda, said Fremont Executive
Minister Mark Eshoff. “The reason has been a growing shift in theology — the Presbyterian church is moving away from its roots,” said Eshoff. “There’s been a shift away from biblical faithfulness in terms of adhering to principles and a considerate shift in ordination standards.” Although Eshoff said the decision to cut ties with the national Presbyterian Church was a long time coming, he said that Anderson’s ordination was “symptomatic” of some of the “negative” changes in church doctrine. Eshoff said that after a great deal of deliberation,
the church’s elders decided to make a formal break after deciding that the changes in the national church deviated too far from Fremont’s beliefs. “We’ve decided to remain focused on Christ and remain committed to our ideals,” said Eshoff. Eshoff said that his church is one of “hundreds” of churches around the country that are leaving or considering leaving the Presbyterian Church USA in response to more progressive changes. Anderson said he is aware of the discontent within the Presbyterian community, adding that a group of Presbyterian churches met in the Twin
Bill giving felons fragile job security passes House Grant Hermes State Reporter Former convicts may soon be restricted from suing their employers for termination or rejection based on discrimination resulting from their criminal records as a result of a bill that is currently moving from the Assembly to the Senate. The Wisconsin State Assembly passed a bill Thursday afternoon that would restrict ex-convicts who have been rejected or terminated from suing employers based on discrimination based on their criminal records. The bill will give the employers the freedom to pick and choose felons based on the type of felony they committed and how closely related it is to the kind of work the employee would be doing. The current law allows ex-felons to sue their employers on grounds of discrimination if they feel that their record was the reason they were either rejected or terminated. Representative Joel Kleefisch, R-Oconomowoc, introduced Assembly Bill 286 during the current special job-focused session called by Gov. Scott Walker. Kleefisch spokesperson Stephanie Kundert said
COVERAGE, from 1 watchdog group Common Cause in Wisconsin, said there is no evidence to say that the bill will change people’s behavior regarding the decision to get an abortion. He said the bill could prevent some from receiving the health care benefits they deserve. “This bill is a further denial of some health care to those who most need it,” Heck said. Heck said that people least able to afford doctors or those who are poorly informed about alternatives to
MCSC, from 1 than providing tailorable and requestable services to students. After eliminating the services that did not meet the funding eligibility criterion, Plamann said the organization did not spend enough time on providing the services that met the requirements in order to qualify for eligibility. Both Rep. Dan Posca and Vice Chair Chase Wilson said they agreed MCSC did not meet the criteria of allocating more than half of its time to providing direct services. A few committee members, however, supported Bloesch’s position and said the organization met the requirements. Rep. Tia Nowack said she had sat in on several MCSC meetings and did not believe some of the services committee representatives
the bill was proposed to reform the current Fair Employment Act to protect employers from frivolous lawsuits from ex-convicts that had been let go. “Sometimes employers have to fire or reject employees because they weren’t performing up to standards,” said Kundert, “But employers are still being sued based on discrimination when [the termination] may have had nothing to do with their criminal record.” Kundert added that the bill would improve the overall employment environment and business sector in the state of Wisconsin by putting employers at ease by eliminating their fear of being sued on this issue. Director of the Workers’ Rights Center Patrick Hickey thinks differently. Hickey said he feels the bill discriminates against a sector of the workforce that has paid their debt and should deserve equal treatment. “The current law gives employers plenty of authority now,” Hickey said. “Generally, those with felonies are just looking to work and restart their lives. Most of the time they are hesitant to even complain, let alone file a lawsuit.” Hickey also said this bill would cause people
pregnancy would be most affected by this bill. “A wealthy individual has much greater power to decide what to do in case of a pregnancy,” Heck said. Welhouse also said the Republicans were focusing primarily on the job bills that passed in this session. There is, however, disagreement over the attention given to jobs and job-creation legislature. Heck said Zipperer ’s bill has nothing to do with the job creation promised by Gov. Scott Walker ’s administration.
considered administrative work should be classified as such. Multiple committee members also raised concern about the overlap between the direct services provided by MCSC and other on-campus sources as well. Leaders of MCSC said they felt the line of questioning some committee members used at their eligibility hearing earlier this week was inappropriate and confusing. “It felt like you all were trying to trick us,” MCSC representative Rebecca Pons. Pons added the committee should try facilitate conversation with GSSF groups rather than make the organizations feel uncomfortable and confused. Nowack said the committee had approved funding eligibility for other
who already have a hard time finding work after being released from incarceration to lose jobs that support families. He added the bill seems to be another attempt by the current state administration to appease “big business” in Wisconsin. Stacy Harbaugh, spokesperson for the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin, said the bill is taking away workers’ rights. “These generally aren’t frivolous lawsuits, which is what Kleefisch called them on the floor.” Harbaugh said. “This kind of law will just further inequality for those who have served for their crimes.” Jay Heck, director of Common Cause in Wisconsin, said he does not see how the bill will create jobs and that it is a rushed attempt by Wisconsin Republicans to appease corporations. Democratic Representative Chris Taylor, D-Madison, was unavailable to comment on the bill. Another bill similar to Assembly Bill 286 was brought to the Legislature in 2001, but was not passed. The current bill is scheduled to move on to the Committee on Rules and will eventually move to the floor sometime next week.
SUED, from 1 argument driving the league’s lawsuit is that because the Wisconsin constitution specifically mentions voting rights and the qualification, the voter ID law makes tougher qualifications than what the constitution imagines. He also said they argue other states with photo ID requirements that have been written into law have been approved in federal court under the U.S. Constitution, while Wisconsin’s constitution offers more explicit voting rights.
organizations that had provided similar direct services to other entities on campus in the past as long as there was some substantial difference in the services provided. “I don’t think we’re being consistent right now, and I have a problem with that,” Nowack said. Although the organization received funding eligibility two years ago, SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said different committees can come to different conclusions regarding GSSF funding eligibility. “The committee can’t consider past decisions,” Neibart said. “They just took what they were given [this year].” Neibart said MCSC has five days to appeal SSFC’s decision with the Student Judiciary. MCSC member Althea Miller declined an interview.
Cities last August to discuss their discontent with changes in the church’s constitution. He also added that in addition to the churches currently in talks to split with Presbyterian Church USA, about 100 have already moved away from the national denomination. Anderson said that he was surprised at the level of national attention that his story has received in the weeks following his ordination. “The biggest surprise is that this has become a national news story — it’s a bigger story than I ever imagined it would be,” he said. Anderson emphasized
that his ordination was not the church’s sole reason for parting ways with the national church, but did agree that his position had caused controversy. “They’ve been considering this for many months, if not for more than a year,” he said. “This is not only about me by any means.” Despite conflicting opinions nationwide, Anderson said that he has received an incredibly favorable response from locals and Presbyterians in the Madison area. “The immediate response that I’ve received has been overwhelmingly positive,” he said. Anderson said that he
has received virtually no negative feedback here in the Madison area. “I’ve had no backlash here — people have been so supportive of me and the work that I’m doing,” he said. Anderson also added that he expected to continue having a positive experience with the Madison community. He has been wellreceived from the beginning of his time here in Madison. Locals were instrumental in encouraging the legality of his ordination, and over 100 Madisonians counterprotested when the Westboro Baptist Church protested the service.
Playing on Mendota Avenue Ryan Key of the band Yellowcard plays to a sold-out show at the Majestic on Thursday night. The alt-rock band hasn’t played in town since 2003. Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Friday, October 21, 2011
The Dalai Lama: more figurehead than expert Ryan Plesh Staff Writer There’s no doubt about it: From what I know about the Dalai Lama, he’s an extremely peaceful, intelligent, compassionate individual. One could go on and on listing his positive attributes. However, it seems, despite all of his wisdom, the Dalai Lama has a penchant for speaking about things beyond his expertise. Aside from the fact that it may be interesting and insightful to hear the opinions of such a worldly man on important issues, I’m not sure why people want to listen.
Later this week, researchers from the University of Wisconsin will be meeting with the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, where the leader of the stateless Tibetan people has lived since he fled under threat of Chinese occupation in 1959. The topics of the meeting will be ethics, the environment and interdependence. The Dalai Lama, with his immeasurable wisdom and life experience, could certainly have some sagacious insight regarding ethical matters — perhaps even environmental ethics. But why exactly UW scientists are holding a special meeting with him on these issues is unclear to me. Certainly, philosophers should have some voice in public discourse regarding important political and ethical
issues, and I’m not blaming the researchers for wanting to meet with the Dalai Lama. I would jump at the opportunity to meet with such a thoughtful and peace-loving individual, but I can’t help but wonder why any of us should care much about what he has to say about environmental ethics. I don’t see how he’s particularly qualified to guide public discussion of the issue; he may be a very wise monk, but he is not an environmental scientist. It seems like meetings like these are part of a bigger trend. With the advent of social media, it’s easier than ever for people to follow celebrities and hear their thoughts on issues. But their celebrity status leads us to ignore their credentials to weigh in on a given issue. In this case, it’s the
Dalai Lama speaking on the environment. Another example could be Al Gore, who is a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. By all accounts Gore is an intelligent man, but he is not an actual scientific expert on climate change. Furthermore, although it’s obviously a good thing that the Dalai Lama is promoting awareness
The Dalai Lama is worthy of high praise in many areas, but it seems that in others he has been given status as an expert without reason. of the plight of the Tibetan people, one could even argue he is not qualified to speak about how Tibet should gain independence. As leader
of the Tibetan people, it is unclear what exactly he has done to improve the chances of Tibet becoming an independent state. With the possibility of violence looming, he fled his country along with thousands of refugees in 1959 in order to set up a government in exile in India. Since then, he has traveled the world, speaking on a myriad of topics and promoting a peaceful resolution to this conflict, all while gaining greater celebrity status. But has any of this furthered the means of the Tibetan people to gain independence? Thus far, it seems the answer is no. I would not fault the thousands of other Tibetan refugees for seeking to preserve themselves when the Chinese occupied Tibet. However, it seems peculiar that their leader, who believes he can reincarnate after death if
he so chooses, would flee his homeland and then spend his life traveling the world and criticizing the Chinese government from afar. This seems an awfully passive way to lead one’s people, and yet the Dalai Lama won a Nobel Peace Prize for it. The Dalai Lama is worthy of high praise in many areas, but it seems that in others he has been given status as an expert without reason. We as a society tend to take the word of those with celebrity status much more seriously than we should, whether they’re qualified to speak on a given subject or not. For all of the good he’s done, it seems like the Dalai Lama is another such figurehead. Ryan Plesh (rplesh@ is a senior majoring in philosophy and physics.
FLAME ad promotes negative stereotypes of Muslims Like all students at the University of Wisconsin, I am many things. I am a junior here on campus. I work for ASM, College Library and Street Pulse Newspaper. I am a journalism and political science major. I am a daily reader of The Badger Herald and the Daily Cardinal. I am also a proud MuslimAmerican. It is for a combination of these reasons that I was offended, hurt and angered by the advertisement that The Badger Herald featured on page four of their October 19th issue. The ad, titled, “You deserve a factual look at … Muslim Arab Anti-Semitism,” was clearly labeled as a paid advertisement by the organization Facts and Logic About the Middle East. I was saddened and hurt to read the advertisement, which included quotes such as “Anti-Semitism is integral to Muslim culture,” “That [lionizing killers, encouraging children to emulate Nazis] is, however, standard practice in the Muslim world. To kill Jews, to become a martyr, is the highest goal and promises immediate access to a paradise of unbelievable pleasures” and “While antiSemitism has indeed been shunned by the civilized world, things are quite different in the Muslim/Arab world.” Seeing one of our campus’s
most read publications, in the very popular Wednesday edition, publish an ad that accuses me and my family of being bigots, hate mongers and uncivilized took all the air out of the room I was in. It is not an exaggeration to say that I have never felt more ashamed, hurt and saddened due to my heritage — a topic of which I am immensely proud. These sort of claims are not a new experience for me. I am outspoken about my culture and political views and am accused of being an anti-Semite a few times a year simply because of my ethnicity. But to see those hateful views promulgated by our student paper is another issue entirely. One thing should be made abundantly clear: I am in no way suggesting or supporting a censorship of any publication. Those who know me (or have the misfortune of being in my Political Science 470 discussion) know that I am a free speech absolutist in nearly every respect. I would consider the First Amendment one of my driving motivations in life, and it plays heavily into the way I see the world. But this is not a matter of freedom of speech. This is a matter of responsibility and what sort of campus climate The Badger Herald wishes to promote. They are of course free to print whatever they see fit — that is the beauty
of a free press. It is, however, also the duty of the press to be responsible and thoughtful. The Badger Herald advertising policy explicitly states that it “reserves the right to refuse any advertisement in the case of possible liability or offensive content.” Under this policy, the Herald is giving itself an out, an ability to reject ads simply because its staff views them as too offensive. The very presence of this policy demonstrates that the Herald understands the negative impact certain messages can bring and is not an unchecked forum upon which any idea can be displayed. If a racially motivated ad had been taken out that claimed a certain group of students on campus were inherently racist, poor at learning or a whole host of other racial stereotypes that bigoted pseudo scientists have published fallacious studies in support of, would it have been printed? I would hope not. To claim that this sort of advertisement promotes a positive dialogue or debate on campus is incorrect. All an ad like this does is promote hatred and stereotypes about a group of students. As such, I have a difficult time understanding the reason for publishing this ad. I am not accusing any member of The Badger
Herald staff of being racist, anti-Islamic or anti-Arab. I am, however, suggesting that more care be given when deciding what sort of messages are communicated through their paper. Even if there is no editorial support behind an advertisement, printing it allows its message to spread throughout our student body. To claim, as some are, that no one even reads the ads, is factually inaccurate: I was approached by numerous people throughout the day, asking me if I’d seen the advertisement and how I felt about it. Aside from my own pain and anger, I am writing because of my fear about campus climate towards Muslim students. Looking at me, hardly anyone can tell that I am Muslim or Arab. But for those who choose to wear the hijab, or other overt religious indicators, campus can be a difficult place. I recall a conversation I had two years ago with a Muslim student who said she fears walking home at night because of the harassment she receives due to her hijab. The views expressed by FLAME’s despicable advertisement are already present on campus, and coverage and publication of their ad only serves to strengthen that intolerance. This is not a case, as former Badger Herald Editor-in-Chief
Jason Smathers wrote two years ago, during the height of the previous advertising issue the Herald faced, of an “obvious untruth” like Holocaust denial. This is a message of hatred and vitriol directed at students who desire to be included like any other on campus. The solution to this mess? I support the Herald’s decision to leave the ad online; if they chose to print the ad, they should stand by that decision, however wrong and offended I am by it. I do, however, suggest that students across campus, including the staff of the Herald, get to know their Muslim and Arab classmates personally. Attend a meeting of the Muslim Students’ Association, strike up a conversation with someone in your discussion and inform yourself of the true beliefs of Arabs and Muslims across the world. We need to all work together — Muslim students, The Badger Herald and the student body as a whole — to promote an atmosphere of positivity, acceptance and inclusion. The decision to run FLAME’s ad does nothing but take a step backwards from all of these goals. I hope that the next time such an ad is considered for publication, it’s given more thought. Sami Ghani (ghani@wisc. edu) is a junior majoring in journalism and political science.
Sex education should not be determined by zip code Carolyn Briggs Managing Editor When it comes to sex, I have a pretty simple philosophy — be safe and have fun. The fun thing is rarely, if ever, a problem, and thanks to my incredibly comprehensive high school health class, I have not yet run in to a situation where I was not sure how to make a safe and healthy choice. At Madison West High School, we spent at least two weeks my freshman year going over major forms of birth control and sexually transmitted infection protection. My 14-year-old self may have been incredibly squeamish
as I listened to my 70-year-old teacher tell my class about the benefits of spermicidal lube, but to this day I remain mercifully free from both infections and children. Sen. Mary Lazich, R-Waukesha, does not seem to have a problem with a hippie Madison school teaching its pupils to be healthy while engaging in sexual behavior, she just doesn’t want the rest of the state to have to hear it. “Curriculum in a Madison classroom may not be the best practice in a Superior classroom,” she told legislators at a hearing on repealing Wisconsin’s Healthy Youth Act. I understand the notion that different communities have different values. I also get that no parents are comfortable with the idea that their children are being taught things
they think will help them have sex. But there’s a very critical flaw in that thinking, and to truly understand it we have to go straight to the law. First, it is important to note that the Healthy Youth Act does not require sex ed in public schools at all. It simply says if a school chooses to offer a sex ed program it must provide medically accurate information on a variety of subjects. These subjects range from emotional issues that come with sexual relationships to proper use of contraceptives to abstinence. In fact, the law requires that abstinence must be stressed as the absolute best way to prevent pregnancy and STIs. So how does the bill define medically accurate? It states that information should be supported by research, published in
relevant journals and supported by experts in the field. Essentially the law says if schools choose to teach sex ed they must give comprehensive and correct information — it stops programs from lying through omission. After all, if you’re told that abstinence is the one and only way to prevent STIs and pregnancy, you likely wouldn’t place as much importance on using a condom as someone who knows condoms are commonly cited as over 95 percent effective when used properly. And how often will people who are never taught about STIs get tested? Probably pretty rarely, meaning someone could walk around passing an infection on for years without realizing they are doing anything wrong. The young adults planning on abstaining
still have that option. The information about staying safe will do nothing except increase their likelihood of being safe in the future. And for those worried that information will lead to more underage sex, let me tell you, there is nothing I have found that turns me on less than my teacher holding a dental dam to her mouth while performing a licking motion. How is it fair that the children of Superior will be given less comprehensive education than the children of Madison? Should high schoolers in Milwaukee really be taught medically accurate information while students in Sheboygan only get to hear half of it? The answer is, of course, that students everywhere should be given all the information available, and
be offered the chance to make their own choices about their life. To teach anything else is flat out cheating the students of Wisconsin. Those who wish to abstain will not be harmed in any way, but students who want to have sex can now do so with reduced risk of disease and pregnancy. I’m not going to make the tired ‘teenagers are going to have sex anyway’ argument — although they likely will. But I will argue that parents and legislators owe it to the youth of Wisconsin to give them the opportunity to choose the way they want to live. They’ll thank you for it — even if it does mean watching a woman older than your grandmother mime inserting a diaphragm. Carolyn Briggs (cbriggs@ is a senior majoring in English.
Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at, where all print content is archived.
This Is an Intervention Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Friday, October 21, 2011
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: No, you can not drink during this
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: I’m sorry but we have to take away your knife collection
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
20 23
24 28
25 31
30 32 37
26 32
50 54
51 55
58 61
Puzzle by Joe DiPietro
Across 1 Reduce to bare bones 10 “Hey you!” 15 1990 Clint Eastwood cop film 16 Studio sign 17 Likely to take chances 18 Figure on a bridge score sheet 19 Money competitor 20 Was up to date, with “out”? 21 They may work for both sides 22 Pitlik who directed “Barney Miller” and “Mr. Belvedere” 24 Toledo-toColumbus dir. 26 Shut (up) 27 Reaction of thirsty people
31 Firm 33 Wallace who wrote “Angle of Repose” 34 Stolen 35 Old “One mission. Yours.” sloganeer 36 Miss ___ 37 Worse than awful 41 Blowout 46 Small night creatures 47 Reckless smuggler of sci-fi 48 Area close to a hockey net 49 Abbr. before “Co.” in some company names 51 Suffer from the heat 52 Having less coverage 54 Go down again, so to speak 58 Frost relative 59 “Get ___
60 62 63
64 65
on!” “Generally speaking …” Hit the bottom of? Spread quickly over the Internet Laments Put one’s feet up in neighborly fashion
Down 1 Series 2 Become sparse 3 Change one’s image, in a way? 4 Needle 5 ___ wheelie 6 Actress Diana 7 “Enough already … relax!” 8 Blushes, say 9 Has trouble getting started 10 Piles of chips, say
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
11 Stir-fry vegetable 12 Pronounced 13 Matte finish? 14 Met on the down-low 23 Certain meas. of economy 25 Kings prophet 28 Getting dragged along 29 Minnesota home of Martin
42 43 44 45 50
53 55 56 57 61
Luther College Semiterrestrial bug-catchers Sap Alice Cooper’s appropriately titled theme song for “Friday the 13th Part VI” Morse who sang “CowCow Boogie” “From my perspective …” Much less than that Australian state: Abbr. “Is it worth the chance?” Criminal Recovered Explorer John Cabot’s birthplace Some M&M’s “I’m busy then” Eye part Powers (up) Big swing
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
If you’re driving to East Lansing for the Michigan State game, good luck passing through the gates of Mordor – I mean, Gary, Indiana.
ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman
The Badger Herald | Arts | Friday, October 21, 2011
Student catches first glimpse of glass-walled jewel box From Lichtenstein to Picasso, museum’s new addition steals Elvehjem’s thunder
Chazen.” The bridge that connects the two buildings has become an icon. At today’s opening, the Chazen’s director Russell Panczenko characterized the bridge as a symbol of the Chazen’s connection to its own history and links to greater Madison. “Behind that stone facade that you see from University Avenue there is an entire line of galleries,” Panczenko said today. “There is one continuous
line.” However, when it comes to explaining how the Chazen will accomplish the tremendous goal of establishing these links through art, the bridge’s route becomes a bit twisty. The museum promotes this expansion as one that will double the experience, but for whom and how? A major selling point for the expansion has been the opportunities the wing brings to Madison and
the university. It gives city residents new opportunities to experience art. Most obvious are the artworks themselves. The Chazen is currently the proud holder of pieces by 20th century artists Bennet Goldstein like Roy Lichtenstein, ArtsEtc. Reporter Jasper Johns and Pablo Picasso. Many of these are In the last month, on lend from the private newspapers and museum collections of Simona and staff emphasized the links Jerome Chazen (for whom they see between “the old the museum is named), so Chazen” and “the new viewers should see them while they can. Viewers may notice the new wing incorporates more glass into its ceiling and walls than the Elvehjem. Panczenko said this was intentional. He thinks that letting in some natural light helps humanize the museum experience. “You will notice there are no white galleries in here. White galleries were in the philosophy of a laboratory sterile space,” he said. “You weren’t distracted from the art by anything. In our case, we don’t mind a little bit of distraction; that’s what real life is like.” Another way the museum provides opportunities to Wisconsin residents is by giving them Noah Willman The Badger Herald the chance to see Wisconsin Akin to the christening of a second-born child, Chazen employees and patrons of the arts alike welcomed students and university artists represented in the faculty to an all-day celebration yesterday to view the museum’s works of art, including both temporary and permanent collections. collections. Panczenko talks
of Milwaukee-born artist John Wilde’s contributions to magic realism, an important artistic style of the 1940s. University faculty and students also benefit from the expansion. A new storage facility will hold over 12,000 works on paper. Scholars have direct access to these documents starting in January. Additional university resources include online documentation of its holdings and object study rooms. Here, students can observe pieces at length without making an appointment because they are safely locked behind glass. Madison and the university clearly have resources at their fingertips. “We always serve two audiences,” Panczenko said. “We’ve always been a service organization for the university, and we’ve always been seen as an outreach branch serving the community. And that is something the university is very much in favor of us to continue.” In the face of difference, the bridge’s symbolism of unity may be an oversimplification. In the flurry of attention that has been directed at the new Chazen, what is happening to the old? From an
architectural standpoint, not a whole lot. Yesterday, the Elvehjem building showed its age in comparison. During the birth of the Chazen’s new half, it looks like minimal attention was paid to its older sibling. And like the Elvehjem’s exterior, its holdings are conspicuously older. Walking away from the rich colors and sounds of the modern galleries, one finds the old Chazen’s galleries of Renaissance and ancient Greek art. In the quiet, one can’t help but wonder if the old Chazen is, for now, being tossed into the dustbin of history. A docent told a story in the new Chazen’s African art gallery. It concerned one tribe’s customs over the birth of twins. As we step into Wisconsin’s future, this story reminds us of the need to maintain our humility and balance: between the differing needs of our city and university; between our past and our future. “When twins are born and one of them doesn’t live, or both of them don’t live, [family] carry these memorial sculptures around for their entire lives, signifying the loss of the twins … When twins do survive and they thrive, then it’s a good sign for your entire tribe.”
Galleries, walkways open to students New expansion of Chazen Museum of Art creates more opportunities for art lovers, offers grander experience Bess Donoghue ArtsEtc. Staff Writer Since the groundbreaking ceremony of the Chazen Museum of Art’s expansion more than two and a half years ago, a diverse assortment of art lovers have anxiously awaited the opportunity to experience the new addition. This weekend marks the end of a long construction period, as the Chazen opens its doors to students, faculty and the community. “We are ecstatic; the space is beautiful,” Susan Day, the publications and communications editor for the Chazen, said. “The collections look fantastic, and the addition gives us a number of new facilities to use.” The new expansion is adding an entirely new dimension to the museum. In addition to a new auditorium and expanded museum store, the building has increased to an area of 86,000 square feet.
With this physical structure, space inside the museum is extensive. As a result of this available space, the museum can display 8 percent of its 20,000 piece collection as opposed to the original 4 percent with the Elvehjem Museum of Art, the original building. The mastermind behind the layout is the architecture and urban design firm, Machado and Silvetti Associates. The company was chosen based on its original proposal, which blended elements of modernity with the aesthetic of Harry Weese (architect of the Elvehjem and the Humanities building). Machado and Silvetti, in conjunction with Continuum Architects of Milwaukee, created many contemporary elements such as intricate stone work on the connecting bridge, limestone carpet and honeycomb tiles on the ceiling. The inclusion of sunroofs is also a unique design.
“They can be controlled or tilted to let in as much light as you would like, and it can follow the sun … there are some screen prints, like really ancient Japanese scrolls, that if you get too much light on them, they’ll be damaged,” Rayna Christman, a student ambassador for the opening, said. The addition also includes an Object Study Room available to any museum visitors but specifically constructed for UW-Madison art students. The purpose behind this room is to allow visitors to request a closer glance at individual works of arts in a private and more reserved setting. Over the course of the opening weekend, many events have been planned by the museum staff including a scavenger hunt, temporary exhibitions and tours. Throughout the weekend there will also be performances by students and community dance groups.
A humorous art film titled “Drama Queens” will also be screened over the course of the weekend. The film is a comical piece from the museum’s video collection about sculptures on a stage talking to each other and conveying gossip in the art world. With a new auditorium included in future plans for the expansion, the museum has more opportunities to showcase videos from their collection. Exhibitions during opening weekend include a display on printmaking, a print collection by Leslie and Johanna Garfield and a compilation of work collected by Simona and Jerome Chazen, primary donors to the expansion of the museum. The main attraction of the weekend is an exhibition of the paintings and watercolors by Sean Scully. His use of shapes and colors are a product of modern artwork and were highly valued by the Chazen museum staff. In fact, the architecture of the
Noah Willman The Badger Herald
The Chazen Museum of Art, with its expansion that opened to students yesterday, now sits at 86,000 square feet worth of fine artworks. The two buildings are connected by a bridge overlooking Library Mall. building was designed to allow large-scale paintings — such as Scully’s — to fit in the exhibition galleries. “His paintings are usually so big they won’t fit through the door, so the entrances were specifically made so that big pieces of art can fit through the doorway,” Christman said of Scully’s work, which occupies an entire room of its own and spills out into another. The museum is open
all weekend and is free of admission for all visitors. According to Day, the event should be a rewarding experience for all lovers of art in Madison. “One of the reasons we exist is that we think art is very important to people’s lives,” she said. “It’s important for people to study art …You can walk into the gallery and find something that speaks to you, which is incredibly valuable.”
Fabulous and Broke debunks fashion myths, misconceptions Emma Austin Fabulous & Broke Columnist In the weeks when there is so much ambiguity surrounding the weather, I thought I would try to clear up some confusion (Which season are we currently in the middle of anyway? Fall? An abnormally sleety summer?). Weather and Climate wasn’t my thing, so I can’t tell you what the temperature will be tomorrow or a week from now, but I can decipher some of those fashion myths and questions to which no one ever seems to have a concrete answer.
Fashion Myth #1: You can’t wear white after Labor Day. In the fashion world, this rule has been more or less invalidated.
Colors really don’t have to coordinate with the calendar anymore, and it is perfectly fine to throw in a white ensemble even as the weather gets colder. However, there are some cautions I would take when trying to incorporate it. First, make sure the outfit or piece is seasonally appropriate; a strapless white mini-dress in the middle of October might not be the best choice here in Wisconsin. However, white tops, skirts, jackets, shoes and other dresses can still look great even in the fall and winter. But I would be careful with the shade as well — those neon-white colors (the ones that sort of match the snow) are probably better to stay away from. Choose a warmer shade, maybe more of an off-white to wear. Fabrics are also important; heavier fabrics like wool tend to work better and make your whites more acceptable. And if you choose to sport a white dress or skirt, make sure your
shoes and accessories fit the weather — everyone should know that you know it is indeed winter.
Fashion Myth #2: Don’t mix prints and patterns. Okay, so you have to be careful with this one. It may be a little more difficult to do, but it
When in doubt, just use a classically neutral bag, belt or shoe — in most cases it will look great. will definitely make you stand out. Feel free to mix patterns like stripes and dots, argyles and plaids, or whatever you think looks good together. Take a chance to show your individuality and what you think works. It comes off as somewhat of an unintentional look, but for the very reason that it was in fact intentional, it can look fantastic. However, if you go too far out there with two
very bright and busy prints, you might stand out just a little too much. Keep one of the pieces a little more subtle to make sure you aren’t noticed for the wrong reasons.
Fashion Myth #3: Always match your belt to your shoes or purse. As patterns and fabrics become more and more sophisticated, this guideline has become a thing of the past. There are so many unique, fun bags and pairs of shoes out there that it has almost become impossible to match every piece. Oftentimes, you want either your purse or fabulous new heel to make a statement, in which case don’t worry about trying to get everything to match. And you don’t want everything to match — you don’t really want people thinking you spent that much time getting dressed (effortlessly flawless, right?). If you can, try to choose colors that are similar or
are in the same family. For example, if you are wearing a blue top and have a bag that has just a bit of blue in it, try to find some shoes that have a touch of blue as well. But if you can’t, a neutral brown shoe will work just fine. When in doubt, just use a classically neutral bag, belt or shoe — in most cases it will look great. Do, however, try to avoid pairing a black belt and brown shoe; that typically looks a little off, especially if they are similar tones. But, see Myth #4 to find out how to make black and brown work together. The one major exception to this matching rule is if you’re dressing for a more formal event. In that case, matching can make you look a lot more sophisticated.
Fashion Myth #4: Never wear black with dark blue or brown. I was told from an early age never to mix navy or brown with black, but
as fashion choices are becoming a bit riskier and a little bolder, you can now mix even more colors than ever before, including these neutrals. In the past, these three shades were often considered too similar to wear together, but if you wear two or more of them in the right way there won’t be any problems. First, try to choose shades with some sort of a contrast. For example, choose a camel brown pair of shoes and belt to mix with a black top or bottom. Or a bright, vivid navy top to wear with that black skirt. If, from a distance, you can’t tell the two colors are much different, I would advise trying a different combo. Another option is to add bold-colored accessories to brighten up the look. These can also add to the contrast, making your outfit stand out in a great way. Emma Austin is a junior majoring in journalism. Send questions, comments and column ideas to
To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Friday, October 21, 2011
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Decisive weekend for women’s soccer After falling to 5th in Big Ten standings, UW hopes to climb back against PU, IU Brett Sommers Statistics Editor Beginning Friday with a matchup against the Purdue Boilermakers and continuing on Sunday against the Indiana Hoosiers at the McClimon Complex, the Wisconsin women’s soccer team plays two of three consecutive home games to finish off the regular season. Both teams are coming off losses last Sunday. The Badgers (8-5-3, 3-23) fell on the road to the Fighting Illini 1-0, and the Boilermakers (6-9-2, 2-60) had its short two-game winning streak snapped at home against Michigan, 3-1. “It is super important [to play these games at home] because we need to win these three games,” senior forward Laurie Nosbusch said. “Right now we’re not in the best position; we’re fighting to get into the Big Ten tournament and maybe the NCAA tournament, so the fact that we are at home, we think we have a really good shot to win out these three games.” The loss to Michigan, and the 1-1 draw that Wisconsin fought to with Northwestern the game before, had major ramifications in the Big Ten standings. Before those two games, the Badgers stood at second place in the conference with a real opportunity to run down first-place Penn State. Instead, UW fell all the way to fifth in the conference and looks at this weekend as must-win games, only two points ahead of ninth-place. “We have to win; we have to come out of this weekend with six points,”
CHAPTER, from 8 and Joel Rumpel. Much like he did in the past with Scott Gudmandson and Brett Bennett, Eaves will start Peterson Friday night and Rumpel Saturday night. He doesn’t expect to change this rotation any time soon. “I think Landon handles
SPARTAN, from 8 In East Lansing, the Badgers won’t find just an unfriendly atmosphere where wins are hard to come by, but they’ll also face perhaps the nation’s best defense as well. After six games, the Spartan defense has all sorts of gaudy numbers to affirm its dominance. For those keeping count, MSU is first in defensive passing efficiency (84.35), first in pass defense (119.17 yards
Zhao Lim The Badger Herald
Senior Laurie Nosbusch (16) will play a major role in this weekend’s game as the Badgers attempt to gain six points in the standings with a pair of victories. Wisconsin has picked up only one win in its last six matchups. senior goalkeeper Michele Dalton said. “Every team is playing for the Big Ten Tournament, so even the teams who are at the bottom are competing at a higher level simply because they want to make it into the tournament. No team can be overlooked at all.” Like Wisconsin, Purdue doesn’t score a lot of goals, but the combination of Alex Hairston and Kellie Phillips has scored 12 goals and tallied 29 points this season. The duo will be the biggest concern for Wisconsin. “The big thing is to stop entry passes into [Hairston and Phillips] by good pressure in the midfield and the back,” head coach Paula Wilkins said. “I think the less
you let a good forward tandem deal with the ball the less opportunities they are going to have.” Wisconsin’s loss to Illinois on Sunday
“We have to win; we have to come out of this weekend with six points. ... No team can be overlooked at all.” Michele Dalton Goalie
marked the ninth game this year that the Badgers failed to score more than one goal, a major factor in the team’s inability to support what has largely been a stellar performance
that first night better,” Eaves said. “I think there’s a little bit more for Joel, with his personality, to sit on the bench and just watch. At least that’s my rationale.” Despite its 1-3 record, Wisconsin is ready for a tough fight with North Dakota. They know it won’t come easy, but the Badgers
are excited to kick off WCHA play and face some historic rivals. “They’re all jacked up,” Eaves said. “They had good energy. … One thing about this series, emotionally, you don’t have to work to get fired up. What we are looking for ourselves is some growth from last weekend.”
per game), second in total defense (186 per game), third in rush defense (67 per game), fourth in scoring defense (10.83 points per game) and eighth in sacks (3.5 per game). But what’s made bigger news as of late for the Spartans defense is unnecessary roughness penalties (six came last week) and post-game quotes like the one from Lewis. The Spartans are 13th in the nation in penalties
per game with 7.67, and on Thursday the Big Ten handed down a one-game suspension to defensive end William Gholston for “violating the Big Ten Sportsmanlike Conduct Agreement” against Michigan last week, ruling him out for Saturday’s game against UW. Gholston was seen on camera twisting the helmet of one Wolverine player and, later, punching another in the helmet. The intimidating nature
by the defense all season. “We need to be able to keep the ball better. We’re not getting that many chances, and I think part of that stems from our spacing,” Nosbusch said. “So we are really spread out, and when we do get forward we aren’t able to keep it.” Of the three women’s soccer teams playing in Madison this weekend, none enters play struggling more than the Indiana Hooisers. In its last five games Indiana (6-9-1, 3-4-1) has a 1-4 record and been outscored by opponents 17-5, including a 2-8 loss to the Boilermakers. The eight goals tied a Purdue school record for goals in a game. A game the Badgers certainly want to put
ERICKSON, from 8 games, that’s pretty special,” LaBate said. “Not a lot of guys would say that right off the bat. I think that’s pretty exciting. Obviously I am very frustrated to be 1-3 right now, but you can’t really think too hard about it because it’s over and done with — just got
of the Spartan defense is something UW head coach Bret Bielema attempted to simulate in this week’s preparation. “We kind of embrace it,” Bielema said. “We don’t run from it, so I give my offensive scout, or my defensive scout teams the liberty to say whatever they want and push [starters] within reason.” The message: Stay cool. “You got to be smart about it. You got to recognize that this is almost
away early, doing so will require a much better offensive effort than Wisconsin has shown in quite some time, and the players are looking forward to playing a defense that may present multiple scoring opportunities. “In general that is one of the things we don’t do is jump on a team early and try to impose our will on them, so no matter who we are playing we need to focus on doing that better,” Nosbusch said. Indiana’s greatest offensive threat to the Badgers is Orianica Velasquez, who leads the team in goals and points with seven and 16 respectively. She is also tied for the team lead in assists and
to work towards the next game … and get the win.” So while a 25 percent winning percentage may make others cringe, the Badgers are embracing it, which is the best approach they could possibly take. It’s a rebuilding year, but the mentality and attitude this team holds has miniscule signs of
like a gameplan type-thing,” Konz said. “That’s part of our preparation because we know that’s part of who they are and that’s part of their defense.” On the other end of the ball, Michigan State brings one of the Big Ten’s best quarterbacks in senior Kirk Cousins, who’s third in league in passing yards with 219.5 per game and fourth in efficiency rating at 140.5. Similar to his counterpart, Wilson, Cousins is flanked by a stable of capable
clearly is aggressive near the net with 69 shots, more than doubling the second highest volume shooter on the team, Lisa Nouanesengsy’s 32. The secret to defending a high volume shooter at this point in the season and a weekend sweep is an easy answer for Dalton. “We need some shutouts,” Dalton said. “As a defensive unit I think that helps boost our confi dence a lot. This weekend I would like two shutouts, keeping the ball out of the back of the net on the defensive end and putting it in the back of the net on the offensive end. That is about as simple as a soccer game gets, and I think that is what we really need to focus on.”
frustration and a marked hunger to keep moving forward. Kelly is a junior majoring in journalism. What are your thoughts on Wisconsin’s play through four games? Let her know what you think at kerickson@badgerherald. com or follow her on Twitter @kellyerickson4.
running backs, most notably sophomore Le’Veon Bell, standing at 6-foot-2, 237 pounds, and Edwin Baker at 5-foot-9, 210 pounds. The two are both hitting an average of just under five yards a carry and are combining for 117.8 a game. “They each got speed,” linebacker Mike Taylor said, who is second on the Badgers with 57 tackles. “Bell is almost 240 pounds; you got to tackle him really fundamentally. You got to play them both tough.”
S PORTS Spartan Stadium awaits
Sports Editor Mike Fiammetta
The Badger Herald | Sports | Friday, October 21, 2011
Badgers return to last year’s scene of crime to take on cross-division foe Michigan State Elliot Hughes Sports Content Editor It’s not too common of a thing in sports for both teams in an upcoming match to have grounds for a grudge against the other. Usually it’s just one team that gets rebuffed while the other holds the bragging rights until next time. But between Wisconsin (6-0, 2-0 Big Ten) football team and Michigan State (51, 2-0), the matter is a little more complicated. For Wisconsin, ranked No. 6 in the BCS standings, it’s a painful memory of a 34-24 loss at Spartan Stadium in last October’s Megan McCormick The Badger Herald Big Ten opener, which put Linebacker Mike Taylor is currently second on the team in tackles with 57 this year. a bruise on an otherwise MSU running backs Le’Veon Bell and Edwin Baker will demand that number increases. euphoric regular season.
In the hours that followed last Saturday’s 59-7 win over Indiana, Wisconsin running back Montee Ball said the Badgers hope to compensate for last year’s loss. “We feel like we owe them from last year, and we do owe them,” Ball said. “We’ll make sure that we practice extremely hard and go in there confident.” Meanwhile, for No. 16 Michigan State, it’s the frustrating fact that despite beating Wisconsin and tying them for the Big Ten crown, it was the Badgers who were invited to the Rose Bowl, while the Spartans were relegated to the Citrus Bowl. And in the hours that followed his team’s 28-14
victory over rival Michigan last Saturday, Spartan safety Isaiah Lewis made it clear how determined he and the rest of the MSU defense is, saying they’re going to “hurt” UW quarterback Russell Wilson. And now both teams will get another chance to settle the matter. For nearly a decade, home field advantage has seemingly proven to be quite a difference-maker between the two teams. Neither team has tasted victory on the other’s turf since Wisconsin did so in 2002. Since then, the University of Wisconsin is 0-3 at Spartan Stadium. For the second straight year, though, the Badgers will make the trip to East
Lansing. But that prior experience may give them a lift this time, according to UW center Peter Konz. “It was tough last year; we didn’t know what to expect,” he said. “[I had] never been [at Spartan Stadium] — a lot of guys, it was their first time. So I think it was a blessing to have gone there and experienced what we’ve experienced because this year we’re going into another hostile environment.” “It’s going to be nighttime this time; teams are higher ranked. It’s going to help us, what we faced last year, to get mentally prepared coming into this game.”
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New chapter begins in UW, UND rivalry After rough start, Badgers have hands full with defending WCHA champions Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor There are 16 underclassmen — 10 of which are freshmen. And no, it’s not Wisconsin. North Dakota has found itself in a similar situation to the Wisconsin men’s hockey team, fielding a slew of young skaters. But the fact remains that North Dakota is still a feared power, returning nine veteran players who led the Sioux to a WCHA title last year. Wisconsin (1-3-0, 0-20 WCHA) will have its hands full against a North Dakota (2-1-1, 0-0-0 WCHA) team that opens WCHA play at the Kohl Center Friday. “What we’re going to get from North Dakota is
very similar to what we’ve seen every year we’ve played them,” head coach Mike Eaves said. “They’re going to come with speed, heart and very physical. Nothing has changed in the 10 years that I’ve been here. That’s their [modus] operendi. The only thing that changes is the names and the level of skill that they have within that framework.” This weekend will be meeting No. 158 and 159 between these two storied programs. In their most recent matchups, the road team has held the upper hand, as UND went 2-0 at the Kohl Center last year, winning 1-0 and 4-2. Traveling to Grand Forks, Wisconsin has gone 4-11 in its last six games, but at home it’s 1-5-0 in that same span at home. As Wisconsin has struggled to notch those game-winning goals, Eaves has moved the lines around this week, hoping new combinations will help make things happen
on the ice. “Absolutely,” Eaves said. “We’re just trying to stimulate. We gave a good look at the combinations we had and just tried to change a few things to see if could stimulate something that way.” The top line will get even younger, as Eaves moved freshman forward Joe LaBate up to left wing on the first line with sophomores Mark Zengerle and Tyler Barnes. Sophomore forward Michael Mersch will move to the second line. “Hopefully they work out,” LaBate said. “We’re all going with the same mentality: It’s a team sport, and you’ve got to work together. Hopefully the lines click, and hopefully we can get the win.” “It’s offense and defense just trying to find the right chemistry with the right guys. Obviously we need more firepower; we lost two good scorers last year, and we’ve lost by one goal
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Defenseman John Ramage (above) and company will have to be in top form to bring down the 2-1-1 Fighting Sioux this weekend. in all our games. … We definitely need a lot of goals and offense against this team. Hopefully we can get it.” Wisconsin has scored eight goals this season from six different players, one of which LaBate scored in his Wisconsin debut in the season opener against Northern Michigan.
While changes on the lines may help create some more scoring opportunities on the ice, junior captain and defenseman John Ramage believes that if the defense is solid, the offense will follow accordingly. “I think a good defense leads to good offense,” Ramage said. “If we’re solid in our own end and get the puck up, then
that gives our forwards a chance to go and score. The more time we have puck possession the better chance we can score.” Eaves may be trying to stimulate something new on offense, but when it comes to minding the net, he’s going to keep rotating freshmen Landon Peterson
CHAPTER, page 7
1-3? UW’s still confident Kelly Erickson Erickson the Red It’s been said the Wisconsin men’s hockey team is young and inexperienced. So far this season the Badgers have won only one of their four games. The three losses were all a result of an overtime goal. So while we can sit here and say 1-3 is terrible, we have to keep in mind how close those games actually were. For a young and inexperienced team that has little-to-no expectations outside its own locker room, fighting for those wins into overtime is impressive, especially considering all three games were situations where UW had to come from behind to tie it up. Sure they’d rather be winning, but a little adversity never hurt the Badgers. “I think it’s definitely motivation,” freshman forward Joseph LaBate said. “I think it’s how the coaches handle it and how the team handles it — you know the captains and the older guys. We could be 4-0. We’ve lost three OT games and that’s frustrating, but you’ve got
to look at it like it’s just one goal. It’s the beginning of the season, it’s a long season and it just matters how good you are at the end of the season, and I think we’re on the right track.” It’s only the beginning of the season, but through four games Wisconsin doesn’t look like the strongest hockey team on paper. But what stats and standing don’t reveal is how close the Badgers are
adversity this early in the season. “I don’t think they’re aware of the adversity, I just think that they want to get better,” Eaves said. “The adversity is the fact that when you look on paper, we’re 1-3, but if you watch film, we’ve done some good things and we’ve done some things we know we can get better at. I don’t think they look at it as anything other than an opportunity, to quote
For a young and inexperienced team that has little-to-no expectations outside its own locker room, fighting for those wins into overtime is impressive, especially considering all three games were situations where UW had to come from behind to tie it up. to exceeding expectations. None of their losses have been blowouts. In Wisconsin’s case, it just hasn’t been able to net that golden goal yet. Instead of getting overly discouraged by their bad luck and inconsistent offense, the Badgers aren’t focusing on what has happened, rather they just want to move forward. According to head coach Mike Eaves, his team isn’t even aware they’ve faced
Bret [Bielema], to be 1-0 on Friday. And that’s been the best mentality to have.” And it’s a mentality they’ll have to work to keep. Playing in the WCHA is no easy feat, especially for a team full of youngsters. But for the freshmen on this particular squad, losses early on can actually be a good thing. “I think it has a positive impact because they really don’t know any better
right now,” defenseman John Ramage said. “It’s only the first four games of college, so I think it will have a positive effect and something to learn from.” They aren’t fighting or focusing on the losses and letting them affect their play. The Badgers are simply trying to build off what they’ve achieved so far. Given the length of the season, Wisconsin will have to work hard to completely adopt a 1-0 mentality, especially if the struggle to get the puck in the net continues. But instilling it now and working to score those game-winners, there’s a lot of unknown potential that awaits this Badger squad. They’re inconsistent, showing moments of great resiliency and moments of complete breakdowns. The simple fact that they were able to come from behind in each game so far to either win or push it into overtime suggests the Badgers not only have the ability to win, but a drive to always get at the puck and make something happen. It’ll be exciting to see how Wisconsin performs once it has some more experience and a couple more wins to its name. Potential exists. It’s just a matter of molding that potential into a competitive unit. “Playing in three OT
ERICKSON, page 7