The Badgers are back in Camp Randall after two heartbreaking losses on the road to break their second-place tie with the Boilermakers | 10
The city approved a loan for the construction of new University of Wisconsin clinics on the west side of campus. | 2
Time to get back on track
Volume XLIII, Issue 44
ARTS | POINT/COUNTERPOINT Embarking on a new hair-a
ArtsEtc. editors debate the age old controversy about whether or not mustaches are an appropriate facial accessory, consulting various angles of empirical evidence. | 7
House erupts in late-night session Gallery cleared as observers, legislators fight over conduct, Democrats’ delay Grant Hauser State Reporter The Wisconsin State Assembly erupted into chaos during what were meant to be the final hours of a special session on jobs early Friday morning after a long democratic caucus and repeated disturbances from observers in the gallery. After being called back early from caucus, the second of the session, at around 1:30 a.m., Minority Leader Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, lashed out at Republican members of the Assembly after they had passed a bill on the employment of unpardoned felons without the full presence of the Democratic party and ending the caucus before the Democrats were finished. Barca yelled at the Republicans, calling their tactics disgusting and disrespectful to the
legislative process. “I ask [the Republicans] and your senior members to cite a time when they were treated this way as a minority. This is an abuse of power,” Barca said. Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, lashed back, citing an instance in a prior budget session before Gov. Scott Walker took office and calling the Democratic caucus disorganized. “It’s not our fault you cannot control your caucus,” Fitzgerald said. “These bills will get passed either now or in January. You need to make a decision and find the unity you supposedly had on Tuesday.” During Fitzgerald’s speech, a member of the viewing gallery stood up and shouted across the assembly chamber that the members were holding an “abortion of justice” and stormed out of the gallery. Then immediately following that exit, another member of the gallery shouted “fuck you” at Fitzgerald forcing the Speaker to clear everyone out of the gallery and lock it for the
remainder of the session. Shortly there after, there was a third Democratic caucus called and the public in the vestibule was asked to leave the area. One Capitol police officer said it was a matter of making sure the area immediately outside of the Assembly floor was clear for Assembly member safety. The observers who caused the disruption appeared to be intoxicated and were escorted from the Capitol. However, those asked to leave the vestibule included Representative guests, aids and the family of one representative waiting for the end of session. Earlier in the night Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison and Rep. Robin Vos, R-Burlington, engaged in a heated debate over two jobs bills. Pocan said it was sad that in a special session on jobs the two bills were the first about jobs. Vos responded by saying the Democratic plans spent too much
ASSEMBLY, page 3
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Tia Nowak, a member of ASM Student Council, speaks during an MCSC rally on campus Thursday to protest and raise awareness of the group’s trouble going through the student government budget process.
Amid confusion, SSFC tables MCSC decision Katie Caron Campus Reporter In the latest chapter of the continued controversy between the Student Services Finance Committee and the Multicultural Student Coalition, tension and confusion surrounding the budget appeals process brought Thursday’s SSFC meeting to a close.
During the night’s emotional meeting, members of MCSC appealed SSFC’s denial of General Student Services Fund eligibility, arguing that MCSC is a necessary student organization on campus. MCSC was denied eligibility for segregated fee funding two weeks ago by SSFC. The student organization brought a
suit against SSFC to the Student Judiciary last month, charging that a budget waiver SSFC implemented earlier this year violated the group’s due process and was unfairly put in place. SJ ruled in favor of MCSC regarding the waiver in an opinion issued Monday. During the meeting,
SSFC, page 3
Senate passes ‘Castle Doctrine,’ ballots for soldiers overseas Adrianna Viswanatha State Reporter A controversial bill that gives homeowners strong legal protection if they attack an intruder on their property they deem threatening is headed to the governor to be signed into law. The bill, also known as “Castle Doctrine” and introduced in the Assembly by Rep. Dean Kaufert, R-Neenah, was approved by the Senate Thursday at their last meeting until they reconvene in January. Under current law,
homeowners who injure or kill intruders must prove they acted reasonably. The castle doctrine would instead put pressure on the intruder to prove the use of force was unwarranted. Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, offered an amendment that would give firefighters and EMTs the same protective rights for entering homes as police officers in these situations. He said it was a matter of safety for public safety workers, as much as for individuals in their homes, to avoid workers being
unnecessarily hurt or killed. “In the heat of the moment, your definition of what is illegal [entry] and my definition of what is illegal [entry] may be totally different,” Erpenbach said. The amendment was initially rejected, but after lengthy debate was reconsidered for adoption. Another amendment offered by Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, was put in at the request of the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The amendment
provided that in cases qualifying as domestic violence restraining orders, the bill would not apply. “The problem is, violence sometimes occurs in family situations, and sometimes gets to the point that one person kills the other,” Risser said. The amendment was tabled, and the bill voted into concurrence with only the first amendment attached. Sen. Lena Taylor, D-Milwaukee, said it embodied a very progressive way of thinking.
Free food with a side of history University of Wisconsin graduate students Sarah Khalil and Omneya Darwish give the audience at Taste of Cultures a brief history lesson on Egypt. The event at the Great Hall in the Memorial Union highlighted different aspects of the country’s culture.
“I am arguing for freedom of speech and assembly and religion, and today I am arguing for the right to carry and do what you need to do,” Taylor said. Another bill passed at the meeting, introduced by Sen. Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin, regards allowing voting ballots to be sent electronically to Wisconsin voters serving overseas in the military. The bill would also move the date of the state’s fall primary back one month. The primary, also renamed the ‘partisan primary’ by
SENATE, page 3
Madison to restore housing committee
Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
Ally Boutelle City Editor The City Housing Committee has not met since July, leaving all potential housing legislation and ordinances stagnant in anticipation of the committee’s reformation. Several pieces of legislation are waiting to go through the decision process. One item most pertinent to students is the proposed “Nuisance Party Ordinance.” If the ordinance passes, people found violating housing ordinances related to underage drinking and noise complaints will be added to a “nuisance party list” that adds additional financial penalties and the possibility of eviction. Another ordinance would push student apartment showing dates back to December or January, giving potential residents © 2011 BADGER HERALD
the bill, will now be held on Aug. 2 as opposed to Sept. 2. One amendment, sponsored by Sen. Timothy Cullen, D-Janesville, was offered to the body and would allow ballots to be sent electronically to regular voters as well as military personnel. Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, spoke against the amendment, saying it was harmful for security reasons. “There is a uniqueness and difference between
less time to view an apartment before signing a lease. The Housing Committee’s inactivity, however, prevents these or any other ordinance from going through. As a result, students will remain unaffected by both ordinances at least until the committee is restructured. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said a main reason for the committee’s hiatus is its five vacant seats. Without these members, he said, the committee is often forced to cancel meetings. “Certain committees will go into hibernation or only meet on occasion when necessary,” Resnick said. “However, Housing Committee has the need to meet — we just keep on missing quorum.” The committee has also suffered because several members have
HOUSING, page 2
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, November 4, 2011
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City approves $100M clinic Kaylie Duff y News Reporter
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The Madison City Council unanimously voted Tuesday to provide a $1.3 million loan to allow the development of a new University of Wisconsin clinic that will allow doctors who promote and treat digestive health to reach more patients. The project is one of the largest in recent city history, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of UW Hospitals and Clinics Ronald Sliwinski said, with a value of around $100 million. The loan will allow Madison developer Krupp General Contractors to develop the former Erdman properties west of campus at University Avenue and Whitney Way. The $1.3 million loan will be used for phase one of the project, Ald. Mark Clear, District 19, said. He said some hospital jobs will be moving from the hospital’s main location to the new clinics because space is limited in the current facility. The new clinic will allow hospital employees better facilities and increased access to
equipment. Clear said he voted in favor of this project because of its economic and health benefits for the city. “I think this is a really good project in a great location,” he said. “It will provide great jobs for this neighborhood, and I support keeping jobs in the city.” Paul Lenhart, Krupp owner and CEO, said the project will take place on 14 acres of land that will have other building projects beyond the clinic. The UW digestive clinic will lease 60,000 square feet of the future development site. “[The development] will house a clinical program that will pull together all the disciplines of digestive health with state of the art facilities,” Sliwinski said. The demand for services such as endoscopies and colonoscopies is increasing, Sliwinski said. These services are currently delivered at three different locations around campus. All three facilities are treating their maximum capacity of patients, Sliwinski added. This new facility will bring
Courtesy of the City of Madison
The new clinic would be built on the intersection of Whitney Way and University Ave. The new clinic, which is estimated to be completed in five to seven years, would focus on digestive health and would free space for patients in other UW clinics. them together with additional capacity. Lenhart hopes construction on the first building will begin before the end of the year. The project will take between five to seven years to finish. Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3, said the project will allow UW Hospital to provide its patients with more efficient and comprehensive care.
“The new clinic will truly benefit the patients of UW Hospital,” Cnare said. “The American Cancer Society has really been pushing people to be screened for colon cancer. We need to expand the capacity for people to have that done.” Sliwinski views this expansion as an opportunity to broaden the UW campus and medical facilities over the
long term. The UW Clinics are currently holding land for additional future clinical development as well. In addition to the UW clinics, Lenhart said, multiple other tenants will occupy the new development. The entire mixed-use project will take up seven lots and about a half-million square feet. Each building will have its own parking.
Debt deepens for nation’s ’10 graduates Report highlights dependence students have on loans to pay for college, does not include for-profit institutions Justin Pope Associated Press (AP)-- Members of the college class of 2010 who took out student loans owed on average $25,250 upon graduation, a 5 percent increase from the year before, according to a new analysis released Thursday. The figures, compiled using college survey data by The Project on Student Debt, indicate average indebtedness increasing at about the same annual rate as in the last five years, but still give a fresh snapshot of what many
advocates and experts call an alarming reliance on borrowed money to pay for college. Roughly two-thirds of the class of 2010 borrowed for college, and they were hit especially hard because the unemployment rate for new college graduates stood at 9.1 percent the year they graduated — though that’s less than half the rate for counterparts who only have a high school degree. Another cause for concern: because of data limitations, the figures do not include students at forprofit college, where other
recent data show 96 percent of graduates have loans and they borrow nearly 50 percent more than those who graduate from other four-year schools. Debt levels do vary widely from school to school, and from region to region. The average level at individual colleges ranges from $950 to over $55,000. The report identifies 15 nonprofit institutions where students graduate with unusually high debt levels, a list that encompasses schools ranging from Regent University in Virginia to New York University to a
number of art schools. Meanwhile, students in the Northeast and Midwest generally had substantially higher debts than those in the West. New Hampshire had the highest average graduating debt of any state at $31,048, while Utah was lowest at $15,509. These figures, on top of last week’s College Board report showing a 7.3 percent increase this year in tuition prices at public four-year colleges, highlight the challenge of college affordability at a time when states have significantly cut support for higher education.
Still, the report notes the figures could have been worse. Though unlucky in the job market, the class of 2010 finished school just as a large wave of federal financial aid was washing into the system. In 20092010 federal spending on Pell Grants to low-income students — which do not need to be repaid and thus reduce the need to borrow — roughly doubled from two years before to over $30 billion. Over that time, the average grant increased roughly $1,000 to $3,751, according to data from last week’s College Board report.
Life of UW alumna, war hero captured in film Documentary shows courage of Wisconsin native who resisted Nazi regime, only U.S. woman Hitler executed Tahleel Mohieldin News Reporter The memory of a University of Wisconsin alumna and World War II heroine was honored during a documentary previewed on campus Thursday night. Members of the public were invited to the Hillel Center Thursday to attend Wisconsin Public Television’s screening of “Wisconsin’s Nazi Resistance: The Mildred Fish-Harnack Story.” The documentary examines the life and legacy of Mildred FishHarnack, UW alumna, Milwaukee-native and the only American woman executed under direct orders from Adolf Hitler. Fish-Harnack, affectionately known as Milly, risked and ultimately gave her
HOUSING, from 1 recently resigned, he said. Mayor Paul Soglin said the city is holding off on filling the empty spots until the 2012 Executive Operating Budget is finalized. “We’re in the process of reorganizing the housing committees and didn’t want to make appointments of permanent members without knowing exactly
life in the pursuit of justice. Among her many contributions to the resistance, Fish-Harnack used her teaching job to recruit students against the Nazi regime and extract vital information against the Nazi military. She and her husband, who was also a UW alumnus, obtained information from the Germans and gave it to American and Soviet forces and were part of a resistance movement against the Nazi regime called the “Red Orchestra.” The documentary’s Thursday night screening was well-attended, requiring screening in two different rooms. Audience member and UW graduate student Javier Samper Vendiell said the story of FishHarnack is a transnational phenomenon and one
that should be told. The film created a somber mood throughout the audience, even moving some of the audience to tears. The documentary’s producer, Joel Waldinger, said he took on the film project in 2006 because he admired Fish-Harnack’s moral courage and recognized her as a “rolemodel to do the right thing even when its not popular.” UW history and religious studies professor Rudy Koshar provided the audience with the political and historical context surrounding FishHarnack’s life. He said Fish-Harnack’s legacy is particularly important because it has been off the radar. “The fact that she was wiling to put herself in danger, the fact that she
was a woman, makes her story all the more significant,” Koshar said. He added 40 percent of resistors captured by the regime were women. Criminal justice professor Ralph Grunewald, who was one of the film’s narrators, said the film and Fish-Harnack’s story appealed to him because it “encourages us not to be overwhelmed by circumstance, to take the right cause in [our] own hands.” Grunewald said he encourages his students to do something when faced with an injustice, like Fish-Harnack did. Efforts outside of the film have been made to recognize the significance of Fish-Harnack’s life and what she represents. Waldinger said UW’s own Helen C. White was head of the committee
to establish a memorial devoted to Fish-Harnack and her memory. Furthermore, thanks to the efforts of Milwaukee civil rights lawyer Art Heitzer, in 1986 the Wisconsin Legislature designated Sept. 16 as “Mildred Harnack Day.” Waldinger said “[FishHarnack‘s] story reaches well beyond our borders, but we are able to claim Mildred as our own.” Waldinger said he hopes his documentary will take one more step towards preserving the life of Fish-Harnack and “bring back the story of the forgotten daughter of Wisconsin.” The documentary premieres Monday, Nov. 7, at 8 p.m., on WPT. Additional information on the life and legacy of Fish-Harnack can be found on the WPT website.
where the budget leaves us next year,” Soglin said. Soglin said he has received no backlash from the community about putting the committee on hold while waiting for the budget to pass. Ann Monks, spokesperson in the mayor ’s office, said the only immediate action that will be taken is a discussion with City Council at the council’s next meeting.
Monks added the mayor is hoping to reorganize what he called a “fractured and incoherent” committee. “He was hoping to create a more functional committee setting,” she said. “Right now, [Housing Committee] is a large committee without clear goals that has always had a hard time being effective. [Soglin] has a different vision on what he wants [Housing Committee] to be.”
Monks said the mayor ’s plan to restructure the committee involves breaking it up into two specialized subcommittees. The new structure will include a landlord-tenant committee and a housing policy committee, she said. The landlord-tenant committee will address problems between landlords and renters, while the housing policy will define general
housing rules for the city. “The landlord-tenant committee will work effectively as a standalone committee to deal with tenant issues,” Monks said. “It will be a forum to raise issues and have a discussion about any problems.” The Landlords’ Rights bill that passed the Senate this week will have no effect on the Housing Committee’s proceedings, Resnick said.
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, November 4, 2011
New prep school aims to close achievement gap Molly McCall City Reporter With a continuing increase in the achievement gap, the Urban League of Greater Madison believes the proposed Madison Prep charter school will provide underrepresented students in the Madison area with an opportunity to bridge the gap. Madison Prep will consist of two schools, one for boys and one for girls. It will be open to any sixth-grader that resides in the Madison Metropolitan School District, Director of School Development Laura DeRoche-Perez said.
“[Madison Prep’s mission will be] to prepare students for success at fouryear colleges or universities by instilling excellence, pride, leadership, and service,” DeRoche-Perez said. According to the Urban League’s website, the Board of Education of the Madison Metropolitan School District approved the charter school planning grant application for Madison Prep by a 6-to-1 vote in March. The final education plan is now currently being analyzed by the Board of Education. The board will take a vote to pass or reject
the contract on Nov. 28, DeRoche-Perez said. In its first year, 60 boys and 60 girls will be admitted. If more students apply, there will be a random lottery to accept the students, she said. DeRoche-Perez said Madison Prep will serve as a “catalyst to spark improvement for the entire district.” Madison Prep will serve as an “incubator” for positive strategies. “We want to be able to export the best practices and strategies back to MMSD,” DeRoche-Perez said. The proposal has passionate advocates
such as Mary Burke, a retired Madison business executive. Last month, Burke donated $2.5 million to Madison Prep. “I think that there are financial issues in terms of funding,” she said. “If I could do what I could to lessen that amount, that’s the way I could contribute.” Burke said she’s been involved with issues of the achievement gap and how students of color are being prepared to succeed for over a decade. She was involved in starting the AVID/TOPS program that prepares students who are the first in their family to go to college.
Burke said she is particularly concerned with the high school graduation rates among students of color in Madison, which indicate whether people are prepared to get well-paying jobs. According to DeRochePerez, the graduation rate declined for all racial and ethnic groups in 2010. Forty-eight percent of black students and 57 percent of Hispanic students graduated from Madison’s public high schools, compared to 87 percent of white and 82 percent of Asian students. Burke said those numbers need to be
addressed immediately and forcefully. “I don’t believe there is any one way to address the issue,” Burke said. “Progress can be made in public schools, but more than one significant initiative needs to be in place,” she added. Burke said critics say Madison Prep will only serve a minority of the students of color from the Madison Metropolitan School District, taking away energy and talent from the public schools. If the proposal is passed, Madison Prep is slated to open in the fall of 2012, DeRoche-Perez said.
Students blend artistic inspiration, research Danielle Miller News Reporter
Zhao Lim The Badger Herald file photo
Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, speaks during a Senate meeting held earlier this week. During Thursday’s meeting, Risser proposed an amendment to the Senate bill on self-defense in the home that aimed to protect victims of domestic abuse.
SENATE, from 1 military ballots emailed and a ballot being emailed to any voter in the state,” Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald said that a regular voter with an emailed ballot could print ballots an infinite number
of times, thereby making the voting process unfair. Erpenbach said the amendment would not be a threat to the security of the voting process, since voters have to verify their identity with photo ID in order to vote. “If it’s good enough for
the military, it should be good enough for the rest of Wisconsin,” Erpenbach said. Lazich, author of the bill, said it is important for people overseas to obtain their ballots electronically, but it should not extend to the rest of Wisconsin voters.
SSFC, from 1 MCSC members mainly asserted that SSFC’s process for assessing GSSF eligibility is deficient and inconsistent. The group argued that a member of SSFC used an incorrect formula when calculating eligibility and violated viewpoint neutrality when determining the amount of direct services the group provides. “You are not statisticians,” MCSC representative Nneka Akubeze said to the committee during the appeal. “When it comes to calculating the numbers that a group gives you and says is the truth, it is 100 Megan McCormick The Badger Herald percent your viewpoint Chris Pears, a member of MCSC, came out to support the multicultural student group when you decide that we’re wrong.” at Thursday night’s SSFC meeting during open forum, which drew a large crowd.
ASSEMBLY, from 1 government money and that is not how the Republican party planned to create jobs and calling the democratic party fiscally irresponsible. The first of the two bills was going to grant small businesses more money through the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority. But the bill
was sent back to the Senate. The second bill was a bill to create a program that would allow unemployed or future workers to be trained. That bill was sent back for review. As of print time the Assembly was scheduled to reconvene around 2:30 a.m. to continue to the end of the regular session and into the special session.
A website created by three University of Wisconsin students was launched last month as a resource for artists, libraries and the general population. The endeavor, Library as Incubator Project, serves as a research tool not only for users but also for the founders who created the site. School of Library and Information Studies students Laura DamonMoore, Erinn Batykefer and Christina Endres cofounded the project after Damon-Moore presented the idea, inspired by an article based on an artist who currently uses libraries for artistic research, according to a UW statement. After individually surveying multiple artists, the trio expanded to the creation of the website as the most efficient way to share
Akubeze went on to suggest that the committee seek help from experts in the creation of a more uniform funding eligibility procedure. She also said she did not like feeling like a “guinea pig” in an unstandardized procedural experiment. SSFC Rep. Tia Nowak agreed in open forum. “I think the system is wrong and it’s not working to help students,” Nowak said. “What we’re doing here is not learning to be lawyers — it’s affecting people’s lives, and the decisions that we’re making here are much, much larger than this room.” Also brought up in the dialogue was the fact that the bylaw delineating the appeals process is not open
and gather information. “We thought it would be great to connect art and libraries because there are so many ways for these two parts of our culture to support each other,” Endres, who has a background in advocating for libraries, said in an email to The Badger Herald. During a period of budget cuts and decreased spending, Endres said the site’s creation comes at an ideal time in the economy. “When budgets for libraries and arts coalitions are being gutted, these two entities can combine, support and promote each other,” Damon-Moore said in the statement. Integrating libraries and art, the website services an array of users while recognizing that one research method or one library is not going to meet the needs of every artist, Endres said.
to the public. ASM member Beth Huang said it troubled her that she couldn’t find the information. In response, SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said she would look into making sure all of the bylaws are on the SSFC website. During the appeal, Akubeze also pointed out that many members of the committee did not have a full grasp of the appeal process. When she asked the committee how many members had been trained in the area, less than half raised their hands. With this in mind, Nowak motioned to postpone the agenda to the next meeting and adjourn since members did not fully feel comfortable with the process at the time. Neibart said in an
Through research, Endres said, the group is finding that libraries are used by artists in many different ways. This, along with the knowledge that many artists conduct research in what Endres described as a “serendipitous and scattered” manner, promotes the concept of a communal location to browse for inspiration. “We want to develop a community and a conversation that’s ongoing,” DamonMoore said in the statement. From artists to libraries to nonprofit organizations, Library as Incubator Project provides a medium through which people are able to communicate, conduct research and present their work, while informing patrons about the various contributions libraries make to communities, the statement said.
interview with The Badger Herald that since the meeting started to get heated and because of some confusion and miscommunication regarding the new appeals process, she thought adjourning was a good idea. Also during the meeting, the committee approved the Vets for Vets budget of $37,904 in a vote of 10-0-2. The budget was proposed last Monday, and the committee made few changes. The Working Class Student Union also presented its budget of $51,814.30 to the committee. A decision regarding the budget will be reached in Monday’s meeting. Some members of MCSC declined an interview with The Badger Herald.
Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Friday, November 4, 2011
Assembly bill further ostracizes oppressed ex-cons Ryan Plesh Staff Writer
The justice system in the United States is supposed to be at once a retributive and a rehabilitative system. This means that when someone is convicted of a crime, they are punished because what they did was wrong and caused harm to society, and they are given a chance to rehabilitate themselves. If the crime is serious enough, rehabilitation usually means prison. There is a bill in the Wisconsin State Assembly that would make it legal for employers to refuse to hire people or even fire employees convicted of
felonies in the past. I would generally support the right of employers to make their own decisions regarding who they can and cannot employ, and it would be wonderful if we lived in an ideal world in which no one were ever discriminated against because of completely irrelevant factors such as skin color or sexual orientation. Currently, however, we don’t. That’s why we have laws in place that protect the rights of historically oppressed groups. For some reason, ex-convicts are never included among these groups. One might argue that ex-convicts should not be protected under such laws because their situation is, in fact, different. No individual chose their skin color; every (rightly convicted) felon chose to act in such a way that led to their being convicted of
a felony. However, this does not change the fact that ex-convicts are an oppressed group. When convicted of a crime, a felon is given a sentence. After having served that sentence, they are supposed to have been punished and rehabilitated. I don’t understand the point of punishment for the sake of punishment in the first place. Certainly, if a criminal can make
If the felon is rehabilitated, they should not have to be a social pariah after having paid for their crime. amends for what they did, then this should be part of their sentence, but many sentences serve no such end. Time in prison does not help the victim of a crime in any direct
or significant way, although there is no question that some crimes are heinous enough that the criminal simply needs to be put in prison in order to protect society. However, further punishing felons by allowing them to be discriminated against for a crime for which they have already paid makes no sense. The felon is rehabilitated; they should not have to be a social pariah after having paid for their crime. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.” If we follow this advice, I’m not sure we can even trust ourselves. We as a society have a very strong impulse to punish. We like to think that it’s OK to discriminate against those who have been convicted of crimes
because they “deserve” it, but the whole point of our justice system is to ensure that criminals get their just desserts. They have already gotten what they “deserve.” There is no reason to further punish ex-convicts. If we believe that they are not rehabilitated, then let’s lock them away forever. But if we believe that they are, they should be given the same opportunities as everyone else. It is already the case in Wisconsin that felons cannot vote until they have been released from prison and completed their parole and probation. Reasonable people can debate whether felons should be disenfranchised while incarcerated, but it seems somewhat harsh to bar individuals from voting after being released. Moreover, I can only imagine
how difficult it is to reintegrate oneself into a society which is so unforgiving. This bill unnecessarily adds to that difficulty. There is already a law in place in Wisconsin which bans felons from having jobs that relate specifically to their past convictions. This law makes complete sense. A child molester forfeits their right to work at a school because children need to be protected from them. However, blindly discriminating against felons in the workplace protects no one. It only makes their lives harder and undermines the most important purpose of the justice system, which is to allow criminals a chance to again be productive members of society. Ryan Plesh (rplesh@ is a senior majoring in philosophy and physics.
Reinstatement breach of power Nick Checkers Guest Columnist
The recent decision of the Student Council to reappoint Beth Huang and Niko Magollon to their former seats was a disturbing but unsurprising revelation. It is blatantly obvious that a cabal within Student Council has an agenda to undermine the legitimacy of the Judiciary as a co-equal branch of ASM and to exaggerate an already large accountability gap. Of course the council’s actions are technically legal (no matter how stupid), but they are nevertheless devious. The near unanimity confirming Beth and Niko suggests that ethical considerations run secondary to what has accurately been described as cronyism. Whereas the court acted in the student interest, the council’s decision is an affront to that prerogative. Those seeking elected office no doubt seek to enact positive change at this university and assume an enormous responsibility given the level of autonomy afforded ASM. However,
there is a widely held perception by students that ASM is irrelevant; this action only lends addition credence to that notion and undermines the efforts of students actually committed to serving their peers. From the original hearing, I was the sole voice arguing for Beth’s and Niko’s immediate disqualification. In my assessment, the original majority failed to properly consider the perversion of the election process that accompanies canvassing. There really is no excuse for not following the rules when instructed to know them and when one gains an enormous advantage over their opponents by cheating. The intent to secure additional votes through malicious violation of the rules must be assumed to have corrupted the election outcome, compromised the fair and level playing field and undermined the process’s integrity. Thus, punitive determinations must bear in mind that the “desired end” of their actions carried
Tom Zionkowski The Badger Herald
Tom Zionkowski The Badger Herald
Former ASM Nominations Board Chair Niko Magollon was sworn back in to Student Council approved reinstating ASM Vice Chair Beth Huang this week. his post this week. He was removed earlier this month for a bylaws violation. Opponents of the council’s decision believe the move to be an act of cronyism. the presumption of alteration and, as a result, necessitated disqualification given the seriousness of the offense. The burden of proof rested with those accused and was impossible to be satisfied. However, finding their community service punishment exceedingly lenient and quite frankly asinine, I nevertheless expected Beth and Niko to make a concerted effort when
it was ordered. That was obviously not the case as both showed not only apathy but contempt for the court’s efforts to penalize them. They submitted garbage community service that was essentially an extension of their position only after being reminded by a staff member the evening it was to be submitted. It is reasonable to expect harm to be repaired by community service only when
individuals actually care enough to do it with the intent to remedy the wrong they committed. Anything less than that standard is not commensurate with position of public trust that Niko and Beth were seeking. Council subverted the Judiciary and allowed those guilty of gross malfeasance to escape with impunity. When outcomes favor the guilty, there is no deterrence or justice,
only a precedent inviting malversation no matter how invective the sanctioning rhetoric or how arduous the tribulation was. The fact of the matter is, the credibility of ASM needlessly suffered again. Nick Checker ( is a sophomore majoring in history and political science. He is an associate justice on the Student Judiciary.
Castle Doctrine gives homeowners invitation to open fire Carolyn Briggs Managing Editor
I like guns. I like having them, I like shooting them. I believe that as Americans and citizens of the modern world, we have the right to have guns for responsible recreation and — if we feel we need them — defense. The Wisconsin Legislature’s latest gun related bill, however, takes this right entirely too far. Under a bill known as Castle Doctrine, Wisconsin homeowners are granted more legal leeway if they shoot and injure or kill an intruder. The
homeowner is also granted more protection from civil litigation in that it is up to the victim to prove they were not intruding — previously, it was up to the homeowner to prove they had the right to shoot a deadly weapon at someone. The bill has already passed through the Assembly and Senate and is only waiting on a signature from Republican Gov. Scott “Rubber Stamp” Walker before it becomes law. Rep. Dean Kaufert, R-Neenah, the man responsible for this legislative bowel movement, defended the rights of Wisconsinites to shoot people without first figuring out if they indeed do intend to harm you. His logic? When people need to defend themselves, they shouldn’t have to
stop and think about whether or not they will be charged. Kaufert and I agree on that point. If your life is legitimately in danger you should be able to defend it any way you possibly can. The thing is, the law already allows you to do this. When you are threatened physically, you are allowed to fight back without worrying about the law. This particular bill allows you to shoot an unarmed, nonthreatening person: something that will absolutely lead to unnecessary deaths. “If a person unlawfully breaks into your home, it’s assumed that you believe he’s there for a criminal purpose,” Kaufert said on the Assembly floor Tuesday. “You don’t have to ask them;
you’re afforded that protection.” The problem here is that criminals break into houses and on to property for a variety of reasons, many being completely non-violent. There is a large difference between busting in a window to steal an iPod and breaking into a home to do physical harm to its resident, but under this legislation a petty criminal can be shot and killed. Legally. While I agree the asshole who stole my roommate’s purse last year should be punished, I’d stop short of pumping him full of lead. It is not just criminals who could be the victim of unnecessary gun use under this bill. A drunken college student accidentally stumbling toward the wrong house could theoretically be injured
or even killed without any repercussions for the trigger happy homeowner. Again, the theoretical lush is trespassing and should face repercussions for their actions, but a deadly hangover is probably more appropriate than a deadly bullet to the face. A trespasser does not even have to break in to the house in question to be shot. Home owners can shoot anyone with two feet on their property as long as they claim to feel threatened. Ultimately, this bill will do nothing to help people who shoot out of the legitimate need to defend themselves. Those people are already taken care of under our laws. Anyone who benefits from the extra protections this bill would extend is
someone who fired a gun in a legally dubious situation. Providing legal immunity to these people and then forcing victims of gun crimes to defend their possibly completely harmless actions makes this one of the most backwards pieces of legislation to come out of this farce of a session. There is nothing wrong with liking guns. There is nothing wrong with wanting to shoot them. There is something wrong with wanting more legal situations to shoot them at people. This attitude seems to be exactly what our public servants, who have pledged to keep us safe and well, should be legislating against. Carolyn Briggs (cbriggs@badgerherald. com) is a senior majoring in English.
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Remember, Remember the Tomorrow of November Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Friday, November 4, 2011
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Enjoying the shitty film adaptation
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: Separating long standing British tradition from fiction utilizing it
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
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28 29 41 42
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12 General George at Gettysburg 15 16 14 Performed 17 18 19 20 brilliantly 21 22 23 24 16 Warehouse workers 25 26 19 Job for some 27 28 wall fixers 22 Deuterium 29 30 has one 31 32 33 34 35 24 London 36 37 letter getter 26 Twenties 38 39 28 Wheelie 40 41 42 43 supporter 30 Daredevilish 44 45 46 47 31 Muleta 48 49 material 50 51 33 Four years as governor, say Puzzle by Joe Krozel 34 Like most Across novelist and Charleson TV cop apartments 1 Many family 41 Doesn’t go show) 35 Minds viviparous 26 His character away 7 Miss hitting 36 Danes births had the 43 Thing to a piñata?: featured in 8 Where many signature line drive off of Abbr. films beads are “Book ’em, 44 Choices for 8 Bauhaus 37 Renounce formed Danno” snaps artist and 38 Little digit? 13 Pretty good 27 Territory on 46 Like some teacher 39 Prefix with result for a a Risk board Internet 9 “___ I had type golf round 28 Like stools searches heard of 42 Israel’s first 14 Without and many 48 ___ monkey Lucy Gray”: U.N. delincident benches 49 Least Wordsworth egate 15 Coyote, say, 29 Event for desirably 10 “La Loge” 45 Orthodontist’s to a Western many a 50 Sounds from and “La concern rancher dashing a 3-Down Grenouillère” 16 Subject of young man 51 They’re far 11 Skipped over 47 Mauna ___ the 2001 31 Having been from stars book overexposed subtitled to the sun, Down “The Shock maybe 1 Slight show of the 32 Unrefined of affection Century” sort 2 Going 17 Stumble 36 Officially ballistic 18 Like many starts work 3 One resorts 37 “Nature’s producing 20 Expression lay idiot, I 50-Across of praise taught thee 4 Petty 21 Clouds to love” recording 23 Toppers penner 5 Boots popular with 38 Sea food 6 “___ Most jazzmen 39 Points of Wanted” 25 1958 view? (“best-of” Pulitzer40 “Chariots of compilation winning Fire” co-star of a popular 13
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman
The Badger Herald | Arts | Friday, November 4, 2011
Blue Scholars
Hit The Lights
ArtsEtc. WEEKEND Big Sean
Star Slinger
Cement Pond
CONCERT PREVIEW Staying stylish, avoiding bulky looks as winter hits Friday 10 p.m.
$ $12
the Frequency
Friday 6:30 p.m.
$ $14
the Loft
Fri/Saturday 9 p.m.
Saturday 8 p.m.
$ $25
$ $33
Majestic Theatre
Chunky, neutral-colored pullovers are some of the hottest pieces for the winter. Pair one of these with a warm and comfy legging, a scarf and some boots for a cute and weather-appropriate look. Emma Austin If the sweater isn’t too Fabulous & Broke Columnist big, add a belt to define your waist and prevent yourself from looking just It’s official: That warm summer weather is gone, and the sun sets before dinner time. Welcome back, Wisconsin winter. Trudging through the snow Although, for most of soaks my boots, and gets us, winter’s return isn’t my feet all wet almost welcome at all. Before venturing out immediately. And then, if into the tundra for the you wear them when the walk to class, it is now essential to bundle up snow gets a little dirty, so with multiple layers and do the Uggs. gloves and scarves and boots. However, heavy clothing does not have a little too oversized on to be ugly clothing. In top. Sweaters can work today’s column, I want for guys, too. Choose one to give you some ways that is a little more fitted, to still be stylish and and pair with jeans. feel good when the If you are a bigger fan temperature creeps below of thinner sweaters and zero. cardigans, another trend For those of us who is to layer them. Thinner are lucky enough to knits can be worn experience months together and not look of frigid temps, the bulky. In this case, try to oversized sweaters we stick with more subtle, have been forced to solid colors so it doesn’t wear due to the weather get too busy. If you can, are very much in style.
Orpheum Theatre
try to stay with colors in the same family (reds and pinks, blues and teals, etc.). Your pieces will still fit under a jacket and keep you warm on those frigid mornings. Plus, once you’re sitting in class and starting to heat up, it is much easier to remove a layer here and there. As for those boots I mentioned earlier, I have a couple suggestions. While it seems that a majority of girls on campus own a pair of Uggs, I personally don’t think they are the most appropriate option for the trek across campus. Why? Well, for me anyway, trudging through the snow soaks my boots, and gets my feet all wet almost immediately. And then, if you wear them when the snow gets a little dirty, so do the Uggs. To combat this, I have several other ideas. Weird as it may sound, I love wearing my rain boots in the winter. I can walk through piles of snow and my feet will stay toasty warm. If you can, find a pair that has removable inserts or liners, whether they are suede or fur.
With that addition, your boots can get wet, but your feet and legs will remain nice and warm. Water-resistant boots also work, and often you can find some that are actually cute. While the knee-length puffy North Face parka is a staple for many girls on campus, some more unique coats are popping up this year. Fuzzy, textured jackets are very popular, which mix warmth and style all in one. Big woolen or furry coats will make the right kind of statement and won’t leave you worrying about whether you will be too cold. To balance out a heavier jacket, pair it with some skinny jeans or leggings and some sleek winter boots, or some that are water resistant. Keeping your legs looking long and slim will prevent your look from becoming too oversized and baggy. One way to really spice up your winter wardrobe is with scarves. While scarves can make an appearance in a spring or fall outfit, winter is when it is completely acceptable to wear one every day, and they are
Saturday 9 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 p.m.
$ Free!
$ $$5
the Sett
as popular as they have ever been. There are so many different colors, designs, patterns and fabrics out there to choose
While the knee-length puffy North Face parka is a staple for many girls on campus, some more unique coats are popping up this year [that] will make the right kind of statement. from, they can be a way to add a little fun to your wardrobe when the weather is bleaker than bleak. When wearing more neutral-colored sweaters, try out a scarf with a bright and vivid color, or a unique pattern to really transform your look. In this case, a little can actually go a long way. Longer scarves and infinity scarves (circular scarves with no end that are looped around the neck for an easier and cleaner look) are also fun ways to spice up an outfit. Scarves in general
High Noon Saloon H
are just a simple way to be functional and fun simultaneously. Another trendy accessory, if you are feeling up to it, is a hat. Hats of every variety have been very popular on the runways, and they are a trend that can take your look to a whole new level. From knitted beanies to fedoras, hats are really a fun way to express your style, and keep your head warm. If you can, try a hat made of wool or another wintry fabric to prevent it from looking too summery. While sweaters, boots, and scarves tend to be items worn every winter, I hope I’ve been able to provide some ideas about how to update them a little bit and make it all a little bit trendier. The weather may be pretty undesirable, but that doesn’t mean your wardrobe has to be — have fun with it this winter! Emma Austin is a junior majoring in journalism. Feel free to send her all your fashion-related comments, questions and column ideas by email at eaustin2@wisc. edu.
Sarah Witman
Lin Weeks
ArtsEtc. Editor
ArtsEtc. Content Editor
To shave or abstain this November? Bewhiskered faces leave much to be desired; for example, a sharp, gleaming razor to shave off every piece of stubble People these days are irrationally in love with mustaches. They seem to be sprouting up everywhere I turn — some dedicated hipsters have even taken to tattooing them on their fingers. This is one trend into which I have not bought. All through October I admired clean-shaven faces from afar, anxiously dreading the month to come — and right as I’ve recovered from No Shave November, there will be Mustache March to deal with. Maybe my hatred stems from bad experiences of having my chin skin scratched right off my face in the past, as certain lengths of stubble just aren’t conducive to romantic encounters. Or maybe it’s something as insignificant and subconscious as a childhood spent enjoying Bugs Bunny’s Hanna Barbera programming on Saturday mornings much more than shows featuring Yosemite Sam. All I know is, going by looks alone, I would choose a Patrick Carney over a Dan Auerbach any day. For every decently mustachioed man one could dredge up — Leo DiCaprio, Orlando Bloom, Ron Swanson — I give you the likes of James Franco, Brad Pitt and George Clooney, celebs whose drop-dead gorgeous faces have in recent years been sullied by uncalledfor facial hair dalliance. I clearly go for more of the Joseph GordonLevitt babyface types. Seeing those bewhiskered faces enacts a feeling of disappointment inside me: A deep, hollow pang that can only be compared to the knowledge that such things as chinstraps and soul patches exist. At
least they didn’t try a Fu Manchu. Why shield a lovely smile, I ask my fellow humans, with disfiguring strands of dead protein cells? We all ought to remove ourselves to a level of intelligence and good grooming that sets us above our caveman ancestors, and there is no more basic way to do so than by wielding a razor to a stubbled chin or upper lip. Unless you’ve got a face like the Phantom of the Opera, there’s simply no reason to leave your can of shaving cream and set of Gillette Fusion ProGlides cluttering up precious bathroom cabinet space and collecting dust. While a balding head is seen as undesirable in our society, a bald upper lip is quite the opposite. It invites the eye of the onlooker to enjoy, admire and linger upon the human visage for 3.5 seconds longer, according to a recent study (done by the university of my eye and Ben Affleck’s late ’90s face). Seriously, though, the cleanshaven look offers a great number of opportunities for facial expression, many of which are lost or muted when pesky hairs are left to their own devices. But what do I know? I, like Lin, have never been the proud (and, yes, they sure are proud) owner of a mustache, or anything more than a pair of eyebrows to warm my facial skin. Although you might run the risk of looking like a pornography producer, or a walrus, go ahead and wear that mustache to your heart’s content. I’ll be here, checked out of reality until Mustache March is over.
Although unfeasible for some, there is absolutely nothing more attractive on a man than a glorious, bushy mustache I was discussing mustaches and facial hair with a close friend the other day, as I often do, and at one point the following phrase was uttered: “Look, if you have a mustache, you either look like a newscaster or a pedophile.” Granted, I was the one that said that, but I’d now like to issue a full retraction of my extremely flippant statement made in completely private conversation. You know, for the record. Mustaches are awesome, and we should all be so lucky to have one. We should all be so blessed to have the ability to grow an illustrious nose skirt, a mid-face fur bar or a prickly lip-apillar. Do you know, Sarah, what happens when I try to grow a mustache? Because it’s not good. It looks like I’ve been snorting Scantron test forms. “Unfortunate” is too kind a descriptor, unless it’s followed by “that he’s apparently gone blind. Someone should really tell him what’s going on there.” And I’m jealous. I can grow a perfectly serviceable beard and a heck of a set of sideburns, but if I’m looking to arrest random people on the street without first making a fake badge, I’m totally out of luck! I’ll never grow up to be a coalpowered train conductor, a 1920s oil baron or a pirate. Monopoly Man modeling is right out! There are benefits to owning the mo,’ besides its obvious face-warming properties. It’s an eyecatcher, a conversation starter
and a signature accessory all in one. It can be a mark of manliness, of hipsterdom or of good taste. Some of history’s most important men have rocked mustaches, and I’m not just talking about Colonel Sanders. I’m talking Salvador Dali’s pencilthin VIP rope (“The Persistence of Mem-hairy”), Albert Einstein’s chalk-white mouth mane (“E equals MC Haired”) and Mahatma Gandhi’s stately ‘stache (“The emancipation of the touchable”). Without those men and their mustaches, who knows where we’d be today? Remember that social science theory about how cultures have more words for things they find more important or more valuable? It’s like how we have just a few words for “snow,” but Eskimos have a ton of them? Well, I wouldn’t expect Eskimos to have too many words for “mustache” — major icicle risk — but I just came up with, like, 30 synonyms in English right here and now. And that’s before I count “smile hat.” So, yes, it’s a tough lot I’ve been cast, this barren field between my nose and my lip, my unsowed philtrum. But I won’t let go. I’ve seen far too many movies with inspirational speeches by mustachioed figures for that. I won’t give up the fight for a luminous lip sweater until I’m blue in the face from trying. ‘Til then, though, better hide your kids and hand me the news.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Friday, November 4, 2011
Badgers face familiar opponents on road trip UW hoping to take down pair of ranked opponents in Penn State, Ohio State Erin Barney Volleyball Writer After an unsuccessful start to the second half of Big Ten play, the Wisconsin women’s volleyball team returns home with no shortage of motivation to take on the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Penn State Nittany Lions. The Badgers are coming off of back-toback losses on the road. Despite grabbing the second set from No. 3 Illinois last Friday, Wisconsin came up short and lost 3-1. Two days later, the Badgers took Northwestern to five sets but were unable to secure a win and lost 3-2, falling to 5-7 in conference play. The Badgers will start the homestand today with a match against Ohio State. The previous meeting between the two teams was uplifting for the Badgers, as they upset the thenNo. 24 Buckeyes for the first time since 2009. Wisconsin took an early lead and carried the momentum through the first two sets. A 14-2 Buckeye run in the third set and eventual win prevented the Badgers from sweeping Ohio State at their home gym. However, Wisconsin rallied in the fourth set and secured the 3-1 upset victory. The circumstances of this Badger-Buckeye showdown are very similar to those of their match earlier this year. Just as it was last time, Wisconsin is coming off of back-to-back losses. Senior captain Janelle Gabrielsen hopes that she and her team will use the losses as motivation to
come back strong. “It’s our house; we have been away for a couple of games,” Gabrielsen said. “We did get them at their house, and we know that they are going to come back and want to get us at ours. We’re hoping to not let that happen.” Previously, the Badgers held the Buckeyes to a .171 hitting percentage. Since then, all three of Ohio State’s top guns have been averaging much higher statistics. Kelli Barhorst is hitting .324 to lead the team, followed by Emily Danks at .282 and Mariah Booth with a .232 average. Last time, Danks gave the Badgers the most trouble as she scored 14 kills. Also, Barhorst outblocked Wisconsin’s leading middle blocker, Dominique Thompson, 7-3. This weekend, Wisconsin tallied fewer blocks than both of its opponents. Despite Annemarie Hickey’s notable defensive effort at the libero position, the lack of blocking allowed the top outside hitters from both Northwestern and Illinois to score 19 kills each. “We work on improving on every error that we can,” head coach Pete Waite said about Wisconsin’s preparation for this weekend. “We have to be stronger as a team. We are working on our blocking and our defense, so overall this is the same as all the Big Ten weekends: We work on improving our side of the net.” Waite and the Badgers are hoping to have another successful encounter with Ohio State and also improve their performance against Penn State this time around. Wisconsin’s last attempt to defeat the four time defending national champions was trumped by a Nittany Lion sweep
in their home gym. The Badgers kept things close throughout the entire match, never allowing Penn State to run away with an enormous lead. Despite holding the Nittany Lions to a .154 hitting percentage and closing the gap with a 7-1 run late in the third set, Penn State showed their national champion worth and closed out the match, 3-0. “Penn State is a physical team,” Waite said. “Very big, big jumpers, very strong, and they put a lot of stress on us with their serves. The biggest thing is that we serve receive well, keep our offense going and as we can, defend as we have been and battle with them.” The two most physical presences on Penn State’s side of the net are outside hitter Ariel Scott and middle blocker Katie Slay. Scott is currently fourth in the Big Ten, averaging 3.97 kills per set. Last time against the Badgers, Scott scored on 12 kills. Slay is ranked nationally in hitting and blocking at 12th and 13th, respectively. Her hitting percentage is .769 and she averages close to two blocks per set. Knowing they are facing two very strong teams for the second time has forced Waite and the Badgers to strengthen not only their game strategy, but their mindset and attitude as well. “Mental toughness is always important,” Waite said. “No matter who your playing, you have got to be tough. That comes in every single play. Volleyball is a game of mistakes. People make some great hits, some great serves then you’re going to make a mistake here and there. You have to let it go, move on to the next play and be positive about it.”
ROAD, from 10 younger guys, we’ve been telling them what it was like last year in St. Cloud, what it’s like being back on the road and that our objective is coming home with two wins.” Last season, UW traveled to St. Cloud State late in the season in the midst of a losing streak. St. Cloud only extended it, handing Wisconsin two road losses, 4-2 and 7-3. For the Badgers who made the trip last year, they’re looking to even the score. “Definitely haven’t forgotten about what happened last year,” sophomore forward Tyler Barnes said. “It’s always exciting to go in and get redemption from a team that got the best of you last year.” All head coach Mike Eaves is concerned about is earning a win away from home ice. “Well, we don’t have a road victory yet,” Eaves said. “That was a talk on the ice before we left, that we’d like to get that established if we can this weekend.” For Eaves, two things
ERICKSON, from 10 and basketball are valued higher than other sports, but this is only in a monetary sense. The traditions and other achievements nonrevenue sports bring to campus are simply ignored. Dohrmann even notes that whatever sports would survive the cut wouldn’t even have the exact setup they have now. “The surviving sports would have a cap on total participants, and they would be run more efficiently, with regionalized travel, smaller recruiting budgets and fewer scholarships at their disposal,” Dohrmann said. For instance, if hockey were to survive, Big Ten hockey wouldn’t work as well as the Western Collegiate Hockey Association, as the majority of WCHA schools are in the Midwest. Also, players like Justin Schultz, Derek Lee and standout freshman goaltender Joel Rumpel (to name
need to happen for his squad to find success: They need to keep scoring and they have to shore up their penalty kill. Wisconsin has demonstrated it has no issue scoring. With 20 goals in the last four games, 13 different Badgers have scored. But Eaves knew that his squad would have to score by committee if they wanted to be successful. “It covers up for a lot of mistakes,” Eaves said. “When you score more than the other team, your mistakes seem not as big of a deal and you can learn more in a winning situation. We said from day one that if we were going to have goal scoring on this team, it was going to be by committee. That’s the formula that has been there the last two weekends. Hopefully that’s the formula that continues to perform for us.” Because it is a continuing problem this year for the Badgers, Eaves has persistently had his team working on the penalty kill. Last weekend,
Wisconsin went on the penalty kill 11 times and gave up six goals. The rest of the season hasn’t been much better, as the Badgers have given up a total of 11 power play goals. “We can run things in practice, but the ultimate test is what happens in the course of the games and seeing where guys truly understand under the gun of a game situation,” Eaves said. “There’s no substitute for repetitions during games. It’s a very precarious situation. We probably had more guys return to our power play than we had to our penalty killing. It’s a huge riddle that has to be solved.” So while Wisconsin is looking for that road win and trying to put together a penalty kill worthy of Badger hockey, the team is just excited to get on the road and play. “It’s fun [to get on the road], especially being home for a couple of games,” Barnes said. “I think we’re excited to get on the road, play in a hostile environment and hopefully get a few points.”
a few) wouldn’t don a Wisconsin sweater because they’re natives of Canada. In the long shot that women’s hockey would survive the cut, the same policy would happen as a vast majority of UW’s recruiting for both teams is rooted in Canada. Neither program would be able to sustain the history that they’ve built. Even if SI’s plan was to go into effect, football would take a hit of its own. Although it would survive, many cuts to the program would occur. Dohrmann sums up the entire proposal with the idea that making cuts is the way to go. “The methodology SI used relies on a philosophy that runs contrary to the culture of D-I: Smaller is better,” Dohrmann said. “Football rosters would be capped at 90, and the number of available scholarships would drop from 85 to 63,” Dohrmann continued. “To help compensate for their losses, football coaches
could fractionalize scholarships, a common measure in most nonrevenue sports, but one now prohibited in football. If a recruit received a quarter scholarship from one school but a full ride from another, he would know where he stood with each.” Thus players like Abbrederis, who I cited earlier, might not even make the team the first time around, much less finally be awarded a scholarship. Sports Illustrated may have balanced the business side of college athletics and found a way to pay players as they supposedly deserve. But cutting other sports to pay football and basketball players doesn’t make any sense. Kelly is a junior majoring in journalism. Think SI got it right and cutting a lot of sports other than football and basketball is the way to go? Let her know at kerickson@ or follow her on Twitter @ kellymerickson.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Friday, November 4, 2011
UW has plenty to play for against Penn State Men’s soccer could emerge as co-Big Ten champs with crucial road victory Ian McCue Associate Sports Editor Though it looked like the Wisconsin men’s soccer team was out of the Big Ten title race, a victory over Penn State Sunday could leave them as conference co-champions. In order for the Badgers to come out on top, Northwestern will have to tie or lose their matchup with Michigan and Ohio State will have to fall on the road against Indiana. If both of those situations work out in favor of the Badgers and they can pick up a victory over the Nittany Lions, Wisconsin could then be named the unexpected co-champions of the Big Ten. In a game that previously appeared as nothing more than a chance to gain momentum heading into the decisive Big Ten Tournament, UW now has plenty on the line in State College, Pa. In addition to their conference title hopes, a victory could help Wisconsin earn an NCAA tournament berth--one of the team’s primary goals all year. “I know to a college student-athlete, having a share of the Big Ten title when the [preseason] coaches [poll] putting us No. 7 would be absolutely massive for these guys,” head coach John Trask said. “Plus, it’s a game that goes a long way in helping us possibly get in the NCAA tournament, so it’s an absolutely huge game.” While the Badgers cannot lock up a No. 1 seed in the Big Ten Tournament — Ohio State’s win over UW Sunday gave them sole control of the top seed — it’s clear that a win at Jeffrey Field could be indicative of how Wisconsin finishes the year. On the offensive side of the ball, Penn State is led by a pair of juniors in forward Hasani Sinclair and forward/midfielder Julian Cardona. With seven points each, Sinclair
BATTLE, from 10 into Saturday’s game looking to reassert its sense of urgency after being forced to play catch up the past two weeks. Against Michigan State and Ohio State, Wisconsin’s offense appeared anemic at times and didn’t restore its vigor until just minutes remained. The Badgers came back from 14 and 12-point deficits despite losing both games. Combining those two games, Wisconsin converted 10 of 24 third down conversions and lost the time of possession battle by nearly 15 minutes. Running back Montee Ball thinks the lack of urgency seen in those games is ultimately what caused the Badgers’ fall. “Looking up at the scoreboard and seeing that you’re down with only a couple minutes left to go, that set a fire in us,” Ball said. “And that’s what sucks the most because … if we do start fast we’d be undefeated without a doubt.” Ball and the rest of the ground game experienced a tough time moving the ball
and Cardona, along with midfielder/forward Minh Vu, form the foundation of the Nittany Lions’ attack. After giving up two goals in each of their last two games, the Badger defense will not be able to focus on just one player Sunday. With five players with at least five points on Penn State’s roster, Colin Mani, David Caban and the rest of the Badgers ‘D’ will face another tough test in this critical matchup. Despite their struggles against the Buckeyes’ attack in their last game, the coaching staff has kept practice and training sessions short as the Badgers head into the final stretch of the year. With several games in a short period in the upcoming
“I know to a college studentathlete, having a share of the Big Ten title when the [preseason] coaches [poll] putting us No. 7 would be absolutely massive. ... It’s a game that goes a long way in helping us possibly get in the NCAA tournament.” John Trask Head Coach Big Ten Tournament, and potentially the NCAA tournament, the coaching staff is trying to make sure the team will be ready for the tough stretch ahead. “I learned a long time ago, you’d like to work on 400 things after a loss, and you have to be intelligent,” Trask said. “The best thing we could do for these guys was to get them rested up and get them having a little bit of fun in practice, and that’s been the key. We’ve put in some good work; the guys have shown discipline and maturity.” After not scoring a goal against the Buckeyes, getting the offense back in sync will be another key to Sunday’s game.
last week in Columbus. The Badgers were held to just 89 yards rushing, the first time the unit was held to below 100 yards since 2009. Despite allowing 169.5 yards per game, the Boilermaker rushing defense features two rocks on the defensive line that can clog up holes on their own. Defensive tackles Kawann Short and Bruce Gaston both stand at least 6-foot-2 and weigh in at more than 300 pounds. Short has been especially disruptive for the Boilermakers, who’s accumulated 3.5 sacks and a total of 11.5 tackles for loss. That has Konz expecting as big of a challenge as the Buckeyes presented. “Purdue always has a physical front,” he said. “Their big guys in the middle … have been there a couple years, kind of like Michigan State, kind of like Ohio State, where you’ve got guys with some experience, so you can never just say this is going to be an easy game just because you know these guys are seasoned. You know they’re big, and you know that they know you a little bit.”
Noah Willman The Badger Herald
Second-year midfielder/forward Nick Janus will be key to getting the Badgers’ offense back in top form Sunday. UW was held scoreless in their last game against Ohio State. Midfielder Tomislav Zadro and forwards Chris Prince and Josh Thiermann, who struggled to finish plays in front of the net against Ohio State, will have to convert their opportunities to keep their Big Ten title hopes alive against Penn State. However, the Badgers saw a positive in all their missed opportunities against the Buckeyes, as it showed that they have the
potential to score against the Big Ten’s best. “[It’s motivating] because we had those chances, I mean some teams don’t even get those chances,” sophomore midfielder/forward Nick Janus said. “We had those, and if we put them away against Penn State then it’s going to be a whole different game.” Scoring against the Nittany Lions will be
no easy feat, as they are anchored by an athletic and experienced defense. Additionally, Penn State presents a skilled goalkeeper in freshman Andrew Wolverton, who has allowed just 11 goals in the 18 games he has started this year. Though the Badgers need several things to work out in their favor to be named Big Ten cochampions, a win on the
road is essential to setting the tone for the rest of the year. “The biggest thing is just next Sunday we got to come out, and we got a big game out at Penn State, and we got to come out and we have to get a [winning] result,” senior defender Colin Mani said after the Ohio State game. “That’s the biggest thing we’ll be working on all week at training.”
Men’s hoops suits up for exhibition Bo’s Badgers begin new season with icebreaker against UW-Stevens Point Mike Fiammetta Sports Editor Just like that, Wisconsin basketball is back. While much of Badger Nation remains strapped in for what figures to be a wild finish to the Big Ten football season, the UW men’s basketball team will get an early start on their season Saturday night in an exhibition game against UW-Stevens Point at the Kohl Center. Wisconsin is looking to build off last season’s run to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA tournament, where the Badgers were ultimately bested by the eventual runner-up Butler Bulldogs. Despite trailing by as many as 20 points, Wisconsin drew within four points after a miraculous secondhalf effort by point guard Jordan Taylor, which nearly made up for a first half in which the Badgers scored only 24 points. Ultimately, the Bulldogs’ lead proved insurmountable, due in
large part to Wisconsin’s 17-for-56 (.304) effort from the field. Taylor, now a senior, finished as an Associated Press second-team AllAmerican and is UW’s undisputed leader now that Jon Leuer and Keaton Nankivil have graduated. The 6-foot-1, 195-pound Bloomington, Minn., native averaged 18.1 points, 4.7 assists and 4.1 rebounds per game in the 2010-11 season, and his 3.83 assist-to-turnover ratio was the nation’s best. Despite playing 36.5 minutes per game, Taylor set career-highs in field goal percentage (.433), three-point field goal percentage (.429) and free throw shooting percentage (.832). “I just hope he doesn’t think he has to score 40 [points] a game this year,” head coach Bo Ryan said at the team’s media day, who will be looking to lead UW to its 14th consecutive NCAA tournament. “I think we’re going to be in trouble if he does. He doesn’t. He wants to be even more consistent; he wants to be more inclusive with his teammates, maybe transition.” But as brilliant as he was last season, 2011-12 poses
an entirely different set of challenges for Taylor, who has earned preseason firstteam All-American honors from the AP, Blue Ribbon Yearbook and Athlon. With Leuer (18.3 ppg, 7.2 rpg), Nankivil (9.7 ppg, 4.2 rpg) and Tim Jarmusz (3.9 ppg, 2.2 rpg) gone, the Badgers will be looking for three new replacements in the frontcourt. “We have to figure out right now where the points are coming from,” Ryan said. “There’s something about points. People usually step up and get them. If you run good offense, get good shots, you have guys that are unselfish. “And then defensively, you look at those three seniors and what they learned defensively, that’s quite an accomplishment. I think they led the Big Ten all four years they were here in points given up. So they understood our defensive system, they understood our offensive system.” The Badgers do have some likely answers, though, in sophomore guard Josh Gasser and junior forward Mike Bruesewitz. Gasser, a Port Washington native, started 30 of UW’s 34 games his
freshman year, averaging 5.9 points, 3.8 rebounds and 2.2 assists per game. The 6-foot-3, 190-pound guard also recorded the first triple-double in school history (also the first freshman in Big Ten history since Earvin “Magic” Johnson in 1977) at Northwestern on Jan. 23. Bruesewitz, meanwhile, resumed the high-energy play that, along with his conspicuous orange afro, made him a fan favorite in his freshman year. “Brueser,” a 6-foot6, 222-pound forward from St. Paul, Minn., averaged 4.6 points and 3.1 rebounds per game, and also emerged as an outside shooting threat, nailing 32.3 percent of his threepoint attempts. The rest of Wisconsin’s rotation figures to be filled by some permutation of redshirt junior forward/ center Jared Berggren, senior guard/forward Rob Wilson and redshirt junior guard/forward Ryan Evans. The Badgers also boast a number of promising young players looking to build off freshmen seasons that were mainly developmental, most notably guard Ben Brust and forward Duje Dukan.
S PORTS Purdue, UW to battle for 2nd place Sports Editor
Mike Fiammetta
The Badger Herald | Sports | Friday, November 4, 2011
Reeling Wisconsin heads home to rebound from 2 devastating losses Elliot Hughes Sports Content Editor
Suddenly, the Wisconsin football team finds itself in a dogfight to come out on top of its own division. Following two consecutive losses at the hands of last-second touchdown passes, the Badgers have fallen from No. 6 in the BCS rankings to No. 20 and now find themselves locked in a three-way tie for second place after being considered a favorite to win the Big Ten Leaders Division. One of the teams scrunched in with Wisconsin (6-2, 2-2) in second place just happens to be its next opponent, Purdue (4-4, 2-2). The Boilermakers are the lucky team that gets to visit the imposing Camp Randall Stadium on Saturday after Wisconsin misfired the past two weekends on the road. Head coach Bret Bielema and the Badgers often champion a “1-0” mentality, where they look no farther than the task at hand. Several members of the team said over the course of the week that the two losses only emphasize that philosophy and force the Badgers to reexamine some of the ways they play. “We’re trying to get back to the basics right now,” center Peter Konz said, before offering an example.
“Coach talked about me just straightening up more because I was trying to get a cut off every time, trying to let the running back have the option [of choosing which way to run], and we don’t always need that. “We just got to get back to basics, not think we’re going to get the home run every time.” Despite working its way into a second-place tie in the division, Purdue has experienced a bit of a rocky season so far. The Boilermakers have yet to string together consecutive wins in 2011 and are coming off a 36-14 loss to then-No. 18 Michigan, just a week after defeating then-No. 23 Illinois 21-14. The Boilermakers are quarterbacked by Caleb TerBush, a mobile 6-foot5, 225-pound signal caller with a 134.2 passer rating and 62.2 completion percentage. TerBush hasn’t made too much noise on the ground so far this year, gaining only 180 yards, but he showed his potential last week by speeding past Wolverine defenders for a 41-yard gain in the fourth quarter. The Badgers have already played against several quarterbacks with dual-threat capabilities this season, with only one getting the best of the Wisconsin defense — Ohio State’s Braxton Miller. Nevertheless, UW’s defense has become comfortable in going up against quarterbacks of that nature. “There were times we did a great job on Braxton Miller. Taylor Martinez (of Nebraska) is a guy that there were times we did really good things
Zhao Lim The Badger Herald
Wisconsin offensive lineman Peter Konz (66) and Kevin Zeitler (70) will plow the road for a rushing game that experienced a rare off night last week against the Buckeyes. on him,” co-defensive coordinator Charlie Partridge said. “[TerBush will] make a play or two; we just can’t allow them to be home run hits.” Along with TerBush, the rest of the offense assumes a multi-dimensional mode of operation as well. According to Partridge, Purdue’s offensive
schemes contain traits of a spread offense and a more traditional game as well. The Boilermakers have also utilized senior quarterback Robert Marve in certain situations. Appearing in five games, Marve has completed 30 of 55 passes for three touchdowns and two interceptions.
Purdue’s offense averages 27 points per game, just sixth in the Big Ten, and has struggled all season in executing plays that cover 40 yards at a time or more. But Wisconsin linebacker Chris Borland sees plenty of speed on that side of the ball for Purdue and knows to be wary.
“[Long plays] haven’t materialized, but they’ve got a lot speed, a lot of team speed and dangerous players at the skill positions,” Borland said. “They have the capability for sure.” Conversely, the Badger offense heads
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SI’s pay-for-play system nonsensical, too costly Kelly Erickson Erickson the Red
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
Players like defenseman Frankie Simonelli have offered insights to younger players on facing WCHA opponents on the road.
Road victory still on to-do list for Badgers After being swept last year in St. Cloud, UW ready to earn some redemption Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor The road has not been too kind to the Badgers this year. Before winning three out of four games at home in the last two weeks and scoring 20 goals during that time,
the Wisconsin men’s hockey team took a little trip up to Houghton, Mich., where it lost two overtime games, 2-1 and 3-2. After that weekend the Badgers came back to Madison, playing a successful home stand by not only sweeping thenNo. 5 North Dakota, but also showing that the young, inexperienced team knows how to get the puck in the net. This weekend, Wisconsin heads back on the road — this
time to St. Cloud State University — hoping they can keep their offense going and that their road horrors have been laid to rest. “Those were our first WCHA games overall,” sophomore defenseman Frankie Simonelli said of the Michigan Tech losses. “Now we’ve played some more WCHA games at home. Everyone else knows what it’s like playing WCHA. Talking to the
ROAD, page 8
It’s a topic avoided like an ugly baby or awkward run-in with that one-night stand from a few weeks ago. I personally don’t like to talk about it because there are valid points to both sides and I can never make up my mind. But in this week’s issue of Sports Illustrated, George Dohrmann finally confronted it: There is a viable system to pay Division I athletes, but it isn’t exactly the happiest of situations. In Dohrmann’s article — “Pay for Play” — he outlines how athletic departments at major universities can cut spending, balance their budgets and ultimately pay athletes an extra $1,000 a month. The idea protects football and basketball programs for the most part. Football and basketball are the revenue front-runners around the nation, but other athletes shouldn’t be cut loose just so they can get the compensation many people feel they deserve. But the impact that the system has on other sports is too negative to actually adopt. The main idea would be to cut down football rosters — and rationalize or cut scholarships — with the idea that this would also make the FBS more competitive and show athletes what they mean to different
schools. The plan has to stay within Title IX guidelines, so many women’s programs would stay intact. But the bad news is many sports could be lost and simply demoted to club sports. “This is the most controversial part of SI’s model and for good reason: It could mean the death of every men’s sport other than football and basketball,” Dohrmann said. Ultimately, this suggests Wisconsin would lose men’s hockey — although Dohrmann
The idea protects football and basketball programs for the most part. Football and basketball are the revenue front-runners around the nation, but other athletes shouldn’t be cut loose just so they can get the compensation many people feel they deserve. is confident that “hockey would be preserved,” but the possibility of any varsity team being demoted to a club sport throws the entire system of club sports into disarray. Of course it would be a major adjustment for any athletic department and only the richest, most monetarily supported athletic programs would stay afloat. At Wisconsin, however, chances are that historic sports — in addition to men’s hockey — such as men’s rowing, cross country, track and field and even up-and-
coming programs like soccer and wrestling would all be demoted to club status. So what happens to all the club athletes on campus? Well, apparently they just disappear or don’t get the opportunity to keep playing a sport they love. While club sports aren’t nearly as popular as varsity sports — hell, certain varsity sports aren’t even as popular as other ones — they still play an important role at universities. They give athletes the chance to play for their dream school, even if they aren’t athletically talented enough to play at the varsity level. DI worthy athletes would miss out on the opportunity to play at either the school of their dreams or have to fight for a limited number of spots at a minimal amount of universities. Sports would certainly become more competitive, but a certain atmosphere on campuses across the country would be lost. Even at Wisconsin, the possible loss of hockey would take away a huge part of UW tradition. Imagine a Kohl Center reserved solely for the use of Bo Ryan’s basketball team. While I love basketball, this idea is saddening. No hockey, no Phil, no sieve chant; the list goes on. While keeping only football and basketball would allow Wisconsin to pay these players — especially notable players like Jared Abbrederis who still aren’t on scholarship — the trade-off just isn’t worth it. In SI’s plan, football
ERICKSON, page 8