Border Battle looms with No. 1 Minnesota Penalty kill critical as Badgers prep to face Golden Gophers, who boast a perfect conference record. | 8
Volume XLIII, Issue 46
A state committee slashed back the requirements for Wisconsinites to receive a concealed carry permit | 2
Winter wellness Want to avoid the season’s most common ailments and illnesses? Trying to stay healthy for your upcoming midterms? Low-fat Tuesday has a spoonful of information. | 6
Walker hit with threat Facebook posting proposes killing governor, DOA investigating as serious safety concern Leah Linscheid Deputy State Editor
State officials questioned an individual Monday responsible for a death threat toward Gov. Scott Walker posted on the social networking site Facebook. According to Andrew Welhouse, spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, Walker received a death threat through a Facebook event page for a recall against the governor. “I saw it with my own eyes,” WeIhouse said. “I heard secondhand that the Facebook page itself eventually deleted it.” The threat, which Welhouse said was posted Friday, is comprised of an individual that wrote, “Rather than recall him
… can we just kill him instead? Just curious.” Another individual commented on the post, “HA!!! He’s signed a bill allowing conceal to carry IN the capitol. ….. Someone just might get away with it!!!” to which the first individual replied, “I’m game!” Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs released a statement regarding the online threat toward Walker. The statement said Capitol Police became aware of the threat Monday morning. “Capitol Police takes any threat directed towards those who visit or work in the Capitol seriously, and Capitol Police investigators have identified and
THREAT, page 3
Updates to union plan draw support Official maps out distinction between need for preservation, innovation at Memorial Hannah Filipiak News Reporter Amid controversy surrounding the slated restoration of the Memorial Union, a university official outlined the history of the campus landmark and expressed the need for the renovation Monday. The renovation, which has drawn somewhat strong student opposition in recent weeks, includes an addition to the Union Theater and the plan for the expansion of the
lakefront. Alan Fish, associate vice chancellor for facilities, said the union’s history spanned over decades, reaching back to 1938, when the theater first opened. He gave an overview of the university’s plan for the renovation, addressing priorities such as reversing deterioration of the building, as well as honoring the past embedded in the union. “It is very humbling
UNION, page 3
John Lemmon The Badger Herald
Interim Chancellor David Ward addressed the Faculty Senate Monday, where he argued the budget slashes UW is facing from the state reflect the recent need to prove universities are a public investment.
Fac Senate outlines cut downfalls Governing body says continuing UW slashes could harmfully impact education quality Jackie Allen Campus Reporter The University of Wisconsin Faculty Senate voted unanimously Tuesday in favor of a resolution that calls on Gov. Scott Walker and the state Legislature to reduce budget cuts totaling $94 million for UW throughout the next two years. The resolution said the cuts “have had detrimental effects on access to and the quality of education at all levels in the state” as well as provided “repeatedly reduced funding for higher education disproportionate to funding for other state agencies.” Interim Chancellor David Ward added the recent increase in partisan differences and absence of consensus in politics challenges
Heating things up Danny Schwartz, a student employee at the Hoofers Sailing Shop, winterizes a boat at the shop, located at the Memorial Union’s docks, during what is expected to be one of the last nice days of the season. Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
those working in higher education to prove universities are a public investment, rather than a political battle. “I don’t think — if I’m to be honest with you — I feel very happy about the political environment we’re coping with,” Ward said. “I think I wish I could have chosen two different years to be back.” Ward emphasized UW needs to encourage respectful dialogue throughout the university on the state of funding for higher education in order to determine the best ways to handle the cuts and to encourage higher funding for the university. Ward added most of the “good years” for UW have occurred when both Democrats and Republicans were able to reach common
ground for funding for education, citing the years of Gov. Tommy Thompson and President Bill Clinton. Faculty Senate member Bradford Barham said the resolution is intended to voice UW’s concerns over the reduced funding, which he said could directly impact the quality of education. He added the cuts could lead to decreases in supplies, availability of classes and training to later become employed. “This is a phenomenal state,” Barham said. “But it’s a phenomenal state that’s going downhill fast if it continues this way.” Faculty Senate member Sara GoldrickRab said UW is trying to prevent raising the direct costs to students by refusing to raise tuition, which she said was the intended effect
of the cuts made by the Wisconsin Legislature. “This is quite clearly the state of Wisconsin passing the buck to Wisconsin families,” Goldrick-Rab said. “I appreciate the chancellor not immediately calling for us to increase tuitions because frankly that’s exactly what they are asking us to do.” Faculty Senate members added they should also create a second, more positive message on what the university wants to accomplish. Ward said this movement to inform could be a separate resolution for next month’s meeting. “We could have a follow-up with questions and answers to talk about what changes are coming as a result of the
FAC SENATE, page 3
MCSC funds further stalled amid procedure confusion SSFC pushes back budget decision, members remain ‘uncomfortable’ Katie Caron News Reporter Members of student government postponed the appeals hearing for the Multicultural Student Coalition Monday night and passed a piece of legislation that would grant more oversight to the budgetary approval process. Last Thursday, the Student Services Finance Committee tabled the MCSC appeals hearing until Monday, as some members of the committee did not feel comfortable proceeding at the time because members needed further education as to the appropriate steps in the process. During last night’s meeting, the SSFC decided to postpone the appeals hearing until
next Monday after some members expressed they still did not feel comfortable with the appeals process. Rep. Justin Bloesch, who motioned to move the meeting to next Monday, said he is meeting with a professor teaching a class called “Data and Decisions” today and encouraged members of the body to join him so they could gain a better understanding of how to evaluate the information presented in the appeal. Later in the meeting, SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said she had emailed committee members the appeals process since the last meeting, encouraging members to approach her with questions. She said she was disappointed the body could not proceed with the hearing as scheduled. Members of MCSC expressed concerns about being considered a test case and a lack of preparedness provided by SSFC members during
open forum. During the meeting, the committee also unanimously passed the Process Standardization Committee legislation. Neibart said this would fall under the jurisdiction of the Rules Committee as an additional charge and that it will provide a third party group to evaluate new forms. She said originally the legislation intended for it to be a body that would generally check the power of SSFC and other allocating bodies, but the committee decided that was less constructive. “We felt as though we needed a committee which in a viewpointneutral way would review new forms or applications and
MCSC, page 3
WANT MORE? ONLINE CONTENT Head over to to see a video of MCSC’s Thursday rally.
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Corrections Due to a reporting error, Monday’s article “Officials consider pitfalls in downtown bar policy” incorrectly identified Brothers as a downtown bar that only accepts valid driver’s licenses and passports for proof of age. The bar actually accepts state issued IDs, military IDs, driver’s licenses, passports and other valid forms of identification that demonstrate proof of age. We regret the error, and the online version of the story has been changed to reflect the correct information.
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mostly sunny
partly cloudy
Training requirements eased for carry permit Four-hour course no longer mandated for concealed weapon license Leah Linscheid Deputy State Editor
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In a somewhat controversial move, a Legislative committee voted late last week to eliminate the four-hour training requirement that accompanied the approval of concealed carry permits. According to a statement released by Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, the Joint Committee for the Review of Administrative Rules voted 7-3 on Monday to suspend a section of the Department of Justice’s rule that required four hours of instruction to carry a concealed weapon. Committee clerk Jason Rostan said training is still required to receive a permit to carry a concealed weapon, but the requirement no longer specifies how many hours the training must encompass. “We left a lot of power in the hands of instructors to decide if an individual is prepared well enough,” Rostan said. “There are a lot of people that think by eliminating the four hours, you’ll have people that will sign off on classes after
10 minutes. What they don’t understand is we have control over who we certify as instructors, and we’re not certifying instructors that are going to do that.” According to Rostan, instructors can be approved and certified by the DOJ, the National Rifle Association and law enforcement. Rostan said the committee did not want to include a specific time requirement in the training guidelines because it would lead citizens to believe four hours would be sufficient for everyone. “The biggest issue [is regarding] who knows better how much training an individual needs. Is it the DOJ or the individual and trainer?” Rostan said. “They’re in a better situation to figure out just how much training that individual needs, and the Legislature came to that same conclusion.” Rep. Chris Taylor, D-Madison, said the rule is subjective and hard to enforce without the fourhour requirement. Taylor said the requirement is more lenient than other states that require individuals to take a specific course to carry a concealed weapon. “I think it’s amazing that you have a Republican attorney general that’s saying his agency directed a rule that
poses a minimal burden on training, and even with that burden, 20,000 people have applied to carry a concealed weapon,” Taylor said. “Obviously 20,000 people don’t see that as a burden. They understand that part of having the right to carry a gun requires that you need to know how to use it.” Jeff Nass, president of Wi-Force Wisconsin, an NRA-chartered organization, said the committee’s decision reflects how the concealed carry law should be read. Nass also said Van Hollen wanted training requirements to be spelled out specifically, and that was not the intent of the law. “One of the things we strive to do is to allow individuals to choose what fits their needs the best, and that seems to be a hard concept for the attorney general,” Nass said. “He requested several times that the legislators come up with very specific restrictions. People like the attorney general don’t seem to be able to use common sense to reasonably look at something and make a decision.” According to Taylor, the committee also voted to remove portions of the rule that required firearm safety instructors to have eight hours of instruction training.
John Lemmon The Badger Herald
Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3, said an amendment which passed the Board of Estimates Monday to give additional funding to the public libraries should have been given more time to be considered.
Funds added to library system Board of Estimates approves $50,000 upgrade to improve public resources Daniel Niepow City Reporter Officials say strides will be made to improve the Madison Public Library system after more than $50,000 was added to the system’s budget at a city committee meeting Monday night. MPL will use the additional $50,322, awarded by the Board of Estimates, to maintain adequate staffing at various branches throughout the city, Library Director Barbara Dimick said. She said certain branches were becoming increasingly busy and that these additional funds would allow all locations to continue operating without reduction in services. Mark Gartler, branch supervisor for Hawthorne and Lakeshore libraries, spoke in favor of the amendment and said these funds were vital for MPL’s continuance. “[This amendment] will give additional resources to allow us to maintain hopefully a high level of services to the people of Madison,” he said. “These are difficult times, and every little bit helps.” Tim Birkley, vice president of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 60, shared similar sentiments. He said he strongly supported the board’s decision to add these funds. “I’m glad funds are being restored to the library Operating Budget,” he said. “The library is essential to our community.” The board also approved an amendment to decrease furlough days for city attorneys from 20 to 15 days. This would increase the size of the Operating Budget by approximately $35,500. Members voted almost unanimously, with the exception of Ald. Lauren Cnare, District 3. She said she was concerned by the lastminute nature of the
amendment and said she felt more deliberation time was necessary. “I didn’t want to decide on this tonight because I think that there’s still room for the mayor, the city attorneys and the Human Resources Department to negotiate something better,” she said. Cnare also said the decision bordered on contract negotiation — something which neither the Board of Estimates nor the City Council typically deals with. Because the board met only to discuss unfinished business from its Oct. 24 meeting, Cnare said the amendment’s introduction was out of place at the time. “As it stood tonight, only the mayor had new amendments,” she said. “That’s not an equitable situation in my opinion.” She made a motion to refer the item to a later meeting, which was unsuccessful. Ald. Satya RhodesConway, District 12, said she was sympathetic to Cnare’s concerns, but she ultimately trusted Mayor Paul Soglin’s judgment in proposing the amendment. She said she believed he had a reason for introducing the amendment at Monday’s meeting rather than at a later time. Soglin acknowledged the amendment would increase the cost of the Operating Budget, but he ultimately felt that it was an improvement. Given previous state legislation, he said he felt this was the only option the city had. “I find it difficult for anyone to want to oppose this,” he said. “We are recognizing that there were severe limitations that were put on us by state government this year, both financially and legally.” City Council will take up the board’s recommendations at a meeting Nov. 15 in which council members will make final decisions regarding the Operating Budget.
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, November 8, 2011
MCSC, from 1 then to say to a group, ‘yes, by a third party it was reviewed and is valid,’” Neibart said in an interview with The Badger Herald. The committee also addressed further discussion of contract status for groups, especially in light of its possible effect on the Wisconsin Student Public Interest Research Group’s budget. WISPIRG Chair Matt Kozlowski spoke during open forum and said the organization needs contract status to function. He said his group is ready to help in the creation of an SSFC procedure regarding contract status. The committee centered discussion around the time frame in which the committee needed to create a process for contract status cases.
For WISPIRG’s purposes, a process would need to be put in place by the end of the semester, Kozlowski said, based off of an email from the University of Wisconsin’s administration. Rep. Laura Checovich said she felt the administration was contradicting itself because the committee does not need to create a process for a group’s contract status to be granted by the chancellor. She said she also felt the time frame which this would impose would be impossible, as a process would need to be finished by the end of the semester. With this in mind, the body discussed solutions and decided to issue a resolution to the administration stating its support for contract status and General Malory Goldin The Badger Herald Student Services Fund groups. MCSC member Izzy Finkelstein speaks during SSFC’s open forum Monday. Representatives from the group said they could not advise SSFC on whether or not to make a decision if its members were unclear on procedure.
UNION, from 1
Tom Zionkowski The Badger Herald
Alan Fish, associate vice chancellor for facilities, said updated plans for the Memorial renovation call for maintaining character while providing functional updates.
THREAT, from 1 interviewed the responsible individual,” Tubbs said in the statement. That statement also
FAC SENATE, from 1 changes in the spring,” Ward said. “But I do think there is a dialogue going on that is addressing the questions. … I think the questions are being raised.”
said Capitol Police does not generally comment on specific security issues such as death threats. No additional information as to the writer’s identity or possible charges filed has
been released. University of Wisconsin political science professor Charles Franklin said threats of any kind are taken very seriously by officials, despite how
to think of how we are going to impact what means so much to so many people,” Fish said. Fish also said there were extensive reasons behind updating a local piece of history. He said the building is currently 13 stories and very difficult to get around, and also said there are no sprinklers in case of fire. “[The plans call for] keeping its character because making it last for another 100 years is really our goal,” Fish said. A key component to maintaining the building’s character while also making it sustainable, Fish said, is to rework the Memorial Union Terrace. The group has proposed expanding the Terrace to behind the Red Gym and replacing the parking lot with a park dedicated to alumni. The plans also call for a complete
doubtful it is that an action will result from it. “It may be unlikely, but the possibility is too grave to not treat it seriously,” Franklin said. “We have no way of knowing what
renovation of the Union Theater lobby. While students voiced opposition to the plan as a whole in a recent Associated Students of Madison referendum, much controversy has surrounded the proposal on a greater community scale, specifically focused in on the plans for the theater lobby. There have been multiple changes to the original plan, both to satisfy the Historical Society and the university residents. Fish brought up the newly designed lobby, addressing that the space might block the view of the sunset from certain spots, but said there was really no area to watch it on the Terrace unless one moved out closer to the lake. He said the redesigned theater lobby would serve as an “all-weather space” for students to watch the lake, complete with a rooftop providing a perfect spot to watch the sunset.
the state of mind is of a person who writes something like that. Whoever writes such things needs to be found and investigated and determined whether they are a threat or not, and I’m sure
Dylan Mathiew, a recent graduate who said he has been keeping up with the frequent meetings to address the project, welcomed the updated renovations. “It seems like the students have been ignored in the process … so you kind of made my day when you presented that compromise,” he said to Fish during the meeting. The project will be split into two parts, phase one for the theater, set to be started next summer, and phase two for the remainder. The theater is projected to be completed in two years, while the Terrace and park are set to follow in the next three. Fish said the approximately $100 million needed for the project would come from donations and gifts rather than tuition. The meeting served as one of the final times that the public can voice their opinions on the plan.
that’s what will happen.” Franklin said this serves as an example of how people often write things on social media or online sites without considering the repercussions.
Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Herald Editorial
Break the lockstep Last-minute legislation proposed by an Assembly Democrat last week continued a concerning trend: State legislators from both parties are operating on the fly with little care for research or discussion. Rep. Peggy Krusick, D-Milwaukee, introduced a surprise amendment at 11 p.m. last Tuesday that would ban using race as a factor in determining who receives state-funded college grants. In its original form, the proposal specifically targeted a grant pool called the Talent Incentive Program. The assembly seemed on the verge of adjournment when Krusick put forth the legislation, which led to an unnecessarily heated late-night discussion that has become the hallmark of this legislative session. The bill passed the Assembly with Republican support Wednesday morning. It later emerged the bill was already out of date, as TIP has not considered race for several years. A final version of the bill that passed Thursday was updated to include language to ban affirmative action based on race in the awarding of any state college grant.
Krusick was irresponsible to introduce unrelated legislation in the waning hours of an alreadystressed session. Republicans’ vote along party lines also exposed there are greater factors at play than whether or not legislators agree with a proposal. In the case of the college grant bill, Krusick and everyone who voted for the measure were exposed for how little research they had done. Time was wasted, and the far-reaching ramifications of weighing in on affirmative action were ignored. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Rushing legislation and underhanded tactics have been common since the showdown over the budget repair bill this spring. Democrats and Republicans cannot continue to focus on politics instead of good-faith efforts to pass thoughtful legislation. It is clear legislators are currently more focused on electoral success than legislating in their constituents’ best interests. If they truly wish to be elected, they will slow down and prove they are interested in listening to their constituents.
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Feingold should run for president to better choices Jeff Schultz Staff Writer President Obama and the Republican-held House are finally working together. Except they are working together to undermine the economy, and in the process, the American worker. Recently, the House passed a series of trade bills with Obama’s support, even though labor advocates and organizations such as the AFL-CIO oppose these trade bills for furthering America’s job loss, deepening America’s trade deficit and turning a blind eye to human rights violations. However, the very Americans who should oppose Obama’s free-trade stance — the very Americans who will lose their jobs because of this stance — will end up voting for Obama, his equally anti-labor Republican opponent or no one at all. Some on the left (myself included) hope that the debate over labor issues will not be reduced to two-party monotony. To influence the debate over trade and other issues, intellectuals, like Dr. Cornel West, and activists, like Ralph Nader, are proposing that multiple candidates, each focusing on a particular issue, challenge Obama in the Democratic primary. The idea is that these candidates, while not posing an electoral threat to Obama, will force Obama to defend his lessthan-progressive record and will possibly move the Democratic platform leftward. If liberal activists do launch these primary challenges, one person in particular can effectively
challenge Obama’s economic policies from the left: former Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold. While Feingold has said that he will not run for political office in 2012, he has tried to stay relevant since his 2010 defeat by forming a political action committee, Progressives United. Progressives United aims “to stand up to the exploding corporate influence in our political system by organizing and amplifying the voices of those who believe that corporations have too much power.” Unfortunately, political action committees have become ubiquitous, and thus, largely unnoticed in today’s political landscape. Ergo, if Feingold really does want to shape the political landscape and provide a voice for the middle-class, he should consider running for president — even with the knowledge that he will not win the presidency or the Democratic nomination. Feingold’s reputation for working with Republicans on legislation — such as campaign finance reform — gives him a levelheaded quality that past antiestablishment candidates — such as Pat Buchanan and Dennis Kucinich — have lacked. Furthermore, Feingold’s years in the Senate gave him a legitimacy that makes him a considerable presidential candidate. Most importantly, Feingold’s record of supporting workers and the middle-class is impeccable. He has written eloquently in opposition to the recent trade deals, and in the ‘90s, he opposed NAFTA and the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which deregulated the banking industry. While many politicians are paying lipservice to the middle-class, Feingold has built a career out of fighting for them. If he could bring this fortitude to the presidency,
the middle-class will have a voice in the White House that it has not had since Lyndon Johnson was president. Yet, most liberals see presidential elections as an unenviable choice: Vote for a long-shot progressive who shares your values and help elect a Republican, or vote for an electable, yet ineffectual, Democrat and save the White House from ultra-conservative hands. Considering the country’s precarious state, liberals will ask themselves if it’s right to choose the former when it could have such serious repercussions — think voting for Nader in 2000 and subsequently seeing the Bush presidency. However, especially when circumstances are so dire, perhaps a better question liberals (and Americans in general) should ask themselves is if it is right to vote for someone, namely Obama, who has perpetuated the very policies which brought America to this perilous point. The answer to both questions is “no,” but liberals will inevitably vote to reelect Obama because they will find his Republican alternative unacceptable. Still, Obama deserves to lose. His policies are lackluster and are, at best, marginally different from those of his Republican predecessors. Therefore, if Russ Feingold hastens the president’s defeat, it may be for the better. Consider Ronald Reagan’s challenge to the incumbent president, Gerald Ford, which helped put an end to Ford’s anemic presidency and paved the way for Reagan’s more virile presidency in 1980. Perhaps, Feingold, like Reagan, could tap into voter discontent and give Americans a choice they so badly need. Jeff Schultz (jdschultz@ is a senior majoring in history.
Opinion Bill to make landlords, tenants legally unequal Reginald Young Staff Writer
On Oct. 31, a bill giving landlords more leverage over tenants passed the state Assembly. The landlord bill, introduced by three Republicans, will have a “significant impact on the working relationship between landlords and tenants,” Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said in an interview with The Badger Herald. The bill would remove a prior limit on security deposits so that they would no longer be limited to one month’s rent. Additionally, landlords would no longer be obligated to include photos or itemized lists for any deductions from a security deposit because of damages and would be able to deny tenants on the basis of income, among other things. Republicans argue that the bill would give landlords protections and seem common sense. They take the typical conservative argument that the free market promotes money making, in this case, for landlords. But there are problems with the free market approach. For example, monopolies and oligopolies (markets dominated by a few companies) infringe on the well being of individuals. As reported by The Badger Herald, Resnick
noted this and observed that “all the rights [that have] evolved in Madison in the last 25 years will go away.” In addition, The Badger Herald reported that Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, noted, “[n]ot only will it have a detrimental effect on all renters, but students will be especially affected.” We students know the trials and tribulations of being a tenant well. For starters, there is the fact that we are in a pretty unequal power relationship with our landlords. If there is something we object to in a lease, they will find another student willing to sign it. As a result, we are forced to accept whatever is put in leases. The bill gives landlords even more power, further lessening our ability to find favorable leases. Furthermore, what would stop a landlord from raising the amount of his or her security deposit exponentially? Most landlords in Madison already charge the maximum they are allowed to, so why would they not raise it if a security deposit ceiling is removed? Students are currently on an uneven playing field with landlords. The problem with law is that, from a Republican conception of it, we are all equals. But the reality is far different. Everyone is not treated equally in the justice system, unfortunately, and everyone does not have the same bargaining rights in contractual relationships, like that
of a landlord to a tenant. We students, and most renters, do not stand on equal ground with our landlords. The law needs to recognize this. One of the justifications for the bill is that it is important for a landlord to be able to know they are renting to good people that will take care of the property. But isn’t it also important to get a detailed reason why a landlord is taking a large portion of your security deposit (something that would no longer be required, thanks to the bill)? Tenants are being put on even lower ground relative to their landlords. All that being said, just because landlords can take their tenants for an arm and a leg does not mean they will. If this bill ends up being enacted, this does not ensure that security deposits will suddenly skyrocket or that landlords will suddenly start taking large chunks out of your security deposit without adequate explanation. Perhaps there is a strong norm among landlords that will cause them to never charge more than the standard security deposit. Or perhaps they will use their new power responsibly and only increase security deposit rates for the more “risky” tenants. We ought not to yell that the sky is falling before anything has begun to fall. Reginald Young ( is a junior majoring in legal studies and Scandinavian studies.
UW budget cuts hurt us all Like many states, Wisconsin needs to make some tough decisions about its budget — there is no denying that. However, taking from those who can least afford it in the midst of the worst economic situation since the Great Depression is not the right way to balance a budget. And that is exactly what Gov. Scott Walker is doing. The $300 million in cuts with which the University of Wisconsin System is expected to be hit are both massive and incredibly unfair. Despite the fact that the UW System represents a mere 8 percent of the state’s budget, it will absorb 38 percent of the cuts. Walker and the Republican Legislature have yet to produce any clear rationale or precedent for the enormous disproportionality of these cuts. In previous years, cuts to the UW System were much more fair relative to the UW System’s proportion of Wisconsin’s budget. These cuts are more than just inequitable — they are seriously damaging to the state of Wisconsin. By cutting more than $300 million from the state’s education budget, Walker is not only taking from those who can ill afford it, he is doing grievous and irreparable damage to Wisconsin’s future. Due to imminent increases in tuition resulting from these cuts, attending school in the UW System will simply be too expensive for many. Without a well-educated workforce, the state’s economy will stagnate. Slashing the state’s education budget may save some money in the short term, but the state will be paying the price in its damaged economy for many years to come. Beyond increasing cost of attendance, these cuts will also negatively impact quality of education. Without adequate resources, the UW System will no longer be able to attract some
of the best talent in the world as faculty. Besides this, schools in the UW System will not be able to update their campus facilities and give students a true 21st century environment. A statement released on the UW System’s website reads: “We do not know how we can take these cuts without negatively affecting the education of our students and the expectations of their families for a quality experience. These disproportionately large cuts will hurt every UW institution’s ability to spur regional economic growth and to help all of Wisconsin emerge from a persistent economic recession.” If Wisconsin is to flourish, we need more college students, not fewer. The dire, long-term consequences of these cuts to education cannot be overstated. Wisconsin is a great state, but without a strong, well-funded education system, it will not remain so forever. It would be a shame for this to happen because of one man’s disregard for the importance of education. Now is not the time for complacency. Now is the time for action. If you believe in access to a quality education, if you believe in fairness and equality, if you believe in the great state of Wisconsin, join your fellow students on Nov. 19 at State Street Mall to march in solidarity to the Capitol to demand the recall of Governor Walker. On Nov. 19, we will not be silenced. On Nov. 19, we will be heard. Note: The petition drive to recall Governor Walker begins on Nov. 15. Anyone interested in signing the petition or getting involved with the recall effort can stop by The Young Progressives office at 333 East Campus Mall, Office #3157. Joe Timmerman Freshman Young Progressives Field Organizer
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Nothing More Depressing Than a Tuesday in November Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Tuesday, November 8, 2011
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Wednesdays in March
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
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8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
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21 24
31 35
38 41 44 47
48 53
Puzzle by Dan Feyer
Across 1 Band with the 22x platinum album “Back in Black” 5 Second-incommand to Captain Kirk 10 State south of Manitoba: Abbr. 14 Mythological hammer thrower 15 Bejeweled headgear 16 River to the Seine 17 Make gentle 18 Innocent ___ proven guilty 19 TV show for which Bill Cosby won three Emmys 20 Squelches early 23 Immigrant’s course: Abbr. 24 Donkey 25 Ones dealing in futures? 29 Like the sound of a teakettle 32 Move so as to hear
better, say 33 Took care of, as a bill 34 Got the wrinkles out 38 Mai ___ 39 Capital of Latvia 40 Queen, en Español 41 Edible seaweed 42 Raptorial seabird 43 Syrup sources 44 Pseudonym of the artist Romain de Tirtoff 45 Likes a whole lot 47 Caveat ___ 49 Stanley who co-directed “Singin’ in the Rain” 50 Bit of song and dance, e.g. 53 “Ain’t ___ shame?” 54 51-Down’s talent … or what the circled squares represent? 59 Puzzle with
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
a start and a finish Scent Once again Smart ___ Drainage system Michael of “Arrested Development” Half-andhalf carton, often Name of eight English kings Water whirled
Down 1 Envelope abbr. 2 Spiced Indian tea 3 Pricey bubbly 4 Lover of Troilus in a Shakespeare play 5 Gobsmack 6 Vessel of 1492 7 “#@*!” and such 8 Breaks down, in a way 9 Former
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
10 11 12 13 21 22 26 27 28
“Meet the Press” host Marvin “Beats me!” Insult, slangily Nile reptile Critical “___ be back!” Like many items listed on eBay Put on a show Theater district One taking potshots
CROSSWORD 29 Butter or mayo 30 Weave, shag or braids 31 Turkish “dollars” 32 Tenancy document 35 What people think of you, for short 36 Word with baby, bath or banana 37 Uptown dir. in N.Y.C. 41 Stayed with the leader 43 Computer list 46 Turn down, as a manuscript 48 Russian fighter jet 50 Say “O.K.” 51 Circus performer 52 Official with a stopwatch 55 Deep cut 56 ___ a one 57 Anyone who can speak Klingon, e.g. 58 Go to and fro 59 “The Amazing Race” necessity 60 “Prince ___” (“Aladdin” song) 61 Buddhist state
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but them neighbors are usually jerks.
ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman
The Badger Herald | Arts | Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Career matching blind at Jobbook Moving beyond controversy, young jobs site hopes to earn cred with Wisconsin students Bennet Goldstein ArtsEtc. Reporter The online career service Jobbook has emerged from controversial beginnings and arrived in Madison. Self-described as a “dating service” on its website, the Montreal-based company is distinct from other job search engines by its standardization of the job search process. Jobbook inserts itself into what is typically a two party process between employer and applicant. Employers submit job openings, while applicants enter their information into a CV builder. Employers screen applicants by using “predetermined filters.” When enough of the pre-selected criteria are met between employer and applicant, Jobbook creates a match. While the process appears straightforward, the company’s contentious history may be a cause for caution. On Feb. 4 of this year, news broke in The McGill Tribune that student body President Zach Newburgh had negotiated a deal with Jobbook’s founder and CEO, Jean de Brabant. The deal, forged under a writ of non-disclosure six months prior, stipulated that Newburgh would help Brabant promote Jobbook to other student presidents. As compensation, he would receive company shares. Newburgh insists he only agreed to this if McGill’s student government also received a cut. Over the following two months, the Tribune and The McGill Daily chronicled the unfolding events, including Newburgh’s censure and possible violation of McGill’s Conflict of Interest Policy. Student critics argued that as student body president, Newburgh used the prestige of his office to help promote a private company in which he was financially invested. Thus far, Jobbook’s image has been shaped in part by its unsavory marketing strategies to student leaders, raising concerns over the company’s transparency. But the actual services offered by the Jobbook website have received little attention. Now serving as Jobbook’s vice president of university relations, Newburgh’s primary responsibilities are to coordinate a team of student representatives spread across the top 50 universities of North America. In an interview, he presented a cheery picture of the company’s vision.
“We want to help people, and that is our one and only mission,” Newburgh said. Another selling point Newburgh highlighted is Jobbook’s ability to speed the job search process. “Matching is in every way an advantage for everyone involved, but especially for students because the onus is now on the company instead of on candidates,” he said. A representative from University of Wisconsin Career Services did not agree with Newburgh’s assessment. “I would hesitate to use the word ‘match’ specifically because it’s not like trying to put a square peg into a round hole. Students have a variety of different experiences that are more than just a couple of fields you put data into,” the representative said. In the online database UW currently uses, BuckyNet, students have access to employer contact information. A Career Services staff member explained that this gives students the option of reachning out they feel they are qualified. “It really increases the opportunities for the student beyond what their major or graduation year may prescribed,” they said. The way Jobbook currently operates, students cannot see job listings before they are subjected to screening, nor can they see what jobs they are being screened for. The system can seem defeatist, a point that Newburgh acknowledged. “We don’t want to be in the business of creating false hopes,” he said. “We want there to be a certain level of buy-in from both the student or recent graduate and the employers.” Ultimately, Newburgh said, Jobbook might help university career services programs shoulder the weight of student demand. He pointed out the competitive advantages offered by the company that he claims university career services cannot provide. Jobbook’s future `seems up for grabs and ultimately will be decided by students and university graduates. But from Newburgh’s point of view, things look bright. “We’re not even fully launched, and hiring is already happening. That’s just how well the system is working,” he said. “Actually, McGill University is right now leading the charge of the most signups for individuals.”
Photo courtesy of Trent Miller
‘Time (Im)material,’ on display through November, is a collection of four artists’ work. It spans several mediums, from sculpture to video. Pictured is Trent Miller’s ‘Another New World.’
Exhibit as layered, complex as time New gallery showing at Union South can be viewed in minutes, but true understanding may take longer Regen McCracken ArtsEtc. Writer Full disclosure: I am by no means an artist, nor am I an avid adventurer in the world of the visual arts. That said, one need not be an artist to appreciate art, just as one need not be a musician in order to appreciate music (though such experience certainly helps). Time (Im)material is an art exhibit at Union South running through the end of November. As the name implies, the exhibit is comprised of four individual exhibits all focusing on different aspects of time and its relevance to us and to everyday life. Upon entrance, there is a paragraph visible on the wall explaining the various artists and — very briefly — the exhibits. This provides enough background for the layman (me) to interpret and grasp the art while still allowing the viewer to draw their own conclusions and form their own opinions of what the exhibits are trying to say — such is the beauty of art. The first piece sure to grab the attention of the viewer is the collection of string and handiwork laying on the ground in a particularly decisive pattern. This is a perfect introduction to the work of Susan Johnson and one fifth of her overall exhibit in Time (Im) material. This particular piece strongly evokes images of the intestines, which, according to the listing of materials used in its creation (“gut,
hair, thread, paper”), is intended. Accompanying this piece are four others, each following the pattern established by the “gut” sculpture. Each is done in a different medium (lace, acrylics, graphite after a water lift-off, another acrylic). These works are also evocative of a maze, though one that has no ending, perhaps suggesting the cyclical yet winding nature of the passage of time. On viewing, the artwork evokes a feeling of contentment and safety due to the soft, colorless nature of the work and the soft mediums with which it was created. Due to that fact, this may be the easiest exhibit to wrap one’s mind around. The second piece in the amalgamation that is Time (Im)material is a collection by Michael Velliquette. Each piece evokes aboriginal influences both in color and shapes. The colors are very bright, and — like the shapes that make up the works — clash with one another. Each individual work shares the same basic shape and color theme; however, there is a clear progression from one work to the next. The only constants in the works are their shapes, colors and the starry, cloudy night sky that is the background. The meaning of these pieces is perhaps best explained by the introductory paragraph to the exhibit: These pieces lie in the “chimerical realm
outside of time and space.” Certainly, they are very spacey, abstract works, yet they are very intricate and have many artistic details worthy of even the layperson’s appreciation. Third comes the most abstract of the works on display at Union South: those of Trent Miller. Miller has four works, two charcoal on paper, and two very colorful oil works on a much larger scale. The first of the charcoal works, titled “Traveler I,” depicts what appears to be a mountain with a village in its shadow. A ladder from the village reaches to the summit of the mountain. All of Miller’s works on display here were created with the idea of time’s effect on the artistic process — this means that they were created by layering images on top of images. This is a very cool idea, and the second charcoal work displays a very chaotic picture, perhaps a close-up of the village in the initial “Traveler I.” Miller ’s final two works are colorful oil works. The first, titled “Another New World,” keeps with the layered, chaotic theme. It is hard to tell what is really going on; however, one particular component stands out: The word “Eden” is written in black in the very center of the painting. Perhaps Miller is pointing to a new Eden, as the title suggests. Either way, both this and the next painting (titled “Dredgers and Drifters”) depicting
two people wading in water searching for something, lose the viewer in their layered complexity, giving a feeling of being lost and overwhelmed. Miller ’s work is quite abstract, yet its intricacies — like Velliquette before him — are worthy of a view and meditation, though they may be too jumbled for much to be gleaned in the way of meaning by any but an avid art lover. The final piece is also the most progressive and “modern.” It is a collection of video screens of varying sizes and placements, each showing the same video, yet in a staggered time frame. Like Susan Johnson’s maze-like pieces, it shows the cyclical nature of time, yet in a very different form. On each screen plays the daily cycle of a typical person: The sun rises, the subject is sleeping, they wake, go about their daily business, the sun sets and they sleep. This seems like a cool idea initially, and though it is interesting, the progression of the video is simply too long to maintain the interest of a typical person wandering through the Union. Time (Im)material is a thought-provoking exhibit worthy of anyone’s time. If you happen to visit Union South before the conclusion of the month, be sure to stop in and give these worthy artists 10 minutes of your appreciation.
Insulating against cold season: How to stay healthy this winter Jenny Slattery Low-fat Tuesday Columnist Though the weather outside has not turned frightful just yet, germs and viruses are still in the air and looking to wreak havoc on our bodies as the temperature outside continues to drop. Dorms, apartments and other heavily-trafficked places can be breeding grounds for sickness. The last thing anyone wants is a nasty cold or flu that could make midterms and finals even more miserable than they already are or ruin winter break plans. Avoiding sickness completely is unfortunately unrealistic for a normal human being, but there are various ways we can boost
our immune system to help ward off any unwanted visitors. One of the most important lines of attack against illness consists of proper nutrition and hydration. Remember that a well-balanced diet is the key to healthy nutrition. A balanced diet should include fruits, especially ones with vitamin C, plus plenty of vegetables, lean sources of protein and healthy fats. Vitamin supplements should not be replacements for real food, as fruits and veggies are an awesome way to get energy and are very mobile. Warm drinks such as herbal tea and homemade soups or broths may help alleviate congestion as well as other cold and flu symptoms. Try to skip salty soups as they may increase inflammation in the throat. Sugary or caffeinated drinks also should be forgone, though a nice cup of hot chocolate (nix the whipped cream) or basic coffee can
be soothing in moderation. Hydrating the body is also part of proper nutrition, as it is essential to keep our bodies operating like welloiled machines. Another vital member in the battle for a disease-free body is getting enough sleep. Rest is crucial for the body to function properly and boosts the immune system by allowing recovery and rebooting — at least 7 to 8 hours a night is recommended. Any less than that could increase the chance of getting sick because the body will not be given enough time to repair itself. Because eight hours a night can present a difficult task due to heavy study loads and the occasional all-nighter, naps are okay lest you start falling asleep during your classes. However, they should be kept to 30 minutes or less because any longer may lead to a deep sleep, resulting in tiredness and grogginess. Try to limit your napping to early in
the day because any later than 3 p.m. may make falling asleep at night more difficult. Moderate exercise can also aid in boosting the immune system. Exercise decreases the stress hormone cortisol by releasing endorphins that help reduce stress. Exercise has also been shown to help fight off illness by increasing disease fighting bacteria called a macrophage. The endorphins released during physical activity can also lower depression and trigger positive feelings in the brain. However, if you are already sick or feel a cold getting worse, it may be best to take a few days off so your body can use its energy to help you recover more quickly. Another great tip to avoid getting sick: Wash your hands, people! I do not think I can stress this one enough. The most common way germs and viruses spread is through physical
contact with people and objects. Wash your hands before preparing food and eating, and scrub-a-dubdub them after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose and particularly after using the bathroom. Since we cannot always use a sink to clean our 10 digits everywhere we go, keeping a small bottle of hand sanitizer to use after touching doorknobs, borrowing pens and almost anything else is a great and easily accessible alternative. Constantly washing your hands might seem excessive, annoying or time consuming, but the extra minutes out of your day will always beat feeling like crap. My last tip for staying cootie-free is to stay away from people who are sick. This is basic common sense, but it is easier said than done, especially when — in the case of all you dorm residents — you have to sleep feet away from your roommate, use the
bathroom with dozens and eat with hundreds of others. The best thing to do in this situation is to wash your hands frequently, avoid sharing items, thoroughly wash any utensils or kitchenware you do have to share and try to maintain a safe distance if possible. If you live in close quarters with someone who has not quite caught the train to Sanitaryland yet, asking them politely to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze is well worth the possible bacterial infestation. Avoiding sickness may seem like an impossible task, but heeding these words of advice will lend a hand in boosting that good old immune system that keeps you healthy and happy. Jenny Slattery is a sophomore majoring in journalism. Want a healthier lifestyle? Send questions and comments to her at jslattery@
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the badger herald
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Grades: UW linebackers unstoppable Borland, Taylor carry Badger defense once again; special teams continues to struggle Mike Fiammetta Sports Editor Every week, Herald Sports will look back and evaluate the most recent game by the Wisconsin football team on a scale of zero to five. The Badgers (7-2, 3-2) finally rebounded from a brutal two-game losing streak Saturday, returning to the friendly confines of Camp Randall Stadium to trounce the Purdue Boilermakers (45, 2-3) 62-17. The victory returned some semblance of normalcy to Wisconsin and kept them tied with Ohio State for second place in the Big Ten Leaders division, two games behind Penn State. This weekend, the Badgers will head to Minnesota for the annual Battle for Paul Bunyan’s Axe with the Gophers in what will surely be a fascinating battle as the Big Ten schedule winds to a close. Quarterbacks — 5 out of 5 After making some questionable decisions and, for the first time this season, struggling with his accuracy in Wisconsin’s two road losses at Ohio State and Michigan State, Russell Wilson was stellar Saturday against Purdue. Against the nation’s No. 44 passing defense, Wilson completed 15 of 20 passes for 205 yards, two touchdowns and zero interceptions. In a little more than three quarters of play (Joe Brennan was brought in for mop-up duty at the 11:01 mark), Wilson found
GOPHERS, from 8 Minnesota will enter Friday with a record of 9-1-0 and a perfect 6-0-0 start to the WCHA season, having already swept No. 10 Minnesota-Duluth on the road and North Dakota. “Our challenge as a coaching staff is to make sure that [the players] don’t get overexcited and emotionally jazzed so they can’t play with poise and confidence,” Eaves said. “You still have to find that
HUGHES, from 8 Wisconsin offense will be able to cash in on the Princeton, Minn., native, who otherwise shot .491 percent from the field last year. Though smaller than some centers (weighing in at 235 pounds), Berggren’s ability to play center could help heal a years-old absence of a big man down in the paint. Though he can also score from behind the arc, if Berggren can become a reliable target down low, it would do wonders in alleviating the huge pressure often placed on the offense to score from
seven different receivers against Purdue and also a completed 66-yard pass to wide receiver Jeff Duckworth in the first quarter. Brennan, meanwhile, completed three of his four passes for 36 yards in his latest glimpse at playing time. Moving forward, if Wisconsin continues to find itself up by large margins in the fourth quarter, Brennan should gain further snaps. Backfield — 4 out of 5 If Montee Ball took all the carries among Wisconsin running backs Saturday, this grade would definitely be a full 5 out of 5. Ball rushed for a career-high 223 yards on 20 carries (11.1 yards per) and three touchdowns, tying Brian Calhoun’s single-season school record with 24 touchdowns on the season. On the first play from scrimmage, Ball showed just how welcome the return back to Madison was for the Badgers, surging straight through the middle of the Boilermaker’s defense for a 44-yard rush. Four plays later, the Badgers scored their first touchdown of the day. Ball’s efforts ultimately earned him CoBig Ten Offensive Player of the Week honors. However, James White continued to struggle and held the Badgers’ running backs from earning a perfect grade. White rushed 17 times for 50 yards, a paltry average of just 2.9 yards per carry. He did score twice, from five and one yards out, and led the team with four receptions. Since rushing for 6.7 yards per carry against Indiana Oct. 15, White’s averages have fallen in each game since — 3.8, 3.2 and 2.9, respectively.
Fullback Bradie Ewing continued his stellar play, helping to pave running lanes for Ball and also catching two passes for 25 yards. Tight ends — 3.5 out of 5 Saturday was more of the same from Jacob Pedersen, who caught two passes for 28 yards, including a twoyard touchdown grab from Wilson for UW’s first score of the game. Pedersen was quiet for the rest of the game, though, with Wisconsin comfortably in the driver’s seat by halftime. Wide receivers — 3 out of 5 UW’s wideouts were unspectacular Saturday, mainly because they didn’t have to be while Ball was pounding the rock as effectively as he was. Jared Abbrederis, whose breakout season has prompted questions as to whether Nick Toon is really the Badgers’ No. 1 receiver, finished with two receptions for 19 yards and a touchdown. Toon finished with three catches for 35 yards. No. 3 receiver Jeff Duckworth saw the more playing time than he has in any other game this season and caught two passes for 78 yards, including that 66-yard bomb from Wilson. Offensive line — 4.5 out of 5 Throughout that dreaded two-week-long nightmare against OSU and MSU, UW’s offensive line was widely criticized for not allowing Wilson more time to stay in the pocket and not creating enough holes for Ball and Co. to run through. That changed for the better against Purdue, as Wisconsin totaled 605 yards (364 rushing, 241 passing) and Wilson was
level as an athlete to play in that flow state that gives you the best chance of playing well.” Interestingly, when asked how the rivalry has changed since he donned a Badger uniform in his AllAmerican playing days, Eaves commented on how the development of youth athletics across the country may be slightly diluting potent rivalries. “The one thing that has changed over time is the fact that most of these young guys know
each other,” Eaves said. “[Today’s kids] grew up playing against each other in spring and summer hockey, and I think that may take a little bit of the edge off. “When you don’t know the other guys and you have no relationship and it’s a rivalry, you’re going to take it to the nth degree, but I think some of that edge might be a little rubbed off — not totally — but a little bit just because of the fact that the guys know each other.”
the perimeter. Evans, who probably exudes the best combination of size and athleticism on the team, showed flashes of great skill last year but also disappeared at times. A solid defender and a dimension-adding player on offense, Evans still needs to become a more efficient scorer after shooting .311 from the field as a redshirt sophomore. And coming out of the backcourt, if Gasser — an active rebounder, passer and quick learner — can become more than a glue-guy and consistently score for the Badgers,
this team could be an improvement over last year’s. All of those things are easily attainable for those three. And lucky for them, they have Ryan on the sidelines supervising. Might as well give them the benefit of the doubt then. Elliot Hughes is a senior majoring in journalism. Were you surprised by Wisconsin’s preseason expectations this year? Think the Badgers will blow it? Sit down and tell him how you feel by emailing him at ehughes@ or tweeting @BHeraldSports.
sacked just once. Defensive line — 3.5 out of 5 Wisconsin’s defensive line was adequate Saturday, nothing greater or worse. The unit failed to sack Purdue quarterbacks Caleb TerBush and Robert Marve, but the Boilermaker rushing attack totaled just 120 yards and averaged 4.1 per carry. Linebackers — 5 out of 5 The strength of Wisconsin’s defense hardly surprises anymore, though the numbers the Badger linebackers are able to consistently post are staggering. Middle linebacker Chris Borland earned Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week after leading the team with 11 tackles (3.5 for loss), two forced fumbles and one interception. As usual, outside linebacker Mike Taylor was right behind him with nine tackles and one interception of his own. Ethan Armstrong recorded five tackles, while Kevin Claxton had three. Secondary — 4 out of 5 Both of UW’s two interceptions fell into the hands of Borland and Taylor, though that is hardly an indictment of the secondary. Cornerback Antonio Fenelus continued his lockdown coverage while opposite him cornerback Marcus Cromartie was once again solid. No Purdue receiver caught more than four passes (wide receiver O.J. Ross had four), and tight end Crosby Wright had the highest yardage total with 46, though 30 came on Purdue’s first touchdown. Purdue did have three passes go for at least 20 yards, indicating that allowing big plays still might be an issue for
BALL, from 8 NFL and you see different guys. Darren Sproles is a guy, when I was at Kansas
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Linebacker Chris Borland was named Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week after he recorded 11 tackles (3.5 for loss), two forced fumbles and one interception Saturday. Wisconsin’s defense. Specialists — 3 out of 5 A lower grade was tempting here, though kicker Phillip Welch’s 52yard field goal as time expired in the first half and his overall length on kickoffs buoyed the unit. However, kickoff coverage was again exceedingly troubling for Wisconsin, which allowed Purdue returner Raheem Mostert to average 41.2 yards per return on his five attempts for 206 yards. Mostert’s first kick return of the day went
State, I just loved the kid and his competitive nature. I knew he’d have success. The way he’s kind of come into that situation this year
for 49 yards and set Purdue up at Wisconsin’s 41-yard line, while his second was for 74 yards and brought the Boilermakers to the Badgers’ 16-yard line. UW did a better job containing DeVarro Greaves, who returned two kicks for just 40 yards. But the repeated special teams issues that developed barely more than two weeks ago in East Lansing have persisted and exposed a major weakness that could cripple Wisconsin in the stretch run of Big Ten play.
and now he’s the big time guy, it reminds me a lot of Montee’s personality, just a vibe that he can give an entire team.”
Sports Editor Mike Fiammetta
The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Ball keying UW offense
After record-setting weekend, running back opening eyes as battle for Axe looms on road Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor Paul Bunyan’s Axe is finally up for grabs again. In his weekly press conference Monday, head coach Bret Bielema addressed the looming border battle with Minnesota and what it means to Wisconsin football, especially in light of the fact that the program’s standout quarterback has never played a down in the 121-year-old rivalry. “Russell [Wilson] has no idea,” Bielema said. “Saturday, when I grabbed that axe after the game, I was like, ‘Hey we’ve got to educate this guy about what this game is all about.’ It’s been a fun thing, but it’ll gain a little bit of momentum as the week goes on.” While the battle for the axe was essentially no contest in last year’s 4123 Badger victory, Bielema expects a tough fight having to travel to Minneapolis and face a Gopher team that finally seems to have found its footing. Minnesota started out the season as a clear Big Ten bottom feeder but has shocked the conference the past two weeks by upsetting Iowa 22-21 and sticking uncomfortably close with Michigan State before losing 31-24.
“Coach [Jerry] Kill has got those guys playing very, very well,” Bielema said. “To knock off Iowa two weeks ago, to play Michigan State the way they did, they’re getting better as we’ve watched the film the last couple of days. They get better every week, in all phases, on offense, defense and special teams. They’ve found some rhythm, they’ve found some playmakers that they can go to offensively and defensively … a tremendous challenge, but one that I think our kids are excited about.” In the rivalry, Bielema said he hopes to have a healthier defense.
“Montee, the way he’s wired, he’s just kind of been special.” Bret Bielema Head coach
Defensive end David Gilbert, who broke his foot during practice the week before playing Nebraska, is expected to start practicing, though whether or not he will play is still undetermined.
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Running back Montee Ball ran for 223 yards against Purdue, pushing him over the 1,000-yard mark for the season. Ball also had three touchdowns in the game, bringing his season total to 21. Senior safety Aaron Henry, who was carted off the field during Saturday’s 62-17 drubbing over Purdue, suffered a minor ankle sprain and is expected to play against Minnesota. Henry’s return is greatly welcomed, especially with the concern Bielema has about his secondary. “There’s been concern ever since Devin Smith went down, and I put [Cromartie] in the situation where we’re at,” Bielema said. “[Peniel Jean] was banged up for a couple
of weeks; fortunately he’s back to being 100 percent. That gives me a little more reassurance.” While concern persists over a bruised secondary and a stumbling secondary, Bielema said he cannot deny the satisfaction of having a 1,000-yard rusher leading his offense. After a 223-yard, three touchdown performance, both the Badgers and the Big Ten named Montee Ball their offensive player of the week. Bielema credits Ball’s success not only to the
system UW has set up for him, but ultimately the hard work he has put in with his time at Wisconsin. “I know Montee, if you sit down and talk to him about why he chose Wisconsin, it’s because we run a two-back I-formation, and he wanted to be behind a fullback and play downhill football,” Bielema said. “That got him here, but what Montee’s done since he’s been here is in his own hands. We can’t make a guy grow in a way. We can give him the support, and we can
give him the program and the development phase, but Montee, the way he’s wired, has just kind of been special. … I just think Montee is so far advanced beyond Brian [Calhoun] but also other running backs that I’ve been around.” Bielema even compared Ball to New Orleans Saints running back Darren Sproles, who Bielema coached during his stint at Kansas State. “He’s just special,” Bielema said. “You see the
BALL, page 7
Badgers prep for Gophers Eaves pleased with progess in penalty kill, expects high-energy, emotional Border Battle Brett Sommers Statistics Editor Roughly the first 115 minutes of the Wisconsin men’s hockey team’s series at St. Cloud State this past weekend were simply brutal. The Badgers were outscored 10-3 in that span before scoring two goals in the final five minutes to force a game two tie and escape with one point in the WCHA standings. Things are not about to get any easier, as Wisconsin begins a week of preparation to welcome WCHA border rival No. 1 Minnesota. Head coach Mike Eaves addressed his concerns heading into the weekend and the rivalry during Monday’s press conference at Camp Megan McCormick The Badger Herald Randall. Head coach Mike Eaves expects his team to be ‘jazzed’ to host the No. 1 Golden Gophers this weekPriority No. 1 in end but does not want his young squad to worry too much about the implications of the series. preparing for Minnesota,
Eaves said, is to simply not worry about Minnesota. “The list of concerns begins with our team because I control those things,” Eaves said. “We as a staff can control them, so we have a laundry list of things that we … sat down [Monday] morning and looked at; what we need to focus on and we will attend those. Obviously [Minnesota is] a very talented team, but we are going to focus on the things that give us the best chance to play well.” With an overall record of 4-5-1 to begin the second month of the season, the Badgers certainly need to clean up their efforts in order to achieve a winning record. Up to this point in the season, the most glaring issue facing Wisconsin is its penalty killing efficiency.
UW’s opponents have been converting their power play chances at an alarming rate of 31 percent with 13 goals in 42 opportunities. However, game two against St. Cloud State was a step in the right direction. “We had our first night where we didn’t give up a goal, so that’s a good healthy sign,” Eaves said. “We will continue to work on that; we will get repetitions this week, we will show video, we will continue to grow. Again, we like the direction in which we are going. “There [have] been a few breakdowns and some poor luck, but hey, those are all part of the game. We are going to continue to work to make the luck come to our side.” While Eaves may be making a conscious effort to focus on what the Badgers
can control heading into the series, the No. 1 ranking and obvious importance of the rivalry is difficult to suppress. Fortunately for Wisconsin, this weekend’s series is not the first rivalry series of the season, as UW has already faced North Dakota. “I think [the Minnesota and North Dakota rivalries are] very similar,” Eaves said. “I think that guys get naturally emotionally jazzed up to play against these kinds of teams, so it’s very similar in terms of the rivalry and how the guys prepare.” Perhaps earning its only sweep of the season against North Dakota at the Kohl Center will help Wisconsin prepare for arguably their toughest test this year.
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Men’s hoops finally getting benefit of doubt Elliot Hughes Look Hughes Laughing Now When the polls were released, I had to do a double take. Nope, I’m not talking about any injustice from the nefarious BCS system. Rather, I’m talking about the University of Wisconsin men’s basketball team entering the 2011-12 season picked to finish second in the Big Ten by the media — ranked No. 14 in the nation in the USA Today Coaches Poll and No. 15 in the AP Top 25. This is the first time since the 2006-07 season
that Wisconsin even cracked the top 20 in either polls. Between the 200708 season and now, UW began the year unranked twice and finished the year with a higher ranking than its preseason three out of four times. Meanwhile, closer to home, Wisconsin has been picked to finish outside the top three or four of the Big Ten multiple times over the last few years, as well. As all of Badger Nation knows, head coach Bo Ryan has guided the team to at least a top-four finish in the Big Ten and an appearance in the NCAA tournament in each of his 10 seasons as the big cheese at Wisconsin. Like the football program, the men’s basketball team’s recruiting does not typically make headlines.
And even Ryan will tell you it fuels all the preseason oracles who give the Badgers the shorthand. But somehow Ryan always got the job done, and preseason pollers doubt he would get the job done the next time. But now, it seems like that trend might be over. Frankly, even I — someone who believes that Wisconsin is constantly underrated — was surprised to hear the preseason expectations this season. I do not need to consider the recruiting stars (or lack thereof) the team earned in high school to know that other than preseason All-American Jordan Taylor — who deserves every bit of that honor — and the up-andcoming Mike Bruesewitz, the 2011 roster appears to be filled with question
marks following the departure of Jon Leuer and Keaton Nankivil. There are two players on this 2011 roster who averaged more than five points per game last year (one of them is sophomore Josh Gasser at 5.9), while there are only three players who played an average of over 15 minutes per game in 2010. Of the rest of the returning players that did not play 15 minutes or more in an average game last year, only one — Jared Berggren — shot above 40 percent from the field. Only two players on the entire team, Taylor and Bruesewitz, shot better than 35 percent from the arc. (Now I am almost starting to sound like the people I have thumbed my nose at over the past four years for not giving UW
the time of day.) Surely Ryan’s put together a more statistically fashionable preseason roster than this over the past four years, right? The only answer to a second-place billing in the conference and a mid-teens ranking in two national polls has got to be that college basketball coaches and media alike are giving Ryan the benefit of the doubt. And it is about time he earned it. Of course, now every Badger fan is probably worried this will be the year Ryan stumbles. And although I do still believe there are several question marks on the team, it is not enough to even begin to purge my optimism. If Wisconsin wants to avoid disappointment, the onus falls mainly on the frontcourt this year.
Led by Bruesewitz, the hardest working man in the Big Ten, two other bigs will become routine starters this year, with redshirt juniors Berggren and Ryan Evans the two most likely of candidates. Berggren’s biggest concerns may be fouls and free throws. Last season the 6-foot-10 forward accumulated 37 fouls in 200 minutes of gameplay — an alarming average of one foul every 5.4 minutes. Although a small sample size, Berggren also finished with a woeful .615 percent shooting at the line, hitting eight of 13 chances. The fouls should be easy to fix. But if Berggren, who is more aggressive near the basket than Nankivil was, can fix his free throw shooting, the
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