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Thursday, December 1, 2011





The city intends to light your way

At least one Herald Ed Board member think the Dems stand a chance in the potential recall election. | 4

Benevolent rulers

As you travel at night, you can expect to see a number of improvements coming to the Spring Street area. | 2


Doomtree shows virtuosity in lyricism, ricism, icism, production of new album, ‘No Kings.’ | 7

House party bill sees stall Alder: ordinance against nuisance gatherings needs further evaluation, MPD consideration saw no urgency to act at the moment. Verveer said the new definition of a nuisance party is currently unknown because there have been multiple drafts created for the definition. All committees need to know the exact definition before any action is taken, he added. District 5 resident Thomas Landgraf suggested moving the motion to next month’s meeting. Landgraf said he would like to see if MPD would make any other changes during that time. The committee unanimously agreed. Common Council member Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, District 5, said she is unsure how this new definition is any different from the previous one. “I would like to hear MPD articulate whether [the ordinance] will be a positive or negative tool,” she said.

Molly McCall News Reporter

John Lemmon The Badger Herald

Rep. Mark Pocan unveils plans to allow for medicinal marijuana use in Wisconsin at a press conference Wednesday. He said Wisconsinites are ahead of the lawmakers when focusing in on this issue.

Marijuana legalization surfaces Dem. leaders reintroduce legislation to allow for medicinal use without prosecution Matt Huppert State Editor Two Democratic legislators reintroduced controversial legislation giving patients the right to use medicinal marijuana with a prescription. At a press conference Wednesday, Representative Mark Pocan, D-Madison, reintroduced the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act. The legislation,

sponsored by Pocan and Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, would give patients with certain debilitating diseases and conditions access to medicinal marijuana with a prescription from their doctor without fear of prosecution. According to a statement from Pocan’s office, 16 states, as well as Washington, D.C., have legalized medicinal marijuana. In the statement, Pocan

said a majority of the public supports the practice of medicinal marijuana. “This is an issue where people are clearly way ahead of the policy makers,” Pocan said. “The Wisconsin Legislature needs to catch up with the public and pass this bill because making medical marijuana legal is the right and compassionate thing to do for patients in pain.” Andrew Welhouse,

spokesperson for Sen. Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said similar medicinal marijuana bills have been presented to the legislature in years past. He said members of both parties have shown opposition to medicinal marijuana legalization. A medicinal marijuana bill presented last year when Democrats were in control of both houses and the office of the


The Alcohol License Review Committee referred legislation concerning penalties associated with student-hosted house parties to next month’s meeting in order to give the Madison Police Department time to prepare a plan for it during a meeting Wednesday. The new bill aims to restructure city ordinances in order to deter students from having elaborate parties exemplified by student nightlife, including the Mifflin Street Block Party. The bill outlines nine qualifying criteria for parties to be considered a nuisance and states a $500 fine can be issued when two or more of these criteria are violated. City Alcohol Policy Coordinator Mark Woulf urged the committee to take action. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, however, said he


MPD investigates politicallymotivated crimes in recalls Anti-Walker workers allege harassment Sean Kirkby State Reporter Allegations of possible recall-related crimes are increasing as the effort to collect signatures to recall the governor enters its second week. The Madison Police Department has received multiple reports about recall petition-related crimes since the effort began including an alleged assault, the removal of a

campaign sign and petition destruction. Before the WisconsinPenn State football game Saturday, a woman on Monroe Street collecting petition signatures to recall Gov. Scott Walker contacted MPD claiming she was assaulted, said MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain. According to DeSpain, the woman said the man assaulted her by pushing her clipboard into her stomach in what she called a “politically motivated act.” The man denied it and said he bumped into

her accidentally due to congestion in the area. After reviewing the case, the officer decided he did not have sufficient evidence to arrest the man, prompting the woman to accuse the officer of siding with Walker, DeSpain said. Additionally, a 70-yearold Madison resident reported Monday afternoon that someone had stolen her “Recall Scott Walker” sign, DeSpain said. If a person steals a campaign sign, they would be charged with theft,

RECALLS, page 3

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

ASM Rep. Nneka Akubeze asks the Student Council to consider her candidacy for vice chair Wednesday evening but is met with opposition as members point out bylaws stipulating state students holding leadership positions in ASM must be enrolled in at least six credit hours.

Student Council mulls over appointment for vice chair ASM finds special student ineligible for leadership post, lacks credit hours Katherine Krueger Campus Editor As the student government approved a flurry of appointees to fill open committee seats Wednesday, the body chose to postpone the vote on vice chair after members raised concerns that one nominee did not meet the standards required for a leadership position. After Associated Students of Madison Student Council representatives Tom Templeton and Nneka Akubeze were nominated to fill the seat, members raised questions about

Akubeze’s eligibility under University of Wisconsin System Financial Policy F50. The vice chair seat has remained vacant since Beth Huang was removed from council as the result of a Student Judiciary ruling in midOctober. According to UW System financial policy on student segregated fees, students holding all leadership positions in student organizations must be “enrolled on a fee-paying basis for at least half-time,” measured by a minimum enrollment in six credits for undergraduate students. Student Services Finance Committee Chair Sarah Neibart said because Akubeze, a special student, is enrolled in four credits, she is not eligible for a leadership position in

Tap that! A member of a marimba octet performs for the Madison community Wednesday afternoon. The group played the song “Radioactive Octopus” by Steven Simpson. The performance was part of a western ensemble.

ASM. “It would be illegal to go against F50; … [the nominee] would be ineligible even if appointed,” she said. Akubeze said Wednesday’s debate before council was her first notification of the requirement and said she would be willing to not accept any stipends from student funds until she had enrolled as a halftime student with six credits. Akubeze said her seat on council should be representative of all kinds of special students and that she would stay in the race for the position. “I have the ability to serve in the role and am willing to adjust,” she said. “I do not think this is illegal and will seek more legal council.”


Megan McCormick The Badger Herald


The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 1, 2011

Events today 3:30 p.m. Distinguished Lectures in Microbiology Ebling Symposium Center Microbial Sciences

7:30 p.m. Bat Boy: The Musical Mitchell Theater Vilas Hall

Events tomorrow 1 p.m. Introduction to iMovie Teacher Education 346 Merit Library






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38 22

32 25

pm rain


few showers

few snow showers

partly cloudy

Student residential areas set to see improvements Spring Street will receive new lights, repaved streets, updated parking Andrea Choi News Reporter

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The city’s Board of Public Works considered the reconstruction and assessment of several student-occupied downtown areas in addition to the renovation of a Madison Police training center during a meeting Wednesday. Board members said some of the reconstruction plans may directly affect University of Wisconsin students’ safety and living quality. Areas involved in the plan include Spring Street and North Orchard Street, where a student apartment building known as the Humbucker and a number of fraternity houses are located. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said the reconstruction plan for Spring and Orchard Streets includes repaving the streets, adding lighting in mid-block areas, upgrading sanitary and storm sewers and improving parking conditions. “Some of the water utilities there are actually from the 1890s, so this is the time for us to replace these, and we are very excited during this time to also get new pedestrian lighting,” he said. Resnick added these new plans have been well received by both residents and students and the team has received

great support from the public. New assessment plans will also be carried out in District 4, which includes South Fairchild Street, West Doty Street and South Carroll Street. Plans for these streets also include new pedestrian lighting and sewer upgrades. The projects will start in March 2012. The board also authorized an amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and Angus Young Associates to give an additional $101,300 to architectural and engineering design services for a remodeling of the Femrite Drive Madison Police Department Training Center.

“Some of the water utilities there are actually from the 1890s ...” Scott Resnick District 8 Alder

MPD Training and Personnel Captain Susan Williams gave a City Engineering Department report on the construction plan of the center, which is currently undergoing initial phases of remodeling. According to Williams, the new model of the training center includes a new auditorium, new classrooms, a computer lab and a new fitness training room. “The new auditorium will have some complexity, somewhat of a theatre design,” Williams said.

She added the auditorium’s new features include a movable wall for efficient use of space. Board members also approved a motion to create a residential water service connection and to update both the well operation permit and well abandonment procedures and requirements. Joseph Grande, water quality manager from Madison Water Utility, said the major change would be increasing the monthly fee from $100 to $200. “These are state requirements that we enforce,” Grande said. “If you have a well, you have to follow standards if you don’t want to create the potential situation that harms the neighborhood. People who are using the water for irrigation purposes also have to meet those requirements.” Another item on the agenda was to authorize the mayor and city clerk to execute a purchase order agreement with the UW College of Engineering to complete a lake response model for Lake Wingra. A representative from City Engineering said the department would work with professor Chin Wu of the UW Civil & Environmental Engineering Department to carry out the study and complete the model. He said the model would determine the lake responses to differing inputs and conditions such as carp, wave, wind and phosphorous inputs. The cost of this study would be $90,052 over a two-year period.

Taylor Frechette The Badger Herald

Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, argues MPD should provide written details as to how the nuisance house party ordinance would aid in the city in combating the problem. Bidar-Sielaff and Verveer were happy to see UW Chief of Police that the new legislative Mary Schauf said process requires the alder there currently is not a be notified in order to standard of enforcement follow the proceedings. Woulf said he would for nuisance parties, and it is within the officer’s like to see the Public discretion to act. The Safety Review Committee send the broader ordinance to operations the council group will with or take a closer “I would like without look at the to hear MPD approval ordinance. articulate from other ALRC whether [the committees. member He added Rachel Lepak ordinance] will he opposes said the be a positive or the motion ordinance was without discussed two negative tool.” approval weeks ago in Shiva Bidar-Sielaff from the their meeting, Common Council other although no committees. consensus had Landgraf been reached. Lepak added it has not said he would also like been brought back into to see Woulf send this definition to all the discussion. There were questions committees. “My hope is that it will about fining, how the officers would react to move forward in the next this and if it would solve month,” Woulf said. Woulf said he believed the problems or just create the new definition cannot more, she said. District 10 resident be improved any more Thomas Farley said he than it already has. The didn’t think this topic Public Safety Review will not met the standards ALRC Committee operates under and see the ordinance until should be passed along to February due to the referral, Woulf said. another committee. ALRC will revisit the “Move it along and get it to the right place,” he ordinance during their next meeting on Dec. 21. said.


MARIJUANA, from 1 governor didn’t make it out of committee. He said medicinal marijuana legislation does not have the support necessary to become law. “If that support was there, [the bill] would have passed last session when the Democrats were in control,” Welhouse said. Angela Janis, a board certified psychiatrist and a member of the Wisconsin Medical Society, said there is strong evidence marijuana helps patients who are suffering.

She said evidence has shown marijuana can help ease pain for patients with a number of terminal illnesses. Patients suffering from cancer, side effects from chemotherapy, HIV, chronic pain, glaucoma and muscle spasms, including symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, could benefit from a prescription to medicinal marijuana. Janis said medicinal marijuana would mostly be meant for patients suffering from debilitating or lifeending illnesses. Moreover, she said marijuana has only been shown to potentially cause brain damage in adolescents. However, Janis said there are prescription drugs available to adults that are more dangerous than marijuana, such as Valium. She said marijuana is virtually impossible to overdose on, unlike opiates like morphine. Janis said a stigma exists around marijuana which does not exist for drugs of equal or greater harm. She said the federal government makes it more difficult for research to be done on marijuana than on more harmful drugs. Janis said the current political climate presents a challenge for getting the bill passed. However, she said she remains hopeful the bill will receive support from members of both parties. “I can write a prescription for anything,” she said. “There are a lot of dangerous drugs out there that we already use. We know the pitfalls of marijuana, and the benefits outweigh the risks.”

The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 1, 2011


Campus groups raise awareness on HIV/AIDS Student organize events to shed light on treatment, prevention options Alyssa Smith News Reporter Multiple University of Wisconsin student organizations are promoting HIV and AIDS awareness today through a series of events commemorating the 23rd annual World Aids Day. According to the day’s website, World Aids Day is the first global health day and started in 1988 as a way for people around the globe to show support for those living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus

VICE CHAIR, from 1 Rep. Zach DeQuattro said it is “ludicrous” that any council member would not be allowed to serve in a leadership position. He also said if Akubeze is disqualified from running, the body should make sure no other members want to run.

RECALLS, from 1 DeSpain said. However, if a person stole a sign and damaged it, they would be charged for theft and criminal destruction of property. The MPD also received a report Monday of a student at Edgewood College ripping up a recall petition with signatures on it, DeSpain said. Another student at Edgewood College was collecting signatures on Nov. 15 when he handed the petition to a student who he thought wanted to sign it, DeSpain said. Instead, the student

The film will follow individuals affected by HIV and AIDS in

Washington, D.C., she said, and is set to begin at 7 p.m. in the Marquee at Union South. The Student Global AIDS Campaign, another student organization on campus, will set up a display Thursday morning on Bascom Hill to show support for the day and any students affected by HIV, SGAC President Brianna Vonnahme said. The red ribbons in the display acted as a visual representation of how many people are infected with the disease worldwide, according to Vonnahme. One of the main goals of SGAC is to educate students who are both HIV positive and negative, Vonnahme said, and to let students know

that is okay to be positive while providing support. “We provide a deeper understanding of what it is to be HIV positive,” she said. Another student organization, Sex Out Loud, will facilitate a workshop Thursday evening from 8 to 10 p.m. in Room 3161 of the Student Activity Center in commemoration of the date. The workshop will be run by Sex Out Loud facilitator DeMarco Bowen, who will contextualize HIV and AIDS in a global framework, according to the Sex Out Loud website. The workshop will also stress the importance of getting routinely tested for HIV/AIDS, the website said.

process for organizations to contract out for services while allowing for “safeguards” to make sure General Student Services Fund groups are not harmed, she said. ASM Chair Allie Gardner said the legislation should be further discussed in next week’s meeting because

of its complex nature and so more SSFC members could be present to answer questions about the process. Representatives also debated legislation on the endorsement and approval of the Student Internship Service. ASM intern David Gardner said the measure was overdue

after lingering before the body for seven weeks and that it remains still in the planning stages. Council also confirmed the appointment of DeQuattro to serve as nominations board chair by unanimous consent. Rep. Tia Nowack was also elected chair of the Rules Committee.

and commemorate those who have died from it. HIV is passed through the exchange of bodily fluids and attacks the body’s immune system, impairing its ability to fight disease, according to the World Aids Day website. It is commonly spread through unprotected sexual intercourse and shared needles, the website said. Ryan Westergaard, a UW assistant professor and public health researcher specializing in HIV, said HIV affects approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. with 50,000 to 60,000 new cases arising each year. Globally, Westergaard said, about 34 million people live with the disease.

“HIV/AIDS are some of the fastest growing illnesses that threaten our society,” said Ashley Walton-Stamps, Campus Women’s Center finance coordinator. This is what prompted the CWC to host some of its largest events of the year in support of World Aids Day, according to Walton-Stamps. Walton-Stamps said these events include CWC and University Health Services’ collaboration providing free walk-in HIV testing from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. on the sixth floor of East Campus Mall today. “The only way to mitigate the spread is to have people be aware of their status,” WaltonStamps said. “We are fully committed to

offering testing to those who cannot afford it in an event to curb its spread.” Te CWC is also working with the Wisconsin Union Directorate to show “The Other City,” WaltonStamps said.

Representatives voted unanimously to postpone the vote on filling the vacancy until next week’s meeting. Members also took up new legislation to include the Campus Services Process, a measure recently approved by SSFC, for inclusion in the bylaws.

Neibart said the legislation is to create a process to change the ASM bylaws to allow Registered Student Organizations to contract with a third party based on assessments about what services are needed on campus. CSP differs from the Campus Services Fund because it provides a

ripped it in two and walked away. The student reported the incident to the school’s authorities and later to the police when he felt the school was not taking proper action to address the situation, DeSpain said. The detective in charge of the case has identified the person who destroyed the petition, DeSpain said. On Nov. 17, a man in a red pickup truck ripped up a petition when petitioners handed it to him, DeSpain said. The detective working on the case located the driver of the pickup truck and

passed the information to the district attorney.

“The recall effort is nothing more than a baseless power grab ...” Ben Sparks GOP Spokesperson

Not only have recall groups alleged possible law-breaking on behalf of people opposing the recall, but the Republican Party claims to have received

“HIV/AIDS are some of the fastest growing illnesses that threaten our society.” Ashley Walton-Stamps

Women’s Center Finance Coordinator

reports of recall petitioners breaking the law. “The recall effort is nothing more than a baseless partisan powergrab being pushed on Wisconsin families by liberal special interests, and the process itself has been overrun with repeated instances of misconduct and fraud,” GOP spokesperson Ben Sparks said in a statement. The GOP has received multiple reports of voter fraud and misconduct involving the use of government resources and online communications disclosing recall effort documents which

constitutes potential petition fraud on the part of Wisconsin Democrats, Sparks said. Voter fraud and recall petition destruction are felonies, said Government Accountability Board spokesperson Reid Magney. The maximum penalty is three and a half years in jail and a $10,000 fine. If the GAB receives evidence demonstrating petition fraud or petition destruction, it would pass the information on to district attorney, who would decide whether to press charges, Magney said.

Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Thursday, December 1, 2011


HIV positive need more outreach Redistricting John Steines Badger Herald Interview Today, Dec. 1, is World AIDS Day. Created in 1988, it is intended as a day for observance of those who have died and for focus on issues currently facing the HIV/AIDS community. HIV/AIDS is an important issue in Madison, which is home to the AIDS Network and AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin. In a interview with community activist John Steines, he shared both the triumphs and the struggles the HIV positive community faces in our city and the world. Badger Herald: What recent legislation (within the past year or few years) has done the most to help HIV/AIDS prevention, awareness and education? And what legislation has done the most to harm it? John Steines: It’s certainly important that people without resources, of whom there are a lot, are supported for their medication. That’s critical. And I know it’s run through the state and they’ve had to cut that back, and needed medications have been cut. But I think we’re starting to realize that that’s an important thing to continue. The most helpful thing that I’ve seen has been the efforts that are going

on at the hands of both legislature and nonprofit organizations of increased availability of drugs and compliance issues. AIDS Network continues to play a big part for a lot of people. They provide people help. One of the things I think is that there’s still a group that meets periodically. It’s not just a discussion group, and people can go to that, and it’s usually on a Friday afternoon. They can just sit and talk about what’s happening with them, and for some of them, it’s really their major chance to socialize. I think for some others who are maybe doing a little better but still, at some times need to reconnect with that community, it helps them get perspective on what others are experiencing. I would say that group, especially, plays a pivotal role. I’m familiar with the Rodney Scheel House and what that has offered to the city, and it’s huge. But I do think the entity has maybe not had as much of an awareness of what that place can offer. I’m on the neighborhood council in that area, and I am interested in increasing neighborhood outreach to make them feel a little more included. I think that’s really important. I think we need to look

at the community room at the Rodney Scheel House as a venue that the community should try to make use of for the benefit of the people that live there as well as the community as a whole BH: It’s been 30 years since we found out about the infection — what is the most important thing for us to remember 30 years down the line? JS: I just lost a very close friend, Adrian Pope, who was the founder of Madison AIDS network. He was part and I am part of a generation of those who died in their 20s and 30s and are not here today. There’s a big vacuum of all that talent and rich history that just disappeared from our lives, and I think it’s important to remember the toll it took on our community and how few of us survived. I just remember all those people who died so young and had such a short life and such a difficult time with so much hatred and shunning. BH: What do you think is the most pressing need of the HIV/AIDS community today? JS: There’s always continuing education. And there are so many different obstacles. I’m going to start with the worst case scenario: There are still people

in Madison who, if they know you’re HIV positive, shy away from you. You’re somewhat shunned by some people. I don’t entirely know what it is, but it’s fear. It’s a combination of things. But it does still exist; we can’t ignore that. Another very troubling thing is there are still people out there who, really, are dismissive of safe sex practices and seem to want to become infected. Or there are people who seem to think it’s not an important enough thing to worry about and think they don’t need to be concerned about safe sex practices. That’s troubling. But that is out there, and I think there’s a belief among some people who are negative that think it’s only the responsibility of those who are positive to practice safe sex. That’s obviously not the case — both groups need to be responsible for themselves. John Steines (jsteines@ gmail.com) is active in AIDS Network, Madison and Perfect Harmony Men’s Chorus. Interview conducted by Editorial Page Content Editor Taylor Nye (tenye@ wisc.edu), a junior majoring in human evolutionary biology, archaeology and Latin American studies.

Dems have a chance outside Madison Ryan Rainey Editorial Board Member Hey, have you heard? Gov. Scott Walker is probably on his way to facing a Democrat in a recall election. After a year of governing Wisconsin more controversially than anyone in recent memory, Wisconsin liberals appear to be on their way to forcing Walker into an election. Surprise! Do not listen to pundits, or Badger Herald columnists for that matter, who claim Democrats are too unorganized and lack in adequate candidates going into the election. Although it’s true that liberal leaders in Wisconsin probably suffer from a lack of name recognition in major cities that do not begin with the letter “M,” name recognition has been relatively inconsequential in recent gubernatorial elections. My good friends and Badger Herald colleagues Alex Brousseau and Jake Begun have tried to argue that without a big star like Russ Feingold running against Walker in a recall, Democrats will be doomed, and the huge risk and opportunity of the recall election will fizzle into a huge setback for liberals in Wisconsin. They say big names in left-wing circles, like Rep. Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, and former Dane County

Executive Kathleen Falk are simply not well-known enough to succeed on the same level as His Excellency Russ Feingold. But where were Walker and Democratic candidate Tom Barrett before they faced off in the 2010 election? Barrett was Milwaukee’s mayor, most well-known for literally having taken a serious beating after trying to help a citizen in need at the Wisconsin State Fair. Aside from Feingold, Barrett probably has the best name recognition outside of Madison and Milwaukee, but is often labelled as too weak to challenge someone on Walker’s level. Walker, however, was arguably less well-known than Barrett before his successful campaign in 2010. Although he had served stints in the Assembly and run for governor before, these distinctions made him no less qualified to be governor in the eyes of the electorate than Falk, whom Brousseau argues is “not well known outside of Dane County.” That does not matter. Yes, it is true that Madison liberals often live in a political bubble that ignores folks north of Interstate 94, but Falk has the same, if not more, history in statewide politics than Walker and Barrett. The same goes for Barca and Erpenbach, who received more state and national media coverage than any other politician in last winter’s budget repair bill uproar. Of all candidates, Barca is the most viable for this reason.

Barca became a moral authority in the Democratic party and impressed Wisconsinites with his stern scoldings on the Assembly floor. Seriously, his Assembly floor speeches could have won him a starring role in a 1980s afterschool special as a dad discovering his children were smoking weed. With or without Feingold, the deck is stacked against Walker. His name recognition may be high, but even in the most remote corners of the state, I suspect much of that name recognition is negative. Throughout the year, polls have proven that almost every Wisconsin resident has an opinion of Walker, and hypothetical rematches between Walker and Barrett have previously indicated support for Barrett. Add to that the unprecedented amount of emotional politicking that has gone into the battle over collective bargaining, and Walker finds himself in a perfect storm of negatives where he could be framed as draconian and emotionless figure compared to a less rigid candidate that appears more compassionate to families. Democrats can choose Erpenbach, Barca, Feingold or even Falk as candidates who satisfy the requirement for an emotionally literate foil to Walker. This reasoning excludes oft-mentioned possible candidates like retiring Sen. Herb Kohl and Rep. Dave Obey, who frankly are too associated with the old guard to be successful

next year. Mahlon Mitchell, a promising young politician who has a future a couple of years down the road, is similarly associated with the new guard in Democratic politics. And sorry, Cory Mason, it’s not your time yet either. The most worrisome factor of the Democratic “candidate problem” is the inevitability of a primary challenge against a mainstream candidate from a farleft progressive in the same league as permaprotesters like Jeremy Ryan. Such a candidate would never win the primary but would aid in furthering dividing voters — especially East Side Madison liberals disenchanted with the Democratic Party. Feingold would provide the most ironclad “unity ticket” defense against this dilemma, but his candidacy is unlikely. Without him, Democrats can choose between camera-loving Erpenbach, disappointed father figure Barca or consistent Falk. These three are the key candidates that could successfully weather both a primary and general election challenge. If Democrats do not run them, Brousseau’s predictions about the biggest progressive failure in Wisconsin history will likely come true. But with them, Walker should start to worry, if he hasn’t already done so. Ryan Rainey (rrainey@ badgerherald.com) is a junior majoring in journalism and Latin American studies.

needs impartiality John Waters Columnist Imagine the NFL passed a new rule in the offseason, rewarding the Super Bowl champions Green Bay Packers by allowing them to set the order for the upcoming draft. Would you expect the Packers to be fair and set up the draft based on record? Of course not. They would do two things: improve their position in the draft and hurt the position of key rivals. Everyone in the league would be furious, asking why the league is giving more power to the team that is already in charge. Now imagine there are only two teams in the league, the Elephants and the Donkeys. The Super Bowl is an election and the reward for winning is redistricting.

In an era of very accurate population statistics, redistricting has become a powerful political weapon. Letting political parties redraw their own districts doesn’t make sense because a majority party has no incentive to do anything but try to create an advantage for themselves. The redistricting website says the purpose of redistricting is to “provide representational equality for all potential voters.” Which sounds nice and everything, except for the caveat given on the site is about “uncertainty of judicial standards.” The state Supreme Court is set to take up a lawsuit filed by Republicans to have the newly drawn lines included in any potential recall elections next fall. The changes wouldn’t affect a possible Walker recall, but there are four more Republican state senators who may be ousted. The Democrats have responded with motions of their own, of course, and at this point, it seems unlikely that the Republicans will be able to get the districts changed because the Legislature already agreed this summer that the districts go into effect Nov. 1, 2012. The recent lawsuit is just another to add to the list of judicial uncertainty. A Latino rights group is

arguing that changes to Milwaukee maps affecting their community are unconstitutional. All this litigation has added up to a more than $400,000 tab for the Wisconsin taxpayer. It’s obviously a contentious issue, and Republicans saw this coming, so they switched out a legal team that had been hired by a Democratic majority for one of their own. It’s clear the redistricting map will help the Republicans and hurt the Democrats. So my question is: How do we not have a nonpartisan group drawing district lines? In a government based upon the idea of checks and balances, it is a huge liability. If either side has a complete majority every 10th year, they get unchecked access to who everyone can vote for. The Republicans were not subtle. This was a clear power grab, but really in this scenario I think the fault lies in the structure of our government, not the current players. The Republicans in power have showed they are not only willing to play hardball, they love it, and it is what they are good at. Giving them this opportunity and expecting them to do anything other than give themselves the best chance to win is naïve. That’s their job, that is the sport they are playing, that is American politics today. Create a majority by whatever means necessary and execute partisan objectives within that majority. This has been evident in Wisconsin over the past 24 months. The point is not that the Republicans are doing anything I wouldn’t do in their position. I don’t like it, just like I wouldn’t want the Bears to be able to decide the draft order — however, if my team had the power I’d like it a lot more. In an era of very accurate population statistics, redistricting has become a powerful political weapon. The people’s voice should not be altered for a decade in a specific party’s favor. Wisconsin needs a nonpartisan group to decide redistricting. Like previous records decide the draft order in football, an impartial group should look at the changes in the census and look to maintain a balance of voices. The first objective of every politician is to get re-elected; it is time to take the power to decide where and whom they run against out of their hands. Duh. John Waters (jkwaters2@ wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in journalism.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “Stern emails and promises of a free trip to a bowl game were apparently not enough to stop the UW-Madison student section’s sophomoric tradition of yelling chants laced with four-letter words.”

-Deborah Ziff, Wisconsin State Journal Last week’s home game against Penn State was the last opportunity for students to forgo “Eat Shit! Fuck You!” in order to win fabulous prizes and the approval of Barry Alvarez. UW students: screaming profanities since 1980.

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.

To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Thursday, December 1, 2011




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2nd Chance to the guy who got on the 80 at Memorial Union who was wearing a West Allis Lightning hoodie and listening to Jack’s Mannequin. You were cute and I was a chicken. Same place the week after Thanksgiving? -Girl with the Purple Shoes 2nd Chance: SO to the guy who drew cat whiskers on me at the highlighter party at Delta Theta Sigma. Normally I’d say you lost your chance for not asking for my number in the first place, but you get extra points for spelling my name right. Haha, hit me up. -Alissa SC to Annie who works the front Desk at Sellery. Do you have a boyfriend/would you like one?

were a poli sci major, and really interesting. Maybe we can meet again sometime?The guy you talked to on the couch over the really loud music SC to the girl from Prof. Schaub’s English class whom I saw in line at Wando’s for bacon night. We’ve never talked before, but I think we should start. And not just because you clearly have an appreciation for bacon, because that line was outrageous. SC to the canoodling session I turned down Sunday night. Baby come back! (You can blame it all on me.) 2nd chance to a certain witte house fellow. Kind + sexy + singer = the perfect man. I was too shy to talk to you in the lounge, but I promise I’ll come say hi to you on Friday after your Madhatter show ;)

SC to the gorgeous guy wearing a striped shirt on the 2 Monday morning. We made eye contact and both smiled, but then I had to get off the bus before anything SC to those rare ginger else happened. See you guys on the Madison turf. next Monday? Whenever I see one of you my heart flutters. Make a SC to Derek S. I always see move on some of the ginger you riding around town on ladies out here. From a your little red moped and I curly-haired ginger lady in get so excited I just wanna waiting. tackle you off of it and mount you. Can we meet Second Chance to Ethan up and bone sometime who came to my desk today soon? Luv, MD. (day before Thanksgiving). If I wasn’t at work I would SC to Christina who I met have talked to you a whole at a frat party tonight. You lot more. Visit again?


The Terrible Countdown Begins... Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Thursday, December 1, 2011








NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues


DIFFICULTY RATING: Staying stress-free in the holiday season!


















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.


The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY: Killing all of your relatives, sacrificing them to Santa


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }














17 19 22










30 32 40
















37 Befuddle 38 Having spirit? 40 Olympic entrant: Abbr. 41 “A Passage to India” woman 43 Cut back 44 Contest in which the rules must be followed to the letter? 45 1990 title role for Gérard Depardieu 47 Fictional character who says “I wear the chain I forged in life” 49 Caesar’s “these” 50 Tuna type 52 On the other hand 53 Ritual garment 54 X-File subj. 55 One of the Castros 59 Cubbies, e.g. 61 Tibetan terrier 66 Altoids alternative 67 “Most




46 48 51 54 56 57 58

Puzzle by Kurt Mueller Across 1 Visibly scared out of one’s wits 9 “You’re ___ trouble!” 14 Alternative to a home meal 15 “___ Fall in Love” (1961 hit by the Lettermen) 16 Got comfortable with 17 1957-91 king of Norway 18 Foodstamping org. 19 Opposite of flushed 21 Dundee denial 22 Classic 1921 play set partly in a factory 25 Atlanta-based cable channel 26 In ___ (undisturbed) 27 Helps for autobiographers 31 Make available 33 Spooky sound 34 For two 36 Up



















43 46












25 30

















“It’s not that I’m afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens” “Life Itself: A Memoir” autobiographer, 2011 Start another tour Make by interlacing Additional, in ads Mysterious: Var. Fond du ___, Wis. Buffoon Major discount brokerage Trinity member Cold war inits. Copycat Plays for a fool City near Ben-Gurion Airport Artery: Abbr. New Test. book The Sun Devils, for short Auntie, to Dad Word with black, red or white

60 letter certainly!” 62 68 Stage direction 25 Something of earth-shaking 69 1984 film 63 concern? whose 26 Part of a soundtrack band’s perforhad a #1 hit 64 mance with the same 27 Tiny title 65 possibility 28 Who wrote Down 1 Brake parts 2 Slightly 3 Italy’s ___ Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ Islands 4 Certain M.D. There are 5 Senesce two kinds of 6 Lay turf on people in the 7 Self: Prefix 8 Result of a world: boom and those who have bust, maybe dropped their 9 Lucky lottery player’s cry phones in the 10 Senator’s org. toilet and those 11 Toy collectible who will. of the late ’90s 12 Enamors 13 Cash in one’s chips 14 Glace, after thawing 20 Fed. bureau 23 Jazz fan, probably 24 The scarlet

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com


ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, December 1, 2011

Horn Choir to play seasonal performance at Chazen Music major hornists catch holiday cheer with one hand still covering the bell Bess Donoghue ArtsEtc. Staff Writer With the winter season quickly approaching, the University of Wisconsin Horn Choir is greeting the holidays with their annual winter concert this Saturday in the

recently renovated Chazen Museum of Art. According to Mary Carr Lee, assistant director for external affairs, this collaboration between the horn choir and the Chazen has occurred for a few years. An attendee of the show in years past, Lee has nothing but positive remarks in regards to the concert. “It’s very joyous and festive and beautiful,” Lee said. The horn choir, consisting of 10 music

majors, will be performing holiday music in conjunction with a Bach prelude, pieces from Handel’s “Water Music” and Gabrieli’s “Three Canzons” under the new direction of professor Daniel Grabois, who was appointed assistant professor of horn at the UW School of Music earlier this fall. Grabois came to Madison from New York, where he served as the chair of the Department of Contemporary

Performance at the Manhattan School of Music. He was also formerly a horn player in the Meridian Arts Ensemble, a renowned group based in New York City. Prior to Grabois was longtime horn director Douglas Hill, who recently retired. Hill organized this concert for the UW Horn Choir for many years, and to pay tribute, part of the concert will include a piece by Hill titled “Privilege of

Being.” While it may seem difficult to organize a concert with sounds solely based from horns, Grabois said it is actually quite possible. “All you’ve got to do is rehearse,” Hill added. Following the performance, refreshments will be served, and attendees will be encouraged to explore other part of the Chazen. Current exhibitions including a collection of paintings by Simona and

Jerome Chazen along with the Leslie and Johanna Garfield Collection. Hill encouraged everyone to come to this free event and insisted it will be a good time. Lee also agrees this event will be a wonderful opportunity to experience holiday art. “It’s a wonderful time to see the high level of student talent we have and celebrate the holiday season with the sounds of magnificent horns,” Lee said.



Madison’s secret restaurant gems Sam Steppp Chew on This Columnist

Photo courtesy of Doomtree Records

Pictured, part of the independent MC and production crew Doomtree. To its benefit, the group’s latest album features a wide array of musical and lyrical combinations.

Doomtree oligarchy reigns on ‘No Kings’ Minneapolis rap collective keeps it tight thematically in outstanding new album Joe Nistler ArtsEtc. Staff Writer It’s been three long years since anyone has heard from Minneapolis hip-hop collective Doomtree as a whole. The group’s five MCs and two producers have been hard at work on solo projects, each with their own fl avors. In No Kings, the seven flavors have finally reunited in synergy to create a dark, aggressive album that’s well worth the wait. Picking a standout track is difficult when each highlights different strengths. Eight of the 12 tracks feature at least four out of five MCs, each weaving his or her own personality together seamlessly over various platforms of beats. Unique styles define the members through lyrics, subject matter, delivery and rhythm, yet they are all close enough to forge effortless chemistry and play off each other ’s strengths and weaknesses. There truly are no kings in Doomtree. In “Team the Best Team” alone, a triumphant beat by Lazerbeak leads MC P.O.S. through his characteristically dark, fragmented thoughts as they come out too

fast to keep up with. While heads spin, trying to figure out what just happened in P.O.S.’s verse, Sims is already on the mic, bringing the track back to decipherable messages through his near-nasal voice. Cecil Otter follows with a calm, trademark flow of complex imagery and storylines, transitioning smoothly into Dessa’s melodic spoken-word. Finally, it all comes to a grinding finale with Mike Mictlan’s hyperaggressive, in-your-face delivery. And it’s on to the next one. Much of No Kings follows a similar pattern that consistently arranges the MCs in the best possible manner. Thanks to the diverse soundscapes produced mostly by Lazerbeak, with P.O.S., Paper Tiger and Cecil Otter stepping in to produce occasionally, the pattern never gets old. Beats range in tone from dark to celebratory, and in style from choppy futurism in “The Grand Experiment,” to Dick Dale-esque pseudosurf in “Punch-Out,” to loping western mystery in “Little Mercy.” The variety certainly helps every track stay fresh, but there is more than variety at work

here. It is evident in the meticulous fine tuning of every second in every track that some real effort went into the aural design. The producers tailor miniscule variables to fit each section and reflect the style of whoever is rapping. In “Bolt Cutter,” for example, Sims opens and builds the track over electronic tones with hints of dubstep drops. Next, Dessa raps a melodious and poetically ingenious verse over a piano variation, only to blast into Mictlan’s facemelting climax over a return to the heavier electro. Somehow, these nuances always stay true to the grander theme, much like the lyrics. Anyone could take five rappers, put them in a room and expect to hear great verses. Rarely, however, would the individual verses connect, and that’s where Doomtree’s chemistry comes back into play. At times, the wordplay focuses on the same tone or theme. Other times, a story continues with a new spin from one MC to the next. In “Little Mercy,” after an existential introspection from Dessa, Cecil Otter snaps the tone back to

positive. He says, “No more talk about the backfires / This time we fi re back,” as if giving a reality check to a friend in crisis. Overall, the album’s tone stays dark and heavy, save for a few light spots in “String Theory” and “Fresh New Trash.” The only aspect to eclipse the darkness is the hype factor. No Kings vibes as fast and hard as a punk record and blares with enough force to crack your glasses, but it’s still pure Minneapolis rap. The hype is nothing new for the Doomtree crew, who continually thrive off of their own energy during live shows. It’s a reminder of why they call their annual full-crew show the Blowout. No Kings will translate into a live set as well as anything they’ve done in the past, and its 12 tracks will undoubtedly make crowds move, yell and above all, sweat.


‘NO KINGS’ Doomtree

Listen up, because hordes of underground Madison diners are going to be demanding my blood for what I’m about to disclose. Ready? Burn your Isthmus. Trash that Zagat guide. Yelp or Urbanspoon? Don’t even talk to me. We won’t be needing any of these “helpful” resources in deciding what to eat today because these next two restaurants don’t like to keep a public profile. They operate in the dark behind misleading facades and sometimes literally underground. They are the best at what they do. They are Madison’s best-kept secrets. The first? Greenbush Bar. Greenbush Bar does not have a Twitter. Nor does it have a Facebook or even run print advertisements. In fact, their only form of publicity is the warm, alluring smell of pizza permeating Regent Street on cool Madison evenings. The first time my friend and I tried to go, we walked right past it. It was only after some Googling and street number-searching that we were finally able to find the unobtrusive door, nestled under an Italian flag in a dingy-looking red brick building housing an Italian Workmen’s Club. Once we descended the steps and ducked to avoid a strand of colorful Christmas lights hanging across the low door, we turned to each other in open-mouthed shock. “What’s this?” I thought, echoing Jack Skellington as he enters Christmas Town for the first time in “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” Greenbush Bar resembled a dark church basement lit up by Christmas lights, bustling with the good feeling of happy people who all know each other enjoying good food. It was a small-town miracle holed up in the big city, the type of place where children ran around in blatant disregard to the “No Persons Under 21” warning across the door, and — could it be? — yes, a coat rack. There was a coat rack, standing sentinel in the corner, a living memorial to a time when people trusted each other enough to hang their coats together and not steal each other blind. After a short wait, we were seated. We ordered one pizza with spinach, tomato, basil/pesto, onion and garlic and one pizza with pepperoni, green pepper and mushrooms. The pies, when they came, were decent. The tomato sauce on the pepperoni pizza was brilliant enough to carry the umami of the mushrooms and the decadent saltiness of the meat. Although the basil

stood out on the spinach/ pesto pie, it could have used more salt. The crust, though burnt in places, was just the right balance of crispy, chewy and flaky. We all ate our fill. It wasn’t the best pizza I’ve had in Madison (that prize is reserved for Pizza Brutta on Monroe), but as far as ambiance goes, Greenbush Bar can’t be beat. So if you’re feeling lonely, homesick or just in need of some Christmas-like warmth and cheer, get some friends together and go to the ultimate home away from home: Greenbush Bar. The second secret: The Caribou. A while back, I wrote about the “best burger in Madison.” Ignorant diner that I was, I turned immediately to Internet ratings in discerning which places to try. The internet fed me Dotty’s. It fed me The Weary Traveler and the Nitty. It even fed me what, up until a few weeks ago, was the home of my favorite burger in Madison, The Old Fashioned. Readers, please forget I ever wrote about any of these places, because none of them even come close to the best burger in Madison. Let me explain. A few weeks ago, I passed under a sign with “The Caribou” scrawled in cursive red neon letters. It was a place I’d been before. A small, dark establishment crouched next to a Pepsi-branded SelfService Laundry on East Johnson Street — the type of place you go for drinks after you go for drinks after you go for drinks. A place for true regulars, a place for rubbing shoulders with tightly-packed anonymous strangers in the dark. Except this time, I was hungry. My friend ordered a cheeseburger from Tammy behind the bar; I ordered the same. It came. I bit. Head, neck, arms, fingertips, legs and toes. The euphoric crackling under my skin blazed through in that order, exactly as though I had been struck by lightning. I scrunched my eyebrows in helpless confusion as my taste buds plunged into an ocean of grease, cheddar cheese, charred meat, salt, buttery buns and the taste of a burger cooked upon a grill that had seen 1,000 burgers before it. “You can definitely taste some of your last burger on this one,” Caribou regular Suzanne Liebergen said. In that moment, I knew I could never go back. From here on out, this burger would be the gold standard, the measuring stick by which I would measure all other burgers. Caribou, Caribou, Caribou. Forget every other name associated with a good hamburger because this is the only one you need to know. But keep it on the down low, will you? Sam Stepp is a junior majoring in journalism. Comments, questions, recipes, suggestions? Email her at ssstepp@wisc.edu.

Gridiron Nation Editor: Brett Sommers | sports@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 1, 2011

THIS WEEK'S TOP GAMES No. 14 Georgia vs. No. 1 LSU

No. 10 Oklahoma at No. 3 Oklahoma State

No. 15 Wisconsin vs. No. 13 Michigan State

Sat., Dec. 3 • 3 p.m.

Sat., Dec. 3 • 7:17 p.m.

Sat., Nov. 12 • 7 p.m.

Can Georgia extend its winning streak to 11 games and knock off undefeated LSU in the SEC title game? Probably not, but crazier things have happened this college football season. Hopefully it will be more entertaining than No. 1 LSU vs. No. 3 Arkansas.

This is a must win game for the Cowboys if they have any hopes of playing for a national championship. Meanwhile, Oklahoma is vying for at least a share of the Big 12 conference championship. This should be a back-and-forth, high-scoring affair.

Revenge can be sweet, and that is exactly what the Badgers will be looking for against the Spartans in the inaugural Big Ten Championship game. Sparty will also look to claim the Big Ten title outright, a year after tying for the crown and missing a BCS game.



The average yards per catch by Rutgers wide receiver Brandon Coleman. Amazingly, despite his six catches for 223 yards and two touchdowns, Rutgers was still obliterated 40-22 by Connecticut Saturday.

NATIONAL RANKINGS BCS Standings 1. LSU 2. Alabama 3. Oklahoma St. 4. Stanford 5. Virginia Tech 6. Houston 7. Boise State 8. Arkansas 9. Oregon 10. Oklahoma 11. Kansas State 12. S. Carolina 13. Michigan St.

14. Georgia 15. Wisconsin 16. Michigan 17. Baylor 18. TCU 19. Nebraska 20. Clemson 21. Penn State 22. Texas 23. W. Virginia 24. Southern Miss 25. Missouri



Barkley not only completed 35of-42 passes for 423 yards and six touchdowns in the 50-0 blowout of UCLA on Saturday, but he is also making a late season charge as a serious Heisman contender. Watch out for the dark horse with 39 TDs.

HEISMAN HOPEFULS 1. Trent Richardson, RB, Ala. ‘11: 1,583 yards, 23 Total TDs 2. Andrew Luck, QB, Stanford ‘11: 3,170 yards, 37 Total TDs 3. Robert Griffin III, QB, Baylor ‘11: 3,678 yards, 41 Total TDs 4. Case Keenum, QB, Houston ‘11: 4,726 yards, 36 Total TDs 5. Montee Ball, RB, Wisc. ‘11: 1,622 yards, 34 Total TDs



SEC — The SEC lost one of its top three BCS ranked teams, but the SEC only seems to lose when it has to. With the thrashing LSU put on Arkansas, anyone but Alabama in the BCS Championship game should be worried.

Big XII — Boy did the Oklahoma State Cowboys choke two weeks ago against Iowa State. Barring a miraculous leapfrog of Alabama, the Cowboys may have blown any chance of the Big 12 gaining the top spot in the rankings if they won a title.

2. 3.

Pac-12 — Pac 12 vs. Big Ten in the Rose Bowl will determine which conference finishes ahead of the other at the end of the season, but for now the trio of Oregon, Stanford and USC are too good for the Pac to drop.

Associated Press

Meyer’s past success suggests quick turnaround for Buckeyes Brett Sommers Statistics Editor Few coaches in the history of the college football, even the legendary ones, have had the kind of success that Urban Meyer has had in his first year as head coach at all three of his previous coaching stops. Meyer’s early triumphs surprised media and fans alike as he was able to completely turn around Bowling Green, Utah and Florida. In Paul “Bear” Bryant’s first season coaching Alabama, he had a 5-4-1 record and finished sixth in the Southeastern Conference. Joe Paterno was 5-5 his first year at Penn State, and Bobby Bowden was 5-6 in his inaugural campaign with the Seminoles. These three legends all rank in the top five in wins of all college football coaches, but none were able to see the fruits of their labor in their first season at the university where they gained fame. Can Meyer step up at Ohio State, just a year after taking a sabbatical to focus on his health and family, and do what he has done at every stop along the way? Meyer’s body of work suggests he will. In Meyer’s first head coaching position from 2001-2002, he led Bowling Green to a combined 17-6 (.739) record, eight wins his first year and nine his second. The Falcons hadn’t won 17 games combined in the four seasons prior to Meyer’s arrival. After two years, Meyer left for the University of Utah. This time, Meyer inherited a marginally better Utes team that had won five games in 2002. He proceeded to lead them to a 10-2 record his first season and a perfect 12-0 in 2004, capped off with the destruction of Pittsburgh in the 2005 BCS Fiesta Bowl 35-7. Finally, after earning multiple coach of the year awards, Meyer landed a high-profile dream job at the University of Florida. Taking


ACC — Clemson went down for the third time after a fantastic 8-0 start and now faces Virgina Tech for the ACC title, whose only loss on the season was Clemson. Tech needs to win to save face for the conference.

over for Ron Zook (recently fired by Illinois), Meyer again improved the Gators’ record in his first season. Under Zook, the Gators were 7-5 in 2004, and Meyer led them to a 9-3 mark in 2005 before winning his first of two BCS National Championships in 2006 season. The dramatic turnarounds and emphatic results speak for themselves, and with Ohio State’s hiring of Meyer, it is hard to imagine a scenario in which Meyer would fail at restoring Ohio State to the success it had under Jim Tressel prior to the improper benefits scandal. The only gray spot in Ohio State’s outlook is if Meyer can’t find the work/life balance that forced him to retire from Florida. Expectations will be extremely high, and an inability to properly handle the pressures of coaching a premier program could force Meyer to once again collapse under the pressure. Potential concerns aside, Meyer has shown an uncanny ability to motivate his players to new heights everywhere he has been, but there are several other key attributes Meyer brings to Ohio State that could catapult the Buckeyes from the mediocre season they just experienced to the national title contenders they were under Tressel. Recruiting Apart from Michigan, Ohio State easily has the best recruiting class year after year in the Big Ten. According to ESPN.com, the Buckeyes had the seventh-best class in 2011, one that included 14 four-star recruits. In the past five years, Ohio State has never been ranked outside the top 20 recruiting classes. Michigan and Penn State currently sit higher in the 2012 rankings, with OSU not included at this point, but that may change with Meyer’s introduction as the new “Vest.” Not only does Meyer’s hiring bring instant credibility back to the sidelines at the Horseshoe, but don’t think for a second that Meyer has lost his touch with the Southeast. Meyer’s presence will certainly retain more homegrown Ohioans for the Buckeyes, but should also gather a very talented group of

recruits from states like Florida, because after all, Meyer was a Gator and can sweet talk with the best of them. In his time at Florida, Meyer had four recruiting classes ranked in the top three. National championship experience Sure, bringing up the fact that he won two national championships at Florida will help the recruiting process, but it also helps the program as a whole. Meyer has proven he knows exactly what it takes to put together a squad and a staff topto-bottom that can produce one of the best teams in the country. Meyer’s decision to keep Luke Fickell (the current OSU head coach), presumably as the defensive coordinator, solidifies an already strong defense that ranks in the top 25 in total defense this year, but his championship rings will also attract eager, talented and up-and-coming coaches to fill the other open coaching spots as well. Give Ohio State a clean slate The Ohio State fan base will be able to breathe again after what must have felt like a season in hell. Ohio State not only lost to hated rival Michigan, snapping a sevengame winning streak against the Wolverines, but for the first time since 1999, the Buckeyes finished the regular season below .500 in the Big Ten conference standings. All the failures were obviously predicated by the failure of Tressel to report the improper benefits that his players were receiving. In reality the loss of Tressel, star quarterback Terrelle Pryor and other starting players should have spelled doom from the start for the 2011 season, but much optimism remained. Now, Meyer can be the man to go into Columbus and wipe away the tears of fans and the stain left by the former regime and become the hero that Ohio State has been coveting. Will the Buckeyes threaten for a spot in the 2012 Big Ten Championship game or even a national championship? No one will know for sure until the end of next season rolls around, but no one should be surprised if they do.



Big Ten — Without a single team ranked in the top 12 and probably just one in the top 14 after the Big Ten title game Saturday, the Big Ten can’t move up unless it dominates it bowl schedule, and that hasn’t happened in quite some time.

Team Va. Tech Virginia Ga. Tech Miami UNC Duke

Conf. 7-1 5-3 5-3 3-5 3-4 1-7

Team Louisville Cinci. WVU Rutgers Pitt UCONN S. Florida Syracuse

Overall 9-3 6-6 8-4 7-5 4-8 2-10 Overall 11-1 8-4 8-4 6-6 7-5 3-9

Don’t Look Now


After seemingly wrapping up the Heisman Trophy weeks ago, Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck may have finally relinquished his firm grip on the trophy heading into the final week of the regular season. Luck’s four touchdown performance against Notre Dame was good, but Trent Richardson, Luck’s closest pursuer, had another phenomenal performance in the Iron Bowl against Auburn with 203 rushing yards and a receiving Touchdown.

Recruiting ... Coaches?


With Ohio State hiring former Florida Gator head coach Urban Meyer, will the buckeyes set a new standard for what it will take for the Big Ten to reach the competitive level of the SEC? There is an opening at Illinois after Ron Zook was fired, and Penn State may or may not be searching for someone to replace interim head coach Tom Bradley. If those spots can be filled with coaches of similar player recruitment caliber to Meyer, the Big Ten may be on the rise in the coming years.

Conf. 5-2 4-2 4-2 4-3 3-3 3-3 1-5 1-5

Overall 7-5 8-3 8-3 8-4 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6


Urban Meyer has brought success to every program he has taken over, but can he return the Ohio State football team to a BCS Championship Game?

COACH OF THE WEEK Sumlin led the 12-0 Cougars past the toughest two weeks of the 2011 schedule with flying colors, winning by a combined 62 points over SMU and Tulsa. Houston’s final game against No. 24 Southern Miss is all that stands in the way of a BCS berth.

Conf. 6-2 5-3 5-3 4-4 3-5 1-7


Matt Barkley Quarterback, USC

Kevin Sumlin Houston

Team Clemson WF FSU NC State BC Maryland



It is always saddening to hear of a young person’s death, so may thoughts go out for backup tight end Garrett Uekman who died unexpectedly Sunday. The redshirt freshman was said to have wanted to be a Razorback forever.

14. Georgia 15. Kansas State 16. Michigan 17. TCU 18. Baylor 19. Nebraska 20. W. Virginia 21. Clemson 22. Penn State 23. Southen Miss 24. Florida State 25. Cincinnati


Ball’s name has been here before, but there is a lot to watch for. Not only will a strong performance in the Big Ten title game help the Badger Rose Bowl chances, but it would also indicate if he will break Barry Sanders’ TD record and push for a Heisman bid.

Garrett Uekman Tight End, Arkansas

1. LSU (59) 2. Alabama 3. Virginia Tech 4. Stanford 5. Oklahoma St. 6. Houston 7. Oregon 8. Boise State 9. Michigan St. 10. Arkansas 11. Oklahoma 12. Wisconsin 13. S. Carolina


Montee Ball Running Back, Wisc.


USA Today Coaches’ Top 25

Leaders Team Wisconsin Penn St. Purdue Ohio State Illinois Indiana

Conf. 6-2 6-2 4-4 3-5 2-6 0-8

Overall 10-2 9-3 6-6 6-6 6-6 1-11

Legends Team Mich. St. Michigan Nebraska Iowa NU Minn.

Conf. 7-1 6-2 5-3 4-4 3-5 2-6

Overall 10-2 10-2 9-3 7-5 6-6 3-9

PAC-12 North Team Oregon Stanford Wash. California Oreg. St. Wash. St.

Conf. 8-1 8-1 5-4 4-5 3-6 2-7

Team USC UCLA AZ State Utah Colorado Arizona

Conf. 7-2 5-4 4-5 4-5 2-7 2-7

Overall 10-2 11-1 7-5 7-5 3-9 4-8

South Overall 10-2 6-6 6-6 7-5 3-10 4-8

BIG XII Team Ok. St. Oklahoma Kansas St. Baylor Missouri Texas A&M Iowa State TTU Kansas

Conf. 7-1 6-2 6-2 5-3 5-4 4-4 4-5 3-5 2-7 0-9

Overall 10-1 9-2 9-2 8-3 7-5 7-4 6-6 6-5 5-7 2-10

SEC East Team Georgia S Carolina Florida Vandy Kentucky Tennessee

Conf. 7-1 6-2 3-5 2-6 2-6 1-7

Team LSU Alabama Arkansas Auburn Miss St. Ole Miss

Conf. 8-0 7-1 6-2 4-4 2-6 0-8

Overall 10-2 10-2 6-6 6-6 5-7 5-7

West Overall 12-0 11-1 10-2 7-5 6-6 2-10

2011 STAT LEADERS Quarterback Rating 1. Russell Wilson, Wisc. 2. Robert Griffin III, Baylor 3. Case Keenum, Houston 4. Kellen Moore, Boise State 5. Andrew Luck, Stanford

192.9 191.1 187.3 175.2 167.5

Rushing Yards 1. Bobby Rainey, WKU 2. Montee Ball, Wisconsin 3. David Wilson, Va. Tech 4. Trent Richardson, Ala. 5. Robbie Rouse, Fresno St.

1,695 1,622 1,595 1,583 1,493

Receiving Yards 1. Jordan White, WMU 1,527 2. Patrick Edwards, Houston 1,496 3. Nick Harwell, Mia. (OH) 1,425 4. Kendall Wright, Baylor 1,406 5. Marquess Wilson, WSU 1,388

Sacks 1. Whitney Mercilus, Illinois 2. Jarvis Jones, Georgia 3. Trevardo Williams, Conn. 4. Sammy Brown, Houston 5. Vinny Curry, Marshall

14.5 13.5 12.5 12.5 11.0

The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 1, 2011


Rejuvenated ‘D’ ready for Sparty With issues stopping MSU on 3rd down, UW learning from previous mistakes Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor Ask any Badger defenseman about their trip to East Lansing earlier this season and they will mention something about a Hail Mary pass, a safety and a double reverse. While all these plays were major factors in Wisconsin’s demise against Michigan State, another factor was the defense’s inability to get off the field. The Spartans converted on eight of their 16 third down attempts and one fourth down conversion. According to the Badgers, the key to getting off the field on third down is what happens on first and second down. “First down,” sophomore linebacker Chris Borland said. “When they’re second and five, it makes it third and two versus a second and eight makes it third

BOAST, from 10 around you. That’s a compliment not only to your skill and your work ethic, but also your character.” Unlike traditional defensemen, Schultz likes to shoot the puck

ATTACK, from 10 (the momentum battle) early in the game, but towards the second half we started pressing a little bit more,” said Barnes, whose team scored eight points from the free-throw line on the run. “That kind of sped the pace up which was more our style.” But the Badgers were denied their first victory over a top five team on the road since beating No. 4 Ohio State 72-71 on Jan. 26, 1980, a span of 16 straight games, because the basket wasn’t kind to them. Entering the night shooting 47.2 percent from three-point range (second best in the nation) and 49.4 percent overall, Wisconsin was cold from the start and never truly heated up, finishing eight of 28 from three-point range (28.6 percent), 35.9 percent overall (23 of 64) and made just three of six free-throw attempts. Senior guard Jordan Taylor was the biggest

KORGER, from 10 Michigan State offense. If Wisconsin can bring effective blitzes and get a solid four-man pass rush to get to Cousins early, the Badgers will benefit immensely. With pocket quarterbacks like Cousins, sometimes one big hit can lead to happy feet in the pocket. Key 3: Playmakers must emerge in secondary, defensive line It’s already known Wisconsin has arguably the two best offensive threats in the Big Ten, but it’s the defensive side of the football that will be the most essential in the rematch against the Spartans. While Wisconsin has two terrific linebackers in Chris Borland and Mike Taylor that boast more than 100 tackles each, the Badgers still lack the elite playmaking threat they had on the defensive line a season ago in J.J. Watt. While the entire Badger defensive line is very talented and each player is capable of getting a sack or two in any game, in the key moments of the

and five. Things like that, heads, and we all know especially our performance what to do now [more] against the run on first than we did back in the down, [weren’t] as good as middle of the season.” Defensive coordinate [they] could have been.” UW found most of its Chris Ash simply wants his third down success on third defense to execute better, and long, only stopping the which it has been doing through the Spartans twice final games when faced of the season. with third and “It’s hard not to “It’s not five or less. think about what much to do Senior we did last time. with what defensive we’ve done end Louis ... You can’t let Nzegwu said anything drag you differently; we just have he believes to execute everyone just on like that, but it we needs to be on is in the back of all better, just have to point. our heads.” tackle better,” “Everybody Ash said. [needs] to Louis Nzegwu “Most of the be on key,” Defensive End third downs, Nzegwu a couple of said. “A lot them that of people they would weren’t on the same page. This week we convert, we missed tackles had a lot of emphasis to on.” But in order to play have no mental errors. We’ve really been focusing better this weekend, the on our playbook to make Badgers have to be able to sure that we’ve really got look past their mistakes it down to a point. Deep from the East Lansing in the season like this, tragedy and focus solely on pretty much everybody the game ahead of them. Since the back-to-back else is done, but we’re still playing, so we’ve still got losses at Michigan State that playbook deep in our and Ohio State, head

— as exemplified by the fact that he was most productive defensemen in the league last year. Schultz and Zengerle have a combined 14 goals this season out of a team total of 52. The duo account for 26.9 percent of the season’s goal

Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald

Louis Nzegwu has a team high 4.5 sacks this season, one of which he got against Kirk Cousins in a 37-31 loss at Michigan State. coach Bret Bielema has put his team on a specific calendar where the players had to focus on their daily schedules. No matter what, Nzegwu admitted that the stinging loss will always remain at the back of their minds. “It’s hard not to think about what we did last time,” Nzegwu said. “But you’ve got to just think about the first day and let it go the rest of the week. You can’t let anything drag you on like that, but it is in the back of all our heads. I think during the course of the week, we’ve had improvement in all phases, so we’ll be well prepared to face them again.” But with five games between the loss to MSU and the rematch in the Big

production, on top of the assists. But between them, their ability to see the ice and how the game unfolds is what makes them dangerous and ultimately productive on offense. “Their strength is being

culprit. He scored 18 points to lead UW but missed 14 of 20 field-goal attempts, including eight of his 11 from three-point range. Taylor was 2-for-5 in the final six minutes, including an open threepointer with 17 seconds left that could have cut the score to 59-57. In a hyped match-up of premier point guards, neither Taylor nor UNC sophomore Kendall Marshall (four points) blew the top off the Dome, but the program was a bigger detriment to Wisconsin considering the importance of its senior. “Some (shots) were forced; definitely in that run we forced some shots, but we had quite a few good looks that just didn’t go down,” Taylor said. “A lot of people might attribute that to their length, but those are shots we’ve been taking every day since a week after the season ended last year.” Juniors Jared Berggren (14 points) and Ryan Evans (10 points,

7 rebounds) were big contributors but couldn’t help Taylor and Wisconsin extend the game in the final second. Even though UW scored buckets on four of its final five possessions, the Tar Heels cashed in by going 16-18 from the free throw line in the second half. “Getting good looks isn’t the easiest thing in the world,” said UW coach Bo Ryan, who was an assistant on that staff in 1980. “I always keep referencing back to Kareem (Abdul-Jabbar) when he told the little kid in ‘Airplane,’ ‘You tell your dad to try and drag those guys up and down the court.’ It was hard. It was hard to get a good look. That was as hard of fought game as I have been in as a head coach.” For all the things that went wrong in the first half for Wisconsin, the 25-24 halftime deficit was a minor miracle. Wisconsin shot 32.2 percent (10 of 31) from the floor and 20 percent (3 of 15), but were in the

two losses this season, the Badgers did not have that definitive stop or play that closed the game. Last year, most of the biggest defensive memories involved J.J. Watt pulling down a quarterback in the final minutes or seconds of the game. Do the Badgers have a dominant defensive lineman to harass Cousins throughout the contest Saturday? For most of the season, the secondary has looked great, but big plays and miscues continue to make the Badgers look weak at times. Last weekend, Penn State opened up the game with a 44-yard touchdown through the air, which resulted most likely from a miscommunication on coverage. Against Ohio State, the Braxton Miller’s desperation heave to a wide open Devin Smith in the end zone with 20 seconds left just rubbed salt in an open wound for Badger fans. Cousins and the Michigan State passing attack led by wide receiver B.J. Cunningham will look to attack the Badger secondary. The

Badgers have not faced a quarterback like Cousins since their last encounter, so the Wisconsin secondary will need to step up. UW failed to pick off Cousins even once the last time around; will it be different on Saturday? All three of these factors will have to come together to send Wisconsin to the Rose Bowl. In the Badgers’ two losses this season, including the previous loss to Michigan State, defensive mistakes and miscues have cost them. However, what is in the past is in the past. The Badgers can embrace the feeling of revenge, but what is the most important aspect come Saturday is the play of Wisconsin’s defense. If the Badgers can force just a few three and outs, look for a the offense to do what it has done all season: dominate opponents. Nick is a senior majoring in English and history. Do the Badgers have what it takes to beat MSU this weekend on neutral soil? Let him know at nkorger@ badgerherald.com.

able to see how the game unfolds and then being able to dish the puck off,” Eaves said. “[Zengerle] can control the game when he wants; he can slow it down,” Schultz said. “It just makes him so dangerous out there, especially

game because of eight firsthalf UNC turnovers and a 12-2 run over an eight minute, 12 second stretch late in the first half that

Ten Championship game, the Badgers’ defense is not the same defense that allowed so many third down conversions and let the Spartans stay in the game after being down 14-0. In its four wins against Purdue, Minnesota, Illinois and Penn State, the defense did not allow any second half points after giving up 30 points in the second half to Ohio State. Senior safety Aaron Henry even said he believes the heartbreaking loss was a factor in the defense turning its game around eventually and executing. “I think it’s the fine details,” Henry said. “I think it’s guys playing a whole lot smarter. I think it’s guys flying to the ball every play. Every play

matters. I’m not saying every play didn’t matter then, … [but] it was tough, us losing, but it was definitely a point that I’ve taken and it’s grown in me. I think it really helped the whole team.” Ash made it very clear that regardless of everything that has happened over the course of the season, his team is focused and ready to get another shot at Michigan State on neutral turf. “I don’t think anyone’s worried about what’s happened before or what’s happening after,” Ash said. “This team is focused. We’ve got one goal in mind, which is to go down and win a Big Ten Championship. End of story.”

when I’m out there with him; I know he’s going to try and slow it down and make plays. It’s really nice to be out there with him.” The success that these two have had only shows what the Badgers are capable of and what is

expected of Wisconsin hockey. “I think that’s one of the things we need to do from the start of the year and show the young guys what this program is all about and teach them along the way,” Schultz said.

gave Wisconsin a 22-21 lead with 2:25 to go. Throw in North Carolina missing 13 of its last 16 shots, and the confidence was building on

every possession. In the end, everything went right for the Badgers except for the final outcome.

S PORTS Average Badgers Sports Editor

Mike Fiammetta sports@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 1, 2011

boast top scorers Racking up assists, goals, Zengerle, Schultz power young UW squad Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor With the Wisconsin men’s hockey team waffling around a 7-81 record with the injury bug biting hard, a bye week is a very welcome break. But junior defensemen Justin Schultz and sophomore forward Mark Zengerle could not be more ready for another game. “I would definitely want to be playing a game right now,” Schultz said. “I don’t like taking weeks off; I don’t think any one does. It kind of sucks, but it’ll heal up some guys’ injuries and get ready to go for Duluth.” Despite fielding one of the youngest teams in the league, the Badgers

boast the sport’s top point scorers in Schultz and Zengerle. The two are tied for first in the nation with 25 points apiece on seven goals and 18 assists. Minnesota sophomore forward Nick Bjugstad completes the three-way tie at No. 1 with 15 goals and 10 assists as well. For the youthful squad, Schultz and Zengerle are an invaluable pair. “It speaks to their ability,” head coach Mike Eaves said. “It speaks to the load that they carry on our team. I’m sure they would much rather have our team higher in the standings than being on top because it’s a team game, but it speaks that they’re doing their part and carrying their load if not a little bit more. We need for them to keep carrying that while we get everyone else going.” While the duo lead the Badgers’ offense, both of them have an astounding 18 assists, which more than doubles their amount of goals, giving

everybody the chance to score. Through 16 games this season, the two have a combined 36 assists with a team total of 96, which accounts for 37.5 percent of the assists. Zengerle has what is probably the most memorable assist of the season thus far, on a spin-o-rama, sending the puck into the slot where linemate sophomore forward Tyler Barnes knocked in the shot. The Rochester, N.Y., native simply likes to share puck. “That’s how I am as a player,” Zengerle said. “I’m always more of a passer than a shooter. … When we’re getting assists, that means someone else is scoring, so that’s good for our team.” But Eaves wants his starting center to share the puck less often and take more shots. “They’re sharers,” Eaves said. “But this year, Mark has actually shot the puck more so

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Justin Schultz (left) and Mark Zengerle (right) currently boast 25 points each from seven goals and 18 assists, good for the No. 1 spot in the nation. his goal production; he’s actually surpassed what he had last year. … It’s gotten way better. We would even do drills in practice when Mark would come in on an offensive situation. We would take his teammates away so he’d have to shoot. He’s starting to get the message.” And more than just a coach’s observations, Zengerle currently holds a 15-game point streak

— a career best and the longest in UW history since 1990 — and is closing in on the program record 21-game streak set by Eaves in the 1977-78 season. While Zengerle has emerged as a top offensive threat, Schultz has continued to remind people why he’s an AllAmerican and has led a youth-ridden Badger squad by example this season. “Just by example, he’s

leading the charge,” Eaves said. “He’s maybe our mostly highly touted, respected player on our team, and he’s leading the charge on how hard we work. … He wants to get better every day, and because of that, he is the player that he is, and that makes people around him better. That, I think, is the highest compliment when you’re a player that makes people better

BOAST, page 9

UW slows down UNC attack Badgers hang with tough Tar Heels squad but fall 60-57 in Big Ten/ACC Challenge Ben Worgull Badger Herald Alum

Associated Press

Jared Berggren provided a nice spark for the Badgers with 14 points but was unable to contain Tar Heels forward Harrison Barnes, who led North Carolina with 20 points.

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. With Wisconsin up 36-31 with 11:58 remaining in the game, the PA system at the Dean Dome piped in the Mission: Impossible theme for a game on the JumboTron. It could accurately describe what many felt was No. 9 Wisconsin’s mission Wednesday in one of the most intimidating environments in college basketball. Impossible? No, but the Badgers knew to do the impossible it needed to

be spot on for 40 minutes and get a little bit of luck in the process. It was mission accomplished … until a heated timeout conversation in the North Carolina huddle certainly lit a match. The Tar Heels broke out of their game-long shooting slump with a decisive 18-5 run, engineered by AllAmerican Harrison Barnes scoring 10 of his game-high 20 points, to help North Carolina stave off Wisconsin to a hard-fought 60-57 victory in front of 21,750 that extended its home court

winning streak to 19 games. It wasn’t easy, not by a long shot. Wisconsin — denied its first 7-0 start since the 1993-94 season — was doing everything it wanted to do in order to beat a team like North Carolina. With 11:58 left, Wisconsin controlled the pace, shut down the Tar Heels’ perimeter game, limited fast-break opportunities and even outmuscled the fifthranked team in the country in their baby blue backyard. Problem was that it’s

hard to keep a good team, or a good player for that fact, down for too long. Barnes, who was a game-time decision after tweaking his right ankle in Saturday’s 9080 loss to UNLV, simply exercised his will against a Wisconsin frontcourt not used to his size. He used his teammates to create screens and hit 3-pointers from the perimeter, he used his length to score inside and he used his size to draw fouls and make free throws. “I think that they won

ATTACK, page 9

3 keys to Wisconsin’s Rose Bowl berth Nick Korger Korger’s Korner

Play the western music. Come Saturday, it’s high noon in the Big Ten. Wisconsin has come back — like Clint Eastwood in “High Plains Drifter” — to paint the town red and settle the score with Michigan State once and for all. The Spartans will be looking to advance to its

first Rose Bowl since 1988. Wisconsin will be looking to avenge the loss that ended its BCS title hopes, earning a second consecutive berth to the “Granddaddy of Them All.” Two teams will enter. One team will win. It’s going to be an old fashioned showdown at Lucas Oil Stadium.

Key 1: Mistakes must be limited It’s important to understand what led to Wisconsin being bested by Michigan State the last time around. Simply put, the Badgers beat themselves. An intentional grounding penalty in the end zone, two interceptions, a blocked kick and a blocked punt for a touchdown effectively dug the Badgers their own grave. Often, the Badgers’ mistakes came at key junctures in the game or ended up costing UW touchdowns. Fourth-and-two and third and 11, two downs that could have stopped Michigan State drives, were instead two plays where the Spartans scored big touchdowns. A linebacker being sucked inside and fooled on a double reverse, multiple missed tackles on plays that ended up as Spartan touchdowns — this cannot happen again. What is even more frustrating is the fact that Wisconsin allowed most of the damage to occur in a single quarter. In the first quarter, the Badgers looked in command with a 14-0 lead. However, the momentum was stolen through all of the second quarter, as the Spartans scored 23 unanswered points, all coming off of the Badgers’ first half miscues. The safety, blocked kick and blocked punt helped score all 23 of the second quarter

points. If the Badgers could have even corrected one mistake, the game would have been totally different. The multiple turnovers and miscues in the game also led to one of the rare games in which Wisconsin did not dominate the battle for time of possession. If the Badgers avoid mistakes and turnovers, they should dictate the tempo of this game much like they did in the first quarter in East Lansing, Mich. Key 2: Force third and long, make Cousins eat turf The Spartans actually have a real threat to throw the ball at quarterback, unlike the previous offenses the Badgers have faced since. It can be argued that the only true passing threat the Badgers have faced in the conference all season is MSU quarterback Kirk Cousins. In fact, the last four opponents the Badgers have defeated possession quarterbacks that average some of the lowest passing yards per game in the conference. Cousins? He’s third in the league in passing yards per game, touchdowns and pass efficiency. Cousins is not a running quarterback, but he has shown multiple times throughout his career that he can beat teams with his arm. The Badgers cannot allow him to sit comfortably in the pocket with his feet set on

passing downs. On third down, the Spartans and Cousins left their mark, as the team converted 50 percent (816) of their tries against the Badgers’ defense. Of the 16 third down plays of the game, 15 of them were pass attempts. Six of the Badgers’ eight stops on third down occurred when the Spartans faced a third and six or longer. On the seven third downs with five or less yards to go, the Badgers only stopped the Spartans twice. The Badgers will need to force the Spartans into constant third-andlongs in order to force Cousins to wait longer in the pocket to find a receiver past the marker, giving the Badgers time to pass rush and pressure Cousins out of his comfort zone. In the last matchup with the Spartans, the Badgers recorded four sacks. Many of the receptions the Badgers got beat on were short patterns. In the 31 times Cousins was able to throw the ball against the Badgers, the defense only managed to hurry Cousins five times. For most of the game, on passing plays it seemed like no one except Brendan Kelly was able to maintain solid pressure on Cousins. The Badgers will need to find ways to intimidate and harass Cousins on his pass plays if they hope to stifle the

KORGER, page 9

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