Thursday, Thur Th u sd December 15, 2011
The Badger Herald will ill return in January
Check out the Herald’s fall magazine insert Exclusive Rose Bowl coverage, an interview with the mysterious “Segway Jeremy,” games and more are here to distract you from those pesky finals.
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One foggy day...
CRIME IN BRIEF Selby Rodriguez
Bridget Conlin
Campus Editor
News Reporter
Onlookers can just barely see past the Memorial Union Terrace pier Wednesday afternoon as a thick fog plagued the campus. Halfway through December, the Madison area has yet to see its first significant snowfall, but has been hit with a number of overcast and humid days as temperatures sea-saw. Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Sexual assault recorded in Witte Hall Tuesday According to the University of Wisconsin Police Department incident log, police were called to Witte Residence Hall for sexual assault offenses on Tuesday afternoon at approximately 12:28 p.m. The department is not currently releasing any information about the case, UWPD Sgt. Aaron Chapin said. Resources are available for students who have been sexually assaulted through the UW Counseling Service Crisis Response at 608-265-5680 and 608-265-6565 on evenings or weekends, as well as the Rape Crisis Center at 608-251-5126.
Student charged for lewd behavior at SERF On the evening of Dec. 11, a female exercising at the South East Recreational Facility complained of a man exposing his genitals while using exercising equipment at approximately 8:30 p.m., according to a University of Wisconsin Police Department statement. According to the statement, the woman told the student his behavior was “unacceptable,” after which he left and she contacted police. A sketch was then made and after police contacted a probable suspect. “The suspect in the SERF case was a 19-year-old UW student named Sandeep Omladi,” UWPD Sgt. Aaron Chapin said in CRIMES, page 4
Senate race progresses with heavy endorsement With Huckabee’s support, expert says Thompson needs to lean conservative Michael Kujack State Reporter Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson was handed a prominent endorsement Wednesday in his race for the soon-tobe vacant seat in the U.S. Senate. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee announced his endorsement yesterday as he praised Thompson’s career as
governor and his recent work as U.S. secretary of health and human services. “Tommy served the great state of Wisconsin as the 42nd Governor, serving four terms for 14 years, and was forced to work with a Democratic-controlled state Legislature,” Huckabee said in a statement. “Because of that, Tommy knows how to work in a bipartisan nature and will be a positive voice for real change in Washington.” Ryan Burchfield, Thompson’s campaign manager, did not comment on the endorsement but confirmed that Huckabee and Thompson will appear together in a
news conference today at St. Anthony’s School in Milwaukee. University of Wisconsin political science professor Barry Burden said while political endorsements do not directly influence voters, they can influence media coverage, donations and activists. “I think it’s a pretty big deal for Thompson,” Burden said. “[Huckabee’s endorsement] still might be a signal that Thompson may be trustworthy to social conservative voters.” According to Burden, who will come out on top in the Senate race is still up in the air. He said the most
Candidates for Kohl’s seat
interesting aspect to the race might be that the Republican primary has three candidates running for nomination, also including former Congressman Mark Neumann and Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon. Democrats currently only have one candidate, U.S. Fitzgerald Rep. Tammy Baldwin. “Tammy is going to start running a general election campaign now,” Burden said. “Republicans are going to have the difficulty of forking it out against each other first, then turning around in August and building a general
THOMPSON, page 6
Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, has suggested that his leadership in the Assembly makes him an effective candidate,
Madison-area Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin is currently the only major Democratic candidate in the race for the seat.
Abortion bill could tighten restrictions State Reporter A new piece of legislation would require physicians to ensure that a woman seeking an abortion gives full consent before receiving one. Under current state law, a woman who requests an abortion must give voluntary and informed written consent to the abortion. The bill, coauthored by Sen. Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin, and Rep. Michelle Litjens, R-Oshkosh, requires a physician to determine whether the woman’s consent is voluntary. “I offered the bill … to combat forced abortions and the unnecessary trauma of coerced abortions,” Lazich said at a hearing of the bill before the Senate Health Committee Tuesday. The bill would require a physician to inform the woman within 24 hours of her abortion that she has a right to refuse or consent
to an abortion, that her consent is not voluntary if she is being coerced to have an abortion against her will and that it is unlawful for the physician to perform or induce the abortion without her consent. The bill also prohibits a person from giving a woman an abortioninducing drug unless the physician who provides the drug performs a physical examination and remains in the room as the woman receives the drug. If a woman is taking an abortion-inducing drug, the doctor must inform the woman that she must return to the clinic in 12-to-18 days after the pill takes effect to confirm the abortion occurred. Barbara Lyons, executive director of Wisconsin Right to Life, said the issue of women being coerced into getting abortions has recently become a major issue.
ABORTION, page 2
Former Gov. Tommy Thompson is often referred to as the moderate in the GOP nomination race.
Homeless daytime shelter debuts
Legislation requires physicians to ensure woman’s consent to procedure is voluntary Sean Kirkby
Former GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Neumann has received endorsements from major groups like the Club for Growth.
Courtesy of Henry Vilas Zoo
These cuddly creatures are calling the Henry Vilas Zoo their home after the facility announced Wednesday it was adopting a set of Geoffroy’s Marmoset twins into its family through the Species Survival Plan adoption program.
Newborn endangered species pair strikes city Twin Geoffroy’s Marmosets born into Vilas Zoo community Andrea Choi News Reporter Two new members, who are little in terms of both age and size, have arrived at the Henry Vilas Zoo.
The zoo announced Tuesday the adoption of a set of Geoffroy’s Marmosets, an endangered species of monkey rare in zoos around the world. According to a statement released by the zoo, Vilas received the twin marmosets through the Species Survival Plan, a program launched among zoos to help conserve endangered
Porchlight, city team up to bring warmth during winter months after library relocates Ally Boutelle City Editor
species. “We called the program and said we were interested,” curator Jeff Stafford said. “The mother [of the twins] was sent to us from San Diego, and the father was from Nebraska.” Stafford said the Species Survival Plan would evaluate the relationship between
Thousands grappling with the bitter cold and effects of a struggling economy will find shelter following Wednesday’s opening of a temporary local day shelter intended to bring vagrants inside during the winter months. The approved temporary day shelter will be at the former Don Miller Properties located on East Washington Avenue and will provide relief from the cold and resources to Madison’s homeless population for the duration of the winter.
ZOO, page 7
SHELTER, page 7
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
Events today 7 p.m. WUD Film: Back to the Future The Marquee Union South
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mostly cloudy
partly cloudy
Mining bill garners negative public response Native tribe fights against legislation at hearing, expert argues practice takes legitimacy away from state agency Adrianna Viswanatha
Events tomorrow 8 p.m. Yoga Relaxation Night Tripp Commons Memorial Union
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State Reporter A controversial bill introduced in the Legislature Wednesday that would open an iron mine in northern Wisconsin was met by a sea of conflicting responses as advocates stressed job creation and opponents looked to detrimental environmental effects. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, was introduced to the Wisconsin Assembly Jobs Committee and will be brought to official debate sometime early next year. John Jagler, Fitzgerald’s spokesperson, said the bill is designed to streamline the process mining corporations are required to go through to obtain mining permits.
According to Jagler, it is currently difficult for companies to commit to mining in Wisconsin because of the time it takes to obtain a permit in the state. “It discourages companies from coming here and doing business in what has been a big part of Wisconsin heritage, that is, mining,” Jagler said. Jagler said the bill has positive implications for the state as it creates jobs not only where the mine would be located in northern Wisconsin, but also in southeast Wisconsin for companies producing mining equipment. He said the bill would have an initial $2 billion economic impact and create nearly 5,000 jobs in mining. “Our commitment
has been jobs this whole session and beyond,” Jagler said. “The jobs that will be created by this bill are amazing.” Still, there are some groups that strongly disagree with the bill. Glenn Stoddard, attorney for the Bad River Band Chippewa Tribe, said the tribe is opposed to the bill because of environmental concerns. According to Stoddard, the bill is written in the interests of a company that wants to develop the land in West Allis for mining and ignores the threats posed to water quality and environmental standards. He said the tribe is particularly opposed to the mine’s proposed location in the Bad River area, upstream from the tribe, arguing the location is not appropriate for this
Vice Chairman
Peter Hoeschele Vice Chairman
Signe Brewster Vice Chairman
Bryant Miller Corey Chamberlain Mitch Hawes Roshni Nedungadi Pam Selman Eric Wiegmann Readers may pick up one complimentary issue each day. Additional copies must be picked up at 326 W. Gorham St. for $0.25 each. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent of the editor in chief. Copyright 2011, The Badger Herald, Inc.
appreciate the interactive role it has played in the past with other mining jobs. “It is an affront to the state Department of Natural Resources and treats it as an incompetent agency, which it is not,” DeWitt said. DeWitt said the bill also fails to address jobs already present in the northern part of the state where the mine will be, claiming there is a lack of consultation with locals in that area regarding the mine. He said it seems like an outside-the-state maneuver with little care for local people. “This is not a Wisconsin bill. It is not on with citizens of the state, and it is an affront to the democratic process of our state,” DeWitt said.
UW researchers named fellows in national group Science group honors faculty
on star clusters, binaries and star-forming regions since 1987. He serves on UW’s faculty for the department of Julia Skulstad astronomy, he said. News Reporter Mathieu received his A.B. from Princeton Three University of University and his Ph.D. Wisconsin researchers from the University of have been named California — Berkeley fellows of the American and is a lasting Association for the member of the Harvard Advancement Smithsonian Center of Science, one for Astrophysics. of the world’s According to largest scientific the statement, associations. Mathieu is being Richard acknowledged for Amasino, Robert his community Mathieu and John service, leadership Denu received Amasino and innovation in the honor. Science, Technology, Amasino, a UW Engineering and biochemistry Mathematics professor, said education. he is studying Mathieu said the regulation he appreciates the of plant many opportunities development and and freedom he mechanisms of has experienced in floral induction. contributing to the AAAS is Mathieu scientific community acknowledging Amasino through the university. for his renowned Additionally, he said study of genetic the AAAS awards and biochemical were an honor for mechanism not just him but the involved university as well. in seasonal “The AAAS flowering and is dedicated not for his renowned only to forefront leadership in the discovery but also Denu scientific community, to the entire enterprise of according to a UW science and all those who statement. contribute to making Amasino, who discovery possible. To be attended Pennsylvania a fellow of such a noble State University for organization is very his B.S. and received special,” Mathieu said. his Ph.D. from Indiana AAAS is awarding University, expressed Denu, a UW excitement over the biomolecular chemistry recent announcement. professor, for his “It’s always an honor innovative studies to be recognized by one’s concerning the chemical peers, and I am grateful basis of epigenetics, for this opportunity,” according to the Amasino said. statement. Mathieu, a UW Denu received his B.S. astronomy professor, is from UW, his Ph. D. from known for his research Texas A&M University
and continued postdoctoral study at the University of Michigan Medical School. Denu said he feels humbled and honored he was nominated for the award. “This acknowledgement is a reminder that the scientific community should continue to focus on the positives involved with scientific research,” he said. Founded in 1848, AAAS is a nonprofit organization that aspires to advance science around the world, impacting the global sphere through its research, according to the association’s website. AAAS works toward “[advancing] science and [serving] society,” according to their mission statement, and publishes the scientific journal, “Science,” and other related media publications with a circulation of approximately one million readers. AAAS works to promote the scientific growth of children from a vast range of ages. The association’s website says it “[promotes] diversity and the best possible science education for all students.” Additionally, the association works toward developing networking skills and career advancements for students and for the development of curriculum and textbooks for educators. Amasino, Mathieu and Denu will be honored as new members of AAAS in February 2012 in Vancouver, Canada.
causing an abortion Lyons said it is important to pass the bill because it is a crime to try to coerce a woman into having an abortion. She said the bill gives people the information
on determining if the abortion is consensual. The Women’s League of Voters, in a statement submitted for testimony on the bill Tuesday, said this part of the bill will hurt the economically disadvantaged. “This bill will disproportionately affect working class and rural women by requiring them to visit a clinic or see a doctor in person three times for the administration of an abortion-inducing drug,” the league said in a statement. “These additional requirements are overly burdensome for an individual who may not have quick and easy access to these medical services, may be uninsured or may not have the flexibility in their work schedule to accommodate the increased requirements.”
Jake Begun
type of mine. “The tribe has been willing to work with the legislators on mining legislation that is responsible and balances development with environmental protection, and this bill doesn’t do that,” Stoddard said. University of Wisconsin environmental studies professor Calvin DeWitt said the bill would be given a priority position, meaning it can override any other law that might conflict with it. He said this is concerning because the generic nature of the bill means it is difficult to know exactly what laws would be trumped by it. He also said the bill treats the Department of Natural Resources as an adversary to the government and does not
ABORTION, from 1 Lyons said a recent example included when a pregnant woman who already had a child called Wisconsin Right to Life to report that her father was threatening to cut off her rent unless she got an abortion. “A young girl is forced by primarily her boyfriend or parents who say ‘You do this or else we throw you out of the house’ or ‘I’ll leave you’ or ‘I’ll beat you up’ if you do not get an abortion,” Lyons said. “That’s just plain coercion.” Approximately 25 abortions in Wisconsin a year come from abortion-inducing drugs such as RU-486, Lyons said. RU-486 is a pill given to a five- to nineweek pregnant woman with the intention of
“I offered the bill ... to combat forced abortions and the unnecessary trauma of coerced abortions.”
Sen. Mary Lazich R-New Berlin
they need to know — mainly that this type of coercion is against the law — and that current law does not place enough emphasis
Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
Downtown Principal Planner Michael Waidelich lays out a plan to improve the city’s current transportation system in the future, which includes bringing a rail service to Madison to connect with other major cities.
Madison considers transit expansions City looks to incorporate diversified options into future plan to foster better connections Ally Boutelle City Editor The city’s Transit and Parking Commission outlined plans for improving the city’s transportation networks and increasing the transit choices available to Madison residents during its meeting Wednesday. Commission members and city officials reviewed a proposed plan that would improve access to high frequency mass transit, increase connection to other cities and potentially create new transit options within the downtown area. According to Downtown Plan Principal Planner Michael Waidelich, the plan lays out the city’s intended path for the next 20 years of development. Specifically, he said, it includes details for the future of transit within and connecting to the city. “It is vital that Madison be well-connected to the county, region and places beyond,” the plan says. “An easy-to-reach city and downtown with a well integrated intercity transportation network will help provide connections between those economies and the many resources the Madison area has to offer.” Part of that idea, Waidelich said, includes a passenger rail to connect downtown directly with Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and potentially other cities. “Rail service should be important as the nation develops and gets ready to embrace an energyefficient and more engaging future where you can travel to large metro areas by train,” he said. “[The] recommended location is near Monona Terrace.” Another component of the connections to and from Madison includes a proposed shuttle service between downtown and the Dane County Regional
Airport, the plan said. Some of the major improvements within the downtown area include expanded bus service in the greater Madison area, new bus service to areas outside Madison, improved service for the elderly and disabled and improved share taxi services for communities outside of Madison. A key part of the plan to improve transportation within Madison is the proposal of a commuter rail system that connects numerous locations within the city, Waidelich said. “A well-defined circulator can help ensure that when people arrive downtown, they will be able to move around easily,” the plan said. “This system must be designed to meet a real transportation need and not be viewed as a novelty.” Many of the new transit options, Waidelich said, are designed to ultimately promote a lower use of automobiles and an increase of carpools, public transit use, biking and walking. Part of that goal includes providing increased access to bike parking throughout the downtown area and an emphasis on maintaining and encouraging the use of Metro Transit, he said. After hearing the plan, commission members were able to share their thoughts and criticism with planners. Commission member Margaret Bergamini said although the plan outlines interesting and potentially highly effective transportation options, she was concerned about the area’s accessibility, particularly for students and residents. “More and more students are bringing their cars to campus despite all we’ve done to make bike and moped parking easier,” she said. “This is still not an easy place to get around.”
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
Madison launches app to aid in parking decongestion Website, mobile tool offers drivers realtime space availability for parking garages Ally Boutelle City Editor The city’s Parking Divison launched a web and mobile application Monday that allows downtown visitors and students commuting to campus from outside
areas to view realtime parking garage availability data. City Parking Operations Manager Bill Knobeloch said the app will reduce traffic downtown and save huge amounts of time for visitors. “I think [the app] will relieve some congestion,” he said. “We think up to 20 percent of mileage in the city is people looking for a parking space. This will save them time that they would spend
searching.” Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, added that street congestion and availability of parking during major events are among the problems being directly addressed by the application’s release. “For touring downtown, [the app] is really a strength we’ll now have,” he said. “For events like the Farmers’ Market and UW basketball games, parking is one of the
major struggles folks complain about. This will tell in real time which garages are available.” Knobeloch said he believes the app’s convenience will increase visits to downtown, particularly during busy periods such as the holidays, and provide a smoother and less stressful experience. In addition to downtown visitors, students who commute to campus will benefi t from being able to park with
CRIMES, from 1 an email to The Badger Herald. “There is no additional information.” Omladi is also being charged with disorderly conduct.
Bus money donation results in mugging
Early Monday morning on Dec. 12, a young woman was robbed at the corner of South Bassett Street and Main Street. According to a Madison Police Department report, a man who was asking for bus money approached the woman. After giving him a few quarters, he approached her again, this time pushing her up against a wall and demanding her wallet. The police report described the suspect as a black male, between 40 and 50 years old, 5’8 to 5’9 and 170 pounds. The man was wearing glasses and a waist
increased ease, Resnick said. Resnick said being able to see the availability of stalls is an advantage because of the challenge parking near campus buildings poses. The use of technology, he said, makes the service more convenient for students. “This is one of the first uses of technology [for parking] that we’re seeing,” he said. “Seeing what’s available immediately is a great asset.”
Knobeloch said in addition to the new parking app, the city has made other changes to its parking setup to accommodate the needs of commuter students. One example, he said, has been the decision to change many of the parking meters located close to campus from one- or two-hour meters to three-hour meters. “We recognize students make their class schedules in blocks,” Knobeloch said.
length dark coat while carrying a cloth bag. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, commented on the bizarre aspects of the crime. “It seemed quite unusual; there are not many robberies in the Bassett neighborhood,” Verveer said. “We very seldom have robberies or muggings in the Bassett neighborhood. It was a very unfortunate crime.” The victim was not physically injured. She was, however, according to the report, shaken up after the incident. Check out for a crime map.
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
Stuffed animals aid young patients in chemotherapy Local hospital begins handing out Chemo Ducks to comfort, teach children Alyssa Smith News Reporter Children undergoing chemotherapy at American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison have a new reason to smile, thanks to the arrival of some cuddly yellow friends. New stuffed animal ducks, called “Chemo Ducks,” are part of Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program, a program developed by the Gabe’s My Heart nonprofit organization. Gabe’s Chemo Duck
Program aims to educate children about cancer treatment, according to the program’s website. The program began after founder Lu Sipos’ son Gabe was diagnosed with cancer in 2002, and she set a goal to keep Gabe as comfortable and cheerful as possible to ensure a speedy recovery. In order to aid this process, Sipos created the first Chemo Duck, a stuffed toy duck that allows children to mimic common treatment procedures. According to Child Life Specialist Meagan Wing, there are two different types of Chemo Ducks, one that allows access to a Hickman line — a catheter commonly used to
administer chemotherapy medication — while the other Chemo Duck has an accessible port to mimic procedures such as blood draws.
“They really help friends and family enhance coping and understanding through the treatment process.” Regina Yocum
Child Life Specialist Wing said the Chemo Ducks provide children undergoing chemotherapy with a great opportunity to see the things that are happening to their own
bodies. Wing also added that Chemo Ducks are great prep tools for doctors and nurses as they can show the child a procedure by first performing it on the duck. Regina Yocum, a fellow child life specialist, said she saw how useful and valuable the ducks were at other institutions where she had previously worked and wanted to bring the program to the American Family Children’s Hospital’s Madison location. “They really help friends and family enhance coping and understanding through the treatment process,” Yocum said. According to Yocum, the children often pretend the ducks are patients
and become their doctors, enabling them to enhance their control and mastery, which allows the children to have less anxiety and be more cooperative with procedures. The children also use the ducks as a way to express their thoughts and fears as well as share their experiences, Yocum added. Chemo Ducks are offered to patients and families for free at the time of diagnosis, as children often begin prep treatment right away and are in need of immediate education as far as treatment procedures, said Yocum, who mentioned how the program took a while to implement because of cost issues. In order to fund this
program, the University of Wisconsin’s Alpha Phi Omega organization, as well as a group called Teens Leveraging Change, which consists of middle school students, worked to raise money for the initial delivery of the Chemo Ducks. Alpha Phi Omega also pledged to continue raising money for the cause, Yocum said. Yocum said she is very appreciative and thankful for both of the organizations’ funding and encourages community members to donate to the children’s hospital. Donations can also be specified to specifically support the Chemo Ducks program on the program’s webpage.
Belt it out! Members of the Jewop A Capella group perform for the public during a free concert Wednesday afternoon. The singers are part of UW’s only official Jewish A Cappella group. Andy Fate The Badger Herald
THOMPSON, from 1 election campaign very quickly.” Burden also said Thompson’s past record differentiates him from the current Republican Party in Wisconsin. Thompson worked cooperatively with public unions during his tenure as governor and has outwardly pushed for high speed rail, Burden said. “Thompson is not known to be a budgetcutter or tax-cutter. He’s going to have to convince Republicans in the primary that they can trust him in the election,” Burden said. Burden also addressed a potential scenario in the primary in which Thompson’s political
moderation could help him. He said if the other
“Republicans are going to have the difficulty of forking it out against each other first, then turning around in August and building a general election campaign very quickly.”
Barry Burden
Political Science Professor
candidates split the Tea Party vote, Thompson could still walk away with
40 percent of the electorate and win. Baldwin’s campaign office could not be reached as of press time, but Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Graeme Zielinski said the endorsement would not aid Thompson in the race. “This is one washed up governor endorsing another,” Zielinski said. “The fact that he has to rely on endorsements is pretty weak beer. It doesn’t do anything to motivate people. I don’t know how some governor from a confederate state helps you in Wisconsin.” According to Zielinski, Gov. Scott Walker and the political action committee Club for Growth have run ads against Thompson in order to move him farther to the right.
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
GOP hopefuls increase attacks Romney, Gingrich bring bantering insults, campaign strategies to new personal levels Philip Elliott Associated Press IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — His attacks growing ever more personal, Mitt Romney on Wednesday questioned chief rival Newt Gingrich’s temperament, spending habits and allegiance to both the GOP and the middle class while hecklers confronted Gingrich in the lead-off caucus state. During a series of interviews while fundraising in New York, Romney told one media outlet that “zany is not what we need in a president” and another that Gingrich had “an extraordinary lack of understanding of how the economy works.” To yet another, Romney mocked Gingrich’s past accounts at a tony jeweler, saying: “He’s a wealthy man - a very wealthy man. If you have a half-a-million-dollar purchase from Tiffany’s, you’re not a middle-class American.” Romney’s campaign also rolled out an Internet video describing Gingrich as an unreliable conservative and
using a clip of a climate change ad that the former House speaker filmed with House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. Gingrich, in turn, sought to stay above the fray. “They should run their campaign the way they want to and we’re going to run our campaign the way we want to,” Gingrich told reporters after an event at the University of Iowa. During a speech on brain science research, Gingrich stuck to his usual campaign pitch and made no mention of Romney’s charges. But the thrice-married Gingrich, who has admitted infidelity, faced criticism from his audience. A handful of protesters drowned him out for at least three minutes, assailing Gingrich for what they called a “callous attitude toward poor people.” He watched impassively from the podium in a university auditorium while the protesters shouted. But he couldn’t resist responding when one person accused him of making millions of dollars o- n book deals and earning a “Ph.D. in cheating
The Associated Press
GOP presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich have turned up the heat in their back and forth attacks on one another to new harmful levels. on your wives.” “Other than personal hostility, how would you know anything about how I publish my books?” Gingrich retorted. The latest attacks from Romney — and the criticism from Iowans — come as the candidates prepare to square off Thursday at the final debate before the Jan. 3 caucuses and pressure increases on Romney, the one-time GOP front-runner, to curb Gingrich’s rise. There’s only one week for Romney to make his pitch —
and tear down Gingrich — before many voters tune out over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Much of the Iowa campaign is being waged on the air, with campaigns and their allied super PACs spending millions in TV advertisements this week alone. Meanwhile, campaigns are readying get-out-the-vote operations to ensure supporters turn out to precinct meetings on what’s likely to be a frigid Midwestern winter weeknight.
Polls show most Iowans are undecided about which candidate to support or at least willing to change their minds, underscoring the volatility of the race. For now, Gingrich, whose campaign imploded earlier this year, leads the field in Iowa surveys even as he races to build a campaign infrastructure. Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul trail him in surveys, while others — Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Pennsylvania Sen.
Rick Santorum — are working to break through with aggressive face-to-face campaign efforts. To that end, Perry started a thousand-mile bus tour on Iowa’s western edge Wednesday, telling a small group of supporters in Council Bluffs that the nation needs an outsider as president — hitting both Gingrich and Romney at the same time. - Associated Press writer Thomas Beaumont in Des Moines contributed to this report.
Drivers could see national ban on cellphone usage Agency makes federal recommendation to eliminate mobile use sans handless devices Jamie Stengle Associated Press DALLAS (AP) — Junior Woods has a well-practiced routine for conducting business on the road: While driving throughout rural Arkansas, the electronics salesman steals a glance at his cellphone every so often, checking for text messages and emails. “I can keep both hands on the steering wheel and just look down my nose and read in 10-second intervals,” Woods said in a phone interview from Rogers, Ark. “I’m actually doing that right now.” Like millions of other Americans, Woods uses his car as a mobile office, relying on his phone almost every hour of every workday to stay productive
SHELTER, from 1 “The shelter is in preparation for a winter,” Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said. “We would be in a very difficult situation if we didn’t pass it. Our other options were to bus the homeless out to outskirt libraries. This is much more central.” Resnick said the shelter is a lease agreement between the city and Porchlight Inc., a local housing charity. He said the city purchased the Don Miller lot, which will eventually
ZOO, from 1 the mother and father and determine whether they would be suitable to give birth to baby marmosets. He said Brazil, the country the marmosets are originally from, would retain ownership of the animals. He added marmosets can only be found in around 20 zoos in the U.S. Stafford said the zoo hopes more visitors will be interested in seeing the new members but emphasized boosting traffic is not the main reason behind bringing the endangered species into the zoo. “They are very, very cute,” he said. “But that’s not why we are doing it. We are doing it so that we can help these animals in the wild by stimulating
and earn a living. So would drivers ever abide by a proposed ban on almost all cellphone use behind the wheel, even if it is handsfree? Could they afford to? Those are just a few of the questions looming over a federal recommendation that seeks to rein in what has become an essential tool of American business. Woods said the ban, if adopted, would devastate his sales. Because he lives in a rural state, his minimum drive is an hour and a half. “If I have a 3½-hour drive to Little Rock, and I’ve got 100 messages to return, it’s going to turn that into a six-hour drive,” he said. “I’ve got no secretary. I’m the administrative assistant. I’m the salesman. I’m the sales director.” The National Transportation Safety Board declared Tuesday that texting, emailing or chatting while driving is just too dangerous to be allowed anywhere in the United States. It urged all states to impose total bans
except for emergencies. The NTSB, an independent agency that investigates accidents and makes safety recommendations, doesn’t have the power to impose regulations or make grants. But its suggestions carry significant weight with lawmakers and regulators. Still, a decision rests with the states, meaning that 50 separate legislatures would have to act. And many lawmakers are just as wedded to their cellphones as Woods. “I think all of us have mixed feelings on this issue. How could you not?” said U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly, whose northern Virginia district has some of the longest, most traffic-choked commutes in the country. Before going to Congress, the Democrat spent most of his career at the county level, driving around Fairfax County with his cellphone. Now he commutes to Capitol Hill by carpool or mass transit so he can use his phone
without getting behind the wheel. While he’s sympathetic to the NTSB’s safety concerns, he said, a blanket ban on cellphone use would be unenforceable. But he agrees that handsfree devices offer little improvement over those that are hand-held. “It’s a cognitive distraction,” he said. “The mental attention shifts ... to that other party, not to the task at hand.” Dallas event planner Debbie Vaughan said she would abide by any ban, but her service to clients would be diminished. “I know many people are frustrated when all they get is voicemail,” said Vaughan, who spends about 10 hours a week on her cellphone in her car. Bruce McGovern said he would have no choice but to defy the law. McGovern, who owns four Massage Envy and four European Wax Center franchises in the Dallas area, said he spends up to
four days a week on the road, traveling between his businesses. “My business would go down. We’d have problems we couldn’t solve. My employees wouldn’t be able to reach me and get timely answers,” McGovern said. “Customer issues that only I can resolve would have to be delayed. And in this day and age, customers want instantaneous results for things. They’re not willing to wait three or four hours,” he said. McGovern, who said he uses hands-free technology 90 percent of the time, said he’s been conducting business from his car for more than 20 years, starting with an early “bag phone” that predated today’s much smaller cellphones. “It’s a total overreach of the government. It’ll be enforced erratically. They can’t even enforce the speed limits,” McGovern said. Boston attorney Jeffrey Denner said he racks up at least 25 billable hours each week while driving.
“I probably spend three hours a day on the phone in the car — minimum. In an hour, I can talk to 10 people. On my way to court, I call people to make sure witnesses are lined up. It’s become a part of my life.” Besides, he said, there’s plenty of other distractions modern drivers deal with. “If you want to talk about distraction, you should talk about how the whole notion of technology is distracting. Let’s look at the command centers in cars right now, with the GPS, climate control, satellite radio with 9,000 options, looking down, getting directions. There are 20 different things we’re playing with in our cars all the time.” -Associated Press writers Kelly P. Kissel in Little Rock, Denise Lavoie in Boston, Deepti Hajela in New York City, Kristi Eaton in Sioux Falls, S.D., Matthew Barakat in McLean, Va., and Joan Lowy in Washington contributed to this report.
be sold for development. During the winter, however, it is vacant. Porchlight has promised to provide staff and resources in exchange for use of the space. Ald. Bridget Maniaci, District 2, said the push for this shelter was prompted in part by the large number of homeless people in Madison and the consequent overwhelming demand for shelters. According to the Porchlight web site, the city reached its highest level of homelessness since 2000 in 2008, and
that number has since risen. Maniaci added the shelter was also prompted by the gaping hole in the shelter currently available for Madison’s homeless. There are no places in the city for the homeless to go during the day, she said. “The Capitol has closed down its basement, a frequent winter spot for the homeless to come off the street,” Maniaci said. “The other option for the homeless is the downtown Central Library, which just closed and reopened with a
much smaller interim branch.” Maniaci said she has been told the shelter will be able to serve between 75 and 100 people each day. The shelter will also provide crucial aid to the city’s homeless by offering resources in addition to shelter, Maniaci said. “They will have other services,” Maniaci said. “Resource groups will be coming to provide outreach. They’ll be helping folks get clothing and provide other support resources. The
site will also serve as a resource center.” The development comes at a key time, as the need for housing and shelter becomes more pressing as temperatures drop. “[Homelessness] has always been a quantifiable problem in the city,” Resnick said. “We have a welcoming community that provides many resources through the University of Wisconsin and the city and faith-based groups. The consequence is that Madison is still in Wisconsin. Providing
shelter in the winter is a problem we face every year.” The current economic downturn has also contributed to the dire need for round-the-clock shelter as record numbers of people throughout the country are losing their homes to banks. Maniaci told The Badger Herald in a late October interview that her constituents have made her increasingly aware of the alarmingly high number of foreclosures and their contribution to homelessness.
he hopes the marmosets interests.” conservation County Executive Joe inspire Parisi said in a statement efforts. “When people come, that the twin marmosets they see are a these unique great new animals and addition how cool to the “When people they are. We county’s hope that they zoo family come, they see will be more and these unique motivated encouraged animals and how to do some county cool they are. We conservation residents things,” to stop by hope that they Stafford said. the zoo and will be more “Keeping visit them. [endangered] “Visiting motivated to do some conservation populations these up is also one fascinating things.” of the things animals in their warm, Jeff Stafford that the zoo does for the indoor Zoo Curator wild.” habitat Support for can be a the zoo and great break during this busy holiday the animals mainly comes from donations and sales season,” he said. Stafford added that of gifts and food within
the zoo. Apart from donations, visitors can also support the zoo through buying memberships and joining the Friends of the Zoo program. This December, the zoo launched a membership drive. Benefits of joining include receiving discounts when making gift shop purchases. Lynn Pawelski, associate director of the Friends of the Zoo program, said this is the zoo’s first time launching this kind of promotion. She added there was a similar promotion in November, and visitors’ responses had been very positive. Pawelski added the zoo is offering a low-rate membership for students interested in supporting the zoo and joining.
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2nd chance to the guy in the blank tank running on the track last wednesday night. you were in my cultural psychology class and i do not stop seeing you around campus. i would love nothing more than to have a drink with you, hoping you are not seeing anyone. you are seriously one of a kind. love, the hopefull blonde blank tank top girl walking around the track. SC to the Colombian girl from Milton this weekend. If you hooked up with me you wouldn’t have been so upset later because I DON’T have a girlfriend.... I’ll be on the 2nd floor of college all finals week if you’re still interested - BME guy
open about your sexuality andfuck me already! SC to the amaaaazingly gorgeous ARMY boy at Eds candy aisle Thursday night around 7:15. I could see you debating about whether to get air heads or ringpops, and your expression was adorable. Stop by more often cause you’re my eye candy! -From, the girl behind the sandwich counter P.S. I see you went with both. Solid decision :) SC to Eli. I’m an idiot and maybe gave you the wrong number @ the majestic. Oops. Send me a SO if you still want to get coffee! 2nd chance to the girl that invited me to her xmas party at cap centre market. i was busy after work so i couldnt make it. let me get your number next time? the cashier who made the stripper joke
SC to my lab partner. I’m sorry I was spastic, clumsy, and always in the way, but you definitely made this semester a lot more fun. Let me know if you want to study for our other final together or just hangout. I’m 2nd Chance to the tall, not sayin, I’m just sayin’ handsome guy who came into my workplace with SC to Taylor who I met at his family. I took your WI St. Paul’s at the 6pm mass. themed Xmas card photo Getting your name and not and your parents were rockyour number was a major ing game bibs. I wanted to mistake on my part. If I get talk to you more, but was a SC, I’ll just skip straight afraid to flirt with you in to the point and ask you to front of your whole famdinner. You are beautiful ily. Same place Thursday between 5-7? 2nd Chance to my girlfriend. You don’t seem to SC to tall well-dressed cutie realize thatsexual activity is who showed off my apartone of the greatest stress ment. i kinda embarrassed relievers. Finals week may myself when you first saw not be the most conveme since i was jammin to nient time for sex, but it’s some girltalk but whatevs. probably the best time for i wish those girls had had it. I wish you were more more questions so you
could have stayed longer and given me spoilers to HIMYM. SC to the girl I saw outside the elevators on the 4th floor of Van Hise on Wednesday around 12. You walked out the door and I couldn’t help but stare at you, and I noticed you did the same. Same place on Friday? The guy in the green flannel shirt. SC to the cute girl in History 396. We always sat near each other and all I could work up the courage to do was compliment you on your haircut and alittle chit chat. Ill be at the lakefront room in the Union from 11-1 the next few days, join me for coffee? SC to the blonde girl who wears a red or black head band at the hockey games. I have a view of the whole student section, but somehow you always catch me eye. Look for me at the game, I’m great with a drill... SC to Breanne from English 465... Classes are over and now I’m out of chances, perhaps. We talked the first day and are friends on fb, so send me a private message if you wanna “grab coffee” or something sometime! - C SC to the hipster girl that always does the crossword puzzle in lower Frank’s. I keep running into you, and I think you’re cute. Should I introduce myself?
The Badger Herald | Comics | Thursday, December 15, 2011 WHAT IS THIS
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Finding an open restaurant on Xmas.
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Finding an open restaurant during Kwanzaa.
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
24 27
30 33
49 52
Across 1 ___ scan 4 Media inits. since 1927 7 Music genre of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones 10 Solid rock center? 13 It’s shown on a topographical map 15 Disheveled 17 Family members 18 Parents, e.g. 19 Prefix with -matic 20 Google search object 22 First name in auto racing 23 Cousin ___ 24 “Well done!” 25 Actress Merrill 26 Bygone espionage org. 28 Biology div.
30 Cry of repugnance 31 Morales of “Gun Hill Road” 32 Hot spot 33 First name in auto racing 35 Philadelphia landmark 36 Denigrates, in British slang 37 Over 38 Reverse 39 Things gotten with a credit card, often 40 Get beat 41 Atlanta sch. with 30,000+ students 42 Publication that clicks with readers? 43 “Star Trek” extra: Abbr. 44 Carrie Chapman ___, founder of the League
47 50
Puzzle by Alex Vratsanos
CROSSWORD 10 Carnegie Hall debut of 1928, with “An” 11 Building safety feature 12 Befuddled 14 Familia member 16 Wipes out 21 It’s not a dream 27 Recuse oneself from, say 29 Some services 31 Layer of green eggs 34 “Concentration” pronoun 44 Flat ones are not good 47 Wrangles (with) 52 Glamour types, for short 53 Gift on a string 54 Prefix with car 56 ___ cit. (footnote abbr.) 57 Dickensian cry 58 Record label inits.
of Women Lamour/Hope Voters comedy 45 Buttocks 3 Irregularly 46 1974 Gould/ 4 It might Sutherland make you spoof jump 48 W.W. II 5 Rotary Club rationing members org. 6 Outlawing 49 Norse 7 Medical equivalent of bigwigs Mars 8 Place 50 Death on the for a Nile cause? pad 51 Female 9 Wanted charmer of letters? myth 55 Montana Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ neighbor Winter Break: 59 Rockefeller Time to put Center is down the reading built in it list and pick-up 60 More rich, as the viewing list soil kindly assembled 61 Meeting courtesy of TiVo 62 Breaks and Netflix. I’ll see you in late Down January, brain. 1 Year the first Rose Bowl was played 2 1940 Crosby/
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, December 15, 2011
The semester that was FALL 2011 WISCONSIN VOTERS WILL NEED TO PROVIDE ID AT POLLS Adrianna Viswanatha State Reporter
Ralliers gather at the Capitol in November to officially kick off the recall effort against Gov. Scott Walker. More than 100,000 signatures had been collected. Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
WALKER OPPONENTS GEAR UP FOR RECALL ELECTION Sean Kirkby State Reporter After massive protests at the Capitol last spring, Gov. Scott Walker ’s opponents jumped at the chance to begin collecting signatures to trigger his recall. Starting at midnight on Nov. 15, recall supporters held pajama parties throughout Wisconsin to kick off the official recall effort. Four days later, one official recall group, United Wisconsin, reported collecting about 105,000 of the roughly 540,000 signatures they need by Jan. 17 to obtain a recall election. Two weeks after they started collecting signatures, United Wisconsin reported they
had collected more than 300,000 signatures. Petitioners not only circulated documents calling for a recall of Walker, but have also circulated petitions to recall Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch. Recall efforts against four state senators — Sen. Pam Galloway, R-Wausau, Sen. Van Wanggaard, R-Racine, Sen. Terry Moulton, R-Chippewa Falls and Majority Leader Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau — were also launched. Approximately 15,000 signatures need to be collected for each election within the same 60-day period. Following the beginning of the recall effort, both Walker supporters and recall
supporters accused one another of committing crimes. Recall petitioners reported Walker supporters tearing up ballots that contained signatures or crossing out signatures. Others reported assaults by Walker supporters and stolen “Recall Walker” signs. One Wisconsin Now, a left-leaning nonprofit, created a $10,000 reward fund for any information leading to the arrest of people who deface or destroy petitions. The Republican Party of Wisconsin also reported people signing their family members’ names to petitions or signing multiple petitions in different districts, including a
Milwaukee man who claimed to have signed various recall petitions 80 times. Recall groups have said they are only concerned with gathering signatures and have not chosen any candidates yet to run against Walker if they collect enough signatures. Sen. Tim Cullen, D-Janesville, has expressed an interest in running. The Government Accountability Board, in charge of counting and verifying recall petitions, plans to ask the courts for an extension for the period of time they have to verify the signatures and anticipate counting 1.5 million signatures in the recall of both Walker and Kleefisch.
The voter ID law has created much controversy since its passage last spring, and both Wisconsin’s government and its voters have faced substantial challenges with the law in light of the potential upcoming spring recall elections. The law was upheld in court despite a lawsuit earlier this semester from the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin claiming it to be unconstitutional. The law stipulates that voters must have a valid Wisconsin photo ID when they go to vote at the polls. This has presented a problem, particularly for
State Reporter On May 13, four-term incumbent Sen. Herb Kohl announced he would retire at the end of his term and not seek reelection in 2012. Kohl, a Democrat who owns the Milwaukee Bucks and is a founder of the Kohl’s department store chain, will be 77 in 2012. The seat has been in Democratic hands since 1957 but could be a major victory for Republicans trying to take control of the Senate. On the Democrat’s side, U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, announced her intention to run for the seat Sept. 6. She has been the Democrat’s clear frontrunner for the nomination since entering the race. If she wins, Baldwin would be the first openly gay person to serve in the U.S. Senate.
entirely new “voteonly” school IDs for UW System schools, which had been sending in their ID designs to the board throughout the semester. The ID designs now comply with the law, which requires them to have a signature and expiration date within two years of issuance. The board’s final decision allows all 26 UW campuses, including two-year campuses, to use the new IDs in the upcoming spring elections. There is now an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against the voter ID law on the grounds that the law is unconstitutional and deprives voters of their rights. Republicans argue the law helps to
Jackie Allen Campus Reporter While state budgets remain in flux and recall efforts escalate, the Wisconsin Legislature continued this fall to hash out millions of dollars of cuts throughout the University of Wisconsin System. In October, Wisconsin legislators announced new cuts worth $46.1 million for the 2011-12
year, plus $19.6 million for the following 2012-13 academic year. In addition to the $250 million worth of cuts to the System issued in the Wisconsin state budget the previous spring, this brings the total amount of UW cuts to more than $300 million to be put in effect over the next two years. With the additional funding slashes, UW system administrators said they are expecting
drastic cuts. In early November, the UW Faculty Senate unanimously passed a resolution urging Gov. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Legislature to reduce the budget cuts. Meanwhile, UW interim Chancellor David Ward has argued the cuts will significantly impact the quality of education in terms of decreased class resources, reduced staff and fewer opportunities
Although many Wisconsin progressives were hoping former Sen. Russ Feingold would run for the seat, Feingold announced he would not enter the race in August. He has since endorsed Baldwin for the seat. On the Republican side, former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson entered the race Dec. 1, inspiring countless “Tommy vs. Tammy” headlines across the media. Experts have said if Thompson hopes to secure the nomination in the GOP primary, he must show voters he can take conservative enough standpoints on crucial issues and gain a higher level of voter trust. Former Congressman Mark Neumann and Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, have also confirmed their candidacies for the seat.
Party-goers ledge dance during last year’s Mifflin Street Block Party, which brought multiple stabbing and sexual assault incidents. As a result, Mayor Paul Soglin has spoken out against the annual event, originally saying the party had to come to an end. He has since agreed to discuss precuations with Madisonians.
Deputy State Editor Plans to create a task force to tackle a growing heroin “epidemic” were set into motion this semester by city and county officials. The nonprofit organization Safe Communities and the Public Health Department worked together to create the Opiates Task Force, which will focus on reducing access to and demand for
opiates such as heroin. According to Mayor Paul Soglin, burglaries and armed robberies related to the use of heroin have increased recently, and Dane County proposed the creation of the force in response to these incidents. Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain described the heroin-related issues as an epidemic in the city. “We do have a number
of people dying from heroin,” DeSpain said. Lt. Brian Ackeret, a member of the Dane County Drug Task Force, said in the past three years law enforcement has seen an increase in heroin use, distribution and related overdoses. According to Ackeret, 132 overdoses related to heroin occurred in 2011. Twenty overdoses resulted in the death of the user. Ackeret said the current Dane County Drug Task
Force focuses primarily on drug distribution. The force also follows up on drug overdoses and the resulting deaths in an attempt to identify what individuals were involved in the distribution and hold those people accountable. According to a joint statement by Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Soglin, citycounty budgets would potentially invest $78,276 in the Opiates Task Force, which is still in its
planning stages. Soglin said the task force will work to reduce access to illegal and prescription drugs and prevent abuse of prescription drugs through monitoring, among other plans. “We need to recognize that [substance abuse] may occur in anybody’s home, anybody’s workplace — it may start not with illegal drugs, but with legal prescription medication,” Soglin said. “We are going to
get control, and we are going to have a profound impact in making a safer community for everyone.” A statement by the city said the misuse of prescription painkillers is an even bigger problem than heroin. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 14,000 people die from prescription drug overdose every year, outweighing deaths by heroin and cocaine overdoses combined.
for class enrollment. Officials maintain the budget process is in its early stages, and there are still many unanswered questions, including how the funding lapse will be structured and managed. Still, UW has already seen a reflection of the cuts as students were put on long waitlists for classes and large lectures saw a significant decrease in the number of teaching assistants.
Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
Interim Chancellor David Ward addresses members of the Faculty Senate after the UW community asks the Board of Regents to keep Ward on for an additional two years. Ward came back to campus after former Chancellor Biddy Martin resigned amid controversy surrounding her proposed New Badger Partnership.
MULTICULTURAL STUDENT ORG, SSFC TANGLE IN LEGAL ATTRITION Katie Caron Campus Reporter The MultiCultural Student Coalition and the Student Services Finance Committee experienced some tension over the course of the semester. MCSC brought a suit against SSFC to
the Student Judiciary in October, charging a budget waiver SSFC implemented earlier in the year was given with too short of notice and violated due process. SJ ruled in favor of MCSC regarding the waiver in an opinion that affirmed the due process aspect but
upheld SSFC standing rules and Chair Sarah Neibart’s decision to deny the group its waiver. On Oct. 20, MCSC was denied General Student Services Funds eligibility in a vote of 5-7-0, with SSFC members divided in their stances on the group’s amount of direct
service production. Five days later, MCSC members Rebecca Pons and Nneka Akubeze appealed to SSFC, urging the committee to reconsider its ruling on the basis that numbers used in calculating the percentage of direct services were inaccurate. When the appeal was
denied, MCSC took its case to SJ. On Nov. 15, the group appealed SSFC’s original decision to deny funding to SJ, arguing SSFC violated viewpoint neutrality through unstandardized eligibility criteria evaluation, misconduct and that SSFC may not be co-equal in nature.
Ultimately, SJ upheld the denial of funds and dismissed all three counts in a Dec. 1 decision. MCSC will remain unfunded by SSFC for the next fiscal year, leaving the group responsible for obtaining all of its own necessary funding.
ASM DOWN TWO LEADERSHIP POSITIONS AFTER ELECTION VIOLATIONS Katherine Krueger Deputy News Editor As the semester draws to a close, Student Council still has no vice chair.
Zhao Lim The Badger Herald
encourage honesty in Wisconsin elections. The issue has been debated in other states with voter ID laws, and according to Gov. Scott Walker ’s spokesperson, Cullen Werwie, the law has been upheld in those states. The board is creating a campaign intended to educate voters about what the voter ID law entails and how they can go about obtaining a valid Wisconsin ID if they do not already have one. Through a variety of media, including videos, radio ads, a website and an information phone number, the board intends to get the message to voters in time for the spring recall elections.
students whose IDs were initially not approved for voting. As much of the student population on campuses like the University of Wisconsin is from out of state, this would disable them from voting in any future elections. The first idea to address this problem was to put stickers on the school IDs, which would include the required information, but worries over fraud prevented this from becoming reality. Although recently approved, technical college IDs were not included in the list of appropriate IDs, also creating controversy. The Government Accountability Board recently approved
ASM members Beth Huang and Niko Magallon were the center of controversy in the ASM sphere this semester, as the duo turned in volunteer paperwork late and were removed from their seats. The body now sits without a vice chair, which was the seat Huang sat in prior to her removal.
Tom Zionkowski The Badger Herald
The Associated Students of Madison’s 18th session of council has sparked frequent criticism for remaining locked in debate on an array of issues, with one reoccurring issue being how
to fill the vacant leadership seat. As the session began last spring, Beth Huang was elected vice chair under Chair Allie Gardner. The contention began
when Huang and Nominations Board Chair Niko Magallon turned in documentation on volunteer hours ordered by Student Judiciary following an elections violation during
the spring election. The judicial body ruled the hours were received late, and both officials were removed from office Oct. 17. The Nominations Board was charged with
the duty of filling the vacant seats, and after vetting applications and interviewing candidates, presented Huang and Magallon as the board’s nominees in front of the couniil. After the vote to approve the nominations carried, both were immediately sworn into office during the Nov. 3 meeting, a move some openly condemned as “cronyism.” Another complication in the process emerged with an alternate interpretation of the ASM constitution, which states that a twothirds majority of the entire sitting Student Council, excluding vacancies, is required to fill vacant seats. While no representatives questioned Gardner’s calling the vote, neither official had received the necessary number of votes, and it was rendered void during the following meeting. The most recent attempt to fill the position with either Rep. Tom Templeton or Rep. Nneka Akubeze also stalled because of concerns about Akubeze’s eligibility as a special student under University of Wisconsin Financial Policy F50.
ALEX LAEDTKE The Badger Herald Design
Editorial Page Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Thursday, December 15, 2011
Once again, it’s been a semester to remember. Between continued fallout from this spring’s protests to upheaval in student government to life after Biddy, our campus, city and state have had a hell of a few months. Some players have stood out for their contributions (or lack thereof ) to the chaos. Below are our grades for their efforts.
Interim Chancellor David Ward is OK. He shows up; he keeps the University of Wisconsin afloat. But when we compare Ward to former Chancellor Biddy Martin, all we can muster is a “meh.” Ward’s voice has cropped up at Faculty Senate and Board of Regents meetings, but without any driving force. On student issues, we don’t hear him at all. Ward may be an interim chancellor, but that doesn’t mean he should act like one. UW needs an omnipresent leader who can pull everyone together while simultaneously pushing for the major changes the university needs to progress.
ASM LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Legislative Affairs has earned one of the highest honors an ASM committee can receive: acknowledgment of its mere existence. The committee has focused on issues central to students’ lives, most prominently education on tenant rights on the heels of a law doing away with Madison’s unique ordinances protecting renters. And though much was done to inform students on new voter ID laws, taking some of the credit for a largely UW System plan for student voting IDs is lazy. The work was much appreciated, but a little more effort is needed next semester.
ASM STUDENT SERVICES FINANCE COMMITTEE For this semester, Student Services Finance Committee gets a B. Their first major flub was handing out waivers only one week before they were due, a move that made them seem unhelpful and adversarial. It also started the MultiCultural Student Coalition’s semester-long crusade against them. However, no one can say Rep. Cale Plamann didn’t try to offer the olive branch. At least SSFC didn’t let the debacle tear them apart and keep them from accomplishing anything the rest of the semester. And how can we really penalize them any further — their coworkers on Student Council are doing a good enough job of it as it is.
PROTESTERS Madison is rightfully proud of its heritage as a protest town. Throughout the last half-century, local activists have protested the Vietnam War, corporate sweatshop activity, the stripping of collective bargaining rights, the curbing of voting rights and, for the last couple of months, absolutely nothing. What began as a highly focused, legitimate movement has become a beer-pouring and petitioner-harassing embarrassment to Madison and the entire state of Wisconsin. A small group of disruptive protesters continue to “occupy” the Capitol, hurting the progressive movement for which they claim to fight. Reasonable liberals have pragmatically devoted their attention to the efforts to recall Walker, but the presence of these overzealous protesters continues to be an annoyance to visitors and Madisonians alike. They’re not effective. At all.
A d
BOARD OF REGENTS When Gov. Scott Walker’s budget demanded steep cuts to the University of Wisconsin System, the Regents vowed they would not sit idly by while higher education was attacked. When UW’s chancellor resigned after plans for greater independence from the System failed, the Regents claimed a fairer systemwide plan was on the way. When UW was left searching for leadership, the Regents said a new chancellor was already being sought out. When further budget cuts to the System were put forth, the Regents said they would tackle the issue head-on. Feel free to start anytime, guys.
ASM STUDENT COUNCIL If we could give this Student Council session a Z, we would; an F just isn’t enough. But instead, we’ve decided to give the most fitting evaluation available for this year’s especially disastrous session: incomplete. Student Council has done nothing this semester but fight amongst themselves. Ever since the early-semester announcement that Vice Chair Beth Huang would be expelled from student government, an already highly political body became deadlocked, making Congress’ debt ceiling debate look competent in comparison. For fuck’s sake, they couldn’t even elect a new vice chair before the end of this semester. This Student Council has, at the very least, exposed some of the most serious flaws with ASM’s constitution. But that’s no excuse for going an entire semester without managing to appoint a new vice chair.
ASM STUDENT JUDICIARY Student Judiciary is the Associated Students of Madison’s overachiever, tying the record for the most decisions made in a semester. Not only did they have to repeatedly deal with the complaints of the MultiCultural Student Coalition, but they tackled the constitutionality of the funding cap waiver and the removal of Student Council’s vice chair. It’s good to see at least one branch did their homework and came to class prepared. This semester, Student Judiciary has proven they are the only fully functional branch of ASM. Bravo!
LEGISLATORS In a bipartisan effort, this board was able to reach across the figurative aisle, shake hands and agree that Republicans and Democrats alike this semester receive an almost-failing grade. Both parties have exhibited an unfailing inability to work together or even participate in civilized debate without digressing into tantrums and shouting matches, as best evidenced by Rep. Peggy Krusick’s, D-Milwaukee, amendment debacle. Republicans have used their legislative and executive majority to walk in a single-minded lock-step, whereas Democrats have proven too incompetent to organize against their conservative compatriots. Until both parties can learn to be in the same room with each other, they get a 1.0 GPA.
ALD. SCOTT RESNICK DISTRICT 8 Pick a city issue relevant to most students at the university. Did you think of the Mifflin Street Block Party? The nuisance party ordinance? How about tenant legislation? Whether you thought of one of those issues or one not listed, it’s safe to say Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, knows all about it, and he’s got your back. As Madison’s student alder, Resnick not only represents students, but he defends them vocally and passionately both in and out of the council chambers. We students are lucky to have Resnick, an A+ alder.
MAYOR PAUL SOGLIN When Paul Soglin left the blogosphere to run for a third stint as mayor of Madison, you could almost hear the city’s old faithful singing a song of pure joy. Many citizens had become disillusioned with then-Mayor Dave Cieslewicz’s perceived favors to the business community, and they promptly voted Soglin in to office. Then the tantrums came. From drastically slashing the budget for the Edgewater to railing against his once-beloved Mifflin Street Block Party to threatening to veto the entire Capitol budget if his one pet-project study did not make it in, Soglin proved one thing this term: It’s his way or the highway. As a blogger, being a bit of a bully is a great trait. As a mayor, it earns him an F for “works poorly with others.”
Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at, where all print content is archived.
ArtsEtc. Editor Sarah Witman
The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Fray
Star Persons
ArtsEtc. WINTER Dillon Francis
Dia Frampton
Tea Leaf Green
CONCERT PREVIEW At Ebling, in-depth paintings of deep sea creatures 12/15, 8 p.m.
$ $15
12/16 8 p.m.
$ $41
Majestic Theatre
‘Beyond the Edge of the Sea’ catalogues bottom-feeders in exquisite detail Joe Nistler ArtsEtc. Staff Writer There are some places on Earth that few people have ever seen. Places where humans, if unprotected, would die within moments. Places like deep-sea chemosynthetic vents, where the Earth’s crust emits deadly fluids, where some creatures have actually adapted to survive and thrive. Artist and natural illustrator Karen Jacobsen, with Duke scientist Cindy Lee Van Dover, have brought these creatures and scenery to the surface in detail that a camera couldn’t capture. The exhibit “Beyond the Edge of the Sea,” part of which is on
Orpheum Theater Or
12/22 9 p.m.
$ $$10
High Noon Saloon H
display in the University of Wisconsin’s Ebling Library, was curated by the Muscarelle Museum of Art at the College of William and Mary and features illustrations that Jacobsen created during multiple deep-sea expeditions around the globe. In the submarine “Alvin,” Jacobsen and Van Dover witnessed and studied the natural environments of tubeworms, crabs and many other organisms, many of which were previously undiscovered species. And there are a lot more undiscovered species down there than you might think. “If I had a ship and a submarine,” Van Dover said, “I could take you tomorrow to a place where we could discover 50 new species.” Jacobsen also indicated that there are many, many more species hiding in the deep sea. “Nobody’s ever done a big, comprehensive
12/31, 9 p.m.
$ $15 advance
representation of everything that’s down there,” she said. “And that’s not to say that I have. I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface.” For just scratching the surface, Jacobsen’s artwork shows a diverse spread of animals — tiny invertebrates, tubeworms, crabs and an octopus all have a place in the Ebling exhibit. Sometimes the paintings show a single animal; sometimes they portray an environment from the window of a submarine. There is little color involved in the paintings, true to form for many of the deep-sea sights. In one image, a black backdrop lends an eerie feel to a small crab that barely stands out from its same-color surrounding. A photograph likely would not capture such discrete contrast, not to mention the vivid detail. “With illustrations, you can display multiple concepts that might take
10 photos to achieve,” she said. “We’re able to isolate these really small animals, get them under a magnifying glass and separate them from their environment … and all the other things that are visually complicated around them.” Jacobsen said she does nearly all of her work on the ship at the surface. When the submarine surfaces, scientists bring her specimens to illustrate, but she also has opportunities to descend into the depths, where she sketches furiously through a small window. “I have to say, there’s a real difference between going down and seeing something for yourself,” Jacobsen said. Jacobsen illustrates and paints the creatures with inspiration from Karl Bodmer, a 19th century natural illustrator who explored North America in the era of Lewis and Clark. Bodmer did his work before cameras were
1/17 8 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 p.m.
$ $15
$ $$15 advance
Majestic Theatre
an option for explorers, and for Jacobsen and Van Dover, natural illustration is still a relevant art. “One of the ways people connect with animals in strange environments is by looking at paintings and photographs and other film documentaries,” Van Dover said. “There are people who take photographs, there are people who make documentaries of the deep sea, but nobody’s really an artist of the deep sea, and so this is really a niche where I thought Karen could make a great contribution to the outreach.” Jacobsen said the outreach and exhibit were mostly Van Dover’s plans from the beginning. An art school graduate of the University of Santa Cruz, she chose a subject for her art that interested her and that she would have repeated access to. When she started going on expeditions with
High Noon Saloon H
Van Dover and other scientists, she said she knew what she was doing — illustrating — but didn’t know what would become of it. “I always wonder: Well, now what’s going to happen to it? I mean, … this is a brand new creature, … but maybe it’ll never get published or never get seen,” Jacobsen said. “Maybe it’ll be an incidental thing aside from the main purpose of the research.” After she had created sketches and watercolors numbering into the hundreds, she and Van Dover decided to create the exhibit. Now, a traveling segment of the exhibit is on display in Ebling Library, featuring about 50 sketches and several commissioned pieces. Take a look at scenes and creatures from a rarelycaptured, otherworldly environment that Van Dover called “extraordinary.”
‘New Year’s Eve’ fun but empty Cast of stars can’t quite save trite stories, tangled plot in ‘Valentine’s Day’ offspring Jenny Slattery ArtsEtc. Writer “New Year’s Eve” was created by director Garry Marshall, best known for “Pretty Woman,” who produced “Valentine’s Day” with the same team last year. The entire movie is basically just a montage of eight (yes, eight) very cliché New Year’s Eve stories, pitching New York as the ultimate place to be when the countdown to midnight begins. The number of stars in this film is, quite frankly, overwhelming and unnecessary. The star matchups are for the most part unequal and lacking real chemistry. One story line consists of Katherine Heigl (“Life as We Know It”) and Jon Bon Jovi (“Pucked”), who plays a rock star named Jensen. This matchup is probably the worst. Heigl’s usual romantic comedy character with a fiery demeanor is completely off with Bon Jovi’s bad acting and placid attitude. He does however, deliver a few decent song performances throughout the film; it is Bon Jovi, after all. Next up is Hilary Swank (“The Resident”) who plays a new Times Square Alliance vice president. When the big ball stops working, it’s her duty to get things rolling. Her character really has no substance, and the speech she gives late in the film is just one of the many played-
out references to New Year’s Eve being a time to reflect and forgive. The third piece consists of Ashton Kutcher (“No Strings Attached”) in a toned-down version of his usual comedic character, which was actually kind of refreshing. He and Lea Michelle get stuck in an apartment elevator for hours on the big night. Obviously, since Lea Michele (“Glee”) is Lea Michele, a little song session is to be expected, though it’s not too bad, in truth. But probably the most undeveloped piece in the entire film is Josh Duhamel (“Transformers: Dark of the Moon”). He basically wears a tux the whole time, rides in an RV and deals with an inner struggle of whether or not to meet the most perfect woman he has ever met, again, on New Year’s. Robert De Niro’s (“Killer Elite”) character is an ailing old man, one whose wish is to watch the ball drop from the hospital roof. He really doesn’t do much but lay in bed. His nurse, played by Halle Berry (“Dark Tide”), doesn’t do much but sit next to him. As always, though, Berry is great to watch and has a small story line that triggered some legitimate tearing up on- and offscreen. Seth Meyers (“I Don’t Know How She Does It”) gives one of the better performances. He can deliver a punch line capable of making even
Photo courtesy of New Line Cinema
Featuring a group of actors ranging from Ashton Kutcher to Zac Efron, “New Year’s Eve” fails to consistently develop chemistry between any of its familiar-faced characters. the worst jokes somewhat entertaining. He plays the husband of Jessica Biel (“The A-Team”) as they battle against another couple to have the first New Year’s baby and win 25 grand. Sarah Jessica Parker (“I Don’t Know How She Does It”) plays the overprotective single mother of Abigail Breslin (“Rango”), a teen who just wants to go out on
New Year’s alone to get a kiss from her crush. This is a really tired story, but wait! There’s a somewhat not-tooobvious twist at the end! Finally, the last storyline features Zac Efron (“Charlie St. Cloud”), a bike messenger whose “17 Again” boyish charm is killed by an unflattering haircut and a bro-type attitude. He runs around
the city with Michelle Pfeiffer (“Personal Effects”), a very sad, very un-styled woman who wants to make her resolutions from the past year happen before midnight. Pfeiffer does a decent job with her character given the material lacking in the script. New Year’s Eve is anything but an amazing intertwined concoction
of cameos with substance or dimension. The little romantic bouts, musical performances and twists in the plot make it enjoyable, though, and if anything, it’s just a feel-good movie with stars that are fun to watch.
NEW YEAR’S EVE Garry Marshall
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 15, 2011
26 24
23 22
20 21
1 Bryant Miller
2 Signe Brewster
2011: Advertising Director 2021: Seriously has ad-trade induced PTSD, you guys.
2011: Editor-in-Chief 2021: President of her own eponymous secret society.
8 Taylor Nye
2011: Opinion Content 2021: Successfully overcomes fear of Herald fire escape.
2011: Associate Photo 2021: Reveals secret identity, is in fact, Marcel the Shell.
2011: Ads Executive 2021: Blows up Empire State Building in office prank gone awry.
22 Sigrid Hubertz
2011: Page Designer 2021: Spends all Parkzer’s money on gummy bears.
29 Jake Begun
9 Carolyn Briggs
2011: Managing Editor 2021: Life: sponsored by Beer 30.
16 Malory Goldin
Anna Elsmo-Siebart
10 Matt Huppert
17 Zach Butzler
2011: Copy Chief 2021: Goes Kerouac on everyon’s ass.
30 Eric Wiegmann
31 Mitch Hawes
21 Alissa Siegenthaler
5 Pam Selman
2011: News Editor 2021: Makes “Fiddler on the Roof ” dubstep remix.
2011: News Comtent 2021: Steals Herald couch. Prefers it to bed.
11 Ryan Rainey
12 Jillian Grupp
2011: State Editor 2011: Multimedia Editor 2021: Having a sugar daddy: 2021:Tooth still getting more everything that he hoped for. hits than the Cardinal website.
24 Adam Parkzer
2011: Ads Executive 2021: Takes U.S. rave tour by storm.
3 Peter Hoeschele 4 Adelaide Blanchard
2011: Publisher 2021: Mastered the “bro bar” look.
23 Matt Preston
2011: Co-Design Director 2021: Finally admits the Bears suck.
2011: Ads Executive 2011: Web Director 2021: Mall santa who gets drunk 2021: Makes appointment off of sake bombs every night. to divorce Avril Lavigne.
2011: Editor-at-Large 2021: In weekend Immortal tribute band, dating Peter on the side.
2011: Ads Executive 2021: Falls down in real earthquake. #Gucci
18 Katherine Kreuger
Max Nonnamaker
2011: Display Manager 2021: Embezzlement charges dropped.
32 Elliot Hughes
2011: Business Manager 2021: In hiding after the runaway success of his “The Bromuda Triangle”
13 Roshni Nedunhadi
2011: Classified Manager 2021: Starts imitation clothing line “RoshKoshB’Gosh.”
2011: Co-Design Director 2021: Finally admits he has a harem.
26 Charlie Gorichanaz 2011: Web Consultant 2021: Still working at the Herald. FOREVER.
2011: Sports Content 2021: COO of fine-Peruvian hoodie import/export business.
Cory Chamberlain
28 Tim Hadick
2011: Deputy Web 2021: Makes a real GayBaconStrips production facility.
6 Sarah Witman
2011: ArtsEtc. Editor 2021: Cosby sweater renamed “Sarah Witman sweater.”
19 Alex Laedtke
2011: News Deputy 2021: Writing articles, breaking hearticles.
2011: Ads Executive 2021: Toothless and still hanging out on playgrounds.
19 10
7 Megan Howard
2011: Business Associate 2021: Finally gave up on chasing jerseys.
20 Gus McNair
2011: Page Designer 2021: Finally accepts being called “Gus-Gus.”
27 Heather Burian
2011: Videographer 2021: HOSTS THE BURIAN FACTOR
14 Danielle Hanaford
2011: Ads Executive 2021: Dies in zombie apocalypse after never seeing zombie movie.
Myla Rosenbloom
2011: Ads Executive 2021: Moves to a coast to finally live up to her name.
2011: Associate Multimedia 2011: Campus Editor 2021: Despite sister’s insistance, still 2021: #OccupytheSAC unconvinced of Cardinal superiority.
Ramsey Statz
Selby Rodriguez
2011: City Editor 2021: Joins the city news cult via blood ritual.
Kelly Erickson
Ian McCue
Brett Sommers
Kristen Prewitt
Katie Foran-McHale Megan McCormick Matt Hintz
2011: Associate Sports 2011: Associate Sports 2021: Replaces Erin Andrews after2021: Elected governor of Punt, Pass and Kick competition Virginia
Ally Boutelle
2011: Statistics Editor 2021: Removes hat, loses powers.
Leah Linscheid
Allegra Dimperio
Alex Brousseau
Mike Fiammetta
Tom Guthrie
Ellen Anivicius
2011: Deputy State Editor 2021: Still trying to get in Matt Huppert’s pants.
2011: Opinion Editor 2011: Editorial Board Chair 2011: Sports Editor 2021: Not thawed, despite never 2021: Married. Two-and-a-half 2021: Licenses the words leaving an EDM show in 2019. children. Smathers. ‘trounced,’ ‘vaunted’
Lin Weeks
Noah Yuenkel
2011: ArtsEtc. Content 2011: Comics Editor 2021: All-around good guy, 2021: Still printing ham but in prison, oddly. sandwiches.
2011: Copy Editor 2011: Copy Editor 2011: Classified Executives 2021: Gets Ph.D. in English 2021: Becomes first human to 2021: Hiding from while in med school. not require sleep. paparazzi.
2011: Associate Photo 2021: Is just that fucking fancy.
Kelly McGinnis
2011: Page Designer 2021: Successful founder of an inhouse provider
Thanks to all for an incredible semester!
2011: Copy Editor 2011: Associate Copy 2021: Arrested for loitering 2021: Kills bin Laden after on Bob Stoops’ stoop. discovering he was never dead.
Katie Gaab
2011: Page Designer 2021: Brazilian jiu-jitsu champion
Kevin Zhu
2011: Associate Web 2021: Finally meets everyone at the Herald
Gridiron Nation Editor: Brett Sommers |
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 15, 2011
BEST GAMES OF 2011 No. 1 LSU at No. 2 Alabama Sat., Nov. 5 LSU 9, Alabama 6 OT
No. 5 Oklahoma at No. 22 Baylor Sat., Nov. 19 Baylor 45, Oklahoma 38
No. 15 Wisconsin vs. No. 13 Michigan State Sat., Dec. 3 Wisconsin 42, Michigan St. 39
The contest was labeled the Game of the Century, and for those who don’t appreciate great defense, it was anything but. Neither team cracked the end zone, but the intensity of the game certainly lived up to the hype. Hopefully, Part II is just as good.
The lead changed hands four different times in this game, and the excitement never stopped until Robert Griffin III fired a 34-yard touchdown pass with eight seconds left to win the game. It may have been that game that helped decide the Heisman.
Nobody will forget Russell Wilson’s MVP performance against Sparty in the Big Ten Championship game. Looking for redemption from an October loss, Wilson delivered a 36-yard, fourth down prayer to Jeff Duckworth to set up Montee Ball’s gamewinning score.
The percentage of teams from the Big Ten who were awarded a bowl berth, more than the SEC and the Big 12. First through fifth place in each division were let in, including an Illinois team on a six-game losing streak.
NATIONAL RANKINGS BCS Standings 1. LSU 2. Alabama 3. Oklahoma St. 4. Stanford 5. Oregon 6. Arkansas 7. Boise State 8. Kansas State 9. S. Carolina 10. Wisconsin 11. Virginia Tech 12. Baylor 13. Michigan
14. Oklahoma 15. Clemson 16. Georgia 17. Michigan St. 18. TCU 19. Houston 20. Nebraska 21. Southern Miss 22. Penn State 23. W. Virginia 24. Texas 25. Auburn
PLAYER OF THE YEAR Hard to argue here after Griffin won the Heisman trophy over the weekend. The junior put Baylor football on the map with his incredible season, which saw RG3 throw for 3,998 yards and 36 touchdowns. He also rushed for nine TDs.
Is anyone more deserving of Coach of the Year than Miles, who led the only undefeated college football team to the BCS Championship game? It hasn’t always been smooth sailing, either. Remember the Jordan Jefferson debacle at the beginning of the season?
HEISMAN FINALISTS 1. Robert Griffin III, QB, Baylor Winner: 1,687 points 2. Andrew Luck, QB, Stanford Runner-up: 1,407 points 3. Trent Richardson, RB, Ala. Second runner-up: 978 points 4. Montee Ball, RB, Wis. Third runner-up: 348 points 5. Tyrann Mathieu, DB, LSU Fourth runner-up: 327 points
SEC — Nine SEC teams were awarded bowl games, none more highly anticipated than the rematch between LSU and Alabama in the BCS National Championship game. Projected bowl record: 6-3.
Big XII — The Big 12 put on a good show this year, qualifying eight teams for a bowl berth and all eight receiving one. It shot itself in the foot, ruining its chances for a national title berth, but it’s a good league. Projected bowl record: 6-2.
Pac-12 — The Pac-12 drew a really difficult bowl schedule, not to mention some of the teams given berths are really struggling right now, like Arizona State and UCLA. Projected bowl record: 2-5.
Big Ten — Uh oh, it’s bowl season, and its about this time when the Big Ten begins hibernating rather than entering gladiator mode. The Big Ten secured 10 bowl berths, but how many will be wins? Projected bowl record: 4-6
ACC — Eight bowl berths were given to the ACC, including two BCS bowls. This should provide better insight into the true potential of the ACC conference moving forward. Projected bowl record: 4-4
Conf. 6-2 5-3 5-3 4-4 3-5 1-7
Overall 10-3 6-6 8-4 7-5 4-8 2-10
Team Va. Tech Virginia Ga. Tech Miami UNC Duke
Conf. 7-1 5-3 5-3 3-5 3-5 1-7
Overall 11-2 8-4 8-4 6-6 7-5 3-9
Associated Press
Team Cinci. WVU Louisville Rutgers Pitt UCONN S. Florida Syracuse
College football shining bright depsite stormy PSU headlines Brett Sommers Statistics Editor As the college football season comes to an end, Gridiron Nation finds itself in a position similar to the beginning of fall, when teams were in their final stages of preparation for four grinding months in hopes of winning conference titles and BCS bowl games. The 2011 season was supposed to be a reprieve from all the negative storylines that filled the summer months with as much heat from NCAA investigations as the sun itself. At the time, 14 teams were under investigation for either recruitment or improper benefit violations, LSU quarterback Jordan Jefferson was in jail and, after being poisoned, Toomer’s Corner — site of Auburn’s historic oak trees — had prayers flying at it like an Alabama defense. Instead, one gigantic headline has forced all the great football of 2011 and all the exciting possibilities of 2012 to take a back seat. The release of the grand jury report regarding Jerry Sandusky and the Penn State child sexual abuse scandal on Nov. 4 turned the world of college football on its head, where it still remains. Joe Paterno is gone, other child sexual abuse cases around the country have risen in the aftermath and the future of Penn State is clouded indefinitely. Unfortunately, when people look back on 2011, the first thing they will remember is Paterno’s fall from grace and the horrifying deeds Sandusky is accused of. The case is far from over. Sandusky’s trial will likely demand headlines for quite some time, but good things did happen during the college football regular season, and there figures to be more to come in 2012. Robert Griffin III and the Baylor Bears will not play in a
BCS bowl game, but the spectacle that was RGIII certainly brought a national audience to a longsince-heard-from program. 2011 marked the first time since 1986 the Bears have finished the regular season ranked in the Associated Press or Coaches Poll, and Griffin became the first-ever Baylor player to win the Heisman Trophy and just the third to finish in the final voting. The last Bear to be considered for the Heisman was Don Trull, who finished fourth in the voting in 1963. The addition of Nebraska to the Big Ten conference certainly made running the table to a national championship difficult for any Big Ten team, but it also made for a wildly entertaining finish to the season. Races to attain the top spot in each division became tighter and more exciting as the season went on. Although the Legends and Leaders divisions have questionable titles, the guarantee of an outright Big Ten champion and a championship game itself should have been a welcome sight to Big Ten followers. In 2010, three teams shared the conference title; in 2011, there was an epic battle down to the final minute to determine a single champion. How can it possibly get any better than that? It is debatable whether the initial Nov. 5 matchup of No. 1 LSU and No. 2 Alabama was worthy of the title “Game of the Century,” but who cares? No one who watched that game will soon forget the defensive intensity and absolute skill displayed by defensive players of both teams. Overtime, 15 total points, neither team gaining 300 total yards and four Alabama missed field goals were just a few of the highlights. The only people in the country who will forget the first game will be Alabama fans if the Crimson Tide are able to flip the script on LSU in the BCS Championship Game. We should all be looking forward to the new year filled with parties, resolutions and, oh yeah, some great football. Twelve different bowl games will still have yet to be played when the ball drops in Times Square at midnight on Jan. 1. Seven
appetizer bowls are scheduled to get everyone ready to watch the best of the best compete in the five BCS bowls, the most prestigious bowls in college football. And how about the 2012 college football campaign? Head coaching changes have already begun taking place — RichRod to Arizona, former Green Bay Packers head coach Mike Sherman out at Texas A&M and Kevin Sumlin, current head coach of the 12-1 Houston Cougars, in. Once described as an offensive genius in the NFL before failing as head coach at Notre Dame from 2005-09, Charlie Weis will now take over last-place Big 12 finisher Kansas. Urban Meyer is the new czar of Ohio State, Jim Mora has agreed to coach UCLA and Mike Leach should bring an exciting offense to Washington State. Just a few of the most exciting head coaching moves so far, and odds are more will come, but at least one or more of those programs are likely to see a dramatic turnaround from 2011. Ohio State and Washington State seem most likely. It’s not just coaches changing teams that will give a new look to the landscape of college football in 2012, but that teams are changing conferences, too. TCU will replace SEC-bound Missouri in the Big 12 and should be immediately competitive. Boise State will finally have an automatic bid opportunity by moving its football program to the Big East, assuming the BCS is still running things this time next year, though the loss of quarterback Kellen Moore will certainly pitch a new learning curve to the blue-turf Broncos. As wrong, sad and unfortunate as the events at Penn State are, don’t let them overshadow the greatness of 2011 or the excitement to come in 2012. Hopefully, the victims in the Penn State case will be provided as much justice as can be given, but let’s also hope that those who have accomplished great things this season and those with potential for great things next year aren’t forgotten in the process.
1 2
‘Round and ‘Round it Goes; Where it Stops, Nobody Knows All season long, there has been talk of a multitude of schools changing conferences. Some teams have committed and then de-committed, others have begged other conferences to let them in, and now in December, schools are still realigning. Boise State headlines the latest change as it and four other schools will move to the Big East next year. Are there more changes to come after the bowl season, before spring ball? We’ll have to wait and see.
New Man of the House As the 2011-12 college football season winds to a close, programs that struggled mightily this year have begun reassigning coaching responsibilities. Urban Meyer was the first big name to take over a program, but others are starting to emerge. Kevin Sumlin, who nearly led Houston to a BCS berth, has become the new head coach at Texas A&M, former Texas Tech head coach Mike Leach took the reins at Washington State and former NFL head coach Jim Mora has taken over UCLA.
Conf. 5-2 5-2 5-2 4-3 4-3 3-4 1-6 1-6
Overall 9-3 9-3 7-5 8-4 6-6 5-7 5-7 5-7
Robert Griffin III won the 2011 Heisman Trophy for his fantastic play and was just one of many bright spots in a great 2011 college football season.
Team Clemson WF FSU NC State BC Maryland
Robert Griffin III Quarterback, Baylor
The 6-foot-1 receiver from Fort Myers, Fla, dazzled the country all season, as big a part as any in leading the Clemson Tigers to the Orange Bowl. Watkins has already hauled in 77 receptions for 1,153 yards and 11 TDs. He also returned a kick for a score.
14. Clemson 15. TCU 16. Baylor 17. Houston 18. Georgia 19. Oklahoma 20. Nebraska 21. Southern Miss 22. W. Virginia 23. Penn State 24. Cincinnati 25. Florida State
Not quite the same mold as Tim Tebow, but everyone saw what Urban Meyer did with a dualthreat quarterback in Florida. Can Meyer also turn the youngster Miller into a top-flight player in college football? If he can, Ohio State is going to be very scary.
Sammy Watkins Wide Receiver, Clemson
1. LSU (59) 2. Alabama 3. Oklahoma St. 4. Stanford 5. Oregon 6. Boise State 7. Arkansas 8. Wisconsin 9. S. Carolina 10. Kansas State 11. Virginia Tech 12. Michigan 13. Michigan St.
Braxton Miller Quarterback, Ohio State
USA Today Coaches’ Top 25
Team Wisconsin Penn St. Purdue Ohio State Illinois Indiana
Conf. 6-2 6-2 4-4 3-5 2-6 0-8
Overall 11-2 9-3 6-6 6-6 6-6 1-11
Legends Team Mich. St. Michigan Nebraska Iowa NU Minn.
Conf. 7-1 6-2 5-3 4-4 3-5 2-6
Overall 10-3 10-2 9-3 7-5 6-6 3-9
PAC-12 North
Team Oregon Stanford Wash. California Oreg. St. Wash. St.
Conf. 8-1 8-1 5-4 4-5 3-6 2-7
Overall 11-2 11-1 7-5 7-5 3-9 4-8
Team USC UCLA AZ State Utah Colorado Arizona
Conf. 7-2 5-4 4-5 4-5 2-7 2-7
Overall 10-2 6-7 6-6 7-5 3-10 4-8
BIG XII Team Ok. St. Kansas St. Baylor Oklahoma Missouri Texas A&M Iowa State TTU Kansas
Conf. 8-1 7-2 6-3 6-3 5-4 4-5 4-5 3-6 2-7 0-9
Overall 11-1 10-2 9-3 9-3 7-5 7-5 6-6 6-6 5-7 2-10
SEC East
Team Georgia S Carolina Florida Vandy Kentucky Tennessee
Conf. 7-1 6-2 3-5 2-6 2-6 1-7
Team LSU Alabama Arkansas Auburn Miss St. Ole Miss
Conf. 8-0 7-1 6-2 4-4 2-6 0-8
Overall 10-3 10-2 6-6 6-6 5-7 5-7
West Overall 13-0 11-1 10-2 7-5 6-6 2-10
2011 STAT LEADERS Quarterback Rating 1. Robert Griffin III, Baylor 2. Russell Wilson, Wis. 3. Case Keenum, Houston 4. Kellen Moore, Boise State 5. Andrew Luck, Stanford
192.3 191.6 177.9 176.8 167.5
Rushing Yards 1. Montee Ball, Wisconsin 2. Bobby Rainey, WKU 3. Ronnie Hillman, SDSU 4. LaMichael James, Oregon 5. David Wilson, Va. Tech
1,759 1,695 1,656 1,646 1,627
Receiving Yards 1. Jordan White, WMU 1,646 2. Kendall Wright, Baylor 1,572 3. Patrick Edwards, Houston 1,524 4. Nick Harwell, Mia. (OH) 1,425 5. Marquess Wilson, WSU 1,388
Sacks 1. Whitney Mercilus, Illinois 2. Jarvis Jones, Georgia 3. Trevardo Williams, Conn. 4. Sammy Brown, Houston 5. Brant Joiner, Arkansas St.
14.5 13.5 12.5 12.5 12.0
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 15, 2011
Dear Bucky, here’s my holiday wish list Nick Korger Korger’s Korner He’s making a list and he’s checking it twice, and he will find out if you have been naughty or nice. Well, readers, I hope most of you have been well behaved — as much as college students can possibly be — as the holidays quickly approach us. For myself, I have found that the older I get, the lamer my Christmas list becomes. In fact, if Santa read my list this year he’d probably break down and openly weep. A suit? Socks? Money for rent? What kind of kid wants that? Well there are some other things, but I’m not sure that Santa can deliver them to me. So here it is, my holiday wish list to Bucky for the holidays and break.
Give me a win in the Rose Bowl That one is pretty obvious. Last year, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to travel to Pasadena and experience one of the greatest sporting events that football has to offer. Since I’ll be with the team in spirit watching a television from a Madison bar stool, I’m praying on bended knee that Wisconsin can win The Granddaddy of Them All. Last year, the Badgers were a batted twopoint conversion away from sending the game to overtime against a veteran TCU team with arguably the best defense in the country. This time around, Wisconsin’s defense will be tested by the high-flying Oregon offense. Wisconsin has struggled the few times it has faced a great offensive team (Michigan State), and against the Ducks’ spread attack, the Badgers will have their hands full. However, Wisconsin also has one of the nation’s best offenses, both balanced and explosive. This game will also
effectively serve to measure the Big Ten against the Pac 12. If Wisconsin hopes to continue its emergence back into the national spotlight, the Badgers must put forth their finest team performance to date. This game is sure to be a great one, but I’m asking Bucky and Santa to deliver the Badger faithful a win this time. I’m also recommending that no one make a drinking game out of the Rose Bowl. One of my friends had the idea to take a shot every time an offense scores. Both teams average over 40 points a game. Count me out. Help Wisconsin basketball find its game Lately, watching the Badgers has given me more gut-wrenching moments than coaching my team of 8th graders back home. The Badgers relied on a 3-point shooting spree by Ben Brust to finish off a pesky UNLV team last weekend while leaning on Milwaukee’s awful free throw shooting to escape with a win Tuesday night. Besides his perfect
7-for-7 effort in the UNLV game, Brust has struggled from beyond the arc in December, as have the majority of the Badgers. Jordan Taylor hasn’t yet reached the scoring frenzy we are all so accustomed to. Basketball is a game that’s all about getting
If Wisconsin hopes to continue its emergence back into the national spotlight, the Badgers must put forth their finest team performance to date. This game is sure to be a great one, but I’m asking Bucky and Santa to deliver the Badger faithful a win this time. hot at the right time, but lately, the Badgers have cooled off. With the Big Ten season fast approaching and the league stacked top to bottom this year, the Badgers will need to
be playing their best basketball night in and night out against the conference. Many analysts are calling the Big Ten the best conference in the nation, so Wisconsin will need to develop a rhythm to continue its dominance in conference play. There is definitely talent on this team and the potential to be a Big Ten title contender, but the offense needs to get in a groove as the team eases into conference play after a weak non-conference schedule. Let Montee Ball break the touchdown record At the Heisman ceremony this past Saturday, Ball was in truly elite company with the likes of Andrew Luck, Tyrann Mathieu’s suit, RGIII and Trent Richardson. It sure looked like the running back belonged — Ball handled himself and represented Wisconsin perfectly. Just knowing Ball’s story and perseverance throughout his career here at Wisconsin, I’m not sure there is a more
deserving player to break Barry Sanders’ illustrious NCAA record for touchdowns in a single season. The determination and readiness Ball displayed while waiting for his chance last year at Iowa, his extreme dedication in the offseason to cut weight and his unbelievable success on the gridiron makes me proud to wear the No. 28 jersey I have from when Anthony Davis was the running back at Wisconsin. Facing LaMichael James and Oregon in the Rose Bowl is a perfect way for Ball to break the record. I asked for Ball to win the Heisman, but I suppose I can settle with him taking his place in the history books. To all my Badgers and readers, happy holidays and thanks for reading this semester. On Wisconsin. Nick will be back again to write more boring columns next semester. Have a column topic for next semester? Email Nick at nkorger@badgerherald. com. Happy festivus!
Prime chance falls to Jones GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — With star wide receiver Greg Jennings out for a few weeks with a sprained left knee, now might be the time for the Green Bay Packers to rediscover James Jones. As part of what might be the deepest and most talented group of wide receivers in the NFL, Jones has been tough to spot at times this season. His overall numbers are OK — 26 catches for 479 yards with five touchdowns — but perhaps not quite what he expected when he re-signed with Green Bay in the offseason. Jones acknowledged that he sometimes finds himself fighting off frustration. But he knows the minute he starts sulking, it will hurt his chances of making the most of any offensive opportunities that do come his way. “I’ve tried to stay positive,” Jones said. “The 10-catch game as a receiver in our offense is very rare. You have to make the most of it. If you get three or four in a game, you have to make the most of them. I have the same mindset with Greg being down: If the ball comes my way, make the most of my chances.” Jones has eight games with two catches or fewer this season — including five games with a single catch, and two games where he was shut out completely. And while Jones is
trying to keep his head up, he doesn’t necessarily expect anything to change dramatically with Jennings on the sideline. “Everybody thinks stuff changes around here because somebody gets hurt,” Jones said. “They don’t change. I’m going to still be James. If the ball comes my way a little more, it does. Shoot, we’ve still got four wideouts plus J-Mike (tight end Jermichael Finley). We’ve got to run it. So Greg being out, you don’t have to try to be Superman. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing — if the ball comes your way, make a play. And that’s what I’ve been doing this year.” But Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers pointed to Jones and rookie wide receiver Randall Cobb as players he expects to help make up for Jennings’ absence. “We’ll miss Greg,” Rodgers said. “Greg is a great player. This team last year taught us anything, the next man up has got to step in and produce. We’re expecting (to see) James getting more opportunities and Randall to step in and play well.” Rodgers said the Packers can rely on their experience from last season, when they went on a Super Bowl run despite a rash of injuries to key players. “It’s difficult when you lose a Pro Bowl
Associated Press
James Jones has hauled in 26 receptions for 479 yards and five touchdowns this season, but he has a chance to step up with fellow receiver Greg Jennings sidelined with a left knee sprain. receiver like Greg and a guy who’s got to be mentioned among the top at his position,” Rodgers said. “Last year, we had a number of guys go down and we needed the next guy to step up and play well. It helps when you have a guy like Jordy Nelson and the kind of season he’s had, Donald (Driver) with his experience, James Jones, with him making the most of his opportunities, (and) Randall Cobb, with the way that he approaches the game.” And Rodgers hopes to keep feeding Finley. “You still have one of the top tight ends in the league, who I know is probably desperate for some more balls going his way,” Rodgers said. “I’m not worried too much, but it hurts
to lose a guy like that on the field and in the locker room.” Finley said he expects to split out wide more frequently in the wake of Jennings’ injury. And while Finley is happy that Jennings will be back for the playoffs, he’s looking to make the most of increased opportunities in the meantime. “At the same time, I’m excited about the chance to step up and be the playmaker,” Finley said. “We’ve got to step up.” Jennings is expected to miss two or three weeks, making it likely that he’ll be back for the playoffs. Packers coach Mike McCarthy said Rodgers will be expected to keep running the offense the way he has been. “I don’t think it’s going to change the way
Aaron plays,” McCarthy said. “We’re very fortunate we have a number of perimeter players that can be productive. We’re going to run our offense,
we’re not going to change anything. The other side of it, Greg is a very valuable member to our football team. But as far as Aaron’s approach, it won’t change.”
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 15, 2011
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
In one year at Wisconsin, Russell Wilson brought the Badgers’ offense to new heights, gave the team a Heisman Trophy top-10 finisher and led UW to a return trip to the Rose Bowl. Next up for the senior quarterback will likely be getting drafted in the NFL.
Wilson leaving brief, impressive legacy In lone season at UW, transfer quarterback forged indelible marks in school’s record book Elliot Hughes Sports Content Editor
His announcement to join the Wisconsin football team came in late June, and now, just six months later, Russell Wilson will soon be departing. Come Jan. 2, Wilson, the quarterback who fell out of the blue sky into the laps of the one-puzzle-piecemissing Badgers, will don a
cardinal and white uniform for the last time in the promised land of Big Ten football — the Rose Bowl. Although fans and teammates will certainly consider Wilson’s stay in Camp Randall Stadium all too brief, the North Carolina State transfer has certainly made his one
season with the Badgers worthwhile. His lasting impact and legacy — whether it comes with a Rose Bowl crown or not — is certainly one that will stick around for quite some time, perhaps in multiple ways. “That’s the thing about that, he’s only been here one year and he made a pretty fine print on this [program],” running back Montee Ball, a Heisman finalist, said. “But I expected it. When I first saw him come in, [he had] intelligence and just his determination to get the job done — and he has. He’s one heck of a leader, and day in and day out, he’s always working.” After his commitments to minor league baseball ultimately expedited his exit from NC State, Wilson’s transfer came barely a month prior to the start of fall camp and two months before the season opener. But in no time, Wilson won over both the starting job and his teammates, earning captaincy after practicing with the team for only three weeks. The rest is already etched in record books and various plaques. In leading Wisconsin to an 11-2 record and a Big Ten title, Wilson’s 2,879 passing yards are 41 away from breaking the school record for most passing yards in a season, and his 72.5 completion percentage sits just short of Scott Tolzien’s 72.9 as the best single-season completion percentage in program history. Wilson’s 191.6 passer rating would break the NCAA record (so would Heisman Trophywinner Robert Griffin III’s 192.3), and his 28 touchdown passes are seven better than John Stocco’s former Badger record. And to top it off, he’s wowed audiences with the ball tucked as well. Wilson has run for an additional 456 yards and five touchdowns this season, and he even hauled in a 25yard touchdown reception in the Big Ten Championship Game. Those numbers propelled the 5-foot11 signal-caller to the forefront of the Heisman debate at one point in the season, in
which he eventually finished ninth in the voting. He did, on the other hand, earn the Big Ten’s inaugural GrieseBrees Quarterback of the Year award and earned consensus first team All-Big Ten accolades. Wilson also won the GrangeGriffin MVP award in Indianapolis. In a program with a tradition of emphasizing the running game, which tended to render the quarterback more of a game-manager than playmaker, Wilson became an offensive element the Badgers had never quite seen before. He’s displayed an aptitude for fourthquarter comebacks, as well. With 8:40 remaining, Wilson led a 14-point charge to tie the game in his first meeting with Michigan State. In the following week, after trailing 12 points with 4:39 left, Wilson engineered two scoring drives that resulted in Wisconsin taking a three-point
“When I first saw him come in, [he had] intelligence and determination to get the job done — and he has. He’s one heck of a leader, and day in and day out, he’s always working.” Montee Ball
Running Back
lead with 1:18 to go. Wisconsin ultimately was vexed in those two games by last-second defensive letdowns, but things came through in Indianapolis with the Big Ten title on the line. In the fourth quarter against Michigan State, Wilson led Wisconsin on an eight-play, 64yard drive that featured a miraculous 36-yard throw-and-catch from Wilson to wide receiver Jeff Duckworth on a 4thand-6, and ended with a go-ahead touchdown. Wilson, ever so humble, remains thankful just to be a part of the Badgers, after the team he was once a part of for three years no longer had a spot for him.
“I’ve been truly blessed to be in this situation, to be playing for the Wisconsin Badgers. It’s a great place to play,” Wilson said. “You’re playing under a great coaching staff with [head coach Bret Bielema], playing quarterback behind [offensive coordinator Paul Chryst]; there’s nothing better than that.” Even before his one season comes to a close, the Badgers themselves are already feeling a reason to be thankful Wilson chose Wisconsin over his other transfer option, Auburn. With Wisconsin known for routinely sporting a solid supporting cast for any quarterback — in the name of gigantic offensive lineman, powerful running backs and reliable targets — the Badgers have apparently been fielding more transfer inquiries after Wilson performed the way he did. “I think because of Russell’s success and the ease in which it happened, I’d be lying to you if I told you people haven’t inquired about that same type of scenario, not just at quarterback but at other positions, as well,” Bielema said. But despite what Wilson might have done for the program and for its fans’ excitement, Bielema maintains that the real winner in this transfer deal was No. 16 himself, who recently earned an invitation to play in the Senior Bowl, an annual game featuring the nation’s top senior NFL Draft prospects. “He was playing in a system where he was kind of the show (at NC State) in the spread and now he’s shown how well he can dictate the flow of a game in a prostyle offense, playing with offensive lineman that are 6-foot-5 in front of him that are bigger than most NFL lineman that he could possibly play for,” Bielema said. “He made a jump this year in a lot of NFL camps because of that. “I think the neat thing for Russell is, obviously, the University of Wisconsin and all of the Wisconsin fans enjoyed a lot because of Russell being here, but he’s probably going to be the biggest benefactor.”
The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, December 15, 2011
Rose Bowl, UW reunite Badgers brace for high-octane Ducks after rousing victory in Big Ten Championship Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Editor They’ve been there before. Last time it was a whole new world. Bright lights, walking among the stars — literally — and a whole new experience. This time around, when it comes to the Rose Bowl on Jan. 2, the Wisconsin Badgers mean business. “We’re going to take this trip and approach it more like a business trip and make sure we go in with our minds set and really go in remembering why we’re in L.A.,” junior running back Montee Ball said. In the 98th Rose Bowl, Wisconsin will face the Pac-12’s Oregon Ducks. Both the Badgers and Ducks played on big stages in last year ’s bowl games, as Wisconsin played in the school’s first Rose Bowl in more than 10 years and Oregon took a shot in the BCS National Championship Game. Both teams lost — Wisconsin to Texas Christian and Oregon to Auburn — and were forced to fight through another season just for a second chance at a coveted BCS title. Wisconsin’s road to the Rose Bowl this year was not easy, nor exactly clear. UW opened the season with a scalding offense led by transfer quarterback Russell Wilson, and through six games it looked like a possible national championship contender. In the ensuing two weeks, back-to-back heartbreaking losses at
Michigan State and Ohio State left Wisconsin in a tough position in the Big Ten and muddied the picture of any post-season hopes. Many things had to line up just right for the Badgers to even reach the inaugural Big Ten Championship Game, let alone the Rose Bowl. UW ultimately avenged itself with a 42-39 win over MSU in Indianapolis, gaining another berth to The Granddaddy of Them All for the second consecutive year. “Going out there to the Rose Bowl for the second year in a row and having the chance to go out there and cap this thing off right, it’s going to be stellar, it’s going to be special,” senior safety Aaron Henry said. “I wouldn’t want to go out any other way.” Battling the Ducks this season will prove entirely different than last year ’s Rose Bowl against the Horned Frogs, particularly thanks to Oregon head coach Chip Kelly and his famously fast-paced offense. “I think they’re the best at the high-tempo offense; they kind of started it,” sophomore linebacker Chris Borland said. “They do a great job of it, not only the tempo, but the scheme. They’re able to do a lot of different things, and they get their athletes some space. Once they get their guys the ball in space, that’s what they’re made to do. ... It’s going to be difficult for us, but we’re up to the challenge.” But with plenty of time to prepare, the Badger defense feels it will be able to handle Oregon’s
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
Heisman finalist Montee Ball has powered Wisconsin’s offense, rushing for 1,759 yards and 32 touchdowns. Ball is one total touchdown shy of tying the NCAA single-season record of 39. no-huddle offense. Head coach Bret Bielema also noted the importance of defense’s ability to sub players any time the offense does so, as long as the referees allow time for it to happen. “I think it’s important to realize you have three different teams with kind of different tempos,” Bielema said, referencing offense, defense and special teams play. “I think it will be good because now it’s a multiweek preparation. Our scouts will get better at it, which hopefully when we go down there to Pasadena, we will have had eight days of bowl prep of Oregon and really snap our guys into that tempo.”
While Wisconsin claims arguably the nation’s best running back in Ball, Oregon boasts its own nationally recognized running back in junior LaMichael James. Ball finished the regular season leading the nation with 1,759 yards and 32 touchdowns. Ball had 275 rushing attempts and averaged 6.4 yards per carry, and also caught six touchdown passes, putting his season total of 38 one shy of Barry Sanders’ NCAA singleseason record of 39. James finished fourth in the country with 1,646 rushing yards and scored 17 touchdowns. James had 222 carries and only outpaces Ball in averaging 7.4 yards per carry.
Though the Ducks’ offense is renowned for how quickly it moves the ball, the Oregon defense is also no different. “They’re fast, extremely athletic; they really do a great job of running to the football and making plays,” Ball said. “We just have to make sure that we play Wisconsin football and beat them down a little bit. “I think we’ll be fine. We’ll go in with the same game plan that we had against the other teams and make sure that we execute every play.” Wisconsin’s offense will be greatly aided by the return of All-American junior center Peter Konz. Konz dislocated his left ankle Nov. 12 at
Minnesota and hasn’t seen the field since. Wednesday, Bielema said he expects the center to return to practice next week and play on Jan. 2. When it comes right down to it, the Badgers know what they are in for against Oregon. They know the Ducks were the national runner-up last year, and they know Oregon is as fast as they come. But Wisconsin certainly isn’t backing away from its second shot at a chance to smell the roses. “They’re more dangerous than TCU,” Ball said. “Obviously a lot faster, but I believe this time we’re going to go in more focused and more prepared.”
2nd time around, Wisconsin eyes victory With shock factor out of system, UW more comfortable back in Pasadena Mike Fiammetta Sports Editor When the Wisconsin Badgers arrived in Pasadena for last year ’s Rose Bowl, Chris Borland climbed to the top deck of the 89-year-old stadium and just watched. At that point, a few days before Wisconsin was set to take the field against the
Texas Christian Horned Frogs, Borland hadn’t suited up in more than three months after suffering a shoulder injury in the first quarter of the Sept. 18 win over Arizona State. Jan. 1 against TCU, he’d once again be a spectator. “We went a couple days [earlier], right after we got out there,” Borland said. “I was just checking it out and taking pictures, doing all that. I just wanted to take it all in, so I went up to the top. It’s a beautiful place. The Badgers came within two points of tying the game before their twopoint conversion attempt
with 2:00 remaining was denied. After the 21-19 TCU victory, Wisconsin players left the field, wondering how they failed to fully take advantage of the opportunity. But Borland wasn’t even there, and throughout this year ’s roundabout trip back to the Rose Bowl, that’s been a fierce motivating factor. “It was frustrating,” Borland said. “It’s such a special game, and there’s no setting like Pasadena for a college football game at the Rose Bowl. That, and the fact that it was a close game, I felt I could’ve
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Defensive tackle and co-captain Patrick Butrym vows Wisconsin will “do it right this time” when the Badgers return to the Rose Bowl to battle the Oregon Ducks Jan. 2 in Pasadena. Last year, UW fell to the TCU Horned Frogs 21-19 in last-second, hearbreaking fashion.
helped our team win. It’s tough to swallow, but I just used it as motivation for this year.” Just like Borland, many Badgers have personal vendettas to carry out this time around. Collectively, of course, a win is the ultimate goal. This year’s opponent is the No. 5 Oregon Ducks, owners of an 11-2 record and a second-place finish in last year ’s BCS National Championship Game. Renowned for their breakneck no-huddle attack, the Ducks rank third in scoring offense (46.2 points per game) and sixth in total offense (515.2 yards per game). Seeing how Wisconsin’s offense — very much high-powered in its own right, with the No. 4 scoring offense (44.6 points per game) and No. 15 overall offense (466.9 yards per game) — keeps pace with Oregon’s is the overwhelmingly tantalizing story line of this year’s Rose Bowl, the 98th edition. Last year ’s was how the Badgers would battle the Horned Frogs defense, one of the toughest in the nation. Despite outgaining TCU and controlling the football more than 13 minutes longer, UW ultimately was unable to muster enough production. For head coach Bret Bielema, there was a clear reason why. “We played the No. 2 team in the country to a two-point game,” Bielema said. “I get it, we lost the game. I didn’t like the way we started the game, so that’s going to be a huge point of emphasis.” Beyond the Xs and Os, arguably the most favorable factor for Wisconsin is the familiarity its players have with the game. Oregon reached the 2010 Rose Bowl, but with the Badgers having last year ’s letdown at the
forefront of their minds, the return to Pasadena is refreshing. That, however, will only go so far if Wisconsin is unable to reverse their fortunes by the final whistle. “I was just meeting with [wide receiver] Jared Abbrederis in my office and kind of getting a pulse for him,” Bielema said Wednesday. “I always talk to my underclassmen that are coming back that are leaders and talk to them about the approach to the game. “He was like, ‘Coach, last year, everybody kind of was just excited to be out there in a great environment. This year, we’re going back for a return trip, and know what we have to do to play good ball. Hopefully, we’ll do that.’” The familiarity with the palm trees and sunshine really can’t be overlooked, as several Badgers have retold different experiences from last year ’s trip to Pasadena throughout this season. From the police escort the team received en route from the hotel to the stadium to the sightseeing and star treatment, there was a lot to process for a collection of kids not too far out of high school. “Oh my goodness, man, just by the simple fact some guys had never left the state of Wisconsin, let alone going out to L.A, a beautiful venue like that,” safety Aaron Henry said. “We were staying in Beverly Hills, walking amongst the stars — literally. It can be very, very wideeyed for a lot of people. I think a lot of guys were overwhelmed.” With a renewed ability to focus on football, Wisconsin can enjoy nearly a month to prepare for Oregon’s frenetic assault. Thanks
to the inaugural Big Ten Championship Game Dec. 3, that’s one less week than the Badgers had last year to prepare for the Horned Frogs. Yet perhaps being star-struck once already will compensate for the shorter prep time. “Speaking for myself included, when you get out there, you just didn’t know what to expect,” Henry said. “It was L.A.; you hear about the glitz and the glam and Hollywood. We even had a chance to see the sign. It was a great opportunity, but now going out there, guys have a grasp on what to expect.” With that, it all boils down to a matchup of two trademark Big Ten and Pac-12 schools — something last year ’s game didn’t have with TCU’s inclusion. In the entire bowl season, and particularly the BCS slate, this year ’s Rose Bowl is one of the most anticipated. Between the firepower of each team, the individual name recognition (Wisconsin’s Montee Ball finished fourth in the Heisman Trophy race, Russell Wilson finished ninth and Oregon’s LaMichael James was once a favorite) and recent history of the two teams, Pasadena is eagerly anticipating one of the most memorable Rose Bowls ever. Back in Madison, where the Badgers are just now getting back to practice after celebrating their 4239 victory over Michigan State in Indianapolis, it’s already assured to be unforgettable. “I just remember thinking, ‘Well, when’s the next opportunity? I don’t know if we’ll get an opportunity like this next year,’” defensive tackle Patrick Butrym said. “Fortunately, we do, and we’re going to do it right this time.”
ONE YEAR AFTER having their hearts broken by Texas Christian, the Wisconsin Badgers return to Pasadena with nothing but business on their minds. Inside, Herald Sports has a complete preview of the 98th Rose Bowl.