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Wednesday, February 8, 2012


GAB will not alter recall review rules Fitzgerald to dispute nearly 3,000 names, Board refuses 3rd party verification aid Mike Kujak Campus Editor Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, announced his plans to challenge more than 3,000 recall signatures as the Government Accountability Board simultaneously addressed several issues surrounding the recall petitions Tuesday. The Associated Press reported Tuesday Fitzgerald planned to challenge the legitimacy of the 3,000 signatures, which would be enough to stop the recall

efforts against him if the signatures were falsified. Petitioners attempting to recall Fitzgerald turned in an estimated 20,600 signatures Jan. 17. The deadline for other incumbent state senators to file challenges to recall petitions is Thursday. Board members discussed the recall petitions at a special meeting about several pending issues with the recalls, including what the GAB would do after an appeals court ruling earlier in the week about the review process. GAB Director Kevin Kennedy said Tuesday the board would continue to review recall petitions as they have been, despite an appeals court decision earlier in the week that challenged the ruling requiring them to a more thorough check.

“We’re proceeding as if it is still in effect,” Kennedy said of Waukesha County Judge Mac Davis’ original decision. “The decision is in flux; it’s still in place and we’re not going to change the rules halfway through the process.” Davis’ original decision ordered the GAB to change its review processes and denied an intervention by recall committees to provide testimony, according to the original decision released by the court. The nonpartisan board also addressed its decision to release the recall petitions uncensored to the public last Friday despite several groups’ opposition to releasing the addresses of those who signed the

RECALL, page 2

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald File Photo

Volunteers in the recall effort against Gov. Scott Walker carry boxes of signatures to the Government Accountability Board office Jan. 17. The board posted the signatures, totalling more than 1 million, online and allowed time for the elected officials up for recall to challenge the signatures.

Plan to close achievement gap in Madison unveiled Proposal would draw over $100M in funds Katie Slavin Herald contributor Madison Superintendent Dan Nerad recently proposed a plan to reduce the achievement gap in Madison School District. Nerad gave a speech Monday night at the Fitchburg Public Library and encouraged

community participation and feedback regarding the current proposed plan, Madeline Hafner, the Minority Student Achievement Network executive director, said. The achievement gap typically refers to the achievement level between students of color and their white peers, but gaps exist between a variety of demographic indicators including gender, socioeconomic status or other

diverse qualities. “Everyone is encouraged to come out, look at the plan, and provide feedback and dialogue about the plan’s different elements,” Hafner said. According to Nerad, the preliminary plan for reducing achievement gaps presents six main areas of focus: focusing on academic instruction and support; developing college and career readiness; expanding culturally responsive practices; assuring

safe and positive classroom and school environments; enhancing family engagement and recruiting; and selecting and retaining a diverse workforce. “Reducing the gap will really involve looking at the academic achievement level of one group in comparison to high levels of achievement,” Hafner said. “We want everyone to be excelling.” Within the six categories, Nerad outlined specific courses

of action, such as ensuring students can read at their grade level, introducing an active intervention system to prevent student failure before it occurs and expanding the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) college preparation program, Hafner said. Michael Johnson, Boys & Girls Club of Dane County executive director, expressed interest in Nerad’s program and said the AVID program

PAVE events combat stalking

GAP, page 2

Former Walker aide pleads in John Doe case Sean Kirkby State Politics Editor A former county-level staffer for Gov. Scott Walker pleaded guilty to two felony charges on Tuesday as the ongoing 20-month investigation into Walker’s former campaign staff continues. Darlene Wink, a former Milwaukee County employee under Walker’s tenure as Milwaukee County Executive, entered a guilty plea for two felony charges of soliciting political contributions while working in a county office, her attorney, Peter Wolff, said. Wolff said the charges involved her sending emails and communicating with the

Month of programs hosted by group to raise awareness of issue on campuses Alyssa Smith Herald contributor A student organization on the University of Wisconsin campus will host a series of events in February to raise awareness about the dangers of stalking through social media and other means on college campuses. Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment aims to educate students about the basic signs of stalking and the realities of stalking on the UW campus, PAVE spokesperson Jacqueline O’Reilly said. The organization will sponsor informational workshops and events in honor of Stalking Awareness Month. The most at-risk group for stalking ranges from ages 18-24, O’Reilly said. She added the inherent nature of a college campus makes stalking a serious issue. “We are the group that experiences stalking at the highest rate,” O’Reilly said. “Neither students nor the university administration should let that reality go unaddressed.” O’Reilly added people usually do not know what

has benefited students in the club. “Kids in our AVID program go to school more, their GPAs are higher, they graduate from high school and go to college,” Johnson said. “You’ll see because of that success, part of the plan [Nerad] laid out yesterday talked about the expansion of the AVID program.” The preliminary plan for

JOHN DOE, page 4

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

UW’s PAVE launched a profile similar to a typical student’s personal Facebook page to raise awareness about stalking on college campuses, an often misunderstood issue. a typical stalking crime looks like. She also said she hopes the PAVE-sponsored workshops will dispel common stalking stereotypes. She said although the stereotypes perpetuated by media of people peering into windows or hiding in bushes do happen, they are not the norm. PAVE’s events for this month include a film screening of “Fear” Feb. 13 in the Student Activity Center, a Go Big Read discussion Feb. 21 and a stalking experts panel on Feb 22. In addition, PAVE began a Facebook scavenger hunt Monday to inform students about stalking and technology.

One in four victims will be stalked through the use of technology, including email, social media and texting, O’Reilly said. Knowing the popularity of these tools makes it extremely important for campus community members to take this seriously, she said. For the scavenger hunt, PAVE created a Facebook account under the name “Alex Paverson.” The page will function just like a typical student’s personal account, including check-ins at local restaurants and campus buildings. Those who “friend” the account can go to these places for prizes, O’Reilly said. “It’s about learning the dynamics of stalking and

technology in relation to college students,” PAVE chair Val Kowis said in a statement about the event. “We want students to understand how easily a person could abuse a social outlet if they had bad intentions.” PAVE members also want the Facebook exercise to act as an example of how technology can often lead to victim blaming. According to O’Reilly, people often ask, “Why wasn’t your profile set to private?” or “Why would you post where you were going for the night anyway?” These types of questions can place false blame on the victim, she said.

STALKING , page 2


INSIDE Bad idea, ‘zines Hump Day breaks down the worst of the worst sex advice both online and in print.

ARTS | 7

UW’s new recruits reputable Herald Sports sits down with Josh Humholdt from Rivals.com, who weighs in on the newest Badgers.



The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Corrections In the story “CCTAP unveils budget proposals for student government,” the body lost seven teachers instead of 11. A quote attributed to Vice Chair Chase Wilson should have been attributed to Donna Halleran. Due to an editing error, a subhead in an article about pianist Marco Benevento claimed his upcoming show is free. The Feb. 10 show costs $15 to attend.

Need to publicize your event? Send an email to: editor@badgerherald.com

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partly cloudy

Students take on cost breakdown for buses ASM’s Student Transportation Board members disputed claim that faculty ‘subsidize’ bus routes for students Katie Caron Higher Education Editor A board of the student government addressed the rhetoric and solutions surrounding bus pass negotiations, including the notion that faculty are subsidizing the on-campus busing system, in a meeting last night. The Associated Students of Madison’s Student Transportation Board focused on issues surrounding its negotiations with University of Wisconsin Transportation Services and the language being used in the ongoing discussion about the amount students are paying for the services. Student Transportation Board member Laura Checovich said she wanted

the board to address the rhetoric used in the negotiations about how much students will pay to fund the campus bus system. In an earlier Badger Herald story, Vice Chancellor for Administration Darrell Bazzell said UW’s administration hopes to reduce and eventually eliminate the subsidy that comes out of UW faculty’s pockets since students comprise a higher percent of the ridership than they pay for. Referring to this statement, Checovich said she wanted to look at the language being used, especially in terms of the word “subsidy.” She said in relation to faculty parking fees, her impression was the money is used by

Transportation Services generally as the body sees fit. “My issue is that we somehow need to fight back against the administration labeling parking revenues as a subsidy,” she said. “I think subsidy is the wrong word — absolutely they pay for something that pays for part of the bus system, but that’s just the fact of the matter.” She said with this, the faculty paying for parking have not engaged in a trade where they no longer have to pay for the bus system since they paid for parking, and although they are paying for something that pays for part of the bus system, it is not a trade-off. Bus Pass Program Advisor Margaret Bergamini said although there is some truth to the statement that

the faculty and staff are subsidizing the program with parking fees, it may not be the most accurate. “One could also say the students are subsidizing the staff because we could say if they you weren’t here, we wouldn’t have jobs,” she said. Bergamini said it is important to take note of the success of the Madison Metro services and their high use by students, when looking at the negotiations. She said ridership is doing very well, as student ridership increased 6 percent over the last calendar year, but that the numbers showing increased ridership must be taken with a grain of salt, since bus drivers in the past have neglected to correctly document their number of riders.

But, she said in terms of productivity — meaning number of riders per hour — the most successful route in the Madison metro system is the 80, followed by the 85, Madison school district routes, and the 84. She said of the top seven most productive Metro bus routes, five are part of the campus bus system. “A lot of people ride the campus buses and these buses are the most productive in the system,” Bergamini said. Bergamini also said the Student Transportation Board plans to meet with Carl Hampton, special assistant to Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate Damon Williams, to talk about his ideas for changes to improve the SAFEride busing program.

Secret GOP redistricting memo released Document signed by Republicans consulting on legislation contains talking points, call to ‘ignore public opinion’ Katie Caron Higher Education Editor An immigration rights organization revealed a memo Monday that includes legal agreements signed by nearly all Republican state lawmakers promising not to comment publicly about redistricting discussions while new GOP maps were being drafted. The group, Voces de la Frontera, released an official complaint Tuesday, which included a lawsuit challenging the maps’ constitutionality. “Wisconsin citizens will not tolerate this culture of political corruption, and it will not go unchecked,” Voces de la Frontera Executive Director Christine Neumann-

Ortiz said in a statement. “They breach Wisconsin’s Open Meetings law and the state constitution’s prohibition on secret legislative activity.” The complaint listed a memorandum warning Republicans to ignore public comments about the maps and said the actions broke the open-meetings law. It also included a document by Adam Foltz, a legislative aide to Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, which included talking points for the Republican lawmakers to us with the public. Foltz added talking points stating the lawmakers should ignore the public justifications given for the redistricting, because they

would be different from what was explained to each of them at separate private meetings. The document read: “Public comments on this map may be different from what you hear in this room. Ignore public comments.” According to the documents released by Voces de la Frontera, the confidentiality agreement said the discussions in all meetings between Republican-appointed attorneys and Republican state congressmen were to remain confidential. The memos also included outlining points that emphasized anyone who discussed the maps could be called as a witness in the case. The statement said 75

officials signed the memo, 58 state representatives and 17 state senators. According to the statement, Voces de la Frontera’s attorneys filed a complaint with the District of Dane County after discovering violations of Wisconsin’s Open Meetings law. Voces de la Frontera filed a federal lawsuit late last year when the redistricting bill was originally passed, claiming the maps deprived the Latino community on Milwaukee’s south side of an effective voting majority in the Eighth Assembly District. Democratic Party of Wisconsin Graham Zielinski said the GOP memo was keeping with the way Walker

Republicans have run the government, in secrecy and a veil of corruption. Assembly Minority Leader Rep. Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, released a statement that said the memo was an “explosive revelation” and the issue goes beyond political subterfuge, since Republican lawyers have cost taxpayers at least $400,000. “With today’s explosive revelations, we see why Republicans fought so hard to keep their redistricting documents from coming to light,” Barca said in the statement. Calls to Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald’s and Assembly Leader Rep. Scott Suder’s offices were not returned for comment.

Nick Korger

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UW ranked 5th among public university values Madison named to Princeton Review’s top 10 list for 1st time, officials credit focusing on affordable tuition Molly O’Neill Campus Editor The University of Wisconsin was again ranked as one of the best values for a public university by the Princeton Review, ranking fifth on its list for 2012. UW ranked fifth on the organization’s list released yesterday.Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Paul DeLuca said he is pleased by the ranking and that he attributes it to two main factors. “This is the first time we’ve been in the top ten and that is just a wonderful accomplishment,” DeLuca said. “It is the combination of breadth of experience and cost. We provide an enormous program array, and we do it at an extremely good price.” The top undergraduate schools are judged on academics, financial aid and cost of tuition. Jocelyn Milner, director of academic planning and analysis in the Office of the Provost, said with these calculations, publishers often use quantitative data by looking at indicators like graduation rates. She also said higher graduation rates are taken as an indicator of quality, because it means students are engaged enough to stay with the university. “In the last four or five years, we have been focusing on trying to increase high engagement activities,” Milner said. “Freshman interest groups, residential communities, service learning, internships, study abroad and research experience all


help to keep students engaged.” Milner added that, not surprisingly, students tend to stay in school when they are having positive educational experiences. She also said the university took steps to make attendance more affordable in terms of financial aid. “Through the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates and the Great People campaign, which uses philanthropy to generate funds for scholarships, the school has seen a big increase in need-based financial aid,” Milner said. The Madison Initiative cites one of its goals as ensuring that affordability will no longer act as a significant barrier to a UW education. The initiative has added 15.1 million dollars in financial aid over the past two years. According to Milner, the Great People Scholarship Campaign has raised an additional $27 million since it was established four years ago. DeLuca said cost is becoming increasingly difficult to balance with tuition and taxpayer support driving affordability. He said since the university is experiencing struggles with the state budget, there will need to be significant investment in higher education in the next decade or else tuition will have to be increased to keep quality of education high. Despite the funding difficulties, Milner said the university has to work hard to provide for its students. “We don’t try to make a big deal about rankings, but we have worked hard to balance the affordability and quality issue. To have it recognized is a good thing,” Milner said. “I hope this signals to families and prospective students that a UW-Madison education has value.”

STALKING, from 1 Kowis said in a statement that, overall, the organization hopes to build a safe community through education.

RECALL, from 1

GAP, from 1

petitions, because petitioners might be harassed for political reasons, or victims of sexual abuse might be endangered. “This was our protocol last summer in the recalls,” Kennedy said. “This was provided for information purposes and there is a preference to making this public.” Kennedy also said this protocol was established beforehand and this was not kept a secret. He admitted he knew not every signer had been aware they were signing a public document, but overwhelming public demand for the petitions along with previous Supreme Court decisions helped solidify the decision. Kennedy added the petitions have had over 4 million page views since publication. The GAB also ruled during the meeting it would not accept help from two Tea Party groups in checking the validity of the recall petitions. The Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty and We the People of the Republic both expressed concern over the recall process and said they wanted to get involved. Kennedy said the board would not be changing its methods at this point in the process. “We talked about what role the organizations could play,” Kennedy said. “And I think one thing we learn with this many eyes on the process is what we could implement at a policy level. But despite absent administrative rules, our current rules do not provide for this [participation] at this point.” The Associated Press contributed to this report.

reducing achievement gaps has a proposed budget of about $105.6 million, Nerad said. Plans to fund the program in its first year involve utilizing unused tax levy authorities from past years.

Above all, O’Reilly agreed and said PAVE hopes education about this issue and how the month unfolds will empower students to recognize trends and offer victims resources to combat the problem as

Highlights of the plan • Establishing a “parent university” • Adding roughly 67 new positions • Expanding the AVID youth court program • Adding an extra morning class for struggling students • Expanding a United Way program targeted at lowincome parents of young children

Nerad said the plan is in its preliminary stages and the school district plans to have extensive conversations with the community for more input and revision. Hafner emphasized that the question of funds need not be addressed until the plan is further developed. “People always get focused on the funds first, and I think in order to not stop this conversation we have to avoid that conversation until later,” Hafner said. She also said the school district must look at the core principals of the plan, which are teaching and learning environments for the district. It will take the cooperation of non-profit leaders, parents and the business community to close the gap and ensure all Madison children are learning and graduating, Johnson said. “We need to invest in our kids to make sure they are going to school, that they’re inspired to be someone and to be great, and ultimately they graduate and go to college or begin a career,” Johnson said.

a community. “Awareness is the first step in taking action, so that is what PAVE is working to do this Stalking Awareness Month: making people aware,” O’Reilly said.

The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, February 8, 2012



The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Researchers find link between daily diet, maturity UW faculty observe relationship between high calorie content, age of puberty onset Kelsey Ryan Herald contributor University of Wisconsin researchers have discovered a link between large amounts of caloric intake and early onset of puberty in girls. Yesterday, the National Primate Research Center at UW released results from its recent study that found this link through its research on primates.

Researcher Joe Kurian said after careful observation, the scientists discovered a significant decrease in the age of puberty over the last 150 years. More specifically, at one point girls would undergo puberty between the ages of 17 and 18. Now, some girls enter puberty around the age of 12. “This can be very traumatic physically and psychologically to a young girl who is already showing signs of being a woman at age eight rather than age 12,” Ei Terasawa, professor of pediatrics in the School of Medicine and Public Health, said in a statement. Kurian said he, Terewasa,

only difference between the macaque monkeys and humans is that the monkeys age faster, making the process of monitoring their caloric intake quicker and more efficient. As for the UW study, the statement said the team of researchers fed a group of 12-month-old macaque monkeys with two different diets: one including an increased amount of calories and the other a control diet. They monitored the monkeys daily, feeding them their allotted diets. After six months of observation, Kurian and team determined that calories do have an impact on early maturity.

researcher Ricki Colman and colleagues wanted to determine why exactly this decrease has happened. Based on 30 years of research, they developed the theory that caloric intake accelerates the body’s growth, thus accelerating puberty, according to the statement. Being that rhesus macaque monkeys, the subject of the researcher’s work, have similar reproductive and developmental organs to humans, the group was able to test its theory on the monkeys at the Primate Center located in Madison. According to the statement, research from scientists has shown the

Kurian said these results came 12 months earlier than anticipated, however, solidifying their theory that increased caloric intake leads to early puberty. They observed this trend through raised levels of the hormones leptin and IGF-1, Terasawa said in the statement. Kurian said the results provide for more of a reason to closely administer children’s eating habits. He said too much caloric intake does not only increase timing of maturity but also brings about metabolic diseases in adulthood, including type II diabetes, heart disease and cancer. While some may associate

larger caloric intake with obesity, Kurian said it is important to understand that the animals on an increased caloric diet were by no means obese, just merely larger animals in size. He said the team of researchers does not plan on ending its research in the field. “Our next stage of the research is for us to understand how the high fat diet changes your genetic makeup,” Kurian said. He said by ingesting large sums of fat and calories, the genes in a specific part of the brain are changed, and the researchers hope to discover what exactly those genes are.

City Council weighs license dispute Kaylie Duff y Campus Editor The Madison Common Council passed a proposal to allow the Goodman Community Center access to a liquor license Tuesday evening despite hints that Mayor Paul Soglin will veto the ordinance. Hugh Wing, Goodman Community Center Seed to Table manager, presented the council with reasons why the center would benefit from the license. Wing said he has specialized in working with delinquent youth for more than 20 years. “The goal for Goodman Community Center is to create a training center for youth to produce good standards,” Wing said. “The parts we are looking to enhance are to give them an opportunity to work with what businesses are looking for.” Megan McCormick The Badger Herald Wing addressed the Hugh Wing, Goodman Community Center Seed to Table manager, spoke in support of granting concern of delinquent youth the facility a liquor license. The council approved the measure, but Mayor Soglin is likely to veto. around alcohol. He said the youth will

work through their kitchen, cafe and catering program, and licensed bartenders will always be present to ensure the enforcement of laws. “I’m asking you to support giving us an opportunity to train youth for industry standards,” he said. “And also in our investment in our community.” Goodman Community Center board member John Givens, said he had 30 years of experience working with at-risk youth. Givens said an alcohol license would not negatively affect youth at the community center. “Youth are working in the cafe and catering and are already exposed to [alcohol],” Givens said. Givens said alcohol consumption is unregulated under the current system and youth at the community center are frequently exposed to overconsumption. “The lack of security tempts them to act irresponsibly,” he said. “We are asking it to be regulated

JOHN DOE, from 1 Milwaukee Republican Party for fundraising events and creating flyers for fundraising events for Walker’s campaign. As part of the plea, the District Attorney John Chisholm’s office will not recommend jail time in its charges, as long as Wink continues to cooperate in the other ongoing John Doe investigations, Wolff said. Wink faces a $1,000 dollar fine plus court costs and six months in jail for each misdemeanor. As such, she could serve up to a year in prison, Wolff said. “It is now up to [Circuit Judge Daniel Konkol] to accept the guilty plea and to impose any penalties he sees as appropriate,” Wolff said. On Monday, Walker told reporters Chisholm asked to meet with him to discuss the contents of emails his campaign gave them. Walker said in a statement Friday he is

planning to voluntarily meet Chisholm and his office has fully cooperated with the John Doe investigation. However, he did not say whether the D.A.’s office initially contacted him.

“The people of Wisconsin deserve honesty and transparency from our elected officials.” Erik Kirkstein United Wisconsin spokesperson

After the announcement, liberal advocacy groups renewed accusations of Walker hiding facts about the John Doe investigation from the public. “It is becoming increasingly evident to the people of Wisconsin that Scott Walker’s attempts

only in a way a license can be regulated. I think the license will help.” The new event space at the center attracts higher-end events, Becky Steinhoff, the center’s executive director, said. Almost every weekend the space has an event, and the new space is helping to fund the center, according to Steinhoff. “We can’t have that kind of high-end space without allowing customers access to alcohol,” she said. “Some months we have 11 events with alcohol. Alcohol is already in the facility.” Steinhoff reminded the council that the center does have rules, regulations and a mandatory cut-off time. The center does have a catering business, which sets them apart as a community center, she said. With an alcohol license, no alcohol would be allowed in the facility without going through the catering manager. With the license, the center would be able to always have bartenders that would be able

to obfuscate the facts surrounding the John Doe probe is tumbling like a house of cards,” United Wisconsin spokesperson Erik Kirkstein said in an email to The Badger Herald. United Wisconsin is one of the groups that led recall efforts. Kirkstein said with Darlene Wink’s guilty plea for illegal campaign fundraising and Chisholm’s request, Walker has been hiding facts from the public. “The people of Wisconsin deserve honesty and transparency from our elected officials, not charades and smokescreens,” Kirkstein said. “We expect in the coming weeks for the details of Scott Walker’s level of involvement to emerge. Wisconsin deserves it.” Mike Browne, spokesperson for One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group, said Walker has had to backtrack because of his actions and

to determine if a customer had had enough alcohol. Steinhoff added that with the license, the center would always have staff in the room during the consumption of alcohol. Leftover and halfconsumed alcohol would then be locked away and given to the customer the next day. The motion to allow the Goodman Community Center access to a liquor license was carried. Mayor Paul Soglin did not speak during the meeting, but has stated numerous times in the past that he intends to veto the liquor license, according to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4. Verveer said if Soglin chooses to veto the license, the council will be asked at its next meeting to override his veto, which requires a twothirds vote from the council. “It’s very seldom that a mayor vetoes any piece of legislation adopted by City Council,” Verveer said. Verveer said the motion to grant the liquor license was unanimous.

he put out a release late Friday when much of the press could not contact him to control the issue. He said he believes a pattern is developing of Walker misrepresenting serious actions. He also said Walker has hired two high-powered criminal defense attorneys from Milwaukee and Chicago. He said Walker could be paying close to $1,000 an hour for these attorneys. “This is a very serious issue,” Browne said. “Regardless of his public statements, he’s privately very concerned.” The John Doe probe into Walker’s previous administration has resulted in charges being brought against five former Walker employees, including Wink. Two other Walker employees face charges for embezzlement. Kelly Rindfleisch, a former deputy chief of staff for Walker, faces four charges of misconduct in office.


Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Wednesday, February 8, 2012

John Doe looks fishy for Walker

Herald Editorial Half-baked Alaskan law

Joe Timmerman let in, to sue those they illegally admit to their establishment. If the police bust and fine bars for serving liquor to an underage patron, bars then are able to pass on the cost of their inadequacies to those who are underage.

A new Assembly bill would enable bars who allow underage drinkers through their doors to sue them for it later. While touted as a tool to curb underage drinking, the bill is instead an irresponsible costshifting measure that bars would never realistically use. The proposed bill would allow establishments to bring a civil lawsuit against underage patrons whether or not police issued a criminal citation. The establishment would need to prove the underage person’s conduct constituted an underage violation and could use video footage and seize identification cards as evidence in court. Rep. Andrew Jaque, R-Bellevue, modeled the bill after an Alaskan state law passed in 2001. In lieu of the $1,000 Wisconsin penalty, the Alaskan statute also allows for individuals found guilty to attend an alcohol use reform program and pay a $300 fine. There is a basic flaw in the proposal that allows the bars, which have the power to choose who they

There is a basic flaw in the proposal that allows the bars, which have the power to choose who they let in, sue those they illegally admit to their establishment. It’s extremely unlikely that the statute would ever be used by establishments because the cost of hiring a lawyer and bringing a lawsuit would greatly outweigh the money they may receive from a kid with shallow pockets. Also, with the recent tort reforms, which eliminate minimum payments for lawyers in civil cases, very few lawyers would be willing to take

these cases because their potential payoff would not be worth the work. Finally, suing patrons is one of the worst public relations moves an establishment can make, especially for those who primarily serve students and other young adults. If a bar gets the reputation of suing its patrons, young adults are sure to stay away. It is understandable that legislators want to give establishments all the resources possible to curb underage patrons, and the Tavern League of Wisconsin is never far behind with inane drinking legislation. The only effective part of the Alaskan statute which helps curb underage drinking: the choice of alcohol use reform program and $300 fine. As it stands, the bill is only an cost-shifting measure masquerading as a solution to underage drinking. Bars should not be able to punish their patrons for their own institutional inadequacies. That should be left to the police.

Alex Brousseau

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Weekly non-voting Community Member Sam Clegg | Former Editorial Board Chairman Ed i t o r i a l B o a r d o p i n i o n s a r e c ra f t e d i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f n e w s c o v e ra g e .

Defensive measures needed for UW safety

As the old adage goes, shit happens. This is especially true in the world of government. With something as large and complicated as, say, a state government or a campaign for office, things are bound to go wrong. For this reason, some mistakes are forgivable. If one bad apple slips through the vetting and interview process, it’s not a big deal. If an employee gets careless and says something offensive in public, it’s excusable. Even if someone violates a law or two, it’s not necessarily the end of the world. Especially in the world of campaigning and government, there are myriad laws and regulations by which workers must abide. However, when these incidents are no longer isolated but instead are part of a larger trend, it’s a signal that something is seriously wrong. In the case of Gov. Scott Walker and the John Doe investigation of former aides and appointees, it may be time to sound the alarm. As reported by the Wisconsin State Journal, the John Doe probe into illegal acts committed by former Walker campaign staff in Milwaukee County has been going on for over 20 months, resulting in charges being filed against six individuals. Several are charged with conducting political fundraising while working for the county. The most noteworthy charges involve embezzling funds meant for veterans. One former aide is accused of using more than $20,000 intended for veterans to fund personal vacations to Hawaii and the Caribbean. As if that weren’t enough, a Walker appointee is accused of stealing at least $40,000 meant to help wounded

veterans and children whose parents were killed in action. Classy. As part of the investigation and at the request of Milwaukee County’s district attorney, Walker will meet with prosecutors. In preparation for the meeting, he has hired two criminal defense attorneys. Walker claims that the meeting is voluntary, though the DA’s office wouldn’t comment on the matter. Walker’s response, as reported by WTMJ4, when asked if he would have been subpoenaed had he not “voluntarily” met with the DA, is noteworthy for being hilariously nonsensical: “I hadn’t had any personal communication beyond that. So that’s one where we offered, we offered in the past, as the statement said and we’ll follow the lead of those looking into it.” Whatever that means. If true, these charges will reveal what is shaping up to be a pattern of former Walker staff and appointees committing serious crimes while in office. Walker, who has long been controversial for his policies, risks becoming controversial for legal reasons, or worse, possibly illegal ones. Should the charges prove to be true, and especially if they reach to Walker himself, those of us advocating for the recall of Walker will have one more reason to have him voted out. Of course, the investigation is far from over, and the jury is still out. It’s too soon to draw any definite conclusions this early in the investigation. Only time will tell. However, with several former staff and appointees facing various felonies, things aren’t exactly looking up for Walker. Joe Timmerman ( jptimmerman@wisc. edu) is a freshman majoring in math and economics.


Adelaide Blanchard Editor-at-Large The University of Wisconsin raised threat levels on campus Feb. 2 when it issued a statement with a police sketch of a suspect sought in a December assault on North Carroll Street. The university statement urged students to “consider their own personal safety” when they walk at night. Some of the “general personal safety tips” included walking with someone at night, carrying a cell phone, using your “instincts,” drinking in moderation and calling SAFEwalk and SAFEride. The statement was issued to no doubt prevent crime and try to help students stay safe. The tips are good practices, but the advice and resources to stay safe don’t go far enough. There are parts of the release that are very credible, but I have an issue with the scope of this advice. At least they didn’t call it the “general personal safety tips for ladies.” One message is always conspicuously absent in literature about crime prevention and safety: Don’t attack people. Intimidation won’t be tolerated. Threatening to attack someone or starting a fight will not stand. On the prevention side, if someone knows someone who is struggling with aggression and homicidal thoughts, they should seek help. Where is that in the literature? In a recent interview with The Badger Herald Editorial Board, Mayor Paul Soglin said a new initiative to crack down on crime would be to encourage people to turn in criminals whom they may know personally. While there is

Staff Writer

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Campus safety has been a concern in the past few years — with leaders focusing on actions students can take to protect themselves. However, advice may not be aggressive enough for real-life situations. information for a tip line at the bottom of the release, there’s no reason this type of direct message can’t be present in crimeprevention tactics. Naïve? Maybe. But if students need to take extra precautions when out at night, then there is a demonstrated need for law enforcement to take extra measures to detain criminals who pose a threat to campus. Even so, the tips UW mentions, while important and unfortunately necessary, are fairly passive actions. During the assault in December, the victim screamed, distracted the suspect as another car approached and then she got away, according to the statement. Why isn’t “screaming like hell if you’re getting attacked” on the list of safety tips? Why aren’t links to self-defense classes in the Madison area provided at the bottom of the page? What about mace? What about holding keys between your fingers like claws when you are walking home late? (If you’re curious as to where you can take a

self-defense course, here is a link to one offered in Dane County [http:// www.danecountyrcc.org/chimera/].) The original advice UW offered for student safety is sound. The next time you’re out on a weekend or even heading back from College Library, it isn’t a bad idea to let your roommate know when you’re coming home. Maybe call SAFEride. Those are good recommendations. But the bigger picture of campus and city safety has more actors and doesn’t come in a neat little package that the original safety recommendations imply. Based on personal experience, following all these “personal safety tips” in no way guarantees a harassment-free walk home. That does not mean UW students should not follow the advice the university has provided, but alone they paint an incomplete picture of a safe campus and city area.

“We hired the best coach and we went out and got the best kids so get a life.” - E. GORDON GEE, PRESIDENT, THE OHIO STATE The nation’s highest-paid university president directed these remarks at UW darling Brett Bielema, who previously criticized Buckeyes coach Urban Meyer for illegal recruiting practices. Gee, who calls himself a “one-liner,” also quipped to the Associated Press, “We do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor,” referring to why football programs from smaller conferences do not deserve to play in BCS games. Furthermore, he is quoted as saying in a 2002 issue of the Wall Street Journal, “We’re targeting Jewish students. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s not affirmative action. That’s smart thinking.” Honestly, this is the kind of ridiculous shit journalists couldn’t even make up if they tried.

Adelaide Blanchard (ablanchard@ badgerherald.com) is a junior majoring in journalism.

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The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Joe Nistler ArtsEtc. Staff Writer A student organization is trying to reduce waste in Madison by getting their hands dirty and scouring downtown Dumpsters for useful items worthy of donation. Dumpster Diving Revolution is an organization led by UW senior Andy Bose, whose interest in reusing and recycling seems to come from a general awareness of human wastefulness. “I just hate seeing things go to waste,” he said, “and a lot of times the things we pick up are in pretty good condition.” Despite the group’s name, Bose said that actually digging through Dumpsters is only a small part of what they do. Their main event involves collecting items during move-out week at stations they set up outside apartment buildings so that movers can donate their unwanted things directly, eliminating the Dumpster as the inanimate middleman. Nearly everything they collect goes to Goodwill, and the collections weigh a generous amount. “Last year we collected 5.5 tons to give to Goodwill, and that’s not including the furniture,” Bose said. “This year we’re shooting for 10 tons and setting up more locations.” Madison Waste Watchers, a city program aiming to reduce waste, estimated that Madisonians sent an average of about 134 tons of trash per day to landfills last year. If a group of roughly 10 people can gather 10 tons of usable “trash” in just a few days, that is a considerable reduction in the total waste by a disproportionately small group of people. Why do people throw all those valuable things away to begin with? Bose has seen some patterns. “A lot of people who throw stuff out have to fly home after graduation, such as foreign exchange students, and maybe they’re trying to bring back as little as possible. Other times if one little thing goes wrong with a laptop, they will just throw it out,” he said. “And maybe I can’t fix it, but I’m willing to look at it and find someone who can.” The items they collect are mostly clothes, he said, but also include computers, electronics, furniture, books, appliances and kitchenware, even food. The food from move-out day all goes to St. Vincent de Paul, but DDR continues to collect food every Wednesday throughout the year. For the weekly food donations, Bose and his group work with local grocery stores and nonprofits to distribute to nearly 200 individuals in Madison below the poverty line. While plenty of movers surely feel satisfaction at gaining a new sofa or a lamp during “Hippie Christmas,” Bose appreciates the greater good his organization serves. “It feels good to be helping people that can’t afford the things we give them, and people would just be throwing this stuff out anyway,” he said. Dumpster Diving Revolution strives to help with more traditional means of recycling, too. During the football season, they handed out plastic recycling bags to reveling tailgaters to encourage them to recycle cans and bottles — it goes without saying that there is plenty to recycle. And the efforts toward recycling and sustainability don’t stop there, Bose said. “This semester we’re still in talks about what exactly we will work on,” Bose said. “But we’ve

talked with We Conserve, which is working on a project that will divert more food waste to composting.” Bose mentioned a computer and electronics drive during which DDR partners up with Goodwill to collect semi-trucks full of “computers and electronics that people just never got around to getting rid of.” The computer manufacturer Dell then breaks down the computers, recycling or safely disposing of hazardous components that could eventually contaminate ecosystems and water supplies if simply discarded in a landfill. The group’s activities have expanded since its outset thanks to weekly meetings and efforts by those involved; you don’t just start that many ecofriendly initiatives and partnerships overnight. Now a senior at UW, Bose said he started the group unofficially with some friends during their first apartment move-in day in 2010. Affectionately known as “Hippie Christmas,” the week of Aug. 15 brings unfathomable amounts of “trash” to the curbs. It’s when savvy movers are sure to find home furnishings or decorations discarded in overflowing dumpsters, the epitome of the “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” adage. In fact, Bose said he salvaged most of his own kitchen appliances and cookware, and even a laptop, from trash heaps. To some it may seem unsanitary to be cooking with “trash.” But given the number of workingorder items they find, some curbside piles aren’t likely to be any dirtier than a moving box, or a stack of dishes in the sink for that matter. And Bose is not alone. All of the group’s members keep an eye out for useful treasures in their free time, he said, but during scheduled meetings and donation periods, everything goes to charity. While the donations and drives are completely legitimate, the act of Dumpster diving is illegal in Madison, and Bose recalled at least one occasion where the law interfered. A police officer asked Bose and his cohorts to return everything they had gathered to the Dumpster, even the recyclables they had separated from the trash. But Bose keeps a positive attitude about the incident, noting that

Photos courtesy of Dumpster Diving Revolution

Led by Andy Bose, Dumpster Diving Revolution aims to donate unwanted appliances, furniture, electronics and other useful items. Last year, the group collected 5.5 tons of things that area residents had thrown away. the officer was simply doing his job and actually voiced his approval of DDR’s work. It is hard to fault someone for an outlawed action when it benefits so many. Bose indicated at least three levels of beneficiaries. “It helps the community because we take care of a lot of trash that would other wise go into landfills, it helps poor people because they can get things they need for free or cheap and it helps us sometimes because we will keep the things we find in our free time,” Bose said. “Nobody really loses.” To get involved with Dumpster Diving Revolution, search for the group’s name on Facebook or Twitter, or visit tinyurl.com/ddrmadison. The group will hold its semester kickoff meeting Feb. 8 at 7:15 p.m. and will also have a display at the Student Org Fair Wednesday.

The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Mixed results on new Ringo, Paul Remaining Beatles release solo albums in consecutive weeks; Drummer bests lefty Brontë Mansfield ArtsEtc. Writer In 1964, the Beatles made their American debut after the massive success of the song “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” Forty-eight years to the week after the British Invasion, the two surviving members of one of the most famous bands in history, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, have released new records. Although former members of the Beatles, McCartney and Starr’s albums strive to distance them from their boy-band past and further their solo careers.

Kisses on the Bottom

Photo courtesy of Roadside Attractions

In a revelatory performance, a stoic Glenn Close plays a woman concealing her identity as a man in order to hold a highly-sought job in the rough economic landscape of late-1800s Ireland.

Powerful ‘Albert Nobbs’ resonates Inexhaustibly deep emotional performances carry Rodrigo García’s period piece Tim Hadick ArtsEtc. Writer Late 19th century Dublin is a place of hardships; fear of typhoid and poverty grip citizens as they go about their daily lives in a struggle to survive. Albert Nobbs (Glenn Close, “Damages”) is among the lucky few employed as a waiter in an upscale hotel, making enough money to get by. But Albert dreams of owning his own tobacco shop; he’ll live above the shop with his wife and eventually retire on the Ireland coast, and he has saved enough to dare believe his dream could become reality. But Albert has a secret he takes the greatest care in hiding: He is a woman. Originally disguised to find work, Albert adopted a deep voice and donned a waiter’s uniform; he has all but completely abandoned his femininity and replaced himself as a proper gentleman at the service of Ireland’s finest. With a stiff posture and emotionally packed expression, Close crafts Albert into more than a persona of rejected female demeanor. Close transforms herself, and Albert, into a man seeking stability and assurance for the future in a world eager to show how fragile one’s way of life is. Although an unusual role for Close, she

takes on Albert’s rigidity and emotional scars with award-worthy acting. When Albert’s secret is accidently revealed to a painter hired by the hotel (Janet McTeer, “Island”) Albert is shocked to learn he is not the only one taking drastic measures to secure a future. Albert begins to open himself up afterwards, and decides to look for a wife. Albert’s decision isn’t made because of sexual desire, but rather because he is simply looking for a companion and normalcy in the chaos of economic and social unrest. Albert begins to court Helen (Mia Wasikowska, “Jane Eyre”), a beautiful young woman who works as a maid in the same hotel. But Helen’s heart already belongs to the spontaneous and more attractive Joe Mackins (Aaron Johnson, “Kick-Ass”) who promises to take her to America and leave decrepit Ireland behind. The audience can clearly see Albert’s struggle to push himself to pursue a partner, the result of a harsh past Albert must work around in order to achieve his goals. While Helen begins to deceive Albert for money and gifts, she begins to contemplate her choices. She must decide to either take a chance on Mackins and find a better life in America, or settle down

Cast: Glenn Close; Mia Wasikowska; Aaron Johnson; Jenet McTeer Credits: Directed by Rodrigo García; written by Gabriella Prekop, Glenn Close and John Banville; produced by Glenn Close; Running time 1:53 Rating: R Now showing at Sundance Cinemas

with a sure-bet on Albert’s financial success. The film relies heavily on breaks in the emotional tension with crude one-liners and witty interactions between genuine supporting characters that flow surprisingly well. While the cast is large, dialogue is carefully chosen and worded to give characters a three-dimensional feel. The hotel staff has an sense of community that is clear from beginning to end of the film, helping carry the audience through the lulls in Albert’s story. The hotel Albert works at is a central plot device that helps the audience realize the mood and era in which the film is set. Its economic and social ups and downs are set to soft or sorrowful classical music while guests enjoy themselves or leave in

panic. The worn look of the late 1800s is all over the rooms and surrounding area, showing Ireland’s lack of stability and wealth during this tumultuous time. Albert knows all too well how life can change in the blink of an eye, whether we want it to or not, whether we take action or remain still. “Albert Nobbs” is not a focused character study, but rather a reflection of its temporal setting. Eerie connections easily can be drawn between the job market two centuries ago and that of today; people are so desperate for any job they can find that they are willing to do anything. But the film goes beyond addressing the selfish needs of humans and instead focuses on the inherent human instinct to be together and at ease. The film is an explanation of how life is never fair, and how making the best of the hand we’ve been dealt is often necessary. While the morality of this message can be debated, “Albert Nobbs” does an excellent job of depicting the lengths that must sometimes be taken to find contentment and peace.

ALBERT NOBBS Rodrigo Garcia

Paul McCartney’s Kisses on the Bottom would have been a hit if it had made its debut in the 1950s. But in 2012, the endless string of indistinguishable, crooning love songs is sure to flop in the face of college-age audiences.

Even the album art ... is ridiculous to such an extent that one begins to wonder if McCartney is actually making fun of his audience. All of McCartney’s album has an undeniably dated feel, from the first song “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter,” (decade adjusted title: “Imma Facebook You”) to dedicating a whole track to a man with a now nonexistent job in “My Very Good Friend the Milkman.” Many of the tracks on the album are McCartney’s takes on “standards” like “It’s Only a Paper Moon,” but these are songs that will still be more prevalent in torn and weathered piano songbooks than in iTunes accounts. McCartney approaches the aged subjects of his songs with predictable rhyming lyrics and boringly simplistic instrumental accompaniment. The only salvageable song on the album is “My Valentine,” whose relevance to the upcoming holiday rescues it. Even the album art — McCartney peeking out behind a giant bouquet of flowers — is ridiculous to such an extent that one begins to wonder if McCartney is actually making fun of his audience, through thick layers of subtle British irony, for his ability to put his name

on something awful and sell it to the Beatles-loving masses.

Ringo 2012 While much more rockand-roll than McCartney’s album, Ringo 2012 — Starr’s 17th independent record — is still not to be described as Beatles-reminiscent. Starr’s post-Beatles music stands on its own, and especially so in this album full of cheerful rock songs with simple lyrics and lots of electric guitar. For Beatles fans looking for some hint of the band in Starr’s album, “In Liverpool” will disappoint the most: In a recent interview with NPR, Starr said the song was about his pre-Beatles boyhood mates; nevertheless, it is one of the best songs on the album. In the same interview, Starr told NPR about the inspiration for another great song from his new album, called “Wonderful.” With lyrics like “the worst it ever was was wonderful,” Starr sings about his wife of over 30 years, Barbara Bach, whom he first met on the set of Caveman (she spent the duration of the movie in a fur bikini; of course it was wonderful). While a few of the songs glance back at the good times, much of Starr’s album is about optimism towards the future, which is embodied in both the title and modern album art, of sunglasses-clad Starr posing with a peace sign. McCartney’s Kisses on the Bottom seriously disappoints, but Starr’s Ringo 2012 is a solid addition to the drummer’s solo career. The release of these two albums only confirms the validity of the record store scene in “(500) Days of Summer”: “I love Ringo Starr. Nobody loves Ringo Starr. That’s what I love about him.”

PAUL MCCARTNEY Kisses on the Bottom

RINGO STARR Ringo 2012


Glossies, Internet offer deplorable sex advice Amie Kjellstrom Hump Day Columnist Happy Hump Day, horndogs. Because the Internet is really starting to piss me off, this week I took a look at some of the truly awful sex advice floating around out there to show you why, when it comes to “expert” advice, taking it with a single grain of salt just ain’t gonna cut it — best to use the whole shaker. A while back, DatingAdviceSecrets.com published an article called “How To Give a Woman Powerful Orgasms During Intercourse.” Promising title, no? But the columnist goes on to illustrate the kind of scenario that makes me wonder if he based the article on personal experience or a tissue-filled evening of “After

Dark” on Cinemax. On bringing a woman to orgasm: “She may start to shake, scream, or possibly even start to cry. Totally normal … she’ll be fine.” Okay, I’ll admit, I myself have had one or two midcoital Nirvana cries over the years. But usually, if I’m crying like I’m in pain it’s because I’m in pain. It gets worse: “BE VERY NICE TO HER AFTERWARDS ... She may cry (or laugh) for a long period of time afterwards. DON’T WORRY. Just chill out and let her go through it. Speak softly and sweetly and enjoy the afterglow.” Why yes, I am incapable of containing my sensitivity/ hilarity/radioactivity at the penetrative wizardry of your pulsating man-member! Okay, I’m being facetious. But rather than waste time prepping your response, how about focusing your attention on actually making her come? I’m not telling you not to “speak softly and gently,” but when you’re done making her knees shake, try giving her another round instead of

monitoring her hormones. Next up, GQ on how to reinvigorate a stale longterm relationship: “Why not give her the illusion that you’ve been cheating on her without any of the actual cheating? Have a friend call your cell phone repeatedly at odd hours, or quickly cover up your computer screen whenever she walks into a room. Now take her in your arms. Surprise! You’ve been taking a ballroom dancing class the whole time.” If George Clooney had pulled this one on me, maybe it’d be OK — but chances are you’re no salt-and-pepper movie star. Instead of lying, why not take the dance class with your partner, get sweaty together, then go home and do each other stupid in the shower? Or, if you want an exciting take on the whole jealousy thing, go to a bar together but sit on opposite sides of the room and watch as other people try to take what’s yours. When you finally go home together, you’ll be racing each other to the

bedroom. Plus, a night like this can get you talking about the possibility of actually bringing one of those unsuspecting guys/girls home at some point down the line. Later on, in the same GQ article: “Disaster often brings people together. Try to engineer some kind of bridge collapse when you are together, or schedule a vacation when you think there will be an earthquake.” Um … what? If you need me to say it, here it is: Don’t fucking engineer a bridge collapse to turn your partner on. Next up: Cosmo’s article, “Find His G-Spot.” In this article, Cosmo notes that the male G-spot, the “walnut-size gland under his bladder” is the “ultimate magic button to push if you want to blow his mind in bed.” To push this button, Cosmo writes, simply insert a finger (or two) right up his anus during fellatio and feel around a bit ‘til you find it. I could be off here, but my guess is that your partner isn’t going to be too thrilled about you breaking the plane

without his or her permission. Now don’t get me wrong — I’m not discouraging anal. But I am discouraging doing something that may make your partner uncomfortable without getting his or her clear consent. If you think your partner would enjoy that, talk about it before diving in. If your partner’s not up for it, the talk will save you the embarrassment of apologizing while removing your fingers. Now on to my personal favorite: “Why Powerful Women Have Less Sex” from AskMen.com. The article opens with the following line, which seems to come straight out of an episode of “Mad Men”: “If she brings home the bacon, you better be worried.” The article goes on: “A survey of six African countries shows that the more household power a woman has, the less sexual activity she has. Here in America, we are experiencing an unprecedented rise of female economic and sexual power. A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that one in four American couples are

too tired for sex. This statistic begs the question: Are the ‘couples’ too tired for sex, or only the wife? After all, women control the sex lives of most marriages.” Let’s flesh this out. Some women in Africa have less sex. A study on sleep found that some American couples are tired. Therefore, if your lady makes money, your sex life is doomed. Sound logic. My counterpoint: To be successful as a woman in today’s world, you need to be competitive. Competitive people make some of the best partners in bed because they’re not afraid to be aggressive. Chances are, a woman who is successful in her career simply took what she wanted — how sexy is that? Last but not least, Cosmo’s advice to “make condoms sexy” by ripping them on with your teeth. Don’t do it. Unless you want kids in nine months. ‘Til next week. Send Amie a spark at humpday@badgerherald.com.

To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Classifieds ASO to the guy in the front row of LS441 who erased and re-configured all the county and state lines on his computer. Planning a government overthrow and creating new “ districts” ? Getting a bit suspicious..... SO to getting high fives and a burst of cheers after screaming “I’M GAY AND I’M PROUD” at the Jesus freaks on University. ASO to the obnoxious cougher in my Micro470 class. You sound like a bear. A fucking loud, obnoxious bear who is dying. I cannot learn about translocasomes and sigma factors when you sound like you’re on the prowl. take a cough drop with you to class. sheesh...

Badger herald

ASO to sniper colds. For real. I was all sorts of fine and dandy yesterday and you just came out of nowhere and hit me. DASO to already going through a box of Kleenex. SO to figuring out the perfect balance of Allegra and Mucinex to still be able to get stuff done. AMFSO to the girl in the psych building who wont stop cackling. honestly your laugh makes me want to punch a baby.

Happy Birthday SO to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 163 years! woo hoo! Party on Badgers, party on!

ASO to anyone who wears acid-washed, tapered jeans to the SERF and reads a physics notebook while walking one mile per hour on the treadmill. have you ever been to the gym before?! you’re probably only going to burn about 10 calories so do us all a favor and free up those machines for people who actually care about working out.

ASO to the 60 year

SO to the girl who

SO to pantless super bowl parties.


old lady sitting next to me at Steenbock. Your oldness is distracting me.

couldn’t think of the name of a faceoff at the hockey game Saturday. ASO to the girl who didn’t know what the “W” made with the hands was. SO to everyone applauding the group that got #69 in the lotto at the Badger basketball game. I don’t think I’ll ever find that number not funny. SO to sober me, for always taking care of drunk me. The poptart and bottle of water you left on my pillow really helped. DSO to the poptart being confetti cake flavored. What up! SO to the really cute blonde who gave me head in the south stacks last night at memorial. You had a mouth like a dyson vaccuum, never loses suction. SO to having 2 classes with virtually all girls. Communicative disorders classes is where it’s at.

..... MORE >>>

The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, February 8, 2011



ASO to hooking up with bible thumpers, its totally cool that you’re religious and all but your cross keeps hitting me in the face while we are hooking up. I’m trying to make out with you, not Jesus. DSO to the guy at MERIT Library that’s photo-copying Wednesday’s paper because he finally got his first shout out published. Congrats dude! ASO to the person who left their press-on nails on top of one of the iMacs in the 3rd floor computer lab. Are you coming back for them? There are only 7 of them...do you have 7 fingers or only remembered 3? SO to the Rathskeller. You always know how to make my day better. Did I really just see a commercial for watches that dispense seasonings for food?? Yes, yes I did. ASO to the guy in the guts section of college who just said “who just eats cheese by itself?!” You’re going to school in Wisconsin. Everyone loves cheese. ASO to the little girl behind me at the hockey game Saturday. You will not die when the puck hits the glass, there is no need to scream like your arm is being cut off! SO to the guy in room 412 in memorial with a stuffed Yoda toy sitting on his table watching him study. If Yoda helps you study, by all means, keep studying. Yoda is allpowerful. SO to Bad-

gers who love Star Wars. ASO to finding out the girl I hooked up with this weekend used to be a DUDE! WTF?! I feel sick SO to everyone that suited-up for the career & internship fair last night. Barney Stintson would be so proud, Madison! ASO to the ridiculously unproportional amount of times you hear “Park- walk sign is on to cross Park.” compared to “University- walk sign is on to cross University.” DASO to that guy’s voice. SO to the guy in my Comp Sci lecture sharing his iTunes library. Love that you have all of Doctor Who *and* music from Portal. So this is love... SO to the 17 year old girl that punched me while at the Rave last weekend while fighting over a drumstick... sincerely, Mr. 6’2” 230lbs SO to anyone who wants to plan a snowball fight, even though there is no snow :( i miss biddy and her snow day proclamations!

..... MORE >>>


Winning at Scrabble Does Not Mean You Are Smart Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Wednesday, February 8, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Winning Battleship does mean you’re lucky, though


















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.


The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY: Winning at Twilight Imperium just means you’re a nerd


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }




















32 35








33 37
















39 45


22 25




























Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley










Across 1 Baby docs 4 Replay view, often 9 Plays, as records 14 Org. whose logo features the letter pi with an arrow through it 15 Like wickerwork 16 Comic Cheech 17 Pipe joint 18 Start of a quip by 44-Across 20 1980s Salvadoran president 22 Parliament, e.g., in brief 23 “That’s all ___ wrote” 24 Courtier who invites Hamlet to duel with Laertes 25 Key in the middle of the top row 27 “Oh, c’mon!” 28 Quip, part 2 30 Overly assertive 31 Nietzsche’s

“never” 32 Wood used in making some dartboards 33 $$$ for later years 34 Quip, part 3 39 “___ This, Not That! The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution!” 40 “Breaking Bad” network 41 Bagel accompaniment 44 Writer Brendan 47 Quip, part 4 50 ___-retentive 51 London jazz duo? 52 Greenskeeper’s tool 53 Rejections 54 Campaign freebie 55 One of the Beverly Hillbillies 56 End of the quip 60 Awards ceremony rental 61 Watches like a wolf 62 Holder for a toilet paper

roll 63 Pittsburghto-Baltimore dir. 64 Word with cookie or rap 65 Flip over 66 Chemin ___ Dames (W.W. I battle locale) Down 1 You are here 2 Only person to have the #1 movie, #1 album and #1-rated late-night TV show all in the same week 3 On the payroll 4 Feature of Dr. Frankenstein’s lab 5 Come up short 6 Fertility clinic stock 7 Cry over spilled milk, perhaps? 8 Tripping 9 Urban woe 10 Bit of butter

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

11 Van Gogh masterpiece 12 Recesses 13 Bashful companion 19 Invalidate 21 Detroit rapper ___-A-Che 25 Peter who played Columbo 26 Data holder on a cellphone 27 “The Ghost of Tom ___” (1995 Bruce Springsteen

CROSSWORD album) 29 Shipped 30 It’s held up with a hook 33 Resident of the ancient city Choquequirao 35 True 36 Actor McKellen 37 ___ Kitchen (organic frozen food company) 38 Came down 42 Make a cliché 43 Some duplicates 44 Relatives of ukuleles 45 “All right already!” 46 Give a hard time 47 “Gracias” reply 48 Thing watched while driving through a speed trap 49 Subj. of the 1948 Nobel in Physiology or Medicine 51 Small blemish, in slang 54 “Hey!” 55 Razz 57 Pipe joint 58 62-Across, e.g. 59 Duo

Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™

I do not care for all of these silly boutique liquor infusions. I just want my booze infused with alcohol.

The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Knight’s tantamount experience leading Badgers success Badger forward totes impressive resume into post season Nathan Palm Women’s Hockey Writer Winning back-to-back championships is an incredibly tough feat in any sport. It takes players with extraordinary skill and leadership to accomplish such a achievement. The Wisconsin women’s hockey team eagerly awaits that very challenge this postseason. The team will play just two more regular season series before seeking its second straight National Championship, which would mark an unprecedented five championships in seven seasons for the Badgers. If the Badgers hope to have success this postseason the team will look to lean on the leadership and play of senior forward Hilary Knight, who boasts incredible amounts of extremely valuable hockey experience at the collegiate and international level. Knight has been through it all during her career at Wisconsin, especially her freshman year when she was second on the team with 20 goals but endured the devastation of losing the NCAA championship game to Minnesota-Duluth. “I had that [loss] as a motivation coming in my sophomore year, knowing I need to work harder and bring more to the table than my freshman year,” Knight said. “I think looking back on my freshman year, it was a good learning experience, but I kind of feel like I let myself down.” Knight recalled the season as “exciting” but a “heartbreaker” at the same time. Nevertheless, she played a vital role in UW’s

REPUTABLE, from 14 chance he could play as a freshman. I think he’s well-rounded enough that, yeah, he could come in and play if they needed him to. Ideally, you want him to learn behind some other guys for a year or two but Bart’s a big kid, he comes from a winning program, plays against good talent out there in California. He’s got some potential to come in and play immediately. HS: Bart Houston’s name became kind of mainstream for Badger fans a while ago — is he worth that kind of hype? JH: I wouldn’t put him in the “elite” quarterbacks — the top three, four, five quarterbacks in the country. But he’s a guy I could definitely see starting there for a number of years because I think he’s a great distributor of the ball. I think he’s a very heady quarterback. He seems to manage the game well from the quarterback position and I think Wisconsin’s had a lot of success with those types of quarterbacks in years past. Getting the ball in the hands of the playmakers, not making too many mistakes, and I think you’ll see him develop into that kind of quarterback at Wisconsin. HS: Is there a diamond in the rough anywhere in this recruiting class? JH: In a class of ‘12 it’s kind of hard to pick a sleeper. We’ve got some guys in there that we feel [are] pretty accurately ranked. The one that I think could be an absolute huge boom — or could end up busting out, it could go either way — is

Noah Willman The Badger Herald

Between two National Championships and a silver medal from the 2010 Winter Olympics with Team USA, Knight is one of the Badgers’ best players in program history. She is currently UW’s all-time leading goal-scorer with 123. championship season the following year, leading the nation with 45 goals. “We were an unstoppable team that year and it was just a lot of fun playing with Angie Keseley (200509) and Erika Lawler (2005-09),” Knight said. “Those two really guided me through my collegiate career.” Knight played for the U.S. Senior National Team in high school and the annual Four Nations Cup, but she added to her international experience the following year by representing the U.S. in the Olympics. She took an entire year off from school to train and perform in the Olympics, assuring herself another two years of eligibility at Wisconsin.

D.J. Singleton out of New Jersey. Personally, I think the kid’s outstanding. He physically looks like a big time college player right now. He’s big and long — well built, well put together. The one question: Is he too stiff to play safety? That’s what he’s going to have to address at the next level. He may be a guy that bumps down to linebacker. But I think D.J. Singleton, if he finds it, he’s got the physical tools to be a standout. HS: Where does this class rank with Wisconsin’s other recruiting classes over the last three or four years? JH: It’s definitely lower and that’s because of the numbers. A recruiting class has to be looked at from both a quality and a quantity standpoint. It’s a combination of both. Certainly if you’re getting big name guys and instantimpact type players that’s important and they’ve got some of those in this class. But you also have to be able to address your needs and I don’t think they did that in 2012. HS: UW missed out on three pretty big names in Kyle Dodson, J.J. Denman and Jordan Diamond (all offensive linemen). How much did UW miss out on with these guys? JH: Well they were able to pick up Jake Meador on signing day and I think that’s a very solid addition. It doesn’t replace Dodson and Denman, who both [initially committed to Wisconsin], but at the same time, with Meador coming in and [Dan] Voltz coming in, and you also got Walker Williams, the big kid out of Washington, I think


“It was a huge learning experience; definitely a lot of those girls took me under their wing and the Wisconsin combination [of players] over there definitely helped bring [my play] back to the collegiate level,” Knight said. “The Olympic year where she got to train and practice with the best players certainly elevated her game to a new height,” head coach Mark Johnson said. Johnson has seen vast growth and improvement in Knight’s game through the duration of her career. “She’ll be the first to tell you she’s gotten better,” Johnson said. “You got to give her credit. She’s been very dedicated to conditioning and off-ice

they have a solid offensive line class. These are three I think they should feel really good about. Obviously, I think a lot of fans will look at what they missed on but when you look at this group in total I think it’s a strong offensive line.

A recruiting class has to be looked at from both a quality and a quantity standpoint Josh Helmholdt


HS: When you consider the losses they had on the coaching staff — they lost six assistants since the Rose Bowl — is this class about what you’d expect when something like that happens, or did they absorb those blows well enough, all things considered? JH: I think it really hurt them; it really hurt their momentum down the stretch. They started off getting Vince Biegel, getting Dan Voltz, getting Kyle Dodson early on — back by mid-summer — and that was a huge start to this class. Vonte Jackson [is] another guy we have rated four stars. They really kicked off 2012 with a great start and then they just lost momentum down the stretch and one of the reasons is because they lost those six assistants. So I don’t think they were able to absorb them as well as they wanted to, certainly,


training, working hard in practices. The nice thing for her is she’s gotten opportunities to play in the international level whether the Four Nations [Cup], the Olympics, those type of things.” Knight joked that returning to academics at Wisconsin was more difficult than returning to collegiate play from the Olympics. She certainly didn’t show any jetlag from her year away, leading the nation with 47 goals on her way to her second national title just one year ago. “Her preparation has been very, very strong for a long time and when she’s gotten opportunities she’s made the most of them,” Johnson said. “We’ve certainly enjoyed the

and I think it definitely played a role in the class size and missing out on some big names later on. HS: The coaches they’ve picked up since then — are any of them known as a particularly savvy recruiters? JH: The guys that came over from Northern Illinois, I’ve heard their names around quite a bit on the recruiting trail. They could end up developing into some of the better recruiters in the Big Ten — we’ll just have to see how they recruit at that level. Specifically the offensive coordinator, [Matt Canada], and then [tight ends coach Eddie Faulkner], is a guy — actually, I think I’ve probably heard more out of [Faulkner’s] name on the recruiting trail. I think that they, from a recruiting standpoint, refilled their coffers pretty well there at those spots. Actually, a guy who I think is a big loss, [former wide receivers coach] DelVaughn Alexander, was really kind of the guy I heard of more than anybody on that staff. That’s whose name I heard a lot. I think he was a big loss from a recruiting standpoint. HS: Looking on to 2013, what do you see? JH: It’s going to be very important for them to recruit the state of Illinois. The state of Illinois is a prime recruiting talent pool they pull from. It’s very deep, especially with the offensive line talent that is in Illinois. I think going forward to the class of 2013, how they fare is going to hinge greatly on how they recruit the state of Illinois.

four years she’s played at Wisconsin.” Knight now closes in on the end of her long career as a Badger, one marked with consistent dominance and development into a team leader. As the team captain, Knight will utilize her experiences to teach her younger teammates how to prepare for the high-pressure situations that come with the playoffs. “When it gets to playoff time, people try doing more than they’ve been doing all year,” Knight said. “That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it can definitely take away from the steady play that we’ve been expecting from each player throughout the year. So [we] just make sure each

of our players is calm and ready to go.” Even though Knight is the all-time leading goal scorer at Wisconsin and has national championships to call her own, the senior continues to eye the ultimate prize in college hockey with even more desire then her previous two. “I want to win a national championship, and I don’t think anyone in our room will tell you that they don’t,” Knight said. “As a senior, I think it’s even more memorable because it’s my last run at it and we definitely want to go out with a win in our last game because that’s important to us. Whatever we have to do, we’re going to do it in order to win.”


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, February 8, 2012



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ASO to the fake blonde in Com Dis 240 this afternoon who wrote a fake tweet about something that totally didn’t happen during our class. As if one fake update wasn’t bad enough, you then proceeded to google “funny Facebook statuses.” Really? You can’t think of anything in your own life worth mentioning to people unfortunate enough to view your social networking sites? lame.

DOWNTOWN/CAMPUS PARKING: Above and Underground Parking located on Spring, Mills, Randall, Orchard, Fahrenbrook. Large 2 bedroom apartment Flexible terms, great rates. Call across from Camp Randall. 38 255-3933 or johne@jsmproperN. Breese #5, New Kitchen, ties.com today! Hardwoods, Larger Bedrooms, HSO to the person includes HEAT. Please visit talwho made the Boba ALL UTILITIES AND parking lardapartments.com for pictures/ Fett street art included. Large recently remod- layout. 608-250-0202. piece on Van Vleck. eled 4 bedroom with room for 5. Large 2 bedroom flat at 518 S. It’s about time Great central location with easy Mills. Large Bedrooms, LR and access to everything. $1895. someone made good DR, hardwood floors, large front 608-235-5931. street art around porch. Please visit tallardapartcampus. ASO to all ments.com for pictures/ layout. the shitty graffiti 608-250-0202.



people make. SO to my roommate that has convinced a sexy Korean man to teach her Korean. Good work my friend. ASO to hot gay guys. WHY is God torturing me. SO to the pink elephants handing out candy on the street corners. If this whole college thing doesn’t work out for me, I might have to apply to dress up in a animal costume and hand out delicious treats to students.

ing fool, my friend. Word to the wise: resistance is sexy. SO to being able to type “BADGERS” all with one hand! oh, the simple things in life.. XD

SO to my students. Bet you didn’t know that I’m kinky and drink blood during sex.

SO to the crutches party on the 80 today. You all handle those things like champs! Keep on keeping on!

ASO to the guy at the Nat yesterday who thought he should be moving as fast as possible on the elliptical. You looked like a flail-


Ohio State squeaks by hot-shooting Purdue 87-84 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — No. 3 Ohio State had been rolling over intimidated opponents, winning by an average of 27 points a game. Purdue, drilled by 17 points at home by rival Indiana in their most recent game, looked like road kill. Instead, the Boilermakers were up to the task. They went toe-to-toe with the Buckeyes from start to finish before faltering down the stretch in an 87-84 loss Tuesday night. “For whatever reason, we’re like a get-well card for people,” Ohio State coach Thad Matta said of the Boilermakers’ revived play. From Purdue’s

perspective, it was an earthshaking change in 72 hours. “I thought we had a better fight to us,” Purdue coach Matt Painter said. “Obviously, you’re always going to look better when you make shots. We made a lot of shots.” The Boilermakers hit almost everything they took against the Big Ten’s best defensive team, ending up shooting 52 percent from the field for the game after making 61 percent in the opening half. On top of that, they countered Ohio State’s inside strength by making 11 of 19 3-point attempts. D.J. Byrd, averaging 6.5 points a game, had a career-

best 24 for the Boilermakers (15-9, 5-6 Big Ten), while Kelsey Barlow and Lewis Jackson each had 14 and Robbie Hummel added 13. Purdue was coming off a 78-61 loss at home to Indiana. Painter said after that debacle that he was disappointed in his team’s effort. He certainly wasn’t after the close battle with Ohio State. “I thought we played well enough to win,” he said. “We just didn’t get a couple of breaks at the end.” In the wake of that embarrassing home loss, Painter shook up his lineup and replaced Jackson and Ryne Smith with Anthony

Johnson and Byrd. The move seemed to energize the Boilermakers. “Ryne Smith and Lewis didn’t deserve to start,” Painter said. “I don’t think I had five people that deserved to start. I know Byrd did. He’s given us good effort. I thought Hummel gave us good effort (too).” No more than three points separated the teams for the entire second half until William Buford, who led Ohio State (21-3, 9-2) with a career-high 29 points, went off down the stretch. After a first half that featured brilliant outside shooting and sparkling passing, the last 20 minutes

were dominated by physical play, lots of fouls and near hand-to-hand combat under the basket. The Buckeyes finally got some traction with AllAmerica Jared Sullinger and point guard Aaron Craft on the bench with foul trouble. “Sometimes you have to find a way to win,” Craft said. “And we did that tonight.” Buford, the lone senior on the roster, was the triggerman. With the score tied at 73 and 4:38 left, he swished a shot from the top of the key to give the Buckeyes the lead for good. At the other end, Barlow’s shot was blocked by Ohio State’s Sam Thompson.

Buford then hit another long jumper for a 77-73 lead. After Hummel missed a 3-pointer, Buford took a pass in the backcourt from substitute point guard Shannon Scott, stepped back, and hit a high, arcing 3 to make it 80-73 with 2:54 left. Purdue drew to five points on Jackson’s drive through traffic at 1:53. Each team hit a free throw before Buford tipped away a loose ball at the defensive end and raced the length of the court for a dunk with 39 seconds left to give Ohio State enough room to outlast two late 3s by Byrd and Hummel.

The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MOJO, from 14 course for the most part. Of all players who receive 20-plus minutes of playing time per game, Evans and Bruesewitz have the two most costeffective hands on the team in conference play at the moment. Bruesewitz leads the team with a 45.2 percent shooting clip with Evans close by at 42.3. Evans is second with 10.1 points per game while Bruesewitz puts up 7.4. Although Ryan has not typically dipped too far into his bench this season, the Badger frontcourt has also been able to count on freshman forward Frank Kaminsky for the occasional spell. Despite averaging just eight minutes a game this season, Kaminsky has been able to provide Wisconsin with a spark in the second half of the last two games. Kaminsky hit a three that gave

MCCUE, from 14 terms like icing and boarding, I was convinced hockey came with a set of convoluted rules unlike any other sport I had previously played or covered. Yet, after only a period or two of observation, I had a solid understanding of the game and the different strategies for man-down or power play situations. To my delight, icing was actually not that complicated and play often went uninterrupted by penalties and other game stoppages for several minutes. Simply put, a weekend at the rink left me with the realization that any sports fan could quickly not only understand the sport, but find themselves unexpectedly transformed into an avid Wisconsin hockey fan. “It’s a great day for hockey” In a program where football and men’s basketball consume the

Wisconsin a four-point lead against Penn State and then four days later splashed one that pulled UW to within four points against OSU. The shot against PSU also marked the beginning of an impressive 58-second period in which the freshman blocked a shot, grabbed a rebound and assisted on another three-pointer. Kaminsky’s assertiveness from the arc is a welcome change for the rookie, who at one point in the season fell into a slump where he deferred open looks that laid within his range. “Frank’s done a great job,” Paris said. “Off the bench he’s had limited minutes and so when a guy plays limited minutes and he does something that you remember positively — that’s hard to do.” Berggren’s offensive game in conference play, however, hasn’t been as

streamlined lately as the rest of the frontcourt. The Badgers’ center is currently shooting 37.4 percent (46.5 on the entire year) from the field and 29.7 from three. That may be due, in part, to an increased emphasis on his defensive game. Despite the mishap against Sullinger, Berggren has been able to keep the likes of Indiana’s Cody Zeller in check while gaining a reputation as an emerging quality defender. “Confidence-wise, he’s getting better, getting used to playing that many minutes,” Bruesewitz said. “It’s kind of an adjustment at first. You just got to get used to playing that many minutes and being used to more responsibility on the offensive end and everything like that. It just took us a little bit of time to adjust to that, I think.”

loyalty of many Badgers fans, the tremendous success and history of the Wisconsin men’s hockey program is often overlooked. With six national titles and nine Frozen Four appearances since 1973 (the college hockey equivalent of the Final Four), hockey is arguably the university’s most successful program. As the clip that appears on the Kohl Center video board before the game makes clear, and the banners hanging from the rafters reaffirm, Wisconsin has one of the longest and proudest hockey traditions of any school in the country. UW fans still recall the back-to-back Rose Bowls and Final Four appearance of a decade ago with everlasting joy and fondness, but often forget that the hockey team finished as national champions in 2006. From Bob Johnson (who coined the above phrase) to Eaves, the program holds an overall record of 1106-

681-118 and has produced a long list of productive NHL players who all spent time in Madison. This success was hard to ignore when I realized there were at least double the number of men’s hockey banners as there were for basketball hanging from the Kohl Center’s ceiling. So maybe, like me, you thought hockey just wasn’t for you, and that you needed to dedicate more time to checking if Bart Houston is still listed as a four-star recruit by Rivals. He’s been downgraded to three stars, in case you’re wondering. But it’s time to reconsider — it only took me a weekend to change my mind. Ian is a junior majoring is journalism. What do you think is the best part of Badger hockey? Has this column convinced you to attend a game? Let him know by tweeting @imccue or email imccue@badgerherald.com.


Sports Editor Elliot Hughes sports@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Streaky frontcourt getting mojo back Despite offensive success, mental lapse versus OSU costly Elliot Hughes Sports Editor The frontcourt of the Wisconsin men’s basketball team certainly got the message after Saturday’s 58-52 loss to Ohio State. The Buckeyes’ execution inside proved to be one of the biggest differences in the game, with 30 points coming in the paint and 13 off free throws as preseason All-American forward Jared Sullinger scored 24 points himself. Wisconsin had a game plan for Sullinger, but the Badgers strayed from it. With the objective incomplete, it led to an overall failure of the mission Saturday. A rare mental lapse, indeed, for a team that routinely finishes in the nation’s top 10 in points allowed under head coach Bo Ryan and is currently allowing fewer points than anyone else. “In that game, we had really worked hard on trying not to allow the ball in the post and then had a scheme based upon that, about what we would do when it did get there and

where we would allow it to come,” assistant coach Lamont Paris said. “I think we just got off of our game plan, as far as trying to do that. That made our jobs a little harder because we didn’t make it as hard as we needed to for him to catch. “Typically, we’ve done a great job [with] the scouting reports, a really really exceptional job.” The defensive slip is just another little bump in this season for Wisconsin’s frontcourt, which has played admirable defense all season and improved offense. In the post-game press conference Saturday, Ryan made it quite clear he wasn’t pleased with the defense’s attack on OSU’s post-play. Minutes afterward, forward Jared Berggren — who went one-on-one with Sullinger for much of the first half — accepted some of the blame. And talking to the media Tuesday, forward Ryan Evans appeared to have his defensive shortcomings occupying his mind more than anything else. He fielded two questions about his offensive performance from Saturday, but concluded both answers with a reminder that he also

should have performed better defensively. Moreso in the second half, Evans, along with forward Mike Bruesewitz, took turns on Sullinger and held him to eight points after he had scored 16 in the first. Evans listed his weak points from Saturday: “Following the scouting report and also boxing out on the defensive end. I got to do a better job boxing out and getting more of those rebounds. If I was doing that I think I would probably be third in the Big Ten by now in rebounding.” Evans is currently fourth in the conference with 6.6 rebounds per game. “But I wasn’t doing that in the last game and I haven’t done that in a couple other games so I need to work on that,” he added. On the other hand, Wisconsin’s frontcourt appears to have ripened offensively over the past several games. Bruesewitz started slow offensively during the non-conference season, which preceded a shooting slump from Berggren and Evans as the Badgers entered Big Ten play. But things have reversed

MOJO, page 13

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Ryan Evans (5) holds a team high average of 6.6 rebounds per game, good for fourth in the Big Ten. Evans fielded questions from reporters this week pertaining to his offensive output, but constantly referenced his need to play better defense after Saturday’s loss to OSU 58-52.

UW’s 2012 class small, reputable Rivals.com’s Josh Helmholdt weighs in on Wisconsin’s newest recruits, their potential Elliot Hughes Sports Editor

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Bret Bielema wrangled in a small 2012 recruiting class, signing only 12 players on scholarship, despite offseason turmoil on his coaching staff with the departure of six assistant coaches.

With National Signing Day in the past, caught up with Midwest analyst Josh Helmholdt of Rivals. com to talk about the Wisconsin football team’s 2012 recruiting class of 12 scholarship players and seven preferred walk-ons. Helmholdt touched on the highs and lows of the 2012 class, including the highly-anticipated new quarterback, Bart Houston, as well Wisconsin’s coaching carousel and how it affected recruiting for Wisconsin. Herald Sports: On your website, UW isn’t ranked in the top 50 nation-wide, but it’s eighth in the Big Ten. What’s your overall assessment of this class? Josh Helmholdt: Obviously, what’s notable about it off the top is that it’s a very small class. Twelve signees in this period — that’s a small class any year for anywhere. That being said, there’s some definite big time players in this class. I specifically

think that Vince Biegel, linebacker out of Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln, is the best linebacker in the entire Midwest this year. What he brings to the table size-wise, athleticism-wise and then having that pure linebacker mentality — I think he’s going to be a tear in the Big Ten for a number of years. I also really, really like Dan Voltz, the offensive guard out of the Chicago area. Again, two of the best players at their position in the country. HS: Do you think either of those two or someone else might be able to start next season or at least come off the bench, not just on special teams? JH: It’s always tough for offensive linemen to come in and play immediately. The question I get asked a lot is will Bart Houston, the quarterback out of California, be able to come in with Russell Wilson leaving? And I think Bart has a chance. I definitely wouldn’t say no, out of the question, there’s no

REPUTABLE, page 11

Crease Creatures have it right, hockey not so bad Ian McCue Right on Cue This weekend, I finally crossed off a glaring problem on my sports fan resume that I feel guilty for delaying so long. I attended a Wisconsin men’s hockey game. From the McClimon Complex to the Shell to the Kohl Center, I’ve covered quite a variety of sports in my time with the Herald, but never hockey. The strange game played by men on ice skates fighting for a rubber puck seemed so foreign

and confusing to me that I relegated it to the category of “sports beyond my realm of knowledge.” However, after spending several surprisingly exciting hours in the press box over the weekend series, I can honestly say I became a fan of Canada’s national sport. So here’s an attempt to highlight the best parts of Wisconsin hockey, and convince even the most diehard of basketball fans (a group I consider myself a part of ) that it’s worth trekking to 601 W. Dayton St. on a chilly February night to cheer on Wisconsin’s most talented skaters. The action never slows Perhaps the most surprising and exciting aspect of my first Wisconsin

hockey experience was the lightning-fast speed of the game and constant scrums for the puck. In a way incomparable to any other sport, there is never a dull moment on the rink as players on both ends fly like a missile into the boards and chase the puck at breakneck speed. NHL teams run wellorchestrated offenses with passes that glide precisely from one player’s stick to another’s, but college hockey is a much different game. With passes routinely making it past their intended target and skaters regularly losing control of the puck, there are constant changes of possession that would keep even the most level-headed of sports fans on their feet. Shots

are constantly fired at the net, and the goals are as unpredictable as a 20-point night from Ben Brust. Despite my lack of hockey fandom, I suddenly found myself completely involved in the game, attempting to maintain some level of professionalism and keep quiet as slapshots flew off the goal post and the opposing goalie came up with bodybending saves. For those who have grown weary of the tiring pace of Bo Ryan’s swing offense on the basketball court, there is likely no better prescription for fast-paced excitement than a Friday night at the Kohl Center. Rowdy fans welcome After enjoying a couple games on the Badgers’ home

ice, it’s clear that the Kohl Center lives up to its widely acknowledged reputation as one of the most intimidating venues in college hockey. As the student section transforms from the Grateful Red to the Crease Creatures, the arena fills with students chanting “sieve” as the band plays “On, Wisconsin!,” creating a rambunctious atmosphere. Although basketball games get the Kohl Center bumping, the crowd erupts after big hits and near goals and at times, by my judgment, is louder than when Jordan Taylor & Co. take to the hardwood. Pounding on the glass and offering a collection of cheers unfamiliar to football and basketball fans, loyal followers of Mike Eaves’ squad love their sport and

they make it known. They are one of the more dedicated fan bases on this campus, and it’s worth attending a game just to take part in the fun to be had in the stands. It may not match the 14,000 students that blanket the Camp Randall student section with cardinal and white on Saturdays in the fall, but what the Crease Creatures lack in number they make up for in volume. What the hell is icing? My greatest anxiety heading into the Kohl Center, newly topped with a sheet of ice, was that I simply wouldn’t be able to pick up on the rules and trends of the game. With exotic (perhaps Canadian?)

MCCUE, page 13

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