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After nearly a century, WIAA can’t leave Madison Nick Korger says the tournament in Madison is too valuable of an experience to take away from Wisconsin high schoolers SPORTS | 10


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Texts reveal Chadima conversations Jackie Allen Campus Life Editor New documents obtained by The Badger Herald regarding the investigation into former senior associate athletic director John Chadima reveal inappropriate text messages were sent from Chadima’s phone and more than $1,000 in damages were made to a hotel suite following a party for Athletic Department employees during the Badgers’ trip to the Rose Bowl. The documents, released by

the University of Wisconsin, include Chadima’s text correspondence before, during and after the team’s trip, with many of the names and conversations with his correspondents redacted. Chadima resigned early Jan. 6 after he was placed on administrative leave. A UW independent review board later released a 30-page report detailing an alleged sexual assault against a male student Athletic Department employee at a party during the football team’s trip to the Rose Bowl.

Two similar allegations have since come forward. The documents detail a text Chadima sent on the night of the party that read “get ur Ass up here,“ and, “you are fired. sending you home on a greyhound tomorrow.” The texts were presumably sent to a UW Athletics Department student employee. The student joked about leaving UW, then subsequently apologized. Chadima responded the individual would need to leave the next day, and had “5

minutes to get ur ass to my room, or ur fired.” The party also resulted in a broken table amounting to at least $1,100 of damages in the hotel suite, according to the documents. In a later text, Chadima apologized for the damage and said, “managers admitted to it, so they will pay 4 any damages.” In a news conference with UW journalism students, Director of Athletics Barry Alvarez criticized Interim Chancellor David Ward’s handling of the investigation.

He said previously, names have not been released of university officials who were being investigated until they are found guilty. Alvarez added the portrayals of the Dec. 30 party as an underage drinking party are inaccurate, saying the party was held for secretaries, custodians and equipment people. “This is their camaraderie. They have every right to get together at a function,” Alvarez said. “Now at this particular one there may have been — which I don’t agree with, which I

would never accept — student managers there.” Alvarez also said he was not aware of how many underage students attended the party. The report released by the independent review committee also found Chadima provided alcohol to underage students, funded from Athletic Department donor funds. Amy Toburen, UW’s director of communications, also confirmed university officials could not locate a record on

CHADIMA, page 3

La Follette shows intentions for run Secretary of state files papers with GAB to explore potential gubernatorial race La Follette said. “I’m a strong independent Democrat with statewide support who listens As a potential recall race to everybody rather than against Gov. Scott Walker special interests.” La Follette said he is looms, the field of declared and possible opponents is considering a run because he growing, as current Secretary is disturbed by the current of State Doug La Follette is state of affairs in Wisconsin. taking his first steps toward He said he has worked in public employment for the running for governor. past 35 years and has La Follette said he traveled the country. plans to file paperwork He said he used to be with the Government proud when people Accountability Board would come up to him to form a campaign and compliment him committee today. on how progressive While he said he is Wisconsin was. not actually in the race However, he said in as of this moment, La Follette the past year Walker he wants to form the has led an assault on committee to explore democracy by restricting the his options. He said polls that have right to vote. “I’m motivated to bring been taken so far to gauge the population’s feelings people together to find for the current candidates solutions, not to divide have not included him. La people,” La Follete said. He pointed to cuts to the Follette cited a Marquette poll that put Walker ahead University of Wisconsin of challengers, saying System as one of the prime that people do not seem reasons he wants to enter too excited for the other the race. He said he worked candidates. Former Dane as a university professor and County Executive Kathleen said these cuts will lead to less Falk and Sen. Kathleen research. He said Walker has also Vinehout, D-Alma, have both declared candidacies. “I’m not a Madison liberal,” LA FOLLETTE, page 3

Sean Kirkby

State Politics Editor

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Sen. Kathleen Vinehout pinpoints some of her main goals if she were to be elected in a potential recall election against Gov. Scott Walker. She explains her journey from farmer to senator to gubernatorial candidate.

Vinehout: Cuts to education hurt Governor candidate unloads on policies close to campaign, says it’s time to move ahead Mike Kujak State Legislative Editor Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, is one of two announced Democrats running against Gov. Scott Walker in a potential recall election. Vinehout, 53, spent 10 years as a dairy farmer and 10 years teaching health administration to college students, before being

elected to public office in 2006 and re-elected in 2010. The Badger Herald sat down with Vinehout to discuss her gubernatorial aspirations. The Badger Herald: You have got a bit of an irregular story behind you. Do you want to tell us how a dairy farmer of 10 years finds her way into the Wisconsin Senate? Kathleen Vinehout:

My work on federal and state dairy policy with the farmer’s unions eventually brought me to the Capitol. After giving testimony one day, some of the senators came up to me after a hearing and said I should run for the Senate. I went back home and started to do the math on my district. I realized

VINEHOUT, page 3

MPD, county continue to clash over detox services Intoxicated person left outside center after all medical beds declared full Leah Linscheid City Life Editor Tensions between Dane County officials and the Madison Police Department intensified in an incident Monday when officers left an incapacitated person at the county detox center, despite their insistence they were at capacity. Tellurian UCAN, the company contracted to perform detox services through the county-owned building, turned away police who brought an intoxicated individual to the center for treatment, according to a Madison police report originally obtained by the Isthmus. Officers placed the individual in the entry room and slipped detox paperwork under the door. Tellurian staff informed the police that it was at medical capacity and could not take the intoxicated

individual, the report said. The officers watched the intoxicated individual for a period of time and then left the scene, and the detox center then paid for an ambulance to transport the individual to the nearest emergency room. Tellurian spokesperson Kevin Florek said since the incident, the detox center has taken steps to prevent similar issues from occurring. “What we’ve done since then is we’ve locked the door, put up a sign and we call dispatch as a courtesy to the police [when we are at medical capacity],” Florek said. “We want to work with them, and it’s been a great relationship so far.” Dane County cut funding to the detox center by $200,000 this year. Florek said staffing patterns have decreased to preserve a client-to-staff ratio that meets medical and safety standards. The result is a lowered capacity to take in incapacitated individuals that need medical attention. Dane County Human Services Director Lynn Green said the county funds 10 of the detox center’s

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beds. In a recent change to the county’s contract with Tellurian, the beds can only be used by intoxicated individuals brought in by law enforcement if the beds are not already filled by citizens voluntarily seeking treatment. “We want to focus our funding to detoxing [people] and engaging them in the treatment that they need and they are willing to participate in,” Green said. “Given that we believe our mission from taxpayers is to use what resources we have in evidence-based, costeffective ways, we believe this is a change and focus we needed to take.” Green said data has shown 5 percent of individuals who spend less than two days in the detox center never engaged in meaningful treatment within 60 days of their discharge. MPD has expressed their concern with the changes to Tellurian in the recent past. MPD Chief Noble Wray sent a letter to Dane County Executive Joe Parisi outlining his belief that the

DETOX, page 4

All in a decade’s time Michael Voloshin and Matt Rockwell, WSUM members, gather at Union South Wednesday to commemorate the station’s 10th anniversary. Rockwell will be leaving the station in the near future after seven years of helping the station grow. Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

For Story See Page 2

INSIDE Expert takes up UW affirmative action policy

How to save the music industry? Listen closely

A professor addressed the campus community on issues surrounding preferential admissions.

In the second installment of a two-part column, Paper Radio explains why active listening matters.


ARTS | 7



The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, February 23, 2012

Events today 2 p.m. SOAR Program: Campus Update Forum TITU Union South

9:30 p.m. WUD Film Presents: The Muppets The Marquee Union South






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snow showers

partly cloudy


snow showers

City crime statistics see decline in 2011 With exception of homicide, theft, fraud, Madison rates fall across major categories, attributed partially to citizen aid Camille Albert

Events tomorrow 2:30 p.m. Global Health Film Series: Rise of the Superbugs L151 Education

Need to publicize your event? Send an email to: editor@badgerherald.com

Reporter Despite the threat of a growing heroin epidemic throughout the city, Madison’s crime rates significantly dropped in 2011, according to a Madison Police Department report. The report said crime rates in all major crime categories except for three decreased by 9.3 percent in 2011 from the previous year. The categories that went up included theft, fraud and homicide. Theft rose from 6,289 crimes in 2010 to 6,440 in 2011; fraud went from 1,108 in 2010 to 1,147 in 2011; and homicide incidents went from two in 2010 to six in 2011. MPD Lt. Dave McCaw said the overall drop is a result of the department’s continuous ambition to perform better

and more efficiently while providing the city’s citizens with the protection they need. According to McCaw, citizens have also contributed to the drop in crime by reporting crimes to the police department sooner than in pervious years. He added improvements in technology have also been helpful for crime prevention. The increase of cell phone ownership has made it easier to detect crimes quicker and provide more efficient communication. Crime in the downtown and campus areas has decreased, as well. McCaw said MPD expected crime rates to go up last year because of massive protests at the Capitol and a general increase of people in the area, but the protests produced the opposite effect.

“We didn’t have any fights, disorderly conducts or anything when we were dealing with a huge increase in our population for those days,” McCaw said. “For some reason, while the protests were happening, we were experiencing a huge, noticeable wall in crime.” Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said innovative techniques used by University of Wisconsin police officers have proved effective to reduce crimes, including bike theft and downtown bar threats. McCaw also said bar policies have played an important part in curbing crime. “Downtown bars are being more careful on over-serving, and everybody in their little spectrum is trying to deal with their issues better,” McCaw said. “Everyone

15,000 copies printed every weekday. Published since September 10, 1969. Telephone Fax

Herald editorial

Jane Milne Herald Contributor

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

University of Wisconsin libraries have been hurt by statewide funding slashes, reducing the libraries’ workforce and examining each service they provide.

State budget cuts take toll on campus library system

Nick Korger

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are sold to pawn shops and other secondhand dealers, according to the report. These measures hope to drive down heroin-related crimes. Resnick said despite lowered crime rates, there are still crime-related issues that need to be addressed in Madison. “It’s always something to promote the fact that we have a safe city, but we can still see that we don’t live in a crime-free community,” Resnick said. “Crimes of sexual nature and of firearm use are still a bit jarring, even for a community of our size.” Resnick said the decrease in crime is a reflection of the Madison community itself. He said the community is willing to respond and help each other, which is why statistics have dropped across the board.

WSUM reflects on station’s life

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Editor-in-Chief Signe Brewster Managing Editor Ryan Rainey Editor-at-Large Adelaide Blanchard News Pamela Selman News Content Katherine Krueger Deputy News Ally Boutelle City Hall Adrianna Viswanatha City Life Leah Linscheid State Politics Sean Kirkby State Legislature Mike Kujak Campus Life Jackie Allen Higher Education Katie Caron Multimedia Ramsey Statz Assoc. Multimedia Meher Ahmad Video Director Gregori Kanatzidis Editorial Page Taylor Nye Editorial Page Content Reginald Young Ed. Board Chairman Alex Brousseau Sports Elliot Hughes Sports Content Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Ian McCue

keeps getting better and better to provide better services.” The use of programs to inform citizens about crime and safety, such as advocacy groups to support women suffering from domestic abuse, also attributed to the drop in crime rates, McCaw said. MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain cited programs targeting gang members as another effective solution to crime. DeSpain said even though reported crimes to MPD decreased in 2011, it does not mean problems facing the city have dissipated. MPD is still facing significant problems with the growing heroin epidemic, he added. MPD also recently promoted a new ordinance that will allow officers to better track stolen items that

Alissa Scalzo Herald Contributor As a result of funding cuts presented in the state budget, University of Wisconsin libraries will take a hit in services and staffing. Gov. Scott Walker’s budget will cut Wisconsin libraries’ funding by more than $18.9 million in 2012. Deputy Director of Libraries Ed Van Gemert said the protections campus administration have placed on the library collections from reductions have hindered UW libraries. He said UW libraries have not been permitted to fully participate in cooperative purchasing programs for electronic resources and e-books with their peer institutions in the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, a resourceswapping consortium for Big Ten schools. “The library has met [budget] reductions by canceling and reducing print and electronic journal subscriptions, electronic databases and books,” Van Gemert said. The reductions have reduced the libraries’ work force by 15 percent in the last two years, while many positions have gone unfulfilled, Van Gemert

said. Reductions require the libraries to examine and prioritize every service they provide, including programs, to align with UW objectives. Van Gemert said staffing would need to closely align with those designated priorities and they will need to be very strategic in hiring new employees. “Although this will be a challenge, library staff will respond positively because they are committed to service excellence,” Van Gemert said. Van Gemert said libraries are not only important to campus, but also offer academic library services to the community, including borrowing privileges and expertise from trained professional librarians. “We cherish the opportunity to promote the Wisconsin Idea, and we actively seek partnerships on and off campus that support teaching, research and learning,” Van Gemert said. Tana Elias, web resources and marketing coordinator at Madison Public Library, said city cuts would affect local libraries more. Elias said most of the local library funds come from the city of Madison.

Other funding stems from private fundraising, and some system contracts like those from the National Public Library, which is part of the South Central Library System. She said this system is funded almost entirely by state and federal money, and a cut to this system means the libraries must make up the difference. “The system provides access to their LINKcat catalog, which is a major library service, [so] if all of a sudden that system service wasn’t funded all of the libraries would need to come up with that funding,” Elias said. She said Madison Public Library gets its Internet service from UW’s WiscNet at a reduced rate because of its public status. Elias said if WiscNet is no longer an option for libraries in 2013, they will be forced to rely on private telecom companies for Internet access. This would result in libraries paying two to three times more for the same service, which would drastically affect the budget, she said. “You will see reduced city and the library system funding because that would immediately affect all of the funding,” Elias said.

The University of Wisconsin student radio commemorated its 10-year anniversary Wednesday with events at Union South, celebrating its first broadcast from Vilas Hall on Feb. 22, 2002, at 2:22 p.m. WSUM struggled to start up as a student radio station, as five different stations strove to gain status on campus between 1952 and 1993. Each station failed because of monetary issues or troubles with the Federal Communications Commission. In 1993, WSUM received support from journalism professor James Hoyt and Dave Black, WSUM general manager, who would ultimately aid in the creation of the station. Steve Horn, WSUM promotions director, also said the radio station faced a major debate over gaining the rights to build a radio tower. However, Horn said WSUM staff worked tirelessly to provide students with the opportunity to broadcast. “I’d like to think our growth proves to everyone who worked so hard that their determination was worth it, and that thousands of students and community members have benefited from their efforts,” Horn said. Today, WSUM is a national award-winning radio station with 24-7 programming of music, talk and sports shows. The station has served thousands of UW students and Wisconsin residents, giving listeners a wide range of programs and students many opportunities to learn about broadcasting, Horn said. “Over the last 10 years, we’ve grown from the stereotypical, dirty, college radio station when

we were above Urban Outfitters on State Street to a stunning, high-tech, nationally renowned station that has always provided an incredible source for alternative music and talk to the Madison community,” Horn said. WSUM members are excited to show off the new studio to former members, WSUM Assistant Program Director Justin Barney said. “It is also going to be really exciting for former DJs, executive management members [and others] to see our new studio,” Barney said. “Before we moved into 333 East Campus Mall, the digs weren’t so nice, and it will be cool to show them where we are now.” Barney has worked on the broadcast for the past year, which is one of the reasons he is looking forward to the 10-year anniversary. Barney added as the music assistant program director, he will have the opportunity to talk to music directors before him to discuss past projects at the radio station and current student work. “Since the staff is made up of students who come and go, the 10-year anniversary is a chance for all of us to come together and celebrate what we have all contributed our small parts to,” Barney said. Horn said the station’s 10-year anniversary is incredibly significant because the decade is not a long time in the radio world, and WSUM has made a great deal of progress in that amount of time. “The changes we made since 2002 are monumental,” Horn said, “but I can’t even begin to image how incredible WSUM is going to be in 2022.”


Jake Begun Vice Chairman

Peter Hoeschele

Expert addresses preferential admission policies at UW

Vice Chairman

Signe Brewster Vice Chairman

Bryant Miller Corey Chamberlain Jillian Grupp Roshni Nedungadi Pam Selman Eric Wiegmann Readers may pick up one complimentary issue each day. Additional copies must be picked up at 326 W. Gorham St. for $0.25 each. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent of the editor in chief. Copyright 2012, The Badger Herald, Inc.

Lauren Tubbs Herald Contributor A University of Wisconsin professor applied philosophical arguments to the hot topic of preferential admission policies in universities in a lecture Wednesday evening at Grainger Hall. Philosophy professor Daniel Hausman, who joined the UW faculty in 1988, addressed the quality of various arguments in opposition to UW’s preferential admission policies brought about by affirmative action laws. Hausman said there are three main arguments for and against the preferential admissions policies. He said the issue of discrimination

goes against these policies, while the idea that universities rectify past injustices against African-Americans and lessen inequalities in opportunity support them. However, Hausman said the arguments regarding compensation for past injustices and discrimination are not sound. “Preferential admissions just isn’t like the Jim Crow laws. It isn’t degradation or hatred against the white students, which is what made the Jim Crow laws so unacceptable,” Hausman stated. “And rectification and replication arguments don’t hold because it is very hard to identify a perpetrator and a victim.” Hausman identified the argument that preferential

admissions helps diminish the inequality in educational opportunities faced by African Americans and whites as a reasonable way to approach the debate. “When one takes into account that many whites have been privileged in a variety of ways and they’ve been in circumstances of greater opportunities than AfricanAmericans by providing preferential admissions for African-Americans, I think they are made more equal in a lifetime sense,” Hausman said. Hausman said while his speech was made more timely by the Supreme Court’s recent decision to address affirmative action policies, he was more interested in how philosophical arguments could be used when looking at

the debate. UW spokesperson John Lucas said in an interview with The Badger Herald that current UW policies are a “comprehensive review of applicants.” Lucas said while race is taken into account, the primary qualification evaluated is academic preparation. While the national Center for Equal Opportunity does not consider the preferential admissions process in such a positive light, Hausman said he still considers them to be necessary. The center started a series of discussions and small protests last semester when it accused UW of reverse discrimination policies. “The Center for Equal Opportunity has not shown that preferential admissions

at UW is unfair or harmful,” Hausman said. “Equal opportunity, like diversity, is a good reason for preferential admissions.” Listeners at the event responded positively to Hausman’s points, but also questioned whether the preferential admissions policy was the best way to accomplish UW’s education objectives, specifically of achieving the highest graduation rates. Hausman replied the absolute highest possible graduation rate is not the sole objective of UW. He said UW also has an objective of diversity, which will prepare students for positions in the real world where they will have to work with people from every background.

The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, February 23, 2012


Dane Co. unveils grant to battle Madison homeless Local groups team up to form Southwest Housing Partnership, aim to combat vagrancy in southwest neighborhoods, streamline resources Leah Linscheid City Life Editor With the hope of addressing the growing homeless population of southwest Madison, a partnership of community organizations received a major grant Wednesday to fund housing issues in the area. Common Wealth Development, Dane County’s Joining Forces for the Families, Public Health Madison – Dane County and the Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ announced their formation of the Southwest Housing Partnership, which will focus on addressing issues of homelessness in five neighborhoods in the

LA FOLLETTE, from 1 made it more difficult to build wind turbines and has, along with the Republican Legislature, threatened wetlands. “The Wisconsin Idea, of Bob La Follette and the Progressive era, was much different,” La Follette said. “I would change policies by bringing people together.” La Follette’s decision drew praise from fellow Democrats, including other candidates running for governor. Vinehout said she was

VINEHOUT, from 1 the current incumbent Republican had won because Democrats had voted Republican in the district. I could see how to get the votes and win, and that’s when I seriously explored running for Senate in 2006. BH: You mentioned your work with unions and your work as a professor. What do you think about the state’s largest teacher union already endorsing Kathleen Falk in the race? KV: I think it’s a mixed blessing for both candidates. The blessing for Falk is she has the endorsement, but the downside for her is she has a lot of people who are angry with her. The upside for me is others become interested in my campaign because they see me as the grassroots or populist campaign. The downside is the loss of independent expenditures that come with the endorsement, like the outside money that won’t be going to the campaign but money that will go to direct mail and ads.

CHADIMA, from 1 file of a written reprimand for a 1998 incident in which then-UW quarterback Mike Samuel was arrested for driving drunk in Chadima’s pickup truck. Then-Athletic Director Pat Richter said in public

southwest Madison region. The partnership was made possible as a result of a two-year grant of $130,000 gifted by ORUCC, according to JFF Community Social Worker Mike Bruce. Other members of the partnership worked together and submitted a grant proposal to ORUCC, which chose to move forward with the idea, Bruce said. “If it weren’t for Orchard Ridge, none of this would happen,” Bruce said. “We were very fortunate to take part in this. [They are going] to put $130,000 toward our proposal, which is a very significant portion to put forth for a relatively small church.” A main goal of the

partnership is to create the paid occupation of a “housing organizer,” according to Bruce. The position will function to mobilize a coalition of service providers, including local businesses, residents and faithbased organizations, to streamline current resources and make them more available to those in need. The housing organizer will also work with renters, homeowners and other residents within the neighborhoods to engage them in the proposal and establish priorities for the next two years. “It’s one of the first types of proposals of this kind we’ve come across,” Bruce said. “It seeks to balance

pleased to hear La Follette is taking the steps to run for governor. She said even though La Follette has not made the decision to run, by taking the first steps, he has presented Wisconsinites with more choices. Vinehout added that La Follette’s inclusion would lead to more vigorous debate “We need to have lots of candidates in this race,” Vinehout said. “This is what democracy looks like.” Graeme Zielinski, spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, said La Follette

would make a strong candidate against Walker as he has won several elections. He said La Follette would be a part of an open primary to find the best possible candidate to take on Walker. “[La Follette] would clearly listen to the people of Wisconsin,” Zielinski said. “And any candidate who pledges this would not operate like Governor Scott Walker.” Falk’s campaign declined to comment on La Follette’s decision. Walker’s campaign could not be reached for comment.

BH: While we are on the issue of elections, if you ask any politician about money and politics, they will say it is horrible, but then nothing gets done about it. What would you do to ensure more fair elections in Wisconsin? KV: First of all, the redistricting needs to be done by an independent agency like the Legislative Council. It actually would be easy to make that happen. The council already has the computer programs that help the local government draw their lines in order to make them compliant with the federal government. All you have to do is set the law, and let them do it. Another bill we’ve been trying to pass for years is a disclosure law. It takes the veil off of the people saying the nasty things so we can look behind the shadow groups and see where the money is coming from. BH: If you were to be elected, what would be some of your main goals? KV: First, we need to heal the divide in the state.

We need to set a tone of respect while we debate the differences. We need to stop pitting public versus private and business versus labor. Build that common ground and a fresh start. Right now, we have a budget that is a big mess. Colleges are in much worse shape. Tech colleges are going to get worse. There’s a whole lot that needs to be repaired. What I want to see is a bill come forward to repair the damage that has been done to our education’s infrastructure. BH: Do you believe the education cuts over the last year were a necessary thing for tough economic times, or were they something that could have been avoided? KV: No, no, we should not have cut education. It provides the wisdom of the workers to enter the workplace. It’s that engine that drives job creation. The last thing we should have done is cut education, not the first thing. We didn’t just cut it. Our cuts to K-12 were second highest per capita in the country. It wasn’t just a little whack, but a really big one.

statements at the time the university would issue a written letter of reprimand to Chadima, who was in the passenger seat and reportedly too drunk to drive. Despite the incident, Chadima received promotions and pay raises, ultimately becoming a senior associate

athletic director. Toburen added, however, there could have been a verbal reprimand or other form of communication following the incident. Toburen also said Ward has asked for a review of both UW alcohol policy and reporting procedures.

community organization and capacity-building with hard pragmatic services, such as housing search assistance and connections to shelters, within a framework of organizations that have been working together for many years.” Bruce said JFF, PHMDC and ORUCC have successfully coordinated on public works projects in the past. Casey Slaughter Becker, spokesperson for Dane County Executive Joe Parisi, said the partnership will begin by taking stock of current resources and helping to increase access to those resources that already exist. “[We hope to] find other ways the partnership can

address the homeless in these neighborhoods,” Becker said. Parisi said in a statement the partnership will also address the root causes of homelessness by identifying obstacles to stable housing options and strategies to combat them. CWD Executive Director Marianne Morton said the partnership will be housed at the JFF office on Russett Road in Madison, but the housing organizer will be employed through CWD. Morton also expressed her excitement to be involved with the proposal and said the partnership encompasses more than just the four organizations already engaged in it. “It’s a very exciting and

innovative partnership, and I think certainly it’s not just about partners but coordinating all the resources in the community,” Morton said. “[It’s about] empowering people in the community to get involved and come up with solutions. Overall, the goal is to increase family and community stability in the southwest neighborhoods.” According to Morton, the two-year partnership will begin in July. Winton Boyd, ORUCC pastor, said he is enthusiastic about the partnership’s summer commencement. “As a pastor [at ORUCC], it’s one of the most exciting projects I’ve worked on,” he said.


The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, February 23, 2012

GOP declines Supreme Court’s approval to alter maps Leopoldo Rocha Reporter Republican legislators declined for the second time a chance given by federal courts to make adjustments to the new state voting maps passed last year, which opponents allege unfairly benefit Republican legislators. The court, comprised of three judges, suggested Tuesday that Wisconsin Republicans adjust their maps by changing parts that are currently facing constitutional challenges. This would have allowed the Republicans to avoid a trial. However, later Tuesday night, Republicans claimed they lacked the authority to make changes to the already approved maps. On Wednesday morning, the federal courts ruled that Republican legislators did Andy Fate The Badger Herald file name have that authority and gave Rep. John Richards believes Republican lawmakers should have taken the opportunity to adjust the maps them a deadline of 4 p.m. to to alter the parts that are currently facing constitutional challenges. He said it should be a bipartisan effort. decide whether they would

adjust their maps or continue with the lawsuits the maps face. Republicans chose to continue, so the trial will resume today. “They like [the maps] because it provides partisan political advantage to them,” said Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin. “It is designed to ensure that the Republicans will have control of the Legislature for years to come.” Heck added the federal court was made up of two judges appointed by Republican presidents and one by a Democratic president, which he said would invalidate a potential argument by Republicans that the court was liberal. One of the lawsuits against the maps was filed by Voces de la Frontera, a Wisconsin immigrants’ rights group, which claims the maps do not account for the growing Latino population in

Wisconsin and therefore do not meet the federal Voting Rights Act. Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Voces de la Frontera executive director, said they filed the lawsuit because the maps were drawn unfairly. She said they also filed the lawsuit because of the secretive process of drawing the maps. “The court condemned the process by which the maps were done,” Neumann-Ortiz said. “They were not done in an open, transparent way that involved the public, the way it should be done.” The lawsuit has already led to the release of previously secret emails between Republican aides and outside consultants on the drawing of the maps, as well as a secrecy pledge many Republican legislators signed to ignore public comments on the process. Still, Dan Kelly, an attorney representing the Government Accountability Board, said

even if the Republicans agreed to make changes to the maps, it would not necessarily be a satisfactory move to the rest of the public. “There’s always going to be some group of people that want something different,” Kelly told the Associated Press. He requested the judges consider whether newlydrawn maps could be approved by the court to avoid new challenges. Rep. Jon Richards, D-Milwaukee, criticized the latest Republican decision in a statement. “It is time for an open, bipartisan redistricting process that respects Wisconsin communities,” Richards said in the statement. “I call on Republicans to tear up those oaths, tear down the walls of secrecy and create new maps that serve all the people of Wisconsin. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

UW shuts down art exhibit after rep complains Nass argues display from protests aligns university with protesters’ actions Julia Skulstad Contributor A University of Wisconsin “Arts in Protest” exhibit has been shut down after Republican members of the state Legislature opposed the art display. Wisconsin Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, said the festival, hosted by UW-Extension’s School for Workers, would be inappropriate if paid for and sponsored by UW because it

would mean the university associates with the protesters. The exhibit was intended to demonstrate art that resulted from massive protests at the Capitol last spring against Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. “Rep. Nass thought it was inappropriate for the university to use taxpayers’ money to promote one side of this issue,” Nass spokesperson Mike Mikalsen said. In a statement released by the School for Workers, the festival was designed to highlight the creativity of the songwriters, poets, quilters, photographers, cinematographers and others who have used their artistic ability in protest. The statement said the

festival, which was set to take place in March 2012, was intended to celebrate the creative response to Walker’s actions regarding the rights of public employees. “These Labor Arts Exchanges are unique festivals commemorating the cultural and artistic expression of working people,” the statement said. According to the statement, the School for Workers association is UW’s oldest labor education program committed to helping in the fields of teaching, research and outreach for Wisconsin and national workers, unions and employees. The Smithsonian Institution chose the artwork that resulted from

the Wisconsin protests for its symbolization and representation of “living history,” the statement said. Though the festival was designed to be a celebration of the one-year anniversary of the Wisconsin uprising, it would be different if another group wanted to run it, Mikalsen said. In reaction to the decision to cut the festival, Mikalsen believes the group realized what Nass suggested: that its frame was not right. “I think they looked back and looked at the conduct of protesters, and as we have seen the conduct has lead to arrests, stalking of Republicans, used obscenities and other negative activities against legislators,”

Mikalsen said. “They would be responsible for the consequences that come with that.” Mikalsen added the School for Workers was also asked to consider the fact that with this festival, they would be associating themselves with the conduct associated with protests. In response, UW’s School for Workers noted the concerns that surfaced with this festival, as some would consider it to be a partisan event. “While we disagree, we recognize that some might be unable to separate the art from the politics and we have concluded that despite our best efforts, it would be difficult to maintain the

primary focus on art and respect for the culture of working people,” the School for workers statement said. Supporting the sentiments of Nass, the School for Workers said in its statement they have reluctantly decided that holding this festival next month would not take place at the appropriate time to recognize efforts of protesters. “We hope to find a more suitable time in the future to commemorate the artistic and cultural efforts of working people and their organizations, celebrating their art and creativity with a broader focus beyond the immediate political discourse,” the statement concluded.

Council votes down USSA membership Special student government committee meeting calls attention to rep’s political behavior Danielle Miller Reporter At a special meeting Wednesday night, the University of Wisconsin student government voted down a proposal that would allow the United States Student Association $10,000 in membership funding. The referendum, sponsored by Council Chair Allie Gardner, asked students to decide whether to allocate $10,000 in the Associated Students of Madison internal budget for membership for USSA, a nationwide student organization based in Washington, D.C. Chief Justice Kathryn Fifield said the referendum language would be clear to students on what is being asked and make the proposition easy to understand. “What’s the logic behind telling students what amount they [individually] have to pay?” Fifield said. “Our job is to provide enough information without additional information that may favor one side.” Rep. Tom Templeton voiced his concern for the referendum, asking how students would be made knowledgeable of it. It would be voted on during this year’s spring elections. Templeton further questioned whether ASM would be able to prevent

Rebecca Hovel The Badger Herald

UW College Republicans Chair Jeff Snow addresses the committee, arguing Rep. Leland Pan’s public comments on conservatives reflect poorly on ASM. student organizations from using funding to campaign for either side. The referendum was voted down by a vote of 13 to seven, but does not affect the $15,000 in transportation funding already granted to the group. Also addressed at the meeting during open forum was a strongly worded Facebook comment posted by Rep. Leland Pan in regard to conservatives and Republicans. UW College Republicans Chairman Jeff Snow appeared before the council to voice his discontent with the affair. Snow said the comment reflects poorly on ASM and its representatives. “My sincerest apologies to [the College Republicans] and [ASM representatives],” Pan said. “I hope we can work together in the future, I

realize the things I say reflect on the people I work with.” Gardner also spoke in open forum to bring forward ASM and UW’s failure to handle issues of multiculturalism appropriately. According to Gardner, events such as the mock lynching that took place in June produce strong effects and then are moved past. She said the effects of such events will be longer lasting because of a lack in openness about ethnic issues. “I think our campus has a lot of work to do when it comes to multicultural issues,” Gardner said. “I think we have to reach out to other organizations on campus and be more comfortable bringing up these issues.” Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group representative Sarah

Gorsline also presented to council members the “Hunger Clean Up” event, participated in by UW along with other universities and organizations. “Hunger Clean Up” is a month-long event that aims to raise money for the Porchlight Foundation and to house families in need. Gorsline added UW has won the past three or four years of the competition, reaching their goal of $10,000 raised. This year’s competition takes place April 14. Legislative Affairs Committee Chair Maria Giannopoulos announced committee members will be attending a culmination meeting with city police and others involved in the Mifflin Block Party event. At this point Giannopoulos said the committee is looking for a sponsor for the event.

DETOX, from 1

Florek suggested a solution to the escalating conflict between Dane County and MPD officers. He said a significant amount of money outlined in the 2012 Tellurian budget was returned to the county after the center decided the amount would not be necessary. Florek proposed the

money be returned to Tellurian to address the funding cuts. “This way you can still do the treatment model, and you can open up a lot more beds,” Florek said. “You make the police happy, you continue your model and more importantly you can serve more people. It’s a winwin.”

county has not addressed their objections to the changes to Dane County detox adequately. As a result of the new plan, the Madison detox facility will no longer be open 24/7 to Dane County residents as it has been in the past, according to the letter.

Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Thursday, February 23, 2012


Homeless in need of society’s help, not its disdain Taylor Nye Editorial Page Editor As a student majoring in anthropology and Latin American studies, it’s a real possibility I might one day be living in a van down by the river. All jokes aside, homelessness is a major issue our city faces every day. According to the nonprofit Porchlight, more than 3,500 people experience homelessness in Madison per year. It’s not an invisible problem, either: Every time we buy a copy of Street Pulse or hear the man that stands

next to Jimmy Johns singing hallelujah, we’re reminded of the great inequity dividing our city. That’s the reason I was most angry when I read the Cap Times Grassroots column this week, which details the struggles the Daytime Resource homeless shelter is facing due to its own neighbors in the Tenney-Lapham area. Unfortunately, this article showcases the “not in my backyard” elitism that causes the divide in the first place. The problems the homeless center has encountered are smallscale, despite serving 75-100 people per day. Sometimes people show up drunk, and center policy dictates they must be let in. As one might imagine from many people sharing a small space, there are some squabbles. There

has been an increase in police calls from virtually none before the shelter opened to 31 calls for the center last month. But, as reported by the Cap Times, Madison Police Central District Capt. Carl Gloede admitted, “If a warming shelter was created in your neighborhood, with the population it serves, you would expect a change in activity.” The neighborhood’s response to this influx of homeless people, however, has been disproportionate and discriminatory. As reported by the Cap Times, Richard Freihoefer, a representative for the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association, said, “I can’t wait until it’s gone and we get a nice development over there. … I’d love to drive

the bulldozer.” Freihoefer further characterized the homeless as “guys staggering around the neighborhood scaring people. These guys are not trying to change their lives.” Several other business owners have also called in complaints. I would like to impart a lesson my grandmother always taught me: There, but for the grace of God, go I. In this fumbling economy, it’s not a far cry to think that anyone could go, within a relatively short period of time, from having job security to facing homelessness. Furthermore, who’s to say that any one of us wouldn’t turn to drinking or other substance abuse in a similar stressful situation? It’s one thing to dismiss someone’s life by saying they’re not trying to change. It’s entirely another to walk

a mile in their shoes or attempt to help them get back on their feet. Let’s look at the real issues here. Central Library, where the homeless used to warm up, has been de-funded and relocated to a smaller building. The basement of the State Capitol, another popular hang-out spot, is also closed. Porchlight is overflowing and not able to meet the needs of the community’s homeless. The Daytime Center itself is being heavily used, despite the fact that it lacks many amenities. All this points to the fact that homelessness is a big issue with extremely limited funding. Yet, what those not experiencing homelessness care about most is their property values and prospective developers. “I hope this motivates the community to get their

act together on community services,” said Ald. Bridget Maniaci, District 2, as reported by the Cap Times. She couldn’t be more right: The need for and use of the Daytime Center should be inspiring its neighbors to campaign for better support for the homeless. If they truly want the homeless away from their neighborhood, they should be helping them regain a place in society, not foisting them off on some other area. Until this happens, there will always be the man standing next to State Street Brats who says to me, “Smile, little lady. It’s a beautiful day. Spare some change?” Taylor Nye (tnye@ badgerherald.com) is a junior majoring in Latin American studies, evolutionary biology, and archaeology.

Proposed abortion legislation unjustly imposes morality Spencer Lindsay Staff Writer This past Tuesday, the state Senate Democrats stalled a bill that would put new restrictions on abortion providers. Abortion is one of the most complicated moral issues in this nation, and an effort to change one’s mind about the moral aspect of it is often fruitless and will end only in screaming and marred friendships. However, I feel that the wave of anti-abortion legislation that has been sweeping through this country’s state

Legislatures for the last year or so has been wrong and has implemented, in some states, a single view of morality that infringes on basic freedoms, or at least as established by the Supreme Court. Under current judicial interpretation, abortion is a constitutionally-ensured right. No matter your feelings on the morality of it, imposing strong restrictions on abortion is an infringement on that right. It is wrong for such measures to be pushed because it is limiting a constitutionally-ensured right. Legislators may not like it, but they know better. If legislators want to change this, they must change the Constitution (or at least the way it is interpreted), and we all know this is a political impossibility.

I am not saying that abortion should be completely unrestricted. I do not think a 24-hour waiting period is an infringement on this right. Personally, I often go back and forth on partial birth abortion, but laws aimed at ending abortion or causing grief in the life of those who otherwise would have had an abortion are an infringement on this right. I am well aware that this is a very touchy moral subject. It however is not the state’s role to implement the morality of society’s sub sects. Some will say the civil rights movement or welfare is such an implementation of morality. However, these were both movements to right a society that was clearly slanted against large groups and segments

of society. These were the realization of America’s promise that “all men are created equal,” whereas abortion is not such an issue. The morality of abortion should be handled on a personal basis. It should be the decision of the mother and, in some cases, the family involved — not that of the state. If one thinks abortion is wrong, they should not have an abortion. All one can speak for is oneself. Your experiences often dictate your beliefs; in order to understand abortion, you must step outside yourself. Try to see the world from the perspective of a woman who has spent her entire life in an inner city ghetto, had to drop out of high school for family

reasons, can’t get a job, has an abusive father, was incestuously raped and just learned she has become pregnant. I cannot put myself in this woman’s shoes, and it is impossible for most people. I certainly don’t want to make this woman’s life any harder than it already is. Unfortunately, this is all too often close to reality. This is why I am pro-choice. Over the past year, an anti-abortion wave has been sweeping through state Legislatures. More than 1,100 bills were introduced nationwide placing stricter limits on abortion. In Kansas a law passed that, when put into effect, shut down every abortion clinic in the state. This cannot stand. When the government ceases to work for the worst off in society,

it becomes less a force of good and more the force of ideology. I am not saying abortion restrictions are causing the U.S. to become a theocracy, but it is an important right for the people worst-off in our society, and limiting that does nothing but cause these people more distress and pain than life has already dealt them. Abortion is an extremely complicated moral issue; however, because of those who have been dealt a poor hand by fate, it is impossible to implement restrictions on it without imposing the morality of sub sects of society in a terrible way. Spencer Lindsay (sclindsay@wisc.edu) is a freshman majoring in political science.

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE BITCHY A roundup of some of the more thought-provoking (or thoughtless) comments left on badgerherald.com In response to the 2/20 column:

Panʼs rhetoric a threat to civil discourse llcthecableguy

UW has Republicans???? In response to the 2/20 column:

Hardcore birth control rhetoric wonʼt score GOP points Guest butt

this guy reeks of virgin. A world where women only have sex with men who they want to raise children with is not one that any straight, sex-having man should want In response to the 2/20 column:

Hardcore birth control rhetoric wonʼt score GOP points Guest

I propose we strap all straight men with clamps on their genitalia, since they are super horny all the time In response to the 2/20 news:

Homeless shelters sparks community complaints David Vines

Nice to see that Badger Herald comments Adelaide Blanchard The Badger Herald

are insensitive pricks on every article.

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.


They Can’t Arrest All of Us Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Thursday, February 23, 2011













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 4x4 box contains 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F. What? You still don’t get it? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Just significant portions of us















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.




The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY: They can always gas, stab, or shoot us, too, though


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }





























CROSSWORD 32 33 35 36 37






32 36











38 39



45 41





50 55






45 51

46 52








Puzzle by Derek Bowman and Sarah Keller










Across 1 *Rumpus 9 Spanning 15 Some 16 *Excitement 17 Like the maximumheight New York City apartment building that’s not required to have a fire evacuation plan 18 Suave 19 Santa ___ 20 Encyclopedia units: Abbr. 21 World financial grp. 22 Footnote abbr. 23 Stallone and Stone 24 Bridge seats 28 Inits. on many uniforms since 2002 29 “Pfui!” 31 George of “Star Trek” 32 The Wildcats


36 40 41 42 43 44 46 49 51

54 55

56 57

58 61

of the N.C.A.A. Figure on Scotland’s coat of arms Innovator Quick check Unprincipled Run after K “Good ___!” Singer Sumac Check the box (for) Plays matchmaker for Web site that includes the heading “Dolls & Bears” Social Calgary Stampeders’ grp. Ready for shipping Bit of Highlands attire Attack from above Something to










settle 63 *Foofaraw 64 They may be painted in a bathroom 65 Ran the show 66 Agenda … or, together, what the seven starred clues and their answers constitute? Down 1 Volcanic rock 2 Zoo critters 3 Southern Mexican state 4 Young ___ 5 Many flat-screens 6 Make ___ of 7 *Hubbub 8 Milano of “Charmed” 9 Bret Harte/ Mark Twain play 10 *Turmoil 11 Auto attachment

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

12 Cry of surprise 13 Perched 14 Theater admonishment 25 Match enders, briefly 26 “Just take it” 27 Trig term 30 *Ruckus

50 52 53 58 59 60 62

*Tumult Slew ___ de famille They want the most Hungarian hero ___ Nagy Cut out 1994 Ray Liotta action film 1920s-’40s baseballer with a retired “4” Holy Roman emperor who succeeded his father in 973 Cultured ones? Most likely to eat out of one’s hand, say Pray Threw in Kind of question ___-goat Big gobbler “Arabian Nights” bird Home of 19-Across: Abbr.

Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™

If you’re one of those people who yak on the phone while working out, maybe you oughta ease up on the sit-ups and crosstrain with some shut-ups. FEEL THE BURN.


ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, February 23, 2012

Marathoners to dance all night Local arm of national organization plans fun-filled fundraiser for children’s health Jennifer Slattery ArtsEtc. Reporter “We dance because we can; we stand for those who can’t.” This motivational phrase has been adopted by Wisconsin Dance Marathon, a local student organization dedicated to helping provide health care for children at the American Family Children’s Hospital here in Madison. The committee puts on a dance marathon event every year to raise money for the Children’s Hospital. Even though the University of Wisconsin was the last Big Ten school to create a dance marathon, the event is doing truly great things. “The first event took place in February of the 2008-09 school year at the Shell. It raised more money in the first event than any other dance marathon had raised in its first year,” said Emily Kesner, Wisconsin Dance Marathon’s co-director. As a patient at the Children’s Hospital herself, Kesner became gradually more involved in the cause, volunteering at her hometown’s children’s hospital as a high school student and as a dance marathoner as a student here at UW. “I think the thing that’s different for us than other schools is that even though every student on our campus now hasn’t been on our campus without a dance marathon, we’re still a really young event. Also, I think anyone who has participated in our event, anyone who has been involved with the American Family Children’s Hospital would really attest to the fact that this is an amazing facility. A lot of people don’t even know about the fact that we have this worldclass pediatric care available right on our campus,” Kesner said. Wisconsin Dance Marathon gives every dime it raises through fundraising to the hospital. It also funds special family dinners twice a month at the hospital for families who have children there long-term so they don’t have to purchase dinner every night. “We like to think that serving family dinners is a great way to kind of take a little bit of the burden off of the families,” Kesner said. The funds also go toward the program Comfort Kids. The program provides patients with entertainment in their rooms tailored by

age and gender. The event itself will be held March 2 this year at Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. It takes place in the Union’s Great Hall for 15 hours. There will be a DJ playing the entire event, a live band, a Memorial Union House Party with root beer pong and sumo suit wrestling, as well as other forms of entertainment. A spirit squad will choreograph a line dance that all participants learn and can perform once every hour. Toward the end of the event, families, executives and others from the hospital are invited to share their stories and have some fun; they are then presented the money the event raised. Every participant must raise at least $100 to enter the event, which may seem quite intimidating, but Wisconsin Dance Marathon offers various resources to meet and exceed everyone’s fundraising goals. The committee itself does not set any monetary goals. “The event isn’t about how much we raise, it’s about the fact that all the money we raise is money the hospital and the kids wouldn’t have had otherwise, Kesner said. “It’s about something bigger than me; it’s about something bigger than you, and while it may seem exhausting, it’s genuine. These kids and all of these families are going through things 10 times worse than anything we could even imagine. By giving a little bit of ourselves, we can do so much good in the community. It’s up to each and everyone one of us to do the little things that we can, and if the Dance Marathon is the way someone chooses to give back to their community, that’s great.” The Wisconsin Dance Marathon team put an immense amount of work into this year’s event, as well as past events. Kesner reiterated that they are a group dedicated to the continuation of topnotch pediatric care in the Madison community and that believes in the cause it represents. “Whatever we raise is an achievement; it’s about that fact that every little bit helps,” she said. To access more information about Wisconsin Dance Marathon or The American Family Children’s Hospital, please visit www. uwdancemarathon.org.

Photo courtesy of Fueled by Ramen

Signed to Fueled by Ramen after their first album, ‘Aim & Ignite,’ the three-piece band from New York explores a different sound but does not lose its way on its latest album.

New direction proves equally fun. Influence of fresh collaborators, label apparent on, but not detrimental to, ‘Some Nights’ Mollie Olsem ArtsEtc. Writer A year-and-a-half in the making, the muchanticipated Some Nights hit shelves and the iTunes store Tuesday. Fun. fans everywhere were more than ready. This new album from the boys of fun. — Nate Ruess, Jack Antonoff and Andrew Dost — has been generating buzz since the band’s first single “We Are Young” featuring Janelle Monáe circulated around the media after its release in September. It has been heard in primetime television advertisements, on various radio channels across the country and has even been covered by the cast of “Glee.” “We Are Young” currently holds the number four spot on iTunes top singles and tops the list in the alternative category. This is just a sample of what Some Nights has in store. Fun. has experienced

some changes in the year-and-a-half since the release of its first album, Aim & Ignite. The band has since signed with Fueled By Ramen Records, and the new influences can be heard in Some Nights. Fun. also enlisted the help of Jeff Bhasker, who has worked with Jay-Z, Kanye West, Drake and Beyonce, and reached out to Emile Haynie, whose client list includes Lana Del Rey, Kid Cudi, The Roots and Lil Wayne. The combination of Bhasker and Haynie’s expertise and fun.’s style combine perfectly to create a more edgy sound without sacrificing the poetic lyrics that fun. fans have come to love. The growth of the band and the input from Fueled By Ramen, Bhasker and Haynie can be heard in some of the more electronicinfluenced features of fun.’s new songs. Auto-tuning and some electronic instrumental

help are in play, both of which are departures from fun.’s first album. Some Nights ignites with the title song, an anthemic ballad with strong vocals and prominent drums. Another album highlight is “It Gets Better,” an upbeat and fast-paced song with a somewhat techno style. Both are incredibly energetic and create a nice contrast with softer songs on the album, like “Carry On.” But not all of Some Nights is new territory for fun. Much like “Carry On,” many offerings are reminiscent of the original sound that made fans first take notice — “All Alright” and “All Alone” are prime examples of this. Heartfelt lyrics sung by Ruess combined with an array of instruments played by Dost and solid guitar by Antonoff are all carried into this sophomore album. Overall, this album shows the beautiful music

making that a year-anda-half of hard work can bring. Some Nights will not let fun.’s fans down and will surely spark the interest of new listeners. From the first second of “Some Nights Intro” to the very end of the bonus track “Out on the Town,” the pure talent of fun. shines through. While previous songs have been fairly standard pop, Some Nights proves that fun. cannot be confined to one category, as songs range from classic fun. ballads to stronger, edgier rock anthems. The variety in song styles allows for a diverse range of emotion that comes together very well in the final product.




Active listening answer to music industry’s many woes

Regen McCracken Paper Radio Columnist This column is a continuation of the previously published installment in Paper Radio concerning the benefits of active listening and, contrarily, the detriments of its doppelgänger, passive listening. If you somehow, God forbid, missed this piece of writing, please go back and recap as these two articles are indelibly intertwined. Disclaimer: While much of popular music has little to no artistic value, it, like a mindless action movie, may be entertaining. Furthermore, not all popular music is completely devoid of redeeming artistic qualities; as with any rule, there are exceptions. Let’s get to it, shall we? To many avid music listeners in today’s society, the popular music

industry (and, as a result, the industry as a whole) is perhaps the worst it has ever been. Heartless, soulless, talentless drivel floods the airwaves on a near constant basis and has been doing so for decades. It may be beating a dead horse, but just one listen to any Nickelback song is a fair indicator of the state of music. While artists who are naught but pretty faces that do not even write their own music (and many of those who do) hop from trend to trend trying to make a quick buck, should this lack of artistic value really be surprising to the consumer? Unquestionably, the answer is a resounding no. However, “does the consumer really have any say in the matter?” may be a more pertinent question. The answer to this query is “yes, through the practice of active listening that was so conveniently outlined in the last Paper Radio article.” The nonsense that pollutes the airwaves is directly related to a combination of the plague

of passive listening and the ease of access to music for all consumers. Passive listening plays an enormous role in propagating the pestilence that has permeated popular music. When one isn’t really paying much attention to what they are listening to, chances are they don’t really care what it is. This complacency creates a culture in which people want easily consumable media. Music is not immune to this desire for easy entertainment, and as a result the most base, easily understandable and simplistic music becomes extremely popular. It doesn’t take more than a few minutes of channel surfing through the local radio stations to find that most songs are composed around a catchy beat (which is, in most cases, very similar to most other beats), largely nonsensical and predictable rhymes about money, partying and lost love (or worse, rhyming with the same word. Looking at you, Lil Wayne). They use a simple four

chord progression — just look up Axis of Awesome’s song “Four Chords,” which still applies to nearly everything on the radio today. Of course, consumers eat this up because they haven’t dug deeply enough in the music to find that there is nothing there but a desire for fame and fortune. Certainly, these formulaic songs are entertaining in that they are fun to dance/ party/drink to, but other than that, why listen to the same rehashed fame-grabs that we as consumers have been hearing for at least two decades? If people took the time and actively listened to their music, certainly they would crave more than what popular music can give. People don’t always want to watch action and comedy movies; most need a good, intellectually stimulating drama every once in a while. So why should music be any different? As for the role instant gratification has played: The Internet has given listeners unlimited music at their fingertips, which has led

to many consumers taking music for granted, and consequently, the artistic void that is popular music. Evidence for this takes us on a time travelling trip to the decades before the Internet. People had only a few stations to listen to, and many would argue that the bands that persist to this day as the popular music of that time had talent, originality and artistic value to them (recall: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Rush, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Public Enemy and Tupac; the list goes on). Looking back on these greats and all those who played during those times, could we really look to the future and expect to put Lady Gaga, Coldplay, Kenny Chesney, Taylor Swift, Daughtry, and Nickelback in the same conversation with their predecessors in the popular music category? Having such a wide variety of music available to consumers at any time is a blessing and a curse — as Uncle Ben in

“Spiderman” once said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” We as consumers should be using our ease of access to music to further our horizons, appreciate more types of music and acknowledge music as the art form in the manner it deserves. Active listening is the first (and, really, only) step toward fixing the sad state of popular music today and toward bettering our experiences with music. As relatively unknown band I Am Abomination once wrote about the current state of music, “You gave birth to a deaf generation/ Visual talent is the new sensation.” Too true. Regen McCracken (rmccracken@wisc.edu ) is a junior who intends to major in journalism. He has a love for video games, metal, jazz and all things that make one think. He also writes and performs his own music while not writing these ever-interesting columns or studying himself to sleep.

To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Thursday, February 23, 2012



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SC to the amazingly gorgeous Asian girl in my 9:30 Finance 300 Lecture. DSO for you sitting next to me yesterday smelling ever so sweet. TSO for being even sweeter than you smell. ASO for not having the balls to ask you out...


SC to the hot guy in the back of the college library computer lab room last Thursday. We both were watching movies and totally skipping doing school work. I love to have another eye-f*ck with you again. Same time and computers next week? Second Chance to Tom S. Obviously not now, but at some point before we graduate can we make


something work? We decided experimentation is good right, so you can dress up, I’ll wear a cute dress, and we can test our hypothesis in chemistry. Second Chance to the gal working the Shell. Your eyes were outstandingly blue. Don’t wear sunglasses ever - from your blue eyed admirer SC to the writer of the shout out to the “Girl in the Boots” during last May’s last batch of in-print shout outs. I always suspected it was about me, and from you, but I was scared. I think I’m ready now. I know we don’t see each other around anymore, but I’d love to

get coffee and catch up. Call me? (I lost your number 2 phones ago...) SC to the boy in the badger sweatshirt I met in the 2nd floor chem building. You complimented my sparkly phone case. You were adorable and caught me completely off guard. I sounded like an idiot. Maybe we can try that again next Thursday same time? :) SC to the attractive dude with the bike helmet on his bag today in PS506. Not sure if you’re into other guys or not, but if you are, hit me up for coffee sometime.... SC to my dignity. Please come back soon.


UW faces struggling IU While the Hoosiers have yet to gain a single conference win, team poses rebounding threat Nick Korger Associate Sports Editor

Noah Willman The Badger Herald

While Taylor Wurtz paces the Badgers, sophomore Morgan Paige will need to score if the team hopes to have a consistent offensive output in both halves.

It’s been a rough stretch of games for the Wisconsin women’s basketball team. Losers of five straight and struggling with consistency, the Badgers (8-18, 4-10) will find themselves paired with another struggling team Thursday night as they take on the Indiana Hoosiers (5-22, 0-14) in Bloomington, Ind.

Despite their winless conference record and current 14-game losing streak, the Hoosiers have battled opponents like Illinois, Michigan and Northwestern down to the wire. While the Hoosiers look like the doormat of the conference record wise, the team has a surprising amount of competitiveness. Indiana is currently the Big Ten’s third best rebounding team, averaging 42 rebounds a game despite losing their best rebounder, senior double-double threat Georgie Jones, to a seasonending ACL tear. This could pose a danger to Wisconsin, a team that has struggled to contain and box out opponents on the boards throughout the season. “If I’m [Indiana] and I’m looking at tape and seeing that in certain games we’ve given up 21 and 23 offensive rebounds, I’d say ‘Hey, last game at home, everybody rebounds,’” Wisconsin head coach Bobbie Kelsey said. “I’d be saying they aren’t going to box you out because we haven’t proven we can. Until you prove it, why would they not attack us?” Besides being outrebounded in every game during their five-game losing streak, the Badgers have given up a combined 69 offensive rebounds in that span, good for an average of almost 14 a game.

It’s no mystery that the Badgers fate against the Hoosiers will be tied to the battle of the boards. “They’re a good rebounding team, they don’t have just a good rebounder, they have a good rebounding team,” senior forward Anya Covington said. “So we all have to box out, and we’ve been lacking in that area. It all comes down to discipline, but I know we can do that and box out.” The Badgers will also need consistent offensive production from their guards. While junior guard Taylor Wurtz’s offensive dominance has been well documented, the rest of the conference has caught on. Opponents’ best defenders have flustered Wurtz or double-teamed the star guard in the second half of the conference season, leading to Wisconsin’s struggles in maintaining a consistent scoring output. If the Badgers want to play the spoilers on the Hoosiers’ Senior Night at Assembly Hall, guards like Morgan Paige will have to step up like she did Sunday against Nebraska. Leading the team with 15 points in a losing effort, Paige showed her ability to do it all for Wisconsin, scoring on jump shots as well as on the drive. “My percentage is really high, and the scouting report for other teams probably says contest hard and make her put the ball

on the ground,” Paige said. “I think as soon as I hit an outside shot, they came out harder on me. My favorite thing is to put the ball on the ground. I love to use pumpfakes, so when I get to go straight line to the basket for wide-open layups it’s always a great opportunity for us.” The Badgers will need everything Paige can muster Thursday night, as the matchup against the Hoosiers will feature the two worst scoring offenses in the Big Ten. While the Badgers have shown glimpses of offensive greatness against the conference — highlighted by a 79 point outburst against Iowa on Feb. 2 — the Badgers have only mustered on average 59.2 points per game this season. For Kelsey, the Badgers just need someone to step up during crunch time to help give the team some consistency on the offensive end. “This is not a group that’s used to having close games,” Kelsey said. “None of them have had to do that in their careers here. They’ve never been put in those situations where someone has to be the closer. “I mean, who is that? We have a hard time sometimes, identifying one. Taylor can close, but when she gets double-teamed who else? … It’s hard to not have that veteran experience of someone that’s been in that situation before.”

REVENGE, from 10

which came in a string of five-consecutive treys converted by Wisconsin in the first half. Brust never left the bench last time Wisconsin made the trip down to Iowa City and thus didn’t

experience any kind of hostility from Iowa fans. Once he enters the floor this time around, though, things could change. “I’m excited,” he said. “This year could be different. We’ll see.”

be more content with how their career in Madison has unfolded. With just one home game remaining, it may not be the senior season they imagined as optimistic freshmen, but Covington and Thomas together bring a competitive yet collected attitude that has come to define the Wisconsin

women’s basketball team. “We’re friends because we’ve been through the same things together and helped each other through those ups-and-downs that we’ve experienced both on and off the court,” Thomas noted. “We’ve definitely grown, I know we can trust each other, rely on one another.”

the tournament, it needs to be put into context. The tournament has been held in Madison for almost a century. A century. The state tournament is a tradition with its own history, and that history and tradition is Madison, along with the Kohl Center. You can’t separate the two; the tournament and the city are linked through almost 100 years.

I was lucky enough to have my time at the state tournament. I just hope the young men and women behind me get the same chance.

His marksman capabilities resurfaced in UW’s last game against Penn State, when the sophomore hit two of four 3-pointers, one of

LEADERS, from 10 has emerged as UW’s most reliable option in the paint, Thomas has embraced the unheralded role of setting up scoring chances for her teammates. But, in a way that exudes their approach to basketball, both could not

KORGER, from 10 the tournament. The arrangement with the Kohl Center has worked for more than a decade now. There’s no reason concessions can’t be made on both sides to work through these next two years. Whatever the reason for Anderson’s personal recommendation to move

Nick is a senior majoring in history and English. Have a personal opinion or thought about the proposed move by the WIAA? Let him know at nkorger@ badgerherald.com.

Hoops America Editor: Brett Sommers | sports@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Sports | February 23, 2012

THIS WEEK'S TOP GAMES No. 5 Duke at No. 20 Florida State

No. 3 Missouri at No. 4 Kansas

No. 15 Wisconsin at No. 6 Ohio State

Thurs., Feb. 23, 6 p.m.

Sat., Feb. 25, 3 p.m.

Sun., Feb. 26, 3 p.m.

Duke will get its chance for revenge when the Blue Devils head to Talahassee to take on Mr. Clutch Michael Snaer and the Seminoles. With just three games to follow, this game could make or break FSU’s ACC Championship dreams.

When these two teams met just three weeks ago, the Missouri Tigers prevailed 74-71 on the home court they have yet to lose on this season. Now they travel to Allen Fieldhouse where the Jayhawks have only lost twice.

Wisconsin looked godawful on the road at Michigan State a week ago. Will Bo’s boys peak at the right time to steal one back from the Buckeyes? It could happen, as OSU has looked woeful against Michigan and Michigan State.


11 The number of 3-pointers by the Badgers against Penn State Sunday. Shooting 50 percent from deep, 11 treys were the most by the Badgers since Jan. 18 against Northwestern when Wisconsin made 12-of-23.

NATIONAL RANKINGS Associated Press Top 25 1. Kentucky (63) 2. Syracuse (2) 3. Missouri 4. Kansas 5. Duke 6. Michigan St. 7. UNC 8. Ohio State 9. Georgetown 10. Marquette 11. Michigan 12. Florida 13. Baylor

14. Murray State 15. Florida State 16. Wisconsin 17. Louisville 18. New Mexico 19. Wichita State 20. Notre Dame 21. UNLV 22. Temple 23. Indiana 24. SDSU 25. Virginia




Associated Press

Former North Carolina State stars Chris Corchiani (center) and Tom Gugliotta (right) answer questions about being tossed from the stands by referee Karl Hess.

Refs need to stop becoming divas

TOP PERFORMANCE C.J. Fair Syracuse Orange

1. Thomas Robinson, F, Kansas 17.7 ppg, 11.8 rpg, 1.1 bpg 2. Anthony Davis, F, Kentucky 13.8 ppg, 9.8 rpg, 4.8 bpg 3. Kevin Jones, F, W. Virginia 20.4 ppg, 11.3 rpg, 1.1 bpg 4. Draymond Green F, Mich. St. 15.4 ppg, 10.5 rpg, 3.7 apg 5. Doug McDermott, F, Crei. 23.1 ppg, 8.2 rpg, 1.1 apg

CONFERENCE POWER RANKINGS Big Ten — Michigan State is looking more and more poised for another Final Four run under Tom Izzo. At some point Izzo needs to become more synonymous with Krzyzewski for all the amazing things he has done for MSU.



Big 12 — Missouri and Kansas have finally distanced themselves as the top dogs of the Big 12, and both have strong enough teams to make a deep postseason run. The Big 12 has gained a little ground on the Big Ten.

Brett Sommers Statistics Editor If you haven’t already heard about the bizarre heckling accusations and eventual ejection of former North Carolina State star players Tom Gugliotta and Chris Corchiani courtesy of wellrespected ACC official Karl Hess, it’s not too late to get caught up in the absurd series of events that made all three individuals look like immature attention-seekers. To make a long story short, Gugliotta and Corchiani returned to the NC State campus to be honored for the great contributions they made on the court as players during the 198889 season, the year the Wolfpack last won the regular season ACC championship. Instead of being able to enjoy the recognition, the pair was tossed from the arena when Hess got tired of their heckling, something officials are expected to put up with game in and game out. Hess was reprimanded by the ACC, but not for the embarrassment of the situation itself. The technical reasoning for Hess being under fire is that he called for Gugliotta and Corchiani’s removal directly from a Raleigh police officer rather than asking the home team’s (NC State) management to take care of the situation. Now I would never discourage fans from trying to play their role in creating the home court advantage atmosphere in front of which every home team loves to play. While Gugliotta and Corchiani are 42- and 43-yearsold, respectively, and might be considered beyond the age of childish taunting, they have the same right to yell at referees in

ACC — It may not be a very deep league for tournament teams, but the three-way tie that still exists between UNC, Duke and FSU is going to be one of the best title races in college basketball this season.



It was simply Hess failing at one of the key elements of being a referee: blocking out the crowd and other external distractions. The thing that is misleading about Hess’ statement is that Gugliotta and Corchiani were seated in the front row directly behind the scorer’s table. It’s not like they were climbing on top of the announcers and stat keepers to get their point across. Hess himself is a decorated former college basketball player. He starred at Liberty in the late ‘70s and remains the all-time leading scorer with 2,737 points. His jersey hangs in the Vines Center’s rafter in Lynchburg, Va., just as Gugliotta and Corchiani’s dangle from the ceiling in the RBC Center in Raleigh. It was simply Hess failing at one of the keys elements of being a referee: blocking out the crowd and other external distractions. It looked like Hess was looking for someone to toss because he

could, not because there was a reason to. According to an ESPN interview with Corchiani, Hess tried to throw a student out of the game earlier, only to have NC State officials allow him to remain at the game. Hess surely didn’t handle the situation like the professional the ACC claims him to be, and he certainly owes Gugliotta, Corchiani and NC State an apology for embarrassing them if he is unable to come up with a legitimate reason for throwing the two out. Wolfpack head coach Mark Gottfried wasn’t happy either. “I’m disappointed, quite frankly, in the ACC because not only did he throw out two of North Carolina State’s greats, he threw out two of the ACC’s greats,” Gottfried said, according to Yahoo! Sports. “The league is supporting an official rather than supporting former great players. “The former great players, in my opinion, were embarrassed and wronged when they shouldn’t have been. I don’t think you can have rabbit ears like that if you’re a referee and start throwing people out. I was disappointed in the whole thing.” The whole situation speaks to the fact that referees and fans need to better learn and understand the dynamic relationship between each other. For as long as sports exist, fans will blame refs for bad calls and of their favorite team’s losses, giving them a hard time from start to finish. And as long as the heckling is clean, officials need to deal with it. Referees on the other hand need to be retrained in the art of not being noticed. What happened to the days when officials were applauded for being “invisible” during an athletic contest? Sports already have divas on the playing surfaces and don’t need more. Refs shouldn’t take away from the game day experience, especially a guy like Hess, who’s draped in recognition from his playing days.

As has become the norm, the collegiate athletics landscape may have further changes coming. According to ESPN.com’s Andrea Adelson, Temple is in the process of trying to join the Big East as soon as this calendar year. It’s music to the Big East’s ears after losing West Virginia to the Big 12, Pittsburgh and Syracuse to the ACC and its inability to lure Boise State football to the conference until 2013. It is believed that Temple would join the conference in all sports.


The defamation lawsuit against Syracuse University and Syracuse basketball coach Jim Boeheim will be heard in Syracuse, a judge rule Wednesday. The suit was filed by two former ball boys of the Syracuse basketball program. Bobby Davis and Michael Lang claim Boeheim slandered them after Boeheim said they were out looking for money after their allegations of sexual abuse against former assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine. The pair thought Syracuse jurors would be biased toward Boeheim, but the judge disagreed.


Alabama has finally reinstated one of its best players, JaMychal Green, after he and teammate Tony Mitchell were suspended indefinitely. Mitchell will remain suspended for the remainder of the season. Prior to his suspension Green was the Tide’s leading scorer at 14.2 points per game and second leading rebounder at 7.2 boards per game. Green is not expected to play in either of this week’s games.


SEC — Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky and Kentucky. Oh wait, I suppose there are other teams in the SEC, but you wouldn’t know it, as the Wildcats are coasting to the conference title.

favor of their team, so long as it doesn’t involve profanity-laced tirades — which has not been claimed to be the case in this instance. In an email described in an Associated Press story, sent by ACC Associate Commissioner for Men’s Basketball Karl Hicks to NC State Executive Senior Associate Athletic Director Chris Kingston on Monday night, the ACC said Corchiani and Gugliotta weren’t ejected for anything that they said. “According to Hess, ‘They were ejected for excessive demonstration on several calls as they came right up to the scorer’s table. The policeman at the end of the FSU bench was warned that their continual excessive demonstration that incited the crowd would result in ejection,’” the email states.



Big East — Look at Notre Dame coming up from nowhere to make claims for a respectable tournament seed and add another viable Big East threat to the field. After starting 11-8, the Irish have won eight in a row.




UNC Duke Florida St. Virginia NC State Miami Maryland Clemson Va. Tech WF BC Ga. Tech

11-2 10-2 10-2 8-5 7-6 7-6 6-7 6-7 4-9 3-10 3-10 2-11

24-4 23-4 19-7 21-6 18-10 16-10 16-11 14-13 15-13 12-15 8-19 9-18


Drew Gordon New Mexico Lobos


14. Baylor 15. Wisconsin 16. Florida State 17. Louisville 18. Notre Dame 19. Wichita State 20. UNLV 21. New Mexico 22. Temple 23. Saint Mary’s 24. Indiana 25. SDSU


Talk about beefing up your NCAA Tournament resume. The Lobos are on a sevengame winning streak and just knocked off No. 15 San Diego State by 10 on the road and No. 11 UNLV by 20 at home in back to back games. New Mexico sits at 22-4 with a twogame lead over UNLV in the Mountain West Conference.

How about the last three games for the Orange sophomore forward? He averages just 8.8 ppg and 5.4 rpg, but in his last three contests he has averaged 16 ppg and 8.3 rpg, including a careerhigh 21 points against Rutgers, where he and point guard Scoop Jardine made the alley-oop look commonplace.

1. Kentucky (31) 2. Syracuse 3. Missouri 4. Duke 5. Kansas 6. Michigan St. 7. UNC 8. Georgetown 9. Ohio State 10. Marquette 11. Florida 12. Murray State 13. Michigan

All Standings and Stats are up to date as of Feb. 22, 10:30 p.m.

New Mexico Lobos

Every New Mexico player needs to take this guy out for dinner, as Gordon is the primary reason for the Lobos two consecutive wins over top 15 teams. Gordon went for 17 points and 17 boards against SDSU and abused UNLV for 27 points and 20 rebounds. This could be a Cinderella team come tournament time.

USA Today Top 25

Team Syracuse Marquette ND G’Town S. Florida Louisville Cincinnati Seton Hall UConn WVU St. John’s Pittsburgh Rutgers Villanova Prov. DePaul

Conf. 15-1 12-3 12-3 10-5 10-5 9-5 9-5 8-8 7-8 7-8 5-10 4-11 4-11 4-11 2-13 2-13

Overall 28-1 23-5 20-8 20-6 17-11 21-6 19-8 19-9 17-10 17-11 12-16 15-13 12-16 11-16 13-15 11-16




Mich. St. Ohio State Michigan Wisconsin Indiana Purdue Iowa N’Western Minnesota Illinois Nebraska Penn State

12-3 11-4 11-4 9-5 8-7 8-7 6-8 6-9 5-10 5-10 4-11 4-11

23-5 23-5 21-7 20-7 21-7 18-10 14-13 16-11 17-11 16-12 12-14 12-16

BIG XII Team Kansas Missouri Baylor Iowa State Kansas St. Texas OK. State Oklahoma A&M Texas Tech

Conf. 13-2 12-3 10-5 10-5 8-7 7-8 6-9 4-11 4-11 1-14

Overall 23-5 25-3 23-5 20-8 19-8 17-11 13-15 14-13 13-14 8-19

PAC-12 Team



California Wash. Colorado Oregon Arizona UCLA Stanford Wash. St. Oregon St. Ariz. State Utah USC

12-3 12-3 10-4 10-5 10-5 8-6 8-7 6-9 5-10 4-11 2-12 1-13

22-6 19-8 18-8 19-8 19-9 15-12 18-9 14-13 15-12 8-19 5-21 6-21



SEC Kentucky 13-0 Florida 10-3 Vandy 9-4 Alabama 6-6 LSU 7-6 Tennessee 7-6 Miss. State 6-7 Arkansas 5-7 Ole Miss 5-8 Auburn 4-9 Georgia 3-10 S. Carolina 2-11

Overall 27-1 22-6 20-8 17-9 17-10 15-13 19-9 17-10 15-12 14-13 12-15 10-17

NATIONAL LEADERS Points 1. Reggie Hamilton, OAK 2. Damian Lillard, WEB 3. Doug McDermott, CREI 4. Shane Gibson, SHU 5. Gerardo Suero, ALBY

25.1 24.5 23.1 22.2 22.0

Rebounds 1. O.D. Anosike, SIE 2. Thomas Robinson, KU 3. Kevin Jones, WVU 4. Andre Roberson, COLO 5. Jamelle Hagins, DEL

12.7 11.8 11.3 11.3 11.2

Assists 1. Scott Machado, IONA 2. Kendall Marshall, UNC 3. Jesse Sanders, LIB 4. Vincent Council, PROV 5. Jason Brickman, LIU

10.0 9.8 7.9 7.2 7.0

Blocks 1. Anthony Davis, UK 2. William Mosley, NWST 3. Damian Eargle, YSU 4. C.J. Aiken, JOES 5. Eric Buckner, GAST

4.8 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.5

S PORTS No worries about revenge Sports Editor

Elliot Hughes sports@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Sports | Thursday, February 23, 2012

In game 2 with Iowa, Wisconsin’s approach not about retribution for December loss Elliot Hughes Sports Editor In the world of Big Ten men’s basketball, where any given team has proven vulnerable to any of its peers, there’s no time to get caught up in the pursuit of revenge. With the regular season nearing its end, the denizens of the crowded Big Ten only have a handful of games to better position themselves in the standings before the conference tournament tips off March 8 in Indianapolis. And the Wisconsin men’s basketball team (20-7, 9-5) is certainly feeling protective

of its current standing in the conference, currently resting in fourth place. With four games left, the Badgers still have an outside chance of ascending to the top and taking the regular season conference title. But perhaps more importantly, Wisconsin will also want to focus on maintaining its topfour position or otherwise surrender a first-round bye in the tournament. So don’t come to the Badgers talking about getting revenge on Iowa (1413, 6-8) Thursday night since they fell to the Hawkeyes at home back in late December. “I’ve been around too

Dec. 31 vs. Iowa Statistics from the Badgers’ defeat against Iowa at the Kohl Center







Transition pts.



Field goal pct.



Bench points


long; I know that [revenge] doesn’t make you play better,” UW head coach Bo Ryan said. “Because if you’re worrying about that part of it, you’re not worrying about what you need to take care of. “You got 30-some games — could you imagine in the NBA if every time someone had beaten you, you talk about a revenge game? You’d go crazy. Revenge is a word that I’ve never used; it’s a negative word.” Plenty went wrong for Wisconsin in its surprising 72-65 loss to Iowa, which was just the seventh time UW had lost at the Kohl Center in 11 years. The Hawkeyes outscored the Badgers 14-2 in transition and ran a much more efficient offense. Iowa hit 49.2 percent of its field goals while Wisconsin went 34.8 and missed 13 of 14 attempts from the 3-point line. “They exposed us a little bit,” guard Josh Gasser said, whose team was recently outscored 15-0 by Michigan State in transition. “Transitioning both ends, they transitioned really well on us, and we played really poorly that way. The Hawkeyes’ depth

further doomed the Badgers, whose limited options couldn’t cancel out the inefficiency of the starting lineup. Iowa was able to deploy the likes of forward Aaron White and guard Bryce Cartwright, who contributed 18 and 17 points, respectively. Fortunately for the Badgers, though, Cartwright’s participation in Thursday’s game is still in question thanks to a sprained ankle he sustained in practice Feb. 11. He’s missed the last two games, totaling five on the year, and is listed as questionable for Wisconsin. Cartwright hit seven of 12 field goals at the Kohl Center, grabbed two rebounds and dished out five more assists to top things off. He averages 6.4 points and 4.3 assists per game on the season. Even with Cartwright idle, the Hawkeyes were still able to pull off a 78-66 home victory Feb. 19 against thenNo. 20 Indiana. Guard Matt Gatens scored 30 points and sinking four crucial 3-pointers in the second half against the Hoosiers. Despite Cartwright’s clouded status, assistant coach Gary Close is

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Guard Josh Gasser had one of Wisconsin’s better individual performances in the loss against Iowa, putting together 11 points and eight rebounds. But four turnovers put a damper on his day.

expecting the senior reserve to make his way onto the court against the Badgers. “My guess is Cartwright will play,” he said. Wisconsin’s own sparkplug off the bench, guard Ben Brust, is a player of interest heading into Thursday night’s game as well. Brust initially

committed to Iowa before retracting it and enrolling at Wisconsin. Known as a good shot from behind the perimeter, Brust has struggled in that regard as of late, listing a 28.6 shooting percentage from downtown.

REVENGE, page 8

WIAA’s real home still at Kohl Center Nick Korger Korger’s Korner

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Over the course of Anya Covington’s career, she’s played in an NCAA Tournament and was a part of winning teams in her first three years with the UW program. Despite it not being a dream senior season, Covington — along with Thomas — have been reliable leaders all year.

Senior leaders stay positive in last year Ian McCue Associate Sports Editor They both stand at 6-foot2, play the same position on the floor and are in their last year donning a cardinal and white uniform. Yet forwards Anya Covington and Ashley Thomas have each managed to carve out distinct roles for the Wisconsin women’s basketball team en route to establishing themselves as the unanimous emotional leaders. Close friends off the court who say they are deeply united by their strong faith, the two players faced perhaps the greatest challenge of their careers last March when the team sat in a kind of limbo after Barry Alvarez fired head coach Lisa Stone. Though Covington, a threetime captain, had already established her role as Wisconsin’s ever-positive emotional anchor, it was a breakthrough moment for the less experienced Thomas. “We were without a coach for a couple weeks there, and during that time we had to rely on ourselves,” Covington said. “I knew Ashley was always a leader, but that’s when I really saw her show a greater amount of leadership basketball wise. … It was just beautiful to see because we were on our own.” The more physical Covington has taken over as the Badgers’ primary post option in her senior year

with 10.5 points per contest to complement 6.4 boards a game. But her much improved numbers have in no way fueled a heated battle with Thomas to be UW’s No. 1 post option. Thomas admits that as a younger player she once focused on statistics like playing time and scoring, but her approach has shifted over a four-year career. “Obviously Anya plays a bigger role in scoring and being more productive, but Ashley finds her niche as far as screening and getting people open,” head coach Bobbie Kelsey said. Since arriving on campus in 2008, the duo has only experienced the thrill of playing in an NCAA Tournament once (in 200910), but before this year had never played on a team that finished below .500. With the Badgers currently standing at 8-18, it hasn’t been the storybook senior season for Covington, Thomas or the team’s third senior, guard Jade Davis. But Kelsey has credited her eldest players with keeping this team together through a rebuilding year. Thomas now reflects on her basketball career with a wider lens — a view echoed by her fellow senior forward. “I can’t stand losing, when we have those long droughts of losses without a win in there, it’s hard, but I feel like this team has made it easy in a sense because we’ve stuck together,” Thomas said. “It was

never ‘it’s so-and-so’s fault’ or ‘so-and-so didn’t do this.’ We were always able to find the positive in what happened in the game.” Though they can both be heard testing the limits of their vocal cords from the sidelines, Covington and Thomas each bring a distinguished style to rallying the Badgers. Covington — though not a point guard — could aptly be described as the team’s floor general and is rarely silent when on the floor. Never short on enthusiasm, the senior carries the rare brand of infectious confidence that keeps every player striving for success. Thomas, the more reserved forward, prefers to console players individually and delivers powerful messages in fewer words. “I just really get into it and Ashley’s really grounded, so when she says something everyone pays attention because she’s really grounded in what she’s saying; she really thought about it,” Covington said. “I’m usually talking the most and I think what I say matters, but when Ashley speaks it’s just deeper.” Much like their unique approaches in carrying the team through an often frustrating season, the two senior forwards serve quite different roles when they are on the court. While Covington

LEADERS, page 8

In this state, like many others, the major high school athletics are football and basketball. These sports have their own storied programs at the University of Wisconsin, making it fitting that many high school players focus their varsity careers on one goal: getting to Madison for a chance at a state championship. For many high school athletes in the state of Wisconsin, Madison is the ultimate destination. A culmination of years of dedication, athletic progress, offseason work and success ends with a chance to win it all. Talking to a high school player, a common question a person might ask is what their goals are for the season. They might reflect on a conference title or maybe a personal goal, but for every true competitor the ultimate prize is the ultimate goal, and the ultimate goal lies in Madison. Madison has held the WIAA football championship games since 1982. For some that make it, their first taste of Camp Randall is a glimpse of where they will spend the rest of their collegiate careers. For the rest, the game played under the lights at Camp Randall is both the climax and highlight of their football careers. While Madison has retained the football state championships for almost three decades, the city has retained another sport’s championships much, much longer. I’m talking, of course, about basketball. For the past 90 out of 91 years (with the exception of 1936), the Wisconsin Boy’s Basketball Tournament has been held in Madison. The tournament is indeed the pinnacle of Wisconsin high school athletics. For

three days, high school students, fans, coaches and athletes of qualifying schools are swept into a whirlwind of games at the Kohl Center and extended time in Madison. Schools shut down and small towns seem vacant, as the entire population of the team’s city floods Madison with high school color schemes and letter jackets. As a player who was lucky enough in his high school career to make it to the Kohl Center (twice, both times proudly riding pine for Oshkosh West) I can personally vouch for the experience a trip to Madison brings. You put in a giant body of work as any player of a basketball team, and even as a player who doesn’t see the floor, the sense of accomplishment and the joy reaching a game at the Kohl Center brings are things that I will value for the rest of my life. I didn’t get many chances to spend time in Madison before the state tournament. So when I finally got a chance to experience the Kohl Center, State Street and the sight of driving into Madison, seeing the litup Capitol as we drove down Highway 151, I was ecstatic. That’s why I’m so extremely sad and disappointed to hear of any potential move to relocate the tournament away from Madison. I have no idea what the agenda of the WIAA is against UW. There have been conflicts in the past for the basketball state tournaments, yet somehow the two sides have always worked it out. The current dispute involves a scheduling conflict. The university cannot guarantee WIAA’s preferred dates for the basketball tournaments because of the WCHA playoff series in 2013, along with the women’s hockey NCAA Frozen Four in 2014. It’s understandable that the WIAA wants some security for the tournament dates and the site itself, but they also need to understand

that Wisconsin is a college first, with its own business to take care of as well. So a compromise needs to be reached, one that keeps the tournament in Madison and at the Kohl Center. If the WIAA has to move the high school basketball season back or forward by a week or two in order to keep the tournament at the Kohl Center, it’s a worthwhile sacrifice. After all, these are only two years of conflicts. It almost feels like WIAA Executive Director Dave Anderson is trying to force UW to favorable terms. Perhaps exemplifying this best is Anderson’s quote to the Wisconsin State Journal: “If we aren’t able to reach an agreement, the board has approved the acceptance of the Green Bay proposal.” This move to Green Bay was a personal recommendation of Anderson’s to the WIAA Board of Control, which it passed unanimously. This tentative agreement is both a despicable threat and bargaining tool by Anderson and the WIAA. Basically, Anderson is telling Wisconsin Athletic Director Barry Alvarez that, “Hey, I have this other place that wants us pretty bad. If you don’t cough up more favorable terms or give us the dates we want, you can wave to our backsides as we scuttle up north.” The university has already been more than flexible to display its desire to keep the WIAA basketball tournaments in Madison. The 2013 Girl’s Basketball Tournament was moved to the Field House at an earlier date. A UW men’s hockey series was moved to Saturday and Sunday of next year to not conflict with the 2013 state wrestling tournament. The school also helped change the format of the Big Ten men’s hockey tournament by voting and reformatting the tournament to be played at neutral sites. I hope that Anderson understands what he’s doing by moving

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