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Walker campaign video raises tensions Recently resurfaced footage from Walker’s 2010 campaign shows a candidate expressing the need for union negotiation. NEWS | 2


Report: UW faculty hurt

UHS strives to revise program EVOC, campus stakeholders set out to create realistic sexual assault education

Senate considers measures to protect retention rates, examines student population composition Jackie Allen Campus Life Editor The University of Wisconsin Faculty Senate reviewed a report Monday that recommends university officials raise non-residential undergraduate and differential tuition rates while limiting resident undergraduate tuition. Completed by a faculty commission on faculty compensation and economic benefits, the report found UW is falling behind in its ability to compete for top faculty. The report said UW currently faces a “critical” situation, and is currently in the second-longest period of decline since the early 1970s to mid-1980s. Presented by Adam Gamoran, the chair of UW’s sociology department and a commission member, the report also recommends the UW System should consider reframing the current 25 percent to 75 percent ratio for non-resident to resident students respectively. “This is a deliberate choice by the state of Wisconsin,” Gamoran said. “It’s choosing not to subsidize state undergraduate education and is instead passing on those costs to those who are using the service of the university.” Gamoran added university leaders have expressed great

concern that in the absence of state aid, efforts to maintain faculty retention efforts will rely on the limited abilities of internal re-allocation. These internal re-allocation recommendations include developing a mechanism to use part of the savings or revenue generated in one department for other purposes, such as the support of other units within the department. The report outlines ways UW could strengthen faculty retention rates, including internal re-allocation of existing resources and savings and an increased emphasis on philanthropy and endowments. Sara Goldrick-Rab, a professor of education policy and sociology, encouraged the committee to foster more conversations on issues regarding raising tuition and the differences in tuition rates among residential and nonresidential students. “Our pool of non-residents is not as large or as deep as I would hope for it to be for something like this to work well,” Goldrick-Rab said. “We also turn down around 1,000 qualified residents from instate … and then we risk our service-rate to the state, which could have repercussions in the political environment.” Gamoran responded while UW should work to attract non-residents to campus, officials should also be careful

Herald Contributor Despite a surge in employment rates in late 2011, Wisconsin is still struggling to create new jobs when compared to the rest of the nation. According to a report from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wisconsin lost an estimated 27,700 private sector jobs from August to December of 2011 — more than any other state in the nation. The BLS’s report, released late last week, said the state has also seen a decrease in manufacturing with a disappearance of 5,800 industry jobs over the last six months of 2011, a loss surpassed only by California. “We just don’t know what is going on,” University of Wisconsin economics

professor Steven Deller said. “The most recent recession was so deep and lasted so long, we are just in uncharted waters.” Wisconsin’s mass layoffs in January 2012 were also greater than layoffs in Minnesota and Michigan combined, according to the report from the BLS. According to a separate report from the Philadelphia Federal Reserve, Wisconsin is also one of six states expected to undergo an economic contraction in the first part of 2012. PFR’s list featured no other states in the Midwest expected to contract. Although the numbers show Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign promise of creating 250,000 jobs has yet to be fulfilled, the BLS statistics show the unemployment rate did

now to create that.” EVOC’s main goal is to inform students of how often sexual assault occurs, Hotvedt said. Hotvedt added one in four women on college campuses experience sexual assault prior to graduation, and 13 percent of college students nationwide also report being stalked in the past year. The new informative video will resonate with students’ real life encounters to make sure it is as a real as possible, yet it will not target individual stories, Hotvedt said. Hotvedt added some questions that they asked the students during the Monday night event, which was closed to media for privacy concerns, consisted of how they meet people to date, what they see happening at parties, what a typical party is like, who typically intervenes in awkward or “creepy” situations that resemble sexual assault or stalking and if they have ever seen someone intervene in a creepy situation. The video’s purpose is to show new students and freshman what older students wished they had

Carley Eisenberg Herald Contributor

Olivia Thompson-Davies The Badger Herald

UW sociology department chair Adam Gamoran presents the results of a report that shows UW faculty are facing “critical” issues as their salaries drop to lower levels that make it easy for other schools to compete. to maintain high qualifications for acceptance to UW. He added in his 20 years on campus, he has seen a dramatic increase in test scores and the quality of incoming students. • Outline new triggers for raises for In an interview with high-performing faculty. Potential The Badger Herald after triggers may include securing the meeting, Interim particularly competitive grants, Chancellor David Ward said election to a national academy, the committee attempted to and especially high scholarly or provide a balanced review of service activity. university revenue streams • Strategic tuition increases limited and expenditures in an effort to propose examples that UW to the amount required to maintain officials and state legislators core budget and offset state could all consider in the future. budget cuts.

Faculty salary proposal

Source: UW Report

FAC SENATE, page 3

Wis. leads nation in private job loss Julia Jacobson

Volume XLIII, Issue 100

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


decrease from 8.5 to 7.5 percent in 2011, a rate lower than the national average of 8.9 percent. In an ad released Monday, Walker cited cuts to public employee pensions and health insurance as the sources of the state’s lower unemployment rates. Walker also said he managed to balance the budget without layoffs and eliminated Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit. Walker’s campaign spokesperson Ciara Matthews said in a statement Walker took the necessary steps to address Wisconsin’s economy during his first year in office. She said the reason Wisconsin’s unemployment rate is down and the people of Wisconsin are keeping their money is because of the immediate action Walker took when

stepping into office. However, Walker’s claims of fixing Wisconsin’s job market have been receiving criticism. Deller suggested the governor’s announcement of lower unemployment rates might only be a result of workers leaving the market. “Baby boomers are declining, we have more stay-at-home parents; more people are taking part-time jobs or starting their own businesses,” Deller said. “We just don’t have data from the past three months to see what has been happening.” Deller also said business owners would be reluctant to hire because of the upcoming recall elections and people moving to Wisconsin for career opportunities may hesitate

JOBS, page 2

End Violence on Campus encouraged students Monday night to share their experiences in their dating, partying and sex lives in the process of making a University Health Services video to help students avoid a sexual assault. EVOC is an initiative that the University of Wisconsin developed to create new plans and procedures in response to incidents of sexual assault, dating violence and stalking on campus. University Health Services Violence Prevention Specialist Carmen Hotvedt said EVOC is set to create a new video for first-time students at UW that will inform them about sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. The video will be 20 minutes long, versus the current 72-minute video that new students have to watch on their own time. “Students wanted shorter, interactive videos that looked like our campus,” Hotvedt said. “They wanted the videos about sexual assault to look as if it happened at UW to make it more believable. We are working

UHS, page 3

Wisconsin trails in job creation Job production in the private sector for Midwestern states from July 2011 to December 2011.

30,000 24,700 20,000

10,000 7,500 2,500

Wisconsin Illinois


Iowa -700




-27,700 -30,000

SOURCE: US Bureau of Labor

Developer, UW INSIDE continue to spar over apartments ‘Ma Rainey’ show scores big in its opening weekend

Alissa Scalzo Herald Contributor

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

The Plan Commission tackled the issue of a new apartment building proposal on Brooks Street in downtown Madison, but ultimately decided to refer the debate backward in the city process. The new five-story apartment building is intended to serve University of Wisconsin students. However, the plan set for the building is still not approved because of controversy between the building’s owner and UW’s master plan for future campus

Project architect Joseph Lee explains various components of the proposed five-story apartment building on Brooks Street. Lee said the campus and neighborhood plans for expected land uses differ, making it difficult to satisfy all parties. UW has contested the proposal, arguing that the land should be used by the university. APARTMENTS, page 3 © 2012 BADGER HERALD

University Theater’s latest production takes on racial and societal themes on stage.

ARTS | 5

Not buying bounties as part of the game Elliot Hughes takes umbrage with former NFLers treating bounties as part of the game.



The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

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Thompson unveils federal budget proposal U.S. Senate candidate pushes Keystone pipeline as central element of plan, focuses on extensive energy initiatives Mike Kujak State Legislature Editor United States Senate Candidate Tommy Thompson advocated for the construction of the controversial Keystone Pipeline during the unveiling of his proposed federal budget Thompson plan Monday. Thompson’s RESTORE Act, or Reform Entitlements, Simplify Taxes, Overturn Regulatory Excess Act, will introduce a number of economic initiatives, including budget reform, repealing Obamacare and cutting regulatory barriers, according to a statement from Thompson. Thompson’s

announcement Monday focused more specifically on his proposed energy initiatives. “My energy plan has three pillars,” Thompson said. “The first and most immediate priority is to build the Keystone Pipeline. Keystone has a two-fold benefit for the U.S. and Wisconsin, expanding access to North American oil and creating jobs.” The most recent polling data from the Pew Research Center shows strong support for approving the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline the Obama administration rejected in January. The poll released in late February found 66 percent of those who have heard about the issue said the proposed pipeline to bring oil sands from Alberta, Canada, to

Gulf Coast refineries should be approved. The data also showed a partisan split with Democratic approval at 49 percent and Republican approval at 84 percent. Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Graeme Zielinski questioned Thompson’s relationship with the Keystone pipeline. “It looks very much [to] us that Tommy Thompson is going to benefit financially from Keystone’s development and that it’s not going to put gas in the U.S. market but instead into the market in India and China,” Zielinski said. “His financial backers will profit from this development, but gas prices aren’t going to go down because Tommy Thompson gets richer.” According to a statement from the DPW, information

obtained from Thompson’s recent financial disclosure reports included investments ranging from $99,030 and $619,500 in oil and gas companies, including between $2,000 to $3,000 in BP stock. The second main energy initiative of Thompson’s plan would be to open new sources of U.S. territory to oil and natural gas drilling. The third initiative of the plan would expand natural gas production by protecting the “fracking” process, or the process of extracting natural gas and oil from the ground. Thompson also emphasized U.S. Congress’ failure to pass a budget in more than three years and said the budget reform bill he revealed two weeks ago was a solution to the problem. “We should no longer pay the salaries of senators who

shirk their responsibility,” Thompson said. “If leadership refuses to schedule a budget resolution, my proposal would require the Senate to immediately consider cutting non-security discretionary spending.” Polling conducted by Rasmussen Reports released last week shows Thompson leading U.S. Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, the only Democratic candidate, 50 to 36 percent in a head-to head race, with 10 percent of voters undecided. However, a second poll released by Public Policy Polling last weeks shows Baldwin leading Thompson 46 percent to 45 percent, former Congressman Mark Neumann 47 to 41 percent and Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, 47 to 39 percent.

Missing UW-SP student’s body recovered Authorities discover corpse in Wisconsin River three days after disappearance, believe alcohol involved in drowning Jackie Allen Campus Life Editor The Stevens Point Police Department confirmed Monday evening a University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point student’s death was likely caused by an accidental drowning after his disappearance early Saturday morning. Stevens Point assistant police chief Brian Kudronowicz said 21-year-

old Eric Duffey was found dead in the Wisconsin River yesterday afternoon after a night out for his birthday at a downtown bar. According to Kudronowicz, police officers and water crews began searching the river after tracking dogs followed Duffey’s path to the river and a tipper called saying he heard cries for help there Saturday morning.

A coroner later positively identified the body as Duffey. Kudronowicz said approximately 150 volunteers, including community residents and UWSP students and staff, participated in the search party around Stevens Point in the effort to find Duffey. “We appreciate all the assistance from everyone involved in assisting the Stevens Point Police

Department in locating Eric Duffey. His parents are very appreciative,” Kudronowicz said. “That really helped us get this tragic situation to a conclusion.” Kudronowicz added the UWSP chancellor participated in the search party, while the police department drew on assistance from the Sheriff ’s Department, Fire Department and Air Patrol to try to locate

Duffey. As of Monday evening, Kudronowicz said they are scheduling an autopsy and waiting on a toxicology report to determine the exact cause of Duffey’s death and whether alcohol played a role. Kudronowicz said Duffey’s death seems to be the result of an accidental drowning, but added he believes alcohol was involved.

Assembly clashes on mining amendments, bill advances Sean Kirkby State Politics Editor An amended bill streamlining the mining permit process in Wisconsin will soon head to a Senate floor vote after lawmakers rejected a bipartisanauthored compromise amendment. The Joint Finance Committee decided in a 12-4 party-line vote Monday to approve an amended version of the Assembly’s version of the mining bill, which passed earlier this year. The bill would pave the way for the company Gogebic Taconite to open a mine in northern Wisconsin. The bill’s supporters say the legislation will create thousands of jobs. The substitute amendment approved was offered by Co-Chairs Rep. Robin Vos, R-Burlington, and Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills. It includes changes to the bill such as expanding the bill’s timeline for the

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to review the mining permit application from 360 days to 420 with possible extensions. The bill would also establish a contested case hearing, which would allow citizens to challenge the issued permits. However, Republican legislators voted down a different substitute amendment authored by Sen. Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, and Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, which includes changes to the bill, such as requiring the DNR to act on a mining permit in 270 days but allowing for extending the deadline at least three times. Jauch said he favors mining as long as it is responsible. However he criticized the Vos-Darling amendment for not protecting the environment. While he said the substitute amendment addresses some of his concerns, he asked why

it only came today rather than before. “[This bill] is being called a compromise,” Jauch said “The only thing that bill does is compromise our natural resources. A responsible mining bill does not compromise our environment.” However, Vos said he was proud of the substitute amendment he offered because it addresses concerns while not jeopardizing the opportunity to bring thousands of jobs to Wisconsin. He added that in the last session when Democrats held the governor’s office and legislature, Democrats rarely tried to compromise with Republican lawmakers. “I am reminded in the last session that somebody said to me that compromise when you are in the minority does not mean that you get 50-50,” Vos said. “If you’re in the minority and you get 20 percent, that is a major

Jill Peters The Badger Herald

Assembly legislators listen to testimony on a contentious mining bill, on which some representatives wanted a cohesive compromise. The body eventually passed an amended version of the bill but rejected compromise. accomplishment, something which, when I was in the minority, I almost never got.” He said seven out of eleven things listed in Jauch’s amendment are in their bill, which makes it 64 percent of a compromise. He said his amendment creates a compromise and should be “applauded, not derided.” In an interview following the committee’s decision, Schultz, who does not serve on the committee but was

in attendance, said the committee threw away a list of items that could have created common ground. “I think the Joint Finance Committee missed an opportunity to come together on the things that we agree,” Schultz said. Schultz has previously said he would not vote for the bill. If he votes no with the other sixteen Democratic senators, they would be able to defeat the measure in a floor vote.

JOBS, from 1 because they are unsure of the political situation. He also suggested any new policies promoting small businesses, particularly in manufacturing, food processing and personal services, could have an effect on jobs moving in and out of the state. Gubernatorial candidate Kathleen Falk’s spokesperson Scot Ross challenged Walker’s performance on job creation and said Falk would invest more money in education, healthcare and renewable energy to create jobs. “Walker’s way is to hand out unaccountable tax breaks for the few. The trickle down economics effect has never worked for this country, and it’s failing the state now,” Ross said.

The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dated Walker interview video sparks union debate Jacob Kaczmarowski Herald Contributor A video showing Gov. Scott Walker on the campaign trail claiming that he would be willing to negotiate with public employees if elected to office surfaced Friday, which his critics say proves he did not run on the idea of eliminating collective bargaining. The video features Walker as a candidate in Oct. 26, 2010, sitting down with the editorial board The Oshkosh Northwestern. During the interview, Walker discussed what he did as Milwaukee county executive to balance the budget and his plans to use a similar process for Wisconsin. A Northwestern editorial board member asked if collective bargaining was a factor in Walker’s plan to ask public employees to contribute “their fair share” of their pension plans and how such a proposal would be negotiable. “Yes, you still have to negotiate it,” Walker answered. “I did that at the county as well.” Walker has said in the past that he ran on the issue of eliminating

APARTMENTS, from 1 infrastructure. Joseph Lee, an architect working on the plan, said the height and width of the building was an issue criticized in UW’s campus plan. The campus plan asked for the building to contrast with the surrounding buildings. The commission, despite multiple buildings around this new apartment building that stand six stories tall, approved the height of the new apartment. Lee also said the neighborhood plan and campus plans are different and are based on very different ideas. Gary Brown, UW’s director of campus planning, said the campus plan calls for an academic research facility in the Brooks Street location. The neighborhood plan asks for the apartment building to blend in and look relatively uniform, while the research facility may not blend. A report from Urban Design Commission said the building, which shows up in the 1995 and 2004 Campus Plans, is shown as an

FAC SENATE, from 1 He added university officials recognize students do not want tuition increases

collective bargaining. Wisconsin’s branch of Politifact, a factchecking organization, also challenged Walker’s statement, rating the statement “false” in an analysis done in February of last year. Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, who is running for the nomination to run against Walker in a potential recall election, said she believes the video exemplifies the deceit she said she believes Walker has created. “It helps people understand what the governor truly said during his campaign and what he is doing now,” Vinehout said. “He challenged the press to find evidence and, now they have.” Mike Mikalsen, spokesperson for Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, said Nass believes the governor’s actions with the collective bargaining reform bill and budget plan are consistent with what he said he was going to do. “The governor is still talking to unions,” Mikalsen said. “He has been consistent throughout his [tenure] in office with what he said he was going to do. He also said he was going to balance the budget; that’s

done.” Mikalsen added the state had a $3.2 billion deficit when the governor came into office, which he said is now down to $143 million over the next three years. In a statement released in response to the video, Kathleen Falk, former Dane County executive and a Democratic recall candidate, called Walker’s statements a “smoking gun” to Walker’s secret plan to end the rights of public workers everywhere. “It’s another indication of Gov. Walker not being honest with the people of Wisconsin,” Falk’s spokesperson Scot Ross said. “No amount of money that Walker raises around the country can buy back the trust of the people of Wisconsin.” Wisconsin Education Association Council spokesperson Christina Brey said the union has known all along the governor never campaigned to do anything he has done in office. “This is one more item of proof,” Brey said, “that what he has done and what he said he would do are two different things.” Walker’s campaign and office did not return calls as of press time.

academic research building in the Regent Street Campus Neighborhood Plan, which was approved in 1998. Lee commented on the concern of parking during move-in and move-out days, and where the parking would be located. He offered metered parking outside the apartment building as a suggestion. Joe McCormick, the developer of the apartment plan, said the apartment would be furnished and limited furniture would be moved in. Brown brought up that interest in the property was expressed many times, and the property owner was unwilling to sell. Ald. Chris Schmidt, District 11, offered to refer this plan back to the Urban Design Commission. “We do have forum-based recommendations coming out of the neighborhood and adopted neighborhood plan,” Schmidt said. “It sounds like they weren’t addressed at the UDC level.” Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said the Plan Commission would not necessarily find guidance from UDC if the neighborhood plan was

taken into account. He said there is a conflict between the plan developers and the university. He added the university has a vision of the plan for the area, but there was not a detailed discussion of the neighborhood plan; rather, this was an acceptance by the UDC of the campus master plan. Resnick said he believes the plan should not be referred back to UDC. He added that considering the positive feedback already before the commission from UDC, it was not necessary to refer it back to them. “I understand how this plan was put together and what it reflects and frankly, as far as the UW master plan goes, we didn’t adopt that,” Schmidt said. “But what is adopted is in this campus neighborhood plan and whether residents were the ones who crafted those recommendations or adopted them from out of some other notion is not particularly relevant to the standards question.” The commission voted again to send the plan to UDC for more detailed discussion.

and will continue to pursue other forms of revenue. “The problem is, I don’t think the state is prepared to pay its fair share,” Ward said. “What they tried to do was

think about undergraduate in-state tuition and think about how to be very moderate about that. But are there some other ways you can find revenue?”

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

UHS Violence Prevention Specialists Shira Phelps and Carmen Hotvedt work to educate students.

UHS, from 1 known, Hotvedt said. The questionnaire Hotvedt provided students also asked them what words of wisdom older students have for freshman coming to campus. Once the students respond to the questions, Hotvedt said they will put together real-life situations that relate to their experiences, yet nothing that is too personal to protect the students’ privacy concerns, to put in the video. Hotvedt said EVOC promises to keep the names of students who participate in the event confidential, so they will not have to worry about having their experiences at parties or

the details of their lives being depicted poorly in the video. He added the video is being made with support from the Division of Student Life, the executive director of University Health Services and the EVOC Coordinating Council to make sure the groups meet quarterly. UHS Violence Prevention Specialist Shira Phelps added that though the video will not show individuals’ specific stories, the program is intended to be realistic. “The video will not be invented and will show where students actually hang out on campus,” Phelps said. Phelps said the new video project is set to be released Aug. 1.



Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Herald Editorial A scholarship 100 years in the making The Wisconsin Idea — a political and educational philosophy that fosters public universities’ contributions to the state — celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. University of Wisconsin senior class officers announced their Class of 2012 gift will be a scholarship in honor of this occasion. The Wisconsin Idea Scholarship for incoming freshmen and transfer students effectively combines the potential generosity of current students with the lasting legacy of the Wisconsin Idea. It also promotes good works outside the boundaries of the university and establishes a means to attract the world’s most promising students. The scholarship was developed in coordination with multiple partners, including the Wisconsin Alumni Association, UW Student Foundation and UW Foundation. It will be funded in part by pooling foundation

grants from past senior class gifts which are specific to scholarships, but are not currently being used. Class of 2012 graduates are also being asked to donate $5 each to the scholarship fund — a reasonable and affordable request for any student. This scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for freshmen and transfer students to come to Wisconsin’s premiere university in order to further a philosophy interwoven with our state’s history for the past century. And with a leader like Class President Steven Olikara spearheading this endeavor, this board knows the Wisconsin Idea Scholarship will be promoted and maintained, and that it will not fall by the wayside like past class gift scholarships. Although it has yet to be determined, we trust the criteria for this scholarship will ensure its availability to students of all majors,

not just those who traditionally focus on community service. This scholarship should be just as readily available to a physics or Scandinavian studies student as it is to a community and nonprofit leadership or sociology student, so long as they meet the criteria. Otherwise, this financial opportunity will be limited in its scope, something the founders of the Wisconsin Idea would certainly frown upon. The Wisconsin Idea Scholarship is an excellent legacy for the Class of 2012 to leave behind because it promotes student service to the greater community, not just to the university. This board looks forward to the development and disbursement of this scholarship, and applauds the senior class officers for their innovation. We hope the rest of the senior class will follow in their footsteps.

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Senior class President Steven Olikara presents the Wisconsin Idea Scholarship to promote service-based learning for incoming freshmen and transfer students.

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Weekly non-voting Community Member Erik Paulson | Former Herald Columnist E d i t o r i a l B o a r d o p i n i o n s a r e c r a f t e d i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f n e w s c o v e ra g e .

Israeli anti-Iran feeling pervades at 2012 AIPAC Meher Ahmad Staff Writer The multiple moving parts of AmericanIsraeli-Iranian relations made this weekend’s American Israeli Public Affairs Committee conference, the largest in its history, a swirling mix of war rhetoric and state power display. While the issue of Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza was brushed aside, Israel became a “political football,” in the words of Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif. This topic was used to pander voters for or against President Barack Obama in the upcoming elections. Israeli President Shimon Peres spearheaded antiIran war mongering with statements like “Iranians aspire to take control of the Middle East and to destabilize existing regimes.” While there is some truth in what Peres said on the links between Iran and the Lebanese Shi’a Hezbollah, his statements are meant to incite fear in the hopes of attacking Iran on the basis of its nuclear capabilities. Peres, along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, argues the nuclear abilities of Iran are not only alarming but are also a cause to attack the Islamic Republic due to its open opposition to the Israeli state. Peres’ speech this weekend to the AIPAC audience and American politicians was an attempt to budge Obama’s “red line.” Obama’s “red line” phrase popped up in several analyses of Obama’s speech

at the conference, which assured proIsraeli voters that he has “Israel’s back.” What he doesn’t have is the willingness to change his red line, or warrant for war, from Iran having nuclear weapons to Iran being capable of making nuclear weapons. Essentially, he’ll say what he has to, but when it comes to taking Israel’s hard line position against Iran, the president will not take any definitive action. As always, Obama’s opponents accuse him of empty rhetoric to appease Jewish voters, and they are correct. Yet the issue of Iran is used to undermine Obama by Peres and Netanyahu, who are well aware that Obama’s soft stance towards Iran, although it could hardly be characterized as such with economic sanctions nearing an all-out embargo, is proof that he does not in fact have “Israel’s back.” Empty or not, the war rhetoric was alarming. A Cold Warera fear is constantly disseminated to supporters of Israel. Outwardly labeling Iran as a “evil, cruel and morally corrupt” regime, Peres implored AIPAC members, the most influential lobbyists in IsraeliAmerican affairs, to stop Iran’s ambition to control the Middle East, as it is a “danger to the entire world.” What’s missing in Peres’ picture is the reality of Iran’s nuclear program. According to an article written by the Pentagon’s Colin Kahl, the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East, a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, as some Israelis are calling for, would not bode well for the ultimate goal for peace in the region.

In the article, Kahl outlines the shortcomings of Israel’s attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility in 1981, a situation strikingly similar to that of Iran today. In the attack, facilities in Osirak, Iraq, were destroyed as a preventative measure to protect Israel from attack. Kahl finds that the attack actually increased Saddam Hussein’s interest in nuclear weaponry, kicking his spending on nuclear facilities up from $400 million to $10 billion after the attack revealed the vulnerabilities of his program. The nuclear facilities were also moved underground, away from international inspection. Were it not for Iraq’s war with Kuwait, it is likely that nuclear weapons would successfully have been assembled. Although Iran is a few steps ahead of Iraq in its nuclear capabilities before the Osirak attack, it still is not capable of creating a nuclear weapon. The frenzied warmongering that took place this weekend would be valid perhaps if Iran did have nuclear capability. However, the argument loses its teeth when that fact that Iran cannot manufacture the weapons is taken into account. In the meantime, the persistent issues to peace in the region, namely the occupation, have been brushed aside. Election-year politics give Israel the upper hand in gaining American backing against Iran, and judging from the reported cheering at Peres’ anti-Iran speech, it won’t be hard to find. Meher Ahmad (mahmad@ badgerherald.com) is a junior majoring in international studies and Middle Eastern studies.



m A R C H 6 , 2 0 1 1

Appearing on the Opinion page on this day one year ago, Editor-InChief Signe Brewster wrote her first opinion column. She advocated for the legitimacy of the New Badger Partnership., which ultimately failed. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, called Obama’s health care plan a “stupid, dumbass program.” Former columnist Alicia Yager called out then presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee for hating on America’s sweetheart Natalie Portman.

Portman had just won an Oscar for Black Swan, but Huckabee took issue with the fact that she was pregnant out of wedlock. Baby Aleph, now 8 months, seems not to suffer any physical deformities or emotional disturbances Huckabee would think are associated with single motherhood. Of note, Sen. Glenn Grothman. R-20th district, is now proposing a bill to criminalize single parenthood. Time may be fleeting but assholes are forever.

Schultz’s decision will make mining compromise fail Vincent Borkowski Staff Writer In an interesting twist of events, Sen. Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, has rejected the compromise over the new iron mine in northern Wisconsin — despite the fact that the compromise was created by his fellow Republicans. Schultz holds the swing vote, and his rejection of the compromise was surprising. The mine itself has caused some people to go into a rage, but the mining company is working hard to secure a compromise that will make everyone happy. It seems, however, the state Legislature is muddled. First, some facts about any new mine that would open in Wisconsin: There is the need for legislative oversight in order to improve it, environmental concerns would be addressed and jobs would be created. The last idea should strike home for many people, especially because of the current state of the economy, although it has certainly been improving since Gov. Walker’s reforms have taken place. This new mine would add even more jobs to the ones that have already been created. What also makes this interesting is the fact that this mine would create union jobs, not to mention the fact that most of the jobs created in the state as a result of Walker’s reforms are themselves union jobs.

For this, people should be appreciative. The mine does have environmental concerns. At the same time, so do a lot of things. Every time you start your car, you pollute. Every time a new coal-based power plant — the majority of power plants in Wisconsin — is opened, there are environmental risks. Risks can be minimized, which is what the mining company is proposing. But, overall, risks are inevitable. Many of the things we take for granted are due to necessary risks that we put on the environment. If we want to keep functioning as a core nation, these are risks we need to take. The benefits of the numerous jobs that the mine will create — union or otherwise — would make this mine a very viable option. The goal of the new bill in Legislature is to make Wisconsin a lucrative place for mining companies, and the changes proposed in this new bill would allow for Wisconsin to be a better place for such business. The fact that such a compromise is being avoided is disappointing. The mine would be a great business investment, totaling somewhere to the tune of $1.5 billion. Monetary investment into the state, plus the creation of a large amount of jobs, many of them union jobs, and yet liberals still oppose it? I’m uncertain what it is the left wants anymore. Hate on Walker because he reduced

the power of huge unions. Hate on Republicans who offer incentives to companies who create Wisconsin union jobs. Further hate on Walker because of the many, many union jobs he has created over the past year. Get it together, Democrats: Do you support unions or not? Schultz’s decision may be due to the political pressure from recall threats. Still, supporting the mining bill compromise would be a wise idea. I would prefer to see a decision made regarding the mine, hopefully one that is in full support. Jobs are still very scarce despite the help that Walker has given us. Yet here some stand, looking a gift horse in the mouth. You usually don’t come into 1.5 billion by having bad business practices or trashing the environment, especially in a business that requires state legislative permission. The mine seems like a great idea, especially as Wisconsin struggles against a debt left by the previous governor, poor national economy and politicians who are uncertain if they support union workers or not. I say make up your mind, support the miners’ union and the many jobs that will be created, and bask in the positive economic outlook that Wisconsin is having for the first time in many years. Vincent Borkowski (vborkowski@wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in neurobiology.

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.


ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Big issues played out on small stage Cast of University Theatre’s ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’ captures tensions of 1920s Sam Berg ArtsEtc. Reporter Although she was one of the first blues singers to ever make recordings and was dubbed by some as “The Mother of the Blues,” to many, Ma Rainey is an obscure name. Except of course for those who have seen University Theatre’s “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” a play which showcases the booming personality of the cynical blues singer. The play depicts her as a dominating woman whose unwavering independence and confidence keep her career afloat. “Ma Rainey” came as one of ten installments of August Wilson’s “Pittsburgh Cycle,” a series of plays offering one play from each decade in the 20th Century. Wilson’s “Cycle” distills the experience of blacks during each particular time period. On the surface, “Ma Rainey” is a play about a recording session. Ma Rainey arrives an hour late and constantly takes issue with her manager and the studio owner. The audience ultimately witnesses an exploration of the unique problems black Americans faced in the 1920s. The production expertly cast jaki-terry in the title role, where she proved her ability to capture viewers’ respect and attention. Jakiterry is currently pursuing her MFA in acting at UWMadison and delivered an immensely convincing depiction of the sassy jazz singer. Even while acting like a spoiled prima donna, it is easy to see that there are more complex motivators than selfishness behind Rainey’s character. Jaki-

terry does an admirable job emphasizing both the excess and the thoughtfulness of Ma Rainey. Although Wilson named his play after the singer, the show concentrates as much on the experiences of the supporting characters as on Rainey herself. The tension of the play comes out in the interactions between the members of Rainey’s supporting band. The players were each as strong and memorable as the title character and delivered the play’s big themes convincingly. From the sober-minded pianist Toledo (Alfred H. Wilson) to the fiery trumpeter Levee, the band offered a brilliant cross section of the African-American experience in the 1920s. Questions over their ethnic identity and their role in improving their race’s status conflict the players in the band. Even the existence of God is brought into question in this modest but sprawling production. Animated conversations among the characters convey these grand concepts with enough subtlety to avoid coming off as preachy or heavyhanded. During one particularly affecting scene, Levee the trumpet player (Trevon Jackson) recounts his mother’s gang rape and begs the question “Where was God then?” All these characters rose from the stage to show strikingly varied and interesting personalities. While Sturdyvant, the studio owner, and Irvin, Rainey’s manager, often came across as flat caricatures of manipulative

Photo courtesy of University Theatre

Actress jaki-terry brings August Wilson’s depiction of jazz singer Ma Rainey to life in University Theatre’s current production of “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” whites, the musicians were complex and believable. Levee initially comes across as a character whose sole trait is an unshakeable narcissism. Soon it is revealed that he is as bitter and confused about his race’s place in society as the philosophically minded Toledo. The band is fascinating to see interact. Their conversations always start out light and humorous and then take a gradual turn to the play’s more serious themes. Toledo’s lines at times turn him into

a mouthpiece for the deep thoughts explored in the play. After the bassist Slow Drag tries to convince the trombonist to give him some marijuana, Toledo explains that Slow Drag was displaying “a traditional African concept of kinship.” Toledo’s awkward sociological analysis of a guy who was just trying to get high felt out of place and heavy-handed in the otherwise nuanced play. Fortunately Toledo’s actor, Alfred H. Wilson, commands enough respect

to come across as genuine even while reciting August Wilson’s less graceful lines. When Toledo spoke, people in the crowd nodded in interest. The audience sat in silence after Levee finished telling his mother’s rape story. Rainey embodied for the audience the racial tension of the era. Each of the University Theatre’s players seduced as well as any in a Broadway theater. University Theater’s production offers enough sheer talent to deliver this powerfully serious play

convincingly. Even when talking about faith and the status of black Americans in the United States, the cast keeps the attention and trust of the audience. “Ma Rainey” provides an entertaining and thoughprovoking study into a time in America that seems alien to most living now. “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” is playing at the Mitchell Theater through March 22. There will be a post-performance discussion with the actors after the March 15 performance.


Boost your metabolism the old-fashioned way Rachel Werts Low-Fat Tuesday Columnist Metabolism. Not an unfamiliar word, but do you really know what it means? Perhaps you have been told you have a “fast” one. Maybe you saw a news program on the latest way to “boost” yours. But few know what exactly metabolism is or what real implications it has on their life and health. Metabolism is the sum of all the tiny chemical reactions that drive your body processes. These processes can be automatic, like keeping your heart beating at a steady pace, and they can also be voluntary, like when your arm muscles move when you wave hello to someone. All of these functions require energy. We get this energy from the food we eat in the form of calories, which we then “burn” as needed to keep our bodies going. The involuntary functions in your body make up your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR is responsible for

60-70 percent of calories you expend in a single day. That means if you follow a 2,000 calorie diet, about 1,300 are used up to simply keep you alive, so to speak. Your BMR is determined by your body size and composition, your age and your sex. People with a higher ratio of muscle to fat have higher BMRs. Since men naturally have a higher ratio of muscle to fat, they usually have higher BMRs than women. Since muscle mass decreases with age, BMR tends to lower with age as well. Another involuntary body function that contributes to overall metabolism is the process of digestion: Breaking down food requires energy. The energy expended when food is digested is known as “thermogenesis” and accounts for about 5-10 percent of the calories you burn in a day. Thermogenesis is relatively constant throughout a person’s lifetime. The voluntary processes that contribute to your metabolic expenditure are broadly categorized as physical activity. This isn’t just the physical activity you do at the gym, however. This category also entails the calories you burn sitting in class, talking to your friends

on the phone or shampooing your hair in the shower. This is by far the most variable element of your metabolism and the one that is most under your control. The more active you are throughout the day, the more calories you burn and the “higher” your metabolism will be. The rate of your metabolism has significant implications because it contributes to healthy weight management. People with higher metabolisms find it easier to maintain a healthy weight or lose excess weight than those with lower rates of metabolism. There are healthy habits that you can develop to help make the most of your metabolism. One of the best habits is to get into a regular exercise routine. Both aerobic exercise and weight-bearing exercise are important. Aerobic exercise (such as biking, running, swimming or walking) will increase your physical activity level and burn more calories overall, while anaerobic exercise (such as weight lifting, sprinting, push ups or pull ups) can increase your muscle mass, which will increase your BMR. Another good habit is to eat breakfast every day. After an overnight fast, your body

needs a jumpstart to go from “calorie conservation mode” to “calorie burning mode,” and it can’t do this without some energy. Eating breakfast gives your body the boost it needs to burn calories all day long. Similarly, make sure you eat regular meals. If you go too long without eating, your body will sense the lack of energy and switch back to conservation mode to prepare for a fast. Eating small meals every 3-4 hours helps keep your body in calorie burning mode. Choosing nutrientdense foods high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein and fiber make it easier to keep your total number of calories for the day in check. Finally, it is extremely important to get enough sleep every night. Without sufficient sleep, your body will burn calories less efficiently and slow your metabolism. Besides, who wants to do physical activity when you’re feeling tired and sluggish? Of course, these metabolism “boosting” habits aren’t the only ones you need to stay healthy, but they can help contribute to management of a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle.

Ask food questions at wisconsin.dnc@gmail.com.

THE RECIPE OF THE WEEK This week’s recipe is an awesome breakfast full of fruit and fiber to jump start your day. Bake the whole pan and you’ve got breakfast ready for every morning! Banana Blueberry Baked Oatmeal Ingredients: 2 medium ripe bananas, sliced 1 1/2 cup blueberries 1/4 cup honey 1 cup uncooked quick oats 1/2 tsp baking powder 3/4 tsp cinnamon pinch of salt 1 cup skim milk 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla extract Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Arrange sliced bananas on the bottom of a greased ceramic dish (preferably 9x9; if using a larger dish decrease baking times by about one-third). Sprinkle half of the blueberries on top of the bananas, 1/4 tsp of the cinnamon, 1 tbsp of the honey and cover with foil. Bake 15 minutes, until the bananas get soft. Combine oats, baking powder, remaining cinnamon, salt in a medium bowl. In another bowl, whisk together milk, remaining honey, egg, and vanilla. Add to the oat mixture. Pour over the baked bananas and blueberries. Add the remaining blueberries. Bake for 30 minutes, or until top is golden brown and the oatmeal is set. Serve hot.


Breaking: “March Madness” Not As Exciting As Title Implies Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Tuesday, March 6, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: “What? No Bacchanalia? None??”


















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.


The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: “So you... sacrifice the... ball to... the net?”


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }



















e-mail Zapata!” director Kazan

27 30







38 41

35 Windblown formations 36 Is a brat 40 Removal


from harm’s


way, for short



33 Unsolicited 34 “Viva










19 21

28 33















42 Followed a







downsizing plan?







59 63

60 64


45 Ostrich look-alike








48 Spicy cook-off dishes 49 Conked with

Puzzle by Doug Peterson










Across 1 Take down ___ (humble) 5 Finds common ground 11 In days past 14 La Scala headliner 15 Spitting image 16 Chicken ___ 17 Newspaper puzzle with anagrams 19 Sourdough alternative 20 End a hug 21 Neighbor of an Iraqi 23 “The Chosen” author Chaim 24 Genteel gathering 27 Source of the Beverly Hillbillies’ wealth 28 MP3 player that weighs less than an ounce 33 Seed on a


38 39 41 43 44 46 47 50 51 52 57

60 62 63

66 67

bun Island instrument, briefly Stunt plane maneuver Appease Album’s first half Ungrammatical contraction Lead-in to a big day Kind of magazine Frenzied rush “I shoulda known that!” Snooker stick Unvoiced Elton John collaborator Bernie Just O.K. Appear in print Tart powdered drink preparation Filled up on Chilean novelist

68 69 70 71

Allende River through St. Petersburg Informal greetings Take big steps Pub offerings

a pitch 22 25 26 29

east of Seattle Ransacker University URL ender Makes inquiries Noted pumpkin eater Katherine of “Knocked Up” Actress Anderson Sport with lunges

53 Madison Square Garden, e.g. 54 Caravan beast 55 “Enough!” 56 State with a panhandle 57 Highchair

Down feature 1 Seem logical 30 58 Prius, for one 2 Alicia Keys’s 59 Digs in twigs instrument 61 Low-lying 31 3 Boot out region 4 Vintner 64 Scuff, e.g. 32 Ernest or 65 Geisha’s sash Julio 5 Sm., med. and lg., e.g. Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ 6 Approach Today is 7 ___ and Super Coke Tuesday. 8 Flow’s partner 9 Corner Where’s shapes Superman to 10 “So long!” defeat all of 11 Victim of a these super springtime villains? hoax 12 “The Naked Maja” painter 13 Plow-pulling pair 18 City south-

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Tuesday, March 6, 2012





BARTENDING! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training available. 18+ ok. 800965-6520 ext. 120

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badGer herald dig it.


Badgers eye Mercyhurst after upset Wisconsin readies for NCAA quarters, falters in WCHA tourney title game Matt Wimmer Sports Writer Once again, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team (31-4-2, 23-3-2) has put itself in solid position to return to the Frozen Four for the second consecutive season. The top-seeded Badgers will be in familiar territory Saturday as they host Mercyhurst College (23-73, 8-1-3) in a quarterfinal matchup at the Kohl Center. Despite a tough loss to Minnesota-Duluth Friday night in the WCHA Conference Championship, head coach Mark Johnson said he has little

HUGHES, from 8 of arguably the most popular product in all of American television at the moment. According to Nielsen, nine of the top 10 most watched-programs in 2011 were NFL-related. Of the top 10 regularly scheduled programs, four are NFLrelated. Despite this insane popularity, doomsayers had already settled in on the league. Over the past two years, the risks of football have drawn the sport into comparisons with boxing, where the physical and mental consequences resulted in fewer people participating in the game and a rapid decline in overall popularity followed. And there are more than enough stories out there on the horrors that former players have been plagued

ROAD, from 8 Wisconsin outscored the Gophers 5-3, and sophomore forward Mark Zengerle contributed on all five goals over the weekend with one goal and four assists. The Wisconsin defense, meanwhile, was a strong presence last weekend as well. They allowed only three goals to the WCHA’s second-best scoring offense, and they have let up only nine goals in their last five games. “As a whole, we only gave them three goals over the weekend,” Eaves said. “Against one of the higherscoring teams in our league and in our country, that says a lot about what

concern about where his team stands. Johnson discussed the lessons that can be learned from this loss and how it will help going into the NCAA tournament quarterfinals against Mercyhurst at his Monday press conference. “I don’t have any concerns about this team compared to past teams,” Johnson said. “The important part is how we react to Friday night’s loss. Every game teaches you something, and we must learn from it. Whether you win or lose, you wake up and look at what you did well or what you need to improve on. We didn’t play the best game, but you take it and move on.” It’s an exciting time of the season, as the Badgers sit just a single victory away from a trip to the Frozen Four. Wisconsin will have the chance to prepare for a full week and build the focus

that will be critical this weekend, as every game from this point on could be the team’s last. The single-game elimination format poses a challenge to any team hoping to make a Frozen Four run, but the Badgers have played well in games like this before and understand the preparation that goes into a big matchup. With that said, they remain excited about the opportunity to play in front of their home crowd. “As a staff and team, we are excited about hosting a quarterfinal game and look forward to the game on Saturday,” Johnson said. “We get an opportunity to have a full week’s worth of preparation at the Kohl Center. We are in a good position, and it’s time to get to work for Saturday’s game.” Securing home ice should be a major

advantage for the Badgers, as they have only lost two games this season in Madison. The Kohl Center is a hostile environment and will likely pose a challenge itself for Mercyhurst. Despite being one of the most successful programs in the tournament, historically, the Badgers are not taking Mercyhurst lightly, as the Lakers have won four out of their last six games. UW’s opponent just came off a tough loss against Robert Morris University and is looking for a spark heading into the game. “I don’t know much about Mercyhurst,” Johnson said. “Anyone is capable of winning, and the team that executes is the one who should win. I’m looking forward to the preparation and challenge. It will be nice to have the crowd behind us, which

with thanks to constant head-on collisions over the course of their careers. So while the NFL enacted measures to make the game safer during the 2010-11 season, now the bounty scandal arrives. While many people are quick to label Williams’ program for what it is — a thuggish, morally reprehensible system — there’s a loud voice coming from NFLers expressing what can be summed as an indifference toward the whole thing. Brett Favre, who had a bounty on his head during the 2010 NFC Championship Game and was a victim of cheap hits, told Sports Illustrated’s Peter King he had no grudges. If he was called to testify in court against Saints players he’d “be the wrong guy” and that “there’s a bounty of some

kind on you on every play.” There are a litter of stories popping up with former players alluding to this idea, that a bounty system hardly changes the nature of the game because it is so violent to begin with. To an extent, they’re right. Could players be charged with battery for a hit on the field even if it’s proven the defender intended to inflict injury? That’s no easy answer. The line is decidedly blurred since there’s an extraordinary amount of consent that goes into every play in a football game. But if something so dirty and stupid as a bounty program can only buoy up indifference from those that play the game, then lovers of the sport need to ask themselves what football is truly about. I considered the game to

be simply about physical dominance, a game of muscles pushing against one another — not a game where one simply tries to place another on a cart to be wheeled off the field via cheap shots. Playing sports is about chasing a dream of excellence. A game of cheap shots is a dishonorable sport, and it’s a shame that some players are OK with that version of football. It’s that kind of sentimentality that will help cement football as a sport too dangerous to play. It will only help ruin America’s favorite entertainment.

our defensive core did.” Wisconsin sports the fourth-least amount of goals allowed in the WCHA. A big part of the success at goaltender is the play of freshman goaltender Joel Rumpel, who has played in 23 games this season and racked up 57 saves in last weekend’s series at Minnesota. Eaves is happy with the play of his freshman goaltender and is hoping it continues into the upcoming playoffs. “It starts and ends in the pipes for us,” Eaves said. “[Rumpel] played in a real tough environment and played well, and we’re going into another tough environment. That

doesn’t seem to rattle him too much; he just kind of stands in there and does his thing. So, we hope that continues.” The Badgers are now matched up with No. 10 Denver in the first round of the WCHA playoffs this coming weekend, and Eaves believes the recent success of the Badgers has given the team confidence leading into the playoffs. “[Our confidence] is legitimate,” Eaves said. “We’ve won three out of four. We were in a position to win four out of four. So I think intrinsically we understand what it takes. We just get on that plane headed to Denver and continue what we’ve been doing. But I think

Elliot Hughes is a senior majoring in journalism. What do you think about the reaction surrounding Gregg Williams’ bounty system? Let him know at ehughes@ badgerherald.com or tweet @elliothughes12.

it’s legitimate what we are feeling inside.” Denver is currently on a three-game winning streak coming off a series sweep last weekend at NebraskaOmaha. Wisconsin faced Denver three weeks ago in Madison where the Badgers split the series and out-shot the Pioneers 6351. Eaves feels the Badgers’ recent meeting with Denver and the success they had against them plays to his squad’s advantage going into this weekend’s series. “The fact that we played them recently is fresh in our minds,” Eaves said. “I think that’s part of what makes our feeling legitimate, having

usually generates some excitement and energy. For a student-athlete, players tend to feed off of that.” Sophomore goaltender Alex Rigsby was a major subject of the press conference, as Mark Johnson spoke at length about her play. The Badgers’ record stands at 31-4-2 when Rigsby has been in the net for Wisconsin, and on the season Rigsby has 973 saves and a .952 save percentage. Rigsby has made huge contributions to a team that finished the regular season with 29 victories, and her effort this season has appeared to reignite the Badgers’ play. Wisconsin will need a big effort from her as it looks to knock off Mercyhurst. “Alex is starting to understand that patience is a vital part to being a goaltender,” Johnson said. “She

HONORS, from 8 Berggren blossomed this year in scoring 10.4 points, grabbing 5.0 rebounds and blocking 1.6 shots in 27.6 minutes of playing time per game. His 51 blocks on the season are also the fifth-most in school history and the most in a season since 1995. Evans, meanwhile, is second behind Taylor with 10.7 points per game and first with 6.9 rebounds per game. Last season, he averaged only 2.8 points and 2.3 rebounds in 11.6 minutes of playing time per game. Evans averaged 30.4 minutes on the floor this season. Wilson was Wisconsin’s recipient for the Big Ten Sportsmanship Award, which honors

played well here against them and taking that and using that as we go forward. “Those things add up to us having a basic feeling that we can get the job done should we continue to play like we are.” The Badgers wrapped up the regular with four straight away games for the second time in three years and will continue to play away from Madison this coming weekend at Denver. But UW is hoping the recent stretch of road games is a blessing in disguise for them in the upcoming games away from home. “We don’t control the

learned a lot last year and looks comfortable. She has gained a lot of confidence.” The Badgers will be ready to compete Saturday night as they look to pursue their second consecutive national championship. In a tough playoff, single game elimination environment, the team that executes in crucial parts of the game and avoids small but costly mistakes will likely emerge victorious. The Badgers will look to gain significant momentum with the crowd behind them, as this is the final stretch for a Wisconsin team that has played at a high level all season. “The first leg of the season went well by winning the conference championship,” Johnson said. “The last two weeks haven’t gone as well, but we are alive and still playing.”

individuals who have distinguished themselves through sportsmanship and ethical behavior. Recipients must also be in strong academic standing and demonstrate good citizenship outside of athletics. Wisconsin finished the regular season 23-8 and 12-6 in Big Ten play, earning the Badgers the No. 4 seed in this weekend’s Big Ten tournament in Indianapolis. The conference’s top four seeds earn a firstround bye in the tournament, and this year marks UW’s 12thstraight season with a conference tourney bye. Wisconsin will play the winner of No. 5 Indiana and No. 12 Penn State Friday at 1:30 p.m.

schedule,” Eaves said. “Every other year we end up on the road. The fact that we were on the road, the fact that we are going to have to play on the road kind of lends right to itself. So we are going to look at it as a positive.”

S PORTS 5 Badgers earn All-Big Ten honors Sports Editor

Elliot Hughes sports@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taylor named to 1st team for 2nd time, Gasser makes AllDefensive team Mike Fiammetta Senior Sports Writer Through his four years at the University of Wisconsin, Jordan Taylor has been one of the most prolific point guards in program history. On Monday night, Taylor led Wisconsin’s list of five players receiving All-Big Ten honors when he was named to the conference’s first team by the coaches and second team by the media. The Bloomington, Minn., native is the sixth Badger to be a two-time first-team All-Big Ten selection, joining Alando Tucker (2006 and 2007), Kirk Penney (2002 and 2003), Michael Finley (1993 and 1995), Ab Nicholas (1951 and 1952) and Don Rehfeldt (1949 and 1950). Also earning honors were Ryan Evans and Jared Berggren (consensus honorable mention), as well as Josh Gasser (All-Defensive team) and Rob Wilson (UW’s Sportsmanship Award recipient). “I’m very honored to have my name written alongside the great players in the Big Ten,” Taylor said in a statement. “Our league is so deep and talented this year; you can’t go wrong with any of the players on the three All-Big Ten teams or even the guys who earned honorable mention like Ryan (Evans) and Jared (Berggren). There is no question my being named All-Conference is a reflection of our team’s success and I owe a lot to my teammates and coaches for that. It’s a great honor.” Taylor first earned All-

Big Ten honors last season, and his selection this year is the 10th first-team allconference honor in Bo Ryan’s 11-season tenure as head coach. The 6-foot-1, 195-pound guard led the Badgers in scoring (14.6 points per game), assists (4.1 per game) and steals (1.0 per game), and is also a midseason finalist for both the Cousy Award and the Naismith Trophy. This season, Taylor joins Michigan State’s Draymond Green, Northwestern’s John Shurna, Ohio State’s Jared Sullinger and Purdue’s Robbie Hummel on the first team. Green also earned the Big Ten Player of the Year award, while MSU head coach Tom Izzo was named the conference’s coach of the year. Gasser, meanwhile, continued to round into one of Wisconsin’s most dependable players this season. After emerging as a freshman last year, Gasser started all 31 of the Badgers’ games, averaging 7.9 points, 4.4 rebounds and 1.9 assists per game. Wisconsin leads the nation in scoring defense, allowing just 51.9 points per game, and also ranks second in opposing field goal percentage at 37.7 percent. The guard from Port Washington is UW’s first-ever sophomore to be named to the all-defensive team and just the fifth Badger all-time, joining Michael Flowers (2007 and 2008), Joe Krabbenhoft (2008), Trévon Hughes (2010) and Taylor (2011). “That’s a pretty awesome list of players and I never thought I’d be even close to being mentioned in the same breath as those guys,” Gasser said. “Those are players that I have grown up watching and they’re guys that I have tried to model my game after.

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Wisconsin point guard Jordan Taylor energized Bo Ryan’s swing offense all season, averaging a team-high 14.6 points per game on the year and 16.3 since conference play began. “Being named to the All-Defensive Team means a lot to me. I really pride myself on that end of the court, so to have coaches around the league

recognize that gives me great pride. But at the same time, I think this is representative of our team defense. When we’re holding teams to the points

and shooting percentage that we are, I realize that I’m just a part of that. But I’m proud to be honored.” Berggren and Evans, both juniors, earned their

first conference accolades. After averaging 2.4 points in only 6.9 minutes per game last season,

HONORS, page 7

Keep bounties out of football

Noah Willman The Badger Herald

With 26 saves, first-year goaltender Joel Rumpel was critical in allowing the Badgers to pick up a confidence-building 4-1 road win over fourth-ranked Minnesota Friday.

Road split has UW rolling Badgers win 3 of last 4, playing best hockey of year heading into WCHA playoffs Spencer Smith Sports Writer Every team hopes to reach its peak form just as the postseason arrives. With the postseason at the doorstep, it looks like the Wisconsin men’s hockey team isn’t about to

let the call go unanswered. The Badgers (16-16-2, 1115-2 Big Ten) are winners of four of their last five games and are coming off a series split with the No. 4 Minnesota Golden Gophers, taking the first game 4-1 before losing the lead in the third period of

game two and falling 2-1. Head coach Mike Eaves was happy with his team’s performance last weekend at Minnesota. “It was a continuation of the way we have been playing for a while,” Eaves said. “We continued to do a lot of things that we had

been doing that allowed us to play at the level that we are. “We gave ourselves a chance and fell a little short, but right now that’s done with; that’s kind of in our hip pocket.”

ROAD, page 7

that change the course of the game. But, allegedly, Williams’s underhanded tactics didn’t begin in New Orleans, either, where he coached from 2009-11. Buffalonews. com quotes a former player Elliot Hughes claiming this practice was Look Hughe’s Laughing Now instituted by Williams while he was head coach of the Buffalo Bills (2001-03). Football, giant as it is, Meanwhile, The has become a fault line in Washington Post quotes the landscape of America’s retired defensive lineman popular culture. Phillip Daniels, along with And this past Friday, four other anonymous another shiver sent waves sources, as saying Williams through the growing did the same while acting uneasiness that pervades as defensive coordinator for the relationship between the Washington Redskins football (more specifically, the NFL) and the rest of the from 2004-07. And in the controversy country that calls itself fans that has since ensued, we’ve and amateur players. been subjected to sports The NFL revealed Friday pundits and writers alike that current St. Louis Rams defensive coordinator Gregg reminding football fans that the detestable practice of Williams implemented a bounty hunting in football bounty program — where is probably players are alive in more given under- There’s a loud than a few the-table voice coming from NFL locker monetary NFLers expressing ... rooms. rewards for All of this injuring indifference toward the comes just targeted whole thing. after the players alarming — while research on concussions he acted as defensive sent the league into a frenzy coordinator for the New two seasons ago, leading to Orleans Saints’ defense a cool down on vicious hits (during their Super Bowl to make the sport as safe as season, no less). could be. “Knockout” hits earned The fact that this a player $1,000, and if story came to light on a anyone managed to reduce an opponent to being carted Friday afternoon is an acknowledgement from the off the field, they earned NFL that a scandal of this another $500. nature came at the worst There were other possible time for the league, bonuses for non-abhorrent which is the manufacturer actions as well, like picking off passes and sacking the HUGHES, page 7 quarterback — clean plays

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