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Friday, March 23, 2012


Court: districts unconstitutional Justices say GOP disenfranchised Latinos with redistricting plans

rights and must be redrawn. However, the court approved all other legislative and congressional districts drawn by legislators last year, according to a court order. In a court opinion, the three-judge panel also strongly criticized Republicans’ secretive methods for developing the maps. Almost all Republican leaders signed secrecy agreements while the maps were being drawn, guaranteeing they

Kylie Peterson Herald Contributor Three federal judges unanimously ruled Thursday election maps drawn last year by Republican lawmakers for two districts on Milwaukee’s south side violated Latinos’ voting

would not discuss the matter with Democrats or the public. Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin, said there was speculation more would be done to change the maps, considering how firmly the court scolded Republicans for their lack of transparency. “That said, Republicans should be pleased because the map that they drew, which is strongly proRepublican, was largely


Heartbreak in Boston Freshman Frank Kaminsky comforts senior Rob Wilson (33) after the final horn sounded on Wisconsin’s 64-63 loss to Syracuse. Associated Press

Megam McCormick The Badger Herald

Ann Romney addresses supporters in Middleton on Thursday. She said she was not expecting her husband to make another run at the presidential office.

Wife highlights Romney’s life on campaign journey Ann joins local supporters, cites husband’s abilities to restore economy Mike Kujak State Legislative Editor Ann Romney touted her husband and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign efforts for the Republican presidential nomination in a visit to Middleton Thursday, focusing on the difficulties of life on the campaign road and a need to fix the economic crisis. Ann Romney appeared early Thursday morning outside the Hubbard Avenue Diner and was greeted by dozens of supporters. “We’re fighting for better jobs, for an economic freedom, especially for our kids. The legacy we are leaving these kids is a huge debt,” she said. “People our age are not going to have to pay these bills. We’re passing them onto these kids. That’s what makes me most upset.” She also talked about the family side of the campaign


life and the personal but “worthy” struggle of going through a presidential election cycle. She said hearing the personal attacks against someone she loves was very hard for the family. She added that when the Romney campaign shut down its operation four years ago when he first ran, she was certain her husband would not run again. “What changed my mind is a recognition that this country is worth fighting for,” Ann Romney said. “A lot of people are doing good things to make sure the right decisions are being made and the country is heading in the right direction.” While most attending the rally were supporters of Romney, the event did draw a few in opposition to his campaign. John Jackson, a Ron Paul supporter, attended the rally to make sure people know there is an alternative to Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama. “Unfortunately, Romney has a lot of the same views as Obama, such as huge federal spending in government and they are both big pro-war people,”

Jackson said. “Left or right, there’s not much difference. There’s an illusion of choice.” Former state Sen. Ted Kanavas, who introduced Ann Romney to the crowd, later said she did a wonderful job at the event. “She framed the issue of economic security for our families and how President Obama has made it worse,” he said. “That’s what’s going to decide this election in the fall.” Kanavas said he did not believe the long, drawn-out election cycle was a good thing or a bad thing for Mitt Romney’s campaign. He added multiple candidates just means a longer process. When asked if he thought Santorum’s victory in Minnesota’s GOP primary was an indicator of who would win in Wisconsin, Kanavas was skeptical. “I’ve never said Minnesota is known for good judgment,” Kanavas said. A statement released Thursday from Mitt Romney’s campaign also announced a new advertisement that will be airing soon in Wisconsin.

ROMNEY, page 2

UW official pessimistic about state of student debt at UW Tara Golshan Reporter A new national figure that suggests total student debt is now more than $1 trillion has led many in the University of Wisconsin System to express concern over the implications the hikes may have on students. According to the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the nation’s total outstanding student debt has surpassed

$1 trillion, approximately 16 percent higher than projections made by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The average for the entire UW System is approximately $27,000, spokesperson David Giroux said. According to UWMadison Financial Aid Director Susan Fischer, the average student loan debt of undergraduates at the flagship is $24,493.

However, as much as the CFPB projects large increases in loan debt rates, Fischer said UW remains at the national average. “We are seeing increases a little. Not hugely. There are big concerns for for-profit schools — private loans, and such,” Fischer said. Former chancellor and UW professor John Wiley, an expert in higher education administration and policy, agreed with Fischer. However, he said

he still has concerns with the prospect of increasing student loan debts. According to Wiley, the System is not the “big part of the problem” in the CFPB projection because of its lower ranging tuition rates. The for-profit sector of education is responsible for this large rise in student loan debt, Wiley said. However, Wiley said he still believes that because of disinvestment in the state budget, tuition is currently

too high in the System. “It’s cheaper than private schools, so it’s still a bargain,” Wiley said. “However, if you are still raising tuition at a higher rate, eventually it catches up with you.” Wiley speculates such continual rises in tuition at the university will eventually lead to vast economic effects in Wisconsin in terms of employment and the housing market. He said it would affect the housing market because it would

affect students’ ability to get a mortgage. As seen through the medical, law and education degree programs, the rise in student loan debt is already having an effect on specific kinds of university graduates, Wiley said. “If you graduate with debt you need to go into a profession that pays well enough for you to pay it off,” Wiley said. “Fewer

DEBT, page 2

Barrett to decide on race within week INSIDE Voters could see rematch between 2010 gubernatorial candidates in recall election Sean Kirkby State Politics Editor Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett will soon make public his decision on whether to join a field of candidates seeking the Democratic nomination to run against Gov. Scott Walker in a potential recall election. Patrick Guarasci, campaign adviser for Tom Barrett for Milwaukee, said an announcement would likely come before the end of March, as the Government Accountability Board will

decide whether to certify the recall elections for the governor March 30. He said announcing the decision after March 30 would be unlikely. “Barrett will communicate his decision to voters on whether to run for governor before the upcoming mayoral elections,” Guarasci said. Milwaukee voters will go to the polls on April 3. Dietram Scheufele, University of Wisconsin life science communications professor and an expert in public opinion, said

Barrett would be a strong candidate for the election because he has a high profile and could carry many important constituencies throughout the state. He compared Barrett to Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who many people expected to run for the Republican presidential nomination. He said Christie has a similar history, in that he had a high profile and a number of people asking him to run. However, he said the main problem that could

face Barrett if he decides to run will be time. He said because Barrett has not declared yet, he does not have much time for fundraising. Scheufele also said Barrett would face obstacles in defining the main issues of his campaign. He said Walker has already established a concise message focused on balancing the budget and jobs. “Since the moment people began signing


In cold blood? A look at the Martin case Did an Orlando, Fla. man shoot a young black teenager because of race? Jeff Schultz says yes.


UW Hospital has changed the rules Doctors, patients and visitors are all required to glove and gown up on the ICU wing.

NEWS | 2

Debut column IDs 2 main movie endings ‘Shame’ did it well, but its ambiguity-laden conclusion isn’t the only way. Class Critic explains.

ARTS | 6


The Badger Herald | News | Friday, March 23, 2012

Events today All Day Celebrating Union South’s First Anniversary! Union South

9:30 p.m. WUD Film Presents: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The Marquee Union South





69 53

68 53

72 44

55 42

66 54



mostly cloudy

mostly cloudy

isolated thunderstorms

Expert refutes views on America declining Brienne Schaefer Herald Contributor

Events tomorrow 8 p.m. Faculty Concert Series Wisconsin Union Theater Memorial Union

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Arguing that the United States is not destined to decline, a professor from Georgetown University came to campus Thursday to present his view on the nation’s foreign policy and future. Robert Lieber, a professor of government and international relations at Georgetown University, focuses his studies on American foreign policy and U.S. relations. In his talk, Lieber argued the U.S. is not destined for decline, but that it is rather “a choice.” Lieber said complaints about America have surfaced continuously. “The American public is being uniquely ignorant of the world. No one listens to others’ advice, there is a significant and worrisome fret of the budget deficit and national debt, and there is an overall hesitation of the U.S.’s economic future and performance,” he said. He said these interpretations seem to point to material factors like the economy, infrastructure and competition with China. These points, he said, are “more robust than acknowledged” when looked at closely. With this, Lieber said

those who complain about the state of the U.S. have ignored the fact that the nation has faced severe crisis in the past but has shown resilience and adaptability to capacitate innovation and renewal. Madison Memorial High School student Kevin Cao attended the lecture and said he agreed with Lieber’s argument. “Mr. Lieber makes valid points about fate versus choice and how we must raise questions on those who think America is declining,” Cao said. Lieber also said that those who disagree should keep in mind that the U.S. has always been a provider of collective goods like nuclear nonproliferation, global freedom of seas, international prosperity and assisting with regional conflicts. Andy Schnell, a founding member of the Alexander Hamilton Society at the University of Wisconsin, said Lieber’s points are significant to the world’s perception of the U.S. “[His argument is] a great wake-up call because there is lots of pessimism around the world about the role the U.S. is playing, and his statements force people to think about our role positively,” Schnell said. Lieber also said those

Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald

Professor Donald Downs hosts a conversation with Georgetown University professor Robert Lieber, who said Americans are ignorant of the world. who do not like the role the U.S. has “are cavalier about it” and that they do not see how having the U.S. pull back from a historic role in Europe or the Middle East is far more disorderly, less democratic and more dangerous to America’s own interest. Lieber also frowned upon those who believe America is declining or overpowering their global role and instead

said the country should continue to remain engaged, desirable and necessary to keep its role. The areas the U.S. is not declining in include entrepreneurship, research universities, natural resources and resilience, Lieber said. UW Director of Program Development & Organizational Transformation Scott

Mobley responded to Lieber’s statements and said he had three major takeaways. “There is great value of thoughtful and deliberate historical analysis, considering both objective and subjective, [which] introduces a measure of contingency in the historical equation that lacked in earlier studies and how it all comes down to power and will,” he said.

Hospital implements infection prevention study Tess Keegan Herald Contributor The University of Wisconsin Hospital has begun participating in a national initiative requiring all doctors, nurses and visitors to the intensive care unit to wear gloves and gowns while in the wing. The participation came as part of a nationwide study carried out by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. UW Hospital, as part of the study sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is gloving and gowning every non-patient, regardless of whether a current infection is present. While doctors and

nurses have usually taken similar precautions in the past, the status quo has been to wear gloves and gowns specifically around a patient who is known to have a certain type of infection. Other hospitals are requiring the extra precaution of gloves and gowns only around patients who are known to be carrying an infection from one of three specific strains, according to the study. UW Hospital is one of 20 hospitals participating in the study, called Benefits of Universal Glove and Gowning. UW’s intensive care unit, a trauma and life support center in the hospital, took up the new gloving

and gowning practice last October and will continue it until September, according to Nasia Safdar, an infection control specialist at UW Health and professor of infectious diseases at UW. In September, she said, researchers at University of Maryland will compile and analyze the data to see if there was a significant decrease in infection prevalence. She added the practice will become standard if using gloves and gowns as a preventative measure of infection transmission proves advantageous. “If a benefit is found, the ICU would see a major improvement,” Safdar said. Safdar added it has become a common practice

for doctors and nurses in the UW intensive care unit, with many diligently abiding by the new rule of gloves and gowns. Patients in this unit are the ones most at risk and susceptible to infections, making it a perfect stage to gauge the preventative scope of the measure, she said. “It has become part of the workflow,” Safdar said. “We don’t see anyone who is not doing it. There is no one who is not willing to comply.” Because of this collective effort, the extra couple minutes of putting the items on and taking them off seem negligible, according to Safdar. However, the extra usage of gowns has added to laundry expenses, and

extra glove usage increases the amount the hospital spends on latex gloves, she said. The unit at the UW Hospital sees approximately 175 patients per month, with about 1520 percent of them often carrying an infection, according to Safdar. The research will also examine whether implementing a universal glove and gown requirement will decrease the amount of time physicians actually spend with patients, according to the study. Overall, Safdar said she is excited about the study and its prospects. “It’s very exciting; I think it has tremendous potential to be effective,” Safdar said.

DEBT, from 1 students want to go into teaching because income is not sufficient. Same with lawyers, there is less interest in public interest law. There is a trend away from the lower paid and toward higher paid specialties.” Despite this, Giroux

Student Debt: By the numbers


Increase in private student loans


Of all private loan borrowers attend public universities


Average undergraduate student loan debt accumulated by graduation day SOURCE: ASA.org

said in today’s “down” economy, a college education remains one of the best investments one can ever make. As a public university, Giroux said affordability is a primary concern. However, although the System’s mission is to provide broad access to a college education, Giroux questions how much debt is too much. Wiley said UW’s “public” feature is one of the only solutions to the rising student loan debt problem, but worries action will only be taken in a time of crisis. “I have sort of a pessimistic view of this,” Wiley said. “I think democracy is terrible at looking forward to the future but it is brilliant at reacting to crisis. The crisis will be when the majority realizes that they cannot afford a college education any longer.”

Signe Brewster Vice Chairman

Bryant Miller Corey Chamberlain Jillian Grupp Roshni Nedungadi Pam Selman Eric Wiegmann Readers may pick up one complimentary issue each day. Additional copies must be picked up at 326 W. Gorham St. for $0.25 each. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent of the editor in chief. Copyright 2012, The Badger Herald, Inc.

ROMNEY, from 1 The ad will focus on his conservative record and his career spent in the private sector. “I spent my career in the private sector. In Massachusetts, when I came in we faced almost a $3 billion budget gap,” he said in the ad’s script. “And there were some that said ‘Why don’t we just raise taxes?’ I balanced the budget every single year and by the time I left we had established over $2 billion of a rainy day fund.”

The Badger Herald | News | Friday, March 23, 2012


Officials highlight pitfalls in downtown transportation Andrea Choi Herald Contributor The Madison Plan Commission examined the need for improving different parts of the city’s transportation infrastructure at a meeting Thursday. The Downtown Plan, a proposal for the renovation of Madison’s downtown area throughout the next 20 years, includes several recommendations for one-way streets to be implemented. Downtown Coordinating Committee member Patrick McDonnell urged the Plan Commission to make a more comprehensive evaluation of downtown one-way street

designs are not consistent with the concept of complete streets and the idea of a lively downtown. According to McDonnell, the Downtown Plan was drafted with the suggestion of a very limited number of oneway streets that could possibly be converted to two-way streets. He said he believes a more comprehensive evaluation is necessary. McDonnell also said the commission should consider the inclusion of more one-way streets that can be converted into a two-way system in the plan. “What this plan should do is make the point that a one-way network has not been here

systems, highlighting their downfalls. McDonnell said the years 1953 and 1955, when several two-way streets were changed to one-way avenues, were watershed moments for Madison’s transportation. He added such a design has had a fundamental impact on the shape, culture and economy of downtown for the last 50 years. “One-way streets are designed for vehicles to move faster, and it creates a less attractive and less comfortable environment for pedestrians and bicycles,” McDonnell said. He added the design also lowers visibility of businesses because one-way street

forever and has resulted in a cost in culture and business of the downtown,” he said. A new transportation master plan has been proposed recently to look into the costs and benefits of oneway systems and to address whether one-way streets fit well into the Downtown Plan, according to McDonnell. “Transportation and land use are intrinsically entwined,” McDonnell said. “In fact, it is fair to say that you only get the land use that traffic will allow.” Commission members also discussed the inclusion of more transportation choices in downtown Madison into the plan. Plan Commission Chair

Nancy Fey said the plan encourages bicycle travel and the use of community bikes so more transportation choices are available to the public. Commission members also focused on the issue of parking and agreed the plan should include suggestions to increase parking in the downtown area. Plan Commission member Ald. Steve King, District 7, said environmental concerns and air quality in Madison should also be addressed in the recommendations made by the committee. “Madison is in air quality trouble,” he said. Fey agreed with King that environmental capacity

concerns and problems such as air sustainability should be acknowledged in the commission’s recommendations to improve the underlying values of the Downtown Plan. Commission members also addressed various items included in the plan for editorial changes to avoid confusion. Fey said that some of the terms in the plan regarding technology use are too specific and may not be applicable in the future. She added specific terms such as smart phones should be changed to “personal and public technology” to avoid confusion.

Local companies tout green footprint recognition Madison businesses serve as example to nation for reducing carbon use in work Josh Brandau Herald Contributor An environmentallyadvanced Madison program has received national praise for its work to create successful sustainability initiatives. The MPower ChaMpions Business Program, an initiative that informs businesses across the city about measures to save money through energyefficient means, was the subject of a local celebratory conference Wednesday. According to a City of Madison statement, the program promotes energysaving strategies that have an impact on climate change and is comprised of efforts by both private and public venues. The statement said the program takes on businesses that have applied to participate and provides a year-long training session in an effort to teach them how to decrease their environmental footprint. According to the

BARRETT, from 1 petitions, Walker has been running television ads focusing on his record for the economy,” Scheufele said. He said Democrats are well behind in advertising

statement, the program has received national praise from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its environmentally conscious policies. As a result of the program’s environmental efforts and significant results, the EPA has added Madison to the list of 50 “climate showcase communities,” and the national organization will host its annual conference in the city during the month of May, the statement said. Sustain Dane, a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable energy solutions, Madison Gas and Electric and the City of Madison contributed to the creation of the program, the statement said. Jess Lerner, Sustain Dane’s sustainable business initiative director, said the program creates a significant impact for businesses in the Madison area. “The Mpower Champions Business Program is important because it helps businesses take action to improve their triple bottom line: people, planet and profit, and positively impacts our community, all while creating models for the rest of the country,” Lerner said.

According to the statement, more than 70 eco-friendly projects were successfully completed last year through the program in an effort to reduce 1.5 million pounds of carbon emissions. American Family Insurance, The Bruce Company and minor league baseball team Madison Mallards, along with 13 other companies, participated in the program last year. Although the projects are implemented locally, Lerner said their implications are far-reaching. The statement said Madison Concourse Hotel is one company that has had a significant impact by implementing a laundry system saving 40,000 gallons of water per year and simultaneously eliminating more than 100,000 pounds of carbon dioxide. Other projects made possible through Madison’s program include a food stand in the Madison Mallards ballpark providing only locally-grown food, according to the statement. In the first two years of its implementation, the MPower Program has cut 13,500 metric tons of carbon emissions, the statement said, which is the equivalent

and have not yet come forward with a consistent message. Secretary of State Doug La Follette has registered his candidacy for governor. Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, and former Dane County Executive Kathleen

Falk have also declared their aspirations for the office. Scheufele said Barrett may have more name recognition than other candidates, which could give him an advantage. Barrett ran for governor in 2010 against Walker and lost.

A group of Democratic citizens and a Latino/a community group sues over redistricting in federal court

GOP draws maps under majority in Assembly and Senate

Aug. 2011 Jan. 2011

March 2012 Oct. 2011

Gov. Walker signs the redesigned maps into law

DISTRICTS, from 1 kept intact,” Heck said. The suit was filed against Republicans by a group of Democratic citizens and Voces de la Frontera, an immigrants’ rights group. Both parties filed separate suits, but they were later combined. The plaintiffs argued that by dividing Latinos into two Assembly districts, the Legislature violated the federal Voting Rights Act. If kept, the opinion said, this division would weaken the power of Latino voters in the relevant districts and force them to wait six years to vote in state Senate elections, instead of the usual four. Voces de la Frontera attorney Peter Earle said his client was satisfied with the court’s ruling to redraw the lines for Milwaukee’s south-side districts. Earle said they would not appeal the decision. Since the regular legislative session has ended, lawmakers will have to hold a special session to address the problem, the opinion said. Both parties will have to work together to redraw the lines for the districts as the Senate is now evenly divided. If lawmakers

choose not to meet for an extraordinary session, the courts will draw the maps. If the ruling is appealed, it will go directly to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to a statement from Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen. Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller, D-Monona, said in a statement the Federal Court confirmed Democrats were kept from participating in the redistricting process. “The Federal Court confirmed today what we’ve maintained all along: The Republicans, behind closed doors, without input from any Democrats and at great expense to the taxpayers of Wisconsin, concocted unconstitutional legislative maps,” Miller said in the statement. “Their secretive efforts have failed Wisconsin.” However, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, and Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, said in a joint statement the ruling found 130 out of 132 districts were constitutional. Republican legislators are working with the Department of Justice to explore how to redraw Milwaukee’s south side district lines, the

Panel of judges finds maps violate Voting Rights Act

statement said. “It’s vindicating to have a ruling that finds 130 out of 132 districts constitutional, in addition to all eight Congressional districts,” the statement said. “Our state constitution requires new district maps every 10 years to reflect changing population, and that’s exactly what the Legislature delivered.”

of removing 3,000 cars from Madison roads each year. University of Wisconsin geography professor Holly Gibbs highlighted the importance of cutting carbon emissions. “Cutting carbon emissions

is critical for the environment because … it turns into carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and it is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to ongoing climate change,” Gibbs said. Wednesday’s conference to celebrate the program’s success

featured 70 participating business to share their individuals stories. More businesses are expected to join the program this year. “People told us it wouldn’t work, and we’ve proved them wrong,” Lerner said.


Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Friday, March 23, 2012

Herald Editorial You should know better than this The news that the University of Wisconsin’s decision had placed an emergency suspension on Delta Upsilon shocked both the UW student body and this board. The allegations of DU members using racial slurs and throwing bottles at two black women cannot and should not be taken lightly because of the current sensitivity to racial issues on this campus. Regardless of whether this incident had happened in a fraternity house or in a Lakeshore residence hall, any instance of racism here sets back UW’s commitment to diversity and worsens its reputation among students of color who have a right to feel safe in Madison. If the men

verbally assaulted the women, they deserve the scrutiny and attention that should act as an example of how UW students should not treat each other. The incident, however, should not be an indictment of the entire Greek system. Although being the subject of unfortunate news stories has become something of a tradition on Langdon Street in the last several years, suggesting that a culture of racism within the Greek system caused the incident is inaccurate. Fraternities often empower students and provide an important philanthropic resource to the community. Because of this, we hope the Greek community takes the initiative

to see this news not as an excuse to become unnecessarily defensive, but instead an incident that they should unequivocally condemn to maintain their reputation. An expression of sympathy for the victims from Interfraternity Council President Owen Hull was an important step in the right direction. Unfortunately, students still have the potential to exhibit racism, and the DU case appears to be an example of this potential. Now is not the time for skepticism and name-calling. Now is a perfect opportunity to recognize the imperfections of UW students and work toward a resolution of one of the most pressing issues affecting our community. Associated Press

Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, addresses the crowd at a rally for her son. The shooting has provoked national public outrage.

The recall games What better way to enjoy the nice weather than to head to the terrace, grab a beer and try to find all your friends, family and distant acquaintances who signed the recall petition on iverifytherecall. com? However, some news organizations and political factions are using it to unnecessarily slander names. The information — including addresses and the dates of those who signed the petition — is all public, searchable and politicallyloaded. Whether or not the petitions should be public is moot. Now that the information is widely available it must be used responsibly. Recently, University of Wisconsin System spokesperson

David Giroux came under fire after it was revealed he had signed a recall petition. While he maintained his personal and professional spheres never crossed, he said he was sorry he had signed the petition. Worse yet, he hasn’t been the only one to suffer such unwanted scrutiny. Giroux’s response sets a dangerous precedent, not just about the petitions or the recall, but rather about the line between the personal and the professional spheres. Just as it is one’s right to vote, it is one’s right to express political opinions unless they have serious ethical or professional ramifications. Merely being in the public eye does not take away one’s right to participate in the

democratic process. A signature is not indicative of political leaning, either. Signing a petition does not necessarily mean the signer aligns with a political party. It may speak to the fact that this person wants another election and not how they might vote. It can be hard for people to get excited or even care about voting. Government Accountability Board officials have said the date of the upcoming primary election may mean student turnout at the polls will be anemic in the wake of spring break. Signing a recall petition is the opposite of such apathy and civic lethargy, and circulating information on those who signed recall petitions will only perpetuate it.

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Weekly non-voting Community Member Maxwell Love | Multicultural Learning Committee Diversity Coordinator Ed i t o r i a l B o a r d o p i n i o n s a r e c ra f t e d i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f n e w s c o v e ra g e .

Age gap will greatly impact politics Hannah Sleznikow Columnist We live in an era of generational gaps — an era of stark age divisions along social, economic and, now more than ever, political lines. Just when the nation thought it had witnessed the climax of such divisions during the Vietnam War era, the trajectory of history has proven otherwise. Over the course of the last decade, American politics has become increasingly dependent on the votes of the younger generation. In particular, voting by those under the age of 30 has become critical to the election success of Democratic presidential candidates, according to a Journal Sentinel blog post. The age gap in presidential elections has increased rapidly in terms of Democratic presidential candidate votes since 2000. This increase peaked in the 2008 presidential election, in which President Barack Obama won more than 66 percent of voters younger 30. On the opposite end of the spectrum, he received the votes of only 45 percent of voters over 65. These statistics are telling in regard to the radical

age division along partisan lines that has come to define American politics. Understanding the age gap in U.S. politics begins with answering the fundamental question: Why do generational gaps exist? Whether in regard to politics or social life more broadly, the underlying reasons for generationbased solidarity are critical indicators of why one voting age demographic will vote differently than another. According to a study conducted last fall by the Pew Research Center, ideological affinity exists fairly consistently along generational lines, primarily as a result of the issues valued most by each generation. The study attributes the conservative alignment of the Silent Generation, those over 65, to deeply-embedded lifelong conservative beliefs regarding social issues and the role of the government. In contrast, the study emphasizes the increasing racial and ethnic diversification of Millennial Generation voters, ages 20-30, as a primary reason for their gravitation toward a Democratic orientation. Diversity is perennially associated with liberalleaning viewpoints in regard to social and governmental issues. In addition, Millennials have gained notoriety for their tendency to overemphasize these issues at the expense

of economic issues. Occupying the middle ground between the Silent and Millennial Generations are the Baby Boomers and Generation X, both of which have proved to be more inclined toward conservative viewpoints. This is primarily due to their stronger underlying concern with the economy, which is far more likely to serve as a central component of a Republican candidate’s election platform. Thus, what is most critical to developing an understanding of the age gap in American politics is an awareness of what concerns are most important to each generation, and by extension, which political party frames these issues in the most positive light according to each generation. Although generations tend to align ideologically, political viewpoints along generational lines are far from black and white. In addition, voting patterns among any group cannot be predicted with any degree of precision due to the perpetual fluctuation of ideological tides that undoubtedly transcends age divisions. However, one thing is certain — young voters, whether Democratic or Republican, are in the position to have the most significant impact on the fate of American politics. As proved by the zealous youth of the Vietnam War era, one generation

can dramatically alter the trajectory of history. In the past decade, the once-remote possibility of a recurrence of such a youth revival has become an attainable goal toward which we as a generation should strive. So, what is next? How do we as a generation embrace and unite around the notion that we have the power to determine our own fate? First and foremost, we must educate ourselves about the challenges facing our nation, and how they shape the conditions in which we live. The immeasurable importance of being an educated voter cannot be understated. This begins with the collective recognition of what issues are most critical to the well-being of our and future generations, and how these concerns can be addressed most effectively via political measures. In light of the diversity that has set us apart from previous generations, consensus is seemingly unattainable. However, reality dictates that the greatest threats facing our generation are not partisan at all, but rather universal. With this in mind, now is the time to accept the challenge of playing an active political role in determining our fate as a nation and as a generation. Hannah Sleznikow (hsleznikow@wisc.edu) is a senior majoring in political science.

Trayvon shooting reflects on us all Jeff Schultz Staff Writer On Feb. 26, George Zimmerman, “a volunteer neighborhood watch member,” shot and killed Trayvon Martin — an unarmed Florida teenager. Zimmerman has not been charged with a crime, because he claimed that he shot Trayvon in self-defense. But the shooting has spurred outrage among Americans who feel that Zimmerman has literally gotten away with murder. Trayvon’s death has me outraged, and that’s why I just joined a Facebook group called “Justice for Trayvon.” I just wonder what kind of “justice” this group has in mind, because justice has taken on a perverse meaning in our culture. It has come to mean retribution and revenge. However, retribution and revenge will not put an end to the mindset that led Zimmerman to kill Trayvon. Granted, Zimmerman demonstrated he is apparently a dangerous, if not mentally unstable, person, and he should not be able to walk the streets because of the threat he poses to others. It’s just that my thoughts keep going back to Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s mother, who said, “Our son is your son.” I didn’t know Trayvon, but he is part of an America that I’m part of, which makes him part of my family. However, Zimmerman is part of that America, too, so he is also part of my family. As much as we’d like to think of Zimmerman as being separate from ourselves, he did not act alone. Perhaps we are reacting so strongly to Zimmerman because looking at him is like looking in a mirror. Crimes like Zimmerman’s do not occur in a vacuum; they occur because the façade of civil society crumbles and our sins reveal themselves. Look at the Jim Crowera South, where a lynching wasn’t the act of individuals but an integral part of a warped

society. Similarly, Zimmerman’s crimes come from an America focused on violence, fear and power. When teachers tell school children not to be bullies, they are ignoring the example that America sets when it wages imperialist wars and invests in prisons—all in the name of protecting these children. But how can Americans begin to end their antisocial ways when their country bullies on their behalf? Zimmerman is a bully, but he is also the product of the America that he lives in. The America that Zimmerman lives in is paranoid and angry, and so is he. Zimmerman is probably that way regardless of what America does, but his

As much as we’d like to think of Zimmerman as being separate from ourselves, he did not act alone. Perhaps we are reacting so strongly to Zimmerman because looking at him is like looking in a mirror. disturbed thinking went unnoticed until he murdered Trayvon. Perhaps Zimmerman’s ways would have been more conspicuous if anger and paranoia weren’t endemic to America. James Baldwin put it best, when he wrote that “The law is meant to be my servant and not my master, still less my torturer and my murderer.” Baldwin recognized that America and Americans take on an ugly shape when they concern themselves with vengeance and hate. However, we want justice for Trayvon, which means we want to see Zimmerman jailed or executed. We think once that happens America will have one less menace among us. But we fail to understand that justice is not a jail or an execution. Justice is acceptance and understanding. Jeff Schultz ( jdschultz@wisc.edu) is a senior majoring in history.

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The Badger Herald | Comics | Friday, March 23, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Study up on kegstand maneuvers and etiquette


















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.


The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY: It’s either 2 beer bongs a day or you’ll be out of shape, okay?


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }



















CROSSWORD was so 2006”








23 25





following a star might


lead you



34 Shoulder



press target,





35 38

33 Where

briefly 36 It’s in front of



the cockpit



37 South-of-



the-border bad guy







39 Colorful additions to










40 Beheld



42 Name


in seven

Puzzle by Ian Livengood










Across 1 Stud, say 11 Court defendant: Abbr. 15 He played Don Altobello in “The Godfather Part III” 16 Fair 17 Side effect? 18 Hillbilly’s plug 19 More, to a 37-Down 20 Eric of “Funny People,” 2009 21 It’s gradually shrinking in the Arctic 23 Lost traction 24 One punched in an office 25 Kitchen dusting aid 28 Admirable person 29 They might be left hanging

30 Not pussyfooting 31 1990s Indian P.M. 32 “Youth With a Skull” painter 33 Didn’t use a high enough 45-Across, maybe 34 Carpenter’s groove 35 Some E.M.T. cases 36 They stand for things 37 Kind of nut 38 Evenly matched 40 Employees at a ritzy hotel 41 Is routed by 42 Whiff 43 Hand holder? 44 Grain, e.g. 45 Ray blockage no. 48 Month whose zodiac sign is a fish 49 “Lady Baltimore”

52 53 54 55

novelist, 1906 Prefix with 3-Down “It’ll be O.K.” lead-in Tummy filler “Whoa, not so fast!”

Down 1 Appear thrilled 2 Two before Charlie 3 Computing 0s and 1s 4 Milk source 5 Sense, slangily 6 Aquila’s brightest star 7 Secretive body part 8 Mariner’s grp. 9 Outer: Prefix 10 Postapocalyptic best seller of 1978 11 Wraps up 12 Send 13 Flighty type 14 Drills, e.g.

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

Shakespeare 22 League division 23 Criteria: Abbr. 24 Veers sharply 25 Friend one grows up with, often 26 “News to me!” 27 Reason for a track delay 28 “Faded Love” singer, 1963 30 Film with the tagline “Borat

titles 44 Charges from counsel 45 They may be prayed to in Fr. 46 Graceful fairy 47 Part of a long neck 50 “Huh?” 51 “___ being Brand” (Cummings poem)

Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™

Time travel? I’ll tell you about time travel. How long you got?


ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Friday, March 23, 2012

Monsters of Poetry

Winter Sounds

Friday 7:30 p.m.

$ Free Reading!

pl The Project Lodge

Friday 9:30 p.m.

$ Free! TThe Rathskeller


Pedro and the War Cantata

Friday 8 p.m.

$ $12 advance High Noon Saloon H


Saturday 7:30 p.m.

$ $10

H Hemsley Theatre

Second City Tour

Cursive, Conduits

Saturday 8 p.m.

Sunday 7:30 p.m.

$ $16.50-34.50

$ $15

O Overture Center

High Noon Saloon H


New ‘Mass Effect’ stumbles over previous strength Andrew Lahr Herald Arcade Columnist It’s hard to argue that there is a game out there, much less a series, that offers more character and story customization than the “Mass Effect” trilogy. I remember when “Mass Effect” was released in 2007 and blew everyone away. What could be better than assuming control of a spaceship and exploring the galaxy in a universe where every decision you make affects the outcome of the game? Giving each player a unique experience and conclusion to their games is what truly makes most “Mass Effect” games worth playing. Unfortunately, this is the very area where “Mass Effect 3” falters. Essentially, Earth has been shot to hell by the gigantic, laser-wielding reapers. You (Commander Shepard) are tasked with rallying the might of the galaxy to fight off the shipsized invaders in a battle that you are continuously reminded of as being “hopeless.” The choices you make throughout your quest to repel these invaders ultimately affects what races will back you up in the final battle. I’ll admit there were some choices I had to make decisions that left me cringing, asking myself, “Oh shit … was I supposed to do that?” But, regardless of how stupid your choices were, the story will flow on in its own unique fashion — until the ending at least. I’ll get back to that topic. The gameplay in “Mass Effect 3” is unmatched. Bioware took everything that was great about the combat system in previous titles and gave it a facelift that would make even Cher seethe with jealousy.

Shepard can now slide in and out of cover in a smooth and flowing fashion, jumping from cover to cover while laying down fire and issuing orders to his squad — and controlling that squad has never been easier. By hitting a button, players can now effortlessly control their squad’s actions, movements and weapon choices. The multitude of weapon choices, biotic powers and upgrades makes it possible to gear up with something different every time you decide to head to a planet for some “diplomatic” mission. There are a few neat upgrades to your ship, including a store and weapons-upgrade table, but it mainly remains the same. Thankfully, you can still hop from star system to star system with the easy-to-use galaxy map and scan for resources obsessively. One thing I found disappointing, though, is the inability to land on random planets simply to explore. The premise of “Mass Effect 3” is literally collecting “war assets” from planets across the galaxy, making exploring a thing of the past. Visually, this game will leave your jaw wide open. More specifically, the cut scenes for which “Mass Effect” is known look spectacular. There was a moment when I was watching a gigantic battle involving thousands of ships in space where I literally forgot I was playing a video game, and truly believed I was watching a Hollywood movie. That being said, though the game was visually unprecedented on a large scale, there were certain issues on a smaller scale. Too often you see characters’ arms or hands

Photo courtesy of Electronic Arts

The new game created by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts earns high marks for its stunning visuals but falters in its storytelling, especially in establishing a conclusion. merge into their own bodies or become part of their weapons during cinematics. Not a huge issue, but kind of sloppy when trying to convey a pinnacle scene in the game. It should be noted that I played the PC version of this game, and console players could very well have had a different experience. Not only was Bioware tasked with concluding the entirety of the series, they had to do it in a way that encompassed all of the past decisions your character had made — as they have time

and time again promised. So, did they pull it off? Well, no, not at all. I don’t want to give away the ending in any way, but let me just say this: If you are indeed hoping that the ending of “Mass Effect 3” is going to take into account all of the decisions your character made in the past, it won’t. In fact, I was shocked and dismayed to see that even after making completely different choices within the game, the ending remained 99 percent the same. What the hell,

Bioware? Don’t let my frustration with the game’s ending dissuade anyone from purchasing it. It was a great title, and anyone who has bought the last two games must go out and get it. Actually, there are rumors that Bioware is actually remaking a completely new ending to satisfy people like me as we speak; a true testament to the company’s commitment to its fans. The game itself was more than solid, and completely disregarding its ending I

would have given it near perfect marks. But for brilliant gameplay and visuals with an ending that will leave most scratching their heads, I give this game 3.5 out of 5 stars. Andrew Lahr is a creative writing major by day, gamer by night. Email questions, comments and column ideas to aplahr@wisc.edu.



How movies end: 2 archetypes Tim Hadick Class Critic Returning to a lover in death. Standing in one’s former glory against humanity. Realizing it was all just a dream. These are just a few of the most memorable movie endings that have us talking weeks after we see them. Endings are one of the most important moments of any story, and in movies, making sure the audience leaves with the right mindset is a goal every good screenwriter takes into account. Without a solid ending, a movie simply falls apart and confuses viewers. Using the right type of ending with the right type of movie can make all the difference. There are really only two types of endings to movies: those that wrap-up with a crowd-pleasing happily ever after, and those that make the audience members wrack their brains trying to figure out what happens next.

Happily Ever After Cinderella marries the prince and they live happily ever after. Created mostly to appeal to the average moviegoer, endings with enemies making peace or the protagonist overcoming a challenge are among the most popular of movie endings. The audience is happy and the characters are happy. What more could a viewer ask for?

These endings make us feel like we’ve accomplished something and give us the warm fuzzies. But once we start asking ourselves what happens to the characters after the movie, we start asking when tickets for the sequel go on sale — and capitalism takes its course. The horrible side effect to these movies is they leave the story too well wrapped up, making the audience crave more. Thus, while Disney struggled in the 2000s to make money, Walmart stores across the country were shipped “Cinderella 2” and “Cinderella 3,” along with other bastardizations of childhood classics. These continuations of fixed endings are simply a bad idea. There’s a reason each new “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie’s Rotten Tomatoes score was lower than the last: They’re used to make money, not to make a better movie. However, even if a movie is a piece of crap, as long as its ending is logical you can come out of the theater without too many questions and move on with your life. Misusing the next type of movie ending can lead to a disastrous reputation if the plot is terrible, but it can leave a positive, lasting impression if done correctly.

The Cliffhanger Does she choose to go with her mother or her father? Does he sleep with the girl on the train or not?

Cliffhanger endings are among the most frustrating, yet fulfilling, of all movie endings. Last year’s “Shame” utilizes the cliffhanger spectacularly well, ending with a choice addicts must face every day. This is a full-circle ending. It is ambiguous, but sticks to the theme of the movie without trying to give personal commentary on the matter. The audience must think for itself what would happen given different endings. These movies are for the literary, thinking viewers, not the escapists looking to get away from reality. “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy’s first two movies use the cliffhanger ending differently. It is obvious the story will continue and have a definite ending later. On the other hand, “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows,” while still a decent title, hints at a sequel with a humorous end sequence and a — literally — question marked ending. While the central plot of the movie is finished, this ending is not satisfying and simply exists to allow for a possible third blockbuster title to the series. The newest “Sherlock Holmes” series of movies is not a fluid plot, and therefore its ending should be distinguished from similar cliffhangers. For example, while the end of “Batman Begins” may seem to end similarly — Batman’s crime-fighting days begin

and the Joker’s character is pseudo-introduced — the series was intended to have sequels and was constructed on that basis. The first new “Sherlock Holmes” movie was not. Building up to a massive conclusion and leaving the audience hanging is a tricky decision. Unless there is a specific message to be made by not answering a plot’s central questions, it should be avoided. Today’s society has a serious problem with paying attention. In theaters, audiences are forced to focus on a big, flashing screen. Yet it’s still easy to zone out if a movie isn’t interesting or engaging enough. Even with titles considered cinematic masterpieces it can often be hard to give full attention during a film’s mid-way lull. But if a director or writer can snag that focus back at the very end, it’s possible to imprint a lasting message or meaning that sets the mood for the entire film. How anything ends — be it an essay, TV episode, even a Facebook rant — is always the freshest part in a consumer’s mind. If your endings are bad, remember to recapture your own focus with your conclusion. It’s too easy to just leave an audience hanging by a Tim Hadick is a sophomore majoring in Japanese and journalism. You can email him at thadick@badgerherald. com or tweet him @ RealCollege.

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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Friday, March 23, 2012





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Sports MCCUE, from 8 operation went much deeper as an institutionalized system encouraging dangerous and often illegal hits, but I would venture a not-so-bold guess that they weren’t the only NFL team offering cash for big hits. According to The Washington Post, multiple players and coaches confirmed the Washington Redskins had a similar system when Williams was the defensive coordinator in the nation’s capital. And any bounty systems still operational when the Saints’ system was uncovered are now all but guaranteed to be history. While some called for an investigation of all the other 31 NFL teams, most owners and general managers are likely questioning their own staffs, digging to uncover any such system before it’s too late. Watching one franchise be dismantled is enough for any intelligent executive to realize he needs to start an investigation without the help of the NFL bureaucracy. Regardless of how players and league headhonchos react to the tough punishment doled out by the

FINALLY, from 8 the Badgers did welcome back offensive lineman Casey Dehn. Welcoming new coaches With six new coaches on staff, it is expected that the beginning of practice may be a little rocky, but from what Bielema witnessed the first day of practice, he feels the transition has been seamless. “I’m very glad that we pushed back spring ball almost two more weeks just because we needed the coaches to kind of talk through things a little bit more in the meeting room and gave us a little more time to meet with our players before we hit the field than we normally have in the past,” Bielema said. “I think that was good, and we’ve made very good use (of it in) the first practice.” Key position battles Despite the coaching carousel in the offseason, the main question on everyone’s mind is the vacancy at quarterback. But with the loss of several key players, position battles abound this spring. Between replacing Aaron Henry at safety and the likes of

SHORT, from 8 digits, though sophomore guard Ben Brust added nine points on 3-for-6 shooting from 3-point range. Junior forward Ryan Evans and sophomore guard Josh Gasser each added seven points, while senior guard/ forward Rob Wilson, who was also playing in his final game as a Badger, scored four points and pulled down four rebounds. Aside from their inability to manufacture a solid shot attempt on the final possession trailing by just

commissioner’s office, it is a decision Goodell should be commended for. No matter how important physicality is to football or how much diehards complain about NFL referees being overly protective of quarterbacks and receivers, encouraging violent hits that

But Goodell shied away from the potential profits and glory of that run, showing along the way that he places player safety ahead of growth and financial success of the league he oversees. knock players out of the game is beyond reprehensible. Such financial rewards — even if handed out by players instead of coaches — overstep the boundary between tough, competitive play and causing long-term harm to fellow professional players. Goodell needed to make a statement that he was willing to lay down the suspensions and take away draft picks to

Kevin Zeitler, Josh Oglesby and Peter Konz on the offensive line, defensive tackle Patrick Butrym and an opening at linebacker — especially with Mike Taylor and Ethan Armstrong out for spring practice — many players will get a chance to vie for some attention from the coaches. “Quarterback gets attention because they’re all pretty boys so everyone wants to write about them, but I love watching what’s … going on at right guard,” Bielema said. “I love watching the defensive line — you’ve got Jordan Kohout, you’ve got Ethan Hemer, you’ve got Beau Allen — all those guys want to be the starting tackles. Just amongst those three guys there’s good competition. … There’s great position battles going on all over the place.” The quarterback question The quarterback topic was unavoidable. After a stellar season from transfer Russell Wilson, it’s difficult not to be worried about who will lead Wisconsin’s offense. But Bielema was quite positive about his two young quarterbacks in Joey Brennan and Joel Stave. “Joey and Joel both looked

one point, the Badgers also were unable to get Berggren into the game in the final seconds. Ryan said after the game that if Syracuse’s lead had extended to three points, Berggren would have came in for Bruesewitz. “It was a one-point game, and who’s scrappier than Mike Bruesewitz and who got their hand on the ball at the end?” Ryan said, referring to Bruesewitz’ attempt to corral the rebound after Taylor’s last-second heave. “It worked out okay. We were fine with it. There wasn’t any panic.”

prove his efforts for better player safety are more than a good company line. In fact, one could argue that nearly shattering any hopes of a Super Bowl run for the Saints hurts the NFL as a whole. The black and gold became one of the top feelgood sports stories after the city of New Orleans adopted the team as a kind of crutch during Hurricane Katrina recovery. A Super Bowl that ended in New Orleans with Drew Brees under center would be the icing on the cake, a great story for the league and a major draw for impartial fans. But Goodell shied away from the potential profits and glory of that run, showing along the way that he places player safety ahead of the growth and financial success of the league he oversees. It was a message that will be seen as a defining decision of his legacy, one the relatively new NFL commish needed to send. Ian is a junior majoring in journalism. Think Goodell went too hard on the Saints? Or should he have launched investigations into all the other 31 teams? Email imccue@badgerherald.com.

extremely quick in their decision-making,” Bielema said. “They weren’t busting the huddle; they weren’t busting on alignments. Obviously it was the first practice with coach Canada; I think he really has tried to ease the learning curve of trying to get rid of the football in the throwing game. I think that helps them quite a bit.” Montee on the ball With an impressive season — and Heisman campaign to boot — the return of Montee Ball was fully embraced by all of Badger nation. The running back’s energy and experience is already translating into a leading voice. “He’s not worried about trying to reproduce the same numbers; he’s not doing anything other than to win football games and play his best football,” Bielema said. “You shouldn’t be talking about energy, I think that’s going to come over time. … After when we get back from spring break when guys are starting to drag a little bit, you’re going to need someone to pick up that huddle. I do see him being able to jump into that role.”

Wisconsin began the game with about as strong a start as it could have expected against Syracuse’s renowned 2-3 zone defense. The Badgers led 17-11 at the 10:40 mark, their biggest lead of the game. However, the Orange soon mounted a comeback, as an 11-0 run that began at 5:56 and continued through the 2:30 mark put Syracuse ahead 30-23. At halftime, Syracuse led 33-27 despite Taylor corralling a loose ball on a turnover forced by Gasser and finishing a layup on the other end.


Despite loss, Badgers can hold heads high Mike Fiammetta Senior Sports Writer BOSTON — The Wisconsin Badgers’ season ended with a heartbreaking thud Thursday night once Jordan Taylor’s lastsecond heave fell short, but it began with outside expectations that made a Sweet 16 berth seem laughable. Wisconsin, after losing three starters — two in the frontcourt — was tasked with completing a significant makeover of this year’s roster. When Jon Leuer left for the NBA and Keaton Nankivil graduated to play in Germany, two glaring holes were left at forward and center. Juniors Ryan Evans and Jared Berggren stepped in, despite having started just one game between them in the prior two seasons. When the No. 4 seeded Badgers (26-10) saw their season end in a 64-63 loss to the topseeded Syracuse Orange (26-10) in the East Regional semifinals of the NCAA tournament at TD Garden, Berggren had finished the game tied for the team-high with 17 points, while Evans had seven. The game snapped Evans’ string of 14 consecutive games with at least 10 points. Given what the team had lost, many outside opinions held that Wisconsin wouldn’t come close to repeating last year’s Sweet 16 berth. Inside the locker room, though, no such thought existed. “Yeah, I never had any doubt,” Berggren said. “Even when we started Big Ten play 1-3, we knew that wasn’t all we had. We went into [North] Carolina when they were [ranked No. 5] and took them down to a three-point game. We

The Badgers began the second half with a 3-pointer by Taylor and a layup by Berggren to draw within 33-32. However, they were unable to tie the game until the 15:46 mark, when a 3-pointer by Wilson evened the score at 40-40. Syracuse quickly built an 8-1 run thanks to three baskets from Fair and a layup from Jardine, building a 4841 lead with 12:42 remaining. Wisconsin tied the game again at the 8:36 mark, this time at 53-53, and again at 56-56 with 7:35 remaining. But again, the Orange proved

had plenty of mistakes in that game, and we were like, ‘Alright, if we would have done this, we could’ve got this win on the road.’ So we had no doubts of what we were capable of, at any point in the season.” It certainly wasn’t smooth, as the Badgers endured a three-game losing streak early in Big Ten play and then lost three of five after a sixgame winning streak. But after collecting a rousing road upset of Ohio State on Feb. 9, Wisconsin put together a three-game winning

“Even when we started Big Ten play 1-3, we knew that wasn’t all we had.”

Jared Berggren Junior Foward

streak to end the regular season. Thanks largely to 30 points from formerly unheralded senior guard/forward Rob Wilson, the Badgers advanced past the Indiana Hoosiers in the Big Ten Tournament. They fell to Michigan State, an eventual No. 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament, the following day, though Wisconsin did enter the Big Dance riding high. After two wins in the NCAA Tournament, the Badgers met the top-seeded Orange and took them to the brink. Afterward, head coach Bo Ryan was mainly upbeat, especially considering how far his team had come. Ryan specifically pointed out senior point guard Jordan Taylor’s leadership in helping the young, inexperienced frontcourt gel. “I think it helps if you have played

too powerful to hold down. “Syracuse just has too many athletes that can do so many things, and it’s hard to prepare for that on the defensive end,” Ryan said. “You think you’re getting things done, but you’re a step behind. So we did the best we could, and I thought we played great defense.” The Badgers final possession began after Joseph missed a free throw with 19 seconds remaining. Trailing by one point, Taylor brought the ball up court despite Wisconsin still having one timeout

to understand how inexperienced we were with that front line and the things that those guys ended up being able to do to put us at the record that we have and to put us into this position,” Ryan said. “Jordan deserves a lot of credit for that, so he’ll be sorely missed.” Unsurprisingly, Taylor took little credit shortly afterward in the Badgers’ locker room. As the undeniable star of this team, Taylor did have other things to be concerned with. His season began with preseason AllAmerican accolades but was quickly met with weighty criticism after his numbers failed to meet last year’s stellar output. Against Syracuse, he capped a very strong March with 17 points on 6-for15 shooting (including 5-for-9 from 3-point range), six assists and four rebounds. So when Taylor, with puffy eyes and a look of severe exhaustion on his face, was asked about his hand in leading Berggren, Evans and company to the promised land of the Sweet 16, his answer was an honest deflection of praise. “I don’t know, it’s kind of a hard question to answer just because I feel like they had that in them; it was just for them to come out and show it,” Taylor said when asked about his leadership role with the frontcourt. “I’m sure I had a small role in that, but I didn’t put all the talent in Ryan and Jared and Mike [Bruesewitz]. That’s not me; that’s them working hard in the games in the offseason. My job was just to try and get them ball and encourage them, be a leader for them.”

remaining. Ryan said after the game that he wanted to leave one timeout open for the inbounds play, and then for Taylor if he wanted to call one. However, his jumper bounced off the rim with three seconds remaining and Gasser grabbed the loose ball, but his miracle didn’t come close. “[The game] was on the line, and I felt like I got my legs into it,” Taylor said of his final shot. “I knew it was a deep three, but it felt good, and then to see it kind of come up short was kind of heartbreaking.”

Sports Editor Elliot Hughes sports@badgerherald.com

8 | Sports | Friday, March 23, 2012


Online: Softball, Tennis Spring sports are in full swing, each in B1G matchups this weekend.

Associated Press

Josh Gasser heaves up an attempt at the game-winning shot, but the shot would bounce off the rim, ending the Badgers’ run through the NCAA tournament and their 2011-12 season. Gasser only managed seven points in the contest against Syracuse, but picked up four rebounds and two assists.

Just short.


Elite Eight evades Wisconsin once again as it falls 6463 to Syracuse Mike Fiammetta Senior Sports Writer BOSTON — In every way, Wisconsin brought all it had to the Sweet 16.

But against a Syracuse Orange team that had battled its way past a bevy of distractions all season long, the Badgers just didn’t have enough. With four players scoring in double figures, top-seeded Syracuse (34-2) rode a balanced offensive attack to a 64-63 victory over No. 4 seeded Wisconsin (26-10) in the East Regional semifinals at TD Garden. Wisconsin’s senior point guard Jordan Taylor had the ball in his hands in the

game’s final seconds, but a tough 3-point jumper fell short, and the Badgers were unable to corral the rebound in time for another shot. “We were just trying to get an open shot and try and make them rotate in the zone,” Taylor said of Wisconsin’s final play. “We did a little bit, but they did a good job of recovering to open guys there.” The Badgers led by as many as six points and overcame multiple Orange

Spring camp finally here

“Any time a team gets better as the year goes on, I think that’s a good sign,” head coach Bo Ryan said. “Jordan Taylor was a big reason for that; Rob Wilson, as a senior, also as a leader. These guys did a great job. “We played well enough to have this one on our side; it just didn’t work out that way.” Ultimately, Wisconsin just couldn’t manufacture enough offense to compensate for Syracuse’s potent attack, led by sophomore forward

C.J. Fair with a team-high 15 points and seven rebounds. Senior guard Scoop Jardine added 14 points and four assists, while sophomore guard Dion Waiters added 13 points and junior guard Brandon Triche scored 11. For the Badgers, senior point guard Jordan Taylor and junior forward/center Jared Berggren each had 17 points. No other Wisconsin player scored in double

SHORT, page 7

Goodell sends saintly message in suspension

Bielema pleased with effort in 1st practice, position battles rage on

Ian McCue Right On Cue

Kelly Erickson Sports Content Editor On the same day the Wisconsin basketball team exited the NCAA Tournament in heartbreaking fashion, the football team kicked off its spring camp. It’s been a tumultuous offseason for head coach Bret Bielema & Co., as the Badgers had to replace six assistant coaches — a majority of whom were on offense — as running backs coach Thomas Hammock was the only offensive assistant coach to stay at Wisconsin despite multiple offers from other programs. Regardless of any offseason distractions, Bielema was just happy that his team could finally start spring camp. “I was very excited to get to today, practice no. 1 —

runs to take a 59-58 lead with 6:37 remaining. However, Syracuse was able to continue scoring while Wisconsin was held scoreless for the next two minutes. The Badgers did draw within one point with 32 seconds remaining but were unable to score again. The loss ends Wisconsin’s season in the Sweet 16 for the second consecutive year, while the school’s first Elite Eight berth since 2005 remains out of reach.

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Montee Ball co-led UW’s offense last year en route to a dark horse Heisman candidacy. Bielema is already expecting the running back to lead the offense on and off the field. seemed like it took forever to come,” Bielema said. “Obviously there’s been a huge transition with six new coaches, but today, I’m very excited — I’m not ready to crown us champions yet, but I really am excited about the way they practiced. The communication, the details of lining up and playing football were really good out there today for a first practice. There just wasn’t a lot of mental busts or breaks at really any position.” Injuries etc. In the spring, the Badgers will be without several players due to injury with linebackers Mike Taylor and Ethan

Armstrong recovering from their respective postseason surgeries. Wide receiver Jared Abbrederis continues to nurse a foot injury, and quarterback Jon Budmayr perpetually has issues with his throwing arm. Defensive end David Gilbert and cornerback Devin Smith continue to heal their broken bones from their own seasonending injuries. The Badgers also lost defensive back Frank Tamakloe and defensive lineman Eriks Briedis to undisclosed reasons this offseason. Briedies could return in the fall, “on his own” as Bielema puts it. But

FINALLY, page 7

When Roger Goodell decided to keep Sean Payton off the sidelines in 2012, he did more than leave his mark on NFL history as the first commissioner to suspend a coach for an entire year. By dumping Payton — and suspending Gregg Williams indefinitely — Goodell made it clear that he is prepared to change the nature of professional football. Goodell’s suspensions extend beyond the coaching staff and into the front office. He’s also keeping Mickey Loomis out of the Superdome’s press box for the first eight games of the upcoming season and laying down a $500,000 fine. Not to mention the Saints lost two secondround draft picks over as many years. It was already clear that the disciplinarian commissioner, who assumed the league’s most powerful position in 2006,

held few reservations in attempting to make the NFL a safer league. Hard-hitting miscreants like James Harrison and Ndamukong Suh have handed over sizable checks to the league office for illegal hits, and Goodell has sent a strong message that he will not allow such dangerous play. But this punishment reveals just how dedicated the bronze-haired, 53-year-old league head is to transforming a violent, punishing league into one that will not allow itself to be defined by a gladiatoresque mentality. It’s a bold yet necessary move, one that will perhaps convince some of the league’s dirtiest stars to tone it down. As John Clayton of ESPN wrote, the punishment Goodell handed down ended any chance of the Saints playing in the 2013 Super Bowl, which they’re hosting, and such repercussions are precisely what make NFL players shift their attitude. Even when players draw $40,000 and $50,000 fines, it’s just a fraction of their salary, nothing more then a minor hassle, a check to make sure you get in the mail on time. Game suspensions

are certainly more meaningful but still don’t match the franchisechanging suspensions Goodell just dropped on the Saints. By banning New Orleans’ charismatic and popular coach from the Superdome’s locker room in 2012, the NFL commissioner is disrupting the entire chemistry of a promising squad. And that’s exactly what he intended to do. What makes this punishment especially powerful is that it could have this franchise reeling not only this season, but in years to come. Though not quite equivalent to the NCAA’s devastating “death penalty,” it presents the closest comparison in NFL history. I’m not going to assert that this penalty is going to change the way players approach the game, that the weekly fines and back-breaking hits will come to a sudden halt. But it certainly has the chance to make the minority — those who write the paychecks to Goodell and attack opponents with the same ferocity the following week (I’m looking at you, Steelers defense and Suh) — reconsider. The Saints

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