Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Policy plans see critiques Tara Golshan Herald Contributor Two Republican U.S. Senate candidates unveiled further details of the policy reforms they would pursue if elected in November. Vying alongside two others for the GOP nomination to take on retiring Democrat U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl’s seat, former Gov. Tommy Thompson and U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann both updated their plans for Congress over the last two Thompson days. In a proposal released Monday, Thompson called for a renovation of the federal tax system. According to the statement announcing the proposal, federal revenue would be limited to 18.5 percent Neumann of the gross domestic product. Individual people would then have the option of filing a single-page tax form with a 15 percent flat tax. In addition to moving toward an overall flat tax after two years, Thompson also plans to permanently extend the Bush tax cuts, absolve households earning less than $100,000 from capital gains taxes and end federal taxes on Social Security income. Thompson said in the statement that the plan fixed a “fundamentally dysfunctional” tax system
and would keep more money in the pockets of American workers. The Democratic Party of Wisconsin released a statement in response to Thompson’s tax reforms asserting Thompson’s plan was in “reckless self-interest” and that the flat tax would only create a break for the wealthy, in addition to putting Social Security, Medicare and national security at risk. Karin Johanson, campaign manager to U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, who is the only Democratic candidate, was in accordance with the party, finding the reforms to be only “a façade of fair taxation.” “It looks on its face that it is a fair tax but it is really a giant tax cut for millionaires,” Johanson said. “His plan actually increases taxes for the middle class.” Johanson added that Baldwin’s current sponsorship of the Buffett Rule bill, which increases taxes for those with a combined income of more than $1 million, is a strong counterpoint to the Thompson plan that Baldwin supports. Neumann also proposed a policy plan of his own Tuesday that would require constitutional citations for every bill passed in Congress and force former members to forfeit their federal pension and benefits if they become lobbyists later on. According to Neumann’s spokesperson Chip Englander, Neumann’s plan will help clean up
POLICY, page 2
Malory Goldin file photo The Badger Herald
Former Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said despite the 12 month gap since his defeat by Mayor Paul Soglin, many of his policies and projects are still holding strong under Soglin’s watch.
Madison’s mayors: 1 year later Cieslewicz, Soglin tread common ground after grueling election cycle Leah Linscheid City Life Editor Tuesday marked one year since Dave Cieslewicz lost a nail-biting race for the mayoral office against Mayor Paul Soglin, but the former mayor has looked back on city affairs throughout the past 12 months with considerable contentedness. Many priorities from Cieslewicz’s eight years as mayor between 2003 and 2011 continued during Soglin’s first year, including revitalization projects near the East Washington Avenue area and the reconstruction of the Madison Central Library. “Things are pretty much the same,” Cieslewicz said. “Paul has pretty
much continued the policies that I’ve put in place, with the notable exception of Edgewater, but we’re moving ahead on all the things that were important to me. I’m pleased that the direction I went in my eight years as mayor is being continued.” The highly contentious renovation of Edgewater Hotel, a project Cieslewicz greatly supported, was halted late last year. Cieslewicz also expressed satisfaction that steps to make Madison a more bicycle-friendly city have been taken in the past year, including the successful implementation of the B-Cycle bicycle sharing program. Cieslewicz struck a three-year contract with Trek Bicycles to implement the B-Cycle program in Madison, with the stipulation that the city would subsidize the program with $300,000 over three years. When Soglin took office, he was able
Food for thought UW community members Allison Page and Ryan Neely are intrigued by the various food sculptures made to depict books at this year’s Edible Book Festival at Memorial Library. The “Gorillas in the Mist” entry, put forward by the Jacobsen Primate Center Library took the cake this year. Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
to renegotiate the contract so that the bicycle program cost the city nothing. “Dave committed to spending more on city bicycling, and Paul has continued that commitment,” said Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, who served on City Council under Cieslewicz and during Soglin’s previous terms. Cieslewicz spent nearly $50 million over five years to improve the city’s bicycling program, and during his time out of office, Cieslewicz has continued to promote the transportation he said he is so passionate about. He spent several days in New York and Toronto speaking on strategies to create bicycle-friendly cities, and plans to visit San Francisco and Vancouver in the coming weeks. Cieslewicz promoted bicycling in
MAYORS, page 4
Signatures finalize recall candidacies Tom Merchant Herald Contributor Just hours before the deadline Tuesday, four Democratic gubernatorial challengers turned in signatures to the Government Accountability Board to qualify for primaries that will be held May 8. All nominees must turn in a minimum of 2,000 signatures supporting their candidacy in the race, according to rules set by the GAB. The board also set a 4,000 signature limit on how many the board is willing to accept from each candidate. Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, and Secretary of State Doug
Downtown fire station gains approval Kailey Duff y Reporter Madison’s City Council pushed forward with plans for the construction of a new downtown fire station and mixeduse development at its meeting Tuesday night. The council unanimously voted to allow Mayor Paul Soglin to enter into a contract for purchase of services with Eppstein Uhen Architects Inc. to provide architectural pre-design and consulting services for the design of a new
Fire Station No. 1 and administration building. The project, which would include a high-rise, mixed-use development containing residential and retail space, is slated to take place on the 300 block of West Johnson and Dayton streets. “This project is on the fast track, and the developers want to move very fast,” Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said. “The city’s interests, by necessity, are having to be equally as expeditious.” Eppstein Uhen Architects Inc. is an
architectural firm Hovde developers hired for its 14-story mixed use apartment building downtown, Verveer said. The city voted to use the firm for preliminary planning but may not ultimately contract with it for the actual construction of the fire station. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, added the city is under pressure to push forward with this project within a very short time period because of financial constraints with the developer. The city will pay a little
more than $57,000 to contract with Eppstein Uhen for preliminary planning purposes, a total that covers the initial design costs for the fire station and administration buildings, Resnick said. He added Verveer will host a series of neighborhood meetings in the coming weeks to keep Madison community members up to date on the project proceedings. One neighborhood meeting will take place at the Madison
LaFollete all turned in more than 2,000 signatures to the board, meeting the deadline. “As the exact number of signatures are tallied, the totals will be given at the GAB’s website,” GAB spokesperson Reid Magney said. Michael Mangan, an energy engineer from Milwaukee, and Wisconsin resident Arthur Louis Kohl-Riggs, filed papers to run against Walker in a Republican primary. Mangan ran as an independent for governor in 1994, 1998 and 2002. Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin President Mahlon Mitchell also filed enough signatures to get on the ballot for the lieutenant governor’s seat, according to
INSIDE Is Madison ready for a little fun.? Hot off smash single “We Are Young,” the rock outfit stops by the Majestic tonight.
ARTS | 9
Headscarves and hoodies: A look at racism
Santorum: I’m out but far from done
The International Socialist Organization wants your involvement in race issues.
The presidential candidate withdrew from the race, but is still looking to the future.
NEWS | 2
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum suspended his campaign in the race for the party’s presidential nomination Tuesday, making former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney the only GOP candidate likely to receive enough delegates to win the nomination. Santorum said he made the decision over the weekend and formally made his announcement during a campaign stop in his home state of Pennsylvania. “We made a decision over the weekend, that while this presidential race for us is over, and we will suspend our campaign today, we are not done fighting,” Santorum said in a live stream of his
conference. Thanking supporters for their hard work, Santorum said he was proud of his campaign for making the voices of the country heard. Santorum did not mention any future plans to endorse a candidate in the race and did not take questions after the conference. He did not give a formal reason for withdrawing from the campaign. The announcement came just a day after a brief suspension of Santorum’s campaign over the weekend because of the hospitalization of his youngest daughter. Santorum said his daughter, Bella, is “a fighter and is doing exceptionally well.” Santorum received the second most delegates in the race so far, behind frontrunner Romney,
who has already received more than half of the 1,144 delegates needed to secure the nomination. The remaining candidates include Romney, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. In a statement, Romney congratulated his opponent. “Sen. Santorum is an able and worthy competitor, and I congratulate him on the campaign he ran,” Romney said. “He has proven himself to be an important voice in our party and in the nation. We both recognize that what is most important is putting the failures of the last three years behind us and setting America back on the path to prosperity.” Winning primaries in 11 states before dropping out, Santorum was the leading
receiver of delegates in Louisiana, Missouri, Alaska, Alabama, Kansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Ohio, North Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado and Iowa. Santorum said while his campaign is done, he is not. “When I won Iowa I said ‘game on,’ and the White House might now say ‘game over,’” Santorum said. “The game is long from over. We are going to continue to make sure Barack Obama is defeated and we take the U.S. Senate come November.” Wisconsin State Director for Gingrich’s campaign Robert Lorge said the campaign is looking forward to capturing conservative delegates that had previously been supporting Santorum. “Newt is the only conservative in the race. We’re looking forward to
picking up his delegates to take on the establishment candidate Romney,” Lorge said. Lorge said it was still Gingrich’s primary to go “all the way to Tampa Bay” and remain in the primary until the end. He also expected certain “carpet bombing” by Romney toward Santorum would now be directed toward Gingrich. Moving forward, Lorge said Santorum dropping out would not change the campaign’s strategy but would make it clearer. “We’re looking forward to primaries in North Carolina, New York and Pennsylvania. Conservatives now have the chance to get behind the one conservative candidate still running,” Lorge said. — The Associated Press contributed to this report.
President carries support in swings Poll shows Obama holding strong numbers with independent voters in battlegrounds Jacob Kaczmarowski Herald Contributor President Barack Obama is leading in support from independent voters in swing states, according to a recent survey. The survey, conducted by the moderate Democratic think tank Third Way, found 57 percent of independent swing voters hold a favorable opinion of Obama while 41 percent hold a favorable opinion of Mitt Romney. However, more of those polled thought the Republicans would do a better job of handling the economy, the budget deficit and government spending than the president would. Generic congressional Democrats also led Republicans 39 percent to 34 percent among independents overall. Michelle Diggles, spokesperson for Third Way, said she believes that independents have their own set of hot button issues. “The results of our independents poll indicate that for 2012, the dominant frame on the left and right — tax cuts versus fairness — doesn’t respond to the anxieties of swing state independents,” Diggles said. “[Independents] are worried about the next generation’s
FIRE STATION, from 1 Senior Center April 12 at 7 p.m. Hovde developers and architects and the Madison Fire Department will be present to facilitate
ability to compete and want to hear candidates talk about economic opportunity.” Fifty-eight percent of independent voters polled also disagree that the next generation of Americans will be able to find good, wellpaying jobs. The survey of 1,000 selfidentified independents who voted in the 2008 presidential election was conducted in 12 states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. The margin of error for the full set of independents is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. University of Wisconsin professor Donald Downs said he believes independents are more important in elections now than any time in recent history. “Independent voters are becoming progressively more and more important,” said Downs, who also serves as an adviser to The Badger Herald. “More voters are also identifying themselves as independents.” Downs said Wisconsin is a swing state because of its closely divided electorate, which gives independents more sway in the election.
Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
If President Barack Obama gains the majority of the independent vote in the November election, experts said the votes could be more important than ever before. In order to appeal to independents, Downs said candidates must begin balancing their campaigns. “The candidates need to find balance in order to appeal to their base,” Downs said. “Romney has already started talking in a moderate way. Obama is going to have to start.” UW political science professor Barry Burden said the poll results create a possible dilemma for Democrats. He said the party would have to make a strong shift in its issues panel to improve opinion among the survey base. “The party is inclined to focus on inequality and push things like the ‘Buffett Rule’ to excite the party’s base and appeal to populist centrists,” Burden said. “But this survey indicates that those sorts
discussions on the development, Verveer said. The City Council also voted to pass a resolution praising Occupy Madison’s contribution to the city. Several members of the organization were present at the meeting to voice their opinions.
Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6, said Occupy Madison has turned into a valuable resource for the city’s homeless during the winter months and the hard economic times. She said it has become a great way for giving the homeless a place to stay and provides positions of leadership. Marcus Robinson, a homeless citizen of Madison, said the Occupy Madison organization acted as an effective way to accommodate and house the city’s homeless community. “I’m an activist. I work with my heart, my body, my hands,” Robinson said. “I am not a bad
Swing states In 2008, President Barack Obama took the following swing states by a razor-thin margin.
Percent of vote
Electoral votes
SOURCE: Federal Election Commission
of messages are not always well received by swing independents.” Burden was also somewhat skeptical about the effects of undecided voters in the polling and said there are not that many true independents out there who are also regular voters. He said it was much more work for a candidate to
person. Occupy has given me a chance.” However, there was some opposition to this positive recognition of Occupy Madison. Ald. Bridget Maniaci, District 2, expressed her sentiments that Occupy Madison was a failure on the city’s part in accommodating the homeless community. Ald. Lisa Subeck, District 1, agreed with Maniaci. “I think that what I’ve heard tonight is a message of empowerment,” Subeck said. “I don’t know that the model of Occupy is the model to solve homelessness. That being said, there is a lot to learn from it.”
win an independent voter’s support and get the person to the polls than it is to simply turn out a dedicated supporter. “Third Way estimates swing independents to be 15 percent of the population,” he said. “That’s possible, but that estimate depends on some strong assumptions about who is likely to vote.”
POLICY, from 1 Washington, D.C. “By getting rid of career-seeking congressmen and women and forcing former members of Congress to forfeit their pensions if they become lobbyists, we are ending the revolving door,” Englander said. According to Englander, the conservative voters have responded positively to Neumann’s plan. Englander added that Neumann is the only candidate who has a plan to balance the budget in five years. However, earlier details released by Thompson have also promised a balanced budget in five years. Neumann also announced new endorsements and campaign donations Tuesday, revealing that the campaign raised $1.47 million as well as gaining an endorsement by the Citizens United political action committee. According to the statement, Citizens United found Neumann to be the “voice of reason” in the race. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald and investor Eric Hovde are also running in the Republican primary. The winner will face Baldwin in the general election in November.
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Animal research gains accreditation after flaws fixed National agency grants UW high standing despite negative Feb. report Katie Caron Higher Education Editor Gaining legitimacy on an international level, three University of Wisconsin institutions received accreditation status in the area of animal research programs following controversial ratings at a check-in last year. The UW Graduate School, School of Medicine and Public Health, and School of Veterinary
Medicine all gained “Full Accreditation” status for three more years from the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International, according to a UW statement. Director of the Research Animal Resources Center Eric Sandgren said AAALAC is an organization that universities and other institutions can ask to come in and perform an investigation before providing accreditation if the institution meets the right standards. “It’s considered a seal of approval if you receive accreditation,” Sandren said. “They come in and perform a comprehensive
examination and tell you their findings. This was a comprehensive review. They spent a lot of time here and this helps us a lot.” Sandgren said AAALAC was on the UW campus in October and while the group gave some positive feedback about the animal research programs, they also provided the university with strong recommendations and required guidelines. He said after the October visit, the university addressed all of the recommendations before the AAALAC Council took up the evaluation in February. “They had no additional recommendations because we had already addressed
them,” Sandgren said. According to the UW statement, AAALAC’s October recommendations included establishing a monitoring system for expired drug identification as well as improved training for handling toxic substances. In addition to the recommendations, AAALAC gave 18 commendations for programs. Sandgren said the investigation was in-depth and included looking into buildings, cages for animals, training, veterinary care and more. Accreditation is important, Sandgren said, because it means the institutions will not lose any
MAYORS, from 1 Madison through other means, including the “Ride the Drive” event held several times each year, according to Verveer. The event, which has continued to take place under Soglin, closes city streets to motor vehicles and opens them to bicycles for the day. Still, Cieslewicz is less enthused about Soglin’s take toward the controversial Mifflin Street Block Party. Although he conceded the 2011 event, which resulted in two student stabbings, he added last year’s inclusion of entertainment and food vendors was a positive aspect that should be reconsidered. “I think we made a mistake last year by allowing open intoxicants
of the funding sources it has had in the past. He said any institutions wishing to receive funding from the Public Health Service must abide by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, which also is the document that AAALAC uses in its review of institutions. Sandgren also added that receiving accreditation is no small task and that AAALAC does not just hand it out. “If they do feel something is wrong, they’re not shy about it,” he said. He said, for example, in AAALAC’s 2003 investigation, the group took issue with the university’s occupational health and safety plan. He
on the street, and I think what the city should’ve done was go back to not allowing that,” Cieslewicz said. “I felt we were on the right path — having a sponsor, entertainment and food there gave students something to do besides drink. We were headed in the right direction, and we made one mistake with the open intoxicants, but what the city should’ve done is get back on the track that we were on for the last eight years.” Soglin has taken a notable stance against the party and decided not to provide food vendors at the 2011 event. He also strongly supported the nuisance party ordinance, a city ordinance that essentially strengthened penalties against the hosts of house parties.
said when this happened, UW established a committee to address the issues found and wrote back to the group that it had made changes. The group reinstated full accreditation at that point. Currently, four of the five UW units within the area of animal research are AAALAC-accredited. Sandgren also said most of the largest research organizations in the country seek AAALAC accreditation, as well as almost all companies that deal with animals. According to the UW statement, the university’s College of Letters and Science will seek accreditation in the next couple of years.
SIGNATURES, from 1 a statement from the GAB. Falk’s campaign was optimistic about her chances during the primary and recall. “We turned in the maximum number of signatures allowed, which were gathered by more than 500 people from 150 different communities,” Falk’s campaign spokesperson Scot Ross said. Barrett’s campaign was also optimistic about turning in the signatures. Former Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton, who helped Barrett’s campaign turn in the signatures, announced her endorsement for Barrett in a statement following the delivery of the signatures. Six conservatives who have been working with the state’s GOP party and who are running as “fake” Democrats also turned in nomination papers Tuesday to run against Walker in the recall election.
Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Herald Editorial New ASM constitution marching forward and fine-tuning to make the document even better. Although some members of the ASM Constitutional Committee will graduate this year, capable leaders have stepped forward to carry the constitution through the summer and into the fall. They are backed by many fresh faces on ASM who are focused on improving the student government instead of continuing the stagnating
The proposed Associated Students of Madison constitution just became stronger. After members of Student Council raised concerns that there would not be sufficient time for education before a spring vote, the new constitution will instead be included on the fall election ballot. The move will allow comprehensive public education, further collaboration
infighting that consumed this year’s session. Numerous college and school student governments have also gotten behind the document and will lend their organizing prowess in the coming months. ACC leaders will oversee the recrafting of www. to showcase expanded, accessible information concerning the new constitution and increased outreach to registered student
organizations and student governments that the new bylaws would impact. They will also ensure the education of as many students on campus as possible, creating a voting population that is aware of the document’s impact and benefits to their future education and campus experience. The principles behind the new ASM constitution remain strong. The University of Wisconsin needs effective
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student governance, and the new constitution will lay the necessary foundation for a successful future. In the meantime, we need your help. To get the constitution on the fall ballot, the ACC needs 4,200 signatures. To find out more about the constitution and see how you can support it with your signature, email abrousseau@ Let’s move ASM forward.
Editorial Board opinions are crafted independently of news coverage.
Governance belongs to students In the March 20 guest column “Adidas proves need for collaboration,” Brad Barham and Heather Daniels’ joint facultystaff response to students’ criticisms of Chancellor David Ward’s inaction in the Adidas contract proceedings ascribes to the Board of Regents “the ultimate authority to govern policy matters at the University of Wisconsin and other UW System campuses.” They conclude that the shared governance process through which students, faculty and staff are able to contribute to campus policy and decision making is simply advisory, making recommendations that the executive powers of the university system can choose to take or leave. This position presents farreaching implications for student voice on UW System campuses. In a system in which those who exercise administrative power are not accountable to the university system’s direct stakeholders, how can students, faculty or staff rest assured that their policy concerns will be taken seriously? Barham and Daniels suggest that “Ward reports only to the Board of Regents.” This notion undermines the very essence of shared governance, which is the legal cornerstone of cooperation and equity among faculty, staff, administration and students. It is explicitly laid out in Wisconsin statutes 36.09 (1) – (5). A philosophy of shared governance in which “all shared governance committee recommendations are only advisory to the chancellor” does not foster “cooperation and collaboration,” as illustrated by the heavily conflicting views on the proper response to the Adidas Group’s violation of its contract with UW. Precedent and the stipulations of the contract are quite clear in proscribing a 90-day notice during which Adidas must remedy any violations of labor
codes of conduct under threat of termination. However, Ward has failed to take administrative action on this issue, which has, in effect, let Adidas off the hook. Furthermore, he has failed to explicitly communicate to the Associated Students of Madison, the Faculty Senate or the Academic Staff Assembly why he has chosen to ignore the recommendations of students and the Labor Licensing Policy Committee on this issue. More significantly, the “advisory” philosophy of shared governance that is the current modus operandi of administrative policymaking in the UW System may crucially contradict a statewide judicial precedent. In the Spoto v. the Board of Regents decision of 1995, Judge Northrup of the Circuit Court, District 14, ruled that the phrase “subject to [the responsibilities and powers of the board],” which appears in several of the statutes concerning the relations between administration and stakeholders, was not intended to subordinate faculty authority, but rather to indicate that “faculty authority is conditioned and affected by board authority.” This is a judicial resolution of the exact ambiguity that is currently being exploited by some members of the faculty, staff and administration to wrest power and voice from student representatives speaking out against the Adidas Group’s injustices. The court ruled that “in any situation where power is genuinely shared, if the parties sharing authority cannot reach an agreement, an impasse will occur,” and that the statutes never explicitly grant the Regents (or any other body) exclusive or ultimate authority. The shared governance provisions protecting students’ interests are guaranteed by the exact same language as those relating to faculty interests,
which are the focus of Spoto v. the Board of Regents. If the law is to prevail on our behalf as well as it has for the faculty, students must be afforded the same rights and “primary responsibility for the formulation and review of policies concerning student life, services and interests” as faculty and staff are afforded. Attacks against students’ rightful role in policy and decision making on issues such as the Adidas contract are not surprising. In an era of unprecedented disinvestment in public education in Wisconsin and the rest of the nation, it seems commonplace for legitimate student concerns about issues of great financial magnitude to be met with authoritative power plays by administrators. However, while certain groups may benefit from a greater share of the governance pie, we as an institution become weaker as a result of this internal politicking. That is, we alienate ourselves from each other and our common interest in ensuring that the pie stops shrinking by orders of magnitude each year, as it has over the course of the past few decades. What would happen if the administration, faculty and staff redirected their efforts to curtail student voice on issues like Adidas toward organizing a stronger response to the state’s massive budget cuts to the UW System? Then maybe Chancellor Ward wouldn’t have to worry about costly court battles with Adidas at the expense of his legal responsibilities to thousands of students who are picking up the tab to keep the dream of public higher education alive in Wisconsin. Sundar Sharma (ssharma22@ is the ASM shared governance director and a junior majoring in political science and sociology.
Fake candidates not biggest issue the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as saying, “There’s nothing to keep the Republicans from messing around.” This tactic is far from new, having been used by supporters of both parties Joe Timmerman on numerous occasions, Columnist including the 2008 and 2012 presidential primaries. News that Together, these Republicans will once actions don’t paint an again be running fake overly pretty picture of Democratic candidates Wisconsin Republicans. in the upcoming recall Even if it’s not primaries has been, uncommon, voting in the unsurprisingly, met other party’s primary is with cries of protest and never popular with the outrage. Republicans say other side. Much of the the candidates are merely outrage at these actions being used to make sure is largely manufactured. that all of the general The main reason recall elections take place people are mad about on the same day in June, Republicans running fake rather than some being held earlier in May. While candidates is because it sounds really bad. There’s planting fake candidates no way to spin it that may be a bit sleazy and doesn’t involve planting underhanded, it certainly fake candidates in an isn’t reason for outrage. election, regardless of Democrats have bigger the reason. However, it’s fish to fry. really not very damaging. The point of these fake Thus, while it may be candidates, or “recall difficult for Democrats to protest candidates” as let such a great messaging Republicans are calling opportunity escape, they them (I mean, who should take a couple actually knows what shots at it and move “recall protest candidate” on. What Republicans means, anyway?), is to are doing isn’t exactly a align all the general model for ethical politics elections on the same day and not necessarily — not a terrible goal, in following the spirit of and of itself. Republicans the law, but it is legal. worry that if some general primary elections for the state Senate don’t have contested primaries, then the election will be held on the same day as the gubernatorial primary. Since Democrats have an actually contested up-ticket candidate to vote for in the gubernatorial primary, it’s likely that Democrats would turn out in much higher numbers than Republicans, who would be voting for a downPolitics in Wisconsin are ticket state Senate race. so polarized that a story The irony here, of course, like this isn’t going to is that if Republicans are change anyone’s mind. so worried about voter Rather than taking cheap turnout, perhaps they shots at stories like these, should rethink their Wisconsin Democrats stance on the voter ID should focus on the issues law. that matter and will help Not helping his party’s sway the independent case, State Senate voters who will actually Majority Leader Scott decide the recalls. Walker Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, has given Democrats has suggested that plenty to campaign on — Republicans could vote for whichever Democratic there’s no need to resort to petty issues like this. gubernatorial candidate they view as weaker in Joe Timmerman order to give Gov. Scott ( Walker a better chance is a freshman majoring in in his recall election. math and economics. Fitzgerald was quoted by
If Republicans are so worried about voter turnout, perhaps they should rethink their stance on the voter ID law.
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To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Classifieds SO to the guy at the terrace who is literally squatting down with a white sweatshirt draped over his back, quacking at the ducks who walk by and trying to feed them. You are so much more amusing than studying for my exam on Thursday. ASO to nearly breaking down in tears at work when I read the shout-out in the paper about season football tickets. I DON’T WANT TO GRADUATE! LOLZSO to the guy awkwardly trying to unstick his balls from his legs on the 3rd floor of College SO to my brain. You make it so easy to get a great job and get with tons of women as well as avoid STDs. Thanks bro! ASO to the guy in college library who took the white board just to practice copying chinese characters for the world to see. You kept looking around to see if people were watching, and honestly no one cares. ASO to the two former Badgers who wouldn’t Jump Around
at a bar in Minneapolis! I was ashamed. Good thing I jumped around enough for thel three of us. On Wisconsin! SO to the woman in the Discovery building right now working with a few people with special needs. I’m not sure if you’re a student, but you are so patient, caring and enthusiastic. I admire you for doing what you do. ASO to my roommate. Apparently putting your fruit in the fridge for you makes me a horrible person. Sorry I didn’t know that you “don’t like cold pears”. SO to reading a health blog while munching on chocolate covered pretzels. Hypocrisy never tasted so good. SO to the girl from the Ultra Music Festival who made out with a tree. Hysterical. SO to Jolteon, Nidoking, Charizard, Articuno, Zapdos, and Snorlax. I couldn’t have become a Pokemon master without you. I love you all SO to all the Badger boys with cute
butts. I’m watching. ASO to high school senior on my facebook bragging because she has enough credits to reach second semester sophomore status at the U of M next year. That’s only because Minnesota is a butthole compared to Wisconsin, honey. ASO to apparently still being friends with high schoolers on facebook...I thought I deleted all you little turds. SO to bars that are dead zones. saving me so much time the morning from cleaning up messes from drunk texts and calls. SO to the two guys belting out “Drive By” by Train in the Chamberlin East moped parking lot on Tuesday. Made my day. SO to that moment when you suddenly understand a class 3 hours before the exam. Better late than never. HASO to the guy sitting next to me in discussion. Either shower or wash your clothes cause I’m choking by your stench. Also, is it necessary to pound on your computer
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Found keys of biker on University Ave. on Friday night. Contact lostkeysonuniversity@gmail. com
Studio in 3 unit house. Summer $400, fall $430. 5 minutes to campus, on bike path. Call Susie 608-513-1415.
SUMMER SUBLET: large one bedroom in a two bedroom apartment at 619 W. Mifflin St. for Summer 2012. Great location, excellent management company, easy-going roommate. $450/month OBO. Available 5/21/12. Email bdmiller2@ for more details.
Attention Agriculture Students Use your farming background to help farmers with disabilities remain working in agriculture this summer and earn money to pay for tuition or student loans as an AmeriCorps member at Easter Seals Wisconsin. Visit americorps for more information or call (608) 237-1397 Earn $$$ and stay in Madison this summer! Road maintenance contractor accepting applications for seasonal employment. For more information call (608) 842-1676 STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Paid Survey Takers Needed in Madison. 100% Free to Join. Click on Surveys.
FOR RENT 229 AT LAKELAWN New. Modern. Luxury. Secure. Furnished. Sign now! Free one months rent and 42” flat screen TV! Need a single bedroom or roommates? WE CAN HELP! Website: Contact:; (608) 255-5175 8 Bedroom House 405 W Main $3600. Mike (920) 344-5000 Large 2 bedroom flat at 518 S. Mills. Large Bedrooms, LR and DR, hardwood floors, large front porch. Please visit for pictures/ layout. 608-250-0202. Spacious 3 bedroom apartment. Nice kitchen with lots of cupboard space. 1 block off state and 2 blocks from Humanities/ Vilas. $1500/ month includes heat and water. Quiet building with laundry/ parking available. Available 8/15/12. Call Susie 608-256-0525. Spacious four bedroom near Kohl Center. Newly remodeled with loft and large porch. Laundry, heat, and water included! Parking available. Call 235-7753
keys like that? What’d your computer do to you. 6 more weeks... ASO to that moment in Com. B when your critique of a classmate’s thesis is twice as long as the actual thesis. SO to the Bella to my Edward. SO to stalking her and watching her sleep. SO to not being able to have sex with my Bella since I am a vampire and I don’t have a heartbeat so therefore I can’t get an erection. SO to looking like a disco ball whenever I want to get a tan. SO to being a pussy vampire. SO to that one badass Dugtrio that’s always in Diglett’s cave. I got big plans for you and me. Big plans ASO to hot girls that dress weird. to the brunette on the 3rd floor of college in the glasses. i thought you were cute til i noticed your huge sweater and you were wearing a turban thing. but i’d still wine and dine you. SO to the 4-year-old girl climbing on the
giant chair in Memorial Union, belting out “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King”, and giving exactly zero fucks. You are, without a doubt, the coolest person I’ve met. Keep on keeping on, girl. SO to the girl at Union South wearing plaid who is holding a beer in one hand and ice cream in another. You know what’s up. ASO to chickens. Grow a pair. However, SO to the animal chickens, you are delicious and your sacrifice is much appreciated. ASO to the guy running laps at the shell who took off his shirt after 10 min. really? DASO to you collapsing on the ground after you were done running. SO to you working out but that was really unnecessary.
SO to all of the other badgers rocking the goggle tan. Jackson Hole treated us well. there are literally no good ones ASO to people who save five seats for their friends that they know probably wont show up to lecture..really?!? Yes im looking at you girl with the brown boy hair in ps103 SO to Erin, my Sociology TA. I don’t know what it is about you, but you make a boring class one of the most interesting classes ever. Thank you so much. SO to laughing at someone wave to a friend only to get no response from that person and then being that guy who waves and doesn’t get a wave back 5 minutes later... How embarassing.
ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks
The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
e p i w S s g n i v a S for s m u l a d o o w e g d E , n o s i Mad
s t n e d i s e r a re a r o f s l a e d snag
Kate Northey
Sample e deals from rom Tuesday, Tuesda April 10
ArtsEtc. Staff Writer How does a free — yes, completely free — scoop of gelato from Paciugo sound? SwipedIn, a new mobile app for iPhone and Android, offers deals like these on food and drinks at local Madison hotspots to anyone who “swipes in.” The app was born and raised in Madison. Cofounders Sam Jorgenson, a recent graduate from Edgewood College, and Jordan Wolf, a University of Wisconsin alumnus, began working on their idea back in fall 2011 and launched SwipedIn on Jan. 23. The duo chose Madison as a test market because they knew the city well and liked the constant excitement going around campus. Not only do they plan to expand SwipedIn to other cities, but they also intend to broaden their categories to potentially include deals on health and beauty, retail and taxi fares. In addition to signing on businesses, their work includes spreading the word via social media, hiring interns to promote the app and working with the UW branch of Future Business Leaders of America. In an interview, Wolf stressed the importance of his college experience to the application’s creation. “I think it’s cool for entrepreneurs to come back to their old campuses when they have done something because it just helps people on campus understand that no matter how young you are, if you have an idea for something — go for it, go for it right now. That’s my biggest regret, not starting while I was in campus as a student,” Wolf said. Both entrepreneurs saw potential in creating a free app that combined the best qualities of services like Groupon and Foursquare, while excluding these services’ shortcomings in order to offer an idyllic experience for both users and businesses. For instance, they said, Groupon puts up some great deals, but consumers have to put down money on a product or service they may never use. And small businesses are forced to give up about half of their generated profits without receiving their half until about three months after the deal was originally offered. Apps like Foursquare appeal because the idea of checking in to get a deal can be exciting. However, only about 10 percent of people are comfortable sharing their location with others. “That’s how we came up with SwipedIn, where a business could put out a deal by themselves and collect all of the revenue immediately, as opposed to paying us half of it. Then we came up with the aspect of swiping in, instead of checking in, so you don’t have to share your location with your friends,” Wolf said. The two enlisted a pair of equally ambitious programmers, Brian Thiel and Phil Dougherty, to create the app to be simple and user-friendly. SwipedIn is not alone as a localized coupon app platform — other apps like Uwagi and Belly are comparable and competitors. Uwagi is also Madison-exclusive and offers deals at bars and restaurants, many of which are also signed on with SwipedIn. Belly is a different twist on deal-incentivized apps, allowing users to scan a QR code to receive points at participating establishments. Over time, the points accumulate and can eventually be traded in for free drinks or
discounts. SwipedIn comes with its own set of notable features. The app uses the location device in smartphones to locate deals that are close by. Then, a ruler tool within the app allows a user to set the distance they are willing to travel to redeem a deal. The function can further narrow down the options of deals to select from. All the deals are displayed on a map, so that if you are unsure of how to reach your desired location, you can read the displayed directions. One of SwipedIn’s most distinctive features is its trademarked crowd view technology.
Free shot with any beer purchase Monday’s Free fries and drink with any two chicken or fish sandwiches purchased JD’s Chicken and Fish 5 egg rolls for $5 Big Red’s Steaks $2 rails and taps, one per person Church Key Pub and Grill 2 medium subs for $10 Silver Mine Subs
If you have an idea for something — go for it, go for it right now. That’s my biggest regret, not starting while I was in campus as a student. Jordan Wolf SwipedIn Co-founder
“Crowd view will show you all of the deals going on in Madison right now [on a map] and the popularity of each. The darker these icons get, the more popular the deal is,” said Wolf. Jorgenson touted some of the app’s benefits. “It is going to save everyone money who uses it. If you eat out, drink or shop, you can somehow use SwipedIn. There’s no downside for a user or a business to use SwipedIn. It’s a win-win,” he said. Wolf and Jorgenson said developing the app was only about 10 percent of the work and that the remaining 90 percent of making SwipedIn successful has involved promoting their product to local businesses and users. The most important factor involved in getting the app up and running was getting businesses to sign onto the idea. Wolf and Jorgenson successfully signed more than 30 businesses for the initial trial in Madison, and more since. Once they explain their objective, they said, many businesses are willing to work with them because they understand the power this new app offers. As with any start-up, the founders must keep looking to the future. Both Jorgenson and Wolf believe in SwipedIn so much that it has become a focal point in their lives, sometimes bringing them to work for up to 22-hour days, often back-to-back. Their passion is contagious and they say they love the entrepreneurial lifestyle. So far their work has paid off; naturally, they are excited to expand further. Download SwipedIn for free in the Apple App Store or under Android Apps in Google Play.
The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Fun. set to play Majestic tonight Andrew Dost shares inspiration for latest album, hopes for ongoing tour in interview Mollie Olsem ArtsEtc. Writer With the most fitting name in the music business, fun. hopes to bring a great time to the Majestic Theatre’s stage Wednesday night as it stops on its nationwide headlining tour. The band is the combined brainchild of The Format’s Nate Ruess, Steel Train’s Jack Antonoff and Anathallo’s Andrew Dost. The group’s first album, titled Aim and Ignite, was released in 2009, and its sophomore album, Some Nights, is still fresh, having just hit shelves in February. The tour is in support of the band’s new album. Dost, who provides various instrumentation as well as vocals, said he thinks Some Nights bridges the gap between the group’s past and future as musicians. While working on their new project, Dost said they “kind of fell in love with Kanye West’s
albums and just a lot of the innovated production that’s happening in hip hop right now.” So, fun. took its talents to the man responsible for some of these innovations, a producer by the name of Jeff Bhasker. With Bhasker’s help in incorporating the current mainstream music trends, Dost believes, “You can hear those influences all over the album, but it also kind of retains some of the pop rock and theatricality of our last album.” Along with the addition of Bhasker, Dost noted some other developments in the band’s music-making process. “One big difference was that for Aim and Ignite, we camped out in one studio … and knew exactly how the album was going to fit together, and we did it over a block of like a two-month period,” Dost said. “And with this one, we had pretty skeletal versions of all the songs with vague general descriptions … and instead of
staying in one studio, we kind of bounced all over the place.” According to Dost, the change in scenery while putting together Some Nights allowed for new ideas and criticism with each step. “You don’t get time to get into another world and let your mind run away with ideas; you kind of get fresh perspective all the time, and I think that’s really helpful,” he said. When it comes to perspectives, fun. already represents a range; each member brings something different to the table. For example, Dost comes from a background with classical musical training. “Even with my old band, there were a lot of classical approaches to it. … We thought of it as an art project,” Dost explained. “With fun. I think, in terms of musicality, we all bring a lot of the same influence, but we also have different touches on it, too,” he said. “We all
can agree on so many things, but we also have teeny little offshoots that we all have, too.” The first single off Some Nights was “We Are Young,” which featured Janelle Monáe and was released on iTunes in September 2011. The band gained a surge of public attention after the song was covered by the cast of “Glee” in December. “It was very very surreal in the best way,” Dost said. After the cast’s version of the song hit iTunes, both the cover and single rocketed to the top of the charts. “It was like the first time I’ve had a lot of people from high school come out of the woodwork and say ‘That was really cool!’ and ‘Neat, you’re a musician!’” Once “We Are Young” wet the palates of listeners everywhere, the release of Some Nights on Feb. 21 was a huge success. The single maintained the No. 1 spot on the iTunes chart and spent
Photo courtesy of Fueled by Ramen
The lead single “We Are Young” from the band’s sophomore album, “Some Nights,” has held the number one spot on the iTunes charts since February and enjoyed heavy radio rotation. some time as No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, and the album itself has not left the Top 25 on iTunes since its release. Fun.’s popularity does not end with downloads. All but 10 cities have sold out on their three-month tour across North America. The tour promises to deliver the same exciting energy and experience that fun. fans love.
“I just can’t wait to get back on the road,” Dost said. “I love being with the guys, I love playing music, and I love our album. I just can’t wait to play these songs live.” Fun. plays at the Majestic Theatre tonight with opener Sleeper Agent. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the show starts at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $17. For more information, visit www.
Hump Day answers questions on queer sexuality Sam Johnson Hump Day Columnist Happy hump day, avid readers! Spring has sprung, and on a college campus such as ours, sexual health awareness is in the air. April marks the kick-off of National STD Awareness Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the University of Wisconsin’s Sexual Health Fest. For frequent study breaks over the next few weeks, make sure to follow the Get Yourself Tested campaign’s appearances on campus, PAVE’s calendar of sexuality-related events and Sex Out Loud’s many exciting happenings. April is also Out & About Month, hosted by the LGBT Campus Center. So this week I want to cover some questions on a topic near and dear to my own heart: queer sexuality. For those unfamiliar, “queer” is a catch-all term referring to any arrangement of sexuality,
sexual orientation or selfproclaimed identities that aren’t covered under a traditional “pee-in-thevajay” kind of sex life. The word “queer” most likely conjures up images and ideas of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, questioning and intersex folks, but some queer theorists and scholars assert that straight people can and do enjoy the wonders of queer sex with each other. Queering straight sex might look like a reversal of conventional gender roles in the bedroom — like pegging or some forms of BDSM play — or the trend of queer people educating straight people about sexual pleasure and technique. While there are not any stats to confirm it, it is commonly recognized that a good chunk of sexuality experts, educators and especially boutique owners, are themselves queeridentifying. There’s just something deliciously queer and wonderful about a gay male relaying the best blowjob tips to a straight woman for the enjoyment of her straight boyfriend. But the defining feature of queer sex, and my
favorite part about it, is that there is absolutely no sexual script to follow. Instead of progressing through a structured series of kissing, to fondling, to fingering/handjob, to oral sex, to penetrative sex and ending when a penis ejaculates, movements and activities are guided by pure genital, sensual and emotional pleasure. There’s no dominant model or commonly recognized “right” way to have queer sex, which allows players the freedom to explore and tap into raw sexual energy. Now before you get all excited about the joys of queer sex and go out to tell all your friends about it, just know that “queer” is considered a reclaimed word that has an entire history of hateful connotations. So be careful where, how and with whom you use it, OK, kids?
Why are sex dams and latex gloves known as safer sex supplies for queer people? This is very curious, indeed. I once had two clients checking out the wall of safer sex supplies in the Sex Out Loud office
and exclaim, “Oooh look, they have dams and gloves! How LGBT-inclusive!” And while I enjoyed the appreciation, I had to wonder how it was that dams and gloves got the rap of being exclusively for same-sex sex. I have a few theories about this. The HIV/ AIDS epidemic among men who have sex with men has contributed to an acute awareness of safer sex practices in the LGBT community and an innovative drive to discuss and display barrier methods for all different kinds of sexual activities. Some people consider insertive condoms — particularly the way they are advertised and labeled — to be heteronormative and “penis-centered.” So for people who don’t have sex that involves any penises, seeking an alternative barrier that is not designed for penises seems like a logical step. Lastly, I like to think that young people today are pretty aware of what “safer sex” practice is. Even if they’re not exactly familiar with what it is or how to do it, we are generally informed that the responsible thing is
Character acting carries ‘Pariah’ Important message somewhat muddled in poor structure, loose threads of plot Tim Hadick ArtsEtc. Writer Films featuring LGBT lead characters have been portraying coming-out stories for a long time. With recent attention through campaigns like the It Gets Better Project being paid to those choosing to end their lives to escape social stigma, it’s more important than ever to express the struggles the queer-identified must go through before it does, in fact, get better. “Pariah” tells the story of a brave woman who makes the pain-filled journey out into the open. “Pariah” focuses on Alike (Adepero Oduye, TV’s “Louie”), a lesbian-identified high school student trying to figure out how to embrace herself while having to pretend to be straight at home. She sneaks out to strip clubs in her Brooklyn neighborhood at night wearing boys’ clothes with her only friend, Laura (Pernell Walker, in her feature-length debut). Laura acts as a mentor for Alike, showing her a life without an overbearing family. But both support the other in unique ways. While Alike is guided through a life she aspires to have, Laura struggles with studying for her GED and relies on Alike to act as a maternal figure. The relationship
between Alike and her parents is stretched. Her father (Charles Parnell, “Mississippi Damned”), a police officer who makes excuses to not be home, is Alike’s only comfort from her overbearing mother (Kim Wayans, “Dance Flick”), who wants her to be an ideal example of a straight woman. The film opens with Alike and her parents at a crossroads. Both Alike’s mother and father already suspect their oldest daughter is living a double life. While her very traditional mother wants to deny Alike’s orientation, her father, while not accepting, prefers to see Alike’s character instead of putting up with rumors. Alike struggles with attraction and affection in her straight-dominated neighborhood. While the adult clubs allow her to indulge her inner longings, she is forced to fit in at these clubs through her socially binding clothes. She finds relief with an unexpected friend, Bina (Aasha Davis, “South of Nowhere”), who grows close to Alike both physically and psychologically. Their relationship changes rapidly as Alike begins to think she’s finally found someone she can truly be happy with. Dialogue between characters feels natural,
though sometimes-corny lines are used to keep “Pariah” simple and easy to identify with. Oduye plays Alike as shy but hopeful, and not scared to follow her instincts. As Alike blooms halfway through the movie, Oduye shines in every scene. Alike’s family is broken; they are barely holding on and often can’t stand being in the same room together for too long. The hate in Alike’s mother’s eyes for her husband and Alike’s father’s concern for the future feel very real. “Pariah” has too much going on for its short 86-minute runtime. Several arcs span the film in the form of snapshots of Alike’s tale, yet many are too disconnected despite relying heavily on each other. The snapshots develop into an obvious story progression, but the thread doesn’t feel fully developed. “Pariah’s” conclusion feeds off a few of these snapshots, but it is abrupt and doesn’t convey messages writer/director Dee Rees (“Eventual Soul”) could have made more prominent. Many aspects of Alike’s life in high school are commented on, but never drawn out to a fulfilling level. For example, her skills as a writer are touched upon early in the film only to be used at the very end as plot
device. So much could have gone into making “Pariah” more robust, but seemingly important details are instead mentioned as if in passing. While structural flaws persist throughout “Pariah,” the film succeeds at showing the struggle of queer identified people in unfriendly environments. Stigma runs rampant through Alike’s neighborhood, often popping up in the form of disapproving stares or comments. Alike must battle cultural pressures she’s burdened with every day. She just wants to find a girlfriend, both in order to fit in socially and to fill a hole in her heart. But Alike’s challenge to find a stable, loving relationship personifies universal longings people of all orientations can identify with. However, Alike finds there is much more to look for in herself than what can be found in someone else. With its gripping yet poorly constructed story, “Pariah” is held up by genuine, natural acting and a message that inspires hope for anyone on a path of selfdiscovery, no matter who they are.
to be safe. So for women who have sex with women who are intimately familiar with the cultural and social messages about safer sex, dams and gloves are their goto alternatives. But of course, sex dams (for oral contact) and medical gloves (which act as a barrier between hands and mucous membranes) can be used by anyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
I keep hearing about the “seven dimensions of sexual orientation.” What is that? Alfred Kinsey is famous for measuring sexual orientation on a scale of gay to straight, with bisexual in the middle. And while the recognition of bisexuality was revolutionary for its time, some found this scale to be limiting since it lumped sexual experience and desire together. So Dr. Fritz Klein came up with the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid, which includes attraction, behavior, fantasies, emotional preference, social preference, lifestyle preference and self-identification — all for the past, present and ideal situations. It is basically a
more comprehensive and allencompassing expansion of Kinsey’s scale.
Where can I find accessible, queerpositive porn? Well, there are LOTS of gay porn sites and “lesbian” porn (which is typically intended for the viewing of straight guys). But some of my favorite online queerpositive porn outlets are:, nofauxxx. com,, and Not all of these are free, but all are pretty thoughtful, tasteful and of high-quality. The Crash Pad Series is also a well-known edgy/alternative collection of videos. You can also check out the material by the companies Reel Queer Productions and Dolores Park Studios, which came out of Queerly SF. Please send along any contributions you may have to this list! Sam Johnson is a junior majoring in sociology and gender & women’s studies. Please send questions, comments and column ideas to humpday@
DEATH TO TONY Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: It’s too late to negotiate, Tony
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Everywhere you are, that’s where we’ll be
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
20 24 27
25 31
40 43 45
19 21
44 47
53 57
49 54
Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski
Across 1 Web programmer’s medium 5 Telly network 8 Hunter who wrote “The Blackboard Jungle” 12 Grammy winner India.___ 13 Glowing rings 15 Prop for Houdini 16 Subject for a Degas painting 18 Patron saint of Norway 19 Complete train wreck, in Southern slang 20 “Gimme ___!” 21 Bedsheets and such 24 Not in stock, but coming 26 Prize higher than plata or bronce 27 Stable father figure? 31 ___ lot (gorged oneself)
32 Software prototype 34 ___ bene 36 Has no stomach for 39 Classic Xavier Cugat song … or a hint to the invitation in the circled letters 42 Field on screen 43 R&B singer Peniston 44 Unaccompanied performances 45 Impart 47 Like some vowels and pants 49 “Platoon” setting, informally 50 Fast-food franchise with a game piece in its logo 53 Locales for crow’s-nests 55 Those, to Teodoro 56 Parody singer Yankovic 60 Rebuke to a traitor 61 Snaking, like
65 66
67 68 69 70
the arrangement of circled letters in this puzzle Rudolph and kin Paraffincoated Dutch imports Periodic table info: Abbr. Dover delicacy Prefix with functional Host Mike of the Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs”
Down 1 Feasted on 2 “La-la” lead-in 3 Least fig. 4 Milk, to Manuel 5 Scottish slope 6 Banquo, in Verdi’s “ Macbeth” 7 Aircraft division of Textron 8 Green nuts? 9 Parking amenities 10 Tequila source
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
11 “In your dreams!” 13 Malfunction, with “up” 14 German city on the Danube 17 Time immemorial 21 University of New Mexico team 22 Grantorto’s victim in “The Faerie Queene” 23 Secret rendezvous
CROSSWORD point 25 “The wearin’ ___ green” 28 Queen of Thebes, in myth 29 Sgt.’s program 30 Bluesy Waters 33 Idle 35 “With the bow,” to a violinist 37 Razzle-dazzle 38 Removes cream from 40 Vegas casino magnate Steve 41 Bard’s nightfall 46 Used a divining rod 48 Gangbuster 50 Some Monopoly cards 51 Prefix with arthritis 52 Zero-star, say 54 Wedding day destination 57 Some investments, for short 58 45 letters 59 ___ Moines 62 “What am ___ do?” 63 San Antonioto-Amarillo dir. 64 Abbr. in a job ad
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ Poe-Heads everywhere are counting the days until the release of “The Raven,” starring John Cusack as Edgar Allan Poe. I’m especially looking forward to Joan Cusack’s cameo as the raven.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
MATURITY, from 12 year will serve them well next year. KE: Was there anyone in particular besides Justin or Mark that really stood out to you this year? ME: Let me go by position. I think that at the end of the year, Joel Rumpel really established himself as a guy that wants to be the man. The way he played at the end of the year was really exciting to watch. I think that he’s that “ice in his veins” kind of athlete. At the same time, he became more detailed in his positional play … and he can get better at that. I think he came to understand that, and that’s what helped him grow as a goalie as the year went along. I think [volunteer assistant coach] Jeff Sanger did a nice job with that. I think that Landon [Peterson], a little bit of hard luck for Landon. At moments, for two periods in many games he was brilliant and then it always seemed that there was that one kind of leaker of a goal that was just, ‘how the heck did that go in?’ And I want to talk to Landon about
BUDMAYR, from 12 players are already starting to reach out to the newest Badger. “We were very up front with them,” Bielema said about communicating with his current quarterbacks. “I think that’s the key to keeping an open discussion; we told them right away. I know our players that are here on our team who don’t play quarterback, kind of relayed to them exactly their feelings — they felt they just needed to have another person in camp with Jon [Budmayr] certainly can’t go and Curt [Phillips] not being where he needs to be, and obviously the two freshmen. With Bart Houston having his surgery, I don’t think it’s really been an issue. The part that I’ve liked about it, even Jonny Budmayr came up to me yesterday and asked for Danny’s number, so guys want to reach out to him.” Budmayr, who was assumed to be the starting quarterback before Russell Wilson arrived on campus, missed last season with nerve issues in his throwing arm. It was not until this week Budmayr received positive news about what exactly is ailing him. Bielema did not go into extreme detail, but he did note that the Woodstock, Ill., native will miss the rest of spring camp and will know in the next month or two if he will be able to play in 2012. If he misses another full season due to injury, Bielema noted that Budmayr would be able to earn a sixth
RELENTLESS, from 12 four more runs in the next frame — bolstered by two RBIs each from sophomore Michelle Mueller and senior Karla Powell — as the sixth inning ended with the team ahead 7-1, a score that would hold for the duration of the game. While the night game of the doubleheader was short and sweet, the day game resembled more of a lengthy boxing match, as the Badgers won an instant classic 12-11 in nine innings. The Badgers found themselves down 7-1 going into the bottom of the third inning in the first game. But, just three days removed from the greatest comeback in school history — coming back from an eight run deficit with an 11-10 win last Saturday against Minnesota — Wisconsin replicated its efforts once again to steal a victory from the jaws of defeat. “We (the coaching staff ) just said to have a sense of urgency,” Healy said. “The longer that we had to wait the bigger the chance was we’d lose it. So we were trying to be aggressive.” The Badgers chipped away with a bang in the bottom of the third, as second baseman Whitney Massey started things off with a one out double. After a single by Blackshear advanced Massey to third, Badger shortstop Stephanie Peace stepped into the box. With one swing of the bat,
it, we haven’t got to our individual meetings yet, but he is hard working, he has ability. I don’t know if it was a mental thing, but it’s something we’re going to address. But having him in practice really pushed Joel, they pushed each other and it was fun to watch. To have a situation like that … it’s the best case scenario as a coach. To transfer up to defensemen, I thought that [Frankie] Simonelli, I though that [Joe] Faust really made another step. They played together last year when we played Colorado out there and that was a breakthrough series for them. They had some chemistry, they believed in each other and they played well. Well, they went to another level this year. I think Frankie playing with Justin at the end and most of the season really elevated his confidence and defined his game because Justin could do his thing and Frankie was going to do his. And he’s such a tremendous competitor and leads by example now that he’s starting to fill that role. Faust is a really nice young man whose confidence
really started to grow, and you can see that on the ice. And I think he needs to take that to another — not just compete but dictate, dictate on the ice what’s happening. … Those two guys being sophomores really did a nice job. Did I miss someone there?
year of eligibility per NCAA rules. “Now they’re just trying to figure out what method — there’s been a couple different ways laid out as far as treating it,” Bielema said. “He’s got a couple different issues going and one that might be good for one area isn’t necessarily good for the other area. “He’s upbeat, he’s very positive. This is the first time I’ve seen him really as upbeat as he is today.”
OSU instead. UW officials accused OSU of some recruiting violations during mandated dead periods. Bielema never referenced Dodson specifically, but he did note feeling he had an obligation to voice his concerns as they arose. “The only thing I’m worried about is all the guys we’re recruiting and how we recruit them,” Bielema said. “Obviously if you come into competition with other schools, if you become aware of anything that concerns you, you have an obligation to make that be said.”
Meyer Controversy On April 9, Sporting News published an in-depth report on Meyer’s recruiting tactics and the recent uproar that has ensued around them. Bielema has gone on record expressing his concern over Meyer’s maneuvers and essentially preserving the Big Ten’s traditional, courteous recruiting strategies. “When that whole thing came out … sometimes what’s being written isn’t exactly what’s reality. [The report is] getting closer to it,” Bielema said. “I don’t feel vindicated, I just know this, we handle ourselves in a certain way in the Big Ten Conference.” One of the accusations against Meyer and his staff is that he allegedly had former OSU players contact recruits in an effort to persuade them to become a Buckeye. Bielema especially had a vested interest in Meyer’s recruiting tactics as offensive line recruit Kyle Dodson, who was committed to UW, decided to commit to
the sophomore cut the Leathernecks’ lead to three. Peace, recently named the Big Ten Player of the Week for her recent hitting tear, says she has been seeing the ball better in the last few games. “I’m just kind of in the zone,” Peace said. “My team’s had a lot of confidence in me all through the season as I’ve moved around the batting order trying to find my spot. I’ve just been trying to get key hits when the team needs it.” After a two-inning lull in action — one of four scoreless innings in a nineinning affair — the Badgers went into the bottom of the sixth inning still trailing 7-4. But in the sixth, Healy’s squad would grab the lead. The rally in the bottom of the sixth started with Strange’s one-out walk, as the Badgers went on to eventually load the bases. With the situation looking dangerous, Western Illinois’ head coach Holly Van Vlymen elected to take out pitcher Kelsey Michelini and replace her with Hailey Bickford. The decision looked to be a smart move, as Bickford quickly generated a pop-out from Wisconsin first baseman Mueller for the second out. But with two outs, Massey came up in the clutch, jacking a two RBI double to the gap in left-center to tie the game at 7-7. However, after committing five total errors themselves, the Badgers benefited from
KE: Maybe McCabe? ME: Well, it’s too bad he got hurt because that put his growth pattern a little bit behind the eight ball, because at the end of the year he was damn good for us … he competed, he was physical. The thing about Jake that we’re trying to get him to understand is his virtue is his vice. He has poise and confidence in his veins but there’s time when you need to realize, ‘I need to do things a second ago.’ And he started to play like that … he had moments where he was shot from a cannon and he played at a pace that he needs to play regularly at. That learning curve is still going up at the end of the year for Jake, but nice things at the end for him. Check back Thursday for the final portion of Eaves’ season wrap-up.
Heisman Hopeful With the impressive performance running back Montee Ball gave last year — 39 touchdowns, 1,923 rushing yards on 307 carries — the junior is an unavoidable topic. Bielema confirmed his star will get a limited amount of reps in the spring game, but said he believes Ball can give an even better performance in 2012. “Just what I’ve seen him accomplish during winter workouts, what I’ve seen right here today, and what I’ve seen through the first four practices, Montee will be a better player next year — the numbers obviously are going to have to come on its own,” Bielema said. “I think, even the NFL scouts when they were coming through, there wasn’t one question about ‘Can you repeat those numbers?’ “’Can you repeat the performance?’ I think, is another question.”
an untimely Leatherneck miscue, as a wild pitch allowed Massey to cross the plate and take the lead 8-7. Entering the final frame with an improbable 8-7 lead, Wisconsin looked in prime position to escape with the win. Western Illinois, however, had other plans, as sophomore Emma Jarrell hit a clutch two-out, two-strike pitch for an RBI single off of Wisconsin pitcher Amanda Najdek to tie the game. As the game continued into the ninth inning, Western Illinois once again appeared to have claimed the game, scoring three runs — but only one earned — off Badger pitcher Meghan McIntosh. But the Badgers refused to surrender, as the team once again mounted an unbelievable rally. Down 11-8, the Badgers responded heroically for the final time. The team never recorded a single out as a walk, a double and three singles — including the final hit by Strange that tied the game and led to a Leatherneck fielding error that allowed the winning run to score — as the Badgers walked away with a win in a rollercoaster of a game. “These kids just believe they can win ball games,” assistant coach Randy Schneider said. “They feed off of each other, when one kid hits well they all hit well. We’ve seen some of the better pitchers in the country this year and now it’s carried over. These kids can hit anybody right now.”
Darrah bounces back, Strange bolsters UW SIDEBAR
Struggling catcher gets 2 clutch hits in doubleheader with WIU Sean Zak Softball Writer Tuesday’s doubleheader against Western Illinois was a game in which Wisconsin needed every player on its roster to perform. While the Badgers walked away with a sweep at Goodman Diamond, the performances of steady sophomore Cassandra Darrah and the unheralded production of catcher Maggie Strange were key for Wisconsin. When the dust on the field settled on a cold April night, the Badgers were able to use these two strong performances to erase the fielding mishaps that nearly cost them the first game. Darrah Bounces Back Darrah struggled through the first contest of Tuesday’s doubleheader, failing to finish the third inning. The Badgers ace cruised through the first inning but soon found trouble at the hands of a relentless Western Illinois team. “My execution was not great, and they’re really scrappy,” Darrah said. “They’ll hit anything.” They certainly did, as the Leathernecks battered Darrah for nine hits and five earned runs. They were able to knock Darrah out and force head coach Yvette Healy into using the bullpen earlier than usual. Although she was riding a winning-streak of four straight decisions, Darrah was able to throw just 69 pitches before being relieved with the bases loaded. However, game two was a completely different story for the sophomore — as
FIAMMETTA, from 12 celebrate next week Jackie Robinson’s coming into the big leagues. Think about that. Think what that meant to American society. April 15, 1947, four years before Harry Truman desegregated the United States Army. Think about that. Seven-and-ahalf years before Brown v. Board of Education, which changed education. And 18 years before the Civil Rights Movement. So here’s Jackie, changing the landscape. That’s why to me, he in the 20th century was one of the two or three most important figures in America. And that was baseball. When I said in my statement today that we are a social institution, no question about that. That means every one of us in the game has important social responsibilities. There’s just no place in it for comments like Ozzie made. I’ve had that conversation with a fair number of people, and I really believe that. I was taught early in my career by a man named John Fetzer, who was the owner of the Detroit baseball club, as he used to call it. Wonderful man, a great statesman. [He said] that the sport’s best interest transcends always your own personal interest, or your franchise’s. That’s true in life. We’re here to represent people. To participate in something that becomes divisive, nasty and angry is clearly not in the best interest of baseball. The Ryan Braun situation has to be very close to your heart, especially as former owner of the Milwaukee Brewers. What’s next? Selig: Well, I like Ryan personally. I said that the other day, and I meant it. But let me go back, we talked about baseball being a social institution. The steroid issue really bothered me back in the late ‘90s, early 2000s. Really bothered me. I spent a lot of sleepless nights. We had never been able to have a drug-testing program with this players union. We had a
Darrah came out firing, holding Western Illinois scoreless until the third — where she surrendered her only run of the game. Although she struck out just two batters, Darrah let her defense go to work behind her and was able to go the distance, advancing to 14-6 on the season. Coach Healy was very impressed with the maturity Darrah displayed in her evening return to the mound. “Western [Illinois] came out aggressive and they were just hitting everything,” Healy said. “I’m proud of her ... a lot of pitchers that have got lit up in the first game would have been done for the day. For her to take a break and get her head on straight and come out strong in the second game, that shows a lot of composure.” Darrah walked only two batters, tallying 96 pitches in game two. Strange has a big day While the likes of Stephanie Peace and Shannel Blackshear may have carried the Badgers with their power in the first game, it was Strange playing the role of unsung hero throughout the games with the Leathernecks. Entering the day with a batting average of just .154, Strange was placed in a position for glory in the bottom of the ninth inning. With the bases loaded and one out, the Badger catcher cracked a line drive to center field, bringing in the tying run, with the game winner soon following on an error. For Strange, a clutch hit has been in the making for a while. “I worked really hard this summer and I finally just put it all together,” Strange said. “With Molly [Spence] out for awhile, I felt that stepping up was kind of the thing to do.” Strange followed up her clutch performance from game one with a
terrible cocaine problem in the ‘80s — and I know, just from owning the Brewers, that we had a terrible problem. And they couldn’t do anything about it. They had the Pittsburgh drug trials in 1985. Twenty-nine players were found guilty, four went to jail. Imagine the disgrace of that. Still no program. We now have a program that’s been carefully crafted. … We have the toughest testing program in American sports. Last year, we administered 4,800 drug tests. We had a problem with only one, and that was Ryan. On the subject of the Brewers, you look at a team like them, a small-market team that seems to be really finding some sustained success on the upswing right now. Are they setting a model for small-market teams to bridge the gap in competitive balance? Selig: We have more what I call “competitive balance” than ever before. Pete Rozelle, the great NFL commissioner, used to call it parity. I call it competitive balance. Tampa has played in the World Series, Texas has been there a couple years. … We’ve never had competitive balance like that. Milwaukee has done very, very well. And St. Louis, a small market the same size of Milwaukee really at least in the basic market, and they’re the world champions and they look to be pretty good again this year. What we’ve done by reforming the economic system and changing things is give everybody hope and faith. It’s on my phone, as a matter of fact. I say to the clubs every meeting, it’s our job — my job — to provide hope and faith in as many places as possible so that on April 1, when the season starts, hopefully 20 or 22 of our franchises have hope that they’ll be competitive. They can’t all win; that’s business. But I think we’ve accomplished that. When you look ahead to teaching here, have you
personal feat in the evening matchup, hitting her first career home run. Facing a 1-0 deficit in the bottom of the fifth, Strange proved doubters wrong yet again as she sent one clear over the left center fence, tying the game and starting a Badger rally. “Before the pitch came, I told myself, ‘I’m going to hit a home run this time,’” Strange said. “Then I saw a pitch down the middle and I took it out.” She wasn’t the only one relieved with today’s hitting surge. Healy was pleased with her junior catcher’s ability to bring some balance to the offense. “We’re proud of her. She’s a great defensive catcher and one of the best catchers in the Big Ten,” Healy said. “For her to give us an offensive boost too was big for the program.” Fielding Woes Amount Although the Badgers were able to pull away with a pair of hard-fought victories, there were some fielding issues that made the process more difficult. While Wisconsin pitchers surrendered 11 runs in the first contest, only seven were earned, and the final box score yielded five Badger errors. It may have been a factor of unfavorable conditions, but Healy is more than ready to address this issue before facing Illinois this weekend. “Western Illinois pressured and put the ball in play, making us work hard to handle all the balls,” Healy noted. “The field may have been hard, but I know tomorrow we’re going to have a big fundamental day of practice of working on just staying down on balls and getting back to the basics.” The temperatures dropped even more as the night wore on and Wisconsin modestly tightened up the defense with only two errors in game two.
thought about what you’re going to teach? Selig: What I would hope, frankly, and I’ve talked to everybody and it’s really about my schedule, is sports in American society, 1960 to the present. It’ll be an interesting class, I’ll tell you that. When you’re in Madison, are you going to try to work with Barry Alvarez to try to get baseball back? Selig: I’m not going to wait until I’m here, I’ll do it before. Wisconsin should have a baseball team. The state has a great baseball tradition. Think about this, here are the Brewers — actually, Barry came down for a playoff game last year, I might add — drawing over 3 million people. Think about that. The greater Milwaukee area is 1.5 million, at most. To draw over 3 million people is amazing. The interest in baseball in this state is unbelievable. What do you think about Milwaukee having a pro team means to the state of Wisconsin? Why is it so important? Selig: The most important thing is what I would call the sociological benefit. You ask yourself this question: in the last 30 years, or even in the last 10 or 15, was Milwaukee and Wisconsin a better place to live because the Brewers were here? The excitement, you watched it last September, was incredible. The city, the state — that’s what it does. That is the exciting part of it. People sometimes lose sight of that. They say, ‘Oh, I don’t want to do this; I don’t want to give money to the stadiums through my taxes. Look at how much the ballplayers make, the owner’s rich, so on and so forth.’ Those are not the essential questions. What does it do for people? Mike is a senior majoring in journalism. Have any thoughts on Selig’s comments? Let him know on Twitter @ mikefiammetta.
Sports Editor Elliot Hughes
12 | Sports | Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Brewers best Cubs again After 5-run first, Milwaukee beats Chicago 7-3.
Eaves discusses youth, maturity
Part 3 of 4: Out of 20 underclassmen, head coach notes growth on defense Kelly Erickson Sports Content Editor
Noah Willman The Badger Herald
According to Mike Eaves, freshman Joel Rumpel made huge strides at the end of the season, showing that he is the man Eaves should put in net.
In the third installment of Herald Sports’ lengthy Q&A with Wisconsin men’s hockey head coach Mike Eaves, the discussion turns toward Eaves’ younger Badgers and the growth he’s seen in them over the season. Kelly Erickson: Now focusing on your younger guys. We’ll start with your sophomore class. As a whole they put up great numbers this year. Is that mostly because it’s such a big class?
Mike Eaves: I think it’s opportunity and responsibility. It’s a big class, and we were an awful young team. As compared to their freshman year, we were going to have a lot more responsibility and we were hoping their numbers would jump, and they did. I think about [Michael Mersch] and [Tyler Barnes], their goal totals numbered, their total points grew, their plus/minus went up. There was definite growth by that group. To me, and you talk to the other coaches, the biggest growth in a collegiate career is between your sophomore and junior year, so we’re really hopeful that they go that next jump up and they are even able because of their experience, their growth physically,
mentally and emotionally, that they’re able to take that next quantum leap to a level that will really make the difference in our team. KE: What did you see from the freshman class? ME: You know what we saw? We saw moments of brilliance and moments where they looked like freshmen. I think that because of their experiences that we had to play them, we needed to play them or they deserved play, they will have exponential growth as well because they were thrown in the fire probably a little bit earlier than they needed to or wanted to be because it’s a big jump. But I think the experiences they got this
MATURITY, page 11
Despite updates, Budmayr still uncertain for fall camp Bielema addresses other quarterback inquiries, Meyer recruiting concerns Kelly Erickson Sports Content Editor The Wisconsin Football team is only five practices
into its spring season. Yet, head coach Bret Bielema and company have already managed to make things pretty interesting. Between landing another graduate transfer quarterback in Maryland’s Danny O’Brien and Sporting News’ continued reports on the recruiting issues between Bielema and Ohio State head coach Urban
Meyer, Wisconsin is making the most of spring ball. Quarterbacks abound When initially asked about his newest quarterback, Bielema joked, “You talking about Bart Houston?” But, while Wisconsin hasn’t had the chance to work with O’Brien yet, Bielema said
BUDMAYR, page 12
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Shortstop Stephanie Peace led the Badgers with 4 RBIs off two hits in game one of Wisconsin’s doubleheader with Western Illinois. The Badgers went on to win the game in 12-11 fashion, carrying that momentum into game two for the sweep over the Leathernecks.
Relentless offense stuns WIU, UW earns sweep RECAP
Wisconsin notches 22 hits in 12-11, 7-1 decisions Tuesday night Nick Korger Associate Sports Editor The Wisconsin Badgers (22-12, 6-3 Big Ten) swept the Western Illinois Leathernecks (22-17, 12-3 Summit League) in a story of day and night Tuesday. In the night game, the Badgers got the best of the
Leathernecks in a pitching duel, as Wisconsin star pitcher Cassandra Darrah (14-6) went the distance yet again, allowing just a single run while throwing her 16th complete game as the Badgers claimed a 7-1 victory in the second game. On offense, it took the Badgers a while to finally produce run support for Darrah, as the team finally grabbed the lead in the fifth inning, scoring three runs to grab a 3-1 lead. Highlighting the inning was a homerun by catcher Maggie Strange, as the Badgers benefited from an RBI double from sophomore Mary Massei
and an RBI single by junior Shannel Blackshear to take the lead for good. Wisconsin head coach Yvette Healy said the team remained confident despite producing a run in the first four frames. “Our team and our coaches have a lot of confidence that it’s a matter of time until we come around and put hits together,” Healy said. “We just had to be patient and not press. I think the team just really wants it right now.” The Badgers added
Q&A with Bud Selig, MLB commissioner Mike Fiammetta Mike’d Up Since taking over as commissioner of Major League Baseball in 1992, Bud Selig has overseen baseball’s infamous Steroid Era, led multiple expansion campaigns and taken the game to new economic and social heights.
Prior to running the sport, 77-year-old Selig owned the Milwaukee Brewers and played an integral role in bringing baseball back to the city after the Milwaukee Braves moved to Atlanta in 1965. Upon the conclusion of his tenure as commissioner, Selig hopes to return to UW to teach history. While in town for his lecture, “Talking Baseball: The Challenges of Communicating in Turbulent Times,” as part of the Robert Taylor Lecture Series, Selig met with UW journalism students to discuss topics
ranging from his tenure as owner to the Ryan Braun steroid situation and the recent firestorm sparked by Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen’s comments on Fidel Castro and Cuba. Below are the most significant questions and answers from Selig’s interview in his Mosse Humanities Building office. What do you make of the Ozzie Guillen situation? You released a statement today in support of his five-game suspension. Selig: We’re going to
FIAMMETTA, page 11