Tuesday, April 17, 2012
High court rejects suit
Baldwin leads field for funds
State Supreme Court will not hear two cases on voter ID; photo provision remains invalid Mike Kujak State Legislature Editor With recall election primaries less than three weeks away, the state Supreme Court refused to take up two lawsuits challenging the state’s voter ID law on Monday. The justices’ one-page statement announced their decision not to take up the cases but did not comment on the lawsuits filed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the League of Women Voters. The refusal comes after two Wisconsin Courts of Appeals asked the court more than two weeks ago to take up the two separate lawsuits against the voter ID law approved last year for a final ruling on whether the law should be enforced. The lawsuits will now be sent back to the state appeals court for the cases to be heard. Government Accountability Board spokesperson Reid Magney said, as of now, the refusal
from the justices means the photo ID requirement will remain blocked for recall primary elections May 8 and general elections June 5. However, Magney said the state is ready to implement the law if the appeals court was to reverse the decision. “The clerks around the state have trained poll workers to administer the law,” Magney said. “If the court changes the status of things, we’ll have to adjust accordingly.” Magney was confident in the state’s ability to implement the law, which he said the state did successfully in primaries for the spring elections in February. Common Cause Executive Director Jay Heck said the appeals court should factor the upcoming recall elections into a decision. “The court should act deliberately and should not be bound by election
HIGH COURT, page 2
Candidate raises $2M in 1st quarter; GOP candidates net up to $660K in donations Julia Jacobson Campus Editor
polling numbers. However, he said this might be “counterbalanced” after the primary and Democrats begin targeting Walker more directly. Barrett also received endorsements from current Madison Mayor Paul Soglin, along with former mayors Dave Cieslewicz, Sue Bauman, Joe Sensenbrenner and Joel Skornicka. According to the statement, the five mayors have served consecutively since 1973. Bauman said she endorsed Barrett because she believes he has the best chance of winning against Walker as well as having the most balanced approach to
U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., reported more than $2 million in contributions raised in the first quarter of campaign fundraising, with others running for Wisconsin Senate seats trailing her. In a statement, Baldwin thanked the 24,000 people who contributed to the campaign and said her fundraising numbers were “a sign of willingness to fight for Wisconsin families.” Republican candidates former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann and former Gov. Tommy Thompson are currently separated by only a slim margin for their fundraising, with Thompson raising $660,000 and Neumann reporting $654,000. On top of the money raised this quarter, Baldwin has already reported an additional $2.8 million on hand in previously released statements. Despite nearly edging out Thompson, Neumann’s campaign was positive about his funding results. “We ... are feeling fantastic,” Neumann’s campaign manager Chip Englander said. Englander said 85 percent of Neumann’s donors contributed $100 or less, which he said is an indication of Neumann’s widespread grassroots support. One of Neumann’s biggest donations came from the Citizens United PAC, which donated $10,000 to his campaign. Thompson’s campaign did not put out a public statement on the numbers but did put out a release after the campaign reports were released criticizing Baldwin for supporting the federal Buffett tax, which the campaign said in the statement was a “gimmick that will raise taxes on small businesses.” Republican candidate Eric Hovde reported the fourth most funding in the first quarter, with a total of $110,000 in donations. However, the Hovde campaign said he had an additional $1.5 million of cash on hand. Joe Fadness, a spokesperson for Hovde’s campaign, said the campaign raised $110,000 in their first three weeks of the campaign, which he said is “an impressive amount of money, especially so for a political outsider.” Fadness said donations are coming in strong, even with the recall elections set to move forward.
WALKER, page 2
FUNDS, page 3
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Jeff Pharo, an MPD officer for neighborhoods around the Capitol Square and State Street, said encouraging students to contact police about suspicious behavior would be critical to the success of Eyes on the Isthmus.
City project would target crime uptick Adrianna Viswanatha City Hall Editor Student neighborhoods that have witnessed increased burglaries and other criminal activity could be the focus of a city program in the works to foster crime prevention among engaged citizens. At a meeting Monday, hosted by real estate company Hovde Properties, hosts looked for input on the proposed “Eyes on the Isthmus” program targeting crimes in the
downtown area, particularly in areas heavily populated by students such as West Mifflin and Bassett Streets. Victor Villacrez of Hovde Properties said over the last year, there has been a noticeable increase in breakins, to the point that he finally felt he had enough traction to get a group to form and tackle the issue. “This is grassroots,” Villacrez said. “We’re coming
CRIMES, page 3
Poll finds Walker leading Democrats Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett also logs endorsements from last 5 mayors of Madison, including Soglin Sean Kirkby State Politics Editor Gov. Scott Walker is leading all Democratic contenders for governor according to recent polling, while Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett snagged the endorsements of five Madison mayors over the weekend. According to a joint poll conducted by the Democratic leaning Public Policy Polling released Monday, Walker leads Barrett 50 to 45 percent, a change from February numbers which showed Barrett leading Walker 49 to 46. Walker similarly leads former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk 50 to 43 percent,
where Walker previously had 48 percent to Falk’s 47 percent. Walker leads Secretary of State Doug La Follette 51 to 40 percent and Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, 50 to 38 percent. The poll also shows Barrett leading other Democrats in the primary, receiving 38 percent while Falk has 24 percent. La Follette polled at nine percent, Vinehout six percent and 22 percent of voters said they were undecided. However, in February, Barrett polled 45 percent, Falk 18, La Follette 14, and Vinehout six, with 17 percent of voters undecided. University of Wisconsin political science professor
Barry Burden said in an email to The Badger Herald the changes between the polls could be the result of survey fluctuations. However, he said PPP has suggested it might be due to “applying a ‘likely voter screen.’” “It appears as though the people most likely to vote in the recalls tilt a bit more Republican than previously thought,” Burden said. “Democrats have some work to do to generate equal levels of turnout on their side.” Burden added it might be possible ads running on Walker’s behalf may have helped improve his image, while negative ads may have lowered Falk and Barrett’s
Letters to the future Wisconsin Union staff organizes materials being gathered from students and staff to be included in a time capsule celebrating Union South’s first birthday. The time capsule, which will be opened in 2061, includes students’ favorite memories of the new building.
Rebecca Hovel The Badger Herald
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Numbers aren’t everything Many doubt Montee Ball can match the lofty stats he put up in 2011, but the running back can still drive up his NFL stock.
System sees record transfers Officials credit highest figures to better programming and a challenging economic climate.
They turn the music up, they’ve got their records on Record Store Day cause for celebration at local music shops
ARTS | 4
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Events today 4-5 p.m. Writing a Slam Dunk Resume and Cover Letter
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partly sunny
System transfer hits decade high
2nd floor Red Gym
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Andy Fate The Badger Herald
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“bottom” of the process is local government, and Walker’s administration has not treated local governments well. Cieslewicz said he thinks Barrett has the best chance of beating Walker in an election. He said Barrett also brings experience to office because of his work as Milwaukee mayor, which has the second largest governing structure in the state behind state
government. “He is a leader who can bring us together. He has the right approach and the right personality to do it,” Cieslewicz said He added his decision had more to do about what is right with Barrett rather than what is wrong with Falk. However, he said Falk has focused more on pledging to restore collective bargaining than on other issues voters care about as well.
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Capitol Region, Hilldale
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University of Wisconsin System schools saw the highest number of transfer students in a decade last year, a trend that appears to be continuing into this year, a recent report found. Last week, the UW System reported in the 2010-11 academic school year, 17,209 students transferred into or within the System. This is the highest number the UW System had seen in a decade. In 2010-11, there were 2,201 students. This number continues to grow for UW in the 201112 year as well according to the most recent Data Digest, a specific analysis of various aspects of student demographics specifically for the Madison campus. Thirty-seven percent of the students transferred between UW System schools, which are comprised of 26 campuses statewide, including 13 four-year universities and 13 two-year institutions. Students from out-ofstate institutions formed the second largest share of new transfer students into the UW System, with 28 percent. Annette McDaniel, an assistant dean in the Office of Student Life at UW, said the increase in transfer students is a national trend which is not unique to Wisconsin, with students more likely to attend multiple institutions before they graduate. “My personal opinion is that there are a variety of different things that are contributing to the national trend, one being the economy,” McDaniel said. “For example, many students are choosing the pathway of starting at a community college or institution closer to home where tuition or cost of living is cheaper before transferring.” Aaron Brower, UW vice provost for teaching and
learning, said the UW System is also becoming a more appealing place to transfer into due to increased communication and programming specifically for transfer students. Brower added the school that students transfer to often already has developed transfer programs. UW hired several new advisers and deployed a new office for transfer students and transition issues, choosing to no longer include them with Student Orientation Advising and Registration, which Brower said was not satisfying transfer students’ needs. “As a junior coming in, some of the issues may be similar to freshman, but some are very different. The more we attend to these issues, the better it is,” Brower said. With increased resources, transferring between institutions has now become more clear and straightforward, according to Brower. He cited the newlydeveloped Transfer Information System, which is a calculator for transfer students to electronically check which of their credits at previous institutions will fulfill requirements in UW, as one advancement. The report also indicates that grade point averages of transfer students slightly exceed their “enter as freshman” peers. However, those who begin at a UW System school still had higher second-year retention rates, the rate of remaining with the same institution for a second year, than transfer students. McDaniels added the growing number of transfer students at UW also brings an element of diversity into the student body. “[Transfer students’] different life experiences lend something extra to the classroom experience,” McDaniels said.
Olivia Demarinis
All Day Wisconsin Film Festival
Committee Rep. Cale Plamann said the advocacy-focused student group qualifies for contract status for offering unique opportunities to members.
SSFC approves contract provisions for WISPIRG Jackie Allen Campus Life Editor After controversy surrounding contract status for student organizations, a University of Wisconsin student government committee approved a contract and funds for academic support services for Wisconsin Student Public Interest Research Group to support the organization’s professional staff. WISPIRG Chair Matt Kozlowski told members of the Student Services Finance Committee the services were necessary because they are a unique student organization that meets a broad range of needs not met by other organizations or by UW, such as training on lobbying and communications. Kozlowski added they help students by increasing awareness of various state and national legislative issues, including federal legislation and homelessness campaigns, leading to a broad base of knowledge provided to the UW community. By making UW students more knowledgeable of political issues, Kozlowski said WISPIRG helps encourage students to get involved in the wider issues
HIGH COURT, from 1 schedules,” Heck said. “Those are events that are independent of what the court ought to consider: whether the photo ID law is in place or not.” Heck added student voters who are confused about what they need to register at the polls only
around the state. “We get people to engage and participate to let legislators know exactly what students think about an issue,” Kozlwosi said. SSFC Rep. Cale Plamann said WISPIRG qualified for the special contract because they provided opportunities for service and research not available anywhere else on campus. He added while the organization said some departments on campus provided small portions of the services available through WISPIRG, no department or organization provided holistically the range of resources for students as the organization. “The services provided do help us build a foundation for long-range needs of society. That’s pretty much the entirety of what they do,” Plamann said. “It’s about hands-on service that you would otherwise not be able to gain knowledge of through the university. … It’s also fairly on-point of the Wisconsin Idea and all of the stuff we’re supposed to be doing here.” Plamann added WISPIRG would not be able to provide the same services without the contract group, including professional training and a range of campaigning opportunities offered to students.
need worry about two things, the first being that the photo ID law is not currently in place. The second, Heck said, is students who are from out-of-state and wish to register at the polls must bring a proof of residency confirming the voter has lived in the state for at least 28 days.
The committee also approved funding for an Academic Support Services Agreement, which provides the organization with funding for non-university employees. The criteria to meet for ASSA included the organization’s ability to provide a unique service, to support the mission of the university and to engage in a non-competitive activity, Kozlowski said. He added WISPIRG “perfectly” meets these criteria. “I don’t think we should underestimate the work done by … organizational staff to make sure there’s a framework for students to get their hands-on knowledge,” Plamann said. “Without the staff providing a guiding hand I don’t think that this would be anywhere near as successful as a service.” The committee unanimously approved WISPIRG’s request, with 12 members voting to approve the measure and one abstention. SSFC members also approved a wage exemption for the Student Leadership Program to increase members’ pay period by 20 hours, for a total of 60 hours logged per week, while they help new members transition and coordinate end-of-semester projects.
WALKER, from 1 state politics. She said she chose to endorse Barrett over Falk because she thought he would be able to work better with different constituencies and bring the state together in ways Falk could not. Skornicka said he chose to endorse Barrett because he said Barrett understands the
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
CRIMES, from 1 together as a downtown community. No one owns [Eyes on the Isthmus], but we do own the problem.” He said the number of crimes downtown discourages people from living and working in the area and the issue must be tackled to prevent criminals from becoming even more bold. Davy Mayer, president of Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc., said crimes such as burglaries are particularly prevalent in student neighborhoods where students do not always think to lock doors and windows. “With students especially, I think we live in an area of extremely valuable, highly movable objects,” Mayer said, referencing objects like televisions, laptops and other electronic devices. Mayer, who is a Badger Herald alumnus, advocated the idea of “When you see something, say something,” as a method of stopping a crime before it happens or in order to catch a perpetrator soon after the fact. He said there must be a way of encouraging residents in these neighborhoods to actively call the police if they feel something is wrong. Ald. Paul Skidmore, District 9, said he has a consistent walking route around the West Dayton, West Wilson, Broom and Bedford neighborhoods from around 10:00 p.m.
until early in the morning in which he looks for behavior that is out of the usual. “I do see a pattern later at night,” Skidmore said. “I see people who don’t live in a neighborhood, and they concern me more than the people who live there.” Madison Police Department officer Jeff Pharo, a neighborhood officer for the State Street and Capitol Square area, said the population of criminals in the downtown area is very large, mostly consisting of those convicted of burglary, robbery and sexual assault, among others. He said though he is not sure what draws criminals to certain spots; once they establish a foothold in a place such as Lisa Link Peace Park or the Concrete Garden, they feel empowered and become comfortable enough to stay. Pharo said he fully supports the idea of neighborhood efforts to curb crime. “Just knowing that a neighborhood is talking to people and training them to look for things and they’re comfortable with calling the police, that’s great,” Pharo said. He said having people on neighborhood streets who know what to look for and know to respond to police if they see suspicious activity deters criminals because they will become aware that they are being watched and reported on.
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald File Photo
Tammy Baldwin, a current representative from the state running for U.S. Senate, lead her competitors in campaign funding raised in the first quarter. Former Gov. Tommy Thompson and U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann are neck-and-neck in the current figures.
FUNDS, from 1 “Obviously, the focus is on the recall and rightly so,” Fadness said. “But despite the recall election excitement, our campaign has not received a lack of funding.” Current Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald reported the lowest fundraising, raising $25,000 according to Wisconsin’s campaign finance database.
Money raised by US Senate campaigns in first quarter Baldwin
$2 million
SOURCE: Campaign Finance Reports
Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Law says Adidas did not violate UW contract in this discussion: subcontracted. The university did not enter into a contract with PT Kizone; Adidas did. If there are any contract violations requiring termination, then they will be between PT Reginald Young Kizone and Adidas. Unless, Opinion Content Editor of course, UW’s contract with Adidas includes a Interim Chancellor vicarious liability clause, David Ward acknowledged something that would hold Monday that mediation Adidas responsible for with Adidas is moving subcontracted companies. slowly. The mediation But as a correspondence began because an between UW’s legal counsel Indonesian subcontractor, and Adidas’ shows, that’s PT Kizone, fired employees not the case. Thus, in its without severance pay. contract with UW, Adidas Labor activists have is not responsible for PT been clamoring for the Kizone’s actions. According to the Labor University of Wisconsin to cut Adidas or at least put it Code attached to UW’s contract with Adidas, UW on notice for termination. Before paying severance could cut ties if Adidas, pay, the owner of PT knowing about the labor continued Kizone, Jin Woo Kim, violations, fled the country. Keyword business. But UW didn’t
continue doing business once it found out. See where this is going? Adidas really hasn’t done anything wrong. It didn’t fire those workers. It has no liability for a subcontracted company; Adidas cut ties when it found out. Hell, the company is even going the extra mile and helping find fired PT Kizone employees new employment, 300 of whom have been hired by Adidas suppliers. Jon Perkins, a member of the Student Labor Action Committee, told The Badger Herald, “Mediation largely operates without input from shared governance groups or the general public, … and it is not mutually exclusive with putting Adidas on notice.” There’s a reason mediation operates without input from shared governance and the general public
— typically, they have no clue what the details of the situation are. Mediation is not mutually exclusive with putting Adidas on termination notice, but it would be an unwise move, considering we’re still in a contract with them. Threatening to terminate our contract would create a hostile relationship with Adidas, and the reality is we probably won’t cut ties with it when the mediation is done. And then there’s the fact that we probably can’t terminate our contract with Adidas. Because, like I said, Adidas hasn’t done anything wrong. As Ward has noted, Adidas could easily sue us if we try. Attempting to terminate our contract with Adidas is akin to firing a CEO because a secretary embezzled money. Adidas
would sue and it would win because it did not violate its contract with UW. Sarah Blaskey, another SLAC member, said “We need to hold the university accountable. We need to stand up for workers without a voice.” First off, what is there to hold the university accountable for? Nothing. It hasn’t done anything wrong. Terminating the contract with Adidas would ensure the fired Indonesian workers wouldn’t get severance pay. Putting Adidas on termination notice would make mediation hostile, decreasing the likelihood of a desirable outcome for all. Second, “standing up for workers,” in this instance, would mean finding Jin Woo Kim, wherever he is hiding, and making him pay. I agree that
workers should receive severance pay, but it’s not Adidas’ responsibility. SLAC continues to place blame on Adidas, and it is simply an attempt to find the nearest scapegoat, regardless of guilt. Yes, the situation sucks, but we shouldn’t resort to blaming a company that did nothing wrong. The push to blame Adidas is coming only from ignoramuses who are quick to believe that all the facts must support their position, without actually checking them. We leave physics to the physicists and math to the mathematicians, so please, let’s leave law to the lawyers. Reginald Young (ryoung@ is a junior majoring in legal studies and Scandinavian studies.
UW needs watch system to prevent drowning in lake Christin Wiegand Staff Writer Welcome to Wisconsin, home of everyone’s favorite beer and brats. Ranked the eighth heaviest drinking state in the United States by CNBC, Wisconsin has a per capita consumption of 38.4 gallons and delivery totals of more than five million barrels per year of beer. As a state with a relatively large school system, a lot of this drinking can
be connected to the universities. Although drinking has become a part of the culture in colleges throughout the country, increased safety precautions have not. On any given night of the weekend at the University of Wisconsin, State Street is buzzing with life. Music pours out into the streets from the numerous bars and continues to play late into the night. Police officers can also be found patrolling the streets, ready to reprimand those who are blatantly intoxicated and help those that appear to be in danger. But what about those that don’t appear to be in a threatening situation? The girls who stumble home
alone or the boys who want to take a late night dip in the lake? Who is watching out for them? The lakes pose an imminent threat to students, whether they are intoxicated or not. While monitored during
Swimming in Lake Mendota ... can easily turn deadly when no safety patrol exists. the summer season, Monona and Mendota are unwatched at night and leave opportunity for tragedy. At UW-La Crosse, the Mississippi
River poses the same threat. Four instances of drowning have occurred there since January, and, unfortunately, such high numbers aren’t unusual. At La Crosse, efforts are being made to change this and protect those who wander to the riverbanks while under the influence of alcohol. The studentformed group Operation: River Watch is composed of students that monitor the part of the river within Riverside Park at night, providing a safety net for classmates that will save lives. The question then arises: Why does no such program exist here in Madison? As Badgers, we watch out for one another. We are not
untouchable. Swimming in Lake Mendota is a favorite pastime of many students on hot summer nights, and, while enjoyed by many, situations can easily turn deadly when no safety patrol exists. So why not bring Operation: River Watch to Madison? With such a gaping hole in our self-protection, I find it surprising nothing has been done to keep an eye on each other while swimming in the lake. Preventative measures are necessary if we want to protect our pastimes, and who better to look out for us than our peers? It is crucial that we step up, and step up fast. In order to preserve
our favorite late-night activities, it is crucial that we take responsibility for our actions and come together as a greater student body to protect one another. We’ve all seen the effects of bad decisions on the Badger community, namely the bad behavior of a select few students leading to heightened security and cracking down on Mifflin Street Block Party. While restricting late night swimming is far from what any of us want, it may be in our future if tragedy strikes and nothing happens to stop it. Christin Wiegand ( is a sophomore with an undeclared major.
UW crimes alarming, but can be remedied Scott Resnick Guest Columnist In fall 2008, my brother was staying with a friend on College Court. It was 1:30 a.m., the lights were off and everyone in the apartment was in bed. Suddenly, a rattling at the exterior door woke everyone in the apartment. Through the peephole, it was clear that a man outside was attempting to break the lock the on the door. My brother called the police and screamed at the potential robber, who fled. Stories like these are not uncommon in the greater campus area. Robberies and muggings have increased nearly 50 percent from the same time last year. While we are far from peak numbers, residents need to be diligent to spur this most recent crime wave. I discussed these issues with Capt. Carl Gloede, whose district covers the isthmus and Capitol, and Capt. Joe Balles, who is responsible for the area south of Regent. There is a general concern that isolated problems are turning into more habitual issues. More than in previous years, campus area apartments are becoming known as easy target for criminals. This is a trend that must stop. These conversations highlighted the underlying problems for creating a safe campus. Students in off-campus housing make for easy targets. Unlike homeowners and relative
stable neighborhoods, students move frequently, and reporting suspicious behavior is uncommon. This issue is compounded by the fact that students are regularly renters, and negligent landlords can have slow response times to remedying broken locks or windows. As a result, potential burglars can stake out an entire neighborhood, searching for a door to be unlocked (intentionally or unintentionally) and rarely worry about being caught. In an effort to deal with the situation, on April 18, myself and neighboring Ald. Sue Ellingson will be holding a neighborhood meeting with Associated Students of Madison’s Legislative Affairs Committee to discuss campus safety. We have invited the community and campus and we will be joined by representatives from the Madison and University of Wisconsin Police Departments. Students will have the unique opportunity to directly voice their concerns of campus safety with supervising police officers and elected officials who are responsible for creating a secure community. The goal of the meeting will be to start looking at both short and long term solutions. Short term solutions include generating awareness among students, increasing patrols, increasing building inspections and greater involvement by property owners, who sometimes
are not even aware of issues. Long term solutions include ordinance changes and environmental modifications such as underlying zoning changes and investment. From the city perspective, some of these long-term modifications are already underway. Next month, I will be introducing a locks ordinance that will require building with passcodes be changed on an annual basis. Additionally, pedestrian scale lighting will be added to parts of Spring, Orchard, Henry and Frances streets over the summer. While these improvements will help, there is still a long way to go. If we are to change the culture involving robberies on campus, it will take students working alongside many partners. While students are being victimized, it is the city’s duty to make streets surrounding campus lit and safe. It is property owners’ responsibly to keep buildings to code and well maintained. And it is the obligation of our police department to investigate crimes and catch criminals. The meeting will be April 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Union South, TITU. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email district8@ Scott Resnick (district8@ is a UW alumnus and District 8 alder.
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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks
The Badger Herald | Arts | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
In vinyl we trust: Madison shops revive niche market Local music sellers gear up for Record Store Day salesfloor blitz this Saturday Sarah Witman ArtEtc. Editor Emeritus As many gear up for Dane County’s first outdoor farmers’ market of the year this Saturday, Madison music lovers will be abuzz for more than farm-fresh cheese bread: The fifth annual Record Store Day celebrates a different brand of local goodness. Since the all-day, international event kicked off in 2008, it has taken place the third Saturday in April. This year, many stores are trying to one-up the festivities of Record Store Days past. Record Store Day connects artists with their fans via limited edition albums and live music events. Discounts and giveaways also provide added incentive to opt for a local record store, with more than 700 independent record stores in the U.S. participating each year. The day’s official site recommends “being BFFs with your neighborhood record store.” Conveniently, Madison has at least five of them. “[Record Store Day] is a great antidote for all the negative press record stores get for being a ‘dying breed,’” said Dave Zero, owner of MadCity Music Exchange. “We’ve been able to change with the times and give people what they want.” Zero’s store has been involved with the event since its inception, and he reported that the customer reception has consistently been positive. “It’s huge. It’s turned into our biggest day of the year,”
he said. “We try to make sure the customers we see all the time are taken care of because they celebrate Record Store Day every day and every week. We’re also really excited about getting new people in here for the first time to see what we’re all about. New faces and regular faces; there’s something for everyone.” He added that the number of special activities and general “party” aspects of the day have snowballed since the first year. The store will open at 8:30 a.m. with a variety of prizes and sales, most notably collectible vinyl. Zero said the store will take advantage of its Williamson Street location next to restaurant and bar Bandung, which will have live music, food and drinks throughout the day. MadCity is also planning to have “buskers,” or street musicians, stationed outside the record store to add to the musical experience. “We’ll bring out all of our big eBay-worthy type records that we don’t like to give to eBay; we like to give our customers first dibs on everything,” Zero said, pausing to emphasize that Record Store Day is incomparable to sale events like Black Friday. “We always have a busy day, but we’re not trying to promote quick, cheap stuff. We’re trying to remember music is something special and shouldn’t be so quickly dismissed and gobbled up.” The more centrallylocated Exclusive Co. has a similar ethic when it comes to observing Record Store Day. Its lineup for the day is perhaps the most star-studded in the city, anticipating a free performance from Sarah Watkins, formerly of Nickel Creek, on Saturday evening, as well as having singer/ songwriter Sara Bareilles in-store during the day for
autographs. There will be extended hours, giveaways, a used item sale and DJs spinning in the store as well. Assistant Manager Aaron Miller has worked at this Exclusive Co. location for 10 years and said Record Store Day is meant to generate excitement about traditional music recordings. He feels this goal has been achieved among the store’s customers each year. “Record Store Day is to remind people how cool it is to have physical copies of music: things that are unique that you can’t download. You can’t download the tie-dyed Flaming Lips vinyl,” Miller said, in reference to a limited edition album that co-worker Caitlin Salach is eyeing. “One of the coolest things they’re releasing for Record Store Day is the Flaming Lips’ huge collab album; Bon Iver is on it, Ke$ha, Nick Cave, like a million artists. Each individual vinyl they’re releasing is 100 percent unique, hand-mixed tie dye,” Salach said. “There’s almost like an art to owning a record. I think it gives people a reason to go out and appreciate music beyond going to see a live show,” she continued. “It just puts a lot of integrity into collecting music.” Both Salach and Miller agreed that vinyl is increasing in popularity among casual as well as more avid collectors. Record Store Day is just one way to embrace such a trend among music enthusiasts. “For me personally, I think purchasing vinyl is an up-andcoming thing, and I like all the attention that’s being brought to it. It’s actually the first time in years that the sale of vinyl hasn’t gone done per year and is starting to go up,” Salach said. “Digital is going down; even CDs are going down. So, I
Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
B-Side owner Steve Manley deep in the store’s vinyl collection. B-Side will celebrate this Saturday with goodie bags and sales. just think it’s really fascinating how since the ‘50s it’s gotten smaller and smaller and smaller, and now it’s almost like a collector thing or a hobby.” Some stores get involved in Record Store Day more subtly. Ear Wax is a unique landmark in the city for its punk and metal focus, but these tastes do not stop it from taking part in the event. Owner Rob Cleveland said he tries each year to “latch on” to Record Store Day’s limited edition releases that might appeal to his consumers. “There are a few titles, but there’s not a lot of punk and heavy metal coming out. We try to make up for it with good sales,” he said. Ear Wax will be offering 25 percent off all used vinyl, and he said the event is a helpful way to remind people that the medium is still out there; after all, “They never stopped making vinyl.” Across the globe, specialedition 7” records will be released Saturday from artists like Artic Monkeys, Beach House, David Bowie, Ray Charles and more. ArtsEtc.’s top album to watch for this Record Store Day is the Carolina Chocolate Drops’ cover of Run DMC’s “You Be Illin,’” especially since this vinyl comes with the rap group’s original recording on
its B side. Speaking of B-side, the so-named record store that’s sandwiched between Ear Wax and Exclusive Co. on State Street will also be a good stop on Saturday. B-side owner Steve Manley is an old hand at the Record Store Day rigmarole, and his store will offer refreshments, goodie bags and giveaways, in addition to a storewide sale. “We will have DJs from WORT most of the day Saturday [and] will be bringing in a lot of limited edition vinyl,” Manley said. “Also, the Literacy Network will have professional musicians, mostly local, planted everywhere to raise money for literacy. On State Street, there will be music all over the place. It’s coincidental but it’s kind of nice that it just happens to be the same day,” he said, highlighting that Literacy Network’s fundraising event will provide an added presence of music that is a critical part of Record Store Day. Catering to not State Street but Monroe Street, Strictly Discs targets solely CD and vinyl consumers. The store endorses itself as the host of “Madison’s heaviest Record Store Day event” and is certainly highly publicizing it, sending email announcements
to customers more than a month in advance. The store’s cornucopia of Record Store Day offerings include grab bags, discount vinyl accessories like cleaning fluid and 15 percent off all in-stock ProJect Turntables. Friday’s agenda at Strictly Discs boasts a WSUM live broadcast, and Saturday will see local artists and DJs spinning records in the store. The store’s website claims there is a “unique culture surrounding independent record stores” and that “part of keeping the culture of music alive is keeping record stores healthy and vital parts of our communities.” With the participation of every major independent record store in Madison, Saturday seems destined for success in the music department. “It always surprises me when I hear of a record store that doesn’t want to participate,” Zero said. “There’s so much promotion, and it’s really a fun time. It’s not like it’s Go Buy a Sweater Day.” The fifth annual Record Store Day, a celebration of “real live record stores,” is all day Saturday, with some Madison stores opening at midnight. Tweet @ recordstoreday for real-time updates.
Instructor proves practice not meant to make perfect Yogi-boom among college students calls into question true purpose of yoga Rachel Seurer ArtsEtc. Contributor As I sat in lotus in my skintight pants and Lululemon tank (which showcased my triceps that had been toned from countless Vinayasa flows), I felt anything but Zen. Feeling anxious, I had to wonder: Had my yoga practice, which had once been the activity I turned to for clarity, devolved into a statement about my personal
worth? I wondered if other yogis struggled with body image and low self-esteem, so I turned to my Kaivalya Yoga Studio instructor Jules Wolf Stenzel for answers. Jules has lived in Chicago, San Francisco and Santa Cruz, Calif., and has been teaching yoga at multiple Madison locations since 2005. I wanted to know from a teacher’s perspective if yoga had become just another outlet for young adults to compete with each other, and I looked to Jules to see if the practice had led my fellow yogis to strive for the unrealistic expectation of achieving both physical and spiritual perfection.
try yoga at such a young age?
BH: What made you decide to
JWS: I think that [yoga]
JWS: I did a home practice until I was in my 20s; I didn’t have the body awareness to come out and be a very curvy female in our society. People just stare at you. At age 13, I started hiding (my body). When I started going to classes, it really opened up my eyes. I noticed that all of the teachers were different body shapes, but there was a sense of ease in the way they moved. They looked like they felt good in their bodies. That was what appealed to me. BH: What role does yoga play in the lives of University of Wisconsin students?
has shifted into a younger bunch of people within in the past five years. Everyone does it. Everyone has their yoga mat. People come up to me more and more and say, “Oh I should do yoga.” Well, why? And they say because everyone’s doing it. But don’t you want a better reason? BH: Do you think college students are provided with the same opportunity to use yoga as a tool for self-acceptance? Or does competition between students and studios get in the way? JWS: [Competition] is another shift between the West Coast and what I have seen here. Here, there is a lot of “Oh, I go to yoga because
it’s cool.” I see that on the West Coast too, but there, once you get into the classroom situation, people stop comparing themselves to each other. Here, the way classes are structured, people think “I can’t back off. If that person is pulling their foot way up high; I better pull my foot way up high too.” They don’t think about what really hurts. There is a lot of competition to look a certain way but no consideration for what the body really needs. BH: Has the commercialization of yoga created an unnecessary pressure to appear as if you live a “yogi’s lifestyle?” JWS: [If you buy into] the
yoga lifestyle rather than really understand it, yoga becomes just another form of escapism. If you are really doing a full yoga practice, you notice where you are limited, and you try to be honest about that. [You think] “Gee my left leg doesn’t open up like hers. And I am going to sit with that and breath into that place.” [When we do that] emotions come up around body image — we feel emotionally insecure (because) we just want to look like we are doing (yoga). But if you can accept that your poses are either very small or very big, that’s how you can know a little more about yourself. This interview was edited and condensed.
Battle your hangover at farmers’ market this spring local Suzanne Liebergen.
Sam Stepp Chew On This Columnist In the fall, you jump in leaves, carve pumpkins and go to the farmers’ market. In spring, you wear t-shirts outside, grill burgers at the park and … go to the farmers’ market? Yes. The first farmers’ market of the year is coming up April 21, and even though most vegetables are harvested in fall, I would contend that there are just as many reasons to attend the farmers’ market on Capitol Square this spring. After all, Dane County’s spring farmers’ market “marks the start of the plethora of outdoor events in Madison,” according to city
Reason #1: Stella’s Bakery’s hot and spicy cheese bread If you’ve ever been to the farmers’ market, chances are you know about Stella’s hot and spicy cheese bread. For one thing, it’s right near the State Street entrance. For another, it’s impossible to miss the multiple chaotic lines of customers crowding the stand and white-clad workers hustling to shovel $8 basketball-sized loaves of cheese bread into plastic bags for serving. Even if you enter from a different side, chances are you’ll see somebody carrying one of the warm, foggy bags around already open, tearing off hunks of steamy bread and passing them around to friends and family. Why? Because Stella’s is the best, simply the best. On the outside is a perfectly browned chewy crust adorned with flakes of red pepper.
On the inside, pillowy, twisted sheaths of bread are interspersed with warm pockets of white cheese. The experience will leave your mouth smoldering and wanting more. Forget the cheese bread on the opposite side of the square — it’s inferior. After winter, everyone’s ready for a little warmth. Enter spicy cheese bread. Reason #2: Brunkow’s Cheese of Wisconsin’s hot, fried cheese samples This cheese stand is probably the second most unmistakable booth at the farmers’ market. Located halfway around the square from the State Street entrance, this red (or sometimes blue) tent offers up free samples of hot, fried cheese. Here, you can walk right up (or, if it’s 11 a.m., ferociously fight your way through the crowd) and pull a tiny toothpicked sample of
cheddar or swiss right off the griddle. The stand represents the pinnacle of what makes a farmers’ market experience great: free samples. There’s something reassuring about waking up Saturday on a farmers’ market morning knowing breakfast is already prepared for you in the form of many, many tiny portions of unrelated food. It’s not just the cheese stands that offer up free samples. At various locations, you can find free samples of jam, salsa, cherry tomatoes and even cheesecake. But Brunkow’s is by far the most popular free sample location, and after a long winter of deprivation, spring is the time to once again take part in the free sample experience. Reason #3: Spring vegetables You know the savvy farmers’ marketers. They arrive bright and early in
recycled capris, with canvas bags and kids in backpacks. Their eyes, noses and ears are on alert for a spectacular deal or special organic quality. They are the people asking how fresh the cheese curds are, or the exact living conditions of that bunch of kale prior to its appearance on the farmers’ market table. They are also the ones who know which vegetables to buy and when. You’ve probably heard that vegetables and fruits are seasonal, but you probably don’t have much knowledge beyond that. Well, I’ll tell you right now: The vegetables you should look for in spring are radishes, rhubarb, asparagus and peas. There. Now you have one up on those savvy farmers’ market experts. So you talk to the asparagus guy like you know what you’re doing. You decide to purchase his asparagus. Now what do you do with it? You may be able to buy produce
like a big shot, but how do you cook like a big shot? Here is where you should harness the power of the Internet. The Dane County Farmers’ Market website ( actually has a number of recipes that allow you to transform your farmers’ market produce into a decadent, beautiful meal. I also highly recommend the Food Network website ( for delicious dishes. Another great site (with amazing pictures!) is Foodily (www. There you go: three great reasons to visit the farmers’ market this spring. Now get out there and experience the best that Dane County farms, dairies, creameries and bakeries have to offer! Sam Stepp is a senior majoring in journalism. Comments, questions, recipes, suggestions? Email her at
Happy Oh God Where Did I Put All of That Paperwork Day! Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Wait, what the hell’s an income?
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: I liked it better when you just sent bags of gold to the king
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
21 24
35 39
43 47
51 53
9 16
Puzzle by Jeff Chen
Across 1 Above 5 Badly rough up 9 Despot’s desire 14 Wife whose face was never seen on “Cheers” 15 Art Deco artist 16 Response to “Am not!” 17 Awestruck 18 Tons 19 Group valuing high I.Q.’s 20 *“Everyone off!” 22 *Exactly right 23 NATO part: Abbr. 24 Put-ittogetheryourself company 26 Toon Mr. ___ 28 *Oftenrestricted zone 33 Thanksgiving side dish 34 Cow catcher
36 Loft’s locale 37 *Bag remover, of a sort 39 *Jumper alternative 42 Singers of “VoulezVous” and “Waterloo” 43 Heroic Schindler 45 Many a “Star Trek” officer: Abbr. 46 *Wrestling move 49 Good to go 51 Norse prankster 52 Limit 53 *Deckhand, e.g. 57 Unfruitful paths … or a description of both words in the answers to the seven starred clues? 62 “In the raw,” “in the red” or “in the running” 63 Architect with an avian name
64 Cancel 65 Assassin in black 66 When repeated, a Polynesian island 67 Heroine in one of Salinger’s “Nine Stories” 68 Four Holy Roman emperors 69 U.S.M.C. truant 70 “Man and Superman” playwright Down 1 Ellipsoidal 2 Singer Suzanne 3 Cupid’s Greek counterpart 4 Shabby 5 Beefy entree 6 Janis’s partner in the funnies 7 Shangri-las 8 Court cry 9 Patagonian plains
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
10 Snack with a Double Stuf variety 11 Departed 12 Gas brand with a tiger symbol 13 Horse hue 21 Popular vodka, informally 22 Sun. message 25 Mall info source 26 Evasive response 27 Tiny creature
CROSSWORD 29 “Masterpiece Theatre” network 30 Reacted to a massage, maybe 31 Old pal 32 “The Lord of the Rings” tree creatures 33 “Woo-hoo!” 35 Keep on the shelves 38 Boy 40 What an otoscope explores 41 Tire feature 44 Hobos’ hangout 47 Alpaca cousins 48 Suffix with ball 50 High points 53 ___-Soviet relations 54 Move text around 55 Isn’t incorrect? 56 “Mr. ___ Risin’” (Jim Morrison biography) 58 Architect Saarinen 59 Snack 60 Russian legislature 61 Beefy entree 63 Ring org.
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
I know your fridge is filled with Keystone Light, but you still haven’t answered my question: Do you have any beer?
To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Earn $$$ and stay in Madison this summer! Road maintenance contractor accepting applications for seasonal employment. For more information call (608) 842-1676
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Sports HUGHES, from 10 This all reminds me of Jordan Taylor’s senior season at Wisconsin. His junior year, he had Keaton Nankivil and Jon Leuer by his side, and so Taylor found a way to shoot 43.3 percent from the field, 42.9 from the arc, 82.3 from the free throw line. He scored 18.1 points per game and owned a 3.83 assistto-turnover ratio — the nation’s best. His senior year, Nankivil and Leuer weren’t around anymore and his numbers fell in every category except steals. Nevertheless, onlookers have yet to give him too hard of a time for it. Taylor was still named
first-team All-Big Ten by the coaches and received honorable mention AllAmerican accolades from the Associated Press. His draft stock hasn’t fallen much, if at all, yet. After his junior year, he was picked as someone who could go in the second round, but if not, he certainly would have found someone to sign him, and that remains the case as of this moment. Ball’s third-round projection from the NFL draft’s advisory board didn’t sit well with him, and he ultimately set his sights on reshaping his body and skill set for his senior year. Ball already has incredible vision and instincts, but
he thinks he could still become a faster and more
His draft stock hasn’t fallen much, if at all, yet. After his junior year, he was picked as someone who could go in the second round, but if not, he certainly would have found someone to sign him, and that remains the case as of this moment. powerful runner. After losing weight following his sophomore
season, Ball’s agility and overall speed have unquestionably improved. He still looked like a downhill running back last year, but he probably didn’t have the kind of strength he had as a sophomore. Now, in his last year before going pro, Ball is again trying to find a happy equilibrium between speed and weight, saying he hopes to be back up to 215-218 pounds back in January. If he does, indeed, show increased levels of speed and power in 2012 — with the ridiculous statistics to accompany him or not — his stock will rise higher than the third round. Adrian Peterson is a
comparable example to the kind of situation seemingly everyone thinks Ball will be in by season’s end. As a freshman at Oklahoma, Peterson ran for 1,925 yards and was named a Heisman finalist. As a sophomore, he battled injuries and mustered 1,120 yards. As a junior, his season was again cut short by injury, and he ran for just 1,012 yards. Peterson’s performance was hindered by forces beyond his control and his breakout, signature season was deep in the past. Despite that, his physical attributes earned him the No. 7 overall pick by the Minnesota Vikings. That’s all that Ball and
his fans need to worry about in 2012 — whether he looks fast, sharper and stronger, which NFL scouts can surely recognize. And don’t expect him to be complacent. Ball is clearly one of the most motivated players on the Badgers’ roster — and possibly in the Big Ten — right now. Oh yeah, and NFL scouts kind of like that about players, too. Elliot is a senior majoring in journalism and philosophy. What do you think about Ball’s draft prospects now? What do you think they could be? Let him know at ehughes@badgerherald. com.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Twins take down Yankees, 7-3 Morneau plays in field for 1st time, homers; Mauer doubles twice NEW YORK -- (AP) Carl Pavano had nothing to prove to an unforgiving Yankee Stadium crowd. He wanted to get the Minnesota Twins back on track. In only two batters, it looked as if his plan had derailed. Then something happened that Yankees fans rarely got to see in his four injury-wrecked years in New York: Pavano found a rhythm and was superb through the seventh inning, leading the Twins to a 7-3 victory Monday night that ended their three-game skid. “It wasn’t about coming in here and putting everything behind me. Everything I went through is behind me,” he said. “It was coming in here and getting this team on track.” Justin Morneau played in the field for the first time this season and hit a long homer for the Twins. Joe Mauer had three hits, including two doubles, and every position player had a hit in a tweaked Minnesota lineup. The Twins won for just the sixth time in 34 regularseason games in the Bronx since Ron Gardenhire took over as manager in 2002. They were also swept by the Yankees in 2009 and `10 playoffs. “It’s a new season,” Gardenhire said. “We’re 1-0 at Yankee Stadium.” In just his second outing in New York since his tenure with the Yankees ended after the 2008 season, Pavano (1-1) gave up three runs and seven hits. He struck out six and walked one. Yankees fans showed they can hold a grudge. They were relentless with their boos when Pavano was introduced before the game. After a rocky first, in which he gave up back-to-back homers to Derek Jeter and Curtis Granderson to start the inning, Pavano mostly hushed the Yankees’ bats. “For him to come out in a hostile environment then go out and pitch the way he did, I was real proud of him,” Twins catcher Ryan Doumit said. Added Jeter: “Carl has always been a good pitcher. When he’s healthy, he pitches well.” Gardenhire tried generating some offense by splitting his lefty-hitting M&M boys in the lineup for the first time since 2008, according to STATS LLC. Mauer hit third as
FAMILY, from 10 the front — just one of the few ways the duo continues to honor and remember their brother. In fact, simply playing football and pushing each other to work hard is another tribute in itself. “I think not only football, but everything in life,” Marcus said. “Ever since he died, I always felt like I could attribute something to him, just not only in football but also how I interact with people, how I treat my parents and how I treat my siblings. … Everything I do in life, I just want to work as hard as I can and be the best person I can be just for my brother because that’s who he was and that’s what he would want me to do.” In a family gifted with athleticism, the twins’ older sister Alana also pursued a collegiate basketball career, first with Ohio State and then transferring to Wisconsin after one year. Alana suffered a season-ending injury and missed the 2008-09 season before retiring from the game in 2010 to focus on her studies. For Michael and Marcus, they’re just trying to stay healthy and make an impact on the sport they love and make their family proud.
Veteran first baseman Justin Morneau went 2-for-5 at the batter’s box in a road victory in the Bronx. It was a rare win for the Twins against the Yankees, who swept them in back-to-back playoff series in 2009 and 2010. the designated hitter and Morneau moved down to fifth and played first base with Josh Willingham taking over the cleanup spot. Morneau had been the DH in the Twins first nine games as he is being brought back slowly from injuries, including a concussion that limited him to 69 games last year. “Morny’s got a nice look on his face,” Gardenhire said. “He’s enjoying the game of baseball.” The adjustment worked right off the bat with Willingham driving in Mauer with a single in the first. In fact, the Twins had five straight hits after Freddy Garcia (0-1) struck out Denard Span looking to start the game.
“[Aleksas] was a gymnast; he was training for the Olympics before he stopped doing his thing,” Michael said. “Also for our sister, too. She had a bad knee injury
“They’re both very passionate about football. They’re students of the game. They’re constantly watching film, trying to improve their game. They play hard, they’ve got great motors and they keep getting better every single day.” Chris Ash Defensive Coordinator
playing here, which stopped here. It’s like the ‘Trotter Curse’ with the injuries stopping us. Marcus and I are trying to do it for our sister, trying to break the curse. Now we’ve each had our hamstring injuries, but we have three more years to make them proud, make our family proud.” When it came to playing football at Wisconsin, only Michael was guaranteed a
Mauer doubled after Jamey Carroll singled
“For [Pavano] to come out in a hostile environment then go out and pitch the way he did, I was real proud of him.” Ryan Doumit Twins Catcher
and was caught stealing. Morneau followed Willingham with a single and Doumit had an RBI hit to make it 2-0.
scholarship, and Marcus still maintains his walkon status. During their recruiting process, Michael admits he fully expected his brother to be the one to get a scholarship, not himself, simply because Marcus was more outgoing and talked about it. But when the offers rolled in, the Badgers offered Michael a spot, not Marcus. Marcus chose to forego his scholarship offer from Wofford to walk on at Wisconsin to play for the team he grew up with and continue to play alongside his brother. “It’s just so normal for me because we’ve always been on the same team,” Marcus said. “There was one instance when we weren’t and that was in like the eighth grade city all-star game or something like that when we were on separate teams. That was the only time. We’ve always been together. It’d be different if you asked me what it would be like not being with him because I’m always with him.” The Trotters — both redshirt sophomores — have yet to make a strong name for themselves on the Badger squad. Marcus, a 6-foot, 222-pound linebacker, sits on the depth chart behind redshirt junior and defensive anchor Chris Borland. Trotter
But Pavano gave it right back. Jeter learned earlier Monday that he was being given an honorary doctorate from Siena, a college in Loudonville, N.Y., then homered -- his third -- leading off. Granderson followed Jeter’s drive with another into the rightfield seats for the Yankees’ first back-to-back homers to start a game since September 2005, when Jeter and Robinson Cano did it. Alex Rodriguez beat out an infield hit and advanced to second on third baseman Danny Valencia’s errant throw. He scored on Mark Teixeira’s single for a 3-2 lead. Alexi Casilla doubled
only played in five games last season — mostly on special teams and notched a total of four tackles over those five games — but Marcus was also sidelined for part of the season due to a hamstring injury. Michael, a 6-foot, 210-pound safety, saw more action than his brother, playing in 12 of the Badgers’ 14 games, missing only the Northern Illinois game and the Big Ten Championship Game. He recorded just one tackle on the season, which came against South Dakota. Defensive coordinator Chris Ash said the two need to show they can be consistent, trustworthy players, but they have an unparalleled enthusiasm for the game. “They’re both very passionate about football,” Ash said. “They’re students of the game. They’re constantly watching film, trying to improve their game. They play hard, they’ve got great motors and they keep getting better every single day.” It’s a passion they hope will one day translate into their own success, a success they can’t wait to share together. “We’re just waiting for our shot,” Michael said. “When it happens, I’ll be happy to be right next to you.”
with one out in the fifth to snap a string of 11 straight outs by the Twins that started after the five hits in a row. Carroll followed with a run-scoring single and Mauer an RBI double to give Minnesota the lead. Morneau led off the sixth with a drive into the Yankees bullpen for a 5-3 lead. An out later, Garcia was lifted to boos. While he had better control in this start after a five wild-pitch performance in his first outing, Garcia gave up nine hits and five runs. He struck out five without walking a batter. “They have some pretty good hitters now, you got to make good pitches to get those guys out,” Garcia
FORWARD, from 10 she attempts to revive an underachieving Wisconsin program. Just a season ago, the Badgers ranked dead last in the Big Ten in rebounding offense, pulling in just 33 a game. On the other end of the spectrum, the Badgers limited opponents to only 34.9 rebounds a
“[Daria will] add size, strength and, most importantly, collegiate experience to our young roster. Daria will have a unique perspective on the game.” Bobbie Kelsey Head Coach
game, second best in the conference. With Rochel the only big left on Kelsey’s roster — the sophomore logged 4.3 points, 4.2 rebounds and 15.8 minutes per game last season — the transfer adds several new options to Kelsey’s game plan. While the 2012 recruiting class — Kelsey’s first at Wisconsin — brings in plenty of talent and depth at the guard position, only one incoming recruit besides
said. With Andy Pettitte working his way back from retirement and Michael Pineda rehabbing his shoulder, Garcia could be losing his grip on a rotation spot. Game notes Granderson raced into the left-center field gap to make a sensational catch on a drive by Morneau. ... Twins LHP Glen Perkins had an MRI exam that showed some tenderness in his forearm. He will remain back in Minnesota for two more days before deciding if any further action is needed. ... Jeter’s leadoff homer was his 26th, extending his Yankees record.
Kryuchkova in 6-foot-1 forward Shannon Malone from Flower Mound, Tex., will be added to the names in the team’s frontcourt options. The Badgers will need Kryuchkova to be able to run the floor on offense, as Kelsey runs a fastpaced transition game. But they will also need her to develop into a steady scoring threat, as the Badgers often relied on the three-pointer in games last year. Defensively, Kryuchkova will have to be active on weak side help for the team if the Badgers hope to improve their conference worst field goal percentage defense — giving up a .441 percentage from the floor to opponents — as the team often allowed easy drives through the lane. Besides adding depth to the Badger roster, the Russian forward will also be prepared for the academic demands of playing at Wisconsin. Kryuchkova brings in a perfect 4.0 grade point average from her time at Jacksonville, where she was a member of the President’s List and the Phi Theta Kappa honor society. “She is also a very intelligent player having recently been named a NJCAA Academic AllAmerican,” Kelsey said in her statement. “As her coach, I could not have asked for a more prepared player to join our program.”
Sports Editor Elliot Hughes
10 | Sports | Tuesday, April 17, 2012
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Nothing comes between family
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Linebacker Marcus Trotter (left) plays behind one of Wisconsin’s best defensive playmakers in Chris Borland and finished last season with four tackles after appearing in five games. His brother Michael (right), a walk-on safety, appeared in 12 games in 2011 and registered one tackle.
Badgers’ Trotter twins stay close, continue honoring memory of brother Kelly Erickson Sports Content Editor
It’s been four years since Michael and Marcus Trotter’s brother committed suicide. Aleksas Trotter was a state-champion high school gymnast, training for college and a shot at the Olympics before a
shoulder injury put an end to his career. At the age of 21, on April 19, 2008, after a long bout with depression, Aleksas took his own life. The twins — Michael and Marcus — were still in high school at the time
and were given the news as their father picked them up for their routine, 40-plus minute car ride from Marquette High School in Milwaukee to their home in Racine, Wis. “When it happened, it was such a nightmare,”
Marcus said. “I still remember the day like it was yesterday when I sat down in the car. My dad told me when he picked me up from high school. I just remember sitting there on the car ride home. … It was a tragedy,
but I definitely see it as motivation.” Marcus, a linebacker, and Michael, a safety, can often be seen at practice sporting shirts with “Fly High” hand-written on
FAMILY, page 9
Kelsey reels in 6-foot-3 transfer forward Nick Korger Associate Sports Editor The Wisconsin women’s basketball program has already benefited from the
competitive drive of head coach Bobbie Kelsey on and off the court. And Kelsey once again turned that approach over to the recruiting trail, as junior college transfer Daria
Kryuchkova signed a National Letter of Intent to play basketball at Wisconsin Monday. Originally hailing from Moscow, Russia, Kryuchkova (pronounced CRY-ooch-kova) played the last two seasons at Jacksonville College in Jacksonville, Tex., where the 6-foot-3 forward averaged 4.8 points and 7.7 rebounds in her sophomore campaign. Kryuchkova originally gave Kelsey a verbal commitment this past December and comes to Wisconsin with two years of eligibility remaining. “We’re extremely pleased to sign Daria for the 2012 recruiting class,” Kelsey said in a statement. “She’ll add size, strength and, most importantly, collegiate experience to our young roster. Having already played on the collegiate level, Daria will have a unique perspective in all facets of the game.” The signing addresses the major needs of the Badgers in the frontcourt,
as the team graduates both starting forwards Anya Covington and Ashley Thomas this offseason. This past year Covington averaged 10.3 points and 6.4 rebounds a contest while Thomas chipped in 4.4 points and 2.9 rebounds a game, respectively. With Covington and Thomas both measuring in at 6-foot-2 each, the Badgers roster for 2012-13 only contained one player taller than 6-foot-1 — the 6-foot-4 Cassie Rochel — before Kryuchkova’s signing. The Russian post player is just one player Kelsey had set her sights on during the past recruiting period, as the Wisconsin head coach also nabbed a verbal commitment from 6-foot4 Malayna Johnson of Montini Catholic High School in Lombard, Ill., the first commit of the 2013 recruiting class. Kryuchkova fills just one of Kelsey’s needs as
FORWARD, page 9
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Head coach Bobbie Kelsey has been aggressive in addressing UW’s lack of height heading into 2012-13. Daria Kryuchkova stands at 6-foot-3, while fellow recruit Malayna Johnson is 6-foot-4.
No worries about Ball’s numbers Elliot Hughes Look Hughe’s Laughing Now Back in January, when the fallout of another Rose Bowl loss still echoed throughout the fanbase of the Wisconsin football team, Montee Ball’s decision to remain in Madison for his senior season certainly made some (if not most) of the pain go away. But in the months that have passed since that moment, countless times I’ve watched fans voice gratitude for Ball’s return and then follow that by questioning his decision. Sometimes, people appealed to the potential of Ball coming down with an injury bad enough to
hurt his draft stock or worse — a valid concern. But most of the time, this second-guessing has to do with the numbers Ball flashed last season and how little of a chance there is for him to match or best what he did come the 2012 season. But Badger fans don’t need to be constantly glancing back and forth between Ball’s stats in 2011 as we march through next season when it comes to considering his position in the NFL draft. Ball did, indeed, build a mountain of a stat-line last season. Throughout 14 games, he averaged 6.36 yards per carry. His 1,923 rushing yards not only led the nation, but were 77 yards shy of him becoming the 15th running back in FBS history to rush for 2,000 yards in a single season. His 39 touchdowns tied the single-season mark held by the legendary Barry Sanders. He scored
a touchdown once every 8.48 times he touched the ball, which is just absurd. Looking at those numbers with the prospect of outdoing them in the back of your mind is a hell of steep incline. Think mountain passes of the Tour de France with sandbags strapped to your bicycle. And, of course, Ball won’t have the same support he had a year ago to help him achieve those numbers. Quarterback and record-setter Russell Wilson, as well as wide receiver Nick Toon, won’t be around anymore to divide the attention of opposing defenses. Josh Oglesby, Kevin Zeitler and Peter Konz — the latter two being All-Americans — are done plowing the road for Ball. All three of those positions — quarterback, running back and offensive line — are in flux right now, although
the line should be another team strength in 2012. So either Ball transcends literally all expectations of him and enjoys one of the best two-year stretches of any college football player has ever had, or, in all likelihood, his numbers take somewhat of a dive but remain impressive nevertheless. Just not Herculean. Should the latter happen, nobody ought to land on Ball for it. The NFL draft isn’t all about numbers. For years, we’ve seen the stock of a player skyrocket or nosedive based solely on measurements, individual workouts and personality evaluations. Plain and simple, NFL teams are going to look far beyond numbers, and they’ll also consider what kind of a team surrounded a particular player of interest.
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