Figuring out Uthoff ’s transfer debacle Nick Korger tries to uncover just what Bo Ryan is thinking by banning Uthoff from transferring to 25 schools. SPORTS | 10
Thursday, April 19, 2012
ASM preps to do battle Members trained ahead of final appeal for funding MCSC, stall on approving grants Jackie Allen Campus Life Editor In a hurried meeting of the University of Wisconsin student government Wednesday night, student leaders received extensive allocation procedures training in preparation for ruling on the final appeal for funding the Multicultural Student Coalition to be held today. The Associated Students of Madison also underwent a three-hour long training on viewpoint neutrality and eligibility in preparation for a special session tonight to make the final decision on eligibility for MCSC after interim Chancellor David Ward remanded the decision back to the Associated Students of Madison. The training was mandatory for all members. Any member who left or was not in attendance but still
was present to vote on the final funding decision opened himself or herself up to a potential lawsuit and making their votes ineligible. “I know the timeline for this is really difficult. I get that this is really stressful and requires a lot of training in a short amount of time,” Chair Allie Gardner said. “I want to point out … while I respect the decision of both [Student Services Finance Committee] and Student Judiciary, this eligibility decision is an entirely new one.” The training included presentations from SSFC Advisor Joanna Gurstelle on definitions that might help members ultimately decide whether a group is eligible for General Student Services Funding and the importance of remaining viewpoint neutral in all funding decisions. It also included a mock
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
SSFC Rep. Cale Plamann said he was not comfortable voting on operations grants for student groups, which were a point of contention, without members present. The grants were ultimately tabled. eligibility hearing, in which Gurstelle pretended to present a motion for eligibility for an imagined magical defense organization, in a reference to the Harry Potter series of young adult novels. After the training, members had an hour and half left in the meeting to debate items that, if not voted
on, would need to be voted on in Thursday’s special meeting or another special session before the agenda items would be dismissed. However, after originally passing the Finance Committee’s recommendations for campus organizations grants in a 16 to five vote, the Council reconsidered and tabled
the motion until tonight’s meeting after a concern was raised about the Wisconsin Union Directorate’s Publications Committee budget, which Rep. Mudit Kackar said should be funded through WUD as nonallocable through operation events. Rep. Cale Plamann voted to table the grants in both
debates, saying he was uncomfortable with passing them without the chair or representatives of the finance committee present at the meeting. “I’ve had some positive and some skeptical reactions to this, and I am just incredibly worried about voting on this
COUNCIL, page 2
Commission approves Dayton student apartments 65-unit development for student renters slated to break ground in August 2012 Leah Linschied City Life Editor A city committee voted unanimously to grant final approval for a 65-unit development on West Dayton Street that would primarily provide a new apartment building for students.
The unanimously approved proposal, presented by Knothe and Bruce Architects, LLC, of Middleton at the Urban Design Commission meeting Wednesday evening, will be constructed adjacent to a fire station currently used as a residential building on Dayton and Randall Streets. The fire station will not be demolished due to its status as a historical landmark, but it will be decommissioned for further residential use. At its last meeting in March, UDC unanimously voted to grant initial
approval to KBA’s proposal. Discussions of minor changes to the proposed development, including adjustments to window space, exterior coloring and materials ultimately led to the proposal’s second unanimous favorable vote Wednesday. “With these colors and patterns, there is interest to the eye,” UDC member Melissa Huggins said of the development changes. According to KBA Architect Randy Bruce, construction on the 65-unit housing development is
scheduled to begin in August 2012 with an estimated completion date near the beginning of the 2013 school year. A joint proposal to renovate a residential building located on East Mifflin Street and North Webster Street also received positive feedback and received final approval to move forward. The proposal, presented by Valerio Dewalt Train, an architectural firm from Chicago, and Madison developer Urban Land Interests would renovate
the current building and implement a fifth story penthouse and an elevator, an addition the building did not previously have. The residence suffered severe damage from a fire last summer, but according to ULI spokesperson Ann Morrison, it is still salvageable. “Many people have questioned whether the building can be saved,” Morrison said. “We think we can save what remains of this building, and we think it’s valuable to the fabric of downtown. What we hope
to create is a building that’s rehabilitated, preserved, accessible and energyefficient.” The proposed development would house 22 units, according to Morrison. The proposal garnered significant support from neighborhood citizens. Eugene Devitt, president of the Mansion Hill Neighborhood, provided positive feedback of the renovation project and added that MHN members have
City officials, MPD caution students on campus safety Camille Albert Reporter
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said he supports a federal plan that would forgive student loans after 10 years for people in public service.
U.S. Sec. backs forgiving student loans in 10 years Mike Kujak State Legislature Editor Student loan debt would be completely forgiven after 10 years of public service under a proposed plan by a top federal education official, which would also strive to make the United States the number one producer of college graduates within the decade.
United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan gave a talk on college affordability at Madison East High School Wednesday, focusing on several different reforms he said are necessary to improve the country’s education system by making schooling more affordable. Shortly after his appointment by President
Barack Obama in 2009, Duncan helped introduce a plan for the income-based repayment program. Under the proposed plan, student loan payments would be reduced for college graduates in low-paying jobs, and loans would be forgiven after 10 years for persons in certain public service occupations, such as
LOANS, page 3
A public forum held by several city officials Wednesday evening shed light on the rash of crimes in recent months near University of Wisconsin residential areas that have sparked concerns over campus safety. Noting there has been a 50 percent increase in burglaries and muggings from January to March, members of the Madison Police Department urged a crowd of students at the forum to be more conscious of their safety with their environment and property. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said many burglaries happen when students are away from
their homes. “Mainly when burglars believe students won’t be home like during the day, spring break or winter break, there has been a rash of burglaries mostly targeting electronics,” Verveer said. “Many of the burglaries are through unlocked doors and windows.” According to Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, there are several noticeable trends associated with the increased crime, including this spring’s unseasonably warm weather. Resnick said conversations with students to disseminate safety information and precautions about crime can be the best preventative measure. “It’s very easy to say lock
your doors, it’s very easy to say make sure your blinds are closed, and that’s the line that very often gets told to students,” Resnick said. “It takes more than just students locking their doors to create a safe community, and that’s what we’re striving toward.” MPD Capt. Carl Gloede said the downtown area is made up of a very dense population that is very technologically connected, making students easy targets for criminals. Gloede added MPD has had some success in targeting predators using new technology, including the ability to track cell phones from their internal GPS systems. MPD Sgt. Shawn Engel
SAFETY, page 2
INSIDE UW wins the Internet
Take a trip inside mind of a critic
#UWRightNow engaged Badger students, faculty and alums in a unique project Wednesday.
Columnist explores the different ways we watch movies in this week’s Class Critic.
NEWS | 2
ARTS | 5
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Correction Due to a reporting error, the April 18 article “Baldwin leads field for campaign funds,” misattributed quotes to Joe Fadness instead of Howde spokesperson Sean Lansing. He was also misquoted. Hovde also raised $1.6 million instead of $1.5 million. The Badger Herald has replaced information from Lansing with a statement from the Hovde campaign in the online edition. We regret the error.
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#UWRightNow chronicles Badgers’ lives Social media project engages students, faculty, alumni to paint experiences from UW community for 24 hours Julia Skulstad Herald Contributor The timelines of students active on Twitter and other social networks were filled with messages and media filled with Badger pride for 24 hours Wednesday. Beginning at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday morning and ending the following midnight, the project aimed to capture what makes the University of Wisconsin special, including work, classes and other student events, in 24 hours. Dennis Chaptman, news and media relations director for University Communications, said students, faculty and alumni participated in the event on Twitter by using the hashtag #UWRightNow and by submitting photos, videos and stories about their experiences through email.
SAFETY, from 1 also said it is important for students to put expensive items out of sight in their apartments because thieves have cut screens on windows in order to steal items that are visible in past incidents. The police place responsibility on students, UW staff and the community to be more mindful of their property while taking these precautions, MPD Capt. Johnnie Diamante added. “A lot of these property crimes are extremely preventable in the context of a lot of these items are left in plain view, left outside, and are easy pickings for the
“In addition to being an interesting project, this is a community-building exercise that people are really enjoying,” Chaptman said. Chaptman said #UWRightNow is a social media experiment that received content on campus and around the world, even reaching UW researchers in the South Pole involved with the project IceCube and from Badgers studying abroad across the globe. As of 10 p.m., the project’s website said said UW Communications had posted about 900 contributions. He said the aim of the project was to create a complete view of the university and engage people so they can share what they are doing while making them feel like they are a part of a larger
community. “It is also very interesting because in our communications office, we tend to take a look at one facet of the university at a time, and this is a great opportunity for people
small groups of predators,” Gloede said. “As soon as they see something, they grab it and go.” The highest incidences of theft crimes typically take place between 11:30 p.m. and 4:30 a.m., when victims tend to have diminished awareness from drinking, according to Gloede. He added this allows the predator to know someone is vulnerable and an “easy target.” Engel emphasized it is necessary for students to call the police if they have any suspicion that something is out of place, no matter how seemingly insignificant the suspicion may feel.
“Too often the human instinct is to minimize … I don’t want to make alarmists out of everyone, but you have to have awareness, and we would rather be called and find everything okay than not be called and find something extremely bad happened,” Engel said. Gloede said the best preventative measure for students is to walk in a group as close to well-lit areas as possible. He added that sending text messages while walking can diminish people’s engagement in their environment and can increase their vulnerability to predators.
“This is a great opportunity for people to see how expansive the university really is.”
Dennis Chaptman
Director, UW Communications to see how expansive the university really is and what effect it has on people’s lives,” Chaptman said. Chaptman said he believes this project is engaging because it opens
a window into parts of the university students and alumni might not otherwise experience. He said since many students might only interact with one part of campus related to their major or work, they might not always see what else goes on with other organizations or departments. Chaptman characterized Madison as “a city within an city,” with a life, pace and culture all its own. “It has been very busy and a little bit hectic, but it has been very gratifying to see the reaction,” Chaptman said. UW journalism professor Katy Culver said she thinks #UWRightNow is an interesting use of social media to engage people with common interests and draw people together into a conversation about what is happening on campus over
APARTMENTS, from 1 overwhelmingly approved it “Two things that we really like are first that the building’s not being demolished, and second that it’s being restored,” Devitt said. “Now they’re adding an elevator, so there will be handicap access. The units will really be more livable than they were before.” UDC granted the proposal final approval in a unanimous vote. The commission also heard an informational presentation by Sutton Architecture on a
COUNCIL, from 1 without anyone from Finance Committee here,” Plamann said. “I just think this is something really, really worrying if we continue with this.” The Student Council also passed a contract and Academic Support Services Agreement for Wisconsin Student Public Interest Research Group, originally passed by SSFC in its Monday meeting.
the course of a day. Culver said the project has taken off tremendously and has gotten far more activity than she initially expected. She added she attributes the success to UW Communications for getting the word out early to let people know about the project. “I think one of the things that pops most for me is the number of my students participating who are talking about the other things they are involved with,” said Culver. “It shows how broad students’ experiences are here.” She added #UWRightNow used media in a “particularly social way,” and she believes the project is about engagement, bringing people together across UW and allowing for people to see how they are connected with each other.
proposed residential development for South Bedford Street near the campus area. According to SA Architect John Sutton, the L-shaped residential development would comprise four stories with 54 units and one level of parking that would house 54 stalls. The development would also include 44 bicycle stalls and eight additional bicycle stalls on the exterior of the residence for visitors. Sutton noted the proposed residence would target young professionals, particularly employees of Epic Systems.
The council also passed the Student Transportation Board’s budget. The budget includes funding for the Safe Arrival For Everyone taxicab service. Funding for the group was originally cut by the committee, despite concerns that UW’s Transportation Services would leave control and funding of the program up to students to make up for a budget shortfall.
The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, April 19, 2012
LOANS, from 1 teachers, police officers and firefighters. “If you’re getting paid more money, you pay more back, and if you’re getting paid less money, you pay less back,” Duncan said. “All your debt would be erased. We’re trying to remove that financial impediment.” Focus on the growing student loan debt problem was brought to the national stage three weeks ago when a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau found student loan debt in the country had reached a total of $1 trillion and surpassed total credit card debt for the first time in the country’s history. Duncan also supports Obama’s goal for the United States to produce the highest percentage of college graduates by the year 2020. The United States is currently ranked 16th in the world. While Duncan mostly focused on reforms to education policy at the federal level, he also warned states cutting their education budgets are seeing a lower quality form
of education that ends up costing more. However, after the recent implementation of the budget repair bill that cut education funding in the state, some groups are saying these cuts are not hurting the state and are instead improving the system by saving teachers’ jobs. Wednesday, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction unveiled data that showed jobs in the state’s public schools had decreased by more than 2,300 positions this year. According to the MacIver Institute, a free market capitalism think tank, a closer look into this data shows that the three districts responsible for the bulk of these reductions were Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville, only three of the state’s 15 largest districts that did not use parts of Gov. Scott Walker’s reforms, according to a statement. MacIver said by refusing to mandate the reforms, the districts missed out on opportunities to save millions of dollars and became responsible for more than 42 percent of Wisconsin’s staff reductions.
Another focus of the event was decreasing the country’s high school dropout rate, which Duncan said currently stands at 25 percent. Madison Metropolitan School District Superintendent Dan Nerad echoed Duncan’s concern over the achievement gap, or difference in performance between groups of different socioeconomic statuses or racial identities, and how it was affecting graduation rates. “A big part of tackling this issue is catching it early. We’re now seeing a lot more of these early programs, half in our schools and the other half out in the community and private sector,” Nerad said. “I’m glad someone else is losing sleep over the achievement gap because it truly is the issue of our time.”
Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Athletic facelift funds better spent elsewhere Martin case: fair or racist? POINTCounterpoint
Spencer Lindsay Staff Writer The University of Wisconsin is increasing its spending on the Athletics Performance Center project by more than $9 million. The money, which comes from gift funds, will be used to renovate Camp Randall, build new lockers and other athletic facility changes. While I recognize the need for keeping up-todate athletic facilities and I, myself, am a lover of Badger athletics, at this particular moment in time, this money could be better spent. The university should prioritize non-athletic funding. While athletics do need to be funded, adding $9 million dollars to the budget at a time when school funding is being cut is ill-advised. We as students bear a major burden from
budget cuts. As we see programs getting cut, tuition rising and faculty adjustments based on the budget, it seems that spending money loosely on projects which have already had a great deal of funds allocated for them is unnecessary and damaging to the university. Athletics is not the field in which we should be spending this money. While our athletic facilities could use some work, these new changes are unnecessary. While there is a need for sports, there is also a need for many things on this campus that don’t get funded. Many buildings are aging. Many programs are understaffed. Many students need more financial aid. Athletics should be a priority, but not above the student body and faculty. The previous state of funding has not seemed to be hurting our athletics. The Badger’s football team has gone to the Rose Bowl two years in a row, and we have made great strides in other sports as well, including a national championship in men’s
cross country and a Sweet Sixteen appearance in men’s basketball. The previous state of renovation does not seem to deter recruits. Our football team was successful in large part because of the unconventional recruitment of Russell Wilson. With two consecutive top 10 football seasons, a basketball team that has made the tournament every year since 1999 and a historically good hockey team, players want to come here regardless of the condition of our athletic facilities. This extra allocation of funds is not necessary and ultimately hurts the university. Like many other things on this campus, the improvement of athletic facilities is a noble goal. However, in the midst of budget cuts, it should not be a top priority. The money would be better spent on non-athletic elements of the school. Spencer Lindsay ( is a sophomore majoring in political science.
Romney’s VP candidate uncertain, many options Zach Butzler Staff Writer The veepstakes have begun. Earlier this week, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney announced the search for his vice presidential nominee would be led by former chief of staff and confidante Beth Myers, as reported by The New York Times. With the general election in November likely to be close and Romney having concerns with shoring up the conservative base of the GOP, picking the right No. 2 could be the difference between winning and losing. Speaking of No. 2, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum has so far declined to endorse Romney, telling supporters Monday night to make their own decisions on who to vote for. After all the back and forth vitriol between the two, it’s easy to dismiss Santorum’s chances at the VP slot. I’m not so sure. More on him later. So who should Mitt pick? Let’s take a look at some of the contestants, ranked in order of their current chances to be the pick, according to Intrade. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.: 19 percent CNN noted Rubio said he’s not going to be the guy, but when considering the criteria usually cited for picking a vice presidential nominee, Rubio seems like a great pick. While there’s probably a decent chunk of the electorate who is never going to come around to the idea of Mitt Romney as the head of the party, picking a Tea Party darling like Marco Rubio could reassure reluctant conservatives. And clearly, as he himself admitted to a group of donors earlier this week, Romney is going to have to make up
ground with Hispanics. Putting Rubio on the ticket would help. And did I mention he’s from Florida? However, I’m not sure he’s experienced enough to be second-incommand. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio: 17 percent Who? The junior senator from Ohio does not exactly have the gravitas of, well, pretty much anybody else on this list. But he’s not trending up for no reason. According to The Atlantic, Romney has a close relationship with the former director of the Office of Management and Budget, and his resume ain’t bad, either. Portman spent a decade in the House before working in the Bush administration on trade and economic issues. Boring, but safe pick who would stay on message. Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J.: 11 percent Say what you will about Christie, but he certainly isn’t boring. This pick would definitely generate enthusiasm, maybe even to the point of overshadowing Romney. Christie has the reputation for being a bit of a loose cannon, which is a gamble. But he is one letter away from having “Christ,” who has a favorability rating among Republicans second only to Ronald Reagan, in his name twice. Gov. Bob McDonnell, R-Va.: 7 percent Another pick barely registering on the name recognition scale, but the current governor of swing-state Virginia might not be a bad choice. His extensive military experience would also be a nice complement to the economic background of Romney. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.: 6 percent Few have been talked about in conjunction with Romney as much as Ryan (Dems have taken to calling Ryan’s budget the “Ryan/Romney” plan), but this isn’t going to happen. Romney really has nothing to gain from putting Ryan on the ticket,
and I’m not even sure it would guarantee Romney Wisconsin. Gov. Mitch Daniels, R-Ind.: 6 percent Similar pick to Rob Portman, but he doesn’t have the personal ties to Romney. An economic powerhouse who is the former head of the Office of Management and Budget, Daniels considered a run for the presidency earlier this year. If Obama wins this fall, look for Daniels to run in 2016. Rick Santorum: 2 percent Despite the oftenheated primary, I think Santorum has a better shot at being the pick than people think. Santorum has a lot of support from the far right (Romney has none), and his home state of Pennsylvania is going to be crucial to win. He’s a long shot, but better than 2 percent in my opinion. There’s really no science to picking a VP. Since the founders blessed us with the Electoral College, one school of thought says to pick a VP who can win you an important state. Others recommend picking somebody who can cover up your shortcomings, whether on policy or demographic groups. And still others believe the VP should be a “game changer,” somebody that will get people talking. I highly doubt Romney is going the game-changer route. My guess is he goes with somebody who actually knows what the Bush Doctrine is and is able to articulate what newspapers he/she reads. If I were a betting man — and I am — I’d put my money on Portman, given his personal relationship with Romney and the safe nature of the pick. This election will be a referendum on Obama, and the last thing Romney needs is anybody “Going Rogue.” Zach Butzler (zbutzler@ is a senior majoring in journalism and political science.
Consumers ought not to take what is fed to them by the media at face value; without Trayvon Martin’s viewpoint, media cannot fairly report both sides of the story, and we need to be hesitant and vigilant about what we hear.
Hannah Sleznikow Columnist Six years ago, the nation witnessed a case of unparalleled media negligence that resulted in the destruction of the lives of three young men. The Duke lacrosse case, in which three Duke University lacrosse players were investigated for the rape of a female college student, is an example in which the unrestricted freedom of the press manifested itself in an attack on the defendants. All three young men were eventually acquitted of the charges brought forth against them. Six years later, it would seem that the humiliation endured by the media following the verdict was insufficient to deter future recurrences of such a blatant, unredeemable error. Anyone with access to any form of media has undoubtedly been exposed to coverage of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The case is undeniably controversial. Although public discussion is a natural response to such a contentious case, the media, coupled with the seemingly limitless impressionability of consumers, has yet again proved to be a grave threat to the authority of the American legal
system. Long before a verdict will be rendered against the defendant, George Zimmerman, many Americans have already reached their own verdict: George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin because he was black. Perhaps this is the truth, but the facts and evidence in this case are not complete or clear-cut. However, there exists inherent ambiguity. Trayvon Martin is gone, and with him goes his critical missing viewpoint. Recognizing this is paramount. The creed of journalism rests upon the duty to know and understand varying points of view. More importantly, the media must recognize and accommodate for absent viewpoints where they exist. It would seem obvious and discouraging that such standards have not been upheld in this case. Although the media is undoubtedly to blame for misleading the public in this case, it is absolutely necessary that we as consumers temper our curiosity with recognition of the inherent vulnerability of our role. The power of the media is entirely dependent upon the insatiable public demand for news and controversy. Ultimately, truth does not lie in the bold print of headlines, but rather in our ability to sift and winnow facts and evidence in the pursuit of reaching educated, reasonable conclusions. Far too often, it is second nature for
the human mind to conflate morality with legality. After all, morality is arguably the root of law, and law is arguably a device for the preservation of moral order. However, let us not be blinded by our individual notions of morality. Instead, we as consumers must acknowledge and respect the critical distinction between the two in our consumption of media. What a journalist believes, and what consumers believe, are tainted in the absence of rationality and reason. How do we as consumers hold the media accountable for what they contribute to public discourse? First and foremost, we must become engaged in and committed to seeking the truth. In the Trayvon Martin case, the truth may never emerge. However, coming to terms with this unfortunate reality may lead to realizations of a different kind of verity; a truth that comes forth as a result of accepting and putting to rest the scrutiny of an unresolvable circumstance. The key to attaining truth lays not with the media, but rather in our ability to consume it with the utmost pragmatism and caution. And above all, we must have faith in the integrity and objectivity of our legal system, for only through it can justice and consensus be achieved. Hannah Sleznikow ( is a senior majoring in political science.
The outcome of the case doesn’t matter, since the damage has already been done; alleged killer Zimmerman has quickly been painted a racist and the media has already skewed what the truth is.
Ryan Plesh Columnist The media have successfully made the question of whether George Zimmerman is a racist the focal point of the tragedy that is the shooting of Trayvon Martin. However, the real issue here should be that if the roles had been reversed, the shooter would have at least been arrested at the scene, if not worse. It should come as no surprise to anyone that there is indeed still racism in the United States, and ultimately Zimmerman’s racism or lack thereof is not the critical issue. First, someone died. We do not know exactly what happened, but someone committed a crime. Given the circumstances, it seems like very little investigation was done at the time of the shooting. This should not be about whether Zimmerman is a racist. If convicted, his motives could be and perhaps should be relevant for purposes of sentencing, but they should not be the central focus of the media. Zimmerman could conceivably not be
a racist but still be guilty of murder; he could just as easily be a racist legally guilty of nothing but selfdefense. The fact is that we do not know and probably will never completely know what is in George Zimmerman’s heart. People do not like uncertainty, and that is why the media have been quick to paint Zimmerman as a racist and subsequently presume his guilt. Conversely, the hardcore pro-gun rights groups have been equally quick to exonerate Zimmerman, asserting his right to defend himself. The truth is that, at this point, we do not know whether Zimmerman was defending himself. I think anyone who considers himself a liberal in any sense of the word wants to live in a world without racism, but instantaneously eliminating racism is beyond our control. What is in our immediate control is our institutions and how they function. The significance of this tragedy is that there seems to clearly still be institutionalized racism in the implementation of the law. After Trayvon Martin was shot and died, George Zimmerman was not arrested. In an equally unclear case, if a black man had shot and killed a white man, the shooter
would unarguably have been arrested. Just ask Mumia AbuJamal. It is unclear at this time what level of authority decided not to have George Zimmerman arrested: the police or the state attorney general of Florida. I am honestly not sure which would be worse. The police are the first line of defense; it would be especially unnerving to think that the men and women who are given licenses to walk around with guns in plain sight in the name of protecting us might be unwilling to protect someone because of his race. Conversely, for a state official as high as attorney general to be unwilling to investigate an incident so obviously questionable is dumbfounding. Frankly, the outcome of the case does not matter much, despite the media’s overwhelming current obsession with the shooter’s motives and future obsessions with the jury’s verdict and sentence. The damage has already been done, or rather the strides that we thought we had made have not actually been made. Racism is no longer codified in law; today it instead exists in a less explicit but just as effective way. Ryan Plesh (rplesh@ is a senior majoring in philosophy and physics.
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ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks
The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Group teaches, learns on alternative spring break Members of UW Hillel head to Warsaw, Poland to visit communities Aly Pavela ArtsEtc. Reporter Puerto Vallarta. Panama City Beach. Poland. Which of these spring break destinations is unlike the rest? Over spring break, 18 University of Wisconsin students traveled with UW Hillel to Poland. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) organized the servicelearning trip. Sophomore Erica Sperber was motivated to participate in the trip because she saw it
as a “once in a lifetime opportunity.” “I’ve always wanted to go to Poland,” said sophomore Ellie Kahn, another trip participant. “I kind of felt like it was something I needed to do in my lifetime.” The group volunteered in three different communities within Katowice, Krakow and Lublin and visited a former concentration camp in Warsaw. Within the communities, the group put on Passover programs for children, families and the elderly. The group told the story of Passover, painted Seder plates and sang songs in Hebrew. The group also learned about Poland. The trip allowed students to see Jewish communities outside the United States,
especially in an area where the Jewish population does not receive much attention. Kahn explained their trip was different from other trips to Poland in that they focused on the Jewish community in Poland in the present, rather than in the past. “All you learn about in school [about Poland] is the concentration camps and death,” Kahn said. No one ever learns about what it is like there now.” Sperber said her favorite part of the trip was listening to the chief rabbi of Poland in Warsaw, as well as the leader of the JDC in Krakow. “Both explained how we should not overlook areas that are normally deemed non-Jewish,” Sperber said. “These areas often need the most help.” Up until the end of
communism in 1989, many in Poland were afraid to say they were Jewish, the chief rabbi explained to the group. Both Kahn and Sperber were shocked to find out about how many Jews in Poland did not find out they were Jewish until later in life because their parents or grandparents were too afraid to announce their religion during the Holocaust and the communist regime. “For us the Holocaust is history, but for them they live it every day,” Kahn said. Because of this, the Jewish community in Poland is small and relatively new. One of the trip’s goals was to support and encourage the Jewish community in Poland. “I think we affected the communities we visited by
merely showing our interest in them,” Sperber said. “The work that we did, you aren’t going to see an
Puerto Vallarta. Panama City Beach. Poland. Which of these spring break destinations is unlike the rest? Over spring break, 18 University of Wisconsin students traveled with UW Hillel to Poland. automatic improvement,” Kahn said. “We’re just showing the people in Poland that other Jewish people care.” Hillel’s Director of Programs and Engagement,
Jonathan Eisen, led the trip with the aid of Emily Blumenthal, a sophomore who traveled with Hillel to Rwanda for an alternative spring break trip last year. Previously, Hillel conducted alternative spring break trips to Argentina, Rwanda, Brazil and New Orleans, among others. Sperber encourages students to go on alternative spring breaks. “Even though they are not your typical beachparty trip, they will be much more meaningful and fun in the long term,” Sperber said. Kahn was inspired by the trip. “Playing with kids and seeing them laugh and realizing this is the future of Polish Jews, the community is growing,” Kahn said. “It was cool to see.”
Being Tim Hadick: Vortex into mind of film critic Tim Hadick Class Critic Columnist I went home to New Jersey over spring break and met up with my friend who goes to Princeton University. We hung-out on Princeton’s campus, ate a lot of unhealthy food and really just enjoyed ourselves. On my last day there, we saw “Pariah,” and I was surprised by how different our critiques of the movie were. She saw it as a perfect example of how film can be an empowering medium for the LGBT community. While I agreed with her to the extent that the film was inspirational, I brought up what I perceived to be flaws in the film’s architecture that are critically
detrimental to how the film presents its characters. She mostly dismissed my claims, basing her opinions on the film’s overarching themes, while I remained too hung up on how the flaws in its foundation show through as cracks on the surface. This really got me thinking about what it means to review a movie from the perspective of a critic versus a casual moviegoer. In the end, it all comes down to what critics are looking for in a movie as well as their own personal preferences. The mindset of a movie critic is generally different from that of a casual moviegoer. We’re more literary and therefore aren’t looking at a movie purely in terms of whether it’s entertaining, but as a presentation of ideas. A good movie, in my opinion, takes into account every aspect of what an audience is being exposed to. This includes cinematography, music,
acting, cultural relevance, effects and script. All these elements combine to show off a film’s underlying message. In some movies, the message is easier to see than others. For example, “Shame,” in my opinion, pulled all aspects I look for in a film together to convey a message that is seen in every scene; it maintained its theme without being preachy and was effective in leaving its audience with a new perspective on sex addiction. “Pariah” didn’t have enough focus in its production to be as thorough in its presentation. My friend, however, is not much of a moviegoer and reads much more than I do. In high school, I always saw a plethora of books in her bag, and we even volunteered at the library together. Her focus on the message of a film breaks the cardinal distinction between average moviegoers being less literary that critics. This is because we are human and therefore have different
opinions on what is most important. That’s a very lame, cop-out explanation, but it’s the truest part of every review. No film will ever invoke the same reaction in everyone that sees it because its content will appeal to some people more than others. Critics often have very differing views on films, even among themselves, simply because we like what we like. Because of this, I think, the job of a film critic is to dive deeper into a movie and look at what it is doing and trying to say and point out inconsistencies that may have been overlooked by someone looking at a movie simply for entertainment. My dad loves action movies and those horrible monster monstrosities on Syfy because he uses movies to get away from the humdrum aspects of life. My mom and I complain every time he turns them on because we prefer indie films that comment on real life struggles. There will be
no changing my dad’s mind because that’s just how he likes his movies, and there’s no need to be frustrated with someone else’s preferences. Just let people like what they like, and we’ll move on with our lives. This is the root of most moviegoer backlash against critics’ reviews: It often seems that critics are attacking a movie. But we can’t help it if we are critiquing a movie that presents the aspects that we deem important in a film poorly. Take the “Transformers” series: I classify the film as “action porn” because its sole focus on CGI and production qualities makes it, in my opinion, a one-service film with no depth, and it’s not worth my time. Other critics will take its one-service nature into account and change a review’s criteria based on its genre. I, on the other hand, will not because it doesn’t live up to other movies that have depth in addition to good special
effects. Every critic is different, but overall we’re reading into films in search of how they tick, where their strengths are and how they compare to our ideal example of a movie. My friend and I bicker like crazy about movies we’ve seen. My parents call us a modern day Siskel and Ebert because we both know what we like in a movie and support our opinions well. I am a critic that looks more at how every part of a film works together with the message, and you can count on my reviews being highly analytical. If you think I’m missing the mark on any of my reviews, tell me what angle you think I should have pursued when viewing a certain film. I’m very open to using a new lens. Tim Hadick is a sophomore majoring in Japanese and journalism. You can email him at or tweet him @RealCollege.
Museum’s Adult Swim affords second shot at childhood
Katie Foran-McHale A Drop in the Bucket Columnist I may be 22, but parts of my brain never quite progressed past the age of five. I’m still obsessed with dinosaurs, every time I go to McDonald’s it is the new best day of my life and my little sister and I often speak in gibberish to convey our feelings.
So when I found out that the Madison Children’s Museum hosts events every other month where adults are invited to roam around the museum to play AND drink alcohol, I knew there weren’t too many events around town I would rather attend.
The theme of last Friday’s Adult Swim event coincided with this weekend’s Wisconsin Film Festival, and attendees were encouraged to wear their finest, red
carpet-worthy apparel. So, I dusted my junior prom dress off and stumbled in heels to the museum in style, where I met my lovely-dressed friends Kayla and Beth. Upon entering the museum, I was immediately overstimulated. There were African drums to play, crafts to make, jungle gyms to climb and adult beverages to drink. I didn’t even know where to begin. (Beer was the victor.) Kayla and I began exploring a playground area that we were clearly two feet too tall to fully enjoy, but we made it work. After I made a few childish observations, Kayla looked concerned and
made a surprisingly false accusation. “Did you pregame for this or something?” We then assumed our roles for the evening — I was the obnoxious five-year-old at heart that I am already; she played the part of a suburban mom who drinks wine at breakfast. Together we decorated pizzas, piloted a helicopter, painted animals (I made a T. rex, obviously), played with cars and wandered aimlessly. A few other friends got a flipbook made of their antics — something we were too shy to try. We later came across a piece of every kid’s heaven:
Definitive diagnosis of Dairyland dialect
Holly Hartung Dairyland Down-low Columnist Once upon a time, back in high school, my best pal and I dazzled an auditorium full of high schoolers with a quirky song we wrote ourselves. Donning Packer jerseys, we took the stage of the talent show by storm with our song with lyrics like “dontcha know?” and “oh, ya betcha.” The crowd went wild. For days, people came up to us admiring our musical genius, and for a brief moment we were cool. We
were no longer dorks who raced to Fazoli’s on Tuesdays for 99 cent kids meals and who, consequently, couldn’t get dates to prom. We were stars. However, there was something a little strange about all the praise. People kept telling us how much they liked our “Yooper Song,” even though we had clearly meant it to be a mockery of Sconnie Speak. That’s when I learned that Wisconsinites don’t think they have accents. Folks, I am here today to tell you that the Wisconsin dialect is very real. If you need help recognizing your accent, or if you are at all confused about the way we speak in the Badger State, fear not, for I will break down the essence of Sconnie Speak.
The first thing ya need to know about the Wisconsin accent is that it’s all about vowels. Specifically, the long ‘a’ sound is a difficult one for us. We tend to say it in a nasally way and let it drag on forever. Done properly, it almost sounds like there is a “y” in front of the vowel. For example, a Sconnie might say, “Myadison is a greaaat plaaace to eat Byabcock ice cream.” Confused? Just go to a grocery store and wait for the clerk to ask you what kind of bag you want. If you get the “a” down, you’re 90 percent there. Knowing how to pronounce the names of geographical regions in Wisconsin is also key. Let’s start with the name of the state. It’s not Wesconsin, nor should you pronounce
the “c” too strongly. It goes a little something like this: “Wuh-SKAAAAAHN-sin.” Also, don’t let anyone hear you pronounce the “i” in Milwaukee if you don’t want to be outted as a foreigner. Furthermore, it’s Green BAY, not GREEN Bay. Just trust me. As for everyday lingo, there are probably hundreds of examples, but I will just give you a couple two-three to get you started. Make sure to always ask for soda, not pop, when you desire a carbonated beverage. If you want to tell a story about your mom’s sister, be sure to say “aunt” the same way you would pronounce “ant.” Holly Hartung (hhartung2@ is a senior majoring in journalism and communication arts.
a jungle gym. We quickly discovered that the choice of wearing heels and dresses wasn’t the most conducive to taking the “advanced climbers only” path. I lost my footing for a second on the climb, silently apologizing for the view I was unintentionally giving fellow climbers below and for the fact that I would probably kill them if my foot refused to cooperate. But my inner-dinosaur strength kicked in, and we all survived. While taking a well-deserved break with a stroll on the museum’s rooftop that provided
a beautiful Capitol view and a place to rest our aching feet, we agreed to return for the next installment of Adult Swim; one night of unrepressed acting like a kid is not enough. The next event will be May 18, 6 to 10 p.m. for those 21 and older. Tickets sell fast, so check out information at Time is running out — what’s left on your bucket list? Share your stories and ideas with Katie at or tweet @kforanmchale.
The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, April 19, 2012
To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Looking for extra spending money after a summer of fun? Like to get dirty? Campus apartment company needs hard workers to assist with apartment turnover from August 14-19, 2012. 8 hours per day. $14.00/ hour plus STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. bonus for exceeding expectaPaid Survey Takers Needed in tions. You will work hard, but Madison. 100% Free to Join. make some cake. Please call Click on Surveys. 250-0202!
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Signing over lease in Lucky Apt. for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR $895/mo for single bedroom in 4 bedroom apt. Female roommates. Contact 847 373 1730 or for info SUMMER SUBLET: large one bedroom in a two bedroom apartment at 619 W. Mifflin St. for Summer 2012. Great location, excellent management company, easy-going roommate. $400/month OBO. Available 5/21/12. Email bdmiller2@ for more details.
SC to Rachel in my 460 eco lab. I think you are really cute. SC to the girl with a gazillion name tags who works at Rhetas. As much as you tried to convince me your name is Kevin, I’m pretty sure it’s Jess. ;) You’re gorgeous. Same time next week? sc to hipster alex who used to write for the daily cardinal. hopefully, you have switched to the herald and will see this. i think you’re handsome. SC to the cute
guy that asked me to race him during my run. Sorry, I couldn’t keep up, but maybe next time? :) SC to the handsome boy who smiled at me as I was leaving Law Library on Sunday around 6 pm. I knew there was another reason I go there besides the great views of Bascom. Hope we meet again! -the blonde in the shorts SC to the guy wearing a Packers shirt and Beats who I talked to in East Campus Mall Monday
afternoon. After you walked into Sellery, I looked back and saw one of the “parkour” guys doing a flip off the wall and eating shit, and I feel badly that you missed that opportunity to further laugh at them with me! I also feel badly that I didn’t introduce myself because you were extremely cute and I hope I run into you again sometime. Same time and place next week?- the short brunette in the white rain jacket Second Chance to the hipster I often
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Thursday, April 19, 2012
talk to at Grainger. I like you and I’m certain you like me too. I’ve wanted to ask you on a date for the last two months but have been to nervous....are you free on Friday night?
thought you seemed like a really cool guy. And you were cute. I know you were drunk but you seem like the kind of guy I’d love to get to know better. Same place next weekend?
2nd chance to the gal who rocked my socks off last tuesday. Could you wash them and get them back to me next week?
SC to the cute guy who ends his class in Sterling hall, first floor, at 2:15. We’ve made eye contact me looking into your room or you looking into mine for several weeks. Next time come say
SC to Scott. We met this weekend and I
hey... if you’re gay ;) SC to Mallory. Get with me and forget that boyfriend of yours Second Chance to Neil. You are as handsome as you are tall. Hopefully see you in class thurs :) SC to the girl in my mkt 300 discussion that sits in front of me with the Dance Elite sweatpants on today. You’re
gorgeous, if you haven’t been able to tell by my stares, here’s to me leaving with your number next week!? SC to Nick I met today outside the red gym when two guys got pulled over on their bikes by cops at the same time. Not only are you very nice to look at, but really fun to talk to. Meet at McTaggart’s for another walk sometime??
Sports KORGER, from 10 Cowherd and others in the media have raised an outcry at the actions of Bo Ryan in placing seemingly harsh restrictions on where Uthoff can transfer. The list of no-no schools for the freshman includes every school in the Big Ten and ACC as well as Marquette and Iowa State. That’s 25 schools. And I thought my graduate school choices were limited. However, there are reasons behind Ryan’s decision to play the disciplinarian role similar to Dean Wormer in “Animal House” putting Delta Tau Chi on doublesecret probation. The reason Ryan doesn’t want Uthoff to go to any Big Ten school is obvious. Think about it like this: Microsoft wouldn’t want a promising, upcoming employee who learned the system and company to go to Apple. There’s really nothing wrong with Ryan not wanting a player who learned inside the program to go to a team that he could potentially face two to three times in a given season. That’s why this situation isn’t even remotely similar to Wisconsin reeling in Ben Brust from his decommitment to Iowa. Brust never spent a single season at Iowa like Uthoff did at Wisconsin, but rather sought to pull away from the Hawkeyes because they fired former head coach Todd Lickliter. Brust originally committed to Iowa prior to his senior year, so when Lickliter, the man who recruited him, was fired at the conclusion of the 2009-2010 season, Brust felt no reason to retain his commitment. Therefore, calling Bo Ryan hypocritical on this evidence is severely flawed. As far as the ACC restriction, one of the only plausible reasons I can come up with is that Ryan doesn’t want to risk facing an ACC-Big Ten challenge opponent that has Uthoff on it with an insider scouting report.
The same line of thought goes with the Marquette restriction. But the blacklisting of Iowa State goes a bit deeper than a seasonal matchup. The Badgers are not scheduled to meet Iowa State anytime in the distant future, so perhaps Ryan has some notion that the Cyclones — a program under Fred Hoiberg that has been bolstered by several transfers in recent years — hoped to scavenge his loss. It would make sense after all, if Uthoff showed interest in Iowa State; Uthoff is a native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he led Jefferson High School to a Class 4A state tournament appearance while being named the 2011 Mr. Basketball of Iowa. Maybe Uthoff truly didn’t fit in to Ryan’s grinding style of offense. Perhaps Uthoff felt uncomfortable with the fact that the Badgers recruited and signed the talented Sam Dekker behind him, meaning Uthoff would have to fight with Dekker for playing time if the incoming freshman didn’t redshirt. Whatever the case, Ryan is making a message loud and clear throughout the country. If you come to Wisconsin, you’re expected to stay committed. While other coaches throughout college basketball have taken similar stances with restrictions on players transferring (albeit, without the sheer number of restricted schools in this instance) only to submit or regress on the decision after public pressure, Ryan has a reputation of sticking to his decisions, which may force Uthoff to leave with slim pickings. But is Ryan’s decision the right one? It’s understandable if the coach feels a bit spited. With Uthoff just recently announcing his transfer, the Badgers lose a considerable talent that looked to challenge Mike Bruesewitz for playing time at the three spot. Now, with the 2012 recruiting period over, the Badgers will be forced to wait another year and
to address the loss of a player who was supposed to be a future starter in the program. Yet with all things set aside, Ryan should also do his best to get this matter taken care of as soon as possible. Not that Wisconsin basketball brings in the most heralded prep players, but this story could be a bit intimidating to interested high school recruits. Sometimes — as many of my fellow college students can relate — you don’t always know what you want or what’s best for you when making decisions at 17 and 18. Just remember, these basketball recruits have to make their college choices the same way you did, with that nagging uncertainty and stress of making the right decision of where to spend the next four years of their lives. Just like any college student may transfer if the school he attends isn’t the right fit, Uthoff should be allowed to do the same. I can understand the reasons for the restricted schools, but Ryan can beat any team in the conference or country with his style, regardless of what Uthoff would reveal. After all, it isn’t exactly a secret what Wisconsin plans to do every time it steps out on the court anyway. So when the time for the decision comes, Ryan should just let Uthoff go where he pleases. While nobody knows all of the details or the entire situation surrounding the transfer, Uthoff should not be punished for wanting to pursue his athletic dreams elsewhere. After all, if he’s the first notable player to leave Wisconsin since Sam Okey in 1998, I think Bo and the Badgers are doing just fine. Nick is a senior majoring in English and history. Have questions or comments about the column? Let him know at nkorger@badgerherald. com.
DOUBLES, from 10 Kostanov and sophomore Petr Satral was divided after losing four of five matches, one being at the No. 1 slot in a tough battle with one of the country’s most dynamic duos in Blaz Rola and Chase Buchanan of Ohio State. The tandem sustained an impressive stretch in which it conquered nine of its 11 opponents earlier in the season. As the team plowed deeper into Big Ten schedule, victories became more difficult to come by. Satral admits that facing a string of dangerous opponents poses a daunting challenge, but he attributes the recent struggles to a lost spark. “It was probably a good decision to try to change doubles,” Satral said. “We probably played with more emotions, so we were more pumped up than the last five
TOUGH, from 10 spring and inexperience plaguing the rest of the corps, Ball and White have even been appearing in the slot positions in fivereceiver sets. After rushing for 1,052 yards as a freshman on 156 carries, White saw his role on the Badgers’ offense shrink after Ball emerged as one of the nation’s top ball carriers. White’s carries fell to 141 as a sophomore, and he covered 713 yards on the ground. “It’s been a lot of fun,” White said of the two running back sets. “[It keeps] the defense offbalance; they won’t know what to look for when we’re both on the field.” But Wisconsin doesn’t have any intentions of getting rid of the fullback position, either. The Badgers have turned to redshirt sophomore Sherard Cadogan — a 6-foot-3, 236-pound former tight end — and Derek Straus, a 6-foot, 230-pound walk-on redshirt freshman. Both have impressed coaches so far, but Cadogan, who already has the transition to fullback behind him after playing both positions last year, has been practicing with the No. 1 offense. But despite his familiarity at tight end, Cadogan hasn’t played much at H-back — a
two teamed up to win three of the four matches played together, including victories over demanding foes in Northwestern and Illinois. Carey’s standard partner, sophomore Alex Robles, was matched with Kostanov in the latest loss to Indiana. Robles has also shared doubles duties with five players this year including
Carey. Alterations to the lineup can allow coaches to observe different combinations of players with styles of play. On the other hand, it can disrupt the flow that a pair has built up during the course of the season. Van Emburgh understands that being flexible with the doubles lineup can allow players to potentially emerge as successful doubles combinations. “Maybe it’s a new day and a new team, and maybe they’re really complementing each other well and communicating really well, and that’s the importance of doubles,” Van Emburgh said. “We’re going to look at some options tomorrow and Thursday and try to make a solid decision for Friday’s match.”
fullback-tight end hybrid. Canada and running back coach Thomas Hammock didn’t rule it out in the future, but the message is clear. For now, at least, they want to shape the New Jersey native into Ball’s lead blocker. “Blocking for Montee, that’s a big deal,” Cadogan said. “Anyway I can get on the field and anyway I can help the team. … I bought in pretty good (to the transition), and I understood it.” Cadogan appeared in nine games last season but didn’t record any statistics. In anticipating a full jump to the backfield, he spent the offseason trimming down from the 255-pound frame he sported a year ago. Now the trick is to just get his number called on Saturday. As demonstrated by Ewing, the mark of a well-made fullback at Wisconsin is how many times the offense runs its standard formation — two wide receivers, a tight end and a fullback to go along with the running back. Long before Wisconsin began experimenting with two running back sets, the Badgers regularly traded a fullback for an extra tight end. But according to Bielema, Ewing was good enough to justify calling
the standard formation 20-30 times a game in 2011. So in order to get on the field and stay there, Cadogan — and Straus — must prove to be worth planning around. “Watching Bradie last year, you know how big of a player he was for the team,” Cadogan said. Ewing succeeded by being a multidimensional piece for the Badgers. His run and pass blocking were invaluable for last year ’s record-setting offense, and he also served as a reliable checkdown on passing plays, hauling in 20 passes for 246 yards. The Special Teams Player of the Year team award Ewing won last year is a testament to just how hard he worked. “You got to be unselfish, you got to be tough, you got to disciplined, you got to be hard working — all the things that may not get you on the stat line but definitely show up every week when we we’re watching film,” Hammock said. If that’s what it takes to be in the backfield with Ball, Cadogan feels ready. “Even coach [Bret Bielema] came up to me saying, ‘They need a fullback out there,’” he said. “I love blocking, I love catching the ball too.”
matches.” An additional change to the doubles roster was the coupling of Ask and sophomore Rod Carey. The
“Doubles is kind of a unique art that’s a little bit lost, especially in juniors and in college.” Greg Van Emburgh Head Coach
This Page Now 40% Reclaimed Ham Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Thursday, April 19, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Some sandwiches harmed in production
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: Jews: no matter how funny, do not ingest comics
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
30 33 35 40
49 52
48 51
47 50
25 28
Puzzle by Kristian House
Across 1 Language in which “hello” is “kaixo” 7 Chop-chop 11 Consumer protection org. 14 “Phooey!” 15 Hit song with the line “When she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine” 16 French word that sounds like a letter of the alphabet 17 Rows 18 Grin-andbear-it types 20 Impatient leprechaun’s concern on an airplane? 22 Gossip 25 Type 26 Modernists 27 Musical genre of Jimmy Eat World 28 Southern Iraqi city 30 Ooze 31 Degree for a
34 35 39
43 45 46 47
48 49 50
54 55 59
leprechaun who’s an expert at finding imperfections? Period when Long Island was formed Some electronic parts Leprechaun’s book detailing the truth about flounders? Basic point Show biz elite Chess pieces “The Long, Hot Summer” woman ___ Varner Mussorgsky’s “Pictures ___ Exhibition” New York’s ___ River Scary legislation introduced by a leprechaun? Rare astronomical event Maharishi, e.g. Score keeper, for short?
60 Obama education secretary Duncan 61 Part of the Iroquois Confederacy 62 Nice ’n Easy product 63 1987 Costner role 64 Vamp Down 1 Punch accompanier 2 Knock over 3 Kind of short 4 Fantasy novel element 5 Miners’ sch. 6 Latin 101 verb 7 Swiss city where William Tell shot an apple 8 Sisterly 9 Up 10 Beatle who was born with the first name James 11 Any of the singers of “Jive Talkin’” 12 Paint the town red, maybe
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
13 Goes over 21 at the casino 19 Clorox cleaner 21 Brand name in a blue oval 22 Brat Packer Moore 23 Apple choice 24 Symbol of the Virgin Mary
CROSSWORD 28 Fathered 29 Aphrodite’s lover 30 Fleet 32 Homeshopping event? 33 Troubles 36 Russian diet 37 Squeezes (out) 38 Text message status 40 Sugar daddies, e.g. 41 Bygone Manhattan eatery 42 TV journalist Lisa 43 Word from a foreman 44 Unjust treatment 47 Died down 48 Previously, to poets 49 County on the Thames 51 Arab nation that’s not in OPEC 52 Insurance grps. 53 Newcastle’s river 56 Good thing that comes to those who wait? 57 Formal “yes” 58 Hipster
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ ‘Twas the night before 4/20, when all through the house, Not a hippie was stirring, they were all passed out. The stockings were hung by the waterpipe with care, In hopes that legalization soon would be there.
Eh, you can probably figure out the rest.
Sports Editor Elliot Hughes
10 | Sports | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Online: Men’s soccer productive in offseason Trask, Cochran lend hands to U.S. National Team events
Tough guy to replace
With Ewing gone, Badger offense exploring several ways to configure backfield in 2012 Elliot Hughes Sports Editor Nobody in his or her right mind would label the Wisconsin football team’s backfield a place of consternation heading into the 2012 season. But the departure of fullback Bradie Ewing has, however, left the backfield somewhat lopsided. For the last two years, Ewing has been the trusty 6-foot, 245-pound hammer clearing the path for three 1,000 yard rushers and a Heisman Trophy finalist. Without Ewing, Wisconsin’s backfield remains stockpiled with talent at running back — with Montee Ball being
just the tip of the iceberg — but void of experience at fullback. Despite the reserves of talent at running back, Ball obviously deserves the majority of the carries after a 1,954 yard, 39-touchdown season in 2011. But with holes elsewhere on the offense, it’ll become increasingly difficult to keep James White, who eclipsed 1,000 yards two years ago as a freshman, and the rising talents of Melvin Gordon and Jeff Lewis, on the bench. But none of them have the size or appropriate skill set to just switch to fullback and complete the backfield. So what’s a coach to do? Get creative.
Stephanie Moebius The Badger Herald
With Bradie Ewing (34) heading to the NFL, Wisconsin has to figure out who’s going to be in the backfield with Montee Ball in 2012. UW has played around with two running back sets this spring. “Each day we’re just kind of looking at different packages,” offensive coordinator Matt Canada said. “We have very talented players, so [we’re] trying to find the best
combinations. That’s kind of what the spring’s about.” That experimental process has resulted in the Badgers toying with various formations with two running backs on the
field in order to maximize the available talent. Sometimes both Ball and White will appear behind the quarterback, which allows UW to play with a newfound decoy element.
Other times, White will line up as a slot receiver and Ball as the lone back. With wide receiver Jared Abbrederis sidelined for the
TOUGH, page 8
UW doubles teams begin to coalesce Guided by Van Emburgh, Ask, Bertha mold into formidable pair Lee Gordon Men’s Tennis Writer
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
As it currenty stands, Jarrod Uthoff, who redshirted in his first year at Wisconsin, cannot transfer to 25 schools as decided by Bo Ryan.
Breaking down Uthoff’s bumpy transfer from UW Nick Korger Korger’s Korner How long has it been since a player on the Wisconsin men’s basketball team transferred out of the
program? Seriously, can anyone tell me? These were the questions I methodically repeated to every die-hard Badger fan I knew Tuesday. Every time, I received the same puzzled look, as various men of selfproclaimed sports wisdom (most close to my own age) scrunched up their faces in frustration at the revealed gap in their knowledge. Whatever the case, the Badgers have been bitten
by the transfer bug this spring, as redshirt freshman Jarrod Uthoff’s request to leave the program became increasingly public this past week, even being discussed in a segment on ESPN Radio’s “The Herd with Colin Cowherd.” But, like a spoiled gallon of milk that stinks up your fridge, the attention was for all the wrong reasons.
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Although the Wisconsin men’s tennis team is nearing the end of a trying conference season, the play of the doubles team has shown great upside for a team that has struggled to stay consistent. Led by the No. 1 doubles pair of junior captain Billy Bertha and sophomore Fredrik Ask, Wisconsin has clinched the doubles point in seven of 13 matches this season. The duo recently broke into the top 30 in the national rankings with recent wins over Purdue and Indiana. An injury sustained by Bertha kept him off the court for two weeks earlier in the season, but the time away from Ask didn’t seem to diminish the twosome’s chances of flourishing as the Badgers’ top team. “We’ve been playing together this whole semester; we have pretty good chemistry built up, so that helped,” Bertha
said. “We were able to get it together in the big points when it really mattered (against Purdue and Indiana).” The tandem possesses a 10-4 record this season, boasting marquee wins over the nation’s No. 2 ranked team of Kevin King and Juan Spir of Georgia Tech and Michigan’s No. 15 tandem of Evan King and Shaun Bernstein. Head coach Greg Van Emburgh believes that his top doubles team has a shot to participate in the NCAA tournament coming off another victory over a ranked opponent, especially with the return of his captain. “Billy’s been playing really good in doubles,” Van Emburgh said. ”I think he’s volleying really well, and he’s able to utilize his serve more, and I think they (Ask and Bertha) complement each other really well.” The experience of Van Emburgh has been a major contributor to the success of the doubles teams. As a former professional tennis player who achieved a top-40 world ranking and six career doubles titles, Van Emburgh has offered his team a direct insight into
how to prevail in the twoon-two game. “Doubles is kind of a unique art that’s a little bit lost, especially in juniors and in college,” Van Emburgh said. “It’s vital for the success of your program; if you can win that doubles point, then all you’ve got to do is go in even and split three of those six singles points and you’re going to win the match.” It only accounts for one of the seven total points, but the doubles point can boost a team’s mentality by jumping to an early lead, especially with a sport as mentally involving as tennis. Although Van Emburgh has stressed the importance of earning the doubles point, Wisconsin has failed to do so as of late, dropping four of the last five opening marks. But those four defeats came to ranked opponents, including No. 3 Ohio State. In response to the recent woes of the doubles play, and partially due to Bertha’s injury earlier this month, the doubles lineup has seen a multitude of looks. The steady pair of junior Alexander
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