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Monday, April 23, 2012


UW staffers get bonuses

A spring awakening Hundreds of Wisconsinites ascend on Capitol Square Saturday as the season’s first Dane County Farmers’ Market makes its debut. The crowd was met with many familiar faces from previous seasons, but about five new vendors registered to sell their produce this spring. Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

System defends merit-based pay increases for personnel; did not impact tuition hike Mike Kujak State Legislative Editor Despite large cuts to the state’s education budget, Gov. Scott Walker reinstated a program to give merit raises and pay adjustments to University of Wisconsin employees and other state workers, according to a report from the Associated Press on Friday. 218 employees across nine agencies received a total of $765,195 through raises or bonuses over the last four months, according to the AP analysis. The AP’s analysis found the UW System gave out

nearly $300,000 in raises and bonuses, including to five employees in the UW System, who each received $5,520 bonuses. The bonuses and raises come as the UW System raised tuition by 5.5 percent and absorbed $250 million in cuts in the recently passed state budget. UW System spokesperson David Giroux said the discretionary merit compensation program allowed state agencies to make pay adjustments to classified employees under certain circumstances.

For Story See Page 2

BONUSES, page 2

State reaches 100,000th concealed carry permit 6 months after bill passes, parties still conflicted on impact, benefits of legislation Ben Vincent Herald Contributor With hundreds of applications flowing in every day, the Department of Justice last week issued the 100,000th concealed carry permit in the state since the law passed last year, Attorney General J.B.

Van Hollen announced Friday. Van Hollen said the department has been flooded with applications, reaching the 100,000 milestone in just six months. Van Hollen estimated the state would approve 125,000 permits by the end of the first year. Making the announcement in one of the DOJ’s rooms where the permits are printed off, Van Hollen applauded the efforts of the DOJ staff and law enforcement officials for making the distribution

of permits a smooth and efficient process. “There were doomsday people out there, before concealed carry was passed, who were predicting, of course, the doom and gloom that when we put more guns on the street, that we’re going to have more problems,” Van Hollen said. “Nothing could have been further from the truth.” Van Hollen said the permits have been less controversial than opponents would make it seem and said the state has

not had any problems so far, adding that concealed carry laws also exist in 48 other states. According to Van Hollen, handgun permits and purchases have increased at a “record pace” since the law was passed. Sen. Kelda Helen Roys, D-Madison, said she was very disappointed when the Legislature “irresponsibly” moved forward to eliminate even the bare minimum requirements that were put in place by Van Hollen. Roys also pointed out law enforcement officials

Hearts on board UW student Amy Ketterman signs on to bring donations to the American Heart Association as part of Beta Chi Theta’s “Get on the Ball” event on Library Mall this weekend. The fraternity will donate money for each signature. Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

were opposed to the law’s passage. “Part of [law enforcement officials’] concern is that throughout their jobs, they have to always be approaching people in cars and vehicles in unknown situations and not be able to know if those people are packing heat,” Roys said. Wisconsin National Rifle Association spokesman Jeff Nass said the safety of Wisconsin citizens has been greatly enhanced as a result of the law. Nass said the law specifically benefits women, as it places them

on a “level playing field.” Nass cited a recent incident at an Aldi’s grocery store in Milwaukee where a man with a concealed carry permit fired on a man seen carrying a sawed-off shotgun and threatening a cashier as an example of the law in action. Nass also questioned the criticism surrounding the law because of how prevalent he said similar laws are in other states. “I don’t know why Wisconsin would be


Ex-Walker aide granted immunity John Doe case progresses as individual from Milwaukee County office relieved Mitchel Herrmann Reporter Prosecutors cleared a Milwaukee real estate broker’s involvement in the ongoing John Doe investigation into Gov. Scott Walker’s activities as former Milwaukee county executive. A statement from the Milwaukee’s District Attorney’s office to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel confirmed Andrew Jensen had been cleared of involvement in the investigation. “The District Attorney’s office has also indicated that Mr. Jensen will not be charged and that clients of the Boerke Company will not be involving themselves in this matter as a result of their working

relationship with Mr. Jensen or the Boerke Company,” District Attorney John Chisholm said in the statement. The statement to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said Jensen and his company are pleased to have this matter behind them, adding the investigation had Jensen’s full cooperation and he answered all of the investigator’s questions. The nearly two-year long probe has already led to charges against three of Walker’s former county aides, one appointee and a campaign contributor. Common Cause in Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck said it is common for individuals to receive immunity from prosecution if they are

IMMUNITY, page 3

Wis. Planned Parenthood stops INSIDE chemical abortions amid law Meghan Zernick Herald Contributor Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin suspended its use of nonsurgical abortions late last week because of concerns surrounding restrictions put into effect Friday by a recently signed law. In a statement from PPW, President and CEO Teri Huyck said the organization would discontinue the use of chemical, or nonsurgical, abortions even though the

new law does not mandate the end of chemical abortions in the state. Still, Huyck said the decision was made to end the abortions because the new law creates additional requirements, which he called “burdensome,” and criminal penalties for physicians providing medication abortion if they do not follow the new requirements set by the law. Huyck added chemical abortions should not be

confused with certain forms of contraception, such as the morning after pill, which is still available over the counter and by prescription to prevent pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who is running against Gov. Scott Walker in the recall election, said this was another example of the “war on women” in the state


It’s all about safety first

Kelly Erickson explores the confusing, yet needed suspensions in the NHL playoffs


A worldwide heritage Students on the UW campus recognized the traditions of African culture Friday.

Associated Press

Treat yo’self well with tips from Nick Offerman ‘Parks and Rec’ actor gave life advice to audience.


ARTS | 8


The Badger Herald | News | Monday, April 23, 2012

Events today 6 p.m. 2012 Service Travel Symposium Varsity Hall Union South

6 p.m. Tech Tips for Students The Marquee Union South

Events tomorrow 6 p.m. Med Student Panel 1309 Health Sciences Learning Center






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partly cloudy

few showers

partly cloudy

partly cloudy

Hopefuls unveil Congress plans Contenders for 2nd District seat detail key issues at forum for Democratic candidates Tori Thompson Herald Contributor

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Democratic congressional candidates focused on women’s rights and campaign spending in introducing individual campaign platforms at a convention hosted by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin on Saturday. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, who will not seek reelection because she is running to replace retiring Sen. Herb Kohl in November, currently represents the state’s 2nd congressional district, which includes Dane County. The Democratic candidates for Baldwin’s seat — Dane County Treasurer Dave Worzala, Iraq War veteran Matt Silverman, Rep. Kelda Helen Roys, D-Madison, Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison, and Wisconsin citizen Dennis Hall — all gave speeches introducing their platforms for the Democratic primary election. Pocan focused on women’s rights and said he was “instrumental” in passing the Compassionate Care for Rape Victims Act, which he called the “the first pro-choice victory in over a decade.” Pocan’s speech also focused on expanding health care reform throughout the state. “As a member and co-chair of the finance committee, Sen. Mark Miller and I made sure we expanded health care to 98 percent of the people in the state,” Pocan said. “Every single child in Wisconsin and childless adults got benefits, and because of that, we are either number one or two in the entire country for access.” Roys also focused on women’s rights issues and health care reform, arguing she has been a vocal opponent to the Legislature limiting women’s access to birth control and the repeal of the equal pay law. Roys said she was the executive director of National Abortion Rights Action League Pro-Choice America before becoming a

state legislator. Roys also criticized the culture in Washington, D.C., a sentiment repeated by other candidates in their speeches, and said it was time for a change in Washington in terms of what conversations members of Congress are having. “Instead of talking about the investments we need to be successful in the 21st century, we are having to defend the gains that Democratic forbearers made in the last century like Social Security, Medicare and equal pay,” Roys said. Campaign funding was another popular topic brought up repeatedly during the speeches. Silverman said he would not raise more money than he needed to run. Roys and Worzala both said they are refusing political action committee money. Worzala also said if elected, he would not spend his time in office raising money. “The average congressional race costs over $1 million, and a typical congressman spends two to three hours every day raising that money,” Worzala said. “What that says to me is our congressmen think it’s their job to get reelected, but I believe the job of a congressman is to represent their people and their district in the legislative process.” In reports recently filed to the Federal Election Commission, Pocan leads the candidates in first quarter fundraising with more than $200,000 in donations. Dane County Treasurer Dave Worzala reported the second highest fundraising with $135,20, and Roys came in third, reporting more than $114,000 in donations. Better Butler CoFounder Chad Lee is the only registered Republican candidate to challenge the Democrats for Baldwin’s seat. Lee lost to Baldwin in 2010 in the race for the seat she currently holds.

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Dozens of vendors from all over the state sell their produce at the Dane County Farmers’ Market each Saturday. The market moved outside April 21.

Farmers’ Market draws crowd with season launch Adrianna Viswanatha City Hall Editor The Dane County Farmer’s Market kicked off its first market of the year with large crowds and sunny weather Saturday. Bill Warner, owner of Snug Haven Farm in Belleville, Wis., and former director of the Dane County Farmer’s Market, said a few new vendors arrived for this year’s market but the venue is so far seeing familiar faces from years past. Warner said there are 10 or 12 permanent vendors on each side of the Capitol Square where vendors have purchased the spot for the entire year. He said there is seniority to how spots are delegated, and this year there are only five new vendors. Warner said the market is unique primarily because of its location on the Capitol Square as well as it being the biggest producer market in the U.S. As a producer market, he said producers must “grow what they sell.” There are different rules for different products, and the owners of each business must be present at the market. “This is the best market in the U.S.,” Warner said.

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here,” McCluskey said. “There’s a lot of diversity in this city. If you don’t venture out, you don’t see much of it, but it’s here.” Bob Fenbert of Merrimac, Wis., said he comes to the Dane County Farmer’s Market a few times a year but more often to the less crowded Wednesday market held on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. He said the market changes slightly from year to year and there are different vendors in the spring versus the summer, depending what products are in season. “It kind of brings in the spring,” Fenbert said. “It’s fun to see people and kids here, and it’s a beautiful day.” University of Wisconsin junior Alex Sorensen said he comes often to the market, only missing a few every year. He said it is convenient for him because he lives near the Capitol and he is able to get fresher produce than he would at the grocery store. He said he enjoys the market being the biggest producer market in the state and the location around the Square. “It’s something everyone does, so it’s a really great tradition,” Sorensen said.

Walk instills importance of suicide prevention at UW

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“There are more people here than anywhere else.” Pete McCluskey of the McCluskey Brothers Farm in Hillpoint, Wis., said this is the fourth year his farm has sold their products at the Dane County Farmer’s Market. Among the products sold by the McCluskey Brothers are organic grass-fed beef, maple syrup, daffodils and other flowers, garlic, leeks, Morel mushrooms and other seasonal vegetables, and this year the farm will produce its own cheese. “It’s a gorgeous day for the market,” McCluskey said. “This is a good place; we’re right here by the Capitol, so that’s a neat piece of Wisconsin history.” He said though this is his first year personally to the Dane County Farmer’s Market, he is pleased to see so many people, equating the constant flow of people around the square to the long line at the Madison Senior Center to the winter farmer’s market. From 6:40 a.m. onwards, McCluskey said the stream of market-goers was fairly constant Saturday and the influx of people was almost always new. “What’s neat is seeing all the different races and cultures walk through

Jen Small The Badger Herald

Members of the UW community take a stand against suicide and work to educate the public on prevention through a fundraising walk Saturday. Paige Costakos Herald Contributor Hundreds of students and community members sporting green shirts that read, “Ask, Listen, Save” gathered at Library Mall Saturday morning to participate in the second annual Suicide Prevention Walk. Organized by the University of Wisconsin Suicide Prevention Committee, the event sought to eliminate the stigmas of

suicide and depression and to increase awareness around suicide prevention. As of Sunday, the walk has raised about $28,000 for its sponsor, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, surpassing its goal of $25,000, Walk Committee Head Michael Harvey said. The event kicked off with an opening ceremony and continued to entertain the supporters with a university a cappella group, dance performances, a skit and

speeches by event organizers, University Health Services representatives and honored guests who were impacted by suicide. Jackie Bruggink and Maddy Flynn, from Brookfield, Wis., shared their story about one of their best friends who lost her life to suicide last March. “We have become more aware of how prevalent suicide is,” Bruggink said. “We want to share [her] story with the hopes that we can help others.”

BONUSES, from 1 The three most common reasons for receiving pay adjustments, Giroux said, were alleviating pay differences between employees doing similar jobs, retaining employees from leaving for the private sector and for employees who recently took on expanded responsibilities. “Tuition went up before

[the pay adjustments] were approved,” Giroux said. “About 70 of the 10,000 person staff received payments adjustments under the program. The overwhelming majority of staff is getting no salary increases at all.” Giroux also rejected the popularly suggested idea that Walker reinstated this program “quietly” and said all the state agencies were

Harvey also delivered a speech about the importance of awareness of suicide and how to prevent it, as nearly 11,000 students commit suicide every year on American college campuses. “This problem is overlooked,” he said. “People are scared to talk about it because it’s an uncomfortable subject, but it shouldn’t have to be.” Harvey also said the UW Suicide Prevention Committee is working with UHS to change and improve current mental health services. He said the committee wants students to feel comfortable talking to UHS about depression and other related mental health issues. Danielle Oakley, director of Mental Health Services at UHS, urged the audience to be an open door to everyone on campus. She added all people need to do is “ask a question, listen to the answer and save a life.” UW sophomore Katie Klinger said depression has been prevalent in her family and she has lost family members and friends to suicide. “I want people to know that depression is way more prevalent on college campuses than people think, and I think

alerted when the program was reinstated. The largest portion of bonuses went to the state’s Department of Justice, which received $300,000 to be distributed to 94 workers, according to the AP’s analysis. In a press conference Friday morning, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said he defended merit pay throughout his career

this event will encourage people who struggle with it to talk about it,” Klinger said. Claire Kaufman, founder and former president of the UW Suicide Prevention Committee, said this year the group attempted to increase its target market to not only those who have been affected by suicide, but also to those who are unaware of its effects. The committee issued more advertisements and tried to motivate students to make an effort to raise awareness, she added. Kaufman said the committee wants to make UHS student friendly and that the Suicide Prevention Walk is a perfect way to initiate action within the community. “When people attend the walk, for whatever reason, they will see how many people have been affected by this issue. I think it really opens their eyes. I also hope they see that if students speak up, they really can make a difference,” Kaufman said. Donations to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention can be made online at www.afsp.org. The UHS 24-hour Crisis line can be reached at 608-265-5600, the Madison Crisis Line at 608-250-2600 and the National Suicide Prevention Line at 800-273-8255.

and said it helped retain employees who would otherwise leave. “I’m a firm believer that not everyone deserves the same pay,” Van Hollen said. “The fact that some people go above and beyond and are so effective, you should reward them because it even encourages other employees to work harder.” — The Associated Press contributed to this report.

The Badger Herald | News | Monday, April 23, 2012


Activist: Africans must foster relationships with others Speaker pushes for connection between African-Americans, foreign heritage Hannah Filipiak Reporter The University of Wisconsin African Students Association celebrated its 10th anniversary on campus Friday with performances and speeches during the group’s commemorative event. The event featured keynote speaker, Naomi Tutu, a human rights activist and daughter of Archbishop

Desmond Tutu, a Nobel peace prize laureate for his work against apartheid in South Africa. She spoke on the importance of bringing together the people of Africa and African-Americans in the U.S. “I came from a place that had believed in me. I came from a culture that was more than the movies that are shown in this country,” she said. “But I had to also remind myself that part of being African is about recognizing the connections not only to other Africans but also to the rest of the world.” She also explained her experiences growing up in

Africa, and later in London, proverb about building where her mother insisted on bridges in the time of a flood, living as though they were in versus building walls. She said the proverb South Africa meant more when in the house. “...part of being than what was She said African is about on the surface. She said the every Saturday, recognizing the story meant for example, connections not the wise would her mother insisted the only to other reach out to community family clean Africans but also the around them, the house from to the rest of the rather than top to bottom, which Tutu world.” separate themselves explained was not a common Naomi Tutu from others. In order thing the rest Human Rights Activist for Africans of her friends and Africandid in London. Tutu tied together her Americans to completely speech with an African accept each other and reach

out, she said they must change the picture that the world sees when looking at each of their cultures. “The pictures we had of one other were negative, so why would I want to claim the other and share our stories? But if we are going to change the story and the picture of Africa, we have to change the story and the picture of Africa in America,” she said. “And if we want to change the story and picture of AfricanAmericans, we have to change the picture of Africa.” The night continued on with a presentation of Project 1808, the charity ASA focused on this year. Founder Alhaji N’jai, a

scientist and native of Sierra Leone, said the project was focused on helping disadvantaged children in Sierra Leone who show promise of furthering their community through going to school. ”We are not saying that people are desperate. We listen, we hear what they say and then we bring what we have to the table,” he said. Event attendees were also given the chance to view various forms of African dance, including an intense drum and dance number. The students also had a fashion show to present their efforts to honor their African heritage.

All-Campus Party set to showcase unique UW experience Week-long event intended to bring community together in stress-free zone Tara Hoffman Herald Contributor The return of the annual All-Campus Party, spanning from today through April 28, will give students an excuse to cast aside their books and participate in free events hosted by the Wisconsin Alumni Association and the Wisconsin Alumni Student Board. Andrea Okas, codirector of the All-Campus

Party, said the event is a way to give back to the dedicated students who make up the campus community. “We’re going for a week that allows students to really celebrate why we go here, what we’re all about, that we’re able to be on this beautiful campus and kind of the student experience,” Okas said. “It’s just kind of an opportunity to cherish the whole student experience here.” All-Campus Party CoDirector Ethan Krupp said one of the specific goals of the 2012 All-Campus Party is to give students the opportunity to reach out to more than 85 student organizations participating

in the event. Some of the events hosted by student organizations include Battle of the Bands, an a cappella showcase and a dance showcase. Badgers who do not drink can also rest assured knowing that a second goal is to maintain an alcohol-free atmosphere, Krupp said. “I think it’s important to know that students on this campus can have fun without alcohol,” Krupp said. “Especially with Mifflin being the final celebration of the year, the All-Campus Party is something for those who don’t want to drink and still have a really good time.”

Krupp said the week will allow numerous opportunities to participate and get involved in what is going on around the university. He added students should know that student organizations create interesting events like these each week. This past Saturday, Bucky’s Urban Odyssey, a cross-campus race from Camp Randall all the way to State Street, kicked off the party’s presence on campus. The first place team of four who were able to figure out the clues at the stops along the way each won a free iPad, Krupp said. He said students can

Kony campaign gains little momentum Local “Cover the Night” movement has small turnout, but participants cover main streets Jackie Allen Campus Life Editor Three students from the newly official University of Wisconsin branch of the Invisible Children participated in the organization’s international Cover the Night campaign Friday evening, blanketing State Street and Library Mall with posters for the Kony 2012 campaign. Sisters Mariah and Michaela Gatzow joined with cousin Mari Dallapiazza to hang posters and banners on State Street and boards in Library Mall in efforts to support the organization‘s Kony 2012 campaign meant to educate Americans about guerrilla military leader Joseph Kony. Mariah, a UW freshman, said they hoped to cover UW and Madison with posters to spread awareness of the campaign, making it noticeable for people Saturday when many of the

CONCEALED CARRY, from 1 any different,” Nass said. “The people of Wisconsin are as law-abiding and as responsible — or more so — than other states in this country, and I’m not sure why anybody would question that.” After the controversial shooting of Travyon Martin — an unarmed teenager who was killed in Florida — gun issues have been at the front

IMMUNITY, from 1 willing to testify in an investigation. “This seems like a pretty normal procedure; it happens all the time in John Doe investigations,” Heck said. “The fact that he’s going to be exonerated means that he agreed to provide information to the DA. It’s a trade for immunity.” Heck said it is important to keep in mind that the schedule the Milwaukee DA keeps is not dependent on the political schedule, adding it is a separate matter and should go forward as new evidence is gathered. We Are Wisconsin, an organization promoting

posters would be up. After getting involved in the organization in high school, she added she supports Invisible Children because they have worked on various causes in Africa, including building radio towers in order to support 911 calls and building schools to help increase educational efforts. “Kony 2012 is not their only thing,” she said. “They’ve done a lot of groundwork that’s done a lot of good in the area. … It’s very hard to say that what they do on the ground isn’t good, no matter what your view is about this specific campaign.” While the Kony 2012 campaign has faced criticisms over the past several weeks, she said the initial video introducing an international Cover the Night that went viral was not meant to be their only explanation of the problems surrounding Kony and the Lord’s

of the national stage throughout the last several weeks. When asked if he supported the “Stand Your Ground” laws intended for selfdefense claims that were recently implemented in Florida and other states, Van Hollen showed enthusiasm for the laws. “I’m not opposed to the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, their liberty, their family and their property,” he said.

progressive policies in the state, did not return calls for comment but did release a statement Friday focusing on other former aides of Walker still under investigation, including Timothy Russell, a former Milwaukee County employee under Walker. The organization said that in a recent development in his case, Russell may have cost Milwaukee County hundreds of thousands of dollars for having misappropriated $542,000 in federal Housing and Urban Development grants. These allegations come on top of charges already brought against Russell of embezzlement of more than $20,000 from Wisconsin veterans.

Resistance Army, the militant group Kony leads. She added the fliers are intended to encourage people to look up more information, research and then form their own opinion about Kony. While they had trouble organizing people for the event this weekend, she said more people were printing their own posters and hanging them up on their free time, outside of their efforts to cover State Street. UW freshman Michaela added despite the criticisms, the organization can help different causes in Africa. “I know that the Kony 2012 campaign specifically has gotten a lot of really bad press right now, but when you really do research into it, the guys that founded it and the whole movement, it’s really heartfelt,” she said. “You can see the passion that they have for it, and you can see the good they’ve done and

ABORTION, from 1 and promised to reverse this law if elected. “News today that Planned Parenthood will discontinue a key reproductive health service because of Scott Walker’s war on women is a tremendous setback for women’s rights and women’s health,” Barrett said in a conference call with the press. “This extreme law intrudes on the doctor-patient relationship and is designed to throw up roadblocks to the freedom of choice.” Sen. Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin, said the new law is in line with the National Abortion Federation and their guidelines that a woman must have a physical before being administered abortioninducing drugs and then must take the medication in a medical office. “It was Planned Parenthood’s decision to suspend chemical abortions, but if they are saying that the law we passed is requiring them to do that, they are wrong and I think they know they are wrong. They are trying to create a flurry of attention,” Lazich said. Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health Executive Director Sara Finger said

the improvements they’ve made.” Mariah said while they received some posters from the main Invisible Children organization, she also printed additional posters, covered in part through their fundraising efforts and part through her own funds. She added after getting involved in the organization in high school, she was excited to join Madison’s organization but was surprised when she could not find it. Now, while the official organization is still getting started, she said they hope to bring in more members next year when they can recruit students at the student organization fair. “I really like the organization, the way they go about making their videos and educating the public,” Mariah said. “I just admire it and appreciate it, and I think it’s a good cause.”

in a statement that nonsurgical abortions are FDA approved and have been available in the U.S. for more than 10 years as a safe and effective way to terminate a very early pregnancy. Finger said this type of abortion provides some women with a more private option because they are able to go through the process at home while other women prefer medication abortion because it is less invasive than a surgical abortion. Susan Armacost, Legislative Director of Wisconsin Right to Life, said she feels WPP’s suspension of chemical abortions is a victory for Wisconsin women. One of the new restrictions keeps Planned Parenthood from prescribing an abortion drug called mifepristone, or RU-486, to a woman over a web camera. “RU-486 is very dangerous drug,” Armacost said. “Fourteen women have died from taking it. That’s not us saying it; that’s the Federal Drug Administration. We think it’s very important that if they are going to give this drug to a woman, she should at least be in the same room as the doctor prescribing it.”

participate in Breakfast with Bucky this morning, with Fresh Madison Market providing a free breakfast full of healthy food choices. For a caffeine fix, Starbucks will also provide free coffee. The breakfasts will be available at Engineering Mall, East Campus Mall and Bascom Hill starting at 7:30 a.m. The week will continue on tomorrow when 10 students compete for the title of AllCampus Idol at the Overture Center at 7 p.m. Krupp said this event is like an American Idol showcase.

Okas said Wear Red, Get Fed will feed pizza to any Badger who is dressed in red from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Engineering Mall on Thursday, April 26. She added that this event will also showcase an interactive student organization fair where each booth will have an activity or game. Thursday night, the party will come to an end when Witte Hall’s backyard transforms into Club Bucky, Krupp said. Once the doors open at 9 p.m., students will be able to enjoy a dance party with DJ Vilas Park Sniper.

Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Monday, April 23, 2012


Thompson energy plan flawed but commendable Charles Godfrey Columnist Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson has made energy independence a recurring theme in his campaign for U.S. Senate. On his site, Thompson, a Republican, has outlined a plan to “Restore America,” which he claims would spur economic growth and make the country independent from foreign oil. The main objectives of Thompson’s Restore America plan are to build the Keystone pipeline, which the U.S. Department of State reports would pump crude oil from tar sands in Alberta, Canada, across the continental U.S. to Texas, explore oil and natural gas deposits in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico and expand natural gas production with the use of “fracking,” which is short for “natural

gas extraction by means of hydraulic fracturing.” His plan criticizes environmental regulations and restrictions to natural resource development. He notes that “The U.S. is one of the only countries in the world that puts most of its shoreline and vast areas of wilderness out of reach for energy developers” and asserts “The regulatory approval process must be streamlined.” Thompson’s campaign also points out that expanding the “fracking” industry is in Wisconsin’s economic interest — Wisconsin has numerous mines that produce the fine sand used the hydraulic fracturing process. In his advocacy of national energy independence, Thompson has brought a perennial issue of national economic security to the forefront. The problem of American dependence on foreign oil has been a constant cause of concern for the past few decades, and a satisfactory resolution is still nowhere to be found. The problem of energy dependence is twofold. Because of the U.S. economy’s

reliance on imports from major oil producers in the Middle East, volatility and uncertainty in those markets due to geopolitical turmoil has a major impact on the economy. Because essentially all domestic industries rely on oil in some way, shape or form, wild fluctuations in the price of a barrel of oil send ripples through the U.S. economy, and such ripples are generally undesirable. As PolitiFact reports, Thompson recently claimed that “Every time … a penny goes up on that gasoline cost … it’s a billion dollars out of our economy that goes to Saudi Arabia.” While numerous experts have found this billion dollar estimate to be a hyperbole — Charles Ebinger, who works for the Brookings Institution, a Washington, D.C., think tank, estimated about $130 million per year — Thompson’s argument is qualitatively correct. Volatile oil markets have a massive impact on the way money flows in and out of the U.S. On the other hand, the Climate Policy Initiative notes the billions of dollars the U.S. spends on oil each

year into the checkbooks of some of the most oppressive governments in the world. According to Friedman’s First Law of Petropolitics, as noted by Foreign Policy, “The price of oil and the pace of freedom always move in opposite directions in oil-rich petrolist states.” This implies that American dependence on foreign oil from countries that are rich in petroleum but poor in freedom is inconsistent with the ideals of U.S. foreign policy — and for that matter, the ideals which form the foundation of American political philosophy. It’s easy to identify the problem of energy dependence, but so far, finding a solution that everyone can agree upon has been almost impossible. Thompson makes an astute observation: At current levels of consumption, it is not possible for the U.S. to satisfy its gas needs without exploring domestic oil and natural gas deposits. The only two options are to spend abroad or drill at home. The solution presented in Thompson’s Restore America plan is to drill at home.

Expanding oil and natural gas exploration in the U.S. may be part of a comprehensive national plan for energy independence, but it is a one-dimensional solution to a three-dimensional problem. Increasing domestic production of oil and natural gas will reduce American dependence on foreign imports — but efforts to develop renewable energy sources and curb consumption are equally important. An effort to reduce energy consumption represents the simplest way to move toward energy independence, and it would be effective immediately. Renewable energy will not only reduce dependence on foreign oil today; it will prepare America for the inevitable “End of Oil.” Thompson acknowledges that these sources have long-term potential but claims “those sources must be developed and commercialized in the context of the free-market system — not through government market manipulation.” This sounds all well

to a fiscally conservative Republican, but there are numerous reasons that the free market is incapable of fully developing renewable energy. First of all, there is no free market; it’s as artificial as an ideal gas or a frictionless pulley. Second of all, the free market is driven by the wants and needs of the immediate present. It isn’t capable of altruistically determining what will be best 50 years from now, and that’s why government investment in renewable energy is a necessary part of any forward looking energy policy, and one that is lacking in Thompson’s plan. While Thompson’s path to energy independence is fundamentally flawed and amounts to an eloquent statement of the “Drill Baby, Drill” philosophy, the fact that he is actively working towards a solution to one of the biggest unsolved problems in American foreign policy demands respect. Charles Godfrey (cwgodfrey@wisc.edu) is a sophomore majoring in math and physics.

Oversimplifying candidates reduces political validity Meher Ahmad Staff Writer During my nightly “West Wing” double feature ritual the other week, a line from one of Aaron Sorkin’s characters struck me as particularly interesting. Ainsley Hayes, the smart and conveniently goodlooking Republican that is brought to work as at the legal office of the West Wing by the fictional Bartlett administration, countered the very progressive, liberal

Democratic president by saying, “This White House that feels that government is better for children than parents are. That looks at 40 years of degrading and humiliating free lunches handed out in a spectacularly failed effort to level the playing field and says, ‘Let’s try 40 more.’ This White House that says of anyone that points that out to them, that they are cold and mean and racist, and then accuses Republicans of using the politics of fear. This White House that loves the Bill of Rights, all of them — except the second one.” Being the sucker for liberal dogma that I am, I disagree wholeheartedly with the notions Hayes put forth. But hearing those accusations

against many policies I believe in allowed for me to see my own thoughts on politics from a Republican eye. And it did not sound so different from what I say the other way around. I have often found myself thinking thoughts like, “Wow, Paul Ryan is an evil genius,” “Scott Walker is a backwards fundamentalist,” “Republicans are pawns of corrupt corporations,” etc. But in the same stroke, I am appalled by the equally ridiculous attack advertisements that accuse President Barack Obama of being an evil socialist and the harbinger of imminent financial doom. Politics, especially in our age of rapid media consumption, is all about

presenting digestible stories to voters. Painting a picture of someone as the “bad guy” is the oldest trick in the book, and it is used so ubiquitously because it works. But it also reduces the facts and theories of candidates to good and evil, with no room for middle ground. With recall elections drawing near and the presidential election cycle approaching full speed, these caricatures of candidates and ideologies are going to reach deafening levels on the airwaves. What is lost in the over-simplification of candidates is the validity of both sides. Although I may not agree with hardline laissez-faire economics and money as free speech, I am willing to accept

that the politicians and policy makers who support these ideals are not mentally unsound or uneducated. I would like to mention here an earnest effort not to mention Gov. Scott Walker’s lack of a college degree. Republicans, conservatives, libertarians and all other shades of the political spectrum that I disagree with are, for the most part, basing their initiatives on truth. The same goes for Democrats and liberals and every other strain of wishywashy, hemp-wearing hippies the naysayers claim are determined to shred every aspect of the American way of life. The elections in the upcoming months are going to determine the

direction of this nation, and fundamental shifts in policy, right and left, are going to be made. I have to remind myself when coming to my own conclusions on these policies not to fall victim to the simple-minded voter the system would have me believe myself to be. Politics can sometimes feel like a TV show, but the effects of voting as if it were one will have consequences that will not fit into the easily digestible story of “good versus evil” that politicians and pundits will try to feed you for dinner. Meher Ahmad (mahmad@ badgerherald.com) is a junior majoring in international studies and Middle Eastern studies.


Pro-life argument does not have to be religious We often hear of abortion being branded as a religious issue, but it is actually secular in nature. Are rape and genocide religious issues because churches also happen to oppose them? Nope. Do atheists need belief in God to oppose murder? Of course not! One requires no religious argument to also oppose killing unborn children. Biology tells us it is at the moment of conception when an entirely new, unique individual is created — not at some arbitrary point during pregnancy or after childbirth. Conception is thus when human life begins. We confer personhood and human rights on individuals because our ability to intellectually reason, have morality and control our instinctual desires are human acts and define our species. Those in the pro-choice camp maintain since an unborn child can do none of these, they are not humans and do not deserve personhood status. Can newly-born infants perform these “human acts?” Nope. A newborn has no more capacity to perform a human act than cattle, yet we don’t

deny infants are humans. It’s newborns’ ability to develop and perform human acts in the future which causes us to grant them personhood status now. Unborn babies are no different. As for all this “prochoice” nomenclature, the “choice” was made when the individuals chose to have sex. Intercourse may result in pregnancy, and individuals need to accept responsibility for their actions. Just as a child has a claim against his or her parents to be provided for until adulthood, so does the unborn have a claim to their mother’s womb until childbirth. Granted, victims of rape never made the choice to have sex. Yet, accord to abortiontv.com, 96 percent of abortions are “elective” and have absolutely nothing to do with rape or danger to the mother’s life. Johnston’s Archive of Abortion Statistics notes this figure may be as high as 99 percent. Such elective abortions are unjustifiable and should never be allowed. The most basic, fundamental human right of all — the right to life — trumps all other rights. Without life,

we have nothing. If a rape victim or any other woman ever feels like she needs an abortion, the very people who are supposed to help her have failed. This isn’t about hating women, but about loving all life, both born and unborn. We need to give all pregnant women the resources, moral support and love needed to succeed. I encourage those who are pro-choice to meet with a woman who survived a botched abortion. Look her straight in the eye and tell her she had no human rights as an unborn child. Tell her had the abortionist not screwed up, she’d be dead, and it was in society’s best interest to have her killed. Tell her she should have been discarded in the trash after the abortion pill starved her to death, or a saline solution burnt her body, or her limbs were violently torn apart and sucked out. It’s no coincidence abortion survivors are pro-life. Abortion should never be the answer. Justin Kramer ( jdkramer2@wisc.edu) is a sophomore majoring in nuclear engineering.

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE BITCHY A roundup of some of the more thought-provoking (or thoughtless) comments left on badgerherald.com In response to the 4/19 column:

Mosque opposition shows ignorance Pamela Liner

You sound like an Obama supporter..no wonder you can not use your name... In response to the 11/28 column:

9 ASM members could lose council seats Guest


Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.


ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Monday, April 23, 2012

Offerman: Sex, drugs and anti-vegetarian violence ‘Parks and Recreation’ actor offers ‘Ten Tips for a Prosperous Life’ to Badger audience Kevin Mahoney ArtsEtc Reporter Bare-chested and stonefaced, Nick Offerman strode onto the Union Theater stage Wednesday night declaring, “Minor nudity was advertised; minor nudity … achieved.” Offerman is most famous for his role on NBC’s “Parks and Recreation” as the mustached, governmenthating parks department director Ron Swanson. Offerman’s stop in Madison was part of his “American Ham” tour, one centered around his “Ten Tips for a Prosperous Life.” As he moved down the list of tips, it quickly became clear that Ron Swanson was the role Nick Offerman was born to play. Offerman’s show was more than just your routine standup — in fact, he prefers to be described as a “humorist.” The show was part anecdotal comedy, part enlightening rant and part vulgar musical. Although the 10 tips provided the structure for the night, most of the show came from digressions involving sex, religion, drugs, red meat and even the “magic” of his package. But the real treat of the night was learning that Ron Swanson’s absurdly feminine giggle was not a construction of the character but the actor’s actual laugh. Putting on his American flag button-down shirt, he began by embracing the Madison crowd. He split the

audience into two groups and asked to hear the “Eat Shit! Fuck You!” chant. He described it as a “sporting good time.” He then began his 10 tips with: “Engage in romantic love.” This led to plenty of sexually explicit humor and a song dedicated to his wife, Megan Mullally (also his fictional second ex-wife in “Parks and Rec.”). The song was titled “The Rainbow Song,” and it skillfully balanced between being sentimentally heartwarming and startlingly filthy. His second tip, “Say please and thank you,” expanded into a speech about decency towards others and tangentially became a diatribe against parts of the Bible, namely the Book of Leviticus. Offerman bluntly argued how “fucked up” lots of the punishments for “sinful nature” in the book were. Imitating the Biblical scripts, he mocked some of the more bizarre passages, such as the penance for a woman who has menstruated, which is to bring two turtles to a church. Offerman quipped as one scrip to another, “Dammit Steve, what’s with you and the turtles! I said money or wine!” Continuing with controversial topics, Offerman described his annoyance with homophobes and those who opposed gay marriage. He asked, “How can people hate love??” and argued that the issue of gaymarriage was a distraction to the real problem: “There are fucking vegetarians everywhere.” “A meal is a covenant between one man and a piece of charred animal flesh,” he said. This segued into his tip: “Eat red meat,” which came after “Always

Photo courtesy of NBC

Known to most as Ron Swanson, actor Nick Offerman brought his ‘American Ham’ tour, his wit and his moustache to Madison last Wednesday night. carry a handkerchief.” His next tirade came out of his advice to “Have a hobby.” In this segment he scorned the downfall of mankind as a result of technology. He lamented that nobody can fix a flat tire anymore, and that they just call a service. He then griped about how rather than learning a skill during their free time, people just play with their devices. “Instead of playing, draw something; fucking draw something!” he shouted. Offerman then admitted what he considers, and I think many men would agree, to be one of the most

phenomenal skills a woman could be learning: knitting yarn dresses. “How fucking hot is that?” he asked. He continued to mourn the current state of man with his tips, “Go outside, remain” and “Avoid the mirror,” during which he bemoaned the cubicle life and our obsession with physical beauty. Offerman returned to religion with the tip: “Keep Jesus in your heart … for sex.” He described his first experience with sex and how it resulted from “being saved.” Offerman declared

that if you haven’t been saved yet, “Get out of here, right now; go!” because it will lead to the best sex of your life, a combination of “sinful anticipation and Christian guilt.” “Use intoxicants” was his next tip, and he claimed that merging religion and intoxicants was “a real trip.” Riffing off Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus Take the Wheel,” Offerman then sang, “Jesus Take the Weed.” By far his best song of the night, it described Offerman picking up Jesus as a hitchhiker and Jesus pulling out a bag of weed aptly named “Burning

Bush.” His final tip encapsulated his life philosophy: “Paddle your own canoe.” Offerman stands by simple and unmoving principles: He strongly believes the individual is responsible to take care of himself and should respect the life choices of others. Unless they are a vegetarian. (Then “face punch ‘em.”) If you were unable to see Nick Offerman this time around, don’t fret: He vowed to return to Madison on June 2 for Vegan Cooking Day “to burn this motherfucking city down.”

Using free expression to [un]dermine oppression UW zine uses art, poetry to support LGBTQ readers, open dialogue Joe Nistler ArtsEtc Staff Reporter This past Friday marked the 17th annual Day of Silence, a day of silent protest for the LGBTQ community. But at the LGBT Campus Center, Friday was about breaking the silence through [un], a new zine featuring art by LGBTQ community members and allies. Anyone can participate in the Day of Silence, which asks people who identify as LGBTQ and supporters to remain silent for a day to protest bullying, harassment and oppression of their peers. Similarly, [un] offers something for anyone willing to consume its art, regardless of labels. Although the zine caters primarily to an LGBTQ audience, Editor Paula Andrea Bolander indicated the zine’s vast accessibility is inherent in the name. “We were throwing around names like unicorn, … and we realized that there are 3,800-something words that start with ‘un-,’ so everyone can find one that applies to them,” Bolander said. The first page in the zine offers about 20 different uses of “un,“ from the fun, like unicorn and underwear; to the proud, in unmasked, unchained and united, to hard truths like uncomfortable, undermined and underrepresented. Bolander, who goes by LaLa, said the best

word to describe her is “unbreakable.” Gabe Javier, director of the LGBT Campus Center, opted for a more playful word: “unicorn.” He also shared some insight about challenging connotations, specifically those that consider “un-“ to be a negative prefix. “Some people think of ‘un’ as negative, … but then if you think of it in the context of unlearning something, unlearning oppression, it becomes more powerful,” Javier said. “If you unlearn something, what’s going to fill the space?” This rethinking of connotations and norms that Javier expressed is evident throughout the poetry in [un]. The topics lean toward heavy themes of personal struggle with oppression, whether it be directed at gender norms, sexual identity, race or ethnicity. Nearly each piece shares a cathartic expression of coming to terms with oneself despite considerable road blocks. And the self-realization is something nearly everyone goes through at some point in his or her young life. Such stories transcend age, as Linda Lenzke demonstrates. Her essay titled “When Did I Know?” is the first story in the zine. A 62-yearold lesbian woman, she tenderly recalls the first time she felt a strong physical attraction to a person, beyond just a crush. The person was a girl, and they were classmates; Lenzke was in sixth grade. But the fact that Lenzke is three times the age of other contributors hardly seems relevant. The emotions she expresses could apply to anyone, gay or straight, male or female.

Lenzke’s essay and other written works in [un] may represent pure self-expression, but they also open a forum for discussion about LGBT, racial and ethnic oppression. Many of the authors and artists have known that oppression firsthand, and the poetry attests to their experiences. Many of the realities can be hard to digest for the reader that hasn’t experienced them firsthand. The zine aims to spark conversation among all types and does so verbally as well as visually. “We were thinking of ways to make ourselves more visible, and I think the best way to do that is through art,” Javier said. Punctuating the written art in the zine are visual art pieces — sketches, paintings, photos and other media — influenced by similar themes of oppression and identity and now on display in the LGBT Campus Center at the Red Gym. Logan Wu created two of those works and designed the zine’s layout, which is simple and elegant, letting the art speak for itself. The cover grabs you with a female torso silhouette above a rainbow-colored burst, with “[un]” in place of a head, a drawing made by LaLa herself. But it is the back cover that displays possibly the most important “un-“ word: “[un]finished,” printed as if to say the “un” movement has only just begun. Following a Day of Silence, the only people silent at the [un] release party were those enveloped in the zine itself: The contributors’ art and words spoke for everyone there.


You Are a Pile of Meat Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Monday, April 23, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Even your brain is just a goopy meat sponge


















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.


The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: You exist to make more meat, meat-thing


Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }









20 23





30 36


41 46 49



53 57




63 66















Across 1 From Athens, say 6 Sharp product from Sharp 10 Labyrinth 14 “___ Vice” 15 Days long past 16 ___ contraceptive 17 Image on an Indian pole 18 Destitute 19 Redding who sang “The Dock of the Bay” 20 Academy Award winner for playing 46-Across 23 Backbone 25 Let out, as a fishing line 26 Academy Award winner for playing 46-Across 30 “Can’t Get It Out of My Head” rock grp. 31 Clear part of blood






24 Homework problem in geometry 18 19 26 Brunch or 21 22 dinner 27 Sacha Baron 25 Cohen alter ego 27 28 29 28 Ancient kind 31 32 33 34 35 of alphabet 29 Protein38 39 40 building acid 42 43 44 45 33 Vietnam’s capital 47 48 34 Complain annoyingly 52 35 Initial stake 54 55 56 37 Steer 39 Politico Palin 58 59 60 61 62 42 What may 64 65 give pause to couch 67 68 potatoes? 44 What tank Puzzle by Jeremy Horwitz tops lack Anything …” 11 Clarinetist 32 Either the 47 Ho-humness Shaw 59 Place for gold first or last 48 Straying 12 Congo, from 49 Tree remnant to be stored vowel sound 1971 to 1997 50 Number of 63 Encounter in “Alaska” 13 Spanish64 Large coffee 36 Stratfordlittle pigs or language holders upon-___ blind mice newspaper 65 Follow 38 Africa’s 51 Put back to that brings northernmost 66 Rose of the zero, say “light” to its diamond capital 54 Golfer’s cry readers 67 Butcher’s 40 Actress 55 “___ and 21 Author stock Madeline the King of Stephen 68 Wild West of “Blazing Siam” Vincent ___ 56 Examination transport Saddles” 22 Termini 41 Lite 60 Anytown, 23 Blast from Down ___ 43 Guadalajara 61 Schlep the side of a 1 World clock girls 62 Links peg warship std. 45 Pedantic 2 ___ de quibble Janeiro 46 Academy Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ 3 Consume Award4 Lagasse in the winning Of course kitchen role for both I slept through Earth Day. 5 Japanese 20- and That was the robes 26-Across totally natural 6 Ballyhoo 49 Vie (for) and organic thing 7 “Let’s Make a 52 Eagle’s home for me to do. Deal” choice 53 Academy And it had no 8 Gait not Awardenvironmental as fast as a winning film impact. canter released in And I was 9 W.W. I’s March 1972 hungover. longest battle 57 ___ Major 10 Object (constellaretrieved on tion) an Apollo 58 Actress mission Skye of “Say 15





Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com


To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Monday, April 23, 2012



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Sports ROLLING, from 8 get confident. I tried to battle today and I just stepped up.” The seemingly effortless win found the Hawkeyes in a 2-0 hole and the Badgers did not let up. Rod Carey on the second singles court followed Bertha off the court, defeating Will Vasos 6-2, 7-5. After breezing through the first set, Carey appeared to be on a similar path at the start of the second. The

PUMMELS, from 8 8-0 and 9-0 victories. Wisconsin now currently owns an eight-game winning streak on their home field, as the sweep over Penn State was the program’s first since 1997. “It’s fun to see them keep getting better,” Wisconsin head coach Yvette Healy said. “That’s a big thing that we’ve focused on all year. Today’s win for Cassandra [Darrah], to go from giving up eight hits yesterday to two today, she really had a nice improvement.” In the Badgers final game of the series Sunday, the team once again unleashed an offensive onslaught that led to the Lions being mercy-ruled in the fifth. Benefiting from strong performances from the middle of their batting order, including two-hit performances from both Kendall Grimm and Whitney Massey, Wisconsin cruised to a 9-0 victory. The series finale started off with a bang, as the Badgers chased the Lions’ starting pitcher, Marissa Diescher (5-7), out of the game in the bottom of the first inning without recording a single out. The Badgers scored four runs on two hits in the first frame, as Shannel Blackshear, Stephanie Peace and Karla Powell all recorded RBIs. The rest of the game proved to be a breeze for Healy’s squad, as the Badgers offense scored one run in the second inning and four in the third to compliment starting pitcher Darrah’s (18-7) dominant work on the mound. The former Big Ten Pitcher of the Week made it look easy from the rubber, giving up just two hits while striking out three and walking none in five innings of work. “I go in just thinking I have to do my best, regardless of who it is,” Darrah said. “I just want to keep doing what I’m doing. My team’s right behind me hitting, so that really helps. It’s always nice to have that support.” In the second game of the series — the second game of a Saturday doubleheader — it was more or less the same story, as Wisconsin mercyruled Penn State in five innings in an 8-0 win. The Badgers used a sixrun inning in the fourth

sophomore went up 4-1 then did not win another game until he tied the score at 5-5. Carey went on to break in the next game then held serve to secure the match at 7-5. Iowa finally broke Wisconsin’s streak when Dunn defeated Kostanov at four singles. Dunn has earned the Hawkeyes’ only point in three of their past five losses and Kostanov was not able to end his run. The junior Badger got an early lead in

to help seal a solid fiveinning, two-hit effort from sophomore Amanda Najdek (5-1) on the mound. Wisconsin put the finishing touches on the game during the bottom of the fifth inning, as Mary Massei’s two-out, bases-loaded hit scored Stephanie Peace to runrule Penn State. In game two, the top of the order boosted the Badgers offensively, as Massei went 2-for-4 at the plate with three RBIs while Grimm contributed a 2-for-3 performance of her own. Penn State was never able to find an answer against the No. 1 and No. 2 hitters in the Badger lineup throughout the three-game series, as Massei and Grimm combined to go 8-for-15 at the plate, scoring seven runs and driving in six. “I think we all have a common goal of just getting it done,” Massei said. “Every play of the game we’re zoned in and trying to get it done. It just shows how much hard work pulls through. We’re working hard everyday with that goal to get to the NCAA (tournament).” In the first game of the series Saturday, the Badgers set the tone early with three runs in the first inning. Wisconsin scored on RBIs from Blackshear, Marissa Mersch and Michelle Mueller, as the Badgers held on to win 4-1. Darrah was dominant as usual on the mound, as the Badgers’ ace allowed eight hits scattered over seven innings of work. The only run that the sophomore pitcher would allow would be a long-ball to Penn State’s Cassidy Bell, who went 3-for-4 in the game against the Badgers’ righty. The win in game one of the doubleheader Saturday also marked a historic feat. With the 4-1 victory, the Badgers became the fastest team in program history to amass 25 wins. “They’re getting it together,” Healy said. “I really think it’s all the hard work they’ve put in and [assistant coach Randy] Schneider’s work with them offensively. Those are huge games, and I think it takes the pressure off of everybody when you put runs together.” Wisconsin has now won 13 of its last 14 games, while Penn State had won six of its last seven coming into the weekend series with the Badgers.

the first set when he went up 3-1. However, Dunn battled back with strong serving and forced the set into a tiebreaker at 6-6. Both players showcased powerful first serves, but Dunn’s proved to be too much for Kostanov and he dropped the tiebreaker, 7-4. Kostanov was unable to fight back in the second set and lost, 6-1. “I think he may have had a couple of set points,” Van

SINGLES, from 8 with the way his lineup has evolved over the course of the season. He was forced to tinker with the lineup due to Bertha’s injury and has given other players opportunities to improve their standing in singles. One player who has taken advantage of his playing time is freshman Quinton Vega. Despite a tough three-set loss at No. 3, Vega

BOOSTS, from 8 had only managed 41 at-bats in the Badgers previous 39 games, recording just a .195 average with eight hits. Offensively, the Badgers have found a way to make up for Powell’s limited role. The Badgers currently have seven players in their starting lineup with a batting average over .300, as the team is one of the top hitting clubs in the entire Big Ten. But this weekend’s series with Penn State may have been a sign that Powell is on her way to add one more top-tier hitter to the Wisconsin lineup. Powell made five plate appearances in the Badgers’ three games with the Nittany Lions this weekend, going 2-for-2 at the plate with a single, a double, three walks and two RBI’s. “It’s great to have her

ERICKSON, from 8 for a player who clearly tried to injure a fellow player. On the other end of the spectrum, Torres was slammed with a 25-game suspension for his hit — which, while unnecessarily violent, was not worth 25 games. No matter if the Coyotes can capitalize on their 3-2 series lead over the Blackhawks, Torres will not be back on the ice until next season as there is only a maximum of 23 games left in the playoffs for Phoenix after Saturday night’s loss to Chicago. Torres’ suspension has been the latest in a string of rulings the NHL has made this post season. Brendan Shanahan, the NHL’s vice president who is in charge of play safety and on-ice discipline, has made eight suspensions through 39 playoff games as of Saturday night — that’s right about one suspension for every five games (at a .205 clip). For some perspective,

Emburgh said. “Dunn has had a couple of great wins in conference so I knew it was going to be a tough match for [Kostanov].” There were several other tiebreakers that faired with the Badgers and ultimately gave them the victory. One such tiebreaker victory came from the fifth singles court and Petr Satral. Like Kostanov, Satral took an early lead at 3-1 but Joey White would not go away and

brought the first set to a 6-6 tie. Satral won the breaker on a service ace at 7-5. His second set was equally close as both players remained on serve. Satral broke at 5-4 then held to win his match and seal the victory for Wisconsin. “I think the guys are digging deep and finishing those sets, and that’s the one thing we have been trying to talk about is finishing matches,” Van Emburgh said. The remaining two courts

split between the Badgers and the Hawkeyes. Playing in the number one singles position, Ask’s first set was the third of the day to be determined in a tiebreaker. The Wisconsin squad moved up to eighth in the conference with a 4-3 victory over the Nebraska Cornhuskers on Sunday. They have completed the conference season with a record of 4-7, winning four of their past five matches.

has sustained significant improvement since making his move to the third singles spot, in which he owns a 2-3 record. The Brooklyn, N.Y., native was not able to practice or train in the fall season because of lack of certification but lately has shown his ability as an upper-echelon singles player. “Q’s done a great job,” Van Emburgh said. “He’s really

starting to play great tennis, he’s really composed, he’s getting mentally tough out there and every time that he’s out there you know he’s going to fight the fight.” Although the conference season has not been as successful as they would have hoped, the Badgers are looking to pounce on any potential opponent they may face in the Big Ten tournament. The recent conference wins could help

boost the team’s confidence. Van Emburgh likes the potential of the current lineup from top to bottom in the upcoming conference tournament. “I think the lower part of the lineup right now is really solid for us,” Van Emburgh said. “We’ve got some high-level potential guys up top of the lineup that really could play with the top players in the conference.”

back,” Healy said. “She’s given us a little boost and has some power. She’s seeing the ball well. She’s been getting on base all year, but for her to come through with some big hits and RBI’s this weekend is great for her confidence and the team’s.” In control of their own destiny Wisconsin now finds itself in a unique position after their three-game sweep of Penn State. With a 10-4 record in conference play, Wisconsin has now moved into a tie for second place in the Big Ten standings, as the team has won eight of its last nine conference contests including four straight. “I think it just shows how much hard work pays off,” sophomore Mary Massei said. “We’re all just confident and having fun right now. We know our strengths, and

we’re trying to get it done.” While the Badgers entered Sunday tied for third place in the Big Ten with Nebraska, Ohio State was able to defeat the Cornhuskers 4-1 Sunday, dropping them to fourth place in the standings with a 10-5 record in league play. The Badgers also received plenty of help in their quest for the program’s first-ever Big Ten title from Minnesota and Illinois. Minnesota gave first-place Michigan all it could handle this weekend, as the Gophers were able to take two out of three from the Wolverines, dropping Michigan to an 11-3 record in conference play. Purdue, the second-place team in the conference going into the weekend, also faltered away from home, falling twice to Illinois to drop their conference record to 10-4, moving them into a tie with Wisconsin for

second place. The Badgers are now in a position in the conference where they control their own destiny. With all of their remaining conference games against the other top three teams in the league — Michigan, Purdue and Nebraska — Wisconsin’s fate in the hunt for the Big Ten title remains solely in its own hands with just nine Big Ten contests left ”I think this is where we want to be,” Healy said. “It’s about the Big Ten race and it’s about the NCAA tournament. We definitely have the hardest road ahead, I think, compared to anybody, and that’s right where you want to be. I think we’re going to have to play our best softball late. To see Purdue, Nebraska and Michigan late, with two of those series on the road, it’ll be a good test.”

through the preseason and regular season, Shanahan only made 44 suspensions through 1,338 games, which is equivalent to one suspension every 30 games. Also, in the 2011 Stanley Cup playoffs, there were only a total of seven suspensions doled out. Given the amount of games through the post season, the difference is astounding. As a result of these discrepancies, Torres’ 25game suspension seems to be more of a statement by Shanahan than a fair ruling (and maybe he’s trying to make up for his ruling on Weber’s incident). Certainly his move on Hossa was completely unnecessary with a clear intent to harm — I mean, who aims for the face? But Shanahan’s ruling seems to be yelling “Enough is enough.” For some reason, the playoffs are more heated than ever this year, which is leading to some scary instances in which players have all but thrown safety

out of the game. Shanahan simply is trying to restore it. Ultimately, he’s making an example of Torres. It’s not fair, but it’s necessary. Fighting and big hits have always been a few of the things that make hockey great, but when player safety is put on the line, sometimes extreme rulings are needed to get the message through to the players. Considering the sports world is in the middle of a concussion epidemic and research is showing just how damaging sports like hockey and football are to the brain, those sports can’t afford to have unwarranted violence to the degree that has been on display through these last two weeks. I recently had a discussion with a friend about how hockey and football will soon be in decline because of the medical research surrounding brain damage in connection with how the sports are played. I completely disagreed, mainly due to the traditions

both sports have fostered. But, upon witnessing how violent this first series has become, it is difficult not to think that all this violence is detrimental to the state of hockey. Shanahan clearly has recognized this point and is trying to put an end to not only the violence but also the repercussions it has had and could potentially have. These playoffs have been chaotic. If Shanahan’s tough and over-the-top ruling for Torres’ has any implications on the game, hopefully that chaos will be toned down, but only to a point that keeps the game as intense as ever but in an atmosphere that is much safer for players. We do not need any more players being ushered off the ice on stretchers. Kelly is a junior majoring in journalism. Do you think the NHL is taking the proper measures to get its message across? Let her know on Twitter @kellymerickson.


Sports Editor Elliot Hughes sports@badgerherald.com

8 | Sports | Monday, April 23, 2012

Cornhuskers spoil senior day Online: Women’s tennis drops final game of regular season 6-1.

UW pummels PSU in 3-game sweep RECAP


Wisconsin scores combined 21 runs over weekend against Penn State

Powell’s return boosts lineup; UW gains control of destiny

Nick Korger

Nick Korger

Associate Sports Editor

Associate Sports Editor

Entering the fifth inning of Sunday’s game between Penn State and Wisconsin, the speakers at Goodman Diamond cranked up “Jump Around,” as fans and Badger players alike were caught enjoying a few jumps of their own. When you’re winning like this Wisconsin team, you can enjoy moments like these. The Badgers (27-13, 10-4 Big Ten) dismantled the Nittany Lions (13-26, 5-10 Big Ten) in a three-game series this past weekend, sweeping their opponent with 4-1,

The Wisconsin softball team received a big boost Sunday afternoon, as Karla Powell — the team’s only senior — made the start at the designated player position. The game marked only the 13th time in the 40 games this season that the senior cracked the Badger starting lineup, as nagging injuries have so far limited the senior’s role on the team. Powell, who was named First Team All-Big Ten just a season ago, took a big step towards getting back to form, going 1-for-1 from the plate Sunday with an RBI single in the first inning and

PUMMELS, page 7

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Wisconsin pitcher Cassanda Darrah continued her dominance from the mound this past weekend by giving up just two hits and striking out three in five innings in Sunday’s 9-0 victory for the Badgers. She allowed eight hits, one run and struck out five in seven innings Saturday.

a walk in the Badgers (27-13, 10-4 Big Ten) 9-0 slaughter of the Nittany Lions (13-26, 5-10 Big Ten). “It felt great,” Powell said of her return. “It’s been a long process fighting through injuries. I’ve just been working on my swing as much as possible. I’m still fighting through pain, but it’s my senior year; we have a goal in mind to get to the NCAA’s. If I’m in the lineup, great; if I’m not it’s whatever, just as long as we make it to our goal, that’s the big picture.” It’s been a rough road for Powell in her return. During her junior season in 2011, the Badgers’ first baseman made it look easy, starting all 53 of the Badgers games while recording a .313 batting average 10 doubles, nine home runs and 31 RBI’s. However, Powell’s injuries have indeed been showing their effects on her swing. Coming into Sunday, Powell

BOOSTS, page 7

Badgers keep rolling, winning 4 of last 5 matches RECAP

With wins over Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin climbs to 8th in Big Ten Erin Barney Men’s Tennis Writer The Wisconsin men’s tennis team found a way to win on both the doubles and singles court, something they have struggled with all season, which earned them a 5-2 win over the Iowa Hawkeyes. The victory advanced the Badgers to ninth in the conference and put them in the position to play for eighth against Nebraska on Sunday. In three out of their seven conference losses this season, Wisconsin has gained points on just the singles courts. When the Badgers lost to both Michigan State and Illinois, their lone point came from doubles wins. Aside from recent victories over Penn State and Purdue, Wisconsin has struggled for majority of the season with having success in doubles and singles at the same time. However, in their final home stand of the season, everything fell into place. “It’s our last conference match at home, and it was great to be able to play our last home match and go out with a win,” head coach Greg Van Emburgh said. The Badgers got things started early by securing

the doubles point despite resilience from the Hawkeyes. The number two pairing of Alexander Kostanov and Rod Carey, who have not played together in a conference doubles match before, were the first off the court after being dominated 8-1 by Jonas Dierckz and Matt Hagan. Playing in the number three spot, Alex Robles and Quinton Vega broke in their opening game and were able to bring it back to even with an 8-3 victory. The fate of the first point of the dual resided on the first court. Billy Bertha and Fredrik Ask battled through a close match with Garret Dunn and Michael Swank. Neither team could pull away until a key Badger break at 5-3 followed by a held service game from Bertha. Another Bertha service game sealed the win at 8-5 and clinched the doubles point for Wisconsin. “It adds a sense of urgency.” Bertha said about being in the position to decide the doubles point. “You step it up a couple of gears when the match is on the line.” Bertha carried the momentum from the crucial doubles win into his singles play and was the first one finished with a commanding 6-1, 6-0 victory over Michael Swank in the six singles spot. “I just didn’t let him get back into it,” Bertha said. “Before, I let a lot of guys hang around and then they

ROLLING, page 7


Lower end of singles roster earns key victories in final home match Lee Gordon Men’s Tennis Writer A familiar story for the Wisconsin men’s tennis team (12-11, 4-7), this season has been to dig out the allimportant doubles point but fail to win enough singles matches to earn a team victory. In Friday’s contest with the Iowa Hawkeyes (1-20, 0-10), however, the Badgers were powered by junior captain Billy Bertha and sophomore Rod Carey to seize four of six singles matches to clinch a 5-2 win. After sealing the doubles point with partner sophomore Fredrik Ask, Bertha worked quickly to earn his seventh singles victory on the season, 6-1, 6-0. The captain dominated his match with a powerful first serve, dropping only a single game and finishing first. Bertha was relentless in his pursuit of a win, putting his team on top early. “The kid was missing a lot, so it was easy to get a rhythm, and once I hopped on him pretty quick, he went away,” Bertha said. Consistently playing at No. 4 and 5 throughout the season, Bertha has adopted the No. 6 position as a comfortable homebase since returning from a back injury. He has won three consecutive matches at the final singles spot.

UW Athletics

After being felled by a back injury earlier this season, Wisconsin junior Billy Bertha made strides this past weekend. He made quick work of Iowa’s Michael Swank on Friday, winning 6-1, 6-0 and Nebraska’s Drew Freeman, 6-2, 6-2, Sunday at the No. 6 singles spot. Bertha was winless in Big Ten singles play prior to the injury, but performing well lower in the lineup has helped him gain momentum in the final portion of the season. “It’s been good to get a little confidence,” Bertha said. “(I’m) playing better now, and hopefully I’ll keep improving and keep winning out the rest of the matches.” Carey has conversely been climbing higher in the singles lineup, winning 6-2, 7-5 at the No. 2 position. The

Bahamas native has won his last two matches at that spot, after being catapulted up the lineup from his previous No. 5 station. Carey displayed striking mental toughness in the second set by rebounding from a difficult stretch where he surrendered four consecutive games after leading 4-1. Carey stopped the bleeding by holding his own serve and breaking his opponent’s, winning the final three games of the match.

Although he demonstrated a subpar effort in his doubles loss, Carey was able to bounce back by jumping to an early lead in his singles contest. “I think I had a good start; I started off pretty confidently,” Carey said. “I think I did a good job of just getting it going early in the singles, and I think that helped a lot.” Head coach Greg Van Emburgh has been pleased

SINGLES, page 7

Inconsistent suspensions baffling, but necessary Kelly Erickson Erickson the Red There’s no denying it; the Stanley Cup playoffs have been one intense affair this year — and we’re only in the first round. Last week I laid out a few reasons why sports fans should watch the playoffs. One of those reasons was the fighting and just how

ridiculous the fights have been thus far through the postseason. But those heated passions that lead to fights have unfortunately led to many scary situations this post season, which by and large have been completely uncalled for. While head hunting is undoubtedly common in hockey, it has led to unreasonably dangerous situations and injuries. Between Phoenix’s Raffi Torres launching himself into Chicago’s Marian Hossa’s face April 17 to Nashville’s Shea Weber slamming Detroit’s Henrik Zetterberg’s head into the

end boards April 11, the NHL has faced multiple disciplinary rulings in the few short weeks the playoffs have been around. And boy, has the NHL been real inconsistent. In the Weber-Zetterberg incident, Weber was not suspended for his deliberate action and instead received a $2,500 fine and a warning to be more careful through the rest of the playoffs. The ruling was the equivalent of a small slap on the hand. This season, Weber made $7,500,000 dollars — $2,500 is an infinitesimal amount

ERICKSON, page 7

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