Ahmed latest testament to UW’s athletic strength Ian McCue highlights Wisconsin’s distance phenom and what he means to the Badgers’ non-rev sports of all kinds. SPORTS | 12
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Graduation speaker unveiled Former Yahoo! CEO, current Cisco exec to address graduates Jane Milne Herald Contributor As University of Wisconsin seniors are preparing for graduation and the traditions that come
with it, officials announced Tuesday graduates will hear a commencement speech from a prominent UW alumna. Carol Bartz, former CEO and president of Yahoo! and Autodesk, was chosen to deliver the commencement speech to the graduating class of 2012 at her alma mater. The four commencement ceremonies
are set to take place May 19 and 20 at the Kohl Center. Senior Class President Steven Olikara said Bartz was chosen by the class of 2012 officers because of her embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea. “The Wisconsin Idea is about overcoming challenges, and that’s precisely what Bartz has done in her career.
She is one of America’s most influential business leaders and a pioneer in the technology industry,” he said. “At the same time, she has been a tremendous advocate for women in business and has supported important causes, such as the American Breast Cancer Foundation and the American Heart Association.”
Bartz graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in computer science from UW. She is now consistently listed as one of “Fortune’s Most Powerful Women.” Bartz said in a UW statement that she is excited to return to the campus. “I’m so happy to be back in Madison as a commencement speaker,” Bartz said in the statement.
“I missed my own graduation ceremony here in 1971, so I’m really going to enjoy this with the class of 2012.” Bartz led Autodesk for 12 years as CEO before she was promoted to executive chairman. In 2009, she left to lead Yahoo!. Her work as CEO at Yahoo! involved
Fake Dems push active campaigns Placeholder candidates strive for victories in recall primaries, hope for general wins Sean Kirkby State Politics Editor While the Republicans running as Democrats in the recall elections originally did so to ensure a primary for all recall elections, many are beginning to run active campaigns, enticed by the possibility of winning and attention to their beliefs. Earlier this month, the Republican Party of Wisconsin collected enough signatures to run six Republicans as candidates in Democratic primaries across the state. Despite allegations that the action constituted election fraud, the Government Accountability Board upheld the candidacies
of what some have called “fake Democrats.” While saying he intended to run as a placeholder candidate to ensure a primary election, Isaac Weix, a candidate for lieutenant governor, said last week in a statement that he is planning to actively campaign. “There have been recent developments that have changed my focus,” Weix said in a statement. “The union-backed and hand-picked Democrat candidates are still having trouble recognizing that Wisconsin had a severe budget deficit. There is also an inability for the progressives and unions to understand that the
DEMS, page 4
Walker uses recall funds for legal help Critics urge governor to disclose knowledge in John Doe probe after defense fund move Ilona Argirion Reporter Recently filed campaign finance reports provide the first peek into the legal defense fund formed by Gov. Scott Walker in March to help pay for the legal expenses surrounding the John Doe investigation into Walker’s time as Milwaukee County executive. A closer look at the
finance report for his recall campaign fund shows Walker transferred $60,000 to his legal defense fund during the pre-primary period. The money transferred to the defense fund was part of the $231,439 Walker spent on legal fees over the period, which ended April 23. Democratic
WALKER, page 4
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Equestrians ride on UW horse team strives to maintain high ranks despite financial woes Lin Weeks Arts Editor At Mandt Equestrian Center, 20 minutes south of campus in Oregon, Wis., there is a shallow bank of metal folding chairs set on top of the hard-packed dirt flooring a cavernous barn. To the right of the seats, two horses and several people are sequestered, clearly waiting for their chance to enter the main arena. Most of the barn has been set off for that purpose. Fences and gates are arranged in careful alignment around the center of the arena; to the right of the room, an announcer sits with several judges. The set-up is for intermediate fences, one of a handful of competitions that will be scored during the course of the event. On this particular day, the University of Wisconsin’s equestrian team has plans on moving through their region and taking on the
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Members of the equestrian team at the University of Wisconsin are fighting to defend their regional and national titles despite problems with funding. The team gets some support from the university, but members largely fund their own competitions. next level of competition. Equestrian team captain Shannon Roska, a UW senior with plans for a graduate-level veterinarian degree, explained the season’s progression in an interview with The Badger Herald a week prior to the competition. “We show within IHSA, which is Intercollegiate Horse Show Association, but that’s nationwide.
So we compete within our region all year round,” said Roska, clarifying that UW’s region included schools from Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. “If we win our region, we move on to Zones, which spans all the way to Texas. After Zones, you go on to Nationals, which are the top 18 teams in the nation.”
ASM preps for transition with election of leadership
Katie Caron
NEWS | 2
Non-residents receive MPD Mifflin message Surrounding colleges and high schools were warned of the changes for this year’s event.
Higher Education Editor In its first meeting of the session, a branch of student government elected its new officers and some committee members with several elected representatives not participating in the meeting because of election violations committed in March. During the first meeting of the
ASM, page 5
Prof. follows confusing money trail Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
SJ Chief Justice Kate Fifield chairs the first meeting of ASM Student Council before the body elects Andrew Bulovsky as the new chair. Members also voted on incoming officers and committee chairs. © 2012 BADGER HERALD
A professor emeritus wants to know: How is diversity housing programming being funded?
Brewology 101 Beer is more than a tasty drink; it is a product of science one lucky class had the chance to explore.
ARTS | 7
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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MPD warns nearby schools against Mifflin Local high schools, Midwest colleges receive email highlighting changes to party, cite non-residents as problematic
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As officials continue to promote a stricter version of the Mifflin Street Block Party, the Madison Police Department recently informed 11 surrounding universities of its stringent guidelines and expectations for party participants. According to MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain, the department sent emails to a number of University of Wisconsin System campuses, including UW-Whitewater, UW-Milwaukee, UW-La Crosse, UW-Platteville, UW-Stout, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Eau Claire and UW-Oshkosh. The University of Iowa, University of Illinois and the University of Minnesota were also contacted. DeSpain said the email’s intent is to inform out-
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Herald editorial Editor-in-Chief Signe Brewster Managing Editor Ryan Rainey Editor-at-Large Adelaide Blanchard News Pamela Selman News Content Katherine Krueger Deputy News Ally Boutelle City Hall Adrianna Viswanatha City Life Leah Linscheid State Politics Sean Kirkby State Legislature Mike Kujak Campus Life Jackie Allen Higher Education Katie Caron Multimedia Ramsey Statz Assoc. Multimedia Meher Ahmad Video Director Gregori Kanatzidis Editorial Page Taylor Nye Editorial Page Content Reginald Young Ed. Board Chairman Alex Brousseau Sports Elliot Hughes Sports Content Kelly Erickson Associate Sports Ian McCue
of-town schools that the block party will be vastly different from past years. “We’ve been in conversations with a lot of shareholders about how this event is going to unfold on Saturday and to make sure they understand before they get here that this isn’t the event it was last year,” DeSpain said. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said MPD used research compiled from past block parties concerning which colleges received the most arrests to reach out to prospective out-of-town participants in an attempt to decrease numbers at the event. A response from the schools is not expected, according to DeSpain. MPD Lieut. David McCaw stressed the importance of informing out-of-town students that law enforcement will be more stringent, allowing
them to make an informed decision about attending Mifflin.
DeSpain added that in addition to informing area universities, emails were sent out to all Madison metropolitan high schools in an effort to discourage their students from attending the event. He added the event has seen high numbers of high school students in the past, and MPD does not believe it is a safe environment for them because of the focus on alcohol. “The high school students’ inability to regulate intake [of alcohol] and make good decisions is not good,” McCaw said. Verveer said MPD hopes to get its message across through other strategies, including the use of Facebook and other social media websites. “This year, the police are going about the event with a new strategy in mind, and that strategy is a zero tolerance approach to
“We’ve been in conversations with a lot of shareholders about how this event is going to unfold on Saturday and to make sure they understand before they get here that this isn’t the event it was last year.” Joel DeSpain
MPD spokesperson
“It can be a warning, or it can also be a caution,” McCaw said. “It depends on who we’re talking to.”
any violations of the law,” Verveer said. Verveer said although he is unsure the emails will prove to be an effective strategy to create a safer environment at Mifflin, the initiative was worthwhile because past statistics have revealed the majority of people arrested each year at the block party are not UW students. DeSpain also stressed the importance of complying with police officers at the event. “There’s nobody here that doesn’t want people to have fun, but don’t do it in a way that you’re endangering people’s lives or property,” DeSpain said. “Be aware of what the laws are and don’t break them.” A neighborhood meeting will be held Wednesday to address MPD expectations for the block party at the Madison Senior Center on Mifflin Street at 7 p.m.
Occupy site shut down with little incidence Katie Slavin Herald Contributor
Leah Linscheid City Life Editor After a Monday decision by a Dane County Circuit Court judge to deny Occupy Madison’s request to continue to operate at its current location, the organization was dismantled peacefully Tuesday afternoon. According to Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, the encampment at 800 E. Washington Ave., which has primarily served as a shelter
for Madison’s homeless community for several months, was successfully torn down without incident. The city had set Tuesday as the final day the site could be there under a city ordinance several months ago. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said the dismantling of the organization went peacefully and without protest. Madison Police Department Captain Carl Gloede was the only officer at the scene to ensure compliance from organization members, but no incidents were reported. Resnick added, however,
that further protesting by Occupy Madison supporters may continue. “I would not be too surprised if there was [more opposition],” Resnick said. “There have been consistent movements toward finding a new location, and one of the measures to respond is by protest.” Debris from the encampment still resides at its former location, but the city will finish removing it in the coming days, Verveer said. The organization is not without recent incident,
however. An Occupy Madison protester was arrested on charges of trespassing in the City County Building Monday after refusing to leave the building. According to MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain, officers asked Allen Barkoff and several other Occupy Madison members, who had been protesting the shutdown of the organization’s location, to leave the premises. An MPD report said notifications posted at various locations in the City County building state
the closing time of the establishment is 6 p.m. After refusing to leave at approximately 7:30 p.m., police arrested Barkoff, 69. “He and others were asked to leave the building, and all the others said they would leave, save for this one individual who, after being asked repeatedly, said he would rather be arrested than just leave,” DeSpain said. Police transported Barkoff to the Dane County Jail. He was accompanied by an observer from the American Civil Liberties Union, DeSpain said.
Nick Korger
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DEMS, from 1 private sector supports the public sector, not the other way around.” He said in a statement that people can vote for the gubernatorial candidate separately from the lieutenant governor or a senator in the May 8 primary, and conservatives who disagree with the recall can vote for “protest” candidates.
In an interview with The Badger Herald, Weix said the RPW asked him to run in the primary, and the possibility he could win has caused him to run an active campaign. He said he will not spend much money campaigning, relying primarily on Facebook and Twitter to reach voters. Weix said the term “fake Democrat” is an incorrect definition used to “sell newspapers and make
headlines.” He said because candidates do not take a party oath, a fake Democrat or Republican cannot exist, and having a conservative outlook does not make him fake. A spokesperson for Mequon, Wis., resident and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gladys Huber referred all requests for comment to RPW. Ben Sparks, RPW spokesperson, said the party chose to run the candidates to ensure no senators faced their recall on the same day as the Democratic primary for governor, when a large number of Democratic voters will head to the polls. Sparks would not
comment on how the party chose the candidates but did confirm Huber and Weix also ran as placeholder candidates in last year’s Senate recalls. According to the GAB website, Huber received 35.14 percent of the vote when she ran in a Democratic primary last July against Rep. Sandy Pasch, D-Whitefish Bay. Pasch lost the recall election to Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills. Weix ran as a placeholder candidate in last July’s Democratic primary against Shelly Moore, receiving 44.83 percent to Moore’s 53.98 percent, according to the website. Moore lost the recall election to Sen. Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Falls. In the current Senate recalls, Antigo, Wis., citizen James Buckley is running in the Democratic primary against Rep. Donna Seidel, D-Wausau, in the recall election of former Sen. Pam Galloway, R-Wausau. Galloway resigned in March. Buckley said he is running an active campaign to give people a choice from “union bullies” and to keep freedoms he said
President Barack Obama has been taking away with executive orders. He added the goal of the Occupy Movement and the Democratic Party is to destroy the capitalist state and create a “totalitarian, socialist, one-world government controlled by a single party.” “Please wake up, Wisconsin, and vote out every Democrat,” Buckley said. “Wake up Wisconsin — this is your future. That’s why I’m fighting for everyone whether they recognize it or not.” While Antigo is not part of Galloway’s Senate district, Reid Magney, GAB spokesperson, said in an email to The Badger Herald that Buckley can still run in the primary. Magney said if Buckley won the recall election, he would have to establish residency in the new district 28 days before taking office. Gary Ellerman declined to comment on his candidacy. Other candidates James Engel and Tamra Varebrook did not return emails for comment. Varebrook’s website asks voters to “protest the Wisconsin Recalls” by voting for her and donating to her campaign.
Jake Begun Vice Chairman
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Bryant Miller Corey Chamberlain Jillian Grupp Roshni Nedungadi Pam Selman Eric Wiegmann Readers may pick up one complimentary issue each day. Additional copies must be picked up at 326 W. Gorham St. for $0.25 each. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent of the editor in chief. Copyright 2012, The Badger Herald, Inc.
GRADUATION, from 1 modernizing technology platforms, acquiring companies for expansion and growing the consumer audience to 800 million, according to the statement. Currently, Bartz is the lead director on the board of Cisco Systems, which is the worldwide leader in networking. “We are honored to call Bartz a fellow Badger and excited for her to inspire her alma mater’s class of 2012,” Olikara said. The commencement ceremonies will take place at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday.
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Reform pushed for shared gov Tara Hoffman Herald Contributor A University of Wisconsin committee unveiled a report Tuesday proposing reform to various campus committees’ structures in order to pinpoint underrepresentation in campus governance. The Ad Hoc Committee on University Governance’s report emphasized shared governance committees’ representation of students on campus, but also looked at the representation of faculty, classified staff and academic staff representatives. Focus was placed on the relationships between these different groups in terms of how they interact on various governing committees on campus and in what proportion each group was represented, Nicholas Brigham Schmuhl, member and graduate program assistant for the student government’s Shared Governance Committee, added. The idea to form the committee and create the report came from Shared Governance Committee member Sam Seering, Schmuhl said. The initial idea focused on solidifying the role of students in shared governance and policy-making processes at UW. “We certainly discussed all of the recommendations with other students, especially those involved in the student government,” Schmuhl said. “We tried to bring the perspective of all of our peers to the process and represent them well.” While students initiated the process, the efforts grew to include concerns of representation in other groups as well. Schmuhl said all governance groups should be represented in the policymaking that is relevant to their constituents. “When you have something like, for example, [recreational] sports that is partly funded by student fees and used by students, then students should
be represented appropriately on that committee and should be making the decisions about recreational sports in proportion with their usership and funding of that organization,” he said. Chair of the Academic Staff Executive Committee Heather Daniels said recommendations varied from creating a voting seat for a representative of a specific governance group to changing the entire structure of the committee. “We all really worked together to come to a consensus and sometimes it meant that we were compromising,” Daniels said. “I think in most cases we were able to find a middle ground that at least works now for both sides.” Department Administrator for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Debbie Weber said her focus in contributing to the report was to create representation on various committees around campus for nonrepresented classified staff. She said the ad hoc committee thought there should be a member of this group on committees because he or she could act as a liaison for a large amount of campus employees. “A lot of times we are being left out of the loop because we haven’t been allowed to be on different campus committees, so we couldn’t even contribute,” she said. Implementation of the recommendations depends on whether or not the committee is codified in the Faculty Policies and Procedures. Those that are codified must pass through Faculty Senate, Daniels said. Schmuhl said in the case that a recommendation does not have to go through the official process of the Faculty Senate in order to be implemented, it is only a matter of connecting with the active members of those committees and discussing the proposed changes.
Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl cites common problems students encounter during voter registration. She pointed to providing an acceptable proof of residence as an issue students will likely face.
City addresses student voting issues Mike Kujak State Politics Editor Although newly passed legislation surrounding voter ID requirements is tied up in court, college students may still face a number of other obstacles while heading to the polls for the upcoming recall elections. The Wisconsin Women’s Network held a brown bag lunch discussion Tuesday to consider recent changes in state voting laws. Particularly, members talked at length about the unique challenge college students may face when trying to register before the election or on the day of the election. Madison City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl led the discussion and started out by confirming the status of the new voter ID law. For the recall primaries held next Tuesday and the general election on June 5, no voter will need a photo ID to vote.
However, according to Witzel-Behl, the injunction against the voter ID law is likely to be taken up again by the courts before the Aug. 14 primaries for statewide official and congressional races and Nov. 6 general elections next fall, so all voters should begin watching for possible changes. The greater portion of the discussion focused on recent changes to voter laws that Witzel-Behl said had not received enough attention by the media but could still cause problems if ignored. According to the Government Accountability Board’s website, if a voter wants to register at the polls the day of the election, a voter must bring proof that they have resided at their present location for at least 28 days. The proof of residence must include a complete name and a complete and current residential address. Witzel-Behl said the
WALKER, from 1 gubernatorial candidate Kathleen Falk released a statement Tuesday addressing Walker’s fundraising and said because Walker is having his campaign contributors pay his legal defense bills in this criminal investigation, he must tell Wisconsin “what he knew, when he knew it, and just how deep his involvement is.” Walker’s campaign did not speak to the legal defense fund but said the vast amount raised was a result of Walker’s grassroots support in the state. “We continue to see strong grassroots support for Gov. Walker, his bold reforms and his plans for moving Wisconsin forward,”
most common form of proof of residence could be a past bill received in the mail, but what her office has seen is in past elections is many students struggling to provide such a document. “A lot of college students wait till the last minute to register,” Witzel-Behl said. “They may have so many different people living at the same address. There may be students who don’t have a document in their own name at that address.” Witzel-Behl said the process could be even trickier for the primary elections Aug. 14. This is a time when college students are moving, and if a student was to move into a new dorm or apartment around the time of the election, he or she will not meet the 28-day limit for the proof of residency requirement before the election. In this scenario, WitzelBehl said the students must vote from their previous address and show
up at the polling location designated for that old address. Students can avoid much of this confusion by registering to vote before the day of the election, she said. WitzelBehl is working with members of the Associated Students of Madison and other members of the community to set up registration booths for students before the elections to make the process easier. Jayne Mullins, spokesperson for the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, said students should also reach out to senior citizens, who she said are hit even harder by these new changes in elections laws than students. “When you go home on break, talk to Grandma and Grandpa and ask if they have the identification needed to vote,” Mullins said. “If not, help them get to the DMV or wherever they need to go.”
Walker’s campaign spokeswoman Ciara Matthews said. “Because of the overwhelming support for the governor, we can continue to speak to voters about how the governor plans to move Wisconsin forward.” A statement from Walker’s campaign said he received 125,926 donations during the period, with 96,292 of those at $50 or less. The campaign reports filed Monday show Walker reported raising $13 million in the most recent period. Combined with his cash on hand, he has raised $25 million since Jan. 1, 2011. The amount is five times more than all of the Democratic challengers’ donations combined, with Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk
raising a total of $977,059, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett raising $830,000, Secretary of State Doug La Follette gaining $118,087 and Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, with $43,978 during the period. While the recent campaign finance reports show Walker with a heavy lead over his democratic challengers, the reports also show the majority of donations coming from out of state. The reports show $8.31 million, or 66 percent, coming from donors living outside Wisconsin and $3.84 million, or 31 percent, coming from instate residents. The remaining three percent came from “unitemized or anonymous contributors,” according to an email from Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Executive Director Mike McCabe. A statement put out by Common Cause Wisconsin, a non-partisan lobby group, said the large amount of donations was collected during a period when the $10,000 limit on contributions to Walker was suspended because of a state law allowing individuals to make unlimited political contributions to candidates who have been recalled. The statement also said Walker had great success campaigning across the country, collecting funds from Florida, Texas, Oklahoma and Washington D.C. University of Wisconsin political science professor Barry Burden said the amount of money raised by Walker’s campaign is staggering. “It sets a new candidate fundraising record for the state, but is more impressive because of the relatively short period of time in which the recall campaign takes place,” Burden said. “The lack of fundraising limits during the pre-campaign period has clearly helped him generate a large amount of cash. The Democrats have a long way to go to catch him.”
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, May 2, 2012 is impressive, as is the ability of the judges to tell The equestrian uniform the performances apart. manages to look both Judges, according to the practical and antiquated IHSA’s rulebook, look for simultaneously; it appears a bevy of characteristics sophisticated, yet out of in each rider, including a style. Wisconsin’s team “workmanlike appearance” — which is nearly all and “complete control.” female, though the IHSA The guidelines are heavily allows women and men detailed, down to the to compete in the same position of the riders’ brackets — wears knee- knuckles on the reins (“30 high riding boots, khaki degrees inside the vertical”) pants with re-enforced and the balance of the knees, stiff-necked, high- riders’ feet in the stirrups collared dress shirts, navy (“the weight on the ball of blazers and helmets, under the foot … riding with the which they tuck their hair. toes in the stirrups will be The attire is ubiquitous penalized”). Copper and Taj, as well across squads, with teams from Notre Dame, UW- as a number of other horses La Crosse, Iowa State and that are used throughout elsewhere employing only the day, wear splint boots small variations on the on one or more of their lower legs. The boots are theme. One by one, riders take the only visual indication off atop Copper or Taj, the that some of the animals two horses in the stable have small but nagging that have been randomly injuries, enough to cause but noticeable selected for the event. Each slight event uses a new set of differences in their gait horses, but all are from the for the members of the hosting team’s stable, giving equestrian team that, Roska said, had grown them some up around degree of enough horses home field alert to every advantage. “If you are able be tweak and swell. The riders to inject horses “What are called by number, and when they need it, happens with school each routine their usefulness the horses that get a is followed as a school horse lot of use is they by polite extends later in sometimes need applause, the volume their life.” joint injections. Humans get of which seems to Shannon Roska joint injections with steroids to be mostly Equestrian Team Captain help them move determined a little softer. by the size Unfortunately of each since the barn is school’s only subsidized support section. Parents, boyfriends, [by UW, so that it must be friends and teammates only self-sufficient, rather look on as competitors than profitable] they don’t weave their horses through have a lot of extra funds,” the series of obstacles. she said. She compared the One mother of a UWLa Crosse rider watches condition to that of an closely as she strokes the athlete playing through a longhaired terrier on her turned ankle or a sore knee. “They’re generally sore, lap. She fiddles with a hair tie that gives the dog an and this sounds kind of exclamation point capper, — they wear out sooner, like Alfalfa from “Little I guess. If you are able to Rascals” or a surprised inject horses when they need it, their usefulness character in Blondie. The control of the riders as a school horse extends
ASM, from 1 19th session of the Associated Students of Madison Student Council, members elected Rep. Andrew Bulovsky as the new chair, Rep. Maria Giannopoulos as the new vice chair and Rep. Marie Kumerow as the next secretary of the body. As chair, Bulovsky said he wants to reach the average student because he said the previous session of ASM failed to do so. He also said he is ready to sacrifice his time and energy for the position. “I want to reach the student who doesn’t even know what ASM stands for,” he said.
“I want to reach the student who doesn’t even know what ASM stands for.” Andrew Bulovsky
ASM Student Council Chair
The main point of contention during the night centered on who could participate at the meeting after the Student Judiciary ruled last week that nine elected members of the BOOP election slate would be prohibited from voting or running for positions because of election violations committed on behalf of the slate. In open forum, former ASM Chief of Staff David Gardner, a member of the slate, said he realized the need to accept SJ’s ruling and legitimacy but urged members of the body to motion to postpone the elections for leadership positions until the next meeting so that all representatives could have a say and run. Gardner expressed his desire to run for vice chair of the committee, but said he also wanted the body to postpone the vote because not doing so would breed the kind of dividedness and toxic atmosphere that
dominated the last session of ASM. Rep. Mia Akers, who was elected to the diversity chair position, agreed with Gardner. “I struggle with this because I feel that not by allowing the BOOP members to participate in leadership positions we’re doing a disservice to the people who elected them. … If we don’t vote to postpone, this we are making a partisan decision and essentially silencing an entire group,” she said. Sarah Neibart, former Student Services Finance Committee chair and council representative for the 19th session, said she disagreed, and that she felt the top three leaders of Student Council should be those who follow the rules and postponing the vote would be detrimental to time-efficiency. Ultimately, a motion to postpone the vote for chair, vice chair and secretary until the next meeting where all representatives would be present and sworn in failed. The meeting also included several committee appointments. Student Council elected Rep. Sam Seering as the next Shared Governance Committee chair, Rep. Sean McNally as the Nominations Board chair, Akers as the Diversity Committee chair, Rep. Becca Buell to University Affairs Committee chair, Rep. Ronald Crandall to Rules Committee chair and Rep. Dan Statter to the Legislative Affairs committee chair position. The body also nominated members to the Student Services Finance Committee, as well as the Finance Committee and the Nominations Board. A change from the practice implemented last session, the members of the new session of Student Council also voted to hold meetings once every week on Wednesdays rather than the every-otherweek structure used for much of the 18th session. The next Student Council meeting will take place Friday at 3 p.m.
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
The team recently advanced through the regional competition and will soon be aiming for first place in the national IHSA competition on Thursday. Riders placed highly during the 2011 national competition. later in their life,” she said. “They basically age sooner if you can’t inject them.” Roska said the situation is not unusual for an equestrian organization without significant independent funding, and pointed out the team members, coach Mark Aplin and others keep a trained eye on the horses. “It’s definitely a personal issue for a lot of team members, to ride them weekly and let them go out. Once you’re in the horse world for a number of years, it’s obvious when a horse is sore and you can tell,” Roska said. “And it’s hard for the team members to ride these horses when you can tell they’re feeling off. And we’re very careful — if they’re too off to be ridden at a lesson or practice, they’re put in their stall and they’re rested until they’re normal.” The equestrian team and the Hoofers riding club work jointly to pay
for the expenses and fees associated with maintaining the horses and barn. The equestrian team is not part of UW Athletics, and they receive no direct funding from the school. Nor, team president Taylor Petry said, do they receive any assistance in the form of segregated fees because the team is not an official student organization. “We had the opportunity at the beginning of the year to do that, but it’s really complicated with all the paperwork,” Petry said. “Most of our Executive Board are applying to med school and vet school around that time, so it was kind of hard. We [would have] had to write bylaws and fill out of a ton of paperwork. It was just really complicated.” The team partakes in fundraising activities like working concession booths at the Kohl Center and selling T-shirts to help cover costs. Most
of the money raised goes toward hosting shows, with the balance paid out of pocket by team members. The estimated cost for a rider competing in every show available during the course of the year — though only a few members actually do that — is $2,196, according to the equestrian team website Petry, a junior majoring in art and film, fills the role of announcer on the day of Regionals. She calls out the riders’ places from sixth to first by number name and school. Madison’s riders hold the top two spots with Roska winning the category. The team won its region for the ninth out of the previous 10 years. Several weeks later, the equestrian team advanced through their zone to earn a spot in the national IHSA
competition in the first week of May, an accomplishment they have now earned in seven of the last 10 years. Nationals are held in Raleigh, North Carolina starting Thursday, and the cost of flights to the East Coast will be covered internally. The team hopes to follow their finish at nationals in 2011 with a strong performance this year, but Petry noted an inherent unevenness in the field. “We compete against a lot of East Coast schools, New York schools that take it really seriously and have NCAA teams,” Petry said. “But last year we placed ninth in the country, which is awesome because those schools on the east coast get funded by their schools. Not only do we have to ride, but we’re 100 percent self-funded.”
Editorial Page Editor Taylor Nye oped@badgerherald.com
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Inconsistencies in diversity housing necessitate audit W. Lee Hansen Guest Columnist Why is it so difficult to obtain information on the characteristics and financing of the Minority and Disadvantaged Student program operated by the University of Wisconsin’s University Housing Division? Undergraduates living in the dorms may be interested in knowing that University Housing reported M/D expenditures, which averaged between $450500 per residence hall student in 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2008-09, jumped to more than $1,200 per student in 2007-08 and 2009-10 and then dropped dramatically to less than $1 per resident in 201011. What explains these gyrations? Adding to the mystery, the number of FTE staff associated with University Housing’s M/D program ranges from a low of 0.25 to a high of 2.00. How could expenditures of roughly $3.5 million in 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2008-09 or expenditures of more than $8.5 million in 2007-08 and 2009-10 be managed with so few full-time personnel? Where did the infusions of the extra $5 million in 2007-08 and 2009-10 come from? These amounts are listed as coming from “Other Ex,” meaning other extramural sources. What could these sources be? And is there any special reason these almost identical infusions of funds came in alternate years? It is also evident the regular contribution of almost $3.5 million from Fund 128 (auxiliary enterprise revenue — could this be from room and board charges paid by dorm residents?) ceased
in 2010-11? What accounts for the termination of this funding source? Was it a consequence of UW’s tight budget that year? Or something else? Equally mystifying is how University Housing could continue to offer its M/D programs in 2010-11 with only $6,100 in funds, all of it used to pay salaries. What reductions in its programs had to be made? The information presented here comes from a little-known 60-row, 44-column spreadsheet prepared annually by the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate. The UW System uses this information in preparing its Annual Minority and Disadvantaged Student Program report. Neither of these documents are accessible on UW websites. I obtained them by special request. Finding out what kinds of programs are financed by these M/D expenditures in University Housing is not easy. Its websites contain information about its Center for Cultural Enrichment and the role of its Squad of Diversity Coordinators. Nothing there even hints at how its M/D funds are spent. Perplexed by these spending gyrations, the small FTE count of M/D program staff and the lack of website detail, I addressed a succession of open records request to Paul Evans, director of University Housing. As I had been asked to do, I submitted these requests through the UW Office of Administrative Legal Services. On March 25, 2011, I made my first request, asking for information on the purpose of the University Housing 2008-09 M/D
Mifflin rules can improve our safety Mifflin Street Block Party Committee The highly anticipated Mifflin Street Block Party is less than a week away. However, there seems to be so many rumors about this year’s Mifflin that it is hard to figure out what to believe. We are here to put these rumors to rest and explain what is really going to happen on Mifflin. We are a group of students who have worked closely with city officials, members of the neighborhood and the police in preparation for Mifflin, and one thing we can say for sure is that this year’s event will see some serious changes. Unlike past years, this year’s party will have no sponsor. The responsibility of a sponsor is to take out a street use permit with the city, allowing the temporarily closure of Mifflin Street the day of the event. This permit would also allow vendors to be present on the street. A sponsor can also choose to take out an entertainment permit, allowing amplified music on the street. Since there is no sponsor of Mifflin this year, the responsibility has fallen upon the city to handle the event. The city is not sponsoring the event, and this means major changes will take place. One is no open containers of alcohol will be permitted on the streets, sidewalks and terraces. Second, there will be no vendors or entertainment at the event. Entertainment is not limited to a stage and speakers, it includes amplified music from residential houses on Mifflin and street performers. Offenders will receive large fines, potentially have their party deemed a nuisance (i.e., in violation of the nuisance law passed last February) and be subject to arrest. Another modification, and one with serious consequences, is the city will not be taking out a street use permit. This means that Mifflin Street will NOT be closed to traffic on Saturday. Students should know that anyone standing in the street before it is closed down runs the risk of being arrested. The police are required by law
to close the street for safety reasons once the number of attendees reaches a certain amount, but this does not guarantee the police will not ask people to leave or even stop making arrests once they have closed off the street. Finally, the biggest change this year’s party will see is the enforcement of trespassing laws. This means that anyone can be arrested for standing in someone’s front or backyard if they were not personally invited by a tenant of that house to be there. Houses enforcing this law will have a “No Trespassing” sign clearly posted on their house. The city recognizes that Mifflin is going to happen regardless of all these changes, but they will still continue to downsize the event and will be enforcing all city ordinances. There are many things attendees can be arrested for, and each partygoer should know that they will be held accountable for their actions. We as students know how frustrating it is to run such a high risk for a day of enjoyment, but we encourage everyone to be as safe and smart as possible. If there is any chance for Mifflin to continue in the future, it is necessary for this year’s event to go smoothly. We want to enjoy Mifflin, and this can be done without being disrespectful or unsafe.
expenditure of $3.5 million, most of which was listed as being spent on “other” in contrast to “salary” expenditures. The lengthy response in an April 5, 2011 letter from the OALS said the expenditure of interest was for “diversity and climate in student services.” It went on to say “the university does not have an existing record that would accurately represent the purpose of expenditures related to diversity initiatives in University Housing.” It added that the coding of expenditures “resulted in the inclusion in the report of a broad range of university housing expenditures not specifically related to M/D programs in housing.” On April 13, 2011, I initiated another more detailed request, again through OALS. I asked for information on why there was not salary expenditure for the 1.0 FTE entry. How there could be only 1.0 FTE listed when the University Housing Diversity Initiatives website indicated the presence of 10 diversity coordinator positions? How could there be no records on the expenditure of the $3.5 million for M/D programs? I have no evidence of any response to this inquiry, probably because my request was poorly framed in terms of the open records law. On May 2, 2011, I made still another request for “detailed record or records that describe M/D expenditures for University Housing for 2005-06.” The OALS response on May 25, 2011, stated simply, “The University has not located any records responsive to your request.” I made one more attempt in a letter of Nov. 30, 2011. This time
its reluctance to release this information. Or am I missing something? After Plan 2008 ended several years ago, the Wisconsin State Journal published an editorial, “UW diversity efforts needs audit” (Aug. 26, 2008). It called for an independent audit to be conducted by a group such as the Legislative Audit Bureau. To the best of my knowledge, no such audit ever occurred. There is a clear need, based on the information presented here, for not only a financial but also a performance audit of all M/D programs, particularly the University Housing program. Only then can UW officials, faculty, students, as well as the public be assured that the substantial resources invested in M/D programs are being spent wisely.
I asked for records for 2009-10 inquiring about entries found on the UW M/D Spreadsheet on (1) both the $3 million expenditures shown in the column “Total 128” [Fund] and the source of revenue that financed these expenditures, and (2) both the $5.7 million expenditures shown in the column “Total Other Ex” and the source of the revenue that financed these expenditures. A Feb. 10 response from OALS said, among other things, “the University has not located records responsive to your request for revenue/expenditures as related exclusivity to the diversity initiatives in UW Housing.” These denials may have been the result of my inability to properly phrase these open records requests. This is a familiar problem. Though my requests failed to bring forth the requested information, I find it difficult to believe University Housing does not have this information. I also find it difficult to understand
W. Lee Hansen (wlhansen@ wisc.edu) is a professor emeritus of economics.
Minority/disadvantaged expenditures Total university expenditures on minority/disadvantaged programs in residence halls. $8,705,500
$8,515,500 $8 million
$6 million
$4 million
$2 million
SOURCE: UW-Madison M/D Students Programs ‘05-’06
Herald Editorial Don’t get fooled again Political scapegoating and partisan rhetoric can mask the reality and tangible consequences of unemployment in the State of Wisconsin. As students and citizens, the hunt for a job is universal, and the policies lawmakers enact have a direct effect on the economy. However, as elections approach, it is important to keep the complexities of the economy in mind and not to blame poor job growth on any one leader. It is important for students to be outraged that unemployment in Wisconsin is abysmal compared to the rest of the country, as recent numbers show. However, turning this outrage onto solely President
Barack Obama or Gov. Scott Walker is counterproductive, and both parties are exploiting the outrage to blame the other for stagnant growth or job decay. In reality, the fluctuation of jobs is more complex than that. Lawmakers enact the policies that actually affect change, not a single leader wielding the job wand that magically grants and seizes jobs as it sees fit. To say one person can be blamed for unemployment implies there is one person who can fix it. The policies and practices our generation will need to live in a country with the lowest possible unemployment will be enacted by forwardthinking groups of people, not
an economic panacea. This simple narrative cheapens a political and economic reality that affects each of us as students and citizens. If job growth is something you as a voter care about, look at candidates’ legislative voting records. Look at their political alliances. When you cast your ballot in the upcoming primaries, general and recall elections, do not be fooled by people calling themselves job heroes and do not be fooled by those who cast others as job villains. If it were so easy that one legislator could fix it with political might, Wisconsin would not need help.
Alex Brousseau
Signe Brewster
Ryan Rainey
Editorial Board Chairman
Managing Editor
Adelaide Blanchard
Taylor Nye
Reginald Young
Jake Begun
Editorial Page Editor
Editorial Page Content Editor
Editorial Board Member
Weekly non-voting Community Member Hannah Somers | Associated Students of Madison Legislative Affairs Chair Ed i t o r i a l B o a r d o p i n i o n s a r e c ra f t e d i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f n e w s c o v e ra g e .
Members of the Mifflin Street Block Party Committee who contributed are: Rachel Lepak (rdlepak@wisc. edu) is a sophomore majoring in political science. Devon Maier (dsmaier@wisc. edu) is a freshman majoring in political science. Maria Giannopoulos (mgiannopoulo@wisc.edu) is a freshman majoring in political science and communication arts. Hannah Somers (hjsomers@ wisc.edu) is a sophomore majoring in political science and Scandinavian studies. Jacob Miller (jhmiller5@wisc. edu) is a sophomore majoring in political science and history.
Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.
ArtsEtc. Editor Lin Weeks arts@badgerherald.com
The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
UW professor teaches science of beer, cheese Joseph Nistler
ArtsEtc. Staff Writer When asked which food industries represent Wisconsin, anyone will jump to “beer and cheese,” with maybe sausage and sauerkraut for good measure. There is, however, a reason those foods come up together, beyond the fact that they make a great meal: They all fall under a category of fermented foods and beverages, one that James Steele, a food science professor at the University of Wisconsin, teaches across the board. Steele has taught labs in brewing and cheese making, including this semester’s Food Science 375: Fermented Foods and Beverages, where students learn firsthand the science behind the drinks and snacks. While the end products are vastly different, the process in creating them is essentially the same. “The similarities between dairy and brewing are huge,” Steele said. “We’re talking about the same concerns, from the front end to the back of all these foods. The skillsets people need to work in these various industries are very similar.” Wisconsin has long been a haven for such fermented foods, yet it may come as a surprise that the state is also the world’s largest producer
Joe Nistler The Badger Herald
James Steele’s students use the beer brewing equipment in Food Science’s Bacteriology Department to brew up grains and good grades this semester.
of soy sauce. Soy sauce, too, is fermented, meaning that it is much closer to beer, cheese and yogurt than many would like to think. As an example of the similarities among fermented foods, Steele compared mozzarella cheese to a dark porter. “Mozzarella cheese browns when it cooks, and too much of that is a bad thing,” Steele said. “That same reaction occurs in the malting step of beer brewing and gives rise to the brown colors in darker beers.” Not only does the browning reaction provide the color, it also plays a significant role in the beer’s flavor. The amount of browning to the grain can determine what type of beer comes out down the line. The same reaction has different results in different foods. According to Steele, the brewing process, from start to finish, goes something like this: Barley is steeped in water to cause germination and production of enzymes that produce sugars from starch and amino acids from proteins. Later, the grains are dried at high temperatures to cause a reaction that creates brown pigments and a large variety of flavors. This is where creativity can come into play; altering the conditions of this reaction can result in a host of different pigments and flavors and, hence, vastly different beers. The next step is to add more grain and water, which all becomes yeast food. Then, you add hops to the yeast food, boil the yeast food to sterilize it and add yeast to ferment it. The brewer makes the yeast food, the yeast makes the beer and that is the essence of beer brewing. a hands-on, applied science class with potentially delicious results. “[In the Food Sciences Department], we know what food processing is like,” Steele said. “Whether it be dairy processing courses, or candy courses or meat processing, it’s all applied science to us.” Aside from the scientific prerequisites, the class will have an age stipulation as well: Students must be 21 to enroll. “The trained students will have to be able to pick up the subtle flavors in hops, in malts, and the only way to do that is to taste the beer,” Steele said. “If you’re not 21, you can’t taste the beer, and you just can’t learn the same things.” Tasting the beer along the way will become all the more important near the end of the semester, when students will present their home brews to a panel of experts, including David Ryder, the vice president of brewing research at MillerCoors, who
is also known as the head brewmaster. Ryder and MillerCoors actually made the UW program possible by donating more than $100,000 of brewing equipment and fermenters to the university in 2008. The brew lab, currently housed in the Department of Bacteriology, is a small replica of the exact same equipment MillerCoors uses on a massive scale. And although by now the cost of equipment donated approaches $250,000, further expansion will be necessary to achieve the goals of Steele and the food science department. Steele is developing a fermented foods and beverages certificate program, a program he hopes will be the first step toward a larger brewing facility. With a larger facility, Steele hopes that more students could learn the science and the craft, all while producing largescale brews to sell on campus. “Even when we get this MillerCoors stuff here in Babcock Hall, that’s not a scale that we’d even be able to brew for the Memorial Union here on campus,” Steele said. The revenue from beer sales would help fund the certificate program and the fermented foods classes, perhaps even creating a self-sustaining program. It has been done before, as Steele noted, at the Babcock Dairy Plant, which produces much of the ice cream and cheese found around campus. “Many of our students work in the dairy industry now in Babcock Hall. That’s a phenomenal opportunity for students to develop those skill sets in an industry,” Steele said. “I’d like to be able to offer the same thing from the brewing side.” Moreover, having a brewery on campus would allow interested students to learn about the brewing industry firsthand, rather than doing short internships with larger companies. “And what a cool way to teach science!” Steele said. “For me, it’s one of the greatest things, and I’ve taught science for a long time. … But now you’ve got the opportunity to teach great science in a venue where you have students’ attention, and that doesn’t get a lot better than teaching beer.” Should all go as planned, Steele already has a vision of the flagship brew: “Bucky’s Red Lager.” “That would be the fun part — to make something good that represents the university well,” Steele said. “We want to make artisan products that have great flavor, that are valueadded, that are providing people jobs … and I think we have a compelling story to go with it.”
BH presents True Life: I’m a sex columnist me, because I’ve never done this before. Here goes nothin’.
Amie Kjellstrom Hump Day Columnist Happy Hump Day, Badgers! If you’re a senior like me, you’re probably getting ready to pick up your cap and gown and planning for the upcoming graduation ceremonies while both looking back on your time at UW and ahead to what the future will bring. It’s been a crazy ride here at UW — especially working as a sex columnist. And while Sam and I have received tons of questions over the course of the year, on everything from anal sex to silent vibrators, we’ve also received tons of questions about what it’s like to be a sex columnist. So for my last column, I’m doing something totally new: answering your questions about my personal life. Bear with
How did you get a job as a sex columnist? I read about the opening on the Badger Herald website and applied. I submitted my resume, interviewed with the ArtsEtc. editors, wrote a sample column and discussed the details of the position — just like for every other job I’ve ever applied for. I proposed new ways to spice up the column, and here I am. But why would anyone want a job as a sex columnist? I had pretty shitty sex education in high school, so when I couldn’t find someone who was willing to respect students’ choices of whether or not to have sex and act as a resource for those who choose to, I decided to try to become that person for others. So are you a nympho sex addict or something? No, I’m not a nympho sex addict, but I get that
question a lot. And at bar time, that question usually sounds more like, “Ooh, you’re that sex columnist, so you wanna come home ‘n’ have sex with me?” (Not one bit.) Truth is, I’m just a student like you who wanted to get more involved on campus by doing something I’m interested in — writing. Does writing the column make you super horny? No. In fact, because writing the column is like writing an extra paper every week on top of school and work, I’m busier, more tired and usually less horny. Sorry to disappoint. What do your friends and family think of the column? For the most part, they think it’s funny. At first, my mom thought that people would read the column and stalk me, bless her heart. While my dad doesn’t read the column, he sees it as something interesting to put on my resume. And my grandpa said to me, “Amie, I’m 80 years old. If I haven’t learned it by now, it’s not gonna happen.”
How do other people react when you tell them you’re a sex columnist? Most people have been taken aback at first, then very receptive (no pun intended). For example, when I was looking for a new apartment last year, I was following a landlord around during a tour when she turned back to me and said, “So you’re a journalist.” I panicked for a second. Did I mention working for the Herald when I talked to her on the phone? Will she be hesitant about renting to me if she finds out what I do? “I found your column when I Googled you,” she admitted. “My husband and I had a great time reading your sex toys article.” Sigh of relief. Discussing the position during job interviews was a bit more challenging. As you may or may not know, sex in this country is tied closely to morals. As such, many potential employers assumed that my position as a sex columnist means that I’m outspoken and downright slutty, and hence “not a good fit” for
the position. My response? A company that’s uptight and closed-minded that can’t see past the content to the actual skill behind my writing “isn’t a good fit” for me. Take my word for it: If people don’t respect and value you for who you are, fuck ‘em. How do you respond to the comments on the online version of your column? There’s something about the freedom to comment anonymously on the Internet that brings out the worst in people. (Not convinced? Check out the comments on Rebecca Black’s “Friday” YouTube video calling for her suicide.) While some of the comments that people have posted have been intentionally hurtful, I’m usually glad when someone points out a new way of looking at the topics I address because it offers an additional point of view to my readers. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from writing this column, it’s that you can’t please everyone when
you write about a topic as controversial as sexuality, so you have to measure success by how much you can engage people with your topic. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned as a sex columnist? Oh God, I’ve learned so much, I don’t know where to start. Probably the most important thing I’ve learned is that people are impossibly, beautifully diverse and to always respect those differences. So who’s taking over when you leave? Think you’ve got what it takes to be the next Badger Herald Hump Day columnist? Email humpday@badgerherald. com for more details about the position. Badgers, it’s been real. Stay sexy. Amie Kjellstrom is a soonto-be UW alum who will begin working as an Internet marketing specialist in June. Contact her by email at amie. kjellstrom@gmail.com.
The Badger Herald | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Ink Now 40% Made of Bones Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com
The Badger Herald | Comics | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Buying, scooping up graveyards
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Ghost complications
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
39 Make 14
18 20
40 Right away 41 One of the
Wallendas 23
42 Actress Lamarr
45 The Clash’s
“Rock the 37
43 45
46 American
Leaguer since
1954 52 56
47 When
58 61
became extinct 49 Like some amusement park passes
Puzzle by Joe DiPietro
Across 1 Barbers’ aids 6 Like some batters 10 Hurry it up 14 Available for mugs 15 Added, in commercialese 16 Pizarro foe 17 Flirty one 18 Man’s labor? 20 Christina of “Sleepy Hollow” 22 Barbecue grill brand 23 Woman’s flippant remark? 28 Wrangler rival 29 “___ Miss Brooks” 30 Golden, in México 31 Not stay rigid 32 Sweet-talk 35 Garden decoration 37 Woman’s journalism?
43 NutraSweet rival 44 “___ Hall” 45 Spiral shape 48 Branches of study 51 “Is there something more?” 52 Lob’s path 53 Woman’s package? 56 You’re being attacked while under it 58 “Vive ___!” 59 Man’s plank? 63 Magazine revenue source 66 Sea lettuce, e.g. 67 Something many a celebrity carries in public 68 Towering 69 Pay attention to 70 Skirmish 71 Utah’s ___ Canyon
Down 1 Foldout bed 2 Telephone key with no letters 3 Highest peak in Turk. 4 Nuts-andbolts 5 Tiny bit 6 Splitsville resident? 7 Bygone muscle car 8 [Damn, this is frustrating!] 9 Talk and talk 10 In great supply 11 Powerless 12 Lint catcher 13 Enmity 19 Have 21 Fish salted for bacalao 23 Andean stimulant 24 River to the Rhine 25 Iditarod transport
Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com
50 “Told ya!” 26 River near the Leaning Tower 27 Sound from a pound 31 Conk 33 Cambodian money 34 1974 John Wayne film 36 Advanced deg. for musicians 38 Bash on a beach
53 Crash site? 54 Floss brand 55 Big name in travel guides 57 Sheepskin holder 60 Dolt 61 Warm lining 62 Laundry day brand 64 And the like: Abbr. 65 Look over
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
Why hello there, spring. Here to stay this time?
To place an ad in Classifieds: Roshni Nedungadi rnedungadi@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Looking for extra spending money after a summer of fun? Like to get dirty? Campus apartment company needs hard workers to assist with apartment turnover from August 14-19, 2012. 8 hours per day. $14.00/ hour plus bonus for exceeding expectations. You will work hard, but make some cake. Please call BARTENDING! $300/ day poten- 250-0202! tial. No experience necessary. STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Training available. 18+ ok. 800 Paid Survey Takers Needed in 965-6520 ext. 120 Madison. 100% Free to Join.
Finish your bachelor degree online in 18 months or less! Degrees in criminal justice, aviation, ministry, sports management at Central Christian College. 1(888) 926-0815. www.centraldegrees. info
Do you love working outdoors, are able to work in a fast paced environment and have great customer service skills? The Henry Vilas Zoo is hiring individuals for the upcoming summer season. Positions are available in the food service department which includes our concessions stand and sub shop. If you are interested and would like to fill out an application please stop by the gift shop and pick one up or you can download an application on our website www.vilaszoo.org and drop it off at our food stand.
Click on Surveys.
FOR RENT Spacious four bedroom near Kohl Center. Newly remodeled with loft and large porch. Laundry, heat, and water included! Parking available. Call 235-7753 SUMMER SUBLET: large one bedroom in a two bedroom apartment at 619 W. Mifflin St. for Summer 2012. Great location, excellent management company, easy-going roommate. $400/month OBO. Available 5/21/12. Email bdmiller2@ wisc.edu for more details.
SO to the hobo in the psych building singing Barbara Ann and rearranging the garbage cans while talking to himself the whole time. Thanks for the laugh but you kinda freaked me out... ASO to the girl sitting in a Bascom lounge next to me breathing like a dragon after spewing fire. Git yo lungs checked out, girl! (SAD) SO to the group of seniors at Memorial Union sunday. You guys made me wish time would stop... listening to you plan where and when your reunions post graduation will take place. On a brighter note SO to you guys exploring the country together. Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, and San Diego.... jealou. so glad being a badger found you great friends to travel with! ASO to people with
iPhones who use the headphones to talk on the phone when you’re just walking around. Not doing anything else... just walking. Is it really that much of a terrible inconvenience to hold your phone to your ear? You do realize you look like a crazy schizo talking to yourself, right? Please, stop. ASO to the girl wearing the MINNESOTA sweatshirt walking up bascom today who said “I don’t think I should go to mifflin.” YOU’RE RIGHT, YOU SHOULDN’T. SO to City of Madison for leaving Mifflin St. open to vehicle traffic this Saturday. Looking forward to the Drunken Human Frogger! ASO to the people who have the same smile in every one of their Facebook pictures. Are you people robots?
SO to airplane mode for making it possible to ignore bitches while playing temple run. SO to making a summer bucket list with my best friends..can’t wait to stay in madison this summer! three more weeks! SO to The Beets. AAAAAAH-EEEEEEEOOOOOOH, KILLER TOFUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! SO to chasing a mother duck and her 12 ducklings all the way from Park/Dayton into Lake Monona. Stopped traffic several times but they made it all the way to the lake! SO to my grandparents and dad coming up to meet my fraternity brothers this weekend. DSO to my dad getting shit faced. TSO to my grandpa getting more shit faced than my dad. LOLSO to the girl in my ethnic studies class who, when we were taking a US citizenship test, answered the question, “who is the current chief justice of the United States?” with “Joe Biden.” How did you get accepted into this university? ASO to preachy vegitarians and vegans. Do what you want with your own life but if you lecture me on my own food one more time i will go take a bite out of a live cow ASO to penises. I like guys and all, but currently they’re creeping me out. HMFSO to Canadians who live in Madison. SO to the new terrace chairs. What a nice blue color. Completely unrelated SO to the nice blue color of my bedroom, and how nice one of the new chairs would look in it Shert ert to terking lirke ther terget lerdy frerm snl whern irm drernk ASO to that annoying breed of girl that feels it is necessary to tell me that smoking kills. Smokers kill too, you are next on my list. SO to the little kids on charter decked in badger gear shouting “Go Wisconsin.” Nothing better than future badgers in the making. ASO to girls who cut the bottom of their shirts in strips. You’re not pulling off the “somewhat hiding my stomach” look if that’s what you’re going for, but you’re doing a pretty good job on the “this shirt is ridiculous” look. SO to the biker, who in the process of flipping off a car that cut him off, rode into the curb SO for the predicted weather for Mifflin to be 81 with only 10% chance of rain!! ASO to the girl who made her facebook cover photo a mifflin picture with the caption one more week... she goes to stout. SO to the girl in college library who declared “I feel SOO much less pregnant now!” upon exiting the ladies room. ASO to looking up drink recipes while studying...talk about counterproductive.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
BLESSED, from 12 him for an everydown role. “Special teams is definitely a stepping stool to get onto the field,” O’Neill said. “To just understand the speed of the game, especially at the college level, I feel like I was able to come to my own at certain points of the season last year. Hopefully it will carry over into next year and carry over to defense.” Fenton — who recorded just a single tackle last season despite appearing
Photo courtesy of Mohammed Ahmed
Mohammed Ahmed has earned All-American accolades three times in his three years at UW and he has qualified for the NCAA championships in each of those years as well.
MCCUE, from 12 Big Ten meet. Despite running against a field loaded with professionals, the three-time AllAmerican still managed a sixth place finish, more than a positive sign of his Olympic potential. Think of Montee Ball playing in the Pro Bowl after finishing off his junior season and dominating Jared Allen and the rest of the NFL’s top defensive lineman for 150 yards and two touchdowns. All this while not yet a professional athlete. It’s an unrealistic situation, but it’s comparable to what Ahmed achieved at the Payton Jordan Invite — he landed in the top 10 while competing against some of the top stars in the 10,000 meters. But the distance specialist is just the most recent example of the 93 former Wisconsin athletes who went on to make Olympic appearances. And, aside from a sizable collection of former men’s hockey players, they almost all come from sports outside of the everpopular men’s basketball and football programs. Most recently, at the 2010 Vancouver games, two women’s hockey players in Hilary Knight and Meghan Duggan played for Team USA. In the past several weeks alone, two Wisconsin wrestlers chose to take an “Olympic redshirt” and just missed out on qualifying for the U.S. wrestling squad. But such major achievements, with Ahmed’s just the latest example, often get
DOWNS, from 12 Ten leading Michigan, Wisconsin welcomes Green Bay tomorrow in a doubleheader in their final nonconference contests of the season before hosting the biggest Big Ten series of the season when the team takes on Michigan. With the Badgers currently sitting with an RPI of 46 with just eight games remaining in the season, Healy knows just how important winning every game has become for her team. “We’ve seen other teams lose some nonconference games and it hasn’t hurt them as much,” Healy said. “So we’re not trying to be perfect and get nervous about it but every game is big now down the stretch. For us it’s about are we making improvements. We’ve got three tough
undeservedly brushed over in favor of the latest recruiting developments. It would be naive to expect Badger fans to suddenly shift their attention from Montee Ball’s touchdown runs to less publicized sports like cross country, women’s hockey and rowing, but Ahmed and his fellow Olympians deserve trumpeting for their professional level accomplishments as Division I athletes. Athletes don’t simply earn Olympic spots without experiencing tremendous success at a previous level, a sign of both the historic strength of Wisconsin’s athletic program. Such landmark performances — amateur athletes competing against the best competition in the world — deserve the more attention from the UW faithful. So maybe, just maybe, it’s worth checking out Madison’s biggest stars who don’t call the Kohl Center or Camp Randall home. Whether it be on the cross country track or the wrestling mats, Ahmed proves that Wisconsin’s athletic success extends beyond the realm of events ESPN airs. You never know — they might one day be standing on the podium doing the cardinal and white proud with a gold medal draped around their neck. Ian is a junior majoring in journalism. Agree that Ahmed’s shot at the Olympics is a landmark achievement, or will you stick to football and basketball? Let him know at imccue@ badgerherald.com.
ones against Michigan and Nebraska left.” The game marked the 11th consecutive game that the Badgers have won at Goodman Diamond, an active streak that is good for the school record. The Badgers are also closing in on the all-time wins mark in a single season. With the record at 34 and Tuesday night’s victory giving the team win No. 31, the Badgers will need to win four out of their remaining eight to break the record. Not too bad for a team who finished 20-31 just two years ago. “It’s been awesome, coming from where we were with the softball program a few years ago, this is amazing,” Massey said. “It’s nice to see the progression of the team and I feel like we have such great chemistry, it’s just really fun to play for this team.”
“I think it could be one of the best linebacking units that Wisconsin has seen in a long time.” Ethan Armstrong Junior Linebacker
in 13 games — may hold a slight edge over O’Neill after an impressive spring camp. With Buh and his fellow UW coaches continuing to evaluate a deep and experienced group of linebackers, the two first team AllBig Ten players alone should be enough to shore up any concerns about the quality of Wisconsin’s linebacker corps in 2012. “I think it could be one of the best linebacking units that Wisconsin has seen in a long time,” Armstrong said. “I think that they definitely have that potential, and Mike and Chris have proved it, and now we just need a third guy to step up and show everyone what we got.”
McIntosh solidifies No. 2 spot against Bradley Massey increases season doubles record at UW Nick Korger Associate Sports Editor Having one of the Big Ten’s best pitchers in Cassandra Darrah has graced the Wisconsin Badgers this season with solid performances on the mound. With a 20-9 record and just a 2.16 earned run average in 172 innings pitched, Darrah has been the unquestioned work horse on the rubber for the Badgers. However, Tuesday night was the same kind of dominance from a different name. Junior pitcher Meghan McIntosh solidified her push as the Badgers’ consistent No. 2 pitcher, shutting down the Bradley Braves over seven complete innings, giving up just five hits while earning her sixth victory on the season, her fourth complete game and her first shut-out performance of the year. For Wisconsin head coach Yvette Healy, knowing that McIntosh can handle the pressure of working with a small lead gives her added comfort going forward. “We needed every bit of her firepower,” Healy said. “She struck kids out and put a zero on the board. To throw a shutout is always special, but especially when we aren’t scoring many runs; she was clutch today.” McIntosh did indeed have firepower, as the lefty showed off her velocity
on unsuspecting Braves’ hitters, fanning four while only walking two. Although early in the game it looked like a struggle to locate her pitches, McIntosh eventually settled into her comfort zone, working twice to get out of jams with runners in scoring position. “I was just really hitting my locations tonight,” McIntosh said. “Coach Healy said work on getting the ball down and let the defense work, I just worked on hitting my spots and let the ball go wherever it went.” Although the runs didn’t come in the usual spades for the Badger bats, the Wisconsin offense was able to escape a lackluster performance thanks to McIntosh’s commanding performance. The development and solid play of a pitcher at the No. 2 spot is incredibly important for the Badgers going forward. With Darrah throwing almost 100 more innings than McIntosh or sophomore pitcher Amanda Najdek, the development of another reliable arm on the Badgers’ staff could help give Darrah vital resting time, especially in these nonconference games. “It’s amazing to have a staff,” sophomore Stephanie Peace said. “We love playing behind any of them and love giving them run support and we know they’re going to give us their best and we hope to do the same for them on offense.” Double digits If the 2012 softball team at Wisconsin is marked by the theme of improvement,
perhaps there is no better exemplifier of that theme than second baseman Whitney Massey. Massey, who hit just .233 from the plate in her sophomore campaign, has emerged as an All-Big Ten caliber player for Wisconsin. Boasting one of the team’s best batting averages with a .350 mark, Massey is also a utility player in the infield for the Badgers, giving the team the benefit of a player who can play multiple positions. But the .100-point increase in her batting average or the solid play in the field isn’t what was making headlines Tuesday night. Rather, it was one stat in particular: doubles. With two doubles against Bradley, Massey has now hit 19 doubles on the season, a Wisconsin single-season record. The total also pushes Massey’s career double mark to 29, pushing her to the sixth highest career total in program history. But when Massey steps on the diamond, she has something on her mind beyond just hitting her next extra base hit. “This season started off really rough for me,” Massey said. “My grandpa passed away, he was very close to me and a big fan of softball. So basically, since I’ve come off of that I’ve just been thinking about him.” Massey, who split time last season with Jordan Skinner starting at second base, has emerged into the everyday starter, batting incredibly consistently for the Badgers at the No. 3 spot in the batting order, driving in 32 RBIs, a team best.
Sports Editor Elliot Hughes sports@badgerherald.com
12 | Sports | Wednesday, May 2, 2012
A dime a dozen After last weekend’s NFL draft, Wisconsin had 12 players go in the 1st round since 1999, 2nd only to Ohio State.
UW downs Bradley 2-0 Badgers sneak by with timely hit from Peace, strong pitching from McIntosh Nick Korger Associate Sports Editor The Bradley Braves (1928, 9-14 MVC) gave the Wisconsin Badgers (31-15, 12-6 Big Ten) all they could handle Tuesday night. Playing at the friendly confines of Goodman Diamond on a beautiful spring night, the Badgers rode junior pitcher Meghan McIntosh’s (6-5) arm the distance to 2-0 win against the Braves. The Badgers, a team that had already scored 247 runs this season coming into their matchup with the Braves — a program record — struggled mightily to come up with timely hits against Bradley ace Madeline LynchCrumrine (10-17) as the team scattered eight hits across seven innings but failed to come up with clutch hits for the majority of the game, leaving six on base, going 2-for-9 with runners in scoring position. “We faced a great pitcher,” sophomore
Stephanie Peace said. “She kept us off balance, she had some off-speed stuff, some down balls, something we weren’t really used to. I don’t think we were quite ready for it. It was unlike our team to get the clutch hits tonight. We just have to come out a little more focused and disciplined on what we’re going to swing at in those situations and get those runs across.” Wisconsin head coach Yvette Healy also had compliments for the Braves’ starting pitcher. “Their pitcher did a good job keeping us off balance,” Healy said. “We’re coming off a tough weekend on the road and creating momentum is important and I’m glad to get this game under our belt now.” Even though the Badgers’ offense failed to produce five runs for the third time in just the past 16 games, it made little difference, as McIntosh allowed five measly hits to the Braves, going the distance to pick up the win on the mound with her fifth complete game of the
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Second-baseman Whitney Massey charged Wisconsin’s offense with three hits in her three appearances at the plate. She also scored one of the Badgers’ two runs in the 2-0 win. season. Wisconsin used a little bit of small ball to sneak across its first run of the game in the bottom of the second inning. A oneout single by sophomore Michelle Mueller started things off for the Badgers, as Maggie Strange laid down a sacrifice bunt to advance Mueller to second for the second out. After the team left two
runners on in the bottom of first, freshman Marissa Mersch made sure that would not happen again, hitting a single that turned out to score Mueller after Braves’ first baseman Brianne Joseph was not able to handle the throw to first, giving the Badgers the first blood of the game and a lead they would never surrender. The Badgers struck again
in the bottom of the third, using a leadoff double by hot-hitting junior second baseman Whitney Massey to start things off. Not to be outdone, Peace stepped up and hit a double of her own, driving in Massey to give the Badgers a 2-0 lead and the game’s eventual final score. After that, the bats went M.I.A., as the team managed only one hit in
the next three innings. Lynch-Crumrine went the distance herself, allowing eight hits and two walks while only allowing one earned run. It was a delicate situation for the Badgers. Currently sitting tied for fourth place in the conference standings with Iowa and just one game behind Big
DOWNS, page 11
Ahmed latest in athletic prowess Ian McCue Right on Cue
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
A.J. Fenton (17) is one of many linebackers vying for the open starting spot at strong-side linebacker. The redshirt junior only recorded one tackle last year but has shined this spring.
Linebackers blessed with depth Buh has plenty of viable options to fill 3rd starting spot alongside Taylor, Borland Ian McCue Associate Sports Editor On a linebacking corps that features two of Wisconsin’s most explosive playmakers in Chris Borland and Mike Taylor, a high stakes sweepstakes is underway for the chance to complete that trio. But as Saturday’s spring game concluded the spring football season, the battle for the outside linebacker spot alongside this duo, both of whom surpassed the century mark in total tackles in 2011, has yet to be solidified. It’s a rather pleasant problem for Andy Buh, the veteran linebackers coach who is in his first year with the Badgers. “A lot of places I’ve been, we’re lucky to have that fourth guy,” Buh said. “We’re talking about six or seven guys competing for that third spot, that’s unbelievable.” While Buh called Ethan Armstrong — who started two games last year while stepping in for an injured
Kevin Claxton — the “frontrunner,” the Badgers boast three other players at the position with onfield experience. Aside from Armstrong, the most experienced of those competing for the coveted third spot are a pair of redshirt juniors A.J. Fenton and Conor O’Neill, along with sophomore Derek Landisch. Likely the quickest of the group, Fenton would bring dangerous speed to the No. 3 spot while O’Neill’s strength would add another big hitter to the unit. But as each works to leave a lasting impression on the coaches who will decide their fate, they all model their games after the success of Taylor and Borland. The duo, who both stayed healthy for all 14 games in 2011 for the first time in their careers, remained an everoppressive force on UW’s defense last season. Taylor led the team with 150 total tackles, and not to be outdone, Borland used his speed to bring
down opponents in the backfield and ended the year with a team-high 19 tackles for a loss. “They more than set the bar,” Armstrong said. “They’re the standard that we all hold ourselves to, that’s how we gauge our performance and we look to them to be the leader of the group and to show us how things are done.” As the lone player who has shared on the field with the two sure starters, Armstrong’s experience alone may be enough to take him to the top of the depth chart. According to last year’s depth chart, he would fill in at the third linebacker spot, but Armstrong was sidelined all spring with a hip injury he sustained last fall. As he continues to rehab the injury that had him leaving the Camp Randall field by ambulance, he sees the opportunity to finally make a full recovery as a blessing in disguise. “Now I finally have a chance to be healthy, and I’ve got a chance to really
focus on building my strength and explosiveness and speed up to where I’m at least ahead of where I was at this point last year,” Armstrong said. “So I think that will almost turn into a strength, and while I’ve missed time, … I’m hungrier than the rest to get back out there.” Behind Armstrong sits an intriguing option in O’Neill, who brings plenty of playing experience of his own after appearing in all 14 games last year. Despite appearing largely in a special teams role in 2011, the 6-foot, 225-pound linebacker managed 28 tackles in his second year on the field and could pose a legitimate challenge to Armstrong to get the starting nod. Focusing this spring on increase the strength he will need if he fills in as a strong-side linebacker, O’Neill believes his time as an unheralded blocker and member of the kick coverage unit have readied
BLESSED, page 11
Summer is generally a time for Wisconsin athletes to rest up and prepare for the challenges of the looming season. Football players put in long hours in front of the empty Camp Randall bleachers, envisioning the fall gamedays when it will be packed with more than 80,000 fans. Cross country runners spend hours circling the McClimon Complex track, imagining the feeling of once again standing atop the podium as national champions. But Wisconsin running phenom Mohammed Ahmed has slightly bigger plans for summer. Ones that extend beyond such long, unheralded workouts. Like a trip to the 2012 London Olympics. Finishing the 10,000 meters in a lightningfast 27 minutes, 34 seconds Sunday at the Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational, Ahmed is a qualifying race away from taking the Motion “W” to the international stage. As conversation swarms over how Danny O’Brien will fit into UW’s pro-style offense or how Bo Ryan will fare without Jordan Taylor next year, Ahmed’s story is one that transcends the usual accomplishments of college athletes. Though he must finish in the top three at the Olympic Trials in late June, if he manages a similar pace as he did Sunday in Calgary, Ahmed is all but guaranteed to be suiting up for Team Canada come July. The time he posted in Palo Alto, Calif., this weekend was sixth best in the world this year — quite a mark for a college junior to leave. Rose Bowl appearances
and Sweet 16 runs certainly bring prowess to their respective programs and help the Badgers branding reach the national stage, but the Olympics are an entirely different level of recognition and competition. They are the pinnacle of international sports, a global event that just happens to use the vehicle of sports to bring people from around the world together. And while he won’t be donning a jersey with “USA” in bold letters across the front — Ahmed is a native Canadian — he nevertheless has the opportunity to draw attention not only to the university but also to Wisconsin’s storied history of producing world-class runners. A powerhouse in the college cross country world, the Badgers boast a still-active streak of 13 straight Big Ten titles. Plenty of former Badgers have appeared to the Olympics before, and Ahmed may not even be the only member of the Canadian Olympic squad with ties to Madison. Simon Bairu, another Canadian distance runner, starred for the Wisconsin’s cross country squads in the mid-2000s. But what makes Ahmed’s potential Olympic appearance even more impressive is that he’s still a collegiate runner, skipping summer classes to perform on one of the most prominent stages in all of sports. Ahmed, who races for both Wisconsin’s cross country team during the fall and the track team in the spring, still has to make it through the now underwhelming Big Ten and NCAA Outdoor Championships before his Olympic destiny is decided. And the St. Catharines, Ontario, native was sharing the track with competition with a bit more skill and experience than he faces in a typical
MCCUE, page 11