Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Freakfest fun Facts Freakfest reached it’s peak attendance in 1981 and 1982, when crowds hit 100,000
At the 2002 Freakfest, full-on riots broke out and Madison police used tear gas on the crowds
Matt Hintz The Badger Herald
A man dressed as Captain America smiles as he takes in the surroundings at Freakfest last year. This year, tickets will cost $8 in advance or $12 the day of, with the new option of $35 VIP tickets available for purchase online.
At one time, the student government tried to hold an alcohol-free Freakfest in the field house, although it was not successful.
Freakfest lineup announced Mac Miller, Big Gigantic among artists set to perform at event this fall; more money spent this year on talent Camille Albert City Hall Editor Halloween weekend is about six weeks away, and artists Mac Miller and Big Gigantic have been selected to
headline this year’s Freakfest on Oct. 27. Other bands that will be featured at the event include Nobody Beats the Drum, Prof, Roster McCabe, Kids These Days, Gentlemen Hall, Kyle & Keem, OYE!, A.N.T.
Biden, Ryan to visit this week
and The Lately, according to a statement from Frank Productions. The statement said all three stages will be occupied by national touring acts. “We spent a lot more money on talent, and it happens
to fall on the same day as homecoming so there’s going to be more people in town,” Frank Productions Promotions Manager Charlie Goldstone said. “We’re
Last year, chainsaws and bazookas were expressly forbidden at Freakfest by the city of Madison.
Belting it out Singer, guitarist and songwriter of the Memphibians Andrew Felts performs at The Frequency Monday night. Other bands performing that night included My Empty Phantom and Bell Monks. Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Vice President to rally in Eau Claire while Ryan holds town hall meeting in Green Bay Julia Van Susteren Herald Contributor The campaigns of Vice President Joe Biden and Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan will each make stops in Wisconsin in the coming week, which is shaping up to be a key state in the upcoming national election and holds 10 electoral votes. Biden plans to host a rally at the University of WisconsinEau Claire this Thursday, while Ryan plans to visit Wisconsin for the third time to go to a town hall meeting in Green Bay this Wednesday. A representative of Wisconsin’s 1st congressional District since the late 1990s and a native of Janesville, Ryan is expected to have better resonance with the Wisconsin electorate. According to Republican Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Nathan Conrad, Ryan’s visits through Wisconsin are energizing voters. “Each and every time that Representative Ryan is travelling throughout the Badger State, our support grows stronger and voters become more engaged and excited about the plan that he and Governor Romney are putting forward to get our
nation back on the right track,” Conrad said. Biden, while not a native of Wisconsin, is expected to resonate with the working families of Wisconsin, including the state’s Labor Union base. Graeme Zielinski, spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, said Biden has an edge over Ryan because of his family’s working background. “One thing about Biden that Ryan doesn’t share is that he has a background of coming from a working family,” Zielinski said. “He’s familiar with the challenges working families face and that helps him here to understand the needs of Wisconsin.” Since the last presidential election, Wisconsin has shifted politically to the right, but according to recent Public Policy Polling polls, President Obama was solidly ahead of Romney up until he appointed Ryan as his choice for vicepresidential candidate. The two newest PPP polls done in mid-August show Obama and Romney about even. Conrad said the Republican Party of Wisconsin has full faith in the “amazing ground
BIDEN , page 4
Rapid bus system plan moves along Molly McCall City Life Editor Three city organizations met in a public meeting Monday night to address the continued pursuit of a Bus Rapid Transit system in the city of Madison. Metropolitan Planning Organization, Capital Region Sustainable
Communities and Capital Area Regional Planning Commission presented its study on a new bus service and received feedback from the community for the first time on the prospects of the project. According to a MPO pamphlet, “BRT is highfrequency, limitedstop service that offers an improved rider experience on busy
streets and highways.” Joe Kern, Project Manager of SRF Consulting said the purpose of last night’s meeting was to perform an initial screening with the community, and the next step will be to define specific systemwide components of the proposed BRT system, including span and frequency, stop spacing
and stop amenities. The study done by the groups evaluated the possibility of an integrated transit project which would feature high-capacity transit with fewer obstacles than rail, MPO member Bill Schaefer said. “BRT has the potential to vastly improve transit
BUS, page 4
Glitches in Learn@UW create hassle for students, faculty Dana Bossen Herald Contributor Recent issues with the University of Wisconsin’s software platform for Learn@UW have made for a difficult transition into the fall semester for students and professors using the site
which can include readings, course information and other tools for courses at UW. University of Wisconsin System spokesperson David Giroux said Desire2Learn is the software platform used to run Learn@UW, which is the online course management system
accessed by professors and students at UW. “This platform serves a number of students, from online learning to traditional classes,” Giroux said. Giroux said currently they are experiencing issues with connectivity and slowness on the Learn@UW website. In terms of the
performance issues that arose during the summer and throughout last week, Giroux said they are working on understanding what is causing the problems and are attempting to remedy them. He encouraged students seeking more up to date information on the issues
with Learn@UW to take a look at bulletins posted on the website. He said the bulletins are updated periodically and address the website’s current difficulties. When the problems with the D2L system are solved, the university hopes to see an improved performance of both the navigation bar and
online bulletins, Giroux said. Division of Information Technology spokesperson Mary Evansen said while performance problems with the D2L system arose over the summer, issues have come up with the system in the past week and are much
GLITCHES, page 4
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Events today 7-10 a.m. Photography Exhibit Larry Robinson: Thank You. Drive Thru. Gallery 1308 Union South
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Wis. places fourth for most cuts to education State high on list for largest funding decreases per K-12 student, study finds State Politics Editor
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A report released last week by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows Wisconsin among the top four states that have cut the most education dollars per student. The report shows Wisconsin has cut over $900 per student since 2008. This is more than the amount deducted per pupil in any other state, except Alabama, California and Idaho. The report also shows Wisconsin in the top
eight in terms of each state’s percentage change in spending per student. According to the report, Wisconsin has decreased spending by about 14 percent, with only seven states having decreased spending further. A total of 13 states have increased spending, including North Dakota, which increased its spending per student by 28.2 percent, and Iowa, which increased its spending per student by 10.6 percent. The Wisconsin Education Association Council released a statement about two weeks ago featuring teachers and officials reflecting on the more recent effects of these cuts on education. Ron Martin, the president of the Eau Claire Association of Editors, a
teacher and the director of the National Education Association, described some of the consequences of the education cuts to be increased class sizes and decreased course offerings. According to the statement, the state budget cut millions of aid from Wisconsin school districts and reduced the dollar amount school districts can collect without being required to go to referendum. “In my own school district, there has been a significant reduction in support staff who serve a vitally important role in educating children,” Martin said in the statement. “Here is the bottom line — and I hear this from teachers from all over the state: Increased class sizes, staff cuts and reduced
course offerings are limiting opportunities for Wisconsin students.” According to Mike Mikalsen, spokesperson for Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, the report does not show the complete picture. Mikalsen said there are two parts to the equation: The actual dollar amount and the percentage. Mikalsen said despite the $900 being cut per student, Wisconsin is still in the top 5-10 percentile in terms of dollar amount allotted per student in the U.S. “The report is intentionally misleading,” Mikalsen said. “Wisconsin still has one of the highest education expenditures in the country. That is the point that I am trying to make.” Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine, and chair of the
state Senate’s Committee on Education and Corrections, said there is no doubt that the education cuts made last year by Gov. Scott Walker have had devastating effects on Wisconsin. Lehman said these cuts were not only historically the greatest cuts made to education in Wisconsin, but they are also putting a great amount of pressure on the school districts in the state. “Districts across the state of Wisconsin are dealing with bigger enrollment numbers, larger class sizes and a reduction in program funding,” Lehman said. “We’re hoping something will change and that these kinds of cuts do not continue. [The report] is just another way to look at what is happening in Wisconsin right now.”
Obama gains stronger lead in polls after DNC State Politics Editor
disapprove of the President’s performance, according to the reports.
The Rasmussen Report’s daily presidential tracking system shows President Barack Obama five points ahead of presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the nation. The gap between the two candidates, which had narrowed when Romney selected Wisconsinite Paul Ryan as his running mate, has not been this wide since March 17. The Rasmussen report also shows Obama’s job approval rating at 52 percent, which is at its highest since January of 2011. Forty-seven percent
According to the Associated Press, the Obama campaign has raised $114 million in the month of August, $3 million more than the Romney campaign. Obama was able to significantly increase his fundraising after finding 317,000 donors who had not yet contributed to his campaign. University of Wisconsin political science professor Ken Mayer said he feels the polls reflect the fact that the Democratic National Convention has just taken place, and does
Meghan Zernick
Board approves security grants McKenzi Higgins Herald Contributor The Board of Estimates focused their efforts on the presentation and approval of a series of grants geared toward improving Madison’s security and public safety on Monday. The board authorized the mayor, city clerk and chief of police with the Fiscal Year 2012 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant award in the amount of $109,537. These funds would be aimed at supporting law enforcement initiatives. A primary initiative utilized through these grants is the availability of new technology to analyze surveillance video more closely, said Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4. Verveer said similar grants could be used to increase the amount of surveillance cameras in the downtown area. He said this is something he overwhelmingly supports. Assistant Chief of Police Randy Gaber said the Madison Police Department recently received permission to look for grants to support the installation of additional cameras downtown. He said there has been support from the police department on this matter. The board additionally addressed the authorization of the mayor and chief of police to accept a grant totaling $16,634 funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the 2012-2013 Pedestrian/Bike Ambassador program. The Pedestrian/Bike Ambassador program, created by MPD, serves to educate the public about the rules of bicycling. The grant allows program employees to remain employed for a longer period of time. Verveer said he has gotten complaints of bicyclists riding illegally on sidewalks. Lt. Dave Jugovich of the Madison Police department said the issue of bicycling on
sidewalks downtown is particularly acute. “I have received an unprecedented amount of complaints regarding bicyclists riding illegally on city sidewalks,” Verveer said. Jugovich said the program is working with Madison Metro to diminish the amount of illegal bicycling by University of Wisconsin students, particularly at the intersection of Park St. and Johnson St. He said the goal is to prioritize public safety. The board also reviewed additional improvements to various locations around the city. Park Superintendent Kevin Briski said the Madison Parks Division would be focusing its attention on making the intersection of John Nolan Drive and Broom Street safer to cross for bicyclists and pedestrians. Briski also said that the construction of the skate park is moving forward, set to begin in the spring of 2013. Ald. Joseph Clausius, District 17, said he was very pleased with the progression. “The sooner, the better with it,” Clausius said of the skate park. “Every community around us has a skateboard park.” The board then turned to the total capital budget. City Finance Director David Schmidtke said the total proposed capital budget for new projects in 2013 will be $14 million greater than 2012. Schmidtke said these projects include engineering major streets and storm water projects. He said major projects in the future include the $20 million Madison Municipal Building renovation and re-construction of Monroe Street. Both of these projects are city-funded, he added. The Board of Estimates will continue with the executive capital budget on Tuesday. A public hearing form the council will take place Sept. 18 and voting on amendments will occur Sept. 24.
not particularly reflect the fact that the Obama campaign outspent Romney’s campaign.
“In the context of the presidential race, these poll results will not predict the final outcome.” Ken Mayer
UW political science professor
Mayer said he thinks the $3 million is fairly insignificant, and the “post-
convention bounce” matters a lot more in terms of poll results. “Romney got no bounce, or a small convention-bounce, while Obama has a moderate convention-bounce. This will temporarily affect his approval rating,” Mayer said. “It is likely that the numbers will tighten up again in the next month. In the context of the presidential race, these poll results will not predict the final outcome.” Professor Barry Burden, another UW political science professor, echoed similar thoughts. According to Burden, it appears Obama got more of a boost from the Democratic convention than Romney
did from the Republican convention. Burden said although the race tightened after Romney chose Ryan as his running mate, all of that seems to have reversed in recent days. “Polls show Obama back on top nationally and in some key swing states. His fundraising has picked up and will probably continue to flow as the general election approaches,” Burden said in an email to The Badger Herald. “Romney is going to have to hope that poor economic numbers, SuperPAC ads or the October debates change the dynamic in his direction.” -The Associated Press contributed to this report.
by the numbers $400 100,000 5
The amount a fine would cost for texting while driving in Wisconsin (MPR news)
The number of times people are injured as a result of texting while driving per year (The National Safety Council)
The average time in seconds that a driver’s eyes are away from the road while texting. At 55mph, that’s driving the length of a football field (NSC)
Texting and driving safety to be stressed in state high schools Gov. Scott Walker declares awareness month; programs begin in classrooms Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor Students at Wisconsin high schools will soon be seeing assemblies showing the dangers of texting and driving as part of a partnership between the Wisconsin State Patrol, AT&T and AAA. A statement released Friday said Gov. Scott Walker is hoping to get the message across to students going back to school by calling September “Don’t Text & Drive: It Can Wait” Awareness Month, a reference to AT&T’s national “It Can Wait” campaign. The statement continued with a plan to reach out to high school students about the campaign by running assemblies in high schools throughout the state. The assemblies will mainly consist of a 12-minute documentary featuring texting and driving stories as well as a computer simulator to display how driving ability is impaired by various distractions, AT&T spokesperson Jessica
Erickson said. “The documentary shares real stories of lives that were either altered or ended because of texting and driving. It is a very powerful and telling video that hopefully will strike home with young people,” Erickson said. AT&T is encouraging drivers to sign a pledge to never text and drive, which can be found at www. According to Erickson, AT&T has spent millions of dollars this year and described their efforts as an “ongoing commitment” that will be continued in coming years. Erickson cited various numbers showing the necessity of such a campaign, including that while 97 percent of teenagers know texting and driving is dangerous, 75 percent say it is a common occurrence among their friends. “The focus is on young people because we know teens are particularly at risk because they are inexperienced drivers and tend to be prolific texters,” Erickson said. Many other events are sponsored by AT&T nationwide to promote their campaign, such as a Milwaukee Boys & Girls Club event last month with Green Bay Packers Hall
of Famer LeRoy Butler. AT&T is also running advertisements to prevent texting and driving. People who text while driving are 23 times more likely to get into an accident, according to Wisconsin State Patrol Major Sandra Huxtable. Huxtable said the assemblies should be effective in curbing texting and driving among young adults, but added a variety of approaches are needed to fix the “multifaceted problem.” She added it is a driver’s responsibility to remain focused, but passengers must also remind the driver to do so. “The number one killer for young adults happens to be traffic crashes. We are trying to turn that trend around and encourage them to be responsible drivers and responsible passengers,” Huxtable said. Huxtable also addressed the law signed in 2010 under Gov. Jim Doyle which made texting and driving a cause for a traffic stop and citation with penalties of up to $400. She said there have been over 300 convictions since the law passed. “The law is effective and making sure people are aware [of not texting and driving],” Huxtable said. “Anything we can do as a solution is effective.”
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
SSFC addresses campus transportation, SAFEride Committee appoints member to STB, talks about seg fee allocation in area Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor In a meeting Monday evening, members of a branch of student government nominated a member to the Student Transportation Board in addition to addressing the transportation services available on campus and what students are paying for through segregated fees. Student Services Finance Committee nominated Rep. David Vines to represent the
committee on the Student Transportation Board to serve as the second representative in addition to SSFC Vice Chair Joe Vanden Avond, who is already on the board by default. Vines said as a member of the board he would make sure students are getting what they are paying for. “In terms of specific details, I know we are really getting played by the city, and they are trying to make us cover a significant portion of the budget we did not originally approve,” Vines said. Vines said it is important to advocate and make sure students are paying for what they actually use and are not
FREAKFEST, from 1 expecting [the crowd] to be larger this year.” Tickets will be available starting this Friday either online or from several businesses on State Street and the University Bookstore, Goldstone said. He added the businesses that sell tickets will have multicolored posters in their windows about the event and do not charge a service fee for tickets. Goldstone said tickets are $8 in advance or $12 if purchased the day of the event. The statement said tickets will be available from business outlets until Oct. 26 and gates to Freakfest will open at 7:00 p.m. According to Goldstone, VIP tickets are newly offered this year for $35 and are only available online or at the coliseum box office. He said VIP ticket-holders can watch the bands without going early and waiting in line because they will have dedicated areas at both main stages, the Capitol stage and the Gilman Street stage, set aside for them. He added those areas
Regarding the SAFEride simply filling a gap in state bus services that should be cab services, Vines said all students are still paying paid for by the state. In terms of the 80 and for three rides a semester, 85 bus lines, Vines said despite the fact the service an increase in cost and has been discontinued. He added fees for decrease in services is unacceptable, and as a SAFEride buses should be member of the board, the same, if not lower. SSFC Chair he would Ellie Bruecker make sure they are not “ASM as a whole said students paying cutting back is committed to are more this year services and campus safety.” in segregated expecting fees for students to pay more. Ellie Bruecker transportation campus Vines said SSFC Chair on including the right now Associated students Students are paying of Madison for an increased amount for the bus passes, bus routes SAFEride bus services and including the 80 and 85 getting the same, if not a lines and SAFEride and slightly reduced service on walk services. Regarding bussing on campus.
include private bathrooms and because they could not devote the resources to it. He said he complementary beverages. According to the statement, does not believe UWPD will be the city’s “largest costume on State Street during the event this year because the contest” will event has been tame be held at the for many years. Ticketmaster “We spent a lot more He added UWPD stage at 11 money on talent, will be dedicating p.m. It said resources scouts will and it happens to its give out fall on the same day elsewhere because the UW Badger’s a “golden as homecoming so homecoming football ticket” to there’s going to be game against people with the best more people in town.” Michigan State takes place the same day as costumes on State Street Charlie Goldstone Freakfest at 2:30 p.m. Verveer said the in advance. Frank Productions average attendance Madison Promotions Manager at Freakfest recently Police has been 35,000 Department people. He added spokesperson since Freakfest Joel DeSpain got re-structured said even though MPD will staff the years ago due to violence and event, there have not been vandalism, the event has been a any significant police-related lot safer, but has not gotten as much student attendance as he incidents for years. “This has been something wishes. “All of us that have been officers in recent years have enjoyed policing,” DeSpain said. involved with the planning are Ald. Mike Verveer, District confident everything will go 4, said the University of well,” Verveer said. “One of my Wisconsin Police Department main concerns is that it’s not as has not been involved in popular with UW students as Freakfest in the past few years Halloween formerly was.”
campus, Bruecker said while reductions were made to the 80 line in size and in terms of how often busses come, students still pay more this year to keep them running. Bruecker said SSFC put funding in the budget last semester so students would pay for the now discontinued SAFEride cab service with segregated fees, but UW Transportation Services refused to continue the service. According to Bruecker, UW Transportation Services said they are not running SAFEride cabs because they were not efficient, and now the money students have paid through segregated fees for the equivalent of three cab rides is not being used
for any purpose. “ASM as a whole is committed to campus safety,” said Bruecker, “In the future, ASM will look at alternatives to make things more cost efficient,” she added. Toward the end of the meeting, Rep. Tito Diaz was appointed to serve on the Student Activity Center Governing Board. Bruecker added in a meeting this Wednesday, ASM Student Council will debate whether to put a new student council constitution to referendum in fall elections. Vanden Avond also fielded ideas regarding possible outlets to send information out to students regarding changes in segregated fees.
for a permanent solution to prevent future difficulties with the system. more noticeable because of A recurring service issue the recent increase in student update statement on the activity and the number of Learn@UW Knowledge Base students trying to access regarding the D2L service Learn@UW this fall semester. problems said Learn@UW Professor of performance remained Communication stable over Arts Sara the weekend McKinnon said “DoIT staff are after actions she experienced taken watching closely were problems with to update the and will take system last connection and wait times action if this Friday. during the first to continues to be an theAccording day of classes. statement, issue.” the condition Evansen said DoIT staff of D2L Mary Evansen technology took steps last Friday afternoon DoIt spokesperson as applied to and Monday Learn@UW morning to will continue address the issues with to be monitored in the case Learn@UW. of future problems with the “DoIT staff are watching service. closely and will take action if “We understand that you this continues to be an issue,” may have concerns due to the Evansen said. events of last week. We give Evansen said DoIT hopes you our assurance that we to resolve performance issues have not let down our guard in the next few days so the and will continue to inform site will run just as smoothly you about developments as as it has in the past, and they occur,” the statement added they are searching said.
GlITCHES from 1
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UW study looks at blood cells Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Lab desks in the Chemistry building are outdated and lack fume hoods. Chemistry professor Flemming Crim said the building is currently not properly equipped and that labs will be renovated under the project.
Chemistry buildings to be updated Regents approve funding for projects to renovate and expand UW System facilities Allison Johnson Herald Contributor Last month, the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents approved a proposal for renovations and expansions to UW-Madison’s Chemistry Building and chemistry facilities at two other UW System schools to better serve students. Associate Chair of the College of Letters and Sciences Robert McMahon said the need for construction arose from a lack of adequate facilities to serve the increased enrollment in chemistry classes. McMahon said he brought the need for construction up in a presentation to the Board of Regents. He added undergraduate enrollment in Chemistry has increased by 50 percent in the past 20 years. The university does not have the space needed to offer enough General and Organic Chemistry courses
to meet student demand, McMahon said. McMahon said because there is no space for group projects or discussion and no capacity for innovation, it is difficult to implement openended research experiences within the programs involved. In addition to space constraints, the three wings within the Chemistry Building — The Shain Research Tower, the Matthews Building and the Daniels Building — are outdated in their mechanical infrastructure and safety amenities, McMahon said. McMahon said inquiry has revealed there is inadequate ventilation in the labs and added this could lead to a shutdown of existing research and instructional laboratories. McMahon said the new building will feature increased energy efficiency through a new heat recovery system that will connect the Shain, Matthews and Daniels
buildings. McMahon said the cost estimate for the construction project is $103,490,000 and should be completed by 2020. Professor Flemming Crim in the Department of Chemistry said currently the chemistry building on campus is not equipped to provide the type of learning environment the university would like to offer and added the proposed construction seeks to address both space and safety concerns. “The project will remove the low part of the Daniels building on the north and build a new tower in that place with lecture halls and laboratories,” he said. Crim said the project will renovate several existing laboratories in order to bring them up to modern safety standards. Crim said the energy modern fume hoods in the organic labs are to provide better ventilation and increased lab analysis
TRANSIT, from 1 in the Madison area,” Schaefer said. “Madison is very well positioned to be able to capture federal funding for BRT.” Some of the goals of BRT include reducing travel times, attracting new transit riders, improving connections between low income and/ or transit dependent neighborhoods and centers of employment, Kern said. Kern said technology would allow customers to know when the next bus would arrive. Buses would come to stops every ten minutes in the peak hours and every 15 minutes in off hours, he added. Kern said if things continue on the right track
space. These are some of the specific features which will be seen in the new tower and updated labs. The renovated laboratories will also increase access to chemistry laboratory courses and allow for more sophisticated and effective instruction, Crim added. Associate Chair of the UW Department of Chemistry Hans Reich said the proposed project is currently the highest priority for new building construction in the UW System and added the proposal is still waiting on approval from the State Building Commission, Gov. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin State Legislature. Reich said if the proposal passes, students will be able to take the classes they need when they need them so they can complete their degrees on time. “The new buildings will provide students with a much richer lab experience,” Reich said.
after developing more concepts, the final report for the project would be finished in early 2013. “This is the starter of the discussion, not the conclusion,” Kern said about the study. Schaefer said there would be trade-offs when it comes to automobile traffic, bicycle facilities and parking if BRT were implemented in Madison. The purpose of the study is to weigh the benefits of BRT as well as the cost and impact of these trade-offs, he added. According to an MPO pamphlet, CARPC and CRSC were able to fund the study through a three-year, $1.975 million Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
A University of Wisconsin study regarding the interaction between red and white blood cells and platelets within blood vessels recently revealed a new understanding through the use of computer simulation. Amit Kumar, postdoctoral research associate in the Flowing Complex Fluids research group, said he worked on the study with his advisor, Professor Michael Graham in the Department of Biological Engineering. Kumar said they ran a computer simulation for the study because it would do more than what could be accomplished in a normal experiment on blood flow. Under normal conditions, white blood cells and platelets flow close to the walls of a blood vessel, but people do not understand why this happens, Kumar said. Kumar said he and Graham were interested to learn why white blood cells and platelets flow close to the vessel wall. In the computer simulation, Kumar said they found white blood cells and platelets are displaced when they collide with red blood cells and are therefore trapped near blood vessel walls.
BIDEN, from 1 game” the party has been working on over the last two years. He also said students should vote Republican this fall. “The Romney-Ryan ticket is providing Wisconsin’s young voters a vision and a plan for the future that will not only help them get and maintain a job after college, but that will help them build for their future and that of the generations to follow,” he said. Zielinski, however, said
Development. MPO member Chuck Camp presented annual fixed-route ridership figures from 1970-2011, which showed ridership at 14.9 million last year and predicts the ridership to be over 15 million this year. Vice Chair of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission Peter McKeever said the BRT would make routes faster, more frequent and friendlier. BRT would better connect housing, jobs and other destinations with higher capacity tools, he said. Kern compared the BRT in Minneapolis to what could become a reality in Madison. The Minneapolis BRT is solid in terms of the results it is producing,
“These phenomena have been known for a long time and have been observed for decades, but a clear understanding was lacking,” Kumar said. Kumar said with the understanding gained in their study, microfluidic devices can be designed to separate excess white blood cells from the body that can then be applied in many treatment methods for different diseases and injuries. Kumar said they are working on answering additional questions and continuing their studies in this field with a focus on other aspects like the size and shape of cells. “We have a good understanding in complex fluids and computer simulations [at UW], which really helped in fulfilling this project and the strengths we have in this department helped in bringing this to fruition,” Kumar said. A UW statement said these findings were published in the journal Physical Review Letters on Sept. 7. According to the statement, Graham and his research group are continuing to study interactions of cells and platelets within the blood vessel and are now working with clinicians in order to investigate the possibility of their study having medical implications.
he believes the Democratic platform has more in common with Wisconsin interests. “The public polling shows that the president is doing well in Wisconsin. At the end of the day, the fact that [Ryan is] from Wisconsin is significant, but more people care about Medicare and education in Wisconsin, and one thing that Paul Ryan won’t do is give specific answers and what and how much they would cut,” Zielinski said. “They have slogans and no plans.
he said. According to the pamphlet, other features of the new BRT system would include electronic pre-pay smartcards and pre-payment kiosks, allowing for off-board fare collection to speed up boarding and make it more convenient. Kern also added that the BRT would average 15 mph, decreasing the amount of time to go long distance by 20 to 25 percent. MPO member Mike Cechvala said BRT capacity would hit 75-80 with standing spaces. MPO member Ken Golden stressed the flexibility of BRT, adding it would reopen the availability for students to live farther off campus and save money.
Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Obama, Romney lack empathy for citizens Clinton’s charisma illuminates both candidates’ lack of empathetic appeal Nathaniel Olson Columnist Elections are all about differences. They are an occasion for our two major political parties to explain why their strategies and values are diametrically opposed to those of their opponents and to clarify what they stand for in stark, hard-nosed terms. But as this presidential election continues down the stretch, I’m struck more by the similarities between the candidates than by their differences. You may have heard about the speech Bill Clinton delivered to the Democratic
National Convention last week. Perhaps you watched the speech or read about it in the paper. Maybe you, like me, saw your Facebook or Twitter feed explode with praise and adulation. “Jeez, not even Honey Boo Boo Child can make people this excited,” you might have thought to yourself. Neither candidate in this election cycle has exploded social media engines or made a crowd go quite as bonkers as Clinton did. When supporters at the rally started chanting “Four more years,” it was hard to know to whom they were referring. So, why did it take the former president to make Democrats go wild for the current one? Why hasn’t either candidate been able to create the same fervor and excitement about their campaign as President Barack Obama mustered in 2008? Much has been said in the last year about both
Obama’s and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s inability to relate to the problems of ordinary American citizens. It’s not particularly difficult to see why when you examine their backgrounds. Both men have worked harder throughout their lives than most Americans can imagine. They’ve attended elite institutions, held major offices and kept themselves in excellent physical condition. When they give motivational speeches, they usually emphasize the importance of maximizing one’s potential and giving 110 percent. They’ve achieved great things because of their grit and perseverance. Romney and Obama have both taken hard lines to try and reverse the perception that they’re aloof and reptilian. They’ve been making the rounds to state fairs to eat deep-fried junk
food, glad-handing with small business owners all over the country and dropping anecdotes about their favorite sports teams to liven their campaign speeches and connect with the locals. Even so, I imagine their real demeanor is much more like that of an unbelieving anthropologist, observing bizarre people in their native culture and wondering why on earth someone would inject even more grease into a Twinkie. So, while some media outlets would like to contrast these tin men against each other, it’s more revealing to compare them to the last great communicator we had in the Oval Office. In the short New York Times biopic “Romney in Crisis,” Douglas D. Anderson, the dean of the business school at Utah State University and a former Democratic Senate nominee, addresses this contrast
between Mitt Romney and Bill Clinton. He poses that “[Romney] is not so much the un-Barack Obama as he is the un-Bill Clinton. … Clinton was an enormously empathetic person who in a crowded room could lock onto you and make you feel like you were the only one there. But he was a totally undisciplined person in his own personal life. Mitt Romney will never disgrace the office. He will set an example of moral rectitude. But don’t expect him to sit down and feel your pain.” While the Constitution forbids Clinton from running for a third term, it’s hard to believe that people wouldn’t vote for him. People feel attached to him — they celebrate his ability to connect with the steelworker, the farmer and the small business owner alike. In contrast, Obama is the ivory tower intellectual and Mitt is the cold capitalist.
We’re no strangers to leadership here at Madison. Between our elite quarterbacks, our prominent administrators and our celebrated alumni, we have plenty of charisma to feed off of and more than enough inspiration to motivate us. But while our local leaders appear to understand the formula for quality governance, our national politicians have not picked up the message. Leadership requires connection, inspiration and vision. It’s about making others believe that you can provide a brighter tomorrow, not just celebrate the glamorous past. No matter who wins in November, expect a serious lack of identification come 2013. I hope everyone has TLC. Nathaniel Olson (naolson4@ is a senior majoring in political science, history, and psychology.
UW’s plans to renovate chemistry labs justified Charles Godfrey
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Gov. Scott Walker’s decision to repeal the equal pay law showed a lack of understanding and sparked criticisms that he was declaring a “war on women.”
Politicians harmful, not helpful for women’s rights Women’s right to make decisions on reproductive health in jeopardy Christin Wiegand Staff Writer Women’s rights have been a point of debate since the women’s suffrage movement. Yet despite all the improvements fought for and won by the women of the past, it seems that with any step made forward another two are moving us back. It is the nature of media today that provides the population with a very specific idea of femininity and womanhood. Many television programs and advertisements depict women as sexual beings needing to look and to act a certain way in order to be desirable. In turn, men can buy products that will make women flock to them and throw themselves at them because, apparently, women can’t control their sexual desires. When women are objectified and portrayed in such a light, it belittles their sense of humanness and makes it easier for them to believe that their rights and their bodies aren’t actually their own, belonging, instead, to their male counterparts. Women who do excel are challenged. For instance, Olympian Caster Semenya has been gender tested because she was too fast to possibly be a woman. Women’s accomplishments, while no less important or phenomenal than those of men, are degraded and discounted. Gabby Douglas, a gold medalist in the 2012 Olympics, received a great deal of media coverage not
for her accomplishments, but instead for her hair. A man has never had his gender questioned or hair discussed in the way that these women are judged and ridiculed. It is clear that the media, and indeed society as a whole, doesn’t comprehend what it means to be a woman. Sadly, the politicians of Wisconsin have proven that they suffer from a similar lack of understanding. Last year, Gov. Scott Walker repealed the equal pay law for women and men. The law, stating that the two genders must receive equal pay for equal work, stood for equality and protected workers from receiving unfair wages because of their sex. This sparked great outrage, and declarations of a “war on women” were screamed by Walker’s opponents. Today, the battle wages on. A woman’s right to choose has been disputed ever since the famous Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, a momentous decision by the Supreme Court which legalized abortions within the United States under most circumstances. This ruling was controversial in 1973 and proves even more controversial now. Not only is a woman’s right to make lifealtering decisions about her reproductive health being attacked, but many politicians are also working tirelessly to contest the law, which would provide free birth control pills to women with health care. Isn’t this a huge contradiction? Abortion is argued to be unlawful because it involves the termination of a human life. For many, birth control pills are a luxury that cannot be afforded. With health care providers offering free birth
control to their customers, unwanted pregnancies and, in turn, abortions will become avoidable. Why, then, is abolishing the availability of free birth control being fought for on Capitol Hill? And what about Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization providing healthcare screenings and advice for women. Its right to exist is debated and many politicians have fought to shut it down because they believe it to be an abortion factory. While the organization does provide abortions, it also offers a great deal more. It supplies STD screenings and mammary exams, both of which are crucial to a woman’s health and wellbeing. Planned Parenthood provides these services affordably and discreetly; the abolishment of the organization would be detrimental not only to women’s health, but the idea of women’s rights. It would further the idea that the future of a woman’s body is to be decided upon by a man. We are witnessing a disconcerting trend -- with increasing regularity, women’s issues have fallen into the hands of male politicians. This raises an important question — why is it right or just that the power and control over a woman’s reproduction is given to a handful of men? A man’s reproduction has never been debated as vigorously as a woman’s. And while politicians battle over a woman’s body and her reproduction, making claims of what is “right” and “wrong,” women are being left out of the discussion. Christin Wiegand ( is a junior with an undecided major.
Editorial Page Content Editor It’s stupid early in the morning. I’ve just dragged myself out of bed, clammered onto a frigid bicycle while clutching a thermos coffee for warmth and psychological comfort and pedaled down a deserted University Avenue to the University of Wisconsin chemistry building for a morning lab. The laboratory is crowded and noisy, and we spend a substantial amount of time waiting in line to collect dry samples of compounds and test tubes of concentrated acids and bases. Eventually we begin the experiment. Chemistry is as close as physical science comes to mimicking magic, and a sudden, colorful chemical reaction is a sight to behold. Unfortunately, such beautiful reactions can generate toxic fumes, and the acidic solutions they take place in can cause chemical burns on contact. As I recall, all of this experimentation was taking place on an exposed table, and I remember looking over at whispy fumes coming from an open beaker on an electric hot plate thinking, “That group just mixed ammonia and hydrochloric acid. … That must be chlorine gas. … Didn’t they use that in World War I, as a chemical weapon?” Obviously, there was nothing I could do other than remind my lab neighbors they should probably cover
the beaker immediately — I had to finish the experiment and complete the lab, even if I was concerned about the noxious gas diffusing throughout the room. Whether or not we choose to fret about it, science labs can be dangerous. Any undergraduate science major at the UW quickly learns that being around potentially hazardous chemicals is an inevitable part of passing general and organic chemistry. Students learn to be careful in the lab, but they also learn to ignore potential health hazards because it’s hard to
“Any undergraduate science major at the UW quickly learns that being around hazardous chemicals is an inevitable part of passing general and organic chemistry.”
focus on carrying out an accurate and precise experiment while plagued by a paranoid phobia of toxic fumes — even if this concern is justified. Chemistry students at the UW shouldn’t have to deal with the unnecessary risks associated with labs that are overcrowded, out of date and lacking such standard safety equipment as fume hoods in order to complete their degrees. Fortunately, the university realizes this. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the UW Board of Regents has proposed a longoverdue renovation of Madison’s chemistry facilities, which will include a new tower for labs with modern
fume hoods and new electrical, plumbing and ventilation systems. The expansion, which has an estimated price tag of $103.5 million, would also increase the total amount of laboratory space, allowing the department to handle decades of increasing enrollment. It provides a much-needed solution to the chronic problems that students face each year — full lectures, crowded early morning labs and concerns of laboratory safety. Chemistry truly is the central science; it describes the way in which microscopic interactions of atoms and molecules determine the macroscopic behavior of matter. Its explanation of the fundamental building blocks of nature is the foundation for modern science, engineering and medicine. Because of this, chemistry is one of the most popular classes at the UW and is a prerequisite for a wide variety of majors. One could argue sitting in a massive general chemistry lecture and carving some initials into the wooden desk is as much of a quintessential UW experience as Badger football or a pitcher of Oberon on the Terrace. The UW is right — in improving the education that this university offers, updating the chemistry labs is the right place to start. Hopefully, the Wisconsin Building Commission and Gov. Scott Walker, who still have to approve the proposed renovation, feel the same way. Charles Godfrey ( is a junior majoring in physics and math.
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Lacking adequate space and modern safety equipment, the University of Wisconsin-Madison chemistry labs are in need of a serious renovation.
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ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Arts | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The best five
Organic food beneficial, despite study’s findings Rachel Werts Low-Fat Tuesday Columnist Whether you buy organic food or not, you have probably heard about it in the news in the past week. Last Tuesday, Stanford University Medical School published findings from a study comparing organic versus conventional food. The media has jumped on this story due to the university’s conclusion that “the published literature lacks strong evidence that organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional foods.” This statement alone sounds quite negative, and your morning news show has likely capitalized on it, calling it a waste of time to buy organic meat and produce. However, looking at the actual scientific literature, it becomes clear that buying organic produce still has benefits, and is supported by this study and others. Read on to find out what all the hype is about this study and why everything you have heard may not be 100 percent true. To start off, according to the USDA, “organic” food must be grown or raised in an environment with minimal exposure to pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, antibiotics and hormones. The logic behind organic farming is by minimizing our exposure to these chemicals, we can eat healthier and reduce the growth of “super-bug” microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. The hype over the Stanford University study has mainly centered on the fact the results did not show a difference in vitamin or mineral content between organically farmed meat and produce and conventionally grown products. However, to most other scientists and organic food enthusiasts, this finding is not surprising. Fruits and vegetables reach their maximal nutrient content based on their level of
be “statistically significant” ripeness before harvesting to help or harm your and the extent of decay health? Many people in that occurs between the health and scientific harvest and consumption. communities say, “no.” Essentially, produce To them, minimizing will contain the most the levels of antibiotic nutrients if it is harvested resistant microbes and at the peak of ripeness and pesticide exposure to any eaten on the spot. This degree should be viewed as has nothing to do with beneficial. the growing process, but The media may have rather the harvest and leapt into a frenzy around distribution process. this story, but don’t be By looking at the fooled. When buying vitamin and mineral organic produce and content alone, it is easy meats, there are still to be fooled into thinking benefits for your health that organic food is no and reasons to pay the better than conventional extra pennies. For many, food. But there are many the reason is simple, other factors to consider subjective and untestable which affect overall health — organic food simply and well-being. tastes better! For instance, the study If you are interested in did find that organically trying organic produce, grown meats were less likely to contain antibiotic- but are nervous to make the change or don’t have resistant bacteria, and the biggest food budget, organic milk was more here is a list of the likely to contain higher Environmental Working levels of essential fatty Group’s highest and lowest acids than conventionally raised meats, a finding that pesticide-exposed fruits and vegetables. other similar The high studies have exposure, or supported as Essentially, produce “dirty dozen,” well. These will contain the group contains fatty acids, most nutrients if it the best fruits like omega-3 is harvested at the and vegetables and omega-6, peak of ripeness and worth spending are important eaten on the spot. the extra money for heart and This has nothing to on to lower cardiovascular do with the growing the risk of health. process, but rather pesticides. The However, the harvest and “clean fifteen” the greatest distribution process. is the group result, which reported to have has been the lowest levels, overlooked, which makes it was 38 percent a better bet to save money of conventional produce and buy conventional. tested contained traces The “dirty dozen” of pesticide residue includes apples, celery, compared to only 7 sweet bell peppers, percent of organically peaches, strawberries, grown produce tested. The imported nectarines, study did not report this grapes, spinach, lettuce, finding as “significant” cucumbers, blueberries because the pesticide residue levels in both types and potatoes. The “clean fifteen” of produce ranked below includes onions, sweet the “safe threshold level” corn, pineapples, avocado, of the Environmental cabbage, sweet peas, Protection Agency. asparagus, mangoes, Many people in the eggplant, kiwi, cantaloupe, health industry have asked sweet potatoes, grapefruit, whether there is, in fact, watermelon and a safe level of pesticides mushrooms. for someone to consume. Don’t believe everything Studies conducted by you read in the magazines Colombia University and or see on TV. Frequently, University of California the hard truth about at Berkley linked higher nutrition is hidden in the fetal exposure to chemical pesticides to lower IQ later fine print and backed by real science. in life. The use of the phrase “significantly Questions? Comments? more nutritious” in the Suggestions? Email the study’s findings has also column at wisconsin.dnc@ raised questions. Does something really have to
RECIPE OF THE WEEK This week’s recipe is a combination of the “dirty dozen” and the “clean fifteen” and is sure to be easy on your wallet while pleasing your pallet. Pineapple salsa
videos right now Viral videos have become one of the greatest time-wasters of our this day, while shaping much of our communal culture. For better or for worse, the stream of freshly uploaded material seems endless, with new videos popping up on a daily basis. Most of those videos die quickly. Some, however, have the staying power of any other popular media. Here are five of the best videos in recent memory.
1. ‘Breaking Bad’ Sitcom Parody Apparently, all that is necessary to turn an edge-of-the-seat drama into a quirky sitcom is sound effects, a laugh track and a network logo. It’s more powerful than you’d think. This parody video has been around for a while, but right now, the corny edit serves as a much-needed tension easer after a cliffhanger of an ending in the show’s midseason finale. Revisiting the White family’s exploits in a lighter tone will bring a bizarrely dark smile across your face — you’ve already rooted and detested the meth cook and murderer, now laugh with him and his family.
2. JB Fanvideo
Courtesy of YouTube
YouTube user’s creepy Bieber parody reached millions.
People do strange things to gain celebrities’ attention. But when YouTube user wzr0713 posted a parody of Justin Bieber’s “Girlfriend” for a contest this summer, things got downright weird. With the clingy lyrics of a nagging significant other and the wide eyes of an obsessed stalker, the clever and comedic rendition left many looking over their shoulders. The video quickly became a meme known as “Overly Attached Girlfriend” on user-submission sites like Reddit, garnering enough views to leave one questioning who the clingy one really is. How attached will you get?
3. Series by user ‘baracksdubs’ In all those speeches, public figures say enough that with the right editing skills, you could make them say anything. And no one is more prone to this than the president. The hardest part is sifting through the words to cut the one you need. That, and editing them to fit together nearly seamlessy. Thankfully, someone had the time to do it. In a series of YouTube videos over the past eight months, YouTuber baracksdubs has strung together singular words and phrases from President Obama, layered them over popular tracks and transformed a politician into an Internet pop star recreating hits by Katie Perry, Carly Rae Jepsen and more.
4. GangnamStyle Dance craze videos have always held a dear spot in viral video culture, even before the Internet came into its own (think: “Macarena”). The latest, “Gangnam Style” by Korean K-Pop artist Psy is simple yet infectious. Just pretend like you’re riding a horse to a techno beat, select a random locale (Psy chose public transportation, wind tunnels and a sauna) and GO. It’s hard to say just what made the video an international hit — the catchy beat? The absurd dancing? — but it’s also hard to argue with hundreds of millions of YouTube viewers.
Courtesy of YouTube
‘Gangnam Style’ actually refers to luxury living in Seoul, S. Korea.
5. Eastwood addresses chair
Yield: 8 servings Ingredients: •
1 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple
1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
1/2 cup diced green bell pepper
1 cup sweet corn (can be frozen)
1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/4 cup chopped red onions
1-2 jalapenos, chopped
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
salt and pepper to taste
It seems election politics can bring out the best in viral videos, but not necessarily for praised actor/directors. Clint Eastwood’s appearance at the Republican National Convention, during which he addressed an empty chair as if it were the president had some laughing, some cheering and some just scratching their heads. CNN Host Howard Kurtz, for one, called it the “weirdest convention moment I have ever seen.” And millions upon millions of viewers likely agreed.
Preparation: Toss all but last 3 ingredients in a large bowl, then add cumin, salt and pepper. Cover and chill in the refrigerator before serving. Courtesy of YouTube
In one of his strangest performances yet, Eastwood gained a confused enthusiasm of the GOP audience. Youtube logo is property of Youtube
The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Cautiously Shying Away from 9/11 Jokes Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Nothing but mourning and memorials here, move along, move along
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: You hear the one about the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]?
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
28 37
35 39
Puzzle by Mike Buckley
Across 1 Empty spaces 5 Writer Roald who created the OompaLoompas 9 What a landscape painter paints 14 Father of Thor 15 Company name whose second letter is capitalized 16 Photocopier cartridge 17 Saturn’s second-largest moon 18 Stoop 19 Birdlike 20 With 38-Across, a complaint 23 New World cat 24 HBO’s “Real Time With Bill ___” 25 Drink named for a certain small stature 27 Bergman who directed “Wild Strawberries” 31 Smell,
taste or touch 35 Partner of legis. and jud. 37 Plotter against Cassio in “Othello” 38 See 20-Across 40 With 57-Across, response to the complaint 42 Prefix with -gramme 43 Attire for Antonius 45 Without assistance 46 Decorative pin 48 Shoreline structure 50 Subject of a painting by Picasso or Rousseau 52 Entrees brought out with carving knives 57 See 40-Across 61 Situated near the upper part of the hip 62 Mid-March date 63 ___ fixation 64 Capital of
Belarus 65 Gaelic speaker 66 1960s secretary of state Dean 67 Party throwers 68 Jazzy Fitzgerald 69 Rented living qtrs. Down 1 Astronaut Cooper, informally 2 On an ___ basis 3 Gun, in slang 4 Symbol of slowness 5 Election year event 6 Not yet up 7 Use a whisk on 8 Neighbor of ancient Phrygia 9 New York’s ___ Island 10 Beauty on display 11 Woman’s name that means “eat” backward
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
12 Like Felix, but not Oscar 13 Puzzler Rubik 21 “Les Coquelicots” artist 22 Marx brother at a piano 26 Tarzan or Buck Rogers, e.g. 28 It’s sometimes held at a deli 29 Not fer 30 Terminus for all roads, in a saying 31 Wound for Cassio
32 Still-life pitcher 33 Actor Robert De ___ 34 Didn’t compromise 36 “Hairy man” in Genesis 39 One of the Barrymores 41 Synthetic material 44 Hunk on display 47 Some pottery containers 49 Bygone record label 51 Fictional character who cried “Curiouser and curiouser!” 53 Ancient Greek marketplace 54 Staple of IHOP booths 55 Breakfast side dish 56 Is a sore loser, say 57 “The Secret of ___” (1982 animated film) 58 Jumble 59 Biscuit containers 60 Wishing place
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
Everybody gives credit to Prometheus for giving humanity the gift of fire. Who cares? Let’s talk about who gave your bartender the gift of ice.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
UW’s McNicoll making early impact Canadian freshman tallied 7 points this season as Wisconsin starting midfielder
the field, her raw speed is difficult to ignore. That quickness, combined with the consistency of her play, has made it easy for teammates to incorporate her talents into their game. “Kinley is just a really Caroline Sage good player, and so it is easy Statistics Editor to learn her tendencies,” sophomore forward Cara Less than a month into Walls said. “She likes to her career as a Badger, dribble and attack, so it is Kinley McNicoll is making a our job to support her and name for herself on the field give her angles. It is really for the Wisconsin women’s great having her.” soccer team. The quickness of play The freshman midfielder in college soccer was jumped right into collegiate something McNicoll said play, starting all six games she has had to get used to for the Badgers (5-1-0) during the first few games. this season. But beyond But college life itself has not achieving a starting been a hard adjustment for position, McNicoll has been her. a key source of offensive “The team has made the production for UW. With transition easy, and I am so just four returning starters thankful for that, especially from last season, the team coming from a distance,” needed a new face to step McNicoll said. “I am up, and head coach Paula absolutely loving it here.” Wilkins sees McNicoll filling Growing up in Ontario, that role. Canada, McNicoll developed “She is a good soccer a love for soccer at a young player — she has a good age. She began playing at soccer brain and her energy the age of three to keep and work rate is fantastic,” up with her older brother Wilkins said. “I couldn’t ask and found herself active for anything different from in a variety of sports a player out there.” including cross country, McNicoll has already track, swimming, karate and tallied seven points this horseback riding. season, good for secondAfter receiving attention best on the team. Her role for her high school play, as the primary player taking McNicoll said she decided corner kicks for UW has led college soccer had a definite to a pair of place in her goals for the future. Badgers. “Ever since I “She is very And the started playing regimented and outside varsity and consistent with midfielder prep, people also has what you are going started to scored two to get out of her. I say, ‘you have goals of potential,’” she her own, call her a soldier, said. “So I set against South a soldier on the my standards Dakota State team.” and knew and Loyola college soccer is Paula Wilkins Marymount, Head coach where I want to games in be.” which she McNicoll also posted multiple points. was initially attracted to According to McNicoll, Wisconsin because of the her success on the field is large presence of Canadian little more than the product natives already involved of a good relationship with in the women’s soccer her forwards off the field. program. At the top of that “We have to be able to list are assistant coach Tim read each other on and off Rosenfeld and forward the field. We have to have a Kodee Williams, who good bond with each other,” McNicoll played with prior McNicoll said. “If that bond to arriving in Madison. comes, then the passes The addition of will get to each other and Carmelina Moscato to the that’s why we have been coaching staff last week successful.” brings an even greater Watching McNicoll run sense of home to McNicoll. up and down the side of Moscato competed in the
MCCUE, from 10 that. When the lock-andreload offensive line came to a grinding halt this year, Pasadena suddenly seemed like a runaway dream. Seasons like the 2008-09 campaign, in which the Badgers climbed inside the top 10, but finished 7-6, are no longer OK. Rebuilding years have faded away, a problem of the past. But note Bielema never fired any assistants in the middle of the year during that season, which included a run of four-straight Big Ten losses. Yet after back-to-back Rose Bowls that finally allowed Bielema to escape the towering shadow of Wisconsin football legend Barry Alvarez, he appears
AGGIES, from 10 ever seen, so I think that urgency is very much there.” Abbrederis, Johnson injury updates Several players suffered injuries Saturday, most notably redshirt junior wide receiver Jared Abbrederis, who got sandwiched by two Beavers players on a route across the middle during the second quarter and had to be taken to the hospital during the game. Bielema said Abbrederis was slightly concussed during the play. Abbrederis’s health is dayto-day and Bielema said there is a “good chance” he will be back for this week’s game against Utah State. The Badgers’ No. 1 receiver finished the game
to have a newfound sense of confidence. In his seventh year, he is no longer the Big Ten’s youngster looking for a defining career achievement, Alvarez peering over his shoulder and observing his every move with a keen eye. But plenty of questions still surround Bielema’s decision to throw the inexperienced Miller into the front seat of a train running way off course. With less than a week to prepare for the Badgers’ next game against Utah State, he’s in charge of rallying together the most disappointing aspect of this team through the first two games. The carousel of All-Americans who define the history of offensive lines at Wisconsin looked below average in the too-close-forcomfort win against Northern Iowa. Against Oregon State, Montee Ball saw such little
Zhao Lim The Badger Herald
Sophomore forward Cara Walls (above) has profited from the addition of the freshman McNicoll, who takes a majority of the Badgers’ corner kicks and has three assists in 2012. 2012 Olympics with the Canadian team and played collegiately for Penn State. Beyond the field, McNicoll said she fell in love with more than just the soccer program. “It is really like home and when I first came to visit. I fell in love with the team and fell in love
with the atmosphere, the school itself,” McNicoll said. “The people here, the school itself — it is like Canada. The atmosphere and the friendliness of everyone is amazing.” Off the field McNicoll has turned her love for the game into an interest in physiotherapy and
plans on majoring in kinesiology. “I know what it is like to be injured, and I know the drive and the passion and the need to get back to it, so that is what I see myself doing in the near future, and I hope I can do it,” she said. “I hope it works.” The passion she has
displayed both on and off the field in her short time as a Badger has driven her teammates to work hard to match such consistency. “She is very regimented and consistent with what you are going to get out of her,” Wilkins said. “I call her a solider — a solider on the team.”
daylight that fans were left feeling sympathetic rather than disappointed in the 2011 Heisman finalist. This is Miller’s second year working with Wisconsin’s mammoth offensive line, but with the slightest of notice, he is now tasked with revamping a unit not resembling anything close to a group of Big Ten run-blockers in Corvallis. Monday, Bielema said Miller is “mature beyond his years,” but such traits can’t make up for a lack of experience. If the UW offensive linemen come out in similar form under the lights at Camp Randall this weekend, what will Miller’s message be in the sideline huddle midgame? What past coaching experiences will he reflect on in that moment? I admire Bielema’s sense
of urgency after watching his offensive line crumble like cellophane around quarterback Danny O’Brien in only his second game taking snaps from center Travis Frederick. He saw a pressing issue and is trying to solve it with a change of equal magnitude. It’s just difficult to believe the issues along the line will suddenly disappear when Miller takes the reigns for the first time this Saturday. The only testimony of Miller available comes from Bielema, who clearly believes he is the young, talented Bob Bostad protégé ready for the job. And he may be the longterm answer to filling the spot as offensive line coach on a team that lives and dies by the run — making it an especially important job. But he’s starting his career
with a Badgers squad with Big Ten title aspirations that just dropped a very winnable game on the road. And the family issues Wisconsin’s head coach indicated played a role in Markuson’s departure look slightly overplayed after the recently-departed coach offered his own perspective on Sirius XM College Sports Nation. As reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Jeff Potrykus, Markuson made it clear he was surprised when Bielema fired him Sunday. “I really thought we were making good progress,” Markuson said on the show. “In light of what has transpired, I still believe what I was teaching is the right thing to do.” Even in spring practice, offensive linemen did not
hide the fact their new position coach had a much different style and new techniques. But it’s clear no one in this program — players and coaching staff included — saw this coming. Make no mistake, this is Bielema’s decision and his decision only. It will likely be a defining achievement — for better or for worse — of the head coach’s legacy. And Badger fans will soon find out if it was Markuson rather than player personnel that had this offensive line searching for its identity.
with one reception for 26 the fifth-year senior was ultimately held out of the yards. “He had significant game as he recovers from damage just from the blow a hamstring injury. itself, nothing structurally that’s going to keep him Upon further review Bielema addressed the out for a long time,” onside kick Bielema the Badgers said. attempted with Fifth-year 1:31 remaining senior safety “I’ve seen more in the fourth Shelton guys up [in the quarter and Johnson also film room] in his team down left the game the last 24 hours three. With the Saturday game on the with a than I’ve ever line, French broken arm. seen.” Johnson, Bret Bielema recovered his a team Head coach own kick at the Badgers’ 46, captain, but the play underwent was reviewed surgery Sunday and Bielema said and officials found French he hopes to have Johnson touched the ball before allowing it to go 10 yards. back within six weeks. As a member of the Another starter, defensive end Brendan NCAA rules committee, Kelly, participated in Bielema said he was happy pregame warmups, but with both the call and how
the officials performed in the game. Big Ten officials served as on-field referees while the replay officials were from the Pac-12. “I have all the confidence in the world [in the review system]. In our league in particular, the officiating has jumped 110 times in the right direction,” Bielema said. “The replay is something that you’re never going to be happy with when it goes against you. We had some good rhythm going. We’ve practiced that play so many times.” “The thing that I asked for clarification was, ‘Was it indisputable [evidence]?’” Bielema said. “We were already calling plays. The ruling on the field was it was our ball. We’ve got to improve to make sure the next time it’s not even close.”
FIRED, from 10 in both run and pass blocking through two games this season, as the Badger offense has only gained 594 total yards in two games, a low number by Wisconsin standards. In a 10-7 road loss to Oregon State Saturday, quarterback Danny O’Brien was sacked three times, and the Badgers gained just 35 net yards on the ground behind an uncharacteristically poor performance from the offensive line. “I’m not naïve to the fact that we’re not going to turn into what we’ve fortunately been able to accomplish in the past overnight,” Bielema said. “But we’re going to take some baby steps and ... we’re going to have a great amount of change in
Ian is a senior majoring in journalism. Was firing Markuson was the right move after the disaster in Corvallis? Let him know at imccue@ or on Twitter @imccue.
a short amount of time.” UW’s former offensive line coach, Bob Bostad, coached a unit that annually produced AllAmericans for four years, but left the team after the 2012 Rose Bowl to take the same position with the NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Miller, a former offensive guard at New Mexico, was coached by Bostad for the first two years of his college career before joining his former coach in Madison last season. “I don’t know if I would have made the move if I didn’t feel so good about his replacement,” Bielema said. “Give Bart his opportunity to hop into the role and a guy that can maybe marriage the bridge that we need now, especially at the offensive line.”
Sports Editor Ian McCue
10 | Sports | Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Bielema Takes Charge
UW O-line coach fired Bielema elects for change at offensive line head; names Miller as replacement Ian McCue Sports Editor
Nick Korger Sports Content Editor At his Monday press conference, Wisconsin head football coach Bret Bielema confirmed reports he fired Mike Markuson as the team’s offensive line coach Sunday after just two games with the team. The Wisconsin offensive line has severely underperformed this season, and Bielema cited “personal matters and a lot of things specific to the program” for deciding to make the change. “It wasn’t a knee-jerk thing by me,” Bielema said. “It’s something we talked about and processed through. He and I sat down together, had a good conversation and [I] talked to him three or four times yesterday.” The Wisconsin head coach added Markuson has a son who is a senior in high school, along with a daughter and wife back home in Mississippi, and
those issues weighed heavily on the first-year UW coach since arriving in Madison. He also made it clear the offensive line’s early-season struggles had him thinking about promoting Bart Miller, in his second year on Wisconsin’s staff, to offensive line coach. After a tough road trip to Oregon State, Bielema said he decided to move forward with the change Sunday morning, but said it was a change he was already considering, especially on the long trip home. While recognizing it’s not normal to remove an assistant coach this early in the season, Bielema said as a young coach, he was often frustrated by the tendency to wait until the end of the year to make changes to the coaching staff. “I always said to myself as I got older, as I grew into the profession, if I was ever in a position where a transition needed to be made, I wouldn’t wait until it was comfortable,” he said. “I was going to make a decision when it needed to be made.
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
The Badgers’ offensive line has been less than stellar at the start of the 2012 season, protecting an offense that has averaged only 16.5 points per game through the first two games. “I’m never going to delay a decision that I think will help us win football games.” Bielema said the first two people he informed of
the decision — offensive coordinator Matt Canada and running backs coach Thomas Hammock — were both “taken aback” by the early season move. But
after talking to the offensive players and the rest of his coaching staff, he’s confident he made the right decision, and Miller is ready to step in and restore this
line to it’s traditionally high level of play. The usually dominant unit has looked weak
FIRED, page 9
Badgers turning attention to Aggies Injuries, urgency climbing as UW switches focus to Utah State matchup Ben Vincent Sports Writer Following the first nonconference loss of his career as the head coach at Wisconsin, Bret Bielema opted to stay positive as his team returns home to host Utah State Saturday night. Bielema praised the team’s defensive and special teams effort in Wisconsin’s 10-7 loss Saturday to Oregon State University. Bielema noted the Beavers converted on just one of four fourth down attempts. He also said he was happy with how the Badgers responded when the Beavers marched down the field to score on the first possession of the second half. “I felt we made some improvements in certain areas,” Bielema said in his weekly press conference Monday. “[Oregon State] Andy Fate The Badger Herald went down and scored Head coach Bret Bielema suffered his first career nonconference loss last weekend, and may be without the services of dynamic wide receiver and punt returner Jared Abbrederis Saturday. [to open the second half].
Our defense took that and responded very well and shut them out the rest of the game.” Punter Drew Meyer and kicker Kyle French also earned high marks from Bielema. “We punted way too often, but on the seven punts, I thought Drew Meyer did an outstanding job,” Bielema said. “I was really happy with Kyle French. He continued to kick the ball on the kickoff as well as on PATs.” Bielema said he noticed a higher sense of urgency throughout the team on Sunday following the loss with more players breaking down film on their own time than usual. The team could not take the field Sunday because of the Ironman competition taking place in Madison, so Bielema and his staff focused on film study. “We always reference ‘overtime guys’ that want to come in and do a little bit extra,” Bielema said. “I’ve seen more guys up [in the film room] in the last 24 hours than I’ve
AGGIES, page 9
Move shows Bielema creating own identity Ian McCue Right On Cue Bret Bielema just launched a high-stakes experiment. When Wisconsin’s head coach decided to replace offensive
line coach Mark Markuson after a rocky start, he showed unbridled confidence not only in himself, but also in new coach Bart Miller. A program swept by change over the last nine months, Bielema’s decision to replace Markuson — one of six assistants in their first year at Wisconsin — just added another hurdle for his team to jump as the Badgers attempt to bounce back from a befuddling loss to Oregon
State. It could be a stroke of genius or a colossal failure, but this much is sure — the head coach is stepping onto a razor-thin, previouslyuntouched ledge. The man known for his conservative play-calling, the one who never seems to pull any surprise punches, just made one of the biggest moves of his (relatively) young coaching career. The head coach, who loves describing his team’s style as
“not sexy,” tossed away his placid style with a bold move. One of the most interesting takeaways from Bielema’s press conference Monday was, as an assistant, he never understood why head coaches saved coaching changes for the end of the season. The reason is because most of them don’t want to create instability in a locker room full of college-age students juggling an already-taxing schedule in the middle of
the season. And that makes Bielema’s move all the more audacious. The man replacing Markuson, who is a 25year coaching veteran of the college ranks who most recently coached the offensive lines at Ole Miss and Arkansas, is not exactly the safe choice. Despite the high praise Wisconsin’s head coach lauded Bart Miller with, the biggest position he’s ever held at the collegiate
level is graduate assistant. Bielema hit the panic button Sunday, and when he did, it sent an important signal throughout the program: Mediocre play is no longer accepted. Wisconsin’s much-discussed rise to becoming a national football power has taken annual expectations for this team to a new level, and it’s not clear the head coach recognizes
MCCUE, page 9