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Campus area set to see new housing Two developments on West Main, West Johnson Streets receive green light Cogan Schneier Herald Contributor A Madison design committee unanimously approved varying phases of several student housing developments set to be constructed near the University of Wisconsin campus. The city’s Urban Design Committee voted for initial approval of an apartment building at 306 W. Main St. as well as initial and final approval of a mixeduse development at 309 W. Johnson St. Wednesday night. UDC also voted against approval for a building at 125 N. Bedford Street. The location on 306 W. Main Street will comprise an 11-story apartment building, according to Joe Alexander of the Alexander

Volume XLIV, Issue 13

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Company, a development corporation that owns the site. UDC member Al Martin said the committee is concerned with the expansive use of metal in the building. The property residing on West Johnson Street, owned by Hovde Properties, would sit behind the T Sushi restaurant near State Street. The building would house apartments, retail units and the administrative offices of the Madison Fire Department. According to Chris Gallagher from EppsteinUhen Architects, the architects’ strategy is to keep the building simple, using clean lines and recessed balconies. The balconies would not stack, Gallagher said, but instead would alternate. The architects also outlined their plans to incorporate planters to freshen the zone, as well as use street lights similar to those found on State Street. The commission was concerned about the color scheme of the building,

An oldy, but a goody Senior Madisonians experienced nostalgia while at Monona Terrace as the Doo-Wop Daddies entertained the crowd with popular hits from the ’50s and ’60s during the Tunes at Monona Terrace event. The musical tradition has taken place since 1997 and provides music lovers with live bands and singers annually. Taylor Frechette The Badger Herald

Martin said. The building would have green and yellow panels, which has come under scrutiny as being too brightly colored. However, UDC member Dawn O’Kroley noted the committee should not need to speak on color. “Generally speaking, the committee makes sure buildings are appropriate,” O’Kroley said. “I don’t think its appropriate for us to tell you which color you should be selecting.” Gallagher said the colors would be in composite panels, so they would not be so outstanding. In addition to the housing, the owners would like to have successful retail along W. Johnson Street with restaurants and the opportunity for outdoor seating, Gallagher said. “The client has challenged us to create one of the best apartment buildings in Madison,” Gallagher said. “We took [that challenge] seriously.” UDC voted unanimously

HOUSING, page 2

Police unions criticize crackdown on protesters Leaders: policy change presents safety risk to Capitol officers Shannon Huberty Herald Contributor Two local police unions criticized Capitol police officers Wednesday in protest of the way visitors to the building have been policed in recent days. The Madison Professional

Police Officers Association and Dane County Deputy Sheriff’s Association issued a statement that said the new enforcement policy pushed by Capitol Police Chief David Erwin and supported by the Department of Administration violates citizens’ rights to freedom of speech and assembly. “We are asking the Department of Administration, the leadership of the Capitol Police and the Governor’s Office to respect the core

values and freedoms upon which this great state and nation were founded and cease their infringement upon these freedoms,” the statement said. The unions also complimented the Capitol police officers in the statement, emphasizing their complaints are with the leadership. The letter called the relationship between officials and citizens during last year’s protests “exemplary” of how police should act

with peaceful protesters, contrasting it to other protest movements around the world that ended in violence. “These officers have performed admirably for over a year and a half under very trying circumstances,” the statement said. “We believe that the recent policy change at the Capitol presents a substantial safety risk to the officers who are tasked with its implementation. Simply stated, these officers are being forced into emotionally-charged

confrontations that are neither necessary nor advisable.” Capitol police issued eight citations to protesters at the Capitol Sept. 5 for holding signs without having permits, according to the statement. The unions said they view these enforcements as “unacceptable in a free society.” University of Wisconsin political science professor Dietram Scheufele said the majority of the public is not concerned with this issue,

and this is not the way for protesters to gain the public’s support. “I think that issue is increasingly a non-starter and something that for the mainstream of voters doesn’t matter,” Scheufele said. “For most people, it is a non-issue, and it is not on their radar.” Erwin responded in a statement of his own and said he was disappointed with the unions’ decision to release a statement “judg[ing] another

POLICE, page 2

SAFEcab could make comeback Recent city, campus alterations to student travel options up for review Katie Caron News Editor

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

Segredo’s bar owner Michael Hierl speaks to Madison’s Alcohol License Review Committee in attempts to remove conditions placed on the bar’s liquor license following altercations near the establishment.

Police applaud Segredo’s work City commission examines liquor license for pizza place on State Street, University bar Sarah Eucalano Herald Contributor A city committee moved plans for a new pizza restaurant forward and came closer to removing liquor license conditions from a downtown bar at its meeting Wednesday night. The owner of Ian’s Pizza, Madisonian Ian Gurfield, will be opening a new restaurant called S2 Pizza Bar on the 500 block of State Street. The committee recommended S2’s liquor license for approval, meaning the restaurant now must be approved by City Council

in order to obtain its liquor license. Although S2 Pizza Bar and Ian’s Pizza are both owned by Gurfield, he said the two restaurants will not be similar. S2 Pizza Bar will provide a different experience, he said. There are currently three Ian’s Pizza restaurants located in Wisconsin with two residing in Madison and one in Milwaukee. A second Milwaukee location is set to debut in the near future. Gurfield said he wanted to do something a little

different with the new restaurant, citing ideas such as a wood-burning oven, differing pizza crusts and a different, more expanded menu. “I was looking for a challenge,” Gurfield said. “It’s a passion project.” Gurfield said the restaurant will be named after his wife and grandmother, both of whom have names beginning with the letter S. On the application submitted to the Alcohol License Review Commission, Gurfield listed the anticipated opening date as Nov. 1.

ALRC also voted to recommend removing restrictive conditions placed on Segredo’s liquor license following two incidents involving guns that occurred last spring. According to a Madison Police Department statement, the first incident involved an employee who found a loaded gun on the club’s floor and failed to report the situation to authorities immediately. Segredo’s owner, Michael Hierl, saidthis was the result of “an

SEGREDO’s, page 4


From changes to campus bus routes to City Council’s recent decision to allow cabs to pick up passengers on the 500 block of State Street between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m., the new semester has brought with it a multitude of changes to the way the campus community gets from point A to point B this semester. Specifically, the discontinuation of the SAFEcab service over the summer and current efforts to reinstate it has moved to the forefront. The Badger Herald provides a breakdown of what led up to the current discussion and what action is being taken to potentially reinstate the service. SAFEcab cut over summer Over the summer, the SAFEcab service was discontinued. SAFEcab was provided for through the university, which was funded partly by UW Transportation Services and partly through segregated fees. The service provided for six free cab rides within a specific zone on and around

campus to each student over the course of the year. Last April, Associated Students of Madison’s Student Services Finance Committee initially voted to eliminate the service, citing administrative concerns. After representatives received feedback, the body decided to reinstate funding for the service about a week later. In a letter to SSFC, UW Transportation Services Director Patrick Kass told committee members that despite SSFC’s reinstatement, it would no longer be managing the service after June 30 — which was followed through upon. This means all students still paid for the service this year through segregated fees since SSFC budgeted for it, and the money is currently not being used. ASM, city alderman working on reinstating service or alternative Now, both ASM and Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, are working on ways to reinstate an improved service or an alternative. Last week, Resnick told The Badger Herald he is working on a proposal for

SAFEcab, page 5


The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, September 20, 2012

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Obama to visit Wis. in wake of poll lead

The Marquee Union South

Two recent independent studies place president in the lead for reelection with 48 days left to campaign Polo Rocha

Events tomorrow 7 p.m. Rhumba for Rainbow Varsity Hall Union South

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Legislative Affairs Editor President Barack Obama will hold a campaign rally in Milwaukee on Saturday after two polls released Wednesday showed he has the lead among Wisconsin voters. A Quinnipiac University poll put Obama at a 51 percent to 45 percent lead over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney among Wisconsin voters. A poll released Aug. 23, shortly after Romney’s pick of U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., as vice presidential candidate, showed Obama with a 49-47 percent lead. Yet another poll executed by the Marquette University Law School showed a larger

lead for Obama in the state with 54 percent to Romney’s 40 percent. This poll also showed increased support for Obama from August, who led Romney 49 to 46 percent in an earlier Marquette poll. Marquette Poll Director Charles Franklin warned more Democrats than Republicans were polled than in previous studies, though the amount of independent voters polled remained the same. He added that if this was adjusted, Obama would still be leading, although only 51 to 43 percent. According to University of Wisconsin political science professor Dietram Scheufele, the campaigns must be cautious in assumptions that these polls are definitive.

“It’s premature to place too much of a weight on whatever polls are out right now, because they are influenced by what people are thinking about right now,” Scheufele said. Despite these polls, Scheufele said it is still a “very tight” election. He added Obama does have the upper hand right now, and many Romney supporters think Obama will win the election. Scheufele said if he asked people what they thought about Romney right now, what would come to their minds would be the “premature reaction” he had to the Libyan embassy tragedy, as well as the video released this week at a private fundraiser during

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to neighbor, door to door, we have been discussing the clear choice in this election for months and will continue to do so in the final weeks of this campaign.” Gillian said Obama’s vision resonates with middle class voters, as he believes they are the core part of his “economy built to last.” She contrasted this with Romney and Ryan’s plans for the economy. “Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would take us right back to the very same top down economic approach which crashed the economy in the first place,” she said. The Romney campaign and the Republican Party of Wisconsin did not return calls for comment on the polls.

UW launches new fundraising program Tactics target university alums to help fill gap left by decreased state aid Dana Bossen Herald Contributor This Saturday marked the kick-off of a new campaign targeting University of Wisconsin alumni for donations to benefit the campus. “Share the Wonderful” is a collaborative campaign between the Wisconsin Alumni Association and the UW campus that reaches out to UW alumni, asking them for gifts or donations. UW Foundation Chief of Staff Alisa Robertson said the university has had a program for more than 20 years that has been contacting alumni, but the “Share the Wonderful” campaign incorporates a new twist. “Historically, our approach was centered around the telefund, which involves UW students calling alumni asking for donations,” Robertson said. “But this year we have involved advertising, social media and digital components.” The campaign will incorporate Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter in order to connect with and reach out to alumni, according to Executive Vice President of the Wisconsin Alumni Association Mary Deniro.

priority,” Deniro said. Stressing the importance of donations, Deniro said all alums proud to say they attended UW should make a donation, as even a small gift could make a huge difference in the university. Deniro said because the university has seen a decrease in funding from the state, it is more important now than ever that alums see this as an

opportunity to give back to UW. According to Robertson, the campaign’s goal is to raise $10 million for high priority annual funds, school and college annual fund, and need-based aid. The university hopes to get 41,000 alumni to make a gift to the university, Robertson said. Robertson also noted 38,000 alumni donated gifts last year and that on average, 10 percent of the 400,000 UW alumni make a gift. Both Robertson and Deniro are looking to increase that number. “Ohio and Indiana have increased giving to 16 to 20 percent,” Robertson said. “We have gotten to the point where UW alumni are just as passionate and loyal, if not more so.” Earlier this week, the “Share the Wonderful” campaign sent out cards to about 125,000 alums, reading “You are Wonderful” and giving information about the campaign. UW alumna Erica Nelson said she was impressed with the effort put forth by the university to contact its alumni. “This is geared toward making alumni remember why they love the university so much,” Nelson said. “It reminds us why UW was so important to us.” The “Share the Wonderful” campaign will run until Oct. 31. Additional information can be found at sharethewonderful.org.

expanded on Erwin’s statement, giving a history of the rule that requires a permit. The rule was implemented in 1979 and is meant to ensure everybody who wants to use the Capitol for events — from protests to weddings to blood drivers — has the appropriate space to do so. “It’s about having everybody follow the same process,” Marquis said. “That’s the end goal. We want them to get a permit, and if they get a permit, then there are no more citations.” She added Erwin is responsible for signing permits, and if he is asked for one, he will sign it, no

matter what opinion the seeker holds. Rep. Chris Taylor, D-Madison, has been one of the most outspoken legislators throughout the rule enforcement changes. She said protesters are often not warned of the citations and get it sent home hours later. Taylor said she was glad to see the statement from the unions, agreeing with their praise of the Capitol Police during the protests last year. “It was a really compelling statement,” Taylor said. “[The enforcement] serves no purpose but to harass these people and elevate a conflict situation.”

for students, and the designers decided against having parking options on site. However, Ferch said the building would have an area in the back for a grill and fencing in the rear yard. There have been two versions of the site plan, Ferch said, considering the input from a neighborhood meeting about the building. Martin expressed concern about the small size of the site and noted

the efforts to keep the mass down as much as possible. “The Mifflin [area] needs newer affordable housing,” Meinholz said. “I would rent it out at $600 a room. This is the building I want to build.” After two attempts at approval, the building was ultimately not approved, and UDC instead suggested further design improvements to be reviewed at a later meeting.

The “Share the Wonderful” website also gives alumni the chance to reminisce about their time at UW through a component called “My Wonderful.” The component provides individuals with an opportunity to view photomontages from the decade they graduated. Deniro said this year’s campaign is different in that it incorporates the entire UW campus. In the past, different schools and colleges have worked to contact alumni independently of each other, Deniro said. “The entire university has pulled together, and we’re making this a

“The entire university has pulled together, and we’re making this a priority.”

Mary Deniro

Executive Vice President of Wisconsin Alumni Association

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which Romney criticized the 47 percent of the country that he alleged does not pay income taxes. “[Those issues] won’t be that salient in November,” Scheufele said. “What is dangerous for Romney is if he produces the reputation that he produces one blunder after the other.” Obama’s campaign was pleased with the poll results and said part of the reason this happened is their ground campaign. “We have always said that Wisconsin will be more competitive than it was in 2008 at the presidential level, and that assessment has not changed,” campaign spokesperson Gillian Morris said in an email to The Badger Herald. “Neighbor

POLICE, from 1 police department’s enforcement” without understanding the issue. He pointed out in his statement the history of the state embracing freedom of speech and put emphasis on the idea that everybody still has the chance to go to the Capitol and express his or her opinions. “This is not an issue about saying what you want — it’s about sharing the space at the Capitol, and there is a process to do it,” Erwin said in the statement. DOA spokesperson Stephanie Marquis

HOUSING, from 1 for both initial and final approval of the project with a recommendation for a more unique and powerful streetscape. The committee also heard from David Ferch, an architect working with property owner Todd Meinholz on a four-story, eight-unit apartment building at 125 N. Bedford Street. Ferch said the building was intended

Mary Kuckuk The Badger Herald

ASM Vice Chair Maria Giannopoulous addresses the crowd at Wednesday night’s meeting, during which the organization debated whether to fund UW’s Homecoming Committee.

ASM approves homecoming funds Committee receives over $20,000 to pay for float, festivities, safety features Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor University of Wisconsin’s Associated Students of Madison approved funding for the campus Homecoming Committee at its meeting Wednesday evening. Two members of UW’s Homecoming Committee came to a student council meeting Wednesday to present their proposed funding budget to ASM, whose Finance Committee had previously approved $8,602 in funding for the organization. UW Homecoming Committee had originally applied for $24,487 in funding for Homecoming Week. ASM Finance Committee Chair Andrew Kidd expressed concern that approving the committee’s original application for funding would severely limit ASM funding for other groups on campus looking to apply for money from the event grant fund. UW Homecoming Committee President Stacy Day said the current funding of $8,602 would not be able to fund the Homecoming Parade, an event which she argued is the biggest and most attended of the events during Homecoming Week. “I would say it is one of the most visible events and most traditional events, and therefore falls on the top of our priority list,” Day said. Day said the committee is planning to increase the security and police presence at the parade as a result of safety concerns last year. Day said $12,300 of the proposed $19,545 space and equipment rental subset of their funding application is designated for safety and security, specifically for the payment of special duty officers from the city of Madison Police Department to be present at the parade. ASM Vice Chair Maria Giannopoulos said last year UW Homecoming was in

ASM’s internal budget, but is no longer part of the budget, thus requiring the committee to apply for funds. Giannopoulos said ASM allocated an extra $40,000 to the event grant budget last year to cover UW Homecoming and the All Campus Party. “The money is still being given to RSOs in the same fashion it would have been if Homecoming would not be in event grants,” she said. Another issue brought up regarding UW Homecoming’s proposed funding was with the $3,000 it allocated for the printing of magnets to be passed out around campus. Day said UW Homecoming was forced to send the order for magnets out in the summer to ensure they would be printed in time for Homecoming Week. Kidd said it is stated in ASM bylaws that a group cannot apply for funding for something it already purchased. After significant debate, ASM ultimately decided to pass legislation allow UW Homecoming to receive $20,897 for their funding this year by a vote of 13 to 4. This amount includes the necessary funding for police and other safety measures for the parade and only excludes the amount requested for magnet printing. ASM spokesperson David Gardner said the UW Homecoming Committee has the option to appeal to the Student Judiciary Board of ASM for reimbursement of the $3,000 for printing of the magnets that was not included in its current event grant. Gardner said these magnets have always been a part of UW Homecoming, and the timeline for printing them in previous years did not matter because the committee was a part of ASM’s internal budget, so the committee did not have to apply for its funding through event grants , as it currently is required to do.

The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, September 20, 2012


MPD task force talks strategy Police: Madison home to approximately 1,200 gang members, 2,500 suspects Molly McCall Campus Life Editor

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

According to new poll results, U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin appears to be taking the lead over former Gov. Tommy Thompson in what has proven to be a tight Senate race.

Senate race tightens, polls say Baldwin looks to take slight lead over former governor, pulling ahead for first time Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor Two polls released Wednesday show Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, in positive positioning for the U.S. Senate seat, a day after two polls paid for by Democrats also had her in the lead. The Quinnipiac University Poll showed Baldwin is tied with former Gov. Tommy Thompson at 47 percent each. A poll in late August showed Thompson had a six-point lead at 50 to 44 percent. However, a Marquette University Law School Poll showed Baldwin in the lead by nine points, leading Thompson 50 to 41 percent. The numbers flipped an earlier poll’s mid-August results, when Thompson led Baldwin 50 to 41 percent. Marquette’s poll had more Democrats than Republicans as usual in this poll, according to Poll Director Charles Franklin. If the poll

had as many respondents from each party as they usually do, Baldwin would still be in the lead 48 to 43 percent. “Much of the movement in the poll came among independents,” the poll results said. “In August, independents preferred Thompson by 46 percent to 37 percent among likely Wisconsin voters. That reversed in September, with independents supporting Baldwin by 50 percent to 38 percent.” The Quinnipiac University Poll found independents support Thompson by 50 to 42 percent. Thompson campaign spokesperson Lisa Boothe criticized the poll for oversampling Democrats in an email to The Badger Herald. She added Wisconsinites would show on election day they do not support Baldwin because she is “too liberal.” “We have no doubt that

Wisconsin families will see through the lies and demagoguery that Tammy Baldwin and her liberal cronies are using to divert voters’ attention away from her failed record,” Boothe said. “No distortion of the truth or amount of money can cover up the fact that Madison liberal Tammy Baldwin is too extreme for Wisconsin.” Baldwin’s campaign was pleased their efforts in outreach to voters are showing in the polls. Campaign spokesperson John Kraus said Baldwin has traveled throughout the state but praised her “strong grassroots campaign” for reaching out to all Wisconsinites regardless of their party. Kraus also said the campaign is making a push for young voters, who he said are starting to “check in” to the election. Baldwin was on college campuses in Oshkosh and Stevens Point last weekend.

As Baldwin was not as well known across the state and has therefore faced an “uphill battle,” UW political science professor Dietram Scheufele said he would caution Baldwin to not read too much into the poll. Still, he said it is a positive result that shows she is having a strong presence. “What [the polls] do tell her is she’s doing something right,” Scheufele said. “So clearly she is not having serious problems with her campaign or the Wisconsin electorate in general. She is actually doing what some people said she was not able to do.” At the least, Scheufele said, Baldwin is proving her critics wrong. The Quinnipiac poll also showed a 52 percent approval rating for Gov. Scott Walker, which Scheufele attributed to having a “smarter electorate” that is becoming more likely to vote for different parties in the same election cycle.

Study: Pre-law priorities out of order Undergraduates may place too much emphasis on law school ranking instead of price Julia Skulstad Campus Hall Editor A recent study by Kaplan Test Prep found notable differences regarding the importance law school rankings have for prospective law school students in deciding where to apply for graduate school. Glen Stohr, director of LSAT programs for Kaplan Test Prep, said this year Kaplan surveyed students after taking both their LSAT and Bar exam prep classes and found an interesting contrast between pre-law and graduate students and their views on the importance that ratings should have in deciding where to apply for law school. Stohr said because it was their first time asking their Bar exam prep students what they think should be the top criteria for perspective students, it was interesting to

compare the two surveys to see both pre-law and graduate students’ opinions side by side. Prospective law students Kaplan surveyed overwhelmingly put an emphasis on school rankings when picking where to apply for law school, whereas graduate students said pre-law students really should focus more on job placement and tuition when considering schools. Stohr said rankings tend to play a big role because law school programs are unlike a lot of other graduate programs. He said it takes a lot more thought and creativity on the prospective law student’s behalf to see what distinguishes one school from another. Stohr said the surveys of graduate law students showed there are other factors besides prestige that prospective students should consider.

“You need to do some research on your own for them to be meaningful to you,” Stohr said regarding law school rankings. Stohr said the four things steps he would recommend to prelaw students to take to make their search and consideration process more valuable in the long run are to come up with a list of “must-haves,” to determine a budget for tuition based on current financial status and what it will be in three years, to talk to current students in whatever school they are interested in and talk to alumni from the school about their success after graduating. University of Wisconsin Law School Dean Margaret Raymond said prospective law school students place such a large emphasis on school rankings because choosing a law school is complicated, and it is reassuring to think

someone else has decided what schools are best. “I think it is important for students to think about what they are interested in and want to accomplish in law school and investigate whether the schools they are considering will meet their needs,” Raymond said. Raymond added academic programs, geography, quality of the programs, nature of the environment, opportunities the school provides and cost are a few things prospective law school students should consider because rankings are not some abstract assessment of overall quality. Ranking metrics do not include measures of cost and because of this, with all else being equal, an expensive school that has more to spend per student will rank higher than a school with a lower ranking, she added.

State agencies submit budget requests Jake Ebben Herald Contributor Agencies across the state sent their budget requests to the Department of Administration for the upcoming biennium budget, which generated an ask for a $650 million increase in Medicaid. Each state agency was required to send their specific budgetary requests to Department of Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch. A request from the Department of Health Services showed about $650 million more would be needed to fund the state’s Medicaid program. The

request said this increase comes from various needs, including a higher number of enrollees, a decrease in federal matching funds, more services being used by current enrollees and the increasing health care costs. DHS found approximately $20 million in savings in the Medicaid program. The department will begin implementing a new program that would check if applicants for the state’s Medicaid program actually live in Wisconsin. “In order to improve program integrity, the department would use electronic databases to verify Wisconsin residency of Medicaid applicants,” the

request said. DOA spokesperson Stephanie Marquis said the requests operated as normal this year with all agencies making their requests to the DOA, which will then pass those requests on to Gov. Scott Walker. Walker then puts together a budget proposal based on merit from the requests. Walker’s last budget proposal was the initial source of weeks of sustained protests at the Capitol in 2011, which drew thousands of people in protest of slashing collective bargaining rights. Marquis said all of the requests will go through extensive review by DOA

and in January, Walker will send that budget, reflecting any changes he may make, for the Legislature to work on it. The Legislature would then send a passed budget back to Walker, who would ultimately approve the upcoming biennium budget. Vicky Holten, administrative assistant to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, said the Bureau will receive a copy of the governor’s budget proposal and will work with the Joint Committee on Finance to analyze the requests. A part of what DOA will be doing in the coming months, Holten said, is looking for any mistakes the requests may have.

In light of a recent spike in crime in the Madison area, city police officers presented the Public Safety Review Committee with an update on a gang-targeting task force Wednesday evening. Madison Police Department Sgt. Amy Schwartz, who has served on the MPD Crime Prevention and Gang Unit for 19 years, said the Gang Task Force has spent a lot of time on the streets downtown and on the west side to prevent gangrelated crimes. The crime prevention gang unit consists of six officers and one sergeant. Schwartz said the force uses a four-pronged approach to gang violence: prevention, intervention, suppression and reentry. She defined a gang as a group of three or more people who have common signs, signals and names, and who engage in criminal activity. Schwartz said there are currently 60 active gangs in Madison, including 1,200 confirmed gang members. MPD’s Gang Task Force estimates there are an additional 2,500 suspects or gang associates. Schwartz said the youngest confirmed gang member in Madison is 12 and the oldest is 62. She expressed concern for the young age of several gangs. “We are seeing more third generation gang members,” she said. Schwartz said the force is conducting more interviews with people on the street to collect more “pieces to the puzzle.” She added gang members are involved in all sorts of crimes, ranging from curfew violations to homicides. Madison has a strong gang influence from Chicago, Milwaukee, southern California and the Twin Cities, Schwartz said, though Madison’s gangs differ in that :anything goes in this city.” Unlike other cities in which gang membership

rules are typically restrictive, if you want to be a “gangster disciple” in Madison, race or other factors are not barriers for entry. Schwartz said the unit’s main asset is its community partnerships. The force works daily with school districts, social services and gang members’ families to discuss potential strategies for assistance or violence prevention. She added some officers often enter schools to participate in classes, give presentations and train school personnel. The force strives to maintain positive relationships with gang members even after arrests have been made because of an element of respect, Schwartz said. “We can’t just arrest our way out of this,” she said. MPD Gang Task Force began collecting data on gang and gang-related violence three years ago, and intelligence continues to grow. Schwartz said there is some difficulty in measuring the force’s success because the force is still struggling to provide a good answer. “There are so many variables with the numbers,” Schwartz said. “There is an increasing number of gang members we’ve been able to identify, so tracking crime in gang members looks like it’s going up, and that may be true.” Schwartz cited a potential factor in the perceived increase in gang-related crime as MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain’s use of the word “gang.” She said DeSpain began more frequently using the term two years ago. Madison Fire Department Division Chief Arthur Price said the perception of an increase in gang-related crime might not be what the public thinks. “Gang members were already here, but now we have a positive way to identify that they’re here,” he said. The force’s focus will now be to collect data to put into numbers for the community, Schwartz said.


The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, September 20, 2012

SEGREDO’s, from 1 inexplicable lapse of an employee doing something very stupid.” Yet another incident took place outside the bar last summer during which two men shot and injured three individuals. “The thought of someone shooting on the 600 block of University never occurred to me,” Hierl said. In order to remove conditions of Segredo’s liquor license, Hierl was required to issue a weekly incidents log to MPD outlining any incidents. Hierl was also required

to create a new employee handbook and attend Wednesday’s ALRC meeting to state his case. MPD Captain Carl Gloede gave a favorable report on Segredo’s incidents log. Hierl said within the past few weekends, the club had many big shows with crowds of more than 600 people and only around two or three minor incidents resulted. Hierl said he reviewed drafts of the employee handbook and was confident it was almost finalized. Since the serious incident, Segredo’s has

changed staffing, made a safer environment, increased relationships with the community and has continued working with police on the street, Hierl said. Segredo’s is proving its positive development with behavior instead of words, he said. “Segredo’s has taken a great music venue and made it great,” he said. City Council will discuss ALRC’s reccomendations concerning Segredo’s liquor license and, ultimately, make the decision on whether the conditions will be removed when its meets next in October.

Study finds pacifier use may affect development Professor: After prolonged use, males unable to show emotion Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor A study conducted at the University of Wisconsin Department of Psychology examined the role pacifiers play in the psychological development of children. UW psychology professor and lead author of the study Paula Niendenthal said inspiration for the study came from the question about whether pacifiers blocked social interactions to the extent that they would have a harmful effect on development. “This idea led to a study of how prolonged pacifier use affected whether people mimic and develop emotional consequences,” Niendenthal said. Niendenthal said the general idea behind the importance of mimicking is the fact that the action is a functional and active learning idea, allowing the body to recreate information it received

through facial nerves that cause expressions and facial nerves that take messages to the brain. Niendenthal said the department conducted three studies to further explore the idea. In the first study, Niendenthal said researchers studied children of ages 6 and 7 and whether they could mimic faces when they looked at them. Results found boys who used pacifiers longer were less

“This idea led to a study of how prolonged pacifier use affected whether people mimic and develop emotion consequences.”

Paula Niendenthal

UW Psychology Professor

able to mimic faces, she said. In the second study, Niendenthal said researchers asked collegeage students to report on their pacifier use in childhood and relate the pacifier use to their scales of visible emotions. The

longer boys used pacifiers, the lower their scores were regarding empathy, she said. In the third study, Niendenthal said questionnaires were administered regarding the relationship between the length of pacifier use and levels of emotional intelligence. She said from this study, researchers found the longer boys used pacifiers, the lower they scored in ability to understand other peoples emotions. Niendenthal said further research is needed for these findings. She said society trains girls to expect to understand people’s emotions and be expressive emotionally, and because parents discuss and encourage emotions around girls much more than boys, the general result is boys are more vulnerable to social and developmental implications. A UW statement said researchers found heavy pacifier use in childhood is tied to levels of emotional maturity found. This is the first study to tie pacifiers with psychological development, the statement said.

The Badger Herald | News | Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mayor proposes tax revisions for Madison Soglin: Infrastructure development lags behind other nearby, comparable cities McKenzi Higgins Herald Contributor Following Mayor Paul Soglin’s presentation of potential revisions to Madison’s taxing policies, a city committee convened Tuesday to evaluate the new options. In a statement from Soglin, the mayor said he was interested in reviewing Madison’s tax incremental financing policy for several reasons, including reflecting changes in real estate markets, maximizing net new construction and clarifying policy language. The revisions would be presented to the city’s Board of Estimates and City Council for consideration. Soglin said during the Economic Development Committee’s meeting that TIF has played a major role in revitalizing Madison’s downtown in the past, but in comparison to Middleton and Verona, growth in new infrastructure development is behind. “This raises the question if we use their same standards,” Soglin said.

“We can compare TIF requirements in Madison versus other communities.” Madison’s Director of Economic Development Aaron Owens said the TIF program is utilized in particular areas of Madison to freeze tax bases for a period of time. This allows the city to pay off its investment in new infrastructure developments while generating money to put toward public goods such as roads and bike paths. Owens said Madison has a lower net new construction growth rate than other cities in Dane County, such as Verona. However, he said it is difficult to accurately compare growth rates between cities. “If Verona were to build a new Hilton hotel, Madison would need 12 new hotels to affect its growth rate the way it would affect Verona’s,” Owens said. According to Owens, economic pressure to be more competitive within Dane County despite this challenge is a reason for making changes to the TIF policy. Owens said possible reforms regarding equity participation in the TIF policy could be beneficial. He said equity participation loans between the city and

developers could benefit the city if the project is profitable. Owen said if a developer needs TIF assistance from the city and is expecting to make $20 million, but ultimately makes $30 million, the city would argue it should receive some of the profit to use for public projects. Developers might believe this would be unfair, Owens said. He also suggested the idea of a pay-as-you-go TIF policy to mimic the one currently practiced by Verona. “Developers will borrow the money themselves,” said Owens. “The city will then pay the developer to pay off their debt, rather than borrowing for them like the current TIF policy.” Owens said retail development grants in the new TIF policy would allow retail stores on State Street to remain competitive with food and beverage establishments. He said there would be improvements in tenant costs with larger grants from TIF that would keep the retail industry vibrant. He told the committee that the new TIF policy should articulate the vision, goals and values of Madison clearly. He added unnecessary language should be eliminated.

Jen Small The Badger Herald

Madison Mayor Paul Soglin is advocating reform to Madison’s Tax Increment Financing system in order to revitalize the downtown area’s economic development. While the details are still in the works, Soglin is looking to the plans nearby cities like Verona and Middleton use. Despite these models, Soglin said the policies should still reflect Madison’s own goals and values.

SAFEcab, from 1 a rapid taxi service as an alternative, which would run between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. and cost a flat fee of $5 per ride inside a designated zone. On Tuesday night, members of ASM’s Campus Safety Campaign decided it will hold a Town Hall meeting regarding SAFEcab sometime in the next two weeks, ASM spokesperson David Gardner said. He said stakeholders like cab companies, students, UW Transportation Services and city officials will all be invited to voice their concerns and ideas for how to move forward with an improved SAFEcab service.

Gardner said many students and members of the campus community have raised concerns about the service being cut, and that ASM wants to work with the city and UW Transportation Services to bring back a cab service with campus safety in mind. “Transportation is definitely something students are worried about, and we want them to know that we’re addressing it,” Gardner said. In an email to The Badger Herald, Legislative Affairs Chair Dan Statter said SAFEcab provided a valuable service and that there should be ways for students to travel safely to on or off-campus destinations.


Statter said in communicating with city and university leaders, ASM will be looking for ways to ensure safe transportation services are available. “We will be looking for the best way to do this, taking into consideration city proposals and university discussions. Alder Resnick’s idea would address the problem and I think it is something that we can discuss,” he said. Gardner also said there is some speculation as to how exactly SAFEcab was discontinued as there were multiple factors involved, but that ASM is interested in moving forward and advocating for students rather than dwelling on the past and pointing fingers.


Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Thursday, September 20, 2012

Herald Editorial Contentious pieces Capitol rules restrict political expression lead to tough calls On Wednesday morning, the Madison Professional Police Officers Association and the Dane County Deputy Sheriff’s Association issued a statement of disagreement with the recent shift in Capitol policy. The Isthmus reports the association took issue with the way “officers are being forced into emotionally charged confrontations that are neither necessary nor advisable,” and asserted their belief that “the recent enforcement action at the Capitol clearly violates [...] rights in a way that should be unacceptable in a free society.” A tradition of active democracy has been an integral part of the vibrant political culture that this city enjoys. Gov. Scott Walker and Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin’s attempt to suppress demonstration with handcuffs, red tape and endless bureaucracy has put this culture in jeopardy and deserves to be scrutinized. Yes, they are enforcing existing laws, but their intent to put an end to any sort of protest in the Capitol and strictly regulate public

demonstration represent a break from Madison’s culture of political expression. Everybody saw this coming. When Walker appointed Erwin this summer, it was only logical to expect a drastic change in the way demonstrations at the Capitol were handled. Erwin himself was vocal about his plans, which were reported on in an article by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, to “return the Capitol to some normalcy” by issuing tickets to protesters who attempt to intimidate legislators and enforcing permits. The same article explains he even suggested to legislators that if demonstrators were following and harassing them, they “could try to hit them.” We do not condone the sort of aggressive protesting that involves screaming and swearing at lawmakers or pouring beer on their heads, and if it were the case that Erwin was specifically targeting this behavior, we would have no qualms. However, the arrests and citations have extended beyond belligerent protesters

and have fallen on harmless sign-bearers in the Capitol and singers on the sidewalk. Erwin has certainly followed through on his promise to arrest protesters without permits. He has even sent deputies to protesters’ homes to issue citations, according to the Progressive. Last week, the Isthmus reported that his office demanded that a folk band by the name of Moldy Jam, which has played at a farmers market in the parking lot of the Department of Transportation for more than five years, apply for a permit. This is outrageous. First of all, band member Terry O’Laughlin explains that, “for the children, we put out boxes of shakers, rattles and other percussion instruments. This activity is quite popular.” Stepping on the air hose of a band that is trying to entertain children is morally indefensible. The fact that the recent crackdown on Capitol protesters was predictable doesn’t make it acceptable. After the waves of public outrage that hit Capitol

Square last year, it is not surprising a Walkerappointed Capitol police chief would seek to limit demonstrations, especially those putting lawmakers in jeopardy. Erwin was clear about his intentions to protect legislators. However, we feel recent arrests and citations have made it clear Erwin’s aggressive policy goes beyond what would be warranted by safety concerns. In sum, his crusade against demonstrators amounts to a belated effort to retaliate against a protest movement that overran the Capitol building last year. It is an attack on a culture of free political expression that makes no distinction between the sort of intimidation and harassment that puts lawmakers in danger and other peaceful forms of civil discourse. Just as state legislators deserve a safe workplace environment, citizens deserve a centrally located public venue in which to participate in direct democracy. We believe the Capitol can serve both of these purposes.

Adelaide Blanchard

Pamela Selman

Taylor Nye

Editorial Board Chair


Managing Editor

Reginald Young

Charles Godfrey

Meher Ahmad

Joe Timmerman

Editorial Page Editor

Editorial Page Content Editor

Editorial Board Member

Editorial Board Member

Editorial Board opinions are crafted independently of news coverage.

Capitol police prioritize security Ryan Rainey Editor-in Chief I have no doubt that Capitol Police Chief David Erwin is the worst kind of police officer. In the last several weeks, he has over-exercised his power and needlessly picked on Madisonians who do not deserve his attention. But applying a general judgement to the constitutionality or necessity of Erwin’s tyrannical behavior is not appropriate considering the equally ridiculous behavior of protesters whose increasing irresponsibility and radicalism has turned a building that was, one year ago, “our house” into “nobody’s house.” The Capitol Police have a responsibility to hold, at the very least, a tolerable level of decorum and security in

the state’s most important building. Maintaining this ideal represents the desire of a majority of Wisconsinites — not just those who live in Madison — who also can claim ownership of the building. They visit Madison from all corners of the state and hold a variety of political beliefs. They — “the people” — are the most important constituency the police protect. The Capitol’s fringe group of protesters are included in this group, but they have become known for harassing fellow Wisconsinites, including Capitol employees, members of the press corps and elected officials. They act as if the chant, “whose house? Our house!” is a claim of the far left’s exclusive ownership of the Capitol, giving them the opportunity to engage in activity that would not pass

even under the jurisdiction of the friendly Madison Police. They run the risk of becoming the same public safety threat their allies at the east side’s Occupy camp became. As First Amendment expert and Badger Herald adviser Donald Downs wrote earlier this week in an Isthmus piece, the requirement of permits is not unconstitutional, nor is it uncommon. We should consider ourselves lucky to live in such a safe city where police are lenient and generally kind. I grew up in a small bedroom community between Rockford, Ill., and Beloit where local police were more than willing to use their badges to take advantage of vulnerable populations. Moving to Madison and dealing with a new policing dynamic was a breath of fresh air, and it

has been disappointing to encounter a police force that reminds me of the overbearing suburban cops I saw in Illinois. But we must never forget the protesters who, after the fire of last winter’s uprising died, made a mockery of liberals and the First Amendment and abused their privileges. The Capitol is no longer considered a safe space because of their presence. And they are the reason for Erwin’s crackdown. He may be a Walkerite with questionable strategies, but Erwin’s motives are not unreasonable. So I have a recommendation for Capitol Police: Bring back the metal detectors. It avoids the threat of an insecure Capitol, but does not abridge the rights of those who have exercised them in such a reprehensible manner.

Biking improves campus atmosphere Jared Mehre Columnist Madison is one of America’s greatest biking cities. As such, bikers should have adequate access to safe navigation throughout the city. In this spirit of safe navigation, the Madison Police Department has recently begun a bicycle ambassador program. The Madison Police Department’s programs aim to ease relations between motorists, pedestrians and bikers. The main component of this program is essentially an ad campaign being run by two newly hired bike ambassadors, Jennifer Laack and Zachary Barnes. Their main goal at this point seems to be to educate as many people as possible on proper transportation etiquette. The bike ambassadors are hoping to promote their programs, ideas and advice by being invited to speak at public events throughout the Madison area. We need to listen to

these two bike enthusiasts if we ever hope to improve on the transportation safety and efficiency within the city. I believe that the University of Wisconsin also agrees with the sentiment of making the streets safer for bikers, and, for that matter, pedestrians in general. As many of you may have noticed, because of new rules limiting moped parking there are less mopeds running through the streets this year in between classes. This is because moped users had overindulged in ridiculous and uncontrolled driving habits that endangered everyone. To which I have to say: just because what you’re riding looks like a bike but runs like a car does not mean that you get to follow the rules of both modes of transportation. Education on the subject is a necessary part of improving bike safety. Motorists need to learn how to share the streets with bikers and treat them as equals on the

road — not as pests that need to be removed. But beyond simply educating drivers on how to deal with cyclists, we should also be encouraging motorists to bike or walk to their destinations if they are within an acceptable distance. There is a multitude of reasons why biking and walking are way better than driving. First, biking and walking are healthier. Biking and walking are physical activities that can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. By choosing to bike 10 minutes or walk 20 instead of taking the easy way out and driving — which sometimes may take the same amount of time — we can help ourselves out by keeping off that extra five pounds, lowering our cholesterol and postponing that heart attack the doctor keeps warning us about. A large reason why biking is superior to driving is that it does not harm the environment, since it uses no fuel. Plus, who except for the hermits among us doesn’t

feel satisfied being out in nature and enjoying the sights and sounds that it offers. As a bike is my main mode of transportation on campus, I could not be more supportive of programs that aim to make Madison a more bikerefficient and biker-safe city. Here on campus, many of us have had the heart stopping experience of being struck down by a car, bus or moped — or being blocked by the occasional long boarder while trying to navigate through campus during the mid-day madness. I hope in due time more people will begin to choose biking as an efficient way to navigate the city. Biking is an ingrained part of living in Madison and while the city has done an excellent job accommodating it, there is still much work that needs to be done. Jared Mehre (mehre@ wisc.edu) is a sophomore majoring in political science and sociology with a criminal justice certificate.

Jason Smathers Public Editor I had sort of hoped that the Herald would have a little more time before a contentbased controversy hit the paper. In some ways, it hasn’t happened yet. Even when the registration issue of the paper included an anti-abortion insert, which was criticized for dubious claims, the Herald received only a letter to the editor decrying the paper for including the advert. It’s something the Herald has run before, and advertising is almost entirely a business decision; as long as they pay the money, they can say what they want. While there are obviously limits to that philosophy, as I experienced first-hand, the paper has generally let advertisements pass through regardless of their argument or content. The paper’s libertarian streak has been quite consistent, for better and worse, in that regard. The paper’s own content, however, is a different matter. There are always cases where LTEs are disposed of because of their rambling, racist content and where columns are held back because of incorrect or inflammatory commentary. And then there are times when “playing it safe” goes wrong. One of the most notable incidents happened more than a decade ago, when the Herald Editorial Board apologized for a comic it ran that was deemed offensive to some people of color. The comic featured a black student lobbing criticism at noted Affirmative Action opponent Ward Connerly as his desk chair is turned away from view. The final panel shows the student left stammering when it’s revealed that Connerly is black himself. An opinion editor later recanted on the decision, wrote a column explaining her decision and was subsequently let go from the paper. Managing free speech in the paper is a notoriously tricky balancing act. The paper had tests, albeit on a smaller scale, this week. Both decisions ultimately held content out of the paper. One of those attempts was a success, while another faltered. This week the Herald published a column from Justin Kramer that made the claim radical Islam is a “disease of the mind” and suggested it is inherently more violent than Christianity. These arguments aren’t new and were part of a Point-Counterpoint with columnist Meher Ahmad, who spoke from the perspective of growing up in a Muslim family. But had editors not stepped in, that column would have certainly provoked a lot more than five comments. It doesn’t do anyone a service to repeat the additional language Kramer used to describe the protesters and Muhammad, except to say that it was, in my opinion, vile, vitriolic and almost rabid in its use of invective toward “radical” Muslims and the Prophet in general. Kramer, when I asked him about the column, said he intended to be inflammatory in his comments as a way of making a point about the value of free speech, even when it’s entirely objectionable. “Freedom of speech takes tough stomachs to digest, and even though I don’t agree with chants such as “God Hates Fags”, I will defend their right to say it,” Kramer wrote in response, referring to members of the Westboro Baptist Church. “And if an LGBT group attempted to violently put an end to it, I’d mock them as well to spite their attempts and demonstrate, yet again, that violence will not be rewarded and free speech will be preserved.” There is a way to make that argument, but it doesn’t include mimicking the garbage coming out of their mouths. Had Kramer been

eloquent in his responses to me rather than resorting to the debased rhetoric originally in his column, I’d be writing about something else right now. Editors pared down his column to preserve his original argument without the outrageous language and have sat down and explained why his approach was unacceptable. The editors could have taken the approach of avoiding the issue altogether, but instead, presented a timely topic in a thoughtful way and saved the public and themselves a lot of trouble by holding baseless attacks at the door. That cautious approach, however, isn’t always necessary and runs the risk of being a bit heavy handed. The Rocky the Raccoon comic in the lower right hand corner of the Sept. 11 issue was hardly topical, comparing Prometheus giving fire to human beings to bartenders being given ice. Originally, however, the comic was a slightly risky joke. It read, verbatim: “[INSERT 9/11 JOKE HERE] (Too soon?)” That comic was cut by Managing Editor Taylor Nye. When asked about the cut, she argued it “was too soon.” Nye said the author pointed out “that people like me, who can’t joke about 9/11, are the butt of the joke since it pokes fun of the tragedy + time = acceptability equation. However, I absolutely feel I made the right decision.” As I said before, since it’s the comics page, it is pretty low stakes. Editors have pulled comics from the page, when there was far more objectionable content than is present these days. A certain comic that targeted frat boys and suggested they were hypocritical homophobes was one of the early signs that the page needed more monitoring. Some people would say that nothing is sacred in comedy, but it differs a bit in a newspaper. Even in a college newspaper, you’re probably not going to print a fully fleshed out “The Aristocrats” joke, right? But this is pretty small stuff. There wasn’t actually a joke made about 9/11 except that you can’t really joke about 9/11. What’s worse is that the page actually included the same essential joke throughout the page. Comics editor Noah Yuenkel changes the header of the page every day. On Sept. 11, it read: “Carefully Shying Away from 9/11 Jokes.” The joke was even embedded in the Sudoku difficulty rating (“One Star: Nothing but mourning and memorials here, move along, move along”) and the Kakoru difficulty rating (“You hear the one about [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]?”) So not only was the comic pulled based on a rather thin justification of “sensitivity,” but the definition of sensitivity wasn’t even consistent. Such a move makes me worry about what other content might be pulled based on its potential to offend. The line has to be drawn at the threshold of legitimate commentary. Every piece of content produced in the Herald, with the notable exception of Shout Outs, can carry its own legitimacy. Even comments designed to offend can carry pieces of satire, parody or criticism that justifies their inclusion in the paper. (Shout Outs can be cut at will, as far as I’m concerned, since they’re produced by readers, have no real context and are available online anyway.) Comics are entertainment, but they are also occasionally vehicles for social commentary. While the comic in question may have been a rather thin example of social commentary, the explanation of the joke given by the author should have been enough to allow it to go through. Jason Smathers (Smathers@ outlook.com) is a reporter for WisPolitics.com. He was also the editor of The Badger Herald from 2009-2010.

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.


This Page Now Officially More Electable than Mitt Romney Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Thursday, September 20, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Cares about at least 61% of national pop.















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.




The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: Only owns two helicopters, three skidoos



Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
















27 30



37 40









44 47






















10 16























Puzzle by Ethan Cooper







Across 1 Swiss ___ 6 Derive (from) 10 Multimillionselling band from Australia 14 Sacré-___ (Paris landmark) 15 Syringe 16 Actress ___ Flynn Boyle 17 Aetna competitor 18 Bloodsharing? 19 Bloodhound’s lead 20 Prison guard system? 23 Level of achievement 25 These days 26 Healthful cooking option 27 “Let’s see that again in ___” 29 D.O.J. heads 30 Hipster Capitol Hill worker after collapsing? 35 Sighs





45 46





over, say “… might ___ quietus make”: Hamlet Taylor on “The Andy Griffith Show” Bill at the “Star Wars” cantina? E-mail suffix once required to join Facebook Make grand statements Klemperer of “Hogan’s Heroes” Company that introduced coin-slide washers in laundromats Gives a thumbsdown Restyle a bit of a D.C. hockey player’s hair? Not just a

56 57 60 61 62 63



talker Taylor of “Say Anything …” Click or clack Heraldic band “That’s cool, man” Unbeatable Singer with the 1986 #1 album “Promise” It’s not meant to be used on nails Quick to flip

Down 1 New Deal work program, for short 2 ___ polloi 3 Cyclades setting 4 Totals 5 Speaker of the line “Listen to them — the children of the night” 6 Outline 7 Preschooler

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

8 More awesome than awesome 9 Late-night talk show feature 10 Much work ahead 11 Core members 12 Mouth watering? 13 Nickelodeon title girl 21 Asia’s ___ Sea 22 Kind of

CROSSWORD recognition 23 Chicken pox result, often 24 Go back before proceeding 27 Skyline feature 28 In the cellar 31 All ___ 32 Like a policy allowing unfettered air traffic 33 Ream 34 Prefix with -pathy 36 Unpunished 40 Quod ___ faciendum 41 Twist-tie alternative 42 Not reporting, maybe 43 “You can be sure” 47 Alter, as a program 48 Windows forerunner 49 Now, in Nicaragua 50 Investor’s info 51 Two-finger salute 53 Gofer 54 “Swan Lake” move 58 Didn’t sell 59 England’s Isle of ___

Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ People love dogs. Dogs are loyal, never judge you and are always happy to see you. We should elect a dog as president. But then he’d probably require all our taxes be paid in milkbones, which would be a logistical nightmare.

ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Thursday, September 20, 2012



Technological advances great for indie recorders Regen McCracken Paper Radio Columnist “Isn’t technology wonderful?” It is no secret that technology has made many great things possible that would not have been conceivable in the past. It is also true that technology has made many of the ways and inventions of the past obsolete and antiquated. Depending on who one asks, these changes could be deemed good or bad. Still, opinions on both sides of the fence agree on one very obvious statement: technology always brings change wherever it goes, and music is no exception. Technology has changed music in a variety of ways, both positive and negative. Again, this depends on who one asks, but one of the most recent is the emergence of quality-sounding independently released music. Certainly artists have been creating music in their bedrooms for time immemorial, but only until relatively recently has the quality of this music become incredibly close to, or in rare cases, perfectly equal to that which is being put out by labels both major and minor. This new method of recording is, without a shadow of a doubt, caused by the advancement and availability of home recording technology, and it is happening in many different genres. Naturally, genres that are less mainstream are more likely to have a burgeoning independent recording

and releasing population. A less profitable genre such as metal or dubstep will have a greater number of unsigned artists producing music in their bedrooms, so to speak, because the smaller labels found in genres outside what is popular simply do not have the capital to finance every new up-andcoming artist. This does not mean that there are no quality “barnyard” (sorry, the opportunity was irresistible) country artists, and it obviously does not count out the already very DIY ethos of punk and indie bands or the purposefully less-than-stellar production of so-called “troo” or “kvlt” black metal bands. Instead of following in Marty McFly’s footsteps and recording a poorly produced mixtape with questionable audio quality, unsigned artists have been taking advantage of professional studio tools that continue to be more and more affordable. Quality home recording requires only a very barebones setup, though one can go as far (and, consequently, as expensive) as one desires in order to get the sound and quality he or she is looking for. For some, the process both begins and ends with a digital audio workstation (DAW) program. There are many excellent options out there, all within a reasonable price range. The cheapest (for Mac users) is GarageBand, which comes preloaded on every new Apple computer. GarageBand is decent for creating techno and other computer generated music and can even process vocals on a more or less average level. It is also compatible with instruments such as a keyboard via MIDI adaptors.

Still, GarageBand is very entry level, and Apple’s higher end option, Logic, is much more widely used in high-quality audio recording. Many professional studios use this masterful and relatively intuitive tool. Cubase is another combatant in the DAW arena and has been praised for its easy-to-use interface. But perhaps the most lauded of all upper echelon DAWs is the aptly named Pro Tools. This program is immensely powerful and has an outrageous amount of options. Its power comes at a price, however: Pro Tools is quite possibly the least user-friendly of all the DAWs mentioned here. Unfortunately, using Logic, or any of the more advanced DAWs requires an external audio interface, which accepts and processes microphones, guitars, and other instruments. The M-Audio Fast Track Pro and the Fractal Audio Axe-FX II are some of the most popular in the current market. The Fast Track is simple, inexpensive, and pumps out music in very little time. Fractal’s product, on the other hand, is the polar opposite, demanding a cool $2100 (after a proprietary waiting period), and can take nearly as long to learn as a new instrument. If making guitar-based music is what one loves, saving up for this beast — that is, Fast Track — is the best way to go. The right combinations of the gear that one finds best can easily produce studio-quality music after getting over the learning curve of production and mastering. Just look at the band that pulled this sort of recording into the mainstream: Periphery. Periphery is a djent/ progressive metal band that was started by one man in his bedroom. Misha Mansoor originally wrote all the music himself, programmed the drums via Toontrack’s Superior Drummer (a drum simulator), and recorded his first demos with some of the tools mentioned above (specifically Fractal’s amazing Axe-FX). Fast forward a few years and they are a very popular metal band signed to one of the premier metal labels, Sumerian. Unlike most label deals, however, Periphery has full rights to their songs and uses Sumerian simply as a promoter and distributor, rather than a label that is financing production, mastering, etc. They are allowed such a sweet deal because after moving out of the proverbial bedroom, they still do all of their recording, producing, and mastering of the music themselves. They are one of, if not the first bands to do this and are hopefully a harbinger for a new age without ludicrous label deals that take advantage of the musicians putting all of the work into making the music (but that is another story for another day). Technology has made the average musician able to self-produce their own music without the need for a fancy studio, a strict studio schedule and an overbearing label. Sure, there is certainly a steep down payment for the best-ofthe-best in home recording technology, but once that initial investment is made, anyone can be ready to put their music out into the world, and thanks to sites like Bandcamp, they can make money almost immediately (given that they put out a quality product). Perhaps the future holds a world without corrupt, money-hungry labels, or, (gasp!), no labels at all. Regen McCracken is a junior at UW who intends to major in English. He has a love for video games, metal, jazz and all things that make one think. He also writes and performs his own music while not writing these

Photo courtesy of IFC Films

Comedian and storyteller Mike Birbiglia directs, writes and acts in a film adaptation of his stand-up routine, presenting his near-fatal mishaps with a clinical sleep-walking disorder in ‘Sleepwalk With Me.’

Stand-up sleep walking story hits the big screen Joe Nistler ArtsEtc. Content Editor Stand-up comedian, “This American Life” contributor and now actor/director Mike Birbiglia has transformed his hilarious stand up routine into a feature film focusing lightheartedly on his own sleep disorder. And the subject has touched all of his media outlets in very different ways, each appropriate to its respective medium. In his standup routine, Birbiglia expertly tells his story of a sleep disorder that causes him to do more than sleepwalk — he literally and physically acts out his dreams while in an unconscious state. The anecdotes start with Birbiglia yelling to his girlfriend that there is a jackal in the room. Whether the jackal means any harm is a question unanswered, but the perceived fact remains. Birbiglia’s girlfriend, Abby (Lauren Ambrose), calmly tells him that there is not, in fact, a jackal in the room, and Birbiglia trusts her in a display of self-proclaimed love. In the “This American Life” show, he reveals that he didn’t truly believe Abby, but trusted her that the “jackal” meant no harm. The same anecdote was apparent in the film. To continue on that thread, the film “Sleepwalk With Me” greatly resembles Birbiglia’s stand-up as well as his radio (and podcast) bits. So why did he portray it via so many media? Was it a hunger for publicity in the ever-expanding media market? Possibly. But, on the other hand, each release of the “Sleepwalk With Me” story served a purpose diverse from its predecessor, whether Birbiglia meant it that way or not. The standup comedy show was a very onesided take on Birbiglia’s embarrassing, selfdeprecating, yet endearing tales of

unconsciousness. He told stories, some of which were repeated in the film, of standing on an awards podium (in reality his living room shelves), being attacked in sleep by a jackal (in reality, nothing) and of being targeted by an elaborate plan to destroy him with a government homing missile. Of course, none of these things happened in reality, but were entirely real to Birbiglia in his somnambulant state. And the question remains, why should Birbiglia depict his disorder across so many media? Don’t they all tell the same story? Well, the simple answer is no. Each medium fulfills a different purpose to provide an overall outlook on the story, centered around one man’s sleep disorder. And while many companies reach for multimedia success (think any book-tomovie), few succeed as well as Mike Birbiglia’s “Sleepwalk With Me.” And here is why: Most book, radio or stand-up to film acts fail to have an artistic motive to make the project into a movie. “The Green Hornet,” a radio-to-film flop, seemed to capitalize solely on the superhero craze. And every “Larry the Cable Guy” film to date has been a pathetic effort to turn a weak, yet popular, stand-up bit into a film. Birbiglia’s “Sleepwalk With Me,” however, has a number of qualities supporting its film debut. First, and possibly least of all, Birbiglia is a born comedian and born actor. In the vein of deadpan film comedians everywhere, he speaks with his face and his expressions as much as his statements, making the scenes all the more engaging. It’s hard to compare him to other comedians; you really have to see him for yourself. The climax of the film, his sleep-deprived pinnacle, is when he jumps through a hotel

window thinking in a dream-state that he is the Hulk, and a missile is coming straight for him. The same scene is reflected in his stand-up and radio routines, but in the film, you receive a more humanistic view — that of his girlfriend, Abby (Lauren Ambrose). She is clearly worried about Birbiglia, as any fiancée should be. Oh! By the way, Abby is scheduled to lock herself in matrimony to Birbiglia based on a drunken, semi-forced proposal. But the proposal is more or less beside the point, in any medium. And Abby is but one relationship from which you can see Birbiglia’s problem. And to see his disorder from alternate perspectives in the film presents a far deeper insight than Birbiglia’s own in his standup, podcasts or what have you. For once, you can see how his severe sleep disorder, hilarious as it may be, affects his peers and loved ones. While his parents seem to remain cold and matterof-fact (“You should see a doctor, Micael,”) they do care about him. And while his fiancée Abby pleads with him to try and fix his issue, you witness a dramatic level not evident in his standup material. People care about Birbiglia. And although it may not seem like it, Birbiglia cares about his people. And for that reason, in the film, you see the incarnation of his self-protection: he sacrifices his somnambulant comfort for a tight-strung sleeping bag, to assure his existence, lest he propel himself through a second-story hotel window. Although his sleep disorder provides him with great stories to tell, Birbiglia’s reality forces him to literally tie down to avoid injury or worse. And at the same time, he tells his story more effectively and keeps to his friends and family, by not dying at the very least.

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SC to the gorgeous blonde clarinet girl in

marching band. Seeing you every day makes my run so much better. 2nd Chance to my favorite sailor who has been back on the market for awhile now and hasn’t gone back to hooking up with me SC to the super sweet girl who opened the door for me in Sterling and waited until I went through before she went through the door herself. I was having a really terrible day and

she made it a little better. It’s the little things in life that make a difference. SC to the amazingly gorgeous guy with 90’s grunge-esque long curly brown hair I saw walking into ECB today. You, sir, are a fine specimen of humanity and I would love to get together and listen to Pearl Jam sometime. SC to you. I really do miss being friends. I know stuff isn’t the way

it used to be, and I’m sorry for pretending like it was. I know we can’t start over, but can we try again? SC to the guy on Breese who stopped to let me pet THE cutest yellow lab puppy in the world today. my apologies for being so obsessed with your dog and forgetting to ask your name! there’s nothing cuter than a badger boy & his dog!


Four in a row: Brewers stay hot behind Estrada

The Associated Press

After winning eight out of their last ten games, the best record in baseball over that span, the Brewers now sit only two and a half games out of a wild card spot. After downing the Pirates 3-1 Wednesday, Milwaukee has now won 10 of their 14 meetings this year.

Axford gets 29th save, Aoki cranks ninth home run in 3-1 win over Pirates PITTSBURGH (AP) — John Axford looked to his left and the St. Louis Cardinals-Houston Astros game was on one

HUGHES, from 10 resentment. He said the firing surprised him, but didn’t slam his former boss like he could have. He also managed to say he thought O’Brien and Miller would serve the Badgers well. And Bielema has already allowed Stave and O’Brien to talk to the media since swapping the two. O’Brien, who already has experience losing a starting job while at Maryland, told reporters after the game he’d be “supporting the hell” out of whoever plays. He did also say he didn’t expect to be in a quarterback battle that week. As for Stave, when asked what he expected to come next after finishing the game versus Utah State, he simply said he didn’t know and wasn’t worried about it. It’s fine that Bielema doesn’t want to tell who the starter is, obviously. He probably just wants to keep his next opponent, UTEP, in the dark about what signal-caller they’ll be facing. And given the complete and total lack of creativity, inspiration and buoyancy the offense has shown against three unranked teams, the Badgers might just need all the strategic advantages they can get. But there’s still such a thing as being overlyprotective and that means Bielema shouldn’t fence off his quarterbacks. If he were worried the media’s inquiries would distract

clubhouse television. He looked to another TV on his right and saw the Los Angeles Dodgers playing the Washington Nationals. The Milwaukee Brewers closer smiled. “We’re not scoreboard watching,” Axford said. “Not at all.” Axford was fibbing, of

whoever ends up being the starter, it’s puzzling why he would allow them to speak Saturday night. It’s not like we’re dealing with Big City media here, where they travel like schools of fish. Madison’s is a bit more modest in size and isn’t abrasive in interviews. In both situations, with the quarterbacks and offensive linemen, 10 or 15 minutes with the media would probably suffice and then everyone gets three full days to be hunky-dory by kickoff. There’s just something to be said about a coach who is willing to make tough decisions but is unwilling to allow those affected to speak on it. Unless the ship gets righted, the microscope will only focus more on Bielema. Should that happen, he would be wise to allow his players to speak, whether they have different opinions or not. Transparency is a healthy thing. Otherwise, I’ll keep imagining Bielema hiding behind a thinly leafed bush in the hallways of Camp Randall, waiting for two players to walk past so he can pop out with a wild look on his face and say, “what have you been saying about me?” Elliot is a fifth-year senior majoring in journalism and philosophy. Do you think Bielema should loosen up? Tell him about it via email (ehughes@badgerherald. com)

course. Marco Estrada pitched seven scoreless innings and rookie shortstop Jean Segura hit a double and a triple Wednesday night as the surging Brewers stayed in contention for a postseason berth with a 3-1 victory over the fading Pittsburgh Pirates. Estrada (4-6) allowed

TACKLES, from 10 defensive end to defensive tackle when junior Jordan Kohout was forced to end his playing career due to a series of smaller strokes he suffered during the spring linked to migraine headaches. The Badgers No. 3 defensive tackle in the rotation has made the most of his time, showing flashes of a rare

WAITE, from 10 Since Waite took over as coach in 1999, the Badgers have made nine NCAA appearances, and even reached the national championship match in 2000 when they finished the season ranked no. 2. UW has finished seasons ranked in the top eight nationally in both 2004 and 2005. Besides their championship appearance in 2000, Waite has also led Wisconsin to two separate sweet 16 appearances in 2001 and 2006. Over his 14 years coaching at Wisconsin, Waite has coached 10 All-Americans, 14 AVCA All-Region first-team selections, two Big Ten Players of the Year and 20 first-team All-Big Ten selections. Thirteen of his players have been named to the Big Ten All-Freshman team, with one being named Big Ten Freshman of the Year.

ninth inning, his 29th, for his 30th save in 38 opportunities. The homer broke a string of 22 scoreless innings for the Milwaukee bullpen. Milwaukee has won four straight games, seven of eight and 22 of 28. They remained 2 1-2 games behind St. Louis in the race for the second NL wild card. The Brewers were 12 1-2 games out of the second wild card on Aug. 19, three weeks after trading ace pitcher Zack Greinke to the Los Angeles Angels. “If anything, the Greinke trade gave us some motivation,” Axford said. “We didn’t feel in the clubhouse like we were out of it. We never gave up.” Pittsburgh has lost 14 of 18 and 20 of 27 to drop to 74-74, the first time they have been at .500 since they were 26-26 on June 2. The Pirates, who fell 4 1-2 games behind the Cardinals, have had 19 consecutive losing seasons, a major North American professional sports record. “We haven’t played well and it’s been for a while,” Pirates manager Clint Hurdle said. “So, you know, we had earned the position we were in before; we’ve earned this position as well. The season’s 162 games for a reason.”

Milwaukee’s Norichika Aoki led off the game by hitting rookie Kyle McPherson’s second pitch into the stands in right for his ninth home run. Aoki, Segura and Rickie Weeks each had two of the Brewers’ 11 hits. McPherson (0-1) took the loss in his first major league start, giving up two runs and seven hits in 4 1/3 innings. The Brewers scored their other run off McPherson in the fifth inning. Segura hit a leadoff double, advanced on a balk and scored on Estrada’s single. McPherson had made seven relief appearances, posting a 1.54 ERA, and was moved into the rotation in place of James McDonald, who was 2-5 with a 6.66 ERA in his last 10 games. Segura tripled to lead off the seventh and scored when second baseman Brock Holt was charged with an error for mishandling Estrada’s grounder. That put Milwaukee ahead 3-0. McCutchen and Pedro Alvarez had two hits apiece for Pittsburgh. The Brewers have won six straight games against Pittsburgh. “Sometimes you just have your mojo against another team, and that seems to be the case with us against the Pirates,” Roenicke said.

combination of speed and strength in the inside, just one of the many reasons defensive line coach and co-defensive coordinator Charlie Partridge are pleased with his groups push up the middle. “It’s been good,” Partridge said. “I think the guys are anxious to get the production we want and we’re close, we’re right there so I’m excited to see where we

go.” For Allen and the rest of his group, there might not be the glitz and glam that comes with other positions, but the importance of their job, and their success doing it, remains the same. “I had one assisted tackle last game, and I don’t even really care,” Allen said. “It’s one thing if I think I’m missing plays and missing

opportunities, but if you’re not really getting opportunities … I think my one tackle was all that I maybe could have made. You just have to be aware of the fact that you’re a guy in the middle, and you have a very important role that might not be all the glory and all the lights, but that’s not what it’s really about for us. We just try to do our best and help out our defense.”

Wisconsin has placed at least one player on the Big Ten All-Freshman team in 11 of the 12 years that the award has been given out, including two selections in both 2008 and 2011. Many of Waite’s players have also experienced success after playing for him in the college ranks. Thirteen players that Waite has coached have played professionally around the world. “He’s taught me how to be a better player and a smarter player,” senior Alexis Mitchell said of Waite. “I came into college pretty raw, I was just very athletic. I didn’t really know the faster paced game of volleyball. He’s just taught me trust myself, to trust my skills, to think about my game a lot more when I’m out there, which has made me a better player.” Mitchell added Waite’s influence goes beyond the game of volleyball itself.

“Off the court, he’s helped me a lot learning about myself; learning who you are and what you’re capable of,” Mitchell said. “He’s taught me a lot about leadership, what it takes to be a leader and what it takes to maintain being a leader. Whether it’s school problems or family problems, he’s always had good advice.” Waite came to Wisconsin after a very successful tenure at Northern Illinois. When Waite left Northern Illinois, he left as the winningest coach in NIU’s history, going 266-102. While in his 11 seasons there, his team won 20 or more games in a season nine times. In his final three years at Northern Illinois, his teams were 81-19 and earned NCAA tournament bids all three of those seasons. His teams advanced to the second round of the NCAA

tournament three out of the four times they were in the tournament. His teams won the conference championship six times while he was there and he earned Mid-American Conference Coach of the Year three times. While at UW, Waite has won awards as well. In both 2000 and 2001, Waite was voted Big Ten Coach of the Year as well as AVCA Mideast Regional Coach of the Year. He was also named Big Ten coach of the year in 2006. Despite winning 300 matches here at Wisconsin, Waite still has more goals. “Go for 400,” Waite said with a laugh. “We want to get to the tournament, and we want to get to the top half of the Big Ten. I think our program is heading in the right direction. We have a good group on the court this year, and I’m enjoying that a lot.”

three hits and retired the last 10 batters he faced in improving to 4-1 with a 1.23 ERA in his last six starts. He struck out four and walked one. “We’re just having a lot of fun,” Estrada said as teammates roared in the background while watching Washington post a six-run inning. “That’s the great thing about our team. We have a real fun group, and I think that’s helped us this season. Even when it looked like we were out of it, we never gave up. We just kept playing.” Estrada wound up having more fun than he expected. He said he felt “weird” while warming up before the game because he had gone seven days between starts. “It took me a while to feel comfortable,” Estrada said. “I felt like I hadn’t pitch in a long time.” Milwaukee manager Ron Roenicke felt the extra rest helped Estrada. “I know pitchers like to stay in their routine but when you get to this time of the season guys need more time off,” Roenicke said. “The extra days off can really help and they did in Marco’s case. His command wasn’t really good early, but it got a lot better as the game went on.” Axford worked around Andrew McCutchen’s leadoff home run in the

Sports Editor Ian McCue sports@badgerherald.com

10 | Sports | Thursday, September 20, 2012


Unheralded: D-tackles excel on field

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

With six tackles and one tackle for a loss, Beau Allen (96) and the Badgers’ defensive tackles have made their presence known outside of personal stats. The group contributed in a big way to bottling up the Utah State running game to 127 yards, almost 100 yards less than the Aggies’ season average..

With top 20 rush defense through 3 games, success for UW starts up front Nick Korger Sports Content Editor Quantity doesn’t always equal quality. When it comes to measuring a player’s impact in any sport, a particular focus — sometimes even to the level of obsession — is paid on statistics. So it comes as no surprise that the Badgers’ defensive tackles haven’t received the credit they deserve for their impact

in shaping the team’s season thus far. Maybe that’s the reason junior defensive tackle Beau Allen offered thanks when it was revealed a feature was being written on the group. “It’s a thankless position,” Allen said. Bearing the brute of the workload up front, Allen and fellow starter Ethan Hemer don’t have the stats in tackles or sacks that will make your eyes pop out of their sockets like a standout defensive end or linebacker, but their importance remains immeasurably high. Take, for example, the season opener against Northern Iowa. With

the score in favor of the Badgers 26-21 and the Panthers on the Wisconsin 41-yard line, the team needed a standout effort to close the books on their FCS opponent. On a fourth and one, Hemer delivered, bull-rushing the guard into the backfield, batting down Northern Iowa’s attempted pass and sealing the Wisconsin win. It was Hemer’s observation, however, that served as the preamble to the decisive moment. “What happened was I knew [the offensive guard] was weak with the shake move, so I wanted to do the shake move and power to his inside,” Hemer said. “So it was fourth-down

and we needed a stop so I knew his weakness and wanted to exploit that. ... We’re a defensive line that takes it upon themselves to study weaknesses and know what works best to make plays on Saturday.” And playing a position with the constant challenge of facing doubleteams from opponents’ offensive lines, film study serves as a critical tool for success. Countless hours lost in the film room help reveal the tendencies and weaknesses that defensive tackles prey on. And while they might not get the headlines and press at the end of the game, the Badgers’ defensive tackles always leave their mark on

the game. How? With, ironically, two key stats. Through three games, Badger opponents have ran a combined 85 run plays against 116 pass plays. With a rush defense that’s holding opponents to an average of 82 yards per game — the 18th best total in the nation — it’s no surprise team’s favor the pass against this defense. Utah State, one of the undoubtedly better nonconference teams to visit Camp Randall in recent years, came into last weekend’s game averaging 214.5 yards on the ground per game. Against the Badgers’ defense, the Aggies were

contained to just 127 yards. Another area the Badgers’ defensive tackles have made noticeable strides is in their pass rush. There were several instances where Hemer, Allen or Warren Herring pushed their man a yard or two deep into the pocket against Utah State, forcing the quarterback to break from the pocket. Herring especially has been a key component to the Badgers’ recent success in the pass game. A physical specimen at 6-foot-3 and 278 pounds, the redshirt sophomore made the switch coming into the 2012 season from

TACKLES, page 9

Bielema overly protective of team Coaches, players need more transparency after difficult beginning to 2012 campaign

Elliot Hughes Hughes’ Your Daddy

Zhao Lim The Badger Herald

Wisconsin volleyball currently boasts a 300-132 record since head coach Pete Waite took over in 1999. Under his reign, the Badgers have made nine NCAA tournament appearances, two Sweet 16 appearances and have reached the national championship once in 2000. Before coming to the Badgers, Waite lead Northern Illinois to a 266-102 record in 11 seasons with the team.

Waite earns 300th win at UW After 14 years at the helm, head coach the winningest in Wisconsin volleyball history Zach Nelson Volleyball Beat Writer While a weekend full of easy victories in the Southern Georgia Invitational Tournament doesn’t say much about UW’s preparedness for the fast-approaching Big Ten season, the results speak volumes to the program that head coach Pete Waite has established in his 14 years at Wisconsin. After a fourth straight win in their final game of the tournament, Waite earned his 300th career win as Wisconsin head coach. Waite now has a

career record of 300-132 at Wisconsin, while his overall coaching record is 566-234 in 25 years as a head coach. Waite is the winningest coach in Wisconsin volleyball history. His .694 winning percentage while at Wisconsin also earns him the top spot in UW record books. Waite is also the only Wisconsin coach to have earned over 100 wins in Big Ten play. “It means a lot,” Waite said of his 300th win. “A lot of work goes into every match, win or lose. So when you get the wins you really have to savor

them. “You think about every player, every manager, every Fieldhouse maintenance person, the bus drivers, everything that has gone into making things work. There are so many people behind the scenes that go into each win. I really, truly do appreciate the work they do.” Wisconsin has won two Big Ten championships under Waite. Those titles came back-toback in 2000 and 2001. Wisconsin also finished second in the Big Ten standings in 1999, 2002,

2005 and 2007. Waite’s career Big Ten record is 165-95, which puts his Big Ten winning percentage at a .635 clip. Wisconsin assistant coach Dan Pawlikowski said what Waite has accomplished is no small feat. “Three-hundred wins is a lot of wins,” Pawlikowski said. “It’s not just something that could happen over a couple seasons. It’s more than just a career; it’s dedicating a lifetime to something. It’s a milestone for sure.”

WAITE, page 9

Ever go through a frustrating time that perhaps forced you to behave in a somewhat harsh manner, to the point where you suspect you might be acting harsh and become self-conscious and worry if your colleagues are saying anything unflattering about you and your erratic behavior consequently worsens? (Exhale.) Some might call that paranoia. And it’s the scenario that comes to mind when I consider the recent behavior of Wisconsin’s football head coach Bret Bielema, which may surprise those not involved in Madison’s media scene. You see, every week, Wisconsin’s offensive players speak to the media on a specific day, usually Tuesdays. Last week, after dismissing new offensive line coach Mike Markuson after only two games on the job, no offensive linemen — except for captain Ricky Wagner — was made available to the media, along with Markuson’s replacement, Bart Miller. In all, only Montee Ball, Jeff Duckworth, Danny O’Brien, Jacob Pedersen and the rest of the offense’s assistants were available, when usually the entire offense is at the media’s disposal. No James White, Jared Abbrederis or Brian Wozniak et. al. Then, after benching

quarterback O’Brien against Utah State Saturday, Bielema made all quarterbacks off limits this week. No Joel Stave, Curt Phillips or O’Brien (Not even Thad Armstrong!). But never fear. Bielema assured his weekly press conference-goers a starting quarterback has been determined and nobody will be talking to them about it. “They already know,” he said. “They already know what’s going on. You won’t talk to them, but they know.” There are two reasons why Bielema would shield members of his team from the media, neither of which I think are rational in these contexts: He’s either paranoid about dissent or overlyprotective. Before getting into specifics, there’s a general reason for him not to behave this way. To describe it charitably, UW’s been disappointing in all three games this season. Its list of things to fix grows weekly. Fans are not happy and critics are feasting. By firing people, benching people and then keeping things hush-hush, one could reasonably question Bielema’s confidence in the team in several ways. He needs transparency. And there’s little reason for him to turn it down. If he’s paranoid about someone speaking out against him — why would he be? If there’s anyone who’s got something to pick with Bielema over this past week, it would presumably be Markuson, who’s out of a job. But in an interview with SiriusXM College Sports Nation after his removal, Markuson didn’t express any

HUGHES, page 9

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