Friday, October 12, 2012
UW out-of-state enrollment rises University exceeds cap, will now seek to balance student admission rate for state of residency Lauren Tubbs Reporter The University of Wisconsin is attempting to balance in-state and out-of-state enrollment, as this years out-of-state admissions exceeded the UW System’s allotted amount. The UW System Board of Regents set a cap on the total enrollment of out-ofstate undergraduates at UW at 25 percent, according to a UW statement. However, UW exceeded the cap this fall, with a 25.8 percent outof-state student population. According to Joanne Berg, vice provost for enrollment management, students are accepting their admission at a higher yield, a contributing factor in increased out-of-state enrollment. Berg added a key factor in this increased matriculation of outof-state students is the relatively low out-of-state tuition UW offers. “If you’re from out of state and your goal is to attend a worldclass institution, [UW]
is a bargain,” Berg said. “Wisconsin has a relatively lower out-of-state tuition than other institutions of the same stature.” According to Berg, other universities are increasing their out-of-state tuitions as well, adding incentive for out-of-state students to apply to UW. Berg added the UW admissions office has also made improvements that could contribute to the rise in out-of-state enrollment seen this fall, including making its internal processes more efficient. “The admissions office has improved its internal processes which enabled them to send out acceptance letters sooner than in the past,” Berg said. “This could be one of the reasons for the greater yield in out-of-state students.” UW System spokesperson David Giroux added these features, as well as shifts in demographics, could bring about an increase in overall offers for admission, as well as offers to out-of-state applicants. However, despite exceeding this cap, UW offered admission to five percent more Wisconsin resident applicants this fall than it did in the fall of 2011. The university
admitted 68 percent of the Wisconsin residents that applied this semester, the statement said. According to the statement, this is an increase from the 63 percent of Wisconsin residents accepted last year. Berg said this increase comes from a change in admission prioritization as well as a stronger emphasis on recruitment in the past year. “The bottom line is if we have a really good pool of Wisconsin applicants, they’re going to be our first priority,” Berg said. According to Berg, the Office of Admissions has also put major emphasis on recruiting students from Wisconsin high schools by forming stronger relationships with the schools and counselors. Despite this effort to balance enrollment, Berg said she thinks UW exceeding the out-of-state enrollment cap should be followed by campuswide discussions about the proper admission levels of in-state and out-of-state applicants. “We may have to have the campus have a discussion around what the right mix is of out-of-state and instate students,” Berg said.
The Associated Press
Vice President Joe Biden speaks to the crowd and viewers at home at Thursday’s debate. Biden said his opponent’s tax plan has no specifics.
Students react to issues addressed in VP debate Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor The two vice-presidential candidates debated at Kentucky’s Centre College Wednesday night to discuss domestic and foreign policy. Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, both laid out their arguments for why their party’s presidential candidate should be the next president. Ryan said new leadership was needed in the White House due to President
Barack Obama’s poor performance on the economy. “President Obama, he had his chance,” Ryan said in his closing statements. “His economic agenda — more spending, more borrowing, higher taxes and a government takeover of health care — is not working. … This is not what a real recovery looks like. You deserve better.” Biden disagreed with Ryan on the president’s jobs record and contrasted their efforts in “level[ing] the
playing field” with Romney’s dismissal of 47 percent of the nation as people who “won’t take responsibility” for their lives. He noted those people are the average American like his parents and neighbors, and when those people get an “even shot,” they succeed. With the growing federal debt, a large part of the conversation centered on each party’s tax plans. When asked by the
DEBATE, page 2
USDA: PETA complaint against university closed Federal agency finds no ethics issues with UW research, PETA to continue with case Tara Golshan Higher Education Editor The federal government has determined they cannot identify ethical problems in research that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals raised in a campaign against the University of Wisconsin earlier this year. The United States
Department of Agriculture released the inspection report of three visitations conducted by the Animal and Health Inspection Service on Sept. 28, Oct. 2 and Oct. 5 to The Capital Times yesterday. According to the report, “no noncompliant items were identified during the inspection.” USDA spokesperson David Sacks said the inspection was not part of an investigation, but rather was an effort to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, which denotes the federal care standards required of all individuals and facilities.
Sacks, who said the department does regular inspections of facilities researching warm-blooded animals, said this particular inspection was in response to PETA’s complaint that gained attention last month accusing UW of animal cruelty in relation to the use of a cat for hearing experiments. However, after looking into PETA’s allegations against the university, which included multiple violations of the Animal Welfare Act and specifically inadequate anesthesia vet care, USDA found there was nothing out
of compliance, Sacks said. Eric Sandgren, UW’s animal research oversight director, said he is pleased with the USDA report as it confirms the university’s initial response to dispute what they found to be “inaccurate” charges. However, according to PETA’s Associate Director of Laboratory Investigations Justin Goodman, the report only reflects poorly upon the university and the USDA as a federal agency. “The USDA, like UWMadison, apparently thinks it’s acceptable to mutilate, deafen, starve, paralyze and
When Death Cab meets Madison Death Cab for Cutie member Chris Walla addresses Obama supporters at a campaign stop Thursday. Walla said students deciding who to vote for this November have a clear choice in voting for President Barack Obama. See page 2 for more on the visit. Andy Fate The Badger Herald
decapitate cats, but PETA sees this violence for what it is — cruelty to animals,” Goodman said in an email to The Badger Herald. According to Sandgren, the USDA inspector evaluated the facilities, animals and the personnel, all in line with PETA’s complaint letter. Sandgren added the inspection focused on both the 2008 protocol, which the PETA complaint addressed, as well as the current 2012 protocol. Nothing was cited on the report, Sacks confirmed. According to Sacks, as far as
the USDA is concerned, this report is conclusive. “We looked into the matter,” Sacks said. “We did a focused inspection for what was on the complaint and that closes the matter for us.” In an email to The Badger Herald, Goodman said PETA is disappointed with USDA’s judgement but is “not surprised by the agency’s callous inaction,” adding the government agency has “failed to do its job” before. Sandgren said he expects PETA to continue with allegations against the
USDA, page 2
Chancellor search forums announced UW says all input welcome in upcoming public meetings, social media to be utilized Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor The general public will be able to get involved with the search for the University of Wisconsin’s next chancellor through three public forums set to take place next week. The announcement of the schedule for the forums comes after last week’s first meeting of the
Chancellor Search and Screen Committee . The 25-member group addressed qualities it would like to see in the next UW chancellor, who they will select to replace Interim Chancellor David Ward at the end of this academic year. In an email to The Badger Herald, Chancellor Search and Screen Committee Chair
Road to Big Ten crosses West Lafayette
Talking bout my Generationals
Badger football faces critical road test against Boilermakers to stay in Leaders Division race.
Groovy indie rock band got enthusiastic High Noon Saloon crowd jumping Wednesday
ARTS | 5
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, October 12, 2012
Events today 9:15-12:15 a.m. WUD Film presents: The Dark Knight Rises Marquee Theater Union South
53 41
62 57
59 39
60 44
66 50
light rain
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
Celebrities stop at Obama campaign office
9:30 p.m. Tia Fuller
The Sett Union South
Polo Rocha
Events tomorrow
As part of a Democratic National Committee tour bus, two celebrities stopped by one of President Barack Obama’s campaign offices in Madison to speak to a group of supporters. CSI: NY actor Hill Harper and Chris Walla from Death Cab for Cutie joined Democratic National Committee communications director Brad Woodhouse and the state’s party chair Mike Tate at Obama’s State Street office. All four speakers talked of Wisconsin’s importance in the presidential race and the necessity of state for an Obama victory.
State Legislative Editor
12-5 p.m. Bouldering Competition The Sett Recreation Union South
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Herald editorial Editor-in-Chief Ryan Rainey Managing Editor Taylor Nye Editor-at-Large Pamela Selman News Katie Caron News Content Leah Linscheid Deputy News Elliot Hughes City Hall Camille Albert City Life Molly McCall State Politics Meghan Zernick State Legislative Polo Rocha Campus Life Julia Skulstad Higher Education Tara Golshan Multimedia Tim Hadick Assoc. Multimedia Kate Johnson Editorial Page Reginald Young Ed. Page Content Charles Godfrey Ed. Board Chair Adelaide Blanchard Sports Ian McCue Sports Content Nick Korger Associate Sports Sean Zak Nick Daniels Statistics Caroline Sage Extra Points Blog Spencer Smith ArtsEtc. Allegra Dimperio ArtsEtc. Content Joe Nistler Comics Noah Yuenkel Copy Chief Tom Guthrie Assoc. Copy Chief Kristin Prewitt Copy Editors Jared Borislow Jared Nelson Hannah LeDuc Kelsey Sorenson Photo Andy Fate Assoc. Photo Kelsey Fenton Jen Small Design Director Sigrid Hubertz Deputy Design Gus McNair Page Designers Katie Gaab Ali Sinkula Maddy Raff Alexis Blakey Web Director Adam Parkzer Web Consultant Charlie Gorichanaz
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“Madison is a critical place in a critical state,” Woodhouse said. “This could be the state that tips the balance for President Obama on Election Day. There are very few paths to 270 votes for us that don’t require us winning Wisconsin.” Walla emphasized volunteers should continue their work in registering voters and talking to voters. The biggest challenge for Wisconsin voters, he added, is to discern the truth from the various advertisements and information they hear. “You guys are getting bombarded with information, and sometimes it’s hard to actually figure out what is true,” Walla said. “I am here to tell you that all you need is a calculator
and a little bit of common sense, that there is only one candidate who is going to continue to move the country forward and that’s Barack Obama.” Harper agreed the state is among the most important, as he said the winner of this state would become the next president. He also gave a more personal story of his days at Harvard Law School, where he first met Obama. “I went to play basketball, and no one was there playing,” he said. “In Harvard Law School, the library is full, but the gym is empty. So I got discouraged and started to walk, and just as I was hitting the door, in walked this really tall skinny guy with his socks pulled up
a little too high and shorts a little too small. I was excited. I was like ‘Hey man, do you wanna play basketball?’ and he looked down and said, ‘Why else would I be in the gym?’” In his early twenties, Harper was inspired by the older Obama, and as he got to know him, he said he started to look up to him, although it was not simply since “he was taller than [him].” Harper said he was inspired by Obama’s vision of the future and emphasized he is still the same person he met while playing basketball. Since he believes Obama has a similar background to most students, Harper said Obama understands the necessity of Pell Grants and affordable health care.
University of Wisconsin College Republicans Chair Jeff Snow responded to celebrities coming to encourage voters by saying voters should not be swayed by what famous people think. Although his group has had Mitt Romney’s son and several surrogates come to campus, he said they are not planning on having celebrities come by. He also addressed Obama’s vision for education as one that is flawed and does not tackle the real issues. “He has no solutions whatsoever to lower the cost of education besides just giving out more Pell Grants,” Snow said. “There’s a lot of structural reform that need to be done, but Barack Obama has yet do to that.”
Poll: Senate, Presidential races tightening Noah Goetzel Herald Contributor Likely voters from Wisconsin and two other swing states agreed 4-1 that former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney won the first debate against President Barack Obama last week, which has narrowed Obama’s lead, according to a new poll. A Quinnipiac University/ CBS News/New York Times poll released Thursday indicated Obama still holds a three-point lead in Wisconsin. After leading by six points in September, the poll found Obama is up 50 to 47 percent. However, 65 percent of likely voters said Romney won the first debate.
USDA, from 1 university. Sacks said PETA is welcome to continue their case, but will see no further
DEBATE, from 1 moderator on specific loopholes Romney and Ryan would cut to raise revenues, Ryan said they would work with Congress to determine them. “Look at what Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill did,” Ryan said. “They worked together out of a framework to lower tax rates and broaden the base, and they worked together to fix that. What we’re saying here is our framework. … We want to work with Congress on how best to achieve this.” Part of that framework, Ryan said, was to lower tax rates by 20 percent and getting rid of approximately $1.1 trillion in tax deductions. Those loophole eliminations would mainly affect higher earners, he said. As Ryan gave an example of Reagan working with Congress, Biden said he was there at the time and said Reagan gave specifics in what deductions he would cut. Biden called the Romney-Ryan tax plan “not mathematically possible,” which Ryan disputed by saying six studies have shown the “math adds up.” Biden said his opponent’s tax plan would harm programs for middle-class families, such as health
University of Wisconsin College Republicans Chair Jeff Snow said he thinks Romney’s performance debate last week was a turning point in his campaign. “I think that the debate clearly shows Mitt Romney is the person that can actually get the middle class working again, that can restore the greatness of America and that resonates with people in Wisconsin,” Snow said. “This will be the first election since 1984 where Wisconsin will turn red.” Sixty-five percent of likely Wisconsin voters also support Romney’s leadership qualities. Most also believe the former Massachusetts
governor would better address the nation’s budget deficit than Obama. But the poll indicated voters think the president cares more than Romney about their needs and would best handle health care. Regarding last night’s vice presidential debate, the Oct. 4-9 poll showed 49 percent of likely Wisconsin voters predicted fellow Wisconsinite Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, to win the debate versus 32 percent of voters for Vice President Joe Biden. Prior to last night’s vice presidential debate, UW Political Science Professor David Canon projected Romney’s impressive
showing at last week’s debate put more pressure on Ryan. The poll also found the Senate race is essentially tied, as Democratic Rep. Tammy Baldwin’s lead has dwindled. Baldwin is up 48 to 46 with a three-point margin of error over former Wis. Gov. Tommy Thompson. Among likely independent voters, the candidates are deadlocked at 46 percent apiece. According to John Kraus, spokesperson for Baldwin’s campaign, Thursday’s poll is not significant in terms of the scope of the election, as 11 recent public polls show Tommy Thompson is losing support. Kraus said this is because voters
understand Thompson is not representative of Wisconsin anymore. Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate agreed, adding Tammy Baldwin is a fighter for the middle class who supports education, health care and job growth. He contrasted this with Thompson, who he said has lost touch with the values of average voters in Wisconsin. “Tommy Thompson is just not the same guy anymore,” Tate said. “This is a guy that went off and made millions of dollars. He’s a lobbyist selling his influence and can’t even remember how many homes he owns anymore.”
involvement from the government. “PETA can do what it feels is necessary, but once we look at a complaint and see there is nothing out of
compliance, our work is done,” Sacks said. Goodman confirmed PETA will continue to pursue their case, despite the USDA inspection
and report, adding the organization is committed to its “vigorous” campaign to end all animal testing. Sandgren acknowledged PETA’s general goal to end
animal research, adding although finding middle ground with animal rights activists like PETA will be difficult, efforts are being made.
care deductions, mortgage deductions and tuition deductions. University of Wisconsin College Republicans spokesperson Ryan Hughes said he was pleased with Ryan’s focus on turning a weak economy around. “Ryan showed he understood the issues better than Biden did,” Hughes said. “Ryan really showed everyone we should be talking about the debt crisis that’s going to affect young voters. Economic growth is also very slow under Obama, and the unemployment rate is another thing we are worried about as students.” UW College Democrats Chair Chris Hoffman said the debate showed Obama and Biden will always be honest with voters, unlike the Republican ticket. Students for Obama Chair Peter Anich agreed with Hoffman, adding Ryan did not give specifics last night and contrasting both party’s visions. “We saw Ryan pressed for specifics numerous times,” Anich said. “You’ve got the president’s plan, which is working, or you can go with the Republican plan, which is a mix of the old failed policies of the past and who knows what — whatever Mitt Romney decides for today.”
CHANCELLOR, from 1 David McDonald said the upcoming forums will play two important and related roles. “First, in a university community that prizes shared governance, they offer faculty, staff and students from across campus to take part in putting together a shared vision of the university’s future, a vision we all hope a chancellor can embrace and help fulfill,” McDonald said. McDonald said the forums will also allow for the perspectives of possible candidates to be presented to help in the discussions and selection process that takes place within the search committee. McDonald said those who attend should come prepared to briefly state the qualities they would like to see in the next UW chancellor. According to a UW statement, a Web chat system and other social media outlets will be made available at the forums. McDonald said given
ENROLLMENT, from 1 “It is a question our whole campus has to answer.” Giroux said the Board of Regents cap policy was applied to all UW
the logistical and time constraints of in-person listening sessions, the search and screen committee wanted to make it easier for people to participate. “We want to maximize the opportunities for members of the campus and off-campus UW-Madison community to have their voices, literal or digital, heard during this crucial initial phase of the extended search process,” McDonald said. In an email to The Badger Herald, UW System spokesperson David Giroux said the search for the next UW chancellor is important and encompasses a unique process. Giroux said this process provides many opportunities for public input, and he added people who care about UW’s future should take advantage of these opportunities. “It’s a very open, public process that starts with faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders,” Giroux said. McDonald said people
can also interact via Twitter using #uwsearch or email at chancellor-search@secfac. Those interested can also find more information at, McDonald said. “These forums also remind all of us on the search committee of the many individual angles from which each of us views and experiences our home institution,” McDonald said. “Too often, we tend only to think of ‘our’ university – the part that we inhabit – so it is useful for all of us to hear how others see and experience it.” According to the UW statement, the first forum open to the general public will take place in the Health and Sciences Center room 1325 on Tuesday, Oct. 16 from 7-8:30 a.m. The second will take place in Grainger Hall in the Plenary Room on Wednesday, Oct. 17 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m, and the final forum will be in Union South in Varsity Hall 3 on Friday, Oct. 19 from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
System campuses, but that most of the other schools are far below the 25 percent allotment, making UW a unique case that will undergo further discussion.
“[What should be done about UW exceeding the 25 percent cap] is going to be the subject of discussion at future meetings with our board,” Giroux said.
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, October 12, 2012
Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Friday, October 12, 2012
Soglin’s policies puzzle, perplex Taylor Nye Managing Editor I know I wrote on Mayor Paul Soglin last week, but this guy has had a busy couple of days. I like it when politicians do things I like. I begrudgingly accept when they do things I don’t like. But right now, I can’t even figure out Soglin’s strategy. Last week, I was puzzled over the temper tantrum Soglin threw when he found out Dane County Executive Joe Parisi was trying to pull a fast one on him and build a homeless shelter. I was also confounded about Soglin’s apparent desire to bus the homeless out of our community. This week, I’m befuddled by the 2.2 percent tax increase Soglin wants to levy on Madison residents. Even tough property values have dropped this year, the normal tax increase per annum is usually around 3 or 4 percent, The Daily Page reports. I’m also surprised that Soglin wants to limit property tax increases, yet is making drastic cuts in other areas. As you’ve probably heard, the Overture Foundation was planning an ambitious year, and expected the city to allot them $2 million, as they had been previously promised. Instead, Soglin low-balled them and proposed a $850,000 budget. The Wisconsin State Journal reports, “It’s actually quite devastating to have that kind of a difference— a 60 percent reduction,” Overture President Ted DeDee said. Another thing that confuses me is Soglin’s increase for the bus system. Riders will have to pay 25 cents more on adult fares, and the rate for disabled senior
passes would increase 50 percent. Soglin and the media paint the fare hike as necessary to bring bus service to the Owl Creek neighborhood. Yet, former mayor Dave Cieslewicz pointed out “the cost next year will be about $63,000 while the fare increase will produce well over $600,000. Moreover, Soglin left $384,000 in levy authority on the table. In other words, he could have easily added service to Owl Creek without raising fares.” And then there’s the death by 1,000 cuts — literally, cuts to the services we really enjoy. The Daily Page reports, “The mayor’s budget … calls for closing nine city ice rinks. … He would cut lifeguards at seven beaches. …[and] He’s hiking ambulance fees from $600 to $900 for residents and up to $1,000 for nonresidents.” I mean I know we’re balancing a budget here, but damn, son. I like being saved when I’m drowning and I’d already take a taxi to the hospital because of ambulance costs. All this is even more bewildering to me when members of city council suggested so many alternative places for cuts. Ald. Bridget Maniaci, District 2, suggested cutting the $50,000 allotted for a promotional video. Soglin is also proposing to spend $150,000 on a study to think about installing a bio-digestor. Like these, I’m sure there are similar nonessentials that could be used to trim the fat. If I had to guess, I’d say Soglin wants to keep taxes low in case of a re-election bid, but doesn’t think people will remember all the other little cuts he made to keep it that way. But as I said, I’m not really sure. Your guess is as good as mine. I’m sure going to miss those ice rinks, though. Taylor Nye (tnye@ is a senior majoring in biology, archaeology and Latin American studies.
Malory Goldin The Badger Herald
Chancellor David Ward’s inability to compromise on cutting the university’s contract with Adidas shows how he does not value shared governance.
Young wrong, Adidas responsible Alexandra Rezazedeh and Sarah Blaskey The Student Labor Action Coalition would like to formally correct Reginald Young’s statements made in last week’s issue. We feel that it is important to accurately convey the issues concerning the Adidas case so that the university community is not misinformed. We also want to emphasize that this is not only crucial for the legitimacy of our efforts, but for the reputation of our university and the integrity of the afflicted Indonesian workers. Young stated, “The prolabor student organization has found fault with the chancellor for not doing everything in his power, even if it’s foolish, to support workers’ rights.” Taking the correct action is not foolish — Cornell and Oberlin College have cut their contracts with Adidas. The University of Wisconsin has also done it before, with Nike and Russell. Ward has stalled for a year and a half while the aforementioned universities cut their ties more quickly and decisively. “They made it sound like Ward flouted the committee, but in reality, he was just trying to prevent the university from being sued,” wrote Young. Ward’s inability to even compromise on the issue of cutting the contract showed that he cared more about the repercussions of a suit than our values of shared governance. Also, Senior University Legal
Counsel Brian Vaughan has repeatedly stated that the act of putting Adidas on notice could not result in a legal suit against the UW. Young further claimed that “If SLAC had taken the time to read the fine print, they would understand Ward’s intentions because the contract requires that if a dispute arises both parties must enter into mediation.” SLAC has always said that if mediation was necessary, it is not mutually exclusive with putting Adidas on notice per the recommendation of the [Labor Licensing Policy Committee]. Also, the UW has two contracts with Adidas — only the sideline agreement would need to enter into mediation, while the licensing agreement would not. “The rest of the legalese gets fairly complicated, which explains the fact that instead of understanding the problem, SLAC decided that the situation must have been just what they thought it was — because all corporations are evil and the chancellor is always wrong, right?” asked Young rhetorically. Despite what our members individually believe about the nature of corporations or the position of the Chancellor, our historical record shows that we are willing to do business with any company that upholds labor codes. Young wrote that “Reading through the legalese, one finds that Adidas has no liability. Two key parts of the contract require that first, they don’t knowingly
continue business with a subcontractor that violates the law and second, that Adidas must abide by Wisconsin contract law.” According to WRC reports, Adidas CLEARLY continued business and was listing PT Kizone as a factory it sourced from long into 2011. Also, Indonesian law mandates severance which is in turn mandated by our contract. “… you’d realize that Ward is trying to prevent the university from getting sued for wrongly terminating its contract with Adidas,” claimed Young. First, Cornell did not get sued for cutting its contract, which is similar to the licensing contract we have with Adidas. Since Adidas isn’t upholding the WRC agreement it signed, the UW must ensure that it is upholding this standard, i.e. by not doing business with companies that ignore the WRC. “Instead, it is preventing the university from losing money that it certainly would if Adidas were to sue over the termination of the contract.” Actually, the university is paying for the current lawsuit into which it has decided to enter, and therefore is losing money by NOT cutting the contract. Young continued, “And then of course there’s the other reason UW shouldn’t just cut and run from Adidas: if we did, we wouldn’t have any leverage to get those factory workers their pay. Why the hell would Adidas want to pay them if the university wasn’t putting
pressure on them anymore?” Anyone aware of the history will see that the only tactic that has ever gotten brands to pay severance is by multiple universities terminating their contracts. Our fight against Nike led them to disclose the problems at PT Kizone and actually pay workers part of their severance in a timely manner. Lastly, Young claimed “PT Kizone is the one at fault, not Adidas and not Ward.” Indonesian law says that if a factory owner cuts and runs (like what happened in PT Kizone) the responsibility of severance falls to the brands sourcing from the factory. Since Adidas is not taking its due responsibility, Ward is also at fault for not taking the responsible route to ensure that Adidas upholds its part of the contract. Next week, universities across the country are coordinating a national week of action. UW will be participating and showing support of the fair labor practices. As students, we recognize the importance of supporting the workers that make our collegiate apparel and holding corporations accountable for their actions in these workplaces. Keep an eye out for these actions across campus next week and beyond, because our efforts are far from over. Alexandra Rezazadeh ( and Sarah Blaskey (blaskey@ are members of the Student Labor Action Coalition.
THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE BITCHY A roundup of some of the more thought-provoking (or thoughtless) comments left on In response to the 10/10 column:
ASM considers creating sustainability grassroots committee A student Please don’t. I mean please don’t spend seg fees on another ASM committee that I have zero confidence will ever accomplish anything.
Headlines tend to more frequently be about suspicious seg fee use than about anything the Associated Students Madison have actually accomplished. This commentor hits the nail on the head; ASM ought to learn to actually legislate productively before they consider new initiatives.
In response to the 10/9 column:
Badger behavior: Excessive or learning experience? llcthecableguy
Being stupid when you’re young is definitely part of the learning experience/ growing up. Learning to deal with the consequences of being stupid is a
It’s rare llcthecableguy comments in a way that doesn’t suggest liberal conspiracy theories are hiding behind every corner. But he’s right about this one. College is the time to be dumb and mess up. So seniors, enjoy your last months before the real world.
Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at, where all print content is archived.
ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Arts | Friday, October 12, 2012
Day Glow: Life in Color
Keller Williams
Friday 8 p.m. $ $30 Alliant Expo Hall
Friday 9 p.m. $ $23 Majestic Theatre
ArtsEtc. WEEKEND After the Burial
The Jezabels
White Arrows
CONCERT PREVIEW Stereotypes permeate stale but sexy ‘Butter’ Friday 7 p.m. $ $29-51 Alliant Coliseum
All-star cast does not save convoluted tale of lost fame, crazed ambition Tim Hadick ArtsEct. Reporter While it might sound like a joke, there are people out there that are really good at carving butter. It’s a substance with a malleable consistency that remains solid when cool; why not use it to make sculptures? Also, why not use it as the premise of a ridiculous movie? “Butter” is director Jim Field Smith’s latest movie since “She’s Out of My League,” and it is jampacked with big names — some of whom we haven’t heard from in a while. But, maybe it should have stayed that way since “Butter” is about as messy as its namesake’s liquid state. Laura Pickler (Jennifer Garner, “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”) is a driven, conservative woman. Her husband, Bob Pickler (Ty Burrell, TV’s “Modern Family”), is an Iowa-famous butter carver. His works include a replica of The Last Supper and reenactments from “Schindler’s List,” making him a favorite among judges of butter carving competitions. But when he’s told he must step down from running to let others have a shot at winning, Laura will not let her fameby-marriage disappear without a fight. Meanwhile, Destiny (Yara Shahidi, TV’s “Family Guy”), a young orphan trying to find her place in the
world, bounces from foster home to foster home until she lands at the Emmet’s, where foster dad Ethan (Rob Corddry, “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”) encourages her to pursue what she’s best at. After Destiny recalls once helping Bob sculpt butter at the Iowa State Fair, she begins to hone her skills for art and carving. Destiny eventually finds herself rivaled with Laura, who has become obsessed with reclaiming her husband’s glory, in the race for the best butter carving at the Iowa State Fair. While “Butter” may sound adorably over the top, race randomly becomes a serious undertone. The writing often focuses on the whiteness of the people of Iowa surrounding Destiny, and her entire arc is wrapped up in tokenism. While we could expect remarks about favoritism by super conservative Laura, the concept is heavily touched upon before suddenly disappearing later on. The inconsistencies in the presentation of the racism commentary are open to interpretation, but add up to a loose end that just can’t be ignored. Many main characters are expanded on during the typical 90 minute runtime, but so many more are under developed. Jennifer Garner is miscast as a crazy conservative with acting that’s so far over the edge she could make Sarah Palin blush, yet she underwhelms at the same time. Olivia Wilde plays a stripper and prostitute named Brooke who’s hounding Bob for money after Laura rams her car into the car Bob
Saturday 6:15 p.m. $ $13 advance, $15 aat the door TThe Loft
Saturday 9 p.m. $ $13 advance, $15 at the door Majestic Theatre
Sunday 8 p.m.
$ $$10
High Noon Saloon H
Photo courtesy of Michael De Luca Productions
Jennifer Garner plays Laura Pickler, a butter sculptor’s wife who takes up the craft in hopes of clinging to his legacy in Jim Field Smith’s latest film “Butter.” was receiving “services” in. Whoever did her makeup and costume needs to be given an award because she is hot. I mean, smoking hot. Holy shit, her sexual dancing and skimpy outfits alone are enough to see this movie. Wilde plays to her sexy strengths and delivers a solid performance. That said, “Butter” isn’t supposed to revolve around the hotness of Olivia Wilde. There are so many people from various TV shows that “Butter” would have been better off as a mini-series on Showtime
or HBO. Instead of relying on stereotypes to build characters, with more time and detail given to writing, “Butter” would have been better-rounded instead of a parade of clashing stiff personalities wrapped in a typical storyline. With a mildly entertaining plot, “Butter” continues to be underwhelming in its presentation. Production values are borderline cheap indie film, though with a full soundtrack that keeps in mind every scene of the film. The cinematography
of “Butter” doesn’t place the film anywhere in particular; Iowa doesn’t really stand out as Iowa despite the importance of the setting to the overall impact of the plot. But, the film is only seven bucks on iTunes, so it’s hard to say its producers were shooting for anything more than a cheap flick. “Butter” is lacking the proper adhesive to keep its several micro-plots together, but there’s an easy-to-follow overarching story. If you took out the swearing, sex and mature themes you’d have a run
of the mill kid’s flick. It would be boring as hell, but complete. Despite its quirky strengths, between the random appearance of Hugh Jackman as a dumb, lovesick car dealer and the arbitrary Olivia Wilde lesbian scene, “Butter” is one of those movies to put on for a good drunken laugh or to watch while doing something else.
Generationals live: When they rock, they rock New Orleans-based indie duo lights up The High Noon’s Wednesday crowd Julia Van Susteren ArtsEtc. Reporter If you happened to be at the High Noon Saloon at 8 p.m. on Wednesday night, you may or may not have expected several things. Swinging guitars? Yes. Chest-thumping drums? Most definitely. Bass so sick it hums the floor? Why not? Electric tunes that you can feel in the very air around you? Maybe, if you’re into that sort of thing. Being a first time visitor to The High Noon and a first time listener and attendant of a Generationals show, I have to count myself among those who expected none of what is listed above. And being one of the few to come so early to the famous western-themed bar, I wondered if I could have been in the wrong place. I had heard of Generationals before, and in fact, had several friends suggest that I review them. When I entered the Saloon, the most I knew about them was that the New Orleans-based duo enjoys
significant notoriety in the world of indie rock, having several of their singles featured on ads and TV shows, and receiving plenty of critical acclaim from everyone to Pitchfork Media to SXSW reviewers. Grabbing a drink and biding my time for their arrival turned out to be a very brief experience, for when the Brooklyn-based band Devin took the stage to open the show, within minutes the bar was empty and everyone was literally bouncing on their heels to the classically rough guitar riffs. Although the band itself is nothing less than impressive, the character of namesake Devin Therriault was definitely the jewel of the group, embodying the ideal guitar hero in every way imaginable. The emerging indie band entreated the audience to the underground single “Masochist,” a rough fabric of rip-roaring guitar and energetic vocals that contained a humorous degree of delicious passiveaggressiveness. Though Devin left the audience sufficiently hot for Generationals, they were nothing compared to the performance of the lead band. The strange, geometric fixtures hiding in the stage background
of the effervescently lit stage sprung to life as Ted Joyner and Grant Widmer took their guitars to the stage and demonstrated to the rest of us what being ‘one with the music’ looks like. “When they Fight, They Fight” was a particular blast for me, being particular to percussion and more subtle beats, but at first I thought it odd that they would begin with the softer and less-animated song that preceded it. But looking around and noticing the rapidly growing crowd that accumulated in the bar, I got the feeling that something extraordinary was about to arise. Progressing through increasingly exciting songs, the first climax of the band’s reception definitely came about when they played their new single, “Nobody Could Change Your Mind,” which sounded to my ears as a beautiful throwback to the hippieera indie rock, enticing the audience to sing along to the titular phrase of the single. At 11 p.m., one of the Generationals duo took the mic and said with skillful sarcasm, “I think we’re gonna end it here … because I know you all have to study, or some party to go to, or weed to smoke,”
Photo courtesy of Park the Van Records
Generationals Grant WIdmer and Ted Joyner brought vintage sounds and upbeat show to Madison Wednesday night. but to an ecstatic audience, the band found themselves playing an encore until midnight, and leaving with nothing less than a smile across everyone’s face.
Needless to say, though I cynically walked in expecting nothing more than another band to review, I am eating my words as I download the
newest Generationals album, “Lucky Numbers,” and am jamming out while contemplating the delight of destroyed assumptions once again.
Everybody Dies Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Friday, Rocktober 12, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: Even you. Noespecially you.
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: Unless vampires are real, in which case : “Some people die.”
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
Costello, but not Elvis Presley: Abbr.
21 24 27
34 Command
level: Abbr. 35 Like some
40 Elicit eye-
popping 38 40
41 She went to
sgts. 39 Jeweler’s creation
CROSSWORD 33 Like Elvis
23 26
Cole Porter
song 43 Player of TV
Haiti, in a
detective Spenser 44 Auxiliary memory for
Puzzle by Martin Ashwood-Smith
Across 1 “The Black Stallion” hero and others 6 Option for reduced fare 15 Pillbox relative 16 New York City has six 17 Onetime 25-Down 18
19 20 21 22 24 26 30
36 37
rival Potential result of fear Info about touchdowns Many man caves Detective work On the decline? Quarters Sing in court Statement resulting in hand-raising Minimal conflict First commandment?
38 Bowery boy, say 39 Bluff 42 Fortuitously 46 Member of a loving trio 47 On the way out? 50 Azadi Stadium setting 51 “Great” 18thcentury ruler 54 Sure to be won 55 Lana Turner’s “Mr. Imperium” co-star, 1951 56 Bebé’s nourishment 57 #1 hit song that asks “Are you somewhere up above?” 58 Ruins
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20
23 Down 1 Thrown 2 1990s Senate majority
leader and family Like a joule and a wattsecond, e.g. Learns by doing Informal states? Bait fish for pike angling Unbending Fish caught in pots Skosh They get booted Options for reduced fare In ___ heat Mimic Mae West Simon of opera William of “My Three Sons” Dish garnished with crushed peanuts Getting a
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
25 27
29 30 31 32
fast retrieval
charge out of Speed Six maker Winner of seven French Opens What some counters count Out “___ see” Genealogy word Refuel, in a way
45 Pants parts 47 “Time’s up” sound 48 Dix et un 49 Fire 52 Org. whose seal has a flower 53 Currency unit taken out of circulation in 1953 54 Pay extension?
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
Happy 21st birthday, now you’re ready for the bars. Good thing you’ve had plenty of practice. All those hours spent in basements, wasted, were not wasted.
To place an ad in Classifieds: Elise Watson 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Friday, October 12, 2012
!Bartending! $300/day potential. Dry sawdust available for dairy No experience necessary. Train- cattle. For more info please call ing available. 800-965-6520 Kurt at (507) 312-0549 ext. 120 Buffalo Wild Wings- U Square location- is hiring kitchen staff/ cooks. Flexible scheduling and competitive pay offered. Apply online at:
Outdoor parking and garages available all around campus. Prices vary based upon location. for maps and availability. Call 250-0202
STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Paid Survey Takers Needed in Madison. 100% Free to Join. Click on Surveys.
Sports FORK, from 8 season, the defensive line combined for four sacks and 5.5 tackles for a loss. “The D-line was getting sacks and TFLs; the secondary was getting interceptions, pass deflections; [the linebackers] were getting tackles,” Armstrong said. “Everything was very sound, it was fitting the way it was supposed to.” And it may take a similar performance against Purdue to keep the drive to Indianapolis alive. At 413.4 total yards per game (fifthhighest in the Big Ten), the Boilermakers’ offense can be dangerous when it finds openings through the air. Sitting dead last in those same rankings is Wisconsin, with just 328.8 total yards of offense per game. While redshirt freshman Joel Stave has showed marked development and poise in his first three career starts, he will have to beat a frugal Purdue passing offense led
SENIORS, from 8 The Fighting Illini are ranked third in the Big Ten and have lost only one of their last five games. Junior midfielder Vanessa DiBernardo is the leading scorer for Illinois with four goals in an offense that has scored only 15 times on the season, compared to Wisconsin’s 27 goals. The Illini defense has only allowed 15 goals on the season, led by senior goalkeeper Steph Panozzo who has a save percentage of .773 this season. Wilkins knows Illinois
by cornerback Ricardo Allen. “When you do throw it, they’re going to break on it — and they’re going to break hard,” Stave said. “So you just got to make sure you’re throwing it on time and really got to be accurate with it.” Still searching for its first road win of the season, Wisconsin’s battle with Purdue will be a chance for Wisconsin to prove it can finally piece together a complete game on both sides of the ball. Against a team that nearly knocked off Notre Dame, now ranked No. 7, in its second game of the season, the Boilermakers present arguably the most important road tests of the season for the Badgers. “It’s a critical test for our offense, for our whole team,” Groy said. “It’s how can we go to another road game — we’ve already lost two road games — and bring the same intensity as we have in home games and play a full, fourquarter game.”
will put up a tough fight for Wisconsin Sunday. “They are a good, dynamic attacking team,” Wilkins said. “Their shape is fantastic. We are going to have to be really organized in what we are trying to do. They have a special player with Vanessa in the midfield. So we are going to have to make sure that we defend together as a group. “I think we are going to have to do well in our transition again. I think in both games, both teams kind of pose the same problems for us, so we are going to have to be focused in both of them.”
UW seeks midseason revival After 0-2 start to Big Ten play this fall, Badgers aim for first conference win Saturday Nicole Sedivy Sports Writer The Wisconsin men’s soccer team intends to continue Michigan’s troubles on the road Saturday night. In three road games this season, Michigan has only managed to score two goals while losing all three games. Saturday’s game against the Wolverines (4-5-1, 1-1-1 Big Ten) will be the Badgers’ (3-6-3, 0-2-0) third conference game of the season. The Wolverines have a bitter taste in their mouths after losing 2-0 to the Badgers in the first round of the Big Ten tournament last season. Michigan was unable to avenge its regular season loss to Wisconsin, leaving the team with two losses against the Badgers last year. Wisconsin is aiming to turn around its poor conference record and will try to start doing so against Michigan. Head coach John Trask considers the Badgers’ first two conference matchups to be difficult ones. “We have played two of the better teams in the Big Ten up to this point; none of the Big Ten games are easy. Last year, we went 4-2 in conference. We are 0-2 this year, and we have four
ZAK, from 8 just his second season as the Gators’ guru, but he has already established a top 10 defense. Bielema has had three times as many years as Muschamp to construct a defense or at least a mindset that could rival teams from the SEC, and he has yet again failed to do so. If he isn’t controlling the offense, defense or special teams, it seems there is little left for Bielema in the calling of a coach. Calling timeouts comes to mind, but this definitely isn’t one of Bielema’s selling points. An extremely aggressive timeout call led to Kirk
more opportunities,” Trask said. “We played Indiana at Indiana and a pretty good Penn State team who beat us in the first Big Ten game on our schedule. Now we have a chance to be home against Michigan and get a win.” The Badgers had several opportunities to secure the win against UW-Milwaukee Wednesday night. The team’s combination play opened up chances in front of the net despite some transitional difficulty in the midfield. “We have to continue getting used to each other. The more we play with each other, the more we will develop a relationship with our midfield,” sophomore defender AJ Cochran said. “We will start to understand people, what our players are good at, what they are not good at and from there our midfielders will be able to work well with our forwards to create those good opportunities.” Michigan will not make it easy for Wisconsin to find the back of the net. Sophomore goalkeeper Adam Grinwis, named Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week, had a career high 12 saves against Penn State last weekend. Second in the Big Ten with 44 saves, Grinwis posted his second shutout of the season against Oakland
Cousins’ Hail Mary attempt last season in East Lansing. It’s been more than a year, but what ensued still makes many Badger fans cringe when the replays are shown. And then, at the Rose Bowl, an early second half timeout against Oregon had commentator Brent Musburger echoing what nearly everyone was thinking, “That may come back to haunt them.” It turned into great prophesy from the 73-year-old broadcaster as Russell Wilson’s brief career at UW ended at the 26-yard line without a timeout to spare. His mistakes in key games, both in prominence and location, have me
University Tuesday. There is hope for Wisconsin’s offense, despite Michigan’s strong presence in net. Opponents have outscored Michigan by a 10-4 margin in the second half, and Trask anticipates his team will keep pushing to find the back of the net. “The team has created some very good chances in past games, and it just wasn’t meant to be,” Trask said. “Sometimes that happens in soccer, where you just don’t get the rub of the ball. Hopefully it will go our way on Saturday, if the soccer gods smile on us a little bit.” The Wolverines have a challenging schedule with five matchups against ranked teams. Michigan is 0-4 against ranked opponents this season and travels to No. 3 Akron next week. “Michigan has been up and down this year. They have had some really great results in conference, and feel good about what they are doing this season,” Trask said. “We expect them to be very good. They have a lot of individual talent. We know we are in for a big battle.” The Badgers appear set for the challenge, as Wisconsin’s defense has kept the team in contention during several tight matches, including
against No. 4 Marquette. As the season goes on, the defense expects this level of play to continue through November. “The defense has been working and training hard the last couple of weeks, and we are coming together. We have two good goalies and a pretty experienced backline,” Cochran said. “We are going to continue to keep working together and hopefully keep putting together good performances.” With six games left in the regular season, Wisconsin has ground to make up. With three regular season Big Ten games remaining, the Badgers currently have a 0-2 conference record. The Badgers can capture their first conference win at home — and of the season — against Michigan. Trask is looking for his team to turn its season around and contend in the Big Ten tournament. “The team has some opportunities at home. We have to win games if we want to get into the middle of the pack going into the Big Ten Tournament,” Trask said. “It is very rare that teams go undefeated in the Big Ten these days. People knock each other off, so if we can start getting some results we can get right in the middle of the pack.”
believing he may not be the best man to wear the headset on the sideline or handle the enormous shoes a head coach steps into. The constant spinning wheel of assistant coaches that is college football makes situations like the one experienced in Madison this year nearly inevitable, but that is OK. It is exactly how Alvarez became head coach in the first place and how Wisconsin eventually landed itself in consecutive Rose Bowls. Alvarez tabbed Bielema as his successor, and to this point, that hiring may have seemed like the right one mainly because of the multiple other hires
in proximity. Bielema has made the most of his stay at Wisconsin, but his actions and status under the tag of “head coach” have remained less than impressive. And year by year, as the coaching carousel stops spinning and the likes of Matt Canada, Markuson or any other new face enters Camp Randall, there needs to be a “real” head coach waiting for them. Right now, it doesn’t seem to be that way. Sean is a junior majoring in journalism. Do you agree that Wisconsin could do better at head coach or is Bielema still the best bet? Email him at
Sports Editor Ian McCue
8 | Sports | Friday, October 12, 2012
Badgers prepare for No. 3 Huskers Online: Volleyball hopes for road upset before jetting to Iowa City.
Path to Indy hits critical fork in road Badgers fight for Legends Division title, face physical D-line at Purdue Ian McCue Sports Editor When Wisconsin lines up on the offensive side of the ball against Purdue Saturday, the game will have the vintage trademarks of smash mouth Big Ten football. A physical, explosive running back deftly reading blocks behind a massive offensive line, a physically overpowering group of defensive linemen awaiting Montee Ball and Co. on the other side of the line of scrimmage. Led by senior defensive tackle and preseason All-American Kawann Short, there is near-unanimous agreement among coaches and players that Purdue has the best defensive line of any team the Badgers have faced this season. A freewheeling unit that values up-field power rushing over adjustments at the line of scrimmage, the UW offensive line will have to stay true to its fourth quarter form of Illinois to successfully rush the ball early. The Badgers rushed for 97 yards in that final quarter, leaving the much-maligned offensive line with a renewed sense of confidence as they walked off the Camp
Randall turf. “As good as some people think the fourth quarter was, there’s still a lot of things we can work on and still a lot of things we can improve on,” left guard Ryan Groy said. “It was something for us to get some confidence back, something for other teams to see we can finally run the ball again.” But more than a conference win is on the line at Ross-Ade Stadium this weekend. With Illinois and Indiana each without a Big Ten win and Ohio State and Penn State ineligible for postseason play, the Leaders Division title may very well be decided in West Lafayette. As the Boilermakers take the reigns on the offense, the nostalgic vision of Big Ten football will tumble when a spread offense that relies on the talents of two different quarterbacks takes the field. A pair of seniors in Caleb TerBush and Robert Marve — a former starting quarterback at Miami — will attempt to thread their way through the Wisconsin secondary. Both signal-callers have the ability to dart from the pocket but TerBush’s 26 rushes rank second on the team while Marve has proven the more efficient passer, completing 71.9 percent of his passes through five games. But the UW defense has had ample practice against quick-footed quarterbacks this year,
already facing Nebraska’s Taylor Martinez and Illinois’ Nathan Scheelhaase. Learning to read a designed run from a drop-back pass is an acquired skill, one co-defensive coordinator Charlie Partridge says his defense is building. “Confidence and when it’s right to be aggressive — when it’s right to take a risk,” Partridge said. “Understanding that if I took a risk and it didn’t work, then I have to recover and protect my space. Guys are getting confidence in the timing of those things.” Regardless of who is under center, Purdue’s favorite downfield target will be junior wide receiver O.J. Ross, who has had at least five receptions in each game this season. But once again holding together a Wisconsin defense facing one of the few Big Ten squad with more yards through the air than on the ground is one of the conference’s top linebacking corps. Though middle linebacker Chris Borland and Mike Taylor, who rank first and sixth in the conference in tackles, respectively, receive much of the attention, oft-overlooked third wheel Ethan Armstrong earned team defensive MVP honors with 10 tackles against the Fighting Illini. In one of Wisconsin’s better defensive performances of the
FORK, page 7
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Linebacker Ethan Armstrong earned team defensive MVP honors after collecting 10 tackles in a strong performance by the UW defense against Illinois.
Bielema needs to prove worth Sean Zak Zak It To Ya
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
Redshirt junior forward Paige Adams has started all 14 games for the Badgers this season. She also leads the team in points (14) and co-leads the team in goals (5) with five games remaining.
Seniors hope to leave mark Wisconsin to face Northwestern, Illinois in final two home games of 2012 season Spencer Smith Women’s Soccer Writer With five games left in the regular season, the University of Wisconsin women’s soccer team is looking to finish the season strong, a campaign starting this weekend in its final two home games. In a match that will honor the team’s seniors, Wisconsin (8-5-1, 1-41 Big Ten) will take on Northwestern (4-8-2, 0-60) Friday night at the McClimon Complex, where the Badgers are 5-2 on the season. Despite losing its last two games at home, UW has been tough to beat in Madison. With the added emotional advantage of Senior Night Friday, senior defender and team captain Lindsey Johnson thinks her team will step up its play for their home crowd and the seniors. “[The game] is obviously going to be kind of emotional in the beginning
of the game because we are all going to get recognized for being here for so long,” Johnson said. “We just have to treat it like any other game and try to win it for us seniors.” Wisconsin’s defense has been struggling of late, allowing nine goals in the last five games, but was able to pitch a 2-0 shutout at UW-Green Bay Monday. Johnson says her defensive squad needs to stay focused and minimize mistakes to continue to improve defensively. “We just have to focus on the details,” Johnson said. “We aren’t going to make any dumb mistakes. We are going to try to keep the ball and not try to force it to places. I think that will avoid a goal.” And the Northwestern offense might be just what Wisconsin’s defense needs to get back on track. NU’s offense has been shutout in four straight games and has scored more than one goal in a contest only once this season.
Junior forward Kate Allen poses the largest offensive threat for the Wildcats, scoring a teamhigh eight goals along with three assists in 2012. The Wildcats, who are on a five-game losing streak, are coming to Madison looking for their first conference win. Head coach Paula Wilkins knows the game against Northwestern is important for her team and expects a tough test. “It’s an important game for us in the Big Ten,” Wilkins said. “They have a dangerous player with Kate Allen up front. Every game they’ve played in the Big Ten they’ve been close and they haven’t given up many goals, so I think it’s going to be a challenging game.” The Wildcats’ defense has made life difficult for opposing offenses, allowing no more than two goals in each of its last five games. Northwestern will attempt to slow down a Wisconsin offense that has been productive as of late,
scoring two goals in three of its last four games. Redshirt junior forward Paige Adams, who is tied for the team lead in goals with five, wants to see the offensive squad limit Northwestern’s transition scoring chances. “I think the biggest thing right now is to keep the backs from being able to serve the ball,” Adams said. “When they get counterattacks, that’s when we struggle. As long as we’re keeping them from playing it forward, we’ll be able to win the ball more and get forward and score more goals.” The Badgers tied the Wildcats 1-1 last season and are 2-2-1 against Northwestern during Wilkins’ tenure. Wisconsin to cap off weekend against Illinois On Sunday Wisconsin will play its final home game of the 2012 season against Illinois (7-4-2, 4-1-1).
SENIORS, page 7
Remember the guy that led Wisconsin to an 11-win season in his first year as head coach? That same man coached the Badgers to back-to-back Big Ten Championships, consecutive Rose Bowls, and has cemented Wisconsin as a top-notch program in the world of college football. On his record as head coach, these accomplishments will never change, but as he might be starting to discover, the public perception of Wisconsin’s head honcho is undoubtedly starting to sway away from approval. Bret Bielema has been a college football coach almost since the day he finished his playing career. His experience extends more than 15 years, and with the precious approval of Athletic Director Barry Alvarez, he is now, and has been, the head coach and face of Wisconsin football. Only Bielema is no longer a coach — he is merely a manager of the UW program, and the evidence is mounting that Wisconsin can do better. Bielema has been a success-garnering machine since he claimed the reigns from Alvarez, and the first paragraph offers only partial justice to his tenure in Madison. The coach has piled up an impressive career record of 64-19. But he didn’t do it all by himself, and that’s why this season, Bielema’s missing capabilities as a coach have jumped to the forefront. It has finally become clear in 2012 that Bielema always needed plenty of
coaching help around him — too much, actually. After six assistant coaches exited for greener pastures in the offseason, it was pretty much last call, and Bielema was one of the only men at the bar. It was a common belief that Paul Chryst, offensive line coach Bob Bostad and the parade of departing coaches were rather integral to the successes seen at Wisconsin in the past few seasons. They fit together almost perfectly and the Badgers’ record — aside from a pair of backbreaking passes — was near-perfect. The importance of the assistant coaches was many times acknowledged but never considered immense. That was until Bielema was placed in charge of filling the gaps they left. In the firing of Mike Markuson and early season struggles, we found out that not only did UW’s head coach fail to sustain the program through coaching changes (a typical transition in collegiate football), but also to take lead of a position himself. Earlier in his UW head coaching career, Bielema was in complete control of the special teams. He relinquished those duties to a triumvirate of assistants in 2010, and has since handed the reigns over to Charlie Partridge. If Bielema can’t handle the duties of coaching, the oft-last in line for special teams, what does that say about his ability as a coach? Bielema’s defensive background is remarkable, yet he fails to visibly do much with the Wisconsin defense. A true defensive mastermind would do exactly what Will Muschamp has done as head coach of the Florida Gators — take full control and manage a defensive stalwart. Muschamp is in
ZAK, page 7