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Monday, October 15, 2012


Nothing like weekend-long rain

ALRC explores downtown bars Officials evaluate establishments with security cameras in mind Stephanie Awe Herald Contributor

Jen Small The Badger Herald

Hoping to spend the weekend away from the libraries and study rooms, relaxing outdoors? Mother Nature thought it would be cooler if you didn’t by raining constantly Saturday through Sunday.

The Alcohol License Review Committee went on its first walk-along bar tour of the academic year Friday night to check downtown bars and ensure they are following policy. Some bars and restaurants included on the tour were Segredo’s, Johnny O’s, Wando’s, State Street Brats, Hawk’s, Whiskey Jack’s and Sotto. The walkthrough also included the new establishments of Roast Public House on State Street and Dragon’s Eye, the former Chin’s. The committee keeps a close eye on how well downtown bars are operated, according to Tom Landgraf, a three-

year ALRC member. Especially now due to the increase in thefts, Landgraf said the amount of security cameras on hand and the amount of licensed bars downtown were the themes of the evening Friday. “They [Madison Police Department] have so many thefts

“The biggest concern is to promote safety in the community.” Tom Sieger

UW Chancellor’s Appointee ALRC that they don’t bother to investigate them [all],” Landgraf said. The committee focused on the strip along University Avenue including Segredo’s, Johnny O’s and Wando’s, where several recent high-profile crimes

occurred. According to Landgraf, bars have installed security cameras to help prevent any wrongdoing, but it is difficult to combat the high amounts of theft that occur. He said the committee is able to request more cameras in bars located in areas of concern. He also said the committee pays close attention to bars that have been reported for noise, over-capacity or crime. “The biggest concern is to promote safety in the community so we don’t have operators that aren’t responsible,” University of Wisconsin’s Chancellor’s Appointee on the ALRC Tom Sieger said. Mark Woulf, coordinator of the ALRC, said they are responsible to license downtown bars and follow up to determine whether they follow policy and

ALRC, page 3

Police return confiscated items to homeless MPD denies taking property as attempt to deprive people of belongings Sarah Eucalano Herald Contributor Several citizens who had their possessions removed from city property near the Capitol Square Wednesday were able to reclaim their belongings. According to an MPD

statement filed Thursday, a large amount of items were found near the Veteran’s Museum including grocery bags, trash bags, alcohol, bed rolls, suitcases and cardboard boxes. According to the statement, the items looked like they had been abandoned for days and some of them were wet. The statement said the police were not trying to deprive anyone of their belongings. The confiscation of the property led to protests from a group of citizens

Thursday, who demanded an apology from the Madison Police Department as well as their property be returned, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. The statement said when the officers found the abandoned items Wednesday, they spent over an hour trying to find the owners, but were unsuccessful largely because none of the abandoned items had identification on them. The police took the items to a city facility on Olin

Street, according to the statement. MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain said people often have left belongings unattended on city property. He said the police department has spent time reminding people it is against a city ordinance to leave abandoned property. According to the statement, Madison Police Chief Noble Wray said it is a “tough job” to manage public spaces, especially near the Capitol where a lot of items are frequently abandoned or

Harvard professor speaks at UW

left unattended. “Post 9/11, you cannot leave things lying around,” DeSpain said. “People get suspicious, bomb squads get called out.” The majority of the time people comply with the ordinance DeSpain said. If people do abandon items, they will be ticketed, and the items can be removed from city property, he said. “I am certain there are homeless people who want to leave things in places when they go out and about, but they can’t,” he said.

“They have been warned for months.” Because none of the items MPD found had identification on them, the police took people on their word when they came to collect items, DeSpain said. “Our job is to enforce the law, and we try to do so with concern for all people in the community,” DeSpain said. “Madison has proper services which make sure homeless people are okay.” As of Friday afternoon,

HOMELESS, page 3


Guinier addresses as Diversity Forum keynote speaker; touches on gender, racial equality Allison Johnson Herald Contributor The keynote speaker of University of Wisconsin’s Diversity Forum addressed issues of diversity in higher education by bringing light to the larger problems in admissions and student success Friday. Harvard professor and civil rights attorney Lani Guinier highlighted the grievances of underrepresented groups as a larger problem in university admissions and overall student success. According to Guinier, the narrative of the American Dream states, “If you work hard and play by the

rules, you will succeed.” However, Guinier said this representation of the American Dream does not explain the failures people can experience in spite of lawful, hard work, adding that race becomes a factor. “Race often becomes the explanatory variable,” she said. “The most challenged, the most excluded are carrying a huge burden because they are a metaphor for failure.” Guinier, who also referenced gender diversity in higher education, said women in law school tend to do worse than men, and many people believe there are issues with women. Society believes women

need to do better to compete with the men, she said. “I want to invert that idea,” she said. “Women are alerting us to [a] larger problem.” There is a larger problem in the system that affects everyone, which is preventing the majority of women from being successful, Guinier said, likening it to the metaphor of a “canary in the coal mines.” People have assumed it’s the women who are the problem, Guinier said. However, she said it is the concerns of the women that have brought to light a larger problem, a perspective that many do

not see. UW senior Ashley Monroe agreed with Guinier and said her approach of seeing “individuals as indicators of bigger community and societal issues” is a unique one. Guinier also addressed how college admission processes are not able to bring in diversity because they are using the wrong metrics to determine who will succeed at their school. According to Guinier, the Law School Admission Test and the SAT exam are fraudulent vehicles for determining admission because they do not account


Anti-hate group recognizes Blue Manager of Dane County Juvenile Delinquency Services awarded for promoting justice Molly McCall City Life Editor An anti-hate group honored a county employee, Stephen Blue, with an annual award that promotes tolerance in the community. A ceremony will be held on Monday to honor Blue, manager of the Dane County Juvenile Delinquency Services,

with the Alix Olson Award for the Promotion of a Tolerant and Just Community, according to Eric Kestin from the Equal Opportunities Division of the Department of Civil Rights. According to the Alix Olson Award application form, the award recognizes a person, group or organization in Dane County or South Central

Wisconsin that has worked to promote tolerance and justice in the community. The award is presented by the Seeking Tolerance and Justice Over Hate, an anti-hate group. Blue, who has served in the county for 35 years, was unavailable for comment due to work-related business. A Madison Police Department statement

statement said Blue is the driving force behind the Neighborhood Intervention Program, which has been in place for 24 years. According to the Dane County Department of Human Services website, NIP “offers innovative Community Supervision Services and Early Intervention Services to

BLUE, page 3


Associated Press

Get to know your venue Take a peak at the history of the Overture Center and what it’s offering this season. You won’t be disappointed!

ARTS | 5

Boilermakers run out of track

How to navigate voter registration

Badgers earn first road win of the year in West Lafayette, Ind., thanks to a historic performance

Master the voter registration process with an interactive and informational flow chart



EVENTS today 3:30 - 5 p.m. Choosing a Major Room 6 Ingraham Hall

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The Badger Herald | News | Monday, October 15, 2012

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63 43

50 43

48 37


mostly cloudy


Former UW veterinarian supports PETA After USDA’s clear inspection report, Brown writes letter to agency backing up claims from animal rights group Tara Golshan Higher Education Editor

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A former University of Wisconsin animal lab veterinarian came forward in a letter to the federal government Friday in an effort to confirm the ethical research problems People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals raised in a campaign against the University of Wisconsin earlier this year. Richard Brown, former Senior Program Veterinarian for UW’s Research Animal Resource Center, addressed the United States Department of Agriculture in a letter, after the federal agency released a clear inspection report Thursday. His letter supports many of the allegations highlighted by PETA’s case and said the violations were known by various departments in the

university including the principal investigator, colleagues and the animal experimentation oversight committee at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health at the time. As of Sunday night, the university has not yet returned requests for comment. In an interview with The Badger Herald, Brown said he worked at the the university for five years during this research and was the “only veterinarian with primary authority on clinical matters,” adding he experienced these allegations “first hand.” According to PETA spokesperson, Justin Goodman, Brown’s letter demonstrates the USDA’s failure to do a proper inspection. “[The letter] shows that the USDA’s review of the evidence was incomplete and accepted face value

claims from the University of Wisconsin,” Goodman said. Goodman also added, although the inspection did follow PETA’s list of complaints, they have must have done a “bad job.”

“This is something the administration is trying to have go away.” Richard Brown

Former UW Senior Program Veterinarian

However, Brown said the clear inspection report, which cited “no noncompliant items,” is not the fault of the USDA, or the veterinarian staff, but rather the fault of the administration.

According to Brown, who said he is familiar with the specific inspector who evaluated UW’s research facilities and is confident in her work, it is not in the nature of a USDA inspection to point out what is ethically “wrong,” but rather to cite noncompliance. Brown added he believes the university’s veterinary staff was also aware of the allegations. However due to the university’s influence, they do not have the power to come forward without the risk of losing their job. “This is not something that the university as a whole is ignoring,” Brown said. “This is something the administration is trying to have go away. It’s the administration, its Bascom Hill, not RARC.” According to Brown, who said he has a history for speaking up to

the university against ethical violations, the veterinarians who have come forward to the administration have all been fired, including himself. Goodman said, he hopes Brown’s letter will prompt a more thorough inspection by the USDA, however Brown is confident their work is done. “I suspect they will read it, and they will take it seriously, but nothing will come of it,” Brown said in regards to his letter. Nevertheless, Goodman said PETA will continue their campaign for the National Institutes of Health to end funding for such research and to ultimately end animal research altogether. “The end of animal research does not mean an end to a research institution,” Goodman said.

Scholars discuss Oak Creek shooting Attendees of Annual Conference of Southeast Asia speak on public’s understanding of Sikh culture Meghan Zernick State Politics Editor Attendees of the Annual Conference on South Asia gathered for a special roundtable discussion Friday on the summer shooting which took place in Oak Creek, Wis. The shooting took place on Aug. 5, when white supremacist Wade Michael Page killed five people and wounded several others before killing himself. Scholars from around the country came to the roundtable, which focused

on mourning those who lost their lives in this tragedy, as well as giving teachers the necessary tools to spread awareness of other cultures in their classrooms. The roundtable also focused on the mistake that many individuals, especially after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, make in assuming Sikhs and Muslims are one in the same. Rashmi Bhatnagar, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh and chair of the roundtable, said the main point of the discussion was to talk about

ways in which academics can respond to the lack of understanding of the Sikh culture. Bhatnagar stressed focusing on education at a community level. “Why should the victims have to explain their culture?” Bhatnagar said, reiterating another point a fellow attendee made. At the roundtable, one of the topics of discussion was the Oak Creek shooting not being just an episode of mental health problems from Page. In a community, this is not just a spontaneous

action, according to many roundtable attendees. The general consensus of the roundtable was that education should focus on the local level. During the discussion, one individual said Sikhs have been in the crosshairs of everyday violence ever since 9/11. By people not knowing enough about Sikhism, this society is “structured into ignorance,” and the only reason peace even exists is because of segregation, another attendee said. Donald Davis, an

associate professor in the department of Languages and Cultures of Asia at the University of Wisconsin, said both students and faculty at UW face the same problem. That problem, according to Davis, is when one is away at a university, it is all too easy to disengage from the rest of the world. “In a college environment, it seems like the stakes aren’t as high as in the real world,” Davis said. “It can appear there’s not as serious of consequences to being wrong.”

County executive launches 2013 reelection campaign Parisi hopes to stay seated with focus on economy, environment Sean Kirkby Senior News Reporter Dane County Executive Joe Parisi recently announced the beginning of his reelection campaign in a move he claims will help guarantee the success of his administration’s efforts to clean the environment and provide jobs to county citizens. In a statement Thursday, Parisi said over the last 18 months, his administration has helped strengthen services for citizens despite state budget cuts, cleaned up lakes and improved education. “I am running for a full term as your County Executive this April to ensure the important work we have started in these areas and others … is successful,” Parisi said in the statement. Parisi said in an interview with The

Badger Herald he plans to continue his administration’s focus on improving the economic situation in Dane County. He said young people entering the work force do not have a strong job market, and he supports placing effort on creating jobs locally and regionally. Parisi said his administration has

“Joe’s been a great county executive and has shown real leadership.” Brett Hulsey

Wisconsin Representative D-Madison

focused on increasing environmental protection and has supported cleaning lakes and expanding bike paths through the area. He said by improving the economy of the area as well as making the area attractive for people to live in, more students will stay in Dane County. Dane County Board members have also

announced their support of Parisi and his policies. Dane County District 18 Supervisor and Democratic candidate for Assembly Melissa Sargent said she is honored to endorse Parisi for his second term. “He’s doing a great job in tough times,” Sargent said. “He’s a good representation of our community.” Sargent said Parisi has deep roots in the Madison Community since he grew up in the county and is raising his family here as well. She said he also brings with him a unique history of working in the state legislature and knows how it works. Rep. Brett Hulsey, D-Madison, said he appreciated Parisi’s efforts to protect the environment by cleaning up lakes and helping to keep the process moving forward in addition to protecting disadvantaged families and their children. “Joe’s been a great county executive and has shown real leadership during these tough times,” Hulsey said.

Malory Goldin The Badger Herald

Joe Parisi ascended to the position of Dane County Executive by winning a special election in 2011, when Kathleen Faulk resigned. The spring primary election will be held Feb. 19, 2013.. However, Republican Party of Dane County Chair Mike Herl said while Parisi has kept county roads plowed, he was not impressed. He said under Parisi the county has been spending a $100,000 a day to service debt. “Eventually, people on the left — and he is one of them — have got to understand it’s not good, and we can’t keep

PROFESSOR, from 1 for a person’s experiences. “If we are talking about solving hard problems, we need to bring in new perspectives and experiences,” she said. “Diversity suggests there is an alternative way of solving problems.” Guinier emphasized the importance of diversity not in terms of gender or race, but in terms of perspectives. Collaboration between people who share different perspectives is the best way to solve complex problems, she said.

borrowing money,” Herl said. “With that $100,000 a day, we could be providing other county services.” Parisi won his seat in a special election in 2011, when former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk resigned. He received 70 percent of the vote. The spring primary election will be on Feb. 19, 2013. The general election will be April 2, 2013.

UW junior Rachel Rubenstein agreed with the idea of a linkage between collaboration and innovation, adding there is “strength in numbers” when addressing such issues. Guinier concluded that on the global perspective, diversity is key in undertaking the wide array of contemporary issues. “What we ultimately want is a diverse group of problem solvers who are collaborators who happen to address the diverse problems of the 21st century,” Guinier said.

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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Monday, October 15, 2012



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Six wind turbines to be installed outside Madison Epic Systems will plant 262-foot tall structures on Verona campus Sean Kirkby Senior News Reporter A medical software company, Epic Systems, is planning to build Dane County’s first wind turbines in a move lauded by environmental advocacy groups and local citizens. Epic Systems plans to build six 262-foot wind turbines, each with three 135-foot blades, on its Verona campus, according

HOMELESS, from 1 there still may be items that have not been collected, DeSpain said. However, people who left things and wanted to find them came by to collect things, he said.

BLUE, from 1 boys and girls ages 10-17 who are delinquent or at risk for delinquency.” The statement said Blue was nominated by his coworkers for his “truly heroic” works in the community. According to the statement, the award will be held at the 2012 YWCA Racial Justice Summit. Kestin said Blue will be awarded during a lunch period at Monona Terrace. Kestin said STAJOH is comprised of different agencies in the

ALRC, from 1 ensure safety. He said the committee has a limited amount of licenses to issue in order to follow city regulations, including grandfather licenses, which require annual renewal, and reserved licenses, which require a deposit of $10,000. Chad Crose, member of the Community Policing Team for MPD and Alcohol Liaison, said part of this policy is to ensure bartenders are not serving drinks to already intoxicated customers

to The Wisconsin State Journal. The windmills will complement a geothermal system that heats and cools the area as well as a group of solar panels, WSJ said. Don Hoffman, chair for the Springfield Town Board, said a few residents were worried about the windmills causing a fall in property values and about potential health issues the wind turbines may bring to the area. However, he said the majority of the residents seem to support the project. According to WSJ, the addition of the turbines will allow the company to provide 85 percent of its own energy needs by 2014.

The company expects the savings in electricity to pay for the wind turbines’ construction within seven years, WSJ said. The wind turbines may also be visible from the Capitol and tall buildings in downtown Madison, according to WSJ. Hoffman said the original plans to build the wind turbines were introduced by a different company in 2007. In 2008, he said the first public hearings on the wind turbines were held, and the project was approved the same year. However, Hoffman said the plans fell through because of financial problems.

Hoffman said at a recent town hall meeting Epic Systems and the council went through and made sure the plans fit state statutes, explained the plans to the community and answered further questions. Hoffman said the project is a good start to address issues related to fossil fuels, which he said would not last forever. “I think it’s a good reminder to conserve energy,” Hoffman said. “We can’t depend on fossil fuels forever because they’re only going to be around for another 50 to 200 years at the most.” Michael Vickerman, program and policy

director at RENEW Wisconsin, said more than 400 utility wind turbines exist throughout the state. He said Epic Systems is following in the trend of most wind installations in the state because customers and business are building the wind farms themselves rather than power companies. Vickerman said throughout the state three more wind turbine projects will be finished by the end of 2012, and all these projects are focused on offsetting the cost of purchasing power and using fossil fuels such as coal. He said Epic Systems plans to finish by the end

of the year to qualify for a federal tax credit that may expire by then. “Epic Systems is making a statement where it stands on sustainability, and it is where the business community is going,” Vickerman said. “[This is] synonymous with what Dane County is saying [about renewable energy]. This is another expression of widespread support for clean energy for the future.” He said medical science does not recognize any adverse health impact by windmills, though some people do not like them and may find them an annoyance.

When asked about the protests of around 25 people that had happened outside of the city council building, DeSpain said he was not sure what they were protesting and no protester had contacted him about the

issue. “It [the protest] couldn’t have been very big,” DeSpain said. “There are 25 people outside the city council building all the time.” DeSpain said it is not up

to the MPD to decide where homeless people’s items should be stored. There are ongoing discussions on the county and city level to meet the needs of homeless people, such as the county’s plans to open a day shelter

for the homeless in the winter. Katie Crawley, spokesperson for Mayor Paul Soglin, said the most recent proposal for the shelter is on East Washington Avenue, and the

shelter should be open by winter. Crawley said the city has no specific plans regarding storage facilities, but the day shelter will give homeless people a place to bring their belongings.

community. The statement said the organization features representatives from the city of Madison, Dane County, Madison Metropolitan School District, the state of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin. “Anyone can join,” Kestin said. “The point is to educate [the community] about hate crimes.” Kestin said the group aims to teach the community what hate crimes are and how to combat them.

Kestin said STAJOH started around 2001. Alix Olson, a retired MPD detective, was a main founder of the group and did tremendous amounts of work in the area of hate crimes, he added. According to the statement, Olson led many projects and alliances against hate crimes. Kestin said Olson even arranged for STAJOH members to attend training programs in California. “When she retired, we wanted to honor her,” Kestin said.

and enforcing other safety issues, such as maintaining capacity. According to Landgraf, the downtown’s licensing has almost reached its capacity. The committee deals with public safety and makes decisions to keep Madison safe, according to Ana Zambie, ALRC member. She said especially in a city where alcohol is potent, the ALRC is necessary to maintain awareness and is what every city needs. “I definitely have seen what can happen [with]

poor management and not embracing new ideas and moving forward,” Zambie said. “And I can see what it does to an economy, what it can do to a city and it’s nothing I would want for Madison.” According to Woulf, T. Sushi is looking to raise capacity and wants the committee to license their upstairs space. The ALRC has their next meeting Wednesday, where T. Sushi is on the agenda. If approved, the committee’s recommendation will go to the City Council.


Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Monday, October 15, 2012

Herald Editorial Voting proves to be needlessly complex When is the last day you can register to vote? What kind of ID do you need at our polling area? Where is your polling area? Should you bring your lease with you? Will you need photo ID when you vote? Chances are, you may not know the answers to the above questions. Wisconsin has seen its fair share of uncertainty with regards to voting issues. Voting requirements are a state issue, and each state’s voting laws are as unique as a snowflake. Registering to vote is not a general, standardized process, and that’s why there’s merit into getting the facts before you head to the polls. Last semester, UW provided photo ID cards for the recall primaries, which were required at the time. You no longer need these IDs to vote. But don’t let the chaos and confusion of last year’s elections deter you from voting. Efforts to muddle the voting process — on top of an insane bureaucracy — make answering the questions every voter has to ask more difficult than filling out tax returns. For instance, in order to find the last day for mail-in registration in Wisconsin, we had to dig through nongovernmental websites with homemade bald eagle graphics, only to find the



official date is “20 days before election.” Why not write the actual date? For many outof-state students, proving residency ends up meaning getting rejected at the polls for inadequate paperwork. If you’ve moved since your last election, you should reregister. This isn’t to say that we’re too dumb to find this information ourselves. Finding the information to vote shouldn’t be a government website scavenger hunt. We recognize the massive efforts undertaken to get students to vote, from volunteers standing in the streets practically begging us to register to campaigns like Rock the Vote, but it’s a shame they’re even necessary. Voting should remain a sacred, untouched civic exercise. We’ll spare you the hokey “This is your duty!” speech. The fact is, the people you can vote for have a direct effect on your life, and you have no right to complain about them unless you’ve voted. That’s why we’ve made a flowchart to explain exactly what you need to do to get to your polling place on Nov. 6. You have no excuse not to register to vote because we’ve cut through the bullshit for you.




Nov. 6, 7 am to 8 pm. Unlike lecture, you can’t walk in late.

Go to bit.ly/RX6LoM for an easy way to register.

-A check or other document issued by the government. -Current Wisconsin driver’s license or ID card issued by a Wisconsin government body. -An ID card issued by an employer with a photo -A paycheck -A bank statement -A real estate tax bill -A UW-Madison ID card with a photo, for students who live in UW Housing

WHO NEEDS TO REGISTER? U.S. citizens 18 and over who have not yet registered at their current address. If you’re not sure whether you have to register, go to myvote.wi.gov.

WHAT IF I WANT MY VOTE TO COUNT IN MY HOMETOWN? Vote absentee! Every state can be different, so contact your city clerk, county admission administrator, supervisor of elections, voter registration office, board of elections... or whatever crazy name your state chooses to call the place you go to get absentee ballots.

WHAT IF I’M HOMELESS? Call (608) 261-2028 for help getting a written letter from a shelter or advocacy group confirming that you have lived in Madison for 28 days or more.

HOW TO I PRE-REGISTER? Go to www.cityofmadison.com/ election/ voter/pre.cfm to get an application. Mail your application to the city clerk’s address (see below). It must be postmarked by Oct. 17 2012, and must include a photocopy of your proof of residence (see list).

NOW THAT I’M REGISTERED, WHERE DO I GO TO VOTE? Polling places can be found at www.cutyofmadison.com/clerk/ voterwhere.cfm. Most dorm residents vote at the Memorial Union, but double check at your front desk or kb.wisc.edu/ page.php?id=11656

SO NOW I’M READY ... WHO SHOULD I VOTE FOR? Nonpartisan, non-attack ad, non-parent, non-friend sources of info on who to vote for: The Wall Street Journal at blogs.wsj.com/washwire. Politifact at politifact.com. The League of Women Voters at lwv.org. WisconsinVote.org. My Vote Wisconsin at myvote.wi.gov. Voter Information at uc.wisc. edu/vote. Frequently Asked Questions at www.wisconsin.gov/state/core/faq_wisconsin_voting_elections. Madison Student Vote Coalition will be in College Library from 5 to 7 p.m. from October 14 to 17 to register people and give out information on poll locations. The Madison City Clerk’s Office can be found at Room 103 on 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. It is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Adelaide Blanchard

Ryan Rainey

Taylor Nye

Pam Selman

Reginald Young

Charles Godfrey

Editorial Board Chairman


Managing Editor


Editorial Page Editor

Editorial Content Editor

Sarah Witman

Mehar Ahmed

Editorial Board opinions are crafted independently of news coverage.

Political correctness obfuscates immigration issues Justin Kramer Columnist Last Thursday, Editor-inChief Ryan Rainey wrote a weak explanation giving the reasons why The Badger Herald will continue to use the term “undocumented immigrant” in place of “illegal immigrant.” This is completely absurd, and the newspaper would do well to reconsider its position. Rainey’s entire justification was premised upon his judgment that “illegal immigrant” is a dated term and that it is “unnecessarily alienating and objectively unfair to a core social group that reads our newspaper.” Do tell — how is using an objective term that accurately describes the situation of many immigrants unfair? If someone crosses the border illegally, it’s not unfair to call them an illegal immigrant. The

logical antonym of “legal immigrant” is “illegal immigrant;” there’s no excess of normative baggage that comes along with an accurate and concise twoword description. Rainey may have a point when he opines this social group dislikes having their actions referred to as being illegal, but that doesn’t change anything. As the old saying goes, “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.” By shifting the terminology from “illegal” to “undocumented,” the newspaper is granting implicit legitimacy to those who ignore our immigration laws and have no lawful presence here. What happens when “undocumented immigrant” becomes an offensive and politically incorrect term? Perhaps “unauthorized immigrant” will become the new norm — until

that becomes “objectively unfair” as well. We can get into a debate over semantics and water down terminology to the point where nobody even knows what we’re talking about. However, this gives a misleading description, and it doesn’t alter the facts. Consider the obsession with avoiding the term “mental retardation.” Despite being a correct medical term still in use today, it became highly offensive and derogatory because individuals can utter it in a degrading way. Thus, we transitioned to “mentally disabled” and “mentally handicapped” as more politically correct alternatives. Over time these also became too offensive, and we found ourselves with “special needs.” Again, the same old problem — people used “special” in a negative connotation until the latest

idea from the politically correct think tank came out: “Differently abled.” What the heck does “differently abled” mean? Does it mean someone has exceptional athletic abilities? Does it describe a genius? A person with mental disabilities? Does it mean their bodies function in a different way or have superhuman flexibility? The problem inherent in this vague, inoffensive description is that it is watered down to the point of incomprehensibility. If you hadn’t read the above paragraph, you might not have understood what we were talking about — mentally disabled persons. Now you may be asking, “What does any of this have to do with illegal immigration?” While this is certainly not meant to equate illegal immigrants with disabled individuals, it is intended to demonstrate

how ridiculous a silly slide in semantics is. It’s only a matter of time until “undocumented immigrant” becomes the new “illegal immigrant” and a newer, less accurate, more obfuscating term appears to replace it. The Associated Press Stylebook uses the term illegal immigrant for a reason — it’s descriptively accurate and provides clarity. If a tenant occupies a property illegally, they are rightfully referred to as an “illegal tenant.” This isn’t rocket science, and it doesn’t pass undo judgment; it’s an objective observation of the facts. Insisting on the use of “undocumented” in place of “illegal” is nothing but an act of sheer political correctness. Rainey and fellow journalists may “resent this description” all they like, but if you follow my columns you probably

know that I’m not exactly one to give two hoots about political correctness. We can babble all day about how the newspaper is being “inclusive,” “diverse,” “respectful” and all the other lovey-dovey catchphrases, but that’s all they are — catchphrases. Of course, Rainey and crew may wish to live in a delusional bubble in which this isn’t the case and resent my very writing this. Tough. When all is said and done, Rainey’s word choice attempts to avoid a potentially politically charged phrase. Ironically, all he does is replace it with an equally charged word while simultaneously eroding the meaning. Our readers and community deserve better. Justin Kramer ( jdkramer2@wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in nuclear engineering.

Graphic images detract from anti-abortion argument Heikal Badrulhisham Staff Writer A few days ago, there were some people handing out free cupcakes on Library Mall. I was delighted and took one. Before I took a bite, I noticed that there was a single candle on the cupcake and attached to it a label that read: “A cupcake for the first birthday of an aborted child, who will never have one.” I felt duped. What was worse was that the cupcake was smothered with a layer of dark reddish jelly. I was not sure whether red was just one of the colors, or if the people really wanted to remind of the gory image of an aborted fetus. That was the second anti-abortion campaign I encountered since coming to the University of Wisconsin. The first

one exhibited gigantic pictures of aborted fetuses on Library Mall and coincided with President Barack Obama’s visit to the university. I walked past a sign that read, “Genocide pictures ahead.” I am not concerned about the arguments made by these campaigns. However, I am concerned about one aspect of both campaigns which is a common tool in the conquest of influence — imagery. Why imagery? Images are powerful. Imagery has a greater sway on our minds because it is easier to think pictorially than semantically. Think about the safety of air travel and car travel. Intuitively, air travel should be less safe. However, this is not true. In fact, many more people die in road accidents than in air crashes worldwide every

year. Still, people generally think air travel is more dangerous because each road accident is a minor event and doesn’t garner much attention in the news. On the other hand, every plane crash becomes a big news story, and the horrific pictures of mangled smoldering steel make an impression on the mind. As a result, we associate the emotional gravity of airplane crashes with the danger of air travel, even if it is no more dangerous than driving to the grocery store. That is how powerful imagery is. Therefore, the fact these anti-abortion campaigns used imagery to make a point, as disgusting as these images were, must be deemed a rational decision. They know people in general are more easily influenced by strong imagery. It is more efficient

than other methods such as giving lengthy speeches or writing articles. I am nevertheless troubled that anyone or any group is resorting to this path to support

“Pictures of aborted fetuses have nothing to do with the moral arguments frequently used against abortion. If the purpose of a campaign is to convince people abortion is disgusting, by all means, use the pictures.” something they believe to be right. Imagery invokes a reaction of emotional instinct. Our horror,

disgust and awe at these images are innate within us. It is an evolutionary instrument that enables us to avoid danger and filth. A consequence of this is we react automatically to such images. When we are unwittingly made to see gruesome images, it is a subjection of our thought. Furthermore, this exploitation of our emotional reaction to pictures goes against the spirit or the pretense of advocacy. Advocates generally want people to believe in something because it is a conclusion that should be reached by any rational being. They frequently argue on the basis of a universally agreed upon logical structure, either instrumental, moral or philosophical. Thus, to advocate for a cause by using gory images is akin to taking an unenlightened

shortcut. More importantly, resorting to the use of imagery lessens the need for logical reasoning on the behalf of the advocates. The problem with the use of gruesome images in anti-abortion campaigns is that the messages delivered by such images are distinct from the proclaimed rationales of the campaigns. Pictures of aborted fetuses have nothing to do with the moral arguments frequently used against abortion. If the purpose of a campaign is to convince people abortion is disgusting, by all means use the pictures. If not, tear down those repellant posters for the sake of reasonable dialogue. Heikal Badrulhisham (badrulhisham@wisc. edu) is a freshman at the University of Wisconsin.

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.


ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Monday, October 15, 2012

Seinfeld more than his sitcom

The TV star presents edgy standup that rivals his network show with hearty laughs Regen McCracken ArtsEtc. Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of The Overture Center of the Arts

The Overture Center for the arts is Madison’s premiere location for music, musicals and performances. Stop by for a fun after-work special as well.

Overture: Behind the curtains Ancient organs and modern events for all ages make Overture a venue worth a visit or few McKenzie Kirkland ArtsEtc. Writer The Beach Boys. Bob Dylan. Tech9. Doc Severinsen and the Tonight Show Band. What do all of these musicians have in common? All of them, at one time or another, has had a performance at The Overture Center. Adjacent to the Madison Museum of Contemporary Arts, the Overture Center has been a prominent feature of State Street’s 200 block for 84 years with a glass facade that’s hard to miss. The Overture Center opened its doors in 1928 under the name Capitol Theatre. It originally hosted vaudeville and full length, silent films featuring a Grand Barton organ. As the era of silent films passed, Capitol Theatre’s main function morphed into a concert hall and began its legacy as premier music venue. Capitol Theatre was ready for expansion into a full blown center for the arts fifty years later. The city of Madison bought out Capitol Theatre and redubbed it Oscar Mayer Theatre due to a large donation from Oscar Mayer and added the Isthmus playhouse, hot dogs not included. The art forms finally united in the Madison Civic Center since the crossroads to what is now the Madison Museum of Contemporary Arts. Oscar Mayer

Theatre played host to everything from orchestras to lower tier Broadway shows. “Although,” says spokesperson Robert Chappell, “it wasn’t particularly suited to either one.” Jump another twenty years into the future. The Overture Center was ready for expansion and renovation into its current form thanks to a $205 million donation from Jerome Frautschi. It still remains the single largest gift to the arts in the United States. Overture Hall and its lobby were built, and thus, the glass faced 200 block was established. Overture Hall boasts seating for roughly 2250, a concert organ that is one of the continent’s largest instruments and an acoustical system that can be changed for five different acoustical purposes from Madison Orchestra to the upcoming Broadway show Jersey Boys. After Overture Hall was completed, Oscar Mayer Theatre and Isthmus Playhouse were renovated and Oscar Mayer Theatre was restored to its original name: Capitol Theatre. History lives on in the Grand Barton organ and some of the original décor. The organ is still used for the Duck Soup Series silent movie showings coming up in November. It also hosts Capitol Concert series hosting names such

as Goo Goo Dolls and Tech9. Spokesperson Rob Chappell says, “This room is gaining a reputation because it looks nice, it doesn’t look like a rock’n’roll type place. The acoustics are wonderful, the back stage is nice and frankly, it’s my favorite room.” Think Overture Center is just another way to promote Broadway and traveling classical arts from far off? Think again. Chappell says, “That’s one piece of our mission that is often overlooked, that is our commitment to local artists.” Take the three different hallways leading to Capitol Theatre. Each is a different gallery which features local artists work. The criteria? Must be a collaboration and fifty percent of artists must live in Dane County. Sometimes the exhibits can be quite emotional. “We had a women’s shelter where the kids there did their own artwork on the experiences they were going through, and it was a really powerful exhibit.” They even feature the work of undergrad art students. Think of it as undergrad art students’ “final thesis.” Local artists are given the chance to make it big in a program called Mad City Sessions. Overture Center has partnered with Triple M radio in order to give local artists the chance to perform. Triple M radio promotes the

show and gives the artist airtime. Overture Center provides the performance space. Chappell says, “Now, artists who just play in bars around town, have something on the radio for tens of thousands of listeners.” Look for 80s Rockstar Gomeroke playing their free show at the end of November. Not only does Overture cater to local artists, but it provides for the public, no matter what age. Rotunda stage is open for any performance anytime. Walk up and practice up on the guitar, that’s what its open for. It also hosts the thirty year old program Kids in the Rotunda. Free shows catered to kids under the age of eight three different Saturdays a month. Some artists have shown up every year since the program started. That’s dedication to starting art appreciators young. Chappell says, “Study after study after study tells us when you get kids engaged in the arts early they are better students and more creative problem solvers.” What more could you want from future Badgers? Overture Center, seven different performance spaces. Boasting Best in Madison Silver Award for best music venue awarded to Capitol Theatre. Whether a Broadway show or an impromptu Rotunda stage performance by a budding musician, it is true Madisonian musical gem.

The list of undisputed stand-up comedy royalty is a short one. Names like Richard Pryor, Woody Allen, George Carlin and Bob Hope will always ring true for comedy fans. And perhaps the bridge between the new generation of comedians and the old standard is Jerry Seinfeld. Seinfeld is a household name at this point, as the namesake of the “greatest television program of all time,” according to TV Guide. And his staggering 36-year stand-up career doesn’t hurt his clout. This incredible pedigree prompted his appearance at the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee. It was quite the spectacle, so much so that when the initially booked show sold out, a second show was set up for all those who missed out on the initial run of tickets. In short, Seinfeld was in prime, sneering observational form, and it would be hard to imagine any show-goers driving home asking themselves, “Did I laugh enough tonight?” Of course they did. For those who have become fans of Seinfeld through the sitcom phenomenon, you may think you know what to expect given the interspersed routines within the show. If you are anything like me, you always found these TV bits to be the low points of the show (barring a few particularly memorable jokes), which may have caused a bit of skepticism in prospective ticket buyers seeing Seinfeld in his natural habitat. Seinfeld’s material, when separated from his seminal sitcom, has much more effect, much more “meat” to it and is more edgy and vicious. It also represents less of a self-caricature of the clichéd “Have you ever noticed…?” bits. Of course, as an observational comedian, Jerry touts plenty of material that fits under the observational umbrella, but his wit and tongue are much sharper when he is not at the mercy of television censors. The real genius of his comedy lies not in his observations, but in the way he expresses them, in ways the average person would never think of, or could never personally put into words the way Seinfeld does. He is like that little part of the brain we all wish we had

that runs around inside our internal vocabulary and finds exactly the right diction and syntax to express a point humorously and wittily. Seinfeld latched on to his hatred of Twitter, referring to Tweets as “140-character turds” that we “expel onto the Earth.” He stated that he was sure the 140-character limit was important as it makes the Tweets easier to slide through the sphincter that is Twitter. Seinfeld also took a dig at Facebook, claiming it stretches the definition of the word “book” farther than anything before it and stating that looking at a friend’s drunk photos from Spring Break hardly deserves any association with reading Moby Dick. On a related note, Jerry talked about how he misses the days when people used to be able to talk face-to-face. Now, as a society, we will do anything to put a screen and a keyboard between ourselves and the person we are conversing with. In a refreshing take on the tired trope of marriage in stand-up comedy, Jerry took to misandry instead of misogyny. In a particularly humorous bit, Seinfeld referred to married women as women who “own and operate a man.” Jerry did express his happiness in being married and his pride in being a father, but he followed this “aww” moment up with a quip that once a woman has a child their maternal instincts kick in, while men walk out of the delivery room muttering, “What the hell do I do now?” Seinfeld even touched briefly on the weight problem in America, but said he believes there is not such a problem, that we will not have a problem until Americans are so overweight to the point of being like “olives in a jar.” His propensity for creating these humorous mental images is what lends him his great comedy talent. Jerry played a surprisingly energetic show for being all of 58 years old and having to tell the same jokes for two consecutive performances; he literally ran and skipped out onto and around the stage during his set with more energy than I see around campus daily. The only gripe to be had about the set was that it was simply too short at around an hour, but I will take quality over quantity any day.


Amp up your fall wardrobe with long sweaters, deep colors

Emma Austin Timelessly Trendy Columnist Fall means colder temperatures, yet all you fashionistas out there probably agree that fall is seriously one of the best (if not the best) season for your style. From the colors to the fabrics to the comfort of the clothes, you would have a hard time trying to convince me otherwise. I’ll start with the colors. The rich, deep hues of the fall wardrobe can’t be beat. While I love light and bright colors as much as the next person, there is something delectable about the burgundies,

mustards, navys and grays. Take caution, though, to make sure the color is deep enough. If it isn’t, it tends to look a little cheaper. But that rule doesn’t necessarily follow with shades of gray. Gray is an excellent alternative to black for this season, and you should take advantage of the variety of shades. Feel free to pair gray with black, but as the gray gets darker, I would wear it with a lighter color. Gray is a neutral that often doesn’t get it’s fair share of time; it can go with pretty much anything and is less harsh than black. Take these colors and load up on the sweaters. There is nothing like a loose and chunky sweater to kick your style up a notch and complement the colder air. Longer sweaters can also be a great investment, and a belt

can seriously complement these. The larger the sweater, the larger the belt should be. Asos.com has a variety of ideal fall sweaters and cardigans in various colors — even some pretty quirky ones.

Gray is an excellent alternative to black for this season, and you should take advantage of the variety of shades. An added benefit of a longer sweater? The fact you can wear it with leggings. I’m probably going to be that girl wearing leggings way past their style expiration date, but in terms of comfort and practicality, there really isn’t anything better. Most importantly with the

leggings: Buy them thick enough! In my opinion, the thicker the better. Try and find a yoga legging, or just one that seems thicker. And I highly recommend choosing a top that falls to the mid- to upper-thigh to pair with the leggings. An oversized sweater and a thick pair of leggings go great with a pair of classic riding boots. I’ve said it before, but I highly recommend investing in a great pair of riding boots — they will never go out of style and they instantly make your look classier and more put together. When you’re on the lookout for the perfect pair, try to find a rich camel-brown color that isn’t too dark. A lighter brown will go perfectly with basically any color. I’ve always had great luck with boots at Nordstrom. The prices are a little higher, but they have great

customer service and the quality is always top-notch. A trendier shoe this fall is the ankle bootie, which is a super fun addition to an outfit. Although you might not be able to wear it as long, pair it with a skinny pant as a colder weather alternative to the stiletto. Fall jackets are also really fun and can transform an outfit. Pair a unique jacket with a t-shirt, jeans and an ankle bootie and you’ve got a quintessential fall outfit. One of my favorite additions to a fall jacket is the offset zipper. I don’t know how, but simply by moving the zipper over a few inches, the jacket takes on a whole new attitude, and believe me, it will make a statement. Jackets of leather, wool or even tweed are perfect for the fall. Call me crazy, but one of my other favorite things

about the fall is nail colors. It might not sound like a big thing, but people notice a nail color more than you think. Deep reds and purples, dark blues and taupes are ideal fall nail colors, and they look gorgeous. You have a pretty limited window as to how long these colors are deemed acceptable, so take advantage of them now! A couple of other fun embellishments to add to your fall wardrobe include studs and zippers. These trendy elements add a little rocker influence to your look and will make it a little more interesting. In all honesty, I’m not a huge fan of studded accessories, but if you have just a touch it can look tasteful and fun. Don’t go too overboard with that trend or people might get the wrong idea… Now go enjoy your pumpkin spice latte, and look fabulous doing it!


Now Sponsored by Country Music Television Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Monday, Rocktober 15, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Aw shucks, you’ll solve this un in a jiffy, boy howdy















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.




The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY: Them numbers look threatenin’ but they ain’t no rattlesnake no sir



Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }












6 14






20 23





24 29




34 37





32 35













41 42



58 64



45 46


47 48


Puzzle by Andrea Carla Michaels










Across 1 Outrageous comedy 6 Big galoots 10 “Play It Again, ___” 13 Plan B 16 “I’ll take that as ___” 17 Leona Helmsley epithet 18 Tree with needles 19 Bro’s sibling 20 Uno y dos 21 Quayle : Bush :: Biden : ___ 23 Entr’___ (musical interlude) 25 Urban’s opposite 26 Words under a monkey with his hands over his ears 32 Go the extra ___ 33 Samuel on the Supreme Court 34 Again from the top 36 Start of a Ray Bradbury


44 45

49 52

54 55 56 58

61 62 66


38 39 40


54 56







37 33

















title … or a hint to the ends of 17-, 26-, 49- and 62-Across New York State’s ___ Canal Supermodel Campbell Frequent “S.N.L.” host Baldwin One of the Sex Pistols A funny thing happened on the way to this, in an old musical Utopia Little guy in the garden Rank below a marquis Football passers, for short All ___ up (agitated) 1956 #1 Elvis hit “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” boxer Falling apart

68 Big Apple inits. 69 Price 70 Fails to mention Down 1 Queries on the Internet, for short 2 His: Fr. 3 Blvds. and rds. 4 Not-soimpressive grade 5 Suffix with north or south 6 “Stop staring ___!” 7 Slapstick props 8 One of the Gabors 9 Mister in Mexico 10 African hunt 11 Zebra or zebu 12 Esprit de corps 14 “What’s ___ like?” 15 “It’s ___ country!” 22 Mooch, as a cigarette 23 Johnson

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

24 26 27



30 31


who said “Ver-r-r-ry interesting!” Bill worth 100 smackers Possesses “Don’t Bring Me Down” rock group, for short Order between “ready” and “fire” Equipped with sails, as a windmill Gerund suffix ___ Alcindor

51 53 56 57

58 59 60

63 64 65

(Kareem AbdulJabbar’s birth name) Look that may accompany a groan Mins. and mins. Jr.’s junior Brother of Abel “Kitchykitchy-___!” Aussie bird Run down, in slang Kabul native Feeling friendless XXX-rated Summa ___ laude Words after nouns Do-nothing Combat doc Terminates Going ___ tooth and nail Paris’s ___ d’Orsay “___ ever so humble …” Some cameras, for short Singer Yoko Corp. bigwig 331/3, 45 or 78, briefly

Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™

Smell that whiskey. Isn’t it sweet? It’s like candy. Candy that wants to fight you.

The Badger Herald | Sports | Monday, October 15, 2012


Emotion takes over in first conference victory Sean Zak Associate Sports Editor Whether it was the coaches, players, referees or fans, emotions ran high through the entirety of the men’s soccer match in a 2-1 victory over Michigan Saturday night. Entering the match, the Wisconsin men’s soccer team had won just two of their previous 11 games and was winless in the Big Ten. Following a mid-week loss to UW-Milwaukee, the team that scoffed at their preseason predicted finish of sixth place in the conference was falling into the mediocrity Big Ten coaches expected of them. The Badgers (4-6-3, 1-2-0 Big Ten) beat the Wolverines (4-6-1, 1-2-1) twice in 2011, eventually ending Michigan’s season, so both teams had plenty of motivation, and it became easy to see the heightened pressure. Coaches approached the field, collisions sent players to the sidelines and the Badgers committed more fouls than they have in any conference game this season. After a rainy day littered the field in moisture, Wisconsin eventually answered the call, victorious by a score of 2-1 in a game literally filled with action from start to finish. After Wisconsin took the lead in the 80th minute, the Wolverines’ attempts at an equalizing goal continued for the remaining ticks and tocks

as goalkeeper Chase Rau saved one final corner kick try as the final horn sounded. Each team had its moments of extreme emotion. For Michigan, it was a few calls that halted a possible scoring possession and for Wisconsin, a reaction to Joey Tennyson being tripped in the scoring box while the game remained tied. Although many times the team was able to hold its emotions in check tends to prosper, the Badgers let their emotions fly and ended up victorious. For junior captain Chris Prince, the intensity of another conference game was the root of the Badgers’ passionate effort. “I think [the increased emotions] came from the atmosphere being a Big Ten game, usually things get turned up a whole different notch,” Prince said. “We wanted more out of each other, we expected a lot better so that’s why I think it got a little chippy, but I think it paid off because it turned everyone up and made them try harder.” The game had barely reached the seventh minute when Drew Conner poked a shot through the legs of Michigan goalie Adam Grinwis, which trickled toward the goal line before Prince finished the play with a sliding score. But the Badger lead didn’t last long, as Michigan quickly evened up the tally with a

goal in the 15th minute. The next 60-plus minutes passed by without many fireworks, but the excitement came from within the lineups as each goalie continued to thwart offensive runs and shots on goal. Midway through the first half, Rau made an impressive save, leaping backward to punch the ball over the crossbar and swiftly regained his footing as he charged teammate Adam Lauko with some strong feelings regarding Lauko’s defensive play. Lauko shoved Rau back toward the goal and the two went their separate ways within the Badgers’ defense. Although this may have been a sign of dissent among teammates, head coach John Trask appreciated the fiery competitiveness his team showed. “I think it shows we care. Chase said something to Adam, and Adam bit back at him,” Trask said. “You can’t win in the game of soccer without some emotion. They kinda shoved each other … but that shows our guys care.” Prince noticed the scuffle, but relayed the thought that what Rau did is rather standard in soccer. “I think it was all about communication,” Prince said. “If you watch professional soccer, when the ball gets in the box, it’s the goalie’s responsibility to get on his teammates and demand better from them.”

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Junior forward Chris Prince knocked in the Badgers’ first score Saturday night before heading in the assist on the eventual game-winner. Rau did just that, and as the Badgers settled in, they found themselves in yet another 1-1 game approaching the end of regulation. At that point, the emotions of the game hit their peak. A long, low goal kick from Rau flew over midfield before Prince headed it onward to forward Nick Janus who lobbed a quick flick over the goalie that had pulled out too far. Janus’ kick floated toward the goal,

caught the bottom half of the crossbar, bounced on the goal line and finally found the top of the net for the gamewinning goal in the 80th minute. Janus wasn’t even able to see the goal Trask said took a little help from the “soccer gods.” “I got rocked,” Janus said in describing the play. “I heard the cheering, but I actually thought that someone else kicked it in. “Tonight, the luck was on

our side. You need a little bit of luck in soccer.” Having not been so lucky on other occasions, Wisconsin will certainly take its first conference victory of the year. Shortly after the win, the team gained a new sense of expectation for the remainder of the season. “We’ve got three more Big Ten games,” Trask noted. “We still have a chance to finish 4-2. I know our guys still have the belief, now we just have to go out and do it.”

Women’s soccer boosted by pair of Big Ten wins Walls scores 3 goals in weekend victories over Fighting Illini, Wildcats at home Caroline Sage Women’s Soccer Writer

Battling rain, wind and a one-goal deficit, the Wisconsin women’s soccer team battled back to beat Illinois in overtime Sunday. The Badgers (10-5-1, 3-4-1 Big Ten) recorded two crucial wins at the McClimon Complex this weekend, beating the Fighting Illini 2-1 and Northwestern Friday night by the same score. After giving up a goal with under five minutes to play in the first half against Illinois, UW fought back to tie the game up and send the game into overtime. After several close chances for Wisconsin in the first overtime period, sophomore forward Cara Walls netted the game-winner just 44

ERICKSON, from 8 moment where every single unit played to the caliber expected. Purdue was that game. While Ball manhandled the Purdue defense on the move to a record-

TITLE, from 8 who are either seniors or have played before out there on our defense,” Borland said. “So when something goes wrong, we just look at each other and say, ‘next snap,’ and we did well doing that today.” A pair of missed field goals from sophomore kicker Kyle French and a Ball slip on the wet grass inside the 20 — one that may have cost UW seven more points — kept the Badgers from pulling away early. But by the middle of the final quarter, UW had taken control. Ball showed signs of the performance ahead in the second quarter, spinning and smashing his way to 93 yards in the period. And, aside from a third quarter interception, Stave turned into a game manager, completing 12 of his 21 passes for 178 yards and a touchdown.

Victory over Northwestern kicks off weekend In a much more physical game Friday where weather wasn’t a factor, Northwestern forced Wisconsin to fight until the bitter end. After taking a 2-0 lead in the first half, Wisconsin let Northwestern back into the game. Sophomore Bo Podkopacz finished a loose ball in the Badgers’ box to put the Wildcats on the board with under 20 minutes to play. However, the loss to Minnesota earlier in the year after taking a similar two-goal lead weighed heavily on the minds of Wisconsin players. And the Badgers continued to attack until the final whistle. “You don’t want them

to relive it, but you want them to remember that we had a two-goal lead [against Minnesota],” Wilkins said. “They can’t take their foot off the petal, and I think defensively we wanted to keep attacking.” Walls shined for Wisconsin, scoring both goals Friday. The Badgers started the game strong, and Walls found the back of the net for the first time less than 10 minutes into play. Senior defender Lindsey Johnson preformed one of her signature flip-throws into the Wildcats’ box, and Walls fought through the scramble by the goal and used her body to knock in the ball for UW. Just 13 minutes and 18 seconds later, Walls again struck gold for UW with a header goal past Northwestern’s goaltender Rachel Bergman off a cross from UW freshman Kinley McNicoll. “It was kind of awkward … but I just kind of went for it,” Walls said. “I don’t think the goalie saw it coming.”

After her three-goal weekend, Walls leads the team with 17 points and eight goals this season. Offensively, Wisconsin has had a difficult time finishing opportunities in Big Ten play this season. Friday night Walls showed control and patience, maintaining possession of the ball up top. “The confidence [Walls] has in what she is doing is really important,” Wilkins said. “For us, we really need her to step into that role. I thought she was great holding the ball, not just scoring goals.” Wisconsin has just three regular season games left, all on the road. Sunday’s overtime win, backed by the solid performance Friday, will serve as a motivator moving forward. “Every point matters, and with three games left, we have nine more points and that is going to be the focus for us going forward,” Wilkins said. “I think our assistant coach Carmelina [Moscato] said it best we’ve got to use this as a momentum builder.”

longer will an exasperated “what was that” ring out on game day. Before this theory can be put to the test, the Badgers are simply relishing a full effort against Purdue. “Finally we got our offense out there rolling,

and it felt like Badger football again,” Allen said. “That was exciting — to be on defense and watch the O-line pave the way for our running game and stuff like that. We played four quarters, but also our offensive line and running

game looked awesome.”

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punt protection untouched, extending both hands for the block, which UW junior linebacker Chris Borland recovered at the Purdue 20yard line. Five plays later, Ball was in the end zone and the score read 31-7. “It’s my first blocked punt, it felt good,” Allen said. “I was kind of surprised to be honest with you, I didn’t think I was going to get there … I don’t think they even blocked me.” The Wisconsin defense held Purdue’s rushing attack to just 128 yards, with 81 of those resulting in a late touchdown run against the Badgers’ No. 2 defensive unit by the Boilermakers’ Akeem Hunt. As far as the pass rush went, Wisconsin learned from its first mistake in the beginning of the game, only rushing three and giving Purdue quarterback Caleb TerBush plenty of time to find an open Antavian Edison for a 52yard pass that resulted in a

1-yard touchdown run from TerBush on the next play. But the Badgers’ defense responded to the adversity like they have all season — with a vengeance. For the duration of the game, UW put the Boilermakers’ quarterbacks on lockdown, as the defensive line accounted for three of the team’s five sacks and four of the team’s nine tackles for a loss. It helped as well that Wisconsin faced its first quarterback in conference play since UTEP who didn’t use his feet as much as his arm to make plays. After facing Nebraska’s speedy Taylor Martinez and Illinois’ Nathan Scheelhaase, Wisconsin was finally able to rush without worrying about containment on the outside. “We did a great job against their protection and we got a lot of good pressure on their quarterback so I think we had a good defensive performance today,” Allen said. “We finally played four quarters.”

seconds into the second overtime off a wrap-around shot inside the box. “In our play in the overtime, it showed that we’ve had experiences with overtime and we know how to be focused,” head coach Paula Wilkins said. “I thought that 45 seconds into the second overtime, with the wind, to be able to get a goal is outstanding. Wisconsin and Illinios (7-6-2, 4-3-1) traded opportunities for most of an evenly played first half. The Illini took advantage of the wild wind gusts at their back. Senior forward Marissa Holden shot the ball past the hands of UW goaltender Genevieve Richard to give Illinois a 1-0 lead headed into the half. The Badgers came out strong in the second half with several close chances. Freshman forward Lindsey Holmes found herself with the ball inside the Illini box with just one defender in front of her. Holmes dribbled to the middle of the box and put the ball in the top left corner to tie

the game with 7:37 left in regulation. With momentum in its favor, Wisconsin took over the overtime period, recording five shots to Illinois’ one, and Walls ended the game with her goal. “I have never seen this team play like that in overtime,” senior captain Joana Bielefeld said. “I think that everyone felt like our backs were against the wall, and we all went as a team, and it was definitely a team effort to win that game.” Wisconsin struggled in the Big Ten heading into this weekend with a single conference win this year. Illinois was the toughest team left on the Badgers’ schedule. Sunday’s game was about as evenly matched as possible with both teams recording 15 shots, five corner kicks and a single goal in regulation. However, Wisconsin was the better team in overtime despite fatigue from Friday’s game and earned its third Big Ten win of the year.

“I think it is always difficult on the second day, having to battle with Northwestern until the end. I think that is always a challenge,” Wilkins said. “[In overtime] I think at that point in the game it is heart.”

setting day — with three touchdowns on the day he became the Big Ten’s career touchdown leader with 72, passing Rob Dayne who held the previous record — the defense held the Boilermakers’ offense to only 252 yards on 124

passing yards and 128 rushing yards. If Wisconsin is able to maintain this level of competition, all of Badger nation will be able to breathe a little easier and the season will certainly take an interesting turn. No

“There’s obviously room for improvement, but I think we did take a step forward this week and I think that we showed that we can run the ball and run it very efficiently,” Stave said. After Purdue jumped out to the early lead, any chance of a repeat drive ended when free safety Dezmen Southward found himself in perfect position for an overthrown TerBush pass. While Southward’s first interception of the season failed to produce any points after French missed a 44-yard field goal try, Purdue was closing in on the red zone before the safety found the ball in his own gloves. And as he would explain, the misfire was a result of a Wisconsin defensive line that surrendered only 128 yards on the ground and limited TerBush to only nine yards on his six carries. “That pick wasn’t me

cutting in front of anybody or any spectacular play,” Southward said. “Our D-line got up to the quarterback, they rushed him and he threw it a little earlier than he wanted to. Their guy tipped it and it fell right into my lap.” The Badgers’ strong defensive performance suffered a blow in the waning minutes of the fourth quarter when the No. 2 defense allowed Hunt to rush for 81 yards and Purdue’s second and final score. But Wisconsin outdueled Purdue with 645 total offensive yards compared to the home team’s 252, and players said the win injected them with a much-needed boost of confidence. “That was one of our goals in the game, to not just beat somebody but when we had the opportunity to put them away, just put them away,” White said. “And that’s what we did.”

yards rushing. Of those yards, 247 belonged to Montee Ball — a new careerhigh for Wisconsin’s star tailback. “I believe they did a great job today,” Ball said. “Every day in practice I’ve been seeing them getting better and better, and glad to see they carried it to the game. And that’s for myself as well — glad to see I finally woke up and made people miss.” Badgers’ defensive line dominates Coming into Saturday’s matchup there was audible buzz surrounding the hype of Purdue’s All-Big Ten defensive tackle Kawann Short. The 6-foot-3, 315-pound preseason AllAmerican was a focus all week by the media — but if any defensive tackle stole the show Saturday, it was Wisconsin’s Beau Allen. With under a minute left in the third quarter, Allen ran up the middle of the Purdue

Kelly is a senior majoring in journalism. Think the Badgers finally has it chutzpah back? Let her know at kerickson@ badgerherald.com or on Twitter @kellymerickson.

Sports Editor Ian McCue sports@badgerherald.com

8 | Sports | Monday, October 15, 2012



Rau steps up in Badgers’ victory Online: With freshman back in goal, men’s soccer earns first Big Ten win

Badgers inch closer to division title UW football climbs into front seat of Leaders race in 3814 win over Purdue Ian McCue Sports Editor WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The race was on, and as the clock expired and Wisconsin cruised to a 38-14 victory over Purdue Saturday, the Badgers had created a sizable gap from the competition. In pursuit of the front seat for the Big Ten Leaders Division title and locking down its first road win of the year, Wisconsin (5-2, 2-1 Big Ten) rode the back of Montee Ball, who racked up a career-high 247 rushing yards and three touchdowns on 29 carries. He also etched his name deeper into Big Ten history, breaking former Wisconsin star Ron Dayne’s record of 71 touchdowns. On the second snap of the latter half, the senior tailback Ball whipped out a beautiful start-and-stop move after breaking away from the line of scrimmage to score a 67-yard touchdown and make it 24-7 in the Badgers’ favor. “About time,” Ball said postgame. “About time I woke up and started playing with my teammates.” “It was around the second

quarter,” Ball said of when he realized he was in the midst of a career game. “All we were missing these past games was energy, and we made sure to keep that going throughout this entire game.” As a drizzle turned into a near-downpour at RossAde Stadium, the Badgers’ offense followed suit, scoring three touchdowns in the final 30 minutes. Riding Ball’s coattails was junior running back James White, who took the game’s first carries and finished with 131 yards and a touchdown, ready to give the No. 1 tailback a breather after lengthy romps through the Purdue (3-3, 0-2) defense. And while the rebirth of Wisconsin’s running game led the offensive charge, it was redshirt freshman quarterback Joel Stave who helped his team recover from a rattling series of plays in the game’s opening seconds. After running back Akeem Hunt returned the opening kickoff for 44 yards, quarterback Caleb TerBush hit wide receiver Antavian Edison on a 52-yard bomb to the one-yard line. After a TerBush keeper got the Boilermakers into the end zone, 38 seconds into the game the home team held a 7-0 lead. But Stave answered by twice hitting his favorite target — wide receiver Jared

Jen Small The Badger Herald

Senior running back Montee Ball had one of the best days of his career Saturday, rushing for a career-high 247 yards and breaking the Big Ten record for career touchdowns. Abbrederis — on play-action passes before finding tight end Jacob Pedersen wide open for the equalizing score. “It’s not what happens in the game, it’s how you react to what happens, and

they reacted the right way,” head coach Bret Bielema said. “We didn’t like the way it unfolded, but they reacted, gave them the right response, offensively [and] defensively.” Just before halftime

Purdue looked poised to make it a single-score game, as the second member of the Boilermakers’ quarterback unit, senior Robert Marve, drove his team to the Wisconsin 32. However, a pair of

sacks from UW’s top two defensive playmakers, linebackers Mike Taylor and Chris Borland, set Purdue back 23 yards. “We’ve got a lot of guys

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Wisconsin derails Purdue through strong line play UW benefits from Allen’s blocked punt, Groy, Matthias’ roles in offensive trenches Nick Korger Sports Content Editor

WEST LAYFAYETTE, Ind. — With the rain pouring down throughout an afternoon game between Purdue and Wisconsin, it became evident the winner at the line of scrimmage would likely determine the victor. And the Badgers didn’t just win the battle. They annihilated their opponent. With a complete effort from both the offensive and defensive line resulting in 645 yards of total offense for Wisconsin, the second best total in school history, and only 252 for Purdue, the Badgers (5-2, 2-1 Big Ten) handily dispatched the Boilermakers (3-3, 0-2) by dominating the trenches Jen Small The Badger Herald from start to finish in a 38-14 Defensive tackle Beau Allen blocked a punt against Purdue in another dominant, five-sack performance from Wisconsin’s defensive line. win.

Groy, Matthias step up With 1 minute, 46 seconds left in first half, veteran senior tackle and captain Ricky Wagner went down with an apparent leg injury, as the Wisconsin training staff was quick to attend to the left tackle. It was a scary sight for many Badger fans, as Wagner has been the most consistent producer and player on this offensive line so far this season. In fact, several members of the Badgers’ offensive line took a knee with troubled faces, looking toward the unquestioned leader of their group. While Wagner walked off under his own power, he did not re-enter the game. Wisconsin head coach Bret Bielema said he does not believe the injury to be anything significant, but it was a sight that left many wondering how the Badgers would adjust. They countered by moving left guard Ryan Groy over to fill in for Wagner while inserting Zac Matthias at left guard. It was a strong tactical move by Wisconsin offensive line coach Bart Miller. Matthias had started

several games this season until he lost his job, and the starting experience showed as the Badgers’ offensive line didn’t miss a beat in Wagner’s absence. It was the first time Groy had ever lined up at tackle in his career at Wisconsin. “I didn’t play great but I figured it out on the run,” Groy said. “It takes getting used to, a lot of pass protection things were different and you have to switch around your run block ... The last time I played tackle was in high school.” Bielema said he was also impressed with Groy’s adjustment to a new position. “I thought [Purdue] was solid up front but our guys blocked them up and did a nice job,” Bielema said. “I can’t say enough about the job Coach Miller has done and even when Ricky popped out of there, to still move forward as a line when Ryan Groy popped in at the tackle position was really impressive.” The Badgers’ offensive line led the way to 467 net

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Four quarter performance brings win over Boilermakers Kelly Erickson Erickson the Red “Is this the game you’ve been looking for all year?” asked a reporter following Saturday’s game. “Uh, yeah,” Bret Bielema said with a slight smile. The Wisconsin football head coach couldn’t seem to find any more words, stumbling over cliché phrases and something about “moving forward” as usual. But he didn’t need to say anything pertinent. We all

knew what the Badgers had just done. They played a complete, four-quarter game and finally proved they actually possessed the potential everyone thought they had. Traveling to West Lafayette, the Badgers easily could have been heading into a trap game — Purdue looked beatable, but they were also dangerous. For 38 seconds, the Boilermakers looked like they were going to manhandle the Badgers’ defense with a 52-yard bomb on the first play from scrimmage, which set up a 1-yard touchdown run by Purdue quarterback Caleb TerBush. “It was demoralizing,” junior defensive tackle Beau Allen said of the first play. “You get out there, and

you’re so hyped up with the pregame. You’re so ready to play, you’ve been waiting around all day. You get out there and something like that happens on the first play, you just kind of rally after that. I think we did a great job of just letting it go.” They certainly did. A methodical Wisconsin offense took the field en route to a game-tying touchdown. And soon what looked like a trap game became Wisconsin’s best all-around performance of the season. The offense accumulated 645 yards, many coming from senior running back Montee Ball’s 247-yard rushing day. Junior running back James White also gathered 124 yards on the

ground as the run game accounted for 467 yards in the pouring rain at RossAde Stadium. Before the rain dampened passing opportunities, redshirt freshman Joel Stave managed 178 yards through the air, going 12for-21 with one interception. His favorite target of the day was the formerly absent junior tight end Jacob Pedersen, who led all receivers with 77 yards on four catches. While the offense clicked, the defense grew increasingly relentless after giving up the early touchdown. Junior safety Dezmen Southward stopped another early drive by Purdue with an interception, which he returned for

31 yards. Though the Badgers didn’t force any other turnovers, they consistently placed pressure on the Boilermakers trio of quarterbacks that ultimately led to five sacks for 43 yards. In the weeks leading up to the game, the media ran rampant with the idea the winner of this particular game will represent the leaders division in the Big Ten Championship game Dec. 1 in Indianapolis. While it’s certainly a good thing the Badgers came out on the higher end of the 38-14 decision given the divisional race, the win means so much more than another possible trip to the conference title game. Seven games into the season, it was the first time all season every unit

performed to the level that was expected of a team fresh off a trip to the Rose Bowl for the secondconsecutive year. Before UW played a single minute in the 2012 season, expectations were high not only within the fan base and media, but also within the locker room. They were confident they were capable of another impressive season à la last year. But it never completely showed. Sure there were fleeting moments — a hot first half in Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 29 or a stellar fourth quarter against Illinois Oct. 6 at Camp Randall — but there was never a complete effort, never a

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