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Freakfest set for Saturday City, students ready for event expected to draw 45,000; Mac Miller to perform Camille Albert City Hall Editor City officials, the Madison Police Department and Frank Productions have finalized the plans for this year’s Freakfest celebration, which is expected to draw up to 45,000 people. As Frank Productions announced earlier this

Volume XLIV, Issue 36

Friday, October 26, 2012


State Street Halloween Attendance, in thousands*

2009 2008

semester Mac Miller and Big Gigantic will headline the event. The company’s spokesperson Charlie Goldstone said Frank Productions, which sponsors the event, spent more money on talent this year than previous years and therefore expects to draw larger crowds. Goldstone said tickets cost $8 if purchased Friday and $12 if purchased Saturday. The tickets are offered at various stores and ticket booths in the State Street area.




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*Rounded to the nearest thousand. Source: Madison Police Department

For more on Freakfest, see ArtsEtc, page 5.


Study: Professors tend to lean left Administrators weigh in on UCLA survey showing upward trend in liberal faculty Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor

Jen Small The Badger Herald

A student takes aim at the free throw line at the Kohl Center. Bo Ryan donated $1 for each student attending the event, $10 for each made free throw and $1,000 for each made half-court shot.

A recently-released survey found the majority of American professors are politically liberal, and there has been a swing to the left within the group since three years ago. The University of California-Los Angeles Higher Education Research Institute released the survey this week with data from 2010-11. It found 12.4 percent of professors identify as far left, 50.3 percent as liberal, 25.4 percent as middle of the road, 11.5 percent as conservative and 0.4 percent as far right. The survey, released every three years, found a shift to the left since the 2007-2008 year, when it had found 8.8 percent of professors identified as far left, 47 percent as

liberal, 28.4 percent as middle of the road, 15.2 percent as conservative and 0.7 percent as far right. The shift may be due to more people identifying themselves as liberal since the recession, University of British Columbia sociology professor Neil Gross said in an email to The Badger Herald. This has been a trend that has been growing since perhaps before the 1940s, Gross said, although he added it is difficult to analyze data from earlier, and political ideologies have changed since that time. He said the trend has also seen some “speed bumps,” such as during the beginning of the Reagan presidency. Some claim factors such as education, religion or personality characteristics have

caused the trend, Gross said. Although he said those factors contribute to the trend, the main reason it occurs is “selfselection based on occupational reputation,” or conservatives viewing academia as too liberal and deciding not to be a part of it. “Conservatives like to say academia has been taken over by liberals,” Gross said. “But another way to think about it is the right is increasingly turning its back on the higher education enterprise.” Gross received his doctorate degree from the University of Wisconsin, and his book, Why are Professors Liberal and Why do Conservatives Care? will be out in April. Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, is known statewide for his frequent

Bo Ryan puts on charity challenge Pocan, Lee address 1,600 students converge at Kohl Center for event, raising $41,279 for cancer research Lauren Tubbs Reporter More than 1,600 students came together on the Kohl Center court to participate in an event supported by University of Wisconsin men’s basketball head coach Bo Ryan and his wife that ultimately raised $41,279 for cancer research. Ryan and his wife put on the Charity Stripe Challenge event by agreeing to donate money to the Coaches vs. Cancer organization and the American Cancer Society for every basketball shot made by a student who participated. Every student who attended the event had the opportunity to shoot one free throw and

one half-court shot. For every student who participated, Bo and his wife, Kelly Ryan, agreed to donate $1. For every made free throw they donated $10, and for every made half-court shot, they donated $1,000. Michael Frisbie, a freshman at UW, was one of the few to make a half-court shot. He said it made him happy to know he had helped put so much money to a good cause. “It was unreal; I didn’t think it was going in,” Frisbie said. “But it felt really good to be able to help out, especially since it is for such a good cause.” According to a UW statement, 36 UW students made half-court shots, and


Congressional goals Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor Mark D-Madison


Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison, has been in the Legislature for almost 14 years and is the Democrat running for Congress in the Second Congressional District. A small business owner himself, his biggest issues include growing the economy, ensuring affordable health care and strengthening education. The Badger Herald:



Give some reasons why a student should vote for you. Mark Pocan: I’ve been representing students for the last 14 years, and I think I’ve been a strong advocate not only for higher education, but also for things like financial aid to make sure any student who is

qualified has the ability to go to college and isn’t denied because they don’t have the personal future to be able to do that. I also think we have to grow the economy from the middle out and the bottom up. That means helping small businesses get access to capital, bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. and investing in research and development. And I think on social issues, I’m much more

CONGRESS, page 2

Top economic advisers speak on policy in panel Adviser to Obama emphasizes balance; former John McCain adviser argues for better macroeconomic growth Elizabeth Kaczmarek Herald Contributor In light of the upcoming presidential election, two top economic advisers joined students and community members on the University of Wisconsin campus yesterday to debate current economic issues and raise voter awareness about today’s economic reality.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former John McCain economic campaign adviser, and Jeffrey Liebman, current economic adviser to President Barack Obama, spoke on key economic issues affecting voters this term. Holtz-Eakin said the core economic issue in America today is the need for better macroeconomic growth,

much of which could come with a small, efficient government. According to HoltzEakin, such efficiency comes with the continuation of funding to core functions, such as the military and education, and cuts to transfer programs, which he said “suck up the money” of the government. These programs

account for so much of the government’s money that they are beginning to take over programs and investments America needs, Holtz-Eakin said, adding such unnecessarily funded programs are “crushing” the investments in research, infrastructure, education and national security. “There is no plan to control the deficit,” Holtz-


Eakin said. “(Obama’s) budgets don’t put any effort in controlling deficits. That plan is not there and that’s dangerous. We are letting our past crush our future and there is no place to fix that, and that is a dangerous place to be.” According to Liebman, however, presidential

PANEL, page 6

criticism of UW’s perceived liberalism. His spokesperson, Mike Mikalsen, said he believes the lack of conservative professors nationwide is worrying. “It is extremely difficult for UW to argue that it is a campus which encourages diversity of viewpoints,” Mikalsen said. According to Mikalsen, their office receives complaints from students all over the UW System. He said some students do not want to go to the universities’ administration offices because their concerns might not be followed up adequately. UW is always “adamant” about wanting students to come with complaints about professors, Mikalsen said, but he added

STUDY, page 6

EVENTS today 6 p.m. Homecoming Parade Gilman Street to State Street

9:30-11:30 p.m. WUD Film Presents: “Scream” The Marquee Union South

INSIDE Love The Wallflowers? Win a pair of tickets to their Majestic show! Just tweet @BH_Arts your favorite track. It’s that easy.

ARTS | 5

Cardinalistas bow down in fear Gentle Clowns look to continue dominance on gridiron, show grace in victory.


Paul Ryan’s soup kitchen visit Vice presidential candidate Ryan’s recent stop at a soup kitchen to stage a photo-op was disgraceful.



The Badger Herald | News | Friday, October 26, 2012

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Student gets suspicious emails, reports fraud School of Business major says man contacted her with instructions, threatened to report her to police for noncompliance Caitlin Dean Herald Contributor A University of Wisconsin student was the victim of a recent fraud involving suspicious contact from the suspect, who threatened the victim with police involvement. According to a Madison Police Department report, the victim was a 22-year-old female student in the UW School of Business. The incident was reported Oct. 6., even though the fraud had been going on since midSeptember, the statement

suspicious location in Dublin, Ireland, it said. When the victim inquired about the company at the Business School’s office, the office was confident none of the companies it associated with performed these types of services, the statement said. The statement said when the victim refused to participate, the suspect continued to contact her and claimed he was reporting her to the police. She then contacted the authorities herself, according to the statement. The victim thought the

said. The victim began to receive emails and text messages from the suspect, “James Noonan,� who claimed to work for “ADC Solutions, Inc,� the statement said. It said the suspect wanted to hire the victim as a “store evaluator.� According to the statement, “Noonan� allegedly sent the victim a check for $2,550.45 with the instructions to deposit it, spend $500 at various stores and review her experience at each store. The victim was also instructed to send the balance to a

suspect may have obtained her contact information through the UW School of Business’s Business Career Center, where she has it available for potential future employers to view, the statement said. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, urged students to be cautious of suspicious offers, especially when they involve money. “Whenever there is any money being transacted, always be confident to know who you are receiving the money from and be very diligent to know that there are

very intricate scams out there of this sort,� Resnick said. Resnick said even though students should be aware of potentially dangerous situations, he said most services provided through the UW are legitimate, whether they are through the business center or job board. He added although fraud crimes are not a common occurrence on campus, employment scams can happen anywhere. “Criminals will find ways to take advantage of students any way possible,� Resnick said.

UW alum, TV producer visits Josh Bycel, involved in “Happy Endings,� “Scrubs,� conveys need to find passion Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor A television producer, writer and University of Wisconsin alumnus spoke as part of a UW Homecoming event yesterday, highlighting a life dedicated to non-profit work. UW Homecoming’s Wisconsin Rewind Lecture, co-sponsored by UW Homecoming and the Distinguished Lecture Series, welcomed Josh Bycel to speak about his achievements postgraduation. Bycel, who is currently an executive producer and writer for ABC’s “Happy Endings� and has worked in similar positions for “Scrubs,� “American Dad,� “Family Guy� and “Psych,� is also the executive director and founder of OneKid OneWorld, a nonprofit organization aiming to help rebuild schools in Kenya and El Salvador. Bycel said Madison is where he learned to think, love, write, balance work, school and play and appreciate all that life had to offer. “When I graduated, I thought I had found my voice,� Bycel said. “Then I moved to [Los Angeles] and it all went to shit.� Bycel said in Hollywood, he fails seven out of 10 times.

CONGRESS, from 1 aligned to where students are. I’ve got a proven track record fighting on behalf of students, and I think I’d be able to do the same thing at the federal level. BH: A big issue for students is having affordable health care. How would you ensure that happens? MP: I want to make sure we keep the Affordable Care Act in place because that’s going to allow people until 26 [years-old] to still be on their parents’ policy. If you’re still in school or that first transitional job and you may not have access yet to health insurance, you

With this in mind, Bycel said everyone needs to learn to try and fail. He said he knows this is nothing new but added he is the living embodiment of failure, meaning the only way to learn and succeed is by trying and failing. “LA is filled with people who are waiters one day and the next day they’re either starring in a movie or they just sold a milliondollar movie,� Bycell said. “It happens every single day.� Bycel said all of this is what led him to start OKOW, which he said he calls his full-time and nonpaid job. He said he started OKOW at a crossroad in his life. “Work was good but frustrating; show after show I had written had got canceled and I was feeling stuck,� Bycel said. “I didn’t have control over anything. Once again, I had lost my voice.� Bycel said he wanted control over something. He said seven years ago he got a call from his uncle to ask if he would come to Darfur, Sudan, at the time of the genocide. At the time, Bycel said there were 30,000 to 40,000 people living in the refugee camps. He said he brought soccer balls and paper with him and added it was amazing to see how

Sloane Oxley-Hase The Badger Herald

Josh Bycel, who has had a creative hand in “Scrubs,� “Family Guy� and “Psych,� came to campus Thursday to speak on his life dedicated to non-profit work. much of a difference they made. “These kids and these people were waiting there for something,� Bycel said. “It was amazing to me what one little thing would do and that was the idea to start OneKid One World.� Bycel said his non-profit focuses on building on to schools, not creating new ones. He said there are enough schools in the world, but the problem is they do not have any money.

still will. That’s a really important component of the Affordable Care Act, and we need to make sure that it keeps being the law in the country. BH: You both agree we need to tackle the national debt. Why is your plan better? MP: Every responsible economist says you can’t get out of the deficit we have either by just having revenue increases or just cutting, so you need a balanced approach. That’s something that when we had a deficit here in Wisconsin due to the federal economy, and I was the co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee, we did just that. We had to balance between cuts and revenues and make sure the cuts weren’t the devastating sort of cuts that would really cripple us when it came to education or health care. It’s just choosing wisely but coming in with a balanced approach to make sure we deal with the issue. BH: Can you talk about how your background has shaped your beliefs? MP: Both of my parents had small businesses, and for [more than] half of my life I’ve owned a small business, so I come from that background. I realize sometimes when people pass laws, there are unintended consequences so I am very appreciative of that. Secondly, I’ve served

in the Legislature for 14 years and served with all different types of majorities. I have a lot of real practical experience of getting things done and passing major legislation and done things like co-chaired the Joint Finance Committee. I’ve got a really strong track record of results in the Legislature combined with a strong private sector experience. I think that makes me uniquely qualified to be able to hit Congress running and really deliver for the district. Chad Lee, Republican entrepreneur Chad Lee, a Mount Horeb entrepreneur, is running as a Republican in the second Congressional district. His most prominent proposals include creating jobs by reforming the tax code and removing excessive regulations, ensuring affordable health care and reducing the national debt. This interview has been edited for clarity and readability. The Badger Herald: Give some reasons why a student should vote for you. Chad Lee: It wasn’t so long ago I was a college student and looking for a job. Right now, we have 50 percent of college students not being able to find a job in the areas they studied for. They have a bunch of

The organization’s motto is, “Life is short; make a difference,� Bycel said. He said that is why the members were visiting UW, and making a difference is what Homecoming is about. “Make a difference in anything. It doesn’t have to be my organization; it can be anything,� Bycel said. “Make a difference in whatever you feel passionate about.� Chris Torborg, a UW freshman who attended the

debt and they can’t find a job. I understand that situation. I had to pay my way through college, and I was on my own financially speaking from a very young age. So I can relate to a lot of these situations college students are facing. BH: A big issue for students is having affordable health care. How would you ensure that happens? CL: I’ve been denied health insurance before. I’ve been in a situation where I could not find [inexpensive and good quality] health coverage. When we look at the Affordable Care Act, the name implies it’s going to make it more affordable, but it hasn’t. There are a lot of things about this 3,000-page law that really don’t fix the problem. Now, eliminating people with preexisting conditions like myself is a good thing. But when you dig in, you find there are things that aren’t going to help the situation. What I would suggest is continuing to work on health care. This is not finished. BH: You both agree we need to tackle the national debt. Why is your plan better? CL: First off, we need more people paying taxes. When you look at the unemployment rate, if we can put a significant amount of people back to work, those are taxpayers. That’s the first thing we

event, said what stood out most from Bycel’s lecture was his message, “the world does not owe a person anything, but people owe something to the world.� Margaret Turlington, a UW freshman who also attended the event, said Bycel made her think about things she can do to make a difference. “He showed me what I can do in the next four years and for the rest of my life,� she said.

need is to create jobs. My opponent will probably mention the “Buffett Rule,� and at a distance it sounds cute, but when you do the math, if you had the Buffett Rule in place for an entire year, it would only run the government for 11 hours. We need to really solve this problem, and that means getting rid of fraud, waste, abuse and programs that overlap. We need to reform the tax code to make sure these big corporations are paying their taxes on these billions of dollars of profit. And by making sure entitlements are solvent and getting them under control, all those things put together will get us back to fiscal solvency in the future. BH: Can you talk about how your background has shaped your beliefs? CL: I’m a big believer in the American Dream. I grew up in the lower middle class, and financially speaking, I’ve been on my own as early as 12 or 13 [years old] in a lot of ways. In America, it doesn’t matter if you had money in your bank account the day you were born. You can still go after your dreams and because of the freedoms and liberties we’ve been given through the Constitution. I want to make sure future generations have those same opportunities and make sure that we don’t push so much debt onto future generations.

The Badger Herald | News | Friday, October 26, 2012


SSFC approves Campus Women’s Center budget Committee grants CWC $90,464, hears presentation from leadership group Jordan Dugan Herald Contributor The University of Wisconsin’s student government held budget hearings and decisions for student organizations Thursday as part of its segregated fee allocation process. The Student Services Finances Committee convened to hear a budget presentation from the Student Leadership Program and to ultimately approve a budget for the

FREAKFEST, from 1 He said tickets are available for $35 that offer ticket-holders a dedicated viewing area, guaranteeing them a spot next to the stage. He added there are also private bathrooms and free soft drinks, such as Mountain Dew and Monster Energy Drinks, available in the VIP areas. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said tickets will also be for sale during the event at the point of entrance. Verveer said each of the residents and employees of State Street receive complimentary tickets. He said residents who have not received a free ticket should bring proof of residency to the event. The city has prohibited glass containers at the event after 9:30 p.m. in the State Street area. Verveer said this rule is in place because in previous years on Halloween weekend, there was a lot of broken glass on the street. Frank Productions anticipates 35,000 to 45,000 will attend the event

Campus Women’s Center. After some contention, CWC was granted a budget of $90,464 for next year. CWC proposed an increased budget, including funds for the purchase of an $848 nursing chair, with a private screen, for new mothers at University Health Services. Although many SSFC representatives showed uneasiness about the price and necessity of the nursing chair, SSFC Chair Ellie Bruecker explained the proposed chair was roomier with special support for nursing mothers. SSFC Secretary Jonathan Harris said if members of the committee were uncertain in their

decision about the chair, ultimately denied. The SLP, which also had they should abstain from voting, adding its budget hearing for the determining an accurate 2014 fi scal year, presented price point for the chair is various budget proposals to the committee. difficult. SLP Rep. “It is not Troy Pickett our expertise the to say what “It is not our opened presentation the price expertise to say with a point is,” Harris said. what the price proposal to However, point is.” decrease the despite Jonathan Harris organization’s computers debate, SSFC Secretary and supplies in a final budget. proposal, Pickett SSFC Rep. said the only Devon Maier increase in the proposed to strike $848 from the SLP budget is proposed for supplies and furniture the Leadership through Social Justice program, funding. Funding for CWC was where he requested $1,000 additional movie approved without funding for to promote for the chair, which was licensing

Saturday, Goldstone said. He said in 2011, the crowd was just short of 30,000 people, and he has seen as many as 43,000 attend. “Our ticket sales are significantly ahead of last year and it’s tracking to be one of our biggest years,” Golstone said. He attributed this increased crowd to the improved talent lineup, Homecoming weekend and the Homecoming football game. He said last year at Freakfest, there was an away Badgers football game. There will be numerous traffic detours Saturday due to all the events, Verveer said. Verveer said extra police officers will be working Friday and Saturday nights, as well as Saturday during the day. He said students will be heavily protected both inside and outside the gated areas of Freakfest. MPD Capt. Carl Gloede said the Freakfest event officers will come in at 5 p.m., and the area will consist of more than 150 MPD officers in the event zone. He added State Patrol personnel and Dane County

sheriffs will also be present. The University of Wisconsin Police Department will have officers on university property, he added. Gloede said police will process arrests at the City County Building rather than on the street. He said last year, only 30 or 40 citations were issued, which is extremely low for this type of event. “On one hand, Freakfest has been problem-free with very few arrests, but on the other hand, we do expect increased crowds, so the cops decided to err on the side of caution and keep the amount of cops we’ve had in previous years,” Verveer said. Since the city created Freakfest several years ago, the safety concerns have been very minimal, according to Verveer. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said his freshman year at the University of Wisconsin in 2005 was the last year tear gas was used to end Freakfest. He said at last year’s event, people were more compatible with police officers and did not cause as much trouble as in the past.

better networking for SLP. This would provide more awareness across campus for the SLP and would increase campuswide participation in the organization, Pickett said, adding as of now, SLP can afford two informational movies a year with its current budget of $750. According to Pickett, with a budget of $1,000, SLP will be able to add one more informational movie a year to promote campus-wide leadership. The group also proposed in terms of advertising it would begin to utilize digital advertising, especially social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, to further promote the SLP, Pickett said.

CHALLENGE, from 1 “countless” others made free-throw shots. Patrick Herb, a spokesperson for UW Athletics, said the coordinators of the event were originally unsure of how many students to expect but were excited and overwhelmed by how many students showed up to participate. Herb added the event had no set monetary goal, but it was 75 percent directed at raising money for cancer research and 25 percent directed at getting students involved in a fun community-building event. “Anytime you can bring this many students together for a common goal, it’s really fun to experience,” Herb said. “[The event] reflects positively on the school and the kinds of students here.” Herb added he was excited to see groups of students bonding coming to the event together, such as fraternities, student organizations and other athletic teams. The UW women’s varsity

soccer team was one such group. Nicole La Petina, a UW junior on the team, said the participation of many different sports teams in charity events expresses the bonded community between athletes present at UW. “Our support really shows how close of a community we are as athletes and how we want to help each other,” La Petina said. “We want to give any support we can to the basketball team and Coach Ryan and the cancer cause as a whole.” Herb said Ryan is very passionate about supporting the cancer cause and was inspired to get involved with Coaches vs. Cancer by donations of others who have stepped up to help. Kelly Ryan, Bo’s wife, said she and her husband got involved with Coaches vs. Cancer when the man who hired Bo as an assistant basketball coach at UW died from cancer. She added since then their participation in the cause has been growing, and involvement has been extended to the American Cancer Society as well.

Pickett also proposed an increase in funding of $650 for a newsletter for SLP’s kickoff meeting to expose members to the direct services, adding the mission of the SLP was to inform students what the student leadership program entails. Katie Schoenbeck of SLP also requested some of the funding go to the All-Campus Leadership Conference. “The overarching goal of the conference is for anyone on campus to grow in their leadership and to allow students to test the waters if they are interested in leadership,” Schoenbeck said. The final decision for the requested funding will be made Oct. 29.

She said events like the Charity Stripe Challenge are great ways to get involved with the cancer cause as well as create a positive connection between students and athletes on campus. “We really just want to raise as much money as possible, and to let the students have fun,” Kelly said. “Bo wanted to get students involved with his players personally and create relationships while having it involve a good cause.” UW sophomore Billy Maes, who also made his half-court shot, said the overall experience at the event was great because it brought many students together while supporting a good cause. He added it was great to meet Bo and the basketball athletes as well. Bo Ryan, who according to the statement was “surprised and overwhelmed” by the student reception, said it was a pleasure to shake the hands of all the participants, adding one of the half court shots could be the difference in curing cancer.


Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Friday, October 26, 2012

Change in gun culture needed John Waters Columnist Following the tragic shooting at a spa in Brookfield, Democratic lawmakers said they plan to introduce legislation that would force people under restraining orders to prove they have given up their weapons.

A change in laws may not have stopped someone like the Brookfield shooter who was so committed to his crime. The current law requires people with restraining orders to give up their weapons either to law enforcement or third parties. However, as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported, in a sample of about 1,100 similar orders, only five to 12 guns are forfeited a year. So while it seems this is a rapid reaction to the shooting, using a tragedy like this to increase the ability of law enforcement to get guns out of these peoples’ hands seems like a positive. The greater context of this incident and the potential legislative response are interesting. This year, Wisconsin has seen two mass shootings receive national attention, and yet the conversation about guns in America remains strikingly one-sided. President Barack Obama faced attacks during his first run at The White House claiming he would take away gun rights. Instead, he has received a failing grade from the anti-gun Brady Campaign on the issue, and the gun industry is thriving more so now than ever. His opponent, former Gov. Mitt Romney, has no discernible differences and opposes a ban on assault weapons like the ones used in the Aurora shooting. I bring this up because the opinions I have read in response to the idea of passing

any new gun laws are basically, “We already have enough gun laws; people like the guy in Brookfield will kill people no matter what. It’s my right, end of discussion.” And I think that’s a very good jumpingoff point. It is absolutely a constitutional right to own a gun, but we also have a problem with gun crime in this country. There is certainly a very complex problem since, with gun sales increasing, gun crimes are actually decreasing. At the same time, The Daily Caller noted you still have firearm murders accounting for 67 percent of all murders in 2010. I think our national conversation is skewed way too far to the side of fear that some law is going to come down preventing law-abiding citizens from the right to possess weapon. That’s never going to happen. The National Rifle Association has too much power for that, and with how far away from any gun control policies the presidential candidates land, it seems politically detrimental to say anything against guns. It’s the culture I believe needs to change. A lawabiding citizen is not going to have trouble getting as many guns as he wants. But when it comes to something like making it more difficult for someone to possess a gun while under a restraining order, we need to get away from conversations like the ones I mentioned. A change in laws may not have stopped someone like the Brookfield shooter who was so committed to his crime. But putting additional hurdles in the way is certainly a valuable pursuit. The numbers clearly back up what we all perceive: Guns are much more likely to be the weapon used to kill people and are overwhelmingly more likely to create a tragedy like the one in Brookfield. No politician is coming for anybody’s gun; quite the opposite, in fact. So if the latest tragic gun incident points to a loophole in the gun laws that could be addressed, let’s actually take a look at it, not dismiss it as the latest in an attack on gun owners and the Second Amendment that doesn’t exist. John Waters ( jkwaters@ wisc.edu) is a senior majoring in journalism.

The Associated Press

Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s recent visit to a soup kitchen to stage a photo shows why new rogue politicians can make a whole party look bad.

Ryan’s kitchen visit reprehensible Reginald Young Editorial Page Editor Vice presidential candidate and Rep. Paul Ryan’s recent visit to a soup kitchen definitely raised some eyebrows. In case you missed it, The Huffington Post explained that Ryan, R-Wis., his wife and several of his associates “ramrodded their way” into a soup kitchen in order to stage an unauthorized photo session of Ryan helping out at a soup kitchen. While politicians usually have their own personal agendas in mind when doing public things like visiting soup kitchens, Ryan’s visit was a little different. The kitchen had already finished serving those in need and was empty, and the dishes Ryan picked up to clean for the photos were already cleaned. I’ve respected Ryan until now during the presidential campaigns, despite the fact

my critical thinking skills shudder at the mention of any politician who praises objectivism, a philosophy that should more aptly be called “There’s-a-rightanswer-and-I-obviouslyknow-it-so-I-don’t-everneed-to-consider-thatmy-own-views-might-bewrong.” I don’t agree with his positions and reform plans, but at least he had been a fairly respectable guy. The visit is in especially

It sucks to see a rogue idiot like Ryan go and prove liberals’ fears; it justifies the views of outliers who scream conspiracy at the smallest Republican misstep. bad taste when you consider Ryan’s only ever been sighted once at any soup kitchen, shelter or used-clothes outlet. He has no history of understanding why he should help those who haven’t had the same fortune and opportunities as he. But hey, that

Fracking forum must be thorough Taylor Nye Managing Editor A deep-seated point of personal disappointment for me is that I love bottled water. I know I need to be more environmentally friendly, but tap water grosses me out. And, after having seen the 2010 documentary “Gasland,” a breakthrough documentary on natural gas extraction, or “fracking,” I’m even sending the water I give my cats through a Brita filter. Oct. 30, the University of Wisconsin will begin a three-part forum series about fracking, including one session Nov. 13 that will address Wisconsin’s robust sand

mining industry and what it means to rural communities and their environment. While this is all very nice, the fracking industry is literally bulldozing ahead in northern Wisconsin, and, for my money, we probably won’t want to stop it. If you’ve seen “Gasland,” then you know fracking is a method by which companies drill into shale deposits and basically initiate small earthquakes to free up naturally occurring gas deposits. This would be nice, since natural gas is a cleaner alternative than oil. However, it’s not so good because it can contaminate drinking water supplies, both with natural gas and with one of the volatile organic compounds used to extract it. But that wouldn’t happen in Wisconsin: We don’t have the shale deposits fracking companies need. Instead,

we have sand — very special sand — that’s a byproduct in the fracking industry. A problem, though, is that this mining is tearing up our own Wisconsin environment. “Some worry sand mining endangers air quality, uses too much water, generates unacceptable levels of noise, damages roads and threatens tourism,” The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism found. Furthermore, because of the sand’s availability, mines are being opened everywhere. This includes a mine that was recently blocked from being built across from a K-12 school. Is this going to matter to rural Wisconsinites? Likely not. Frac sand mining is becoming a huge economic boom and is breathing life into Wisconsin livelihoods that were otherwise trending in the direction

definitely qualifies him to be former Gov. Mitt Romney’s running mate. It seems Ryan has come to believe in Romney’s campaign subterfuges, and that’s shattered any respect I had for him. First, Ryan’s visit furthers the idea the Romney campaign is not in touch with, and, more importantly, does not care about those in need. Rather, the campaign sees them as a way to make the Romney-Ryan ticket look good to voters. Put differently, the RomneyRyan campaign sees interacting with and helping those in need is just a means to an end, instead of the end itself. Second, Ryan’s staged soup kitchen visit reinforces the fact the current Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates run on illusions. They try to appear as one thing while being another. All that glitters is not gold, but actually kitchen utensils that were already clean. Third, the visit makes Wisconsin look like disgraceful scum, especially considering, as The Journal Times reports, Ryan is the first Wisconsinite to

become part of a major party ticket. Great. Our state’s two most influential politicians are either questionably involved in a misconduct investigation or staging fake photos to win votes. How honorable. If a voter considers him or herself a conservative, that is not in any way sufficient proof they’re ignorant, arrogant or worthy of being branded by any similar adjective. Republicans have done great things for this state and country, just as Democrats have. It sucks to see a rogue idiot like Ryan go and prove liberals’ fears; it justifies the views of outliers who scream conspiracy at the smallest Republican misstep. Regardless of which party you side with, you’ve got to admit Ryan’s soup kitchen stunt is worth serious admonition. The standard of truth for candidates running for office, Democrats included, needs to be reinforced, and this is a perfect example of why. Reginald Young (ryoung@ badgerherald.com) is a senior majoring in legal studies and Scandinavian studies.


of unemployment and poverty. In an industry that can employ about 2,780 people with starting wages at $15-$20, that’s no small chunk of change being pumped into the Wisconsin economy. So while the UW is planning to play host to a lecture series on fracking, it must give it dimension if it truly wants to inform the public about Wisconsin’s role in domestic fuel production. Since the president of the Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association will be giving a talk, it looks as though UW has made somewhat of an effort to include both sides, but it must be very sure it’s truly representing what the industry means to our state.

A roundup of some of the more thought-provoking (or thoughtless) comments left on badgerherald.com

Taylor Nye (tnye@ badgerherald.com) is a senior majoring in human evolutionary biology, archaeology and Latin American studies.

In response to the 10/25 column:

In response to the 10/23 article:

ASM committee approves PAVE budget RonDog1953

“PAVE” - Another total waste of Student Fees!! What “conferences” they going to? Tour of the “Trojan” Plant? “Other Uses for KY?”

Yeah, what a waste of money to fund a group that helps to make students aware of sexual assault. Because, y’know, no one in college ever deals with that. PAVE creates a realm for important discourse about, for example, how to help prevent sexual assault. But then again, it would make sense for a conservative commenter like RonDog1953 to dislike programs that promote sexual knowledge. Heaven forbid students learn how incorrect Todd Akin’s “legitimate rape” comments were.

Crackdown on protesters infringes on fundamental rights Frank

The Capitol should not be a venue for more public demonstrations. They are not allowed in the US Capitol and should not be allowed in the WI capitol either.

Well, if Frank actually knew something about free speech, he would know that the national Capitol is not considered a public forum, but thanks to the case Gaylor v. Thompson, the Wisconsin State Capitol, like most states’, is a public forum, and thus a place for free speech to reign.

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.

ArtsEtc. 5

The Badger Herald | Arts | Friday, October 26, 2012

Macadelic Mac Miller: Pittsburgh rapper to headline Capitol Stage Not all of us can relate to growing up in Pittsburgh, rapping with Pharrell or releasing a mixtape at age 15. But we can all relate to being 20, smashing bottles of Hennessy and secretly loving Bright Eyes. It is this unexpected combination we find in Mac Miller, the headliner of Freakfest’s Capitol Stage. Perhaps best known for making “frat rap,” Mac Miller has nonetheless been invited to bring hip-hop to a festival that has previously been lacking in the genre.

While bros and Halloween hos alike will delight in hearing such hits as “Loud,” “Knock Knock” and “Donald Trump,” his more sober and somber tracks like “Thoughts From A Balcony” and “The Question” may sneak their way in as well. With the Freakfest set one of the few performances the rapper has slated for the rest of the year, it’s definitely worth checking out, even if just to watch your costumed brethren attempt to drop lines in time.

Hometown heroes Grand Theft Portal win Battle of the Bands slot Photo courtesy of BigGigantic.net

Big Gigantic saxophonist Dominic Lalli will bring his brassy beats to Freakfest’s Gilman Street stage Saturday night, joined by drummer Jeremy Salken. The duo promised new tracks and a secret costume for their Madison fans.

Big gigantic to bring sax, synth, surprise costume Adelaide Blanchard ArtsEtc. Contributor Madison is no stranger to big-name electronic shows, but Big Gigantic separate themselves from the pack with a unique blend of live instruments, sampling and synthey beats that’ll be pulsating from the Gilman Street stage at Freakfest this weekend. Jeremy Salken, the drummer of the Big G duo, said in an interview with The Badger Herald he is very excited to return to Madison this year after the band’s show earlier this spring. “We end up going to Madison probably a couple times a year, I guess,” he said. “There’s a great music scene there and people really love to come out to shows. It’s a perfect stop in the Midwest.” Salken said he and Dominic Lalli, who plays saxophone for the duo, will be trying to get to Madison as soon as they can in the hope of catching fellow headliner Mac Miller’s set. He also promised a few surprises for the crowd. “We’re super psyched,” he said. “We’re jumping on a flight to get there and rage with you guys as early as we can.” In regard to what the Madison crowd can expect, “We have some new songs that you guys haven’t heard yet,” he said. “I don’t want to give away all our tricks.” Big Gigantic belong to a different breed of musicians. They take on the challenges and rewards that come with playing live

instruments while their electronic beats and spoton sampling give their music an added danceable, energetic spark — perfect for Halloween weekend. Salken said the pairing of different musical styles came up organically, and both he and Lalli have been playing their instruments since they were kids. He said they started playing over beats when they later lived together. “Dom got a computer, a used white MacBook from this guy, and started making beats on it,” he said. “He started getting better and better. We would play along with the beats.” A jazzy saxophone and electronic influence sounds like an unlikely pairing — something that could very easily go wrong if not done with extreme care and skill. But Big G pull it off with ease. “It’s Going Down,” one of their most well known songs, features Lalli’s saxophone smoothly blending into the electronic beats. The duo’s “I Need a Dollar” remix doesn’t take away too much from the original bluesy song: Big G dip it in their indelible style. The inspiration to sample a song can pop up randomly, Salken said, and the “I Need a Dollar” remix was a product of his manager just listening to it before he came into work everyday. Salken said he and Lalli take that experimental approach to writing their music and


listen and work with as many different genres as possible. “[We are influenced by] everything from Herbie Hancock from Radiohead to Bassnectar and Skrillex. We try to check out as many different kinds of music as we can. The more things you have influencing you, the bigger your palate is,” Salken said. Their Saturday night set will be just as fluid as their influences and style, Salken said. While Big G usually take the stage with a notion of what will be played, Salken said the show’s plan can easily switch up and become a “choose your own adventure.” But new material isn’t the only surprise Madison is in for when Big Gigantic take the stage Saturday night. Salken said their Halloween costumes are a secret, and while they have some ideas, airport security to Madison will throw a wrench into some options: You can’t bring a fake Grim Reaper scythe on a plane no matter how many times you tell a Transportation Security Administration agent agent it’s for a costume. “It might make it a little tricky,” he said. “But either way we’re going to throw down.” Big Gigantic will play the Gilman Stage of Freakfest at 11:45 p.m. Saturday. Freakfest admission is $12. Visit freakfestlive.com for more information.

Photo courtesy of Tyler Quinn

Grand Theft Portal members ready to rock the Freakfest Frances Street set they beat out the competition for. This year, Freakfest opened up a slot on its Frances Street stage to an online Battle of the Bands contest, encouraging Madison area musicians of all stripes to submit their best tracks. When the votes were in, Madison’s Grand Theft Portal was declared the winner. We caught up with the band’s drummer, University of Wisconsin student Tyler Quinn, to get to know Grand Theft Portal a little bit better. According to Quinn, it all started with prom. “Back in high school me and the [lead singer Jake Ramos] got together to play for a prom,” he said. “Then the next year we added our guitarist Justin Clay, and then this year we picked up our other guitarist [Ramon Morales] and a new bassist [Damien Smith] and we’ve kind of been sticking with that lineup since.” Grand Theft Portal, or GTP as they’re known to fans, have officially been together since 2010, but according to Quinn, “We’re a different band now than

we were back then.” Today, their sound is post-grunge. “A lot of people say it’s like a combination of Breaking Benjamin and Incubus,” Quinn said. Though the Battle of the Bands process involved “a lot of self promotion,” the band garnered more than 5,400 votes and beat the runner-up by more than 400. “We hoped for the best and we ended up getting it,” Quinn said. The Freakfest show won’t be GTP’s first in Madison, as this summer they played The Regent Street Retreat, The Rigby and The Frequency, but it will give them a chance to play their recent album, Torn, to a new audience and an opportunity to film a music video for their single “Tear.” While Quinn was confident many GTP supporters would be at the show, he welcomed new listeners as well. “We just want everyone to come out and see us on Saturday,” he said. To find out just what pushed GTP ahead of the competition, check them out at the Frances Street Stage at 8:30 p.m.

Roster McCabe to get Frances Stage jamming into wee hours To be a jam band, you need a guitar or two, wandering bass lines and the ability to improvise. Having unconventional hair helps too. Luckily, Freakfest’s Frances Street headliners, Roster McCabe, have all of this and more. The five-piece jazz/ funk/rock/reggae band from Minneapolis will be continuing their non-stop tour with a set that promises to get your head swaying, and not just from alcohol consumption. If you dig Phish, EOTO or Umphrey’s McGee, chances are you’ll find a Roster McCabe jam you can lose yourself in for 10 or so minutes. And after last week’s defeat of the Gophers, there’s no reason not to extend your musical goodwill to your noodling northern neighbors.

Photo courtesy of RosterMcCabe.com

Members of Minneapolis’ jam band Roster McCabe.








11:45 to 1:15


PROF 10:45 to 11:45


COSTUME CONTEST 11:00 to 11:45

KIDS THESE DAYS 9:45 to 10:30 KYLE & KEEM 9:00 to 9:25

10:30 to 11:30

GENTLeMEN HALL 9:45 to 10:45 Mike Carlson 9:40 to 10:30 Grand theft portal

RAGE LIFE 8:30 to 8:55

DJ Brook 8:50 to 9:40

8:30 to 9:20

A.N.T. 8:00 to 8:25

WYATT AGARD 8:00 to 8:50

THE LATELY 7:30 to 8:15


The Badger Herald | News | Friday, October 26, 2012

Jeff Dowd visits campus, says students must be active Film producer and basis for ‘The Dude’ in “The Big Lebowski” speaks on youth vote Stephanie Awe Herald Contributor Jeff Dowd, Los Angeles film producer and character basis for “The Dude” in “The Big Lebowski,” visited campus Thursday afternoon to weigh in on his observations and encourage students to vote. According to Dowd, each vote counts, and voting is important for college students because they are helping shape the future. He said people have a

tendency to “do bad things to themselves,” and not voting is an example of that. “[Not voting] is like doing three or four things to give you the flu,” Dowd said. “Why not take medicine now?” He said today’s problems, such as the economy and energy, are entirely solvable, as there are many potential alternatives. Dowd said he believes citizens, including students, need to “take charge” and get more involved in political action in order for things in government to work correctly. He said he believes it is important to keep the future in mind before voting. Dowd said in the 1960s and ‘70s, technology created

an enlightenment and an entirely new culture. Today, he said he thinks jobs need to come from new avenues, and students have control of that future. “We’re out of date, doing things we don’t need to anymore,” he said. Dowd said he is both an observer and a networker and added he sees potential in Wisconsin to act as a model for how government should run, based on its small community. Arthur Kohl-Riggs, a citizen journalist and activist who ran as a Republican against Gov. Scott Walker in this year’s recall election, accompanied Dowd during his stay in Madison. Kohl-Riggs said he believes in Dowd’s visions

election, and if changes are not made, it is a waste of “cosmic energy.” Dowd said the nation’s economic system needs to change, as it impacts democracy. He said it is a “casino economy,” and it is time to change it. He said while he is not a decision maker, he is an observer who sees potential in students and encourages them to take full advantage of their potential and commit to change. Not doing so, he said, would be detrimental. Dowd said if there is failure, then citizens need to become involved to make sure it does not happen again. He said students should not see this involvement as a monstrous challenge; rather, they

for Wisconsin. “’The Dude’ has accurately identified the potential Wisconsin has to lead by example,” he said. He said Occupy Wall

“Not voting is like doing three or four things to give you the flu.”

Jeff Dowd

Film Producer

Street awakened citizens of the wealth disparity in the nation, which was a reality institutions were trying to hide. He added Wisconsin is at the forefront of the

should take it step-by-step. Dowd is also a political activist who practiced civil disobedience against the Vietnam War by not participating in the draft, he said. For this defiance, he said he temporarily spent time in jail. Dowd is also the author of “The Dude by Classes Tales and Rebel Rants,” which he said will be released next week. Dowd also spoke at a Lebowski Fest, held in Madison Thursday night, and said after speaking at multiple festivals, he has found both political parties find ways to compromise on certain topics. He said next year he plans to speak in Madison again.

Jill Biden: Obama best for students Vice president’s wife, Stephanie Cutter speak on accomplishments; College Republicans disagree Elizabeth Grinde Herald Contributor President Barack Obama’s campaign reached out to college campus newspapers Thursday with a conference call that included the vice president’s wife. Dr. Jill Biden, Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards talked to student reporters and laid out the reasons Obama should be reelected. Biden, who teaches English and writing at a community college in northern Virginia, began by telling students Obama is committed to making higher education affordable. “We’ve made a lot of progress in the last few years,” Biden said. “Thanks to President Obama’s investment in higher education, the price families and students pay for college is actually lower today than it was five years ago.” Cutter said Obama

has ensured there is a stronger economy waiting for students when they graduate, one that has created more than five million jobs in the last 30 months. Biden also highlighted Obama’s other accomplishments while in office. She reminded the students Obama ended the Iraq War, repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, passed health care reform and brought the unemployment rate to its lowest level since the 2008 election. Biden said this shows Obama “has kept his promise to the American people.” Jeff Snow, chair of the University of Wisconsin College Republicans, said he disagreed with Biden’s comments. He said he believes her statement is too vague to be accurate, and he also questioned whether some of Obama’s promises were actually kept, as the nation still has a high

PANEL, from 1 candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., plans to increase military expenditures and lower taxes in a manner that would lead to a “massive deficit.” Liebman emphasized the importance of a

unemployment rate. He also contrasted Obama’s record and jobs plan with his Republican opponent’s, former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass. “It’s clear Obama has no idea how to create jobs,” Snow said. “Mitt Romney has been in the private sector. He knows what to do. He has a five-point plan which will create 12 million jobs in his first term.” Cutter also criticized Romney’s comments on the 47 percent of Americans and said Romney has had to be dishonest because of his real plan to favor the wealthy over the middle class. She said the public is aware of that, which has led to Romney being lower in the polls. Snow countered that criticism by saying the Democrats are trying to divide the nation for political gain and are not focused on the country’s growth. “Mitt Romney cares about 100 percent of America; his policies will help everybody,”

balance between increased revenue and spending cuts and a decrease in the deficit, which he said can be accomplished through Obama’s plan to cut dependence on foreign oil, end the war in Iraq and push for educational progress. Holtz-Eakin, who also spoke of the “unfairness”

Snow said. “They [the Democrats] are just engaged in class warfare, which makes for good politics, but not a good economy.” Richards, the Planned Parenthood president, said Romney would work to cut funding for her group and opposes Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. She added Romney would repeal Obama’s health care reform law, which she said would get rid of a law’s provision that allows students to stay on their parents’ health care insurance until age 26. Biden concluded by encouraging students to vote for Obama and her husband so the nation can continue to grow. “We’ve come so far, and we need to keep moving forward,” Biden said. “We will keep fighting so everyone has a fair shot at building a better life for themselves, no matter who they are.”

of Obamacare, said under Obama’s health care plan, young working citizens are forced to pay money into a system which benefits those who are much older and sicker than them. According to HoltzEakin, the current system is not sustainable in the long run. When this generation is in need of these benefits, they will no longer exist, he said. However, Liebman, who said he disagreed with Holtz-Eakin on Obamacare, stressed the need to reform the health care payment organization in order to lead to a more efficient and higher quality system of health care. Liebman, who focused on the previous successes of

the Obama administration, said the American economy was doing well. “After the worst economic downturn in generations, our economy is moving forward again,” Liebman said. “We’ve had 31 consecutive months with private sector job growth, the unemployment rate has come down from 10 percent to 7.8 percent and the 1.2 percent drop in the last year is the fastest drop in the unemployment rate in 15 years.” Holtz-Eakin, however, said the president is not the aggressive and strong leader America currently needs, adding the country ultimately needs a “different style of leadership.”

STUDY, from 1

did come up, he said the professors always apologized, and they might have given students the wrong impression. The bottom line, Wiley said, is professors cannot let “politics influence the way [they] teach a course.” When issues like this come up in universities across the country, Wiley said some try to “blow up” individual cases and turn them into much larger issues than they should be. UW assistant professor of journalism Michael Wagner said he agreed with Wiley. He said he conducted a study with his students at the University of Nebraska, where he taught last year, that found the “overwhelming” majority of students did not think professors brought their political views to their classes. “It’s tantalizing to hear the story of the professor who clearly is in the wrong and is punishing the student for their views,” Wagner said. “But I think that is not the average experience of most students and that is not the average behavior of most professors.”

some students “fear the retribution,” such as a professor lowering their grades. John Wiley is currently a UW professor in the La Follette School of Public Affairs and was UW chancellor from 2001 to 2008, as well as provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs from 1994 to 2000. He said professors are not allowed to talk politics in class unless the topic is relevant, and in that case, professors need to treat all opinions fairly. “We tell all professors and remind them periodically that bringing their political views into the classroom is unethical unless politics is the topic of the course,” Wiley said. “If there is a reason to talk politics and to disclose personal information, then it’s acceptable as long as you don’t try to belittle or humiliate or discourage students who disagree with you or encourage the ones you do agree with.” As provost, he dealt with those issues, and he said he had very few complaints come to his office. In the cases that

The Badger Herald | Sports | Friday, October 26, 2012

Maddi finds his match at Wisconsin Senior forward repays Trask, soccer program with string of success after transferring from Eastern Illinois Nick Daniels Associate Sports Editor How things can change in the course of four years. For Wisconsin men’s soccer forward Jerry Maddi, coming out of high school just four years ago, he never would have guessed he would end up playing for the Badgers. Throughout high school, Maddi played in one of the toughest soccer regions in the country and excelled in it too. While playing his high school soccer at Naperville Central High School, just west of Chicago, with fellow UW soccer player Chris Prince, the team was ranked No. 1 in the nation for a short period during his senior year. After completing his 36th and final game in his varsity career for NCHS, Maddi had compiled a massive 29 goals and 22 assists — numbers that were only good enough for him finish in the top three players in the school’s history. “We had a really good senior class; Chris had a couple of good players in his class as well, and below

KORGER, from 10 of both teams, is about hating the team that seems to play the spoiler every year. Last season, Michigan State derailed Wisconsin’s national championship push in what was supposed to be a fairy tale season. For the Spartans, the Badgers represent a twoyear roadblock that has prevented them from reaching the Rose Bowl with some of their better teams in recent memory. Wisconsin and Michigan State are also two programs trying to make a push to become validated as an annual power in the conference, a legacy program, if you will. For many years these programs sat underneath the ironfisted rule of Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State. But with the failed Rich Rodriguez experiment in Ann Arbor, Mich., the firing of Jim Tressel amid Tattoo-gate and the Jerry Sandusky scandal that cost Joe Paterno his job, the power dynamic in the Big Ten has shifted enormously since 2008. And with that shift, Spartans head coach Mark Dantonio and Bielema were quick to make a push for the prime seats at the Big Ten table. But the question remained: Who would be at the head?

him they had a player at Northwestern,” Maddi said. “So we had a lot of good talent and not just at our high school but in the area. … I think a lot of what got me where I am today is playing at that high level in high school.” In high school, Maddi committed to Michigan State, but when that didn’t work out, he instead decided to attend Eastern Illinois University. At Eastern Illinois, Maddi would go on to play in all 17 games his freshman season, starting 16 of them, scoring two goals and earning three assists. His sophomore year, Maddi went on to start all 17 games. Still, although he credited Eastern Illinois with helping further develop him as a player, Maddi said he still always looked back at schools like Michigan State and knew it was where he wanted to be. “When I committed to Michigan State, I kind of set myself at the expectation where I wanted to play at a high level in the Big Ten,” Maddi said.

The likeness of these two teams and the shared goal to become the conference’s new power make their matchups more heated and meaningful. Add the history of the last two years, and you have the newest rivalry in the Big Ten. It doesn’t matter if the Spartans come in Saturday with a subpar record. Not only is Michigan State extremely talented and loaded on defense, this is the last time these two programs will meet each other on the field for several years, as the game becomes lost for the next few years due to the Big Ten’s divisional realignment. So here’s my salute to you, Michigan State, and my thanks for providing some of the best games of my college career. I’m not quite sure if Wisconsin will miss you, but regardless, it’s been one hell of a ride. Nick is a fifth-year senior majoring in history and English. Catch Nick on 91.7 WSUM’s “The Badger Herald Sports Hour” from 4-5 p.m. Sundays and “The Student Section” from 4-6 p.m. Mondays. Want to send Nick your thoughts on the column? Email him at nkorger@badgerherald. com or follow him on Twitter @nickkorger.

So in 2010, when former high school teammate and then UW freshman Prince started telling head coach John Trask about Maddi, Trask’s interest was piqued, and one year later Maddi would transfer to play at Wisconsin for his junior season. “When it was made clear to us he was wanting to move into a better environment, or a bigger environment, we knew we had a chance to get him,” Trask said. “He has been great.” Over the years, transfers have played a big role on many of Trask’s teams. During the 2011 season, two transfers — Tomislav Zadro from Illinois Central College and Josh Thiermann from Notre Dame — led the team in scoring with 10 of the team’s 25 goals. While Maddi didn’t have quite the same statistics to show as the other two transfers coming into his senior year at UW — he recorded his first goal in a cardinal and white uniform Sept. 29 of this season — Trask said Maddi’s willingness to do whatever it takes for

the team has made him an invaluable member of this Badger team. “He is always positive. He is always ready to train; he is always ready to play,” Trask said. “He is a team guy. It’s never about him; it’s always about what’s good for the team. “If we asked him to play goalkeeper, he would put on the gloves and go back there and be our goalkeeper. He’s a guy that you want in your program.” Recently though, Trask’s confidence in his senior forward has been rewarded with results. Both of Maddi’s goals this season have come in vital wins for a UW team that has struggled to find its identity. With Prince playing in the midfield for much of the season, the Badgers have lacked a forward capable of putting the ball in the back of the net. Despite his own personal success in recent weeks, Maddi’s demeanor is not that of the typical cocky forward. Instead, when asked about his recent run of form, he immediately directed the attention of his own

accomplishments back on the team goals. “It’s more important that when I’m scoring, we’re getting wins,” Maddi said. “If I were to have zero points and zero goals and we would get more wins I would trade [for] that.” Still, the most important role Maddi has played for the team this year has been that of mentor. Maddi is one of only two seniors on the 2012 team — along with defender Kyle McCrudden — making him an important resource for some of the younger players as they learn what it means to be collegiate studentathletes. For Maddi, it is a role he relishes, especially as he hopes to one day get involved in coaching of some kind after he graduates in May 2014. “I think that something working with the university [could be in my future],” Maddi said. “Maybe as a strength coach or coaching [in general] is something that, as of now, I am looking forward to doing after [school].”



New Eco-Conscious Paper Consists of 35% Recycled Teenager Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Friday, Rocktober 26, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: Opinion, Editorials now deeply self-conscious















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.




The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: Gangly layouts will even out given time



Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

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CROSSWORD star, 2000










30 W competitor 31 First

24 26



32 35









character seen in “Zelig” 32 Boat stem 34 2009 Grammy winner


for “Crack a Bottle,” 43








42 47





29 Like a diva


23 25







36 Hit the dirt?


39 Start to tank







42 Bill of fashion 44 Italian for “baked” 45 Flip chart

Puzzle by Barry C. Silk










Across 1 Gremlins of the ’70s, e.g. 5 Logic problem 9 Neighbor of Lydia 14 ___ Capital (investment firm) 15 Q7 maker 16 Like a national flag with a sword on it 17 Rising star? 18 One blatantly disobeying traffic laws 20 Pitcher Bedard 21 Tropical aquarium plants 22 Like small potatoes? 24 Greven who wrote the 2008 best seller “How to Talk to Girls” 25 Holy


32 33 34

35 37 38

40 41 42 43

46 52 53


higher-ups “All in the Family” exclamation Cell group Creep’s peep With 11Down, bugging no end Aperture in some drills Used bikes It prompts tipping in a bar Accessory near a basin Relative of a man crush Calls from a 27-Down Reluctant wearer of a cap “I’m not upset, really” Classic covered walk Composition of some orange spheres Word with

55 56 57 58 59 60

letters? They take people out Play to ___ Commend Flavian dynasty ruler The opposition Heat meas.

11 12 13 19 23 26

gear See 34-Across Flash d’inspiration Isn’t fine Shakespearean title character First name in ’50s TV Into-thestands homer, say Mohair source “High Fidelity”

supporter 46 “Law & Order: SVU” co-star 47 Move before taking off 48 Vexation 49 1943 U.S.vs.-Japan

battle site Down 50 ___ Taylor, 1 ___ J. Mikva, 27 old sitcom White House character counsel under 28 Clinton 51 Believe 2 Muchtattooed Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ people I ain’t 3 What a payin’ no mayor tries to twelve dollars instill to go barf on 4 Carver of State Street. Hells Canyon I can do that 5 Die for free every 6 It’ll help you other day of get a bite the year. 7 Flatter to a fault 8 Flexibility 9 Hull of the Constitution 10 Propulsion

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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Friday, October 26, 2012




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Sports WALL, from 10 good defenses and great defenses do.” In addition to running back Le’Veon Bell appearing out of the backfield, Strickland said a young group of MSU receivers — led by sophomore receiver Keith Mumphery with 349 yards — continues to develop and makes Maxwell all the more dangerous in the pocket. Though Maxwell, much like Stave, feeds off the playaction for a defense that stills builds its drives along the ground. Bell, a physical specimen at 6-foot-2, 244 pounds, will attempt to plow through a Wisconsin defense that has not surrendered more than 14 points in each of its last three games. Plowing his way to an average of 146 yards per game and eight touchdowns this year, Bell, the workhouse of the Michigan State defense, faces a UW defense surrendering only 114 rushing yards per game. “I think everybody knows what kind of game this is going to be — whoever wins that line of scrimmage is going to win the game,” Miller said. As a pair of physical, classic Big Ten offenses clash in Madison for the first time since 2009, the clock-eating run drives could mean a game where points are few and yards are sparse. It’s a role defensive tackle Ethan Hemer and the rest of the Badgers’ defense are embracing. The Big Ten title may not be on the line, but for a Wisconsin team searching for a marquee win, pride most certainly is. “I think we [have] a lot more confidence,” Hemer said. “I think we’re a defense that is ready to play every game because of the way we prepare, and also we have a little bit more confidence and swagger about us now. We like to have fun — when you’re a defense that likes to have fun, you make plays.”

Malory Goldin The Badger Herald

Publisher Peter Hoeschele celebrates a touchdown in the Herald’s rout of the Dirty Bird in 2011. With the legendary Elliot Hughes under center, the Gentle Clowns are poised to trample their meager opponent in similar fashion.

Gentle Clowns to curb stomp Dirty Birds After returning from Siberia, Witman anchors D-line with Caron; Zak continues to tout high school all-state honors Carl Golden Everyone’s Friend Baking soda and vinegar, whiskey and fireworks, sorority girls and Lakeshore dorm residents, Bret Bielema and an all-you-can-eat buffet, Keystone Light and Asian Kitchen. All of these pairs are dangerous when combined and make for catastrophic results. But none of these combinations is as dangerous and lethal as the annual flag football game between rival campus newspapers. With late Thursday downpours turning Vilas Park into something resembling a goose shitridden water slide from the depths of hell, Friday’s game between the Gentle Clowns of The Badger Herald and the Dirty Birds of the Daily Cardinal has been officially deemed “The Battle for a Pair of Dry Underwear.” “Another year, another Herald football win; God I’m getting sick of how one-sided this shit has been!” editor-in-chief and Fearless Dictator-for-Life Ryan “Durkin” Rainey screamed in unfathomable rage. The heroic, gentrified laborers of The Badger Herald look to defeat

DULUTH, from 10 team in points (60) last year with 24 goals and added 23 assists — to the Tampa Bay Lightning in the NHL in March, UMD was left with a major void to fill in its offense this offseason. But like any quality team, new players have stepped in to fill the void left by Brown’s departure. In particular, senior forward Mike Seidel, who finished with 17 goals and 13 assists last season,

mission of vengeance against the dirtiest of birds. Training in an undisclosed, mountainous, snowy-as-fuck region of Siberia with Sylvester Stallone, Yoda, Chris Borland, Al Roker and Charlie Sheen, Witman has returned to Madison sporting a full beard and an accent thicker than the borscht Vladimir Putin’s grandmother made for him. “SARAH SMASH!”

screamed Witman between incredible leaps and bounds, destroying new pavement and plowing over innocent commuters on foot during stand-still traffic on Charter Street. A random urine test on Deputy News Editor and shutdown cornerback Elliot Hughes came up clean, although rumors persisted that Hughes used the Original Whizzinator and squirrel urine to hide his usage of methamphetamines, painkillers, Beer 30 and low-grade cattle growth hormone. But nothing compares to the pain-bringing demon of the newest defensive end on the Clowns, skull-crusher and feline aficionado Katie “Cat Lady” Caron. Born and raised by feral cats in the wilderness of the god-forsaken lands of Minnesota, Caron developed super-reflexes and a taste for Meow Mix but, as a result, can only communicate in broken English because of her limited time in civilization. Fellow cat lover and all-around badass Taylor Nye serves as Caron’s translator and the Herald’s defensive coordinator. Nye revealed in the last few days she’s been dreaming up blitzing schemes so

complex they would make Stephen Hawkings’ head explode. “I wouldn’t say this game is going to be as one-sided as the quality of the papers, … but who am I fucking kidding?” Nye said in her Thursday press conference, which was attended by her cats, dressed in suits. The Clowns still have an ace up their sleeve as well. Somewhere, in the unexplored depths of Mendota Lake, lies the notorious and feared design department of The Badger Herald. Rising every night from the icy waters only to feed on Skittles and finish special design requests, it remains unclear if Angus “Bear Killer” McNair and Sigrid “Flapjack” Hubertz will awaken in time to partake in the rotisserie-style slaughter of the Dirty Birds. The Herald’s injury list is lengthy, with free safety Leah Linschied doubtful (Taylor Swift addiction), outside linebacker Reginald Young questionable (Bieber Fever), head coach Ian McCue on the PUP (not athletic), Kelly Erickson probable (gingervitis) and leading tackler Leopoldo “Polo” Rocha MIA (overslept).

currently leads the team line. … When they have with three goals and three that top line out there you assists heading into UMD’s fifth and sixth games of the 2012-13 “We just have to be season. Despite Seidel’s aware of if a player impressive start to the season, UW’s defense is hot right now or will tackle UMD’s [if] the top line is out offense, and Seidel, the there. You have to same as any other team, be aware of their top according to McCabe. “We just have to be line.” Jake McCabe aware of if a player is hot right now or [if] the Defenseman top line is out there,” McCabe said. “You have to be aware of their top have to make sure that you

keep everyone in front of you. “You don’t really have that much of a different mindset though. It’s more just, ‘Hey, this is their top line here guys; bring your A game.’” One key player who will be missing for the Badgers against UMD is senior forward Derek Lee, an assistant captain for Wisconsin, who was injured in a moped incident over the weekend. Still, despite missing two of its key offensive threats

in Kerdiles and Lee, UW has high expectations for the upcoming conference season, and head coach Mike Eaves said at his press conference Monday he is excited for the team to get on the road as the season is finally under way. “We’re excited to get on the road,” Eaves said. “It’s a unique experience to try to get some points when you’re on the road. We’re looking forward to that challenge. We had a good week of practice. We’ll continue to build this week

their wanton, loathsome filth of adversaries Friday with the help of a standout wide receiving corps more backwoods hillbilly than the cast of “Swamp People,” “Duck Dynasty” and “Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo” combined. “Growing up wit four othur brutherrs, momma and poppa didn’t have no room fer us in da shed,” Madison yokel and star receiver Nick “Hams” Korger whistled through his three remaining teeth. “Sew dey used ta keep us out in da backyurd and made uz play der futball teh decide who get ta sleep on da porch.” The noodle-brained Korger will be joined along the edges by newcomer and high school athlete has-been Sean Zak, who has been watching film of himself in high school in his run-down, rusty trailer home while drinking cases of PBR and itching himself constantly. “Yeah, I was all-state back in the day, no big deal,” Zak bragged, putting a big plug of Skoal in while brandishing his favorite grease-stained Dale Earnhardt Jr. shirt as his beer gut hung out of his sweat pants. “With the help of some in-depth advice from TZ.com and a longer mullet, I’m looking

forward to stomping those fecal-eating, mushroomfaced fart sandwiches at the DC on Friday.” Several ambulances, a fire truck and a local funeral home will be on standby at Vilas Park as Editorial Board member and perennial defensive anchor Sarah Witman returns for one last

“I wouldn’t say this game is going to be as one sided as the quality of the papers, ... but who am I fucking kidding?” Taylor Nye

Managing Editor

Sports Editor Ian McCue sports@badgerherald.com

10 | Sports | Friday, October 26, 2012


Wisconsin seeks first home win Online: Women’s hockey hopes to earn first win at LaBahn

Badger backs run into defensive wall With Big Ten’s best D, Spartans await duo of Ball, White at Camp Randall Ian McCue Sports Editor The Wisconsin defense’s swagger is back; Montee Ball and James White are running with renewed fury. Both are about to run into their biggest challenge of the season: Michigan State. As the Badgers’ offense continues to build a consistent identity behind a rushing attack that has pounded its way to at least 300 yards in each of its last two games, it will face the brick wall that is a Michigan State defense, allowing an average of just 100.2 rushing yards per game. Anchored by physical powers along both edges of the defensive line in William Gholston and Marcus Rush, a talented front-seven awaits at Camp Randall Saturday. “This is the best defense in the Big Ten, and they’re coming in with a full head of steam — obviously their defense is playing well,” offensive line coach Bart Miller said. “It’s a great challenge, and we’re looking forward to it, to see really how we compare to the rest of the conference.” The game will serve as a kind of litmus test

for the Badgers, as the offensive line must get an early push along the scrimmage for any success on the ground against a Michigan State defense that relies on a combination of raw power and intricate blitzes to befuddle opposing offenses. With a linebacking corps stacked with talent providing extra support for the D-line, the Spartans’ defense sits at fifth nationally in total defense. “A lot more aggressive,” Ball said of what separates the Spartans from other defenses UW has faced. “They really fly fast toward the football, and once the momentum’s on their side, it’s hard to get it back. So we [need] to make sure we don’t give them any momentum.” But a resurgent Ball, who has now crossed the century mark in three straight games, backed up by White averaging an explosive 6.9 yards per touch, may be the recipe to wear down Michigan State’s defense. And while no Leaders Division title implications are on the line against the Spartans, there’s no shortage of history between Wisconsin and Michigan State. After picking up their first loss of the year on a lastsecond MSU Hail Mary into the end zone in East Lansing, Mich., a year ago, the Badgers earned some sense of vindication

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Defensive tackle Ethan Hemer has helped anchor a Wisconsin defensive line surrendering just 114 rushing yards per game, but the bruising Le’Veon Bell presents a fresh challenge. with a victory in the Big Ten Championship Game. A year later, the teams sit in vastly different roles. The Badgers play a redshirt freshman in Joel Stave under center, their offense riding its talented tailbacks to scoring drives. The Spartans, finally

without the venerable Kirk Cousins — a three-year starter — at quarterback, have their own set out challenges. Michigan State has lost four of its first eight games, three of them coming by a combined six points. A first-year starter

of its own in junior Andrew Maxwell has taken the reigns at quarterback for the Spartans and showed the typical signs of a developing quarterback with eight interceptions this season. “He’s got tremendous poise,” UW secondary

coach Ben Strickland said of Maxell. “A couple of the picks he’s thrown is tipped balls, and that’s kind of a chance deal. For us, if the opportunities come we have to just take advantage of that, and that’s what

WALL, page 9

Bidding goodbye to Michigan State Nick Korger Korger’s Korner

Noah Willman The Badger Herald

Sophomore forward Brad Navin (26) will hope to pick up where he left off against UMD last year after scoring his first two collegiate goals in back-to-back games against the Bulldogs in 2011-12.

UW looks for 1st win in Duluth Badgers seek more consistent play in conference opener after 0-2 start to season Nick Daniels Associate Sports Editor For the Wisconsin men’s hockey team, the season could not have started much worse. After a disappointing pair of losses to Northern Michigan Oct. 12 and 13 in the opening series of the season, UW heads into a vital series against Minnesota-Duluth (22) Friday and Saturday if it is to avoid further setbacks to a season filled with high expectations. After a rebuilding year of sorts for the Badgers in 2011-12 — UW finished with a 17-18-2 record and a first-round exit in the WCHA playoffs — the preseason rankings saw them open up the regular season with a No. 15 ranking. But after backto-back losses to start the season, the Badgers quickly fell out of the polls.

In both games against Northern Michigan, Wisconsin gave up five goals after being outshot 26-8 over the course of the series in the third period. Having not played in a competitive game since Oct. 13, UW has used practice over the last two weeks to regain its composure before heading to Duluth for its first WCHA game of the season Friday. “We are pretty fired up after having a tough start; we have been battling our rears off here at practice this past couple of weeks,” sophomore defenseman Jake McCabe said. “I think we are eager to get out there and play against someone else other than ourselves.” Providing even more motivation for Wisconsin in its upcoming series are the haunting memories of last year’s matchup

with UMD at the Kohl Center. With a lead heading into the third period of the first game in their two-game series last season, the Badgers gave up a late goal that evened the score at 3-3. The game would eventually end in a 3-3 tie after overtime. Then, in the second game, UMD’s lead stretched to four goals midway through the final period before UW pulled back with two consolation goals later in the game, ultimately losing 4-2. Without a game to focus on last weekend, speculation swirled around the alleged breaking of Nic Kerdiles’ amateur status, a situation that would have proved distracting for many teams. Still, sophomore forward Brad Navin said since Kerdiles is a freshman and has yet

to play a game for the Badgers, his absence should have little affect on the team’s performance. “I think the guys had kind of accepted the fact that Nic can’t play for these eight games; he has to sit out,” Navin said. “We know he is going to be a key player when he gets in the lineup, so [until then] guys are definitely stepping up and helping us fill that position. “We haven’t played with him this year, so we don’t really know what we can do with him yet.” Despite the struggles Wisconsin faced when they played the Bulldogs last season, UMD comes into this season a much different team. After losing star rightwinger J.T. Brown — who led the team in goals and fi nished third on the

DULUTH, page 9

There’s a scene in the epic Martin Scorsese film “Gangs of New York” in which Daniel Day-Lewis’ character, Bill the Butcher, refers to a picture of his long-dead rival on the wall and utters, “He was the only man I ever killed worth remembering.” To me, the only rivalry in recent years worth remembering for the Wisconsin football program is its games against Michigan State. It’s a matchup that for the past two years has provided some tremendous games, memorable endings and direct implications on the Big Ten title. So what makes a rivalry great? It’s not just a few classic games, great players or great programs. It’s the key similarities the two programs share over several years. Whether it’s an instate rivalry of teams that compete throughout the year for recruits or donations or a battle between annual national title contenders, the similarities teams share through multiple years help build and cement long-standing tides of dissent and create the annual games we circle on the schedule. But that’s not why the Spartans and Badgers are rivals. At the beginning of my time at the University of Wisconsin in 2008 — back when I was a biased fan, before journalism forced me to become neutral — I remember the games I was especially excited for were Ohio State and Penn State coming to Camp Randall. Why? For eons, or at least for as long as I can

remember, whenever anyone talked Big Ten football, the same old names were brought up: Lloyd Carr and Michigan (who had just recently stepped down), Jim Tressel and Ohio State and Joe Paterno and Penn State. The Buckeyes and Nittany Lions were both storied programs, and I was eager to finally have the chance to attend a game where the Badgers would get their chance to prove their brass against some of the best players the conference could offer. But the 2008 season wasn’t kind to Bret Bielema and his team. Losing a close game to Ohio State and then-freshman Terrelle Pryor 20-17 under the lights, Wisconsin fell the following week to Penn State at home 49-7 in one of the soundest beatings I have still ever witnessed as a fan. The team went on to finish the year at a disappointing 7-6. But things changed monumentally in 2010. And that’s where the story of the Spartans and Badgers kicks off. We’ve already read all about it, how Wisconsin lost in East Lansing but was awarded a trip to the Rose Bowl because of owning the third-level tiebreaker (overall BCS standing) over Michigan State and Ohio State. And yes, billboards were posted over Michigan highways depicting the final score of the Spartans-Badgers game with a rose. Then, in 2011, a Hail Mary in East Lansing, a fourth-down conversion from Russell Wilson to Jeff Duckworth, a play that made Brad Nortman legendary — these are what have made, over the past three years, the Wisconsin-Michigan State game feel like more of an old-school Clint Eastwood western than your average conference matchup. This rivalry, for fans

KORGER, page 7

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