Friday, November 2, 2012
Poll: Romney narrows gap Most recent poll shows Romney behind by three points, Baldwin leading by one Noah Goetzel Herald Contributor
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
President Barack Obama gives a talk in Milwaukee last month. Obama is visiting Madison Monday, just one day before the national election. He will be joined by musical guest Bruce Springsteen. His visit will come after a Thursday visit to Green Bay and a Saturday visit to Milwaukee, showing his desire to gain Wisconsin’s coveted 10 electoral votes.
Obama to visit Monday In second stop in Madison this election cycle, Obama to make third Wisconsin stop in 5 days Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor President Barack Obama will make one of the final speeches of his reelection campaign in Madison in an attempt to fire up his supporters in a swing state just one day before Election Day. Monday, the president will speak at a Madison location that was not disclosed by press time Thursday night. Musical guest Bruce Springsteen will introduce him at the event. At the beginning of October, Obama gave a speech on the University of Wisconsin campus that drew about 30,000 attendees. An email sent by the
campaign did not specify the time of the event, but it said Obama would “kick off the day” of campaigning in Madison before going to Columbus, Ohio, and Des Moines, Iowa. Obama made a campaign stop in Green Bay Thursday, and Saturday, he will be in Milwaukee, where Katy Perry will join him. Obama’s opponent, former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., is scheduled to speak this morning in West Allis. Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes are fewer than other states, such as Ohio’s 18, Michigan’s 16, Virginia’s 16 and Florida’s 29 electoral votes. UW political science professor David Canon noted those states are
more important due to the number of electoral votes, but he said Wisconsin is in the “next tier of states” both Obama and Romney need to win. “Both campaigns think that Wisconsin is one of the key states they need to carry and that we’re still a battleground state,” Canon said. He said if Obama wins Ohio, then Wisconsin and various other battleground states like Colorado or Nevada would become “must-win” states for Romney. Although Canon said an Obama win in Ohio means he would likely not need Wisconsin to win the Electoral College, Wisconsin would become much more important if
Obama loses Ohio. The Obama campaign’s email said the president would emphasize in his speeches his commitment to a strong economy and middle class. “President Obama will continue to share his vision to create an economy that’s built to last and highlighting his concrete and specific second-term plan to continue restoring economic security to the middle class and avoid returning to the same policies that crashed the economy,” the email said. According to the email, Obama will be telling supporters during his speeches he has fought to ensure everybody has
OBAMA, page 3
A new poll released Thursday showed President Barack Obama is clinging to a narrow lead in Wisconsin over former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., with only a few days left before Tuesday’s election. The NBC News, Wall Street Journal and Marist College poll indicates Obama leads Romney 49 percent to 46 percent in Wisconsin and is within the three point margin of error. The poll was conducted Oct. 28 to 29 and surveyed 1,065 likely voters in the state. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D–Wis., and former Gov. Tommy Thompson are in an even tighter race for U.S. Senate, with Baldwin at 48 percent and Thompson at 47 percent. A poll released Wednesday by Marquette University Law School showed both Democrats with leads that were at least five points higher than the NBC/WSJ/Marist poll. A Rasmussen poll released Thursday showed Obama and Romney are tied in the state at 49 percent each and found Thompson leading Baldwin 48 percent to 47 percent. The University of Wisconsin College Democrats and Republicans debate which of the polls is more accurate. However, UW journalism and political science professor Dhavan Shah said the results from
City Hall Editor A University of Wisconsin student suffered several facial fractures after being attacked on Langdon Street early Thursday morning.
Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain said the male victim, 20, was treated at the hospital for a broken nose and fractured cheek. He said even though the victim’s injuries were not life threatening, they are not
Elliot Hughes Deputy News Editor FITCHBURG — The youngest of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s sons stopped by a Fitchburg campaign office Thursday to talk up his father with Election Day approaching. Craig Romney, the third of former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney’s sons to visit the area since September, shared personal stories
8 p.m. Society of Women Engineers Annual Fall Ball
considered minor. Two suspects involved in the incident fled before police arrived, DeSpain said. He said one suspect would most likely be charged with substantial battery and the other
Gordon Dining and Event Center
12 p.m.-2:30 a.m. WUD Film Presents: “Rent” The Marquee Union South
ATTACK, page 2
Craig Romney speaks on father’s track record In stop at Fitchburg campaign office, son talks to room of GOP volunteers
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EVENTS today
Student suffers fractures after attack on Langdon Camille Albert
each poll should be taken with a grain of salt. “Everyone thinks these polls give you a number,” Shah said. “But what they do is they give you a number within a range within of a margin of error, and that’s sampling. You’re going to see a variation around that particular value.” Shah, an expert on the effects of communication on political opinion, added in most polls shown so far, Obama has had the lead in Wisconsin. UW College Republicans spokesperson Ryan Hughes said he thinks the NBC/WSJ/Marist and Rasmussen polls are a better representation of how close the presidential contest is in Wisconsin. “[The polls are] all over the place, but it’s more indicative because you’re seeing the president come here three times in the five days before the election,” Hughes said. “It shows that this state is very competitive. He would not be spending his time here if he did have an eight-point lead.” Obama was in Green Bay Thursday and will be in Milwaukee Saturday before he returns to Madison Monday. Romney will speak near Milwaukee Friday morning. Thursday’s NBC/ WSJ/Marist poll may not be as accurate as Wednesday’s Marquette poll, according to UW College Democrats
about his father and also highlighted his accomplishments with the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and as Massachusetts governor. “He has a remarkable track record,” Craig Romney said. “But I think there are some greater achievements that await him, and they await him in the White House.” Thirteen volunteers sat in a modest-sized room at the Fitchburg Victory Center making phone calls for the campaign while another six squeezed into the room before Romney appeared. Volunteers, who ranged from University of Wisconsin students to
senior citizens, paused to listen to Mitt Romney’s fifth-born. He said his father succeeded as CEO and president of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee despite the Olympic bid bribery allegations and severe mismanagement prior to his arrival. Craig Romney said his father helped restore the country’s faith into the games. He added his father worked with a Democratic-dominant Legislature as governor of Massachusetts, managed to balance the budget without raising taxes and left office with a $2 billion
ROMNEY, page 2
Jen Small The Badger Herald
Participants at Thursday’s ‘Party for Parties’ event dressed for the occasion that focused on the student vote, bringing student-athletes together with others and providing festivities.
Students gather for voting event Camille Albert City Hall Editor The University of Wisconsin’s student government and a student organization hosted an event Thursday night to inform students about the importance of voting and to bridge the gap between studentathletes and the rest of campus. The event was put on by the Student-Athletes Equally Supporting Others and Associated
Students of Madison and was funded by ASM and the Wisconsin Experience, and it involved a speaker as well as some festivities. Dorcas Akinniyi, president of SAESO, said the seclusion of student athletes from the rest of the student body prompted her to plan the event. She said the two groups are often “scared to be friends” with each other, which should not
STUDENTS, page 3
Meet your venue: Orpheum Theatre Never fear; the Orpheum’s doorway will be darkened for only a little longer
ARTS | 5
Wisconsin to crown home ice In first home series of year, Eaves and co. honor former coach “Badger Bob” Johnson
Voting early makes sense in modern age Waters calls voting at the polls on Election Day merely a remnant of an antiquated tradition
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, November 2, 2012
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Health care executive considers election Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor J. Mario Molina, M.D., chief executive officer of Molina Healthcare Inc., talked to The Badger Herald Thursday about health care reform and the 2012 elections. The Badger Herald: Can you talk about what health care reform would look like if each candidate gets elected? J. Mario Molina: Romney has talked about trying got do away with the Affordable Care Act. If Romney is elected, he at one point talked about using an executive order to get rid of the ACA. Well, it turns out executive orders can only be used to implement laws, not repeal them. So he can’t repeal the ACA by executive order. Romney could delay the
implementation because there are lots of rules and regulations and things that the executive branch has to do to implement the law, so he can certainly slow things down. The only way to repeal it is going to be if Republicans gain control of both the House and the Senate, and they would need probably 60 votes in the Senate, but most people don’t think they’re going to get there. But it’s likely regardless of who is president, the ACA will remain in place, and it’s really going to be about how it gets implemented. I think if Obama is re-elected, it will be full steam ahead, and they will continue with the implementation process that began a while ago but has been kind of put on hold because of the elections. If Romney is elected, then I think it will still go forward
but what he will probably do is grant a lot more freedom to the states. BH: One provision of the ACA that was popular was students can remain on their parents’ health insurance until they are 26 years old. Would this change if Romney is elected? Molina: The insurance companies are kicking themselves [over the first provision] because they’re all saying, “Why didn’t we think of this sooner?” If they had allowed students to stay on their parents’ insurance coverage, they would have all these students who have been insured through their companies and that would have meant extra revenue for them. And students don’t cost you very much because they don’t get sick very much. They are generally healthy young people. I
don’t think [that provision] is going to change very much. Even if that part of the law were removed, insurance companies now think it’s a good idea and they’d probably do it on their own. BH: Is there an issue that neither of the candidates is taking on seriously? Molina: We ought to be spending a lot more time talking about health care and how much it costs. The fundamental problem in this country is not that people are uninsured. It’s the cost of health care. If we were able to lower the cost of health care, then everybody would be able to afford insurance. What the ACA does is it expands coverage to everyone, but it doesn’t really do a lot to attack the central problem, which is the high cost of health care. And that’s really what we need to be debating.
What are the things that we can do to make sure health care can become affordable? BH: Are there many other health care reform issues students will get to make an important choice on this election cycle? Molina: Unfortunately, students don’t really care that much about health care because they’re young, and they’re healthy, and these are things that aren’t a concern to them. Students, I think, are more worried about jobs. I think that if everyone has insurance, one of the things that should theoretically do is drive down the cost of insurance for everyone. So if that’s the case, then that means there’s more money for things like businesses to create jobs. And that’s why we have to address the high cost of health care coverage.
Sex Out Loud, F.H King funded Tara Golshan Higher Education Editor The University of Wisconsin’s student government convened last night to debate and vote on the budgets of two student organizations, ultimately making some adjustments before passing both. Associated Students of Madison’s Student Services Finance Committee deliberated the budgets of F.H. King and Sex Out Loud Thursday evening. Witte Hall House Fellow Michael Flancher opened the forum on Sex Out Loud and said the organization’s programs are the most positively and widely received programs offered in UW Housing. However, Sex Out Loud’s budget met some contention from SSFC representatives regarding “per diem” food funds for the organization’s annual conference trip, which some committee members felt were too high. The budget for the educational conference requested $600 for three daily meals per attendee. According to Sex Out Loud Program Facilitator Sam
ROMNEY, from 1 surplus four years later in January 2007. College Democrats Chair Chris Hoffman said it was interesting Craig Romney chose not to appear at an event closer to the city and UW campus, unlike his other brothers, Tagg and Matt. “I think that might be indicative of the fact they realize this whole silly narrative that there’s young conservatives that are ready to take on President Obama
Johnson, the conference heavily influences and augments the organization’s direct services. However, SSFC Rep. Devon Maier found this line in the budget to be excessive, as some meals are to be provided as part of the registration fee. Maier, who originally motioned the line to be decreased by $240, ultimately amended his motion to a $200 decrease. SSFC Rep. Tito Diaz, who said he understood why the budget was decreased due to overlap from the registration fee, spoke from personal conference experience and added food is more expensive for conferences in bigger cities. According to Diaz, the justification for leaving the conference budget untouched is amending it to a lower amount, which could prevent some people from attending. SSFC Rep. Jonathan Harris said he agreed with Diaz, adding he would “really hate if food hindered someone from going on the trip.” However, according to Maier, the adjustment would not “hinder” students but
isn’t really sticking,” he said. A Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday showed Mitt Romney is tied with President Barack Obama at 49 percent in Wisconsin, while a Marquette University Law School poll released Wednesday showed Obama in a 51-43 lead. Election Day, meanwhile, is just four days away. When asked how the Romney campaign can counter Obama’s presence in Wisconsin, Craig Romney credited his father’s running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., also a Congressman from the state, as well as Gov. Scott Walker. “We have, obviously, Paul Ryan, who’s from Wisconsin, has been here quite a bit, and the support of Governor Walker — we have some
Katie Fadelli The Badger Herald
F.H. King Financial Adviser Parker Jones speaks to SSFC on budget adjustments. The committee passed the group’s budget at $74,256.68. rather cut overlaps. ASM Chief of Staff Sarah Neibart said she agreed, adding such an amendment to the budget would be fiscally responsible. The amendment to decrease the food allocation by $200, which SSFC Rep. David Vines said Sex Out Loud was comfortable with, was passed. Neibart also questioned Sex Out Loud’s $7,500 advertising budget and proposed a $500 dollar decrease. The motion
great leaders here from Wisconsin who are supporting my father,” Craig Romney said. “We’re encouraged by what we’re seeing across this state, a surge in enthusiasm for my dad’s candidacy.” Mitt Romney scheduled a campaign stop in West Allis this past Monday but canceled because of Hurricane Sandy. He since rescheduled and will appear at the State Fair Park this morning. It is his first appearance in the state since August. John Zancanaro, a volunteer and student at UW who also saw Tagg and Matt Romney visit Madison, said Craig Romney’s pit stop in Fitchburg was encouraging. “It always helps to see them and that they still care about coming to see us,” he said.
was ultimately not passed. The committee ended debate on Sex Out Loud’s budget decision, ultimately granting a $100,996.67 budget for the next fiscal year. SSFC also debated F.H. King’s budget, beginning with a proposed amendment to the advertising budget, which SSFC Rep. Richard Rolland motioned to cut by $700 after calculating the proportions between programming and advertisement. However, many on the
committee expressed they did not understand Rolland’s reason for such a calculation. Neibart added similar calculations were not done for any other organization’s budget. SSFC Rep. Jeremy Levinger said he agreed and added advertisement for an organization like F.H. King is important to raise awareness for its harvesting work, especially when segregated fees are involved with growing the food.
one got into a wrestling match with someone and with party to a crime of the other punched the substantial battery. He student who was injured. He said the amount added these charges are similar to the suspects in of crime is typically not the Montee Ball attack last as high on Halloween as during the Freakfest summer. DeSpain said police event, which took place last are still looking for the weekend. “I think suspects there’s a certain and their of vehicle. A “This is a pretty amount partying that statement disturbing story.” takes place on from MPD Scott Resnick Halloween itself, said one District 8 Alder but certainly not to the degree suspect of Freakfest,” is a male, 20-29 years old and 6- to- DeSpain said. Ald. Scott Resnick, 6-foot-1, while the other is a male, 20-29 years old and District 8, said this incident seems fairly isolated. He 6-foot-2 to 6-foot-3. According to the said it is something that statement, witnesses could happen any night. Resnick said even said the two suspects were driving a car and though there are not police nearly hit a pedestrian surveillance cameras where crossing Langdon Street. the attack happened, DeSpain said a nearby nearby camera footage group thought the car was could be useful in trying coming too fast down the to locate the vehicle as it street and yelled out at the drove off. According to Resnick, people in the car, who then hit their brakes and backed the primary focus of the incident is to locate and up into the driveway. DeSpain said the arrest the individuals, two suspects were especially because of the confrontational with the injuries the victim suffered. “This is a pretty group, and while there are different viewpoints on disturbing story,” Resnick what happened, it is clear said.
ATTACK, from 1
The Badger Herald | News | Friday, November 2, 2012
GAB: Absentee, early voting high this election With today last day to vote early, Clerk’s office has total 12,247 ballots cast in office Elizabeth Grinde Herald Contributor The Government Accountability Board said absentee and early voting numbers are high again this election cycle, according to a statement released Thursday.
OBAMA, from 1 the same opportunity to succeed. The email said he would tell the attendees, “It’s time to finish what we’ve started.” According to College Republicans Chair Jeff Snow, recent polls and a trend of conservatism in the state have frightened Obama into coming to Wisconsin more often. He added Obama has no plans to deliver to Wisconsinites, only
“Absentee voting continues to be robust around the state,” GAB Chief Kevin Kennedy said in the statement. An estimated 412,611 Wisconsin voters requested absentee ballots as of Wednesday, the statement said. The number of ballots that were given in clerks’ offices was 256,277, while the numbers requested by mail or in another way was 156,334. The statement said preelection numbers from the 2008 presidential election are not available, but at the end
a “failed record and attacks on Mitt Romney.” “The Obama campaign is scared of the fact they won the state by 14 points in 2008 yet it’s so close here in 2012 with Mitt Romney,” Snow said. “When you look at what’s happening in Wisconsin, especially over the past couple of years, the state is leaning more Republican. The Obama campaign realizes Mitt Romney is within striking distance.”
said. “It shows if either candidate wants to win, Chair Chris Hoffman. they’re going to have to While both polls win Wisconsin, hands indicate Obama has the down.” lead, Hoffman The noted the NBC/WSJ/ presidential “It not only Marist race is hotly poll found shows how among the contested in Wisconsin and close it is; it 25 percent will likely be voters shows how of determined by who have approximately important it is.” voted early Chris Hoffman or plan to 10,000 voters. The high College Democrats Chair do so before frequency the Friday of local deadline, campaign visits this late Obama holds a in the race demonstrates substantial lead over how significant Romney, 59 percent to Wisconsin is to the 2012 39 percent. The poll election, Hoffman said. also said Obama holds a “It not only shows slight edge in two other how close it is; it shows swing states, Iowa and how important it is,” he New Hampshire.
POLL, from 1
of the election, out of the 2.99 million votes cast, 21 percent, or 633,610, were absentee. The City of Madison City Clerk’s Office told The Badger Herald its office has issued 23,601 absentee ballots, and it has a total of 12,247 ballots cast in its office so far in this election. In the 2008 election, the office issued 32,012 absentee ballots and received 17,808 cast ballots. However, in the 2008 election, there was more time for absentee voting, and these are the numbers at the
STUDENTS, from 1 happen. “I wanted to do something that brought everyone together so it was informal and fun,” Akinniyi said. “We wanted to make it lowkey enough so people could enjoy it and also get something out of it.” Akinniyi said many student organizations were invited, including the African Student Union and the Multicultural Student Center. Delta Triplett, president of The Ten Group, which works to increase diversity in the workforce, ran for Wisconsin State Senate in 2012. He emphasized the importance for students to exercise their right to vote in a talk at the event. “Value the vote and vote for what you value,” Triplett said. “Exercising your right to vote brings a lot of value, and voting for things that you value is critically important.” He said young people especially have a lot of influence over elections. He added this presidential race is getting “ugly,” and voting is more important now than ever. One student asked if one particular student
end of the election, not a few days prior to it. Legislation put into effect since the 2008 election has shortened the early voting period in Wisconsin, according to Common Cause in Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck. He added shortening the early voting period might decrease the numbers of voters in the election. “That [shortened early voting period] is unfortunate,” Heck said. “It is a shame; fewer people can take
vote can make a difference, and Triplett said every vote counts. He said mentality could potentially lead to a large portion of the public feeling the same way and deciding not to vote. “It’s serious; this is not a game,” Triplett said. “This is your life.” Akinniyi said the last presidential election saw a huge voter turnout of young people, and she said she hopes this year’s election will produce similar results. The last election had around 30 percent of its votes come from young people, which she said is important to keep up this year since Wisconsin is a swing state. According to Akinniyi, the voting process is difficult for students in Wisconsin, and even more so for athletes. She said she and other athletes put so much energy toward their sport and school that it is hard to keep up with the election, be informed about how to register and find the appropriate polling location. She added there are so many steps involved that it can get confusing for students. She said making young people’s voices heard is crucial, and young people tend to have a
advantage of the opportunity to express their choices.” People have until today to vote early in their clerk’s office, the GAB statement said. The statement reminded voters if they wish to cast an in-person absentee ballot today, they need to be aware of their clerks’ office’s hours, as not every clerk’s office hours are the same this week. In Madison, the hours today to vote early are from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m., according to the Madison City Clerk website.
stigma about not caring about politics. She added that is unfortunate because politics is such a huge part of everyone’s lives. Student athletes contribute greatly to campus by adding diversity, similar to the way every other student on campus does, Akinniyi said. She
In order to help voters, Heck said Common Cause is helping run a toll-free number that people can call: 1-866-OUR-VOTE, or 1-866687-8683. Voters can call this number with any questions they might have surrounding the voting process, what they need to bring and any other issues they are coming up with. Election Day is Tuesday, and the GAB will release more updated absentee numbers as they receive them.
said there is no difference between athletes and other students other than athletes practicing every day. “We are such a large body and we need to be able to have a voice, and I don’t think it’s appropriate we’re so segregated,” Akinniyi said. “I think that we’re just like regular students.”
Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Friday, November 2, 2012
Libertarians discontent regardless of president Gus McNair Guest Columnist
Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
Voting on Tuesday is based on an outdated tradition that no longer serves its purpose and ought to be changed.
Tuesday voting stems from outdated custom John Waters Columnist With the presidential election coming up this Tuesday, I find myself asking, why the heck do we vote on a Tuesday? The answer, as CNN showed, is we passed a law in 1845 to vote on the first Tuesday in November to accommodate people traveling by horse and buggy. That’s right: We vote on Tuesday for the horse and buggy crowd. You see, in 1845 voting could take two days, one to get to the poll and another to get back, hopefully in time for market day Wednesday. With travel on the Christian Sabbath out of the question, Tuesday was the first available day to vote. That’s it. Now if voter turnout in this country was robust, a bit of antiquated law wouldn’t be a big deal. However, turnout is anything but robust. What is supposed to be the standard of democracy in the world ranks 93rd out of 113 democracies in voter turnout, according to the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. So, we have a law that no longer applies to anyone and a voter-turnout problem. Why not do something about
it? Sure, the inconvenience of voting on a workday is not the only reason we have a low turnout in this country, but it certainly is a tangible reason that could be changed with very little effort. Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., and Rep. John Larson, D-Conn., have proposed legislation that would move the election from the first Tuesday in November to the first weekend in November. In a press release, Israel said, “Voting should be easy and accessible,” and Larson said, “It’s time we stop making people choose between
So, we have a law that no longer applies to anyone and a voterturnout problem. Why not do something about it? their responsibility to vote, and meeting their everyday obligations.” One specific issue the release also pointed out is, “Only 47 percent of eligible voters actually voted in the United States. In Italy, where voting takes place on the weekends, 92 percent of eligible voters voted.” It makes sense to me: Instead of an election day peppered with the inevitable stories about long lines at the polling place, create a much larger window for people to vote in. I know President Barack Obama recently
voted early, the first time a sitting president has done so, and absentee voting in Wisconsin has already surpassed 400,000, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. That option, which is not available in every state, is helpful, but it misses the crux of the issue. We are a busy culture, we work long hours and, obviously, this election cycle has been about jobs, jobs and jobs. So I don’t think it is too much to ask Congress to recognize Tuesday is about the most inconvenient day for the country to vote and for them to actually do something about it. I mean really, think about some of our national holidays: Would it be that crazy to give everyone the day off, like Alverno College is doing, to go and exercise your most important civic responsibility? There was much talk about “protecting the system” when legislators were trying to sell the voter ID bill, and I think it is time for the people to say, “You want to protect my vote, how about providing me with some time to do it?” Get out there and vote on Tuesday any way you can. For those of you with two jobs and two kids to move around who might not have the time, just call out of work Monday and Tuesday, hitch up the old horse and buggy and vote like its 1845. John Waters ( jkwaters@ is a junior majoring in journalism.
Congressional vote best cast for Tammy Baldwin Andrew Suchorski Chair of College Democrats In a few short days, University of Wisconsin students face an extremely important choice between two fundamentally different candidates. Tammy Baldwin has been a representative of UW students and the City of Madison for the past 14 years in Congress, and her record of advocating for students, championing health care reform and defending women’s rights makes her an outstanding choice for the U. S. Senate. Time and time again, Tammy Baldwin has been on the side of Wisconsin students and their families. Tammy was the leading advocate for important provisions in the Affordable Care Act, including allowing all young Americans under the age of 26 to stay on their parents health insurance and outlawing discriminatory insurance practices that denied Americans with preexisting conditions access to health insurance. President Obama and Tammy Baldwin passed student loan reform, saving the government an estimated $60 billion, according to the Associated Press, and lowering
interest rates on federal loans – a move that has saved the average Wisconsin student almost $1,000 a year. Tammy’s votes for equal pay for equal work for women and increased funding for Pell grants are two more important distinctions between her and her opponent, and demonstrate that she has always been fighting for us in Congress. Now, Tammy’s opponent, Tommy Thompson, is a familiar name for many of us in Wisconsin, but the sad truth is that Tommy Thompson has changed. Over the better part of the last decade, he cashed in on his Washington influence to make millions as a lobbyist. Even worse, the Tommy Thompson of the 1980s and 1990s would not even recognize the extreme, Tea Party candidate now running for U.S. Senate. The choice between the two candidates could not be clearer — Tommy Thompson supports massive, budgetbusting tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, while Tammy Baldwin thinks they can afford to pay a little more to reduce our deficit. Tommy Thompson wants to repeal Obamacare, resulting in higher co-pays for contraception and the denial of coverage
for those with preexisting conditions, and Tammy Baldwin championed the expansion of health insurance to more than 33 million Americans. Tommy Thompson opposes marriage equality, meaning that some of our closest friends would continue to be denied basic human rights because of whom they love, but Tammy Baldwin has always supported marriage equality. The extreme positions that Tommy Thompson has taken are deal breakers for Wisconsin students, and we must support Tammy Baldwin. We have a lot of work to do to continue moving our country forward and build on the 5.2 million new jobs that were created in the past 31 months. But we cannot move forward with an outdated politician whose extreme ideas hurt students. We must move forward with Tammy Baldwin, our advocate for students, women and Wisconsin’s middle class families. I hope you will join me on November 6, when we proudly cast our ballots for Tammy Baldwin. Andrew Suchorski (andrew. is the Chair of the Wisconsin College Democrats.
Believe it or not, for a period of time in the mid-2000s, it was trendy for some liberals to refer to themselves as “libertarians.” The implication was these liberals were against the Iraq War, against the PATRIOT Act and for gay marriage — but they weren’t those crazy wackos who wanted to raise taxes and turn doctors into government employees. No, they were mavericks — people who didn’t support former President George W. Bush but respected antiwar Republicans like Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas. Then President Barack Obama was elected, and somehow it all fell apart. Tea Partiers were the new Libertarians. These guys also thought of themselves as mavericks, too. They weren’t big fans of Bush, but they sure didn’t like all this big government legislation that Obama was pushing through. They included men like Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who somehow transformed from a mainstream, Iraqsupporting Republican to a principled debt hawk in the blink of an eye. Liberals went from respecting libertarians to hating their guts. So when former Gov. Mitt Romney voiced his support last year for
making cuts to many government programs, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, it didn’t come as a surprise. All the GOP primary hopefuls were calling for severe cuts to federal spending. But now that a serious storm has battered the East Coast, the candidate has been forced to backtrack. If his supporters are such stalwart Libertarians, what gives? The truth is, Romney’s seeming flip-flop on the FEMA issue is to be expected. It’s easy to paint the government as an unwieldy behemoth in broad, vague terms. But surveys have repeatedly shown Americans support most individual government programs — Social Security, Medicare and so on. They just don’t like paying for them. Thus, it’s easy for Romney to convince Republicans Obama is wasting money. But when he points to individual programs, the results can be politically dangerous. For similar reasons, it made sense so many liberals were “libertarians” during the Bush years: They feared a Republican administration and what it was doing with their tax dollars. But when Obama was sworn in, that all disappeared. Consider the targeted drone strikes that have occurred recently. Liberals elected Obama,
and they (mostly) trust him. But if Bush or Romney were ordering the attacks, many would call it unconstitutional and a gross violation of human rights. While a few on the left have expressed this opinion, it hasn’t been a major campaign issue. Likewise, it’s dubious Romney would be able to cut the budget anywhere near the extent he claims without eliminating popular programs and drawing bipartisan ire. But if he’s elected president, Republicans won’t care. As long as their man is in charge of said programs (and ends the most unpopular one, the Affordable Care Act) conservatives will be perfectly happy. Nov. 6, America will decide whether Romney or Obama spends the next four years in the White House. But liberals take heart: Neither candidate will make significant changes to Medicare, or Social Security or FEMA for that matter. And if Romney is elected, progressives will be protesting in front of the White House within a year, brandishing the Constitution and shouting about the government overstepping its role. Gus McNair (amcnair@ is a senior majoring in journalism and English.
Firearm standard needed to ameliorate gun culture Jared Mehre Columnist Within the past three months, Wisconsin has been the site of two major mass shootings, which have resulted in the deaths of 11 people, including the shooters themselves. In response to these shootings, two Democratic state legislators intend to reintroduce a bill that would place stricter laws on gun control. Senator Lena Taylor, D-Milwaukee and Representative Penny Benard Schaber, D-Appleton are proposing legislation that would require individuals who have restraining orders placed against them to surrender their firearms within 48 hours. Failure to do so would result in a warrant being issued for the gun-owner’s arrest. However, whether or not this bill would actually prevent shootings has been called into question by Jeff Nass, president of Wisconsin Force. Nass has said “We don’t think [this bill] would have stopped this crime…to use this tragedy to reintroduce this bill is not logical.” I disagree. Considering the fact that two mass shootings have taken place in Wisconsin, and in such a short period of time, the reintroduction of this bill is completely logical. Any legislation that will produce any kind of law that will prevent such atrocities from taking place will be beneficial. Whether or not this particular piece of legislation would have prevented these particular shootings is irrelevant. The
terrible fact is that they did happen and that there are major loopholes within the guns laws of our state. This proposed legislation is not a substitute for providing comprehensive gun control laws, but it is a step forward in the right direction. Rome wasn’t built in a day; similarly, a standard for adequate gun control cannot be created with a single piece of legislation. We must build adequate gun control piece by piece, but first we need to have a foundation for it to stand on. This legislation begins by enforcing laws which aim to prevent individuals who have proven they cannot be trusted with guns from owning them. In a statement following the Haughton shooting, Taylor said “Across Wisconsin there are inconsistent standards, or sometimes none at all, for the collection of weapons owned by domestic abusers.” A standard for the collection and enforcement of firearms is possible. When this bill was first introduced in 2009 it was passed in a bipartisan vote by the Assembly. The bill also received support from groups with interests in law and corrections, such as the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association and State Bar Association. However, the bill faced damning opposition from the National Rifle Association and other progun organizations. Now, I understand that many people are afraid the government is coming to take away their guns — however, there is no basis for such a fear. Most politicians try to distance themselves as far as possible from anything that could be seen as an infringement upon second amendment right — mostly
because it is a guaranteed form of political suicide. The difference in this piece of legislation is that citizens are not being told that no one can have a gun, but only that those who have proven themselves to be unqualified to handle a firearm should not have one. I am continually reminded by pro-gun groups that firearm sales are up while gun related crimes have dropped. While a drop in gun crime is good, many factors are at play when we analyze the causes of these two trends — they are not necessarily related. For instance, there is a dispute in the significance in the increase of guns sales. It means more guns are being sold, but it doesn’t necessarily indicate that more people are buying guns. It could mean that people who already have guns are buying more guns. So, if you are a law abiding citizen and you want to own 40 different kinds of rifles, semiautomatics and handguns, more power to you. However, we still need strong guns laws in place to keep guns out of the hands of untrustworthy individuals. The legislation proposed by Taylor and Schaber can do just that. We have a culture in America that loves guns. We love the power they give us, we love protection they can provide and we love the freedom they have brought us. But we forget sometimes that guns are not toys — they are a dangerous and deadly objects that can have disastrous consequences when placed in the hands of people who should not have them. Jared Mehre (mehre@ is a sophomore majoring in political science and sociology with certificates in criminal justice and German.
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ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Arts | Friday, November 2, 2012
The Mustache
The Wood Brothers
Friday 8 p.m.
$ $15
Friday 9 p.m.
$ $18
Barrymore Theatre
Majestic Theatre M
G. Love & Special Sauce Saturday 9 p.m.
$ $25 Majestic Theatre M
ArtsEtc. WEEKEND Milo Greene
Icarus Himself
Saturday 9:30 p.m.
$ $12
Saturday 9 p.m.
$ $6
High Noon Saloon H
The Frequency
Dan Deacon
Monday 8:30 p.m.
$ $14
Majestic Theatre M
Kanopy Dance embraces doom Local troupe sees art in Mayan-prophesied apocalypse, gives stirring live performances Lindsey Gapen ArtsEtc. Reporter
Photo courtesy of
After plenty of turbulence with its previous owners, the historic Orpheum Theatre is set to reopen its curtains this year under the management of Madison-based Frank Productions.
Theater will soon get back to work State Street’s Orpheum Theatre has withstood test of time, foreclosure this summer Sarah Witman ArtsEtc. Staff Writer The Orpheum Theatre is an historic icon of downtown Madison, though its recent past is riddled with dirty dealings, carelessness and marred friendships. The former owners, likened to soap opera personalities by The Capital Times in a revealing piece in June, brought more drama than harmony to the city during their tenure. After the revocation of the building’s liquor license and eventual foreclosure this summer, students and Madison residents alike were unsure how long the Orpheum’s towering red beacon would remain unlit. Several prospective entities threw hats in the ring to determine who would earn the right to manage the theater now that Monona State Bank was calling the shots. In the end, Frank Productions won out. The Madison-based production company has been around for more than 40 years and is most recently known in the city for producing Freakfest this Halloween. The company will manage shows and other goings-on at the Orpheum and intends to bid for ownership when the property goes to auction in eight- to-12 months. It has partnered with C3 Presents, a national production company that handles Lollapalooza in Chicago, and Austin City Limits to help with operations. Higher-ups at Frank
Productions are excited at the prospect of owning the Orpheum Theatre someday, Charlie Goldstone said, who joined the company nearly six years ago with a background in production and operations. The company was reportedly saddened to see the theater’s house lights darken. “It left a hole in terms of entertainment. ... To have a large, dark venue sitting right in the middle of State Street not only looks bad for the city but people lost jobs, they lost opportunities,” Goldstone said. “It really has kind of a butterfly effect when something like that happens in such a highprofile way.” Goldstone works on booking sales, talent buying and venue and tour deals — essentially, a little bit of everything will be needed to restore the Orpheum’s star-studded reputation. “We have had our eye on the Orpheum for several years … [and] are really excited about the possibilities,” Goldstone said. “Not only for our company, but just in being able to bring more shows to Madison that would normally skip the market because there has never really been a suitable venue for it. The Orpheum still needs a lot of work and a lot of improvement, and if we were to own the place we would make those improvements to attract bigger and better talent.” Frank Productions will not be allowed to make any
cosmetic or infrastructural changes to the building as managers. But it does have plenty of managerial changes in mind, which visitors should begin to see as early as this fall. Although the restaurant will not be re-opening, Goldstone said a liquor license, which is pending approval, would make the theater’s bar available for use during events by late November. With the exception of the Wisconsin Film Festival, there are currently no plans for any kind of cinema to return to the Orpheum. The theater once hosted vaudeville acts and, more recently, movie screenings. Goldstone highlighted a new website for the theater is in the works. In its final few months, previous ownership sorely lacked in providing convenient box office hours, made worse by a nearly nonexistent Internet presence. “Right now, if you go to, we have an Orpheum tab,” Goldstone said. “We’re currently in the process of buying out the domain names and we will eventually link to that page. We are definitely going to improve that and update it.” With about three times the Majestic Theatre’s capacity, more than twice that of the Barrymore Theatre and about a quarter more than the capacity of its neighboring Capitol Theater, the Orpheum has the potential to sell far more tickets for Frank Productions.
Goldstone said he feels the atmosphere at the Orpheum also lends itself well to the shows the company is inclined to book. “The only other comparably-sized venue is Overture Hall, which is primarily used for Broadway, so a lot of times it hasn’t been available for contemporary shows that we would do. It’s also not the right vibe,” he said. “We are excited to [manage the Orpheum] and have the venue realize its potential, which for the past few years it really has not. It’s really been underutilized, so we are glad to be using it for what it is meant to be used for, which is live entertainment.” Describing in more detail the “butterfly effect” he had attributed to the theater’s foreclosure, Goldstone explained the Orpheum has historically brought jobs to the area, attracted activity in surrounding businesses and provided entertainment for students and residents in Madison. He said he hopes “getting back in there, managing it properly, turning the lights back on, bringing back shows” will be the ticket to getting the venue back on its feet. Perhaps Madison concertgoers will see an Orpheum Theatre in the near future that is able to operate as it once did, when it caught the attention of touring artists like Johnny Cash and Frank Sinatra rather than that of the Alcohol License Review Committee.
Supposedly, the end of the world is right around the corner. Perhaps the Mayans are right about the impending 2012 apocalyptic doom. Or perhaps their calendar simply ran out of space. Regardless, Kanopy Dance is revealing its take on the matter in its upcoming show, titled “End Times.” This show is highly dramatic, intensely physical and exceptionally thoughtprovoking. Think of it as an adventure movie with interesting plot twists and constant action. “End Times” embodies five separate dances, each mixing modern/contemporary dancing with eclectic music while adding a layer to the overall apocalyptic theme. Lisa Thurrell and Robert Cleary, the artistic directors of Kanopy Dance, have committed to producing their most compelling choreography for this performance. The show will open with “Prayer,” a piece choreographed by Thurrell and set to Arvo Pärtis music. This performance maintains a typical modern feel and is danced by the pre-professional dancers of Kanopy Company II. From here, the show develops into an edgy barrage of eccentricity at its best. The metaphoric masterpiece “Cassandra’s Cry,” also created by Thurrell, expresses movement heavily influenced by modern dance legend Martha Graham. This work is creepy, beautiful and ambitious, as it dares one to interpret the truth revealed from prophetic knowledge. “End Times,” the closing number choreographed by Cleary, will feature end-ofthe-world poetry tweaked into musical format. Set to music created by artist Thomas Powell, the piece is focused on redemption versus chaos and contains exciting moments of intentional near-collisions. Prestigious guest choreographer Martin Lofsnes, a former principal dancer with the Martha Graham Company, creates an eerie work, titled “What Was, Still Is.” The piece embodies a sense of looking at a village and questioning the acceptance of its members. Finally, resident choreographer Kerry Parker releases all evil in her piece “Pithos,” inspired by the story of Pandora
unleashing devastating havoc from her vessel. This abstract work eases up on the thrashing in order to focus on somber emotions and a final, uplifting sense of hope. Set to music by local band Brother’s Grimm, this performance is a compelling addition to the overall apocalyptic theme. “End Times” is a show that is completely different from anything Kanopy Dance has done in the past. The choreography tests previously unexplored movement that has been molded and refined on the dancers over the course of several months. Since the art is live, every moment within the performance encourages an emotion that cannot be re-experienced. Lisa Thurrell said the show will attract a diverse group of audience members. “It’s live, it’s real and it’s electrifying energy,” Thurrell said.” I think it will be appealing to more than just those who know a lot about dance, so bring along anyone who wants to see a satisfying performance. Also, I feel that the show will draw interest from not only women, but men as well. The physical excellence is astounding.” The goal of “End Times” is to leave audience members feeling enriched, satisfied and maybe even a little confused. The dancers display immense levels of vulnerability in order to communicate a thoughtprovoking message. While audience members may not understand every aspect of this message, they are encouraged to soak in the experience. The overall kinesthetic connection between the audience and the dancers is inspiring, and it results in an overwhelming urge to get up and dance. In an exciting city full of artists and interesting people, Kanopy Dance enriches the Madison community with invigorating dance excellence and tremendous performance quality. Tickets for “End Times” can be purchased by calling the Overture Center at 608258-4141, purchasing online at or by direct purchase at the box office. Shows are this Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Tickets cost $14 for students and $24 for everyone else. For more information about Kanopy Dance, visit http://www.kanopydance. org/.
Calvin Harris produces 15 hackneyed songs in ‘18 Months’ Although preceded by several hit singles, DJ’s latest album too superficial for genre Bennet Goldstein ArtsEtc. Staff Writer It took Scottish DJ and producer Calvin Harris more than 18 months to complete his latest album, 18 Months. Although the album’s title likely represents the duration of time Harris took to release all the album’s tracks — from the date of the televised premier of its first single, “Bounce” (April 29, 2011) through the completed album’s release in the United Kingdom (Oct. 29) — other time markers are possible. For instance, in March 2011,
Harris premiered another single from the album, called “Awooga.” Based on this release date, the album technically took at least 19 months to complete. Of course, Harris obviously composed and produced tracks outside of this window, as artists often develop ideas for future works throughout their careers. The reason why the timing of 18 Months matters is because it signals certain changes in Harris’ role as a performer and his production schedule are becoming permanent fixtures. The most prominent of these trends include Harris’ heavy collaboration with pop singers, as well as the piecemeal schedule in which he releases tracks as singles before producing a completed album. In fact, Harris has repeatedly expressed to interviewers his
desire to pursue both of these aims by DJing rather than touring with a band since the release of his previous album, Ready for the Weekend (2009). Harris’ collaboration with pop superstars has grown in recent years due to increasing attention paid to his anachronistic and quirky mixing style. Whether it was Madonna’s sampling of his song “I’m Not Alone” on her 2008 Sticky & Sweet Tour or Kylie Minogue’s collaboration with Harris in her albums X (2007) and Aphrodite (2010), news media frequently refer to him as “one of the most in-demand” producers around. That 10 of the 15 tracks in 18 Months pass vocal responsibility to an extensive cast of performers — including Kelis, Example and Dizzee Rascal — makes this album no exception to that
characterization. While 18 Months features a different vocalist or rapper for each track, the structure of the songs themselves is relatively unchanging. After a few listens, they become tiresome. For example, take two tracks like “We Found Love,” sung by Rihanna, and “Sweet Nothing,” performed by Florence Welch. The two songs take their names from the refrains “We found love in a hopeless place” and “I’m living on such sweet nothing,” respectively. Although pretty, the choruses repeat ad nauseam with a seeming paranoia that the listener might forget the track title. The sobering content of drug use and violence, evident in the accompanying music videos, helps fill in the void left behind. In fact, the album’s music videos won Harris accolades at the MTV Video
Music Awards. The fact Harris relies on this visual component to provide substance leads one to question — sure, the album is a collection of dance music, which demands a clear tempo and predictable cadence, but why so little substance? In “Let’s Go,” R&B artist NeYo sings slightly different renditions of the refrain, “Let’s go!/ Make no excuses now/ I’m talking here and now.” NeYo follows with a loop. “It’s not about what you’ve done/ It’s about what you doing/ It’s all about where you going/ No matter where you’ve been.” The second and third times, it feels like filler for Harris’ interjections of synthesized video-game pulses. Of course, Harris’ contributions as a DJ are interesting, and he plots new ground by dabbling into
Benny Benassi electrostatic territory. However, great dance electronica does not preclude the composition of equally compelling lyrics —especially because Harris has precedent for doing so. Unlike the haunting poetry of “I’m Not Alone” from Harris’ last album, the raves of “We Found Love” and “Let’s Go” feel temporary and unfilling. Released as singles, their superficiality becomes annoying. Despite Harris’ protestations, his singing, and its unconventionality, are part of his talent. It is easier to crucify 18 Months because we feel Harris’ absence after the party has ended.
Oh Right: Grow A Moustache I Guess? Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Friday, November 2, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: I’m looking at you ladies. Let that ‘stache run wild
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Look like your dad, a porn star, or Tom Selleck
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
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23 26
31 33
42 45 49 52
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56 58
Across 1 Menlo Park middle name 5 Musical with the song “Bui Doi” 15 Receives, as a visitor 16 What cosmologists wonder 17 Word for quitters 18 Got through 19 Heat 21 Gorge 22 Aquí, across the Pyrénées 23 Dovetail part 24 Be feebleminded 25 Like some mus. notes 26 Judge in 1990s news 27 Neverland resident 29 Maker of a specialdelivery flight 30 What shows its ribs? 32 Things that are shot or fought
33 35
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Get today’s puzzle solutions at
To place an ad in Classifieds: Elise Watson 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Friday, November 2, 2012
Have an apartment, job or party? 132 N. Breese: Huge 17 bedGet the LegalHyena phone app room+ with 3 large oversized bathrooms 4 huge dens, and a giant rec room. Across the street from Camp Randall and the Buffalo Wild Wings- U Square Engineering campus. Includes location- is hiring kitchen staff/ large porch, extra dens, giant cooks. Flexible scheduling and living room, dining hall, and oncompetitive pay offered. Apply site laundry. FREE PARKING FOR 16+ CARS INCLUDED! online at: $9495/mo. Tenants pay utilities. 250-0202 STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Paid Survey Takers Needed in 15 S. Charter: Giant 14 bedMadison. 100% Free to Join. room+ brick house one block from campus, 4.5 baths, 2 kitchClick on Surveys. ens, 2 living rooms, finished rec room, across from city park with sand volleyball, basketball and skating, with 3 BONUS DENS! Includes central air, thermopaned windows, 2 dishwashtHe ers, and 2 microwaves. All badGer large bedrooms wired for cable/ phone/internet. Tenants pay herald utilities. Free laundry. Parking (extra). $7195/mo plus utilities. dig it. 250-0202
A few parking spots left around campus. Beat the rush before the snow flies! Spots on sale for as little as $39/ mo in some locations! 250-0202
Dry sawdust available for dairy cattle. For more info please call Kurt at (507) 312-0549
Looking to sublet my wonderful Great houses & apartments in apartment at 625 Langdon for the Camp Randall Stadium, next semester. Please call. 201Vilas Neighborhood and Kohl 638-2254 for more information center areas available for fall 2013. Some huge, as big as 17 bedrooms. Some smaller, like efficiencies, as well as houses and flats in between. Many have EXTRA LIVING SPACE! Great locations! Many with yards, porches, balconies, parking. Have your own house or apartment with no stinky elevator! Owner managed. On campus for over 30 years. Leases start & end on August 15, so we don’t make you homeless when moving! Check out our website for prices, pictures, descriptions and layouts - www.tallardapartments. com 250-0202
Wisconsin looks to build momentum at Ohio State After loss to OSU last year, UW seeks revenge in bottomfeeder showdown Sarah Randall Sports Writer After a season that didn’t live up to the preseason hype, the Wisconsin men’s soccer team has one last chance to get a win on the road. Sunday, the Badgers will travel to Columbus, Ohio, to play the Ohio State Buckeyes in their last game of the Big Ten season. The Badgers have a 6-74 record on the season but are looking for a boosting victory this weekend. Going into the Big Ten Tournament, Wisconsin is ranked second to last in the conference, only ahead of Ohio State. “I think the last few games, even though we
REVENGE, from 8 before its more recent success. Since Eaves took over, CC boasts an 18-9-4 record against UW, with a 6-4-4 record at the Kohl Center. But the Badgers may be catching the Tigers at just the right time. The Tigers are currently in the middle of a three-game losing streak and have struggled to create
STAGE, from 8 “Any match you go to, there are a lot of cameras and a lot of things going on,”
ZAK, from 8 year-olds placed in such pressure-filled positions. If they want to gripe, look to the 40-something year-old coaches who are paid millions to help these students as they try to live up to the athletes that came before them. Mike Gundy, head coach at Oklahoma State, said it best in 2007 when a local newspaper ran criticism of a player on his team. “Come after me,” Gundy screamed. “I’m a man, I’m 40!” While Gundy and many other coaches are not in the position to catch or throw passes, to make or break tackles, they are definitely in the position to take blame for basically anything that happens on the football field. When the revolving door changes in
haven’t gotten all the results we’ve wanted, we’ve definitely been practicing better and we’ve definitely been playing better,” freshman midfielder Drew Conner said. “We’re looking for the win. We keep developing and getting ready for the Big Ten Tournament.” Ohio State’s record of 6-9-2 this year is comparable to that of the Badgers, making this game a must-win for both teams if they wish to avoid finishing in the bottom spot of the Big Ten. “OSU is a very tough opponent, especially at home. They beat us 2-0 last year, so it’s a chance for a little bit of payback before the Big Ten Tournament,” head coach John Trask said. In preparing for the upcoming game, goalkeeper Chase Rau said he wants to keep the ball rolling. Rau has been named Defensive Player
of the Week twice now this choose just one goalkeeper heading into the Big Ten season. Despite the personal tournament. Rau will be accolades, Rau emphasized Trask’s starting man in front of the net Sunday. a shutout is his only goal. Ohio State has been “I need to make sure to stay on my guys that succeeding offensively this season, a factor are in the that could midfield and present serious the attack trouble for to make “They beat us UW’s defense. sure they 2-0 last year, Senior Buckeyes pressure up so it’s a chance Chris top to make for a little bit of forward Hegngi is the it easier on reigning Big our defenders payback before Ten Offensive so the other the Big Ten Player of the team isn’t Tournament.” playing easy John Trask Week. “He is starting balls on us,” Head Coach to hit his Rau said. stride and he’s “Individually I have no goals, just a physical and as a soccer player, he’s a handful to shutout.” In regard to the deal with,” Trask said. goalkeepers of the team, “They’ve got some good Trask said having two weapons offensively.” In addition to Hegngi, capable goalkeepers midfielder throughout the season sophomore has helped both of them Brady Wahl has been improve. But as the regular standing out in his second season approaches its year on the team. Though end, he said it is time to a year younger, Conner
any offense, with only three goals during that streak. Wisconsin, on the other hand, is coming off a big three-point road series in Duluth, Minn., where it earned its first win and shutout of the season Friday night, followed by a come-frombehind effort Saturday to earn a tie. While the Badgers expect the Tigers to come out with an extra
edge looking for a win, they are concentrating on staying consistent and building upon what they did last weekend. “That’s something we talked about a little bit last weekend, but even this weekend, just consistency is all aspects of our game,” Ramage said. “With doing that will come more goal scoring and open up the game a lot more for us.”
Waite said. “For the most part, I just think they’re focused on the match and their opponent. It would be great if we play a great
match and get the win on national television, but the biggest thing is us competing well and not being distracted by too many things.”
college athletics and the numbers and names on jerseys switch from year to year, expectations too should change, and criticism should be cast with a watchful eye. This will run true for the basketball team, and as the season begins, Badger fans should be most wary. Whoever claims the starting point guard position, be it George Marshall or Traevon Jackson, will undoubtedly have growing pains as they ease into the weight placed upon Gasser at the outset of the season. Expectations were high, but excitement was higher for the guard who had started since his freshman year. He was a familiar face with a reliable game that Badger fans were confident about. And now two relatively unfamiliar faces will take on the
task of filling the point guard gap, in a way very similar to how O’Brien was asked to fill the gap left by Wilson. I can guarantee one thing: It won’t be easy. It probably won’t be easy to watch, either. My directions: Order each game with a side of objectivity, and definitely hold the criticism. Save future upside as dessert. For now, Wisconsin fans, lower your expectations for Marshall or Jackson, or Phillips or O’Brien. Then enjoy the excitement you experience when these student-athletes raise them for you. Sean is a junior studying journalism and communication arts. Do you think studentathletes are worthy of criticism? Let him know with an email (szak@badgerherald. com) or with a tweet @ sean_zak.
said Wahl is his best friend from home, as the duo played together on the Chicago Fire Academy Team. Conner said they catch up regularly, adding another layer of competitiveness to Sunday’s matchup and creating an interesting dynamic on the field. On the Badgers’ end, sophomore midfielder Carl Schneider player has jumped onto the scene in recent weeks and could play a crucial role against the Buckeyes. Trask said he’s experimented with new players at different positions and has been impressed with his team’s ability to adapt to various roles on the team. “We’re real pleased to see the growth in Carl,” Trask said. “You never know when it’s going to happen with him. We felt it’s really come good for him the last couple weeks and we’re trying to get him a bit more experience.”
Plenty remains on the line for the Badgers’ in their final regular season game, as a loss to Ohio State would mean a last place Big Ten finish for Wisconsin. The Badgers hope the struggles they have had this season will finally come to an end Sunday. “This is a Big Ten game so it counts,” Conner said. “If we win, it will get us a better seed in the tournament. It’s just like any other game; we are focusing on getting better as a team and regardless of who we’re playing, we still need to get better.” And a win could also help UW earn a higher seed in the all-important Big Ten Tournament, which starts Wednesday. “There is also seeding ramifications,” Trask added. “So we’re going to take the best team we can down to Columbus, and we’re going to go after OSU.”
Badgers hope for stronger results against Mavericks Caroline Sage Women’s Hockey Writer Looking to avenge a disappointing performance in its opening weekend, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team will face off against conference foe Minnesota StateMankato with more experience under its belt. The Badgers (5-3-2, 1-3-2 WCHA) traveled to Mankato, Minn., in September, opening their season play with a tie to the Mavericks (4-4-2, 2-2-2). After a dominating performance last weekend to sweep New Hampshire (3-4-0, 1-2-0 Hockey East), UW will look to extend its two-game winning streak at home Friday and Saturday. “We have a little bitter taste in our mouth from last time,” junior forward Madison Packer said. “But now … the freshman have a little more experience than they had before so hopefully that will help.” Experience is what this Mavericks team holds over opponents, with 13 upperclassmen on its roster. MSU has been successful against other competitive WCHA teams, including a 1-0-1 finish in a series against Minnesota-Duluth two weeks ago. Junior goaltender Danielle Butters is a key factor in the team’s success. In game one of the earlier series with Wisconsin, Butters recorded 41 saves, including 18 alone in the third period, leading her team to the tie. Historically, UW has dominated the Mavericks, with just one loss in 58 games (541-3). However, after tying and narrowly finding a win earlier in the year, head coach Mark Johnson does not underestimate the threat of this MSU team. “Everyone was stunned when we tied up there, but the same team won against [the
University of North Dakota] and then UMD, so yeah, they’re good,” Johnson said. “Their goalie has played really well and if your goalie is playing well, it gives you a chance to win” After a rocky start to the season with three-straight shutout losses in mid-October, Wisconsin has turned things around. Last weekend against UNH, the Badgers earned their first shutout with a 5-0 victory in game two. Wisconsin’s top offensive line, with Packer, senior Brianna Decker and sophomore Karley Sylvester, has dominated the scoreboard. Last weekend, the trio combined for six of the team’s seven goals. “Karley has been off to a great start and for 10 games has played well and certainly Brianna [Decker] is a worldclass player and Packer, … she has grown and seems to be comfortable this year,” Johnson said. “Our key is to try and get that second scoring; if we can do that we become more dangerous.” This weekend will prove to be a true test of whether scoring woes are truly in the past for the Badgers or if Butters will again serve as a wall blocking UW’s offense. “We struggled the first few weekends getting the puck in the net, but coming off last weekend we finished with a 5-0 win. I think that was good for us,” Packer said. “We shoot against a brick wall in practice every day so we’ve figured out a better way to put the puck in the net.” Another key threat to Wisconsin will be Mavericks’ forward Tracy McCann. The junior was named WCHA Player of the Week after a goal and two assists to come back from a 3-0 deficit against MinnesotaDuluth to tie the game. McCann leads MSU in points with 12, and she is tied with senior forward
Lauren Smith in goals, with six. To continue finding success, McCann and the rest of the MSU offense will need to get though a deep Wisconsin defensive unit and goaltender Alex Rigsby, who earned her first shutout of the season Sunday. Rigsby has been the base for UW’s success the past two seasons, leading the team to a national championship in 2011 and a second place finish last year. Despite fewer shutouts than expected, the sophomore goaltender boasts a .932 save percentage and is riding a new air of confidence. “[The shutout] was huge I think. Rigsby deserved it; she needed it,” Packer said. “That’s the kind of hockey she can play so we’re going to see a lot more of that from her moving forward.” Using the confidence from the sweep over UNH, the Badgers have the skills and organization needed to defeat this MSU team. The biggest challenge to the team will be its own effort on ice. “We need to be ready to go when the puck drops and play to our level and play the full 60 minutes and if we do that I think we’ve got a pretty good chance of winning,” Johnson said. “But if not then you throw the dice and you don’t know which way it’s going to turn out.” Unlike the Badgers, Minnesota State is coming off two losses to Mercyhurst on the road, a combined 2-11 defeat for the Mavericks. “Now 10 games into the season, we’ll see how our team compares to their team, who’s made more progress and what not,” Johnson said. “I’m sure it will be a close series like it was up there. They were two pretty good games.” The puck is set to drop at LaBahn Arena at 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday afternoon.
Sports Editor Ian McCue
8 | Sports | Friday, November 2, 2012
Badgers seek revenge in home opener Eaves helps honor UW coaching legend before series opener Friday at Kohl Center against CC Kelly Erickson Senior Sports Writer Fifty years ago, the Badgers played their first season in the modern era of Wisconsin men’s hockey. But in the very season they’re celebrating that landmark, they have yet to skate in front of their home crowd — until now. This weekend, Wisconsin (12-1, 1-0-1 WCHA) finally returns home to a welcome befitting of 50 years. Before the Badgers face off with Colorado College (3-30, 0-0-0) Friday night, the Kohl Center ice sheet will be dedicated to former Wisconsin hockey coach, the late “Badger” Bob Johnson. The iconic coach, who spent 15 seasons with Wisconsin from 1966 until 1982, left for a chance to coach in the NHL only after he built the program into one of the most successful in the nation with its first three NCAA titles in 1973, 1977 and 1981. Head coach Mike Eaves, who was captain of the 1977 national championship team, knew Johnson through his NHL days as well. The rink dedication this weekend has allowed Eaves a chance to reflect on his own experiences with his former coach. “It’s allowed me to walk down
memory lane in three different factions, if you will,” Eaves said. “One as a college hockey player, two as a professional hockey player and three as a retired hockey player starting out in the coaching business. So I got the three different veins in the three different time periods of my life and I got to appreciate all three and it’s been really fun to do that.” Eaves admitted in his Monday press conference he didn’t fully appreciate everything he learned from Johnson until much later in his professional career. But now as a coach, he has realized one of the greatest things he learned from Johnson was the need to look at the positives and simply enjoy what you do. “Some days its not so easy to do that, but you have to find that thing and say ‘You know what, I’m going to make this day good. I’m going to make it count, no matter what the situation,’” Eaves said. Friday night, Johnson’s 5-yearold grandchild Brodie McConnell is expected to drop the ceremonial first puck. Originally, his wife, Martha, was going to do the honors, but due to recent poor health, she decided she couldn’t. But regardless of all the ceremony, what Johnson did for Wisconsin isn’t lost on the current Badgers. “Obviously there’s a lot of history and tradition with that, with the amazing job he did here. That’s carried over to this,” junior forward Mark Zengerle said. “That’s why this place is such a prestigious place and program.
Noah Willman The Badger Herald
Senior defender John Ramage will help Wisconsin try to defend its home ice for the first time this year against a Colorado College team on a three-game slide. He started all that. … That’s pretty cool.” After the puck is dropped and the ceremonies are over, Wisconsin will look to avenge some recent embarrassment against Colorado College. Last season, the Badgers and the Tigers only met for two games in Colorado Springs, Colo. While
UW’s offense stumbled, CC managed eight goals on the weekend, sweeping the Badgers by scores of 4-2 and 4-1. Only a year before that, the Tigers knocked the Badgers out of the postseason by winning the final two games of a best-of-three series, once again, in Colorado Springs.
While the 201213 squads are starkly different on both sides of the ice, the Badgers haven’t forgotten about their recent history with the Tigers. “It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth,” senior defenseman John Ramage said. “Whenever you get beat by a team multiple times
for consecutive years, you really don’t want it to happen again. This year we’re really looking forward to playing them and give them our best hockey.” Colorado College has found a substantial amount of success against Wisconsin, even
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Fans must ease up on UW student-athletes Sean Zak Zak It To Ya
Jen Small The Badger Herald
Wisconsin will count on the help of senior middle blocker Alexis Mitchell, who ranks second on the team in kills this season, against two ranked opponents this weekend.
Badgers to take national stage UW faces Ohio State Friday; ESPN2 to air match with No. 3 Penn State Sunday Zach Nelson Volleyball Writer The Wisconsin volleyball team will gain national attention this weekend as it travels to Ohio State and Penn State, two of the top teams in the conference. The Badgers will take on the No. 15 Buckeyes Friday and will then have a date with thirdranked Penn State Sunday, a match that will be televised nationally on ESPN2. Wisconsin will look to build on last weekend’s range of highs and lows. The Badgers beat Illinois Friday, something they had not done in five years, and then lost a heartbreaking fiveset match Sunday to Northwestern. Together, the matches featured some of the best volleyball of the season for Wisconsin and also some of the worst in Sunday’s gut-wrenching loss. UW head coach Pete Waite said moving on from that disappointment will be key in the upcoming weekend. “We don’t dwell on it,” Waite said of the loss.
“We won’t dwell on that because we did a lot of good things in the match. From the way we started to the way we finished was actually really good. We need to focus on the things we need to get better at.” Wisconsin will need to improve if it wants to beat an Ohio State team loaded with talent. The Buckeyes took care of Wisconsin 3-1 in Madison earlier this season. Ohio State is coming off a weekend in which it upset fourthranked Nebraska on the road and swept Iowa, part of a three-match winning streak. The Buckeyes are paced offensively by senior outside hitter Mari Hole, who leads the team with 4.06 kills per set. Defensively, they are led by junior libero Davionna DiSalvatore, who averages a team-best 3.85 digs per set. The country’s No. 15 squad also features a twosetter system. Wisconsin senior middle blocker Alexis Mitchell said the Ohio State match is the first priority. “We need to focus on Ohio State first,
definitely,” Mitchell said. “It’s a match that we know that we can win and our teams are very similar. We have to come back and beat Ohio State this weekend.” The Badgers will then take on perennial powerhouse Penn State after the match with Ohio State. The Nittany Lions made quick work of Wisconsin earlier this season in Madison, dominating the match to earn a three-set sweep. However, the Nittany Lions showed their vulnerability this past weekend, losing their first Big Ten match of the season to Nebraska by a score of 3-2, breaking a 15-match winning streak for Penn State. On the offensive end, Penn State is led by junior outside hitter Ariel Scott, who leads the team with 3.63 kills per set. Junior Deja McClendon adds 3.33 kills per set. Penn State is led defensively by junior middle blocker Katie Slay (1.41 blocks per set) and sophomore libero Dominique Gonzalez (3.59 digs per set). Sophomore setter Micha Hancock
averages 11.61 assists per set and boasts one of the best serves in the Big Ten (41 service aces). Wisconsin junior defensive specialist Annemarie Hickey said despite their stellar résumé, the Nittany Lions are beatable. “I think on any given day and on how we’re playing, we can beat any team in the Big Ten,” Hickey said. “We need to have that confidence and know that we are a good team to beat these teams. It doesn’t matter if they’re ranked or how good they are. It’s just another team on the other side. We need to worry about our side and what we can do best to win that game.” The Penn State match will mark the first time since 2008 the Badgers will be featured on ESPN. The 2008 match was a loss to then-top ranked Penn State. Wisconsin is 11-7 all-time on ESPN network appearances, five of which have been against Penn State, in which the Badgers are 2-3. Waite said it will still just be another match.
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At the moment, Wisconsin sports may seem tumultuous. The starting point guard goes down with a season-ending injury, quickly followed by the starting quarterback. The same thing happened to my high school in 2007, when an outstanding athlete — one who carried the torch of Sturgeon Bay High School sports for that year — tore his ACL. Coincidentally, that man played the position of not only Joel Stave (quarterback), but also Josh Gasser (point guard). But this isn’t high school athletics; this is Division I Big Ten sports — a much grander scale. Rest assured while I cringe, but Sturgeon Bay was nowhere near as successful as Wisconsin. We have grown accustomed to success here at Wisconsin, and frankly, it’s not fair. The format of college athletics — recruit the best, a brief thank you and wave goodbye to them after four years or fewer — doesn’t promote success. The success mounted at Wisconsin, though, has been unparalleled. The football team has finished 10 consecutive seasons with a trip to a bowl game, tied for sixth-best in college football. The men’s basketball team has finished 14 consecutive years with a ticket to the most exciting dance there is, tied for fifthbest in college hoops. No other school has had both a bowl game and tournament appearance throughout each of the past 10 years. Wisconsin is the only one. The greatness of Russell Wilson for one season and Jordan Taylor for two prompts the highest of expectations following their departures. Being the next guy in line and accepting the torch from exiting legends, promising to carry it on to the next crop, can be wonderful. It is a gig that never falls short of criticism, though. And that’s why, at this
point in the crossroads of two seasons, as each program decides between a pair of play-callers and ball controllers, I ask that we quit being so damn critical of student-athletes. How easy it is to just sit back, reclined in a LaZ-Boy or not, and scream Montee Ball isn’t doing his job or that the O-line at “O-line University” just isn’t as dominant as it used to be. Recently, it has even been easier to criticize Danny O’Brien for his shortcomings as a (backup) quarterback. As we’ve learned — and should have known all along — replacing Russell Wilson was impossible. O’Brien was a one-hit wonder attempting to follow up a rockin’ U2 concert. As much as we desperately hoped, it wasn’t going to happen. But does that mean we treat O’Brien as a hasbeen who has no future at Wisconsin? Just eight weeks ago, he was the starting quarterback of the team tabbed for a thirdconsecutive Rose Bowl. Saturday he was cast from the sidelines — where he had spent six games as signal-caller — into the leader of an offense that amounted just seven points in the first half. And he was facing the best defense in the Big Ten, to boot. If you expect a 22-yearold student-athlete to rise to the occasion, without much backing from his offensive coordinator, then you’ve got some successinflated expectations that no one can live up to. It would be different if O’Brien didn’t respect the media, didn’t care for his classes, didn’t act like he loves being a part of the Wisconsin campus and Wisconsin football. In any of those cases, his criticism would likely be warranted. But it’s not all about O’Brien. If Curt Phillips earns the nod as starting quarterback against Indiana Nov. 10, he will be under the same expectations Stave had as quarterback. That’s not fair. Philips hasn’t thrown a pass in a game since 2009. His one pass this season was called back after a penalty. Fans should be less critical of the 20-something
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