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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Students sound off on election Non-partisan organizations promote discourse on issues as voting day nears Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor In the time leading up to today’s election, nonpartisan student groups on campus have remained involved in getting out the vote and encouraging discourse on issues pertinent to students. Chair of the Madison Student Vote Coalition Hannah Somers said they have been working since last November on their campaign to help students get out the vote. MSVC is a non-partisan student organization designed to register, educate and make sure

Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald

President Barack Obama speaks to a crowd of about 20,000 outside the Capitol Monday afternoon. Obama, who visited the UW campus in October, said, “It’s good to be back.”

Obama makes final push In 2nd visit to Madison since October, president makes last case to city’s voters Elliot Hughes Deputy News Editor With only 20 hours until polls opened in Wisconsin for Election Day, President Barack Obama took to the stage near the foot of the Capitol Monday, the first stop of a last-minute blitz to swing battleground states in his direction. According to the Madison Police Department, 20,000 onlookers packed the southeast corridor of the Capitol to watch Obama — along with singer Bruce Springsteen and others running for office — pitch a final argument on what he called “the last day I will ever campaign.” “This is an incredible crowd, it’s good to be back,” Obama said, shortly after stepping up to the podium at about 11 a.m. Obama’s visit was his second to Madison in just over a month and his third to a

Wisconsin city since Thursday. By day’s end, he would go on to visit Des Moines, Iowa and Columbus, Ohio as Election Day loomed. Although many possible scenarios exist, winning those three states could potentially land Obama a second term in the White House. With his back to the CityCounty Building and the stage facing the Madison Municipal Building on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Obama stood with nearly all of the crowd to his left, where the Capitol stood in the distance, adorned with a large American flag. With a cloudless sky, the sun, to the right, warmed the crowd on an otherwise cold November morning. Following a foursong performance from Springsteen, Obama addressed the crowd for 25 minutes. He likened his first-term policies with that of former President Bill Clinton’s, and said by the

end of Clinton’s second term, he had created 23 million jobs, and turned the deficit into a surplus. Obama then aligned the ideas of his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, with former President George W. Bush’s. He said those policies left the country with slow job growth and record deficits when Bush left office. “This should not be that complicated,” Obama said. “We tried our ideas, they worked. The economy grew, we created jobs, deficits went down. We tried their ideas. They didn’t work. The economy didn’t grow … and the deficit went up.” However, according to UW College of Republicans Chairman Jeff Snow, Obama is “nothing like Bill Clinton.” He said unlike Clinton, the president accumulated $5 trillion in debt in his first term and that the former benefited from inheriting a

good economy and from the Internet bubble. “In the meantime, Bill Clinton worked across the aisle,” Snow said. “He championed welfare reforms from Republican governors like Tommy Thompson, so [Obama’s] nothing like Bill Clinton, he can’t work with Republicans, he doesn’t know what bipartisanship is.” During the speech, Obama also listed off several promises he had delivered on over his four years as president. He touched on the conclusion of the war in Iraq, the coming end to Afghanistan, the death of Osama bin Laden, healthcare reform and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. He said businesses created 5.5 million jobs since 2008, while the auto industry is back on top and home values are on the rise. He also talked up clean energy and oil

OBAMA, page 2

Election Information • • •

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Lines will likely be shorter in the morning. Acceptable forms of proof of residence include any official identification card issued by an employer or Wisconsin governmental body, a real estate tax bill or receipt, a current lease, a utility bill from within 90 days of the election, a bank statement or a paycheck. You may present proof of residence on a smartphone or another type of mobile device.

students get out to the polls, Somers said. “The reason we’ve been doing all this is because we want students to have a non-partisan body they can go to with questions about the election,” Somers said. Somers said this year MSVC registered more than 6,000 students and other people on campus to be able to vote. She said after the open registration period ended, they have been calling voters they registered over the past

President Barack Obama and former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., are in a dead heat for the presidential race that concludes today, according to several final polls, and state officials are saying the election is projected to draw a solid turnout of 70 percent in Wisconsin. The final CNN national poll from Sunday shows Romney and Obama tied at 49 percent each, while the latest Politico/George Washington University Battleground tracking poll shows the two are tied at 48 percent as of Sunday after polling 1,000 citizens. Additionally, the final poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal released Sunday showed the candidates deadlocked at 48 percent. Sunday, the Pew Research Center also released its final report that showed Obama at 50 percent and Romney at 47 percent, showing a slightly less close race. Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin, said the competitiveness of the race should lead to increased voter turnout

at the polls today. Reid Magney, spokesperson for the Government Accountability Board, said the estimated voter turnout in the election today in Wisconsin is at 70 percent in an email to The Badger Herald. According to a statement from the GAB, 545,000 absentee ballots have been requested in Wisconsin as of Monday morning. Kevin Kennedy, director of the GAB, said in the statement the early voting has been helpful to the clerks’ offices by allowing them more time to get ready for Election Day. “It is clear absentee voting plays an important role in the election, with more than half a million people making requests during a shorter time period,” Kennedy said in the statement. Kennedy said in the statement it is too early to predict whether early voting numbers in the 2012 election will surpass those of the 2008 election. According to Heck, Wisconsin has traditionally had the second-largest voter turnout in the nation, second to Minnesota.

POLLS, page 2

STUDENTS, page 2

• Witte and Sellery halls vote at Gordon Commons

Various polling from Sunday indicates dead heat; GAB predicts high turnout State Politics Editor

political one and refrains from allying with any one political group because it is a service-based organization concerned with serving the greater community of people on the University of Wisconsin campus. Heyka said in preparation for the election, Badger Catholic, in collaboration with the Wisconsin Union Directorate and the Federalist Society Chapter


Polls show tied presidential race Meghan Zernick

two weeks to answer any questions about voting. She said even something as small as helping someone find his or her polling place is important to the larger goal about spreading the word about voting and making sure people know how to do it. “It is important for students to vote because there are a lot of issues that we vote on that impact our everyday lives,” Somers said. “We all have values and things we care about that come up in the presidential election.” President of Badger Catholic Jake Heyka said the organization is not a

• Bradley, Cole, Dejope, Kronshage, Phillips, Sullivan halls vote at Holt Commons • Adams, Barnard, Chadbourne, Elizabeth Waters, Slichter, Tripp halls vote at Memorial Union

JAMMIN’ IN THE USA Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald

Bruce Springsteen sings to the crowd Monday afternoon as part of a campaign stop with the president.

Parties vie for Senate majority; one seat could determine shift Jake Ebben Reporter The hotly contested Wisconsin state Senate races will conclude with the election today, and the results will play a role in determining the political climate in the state for the next few years. Democrats currently hold a 17-16 majority in the chamber, meaning Republicans need to win just one additional seat to retake the majority in the state Senate. Lisa Subeck, executive director for United Wisconsin, acknowledged it will be a “closely divided” Senate race. She said Republicans could likely once again regain control after today’s election, noting Republicans have made it easier for their party to take back the Senate.

“Through a highly-partisan and highly-politicized redistricting process, Republicans have stacked the deck in their own favor,” Subeck said. Subeck said despite this, there are also many progressive voters across the state who are more involved than ever to protect the Wisconsin Senate from becoming Republicandominated. The volunteers, Subeck said, are trying to keep the Senate “out of the control of (Gov.) Scott Walker and his extreme Republican colleagues.” Subeck noted the Senate’s recent trend of switching majority rule as well. “Anytime one party holds a slim majority it is likely that control may change periodically,” Subeck said. As for how the election


might affect the lives of students in the University of Wisconsin System, Subeck said the difference between who controls the Senate will have great impact on it. “If the Republicans gain control of the state Senate, Governor Walker will be able to push through more cuts to the UW System and to student financial aid,” Subeck said. Brad Wojciechowski, spokesperson for the State Senate Democratic Committee, said he is confident the state Senate will retain a Democratic majority. “We are confident that we will be able to do checks and balances in the Senate,” Wojciechowski said. According to Wojciechowski, the Democrats’ main goal in keeping the house majority is


• Ogg and Smith halls vote at UW Welcome Center • • Merit and Susan B. Davis halls vote at Porchlight

INSIDE Women’s soccer goes dancing Coach Paula Wilkins and the Badgers head to UCLA this weekend for their third NCAA Tournament in four seasons.


The reasoning behind the votes Columnists, staff writers and campus community members explain their voting rationales.



The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, November 6, 2012

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partly cloudy




Faculty Senate postpones HR Design vote Julia Skulstad Campus Life Editor University of Wisconsin’s Faculty Senate voted to postpone a motion that would accept the Human Resources Design Project and send it to the Board of Regents in a meeting Monday. Members of the Faculty Senate voted to postpone the decision to accept the project which would reorganize the university’s HR system until their next meeting in December. The vote passed by 104 in favor, 55 against and two in abstention.

Secretary of the Faculty David Musolf said members expressed an interest in having more details regarding a number of issues with the HR Design Project proposal. Musolf said before they move forward with a vote, many on the board expressed the concern that they wanted to hear the response from executives and receive more details about how the plan will move forward. “[Those present wanted] more details about how the plan will move forward before they vote on it,”

Musolf said. Others expressed an interest in hearing the response of executive sponsors, Musolf said, adding this would include the chancellor, provost and the vice-chancellor for administration. Member of the University Committee, Mike Bernard-Donals said much of the faculty raised questions regarding the HR framework. During the meeting, questions raised mainly addressed provisions about relations to equity and market considerations. Bernard-Donals said

The Faculty Senate will hear more details and put the HR Design Project to a new vote at their next meeting on Dec. 3. Bernard-Donals said at the December meeting, he hopes everyone’s questions are answered in a satisfactory manner. Bernard-Donals said once the Faculty Senate accepts the framework for the HR Design Project, it will move to go in front of the Board of Regents. “I hope to move ahead with the new HR framework that benefits everyone at the University of Wisconsin,” he said.

the idea behind this framework is to make sure faculty are paid based on open rates. Bernard-Donals said this issue is not only internal, but deals with equity and fairness of salaries within the university. He said it is important to make sure people are not paid at different rates for the same job within the UW faculty. “We want to make sure rates are balanced as much as possible,” BernardDonals said. “The idea is to use both internal State of Wisconsin benchmarks and peer benchmarks.”

WISPIRG, AHA present budgets to SSFC Allison Johnson Reporter The Student Services Finance committee of the Associated Students of Madison continued budget hearings for the 2013-2014 fiscal year at a meeting Monday, hearing from two student organizations. The committee heard budget proposals from Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics and Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group. This will be the first year AHA will receive funding from the General Student Services Fund because it is the organization’s first year providing direct services, according to AHA President Chris Calvey.

OBAMA, from 1 independence progress under his watch as well. “You know where I stand, you know what I believe, you know I tell the truth,” he said. But Snow argued he did not do enough in his first term, saying 22 million people are unemployed and 50 percent of recent college graduates are either jobless or underemployed. He also said his policies like the Affordable Care Act hurt job creation. “It’s pretty obvious that the accomplishments that he’s touting haven’t worked,” Snow said. Several recent polls in Wisconsin have Obama ahead

Calvey addressed modifications to the proposed salary budget, saying AHA was looking to decrease the funds originally allocated to this area. He said this decrease was meant to encourage SSFC not to cut any of its positions. “It is our first year providing direct services, and we don’t want to shoot too high,” Calvey said. “It would reflect badly on us if we return too much money.” In contrast to the decrease in the salary line item, Calvey advocated for an increase in the proposed budget for supplies and furniture. He credited this increase to the Canon camcorder the organization is looking to purchase. “We want to buy a video

of Romney. The Marquette Law School’s poll has Obama in a 51-43 lead, while a survey done by NBC, the Wall Street Journal and Marist have him up 50-44. St. Norbert’s College reported a 51-42 advantage. Rasmussen Reports, on the other hand, scored the race at a 49-49 tie. All four polls were released late last week. Apart from Springsteen, the event also featured appearances from State Senator Jon Erpenbach, Congressional candidate Mark Pocan, former U.S. Senator Herb Kohl and his potential successor, U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin — all from the Democratic Party.

POLLS, from 1 Heck said the voter turnout in 2008 was huge, with well more than three million Wisconsinites coming out to vote. Heck attributed this to the general feeling in 2008 of “being part of history” with the first AfricanAmerican candidate for president, he and added this election should see a steady voter turnout as well because it is so close. “There has been so much excitement surrounding this race.” Heck said. “It is a very close race and every vote counts.

camcorder so we can record all our events and put them on our YouTube channel,” he said. “[The channel] already has 60,000 views, so there is clearly a demand.” When asked by SSFC Rep. David Vines why such an expensive camcorder was necessary for the organization, Calvey said it would help the organization carry out AHA’s direct services. He said many people cannot make it to the organization’s events and so they want to see the organization’s videos. SSFC Rep. Sarah Neibart expressed concerns that little of AHA’s budget was going to direct services. “The nature of our direct services is they don’t cost a lot to provide them,” Calvey

STUDENTS, from 1 at the UW Law School, hosted Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, to speak about the history of court cases in religious literacy under President Barack Obama. Regarding the importance for Badger Catholic to take action leading up to the election, Heyka said the organization wanted to be certain someone could speak about these issues. He said he was pleased with Whelan coming to speak because the event pointed out all the different ways the government has

Anytime an election is close more people vote than otherwise would.” Heck said the fact vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is from Wisconsin and Obama has been to the state three times in the last week has added to the excitement Wisconsin is feeling as a swing state, which will hopefully cause more people to vote in the election. According to Heck, the fact there is a close presidential race and a close race for the U.S. Senate seat will also increase voter turnout.

these funds were not coming back to students in the form of direct services. Ten Eyck said if students want to be involved in WISPIRG campaigns, they can and they will get to work directly with the professional staff. Additionally, membership fees for the national U.S. Public Interest Research Group organization is a necessary part of WISPIRG’s budget, Ten Eyck said, because the fees it buys into are essential to the services the organization provides. SSFC Chair Ellie Bruecker questioned the lack of advertising funds in WISPIRG’s proposed budget and how students would be aware of the direct services the organization provides.

said. “Staff time is the only money in our budget that is going directly to direct services.” During the meeting, WISPIRG Chair Emily Ten Eyck presented staff salaries and membership fees as budget priorities for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. While WISPIRG was asking for almost exactly the same amount of funds for their salaries as the previous year, Ten Eyck explained their salary positions are different. She said WISPIRG hires professional issue experts and lobbyists to help it fulfill its campaigns. “Spending money on staff is most effective way to make a difference,” she said. SSFC Secretary Jonathan Harris expressed concern

acted regarding religious liberty for Catholics in the U.S. “In that, we wanted to be certain that someone could come and speak objectively about the true meaning of the different issues facing Catholics in this election so people could be conscious of their vote,” Heyka said. “And in that be conscious of the gravity of the circumstances that we face pending a reelection or a new administration.” Regarding the importance of students voting, Heyka said students have the responsibility to vote what they want done for their future. Social Justice Educator

SENATE MAJORITY, from 1 to “not hemorrhage the backs of students and the middle class.” Dan Romportl, executive director of the Committee to Elect a Republican Senate, said the Republican incumbents should be safe, and there is a good chance one or more of the seats can be taken away from incumbent Democrats. As for the Senate’s trend to switch majority parties, Romportl said he is not surprised. Romportl said the Senate has always been a dynamic legislative body. With only 33 seats, the margin is very close, he said. According to Romportl, the constant changing also has quite a lot to do with whoever is in the highest office.

and Program Planner for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Campus Center Sheltreese McCoy said in preparation of the election, LGBT will have an election results screening. McCoy said they will have an area in the Red Gym to watch the election results and added they will have a discussion afterward if people are up to it. “For LGBT-specific community issues, it is super important for us to be involved because we need to make sure that we elect people that are supportive of policies that make our lives equitable,” McCoy said.

“The top of the ticket usually has a lot to do with the swings in Senate partisan control,” Romportl said in an email to The Badger Herald. According to Romportl, it was the Wisconsin voter’s weariness of Walker’s collective bargaining law that was partially responsible for the Democrats regaining control in the Senate through the use of the recall elections. He said he feels the Wisconsin people are no longer afraid of Act 10, and the state Senate will see different results. “Now that voters are seeing that Act 10 was an overwhelming success they have warmed up to the idea of allowing Republicans to continue to implement reforms that are turning our state’s economy around,” Romportl said in the email.

The Badger Herald | News | Tuesday, November 6, 2012



NOVEMBER 6, 2012

BADGER HERALD OPINION oped@badgerherald.com


E W WHO Today, millions of Americans will go to the polls to participate in historic elections which will determine the future president of the United States, senators and congressmen and local politicians across the country. While there has been no shortage of disagreement on specific details, as citizens we can all agree that today, Election Day,

Obama, Springsteen’s music better represent America we know and love

Hayes Cascia Staff Writer

President Barack Obama has Bruce Springsteen. Who does Mitt Romney have? Kid Rock? Actually, yes. Romney’s theme song for his campaign is “Born Free” by Kid Rock. Bold strategy — let’s see if it pays off. If presidential elections were solely based off of which entertainers supported the

respective candidates, I think we would have a clear cut favorite, except for maybe in Kid Rock’s home state of Michigan and wherever else people still blast the song “Bawitdaba.” However, electing the president is not that easy. As voters, we have to take a candidate’s background into account, decide if they are qualified and also look at the policies they will implement if elected to office. In this election, I felt the policies regarding financial aid for students were the most important. This is because I am currently a student trying to make my way through this university with as little debt as possible so that I can actually pay off my student loans in a reasonable amount of time.

Obama’s policies call for an increase in Pell Grant and scholarship funding, both of which take a big financial burden off of the shoulders of parents and students struggling to pay increasing college tuition bills. On the other hand, Romney suggests that students ask their parents for a loan. Now, I understand it is respectable to pay for your own college tuition and eventually work off loans once you enter the “real world,” but are thousands of dollars in student loan debt also respectable? No. I think the word that best describes student loan debt is “unfortunate” or maybe even the scholarly term “bogus.” We live in a different era than the era in which our parents grew up, and college is not nearly as affordable as it once was.

Because I will be going to school for at least two more years — maybe more, I think that Obama will give me the best chance to get back on my feet financially after graduating from college. Not to mention the fact that the unemployment rate is steadily declining, which means that I will have a better chance of getting a job out of college. This will aid in paying off the smaller amount of loans I hopefully will have, thanks to extra money from grants and scholarships. Obama’s policies stress the importance of higher education. They have been formulated to give most people who want a college education a chance to attain one. As we look to cement our position as the world’s hub for groundbreaking ideas and products, education will play a

key role in promoting higher levels of thinking and innovation, which ultimately will translate into technological and economic success. The United States has already emerged as an innovative leader in industry, and I believe one way to keep our country at the head of the class is to encourage higher education by making tuition more affordable. Whether you were “Born to Run,” like Bruce, or “Born Free,” like Kid Rock, as a college student, it makes the most sense to vote for Obama in this election. Let’s be real — we would much rather have Bruce Springsteen’s music represent our country. Hayes Cascia (hcascia@wisc. edu) is a sophomore majoring in marketing.

Romney platform inconsistent, offensive Nathaniel Olson Columnist Although I’m voting for President Barack Obama for president this fall, I’m mainly voting against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. I’m doing this not because I believe Romney is a bad person or poor business leader, but rather because I believe the values and perspective he brings to the job are not the ones these times call for. In order to make this point in great detail, I would first have to be able to tell you what Romney’s values are. That’s the first problem. In the political environment Romney found himself in a year ago, there was no road to the White House that did not involve a significant amount of pandering, persuading and promising to all the wrong people, namely the ultraconservative wings of the Republican Party. Whether this pandering was domestic, in the case of Tea Partiers or climate change skeptics, or international, such as when Romney visited Jerusalem and to offer his simplistic, racist perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it was never consistent and often

offensive. Although I don’t think that Romney entirely believes the gospel he’s been preaching, I am nervous about handing a blank check to someone who easily bends to the will of congressional Republicans. Unlike Romney, they have no problem telling me what they believe, and what they believe scares me. The president of the next four years will not have to be a foreignpolicy expert or a math whiz from the tax center. Instead, the next president

“. . . Running a country is not the same as running a business. As anyone who used to have a manufacturing job can tell you, the clean efficiency of the market has human consequences.” needs to be a consummate manager, able to handle the inner workings of their own party with one hand, control the reach of the opposing party with the other and paint a grand picture for the American people with every appendage that’s left. There is little doubt in my mind that in the managerial section of a hypothetical presidential exam,

Mitt Romney’s score would dwarf Obama’s. Romney has built his career in the private sector on being the affable fix-it man. Whether as the “severely conservative” governor of liberal Massachusetts, the manager of a successful private equity firm or the savior of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, Mitt has successfully billed himself as manager extraordinaire, the efficiency expert. However, running a country is not the same as running a business. As anyone who used to have a manufacturing job can tell you, the clean efficiency of the market has human consequences. I’m not willing to elect a man who doesn’t see these consequences and doesn’t understand government’s role in alleviating them. Obama got dealt a tough hand in 2008. With the economy collapsing around him he found a way to avoid depression, reform healthcare and pass a major stimulus package, all while preventing cultural regression of social issues. These accomplishments, and many others, earn him the title “good enough”. This Tuesday, vote for the candidate that stresses that old American value of equality among races, genders and economic classes. Make sure the American Dream stays American. Nathaniel Olson (naolson4@wisc. edu) is a senior majoring in political science, history and psychology.

President’s policies look beyond partisan politics, impact all Americans Mayhem and destruction struck the East Coast last week. Shorelines were destroyed, hundreds of thousands were without power and at least 111 deaths were confirmed across nine states. Amidst the chaos, President Barack Obama was a beacon of leadership and exhibited the reasons why the people of the United States should bring him back for another four years. Four years have passed since chants of “yes we can” rang throughout the Kohl Center. Hundreds of thousands of first time voters cast their vote for Obama and poured onto State Street after his election night victory. Many of us were looking forward to bipartisan leadership — a mutual understanding among Democrats, Republicans and all parties in between. Unfortunately, the promise of bipartisan leadership was met with the harsh realities of

Washington politics. Every vote became a dichotomy — common sense became for or against. This reckless course of action drove our nation towards the brink of a fiscal collapse and threatened to undermine any economic recovery. When it came to the jobs numbers, pundits cared more about political advantage rather than the impact of unemployment on the average American household. In 2010, a new breed of leaders took office who hated government. Elected representatives wanted nothing more than to watch Obama fail at all costs, even at the risk of diminishing America’s greatness. Despite the highly partisan and divisive nature present in Washington politics, our president successfully ended the war in Iraq and started to drawdown the war in Afghanistan. He passed the Dodd-Frank Wall

Street Reform and Protection Act. The American Recovery act spurred economic growth amid the greatest recession since the

“[Obama] did what five presidents before him failed to accomplish when he created universal health insurance. The president showed a commitment not to lobbyists, not to wealthy CEOs, but to sensible policies that impact all Americans.” 1930s. President Obama protected women and minorities from wage discrimination. He changed his own stated opinion on gay

marriage, promoting equality for all. He did what five presidents before him failed to accomplish when he created universal health insurance. The president showed a commitment not to lobbyists, not to wealthy CEOs, but to sensible policies that impact all Americans. This list was not generated by rhetoric taken from the Kohl Center, Library Mall or Bascom Hill rallies, but rather generated from inspirational and pragmatic action. Obama went to Washington, and Washington politics did not change. However, despite what hundreds of millions dollars of wasted negative advertisements might claim, Washington did not change Obama. Last week, Hurricane Sandy blew in with no regard for elections or politics. She cared not if you were a Democrat or a Republican, a devoted pro-life supporter, a staunch opponent

of the NRA agenda, a radical leftist or a revolutionary. The storm of the century did not care about the politics of the situation and neither did our president. In the face of this disaster, he shed political favoritism. Red, blue or other, no American was marginalized. He walked alongside Republican Gov. Chris Christie with an agenda greater than Tuesday. For a few brief days, Washington politics was replaced by action. “Yes we can!” had a new meaning. On Tuesday, I will be casting my vote for President Obama. Upon reviewing his accomplishments, decisions and triumphs, I feel there could not be an easier decision on who will keep this country moving forward. Alder Scott Resnick (district8@ cityofmadison.com) represents Madison’s District 8.




represents an opportunity to actively participate in the democratic process of making this country a better place to live by casting our votes. With this in mind, we asked Badger Herald staff writers, columnists and politically-active members of the campus community to explain who they are voting for and why.

Romney gains momentum in Wisconsin as young voters realize priorities President Barack Obama appeared in Madison yesterday for the second time in a month. This visit also marked the third time he has appeared in Wisconsin in the five days leading up to the election, a time candidates only spend in states which they realize are highly contested in the election. After winning the state by a 14-point margin in 2008, the Obama campaign has reason to be concerned because polls now show the race is dead even in Wisconsin. Obama has a Wisconsin problem, and former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., has been gaining momentum in the state. Wisconsinites have clearly come to realize Obama isn’t all he said he would be when we elected him in 2008. We gave Obama four years to

produce an economic recovery. However, 23 million Americans are still struggling to find fulltime employment. Nearly one in six Americans is now living in poverty, and nearly 47 million Americans now receive food stamps. Wisconsinites are not better off than they were four years ago, and neither are our students. Obama has left us an economy where half of recent college graduates cannot find jobs in their fields of study, and he has added $5 trillion in new debt for their generation to pay off. Obama can visit Wisconsin as many times as he wants to, but he cannot hide from the fact we are not better off as a result of his policies. Our nation is at a turning point. America gave Obama a chance in the last election, and he has failed to produce the results

he promised us. Americans can’t afford another four years like the last four under Obama’s failed policies. Four years ago, Obama overwhelmingly won the youth vote based on his promises of hope and change. Today, young Americans in Wisconsin and across the nation will realize their priorities and vote for Romney because he will work with Democrats and Republicans, put the interests of the American people first and deliver the real recovery Obama could only promise. Ryan P. Hughes (ryanpatrickhughes@gmail.com) is the director of public relations for the University of Wisconsin College Republicans. He is a junior majoring in political science and economics.

Sound policies warrant four more years

Spencer Lindsay Staff Writer President Barack Obama has been the first great American president of the 21st century. He has moved American social, economic and international policy in the right direction and has brilliantly and tactfully addressed the problems facing this nation. Not only has Obama earned a second term based on his performance thus far, but also by presenting a plan for our future that is too good to pass up. Obama has proved he is deserving of a second term. Obama saved the economy from the brink of collapse and has aided in economic recovery and job creation. When Obama came to office, the economy was crashing at an alarming rate. In three months, America’s GDP lost nearly 3 percent of its value and in six months the stock market lost over half of its value. Economists estimate the auto

bailout saved about one million jobs, and the stimulus saved somewhere between $1.5-3.5 million. The loans given to the auto industry during the bailout have been paid back, and the city of Detroit is becoming stronger. Obama’s leadership gave the economy just the spark it needed to start growing, and we have created over 3 million jobs since 2010 and our GDP is growing

“[Obama] has moved American social, economic and international policy in the right direction and has brilliantly and tactfully addressed the problems facing this nation. Not only has Obama earned a second term based on his performance thus far, but also by presenting a plan for our future that is too good to pass up.” again. We need to continue this work to make our economy stronger. Obama put in place

Dodd-Frank Act to end the corrupt practices on Wall Street that resulted in the recession, and since then, the stock market has made a nearly complete recovery. Today, we are stronger because of Obama’s leadership on economic issues and continuing those policies will keep us on the track for growth. Obamacare was an excellent piece of policy. Before the bill, we were paying more money for worse coverage than any industrialized nation in the world. Accordingly, the legislation was aimed at making coverage more cost efficient, while raising the quality of care. It is projected to save us nearly $1 trillion in its second decade and will improve the quality of care and expand coverage. On social issues, Obama has continued our nations great march towards equality. He ended Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and allowed gay patriots to serve actively in our military and become the first president in history to voice support for marriage equality while in office. Obama made the decision to not deport any law abiding undocumented immigrant younger than 30-years-old that has been here since childhood. This is fair because as Michelle Obama said at a campaign rally in Wausau,

“No one should have to worry about being deported from the only country they’ve ever called home,” reported the Daily Kos. The first act he signed made it easier for women to sue their employers for pay discrimination. He has appointed two women to the Supreme Court. This administration has made strides in the ongoing struggle for equal rights for all. Perhaps Obama has shined most in foreign policy. His administration and the U.S. military brought a responsible end to the war in Iraq. We are set to withdraw from Afganistan in 2014. The president and NATO worked together to stop Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and prevent genocide. The mission was inexpensive, and we did not built their nation, but rather, we helped the Libyans defeat a brutal dictator and got out. Obama has implemented sanctions to prevent

Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. His administration took action to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice. Obama has made the world a safer place and helped restore our reputation abroad. In his second term, Obama will continue to make this nation green by rebuilding our infrastructure — this will aid in job creation. He will work to pass the DREAM Act to give undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship. There are plans to bring our troops back home. Obama’s proposals are exactly what this country needs. The future of this nation lies in your hands. If we vote to reelect president Obama the United States will be a stronger nation. Please vote Obama to continue the work of this administration. Spencer Lindsay (sclindsay@ wisc.edu) is a sophomore majoring in poltical science.

Baldwin understands importance of education, social initiatives in Wisconsin

Jared Mehre Columnist Your choice for Wisconsin’s next senator is just as important as your choice for president, and as students, sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, we have a clear choice of who that should be. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, is the only candidate who has a decisive plan for making higher education more affordable and a commitment to keeping programs like Social Security and Medicare

around for our senior citizens. If you are attending school, thinking about going to school or have children going to school, Baldwin is your senator. She has consistently voted for measures that would make higher education more affordable. In 2009 Baldwin voted for the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, which expanded Pell Grants by taking money away from big banks and putting that money towards education. Baldwin shows her commitment to education by continually fighting to keep student loan rates doubling. As students, we need more people in Congress who support affordable education. However, education is not only a student’s concern — everybody stands to benefit from more people going to school. It is through education we are able to develop new innovations

that better society. Education is an investment we will all benefit from within our lifetimes. Few of today’s advancements in medicine and technology are made at random by people who have distanced themselves from

“If you are attending school, thinking about going to school or have children going to school, Baldwin is your senator. . . . Baldwin shows her commitment to education by continually fighting to keep student loan rates from doubling.” education. New developments in medicine and technology are being made all the time in our

universities and research labs by people who rely on their education to perform their jobs. Baldwin knows the value and importance of Medicare and Social Security to America’s senior citizens. She was raised by her grandparents and understands how necessary these programs are to the people who have worked hard to build the country we live in. In one of her most memorable quotes on Social Security and Medicare Baldwin said, “I regard them more as promises than programs,” reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. We need these programs so our senior citizens can retire with dignity. These are the people who have been responsible for feeding us, advising us and making the lives we live possible. Baldwin knows this, and she has a clear commitment to keeping these programs available to the people

who have earned them. Former Gov. Tommy Thompson has no commitment to education, and as a well-off senior citizen, he does not need to worry if Social Security and Medicare exist or not. Thompson has made it quite clear he intends to be the, “51st vote to pass [Rep.] Paul Ryan’s [R-Janesville] Pathway to Prosperity,” which would end Social Security as we know it. There are so many key issues at stake in this election, both in our state and in our nation, and we in Wisconsin have the power to decide who controls the presidency and the Senate. Baldwin understands the struggles and aspirations of the people of Wisconsin and is the clear choice for senator. Jared Mehre (mehre@wisc. edu) is a sophomore majoring in political science and sociology with a certificate in criminal justice.


ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Remember films to see this November Bess Donoghue ArtsEtc. Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Denzel Washington’s latest depicts a talented pilot’s struggle with drug and alcohol addictions, in light of a flight that he single-handedly saves from going fatally awry.

‘Flight’ soars despite cliches Screenplay’s attempt to teach moral lessons fizzles Washington’s lead performance Spencer Semonson ArtsEtc. Writer The lofty, prepossessing film “Flight” tries to be a myriad of things and only succeeds at some of them. Starting off strong and disguising its sly motive, “Flight” follows the plight of addict pilot Whip Whitman, a man of many vices who salvages a seeminglydoomed commercial flight out of a tailspin, saving many of the souls onboard. Intoxicated to a laughably minute degree, Whip is dogged by reporters, demonized by a search committee and forced to face a vague past, seen only in snippets of video and dull sepia photographs. This is the first liveaction film Robert Zemeckis (“A Christmas Carol”) has made since the award-winning “Cast Away.” An obvious ploy to make another critically-acclaimed venture, “Flight” does an exceptional job of creating memorable and intriguing characters. Denzel Washington (“Unstoppable”) portrays Whip, a smug, fasttalking pilot who does every drug he can get his hands on while denying he has a problem and treading lightly through the criminal proceedings that the crash inspires. Interweaved in Whip’s tale is that of

Nicole (Kelly Reilly, “Sherlock Holmes”), a heroin addict and selfproclaimed alcoholic who has a harrowing past littered with grief. Although Nicole has little reason for formally appearing at the hospital where Whip is interred or becoming the main reason for his selfreflection, she is given a great breadth and far more gravitas than she deserves. While Reilly strikes the best balance between sallow and sweet in the film, her despondent character is still a plot device — and an obvious one at that. The film plays itself out as a morality tale without any shame surrounding that premise. As clichéd as it sounds, Washington goes through the actions and inactions of an addict, lies about everything to everyone and learns a lesson. There are some complexities laced throughout, but in basic terms, it’s the same door-die story of addiction we have seen so many times before. This is not to say Washington’s performance is any less poignant or disturbing to the point of reality; yet it is one that is revealed through flawed writing that pretends human behavior is a win or lose situation. “Flight” stays enticing throughout, but the ending is lacking the much-needed credibility

that the rest of the film builds toward with effective storytelling. It falls flat. There is very little in the way of humor, unless it is self-inflicted gallows humor from the protagonist. This film is a gritty, moving portrayal of a flawed individual and may be Washington’s greatest performance since “Training Day.” The level of dishonesty, the lack of understanding or awareness in the main character is something that makes this a struggle to comprehend and futile to argue about. That being said, “Flight” was so abundantly tired and rigid in its format that it became formulaic at times — the dead mother, the airplane flying overhead from the hotel room window before the trial, the dumping of the liquor down the drain. They have all been seen in better films a thousand times before. The cast seems to be experienced. Bruce Greenwood (“Super 8”) puts in another stellar performance as the capable stooge to Whip’s hooliganism and addiction. John Goodman (“Argo”) who seems to be blitzkrieging the boxoffice in supporting roles this year, reinvents the persona of the coke dealer as a man with a thankless job,

helping out his client Whip while blurring the line between vulgar thespian and wild child. Although Goodman doesn’t appear onscreen for a substantial amount of time, he comes away looking the most devolved and uncouth in a film that frequently depicts cocaine use, nudity and slurred curse words. Even Don Cheadle (“The Guard”) turns up as the unimpressed but ferocious lawyer who tries to get Whip’s convictions overturned or at least ignored. It is not the fact that there is redemption or even the fervent religious overtones that permeate large portions of the film, but the blatant cop-out at the very end that shelters the realities of addiction. The ending glosses over the relapses and struggles of an addict’s self-admittance that a problem exists. “Flight” stays true to the life struggles of those afflicted with this disease, but its attempt to compromise morality and accuracy with entertainment results in preachiness overall. This film takes the reality out of a real set of circumstances, and for that, it suffers amid its own newfound pretension.



As the holiday season starts to set in, the film industry is gearing up for awards season. This month brings a mix of critically acclaimed films and love stories, including “Life of Pi” (Nov. 21) and the finale to the Twilight series, “Breaking Dawn - Part 2” (Nov. 16). Here is a glimpse of more films coming in November, the month that is poised to offer a satisfying assortment of cinema, from the latest Spielberg drama to the next 007 flick. “Lincoln,” starring Daniel Day-Lewis (“There Will Be Blood”), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (“The Dark Knight Rises”), Sally Field (“The Amazing Spiderman”). Opens Nov. 16. Just to make things clear, this is not “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer.” Huge difference. Instead, it is the new film from acclaimed director Steven Spielberg starring Daniel Day-Lewis, the latter in his first film since “There Will Be Blood,” which garnered him an Academy Award. Day-Lewis plays President Abraham Lincoln during the height of the Civil War, as large amounts of blood continue to be shed, fighting with his administration to declare freedom for slaves. To tell this story of the final four months of Lincoln’s life, Spielberg continued his renowned association with composer John Williams to create what should be a beautiful and emotional score for a deeply historical story.

cast members include Ralph Fiennes (“Coriolanus”) and Judi Dench, who is reprising her role as “M” for the final time. The release of “Skyfall” also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the first James Bond film in 1962, “Dr. No.” “Anna Karenina,” starring Keira Knightley (“A Dangerous Method”), Jude Law (“Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows”), Aaron Taylor-Johnson (“Kick-Ass”). Opens Nov. 16. An adaptation of the Tolstoy novel “Anna Karenina,” this film stars Keira Knightley as Anna Karenina, a high society Russian aristocrat married to Alexei Karenin, played by Jude Law. However, conflict in the story erupts when Anna has an affair with the Count Vronsky, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson. The film is directed by Joe Wright, who has worked with Knightley on other films, including “Atonement” and “Pride and Prejudice.” The film, a historical piece, looks to create great artistry, and it will stand as a contender for the awards season. “Silver Linings Playbook,” starring Bradley Cooper (“The Hangover”), Jennifer Lawrence (“The Hunger Games”), Robert De Niro (“New Year’s Eve”). Opens Nov. 21.

“Skyfall,” starring Daniel Craig (“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”), Helen McCrory (“Hugo”), Javier Bardem (“Biutiful”). Opens Nov. 9.

The recipient of the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival, “Silver Linings Playbook” casts Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence as Pat and Tiffany, respectively — two people struggling with a mix of social issues. Pat in particular is an angry individual. However, as they begin to spend time together, they bring out the best in one another. The relationship grows when Tiffany asks Pat to stand as her partner in a ballroom dance competition. The film also stars Robert De Niro as Pat’s father, struggling to help his son. What started as a small independent film, the brainchild of director David Russell (“The Fighter”) continues to grow in popularity.

The 23rd film in the James Bond series, “Skyfall,” arrives this month starring Daniel Craig in his third performance as the beloved figurehead of espionage. When Bond begins to investigate a series of attacks, he is introduced to a new villain, Raoul Silva, played by Javier Bardem. Other notable

For many, 2012 is shaping up as a great and even historic year for film, with notable releases like “Dark Knight Rises” and “Moonrise Kingdom” already this summer. November promises to provide a positive start to the time of year that annually brings the best of the best in film.

Nutritional breakfasts helps body weight, brain function Rachel Werts Low-fat Tuesday Columnist Mornings during a college semester can often seem like a 100-meter dash. We rush to get dressed, pack our books, study last-minute for that big exam and zoom out the door to class. It is not surprising, then, that many of us skip the first meal of the day. So what is the big deal? Is breakfast really the most important meal? Many studies show eating breakfast can play a part in maintaining a healthy body weight. The word “breakfast” literally means “to break the fast.” Breakfast provides your body and brain the nourishment it craves after an overnight fast. Having a meal in the morning helps you feel satisfied longer and helps deter snacking later in the day. Eating is essential to kickstarting your metabolism for the day. While you are sleeping and fasting, your body slows down many processes and burns less calories. Eating breakfast

helps send the signal that it is time to bring these systems back up to speed. The National Weight Control Registry, which follows people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least one year, cites that 80 percent of participants regularly eat breakfast. However, the correlation only exists for a healthy, balanced breakfast low in fat and high in protein or whole grains. Having a meal in the morning also is necessary to get your brain functioning at its optimal level. Your brain needs glucose to function, and after a night of not eating, your body’s stores have been depleted. After a night of not eating, there is a decline in blood glucose and insulin concentrations. Even for someone who does not have morning classes, people who eat breakfast report having more energy throughout the day. According to the Mayo Clinic, skipping breakfast is associated with a reduced physical activity level throughout the day. So if you want to prevent that midday slump or play your best at that intramural sports game, make sure to fuel up in the morning. The benefits of breakfast don’t just stop at weight maintenance, concentration

and increased energy. Breakfast can also help you have an overall healthier diet and better nutritional status. John Hopkins University explains that people who do not eat breakfast most often do not make up the vitamins and minerals on which they missed out. When many of us skip a healthy meal in the morning, we pick snacks high in sugar and fat to curb our hunger later in the day. Thus, eating a healthy breakfast regularly contributes to a nutritionally adequate diet that is high in nutrients and low in empty calories. So, there you have it. There are many positive outcomes to eating a healthy breakfast every morning. Now, one may wonder — what does a healthy, balanced breakfast consist of? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND, formerly known as the American Dietetics Association or the ADA) recommends filling your breakfast plate with lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that participants who ate lean protein in the morning felt fuller and consumed less calories throughout the day than those who did not. Sources of lean protein include one to two slices of Canadian bacon, eggs and egg whites, low-fat yogurt

and peanut butter. Note that studies show the cholesterol in eggs does not contribute to higher blood cholesterol levels, and they can contribute to a healthy diet. Low-fat yogurt is a great source of protein and also can be a significant source of calcium in the diet. It also goes well with fruit, which is another recommended breakfast food. Fruit is a nutrient-dense option that can add natural sweetness to your breakfast. Whole grains are rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Foods with a high fiber content are digested at a slower rate and can help you feel fuller for longer. Good sources of whole grains are whole grain bread products, whole grain cereals, oatmeal and even wholewheat pancakes or waffles. Make sure to look for “wholewheat” or “whole-grain” in the label. Products labeled “multi-grain” may or may not contain whole grains. Lastly, vegetables can easily be added to omelets or other egg dishes to boost the nutrient content and flavor, of your morning meal. This week’s recipe is perfect for an on-the-go breakfast. Pair with a glass of low-fat milk or a carton of low-fat yogurt, and feel free to incorporate a lean protein source as well. To learn more

about healthy breakfast ideas, I recommend checking out AND’s website eatright.org. Rachel Werts is a senior in the

dietetics program. Readers may email any comments, questions or column topic ideas directly to her at Wisconsin.dnc@gmail. com.

RECIPE OF THE WEEK Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin Ingredients: 1 2/3 cups quick-cooking oats 2/3 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups low-fat buttermilk 1/4 cup canola oil 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 2 large eggs 2 cups frozen blueberries 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour Cooking spray 2 tablespoons granulated sugar Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place oats in a food processor; pulse five to six times or until oats resemble coarse meal. Place in a large bowl. Weigh or lightly spoon flours into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Add flours and next five ingredients (through salt) to oats; stir well. Make a well in center of mixture. Combine buttermilk and next three ingredients (through eggs). Add to flour mixture; stir just until moist. Toss berries with two tablespoons flour, and gently fold into batter. Spoon batter into 16 muffin cups coated with cooking spray; sprinkle two tablespoons granulated sugar evenly over batter. Bake at 400° for 20 minutes or until muffins spring back when touched lightly in center. Remove from pans immediately; place on a wire rack. Let them cool and enjoy!

To place an ad in Classifieds: Elise Watson ewatson@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Tuesday, November 6, 2012



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dig it.

Sports for him as he looks on from a sofa instead of the weeks and planned to sideline bench. “He literally can’t do get another x-ray of his collarbone Monday to see anything for the next eight weeks, but he can how it was healing. “If I could, I would definitely get better,” really like to [play],” Stave Bielema said. “He’s got said of making a return to process the game. … in the postseason. “I He’ll be able to work don’t want to do anything all this week during stupid and press it and the practices, see how try and get back before the gameplan comes I’m ready, just set myself together, because he back again. I trust what hasn’t been a starter against the doctors Indiana. But tell me, and I hopefully he know my body “He literally will be in the and when I’m can’t do future.” feeling good.” As tough as Stave will anything for breaking his not travel to the next eight collarbone in Bloomington, weeks but he a critical Big Ind., this Ten game was weekend with can definitely for Stave to the rest of his get better.” swallow, he teammates. said he will For the first Bret Bielema still reflect time since Head Coach on his first arriving at year as a UW in 2011, he will — like most fans UW starter with positive — watch the game on memories. “It was a really good television alongside other teammates who are opportunity for me to get to play and I learned so staying back in Madison. “It’s going to be really much in the six games I got to start and the half different,” he said. Now relegated to the I got to play against Utah sidelines, Bielema said State also,” he said. “Just the redshirt freshman can learned more every game continue to develop as a and really enjoyed every quarterback even without opportunity.” Five weeks after his stepping onto the playing field before the spring. first game as a starter While he won’t be able against UTEP, the former to prove his growth as a walk-on may have to passer through games, again battle his way to Stave hopes the game will the starting spot come continue to slow down March.

STAVE, from 10

BIG DANCE, from 10 whole. “It is definitely a good thing,” Walls said. “We definitely want to make our program somewhere that there is always competing and is one of the top programs in the country. So it’s exciting and I think it’s something that we should come to expect of ourselves. This just kind of sets the standard for the program.” Wisconsin will have a

DANIELS, from 10 history (3.01), an essential attribute for any point guard in Ryan’s system. But as far as scoring is concerned, without one clear star player on the team, the role players who might have settled for a pass to Taylor at the top of the key last year will now be forced to create their own plays this year. At first that might be a bit worrisome, but the vast majority of players that make it onto Ryan’s squad are fundamentally sound and perfectly capable of making that big shot themselves. With a fully stocked senior frontcourt in Jared

full week of practice to avenge its early season loss to UCLA, but Bielefeld says the team will start preparing for the game right away. “Preparation starts immediately, especially mentally,” Bielefeld said. “We knew it was not a for sure thing and that we were on the brink. So I think that everybody is pretty excited and pumped. We will start practicing tomorrow right away and preparing for the game.”

Berggren, Ryan Evans and Bruesewitz, there will not be immediate pressure on the young point guards to become Wisconsin’s main scoring threats from the first tip, either. So when the first close game of the year comes around and the Badgers are forced to heave up one last buzzer-beating shot at the end of a game, fans might not know who will take the all-important shot. But then again, neither will the Badgers’ opponents. Nick Daniels is a junior studying journalism. Who do you think should take a gamewinning shot for the Badgers? Email him at ndaniels@ badgerherald.com.


NO JOKE: JUST VOTE Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Tuesday, November 6, 2012













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.

















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.




The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17




Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }























34 37


















































55 59

Puzzle by Ethan Cooper










Across 1 Like the people on the Forbes 400 list 5 Mountains out of molehills 10 ___ facto 14 Restatement? 15 First group to get invites 16 Like an “Open 24 hours” sign, perhaps 17 It’s impressive 18 Former French first lady ___ BruniSarkozy 19 “Surely you ___” 20 “The Tsar’s Bride” composer 23 N.Y.S.E. debut 24 Prefix with -logue 25 It has its own Grammy category 34 Taken into account in

35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42

43 46 47


56 57 58


terms of a container’s weight Crosswise, at sea Some genetic coding, for short Dramatic cry Sneaked Do some post office work Crony Wipe the board clean Possible result of doing questionable accounting NASA launch of 1990 Untreated Cricket World Cup powerhouse: Abbr. Beginning of 20-, 25- or 43-Across Minimal resistance Coupling Spanishspeaking explorer Airhead

61 Programme shower 62 Operating system since 1969 63 Leave rolling in the aisles 64 Witchcraft trials city 65 John, Paul or John Paul Down 1 One who knows what it means to travel 2 Cake decorator 3 Spiced Indian tea 4 Feedback producers 5 Add for good measure 6 Oil of ___ 7 Straightbladed dagger 8 Home for Ibsen 9 Observed intently 10 Locked up 11 Furtive look 12 Nothing to write home

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com

about 13 Airing 21 Went 80 or 90, say 22 ___ folder 25 Kind of infection 26 Pacific island nation 27 Toothbrush brand 28 “The ___ Home,” 1996 Emilio Estevez film 29 Carrying a lot?

CROSSWORD 30 Push away 31 Tortellini in ___ (Italian dish) 32 Tear open 33 Not glossy, as a photo 38 Army barber’s specialties 39 Was obsequious, informally 41 Israeli carrier 42 ___ example 44 Light, as a conversation 45 Louis Braille or Louis Chevrolet 48 Joins as a couple 49 Word repeated before “the gang’s all here” 50 “Cómo ___?” 51 Most eligible for service 52 Grinding place 53 Firehouse fixture 54 “What were you thinking?!” 55 Common game show prize 59 Guitar, slangily

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The Badger Herald | Sports | Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Trask hoping for improved offense Rau carrying defense as Badgers prep for Big Ten Tournament in Evanston Michigan Wednesday, it would face either Sports Writer the Buckeyes or the After finishing Wildcats Friday. UW has a better the regular season, Wisconsin men’s soccer recent history against head coach John Trask Michigan, beating them remained optimistic 2-1 at home Oct. 13. at his weekly press Midfielder Nick Janus forward Chris conference Monday and about his team’s chances Prince each netted a heading into the Big Ten goal that day, twice beating Wolverine Tournament. Adam Wisconsin (6-7-5, 1-3-2 goalkeeper Big Ten) left Columbus, Grinwis, who leads the Ohio, with a scoreless Big Ten in saves with 78. “If we get one [goal], draw Sunday, tying Ohio State 0-0. Although a who knows. We might win was preferred, a be able to start rolling,” tie was enough to earn Trask said. “If we can them the six seed in the nip a goal and start to conference tournament. really believe, really The Badgers face third- good things can happen seeded Michigan (8-8- for this group; we’ve got 1, 3-2-1) Wednesday in a lot of experience out there.” Evanston, Ill. While Wisconsin “Looking forward to playing against a has shown it may have Michigan team that what it takes to produce we’ve competed well enough offense in the against over the last tournament, it will face a couple of years,” Trask Michigan team that has said. “While the sixth won four of its last five seed playing the third games. The Wolverines seed is never easy, we have only given up four feel pretty good this goals in that period, and week going into the Big a single goal in the last three. Ten Tournament.” Trask maintained The Badgers have a history with the if his team wants to Wolverines in the succeed in this year’s Big Ten Tournament, tournament, the offense beating them last year in must build some kind of the first round 2-0 after rhythm. To put it simply, losing to the Wolverines goals are a necessity. “We need to find a 1-0 in the semifinal the goal or two,” Trask said. year before. One important factor “There’s no way we are in the success Wisconsin going to continue to has had this season has go through on penalty been a stingy defensive kicks or not scoring.” Trask remained effort, led by the last line however, of defense — freshman positive, goalkeeper Chase Rau. continually citing the Rau was named Big Ten quality play of the defense and Defensive how crucial it Player of the Week “There’s no way is at this time of year to play for the we are going great defense second against the week in to continue to best teams a row go through on the Big Ten Monday, penalty kicks or has to offer. and the not scoring.” “We really third preach time this season — a John Trask defense this Wisconsin Head Coach time of year. As it gets record. colder and Rau has posted four shutouts teams get stingier you in the last five games, want to be one of those culminating in a six- teams [that play good save effort Sunday defense],” Trask said. against Ohio State. Trask “You don’t want to be a praised Rau ahead of the team that leaks goals.” The Badgers have game on Wednesday. “He’s playing very looked good against well,” Trask said. “He’s quality opponents the making the big saves for last few weeks and have us, but he’s also playing lost only one in their with a lot of moxie for a last six, with two of those matches ending in freshman.” Rau has not allowed draws. Trask made it seem a goal over his last 261 minutes in goal, and he there is an air of is third in the Big Ten positivity and optimism in saves, tallying 56 in 15 surrounding the men’s soccer team, that UW games. The defense has believes it can make an been very reliable. The impact in a challenging offense, however, has path through the Big been more unstable. The Ten Tournament. “Hopefully we can Badgers are scoreless in their last two games find a goal and continue — Sunday against the to play some quality Buckeyes, and Oct. 28 at defense, and move on,” home to Northwestern Trask said. “We’d like to in another scoreless be in Chicago through tie. If Wisconsin beats next Sunday.”

Cole Monka

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

Redshirt junior Danny O’Brien entered the season as the starting quarterback and is currently in a two-man race with senior Curt Phillips to own the spot for this weekend’s game against Indiana.

QB situation remains murky Bielema to tell team Tuesday who will start under center; Wagner will return against Indiana Chris Caporale Sports Writer As the Wisconsin football team prepares for a critical matchup against Indiana Saturday, the biggest question mark is still attached to the quarterback position. Wisconsin (6-3, 3-2 Big Ten) head coach Bret Bielema focused on this issue in detail during his weekly press conference Monday, saying he will let the team know Tuesday who will earn the starting nod against Indiana (4-5, 2-3). He will not publicly announce his starter ahead of the game, leaving plenty of speculation as to whether Danny O’Brien or Curt Phillips will take the opening snap. Bielema added both O’Brien and Phillips practiced “extremely well” last week. But regardless of who lines up under center, UW’s head coach said both know what the coaches expect of them at quarterback. “They just have to do the little things well — take care of the football, move the chains, hit the guy that’s open, make the correct call at the line of scrimmage, get us out of a bad call, be able to handle the flow of the game,” Bielema said. “Those things all kind of can be simulated during practice, but you have to base a lot off what you see during the

game.” Bielema added it was more the steady play of Stave than the shaky play of O’Brien that allowed the redshirt freshman to take over the starting role midway through the third game of the season. “I wouldn’t say (O’Brien) slid down as much as other people moved up. Joel proved to us he deserves the opportunity to get in there,” Bielema said. “That’s when I made the transition to where we are today.” Along with the quarterbacks, the wide receivers have also dealt with their own set of injuries. Jeff Duckworth, the hero of the Big Ten Championship game last year, and Chase Hammond, a player who has shown flashes of potential this year, have all fought off injuries this year according to Bielema. Awaiting the Badgers Saturday is a rejuvenated Hoosiers team with a high-scoring offense. In its second year under head coach Kevin Wilson, the fast-paced spread attack is moving the chains efficiently against Big Ten defenses. Indiana’s scheme is different from that of many teams the Badgers have faced so far this year, as they play at a higher tempo — one that could create problems for the UW defense.

Wisconsin has four or five defensive players that rotate in the defensive tackle and defensive end positions who only play 10 to 12 snaps during the game. But the up-tempo style may not leave enough time for those planned substitutions. Indiana’s defense has also been playing well coming into this week and will line up against a UW offensive line that will have Ricky Wagner starting at left tackle after missing two games. “You’ve got to be able to get rid of the football when you’ve got pressure,” Bielema said. “By that same account, you’ve got to be sound in their protections.” Having the week off has been crucial for the Badgers as key pieces — notably Wagner and defensive end Tyler Dippel — had time to heal injuries and returned to practice during the bye week. Dippel will add depth to a defense that has generally looked impressive this year, as each of the team’s three losses this year have come by three points. But Bielema said the defense is trying to improve its reputation of giving up key scores late in games. “Case in point would be our last game [against Michigan State],” Bielema said. “You’re only as good as your last, and you only are remembered for how you finish games. We

obviously weren’t able to close it out the way we wanted.” As the calendar flips to November, the Badgers are about to enter the most important stretch of the season. With the Big Ten Championship game in UW’s sights, there is not much room for error this weekend. A win over Indiana will secure the Badgers a spot in the Big Ten Championship game, while a loss will leave Wisconsin and Indiana tied, with the Hoosiers holding the tiebreaker. UW still has games remaining against Ohio State and Penn State to finish out the regular season. “Since I’ve been here and the past three years, the month of November are all big games,” Bielema said. “It doesn’t matter what your opponent is or who it is, the games in the month of November matter.” The games may be gaining importance for where Wisconsin lands this bowl season, but the head coach said it is not changing his squad’s preparation. “We have a three-game schedule that we have to complete before we move on to the next phase of our season,” he said. “And I think they’ll take it as a one-game approach, as they have every year here in November and hopefully have a positive result.”

Kelsey ready to roll with freshmen Bauman impresses women’s basketball head coach with 17 points in final exhibition game Matt Gailani Sports Writer

The Wisconsin women’s basketball team began its season last week with two exhibition wins over UWLa Crosse and ConcordiaSt. Paul. Head coach Bobbie Kelsey addressed the pair of solid exhibition performances in her weekly press conference Monday. With the preseason schedule finished, attention has now turned to the regular season, where the Badgers will have one of the youngest teams in the nation. UW ranks 20th nationally in terms of least amount of experience. “We’re going to have to play some young ones this year,” Kelsey said. “But that’s how you learn; we’re going to have to roll with it.” Wisconsin did a nice job rolling with it last week, as all five freshmen played in each game. “I was pleased with some of our freshman that really came out and played really well,” Kelsey said. “Especially Nicole Bauman, she did a really nice job for us, and Dakota Whyte as well. Shannon Malone played a lot of minutes.” The Badgers’ first game came against La Crosse Thursday, dispatching the

Eagles 90-39 and holding she played an official game them to just 15 points in … I knew she would come the fi rst half. UW’s second in and do those things opponent, Concordia because Nicole shows St. Paul, offered more those things in practice.” According to Kelsey, of a challenge, grabbing 42 rebounds and only Bauman’s confidence has trailing by six points going her playing at a level above into halftime. However, most first-year players. “In high school, she Wisconsin would pull away in the second half, was a very high energy outscoring the Golden player, a good scorer. She Bears 31-24 for the 60-47 is not afraid; she doesn’t play like a freshman,” she win. In the exhibition game continued. “Her demeanor with La Crosse, Whyte led and her confidence levels are very high. the Badgers She almost looks with five like an upper assists in her classman. You 24 minutes of “We’re going wouldn’t be able play off the to have to play to tell if you bench, scoring some young didn’t know who 10 points and she was. She swiping six ones this year. steals. But that’s how knows she can Bauman, you learn; we’re play.” Bauman the former going to have to certainly cannot Gatorade afford to play State Player roll with it.” like a freshman of the Year, is a freshman Bobbie Kelsey this year. The face from New Head Coach Badgers a grueling Berlin, Wis. schedule, Bauman saw one that is time in both exhibition games and considered to be of the co-led the Badgers along nation’s toughest, with games against with guard Morgan Paige road with 17 points against Gonzaga and UW-Green Concordia, a performance Bay. However, while it that did not surprise her looks plenty challenging on paper, these games coach. “I watched Nicole — can have an upside as recruited her the last year well, according to Kelsey. and a half,” Kelsey said. “I Especially for a young expected that from her. team like Wisconsin. “We know we’re going Like I’ve been saying the whole time, even before to have to battle the whole

year,” Kelsey said. “When you play tough teams, it should motivate them to aspire to be the teams you’re playing that go to the NCAA tournament and have won their conferences. We don’t want to schedule soft and expect to play for the Big Ten [title]. We have to play that kind of competition to get ourselves ready for the Big Ten conference schedule because it’s going to be tough as well. I think when you play tougher teams, you give yourself a chance to compete in the Big Ten.” Kelsey presents a valid point when you consider the Big Ten boasts four teams ranked in the preseason AP Top 25: No. 19 Ohio State, No. 18 Nebraska, No. 21 Purdue and No. 8 Penn State. Before UW begins Big Ten play and teams like Gonzaga, they must first open their regular season this Sunday, Nov. 11 at 6 p.m., against WisconsinMilwaukee. The game will be a homecoming for firstyear Panthers’ assistant coach Janese Banks. Banks played for the Badgers from 2004-08. Banks may not receive a warm reception, however, as the Badgers have dominated the series 21-1 all-time, with the Panthers’ last win being a 78-77 decision in 1992.

Sports Editor Ian McCue sports@badgerherald.com

10 | Sports | Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Stave reflects on season-ending hit Ian McCue Sports Editor Nine days removed from the William Gholston hit that knocked him out for the season, former Wisconsin starting quarterback Joel Stave entered the McClain Center Media Room Sunday with his left arm resting in a black sling. After breaking his collarbone less than 10 seconds into the second half of an eventual 1613 overtime loss for the Badgers to Michigan State Oct. 27, Stave said he was all but sure his collarbone was broken immediately following the hit from the Spartans’ 6-foot-7 defensive end. “Right when I got tackled I could kind of hear it and I was able to touch it and feel a bit of a lump there, so I assumed it was a break,” Stave said Monday, the first time he has spoken publicly since the injury. “Then after the doctors came out there, that’s what they said.” “[Gholston] picked me

up and drove me, and he’s a really, really big, strong guy and with the way I landed on it, it was going to happen.” The disappointment evident in his voice as he replayed the sack, Stave said as he headed into the locker room he looked into the stands and saw his mother tearing up. It was at that point — exiting after what may have been his best half as the Badgers’ starting quarterback this season — that his eyes also welled up with tears. Before he left the game and handed over the reigns of the offense to redshirt junior Danny O’Brien, Stave completed nine of his 11 passes for 127 yards and a touchdown. “I felt like as an offense we were playing well, we were moving the ball, we were converting some third downs which we hadn’t done as well in previous games,” Stave said. “I was happy with how things were going.” Despite the frustration of leaving the game, head coach Bret Bielema said

that, although difficult, it was a defining moment for the young signal-caller. “I learned a lot about him during that moment of the game,” Bielema said at his weekly press conference Monday. “He was very upset emotionally. I think it physically hurt him but he also had tears of emotion. … I knew how much it meant to him for him not to be out there and I think it’s good for our players to see that as well.” Bielema also said he has been forced to keep an eye on Stave during practice, as the redshirt freshman has had a difficult time completely separating himself from the action despite the severe limitations imposed by the injury. Though he will miss the remainder of the regular season, Bielema said last week there is a slight chance Stave could return for a bowl game. The Greenfield native said he will keep his arm in a sling for the next several

STAVE, page 7

Andy Fate The Badger Herald

Redshirt freshman quarterback Joel Stave left an eventual 16-13 loss to Michigan State early in the third quarter after a sack from MSU defensive end William Gholston. Stave admitted he got emotional after seeing his mother crying in the stands as he headed for the locker room.

UW may be better off without Taylor Nick Daniels Nick’s Picks

Megan McCormick The Badger Herald

Forward Cara Walls and the Badgers had their season extended by at least one game as they were selected to face UCLA in the NCAA Tournament Saturday in Los Angeles.

Badgers bound for Big Dance Women’s soccer busts bubble, to face off with UCLA for 2nd time this season Spencer Smith Women’s Soccer Writer For the third time in four years, the University of Wisconsin women’s soccer team has made the field of 64 in the NCAA tournament, earning an at-large bid Monday. Wisconsin (12-7-1, 5-51 Big Ten) will travel to Los Angeles this weekend where they will take on No. 2 UCLA (15-2-2, 8-2-1 Pac-12) Saturday. Entering the NCAA tournament selection process, UW was considered a bubble team, not a sure bet of making the Big Dance. Senior defender/ midfielder and team captain Joana Bielefeld said the team was together waiting to hear if they had made the tournament and the entire team was ecstatic to find out its fate. “We knew that we were kind of on the edge there,” Bielefeld said. “They put [the selection show] on the big screen. So we were all watching as all of the teams came up, and UCLA came up, and all of a sudden our name came up next to them and we all just jumped up and started screaming. We are pretty excited to be given this second chance

for another game and hopefully more beyond that.” It looked as though UW would have a tough time making the NCAA tournament just a month ago, but the team went on to win five of its last six games of the regular season. The Badgers will be meeting the Bruins for the second time this season, after losing in their first matchup 2-0 at Los Angeles’ Drake Stadium. Sophomore forward and Wisconsin leading scorer Cara Walls said Wisconsin learned from its earlier game with UCLA and will put that experience to use while getting ready for the Bruins the second time around. “Obviously they have really good players,” Walls said. “They have one player that is kind of the key of their offense that is Zakiya Bywaters. She’s a really good player, but we know if we can stop her from getting behind our defense, that eliminates a lot of the pressure they get from offense.” Bywaters has 13 goals on the season, including one against the Badgers in their August matchup. The Badgers are 13-15-

2 in NCAA tournament games in program history and are 3-2 in their last five games in the tournament. Most recently, in 2010, Wisconsin won their first round game against UW-Milwaukee before losing to Marquette in a

“Everybody starts over at this point. Your record doesn’t matter; who you beat or lost to doesn’t matter. Everyone knows that this could potentially be their last game.” Joana Bielefeld Defender/Midfielder shootout in the second round. The Badgers’ NCAA tournament bid is the first in Walls’ career with Wisconsin, and the sophomore said she is glad the seniors have one more chance to take the field with this team. “I was really excited for our team and all of our hard work,” Walls said. “I am really excited for our seniors. We have

a really good group of seniors, and I am really proud that we were able to make it so that in their final year they can go to the NCAAs.” After finding out they will be heading to California this weekend, Bielefeld said the coaches had a very simple message for the team. “[Head coach] Paula [Wilkins] said to us, ‘It is a new season,’” Bielefeld said. “Everybody starts over at this point. Your record doesn’t matter; who you beat or lost to doesn’t matter. Everyone knows that this could potentially be their last game. She said it’s a whole different ball game. Everyone is throwing everything out there.” This 2012 marks the ninth tournament appearance for head coach Paula Wilkins and her third with Wisconsin. Wilkins led Penn State to two Final Four appearances while coaching the Nittany Lions. Walls knows making the tournament is a positive moment not just for the team, but for the Wisconsin women’s soccer program as a

BIG DANCE, page 7

After the public unveiling of the Wisconsin men’s 201213 basketball team Sunday during the annual Red/White Scrimmage, Badger basketball fans may have less to worry about this season than they originally thought. Call me crazy, but maybe expectations should even be raised. With the losses of Jordan Taylor, who graduated last spring, junior guard Josh Gasser to a season-ending torn ACL and senior forward Mike Bruesewitz for fourto-six weeks with a leg laceration, it would have been understandable to expect this season to be a down year. The preseason AP ranking of No. 23 might just have been a bit too lofty an expectation for a ragged Badger team. But if you thought that, as many people have in the past, then you obviously must be unfamiliar with head coach Bo Ryan. In his 11 years at the helm of Wisconsin, Ryan has never failed to make the NCAA tournament — giving the Badgers the seventhlongest appearance streak in NCAA history — sometimes with the most mediocre of teams garnering the most impressive results. Ryan has become famous for his plug-and-chug basketball program and has continued to replace last year’s stars with new ones year in and year out. If Sunday’s scrimmage is any indication, Ryan seems to have proven that he can do it once more, despite this year’s needs being greater than in years past. Generally not an important part of the UW preseason, all eyes were glued to the key matchup between redshirt freshman George Marshall and sophomore Traevon Jackson as they battled for the vacant point guard position. The two young guards didn’t disappoint either, as Jackson finished with 16 points and Marshall finished with 14. In Taylor-esque fashion, Jackson did not turn the ball over, and Marshall only turned it over twice. Now, before I continue, I am by no means arguing

their statistics in the Red/ White Scrimmage indicate they will put out those kinds of numbers all season. But it does indicate both players are familiar with and capable of executing in Ryan’s system when called upon to do so. While Taylor may have been one of the best players to ever grace the Kohl Center hardwood, it could be argued that the Jordan Taylor of 201112 was too talented to play on Ryan’s team last year. Just look at the seasonending play against Syracuse in the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA tournament. With the final few seconds on the clock winding down and the Badgers down by one to the Orange, Taylor passed the ball to then senior forward Rob Wilson, who immediately passed it straight back to Taylor. With time about to expire, Taylor heaved up a Hail Mary effort that didn’t even manage to touch the rim, leaving Gasser, who recovered the miss, too little time to toss up for one more good attempt. Unfortunately, this was the theme last season, not the exception, as teams knew exactly whom to watch for when the Badgers were in trouble in the waning seconds of a close game. Perhaps even more importantly, even though Taylor had proven himself to be a clutch shooter in his first three seasons and periodically throughout his senior campaign with Wisconsin, he was not the most efficient shooter on the team in 2011-12 by any means. On the season, Taylor had the second-worst field goal percentage among the starting five, shooting just more than a .400 clip. When you isolate his three-point shooting, Taylor’s percentage (.369) ranked third-worst in the starting lineup. Some of the Badgers’ most impressive, balanced scoring runs occurred in the rare moments when Taylor was taking a breather on the bench. And yet, time and again Taylor was the go-to player for a last-second three-point heave. Without Taylor around to toss up the last-second shot this year, things are already guaranteed to be different. I am not arguing that Taylor’s presence on the team won’t be missed. It will. He had the best assistto-turnover ratio in NCAA

DANIELS, page 7

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