Monday, November 12, 2012
Officer shoots, kills alleged burglar Policeman fires weapon after physical struggle with suspect McKenzi Higgins Herald Contributor A man was shot and killed by a Madison police officer early Friday morning during a physical confrontation in connection to a residential
burglary on the 500 block of South Baldwin Street. According to a statement by the Dane County Medical Examiner’s Office, the deceased has been identified as Paul Heenan, 30, of Madison. “The results of the autopsy confirm that his death was the result of firearm-related trauma,” the statement said. “Additional case testing is currently underway.” According to a Madison Police Department
The MPD statement said Heenan lived in the neighborhood where the burglary occurred. DeSpain said officers responded to the scene of the burglary after a woman called 911 because she heard the door to her home opening. The first officer on the scene saw the woman’s husband and the suspect struggling outside of the home, according to DeSpain. He said Heenan got into a physical
statement: “Officer Stephen Heimsness is the officer directly involved in the incident. He joined the MPD in 1997. Officer Stacy Troumbly provided emergency life-saving measures to the person who was shot. She joined the MPD in 2011.” The officers involved have been placed on administrative leave, MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain said. This is standard protocol for an officer involved in a shooting.
altercation with the officer, despite the officer telling the man to get down multiple times. DeSpain said during the physical confrontation the suspect was shot by the officer. According to the statement, MPD personnel immediately began performing life-saving measures and were aided by the Madison Fire Department paramedics, although the attempts were unsuccessful.
DeSpain said the man was pronounced dead at the scene. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said a meeting in the Marquette neighborhood, where the incident occurred, would be held sometime within the next two weeks by Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6. Verveer said the meeting would allow residents to discuss the status of the
OFFICER, page 4
New task force gives students louder voice Sustainability Committee will collaborate with other organizations Allison Johnson Herald Contributor With the creation of a sustainability committee approved by the Associated Students of Madison, students will now have a more powerful voice in engaging with one of the world’s growing industries. The new Sustainability Committee is similar in purpose to the already existing Office of Sustainability on Campus, according to ASM Press Office Director David Gardner. The committee will work to find policy and campaign-based solutions to address the sustainability issues the campus faces, he said. “Grassroots committees are the heart of ASM,” Gardner said. “They allow ASM to
and an opportunity to get involved with sustainability policy and larger campus issues. Gardner said this new committee will allow ASM to run more campaigns that will get more students involved and have the potential to change students’ lives. “Lots of campus student organizations on campus are doing great work,” Higgins said. “But there is no organization that has “[Sustainability] enough administrative is a huge issue our backing and clout within generation faces the university.” Gardner said the and an issue that sustainability committee students have a lot will collaborate with of stake in.” student groups to be Collin Higgins more powerful on Former ASM Freshman Rep. campus. According to Gardner, committee will have this committee the take on within ASM because hopefully it is a huge issue our projects initiated by generation faces and an existing sustainability issue that students have student organizations, a lot of stake in,” Higgins such as F.H. King Students for Sustainable said. Through the new Agriculture and Slow committee, Higgins Food UW. He said said UW students working with ASM will have a new avenue to pursue their interests STUDENTS, page 2 make student victories.” The idea for the committee was proposed by former ASM Freshman Rep. Collin Higgins, who said there was a substantial increase in sustainability issues in recent years. Higgins said he felt interest should be represented within the student government. “It is important to
Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
Despite the amount of push-ups the Wisconsin football team had him do in the 62-14 win Saturday, Bucky remained all smiles throughout. Games against IU have proven to be quite a workout for the mascot, with scores totalling 83 and 59 points in the previous two meetings.
ASM to put on housing fair for students today Event gives attendees chance to compare rental options Paige Costakos Herald Contributor
Jen Small The Badger Herald
Second-year law students at the University of Wisconsin Law School will now host two free legal advice forums the second and fourth Thursdays every month for veterans.
Law School opens clinic for veterans Alice Coyne Herald Contributor The University of Wisconsin Law School launched a new free legal clinic for veterans Thursday. Second-year law student and Veteran Law Center Student Coordinator Danial Rock said in an email to The Badger Herald the free legal
center will provide legal advice for veterans dealing with civil legal issues, including concerns such as family law, employment and consumer credit. “The center will be a starting point for Madison veterans to go with their legal issues,” Rock said. He added since the service is free, two law
CLINIC, page 2
The Associated Students of Madison’s Legislative Affairs Committee and the University of Wisconsin Campus Area Housing will host a housing fair today in Varsity Hall at Union South, lasting from 3 until 6:30 p.m. Prospective student residents should expect to see 25 Madisonarea landlords, representatives from various UW student services and resources and workers from local tenant resource organizations, said ASM Legislative Affairs Committee Member Tristan Abbott in an email to The Badger Herald. “Most UW-Madison [students] live in university-run housing for at most two years,” Abbott said. “It’s important to ensure that students interested in exploring housing
outside of dorms have all the information they need to evaluate all of their options and make the best decision possible, and that’s what we hope the housing fair will accomplish.” Abbott said ASM plans to distribute information about recent tenant rights legislation and provide
student reviews of Madison landlords. ASM Press Office Director David Gardner said the primary goals of holding the housing fair are to get students in contact with renters, communicate the rights students have when leasing buildings
Best to Worst
H.F. DeLuca Forum Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
7:30-9:30 p.m. Travel Adventure Film: “Korea” The Marquee Union South
INSIDE If RZA ruled the world “The Man With the Iron Fists” proves an Eli Roth- and RZA-ruled world is bloody indeed
ARTS | 5
Forward Management Palisade Apartments JSM Management Goldleaf Development Madison Property Management Steve Brown Apartment Oakland Properties Apex Property Management Inc. Lofgren Properties
Source: Associated Students of Madison Landlord Ratings. Does not include landlords who generated fewer than 15 responses.
7 p.m. Lecture: Gus Speth
FAIR, page 3
Campus Area Landlord Ratings 69 67 63 61 51 49 42 23 17
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Badgers run away to Indianapolis UW gains school-record 564 rushing yards in 62-14 beating of IU, securing spot in Big Ten Championship Game
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The Badger Herald | News | Monday, November 12, 2012
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Fatalities up 15 percent through October Meghan Zernick State Politics Editor
TJ Pyzyk The Badger Herald
Wisconsin seems to have improved upon its showing in 2008, with 70 percent appearing to have voted. However, 2004’s mark of 73 percent doesn’t appear to be in reach.
Nationwide voter turnout lower Meanwhile, 70 percent of Wisconsinites believed to have cast ballots, up from 69 in 2008 Sarah Eucalano Herald Contributor
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CLINIC, from 1 school student volunteers paired with two volunteer attorneys will staff each clinic service session. He said the students will be responsible for assisting in research and providing advice for veterans using the clinic. Last Thursday, faculty, students, veterans and veteran advocates attended the inaugural session, Rock said. Margaret Raymond, dean of UW Law School and BJ Ganem of the Dane County Veteran’s Services Offices, each spoke and explained the functions and operations of the clinic while thanking the generous participants. “After ten years of war the number of veterans in the area continues to increase,” Rock said. “Unfortunately, there are often many problems, including legal
With 90 percent of votes counted, voter turnout in 2012 appears to have taken a dip from 2008, according to an Associated Press report. Turnout also appears to be down in most states compared to the 2004 election as well, the report said. Reid Magney, spokesperson for the Government Accountability Board, said the GAB cannot officially release any election data for the state for several weeks, as some votes are still being counted. However, The Associated Press reported last week about 70 percent of the state’s 4.3 million eligible voters went to the polls. That would top 2008, in which 69 percent of those eligible voted, according
problems, that go along with returning from a deployment.” Rock described the clinic’s main benefit as a starting point for Madison veterans to go with legal issues. He said if veterans’ issues become more complicated than the center’s capacity, the clinic can still be a valuable resource, providing guidance for further steps to take and referring them to those who can help them in the future. Joshua Cornell, current law school student and former Marine, said he finds this opportunity to get involved with handson, pro bono work to be very significant. “[The center provides] a really good opportunity to have programs that law students can volunteer to help with,” Cornell said. “[This] helps instill this idea in our minds early in our careers, mandating the idea that pro bono work is important to community from the get-go.” Although volunteers for the clinic are unable to provide any direct legal advice, their roles are
to the AP, while 73 percent residency requirements as well as early voting voted in 2004. Jay Heck, director in Wisconsin being for a of Common Cause shorter period and not Wisconsin, said several available the Monday factors may have before election were prevented voters from factors,” Heck said. Heck also noted the reaching the polls. Besides the cold and negativity in both the rainy weather on Election presidential and senatorial campaigns may Day, Heck have had the also brought effect of turning up confusion potential voters over voter “Voter off. He said eligibility as turnout was there was an a probable very high “unquestionably cause to considering expensive and decreased ... stomachunrelentingly turnout, especially in churning ads.” negative Wisconsin, Mike McCabe campaign,” in but still Wisconsin Democracy especially called the Campaign Wisconsin. Mike McCabe turnout of the Wisconsin “impressive.” Democracy “There was Campaign said confusion over eligibility to vote voter turnout in the 2012 with regard to voter photo election was, generally ID laws, which were not speaking, high overall. He attributed this to in effect in Wisconsin, but
still significant, Cornell said. Helping to narrow down and identify the client’s issues before he or she sees the attorney, as well as helping with documentation, are some of the duties of student volunteers within the clinic, he added. Cornell said he sees the center as an excellent way for UW in general to stay connected with Madison at large, providing a great opportunity give back to and have a positive role within the community. According to Cornell, the center is a synthesis of the expertise and enthusiasm of local attorneys and student volunteers. “[It is] important that you use your talents and education for service,” Cornell said. “This is a really good way to do that.” The center will be open two Thursdays each month. The second Thursday of the month, it will operate at the CityCounty Building from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and the fourth Thursday it will operate at Porchlight from 4 to 6 p.m.
the fact there is increased interest in presidential elections. McCabe said voter turnout is generally higher in presidential elections than in other elections. McCabe also said voters were faced with many obstacles in voting in this election. “Voter turnout was very high overall considering how much voters had to overlook, such as stomach-churning ads, gutter politics and voter suppression laws,” McCabe said. “People had to overcome barriers in many states across the country.” Wisconsin has traditionally been known as a battleground state in presidential elections, and the competitive nature of voting in this state may have encouraged voter turnout more so than in other states, McCabe said.
STUDENTS, from 1 allow these groups to garner more resources and attention. “Students will have a greater voice,” Gardner said. Higgins said a few years ago, a similar committee was proposed to the ASM Student Council and ultimately
“Students will have a greater voice.”
David Gardner
ASM Press Office Director
voted down. He cited the increase in interest in sustainability issues, the functions of the chair of the committee and the atmosphere on Student Council as the three major factors that allowed the committee to pass this time around. Higgins said this year, they were able to create a bipartisan bill that had
support from all sides in Student Council. Gardner said ASM will put together an interim Sustainability Committee for the spring semester, with an interim chair, until the fall, when the committee will be finalized. The Sustainability Committee will hold regular meetings starting in the spring semester, Higgins said, after ASM puts together an interim committee. The committee will be open to all UW students, Gardner said, because ASM wants to get as many students involved in the process as possible. Higgins said this committee will benefit ASM because it will bring unique input into measures Student Council discusses that may not have been there before. He said it will also allow ASM to demonstrate it is keeping up with the times and creating new avenues for students to participate.
Traffic fatalities in Wisconsin have increased about 15 percent since last year, according to a Wisconsin Department of Transportation report. Through October, 531 fatalities occurred, which is an increase of 69 accidents compared to 2011 numbers at the same point in the year, the report said.However, the statement also said October was the thirdsafest October since the end of World War II, with 51 deaths in 47 traffic accidents. The amount is four fewer than the October 2011 amount and is an improvement from September, when 81 fatalities occurred. Ryan Mayer, traffic and safety engineer of the southwest region of the Department of Transportation, said as
“A significant portion of traffic accidents are caused by distracted driving.”
Ryan Mayer
Department of Transportation
of Nov. 4, there have been 538 fatalities on Wisconsin roads. Mayer said the total number is only preliminary. The number could increase if individuals involved in traffic accidents pass away later in the hospital, or if an accident is later categorized as a suicide, Mayer said. According to another statement from the DOT, a death is reported as a traffic fatality if the individual dies within 30 days of the accident. Mayer said the fatality count in 2011 was 467, so the fatality count is up 71 fatalities this year with about two months remaining. However, Mayer pointed out the count in 2007 is 649, so the number fluctuates. Mayer said it is hard to determine the cause in the increase in traffic accidents for this year. “A significant portion of traffic accidents are caused by distracted driving, but in many cases the cause of the accident is not included in the police write-up because officers on the scene cannot tell for instance if the individual was on their phone or not,” Mayer said. Mayer also attributed the higher fatality rate to people’s increased speeds this year after such a mild winter last year. “Speed is definitely another contributing factor to the increase in traffic accidents,” Mayer said. Mayer also mentioned there were 23 more motorcycle accidents this year than last year, which he attributed to the warmer weather in late winter and early spring of this year.
The Badger Herald | News | Monday, November 12, 2012
Wisconsin considering taxing miles traveled With revenues down, DOT also weighing increase in gas tax as option Chris Davies Herald Contributor The Wisconsin Transportation Finance Commission is now exploring options to cover a decrease in revenue for its transportation budget, according to a report by the commission. Some of the key questions the Transportation Finance Commission will examine
include how the state’s transportation services should be modified to address changing demographics, the level of transportation services Wisconsin citizens are willing to support and the gas tax that is currently the primary funding source for Wisconsin’s transportation system, according to the report. The Transportation Finance Committee will also address whether the state will need a new approach to raising transportation revenues, according to the report. Wisconsin is currently contracted to spend about $1 billion dollars on
highway projects in 2013, according to the report. Among the potential options the commission faces are a proposed gas tax increase, or a vehicle mileage tax, based on the number of miles traveled by vehicles each year, according to the Department of Transportation report. State Rep. Robb Kahl, D-Monona, also a member of the Transportation Finance Commission, said in an interview with The Badger Herald the commission is taking a “holistic approach” and looking to gather a consensus. He explained the
economic reality has left the commission with “no
“If the problems of reduced funding are not addressed at the state level now, the costs will inevitably trickle down to the local and county level.”
Robb Kahl
State Representative, D-Monona new revenue coming in” for transportation projects. With the increase in fuel-efficient cars, there is
Homeless leave Occupy camp With eviction notice set for Sunday, camp moves to Lake View Hill County Park Sarah Eucalano Herald Contributor The group of homeless people living in tents at the Occupy Madison site on East Washington Avenue was required by the city to leave by 3 p.m. Sunday. According to a Madison Police Department statement, approximately 15 people from the site moved their camp to Lake View Hill County Park. The statement said representatives of the group said their intent is to raise awareness of homelessness in a peaceful manner. The presence of the group violates local ordinances but does not present immediate public safety issues, the report said. MPD will be monitoring the group’s activities until a resolution is made. Katie Crawley, spokesperson for Mayor Paul Soglin, said they were asked to leave the East Washington Avenue location because there is no camping allowed in the city.
Soglin has held a come up with different to these number of meetings with solutions problems,” community partners troubling such as Porchlight Inc., Crawley said. She said it is up to the an agency that provides shelter and programming police to make sure the to homeless people, clearing of property is Crawley said. He asked as orderly as possible. staff to meet individually Crawley said once the with each homeless person city posts the signs which reiterate no to help find camping is the best allowed in the solution area, it is up to to each “Most people are the police to individual’s determined to housing find another spot make the next move. need, she where they can Brenda said. Konkel, former “We can camp.” Brenda Konkel District 2 alder all agree Tenant Resource Center and executive sleeping director of the in a tent in a parking lot is not the Tenant Resource Center, helps provide best option for housing,” which information about tenant Crawley said. The city and other and landlord responsibility, agencies are working with said the lack of affordable the group to find the best housing has become a place to go, whether that serious issue in Madison. She said the vacancy place is a homeless shelter or a different housing rate is around 2 percent, which is the lowest it has option, she said. “The mayor is hoping been in more than 20 the public sector and years. She said the high private sector work vacancy rate is the result of together with people in increases in foreclosures, unfortunate situations to stricter banking policies,
more people renting apartments and overall population growth in Dane County. “I think the city and county have to look at the problem seriously,” Konkel said. “The mayor claims people have housing and they don’t. It’s deeply insulting that the mayor suggested that they be involuntarily committed.” Konkel said they do not qualify to be involuntarily committed because one has to be a danger to his or herself or other people. She said the group of people in question does not meet these qualifications. The biggest issue, Konkel said, is there needs to be more affordable housing. People making $7.25 or $7.75 per hour can’t afford to live anywhere in the city, she noted. “Most people are determined to find another spot where they can camp as a community,” she said. “That way it’s easier to band together and help each other out.”
less money being received from the current gas tax, Kahl said. “Meanwhile, Wisconsin roads are still experiencing the same wear and tear,” Kahl said. “If the problems of reduced funding are not addressed at the state level now, the costs will inevitably trickle down to the local and county level.” This would leave local governments to shoulder the burden for transportation servicing costs, he said. Kahl explained the vehicle mileage traveled approach — where a tax is placed on miles driven rather than fuel — is also another option that is
FAIR, from 1 and answer any questions students may have about the renting process. “ASM is meant to be an advocate for the student body and to make the student’s voice heard,” Gardner said. “The housing fair allows us to show students that there are provisions in place to protect their rights as tenants.” Abbott said students will benefit from the housing fair in that they will be able to speak with representatives from university housing, members of various organizations that provide advice to tenants and landlords from Madison apartments. Abbott said the ability to receive advice from multiple sources about housing is “far superior” to simply speaking with landlords who are just interested in getting students to sign a lease. ASM plans to address the students’ concerns that surfaced as a result of their housing survey it sent out via email, according to Gardner. The survey was campuswide and requested students evaluate landlords, maintenance and current rental properties, he added. Abbott said ASM has
being discussed. “The State of Oregon has already undergone a Vehicle Miles Traveled pilot program as an alternative to a gas tax increase,” Kahl commented. Peggy Schmitt, public affairs spokesperson for the DOT, said no decision has been made. “The commission is an independent and bipartisan body that will review the options and report their findings early next year,” Schmitt said. The commission has held public hearings on these issues statewide, and its deadline to submit the report is March 1, 2013.
compiled the results of the survey into a handout it will distribute today at the fair. “Prospective renters should always speak with tenants who have previously rented from the same landlord, but this isn’t always possible,” Abbott said. “We’re hoping the handout will provide useful information to students who are struggling to find tenant reviews of landlords.” Abbott said students also have issues with finding housing because they are either overwhelmed or do not have enough information. Many UW students who are new to the area have heard nothing about Madison landlords and do not know how to start their search for housing, Abbott added. “Students are given and have to sift through an extraordinary amount of information from landlords, city officials and tenant resource organizations before signing a lease,” Abbott said. “For a first- or secondtime renter, digesting all of that information is intimidating.” Gardner and Abbott both said they agreed the housing fair is important for prospective student renters.
The Badger Herald | News | Monday, November 12, 2012
Man arrested for hitting another with fire extinguisher McKenzi Higgins Herald Contributor
A man was arrested Thursday night after hitting another man in the head with a fire extinguisher Monday.
According to a Madison Police Department statement, the suspect has been identified as Javonte Woods, 22, of Madison. Woods was charged with disorderly conduct while armed and battery while armed. The incident occurred
on the 4500 block of Verona Road, according to the statement. MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain said the suspect was accused of hitting the 38-year-old victim in the head with a fire extinguisher, while threatening to get a gun
and shoot the victim. “We ended up finding the suspect near Capitol Square just before 7 p.m.” DeSpain said. DeSpain said the man hit in the head was not seriously injured. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said he was
pleased with the police department’s ability to catch the suspect, since the incident did not occur in the location where the suspect was arrested. “The fact that police found the suspect near Capitol Square and arrested him here is a
good thing,” Verveer said. “They made the connection.” Verveer said he does not know any further details as to why the suspect was in the downtown area Thursday night. He added the suspect’s motive in the case is unclear at this time.
Anger mounts as many out east continue without power Customers rip service providers as 120,000 wait for electricity NEW YORK (AP) — New Yorkers railed Sunday against a utility that has lagged behind others in restoring power two weeks after the superstorm that socked the region, criticizing its slow pace as well as a dearth of information. About 120,000 customers in New York and New Jersey remained without power Sunday, including tens of thousands of homes and businesses that were too damaged to connect to power even if it was running in their neighborhood. More than 8 million lost power during the
storm, and some during a later nor’easter. Separately, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano visited with disaster-relief workers Sunday in Staten Island’s Midland Beach neighborhood, which is still devastated two weeks after Sandy hit. The lack of power restoration for a relative few in the densely populated region at the heart of the storm reinforced Sandy’s fractured effect on the area: tragic and vicious to some, merely a nuisance to others. Perhaps none of the utilities have drawn criticism as widespread, or as harsh, as the Long Island Power Authority. Nearly 50,000 of the homes and businesses it serves were still without power Sunday
evening, and 55,000 more couldn’t safely connect even though their local grids were back online because their wiring and other equipment had been flooded. It would need to be repaired or inspected before those homes could regain power, LIPA said. “We certainly understand the frustration that’s out there,” LIPA’s chief operating officer, Michael Hervey, said in a conference call late Sunday. But, he said, the storm had been worse than expected, no utility had as many workers in place beforehand as it would have liked, and the power was coming back rapidly “compared to the damage that’s been incurred.” Customers told of calling LIPA multiple times a day for updates and getting no
answer, or contradictory advice. “I was so disgusted the other night,” said Carrie Baram of Baldwin Harbor, who said she calls the utility three times a day. “I was up till midnight, but nobody bothered to answer the telephone.” Baram, 56, said she and her husband, Bob, go to the mall to charge their cellphones, and Bob, a sales manager, goes there to work. They trekked to her parents’ house to shower. At night, they huddle under a pile of blankets and listen to the sound of fire engines, which Baram assumes are blaring because people have been accidentally setting blazes with their generators. “It’s dark,” said an exasperated Baram, “it’s
frightening, and it’s freezing.” LIPA has said it knows that customers aren’t getting the information they need, partly because of an outdated information technology system that it is updating. Sunday, executives said they were working on setting up information centers near the most heavily damaged areas. The company also said it had deployed 6,400 linemen to work on restoring power, compared to 200 on a normal day. “’They’re working on it, they’re working on it’ — that would be their common response,” Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano said Sunday, describing LIPA’s interaction with his office. He said LIPA had failed to answer even simple questions
from its customers and that Sandy’s magnitude wasn’t an excuse. “How could a utility of that size, with the financial support that it receives, fail to communicate with its residents?” he said. “Its basic logistics seem to have failed.” Mangano and other lawmakers have called for the federal government to step in and assist with restoring power to Long Island, saying LIPA could not be trusted to get the job done. On Sunday, LIPA said it had restored power to 95 percent of homes and businesses where it was safe to receive power and that that figure would be 99 percent by the end of Tuesday. It didn’t give an estimate for the remaining customers.
Midwest land-grant schools attracting China’s smartest ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) — Want to see how quickly the look and business model of American public universities are changing? Visit a place like Indiana University. Five years ago, there were 87 undergraduates from China on its idyllic, All-American
campus in Bloomington. This year: 2,224. New figures out Monday show international enrollment at U.S. colleges and universities grew nearly 6 percent last year, driven by a 23-percent increase from China, even as total enrollment was leveling out.
But perhaps more revealing is where much of the growth is concentrated: big, public land-grant colleges, notably in the Midwest. The numbers offer a snapshot of the transformation of America’s famous heartland public universities in an era of
diminished state support. Of the 25 campuses with the most international students, a dozen have increased international enrollment more than 40 percent in just five years, according to data collected by the Institute of International Education. All but one are public, and a striking number come from the Big Ten: Indiana, Purdue, Michigan State, Ohio State and the Universities of Minnesota and Illinois. Indiana’s international enrollment now surpasses 6,000, or about 15 percent of the student body, and in Illinois, the flagship Urbana-Champaign campus has nearly 9,000 — second nationally only to the University of Southern California. To be sure, such ambitious universities value the global vibe and perspectives international students bring to their Midwestern campuses. But there’s no doubt what else is driving the trend: International students typically pay full out-ofstate tuition and aren’t awarded financial aid. Public universities hit hard by state funding cuts “really are starting to realize the tuition from international students makes it possible for them to continue offering scholarships and financial aid to domestic students,” said Peggy Blumenthal, senior counselor at IIE, the private nonprofit that publishes the annual “Open Doors” study. Nationally, there were 765,000 foreign students on U.S. campuses last year, with China (158,000) the top source, followed by India, South Korea and Saudi Arabia (the fastest growing thanks to an ambitious scholarship program by the Saudi government). Altogether, the Department of Commerce calculates they contribute $22.7 billion to the economy, and many stay after graduation. For the first time in a dozen years, according to IIE, there were more foreign undergraduates than graduate students. Indiana charges in-
state students $10,034 for tuition and nonresidents $31,484, so the economic appeal is straightforward. Still, out-of-state recruiting — international or domestic — is always sensitive for public universities, fueling charges that kids of in-state taxpayers are denied available slots. At one level, that’s true: About one-third of Indiana students come from outside the state, and for this year it rejected 4,164 in-state applicants. But while conceivably it could enroll more Indiana residents, without the out-of-staters’ tuition dollars they would likely have to pay more. Indiana and others figure more of their out-ofstaters may as well be international, arguing you can’t prepare students for a global economy without exposing them to students from abroad. David Zaret, Indiana’s vice president for international affairs, says the school’s interest in international students is educational, not “nakedly financial.” He says IU could fill its out-of-state slots domestically, and points out that unlike some schools IU doesn’t charge international students more than domestic non-residents, so there’s no extra financial incentive. He also says there’s been no particular effort to recruit Chinese students; he credits the extraordinary growth to hundreds of IU alumni now in China spreading the word. In fact, he said in a brief phone conversation from Argentina, “I’d like to see more balance,” with more students from places such as South America and Turkey. While international students bring revenue, there are also costs, obliging universities to expand services like international advising, English instruction, and even targeted mental health services. There is growing concern about the isolation of international students on campus. Expanding
numbers may not help, just making it easier to find a bubble. One recent study found 40 percent of international students reported no close American friends.
OFFICER, from 1
band members Scott Beardsley, Chris Boeger and Nate Palan released a statement. “We are absolutely destroyed by this huge tragedy,” they wrote in an email to the Wisconsin State Journal. “Paulie was a dear friend to us. He was a sweet, caring and talented guy that would go out of his way to help everyone he knew. His wide range of talents were an indisputable
part of many of the musical projects we’ve been involved in over the past 10 years. He was nothing but positive and supportive of us. We are left with a giant hole in his absence. We will miss Paulie forever.” DeSpain said anyone with information is encouraged to call the MPD at 608-266-4418.
investigation, after more of the investigation has been completed by police and more information is available. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, Heenan was an active member in Madison’s music scene, serving as a sound engineer Friday night for the band Hometown Sweethearts. Hometown Sweetheart
Kedao Wang, a Shanghai native and one of about 6,400 overseas students at the University of Michigan, said his experience has been excellent but agrees growing numbers don’t solve the isolation problem. Virtually all Chinese students struggle at least somewhat to fit in, due to language and cultural barriers. Wang, who goes by Keven, bought football season tickets all four years and loves the games, but rarely sees fellow Chinese students at Michigan Stadium. When he first arrived he tried not to hang out only with Chinese students, but his social life has since moved in that direction. Still, he says, the shy students who once studied in the United States on Chinese government scholarships have been replaced by better-off Chinese who pay their own way and arrive more familiar and comfortable with Western culture. Wang says Chinese students are under no illusions why they’re recruited: “It’s a market economy. There are people who want this who are willing to pay.” Still, he’d like to see schools award more financial aid to internationals. Michigan non-resident tuition and fees ($41,870 for upperclassmen) are hugely expensive even for prosperous Chinese families, but are high enough that the international students who come here aren’t socio-economically diverse (only a handful of U.S. colleges offer international students the same aid as domestic students). “There are so many bright students in China,” he said. “If you can give just a few of them a scholarship, they would come and succeed.”
Molly McCall contributed to this story.
Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Monday, November 12, 2012
Innovation at The Badger Herald For centuries — and decades, in this publication’s case — newspapers have played a critical role in the emotional and physical connection Americans have with society and their communities. Reading my dad’s copy of the Chicago Tribune every Sunday growing up remains a uniquely nostalgic routine of my childhood because it made me feel connected to the city, just like picking up The Badger Herald for the first time made me feel a special connection to this university. But that connection is changing as an entire
generation of news consumers abandons newspapers in pursuit of a more in-depth, costeffective and exciting way to receive and understand current events. The University of Wisconsin’s classes that haven’t even formed yet will only understand a printed newspaper as a novelty when they arrive here. The Badger Herald serves this new generation of a news-reading public and understands print publication is facing an inevitable and unavoidable phase of upheaval. The Herald has
work here, and we relish the opportunity to begin the work of making the Herald one of the best online news sources in the Madison area. The crisis in the publishing industry has led just about every media watchdog to see these types of announcements in a pessimistic light. We could not disagree more with this vision of the student press or the future of journalism. I remain optimistic the Herald will be a source of pride in the UW community for the years to come — no matter what changes we make.
consistently been among the most innovative and independent of all student newspapers, and we take our roles as experimenters in the student media world seriously. As student journalists, we do not merely learn how to do journalism, but we also provide a preview of what journalism will look like when we lead the industry. For this reason, this newspaper will cease print publication on Fridays in an effort to begin a transitional experiment with online news. Our website continues to adjust and improve along with the journalists who
Herald Editorial Lessons from Baldwin, Pocan victories Last week, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., and Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., two openly gay legislators, were elected to represent Wisconsin at the federal level. Their success is not only a milestone for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/ questioning community but is also a promising indicator Wisconsin’s attitude toward LGBTQ individuals is rooted in common sense and 21stcentury ways of thinking. Both candidates focused on issues in the campaign rather than their sexual orientations, which further solidifies the significance of their wins. Their sexual orientations were never the centerpiece of their campaigns. Rather, they portrayed themselves as legislators fighting for important issues that affected Wisconsin: For Baldwin, this was
health care; for Pocan, this was restoring political civility. We do not think sexual orientation should be taken out of the political conversation, nor hidden when a candidate runs for office. But it is refreshing the state is at a point where other issues are more pressing than if the candidate’s partner is a man or a woman. A reliably liberal constituency elected Pocan, who took Baldwin’s old seat as she began her career in the U.S. Senate. Though Baldwin was portrayed as a left-wing radical, she out-performed former U.S Senator Russ Feingold, D-WIs., in some counties, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Still, Wisconsin support for Baldwin does not necessarily equal outright support for the LGBTQ movement. It means,
hopefully, some voters valued her political platform and achievements apart from of her sexual orientation. That is not a bad place to be as a state, but it is also not the best one. Wisconsin still has a long way to go — gay marriage is not legal, and the laws on civil unions vary across the state. Now that Baldwin and Pocan are in Washington, D.C., the scopes of their duties have shifted from state issues to larger national ones, and more leaders will have to emerge to represent the LGBTQ voice in Wisconsin legislation. The members of this board do not want to bury Baldwin and Pocan’s accomplishments, but their success should be the prologue to future initiatives for the LGBTQ community, not the epilogue for the battles already fought.
Adelaide Blanchard
Ryan Rainey
Reginald Young
Editorial Board Chairman
Editorial Page Editor
Charles Godfrey
Sarah Witman
Meher Ahmed
Editorial Page Content Editor
Editorial Board Member
Editorial Board Member
Editorial Board opinions are crafted independently of news coverage.
Sumi honorable, worthy of pride In his column titled “Sumi should not run for Supreme Court,” Reginald Young conveniently forgot in his rant against a “judge who has one party clearly and strongly associated with her” she was appointed in 1998 by then GOP Governor Tommy Thompson. Most importantly, Wisconsin’s Open Meetings Law states: “In conformance with article IV, section 10, of the constitution, which states that the doors of each house shall remain open, except when the public welfare requires secrecy, it is declared to be the intent of the legislature to comply to the fullest extent with this subchapter.” I would also like to make a point about how our legal system works: Lawmakers in the legislative and executive branches make laws, then judges interpret the laws. When you say the court “made a mockery of the institution” I would say that you are entirely wrong and that instead, the Legislature and the governor made a mockery of the institution by not following proper process. Maryann Sumi, in light of the 60,000 or so protesters who showed up every weekend for a month, simply interpreted the law and the state Constitution, requiring that the
decisions about Act 10 occur with the doors of the house remaining open. I was extremely concerned about the manner in which Act 10 was passed, and although it would still be disappointing to me to see it passed with proper legal procedure in “broad daylight” rather than in a closed meeting after dark, it would be a lot easier to swallow if the Republicans of the state Assembly had the courtesy to face the Wisconsin public in an un-cowardly manner and pass it using the proper measures. I am proud of Maryann Sumi for standing up for the rights and process outlined in the state Constitution and state statues, because even contentious laws need to be passed fairly. And because of this, I happily support her bid for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, should she choose to run. Simple legal matters should not turn into partisan smear campaigns, even in the editorial section. Matthew Hemke (mghemke@gmail. com) graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in engineering mechanics in 2008 and is currently a special student in the School of Engineering.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “It was my intent to get the budget steady in two years.” -PAUL SOGLIN, MAYOR OF MADISON The opinion page editors wonder how sincere Soglin’s intent to steady the budget is when he wants to spend $50,000 on a music video for Madison.
Better Madison metro access alternatives exist Heikal Badrulhisham Staff Writer Starting today, University of Wisconsin students boarding Madison Metro buses will be required to show their Wiscards if they want to board using an Associated Student of Madison bus pass. This is actually nothing new, as it is already a policy of Madison Metro to require identification for usage of unlimited-use passes; Madison Metro is only now enforcing it. To me, and I am sure to many people, although the process of showing your ID and putting it back is trivial, it becomes inconvenient when it is a frequently repeated custom. The ASM bus pass program is facing a problem of fraud. Some UW students had been selling ASM bus passes to people without Wiscards. Online, the passes can fetch a price of $300. This violates the policy that the cards are non-transferable. The problem is everyone with a Wiscard is qualified to get an ASM bus pass. However, some people may have very little or no need to rely on the Metro to move around. The best way for them to gain anything from ownership of the passes is to sell them.
ASM passes should appeal to non-Wiscard holders and people not in groups who can qualify for other unlimited pass programs, such as municipal employees. With this, the passes of uninterested UW students will not just sit at the bottom of a drawer or used as a bookmark. In this case, the passes are being transferred to people who value it more. To the buyers, the passes should not be priced more than the difference
The ASM bus pass program is facing a problem of fraud. Some UW students had been selling ASM bus passes to people without Wiscards. Online, the passes can fetch a price of $300. This violates the policy that cards are nontransferable. between the cost of using ASM passes and the cost of paying for rides through other ways for a semester. In other words, the price should not exceed the
savings to the buyer. Who loses as a result of this? For Madison Metro, regardless of who slides ASM passes, they are still getting the same marginal revenue, although it will not be as high if the non-Wiscard holder pays through other methods. From another perspective, the Metro would benefit if theose who bought ASM passes would not ride the Metro at all, if the cost is not as low as with ASM passes. ASM certainly loses from this. Contrary to some people’s misconception, the ASM bus pass program is not fixed in cost. The more the students use their passes, the higher the cost of the program is. It is not a problem if people who buy the passes use them no more than the average UW student. In that case, the selling of ASM passes by uninterested owners simply results in a nondecrease of the total cost of the program, although the cost could have been lower if uninterested students did not do anything with their passes. However, ASM faces costs higher than expected if the pass-buyer would use it more than an average UW student. The problem of sold passes may be due to ASM’s bus pass program
Jen Small The Badger Herald
Students will need to present their Wiscards to board buses in Madison, so remember to take your Wiscard with you. being part of ASM budget, which is financed by segregated fees paid by students as part of their tuition bills. If a student does not use his or her ASM pass, that results in a lower cost for the bus pass budget. However, the student cannot get back the part of the segregated fee not paying for the pass program. The savings may go to other things under the ASM budget, from Wisconsin Union and recreational facilities to student organizations. This relationship between the segregated fees and budget means students who do not use their ASM passes cannot
capture their savings. This forms the incentive to part with their passes for something else they actually value. One way the problem of sold ASM passes can be averted (besides the inconvenient ID rule) is by detaching the bus pass program form the segregated fee budget. This would mean students could choose whether to enter and fund the program. This way, the program would exclude less interested students who are the ones likely to sell their passes if they were involved. One may say, “Why not use the Wiscard as a bus pass?” The problem with this is even former students
and faculty have Wiscards. Also, Metro buses would need separate readers for them. However, the Wiscard idea can be made feasible if ASM’s bus pass program is restricted in location and implemented only on routes that connect the campus to areas where most students are. In that case, only certain buses would need Wiscard readers. For now, before any great change happens, just be prepared to take out your Wiscard before boarding the Metro. Heikal Badrulhisham ( is a freshman.
Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at, where all print content is archived.
ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio
The Badger Herald | Arts | Monday, November 12, 2012
Get to work on professional look
Emma Austin Timelessly Trendy Columnist
Photo courtesy of the Overture Center
Characters in “Jersey Boys” represented (left to right) The Four Seasons’ Nick Massi, Tommy DeVito, Frankie Valli and Bob Gaudio in their whirlwind rise to success.
‘Jersey Boys’: Oh! What a musical Broadway production portrays The Four Seasons with sincerity, sing-alongs, Jersey sass Doo-wop and rock ‘n’ roll wooed a nearly sold out crowd at the Overture Center Friday night with the Broadway hit “Jersey Boys.” The musical, penned in part by University of Wisconsin alum Marshall Brickman and based on the career of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, brought depth and reality to what could have easily been just a string of hits. By the time the first of what felt like hundreds of F-bombs dropped, it became clear the show was more than just fluff: The show’s writers were willing to risk an appalled audience to honestly portray four guys from Jersey, potty mouths and all. As musicals sometimes do, “Jersey Boys” gets a little hokey and sometimes a little corny, but it was never dull and always engaging. The show itself was divided into four “seasons,” each told by one of the original members. First up was “Spring,” where Four Seasons member Tommy DeVito told the story of how band got together. DeVito, as played by John Gardiner, is the man who recruits the
then-impressionable teen Frankie Castelluccio into a world of music, women and criminal activity. Gardiner’s performance, easily the finest of the night, brought the charm of a seasoned con man when the mood was light and a palpable intensity during the dramatic moments. In “Spring” we see Castelluccio, who has redubbed himself as Valli, played by Nick Cosgrove. In this season, Valli grows under DeVito’s big brother-like guidance, albeit crookedly, and meets his future wife, Mary Delgado. Delgado is played with stinging wit by Kara Tremel, and a more memorable scene features her telling Valli to spell his new name with an “I” because “Y is a bullshit letter.” “Spring” is laced with such solid song performances as “Earth Angel” and “You’re the Apple of My Eye,” but in “Summer” the biggest hits of the night come in, along with the introduction of The Four Seasons’ main song writer, Bob Gaudio, portrayed with humble grace by Miles Jacoby. “Summer,” as told
by Gaudio, begins the superstar rise of the group. Along with the experiences of fame, women and “The Ed Sullivan Show,” the season includes performances of “December 1963 (Oh, What A Night),” “Sherry Baby” and “Big Girls Don’t Cry.” While “Summer” features the lighter pieces of the show, it was the turn to “Fall,” the shortest “season,” that proved to be the most thoughtful of the night. “Fall” continues The Four Seasons’ story from the perspective of bassist Nick Massi, who is given the group’s share of comic one-liners throughout the show. Massi, performed this night by Adam Zelasko (who filled in for Michael Lomenda), is portrayed as the dim-witted one of the bunch, but Zelasko gave him heart underneath his Jersey crook-turnedsuperstar exterior. As the group succumbs to fame, Zelasko’s understated performance reminds the audience the characters are human and fallible. Wrapping up the show, the season “Winter” is the story again from Frankie Valli’s point of view.
The character of Valli is believable but obviously favored in the story, always held a little higher than the other characters. This is no fault of Cosgrove, who belts out the songs and hits those famous high notes with as much believability as possible, given the voice of the real Valli is oneof-a-kind. As a character, Valli is written from a fan’s perspective, doing right even when doing wrong, and while that may please the memories of the older audience, it takes credibility from other characters who, right or wrong, were there and were a part of it. However, this musical is a tribute, and tributes are there to put the best face on any situation, which “Jersey Boys” does impeccably. In the musical, the audience, from elderly to toddler, enjoyed every song, joke, fight and corny moment the boys from Jersey had to offer. “Jersey Boys” runs Tuesday-Sunday until Nov. 25 with matinee performances weekends. Tickets start at $33.50. For more information, visit
Blood film’s not-so-secret weapon ‘Man With the Iron Fists’ delivers gore, whores, killer soundtrack in action-packed film Robert Fitzgerald Diggs, aka RZA, is widely known for his rapping talent as the lead member of the East Coast rap group Wu-Tang Clan. While RZA can spit rhymes with the best of them, his directorial debut resulted in a predictable plot and a film that is mostly notable for its ridiculous gore and killer soundtrack. RZA and Eli Roth’s “The Man with the Iron Fists” boasts a star-studded cast, including Lucy Liu as the sultry Madame Blossom, Russell Crowe playing grizzled Jack Knife and former WWE champion David Bautista as the ruthless Brass Body. The edgy film plays out within the 19th century Chinese town of Jungle Village, which is under constant siege from local clans vying for power. When a shipment of gold is scheduled to come through town, the feuding clans seek out the main character, The Blacksmith (RZA) to forge weapons of mass dismemberment for the inevitable conflicts. The Blacksmith is thus forced to hammer out a myriad of creative weaponry to buy freedom for his love interest, Lady Silk (Jamie Chung, “Sucker Punch”) and end her days as a prostitute in Madame Blossom’s (Lucy Liu, “Kill Bill”) brothel. While this should create tremendous strain for The Blacksmith, he has a hard time showing it: RZA’s acting and occasional narrating remains
unemotional in spite of the violence surrounding him, to the point it takes away from the dramatic melees unfurling within the village. As clan leaders pit their followers against one another, the death toll skyrockets. When The Blacksmith meets an untimely dismemberment at the hands of one of the clans, he fashions himself fists of iron and teams up with Jack Knife to dish out justice. The fast-action, blood-soaked battles take up the majority of the film, with segments only slowing down for the characters to eat, get laid and plan their next attack. Like any martial arts movie, the fight scenes dominated the screenplay. The endless conflicts were kept interesting with unique weaponry that ranged from rotating knives, to automatic crossbows, to the titular iron fists. But the weapons weren’t the only reason to remain interested in the action. Director RZA seemed to channel Quentin Tarantino with his penchant for decapitation, geysers of blood, well-rehearsed choreography and split-screen action shots. Despite these features, combat was often too chaotic to observe exactly who was fighting who until the blood stopped spraying. Gore aside, the shining quality of this film is the accompanying music. The gritty, aggressive tone throughout the movie was set to an original soundtrack that preceded the movie’s
Photo courtesy of Arcade Pictures
Director and rapper RZA plays Blacksmith in “The Man With the Iron Fists.” release. Featuring established hip-hop artists like Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa, Pusha T and RZA himself, the tracks also showcase the talents of blues rockers The Black Keys and up-and-coming rappers Flatbush Zombies. The dark rhythms share a distinctive backbeat that adds some excitement to the repetitive gore-filled free-for-alls. RZA’s homage to oldschool martial art flicks contains plenty of intricate choreography, intense fights
and infectious music. That said, the plot and character development leave something to be desired when the focus is maximizing liters of blood spilled per minute. “The Man with the Iron Fists” succeeds in what it attempts to be: a comically violent film that relies heavily on its starstudded cast and soundtrack.
On this campus, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wearing sweatpants and a comfy T-shirt to class everyday. I mean, come on; we’re in college. We dress to impress when we go out at night, but no one expects us to look decent in class, and that is totally fine. As much as I know it hurts to hear this, soon we will all be out of this comfortable bubble we all call the University of Wisconsin. And as obvious as it sounds, that comfy cozy uniform simply won’t suffice in the real world. I got the idea for this column walking home from class the day of the Career Fair. Students were dressed in their best, but I became a little worried as I saw the stream of students heading into the Kohl Center. We’ve got some work to do, people. You might be thinking, “Does it really matter how put together my suit looks? It’s a suit.” My fellow Badgers, yes, it does matter. It can truly make a difference. I’m not just singling out guys or girls — both seemed to be having general issues in determining what was professional wear and how to pull it off. Let’s start off with the gentlemen. I applaud the efforts, fellas, but I’m here to help. Can anyone tell the difference between a suit that fits and one that might be a little too big or a little too small? Yes. Yes, they absolutely can. For example, take a male celebrity on the red carpet. Why do they look so sharp and put together? It’s because their suits fit impeccably. And if you ask me, a well-fitting suit matters much, much more than how expensive it is. Yes, suits and dress clothes in general are quite a lot of cash, but if you can find one that fits right, people probably won’t even notice the price tag. How do you go about accomplishing this goal? First, make sure your dress shirt and jacket fit your arm length. The jacket should stop right at your wrist line. However, if you want to show off a bit of the shirt at the cuff, have the jacket stop a little before. In addition, the jacket should fit your shoulders exactly. Any bigger and the suit looks huge and boxy, and if your suit doesn’t fit, it gives off an air of immaturity and inexperience. Yes, I’m being brutal today, but the good news is if your suit fits right it will also be comfortable. For the
pants, make sure that they are long enough to cover your socks and part of your shoes when you walk. As for the tie, the bottom tip should hit right at or right above your belt line. It is possible to accomplish, and again makes your look polished. But please, I beg you, do not wear a bow tie. It’s not quirky or whimsical, and it is very hard to pull off. If you’re wearing a tux, a black bow tie is acceptable, but then and only then. For the more inexperienced suitwearer, stick with more neutral-colored dress shirts. They will go with almost anything and work well with a black suit. I would also highly recommend investing in a navy suit as soon as you are able. Navy is extremely versatile and can be worn for multiple occasions. As for ties, I would err on the side of not wearing obnoxious patterns. A simple and classy tie (with perhaps a soft pattern) will ensure your outfit isn’t a topic of conversation after your job interview. How are we feeling now, guys? I hope I wasn’t too harsh. I’m doing this for your own good; believe me. And ladies, you actually didn’t do too poorly. I just want to give you a few tips on how to make the most of your professional outfit. As far as the office goes, I would recommend staying on the side of looking too conservative. Especially when you first start out, you really don’t want your bosses and co-workers to be weary of your character due to clothes that may be a little too revealing. You can never go wrong with a clean, crisp white blouse — unless you forget to button it close enough to the neck. Blouses, buttoned properly, can be paired with dress pants and at least knee-length skirts. While some may think the professional wardrobe is a little boring (I mean, I do), the best way to make it less so is to use jewelry and accessories to make it a bit more exciting. Boring white blouse and black skirt? Throw on a pair of red or patterned pumps and jazz it up a bit. Bags are also a fun and practical way to make your look a little more interesting. Larger, satchel-like bags can double as a purse and briefcase. Isn’t being a girl great? Alright, I’ll stop being critical and leave the next move up to you. Go out there and make me proud, Badgers. And kill it when you enter the professional world — it will come calling sooner than you think. Emma Ausin is a senior majoring in journalism. Send her your opinions or questions on the latest trends at eaustin2@wisc. edu.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Monday, November 12, 2012
Now Officially Broke as Shit Noah J. Yuenkel
The Badger Herald | Comics | Monday, November 12, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: To make ends meet, editors now dress in barrels with suspenders
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY: Checking couch cushions for spare advertising revenue
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
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___, up the 14
18 20
31 36
36 Price
41 43
37 Masses of fish
eggs 38 Leave
33 Eve’s mate 34 Ration (out)
29 Hitchhiker’s 32 Iwo ___
rose” 28 Spanish
23 26
chimney he
51 56
40 Place to pin a 57
tiny flag 41 Numerous 42 Summon 43 Peaks 44 Item resting
Puzzle by Dave Sarpola
Across 1 Rand McNally publication 6 Where a fetus develops 10 What says “Miss America” on Miss America 14 “Grand” instrument 15 Samoan capital 16 Duo + one 17 Cent 18 Casual pants 20 Ocean bottoms 22 Depart 23 Fishing line holder 24 Names like Billy the Kid 26 Vehicle with a compactor 30 Ingredient in a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder 31 Recreational walk 32 Traffic
35 36 38 39
40 41 42
45 48 49
50 53 56 58 59 60 61
problem Unsuave sort Unrefined oil Conceal Items checked by T.S.A. agents Rugmaking apparatus Target, as with a gun Where one might witness a hit and run? Opposite of rejects Winniethe-___ Find, as a missing person Atomic bomb unit Fishing gear holder Stop, as a stream “What ___ be done?” Made a rug, e.g. Pig sounds Spot for a
goatee 62 Spots for glasses 63 Skedaddles … or what 18-, 26-, 42- and 53-Across all have
on andirons 13 19 21
24 25
lumps? Garden watering aids Wonderland girl Neural activity measure, for short Desertlike Book between Mark and John Asian desert “And giving
45 Room just under a roof 46 Stock market disaster 47 Desert plants 50 Transport 51 Prefix with directional 52 Zap
54 Ram’s mate Down 55 The “B” of 1 Online store B.S.A. offering 57 Letter 2 Knots 3 Roadway 26 add-ons, division 27 for short 4 University of Michigan’s Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ home I don’t even 5 Small source understand why of protein we bother to have a meteorology 6 Walk like a department if they duck can’t make it 80˚F 7 Magnum ___ on the Terrace all year-round. 8 Fraction of an Conference up hr. with the physics 9 Valise department and put all them 10 What a lasers to work. meteor looks like in the sky 11 Zones 12 One working out the
Get today’s puzzle solutions at
To place an ad in Classifieds: Elise Watson 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Monday, November 12, 2012
Know your rights? The Legal- 132 N. Breese: Save big money Hyena phone app knows what and put together a large group you want! of friends to live with! Huge 17++++ brick house with 3 large oversized bathrooms and 4 huge dens, and a giant rec room. Across the street from Camp STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Randall and the Engineering Paid Survey Takers Needed in campus. Includes large porch, Madison. 100% Free to Join. extra dens, giant living room and Click on Surveys. dining hall, and on- site laundry. FREE PARKING FOR 16+ CARS INCLUDED! $9095/ mo. Tenants pay utilities. tallardapartments. com 250-0202
INDY, from 10 solidly in the Badgers’ corner. Facing third-and-16 with about 40 seconds left in the half, White bounced to the left side, followed his blocks into green pastures and never looked back, picking up 69 yards and a 24-7 lead heading into halftime. “James provided the spark again at the end of the half,” Bielema said. “We kept running it because we actually thought that was a pretty good shot at scoring — we were like one guy away on a couple of those big ... runs to making it happen. Obviously before the half that was a huge momentum swing … kind of a dagger.” “When James makes a play like that, that’s just ridiculous,” Phillips added. In the second half, the Badgers started with the ball and never looked back, putting 38 more points on the board. With the dominating win, Wisconsin will finish its season — first at home against Ohio State, followed with a trip to Penn State a week later — already knowing it will be playing for the Big Ten title Dec. 1. It’s something that was a goal for UW from the very beginning. “It means a lot; it was one of our goals,” Ball said. “We finally got it and obviously it feels good. But we still have two games left.”
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UW spreads scoring in season-opener Senior forward Berggren leads Badgers with 19 points as Wisconsin cruises past Southeastern Louisiana 87-47 Nick Daniels Associate Sports Editor The Wisconsin men’s basketball team started off its 2012-13 campaign in high-flying fashion Sunday, demolishing Southeastern Louisiana 87-47 at the Kohl Center. From the get-go, it was never much of a contest between the Badgers and their visitors from the south. UW opened the game on a 19-0 scoring run that spanned the first eight minutes of the first half before the Lions broke the shutout on a threepointer by senior guard Todd Nelson more than seven minutes into the game. By the end of the first half, the Badgers had built a commanding 43-17 lead on 15-for-28 shooting, while they held the visiting Lions to a measly 25 percent clip from the field on 7-for-28 shooting and 1-for-8 from behind the three-point line. While the second half would start out right where it left off for the Badgers, as time wore on, UW Head Coach Bo Ryan increasingly turned to the bench to take the workload off his starters in the first game of a lengthy season. The Badgers would finish with 34 points from the bench, including 10 points from senior forward Mike Bruesewitz and eight points from freshman forward Sam Dekker.
For Southeastern Louisiana head coach Jim Yarbrough, Wisconsin’s offensive depth posed too many problems for his team to handle. “They were just terrific in every way,” Yarbrough said. “At one point weeks and months ago, if you told us we would have 47 points, we probably would have been ecstatic in some ways thinking, ‘Well maybe the game could be 58-47, kind of a low scoring affair, grinding it out.’ “If this is any kind of example, I don’t think [Wisconsin is] going to have to worry about low-scoring affairs.” Perhaps the most unexpected aspect of the game for Badger fans was not the blowout margin of victory, but the team’s announcement before the game that Bruesewitz had been cleared to play and would participate in the regular season home opener. While the medical staff restricted his time on the court, Bruesewitz finished the game as UW’s third leading scorer with 10 points in 13 minutes off the bench. Senior forward Jared Berggren lead Wisconsin’s scoring efforts with 19 points, quietly putting out a solid performance for Wisconsin and rounding out his statistics with eight rebounds and four blocks. “I thought he did some
really good things to keep a post presence,” Ryan said. “We did touch the post; some teams you will be able to touch the post more than against others. Jared did a pretty good job with that.” Helping Berggren with the scoring load and on the boards was redshirt sophomore guard Ben Brust. Often a hot-and-cold shooter last season, Brust finished the game with 14 points on 5-of-8 shooting from the field and hit both of his two attempts from behind the arc. The 6-foot-1 Brust also led all players with 11 rebounds. Following the departure of point guard Jordan Taylor, who graduated last spring, and Josh Gasser to a seasonending ACL injury, some thought UW might struggle on the defensive side of the ball with two of the Badgers’ best defenders no longer on the court. But the combination of Brust, redshirt freshman George Marshall and sophomore Traevon Jackson at guard held the Lions’ starting guards to 19 points — including only two points from senior guard Brandon Fortenberry, who was Southeastern Louisiana’s second-leading scorer a year ago and is expected to carry the bulk of the offense this season. “We knew Fortenberry could score,” Ryan said. “I thought we did a pretty good job of, at times, handing
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Fifth-year senior Jared Berggren had plenty to smile about Sunday, as the Badgers’ bench production added to the center’s solid 19-point performance against the Lions. him off to the next guy, forcing him to squeeze in areas of the floor to where he was uncomfortable. Our positioning wasn’t too bad.” Looking ahead to the rest of the season, especially with the loss of Gasser, Brust and the other guards know their defensive play could play a big role in the Badgers’ results. “Obviously Josh was [allBig Ten] defensive team last year, so collectively in the guard spot, I think me, George and [Traevon], we’re going to have to do a good
job working together … and do our best to get what we can without Josh,” Brust said. “We’re just going to have to step up.” Despite a dominating first performance in Wisconsin’s official unveiling of this year’s team, the looming matchup with No. 10 Florida Wednesday kept Ryan from getting too carried away with the Badgers’ 40-point rout. “[Traevon], and Ben, George, they did OK,” Ryan said. “But we are obviously going to have to be better against the next opponent.”
Wurtz, Badgers tame pesky Panthers 74-56 UW offense picks up steam in 2nd half behind senior guard’s 16-point, 9-rebound effort against UW-Milwaukee
PHILLIPS, from 10
Dan Corcoran Women’s Basketball Writer
teammates of a former UW signal caller whom Phillips worked under. “He played behind Scotty, watched how Scott Tolzien went about his business and he tries to really emulate that I think, put his own twist on it obviously,” Phillips’ close friend and tight end Brian Wozniak said. “But he really tries to emulate that, so I think he knew how to prepare.” With close to 20 family members and friends watching from the stands, Phillips admitted the victory that sealed Wisconsin’s ticket to the Big Ten Championship Game was a shining moment for him. It may not have been enough to steal the spotlight from his teammates lining up in the backfield, but it remained a defining moment in Phillips’ bumpy career. “Just seeing guys like [strength and conditioning assistant coach Brian Bott] get excited, my family; it’s tough on them every time you get hurt and they don’t want them to sit there and watch you get banged up,” Phillips said. “It makes it extra special.”
On a night where the weather outdoors changed quickly, so did the atmosphere inside the Kohl Center, as the Wisconsin women’s basketball team took down UW-Milwaukee 74-56 Sunday night in front of an announced crowd of 3,619. Although the box score indicated the game was somewhat one-sided, the game was highly competitive throughout. Wisconsin (1-0) actually trailed for the better part of the first half and at one point found itself down 27-19 to the Panthers (1-1 ) with 7 minutes and 33 seconds remaining in the first half. The Badgers worked themselves back into the game by upping the pressure on the defensive end of the court, which head coach Bobbie Kelsey recognized as the deciding factor in the game. “I told our kids don’t overlook them because Kyle [Rechlicz] will have [UW-Milwaukee] ready to play, and sure enough they were,” Kelsey said. “When
KORGER, from 10 dimension that helped net UW an extra 79 yards on the ground. He also beat out Danny O’Brien for the starting job during the team’s bye week, even though O’Brien far
we asserted ourselves and did what we were supposed to do, ran our offense and got up on them and made them dribble; I think that was the difference in the game, the pressure.” A three-point basket by Panthers’ guard Angela Rodriguez pushed UWM’s lead to its largest at eight points, but the Badgers answered with a threepointer of their own. Fifth-year senior guard and tri-captain Tiera Stephen missed a jumper, but Jacki Gulczynski grabbed the offensive rebound and passed the ball off to freshman Nicole Bauman, who promptly drained the three-pointer. The three was part of 10 points on the night for Bauman, who also played a large role in the defensive pressure that helped to turn the game around for the Badgers. After the game, Kelsey had nothing but praise for the freshman’s performance off the bench in her first collegiate action. “Nicole just plays. She doesn’t know what the score is. [If] she’s open she is going to shoot it,
and she’s a great shooter,” Kelsey said. “To be a freshman, she’s very fearless out there. … Nicole, we depend on her and I’ve been dependent on her since she stepped foot on this campus because I know she can play basketball.” On the Panthers’ ensuing possession, Stephen came up with one of her careerhigh eight steals and drove the length of floor for a layup, cutting UWM’s lead to 27-24. UW followed that basket with several defensive stops, a jumper by Tessa Cichy and free throw by Dakota Whyte to tie the game at 27 with 5:05 remaining in the first half. The game remained close for the remainder of the half, and Wisconsin took a 37-33 lead into the locker room. The turning point of the game came in the opening two minutes of the second half, as Wisconsin was able to use a seven-point run to stretch its lead to 11, a lead it never relinquished. Playing a large part in pulling away from the Panthers was not only UW’s tighter defensive play and
smaller lineup, but also the play of senior tri-captain Taylor Wurtz. Wurtz missed UW’s two exhibition games with back problems but was back in full force Sunday and especially so in the second half. Wurtz was held to three points in the first half, but with the help of her teammates she scored 13 second-half points, leading to her game-high total of 16. “It felt great to be back and I was excited to get back on the floor and I thought that my teammates did a great job of helping me get into the rhythm,” Wurtz said. “Obviously, when you sit out for a while it’s an adjustment, but again, it’s easy when you have teammates communicating and helping you out there.” Wurtz was not the only one in double figures, as three of her teammates also made it into doubledigit scoring. This included sophomore AnnMarie Brown’s breakout performance of 11 points and 10 rebounds, her first career double-double. Also reaching double figures was junior point
guard Morgan Paige, the third of the tri-captains, who recorded 14 points along with three assists. Kelsey said she was pleased to see the sharing of the scoring considering how many capable scorers Wisconsin has, but she is looking for the Badgers to be more consistent hitting open shots. “We have a lot of scorers on our team,” Kelsey said. “It’s just a matter of us sharing the ball and working together, and people hitting open shots. You got to hit open shots.” Not only was the game an in-state rivalry, but a former Badger player and assistant coach was at the helm for the Panthers in Rechlicz, which helped to stimulate the highly competitive atmosphere. Rechlicz was on the sidelines for the Badgers last year as an assistant, and following the game she said she was impressed with how far Wisconsin has come since she left at the end of last season. “Wisconsin has definitely gotten a lot better, and they have proven that they are ready to compete in the Big Ten,” Rechlicz said.
and away had the most experience. So what does that say about Phillips? The team and coaches respect him enormously. And, yeah, he has some talent too. I’m not saying every player Bielema recruits
is some sort of perfect human being. There have been some players who have been dismissed from the team in Bielema’s tenure, but for every one bad instance there are at least seven stories like Curt Phillips to overshadow it. And that’s what makes this
Wisconsin program one to never give up on. Even when things look ugly, the character of its players is of the best possible quality. And that’s why, once again, the Badgers are just one game away from making a trip to Pasadena.
Nick is a fifth-year senior majoring in English and history. Catch Nick on WSUM’s “The Badger Herald Sports Hour” Sundays from 4-5 p.m. and “The Student Section” Mondays from 4-6 p.m. Email him at nkorger@ or send him a tweet @NickKorger.
Sports Editor Ian McCue
10 | Sports | Monday, November 12, 2012
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UW seals trip to Indy in 62-14 win Kelly Erickson Senior Sports Writer BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — The Wisconsin football team was leading 31-7 in the middle of the third quarter. The Badgers were in the middle of their second drive of the half with a first-and-10 from the Hoosiers’ 49. Senior running back Montee Ball already had 150 rushing yards on the day but had yet to break one loose in the second half. With 49 yards to the end zone, Ball took the run on first down and scampered in for the score, giving the Badgers a 38-7 lead at the time. The 49-yard run brought Ball’s net rushing yards to 198 with three touchdowns on 27 carries. The single play encompassed not only Ball’s day, but Wisconsin’s as well. “Montee had a couple of runs that were out of his mind,” head coach Bret Bielema said. “He was breaking tackles, staying alive, elephant crawling with one arm on the ground — he was just possessed.” With a 62-14 victory over Indiana (4-6, 2-4 Big Ten) on the road Saturday, Wisconsin (7-3, 4-2) officially punched its ticket to Indianapolis and the Big Ten Championship Game, even with two games remaining in the regular season. The result overwhelmingly came from a bruising ground game. The Wisconsin running back corps put up 564 yards
on 64 carries. On top of Ball’s 198-yard effort, junior running back James White finished with 161 yards and two touchdowns on 14 carries; redshirt freshman Melvin Gordon had 96 yards and a touchdown on eight carries and, finally, redshirt freshman Jeff Lewis rounded out the day with a touchdown of his own and 11 yards on two carries. The 564 rushing yards broke a school record set in 1974 against Northwestern (551 yards) and is only the third time in school history the Badgers rushed for more than 500 yards. “It meant a lot. As running backs, we love it,” Ball said of the rushing effort, especially after UW gained just 19 rushing yards against Michigan State two weeks ago. “The offensive line did their job and we didn’t want to let them down, so we made the right reads and finished plays.” With the running game flourishing, fifth-year senior quarterback Curt Phillips was able to sit back and manage the game in his first career start. Prior to the matchup with IU, Phillips had only played in six games, with seven completions for 65 yards. As questions surrounded his mobility and just how comfortable he would be in the pocket, Phillips went 4-for-7 for 41 yards and a touchdown and took two sacks in the first half. Phillips’ limited passing game was part of Bielema’s game plan, as he didn’t want to put a lot pressure on him
Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
Montee Ball (28) and James White both enjoyed stellar days on the ground Saturday against the conference’s worst defense, as the tailback duo combined for 359 rushing yards and five touchdowns. in that respect. “I really could care less,” Phillips said about his passing effort. “As long as we’re moving the ball and scoring, I could care less.” But where Phillips truly shined was in his own run game. He took seven carries for a net total of 68 yards. “He just has no fear when a play is there; that’s the advantage of that play to take off and run, that’s what
he does,” Bielema said. While Phillips didn’t need to worry about a passing game, that’s all Indiana sophomore quarterback Cameron Coffman had to work with. Coffman completed 25 of his 46 passing attempts for 233 yards and two touchdowns, but he also threw two interceptions, each of which set up a Wisconsin touchdown.
Coffman showed moments of establishing some rhythm — particularly on IU’s two touchdown drives — but due to a staunch UW defense, he was never able to establish any consistency. As a result, the Hoosiers only managed 294 offensive yards on 70 plays. The Badgers, on the other hand, outpaced the Hoosiers to 605 offensive yards — from the 564
rushing yards and an additional 41 passing yards — on 71 plays, holding onto the ball for nearly 20 minutes longer than the Hoosiers. While Wisconsin certainly commanded the majority of the game, it wasn’t until a 69-yard touchdown run from White that the momentum was
INDY, page 8
Badgers’ character shines in blowout Nick Korger Korger’s Korner
Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald
After returning from an ACL injury that sidelined him for the entire 2011 season, the Badgers didn’t place a heavy workload on Phillips, who only threw the ball seven times against Indiana.
Phillips steady in 1st career start 5th-year senior quarterback rushes for 68 yards, tosses for 41 more against Hoosiers Ian McCue Sports Editor BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — On a day when Wisconsin running backs Montee Ball and James White each crossed the century mark to help the Badgers gain a schoolrecord 564 rushing yards, coaches didn’t need much help from quarterback Curt Phillips. But, as defined by a 52-yard run in the third quarter, he became another offensive weapon in UW’s 62-14 rout of Indiana (4-6, 2-4 Big Ten) in Bloomington Saturday. Phillips cut left and then cut across the field to the right sideline before Hoosiers cornerback Kenny Mullen tracked down the fifth-year senior and ended any chances of a trip to the end zone. “I was definitely excited to get back out there. Been awhile, obviously,” Phillips said. “Kind of felt like a little kid on Christmas this morning. Not nervous, but just excited.” Phillips became the third different quarterback to earn the starting nod in a Wisconsin (7-3, 4-2) uniform this season.
Redshirt junior Danny O’Brien took over after Joel Stave’s seasonending injury against Michigan State two weeks ago, but Bielema finally handed the reigns to Phillips for the first time in his four-year career Saturday. And while it was Ball who closed in on the all-time NCAA record for career touchdowns, Phillips set a career mark of his own Sunday: the first touchdown pass of his collegiate career. Wisconsin’s second touchdown of the game came off the play-action pass following six-straight run plays when he found sophomore tight end Sam Arneson in the back of the end zone. It also marked the first career touchdown catch for Arneson, but Phillips kept his excitement subdued after orchestrating the play that handed the Badgers a 14-0 lead. Bielema said such a reaction was typical of the understated Phillips, who did what was necessary and not much more against Indiana. “The plan was to not put a lot on Curt. Obviously it worked very, very well,” Bielema
said. “Curt’s very good at certain throws and we just got a situation in the second half where I said, ‘We don’t really need to throw it; just keep running it, keep pounding it.’” His final passing numbers on the day — completing 4-of-7 attempts for 41 yards — were modest, and it was clear UW’s newest man under center was still adjusting to his first significant action in nearly three years during the first half at Memorial Stadium. Phillips overthrew several receivers, and his first pass of the game fell incomplete, but it was on the ground where he did his greatest damage. Darting from the pocket two times on Wisconsin’s opening drive, Phillips took off with the ball seven times and picked up 68 yards in the game. Despite tearing the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee three times over the last four years, his ability to scamper helped UW in its offensive explosion against the Hoosiers. But the yards came against an Indiana defense that sits last in
the Big Ten in rushing defense, surrendering an average of 208.4 yards per game heading into Saturday’s matchup. Phillips acknowledged upcoming opponents — notably an Ohio State defense that gives up the second-fewest yards on the ground in the Big Ten — will provide a more rigorous test for his arm. “After seeing we only threw it seven times and had 500 [plus] yards rushing, they’re going to zero us down and make us throw it,” Phillips said. “I’m confident with it; we just didn’t necessarily need to do it today. Those guys were rolling up front and I was excited for Montee.” As the second half progressed, Wisconsin increasingly relied on the three-headed rushing attack of Ball, White and redshirt freshman Melvin Gordon to move the ball down the field. That meant only two passing attempts for Phillips in the final 30 minutes of play and turned his role into a game manager. That job of controlling the clock and avoiding turnovers reminded
PHILLIPS, page 8
I’m a big intangibles guy. Talent matters, but when it comes down to it, what separates the good and the great in sports — and in life for that matter — is that little extra something you can’t touch or see physically on the field or court of play. If you’re the kid who’s busting his or her butt in the weight room at 6 a.m. every day, whether you’re a student-athlete preparing for your respective sport or a student trying to stay fit amid a demanding academic schedule, you already know what I’m talking about. The desire to better yourself when nobody’s looking, the mindset to keep pushing on when it seems you can’t any further, putting in the extra time and effort required to improve — that’s what makes a person their greatest and truly the best they can be. And when nobody sees the actions that lead up to the end result, sometimes the lengthy and tough process it takes to reach such success can be lost in translation. When I got a chance to sit down for a lengthy interview this past April with Wisconsin Women’s Basketball Head Coach Bobbie Kelsey, she told me what makes a person competitive, and that special kind of person doesn’t come from coaching — although it can help guide that person in the right direction. And I agree. And I think that’s why teams under Bret Bielema at Wisconsin continue to have such success on and off the field. The kids he recruits are the kind every coach wants filling his roster.
This season could have easily been a Titanic-esque disaster after Week 2. The loss to Oregon State, the firing of Mark Markuson and the questions at starting quarterback all but erased the Badgers’ giant preseason expectations. But still, the Badgers battled on. Then came the injury to Joel Stave against Michigan State that ended his promising season and a lackluster performance by the Wisconsin offensive line and Danny O’Brien. But still, the Badgers kept trucking ahead. Why? Look at the DNA of this program. The star in the backfield is a kid who was once No. 3 on the depth chart at running back his sophomore year until two injuries in a single game thrust him onto the field. A Heisman finalist season later and a return in 2012 with a body and destructive running style best compared to the Hulk, Montee Ball is the face of this Wisconsin team. And on top of that, his backup hardly played last season and during his prep career was buried in the depth chart as well. But now James White is regularly putting up 100yard games for the Badgers. And what about the fifth-year quarterback who made the first start of his career Saturday? I’m not even sure anymore how many ACL injuries Phillips has endured in his career at Wisconsin, but the dedication and resilience he has shown after not playing football for the past two years to somehow find his way in the starting lineup shows the heart and character of a young man who could have easily given up on his football career when the times got tough. And yes, his stat line wasn’t impressive throwing the ball — 4-7 passing for 41 yards and a touchdown — but Phillips made plays with his feet, an added
KORGER, page 8