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Hump Day’s got the prefect “tips” for all relationship statuses to make Thursday special for everyone. And we mean EVERYONE. ARTS | 9


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


UW officials support bill Ward, Berquam back legislation promoting ‘responsible action’ Julia Skulstad Senior Campus Editor

Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald

The Young Progressives, a branch of Obama’s Organizing for Action, met for a watch party Wednesday to share opinions and thoughts about the State of the Union address.

Obama speaks on tuition In his State of the Union address, president calls on colleges to reduce student costs Polo Rocha Senior Legislative Editor In his fourth State of the Union address Wednesday night, President Barack Obama emphasized his top priority remains on improving the middle class. Obama said the economy has turned around since he took office and has begun creating jobs again. But,

he said given the high unemployment rate and stagnant wages in the country, his work is not yet over. “It is our generation’s task, then, to reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth — a rising, thriving middle class,” Obama said. Obama said his administration has worked to reduce college costs by expanding grants, loans and tax credits, and he

added it is now colleges’ turn to do so as well. Obama called for Congress to make “affordability and value” part of what the federal government looks for when it gives federal aid to colleges. Tomorrow, he said, his administration will put out a scorecard for colleges so students can evaluate which ones would give the “most bang for your educational buck.” “Taxpayers can’t keep

on subsidizing higher and higher and higher costs for higher education,” Obama said. “Colleges must do their part to keep costs down, and it’s our job to make sure that they do.” While he said reducing the deficit is crucial, Obama said revenues must be part of this effort. He also called for combating climate change, comprehensive

OBAMA, page 3

Interim Chancellor David Ward and Dean of Students Lori Berquam said Monday they support a Responsible Action Bill the student government is lobbying for at the state level. Ward and Berquam endorsed the bill in a meeting to discuss the proposal with ASM leadership. According to an ASM statement, responsible action is a current campus policy to protect intoxicated underage individuals from citations when calling authorities for help. The statement said if it is passed at a state level, the responsible action policy would be enacted across Wisconsin. ASM Chair Andrew Bulovsky said he finds it “absolutely awful” that students are afraid to call the police. He said he hopes this bill will take away that disincentive to call for help. “Responsible action deals directly with a campus safety issue and ASM is proud to work toward it,” Bulovsky said. Bulovsky said the support of Ward and Berquam gives increased clout to the issue. He said responsible action deals with a serious issue and having the chancellor and dean’s support gives it more credit.

ASM Press Office Director David Gardner said he considers support from the chancellor and dean a “huge” victory for the campaign. He said their support is something that will allow student council to move forward faster. “It is a strong symbol that UW [University of Wisconsin], as the flagship of the University of Wisconsin System, supports responsible action and shows that other UW schools should too,” Gardner said in response to the importance of having the support of Ward and Berquam. ASM, having conducted multiple surveys and worked with many campus groups, has determined the responsible action policy makes students safer on campus, Gardner said. He said ASM considers the collaboration with the chancellor and the dean valuable because Ward and Berquam will provide insight into passing the bill. The responsible action proposal will be brought in front of the Chancellor’s Alcohol Policy Group on campus, Bulovsky said. This action is important, he said, to ensure the language makes sense and everyone stands on the same page.

BILL, page 3

Small Medicaid expansion likely Gov. Scott Walker expected to announce alternative health care option in speech Polo Rocha Senior Legislative Editor Gov. Scott Walker is expected to announce Wednesday he is partially taking the optional Medicaid expansion under the health care reform law. Anonymous sources from the Walker’s office told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel earlier this week that Walker would take an alternative option in the expansion, although details are still unclear on what that option would be. Walker is expected to talk about his plans for the smaller expansion in a speech tomorrow afternoon at the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce convention. “I think there’s more than just black or white,” Walker previously told the Journal Sentinel about the expansion. “I think there’s variations.” Walker’s plan would lead to about 35,000 more individuals getting Medicaid, the Journal Sentinel reported from anonymous sources in Walker’s administration.

That is less than the nearly 175,000 people who could get Medicaid if Walker took a full expansion, according to a nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau analysis. The Journal Sentinel also said Walker would likely put some people who would have been eligible under the full expansion into the private insurance exchanges the federal government will set up. The federal government has sliding subsidy levels in exchanges for those under 400 percent of the federal poverty line. Democrats support the full Medicaid expansion in part due to the 100 percent of federal funding at first, a number that gradually goes down to 90 percent by 2020. That is compared to the current ratio of 60 percent federal funds and 40 percent state funds. “Strengthening BadgerCare isn’t about loving or hating Obamacare,” Rep. Jon Richards, D-Milwaukee,

MEDICAID, page 4

END OF AN ERA A red panda at the Henry Vilas Zoo passed away after living a fruitful 12 years, leaving the zoo community hopeful for a potential new panda birth soon. Lukas Keapproth The Badger Herald file photo

Professor, ACLU to sue INSIDE state over permit process Time to dish out some hardware

Lexi Harrison Herald Contributor A University of Wisconsin professor and the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin filed a federal lawsuit against Capitol Police over their permitting process Monday. UW medical physics professor Michael

Kissick and ACLU filed a lawsuit in federal courts against Capitol Police Chief David Erwin and Michael Huesbch, secretary of the Department of Administration, who oversees the Capitol Police. The lawsuit revolves around a DOA policy that requires a permit to protest in the Capitol,


which has led to some violators receiving tickets. ACLU said in a statement the goal of the lawsuit is to prevent the DOA from using permits to stop Capitol demonstrations and to cease punishing protesters for not having a permit, which

LAWSUIT, page 4

The Badger Herald gives out end-of season awards for the 2012 Wisconsin football team


It’s time to give hoops fans signs Giving students more creative control could vastly improve game day atmosphere



The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, February 13, 2013 TODAY


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Dennis Kucinich examines corporations Former presidential candidate speaks at Barrymore Theatre on outsourced jobs, visibility of political movements Polo Rocha Senior Legislative Editor Former U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, pushed Madison supporters to advocate against policies that help corporations in a speech Tuesday. Kucinich, a former presidential candidate, spoke at the Barrymore Theatre about “fighting back” against multinational corporations that have outsourced jobs and government austerity policies. “You have to look at the role of corporations today, and we’re not talking about mom and pop delicatessens here,” Kucinich said. “We’re talking about global corporations whose flag is not red, white and blue. The color of their flag is

green. … They are about the offshoring of jobs and the offshoring of taxes.” He also called austerity policies a “virus descending on our country” that have impeded the government from creating jobs the private sector cannot fill. Kucinich said Madison, where tens of thousands of protesters were at the Capitol two years ago, is an appropriate place to stage that fight. The former representative emphasized change in Washington, D.C., has to come from the people and will never come from Washington itself. He said progressives need to “break free of the psychology of victimization” and organize themselves into a powerful movement. Only then, he

said, would they be able to overcome unfavorable redistricting or the recent Citizens United decision that allowed corporations to influence elections more. “We need to reorganize,” Kucinich said. “Movements need to become visible again. We cannot be — and I know you’re with me on this — but we cannot nurse these resentments about our conditions in the silence of our homes.” Kucinich lost a Democratic congressional primary in 2012 after he was redistricted out of the district he had represented for more than a decade. He said although people assume Republicans did this to him, Democrats were actually at fault. Parties, including his own, are not perfect,

especially given the influence of money on the political system, he said. One example of this, he said, is when Democrats retook the House of Representatives in 2006 and promised an end to the Iraq War but continued to fund it. This was part of Kucinich’s critique against the nation’s lawmakers spending too much on defense. “Who are we as a nation?” Kucinich said. “How did we become this military juggernaut and forget about the people here at home?” Another example he gave of a flawed Democratic Party is when they took a public option for health care off the table, leading to a package that gave insurance companies more

customers. Kucinich, after meeting with President Barack Obama five times, said he ultimately and “reluctantly” voted for the package to show that changes could occur. Kucinich spoke as part of an event from Wisconsin Wave, a group protesting against Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce during WMC’s two-day convention. Adam Porton, Wisconsin Wave field director, said protesters are trying to convince small businesses WMC does not stand for their interests. WMC spokesperson Jim Pugh contested this characterization, noting its 3,500 members and WMC’s policies ensure businesses create jobs for Wisconsinites.

Battery on W. Gilman, items stolen on Mifflin Sarah Eucalano City Hall Editor MIFFLIN Robbery

Herald business

few snow showers



A 49-year-old man’s money and laptop were stolen from his home on the 1300 block of East Mifflin Street at around 2:30 a.m. Saturday. According to a Madison Police Department statement, there was no sign of forced entry but the victim heard rustling noises that awoke him. According to the statement, his living room lights were turned on and there were footprints of snow leading from his front door to his living room, which is where his belongings were taken from. MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain said he has not

heard any leads on the burglary yet, but many laptops have tracking technology on them that allows them to pinpoint the laptop’s location. He said MPD also monitors pawn shops and similar establishments to track if any stolen items are sold there. He said MPD frequently retrieves stolen items from pawn shops. MPD also frequently retrieves large amounts of stolen property from the residents of burglars they arrest. He said there are many citizen activists who monitor Craigslist and will contact MPD if they think they have located a stolen item on the website. DeSpain cited an example of a woman who recently worked with MPD to locate a stolen bicycle on Craigslist.

“We encourage people to go around their residences and video tape valuable property and record serial numbers,” DeSpain said. DeSpain said if a laptop is stolen, it is easier to find if the owner knows the serial number. Small electronics are frequently the target of burglars, he added. He said he encourages people to not leave laptops unattended. DeSpain emphasized keeping them out of eyesight in your dorm or apartment so it is not easy for people who burglarize to come in and take them. GILMAN STREET: Battery A 21-year-old man was arrested early Sunday morning after he attacked two Madison men, resulting in one of them

receiving a chipped tooth on the 400 block of West Gilman Street. According to the MPD statement, Paris Reese confronted one of the men, who was with a group of his friends. One of his friends attempted to break up the two men, but Reese started punching both of the men, the statement said. DeSpain said Reese did not know the group of men but shouted something about protecting his sister’s honor. DeSpain said it is not clear what he was talking about, because there were few women in the area and the men in the group were unsure why Reese had become so outraged. The statement said officers from MPD’s Central District Community Police Team

were on routine patrol in the area when they saw the fight and went to break it up. The statement said one of the victims had received a chipped tooth. DeSpain said incidents like this one occur most frequently in the downtown area, particularly around bar time. He said the alcoholfueled fights that take place in this area are sometimes an attack, and sometimes involve two people in mutual combat. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said random attacks like this one are too common downtown, particularly around bar time in the entertainment district. He said it is fortunate MPD was in the right place at the right time to break up the fight and arrest the suspect.

Henry Vilas Zoo Red Panda dies at 12 years old Chang Tan lost long-term fight with health problems, will be remembered by community for artistic talent Sarah Eucalano City Hall Editor

turning your frown upside down.


Chang Tan, the red panda at Madison’s Henry Vilas Zoo, passed away over the weekend after an extended fight with longterm ongoing medical issues. Jeff Halter, deputy director at the zoo, said Tan was 12 years old and had lived in Henry Vilas Zoo since he arrived in Madison from Cincinnati in 2007. Red pandas are a

threatened species and are indigenous to China and Bhutan, Halter said. Visitors to Henry Vilas Zoo remember Tan for the painting he did, according to Halter. Tan painted similarly to a kindergartener, and was given nontoxic paint to walk through and then stepped on paper, he added. Halter said a lot of animals paint like this. He said he has heard of rhinos, penguins, alligators, snakes and elephants painting like

this, but, some animals are better than others, he added.

“Your guess is as good as mine,”

Jeff Halter

Deputy Director of the zoo

Elephants are usually the best painters due to

a high cognitive ability and the dexterity of their trunks, which gives them a better skill set, Halter said. Tan is survived by two other red pandas at the zoo, Halter said. Lum, a male red panda, and Tai, a female red panda, have been recommended for breeding by the Species Survival Plan, a group of zoos in North America banded together to ensure the genetic viability of species, Halter said.

Tai is not pregnant yet, but Henry Vilas Zoo hopes to have a baby red panda eventually, although they are unsure of when this will happen, he said. “Your guess is as good as mine,” Halter said. “We’re hoping.” Halter said Henry Vilas Zoo is funded by the City of Madison, Dane County and Friends of the Zoo, which is private support the zoo receives. He said 80 percent of Vilas Zoo’s budget is funded by the county.

Assembly passes amendment securing funds Proposal to protect transportation reserves receives overwhelming support from GOP Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor The state Assembly passed a constiutional amendment that would protect the state’s transportation fund Tuesday. The amendment would prevent legislators from using transportation funds for any other purposes. It passed last session and now needs state Senate and voter approval in a November referendum. Representatives passed the amendment on an 8213 vote, with all nay votes coming from Democrats, although Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, voted for it. The bill’s author, Rep. Keith Ripp, R-Lodi, said the amendment would ensure a common practice from past lawmakers to “raid” the transportation fund, citing the $1.3 billion the fund has lost in the past. “The longer we allow this money to be moved from one account to the

other, the harder it will be to maintain the impressive transportation system we have in this state,” Ripp said. The public has been making this issue “clear,” Ripp said. He cited advisory referendum elections, in which 54 of the state’s 72 counties supported the amendment. All the Democrats who spoke during the debate, despite some of them ultimately voting for the amendment, talked about funds more important to the middle class that could be protected. Ripp, however, said legislators needed to focus first on transportation because it is the largest segregated fund and is the one that has been “abused the most by volume and repetition.” Rep. Andy Jorgensen, D-Fort Atkinson, agreed with the amendment, but said legislators should be consistent in protecting different accounts. “If we allocate money for a purpose, we should use it for that specific purpose,”

Jorgensen said. Rep. Janet Bewley, D-Ashland, who also voted against the amendment, said legislators should be fiscally responsible to begin with and should “surrender [their] own responsibilities” to a constitutional amendment. Rep. Gary Hebl, D-Sun Praire, voted against the transportation fund amendment because he said it protects road builders, not the middle class. “The concern I have is that we are prioritizing highway funding above other priorities that I believe are equal to or greater than, such as our educational system and our health care,” Hebl said. Democrats failed in advancing another amendment they said would have protected the middle class. It would have created and protected a public employee trust fund and a tax credit fund. It would also have created a national mortgage settlement fund that would have protected money the state won in a

settlement against banks last year and given back to homeowners any money already spent. As the amendment passed the last legislative session, it now has to pass the Senate and, if it does, voters have to approve it in November. Last month, a transportation commission the Legislature appointed last session released their report and recommended legislators approve the amendment. The commission warned legislators the state needed to invest in order to maintain the state’s transportation system, calling for $480 million a year for the next 10 years. But in order to fund that, the commission called for increasing fees on Wisconsin drivers, which Republican leaders said they would refuse to do. Democrats today said if Republicans are serious about protecting the state’s transportation system, they would take up the commission’s revenue proposals.

The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Ten semifinalists interviewed for chancellor Out of 69 applicants, committee hopes to narrow list by end of next week down to 5 Julia Skulstad Senior Campus Editor The president of the University of Wisconsin System told The Badger Herald this week that the committee charged with finding a replacement for

BILL, from 1 Gardner said ASM has representation on the policy group, which deals with alcohol policy and works with different stakeholders on campus. This policy group, he said, can attest to the importance of the policy. Bulovksy said, as of now, they have only verbal support from the chancellor and dean. He said the next step

OBAMA, from 1 immigration reform and raising the minimum wage to $9 per hour. Additionally, Obama talked about reducing gun violence in the country by requiring background checks and getting “weapons of war … off our streets.” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., gave the Republican response to the speech, in which he said Obama’s mission was to grow government further. “President Obama … believes [government] is the cause of our problems, that the economic downturn happened because our government didn’t tax enough, spend enough or control enough,”

Interim Chancellor David Ward has interviewed 10 semifinalists so far. UW System President Kevin Reilly said the search-and-screen committee is in the middle of a process of narrowing down the 10 semifinalists to a shortlist that he said he hopes will be revealed by the end of next week. He added he is not familiar with specifics of the list of candidates. “Based on the conversations I have had

As the end of the process with [Search-and-screen approaches, the Committee names of seven Chair] David candidates McDonald, from the we are very “I am looking preliminary optimistic, forward to pool and I bringing our work applicant who chose am quite to a successful not to request confident confidentiality we will get conclusion,” a group of David McDonald were released very good Search and Screen Committee Monday. The candidates Chair Wisconsin for one of State Journal the best earlier this jobs in American higher reported week that Vinod Anand, education,” Reilly said.

is attaining a written endorsement. Student Council passed a motion to support the bill last December. Following this, the Legislative Affairs Committee has worked to get it passed. LAC Vice Chair Morgan Rae worked with Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, to introduce the bill to the Senate and Assembly, the statement said. After they secure

co-sponsorship and support, the bill will be introduced to the Senate. Bulovsky said Rae and LAC Chair Dan Statter have been exceptional in this process to make sure students and admiration engaged. LAC will meet Feb. 18 to engage in further discussions regarding collaboration with UW administration to pass the Responsible Action Bill.

Rubio said. Rubio, who said he recently fi nished paying off his student loans, also talked about the need for students to know what they are financially getting into when they start college. He said the fix in higher education is not “just about spending more money,” but also about adapting to modern times. College students are no longer just 18-yearolds; they are now also veterans, single parents and people who have lost their jobs, Rubio said. Because of this, he added, federal aid can no longer “discriminate” against non-traditional students. “The 21st century workforce should not

be forced to accept 20th century education solutions,” Rubio said. According to Michael Wagner, a University of Wisconsin journalism professor, the State of the Union speech is not one in which presidents convince people of their ideas, but rather one in which they lay out their policy agenda. If the presidents’ positions line up with public opinion, Wagner said the issues become more “salient” to the public. Since poll numbers suggest the public lines up with some of Obama’s positions on immigration and gun violence, Wagner said people might be more motivated to push for those positions.

Martin Shapiro, Matthew Snipp, Brian Strom, Albert Wiley Jr., Johann-Dietrich Worner and Stephen Trask compose part of the list of candidates to replace Interim Chancellor David Ward in Bascom Hall. McDonald said these seven candidates are just a part of the 69 applications the committee received, according to the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty. He said the rest of the candidates’ names are to remain confidential.

“I have been very pleased with the diligence, thoroughness and mutual respect shown by my colleagues,” McDonald said. “I am looking forward to bringing our work to a successful conclusion.” McDonald said the committee is working toward agreeing on a list of about five finalists to submit to the Board of Regents’ Special Committee, whose members will decide their choice to serve as the next UW chancellor, he added.

Legislators push for harsher drunken driving guidelines Emily Loveland Herald Contributor Two Wisconsin Republican legislators are in the process of attempting to harshen the state’s drunken driving laws. Rep. Jim Ott, R-Mequon, and Senator Alberta Darling, R-River Hills, proposed six independent bills and sent memos to other legislators in hopes of gaining support. According to the Associated Press, the bills may include first-time offenders will have to go to court and third-time offenders will have committed a felony and have their vehicle seized. The bills would also impose mandatory jailtime, meaning if someone is injured, they will spend six months to three years in jail and if someone is killed, the mandatory sentence would be 10 years. Ott said he believes these bills would target repeat offenders, those with extremely high blood alcohol content, known as ‘superdrunks,’ and those who killed another due to their drunken driving state. He said he hopes the bills will change the condition of the roads, given Wisconsin’s death record

from drunk driving. “In the last 10 years, 2,000 people have died in Wisconsin from drunk driving, either killed or the driver was killed — that’s 200 a year,” Ott said. “We want the roads safer and this is worth trying.” Both Ott and Darling said they understand the complexity of the issue and that these bills will not necessarily stop it, but are hopeful it will help. Darling’s spokesperson Bob Delaporte said Wisconsin has some of the weakest drunken driving laws, especially when compared to the consequences of getting a traffic ticket, and said he hopes to change that. He said he also believes there is not enough attention given to the victims from drunken driving. “Senator believes this could help crack down on drunk driving and that hopefully people will be more responsible,” Delaporte said. Delaporte said Darling realizes the difficulty in this task and that it will be a culture change. Nina Emerson, expert on alcohol and drug-impaired driving law and policy and

the director at the Resource Center on Impaired Driving, said she understands what they are trying to do by proposing the bills, but is not entirely sure it is going to make a difference. She said she does not agree with vehicle seizures, because they have tried it before and it did not work. “Three years ago, in Act 100, they specifically took out vehicle seizures because officers, the people who implemented it, hated it,” Emerson said. Emerson said she is not completely enthusiastic about it because she has seen it done in the past, and added she does not fully understand why they are trying to bring it back. She also said she found it interesting that first offenders would have to appear in court, and said she is not sure what it will accomplish. Emerson, however, said she does not agree with mandatory minimums, because it steps into the boundaries of the other branches. She added she believes it should be up to the discretion of the court. The Associated Press contributed to this story.


The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Walker to increase funding to Madison College Sarah Eucalano City Hall Editor Gov. Scott Walker announced Sunday he will increase the state’s funding of Wisconsin technical schools by millions of dollars, but some of the requirements to receive the aid was met with mixed reviews. A statement from the governor’s office said he will fund initiatives to improve the Wisconsin Technical College System in his budget, which will be released later this month. The statement said the two initiatives will go toward performance-based funding

programs and train potential workers in fields where there is a high demand for workers, the statement said. The program would require Wisconsin Technical College System to track results and adjust their programs to continue to bridge skills gaps, according to the statement. According to the statement, technical schools will receive performancebased funding, which would mean an extra $88.9 million in aid between 2014 and 2020. This aid would be focused on the schools with the highest job placement rate and programs in high demand fields, the statement said.

for technical colleges and an increase in aid and support for work training. Madison College Provost Terry Webb said Walker is interested in investing more money in the Wisconsin Technical College System. He said he does not know how much funding Madison College will receive, but added he supports Walker’s decision. “We applaud that,” Webb said. “We think that’s a good thing.” The statement said Walker’s budget will allocate an additional $5 million in aid for technical schools. The budget will also give technical schools access to $22 million to help expand

Walker has targeted areas where there is a gap between available skilled workers and job openings, Webb said. These sectors include manufacturing, health care and, more recently, accounting and finance, he added. Webb said Madison College welcomes some performance-based funding because the goal of the technical college system is to get people into careers. Madison College already measures how many of its students get jobs and what fields those jobs are in, he said. In an interview with the Capital Times, Webb said he thought tying funds to

job placement is “a flawed approach.” He said Madison College measures its students’ career readiness and many students take standardized tests. He said students preparing to be nurses, technicians and other medical positions take a health care test. According to Webb, Madison College students do far better than the national average. He said this is also true for many of Wisconsin’s technical colleges. Walker’s statement also discussed requiring every public higher education school to offer 30 credits that can be transferred among all the public schools.

“[Walker] is trying to streamline the process,” Webb said. “We’re pleased with any progress we can make with streamlining the transfer process.” He also would allocate $2 million to a flexible degree program that would allow students to receive credit for prior experiences and earn a degree using both online and face-to-face components. Rep. Melissa Sargent, D-Madison, said she supports funding education, but wishes Walker had realized the importance of technical schools two years ago when he cut their funding.

WISPIRG provides details, plans for new campaigns Erpenbach stresses necessity of student voice, involvement in city’s social issues Molly Coplan Herald Contributor A student organization gave updates on several of its new campaigns, including a proposed funding increase to public transportation and a plastic water bottle ban, at its second semester kickoff meeting Tuesday. The Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group has been on the University

of Wisconsin campus for 23 years working on large social issues, according to WISPIRG chapter Chair Emily Eyck. “Getting involved and staying involved is very, very important,” Senator Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, said. According to Erpenbach, things are happening in the state that will not guarantee his children the same opportunities he had as a child. WISPIRG is currently trying to get Interim Chancellor David Ward to sign a contract that will allow the organization to work with professionals to turn their ideas into sustainable

campaigns, according to Eyck. “We work with professional staff that help us form really reliable campaigns,” Eyck said. Since WISPIRG has been involved on campus for so long, it would be a shame to see it gone next semester, Eyck said. She said WISPIRG is launching five new campaigns. For example, the new public transportation campaign deals with how students and other civilians get to where they need to be in the community, according to Eyck. “We want to see a 10 percent increase in funding

for public transportation in the state of Wisconsin,” Eyck said. Eyck said WISPIRG wants to see the state budget reflect how people in the state are getting around, and added she wants this money to come out of unnecessary spending on highways people do not or cannot use. “Bottle Free Badgers,” another WISPIRG campaign, aims to ban plastic water bottles on campus in an effort to reduce the amount of oil spent on plastic water bottle production throughout the country, according to WISPRIG member Mariana Debernardini. “We can finally be the

university we claim to be,” Debernardini said. Emily Johnsrud, lead coordinator for the Hunger and Homelessness campaign, said the goal of this project is to raise $10,000 for a shelter here in the Madison area. Johnsrud said there will be a service-a-thon, Friday food drives and change drives in an effort to raise this money and awareness on campus. According to WISPIRG Vice Chair Jenny Dillon, this campaign wants to take a different approach on trying to tackle the problem of obesity that is not only widespread in Wisconsin, but is also sweeping the entire country.

The goal of this campaign is to start supporting locallygrown foods, Dillon said. In doing so, people will be eating healthier foods while supporting the local economy, he added. Dakota Fahrenkrug, WISPIRG member, said the Democracy campaign wants to get “big money” out of politics, such as the high amount spent during presidential elections. “If you don’t get involved, you’ll lose your rights,” Erpenbach said. Students can be involved with these campaigns by volunteering or by becoming an intern for WISPIRG, Debernardini said.

New technology furthers carpal tunnel research at UW campus Sarah Eucalano City Hall Editor Researchers at the University of Wisconsin are one step closer to finding a cure for carpal tunnel syndrome through the use of video technology to record and analyze workers’ upper body movements. Robert Gadwin, a professor in biomedical engineering and industrial and systems engineering, who also led the study, said the idea of the research is to combine human perception with the computer to measure things that are not easy to measure using normal laboratory methods. He said a researcher instructs the program where the hands are in the video screen and then the computer watches the hands to calculate how repetitive the task is the person is doing. He said this is called the “Hand Activity Level.” HAL then compares that measurement and the loads in the hands with exposure guidelines to determine if the job is hazardous.

Gadwin said he recreates the repetitive movements in his lab using student volunteers who copy the upper body movements many workers make while working at a computer or in a factory. He said videos made in factories are usually not ideal because they often have poor lighting and a poor view of the workers’ hands. There is also a lot of interference because workplaces, especially factories, are very active places. Gadwin said his team eventually hopes to figure out the likelihood of a worker getting carpal tunnel syndrome. “These guidelines are not perfect, but they are the best we have today,” Gadwin said. “We hope to someday have better guidelines using our new system. We are not there yet, but this research tells us that it may be possible.” Yu Hen Hu, electrical and computer engineering and computer sciences professor, served as the faculty expert in the research project. He said he and the research team have

been working on the project for around two and a half years, and plan to spend a couple more years on it. He said their research works to establish what kind of work or activity level is considered safe, or prone to certain types of injuries, like carpal tunnel syndromes. The video technology is a step up from previous methods of recording movement, which involved attaching sensors to workers, Hu said. He said this was an invasive research method and many workers did not move naturally while attached to the sensors, which made the research less accurate. Hu said they also plan on looking into the Xbox Kinect because the game monitors the player’s movements. He said they can use the Xbox Kinect to monitor the hand movements of factory workers and conduct lab experiments. He said they will see if it is promising and, if it is, they will look into the next step, which is getting real data from factories. “We like to have some fun in research work,” Hu said. Gadwin said they hope the research will ultimately lead to a tool that companies can use all over the world to help prevent injuries in the workplace. He said getting to that point will take more research and analyzing videos was just a start. He said there are thousands of more videos of workers that are available to be analyzed. Gadwin said they hope to eventually make their system capable of evaluating the risk of other types of injuries and make the system more reliable. “We are just getting started,” Gadwin said.

MEDICAID, from 1 said last week. “It’s about knowing a good deal when you see one. And this is a good deal.” Walker’s spokesperson said last week it was not clear if the federal

Matt Hintz The Badger Herald file photo

The Capitol Police Department has been handing out citations to protestors since last summer, specifically the “Solidarity Singers.”

LAWSUIT, from 1 they argue violates the First Amendment. According to Kissick’s lawsuit, people need permits for any “performance, ceremony, presentation, meeting or rally” in the Capitol. The only people permitted in the Capitol without a permit are tourists, people visiting the Capitol, visitors of elected officials or people traveling to legislative, executive or judicial offices. “The permit scheme contained in the Access Policy treats applicants for permits differently based on the content of their proposed expressive events,’” the lawsuit said. DOA spokesperson Stephanie Marquis said the department is still reviewing the case. The DOA said in a statement the process has been in place since 1979 and does not prevent the Capitol from becoming a public forum, only to ensure

government would hold up the cost-sharing agreement. Bobby Peterson, executive director of ABC For Health, which supports a full expansion, said the plan should not be referred to as a

coordination. “Both state and federal court cases have found that permit requirements are constitutional and do not infringe on free speech,” the DOA statement said. “All groups must follow the permitting process, and the Capitol Police issue hundreds of permits each year regardless of political party, affiliation or content.” Marquis emphasized the Capitol is meant to be a place where people can come and express their opinions. She said all groups that apply for permits are treated equally and given the opportunity to reserve space without the threat of being cited. “The Capitol is meant to be enjoyed and utilized by everyone, and the permitting process ensures that all citizens of Wisconsin can use that space,” Marquis said. Marquis also pointed to eight other states that require permit access and four others that

“middle option.” Peterson emphasized the plans are still unclear, but would likely lead to more uninsured people and Wisconsinites’ federal tax money being sent to other states for their Medicaid

require demonstrators to reserve or schedule the Capitol in advance. Larry Dupuis, the ACLU lawyer in charge of the case, said in an email Capitol authorities have a “legitimate interest” in coordinating multiple groups that want to use space. He said they should stop the permit process and get a reservation system instead, where protesters can use a table or the rotunda with a reservation if no one else is using it. “There is no need to force very small groups to fill out an application and punish them when they engage in peaceful, non-disruptive protest in a large public space like the Capitol rotunda and no one else is using the space,” Dupuis said in the email. Rep. Chris Taylor, D-Madison, said in a statement she also praised ACLU for joining the lawsuit to protect the free speech that Erwin and Huebsch have “trampled.”

expansions. “I haven’t seen his plan yet, but this characterization of a middle option is likely to be false,” Peterson said. “He’s passing up a huge opportunity for people in Wisconsin.”

Editorial Page Editor Charles Godfrey oped@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Opinion | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Opinion School vouchers foolishly privatize public education Aaron Loudenslager Columnist

Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald

These Badger basketball fans certainly represent the university well -- imagine the impact they could have if they were allowed to bring signs to the Kohl Center.

Let there be signs: Pump up Grateful Red fanatics Nick Korger Columnist The Kohl Center’s policy on signs is terrible. It stinks. There I said it, and I still don’t feel better. For years now, the Grateful Red, Wisconsin’s die-hard section of student fans for men’s basketball games, have been deprived of the ability to bring in its own signs, flags and banners This has made the section more mind-numbingly boring than every halftime show at the Super Bowl B.B. — Before Beyonce, that is — as opposed to AJJJT, which means After Janet Jackson and JT’s wardrobe malfunction. Currently, fans can make their own signs in the Kohl Center that are about as large as a regular sheet of paper from your printer. I’ve seen some solid, clever signs, but they’re all so tiny nobody can see them until they zoom in on the big screen to read the sign. Why not show off the creativity of fans and allow them to actually bring in signs that take more work to make than the 10 minutes it takes to wait for a marker and make the sign inside the Kohl Center? One of my favorite memories as a fan of the Grateful Red was the time ESPN’s College GameDay came to the Kohl Center in 2009 for the Wisconsin vs.

Ohio State game. Neither team was ranked, as I recall, but it was a pivotal game for the Badgers if they wanted to reach the tournament — which they did, and beat Florida State on Trevon Hughes’ and-one in the waning seconds. We were allowed to bring in our own pre-made signs and it made for a unique setting in the section behind the GameDay crew. ESPN college basketball color commentator and cast member Jay Bilas took a picture on his phone of our group’s sign, which said the basketball reporters were better than ESPN’s football group, and there were several signs depicting Bob Knight’s legendary anger. But, by far the best one of all (at least that I saw) was a sign that said, “I woke up with Krabs.” For those of you who aren’t sports fans, the word “Krabs” is a reference to Joe Krabbenhoft, the thenWisconsin senior forward and now video coordinator of the team. The sign was adorned with several pictures of the player, but because of the thinly veiled sexual innuendo “Krabs” implied, the work of art was confiscated by event security. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. There are plenty of places in the Big Ten where student sections are allowed to use props. When I was in Bloomington, Ind., at the legendary Assembly Hall to watch the Badgers shock the No. 2 Hoosiers on the road, I was struck by the entertainment of not only the game, but the various

items the students held up throughout the game. The 7,800-strong students held up signs, giant heads and other items to make it a different outing than a game at the Kohl Center. I can understand the Athletic Department and the University of Wisconsin’s hesitancy to allow fans to bring in signs, flags and other objects. It puts a certain amount of responsibility on the general student population to be responsible for their content and to represent the school positively, which is something that has been strongly emphasized lately, especially in regards to a certain football chant. But, it’s time to give the Kohl Center students a chance to show some Wisconsin character and creativity. Because, really, what traditions do the Grateful Red have? There’s no “Jump Around,” there’s no “Student Section Race” and there’s no crowd favorite songs. The students get to scream and wear costumes, but then you have instances like a certain young man who wore a cooking apron and the tiniest jean shorts I’ve ever seen. Let’s show some trust in students as fans and make the Wisconsin basketball game day experience even better. And plus, if it becomes a problem, you can always just take the privilege away. It’s not like trying to stop a cheer, after all. Nick Korger (nkorger@ badgerherald.com) is a senior majoring in history and English.

In recent weeks, Gov. Scott Walker has been pushing for renewed efforts to expand Wisconsin’s school voucher program, without exactly specifying what this program would entail. Walker’s renewed effort to expand the program coincides with the efforts of three former Republican state representatives who are now lobbying for an expanded school voucher program. Wisconsin’s school voucher program is misguided and is ultimately not a good policy for the state. The Wisconsin school voucher program was created in 1990 as an effort to help Milwaukee children living in poverty escape their financial situation. But does the school voucher program actually accomplish this goal? In an individual case, the program may succeed, but when the cases are aggregated together it seems highly unlikely. Students who qualify for the Wisconsin school voucher program receive a taxpayerfunded subsidy of $6,442 per year to attend a private school of their choice. But the fact remains the average national cost of tuition at private high schools is much higher than Wisconsin’s $6,442 yearly voucher subsidy. According to U.S. News, the average cost of private high school tuition in the U.S. between 1999 and 2000 was $6,053. By 2007 it had reached $10,549. Since the Wisconsin voucher subsidy does not always cover the full cost of private high school tuition, many students eligible for a voucher can’t attend a private high school because they still can’t afford it. When a vouchereligible Wisconsin student is actually able to afford private high school tuition, it is usually a parochial school instead of a secular school. This occurs because according to the AntiDefamation League, “parochial schools are generally a good deal cheaper than other private schools.” This would explain why more than 21,000 of

the approximately 25,000 students in the Wisconsin school voucher program attend parochial schools. Although the U.S. Supreme Court does not think school voucher programs — which as a practical matter directly subsidize parochial schools — are a violation of the Constitution’s guarantee of separation of church of state, common sense dictates that they do. Regardless of the constitutional issues school vouchers present when used to finance a parochial school education, school vouchers still don’t fulfill their intended goal of helping students in less than desirable economic situations escape poverty. Many students living in poverty are still not able to afford a private high school’s tuition because the voucher subsidy is simply not enough. Instead, school vouchers represent the modern trend of Republican Party thinking: privatize and privatize some more. The Republican Party has been trying to privatize public services for some time now. In 2005, under President George W. Bush, Republicans were determined to change Social Security by passing legislation allowing younger individuals to divert part of their payroll tax contributions into private investment accounts. Ultimately this legislative effort failed. Through the efforts of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, the Republican Party tried to privatize Medicare in 2011. Ryan’s proposal would have transformed Medicare into a voucher system, allowing individuals to buy private health insurance with government subsidies. Once again, this proposal fizzled and never became a reality. Walker’s Wisconsin school voucher program is part of this broader Republican effort to privatize public services. This explains why, although the original Wisconsin school voucher program was intended to help those in poverty, under Walker the school voucher program now covers families who earn three times the poverty limit – which in 2011 would have

been $67,050 for a family of four. The program has also been expanded to cover more geographical areas than when it was first started in 1990. Although Walker claims he wants to promote school “choice” and improve public schools, his actions don’t coincide with his rhetoric. According to the Huffington Post, approximately “twothirds of Wisconsin’s school districts will see a drop in state funding this year” because of the budget Walker signed. In addition, his budget cut $250 million in funding to the University of Wisconsin System. All the facts demonstrate Walker, regardless of his stated motivations, is trying to undermine Wisconsin’s public school and university systems by slashing their funding. At the same time, he is somehow finding extra room in the Wisconsin state budget to increase and expand the state’s school voucher program. Walker’s policies thus seem like a thinly-veiled attempt to undermine public services in Wisconsin and privatize them whenever possible. Thomas Jefferson understood the important role public education could have in American society. As he once wrote, “An amendment of our [Virginia] constitution must here come in aid of the public education.” He understood without public educational institutions and adequate funding to these institutions, many people would not have an opportunity to better themselves as participants in our democracy. Walker’s recent effort towards expanding the Wisconsin school voucher program is just another attempt at privatizing services that belong to the public. It will not improve our public schools, although this should be his number one priority. Instead of expanding the Wisconsin school voucher program and slashing public school financing, Walker needs to increase funding to our public schools and universities. Aaron Loudenslager (aloudenslager@wisc. edu) is a first-year law student.

In State of the Union, Obama finally goes hard on universities Charles Godfrey Editorial Page Editor In last night’s State of the Union address, President Barack Obama approached higher education from the same economic perspective he usually does. He stressed how education builds a well-trained workforce and fuels a high-tech economy, opening up the subject of higher education with the truism, “The more education you have, the more likely you are to have a job and work your way into the middle class.” All that is well and good. I think most everybody agrees the United

States needs affordable, accessible, high-quality higher education if it wants to remain competitive in a global economy driven by science and technology. Everybody acknowledges education prepares students to participate in today’s workforce, and it’s widely accepted there is a high correlation between education and innovation. In that sense, Obama was preaching to the choir when he remarked, “Our citizens must have access to the education and training that today’s jobs require.” What was more interesting were his comments on the affordability of college education. Despite the high degree of importance Americans generally ascribe to it, higher education can hardly be called affordable and is certainly not accessible to all. I won’t

even reference statistics — if you’re reading this, you know what I’m talking about. Obama touched on this when he said, “… taxpayers cannot continue to subsidize the soaring cost of higher education. Colleges must do their part to keep costs down, and it’s our job to make sure they do.” I’m glad Obama pointed out colleges are both part of the solution and part of the problem. University education undoubtedly plays a central role in the future of the U.S. economy — it’s foundational to the computer industry, green energy, health care, etc. Nobody argues that. The problem is it’s become prohibitively expensive. If education is supposed to be the foundation of this nation’s economy, making it accessible should probably

be a priority. Making highquality education a priority and demanding affordable education are not mutually exclusive. I understand the importance of education — that’s why I’m here — but I also think college education in the form we have it today is completely unsustainable. Just look around and ask yourself how much of your tuition is going toward your education, and how much of it is going toward the never-ending construction on Library Mall (what are they building?), or new dining facilities or administrative costs. There’s an uncountable number of opportunities for American universities to streamline their operations. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like these schools will do so willingly — after all, if it was their goal to make education

affordable, we wouldn’t be looking at five or six figures worth of student loan debt after graduation. On the contrary, it seems universities will need to be told, either by students or Washington or both, to spend efficiently and keep tuition down. Obama explained he will be releasing a “’College Scorecard,’” which will “compare schools based on a simple criteria: where you can get the most bang for your educational buck.” To me, this doesn’t seem like a solution — after all, anybody who’s ever been through the college application process knows students and parents compare and contrast schools based on quality and price ad nauseum. Centralizing that information on a scorecard would be helpful for prospective college

students and their families, but it won’t tell them anything they don’t already know. All the same, to the extent it highlights the problem, it’s a step in the right direction, and it will certainly put pressure on universities to lower the cost of tuition. I don’t want the University of Wisconsin to be a case study in overpriced higher education. I want it to be a prototype of a sustainable model for American universities. I want this university to start figuring out how to continue to maintain the highest standard in college education, but at a reasonable cost. Charles Godfrey (cgodfrey@badgerherald. com) is a junior majoring in physics and math.

Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.

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The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

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ASO to the girl in my Psych 202 class who was taking shots of honey the whole lecture. I don’t think that constitutes as a healthy breakfast. SO to making eye contact with an attractive guy while walking to class, but a snowflake landing directly in my eye causing me to twitch like a spaz. Probably couldn’t have ruined that moment better if I tried. ASO to how lethargic this snowy weather makes me. I’m lying in bed watching Titanic...and I’m a dude. I need to reevaluate my life. ASO to people who walk slowly carrying umbrellas. I’m in a hurry and you seriously take up the entire sidewalk... ain’t nobody got time for that!! SO to the people to experienced the worst gas known to man in Zoo 410 today. I can attest to having eaten eggs and qdoba in the same day. I’m really sorry all. ASO to T-Baby Slatts. I know of one person who crushes more than you. That man is named Abe Lincoln during graduation season. Holla atchya boy. SO to Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon for being the most reliable of all the BH Comics page. The crossword puzzle can

be impossible, but your clever oneliners never disappoint. Thanks for all the LOLs! SO to whoever changed the background on the computer at the union where employees clock in and out at Memorial Union to a meme of Cookie Monster that reads: “I got 99 cookies cuz a bitch ate one.” It made me smile and it was a perfect way to end my shift. ASO to having my boyfriend pass out drunk by midnight. DASO to never having been in this situation and being too terrified to fall asleep in case he succumbs to alcohol poisoning. HMFSO to said boyfriend being amazing and always taking care of me when I get this shitfaced SO to hanging out with my ex and being the sober one this time. Feels so good to know I didn’t do anything humiliating and/or detrimental to our potential friendship. SO to finally hooking up with one of my friends from High School. ASO to being asked to not tell my brother...DSO to it being good, DASO to him being a freshman, at a different school. TASO to my walk of shame out of the dorm this morning, to meet my friends in the lobby. It’s a small world. ASO to my friend of

4 years literally running away from me in the street. I get it that you are going through some issues but I wasn’t going to chase you? What a way to end a friendship. SO to my ex-roommate, the psycho ex-girlfriend of the DJ, and some of my ex-fuck buddies who I see at the bars. Keep talking shit about me to your little minions, because honestly it makes you look fucking ratchet (and you are). ASO to not being in the Kohl Center for the Michigan game. Shit woulda been crazy. However, SO to the fact that I was at the Ohio State game two years ago. Nothing can top that!! SO to the girl with the see-thru stretchy pants and the big foam finger at the game yesterday. Seeing your ass cheeks was awesome, but the foam finger just made it so much better. On Wisconsin!!! ASO to my boyfriend’s neighbors. Yes, our sex is loud, but leaving an anonymous note about it only makes you seem like a meddling prude. SO to the fact that my boyfriend is 56 years old and used to be my professor. Old men sex is the best sex around. HSO to the guy at Subway today who put so many veggies on my veggie sub that I can barely eat it! That never happens. I’m at the library and this is embarrassing. SO to the fact that not only did I get plowed the hell over by a steroid induced body builder at the gym today but I also had a boy mistake me for his girlfriend. Thanks for grabbing my ass and kissing my neck. Made my Monday a little bit more exciting. ASO to people who email the entire classlist for notes 1) without specifying the class and 2) typing in ALL CAPS. annoying. ASO to my roommate. You’re great, but your half-ass completion of chores is annoying. I’m not your mom.

..MORE >>>

The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

strong. 20 more minutes of this shit and we’re free... til Thursday.

ASO to leaving my only lighter at home, leaving home with no money, and not being able to go home at all in between classes. SO to the 5 or 6 people that let me use their lighter after I frantically flagged them down like a crazy woman... Thank you all for supporting my cigarette addiction. Cigarette smokers unite. ASO to laundry being broken in my apartment... DASO to this

meaning I only have one pair of pants A(pologetic)SO to everyone who bears the burden of seeing my underwear as the one pair of pants has a fist-sized hole on the bottom TASO to how depressing this day will be. SO to pooping in bathrooms on campus! There is ALWAYS toilet paper! SO to finding a guy who like HJs more than BJs. Thank you SO to all the girls

who gave him crappy blow jobs that made this possible. ASO to the girl smoking in front of me while walking to class. Thanks for suffocating me, I didn’t want to breathe anyways. Learn to respect other people’s oxygen. SO to the guy in front of me in Stats 371 dozing off and almost leaning your head on the asian next to you. Be

SO to the song ignition making me want to run my hands through Mike Bruesewitz’s fro and wanting his key in my ignition. :) SO to wearing a new pair of underwear and finding a quality checked sticker on my penis. SO to having a date planned for valentine’s day for the first time in the 22 years of my life! HASO to Valentine’s day. Like single girls really need another reminder that they’re alone. However, SO

to the BH vday gift page...I will enjoy my new bunny vibrator allllll day Thursday. HSO to hooking up with a lumberjack this weekend with a massive beard. DSO to him going down on me. An experience I’ll never forget! ASO to him having my vag all over after...worth it! SO to Edgar Allen Poe. You wrote some of the greatest American poetry and you now are reincarnated as a sexy mask. My tell tale heart wants my pit with your pendulum.

...MORE >>>

SO to not hav



Not Above Some Light Extortion Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Comics | Wednesday, February 13, 2013













NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.


DIFFICULTY RATING: YouwanttheSudokuanswer? Thenplayalong,toots.















I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.




The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17

DIFFICULTY RATING: Officer, honest, it was just a little blackmail



Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }

3 3 3 3

6 7 23 24

{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }

4 4 4 4

10 11 29 30

{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }

5 5 5 5

15 16 34 35

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

6 6 6 6

21 22 38 39

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

7 7 7 7

28 29 41 42

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }






















28 34













39 43


47 49


30 36












22 24

























Puzzle by David Ben-Merre










Across 1 Repair bill segment 6 They may be checked at the door 9 Have being 14 Essential ___ acid 15 Siesta 16 Big name in rental trucks 17 Plant used as ground cover 18 Did or didn’t agree to end the illustrators’ strike? 20 Did or didn’t dilute the prom bowlful? 22 Whirling water 23 Rumple, as hair 24 Suffix with Marx 26 Like the base-8 number system 29 Dean’s domain: Abbr.

30 Apr. workhorse 33 Did or didn’t perform a New Year’s ceremony? 37 Butt out? 38 Org. based in Langley, Va. 39 Fox talent show, for short 40 Did or didn’t surpass a D.J.’s mark for accidentfree days? 45 Set, as a price 46 Pal 47 Earns the booby prize 48 Part of a terza rima rhyme scheme 49 Corner Monopoly square 51 Gem for some Libras 54 Did or didn’t play a good round of golf? 60 Did or didn’t participate in the Boy

62 63

64 65 66 67 68

Scouts outing? Dinero With 44-Down, features of some Greek architecture Pro vote Zaps, in the kitchen Ream unit Ready for war High, pricewise

12 13

19 21 25 26 27

confirmation E-mail command Long basket, in hoops lingo “This or that?” Orange juice option Cow or sow Landfill emanations Shepherd’s aid Honky-___ Sirius, e.g.

30 Core group 31 Moves laboriously 32 Detergent brand 34 Lover of Narcissus 35 Thing with pips 36 Head shot accompaniers, maybe 37 Wall St. hire 41 Fall back 42 Wreck, as a hotel room 43 Bush 41 and Bush 43, for two 44 See 63-Across 48 DTs sufferer, for short 49 One of a deck pair 50 Mr. T TV group 51 Singer Redding 52 Milne’s bear 53 Super-duper 55 Casual greeting 56 Ring contest 57 Elbow 58 On the sheltered side 59 Stereotypical mobster’s voice 61 Insincere display

28 Down 29 1 Source of pumice Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™ 2 In the Thanks thick of for shovelling. 3 Tight spot I would have 4 In a past life helped out, 5 Item in a gas station kiosk but I had already 6 Pakistan’s made plans to chief river not shovel. 7 Works on socks, say 8 Design detail, briefly 9 Disco ___ (1970s) 10 Woody tissue 11 Reply of

Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com


ArtsEtc. Editors Tim Hadick & Colin Kellogg arts@badgerherald.com


The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hump-up your Valentine’s Day … Trust me, taking that little extra time is so worth the Hump Day Columnist orgasm you’ll have later. For those of you who Happy Hump Day, Badgers! don’t have that super special I hope your week is so far someone, just someone who so good, but I know tomorrow satisfies all your humping is really the day everyone needs, you’re more than is waiting for — even if it’s welcome to try some because you simply want it to candlelight romance. But if be over with. Valentine’s Day you’re not comfortable with is when you spend way too any of that yet, then don’t much money on flowers, stuff rush it. Instead, do what you your face unnecessarily with two do best: fuck. In honor chocolates because calories of Valentine’s Day, though, don’t exist for 24 hours and give something new a try. It declare love for someone doesn’t have to be anything who you can’t do without life-changing — unless you any other day of the year. want it to be — just something Whether you’re single, fuck you wouldn’t normally buddies or Facebook official, do with each other. My my goal for you is to not let recommendation for bringing Valentine’s Day go to waste a little extra heat into the this year. Yes, Valentine’s Day sheets is to use vibrators is all about the romance, but and lube. Don’t think of let’s face it, at the end of the vibrators as huge penisday we all just want to get our shaped things with tips and hump on. beads of pulsating pleasure. Do you have a special There’s a huge assortment of someone? Don’t just buy vibrators that can be as small them some goodies, go to as marbles or as big as those dinner, have some sex and huge penis-shaped things — call it a night. If you’re none of which are required to going to take the time to be inserted anywhere. If you invest in some V-Day date haven’t tried using vibrators planning, then take the time before, then I’d recommend to avoid being cliché. This is starting small with something especially important for those like an electric cock ring you of you in it for the long haul. can buy at pretty much any Kick it up a notch! Flowers drugstore. These are great and chocolates are great, but, because, if you have a partner well, fl owers die, and if those with a penis, you just slip it chocolates are for your lady on to the base of their shaft, friend she’ll probably save turn it on and both you and them for another time of the your partner will feel a little month — if you know what more intensity. Whether I mean. Try something you there’s an insertive partner can both benefit from, like or not, you can use the ring chocolate fondue and fruit. to press up against your Not only will dipping fruits partner’s nipples, vulva, anus into hot, melted chocolate or other area that provides that you slowly feed into pleasure — just to give some each other’s mouths get you extra waves of sensation. hot and Lube is another heavy, but super easy extra chocolate pleasure helper “Flowers and chocolates and to bring into your are great, but, well, fruits like usual routine. strawberries flowers die, and if those If you’re using are natural an insertive aphrodisiacs chocolates are for your condom, add that will lady friend she’ll probably a drop to the lead you same them for another inside before you to wanting put it on to get a even closer time of the month — if you “wetter” feeling, contact. know what I mean.” but be careful Also, try not to use more fruits like than that or the condom may bananas, which are know to slip off. You can also rub lube enhance male performance on a penis or vulva to make (not to mention watching the ride a little smoother your partner eat something and help you feel each move in that shape is erotic in its you both make a little more own), and pineapple, which intensely. has been known to make cum Are you going it solo taste somewhat sweeter. Also, this year? Don’t worry, that if chocolate just happens to doesn’t mean you can’t give drip somewhere other than in yourself some time alone your mouths, well then you’re with you, yourself and your probably going to have to lick favorite battery-powered that up. partner. If all you have is When it comes time for your hand, don’t be afraid to the horizontal tango, it’s squirt some lube on there fine to just go at it like you this time. And if by yourself, normally would. But it is disregard what I said about Valentine’s Day. Light some not thinking of a huge peniscandles and take the time to shaped thing with pulsating slowly undress each other. It tips and vibrating beads of sounds kind of cheesy, and pleasure. Light some candles, I know you just want to get jump in a hot, soapy bath and to business, but seeing each turn that baby on high! other’s skin in candlelight, Happy Valentine’s Day! watching as inch-by-inch a Until next time, stay safe and little more skin shows, feeling stay sexy! your partner’s touches and Have a question for our Hump hot breath so close as you Day columnists? Email them at remove each other’s clothes humpday@badgerherald.com!

Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro

Courtesy of MemeCrunch.com

Gosling’s Internet fame kindled well before Henderson’s Tumblr went viral, but the new spin on an “old” meme ignites questions from an unlikely field of study.

Feminism meets pretty boy UW graduate student delivers speech on her Ryan Gosling-themed flashcards Bennet Goldstein ArtsEtc. Staff Writer Danielle Henderson did not enjoy reading feminist theory, yet her career is now based upon it. Henderson is a graduate student in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin and author of the popular blog Feminist Ryan Gosling. She spoke to students and faculty Tuesday afternoon about how actor Ryan Gosling (“Gangster Squad”) helped her become a feminist scholar. “My blog, Feminist Ryan Gosling, inadvertently saved my academic life,” Henderson said. Henderson’s journey in academia was meandering and full of eclectic experiences. After she dropped out of college in Boston, a cross-country move took her from university classrooms to a coffee shop in California where she worked as a barista. Later, Henderson was hired to work at the United Nations in New York. But shortly after 9/11, she moved to an Alaskan fishing village. Her time and adventures there, including a bear attack and stabbing, inspired her first book, “Tales from Fish Camp.” After returning to college, Henderson majored in gender studies and

eventually came to Madison for graduate study. Initially, the process was painful. Henderson found feminist theory is textually dense. “I did not love and revere Foucault,” she said. “I was miserable.” Henderson’s husband suggested she take a movie break, so they went to see “Drive.” Enter Ryan Gosling. “The minute I saw Ryan Gosling trembling over that guy with the nail and the hammer, I was like, ‘That is me in every book of theory I’ve ever picked up,’” Henderson said. While taking a women’s studies course in 2011, Henderson created the Tumblr blog she is now known for, Feminist Ryan Gosling. “It was something that I was using, in a way, to understand the work I was doing and to remember all the theorists that we were using in our introductory course,” she said. Photos of Gosling, accompanied by fictitious quotations had already circulated the Internet in form of the popular meme Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling. Inspired by Gosling’s sex appeal, Henderson found humor in using him to deliver provocative feminist concepts to what she assumed would be a small university audience.

One post included a photo of Gosling in a partially unbuttoned shirt. As he stares into your eyes with a longing expression, he says: “Hey girl. Anne Fausto-Sterling has a theory that five categorical sexes would help break constrictive gender norms, but the only sex I need is you.” In another photo, Gosling — this time wearing a sweater — says, “Hey girl. Sometimes I think about Foucault’s theory of marriage as a governmentallydeveloped tool that interferes with the appropriation of land rights, normalizes heterosexuality and subjugates a woman’s sexuality and it makes me want to cry with you.” The blog was a hit. “It literally took off overnight,” Henderson said. “I posted on Friday, and by Saturday it was featured on Jezebel and CBS News. Gosling has not stated he is a feminist. However, in November 2010, he protested the NC-17 rating given to the film “Blue Valentine,“ which he stars in, by the Motion Picture Association of America. Controversy surrounded the film’s depiction of cunnilingus. Gosling’s statement, which said, “It’s misogynistic in nature to try and control a woman’s

sexual presentation of self,” gave Henderson a jumping off place to further explore the romance of Gosling’s progressiveness. “Eventually, as it started to pick up more steam and get more attention, I had to really think about ‘What is this revealing?’” The frustration Henderson initially felt over feminist theory’s accessibility is central to the blog’s audience. As posts attracted readers from the general public, Henderson observed the importance of making feminist theory relevant to daily experience and more readable. “I don’t mark intelligence by your ability to confuse people,” Henderson said. “The more intelligent people I’ve met in my life have the ability to talk to wide groups of people.” She hopes using Ryan Gosling as a messenger will make it easier for readers to find ways to connect to feminism. “I think the message might be psychologically easier to receive because Ryan Gosling is beautiful,” Henderson joked. Henderson published a book based upon her blog. “Feminist Ryan Gosling: Feminist theory (as imagined) from your favorite sensitive movie dude” was released by Running Press in August 2012.

Hip-hop competition gives aspiring artists time in spotlight Get Your Buzz Up features best and worst of Madison’s developing scene Cliff Grefe ArtsEtc. Staff Writer

The High Noon Saloon played host to Get Your Buzz Up Monday night. Get Your Buzz Up is a competition-based organization dedicated to giving striving hip-hop artists the opportunity to perform on stage. After paying an entrance fee, each emcee is allowed to showcase his or her talent in front of a panel of judges who decide on a

winner. The prize for first place generally includes a variety of interviews with hip-hop blog sites, a promotional package, free merchandise and an all-expenses-paid trip to perform in another city. The best part of this type of competition is anyone can enter. On the other hand, the worst part of this type of competition is anyone can enter. The event was mainly characterized by flashes of real local talent amid countless sets of underdeveloped, underprepared lip-synching competitors. That being said, the best acts were very talented and have a lot of potential. Producer DJ Pain 1 was a monster opener. He took

the tables for the first hour and demonstrated what a nationally touring DJ sounds like. His mixes of Jay-Z and Kanye West’s “N***as in Paris,” Waka Floka’s “I Don’t Really Care” and Young Jeezy’s “Ballin’” had the crowd ready to go by the time the competition started. ShaH [sic] Evans, the owner of Get Your Buzz Up, did a great job hosting the event. As he introduced the first emcee, everyone at the event was alive and kicking. However, the excitement took a dive after seeing the first few acts. The first artist put on a performance that left the crowd speechless after he left the stage, and not in a good way. The following few emcees took the rest

of the remaining energy out of the crowd. It also didn’t help that the man running the soundboard had no idea what he was doing. Then Mic The Prophet took the stage. The Rockford, Ill., emcee laid out a chillingly cold flow over a Halloween-esque instrumental. He took the show to the next level with his well-prepared grimy verses assisted by an oncue back-up vocalist. Soon after, the Madison based group 3rd Dimension took to the mic. It was more of a party on stage than anything. Throughout the entire song all four members of 3rd Dimension were jumping around the stage hyping the crowd. By the

end of their performance, they had everyone yelling out the chorus of their song “Let’s Eat!” Tre Money was next up. His record “Wake Up” had the whole building rocking for the next five minutes with music inspired by the tragic loss of a close friend. For many in the crowd it was an emotional experience. As the competition neared its close and the featured acts prepared to take the stage, it was already clear who the winner was. The three judges then deliberated among themselves as C Dill, Cash Moody, Tef Man and Michael Medall entertained the audience. The panel’s final decision gave Madison’s Tre Money

the victory and exclusive prize package. Many of the competing emcees didn’t have their lyrics memorized, rapped over fully produced records with no space for vocals or simply couldn’t hold a beat at all. However, Madison hip-hop is growing at an extremely fast rate, and this type of event is integral for its advancement. Although there were only a handful of artists with unique style, flow and stage presence, the Get Your Buzz Up competition featured a wide spectrum of hip-hop. Emcees from a diversity of backgrounds used conscious, new school, trap and many other styles to provide an ever-changing atmosphere.


The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

ASO to running into my awkward exbooty call because I’ve been going to friends’ places instead of the bars. It’s my last semester here; you are not a priority of mine right now. SO to ordering a dildo for the first time because I’m in an LDR and I finally decided one was necessary. ASO to picking what reviewers claimed to be the perfectly sized one, having it come and realizing it’s a lot smaller than my boyfriend.

take a shit and not have to worry about sucking on some guys balllz SO to studying abroad in London. DSO to not even being sure how I got home on multiple, multiple, nights. TSO to ‘Merica. Despite my adventures I miss you! ASO to giving up caffeine for lent. This is going to be a loooooooong and painful 40 days and 40 nights.

drive by!!!!! ASO to this weather. I WANT SPRING TIME AND SWIM SUITS AND FLIP FLOPS AND UNION CHAIRS AND BEEEEEER ON THE LAKE!!! SO to the cute blonde who works at the SERF - PLEASE BE MY VALENTINE!!!???? SO to the girl who slipped on her ass down bascom and proceded to slide 40 feet before centering herself. DSO to her falling again 20 seconds later...hope your ass is okay!

SO (I think...) to getting an email from my TA about which types of chocolate milk to buy. This guy is great.

LOLSO to photoshoots with my pet rats. Seriously, you dressed in little baby rat Christmas sweaters is going to be next years Christmas card! HILARIOUS.

ASO to how effing slippery bascom hill is! #lookinglikeafoolandslidingonmyassdownbascomhill

SO to not finding someone to hook up with tonight so I can just go home and

SO the wienermobile. You make me hungry for all kinds of wieners whenever you

www.badgerherald.com/ shoutouts

The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

AWARDS, from 12 but No. 44 was always waiting to make the play. Just ask Nebraska’s Taylor Martinez, who got piledriven to the ground when he tried to test the middle against Borland in Lucas Oil Stadium. Rookie of the Year: Derek Watt After just one season of play under his belt, it might not be too far of a stretch to think fullback Derek Watt will shape a legacy of his own at Wisconsin. The brother of former Wisconsin All-American and defensive end J.J. Watt — the 2012 NFL Defensive Player of the Year — Derek did his older brother proud, winning the starting job outright early in the season after sharing time with Sherard Cadogan. Watt proved his worth in the running game, serving as the primary lead blocker for Ball and a Badgers’ rushing attack that finished the season ranked 13th in the nation at 236.36 yards per game. But it wasn’t just his run blocking that made the redshirt freshman so valuable. Watt served as an important target in the passing game, recording twelve receptions for 150 yards and emerging as one of quarterback Curt Phillips favorite targets during the last third of the season. And the contributions don’t end there. Watt was a standout on special teams, recording 13 tackles and recovering a fumble. There’s just something about those Watt boys. Play of the Year: Melvin Gordon, Big Ten Championship Game Phillips took the snap at the 44-yard line two minutes into the first quarter and quickly handed it off to Melvin Gordon. Gordon faked a cut inside, planted with his right foot and bounced outside. Using his speed to avoid the grasp of Nebraska safety Daimion Stafford in the backfield, Gordon made it another 20 yards before

a Cornhusker even came into view, as all an out-ofposition P.J. Smith could do was get a hand on the tailback’s ankle. Gordon didn’t miss a beat. It was off to the races and, thanks to a Jared Abbrederis block, the lightning-fast tailback was not touched again on his way to the end zone for the 56-yard score. On just Wisconsin’s fourth play from scrimmage, the table had been set for the Badgers’ shocking 70-31 rout of a Nebraska team that entered Lucas Oil Stadium as the favorite. The first of 10 touchdowns UW amassed as it claimed a second straight Big Ten title, players had only Gordon to thank for establishing a strong tone early. The redshirt freshman gained 216 yards on only nine carries, which is good for a ridiculous 24 yards per touch. He didn’t score again, but Gordon was the first to expose a Nebraska defense that spent much of the game watching another cardinal jersey gallop into the end zone for another score while sprawled on the turf. In one play, Gordon offered the underdog and its small contingent in Indianapolis hope for another trip to the Rose Bowl. Best Game of the Year: Big Ten Championship Game Wisconsin came into Lucas Oil Stadium looking like a horse on its last leg. Losers of three of its last four contests and in the Leaders’ spot of the Big Ten Championship game by default, it seemed the entirety of the media and so-called were picking Nebraska to emerge victorious and head to Pasadena. But, the Badgers had other plans, as three running backs rushed for more than 100 yards on the ground and the team steamrolled the Cornhuskers in the most dominating display of football for in the 2012 season. Ball and Gordon each tallied over 200 yards as

the Badgers’ offensive line and wide receivers paved clean rushing lanes for the ground attack, as each touchdown sent Husker players back to the sideline shaking their heads and head coach Bo Pelini shellshocked. It was the only time in the season Wisconsin played an entire four quarters of football from start to finish, as the team put its foot down on the gas pedal and never let up. It was a crown jewel of play calling for then-offensive coordinator Matt Canada, who finally put his doubters to rest by keeping Nebraska off-balance with trick plays and the jet-sweep, attacking the opponent’s weakness on the edge with the speed of Gordon, Ball and James White. Storyline of the Year: Bielema heads to Arkansas To say Bielema’s departure arrived with anything less than utter shock would be a severe understatement. The day before that Tuesday afternoon when Yahoo! Sports’ Pat Forde first reported Bielema had agreed to step down in favor of the head coaching gig at Arkansas, rumors loosely tied his name to the vacancy at Tennessee. However, no local reporters considered it to be anything more than the runoff of the rumor mill. But he proved all that wrong in a matter of hours Dec. 4. The man who seemed to have Big Ten football coursing through his veins had left for the big, bad and powerful SEC. Taking under-handed swipes at Wisconsin in his introductory press conference with the Razorbacks, he drew ire from the Badger fans who had never fully embraced him. His reasoning for leaving the team he led to three-straight Rose Bowls gradually made more sense as his yearning to step beyond the reaches of Alvarez’s long shadow and establish his own legacy far from his predecessor’s coattails became clearer.

CLASSIC, from 12 the unique opportunity. “It’s incredible,” Ramage said. “Usually playing outdoors is a once-in-alifetime opportunity, I get to do it twice. I’m very lucky and I’m really looking forward to it.” With weather a factor when playing outside, Ramage admitted he hasn’t given his teammates any advice yet, but come Saturday, he’ll be ready with pointers. Fellow senior, forward Derek Lee, had the opportunity to practice at the Camp Randall outdoor rink in 2010. He didn’t get the chance to play in the game — he was only a freshman at the time — but Lee was still wrapped up in the experience. With the 2010 game on campus, it had that extra special feel to it, according to Lee. “It was something cool and I’m sure this weekend will be something similar,” Lee said. But as one of the senior leaders this season — and second on the team in points, with 20 — Lee will certainly get plenty of ice time come Sunday. “I’m glad we’ve got two outdoor games during my four years of being here,” Lee said. “I missed out on the first one a little bit. Now

SMITH, from 12 addressed in this year’s draft are offensive linemen (as usual), defensive tackle, running back, defensive back and tight end. Barring a trade, Green Bay will have to wait until the 26th pick to draft their No. 1 choice. The Packers could do a number of things with this late selection in the first round. In his mock draft, Mel Kiper Jr. has Green Bay picking Alabama running back Eddie Lacey in the first round. I think this would be a solid pick, but if the Packers re-sign Benson, and with the emergence of Dujuan Harris last season, they might be better served to draft a


“When I came here on my visit — that was a long time ago — they had mentioned they were going to have the one in 2010 and then they said they had also imagined that in the time I was here, there would also be a game,” Simonelli said. “When I came on my visit and saw all the pictures of the previous game in ’06 at Lambeau, I just thought of

how exciting that was for those guys. Coming to a big school like this, I knew I would have an opportunity like that.” While he only had to wait about two and a half years, the game is also being played right in his backyard — just 35 minutes up Interstate 290 from his hometown of Bensenville, Ill. “I know a lot of family and friends back home are all excited,” Simonelli said. “Everyone’s asking me a million different questions (about the game). I just tell them ‘I don’t have the answers right now.’ It’s definitely going to be an exciting event for me, my teammates and all the people back home.” While friends, family and fans have been waiting for this weekend, the players themselves are just ready to have some fun in a unique setting against one of their most hated opponents. Regardless of the hype around the event or whether it is someone’s first outdoor game on such a scale, one thing is certain: It’s the way hockey was meant to be played. “It adds that kind of mystique to it,” Lee said. “You’re playing outside where the game originated and people were just doing it for fun. We’re going to do the same thing. We’re going to have some fun out there.”

running back in a later round. I think Thompson has two ways he can go with the first pick. First, he could draft Alabama center and Outland Trophy (awarded to the college football’s top lineman) winner Barrett Jones. Sure, Wisconsin’s Travis Fredrick is ranked higher than Jones among centers, but Jones has played three different positions on Alabama’s line, which makes him versatile — a key attribute on a Packers’ line that is always shuffling its players. Another viable option for a first round pick would be a tight end. There have been rumors of the Packers releasing starting tight end Jermichael Finley because

he is due a $4.5 million roster bonus in March and struggles to catch the ball. There are two first-round quality tight ends the Packers could pick up with the 26th pick: Notre Dame’s Tyler Eifert or Stanford’s Zach Ertz. Both players are 6-foot-6 and can catch the ball. In his fouryear career with the Golden Domers, Eifert snagged 11 touchdowns and compiled 1840 receiving yards. Ertz caught 16 touchdowns over his career and had 1434 receiving yards. Like I said earlier, it’s impossible to know who the Packers will draft, but if I was in the war room in April, I would pick Jones in the first round.

I get to finally do it. I’ve never done something like this so it’ll be exciting and it’s kind of cool that we’re going to a neutral location in Chicago — a place that everyone can familiarize themselves with in Soldier Field.” While Lee relishes his second opportunity to play outdoors, junior defenseman Frankie Simonelli was anticipating the eventual occasion ever since his recruiting visits.

“You’re playing outside where the game originated and people were just doing it for fun. We’re going to do the same thing.”

Derek Lee

Senior Forward

Sports Editor Nick Korger sports@badgerherald.com

12 | Sports | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jack(i) of all trades


Women’s basketball beat writer Dan Corcoran profiles the rise of Badgers’ rising star forward Jacki Gulczynski

Online Feature



Need more sports? Listen to WSUM’s Chris Vosters and Herald Sports Editor Nick Korger on the call for the Badgers vs. Gophers men’s basketball game on Thursday night live from “The Barn” in Minneapolis.

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Gus McNair The Badger Herald

The Badger Herald dishes out awards for action-packed, rowdy 2012 season Nick K0rger & Ian McCue Football Beat Writers Offensive Player of the Year: Montee Ball Montee Ball jogged onto the Camp Randall field Sept. 1 as a Heisman favorite. He left as one of the most accomplished running backs in the history of Wisconsin, a program that counts Ron Dayne and Alan Ameche

Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald

among its alumni. His career ended in a fashion similar to what many expected, anchoring the Badgers’ offense with another brutally efficient 1,830-yard, 22-touchdown season. Yet, what came between Sept. 1 and a Rose Bowl loss to Stanford exactly four months later was anything but expected. Ball crawled through the early part of the season with only two 100-yard performances in his first five games. The offensive line — little more than a collapsing wall before former head coach Bret Bielema fired offensive line coach Mike Markuson two

weeks into the season — improved as the Big Ten season took hold and Ball’s season took off accordingly. In eight of his final nine games in a Wisconsin uniform, he rushed for more than 100 yards and twice ran for 200-plus, including a career-high 247 yards in an October trouncing of Purdue. His low numbers early on proved too much for a late Heisman charge, but at year’s end he had locked up the Doak Walker Award (awarded to the nation’s top running back) and was a near-consensus First Team All-American for the second straight year. The

man famously buried at No. 3 on the depth chart midway through his sophomore season effectively ingrained his name among the best players in Wisconsin history, carrying his team through a tumultuous season and back to Pasadena, Calif. along the way. Defensive Player of the Year: Chris Borland Is there any surprise here? Borland is single-handedly one of the most versatile linebackers in the nation. The redshirt junior middle linebacker was named First Team All-Big Ten by the conference’s coaches thanks

to his 104 tackles in just 12 games and his 4.5 sacks, his best total since his Freshman of the Year campaign in 2009. Borland also has a nose for big games. The Rose Bowl was no different, as Borland recorded nine tackles against Stanford, one of the most physical teams in the country. In the Big Ten Championship, Borland recorded 13 tackles and punched out the football to force the 13th fumble of his career, which is the top mark in the history of the Wisconsin football program and dangerously close to the NCAA record of 14. Borland also recovered or forced a

fumble in five games this season. Although plagued late in the year with a hamstring injury that cost him two games, Borland still managed to record over 100 tackles and led a Wisconsin defense that ranked in the top 25 nationally in total yards allowed per game, points allowed per game and rushing yards allowed per game. There’s a reason so many teams in 2012 constantly ran to the outside on the Badgers. Sure, the Wisconsin defensive tackles are massive,

AWARDS, page 11

Offseason full of decisions looming for Packers GM

Spencer Smith Spence’s Two Cents

Kelsey Fenton The Badger Herald

Senior forward Derek Lee returned to the ice Saturday after missing three games with a concussion. Lee is second on the team in points with 20 on the season.

Badgers eager to play in Hockey City Classic For many on roster, outdoor game against Minnesota is big first in collegiate career Kelly Erickson Men’s Hockey Beat Writer Seven years ago, 40,890 fans filled Lambeau Field to watch the Wisconsin men’s hockey team down Ohio State 4-2 in the Frozen Tundra Classic during the second-ever collegiate outdoor hockey game. Three years ago on Feb. 6, 2010, the Badgers used two third-period power play goals from Brendan Smith

to beat Michigan 3-2 in the Camp Randall Classic in front of 55,031 fans. In just a few days, Feb. 17, 2013 to be exact, Wisconsin will face-off with arch-rival Minnesota at Soldier Field in the long-awaited Hockey City Classic. In a span of seven years, the Badgers will play their third outdoor game — but for the first time, they’ll play a WCHA opponent. And what better opponent to play than the rival Gophers? “This is a lifetime experience,” head coach Mike Eaves said during his Monday press conference. “Going to the place where the Olympics are held and

where it sits in the city itself, it’s a life experience. It’s something that — and once again, the kids on our team now that haven’t played outside, they get to talk about this to their kids and grandkids. Being a life experience makes it all worth it.” For most of the skaters, it’s their first outdoor game in years — or ever. For the small handful of seniors on the team, or fifth-year skaters, only defenseman John Ramage saw time on the ice in the 2010 game. With the chance to play outside one more time, Ramage is fully embracing

CLASSIC, page 11

The 2012 NFL season is now over and every team but the Baltimore Ravens is disappointed with the way its season ended, especially the Green Bay Packers, who have strong aspirations of winning the Super Bowl these days with Aaron Rodgers under center. With the offseason upon us, the Packers and general manager Ted Thompson are now approaching free agency and the draft — two aspects of the game in which Thompson has proven to be more than capable. This offseason presents a lot of challenges for the GM with a number of big-name free agents and expiring contracts to address. Although Green Bay will have to make a lot of future-defining decisions come the next few months, fans of the green and gold should feel comfortable putting the team’s fate in Thompson’s hands by now. Attempting to predict the moves Thompson will make this off-season would prove to be futile. The general manager has time and time again baffled

Packers fans by making moves that, at the moment, seem ridiculous but then turn out to be a genius play, à la Jordy Nelson. Who saw that coming? I, instead, will try to make sense of Green Bay’s roster situation and decide which free agency moves and draft picks would make the most sense for the defending NFC North champions. As far as money goes, the Packers are $5.8 million under the salary cap right now, giving them a little bit of wiggle room when free agency starts March 12. Green Bay will be looking to re-sign Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews to new contracts this offseason since Matthews is entering the last season of his current contract and Rodgers has two years left on his. After the Packers take care of Matthews and Rodgers, they will have to focus on choosing which of their free agents to sign. The Packers have a number of notable free agents this year including Greg Jennings, Sam Shields, Cedric Benson and Evan Dietrich-Smith, all of whom were starters in 2012. Of these players, Greg Jennings will be the most likely to suit up for another team next season. Jennings is one of the top wide receivers on the free agent market right now and will undoubtedly be courted by a number of

teams searching for a No. 1 option at receiver despite his injury problems in 2012. With the possibility of releasing Charles Woodson because of a $2.5 million roster bonus he is due in July, re-signing Shields — who had a solid season in 2012 with five interceptions, including two picks in the playoffs — is a must for the shaky Green Bay secondary. Benson should be relatively cheap considering he is coming off an injury, and, at 30 years old, his veteran experience will be needed in the mix of the inexperienced Green Bay backfield. Dietrich-Smith will need to be signed to keep depth on the offensive line. Sure, he struggled at times during the season, but he also played out of position for most of 2012 while filling in for Jeff Saturday at center. There are also a number of big names on the free agent market in 2013 who will make for an interesting off-season. If I know Thompson like I think I do, don’t expect any sexy pickups over the spring. Green Bay has made their living off the draft over the past five or so years, picking up players like Matthews, Rodgers, Nelson, Randall Cobb...you get the point. The Packers’ biggest positional needs to be

SMITH, page 11

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