The return of the champions Finally, the stars are back on court - Let’s play!
Desirable skills Danish coaches are a much-coveted commodity worldwide, where several of them hold the post as national coach in another country than Denmark.
Hard work
How do you spend more than half a year without tournaments? Training. Improving. Getting better on and off court. Those are some of the answers from the Danish badminton stars, who are more than excited about getting back on court and compete in the sport they live and breathe for.
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I mere end 30 år har Holstebro RejseCenter sendt badmintonspillere ud for at repræsentere Danmark ved mesterskaber over hele verden. Vi giver danske badmintonfans mulighed for at rejse med!
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Table of Contents PREFACE
Bo Jensen, Chief Executive, CEO Badminton Denmark: Welcome to DANISA DENMARK OPEN 2020 presented by VICTOR
Mens’s Singles
Women’s Singles
Peter Rahbæk Juel, Mayor of Odense: Welcome to DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR and welcome to Odense 11
Men’s Doubles
Women’s Doubles
Erik Bresling, CEO at Danish Speciality Foods AAL DK A/S and Danish Speciality Foods CPH DK ApS Danisa: Welcome to an extraordinary DANISA DENMARK OPEN 2020 presented by VICTOR 13
Mixed Doubles
QUIZ: How much do you know about DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR?
Danish national team coaches abroad: - We have shown that we can produce skilled players
Former winners
Poul-Erik Høyer, BWF President: BWF President’s Message
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PUBLISHED BY Badminton Danmark · Idrættens Hus · Brøndby Stadion 20 · 2605 Brøndby · phone 70 60 50 76 · e-mail: · denmarkopen. dk · | TEXT Ida Marie Hove Sørensen · Jonas Kildegaard · Lasse Kjær Hansen · Søren Nielsen EDITORS Team Kommunikation og Marketing | PHOTO Badmintonphoto · Badminton Danmark AD SALES, LAYOUT AND PRODUCTION FL SportMarketing · Agerbakken 21 · 8362 Hørning · phone 70 22 18 70 e-mail: | PRINTING Øko-Tryk ApS · phone 96 94 04 11
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Welcome to DANISA DENMARK OPEN 2020 presented by VICTOR Being the world’s second oldest international badminton tournament, the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR is in every sense a historic tournament. From a Badminton Denmark perspective, the tournament is indeed our international flagship, that keeps coming back every year bringing joy, experiences, growth and community through not only the main tournament but also our side events that embrace both youth and senior badminton players and enthusiasts. First edition of ‘the open’ was played in 1936, and for more than the last five decades it has taken place every single year. Fortunately, this year will be no exception. Despite the challenges surrounding us all locally, internationally and throughout the sporting landscape, prompted by the Covid 19-pandemic, we have managed to keep the holding of the tournament. This, in a completely health-conscious and responsible manner making sure that everyone visiting the arena in Odense during the tournament can be completely at ease. We are able to do so, thanks to a fantastic support from and co-operation with Odense Municipality, Destination Fyn, Visit Odense and of our two main sponsors Danisa and VICTOR. A great thanks to all and a great welcome to all players, coaches, managers, and officials. Welcome to our enthusiastic audience and not least welcome to all our vital volunteers.
Bo Jensen Chief Executive, CEO Badminton Denmark
Hometown of Hans Christian Andersen
Welcome to Odense we hope, you have a great stay and enjoy the tournament. Should you need inspiration for activities while you are here, please visit for attractions, restaurant tips, the best parks, digital city walks etc. Best,
presented by VICTOR and welcome to Odense It is often stated that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert – and just a small dose of talent. Hours of difficult training to reach perfection in every touch of the shuttlecock and movements across the court. This week you can experience the best of the best, as the world super athletes in badminton compete. Odense is proud to host the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR in Odense Idrætshal. Look behind the roars of winning and looks of frustration to find the 10,000 hours of training. Despite being a small country, Danish athletes in badminton have again and again shown that they belong at the very highest level of competition. This week, they are on home ground, and ready to battle among the greatest from all over the world. We are proud to welcome every player and spectator of DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR to a week of intense and exciting matches. Since 2007, Odense has been home to the biggest and most important tournament in Denmark. It has become a tradition to gather around the court watching the prestigious tournament every October. Usually, tournaments on the World Tour are held in metropoles like Bangkok, Paris and Singapore, where Odense in comparison is just a small village. The fact that Odense is part of a list of such massive cities is due to the impressive work behind the tournament and the talented Danish badminton athletes throughout time. COVID-19 has for now changed our everyday life substantially. It has changed habits, that we took for granted. It has also made dilemmas never seen before in organizing a tournament. Problems we never would have given a thought just a year ago. Therefore, I would like to congratulate and thank Badminton Denmark, the Badminton World Federation and the many volunteers who are making it possible to hold this tournament in a safe way. Odense is, among others, hometown of two great Danes, Hans Christian Andersen and Viktor Axelsen. Viktor Axelsen was born and learned to wield a racket right here in this city. Now he has risen to the top of the sport and is role model for many aspiring young people around the world. H.C. Andersen is known for his fairytales, but less known for trying his luck as a ballet dancer. Although he never succeeded in the ballet world, his fairy tales has inspired children and parents across borders. Let both and every other athlete be an inspiration for going after your dreams and work hard to reach them. During the tournament, I hope you will have a great time in our city. You may follow the footsteps of Hans Christian Andersen and enjoy our delicious gastro scene. Or maybe the weather makes it more attractive to visit a museum? We have a vibrant and colorful city, and we work hard to ensure, that there is plenty to see and experience in Odense. For more information on what to experience in our city, take a look at I hope you will enjoy your time here in Odense and get inspired by amazing badminton matches. I also hope that you will find time in-between matches, to explore our beautiful city, and experience everything Odense has to offer. Welcome to Odense!
Peter Rahbæk Juel Mayor Odense
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Welcome to an extraordinary DANISA DENMARK OPEN 2020 presented by VICTOR There is no doubt, that this year’s DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR is in all manners an extraordinary and unusual edition compared to the five previous tournaments, Danisa has been involved in as the top sponsor of the tournament and the official sponsor of Badminton Denmark. Worldwide, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected people in almost every aspect of regular life and in this context lead to several badminton tournament cancellations putting a month long stop to almost any type of competition. For quite some time, there were also great uncertainties regarding whether the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR would be conducted or not. Fortunately, here we are, finally, in the surroundings in Odense we have been used to for years, but with different changes, restrictions and initiatives established in order to make us all, the staff, volunteers and players be and feel safe. As always, we are looking forward to this tournament, but this year’s event will undoubtedly be special and more spectacular since there have not been any international top tournaments for more than half a year. No surprise, the players and the spectators are eager to play and see, respectively, world class badminton again after such a long wait. At Danisa, we wish to express our gratitude of the great work all the volunteers, Badminton Denmark and the Badminton World Federation have all put into making the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR happen - for the sake of the sport, the players and fans worldwide. We are both proud and more than happy about being a continuing supporting part of not only this historic tournament but also the very reopening of top international badminton. Now, we look forward to six spectacular days of world class badminton. I wish all the players the very best of luck and I hope you all will enjoy the event despite of the extraordinary but necessary circumstances.
Erik Bresling CEO at Danish Speciality Foods AAL DK A/S and Danish Speciality Foods CPH DK ApS Danisa
BWF President’s Message:
DANISA Denmark Open 2020 Presented by VICTOR part of the HSBC BWF World Tour Restarting action at international level has been a challenging task for sports, no thanks to the COVID-19 global pandemic. At the Badminton World Federation (BWF), we hope the DANISA Denmark Open 2020 presented by VICTOR would be the first step, albeit a small one, toward relaunching competitive badminton. The successful staging of this event, part of the HSBC BWF World Tour, I hope, will convince the badminton community that competitions can be held in a safe environment. BWF and its partners have been pro-active during these testing last few months, looking for the best possible solutions for all stakeholders, including creating a secure ecosystem for our tournaments. In Denmark, players who have entered will be itching for action after being without competition for some time. Watching hungry players battling it out on the court is surely an exciting prospect. I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all our commercial partners for being with us in our drive to keep the flame of badminton burning bright. To the officials, support staff and volunteers, I wish you all the best. After seven long months, competitive badminton is just round the corner. I’m looking forward to this landmark event.
Poul-Erik Høyer BWF President
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kr. 59
20 BADMINTON DENMARK | Mens’s Singles
Strong mindset, strong men’s single: - I feel fit By Ida Marie Hove Sørensen
When the men’s singles player, Rasmus Gemke’s filled-up tournament schedule switched to national team training in Brøndby only, he saw it as an obvious opportunity to become an even better badminton player. An enduring ambition, which helped keep motivation high at a time when many of the day’s waking hours were spent in the gym.
- I’m passionate about getting even better. In short, that’s exactly Rasmus Gemke’s message. Along with that passion, it was with a positive mindset that the 23-year-old men’s singles player went into the long training
period, which the tournament break caused by the coronavirus pandemic, became: an opportunity to become a better badminton player. - I’m of the opinion that the more hours spent on the court, the better you get, and I’ve therefore been very motivated, even though there haven’t been any tour-
naments on the schedule. I’ve looked at this extra-long training period as an opportunity for me to develop myself into becoming a better men’s singles player, states Rasmus Gemke. This mindset meant that, amongst other things, the young Aarhus native was quick to accept and resign himself to a
Men’s Singles | BADMINTON DENMARK 21 new daily life, and, according to Gemke himself, this has been essential for keeping his attitude and motivation from dropping off. - I have tried to deal positively with the situation by accepting it. Right at the start, in particular, I was really motivated, because it’s rare that we get the chance to train so much and build on what needs building, he believes.
Living in a bubble Since the coronavirus pandemic first broke out and affected Gemke’s and the rest of the world’s elite players’ daily lives, the men’s singles player has been conscious of the fact that the situation was out of his hands. He therefore kept his focus on training himself and his badminton game, everything else was kept at a distance. - When I’ve trained, I’ve, in a certain way, been exclusively inside that bubble, and that’s functioned really well for me. I’ve been good at not thinking too much about what’s happened around the globe, and this whole situation. I’ve been very focused on the ’now’ and stuck to the things Kenneth [Jonassen, ed.] and I have agreed. The many hours in the fitness centre and badminton hall have, according to Rasmus Gemke, meant that he’s in excellent shape ahead of this year’s Denmark Open. - I think I’m in a great place. I’m right where I want to be, in terms of form. It’s clear that there are things I’m missing, but I’m certain I’ll have it under control when I’m standing on the court in Odense. Good form isn’t the only thing the tournament break has given Rasmus Gemke. It actually freed up so much time that the world’s 17th ranked player has had the time and energy to obtain a driver’s licence. - Corona gave me the kick to go get a driver’s licence, so much of my time was also spent on that. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have had time for the lessons, but with an empty tournament schedule I had the chance, and I seized it. I guess it’s one of the positive things I’ve got from the corona situation and the tournament break, he notes.
Hygge [ˈhʊɡ.ə]
A Danish word for a quality of cosiness - feeling warm, comfortable and safe – that comes from doing simple things such as lightning candles, baking, sharing good food and spending time with family and friends. Danish Pastry is pure hygge, looks like this and tastes…..uhmmm!
meget mere end en efterskole ..
Sports Academy Denmark er et sportsakademi og efterskole for unge atleter i særklasse. På akademiet kan du udvikle dig som atlet på et højt niveau, samtidig med at du oplever et år på efterskole.
Det hele menneske
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24 BADMINTON DENMARK | Women’s Singles
- The feeling of a real match just can’t be recreated By Lasse Kjær Hansen
Denmark’s best women’s singles player, Mia Blichfeldt, has spent the long tournament break on becoming injury-free, cultivating new interests in private, and moving in ways that matter both on and off the court. Now she’s ready to be overwhelmed by the adrenaline rush of a real match. Much can be recreated and imitated, but there is one specific feeling which Denmark’s strongest women’s singles player, Mia Blichfeldt, has been looking forward to feeling once again for the last many months. - To feel that adrenaline in your body, and the feelings you get when you win or lose a duel or a match. Even though
we’ve tried to recreate that atmosphere during training, it’s just never quite the same as in tournament mode, where there’s always more on the line, says Mia Blichfeldt, who most recently played in an international tournament setting at the All-England in March. Around six months ago, when the coronavirus pandemic put a stop to practi-
cally all international and national tournament activity, it brought an otherwise welcome chance for the 23-year-old Dane to take a serious breather. And it was certainly needed, states Blichfeldt. - It was, of course, really strange when everything was suddenly paused, but kind of nice at the same time. The last few years have been very stressful, because,
Women’s Singles | BADMINTON DENMARK 25
for me, things revolved, to a high degree, around becoming injury-free and getting out there to play Olympics-qualifying tournaments. I wanted to compete in the Olympics, of course, but I’m not necessarily sure that I would have been able to, if there were still tournaments in the run-up to the Olympics, because it’s uncertain whether I’d be physically ready for it. So the break actually came at a good time for me, physically speaking,” asserts Mia Blichfeldt, who at that point had for long suffered from foot pains, caused by, amongst other things, a heel spur and a swollen tendon. Both feet were in recovery when Denmark shut down in March, but the involuntary break from a packed tournament schedule was just what was needed to say goodbye to the pain. - So, if I had to look at the positive side of it, the break has meant that I’ve become injury-free and haven’t had pain in my feet after returning to training in April, believes Blichfeldt.
Something to wake up for But the half-year long tournament bre-
ak has not just been felt physically by the 23-year-old. The empty tournament calendar has, amongst other things, made room for reflecting on a number of things, as well as tending to other interests and parts of life that don’t involve shuttle feathers or racket strings. - There are lots of things that I feel like one may forget a bit when every day is busy, and you travel often. But during this recent period, on the other hand, I’ve been able to prioritise spending time with a lot of people I otherwise couldn’t, as well as with myself. I’ve had the space to feel okay with taking a day off now and then, for example, and that, I think, has been good for my mindset, says Blichfeldt, who has developed an interest in knitting, painting, baking, and more besides. - I’ve attempted to plan my weeks, so I’d have something specific to get up for. It’s all been something which I felt could make me feel happy. So instead of being angry at the state of the world, I’ve tried to affect the things I could change. For good reasons, Mia Blichfeldt has been unable to affect the repeated delays
to the start of training as well as tournaments. However, she has, on the other hand, been able to do something about the focus she places on her days on the court, where the training sessions have been extraordinarily long. - I love the long training periods because I know that they’re what move me. And overall, I think part of the break has been good for every player dealing with injuries or issues of one form or another. But 19 weeks might be just a bit on the long side, she admits. And it is for that reason that she’s particularly excited to once more pack her bags and re-join the fight for titles and medals. - I’m super-excited to get going again. The whole process of training for something specific, planning the week leading up to a tournament, and all the little elements of preparation involved is what I’m looking forward to.
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28 BADMINTON DENMARK | Men’s Doubles
Kim Astrup: - I’ve been like a lion in a cage By Ida Marie Hove Sørensen
Since the coronavirus pandemic ripped up Kim Astrup’s calendar back in March, the doubles player’s days have been filled with structure, fundamental training, yet also a sense of meaninglessness. Altogether, this has been an experience Kim Astrup hardly looks back on with joy. That’s because he’s at his best when he and his partner Anders Skaarup are travelling non-stop from one end of the world to another playing the rest of the global elite. A bright-eyed 28-year-old Kim Astrup can barely contain the joy he feels when the talk turns to his upcoming chance to get out and compete with the world’s best badminton players on the World Tour.
- I love traveling non-stop, and I love to measure myself against the best players, and I love the life that goes with it. So, of course, I’m really excited to get going again, and I’m particularly excited
for this year’s Denmark Open, believes Kim Astrup. That the doubles player loves the life that comes with being a professional badmin-
Men’s Doubles | BADMINTON DENMARK 29 ton player certainly did not make things easier for him as virtually the whole world shut down. He therefore hardly considers the tournament break to be a good or happy experience. Quite the opposite, in fact. He actually remembers the start of the period as being particularly difficult for him personally. - Corona hit me pretty hard, personally. It was difficult for me to lose my training possibilities, as well as my social life both on and off the court. It felt like my daily life was taken away from me, says Kim Astrup glumly.
Structure was key Despite the sudden changes due to the suspension of national team training, as well as the closure of Denmark’s badminton courts, Kim Astrup found a way to find purpose in this new everyday life. - I quickly found out that structure means a lot to me, as a person. It was a way for me to find meaning in what felt like a meaningless and empty day-to-day life. My self-structured daily life meant that I
had some regular training routines, that I created some goals for the day, and that I maintained my planned sleeping rhythm. It was a way to maintain both my motivation and my attitude, he explains. This new everyday existence and the long training period has, according to Kim Astrup, given players the chance to get in-depth with the details and work on things there normally isn’t time for. - The long training period has meant that we’ve had time to work on creating finer techniques, more robustness, greater strength, and better fitness, which has probably been positive.
Whether Astrup and partner Anders Skaarup will come out of the training period stronger is hard to answer for the left-handed portion of the duo. What is certain, however, is the enormity of his motivation for the upcoming Denmark Open. - I’m so excited for the tournament comeback. I am at peak motivation and feel ready to get out there and play against the best doubles team in the world again, he says, confidently adding: - Let’s just see how sharp I’ll be standing at the Denmark Open.
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32 BADMINTON DENMARK | Women’s Doubles
Thygesen/Fruergaard are finely tuned to once more hunt that very special feeling By Ida Marie Hove Sørensen
For the Danish women’s doubles pair, Sara Thygesen and Maiken Fruergaard, 2020 began more than well, as they fought their way to second place at the Indonesia Masters, making it their highest result so far. The Danish women dreamt of riding their wave of success from Indonesia to even greater heights. Then came coronavirus, and that dream dissolved in an instant. On 19 January this year, Sara Thygesen and Maiken Fruergaard stood side-by-side on the podium at the historic Istora Senayan. Their smiles revealed how significant this moment was for them. And a significant moment it was, for it was the biggest triumph of their careers, explains Maiken Fruergaard.
- It was an indescribable feeling; it was by far the best performance of our careers so far. The feeling we got, as we played the biggest match of our lives in a hall where the atmosphere was at boiling point and full of people who love badminton – it’s a feeling we’re going to hunt again, she grins.
The good performance in Indonesia and the second place in the Super 500 tournament showed the women that they could feel at home with the world’s absolute best. With the scent of blood in their nostrils, and the feeling of riding a wave of success, the women’s doubles team
Women’s Doubles | BADMINTON DENMARK 33
thought they would create more outstanding World Tour results in the near future. But that was not how it would go. The coronavirus pandemic soon brought everyday life to a standstill, and a suspension of the World Tour became a necessary evil. To the great disappointment of the Danish women’s doubles duo, who had just got the wind in their sails. - We had got off to a good start in 2020. The final placement clearly made us believe in ourselves more. That placement showed us that we can throw down with the world’s best duo, so we were eager to get out there and create more good results, notes a disappointed Sara Thygesen. Maiken Fruergaard came away with the same feeling. - In short, it was pretty crappy. We were playing well at the time and believed in ourselves more than we ever had before. So of course, it was like a slap in the face when we couldn’t get out there and hunt for more top results.
A much missed lifestyle Not only do the pair miss getting out there and playing in the big international tournaments and championships, but they also miss the lifestyle that comes with being a professional badminton player in general. - I miss visiting our favourite places around the world, I miss not having to make food every day, and I miss sleeping in hotels, explains Sara Thygesen, while her partner Maiken Fruergaard observes that what she misses most is that kick and adrenaline rush she gets when she’s on the court for an important match. Luckily for the duo, international top-level badminton is soon resuming, much to the joy of Denmark’s best women’s doubles pair. - I am totally ready to get out there and play again, I’m super excited. I hope we can get back to our top game and create more good results when the season resumes, states Maiken Fruergaard.
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36 BADMINTON DENMARK | Mixed Doubles
- We’re coming out stronger on the other side By Lasse Kjær Hansen
For the relatively newly minted mixed doubles constellation of Mathias Christiansen and Alexandra Bøje, the tournament break caused by the coronavirus pandemic did not actually come at the worst time, quite the opposite, in fact. - We needed a tournament break and a good, long training period, states the male half of the team, assuring that they will come back stronger than they were before COVID-19. Lots of tournaments, lots of travel, and little time for training. If you are at the peak of your career and your game, that’s likely to be just how you would want your schedule to look.
However, as a relatively young and newly established doubles pair, this was not the case, and is precisely why the coronavirus pandemic came at a rather opportune moment for Mathias Christiansen and Alexandra Bøje.
- We had really played a lot at that point [the end of March 2020, ed.]. Lots of tournaments and lots of travel to a degree I wasn’t used to. It was rough for me, so at the start it actually felt perfectly fine to be taking a break, believes Alexandra Bøje.
Mixed Doubles | BADMINTON DENMARK 37 Despite the busy tournament schedule long having been a part of partner Mathias Christiansen’s everyday life, it was just about time for a break for him as well, he explains.
- We’ve dealt a bit with some injuries and rushed off to tournaments, so it’s definitely been good for us to just put in a lot of hours to train our partnership. We’ve needed it, states Christiansen.
- I think that at that point I was a bit full, in a way. We had played a lot of tournaments, many ending in defeat, so really it was actually fine to have some downtime, notes Mathias Christiansen, pointing out that the unusually long break had worked out particularly well for the duo’s partnership.
The training has paid off The pair, ranked 27th in the world, have spent many of their hours on the training court working on their communication on the court and on serving, amongst other things.
Both also agree that their work has paid off, and that they’ll be coming back even stronger than they were before the coronavirus pandemic. - I think I could feel the difference as time was going on, and we’ve also been able to perform many of the things we’ve worked on in the training matches we’ve played. I feel like we’re getting better and better, states Alexandra Bøje, adding that the developments have been a particularly strong motivating factor for her. - The whole way through, I’ve been able to see the training pay off, and it has definitely been a factor that has played a role, in terms of my motivation, when there haven’t been any particularly tournaments or specific championships to train for. The hunger to get into a real fight with something on the line is therefore even greater today. - The break has gone on long enough now. I’m really looking forward to getting out there and playing, travelling, and participating in tournaments again, Christiansen considers.
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QUIZ: How much do you know about DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR?
The world’s second-oldest international badminton tournament, DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR, has a great history and many unknown facets. Quiz along and get wiser on some of them! Find the answers at the bottom of page 41 1)
Who is the most recent Danish winner(s) of the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR? A: Viktor Axelsen B: Carsten Mogensen/Mathias Boe C: Joachim Fischer/Christinna Pedersen D: Jan Ø. Jørgensen
For how many years in a row has the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR been conducted in Odense, including this year’s tournament? A: 7 B: 11 C: 12 D: 14
A: Hearing aid and horse equipment B: Cookies and windmills C: Energy drinks and badminton equipment D: Cookies and badminton equipment
A: Feather and ball B: Baun and Frost C: Rosa and Rasmus D: Søren and Martin
A: Morten Frost B: Lin Dan C: Camilla Martin D: Poul-Erik Høyer
A: Super 300 B: Super 500 C: Super 750 D: Super 1000
What do the sponsors of the tournament, DANISA and VICTOR, fabricate, respectively?
Which player has won the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR the most times?
What are the names of the two tournament mascots?
Which rank does the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR have?
Which mixed double won the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR in 2019? A: Zheng Siwei/Huang Ya Qiong B: Praveen Jordan/Melati Oktavianti C: Dechapol Puavaranukroh/Sapsiree Taerattanachai D: Chris Adcock/Gabrielle Adcock
When was the first DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR played? A: 1934 B: 1936 C: 1938 D: 1939
Solely one international badminton tournament is older than the DANISA DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR. Which? A: Indonesia Open B: All England Open C: China Open D: Japan Open
RIGHT ANSWERS: 1: C, 2: D, 3: A, 4: D, 5: C, 6: C, 7: B, 8: B, 9: B
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Danish national team coaches abroad: - We have shown that we can produce skilled players
Do the names Anders Thomsen, Kent Madsen, and Rune Svenningsen sound familiar? Each of these three gentlemen are national team coaches in different countries. This is by no means a rare exception. There are, and have been, many Danish national team coaches around the world. By Søren Nielsen Geographically speaking, Denmark is certainly not a large nation. But in terms of the sport of badminton however, Denmark has been one of the big boys of badminton that other small countries look up to. And if all the small boys want
to do one thing, it is to play with the big boys. A trophy case on the verge of collapse is always something to be desired.
vantage either. Many countries lean towards Denmark when a new national team coach needs to be hired.
On the coaching side of things, having a Danish passport is certainly no disad-
The newest member of the national team coaches abroad is Kent Madsen.
Article | BADMINTON DENMARK 45 The Dane is used to walking the courts of numerous clubs in Denmark. In the past, he has been the coach of clubs such as Aarhus Badminton Club and Viby Badminton Club.
But it is planned that the former Aarhus and Viby coach will begin his role as the full-time national team coach in Austria by 1 May 2021, if both parties are satisfied with the work at that time.
The Austrian Badminton Association announced at the end of July that the 60-year-old Dane would be the new national team coach. The job of national team coach is nothing new for Kent Madsen either, he’s previously held that position in the Netherlands from 2017-2019.
The experienced and ambitious coach has already thought about which parameters need adjusting if Austrian badminton is to move in a positive direction.
He was contacted by the Austrian Badminton Association at the start of the year, and they later came to an agreement. The Dane spent most of July in Austria to observe and train the Austrian national team at the national centre in Südstadt, about 20 kilometres south of the capital, Vienna. Moreover, Madsen has toured the regional centres in Austria to gain an overview of the development process. In parallel to the job of national team coach, Kent Madsen will coach the Danish club Aabenraa in this season and will therefore start out spending just six days per month in Austria.
- I’ll be helping to develop some more structure. Austria, by definition, doesn’t really have a true club culture like we have in Denmark. They don’t have that many clubs and players, so we need to get down to work on recruitment, and maybe introduce a ‘miniton programme’, as it’s known in Denmark, says Kent Madsen. Miniton is a programme that introduces the sport of badminton to young children. But Kent Madsen will need to focus much more on the elite, and the goal here is hard to miss. - We don’t just need to qualify a player to the Olympics every now and then. We need greater continuity, and in the long term we want more prominent players, he claims.
Danish badminton culture attracts interest from abroad Austria is not an untouched land for Danish badminton coaches. The Danish sports channel TV2 Sports’ badminton expert and former professional player and coach, Jim Laugesen, has also been the national team coach of the country, which is known for its beautiful nature and alpine landscape. This former top player has a theory on why Danish coaches are so popular abroad. - Many Danish coaches have a lot of experience in creating a very professional training setup, and it is first and foremost the badminton culture that a Danish coach comes from, which makes them so attractive. Denmark has demonstrated for many years that we know how to produce badminton players, and for that reason it’s obvious why other countries want to try to apply the Danish model. But it is not an easy model to integrate into every other country, claims Laugesen. That difficulty was experienced by another Danish national team coach. Anders Thomsen has been employed as Spain’s national team coach for more than a decade, and, according to him, it is difficult to be successful if you train foreign players exactly as you would train Danish players. - Many elements are transferrable however, observes Anders Thomsen, before offering his view of why he and the coaching team have done well in Spain. - We are good at innovating. We’re always looking forward, in terms of finding new training strategies. If we get a new idea about physical training or tactical training, we’ll try it out. Anders Thomsen did not experience the same pressure to bring medals home in his initial time in Spain as he imagines the other Danish coaches experience if they fail to deliver championship medals. If innovative methods failed to work, it would have been just as well, as Spain was not accustomed to mixing with the top of the badminton world.
Not just a flash in the pan The Dane has a sound and constructive relationship with the Spanish head coach >>
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Fernando Rivas and claims that they are good at putting together the training programme. - We try to integrate the training, so we aren’t doing technical training and tactical training separately, for example. If we have a player that has trouble with a tactical aspects, we will of course look at some tactical solutions, but the problem may be something physical, mental, or technical, Anders Thomsen explains over the phone from Madrid, where he lives in an apartment with his family. Plenty of things have happened to the Spanish setup since Anders Thomsen became assistant national team coach in 2008. Back then, he and head coach Rivas were the only employees around the players. Today the national team has a physical trainer, a physiotherapist, and a mental health trainer attached to the team, while the country’s absolute top player, the Olympic gold medallist Carolina Marin, also has a manager to handle her press and sponsorships. Since Thomsen’s arrival, Spanish badminton has done very well for itself. Carolina Marin’s world championship titles and Olympic gold stand out in particular. But Anders Thomsen also names a third achievement when pointing out the
biggest triumphs, namely the European Junior Championship team of 2015. - The victory came not just from one player, but from several skilled players. So, it was a great experience. It showed that we might not just be a flash in the pan. We beat the three on-paper strongest countries on the road to the gold. Those were England, Germany, and Denmark, states the former Horsens coach, before specifying that the victory came without even having Carolina Marin on the team. On top of that, the players on the gold-winning team had been part of a youth project that Anders had initiated at the end of the 2000s at the Spanish regional centres, which he had once been responsible for.
Unique national team experiences The Danish coach of Greenland’s national team, Rune Svenningsen, does not reign over a three-time world champion and Olympic gold medallist. Neither does he have nearly as much support staff on the team as Spain does. Svenningsen is alone, in fact, but that does not mean he works any less diligently to put Greenland on the badminton map. In badminton terms, Greenland took a big scalp last year with a badminton
victory at the Island Games for the first time ever. The Island Games is a tournament in which a number of islands and areas compete against each other every second year. Amongst the around 25 participating islands and areas, located everywhere from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic and the Caribbean, some of the most wellknown are Malta, Gibraltar, and the Faroe Islands, as well as some of the various British Isles. Greenland also participated in the Sudirman Cup in China in 2019, where they, in Rune Svenningsen’s own words, really got something for their money. The Chinese were so interested in Greenlandic badminton that they made a 45-minute documentary with the team, which was broadcast on national television. According to the national team coach, these sorts of experiences are unique, and he would never pass them up. Greenland’s Badminton Association set its eyes on Rune Svenningsen at the recommendation of the current head coach at the Elite- and Talent Centre in Aarhus, Denmark, and the former national team coach in Greenland, Svend Aage Sørensen. >>
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Article | BADMINTON DENMARK 49 The Dane has now sat in the coach’s chair for six years, and in a small badminton association such as Greenland’s, he finds himself wearing a few more hats than others may have to. The 33-year-old Rune Svenningsen is a tour operator, visa booker, training planner, trainer, and at times, a secretary. It’s all done with an eye on improving the Greenlandic badminton players. And his badminton-related contribution is especially large.
The club coaches sometimes live-stream training sessions, and Rune Svenningsen can then send instructions online. Furthermore, he advises the coaches on how to plan the daily training sessions. This includes the types of training exercises good for specific situations, and how much time to devote to physical training, for example. One thing you cannot find fault with, according to Svenningsen, is the work ethic.
- I have lots of conversations with players over messenger, etc., but also with club coaches. It is important that they improve, because, as club coaches, they have to volunteer their time and work with the players every single day on the court. I focus a lot on the players that are good already, but I also focus on helping the club coaches, so that they become even better, in the hope that the next group of players will be really good, says the national team coach, who lives in Denmark, but visits Greenland a few times a year.
- They’re fantastic at it up there. They really are passionate about it. For me, it’s really special to experience a new culture and simultaneously contribute to the development of the sport of badminton, he notes. The players of Greenland’s national team are spread pretty far and wide. Some of the players reside in Denmark, and regularly play at competitions and team matches, while other national team members continue to live in Greenland. When they
come to Denmark, Rune Svenningsen also helps them find a club to train with. The logistical challenges are something of a struggle for Rune Svenningsen. It is very expensive for national team players to travel to international tournaments, and that sets some boundaries. Greenland’s best men’s singles player, who also happens to be the minister of industry and mineral resources, Jens Frederik Nielsen, did scrape together enough points on the world rankings list to allow him to participate in the individual European Championship in 2020. This tournament never took place however, due to Covid-19. Looking forward, Rune Svenningsen hopes that similar results can be achieved, despite Greenland’s population only being around 56,000, and Svenningsen is hardly the only national team coach from Denmark with new goals in sight.
Selection of previous and current Danish national team coaches abroad Kent Madsen – current Austrian national team coach – previously of the Netherlands Sune Gavnholt – current national team coach of the Faroe Islands Anders Thomsen – current national team coach of Spain Rune Svenningsen – current national team coach of Greenland Rikke Siegemund – current national team coach of New Zealand Jacob Oehlenschlæger – former national team coach of Germany Kim Nielsen – former national team coach of the Netherlands, now part of the team in Spain Jonas Lyduch – former national team coach of the Netherlands Jim Laugesen – former national team coach of Austria and Ireland Christian Thode – former national team coach of Norway Lasse Bundgaard – former national team coach of Australia Claus Poulsen – former national team coach of the Netherlands and Australia Peter Gade – former national team coach of France Kenneth Jonassen – former national team coach of England Jesper Hovgaard – former national team coach of France Peter R Jensen – former national team coach of New Zealand Svend Aage Sørensen – former national team coach of New Zealand and Greenland Jacob Høi – former national team coach of Germany and England Kenneth Larsen – former national team coach of Iceland, Italy, and Greenland Morten Frost – former national team coach of Malaysia and South Africa Anders Kristiansen – former national team coach of Sweden Michael Reed – former junior national team coach of Sweden and previous assistant national team coach of France Bjarne Nielsen – former national team coach of Greenland John Dinesen – former national team coach of Switzerland, Germany, and Austria, now at the Badminton Europe Centre Finn Trærup-Hansen – former national team coach of Australia
50 BADMINTON MAGAZINE | Former winners
WINNERS You can see all the previous winners since 1935 on
2019 – Odense US$ 775.000,-
2014 – Odense US$ 600.000,-
Kento Momota, Japan Tzu Ying Tai, Chinese Taipei Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, Indonesia Baek Ha Na/Jung Kyung Eun, Korea Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti, Indonesia
2018 – Odense US$ 775.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Kento Momota, Japan Tzu Ying Tai, Chinese Taipei Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, Indonesia Yuki Fukushima/Sayaka Hirota, Japan Siwei Zheng/Yaqiong Huang, China
2017 – Odense US$ 750.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Kidambi Srikanth, India Ratchanok Intanon, Thailand Liu Cheng/Zhang Nan, China Lee So Hee/Shin Seung Chan, Korea Tang Chun Man/Tse Ying Suet, Hong Kong
2016 – Odense US$ 700.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Tanongsak Saensomboonsuk, Thailand Akane Yamaguchi, Japan Shem V Goh/Kiong Wee Tan, Malaysia Misaki Matsutomo/Ayaka Takahashi, Japan Joachim Fischer Nielsen/Christinna Pedersen, Denmark
2015 – Odense US$ 650.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Chen Long, China Li Xuerui, China Lee Yong Dae/Yoo Yeon Seong, Korea Jung Kyung Eun/Shin Seung Chan, Korea Ko Sung Hyun/Kim Ha Na, Korea
Chen Long, China Li Xuerui,China Haifeng Fu/Nan Zhang, China Xiaoli Wang/Yang Yu, China Chen Xu/Jin Ma, China
2013 – Odense US$ 400.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Chen Long, China Yihan Wang, China Yong Dae Lee/Yeon Seong Yoo, Korea Yixin Bao/Jinhua Tang, China Nan Zhang/Yunlei Zhao, China
2012 – Odense US$ 400.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Chong Wei Lee, Malaysia Saina Nehwal, India Baek Choel Shin/Yeon Seong Yoo, Korea Jin Ma/Jihua Tang, China Chen Xu/Jin Ma, China
2011 – Odense US$ 400.000,MS: Chen Long, China WS: Xin Wang, China MD: Jae Sung Jung/Yong Dae Lee, Korea WD: Xiaoli Wang/Yang (F) Yu, China XD: Joachim Fischer Nielsen/Christinna Pedersen, Denmark
2010 – Odense US$ 200.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Jan Ø. Jørgensen, Denmark Wang Yihan, China Mathias Boe/Carsten Mogensen, Denmark Miyuku Maeda/Satoko Suetsuna, Japan Thomas Laybourn/Kamilla Rytter Juhl, Denmark
Former winners | BADMINTON MAGAZINE 51 2009 – Odense US$ 200.000,-
2001 – Farum
Simon Santoso, Indonesia Tine Rasmussen, Denmark Kien Keat Koo/Boon Heong Tan, Malaysia Pan Pan/Zhang Yawen, China Joachim Fischer Nielsen, Christinna Pedersen, Denmark
Bao Chunlai, China Camilla Martin, Denmark Martin Lundgaard Hansen/Lars Paaske, Denmark Helene Kirkegaard/Rikke Olsen, Denmark Tri Kush Aryanto/Emma Ermawati, Indonesia
2000 – Farum 2008 – Odense US$ 200.000,MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Peter Høeg Gade, Denmark Wang Lin, China Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan, Indonesia Eei Hui Chin/Pei Tty Wong, Malaysia Joachim Fischer Nielsen/Christinna Pedersen, Denmark
2007 – Odense MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Lin Dan, China Lu Lan, China Kien Keat Koo/Boon Heong Tan, Malaysia Wei Yang/Jiewen Zhang, China Hanbin He/Yang Yu, China
2006 – Aarhus MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Chen Hong, China Jiang Yanjiao, China Lars Paaske/Jonas Rasmussen, Denmark Kamila Augustyn/Nadiezda Kostiuczyk, Poland Anthony Clark/Donna Kellogg, England
2005 – Aarhus MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Chong Wei Lee, Malaysia Pi Hongyan, France Chong Ming Chan/Kien Keat Koo, Malaysia Kumiko Ogura/Reiko Shiota, Japan Thomas Laybourn/Kamilla R. Juhl, Denmark
2004 – Aarhus MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Lin Dan, China Xie Xingfang, China Lars Paaske/Jonas Rasmussen, Denmark Wie Yilli/Zhao Tingting, China Chen Qiqiu/Zhao Tingting, China
2003 – Aarhus MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Lin Dan, China Gong Ruina, China Ha Tae Kwon/Kim Dong Moon, Korea Yang Wei/Zhang Jiewen,China Kim Dong Moon/Ra Kyung Min, Korea
Peter Gade, Denmark Zhou Mi, China Eng Hian/Flandy Limpele, Indonesia Lin Chen/Xuelian Jiang, China Michael Søgaard/Rikke Olsen, Denmark
1999 – Vejle MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Poul-Erik Høyer Larsen, Denmark Camilla Martin, Denmark Martin Lundgaard Hansen/Lars Paaske, Denmark Qin Yiyuan/Gao Ling, China Liu Yong/Ge Fei, China
1998 – Vejle MS: Peter Gade, Denmark WS: Camilla Martin, Denmark MD: Ricky Subagja/Rexy Mainaky, Indonesia WD: Qin Yiyan/Tang Hetian, China XD: Jon Holst-Christensen/Ann Jørgensen, Denmark
1997 – Vejle MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Dong Jiong, China Camilla Martin, Denmark Jon Holst-Christensen/Michael Søgaard, Denmark Ann Jørgensen/Majken Vange, Denmark Jens Eriksen/Marlene Thomsen, Denmark
1996 – Middelfart MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Thomas Stuer-Lauridsen, Denmark Gong Zhichao, China Thomas Stavngaard/Jim Laugesen, Denmark Rikke Olsen/Helene Kirkegaard, Denmark Michael Søgaard/Rikke Olsen, Denmark
1995 – Odense MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Poul-Erik Høyer Larsen, Denmark Lim Xiao Qing, Sweden Thomas Lund/Jon Holst-Christensen, Denmark Lisbet Stuer-Lauridsen/Marlene Thomsen, Denmark Cheng Xingdong/Peng Xingyong, China
2002 – Farum MS: WS: MD: WD: XD:
Chen Hong, China Camilla Martin, Denmark Kim Dong Moon/Ha Tae Kwon, Korea Wei Yilli/Zhao Tingting, China Kim Dong Moon/Hwang Yu Mi, Korea
Scan to see all winners from 1936 and forward.
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Keep a distance of at least 1 metre from other people. Keep a distance of at least 2 metres in special situations, for example When near people with symptoms and others who may be infected When near people at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 In situations where there is an increased risk of infection, for example in connection with singing, shouting and physical exertion 31.07.2020
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Midtfyns Bryghus og Badminton Danmark samarbejder om at løfte talentarbejdet i dansk badminton. For hver købt flaske går der 2 kr. til talentarbejdet. Badminton Danmark er stolt medproducent på denne øl.
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Jernbanegade 75 5500 Middelfart Certificeret translatør og oversætter Lisbeth Thorsager
Danmarks største Have- & Dyrecenter Velkommen til vores GIGANTISKE JULEMARKED
OPLEVELSER & JULESTEMNING Besøg Plantoramas eventyrlige julemarked med masser af stemning og inspiration
i Plantorama Odense Plantoramas julemarked bugner af stemning og masser af inspiration. Kugler, kogler, nisser, landsbyer, juletræer, lækkert julepynt og dekorationsmaterialer. Oplevelsen er større end nogensinde og næsten eventyrlig, så tag bare hele familien med.
Vi holder åbent alle ugens 7 dage Hverdage fra 09.00-19.00 samt lørdag og søndag kl. 9.00–18.00 Plantorama Odense • Petersmindevej 1 C • 5000 Odense C
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FYN ER FIN. FAKTISK RÆDDI’ FIN, OG FOR BØRNEFAMILIER ER ØEN MIDT I DANMARK DET PERFEKTE STED FYN ER FIN. FAKTISK RÆDDI’ FIN, OG FOR BØRNEFAMILIER ER ØEN MIDT I DANMARK DET PERFEKTE STED TIL AT FÅ EN PÅ OPLEVEREN. PÅ FYN ER DER ALDRIG LANGT TIL NOGET, OG I FINDER ALT FRA TIL AT ENFAKTISK PÅ OPLEVEREN. PÅ FYN ER DER ALDRIG LANGT NOGET, I FINDERDET ALTPERFEKTE FRA FYN ERFÅ FIN. RÆDDI’ OG FOR BØRNEFAMILIER ERTIL ØEN MIDT IOG DANMARK STED BØRNEVENLIGE STRANDE TILFIN, EVENTYRLIGE SEVÆRDIGHEDER OG IDYLLISKE KØBSTÆDER. KOM FRISK. BØRNEVENLIGE STRANDE TILPÅ EVENTYRLIGE OG IDYLLISKE KOM FRISK. TIL AT FÅ EN PÅ OPLEVEREN. FYN ER DERSEVÆRDIGHEDER ALDRIG LANGT TIL NOGET, OG I KØBSTÆDER. FINDER ALT FRA STRANDE TILfra EVENTYRLIGE SEVÆRDIGHEDER OG IDYLLISKE KØBSTÆDER. DET’ GANSKE MAGISK KOM FRISK. TA’ PÅ TIDSREJSE -BØRNEVENLIGE Er vi der ikke snart? Sådan lyder det ofte -bagsædet, Er vi der ikke Sådan lydererdet fra på når snart? familien Danmark påofte tur, og bagsædet, når familien Danmarkfor er svaret på tur, ogjo! på kan I undgå transportkuller, -Fyn Er vi der ikke snart? Sådan lyder det ofte er fra I Fyn kan I undgå transportkuller, for svaret er jo!afI er der snart, for øen tilbyder alt inden for korte bagsædet, når familien Danmark er på tur, og på er der snart, ved for øen tilbyder inden fori bunken korte afstande. I ikke, hvor Ialt skal starte Fyn kanMen I undgå transportkuller, for svaret er jo! I stande. Men ved I ikke, hvor skal starte i bunken af fynske familiefristelser, så Ifortvivl ikke. guider er der snart, for øen tilbyder alt inden forVi korte afaf familiefristelser, så fortvivl ikke.lige Vi guider jerfynske til nogle de Iallerbedste her. stande. Menafved ikke, hvor I oplevelser skal starte i bunken jer til nogle af de allerbedste oplevelser lige her. af fynske familiefristelser, så fortvivl ikke. Vi guider DET’ HELT af VILDT jer til nogle de allerbedste oplevelser lige her. DET’ HELT Se den rødeVILDT panda i øjnene, kild en krabbe Se den røde panda i øjnene, kild enfugleedderkrabbe eller kom tæt på en krølhåret DET’ HELThelt VILDT eller kom helt tæt på en dyr, krølhåret fugleedderkop? Hvis I erpanda vilde med må Ien ikke gå glip Se den røde i øjnene, kild krabbe kop? Hvis I ZOO, er vilde med dyr,afmå I ikke gå glip af Odense er en Europas bedeller kom helt tætsom på en krølhåret fugleedderaf Odense ZOO, somIer en af Europas ste zoologiske haver. Kerteminde kangå Ibedikke kop? Hvis I er vilde med dyr, må I ikke glip ste zoologiske haver. I Kerteminde kan synet I ikke høre tigeren brøle, men nyde af Odense ZOO, som er derimod en af Europas bedhøre tigeren brøle, men derimod nyde synet af havets dyr i Fjord Bælt. På Ditlevsdal ste zoologiske haver. &I Kerteminde kan I ikke af havets dyri Morud i Fjord bliver & Bælt. På Ditlevsdal Bison Farm I inviteret indenfor høre tigeren brøle, men derimod nyde synet Bison Farm største i Morud bliver I inviteret indenfor på Europas kan I blandt af havets dyr i Fjordbisonfarm. & Bælt. PåHer Ditlevsdal på Europas største bisonfarm. Her kan I blandt andet Farm få guidede ture og overnatte prærieBison i Morud bliver I invitereti indenfor andet få guidede ture ogover overnatte i præriehuse med idyllisk udsigt de majestætiske på Europas største bisonfarm. Her kan I blandt huse idyllisk udsigt over defor majestætiske dyr. I med må også forbi Vissenbjerg at se ”Lille andet få guidede ture og overnatte i præriedyr. I må også forbi Vissenbjerg for at se ”Lille Peter Edderkop” Terrariet, I træder ind i huse med idylliskiudsigt overhvor de majestætiske Peter Edderkop”paddernes i Terrariet, verden hvor I træder ind i krybdyrenes oplever dyr. I må ogsåog forbi Vissenbjerg for og at se ”Lille krybdyrenes og paddernes verden og oplever nogle Edderkop” af verdens farlige dyr.I træder Peter imest Terrariet, hvor ind i nogle af verdens mest farlige dyr. krybdyrenes og paddernes verden og oplever nogle af verdens mest farlige dyr.
TA’ PÅ TIDSREJSE Eventyrlige seværdigheder skal I ikke lede Eventyrlige seværdigheder ikke lede længe på Fyn, og en afskal de Imere uforglemTA’ PÅ efter TIDSREJSE længe efter på største Fyn, ogturistattraktion, en af de mere uforglemmelige er Fyns Egeskov. Eventyrlige seværdigheder skal I ikke lede melige er Fyns største turistattraktion, Egeskov. Hele herligheden er omgivet park med længe efter på Fyn, og en af af deen mere uforglemHele herligheden er og omgivet af en parkårmed blomster, flere hundrede gamle melige er labyrinter Fyns største turistattraktion, Egeskov. blomster, og hundrede år gamle træer.herligheden Taglabyrinter på picnic i deflere unikke omgivelser, Hele er omgivet af en park med træer. Tag på i de unikke omgivelser, snup en tur påpicnic hængebroen 15 meter oppe i blomster, labyrinter og flere hundrede år gamle snup en tur på hængebroen 15 meter i trækronerne far vild labyrinten af oppe klippede træer. Tag påog picnic i dei unikke omgivelser, trækronerne og far vild i hinanden labyrintenigen, af klippede bøgehække. Når I finder må iI snup en tur på hængebroen 15 meter oppe bøgehække. NårJernbanemuseum I finder hinanden igen, må I forbi Danmarks Odense, trækronerne og far vild i labyrinten iaf klippede forbi Jernbanemuseum i Odense, hvor IDanmarks kan opleve lærehinanden om de danske jernbabøgehække. Når Iog finder igen, må I hvor I kan opleve og lære omplads de danske jernbaners I kan også tage de gamle forbi historie. Danmarks Jernbanemuseum ii Odense, ners historie. I kan ogsåi de tage plads i de gamle passagervogne, royale vogne og se hvor I kan oplevekigge og lære om de danske jernbapassagervogne, kigge i de royale ogOg se skinnebilen ”Olsen-banden på vogne sporet”. ners historie.fra I kan også tage plads i de gamle skinnebilen på sporet”. Og når I nu er i fra H.C.”Olsen-banden Andersens fødeby, så kør passagervogne, kigge i de royale vogne ogud se når I nuFynske er i H.C.Landsby, Andersens fødeby, så kør ud til Den som erpåetsporet”. levende friskinnebilen fra ”Olsen-banden Og til Den Fynske for Landsby, som er et frilandsmuseum landboliv ifødeby, det 18.levende århundrede når I nu er i H.C. Andersens så kør ud landsmuseum i det 18. århundrede påDen Fyn.Fynske Museetfor er landboliv byggetsom op som landsby til Landsby, er et en levende fripå Fyn. Museet ermølle, bygget op som en landsby med præstegård, haver, marker, gadekær landsmuseum for landboliv i det 18. århundrede med præstegård, mølle, haver, marker, gadekær og dyr. på Fyn. Museet er bygget op som en landsby og dyr. Jernalderlandsbyen Odins Odense er et mindre med præstegård, mølle, haver, marker, gadekær Jernalderlandsbyen Odinsmen Odense mindre frilandsmuseum i Odense, ogsåeretetbesøg og dyr. frilandsmuseum i Odense, men også et besøg værd. Jernalderlandsbyen Odins Odense er et mindre værd. frilandsmuseum i Odense, men også et besøg værd.
DET’ GANSKE MAGISKnatur, plads til at boltre Fyn har den skønneste Fyn har skønneste natur, plads til at boltre jer på ogden 1.100 kilometer DET’ GANSKE MAGISK kystlinje fyldt med de jer på ogbadestrande. 1.100 kilometer kystlinje fyldt med dejligste Hop forplads eksempel en de tur i Fyn har den skønneste natur, til at boltre dejligste badestrande. Hop for eksempel en tur i bølgen blå vedkilometer Hasmark Strand nord Otterjer på og 1.100 kystlinje fyldtfor med de bølgen blå ved Hasmark Strandeller nordpå forRistinge Otterup, Nordstranden i Kerteminde dejligste badestrande. Hop for eksempel en tur i up, Nordstranden i Kerteminde elleraf påvandet Ristinge Strand på NårStrand I er oppe bølgen blåLangeland. ved Hasmark nord for OtterStrand på Langeland. Når I erår, oppe af vandet igen og hvis I har børn fra 14 må I prøve up, Nordstranden i Kerteminde eller på Ristinge igen og hvis I har børn fra 14Det år, må I prøve Bridgewalking i Middelfart. er en oplevStrand på Langeland. Når I er oppe afunik vandet Bridgewalking i Middelfart. Det er en unik else oppe i brokonstruktionen afoplevDen igen 60 og meter hvis I har børn fra 14 år, må I prøve else 60Lillebæltsbro. meter oppe i Fra brokonstruktionen af Den Gamle toppen afen broen der Bridgewalking i Middelfart. Det er unik er oplevGamle Lillebæltsbro. Fra toppen af Ibroen er der en vild og Fyn. kan også slå else 60udsigt meter over oppeJylland i brokonstruktionen af Den en vild udsigt overhøjde Jylland og Fyn. I kan også slå jer løs iLillebæltsbro. 26 meters Gorilla Park i SvendGamle Fra itoppen af broen er der jer løs i 26 serverer meters højde i Gorilla Park i Svendborg, det helt store en vildsom udsigt over Jylland og Fyn.klatreeventyr I kan også slå borg, som serverer det store klatreeventyr for løs hele familien. dehelt lidt yngrePark poder er jer i 26 metersFor højde i Gorilla i Svendfor hele familien. For de lidt yngre poder er Børnekulturhuset Odense helt maborg, som servererFyrtøjet det helti store klatreeventyr Børnekulturhuset Fyrtøjet i Odense helt magisk. Fyrtøjet danner rammen om H.C. Anderfor hele familien. For de lidt yngre poder er gisk. Fyrtøjet danner rammen om H.C. fordyAndersens eventyr med leg, udklædning Børnekulturhuset Fyrtøjet i Odenseog helt masens eventyr med leg, trærødder, udklædning og fordybelse.Fyrtøjet Her er krogede gisk. danner rammen omelverbutikker, H.C. Anderbelse. Hergryderne er krogede elverbutikker, ild under og trærødder, fjeldhuler at sove i. sens eventyr med leg, udklædning og fordyild under gryderne og fjeldhuler at sove i. så er … Og når I får brug for rigtig skønhedssøvn, belse. Her er krogede trærødder, elverbutikker, … Ogrig når I får brug bed for rigtig skønhedssøvn, så er Fyn pågryderne hoteller, and breakfasts ild under og fjeldhuler at soveog i. shelFyn rig på hoteller, bed and og shelters. der også helebreakfasts 58 campingpladser … OgFaktisk når I fårerbrug for rigtig skønhedssøvn, så er ters. Faktisk er der også hele 58 campingpladser på Fyn, så nyd, oplev, udforsk - og sov godt. Fyn rig på hoteller, bed and breakfasts og shelpå Fyn, så nyd, oplev, udforsk - og sov godt. ters. Faktisk er der også hele 58 campingpladser på Fyn, så nyd, oplev, udforsk - og sov godt.
Egeskov Egeskov
Ditlevsdal Bison Farm Ditlevsdal Bison Farm
Danmarks Jernbanemuseum Danmarks Jernbanemuseum
Fjord & Bælt Fjord & Bælt
Ditlevsdal Bison Farm
Danmarks Jernbanemuseum
Fjord & Bælt
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Kampagnen er støttet af Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse. Kampagnen støttetinspiration af Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse. Findermere på Annoncen er produceret af JFM´s kommercielle afdeling i samarbejde med Destination Fyn Annoncen er produceret af JFM´s kommercielle afdeling i samarbejde med Destination Fyn
Kampagnen er støttet af Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse.
Annoncen er produceret af JFM´s kommercielle afdeling i samarbejde med Destination Fyn
Skousen Bolbro, Odense Middelfartvej 131 • 5200 Odense V Tlf 6316 0049 • •
Rugårdsvej 40 5000 Odense C Tlf. 66 11 32 10 Odense & Svendborg
Kom godt i gang med Adobes programmer til grafisk design og videoredigering
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Vi har Vestjyllands bedste badmintontilbud • Badmintontræning op til 4 gange om ugen • Stærkt trænerteam med trænere fra øverste hylde • Fantastiske faciliteter med bl.a. to idrætshaller • Plads til alle uanset niveau • Kombinér badminton med andre valgfag eller fokusér fuldt ud på fjerene • Fokus på sportslig, personlig og faglig udvikling
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Danisa Energizes Danish Badminton in Danisa Denmark Open 2020 Presented by VICTOR Danisa Denmark Open 2020 presented by VICTOR is soon
Erik Bresling, the CEO of Danisa said that years of
to be held in October 13-18, Odense, Denmark, one of the
partnership with Badminton Denmark helps Danisa to better
world's major host countries for badminton tournaments.
build its brand image and enhance its influence in the
As a part of the super-standard competitions of
Badminton World Federation (BWF), the annual sports event is bound to attract top athletes around the globe to
As a renowned cookies brand, Danisa is unceasingly devoted
gather and compete.
to providing high-quality cookies with a pure Danish recipe.
It is gratifying that, as the host, the Danish National
Through continuous improvement in products and services,
Badminton Team will once again appear in the public.
Danisa Butter Cookies gains the satisfaction from a growing
Started its main sponsorship for Badminton Denmark in
number of consumers, winning the Superior Taste Award
2015, Danisa, a local brand in Denmark, is also the title
(three-star medal) of International Taste & Quality Institute in
sponsor of Denmark Open.
2020. To present delicacy with a healthy, dynamic and joyful lifestyle has always been the pursuit of Danisa.
For five years Danisa has offered vigorous support, witnessed the team’s glorious moments, and in the
Behold the return of the champion at the Danisa Denmark
meantime enjoyed the fine integration of Danisa’s brand
Open 2020 presented by VICTOR.
value and Danish badminton culture as well. For this event, Danisa will as always stand abreast and cheer for the Danish team. Since the beginning of Danisa's sponsorship, the Danish team has been winning the laurel in European Mixed Team Championships 2019, and took the crown in Thomas Cup 2016 in Kunshan, China, for outstanding performance.
Anders Antonsen, All England 2020
(Pieture from