Strategic Plan rev 071123

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Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership Strategic Plan 2022—2024

Strategic Plan Framework


Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership leads regional economic development activities in support of the economic vitality of members, partners, and the region.


To Stimulate Sustainable, Long-Term Economic Prosperity for Bay Area Houston


Engaged, Strategic, Collaborative, Trustworthy, and Ethical

1.0 Shaping a Future-Ready Regional Economy

1.1 Craft the next-generation regional economic development model

1.1.1 Assess the regional impacts of demographics, economic environment, cluster development, technological innovations, risk mitigation, and industry relevance (national and global)

1.1.2 Refine the “MATHS* five-clusters of opportunity” regional model to include support for the development of additional industries

1.1.3 Lead and/or coordinate partnerships that enhance regional economic development

1.1.4 Build the business case for investment in the future of the Bay Area: infrastructure, business environment, talent development, business development opportunities, and sense of place

1.2 Guide the development of an entrepreneurship infrastructure

1.2.1 Partner to create a public-private regional innovation hub to attract entrepreneurs and companies

1.2.2 Leverage Texas incubators and innovation centers

1.2.3 Support initiatives to attract investors’ funds to the region

1.2.4 Offer opportunities for regional companies to gain expertise and technical support (e.g., SATOP, TexSpace, BayTech)

*MATHS: Maritime; Aerospace, Space, and Aviation; Tourism, Recreation, and Hospitality; Healthcare; and Specialty and Petrochemicals)

1.0 Shaping a Future-Ready Regional Economy
2.0 Adapting to a Dynamic Business Environment
3.0 Advocating for Sustainable Prosperity and an Exceptional Quality of Life
4.0 Transitioning to BAHEP 4.0

From traditional economic development activities – job and wealth creation – to active development of regional, industry, and community partnerships necessary to sustain economic vitality, BAHEP remains the region’s go-to organization. That responsibility has been taken seriously.

2.0 Adapting to a Dynamic Business Environment

2.1 Strengthen each of the MATHS clusters

2.1.1 Support business recovery and resilience across the region

2.1.2 Collaborate with local, state, and federal governmental agencies’ economic development and resiliency efforts

2.1.3 Engage with regional non-industry job clusters (GRANDER*) to promote an exceptional quality of life and business environment

2.2 Stimulate the workforce pathways supporting all clusters

2.2.1 Support and expand current MATHS education and training pathways

2.2.2 Implement the healthcare workforce pathway strategy

2.2.3 Expand business-education collaboration across industries and school districts, colleges, and universities

2.3 Craft an industry cluster marketing model

2.3.1 Develop a regional marketing plan

2.3.2 Collaborate with site selection agencies and corporate leadership to promote the region

2.3.3 Expand the process for recruitment, expansion, and retention of jobs and capital investment to meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs

2.3.4 Extend responsible commercial development opportunities in collaboration with regional leaders

*Non-Industry Job Clusters: GRANDER: Government, Responders (e.g., military, safety and security), Advanced Services (e.g., legal, financial, human resources, childcare, insurance, etc.), Non-profits, Digital and microbusinesses, Education and training, Retail)

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3.0 Advocating for Sustainable Prosperity and an Exceptional Quality of Life

3.1 Advocate for the region’s primary industry and job clusters

3.1.1 Promote policies and actions at the local, state, and federal levels in support of MATHS clusters

3.1.2 Promote current and emerging industry strengths in aerospace, federal and commercial space, and aviation

3.1.3 Respond to regional industry requests to enhance or protect jobs, capital investment, and corporate viability

3.1.4 Communicate effectively on behalf of each MATHS and GRANDER cluster about the important issues affecting them and the region

3.2 Advocate for regional prosperity, resilience, and quality of life

3.2.1 Support regional infrastructure projects for the coastal barrier, transportation, utilities, and public safety

3.2.2 Support legislation that strengthens local government, education, and regional quality of life

3.2.3 Strengthen collaboration and communication with and among elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels

3.2.4 Partner with government agencies, universities/schools, and businesses to support regional initiatives

3.3 Identify and address local, state, and federal issues of regional significance

3.3.1 Update annually the political advocacy agenda and messaging in coordination with regional partners while remaining nonpartisan

3.3.2 Monitor progress of key state and federal legislation

3.3.3 Assist municipalities with economic development

BAHEP’s strengths can be traced to our members’ abilities to adapt to the times, cooperating across boundaries to create opportunities, to attract and keep jobs, and to build thriving communities.

18 Cities

2 Counties 1 Region

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4.0 Transitioning to BAHEP 4.0

4.1 Assure a successful leadership transition period

4.1.1 Recruit and hire BAHEP’s next president

4.1.2 Prepare the “BAHEP Briefing Book,” a compendium of issues and actions to assist the search process and an incoming president’s transition

4.1.3 Sustain and expand organizational partnerships and political relationships

4.1.4 Maintain succession plan for the board of directors, committees, and staff to provide for BAHEP’s continuity and new president’s successful transition

4.2 Strengthen the committee system

4.2.1 Support an industry-based committee model

4.2.2 Organize and coordinate advocacy initiatives

4.2.3 Align each committee’s goals and activities with BAHEP’s overall direction and priorities

4.2.4 Continue active, service-based initiatives in education, workforce development, and local government

4.3 Expand BAHEP’s technological footprint and capacity

4.3.1 Increase social media presence and refresh website regularly

4.3.2 Expand data management and data analysis capability

4.3.3 Upgrade both to 5G and to enhanced cybersecurity measures

4.4 Deepen partnerships aligned with clusters

4.4.1 Exceed expectations of contract partners

4.4.2 Expand relationships with industry partners

4.4.3 Expand partnerships with regional chambers, governmental economic development offices, and economic development organizations

4.5 Engage members through responsive programming and relevant services

4.5.1 Recruit and retain members from all business sectors

4.5.2 Develop and implement a membership growth plan based on new and existing industry clusters

4.5.3 Offer a menu of programs and events that attract and retain members

4.6 Assure operational integrity

4.6.1 Maintain fiscal solvency, transparency, and accountability

4.6.2 Sustain effective, responsive communications with all constituencies

4.6.3 Report key organizational metrics and economic development indicators to relevant constituencies

4.6.4 Continue to regularly host regional roundtables to address issues of importance

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Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership 18045 Saturn Lane, Houston, Texas 77058 832.536.3255

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