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Chapter VI Wrong Assumptions and Poor Questions Leading to Lead to Unproductive or Wasted Effort Of Book 1 The Arts of Reform and Rebellion 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
Chapter 6 Wrong Assumptions and Poor Questions Leading to Lead to Unproductive or Wasted Effort 1/12/2013 16:00 a1/p1 Rebels make some of the same launch mistakes as others but in going against authority it is much more important to start from a solid starting base. In addition to the poor choice of causes, reliance on myths, memes and the impulse of cascades there is a related mistake stemming from these errors which bear closer examination. Poor assumptions result from various factors including techniques used against or to influence us. For defense, improved thinking and better argument go to www.fallacyfiles.org. The reasons for poor assumptions are numberless but some of the egregious categories bear Examining. Common Assumptions, Poor Questions------------------------------------------------6-A Ideology Driven Assumptions-------------------------------------------------------------6-B Goals Assumed as a Means----------------------------------------------------------------6-C Political Assumptions (See Ideology above) -------------------------------------------6-D Money Driven Assumptions --------------------------------------------------------------6-E Emotion Driven Assumptions ------------------------------------------------------------6-F Assumptions Not Supported by Nature-------------------------------------------------6-G Hope Driven Assumptions Unrelieved by Facts---------------------------------------6-H Cowardice Driven Assumptions ----------------------------------------------------------6-I Excuse Driven Assumptions---------------------------------------------------------------6-J Elite Arrogance Driven Assumptions ---------------------------------------------------6-K Historically Ignorant Assumptions-------------------------------------------------------6-L Psychological Need for Security and Control Assumptions------------------------6-M Lack of Vision and Practical Wisdom Assumptions---------------------------------6-N
Poor Questions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-O ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 6-A Common Poor Assumptions, Poor Questions Effective action in any endeavor is always dependent on starting point beliefs and the assumptions which come from those beliefs. We can almost always believe that gravity will keep us tied to the earth but we can not always start with the assumption that our “common sense” is the same “common sense” for a different culture. Many actions by us start with assumptions or beliefs about “what is rational to people of another culture”; assumptions which are frequently wrong. Adding to this error is the proclivity of humans to persist in error once actions start since it is difficult many of us to admit error and reverse course. The emotions hate and anger are particularly likely to produce bad actions but even the best of human motivations are apt to go wrong when beliefs driven assumptions are faulty at base. Many examples of “assumption” type errors can be found in some of the basic assumptions on which past national welfare programs were built; welfare programs had a tendency to increase rather than ameliorate the problem based on one of many faulty assumptions. One such faulty assumption was that “most people want to work and pay their own way” which is not true once we have accustomed an individual to live off the dole. Effective rebels and reformists always question their basic assumptions. Allied to the error of making wrong assumptions is falling into error by starting problem solving with the wrong question. A fundamental technique for leading people astray is engaging them with “loaded questions”. All “loaded questions” are not so blatant as; “have you stopped beating your spouse yet?” We frequently set ourselves up by assuming a “set up” question to be valid. Fallacious Assumptions Surround Us Section 6-1 Becoming an effective rebel requires learning and courage but if the cause for rebellion is poorly chosen nothing will suffice to make the outcome good for the rebel or humanity. There are answers which appear on the surface appear to be rational but which, when played out, are totally destructive. In the following sections are some of those causes or actions which stem from fallacious assumptions and they range from assumptions by the common man as well as to those who consider themselves members of the elite. Issuewiki.com, a Wiki, worked in coordination with this book, will allow us to improve or discard or improve some of our assumptions about issues of our day.
Part 6-B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ideology Driven Assumption Ideological Assumptions Section 6-2 Liberal idealism can lead some to the more radical changes while ironbound conservatism leads to resistance to all change. The wise person will beware the hard assumptions of the left and the right and go down the middle path for there will be found the measured solutions that will most benefit mankind. Going down the middle path or the path of moderation requires fortitude when dealing with ideologues for they most often conclude that those who are not with them are against them. Choosing the middle path does not deny the need for action only helps us avoid the unexamined pernicious action in which ideologues and true believers engage. Swallow the Assumptions of an Ideology, Toss Your Integrity Section 6-3 Our wholeness or integrity disappears when we adopt an ideology in entirety and assume than anything that belongs to that ideology is correct. When all answers are given the individual disappears and a mental condition not unlike an addiction takes over. Ideology is an easy road for all questions come with ready made answers but it is the wrong path for a thinking and responsible person. True Believing is Based on Poor Assumptions and leads to Evil Section 6-4 “True Believers” are those individuals are those who are convinced that they possess so body of information which is entirely true. Many religions endeavor to inculcate this faith in their followers. A major problem with being the possessor of absolute truth is that facts outside that belief system that may also be true or have more relevance become irrelevant to the “true believer”.. From that stance comes animosity then hatred and willingness to do things which most cultures consider amoral or evil. Some categories of the possessors of absolute truth follow. The evil they do escapes them.
My Religion Is the American Way Section 6-5 One of the most divisive issues in the U.S. today is the issue of religion or rather the difference in beliefs of various religionists and secularists. Eric Hoffer explained it best in The True Believer", all active mass movements strive to interpose a fact-proof screen between the faithful and the realities of the world. They do this by claiming that the ultimate and absolute truth is already embodied in their doctrine and that there is neither truth nor certitude outside it. The facts on which the true believer bases his conclusions must not be derived from his experience or observation but from holy writ. “So tenaciously should we cling to the world revealed by the Gospel, that were I to see all the Angels of Heaven coming down to me to tell me something different, not only would I not be tempted to doubt a single syllable, but I would shut my eyes and stop my ears, for they would not deserve to be either seen nor heard.”1
Para 56 of Eric Hoffer’s True Believer citing the work Luther by Funck-Brentano.
Part 6-C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goals Assumed as a Means The Problem of Peace as a Means Is based on the Assumption That Others Will do Your Dirty Work Section 6-6 Peace is a goal not a means. Almost everyone desires peace and security. In terms of a universal value it is right up there with food, affection and the other primal needs. Some of us think in very simplified terms about terms like truth and peace. Peace is always attainable but it may well be the peace of the grave or peace without justice as we let the unfortunates of subject nations be raped, killed, or starved by sociopaths. Unfortunately “Peace” is like that other high value virtue of “happiness” which not only becomes unattainable when pursued directly; the pursuit of peace as the highest value results in disaster for a culture. This is not to say that small societies or even countries like Switzerland can productively pursue defensive peace but in doing so they leave the growth of tyrants and tyrannical regimes to be resisted by others with some semblance of a social conscience. These societies can live and profit off the responsibility of others as did Switzerland in WWII or they can espouse peace yet participate in ameliorating the effects of conflict by caring for the wounded, as the Society Friends did in WWI. Police and Armies are required by societies that also believe in justice because there are evil and corrupt people and regimes. Those who denigrate and oppose the police and military custodians who put their lives on the line to serve them are as evil as the regimes they so blindly assist.
Part 6-D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Political Assumptions (See Also Ideological Assumptions above) My Party, Right or Wrong Section 6-7 Election year 2004 was a particularly hard year for moderation and common sense. The “true believer” religiosity of the President and candidate of one party opposed to the moral ambiguity and lack of direction of the leader of the opposition party both engendered animosity approaching hatred. The lack of reasonable alternatives offered up by the system made protest votes, which might have changed the direction of the major parties an unreasonable alternative. Both candidates for President were from the moneyed elite class. There is something inherently undemocratic about being forced to choose between the extremes of left and right for a Presidential Candidate when the real question about the choice of a nation’s leader should be about character and capability. Perhaps the answer lies in some other type of voting were those characteristics come more into play.
Part 6-E -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Driven by Money Making Money Is an Indicator of Merit: Not! or Maybe? Section 6-8 Making money is not a noble cause. Heredity, luck, a predatory instinct, or a focus on a single objective of monetary gain can all lead to possession of great wealth. Deciding on charity after a lifetime of acquisition by any means does not excuse the evil used by some to obtain money. All that said, having disposable income does facilitate the ability to choose causes and implement changes. Money Will Bring Me Happiness? Section 6-9 There are scores of occupations and endeavors which offer the reward of money but are soul deadening. But, making money in a worthwhile objective can bring the happiness of “flow”, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his classic, FLOW the Psychology of Optimal Experience. One of the rare treasures of Csikszentmihalyi ‘s work is the last chapter dealing with “the making of meaning”. Covering the various ways of finding meaning in life and achieving the “flow” essential to happiness it is a short course in approaches from “life themes” to the value of complexity. All in all, it is an interesting antidote to destructive assumptions.
Part 6-F -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Driven by Emotions Hatred Has Value to the Individual? Section 6-10 The current political scene is filled with a chattering class and political parties driven by hate. No story which can evoke hatred is too wild to be printed or spoken and neither of our political parties as currently constituted is immune to the embrace of hatred in pursuit of their aims. The “burn your house down to get rid of the rats” strategy and tactics of hate bears the bitter result of ungovernable lack of ability to compromise. The very idea, much less the reality of a “party of the loyal opposition” dies in this storm of hatred. Hatred in driving action of the less intellectually endowed of the electorate is a powerful technique but the downside for the nation is an immense fault line for which real enemies our society, Radical Islamic Terrorists, and other international opponents are the beneficiaries of our cultural unreasoning hatred. A fundamental problem with the emotion of hatred is that it leads to action without thought which in the short term may either, (1) be a trap by enemies who know that your uncontrolled hatred can lead you to actions which are the opposite of your interest (2) incite you to words or blows which cannot be undone, and (3) prevent accommodation with opponents which might be in the interest of both sides of an argument. Mutual accommodation is not always possible but doors closed by hatred frequently cannot be reopened. All Actions We Take For Love Are Good? Section 6-11 Love is an emotion which is sometimes good and sometimes destructive for one of the individuals involved. Love for a sociopath, a manipulator for extremely selfish ends, or a cruel person, is misplaced. Saving a sinner may be enablement more than salvation. Sociopaths count on the universal love endorsed by some creeds and professions to enable them to use others. It is important to insure that we are helping the truly needy and uncared for who can respond and grow from and with love and assistance. We must choose rebellion involving dissolution of loyalty to user, abuser, or sociopath. This may be the more true and necessary loyalty to the self. Some of the sites which will help you identify and act when you are dealing with love and a sociopath are at http://look.fo/love-a-sociopath.
Marriage Will Make My Life Complete? Section 6-12 Rebellious teens frequently make this erroneous assumption. If I get married someone will really love me and make my life complete. For teenagers this decreases the opportunities for education. Despite those early marriages which turn out well the hard question of society is how do we help restrain the sexual and rebellion traps which lead early marriage and deprived future circumstances? A Baby or Babies Will Cement our Relationship? Section 6-13 Allied to the marriage bad solution is the wife or teenager who believes that a baby will provide the connection or affection missing in their life. Not far from teenage thinking is immature men who engage in successive short term relationships to gain the self esteem they lack. Babies and babes without the understanding and responsibility of treating other beings as an end instead of a means are destructive to all involved. For those who are aware or care about the teen pregnancy problem you might look at an evaluation of the “Baby Think it Over” program http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/fcs/pub/1999/showcase_nc_299.html or just google “Teenager pregnancy” for a host of other programs that try to educate teens about possible solutions.
Part 6-G -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Not Supported by Nature All Life Is Sacred? Section 6-14 The supreme starter of the universe created a surplus of life. Some potential life or seeds fall on barren Ground. The question for society is what life already exists that can and must be educated and saved from the degradations of poverty and sociopathy. It is not a question of the value of potential life. Potential life is superabundant. The earth cannot and does not support all the seeds; in fact the very scheme of the natural order is the production of superabundant seeds. We put a very high value on potential life and disregard the needs of those already born but suffering. Those who profess to believe in the sanctity of potential life seeds justify it by not looking outside their immediate surroundings. All who sincerely believe and practice the protection of all potential life perhaps unknowingly adopt the view that, all life that is outside my immediate view is not my concern and therefore not to be cared about and is not sacred. The starving, poor in undeserving locations are not my concern. The sick who could be cured by treatments denied by my true beliefs are not my concern. Unfortunately the creating power which established our universe generates an uncountable excess of potential lives that extinguish themselves every second by falling on unfertile ground. The question is not how to save all these potentialities buy how to establish the fertile ground so that lives may have an opportunity to grow and improve. Despite the denial of our right to do so, all of us “play god” with every selection we make or do not make. Making other humans sacred is choice laden and “cost benefits” Should be the ultimate calculation; who, not what we save is the essential question. Those who attempt to avoid these calculations unwittingly participate despite themselves. When they try to deny others the right to make choices about the potentialities under their control they place themselves as god or petty tyrants above others. There is much truth in the argument that when we choose to destroy existing or potential life that it can have an enormous moral effect on society. The question that we have not yet as a culture however is how to address this question of cultural morality for the greater good of the culture. As a culture we have choices. Who do we save and who do we let go. Who do we decide to rescue from poverty and who do decide to be born unwanted into a pernicious environment. How do we do this.
Anything that Embraces Environmentalism Is Good? Section 6-15 That humans are overrunning the world’s ability to continue the ability to support them in their current mode is undeniable. The argument over the warming trend and the speed thereof is a minor sideshow. Returning to nature is an argument for those who believe that “I’ve got mine –let the rest of the world take care of itself”. The reason for this is that the abundant energy supplies which have allowed us to feed the teeming billions are reaching a crisis point where demand exceeds supply. When that point arrives, abundant energy equaling abundant food for most will change radically. The fundamental questions of energy and environment are intertwined and cannot be separated. The current front runner that can be accomplished in a reasonable time will both protect the environment and provide adequate energy is nuclear power. The promise of hydrogen from enzymes research or switch grass are close follow ups. Unfortunately we have let agricultural interests drive us down a counter-productive road of corn fed ethanol. All Animals Must Be Protected? Section 6-16 Pets are more important to some than other people and with good justification. Pets have provide more affection and uncritical love than the world does. These animal lovers do great service when they help protect animals from uncaring abuse. Their caring for the cause of animal welfare slips into a counter-productive effort however when the rights of animals are placed above the welfare of the general welfare of humans. This error occurs when scientific testing that protects humans is damaged or prevented. Cruelty to animals however has been demonstrated to be one of the prime indicators and precursor of criminal mentality and action in sociopaths. We must find better ways to either treat sociopaths of prevent them from returning to society where they can hurt abuse or kill others. Wherever we find cruelty to animals we find incipient or actual sociopaths.
Part 6-H -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions of Hope Unrelieved by Facts Reverse Cassandra’s — Everything Is All Right Jack. Section 6-17 Otherwise know as Pollyannas; these are the people who believe that we’re just going over a rough patch, a kindred group that resists change, called conservatives are matched with Pollyannas, the eternal optimists. They either believe that a bad situation is not a crisis or that this country will continue to exist without using change to correct problems, For them all change is a problem. The inherent flaw in the assumptions of these ideologues in the belief of what is and what always should be is that there are always serious problem in any community and decisions must be made. Sometimes deliberate decisions to do nothing and wait for more information or for the situation to develop. The crucial difference is whether a decision is made or not. At this time is history everything is not all right and the U.S. position at the top of the international heap is fast disappearing. China and India are coming along, worse our federal governmental apparatus is broken. Congress cannot decide and we put forward Presidential candidates of minimum qualification.
Part 6-I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Driven by Cowardice Running Away as a Good Solution -- always ? Section 6-18 There is a major difference between intelligent retreat and cowardice. As mentioned in Chapter 6 running away is always an option to be considered but a better description of the preferred tactic is to decide what you are running to and plan for getting there so that in running away from pain you run to a possible solution. Running to a fallback plan is a display of an intelligent rebel. There are some who insist that one should “never consider retreat”. Absolute B.S. For the cross channel invasion of France in the Second World war Eisenhower wrote, before the invasion, a prepared message assuming all the blame which was to be issued in case of failure of the invasion. Before committing to bold action one must plan what can be done if one fails. Considering failure does not make you weaker or more likely to concede, it makes you confident that you have planned for all eventualities that might occur. The most beneficial goal for response to failure and considering how to go about helping someone else what type of useful work can then be done. Helping others or contributing to society one finds that life can be good despite previous failures and dead ends. Retreat or “Running away” without a plan of how to make a productive life is never a good solution and is based fundamentally on a bad assumption.
Part 6-J -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Used as Excuses Drugs or Alcohol Use Will Be Just a Temporary Fun Thing? Section 6-19 Offending your parents, friends, and neighbors with the worst habits of the day may feel good but it is not an effective rebellion if you want your relationship with them to be better or different. Effective rebellions cause helpful change. A Drug lead-in to addiction is most frequently bad friends and bad habits. For parents who put their children first sometimes the only way to remove children from bad friends and drug cultures is to move to a remote locale where drugs are less likely to be available. Suicide As Rebellion is Not Effective Section 6-20 When one is dying and suffering untreatable pain then suicide may be a reasonable out. If you decided to take this rout then leave a message absolving others of complicity. For those who think of it as a way of hurting someone who you think should love you more you can be sure that love will die and your revenge will be meaningless. For those who can’t face the music for some horrible act; know that people who have committed the most despicable acts are eventually able to live with themselves by helping others.
Part 6-K -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Driven by Elite Arrogance Education Makes me Smarter than the Mass Section 6-21 Maybe -- probably not. Education gives neither common sense nor necessarily practical knowledge. We sometimes call people over-educated: actually the problem is not over education but the excessive pride that some have from an education at an elite school. Some fail in their education because they believe a technical education is adequate to develop the most uncommon thing of common sense and practical knowledge. The worst error in education however is to stop learning every day and holding on to the prejudices of the educational institution or family. Almost equal to the assumption of intellectual arrogance is error is the assumptions that stem from education into so many competing value systems that everything becomes relative. We excuse all things; we forgive all things.
Part 6-L -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Not Supported by History or Facts Laws Can Correct All Societal Problems? Section 6-23 In a democratic society laws are enforceable only if the people will it to be so. Unpopular or widely disregarded laws are unenforceable and counterproductive to belief in a lawful social order. Getting rid of bad or unenforceable laws is as important as passing good laws but few societies put emphasis on that aspect.
Part 6-M -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Driven by Psychological Need for Security or Control
Order is the Highest Principle Section 6-24 Order as an ultimate principle in a society has its place. Schoolchildren and soldiers in training must learn to obey but as they grow older or more experienced they must eventually learn when to obey and when to dissent or even disobey for if they do not they become obedient soldiers running gas ovens in WWII Germany or Tutsies killing Hutus in Africa. The person too enamored with order comes to detest all change and secretly despises or fails to appreciate the artist, the creative, the inventor. or the great leader who must find new ways to accomplish hard tasks.
Part 6-N -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions Driven by Lack of Vision Inside the Box Thinking Section 6-25 Creatives and Rebels are noted for “outside the box” thinking. Frequently they are accused or noted for being too far “outside the box” and either advocating illegal acts or with “a screw loose”. Many of the assumptions listed above are what keep many people from developing unique solutions but the most often is the assumption is “it is not within the rules or “it is banned by law”. In one sense that is much of what this book is about “how to change the rules or laws so that more favorable conditions become possible” Many of the problems with aged institutions and out of date institutions cannot be solved by the normal process for the first thing required is for a society to start looking “outside the box” for ways to approach the problems and situations that affect them. Racial Assumptions Section 6-25 Racial Assumptions are one of the more common initiators of fallacious action. See: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-234675 On The Right Cause As Meaning In Life Section 6-20 Some of us are lucky and find the niche, religion or life situation imposed on us by birth makes us happy and satisfied for an entire life. Those lucky few seem however to be very rare. Many drift through life vaguely unsatisfied with the impositions of birth, impositions of marriage or of a job that we are unable to muster courage to escape. The cause that eventually gives our life a satisfying meaning may not be a world saver but is something that matters to us. Cat lovers for example can devote a life to preventing destruction and cruelty to unwanted cats. Who can judge that it is a less worthy cause than a life of service to human health? Preventing cruelty in all its forms may make all humankind better. The point is that in finding a cause you do what you can when you can. Virtue Section 6-21 Virtue is being good at being human. According to Aristotle, happiness consists in doing what an excellent human being does. What does an excellent human being do?
The important aspects are: Education: An excellent human being finds a way to get educated in a worthwhile skill and continues in pursuit of a lifelong education so that it is possible to help self and others. Immersion in one culture other than your own. Different language, different way of thiking. Physical and mental Heath. Avoidance of Negative People and Habits Teaming and Selling. Excellence in one skill Writing and Communicating Helping others
Part 6-O Poor Questions Poor and Wrong Questions Section 6-22 Questions start with assumptions. How does one avoid falling into the error of answering the wrong or loaded question? Procedures in various disciplines help insure that questions are relevant. Biased assumptions when the question is political can be assured. Some ways of making or responding to questions might be to consider the following: Consider Framing Wikipedia defines framing as ” In communication theory, and sociology, framing is a process of selective control over media content or public communication”. So for your purposes it is important to consider how has the question been framed or how should it be framed. Estimate of the Situation One way of sorting out the elements of what the question should be is to do a military like Estimate of the Situation so as to gather the appropriate facts. Do a google search to see various formats for accomplishing this. Note however that military estimates of the situation start with a “mission”, which is essentially a decision on what is to be accomplished. Note that in Wikipedia the most cited “Estimate of the Situation” is about UFOs which should not detract from your use of this tool. Scientific method Posing questions is the first step of the scientific method. As scientists observe the natural world they see things that they do not understand. Scientists then pose questions about the observations they make. What do you see? What inferences can you make based on those observations? What questions would you ask or what would you do in order to verify your conclusions? In the scientific method the preliminary effort is to collect adequate current knowledge about the subject under investigation. Lack of a founding in previously explored ground does not lead to interesting or appropriate questions. An estimate of the situation above might lead you to an understanding of the information required.