From the Head Walking around Stormont I think you are immediately struck by how well rounded the girls are and how we celebrate all subjects. Creativity is in every corner and it is evident in every subject. Whether it is from visiting theatre companies putting on a play, building wildlife houses in science, creating habitats out of shoe boxes or enormous and beautiful sculptures out of wire, we really enjoy the cross curricular and creative approach that we are able to provide.
write to local councils about issues that bother them or enter a variety of curriculum competitions. We are a non-selective school, but through our bespoke learning which is individually tailored to each individual we are able to find the strengths of each girl and help them to excel.
In our 75th year we have enjoyed reflecting on our past but we are very much looking ahead to our future. We are continually investing in the school to make sure that the We are proud to develop happy, education our girls receive combines confident girls who are well prepared traditional values with a modern for the next step in their educational and forward-looking approach to careers. It’s heart-warming seeing teaching and an outstanding level the children growing in to happy of pastoral care. young women who will confidently